Staff prayer items 2012-04-E

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Staff Prayer Items(April / 2012) Henry and Ling Lu (General Director, Headquarter Office; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. We are thankful that Henry had smooth journey for his trip to speak at various conferences in March. He had wonderful opportuni<es to fellowship and share with workers from other mission organiza<ons and churches. 2. Daughter Annabel finished the prac<ce expedi<on exercise the 3rd weekend of March. Her group got lost on the way but by the grace of God they persevered and were able to reach the des<na<on aGer traveling the required distance of 48 km. 3. Ling is thankful for the help of brothers and sisters from many places to contribute ar<cles for the next issue of Living Water magazine. Prayer requests 4. From 18th April to 1st May, Henry will travel to Australia to speak at various Chinese churches to share the vision of COCM. Please pray that he can take a short break aGer the Easter Mandarin camp finishes at the mission centre. May God grant him wisdom to prepare his sharing message in Australia. 5. Please con<nue to pray for the edi<ng work of the next issue of Living Water Magazine, all ar<cles need to be ready for design by mid April. 6. Annabel will take the GCSE exam for Art in mid-­‐April. She s<ll needs to spend <me going back to school during the Easter holiday to finish some more art work. Pray that God will give her strength to do her best and get all her work done in <me.

Rebecca Mao (Director of Member Care; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God for giving me words to share with brothers and sisters in different situa<ons during my weekend ministry in Finland. I had good fellowship with all. 2. Thank God for travelling mercy. Prayer request 3. Preaching in Bristol and No[ngham this month. 4. Romania ministry for from April 20 to 30. This is my first <me in Romania. Please pray for the Lord's leading and strength. 5. Please pray for a student named Y. D. who is studying in UK. His mother is a Chris<an in China and is very worried about her son who seems to be depressed and does not communicate with his parents probably. When I tried to connect him, he also does not want to talk too much.

Gordon and Maggie Lam (Student Ministry; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Most of the loca<ons and dates have been confirmed for 2012 gospel events. 2. Though the leader of Montpellier fellowship has moved to another city, a sister from the fellowship is willing to take up the role and serve. Prayer Request 3. 30/3–3/4 Serving in COCM Easter Camp 4. 6-­‐8/4 Will be giving two workshops in SEEC, may God use our messages. 5. 12-­‐16/4 Gordon serves in Southern France (leading bible studies, visi<ng students and preaching in church) 6. 26-­‐30/4 Serving in Northern England (leading bible studies, visi<ng students and preaching in church) 7. We s<ll need to contact some churches for gospel event partnership, pray for God’s guidance and all the coordina<on work. 8. Both of us are affected by Hay Fever, especially Gordon, he needs to take medicine to reduce the symptoms. Please pray that we have good immune system in this Hay Fever season.

Connie Yu (Student Ministry; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Give thanks for good <me with students in Leicester. The bonding of the student fellowship is growing stronger. Prayer request 2. 7 of the students from Leicester will come to the Easter Camp; Please pray that they would know God deeper through this experience. One of them is not yet a Chris<an. 3. I will be a small group leader in the Easter Camp, please pray that I would be sensi<ve as how to care for each member's needs. 4. Please pray for my parents in China that they would come to know Jesus.

Josh Shek (Second GeneraHon Ministry; Milton Keynes & Bristol UK) Thanksgiving 1. God has been opening more opportuni<es for me to help with the Youth Group in Bristol CCC. The leadership team has been mee<ng regularly to pray together for the youths and we're experiencing the joy of praying for them, allowing God to guide the programme and help us focus our effort on their needs. Prayer request 2. I will be helping out at SEEC this Easter. This will be the first <me in a few years since I have helped out at a students conference, so please pray that God will how me my place in the conference and help me serve them properly. 3. Planning for PHAT Camp this summer has begun and there is a lot of work for myself and the rest of the planning team. Please pray that we will find the <me and energy to carry out our task efficiently and for God's mercy to cover our shortcomings. Many of us are based in different ci<es so communica<on and fellowship is very limited, so we need the Holy Spirit even more to guide us in the same direc<on.

Staff Prayer Items(April / 2012) Min Yin (CommunicaHon; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God that I passed my driving test successfully. 2. The wri<ng up of my PhD thesis is towards the very end and everything’s going well so far. Thank God for good supervisors and good companions at my research room. 3. Thank God for good <me spending with those working and living in the mission centre. Prayer request 4. Pray that I will finish my first draG of thesis by mid April. Pray for wisdom and good <me management. 5. I will go to All Na<ons Mission College for a 10-­‐week course ‘en route’. Please pray that the Lord will give me a fruilul <me there. 6. Pray for my PhD colleagues that they may know that Jesus is the only one who can cast away worries and hold tomorrow. 7. Pray for my parents’ salva<on and rela<onship. Please also pray that I will have the wisdom and pa<ence to talk to them when I’m far away from them.

Tzyy-­‐Terng Su and Yu-­‐Mei Wu (Mission Centre Ministry CoordinaHon Manager; Graphic Designer; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Tzyy-­‐Terng fractured his leG foot on 22th March. Thank God that the co-­‐workers at the centre shared his workload and thank you all for your care and prayers. Tzyy-­‐Terng went back to the doctors a week aGer and thank God his tendon is fine and he doesn’t need to have the opera<on. 2. Four cell groups have been set up in Light and Salt Fellowship. It is more efficient to care for every one in the fellowship and to know their prayer requests. Prayer requests 3. It takes at least 4 weeks for Tzyy-­‐Terng to have glass fibre on his foot. Please pray for Tzyy-­‐Terng’s speedy healing and full recovery. 4. Tzyy-­‐Terng is assigned to preach at the london fellowship on 14th April but because of his situa<on, he won’t be able to do that. Another two pastors are also away. Please pray for God’s providence. 5. We are looking for the co-­‐workers of the london fellowship for this year.

Oiling Lam (Student Ministry; Colchester UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God that my Dad has a good recovery aGer his stroke. 2. Thank God for giving me <me to visit my Dad in Hong Kong from 21st May to 4th June. Prayer request 3. Pray for the new commimee members in the fellowship. Pray for good teamwork and close walk with the Lord. 4. Pray for two students (Lin and Xu) who have received Christ as their savior. But both of them are very busy and won’t be able to come to amend the church. Pray for them. 5. Pray for Ryan, Chantal and William, who are s<ll seeking for the truth. May the Lord open up their hearts to know Christ.

Grace Li (Student Ministry; NoQngham UK) Prayer request 1. There are s<ll around 20ish students coming for our seeker's Bible study on Friday. Some of them are interested in Bible. Please pray that the Lord will con<nue to work in these students' hearts to accept the Lord. 2. Some believers have close rela<onship with the Lord. May they con<nually walk with the Lord. 3. Pray for my trip to Israel from 4-­‐14th April. Pray for safety and vision renewal during this trip. 4. Pray for all the follow up work for Easter camp.

Mary Ma (Student Ministry; Brighton UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God that Mary’s health is ge[ng bemer. Her back and neck were healed. Prayer request 2. Pray for the students who went back home during the Easter holiday. 3. Three brothers will be bap<zed during the Easter. We will have a joint bap<sm service with Hailsham Free Church (a local church). Pray for the bap<sm service and may the Lord con<nue to help them to grow in his Word and truth. 4. Pray for Brighton Churches Easter Celebra<on on 7-­‐8 April. More than 100 churches will have a joint celebra<on on the Brighton Beach and Passion Play will be the ending of the celebra<on. Please pray for the celebra<on and may God use this event to amract more people to come to Him. 5. Pray for the Bible study and discipleship training every Sunday. May God help the believers to deep rooted in God’s word and grow in it. 6. Please pray for the Chinese here in Brighton. Pray for our Friday gatherings for students. 7. Please con<nue to pray for Mary’s health.

Staff Prayer Items(April / 2012) Monica Li (Student Ministry; Lancaster UK) Thanksgiving 1. Praise God for adjus<ng well to life and ministry here at Lancaster. It has been a good term of ge[ng to know the students and other people involved in interna<onal students work. Praise God too for providing good accommoda<on for me <ll I go back to furlough in Hong Kong in June. Please con<nue to pray for accommoda<on when I return from furlough in August. Prayer request 2. I will be taking 3 students to the Mandarin Easter camp at COCM from 30 Mar to 3 Apr. Then I will be interpre<ng at SEEC from 5 to 9 Apr. Please pray for safety in all the travelling and that God would open the minds of our hearts and draw us closer to Him at this Easter <me.

Simon and Lydia Tam (Church PlanHng; Colchester UK) Prayer request 1. We will have worship training on 10th April and children’s Sunday school teacher training on 16, 23 April. May the Lord use the training. 2. The AGM of our church will be held on 29th April. May the brothers and sisters share the vision of the church and get to know more about the future development. 3. A bap<sm service will be held on 6th May in our church. Two have applied to be bap<zed and may the Lord be glorified. 4. Simon and Lydia will visit the churches in Sweden on 12-­‐22 April to do the trainings about mission.

Kam Hung and Mi Ting Ho (Interim Dirctor of Admin, Church PlanHng; Hull UK) Thanksgiving 1. There was a lot of sunshine in March. The daffodils and the white cherry blossom are blooming. We are now in summer <me! The thick coats are put away and we feel full of energy to work again! Prayer request 2. Easter is coming! Pray that the gospel of Easter is preached. Chris<ans are empowered by the resurrected power of Christ and non-­‐ Chris<ans can hear the real meaning of Easter. 3. Pray for the North England Easter Conference. The theme for the Cantonese sec<on is 'I have a dream'. The topic is about mission. We have to drive more than 4 hours to the conference site. Pray for journey safety and brothers/sisters' par<cipa<on. 4. Thank God that Gloria has completed her disserta<on. Pray that God would lead her to another job. 5. Pray for Jonathan's health. He is diagnosed with asthma. Pray for God's healing.

Tin Chung and Carol Wong (Church PlanHng; Exeter UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God for bring a sister to help with Bible study when we are short of hands. Prayer request 2. Pray that the new friends will come to Christ, the new believers will grow in Christ and learn to study the Bible. May the Word of God be the source of their transforma<on. 3. Pray for students’ examina<on in May. 4. Pray for Enoch’s (younger son) health and study. 5. Pray for Adam’s (elder son) study and rela<onship with God. 6. Pray for Tin’s mum. 7. Pray for our funding.

Lawrence and Clara Sin (Student Ministry; Birmingham UK) Thanksgiving 1. Praise God that the joint gospel outreach of CCiL (Hammersmith) and Loughborough on 9-­‐11 Mar was fruilul. The gospel mee<ng on 10Mar amracted the Mandarin and Cantonese-­‐speaking students to come as well as a few English-­‐speaking students. One student professed faith in Christ aGer the mee<ng and a few more students show interest to join the fellowship and amend the Sunday services. 2. Praise God that Lawrence’s eldest brother has leG the cri<cal stage in Intensive Care Unit. He is now in General ward for kidney treatment and health monitoring. Kindly pray that he can regain strength (he has been sleeping in bed for over one month), recover and accept Christ for his salva<on. Prayer requests 3. Pray for the Midlands Easter Conference 2012 that it will be a spiritual renewal to all the Chris<ans. Pray for the commimee, the speakers, the group leaders, the prayer team and the worship teams that they will gain wisdom and strength to par<cipate in their roles. Also pray for the non-­‐Chris<ans that they will receive Christ as their Saviour. 4. Pray the new university fellowship commimees for Warwick (Cantonese), Loughborough, Bath (Cantonese) that they will be able to organise the programs and evangelical ac<vi<es in the coming year.

Staff Prayer Items(April / 2012) Tiger and Joy Liaw (Student Ministry/Church PlanHng; London UK) Thanksgiving 1. Tiger is recovering well from the surgery; we have postponed our mission trip to Bulgaria un<l June. 2. 7 new students joined the Herlordshire fellowship, pray for their open hearts & willingness to return. 3. We had the gospel day trip with students on the past Sat, Thank God for the smooth journey & good fellowship. Prayer requests 4. For Good Friday fellowship & Easter worship, for God to strengthen students’ faith. 5. For STM team from NY on 9th – 15th of April: a. Children program, to reach out to more Chinese families. b. Two evangelis<c mee<ngs at two universi<es and one worship, for amendees and their salva<ons. c. STM members, their prepara<ons. 6. For Joy’s low back pain, pray for our strength and protec<on during STM week. 7. For Students who will be busy for the final papers, exams aGer the Easter Break.

Chi Ming and Wing Chun Tang (ExecuHve Director -­‐ HK Office, Europe Field; HK) Thanksgiving 1. Chi Ming taught about cas<ng away the idols and preached the gospel in March. 2. Two seekers in Den Bosch Church made their commitment to follow Jesus in March. Please con<nue to remember our follow-­‐up work both in Mandarin and Dutch. Prayer request 3. Please pray for Tony (our daughter’s father-­‐in-­‐law) as he suffers from liver cancer. May the Lord have mercy on him. Pray for his wife Stella and their son and daughter-­‐in-­‐law. 4. Wing Chun will preach on 1st April and interpret on 8th April. May the Lord use her service. 5. Chi Ming went back to Hong Kong on 29th March. HK Office administrator May will be on maternity leave and Wing Chun will help with the work at HK Office from 9th April to 3rd May. 6. Pray for Chi Ming’s preaching schedule in April.

May Tseng (Hong Kong Office, HK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God that May gave birth to a baby girl on 1st April and both mother and daughter are doing well. 2. Thank God hired help has been arranged for the family. Prayer request 3. Pray for May’s full recovery and the adjustment to having two limle ones around. Pray for the health of new-­‐born baby.

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