Staff prayer items 2012-05-E

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Staff Prayer Items(May / 2012) Henry and Ling Lu (General Director, Headquarter Office; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. We are thankful that Henry had a smooth trip to Australia to share the vision of COCM at various Chinese churches. He came back to England on 30th of April. 2. Ling is thankful for the wonderful support, encouragement and direct involvement of brothers and sisters to her first aGempt of puHng together the next issue of Living Water magazine. All the arKcles have been finalized and ready for the design process. Prayer requests 3. From May 4th-­‐8th, Henry will travel to Ireland to speak at the Chinese Gospel Church of Dublin’s Easter retreat. Please pray that he can quickly recover from jetlag aWer coming back from Australia and can find Kme to rest briefly. May God give him words as he prepares his message for the retreat in Dublin. 4. Please conKnue to pray for the design and prinKng work of the next issue of Living Water Magazine, which has an Olympic theme. Pray that all work will be completed in May and copies of magazine will reach readers worldwide before the start of upcoming London Olympic game in July. 5. Annabel will sit for 11 GCSE exams during the months of May and June. Pray that God will give her strength and moKvaKon to do her best and get all her revision done according to her exam schedule.

Gordon and Maggie Lam (Student Ministry; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Competed four weeks serving in different places, took two days leave and had some good resKng Kme. Prayer Request 2. 6/5 Gordon preaching in Grace Church in London. 3. 10-­‐14/5 Serving in Southern France (leading bible studies, visiKng students and preaching in church). 4. 24-­‐28/5 Serving in Northern England (leading bible studies, visiKng students and preaching in church) 5. Gospel Team: pray for all the preparaKon work including member recruitment, visiKng churches, planning for training content and coordinaKon with all churches. 6. Pray for our physical and spiritual wellbeing so that we can always serve with peace and joy in our heart 7. Pray for our families’ health and that they can come to know Christ.

YuAan Li and Ida Liu (Student Ministry; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God for leading us to Edinburgh safely and for having the opportunity to learn and serve at Chinese Evangelical Church in Edinburgh. 2. We have preGy much seGled down here. Our flat-­‐mates are a couple from Jiangsu, China. Although they are not ChrisKans yet, they are very willing to come with us to fellowship and Sunday worship. Prayer request 3. May God give me strength and a humble heart to learn how to serve. May God grant me wisdom and paKence while serving in fellowship and help me to use His love to help and build each other. 4. May God touch the hearts of our flat-­‐mates through all kinds of opportuniKes so that they could accept Jesus Christ as their saviors.

Connie Yu (Student Ministry; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Give thanks for God's protecKon in driving and travelling. 2. Give thanks for Kme of reading and reflecKon, please pray that I would conKnue to find Kme to do so. Prayer request 3. There are more students coming to the fellowship in Leicester, please pray for wisdom as how to help them. 4. Please pray for my parents in China that they would come to know Jesus.

Josh Shek (Second GeneraAon Ministry; Milton Keynes & Bristol UK) Thanksgiving 1. I thank God for opportuniKes throughout April when I have been able to enjoy fellowship with the centre staff and for us to get to know each other beGer. I am especially thankful for the many opportuniKes to speak more Chinese! 2. Thank God that PHAT Camp's core planning team has now been formed and work is steadily progressing. Prayer request 3. May will be a busy month for me in Bristol CCC. I will be leading more youth group and worship sessions than usual. Please pray that I will be able to manage my Kme well between serving in Bristol and HQ. 4. Bristol CCC will have held it's AGM on 29th April, please pray that the outcomes from the meeKng will be used by God to further serve the community in Bristol.

Staff Prayer Items(May / 2012) Min Yin (CommunicaAon; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God that I finished the first draW of my PhD thesis. 2. I started 'en route' course at All NaKons at the end of April and I really enjoyed the study and life here. 3. Thank God that I had Kme of solitude and reflecKons during the first week at college. Prayer request 4. Pray that the Lord will grant me wisdom to revise the thesis and submit it before July. 5. Pray that the Lord will help my study at All NaKons. Pray that I will not only learn the head knowledge but also culKvate a closer relaKonship with God during my ten-­‐week study there. 6. Pray that the Lord will bring my parents to know the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and reconcile their relaKonship.

Tzyy-­‐Terng Su and Yu-­‐Mei Wu (Mission Centre Ministry CoordinaAon Manager; Graphic Designer; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Tzyy-­‐Terng’s fractured foot is healing well. Thank God for everyone who cares and prays for him. He sKll needs Kme to recover. 2. Because of Tzyy-­‐Terng’s limitaKon in movement he has had more Kme to care for brothers and sisters in Light and Salt Fellowship over the phone. It has helped to bring him closer to people in the fellowship. Prayer requests 3. Please conKnue to pray for Tzyy-­‐Terng’s speedy healing and full recovery.

Paul Du (Centre Maintenance & IT; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God for the happy fellowship with centre staff in Lake District, which enabled us to know more about each other and get close to the beauKful nature Him created. Prayer request 2. I started to learn to drive from 25 April. Please pray for the God's care and blessing so that I can firmly and effecKve grasp the drive skills. Pray that I can serve God in more areas. 3. Pray that I can have a closer relaKonship with God by spending more Kme with Him. I can always make Him top priority in my life. 4. Pray that I can accept inner weakness of me and be more like Jesus.

Dennis Yau and Jessica Guo (Associate; Bookroom; Luton UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God for providing the strength for us to go through the busy serving and working in April, sspecially for Dennis who has been non-­‐ stop serving for 3 weeks. 2. Thank God for Dennis's Kme with Basel Chinese church and fellowship. He has learned a lot. Prayer request 3. Pray for Dennis's serving in May, including a trip to Helsinki, Finland and giving sermon at Luton CCC. 4. Pray for discipleship training course in Luton CCC (which Dennis has been organising),may God use this course to help the brothers and sisters to grow.

Oiling Lam (Student Ministry; Colchester UK) Thanksgiving 1. Oi-­‐Ling's father is out from hospital since April 6th. Very grateful that he is recovering well and he's able to move at this moment. Prayer request 2. Pray for the students facing exams that may God give them wisdom and good health for studies and at the same Kme, sKll have Kme to be with God. 3. Pray for the students who are sKll seeking. May God strengthen their confidence in Him, especially pray for S. 4. Pray that God could help Oi-­‐Ling plan out all kinds of work wisely.

Grace Li (Student Ministry; NoQngham UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God that my house rental agreement has been extended to next year. Prayer request 2. Pray for the young believers to stand firmly on faith since some of them have been criKcized by their family in china when they told their faith. Some of them are struggling with their sins. May the lord work powerfully in their lives and give them strong faith to keep on moving on their spiritual journey. 3. Pray for students as they are now going to exam Kme that they could study hard and balance spiritual life with study life at this Kme. 4. Pray for my mom as she is suffering from severe backache. May the lord heal her.

Staff Prayer Items(May / 2012) Monica Li (Student Ministry; Lancaster UK) Thanksgiving 1. Praise the Lord for the blessed Kme at the 2 Easter camps. The 3 students who aGended the Mandarin camp shared about their experiences at the CCF on Friday. They are very willing to put into pracKce what they learned. StarKng next week they will meet for morning devoKon on Tuesdays before their lectures. Please pray that their enthusiasm will inspire the other students. Prayer request 2. On 22 April the Lancaster BapKst Church celebrated its 150th anniversary with a bapKsmal service. A female student from China was one of the 4 people bapKzed. Praise God for His amazing work down the generaKons. 3. My Grandma was in hospital for 2 weeks because of pain in her spine. She is beGer now but is no longer able to live at home on her own. She has since moved into an old people’s home. Please pray for the Lord’s help for her as she adjusts to life there.

Chu-­‐Yin Ho (Student Ministry; Dundee UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thanking God that the new Chinese ChrisKan girl conKnues to grow in her faith. Pray for her as she has faced some struggles but with the help of the sister, who led her to Christ and following up on her, the young believer is being encouraged. Pray that this girl who hopes to conKnue to stay in Dundee for further study will be granted the acceptance to the course. We do hope to see her stay so that she can be built up more in her faith. Prayer request 2. Pray for the students as they are in their exam period for the next few weeks. We pray for strength, effecKve in their revision and also good health. Pray that God will bless their exams and do well in them. 3. We thank God that the student home sKll sees the student coming for a Kme of relaxaKon and fun. Though the number has dropped slightly because of exam period but sKll most of them sKll come. The student home will conKnue during the exam period so that some may want to come for a break can do so. Though many non-­‐ChrisKans among those who are here, they are willing for us to pray for them today for their exam preparaKon. The student home will stop for this academic year in mid May as many of them would have finished exam and go for their holiday. We will restart for next academic year in September. 4. Chu Yin will be leaving for Singapore on 30/5. She will leave 1/6 from Singapore to Penang to aGend a wedding of 2 ex-­‐DCCF members. Then she will return to Singapore to start her furlough from 4/6 Kll early August. During this Kme of furlough, she will aGend the Annual Mission Conference of her home Church, taking 2 short sessions for the children's session on what I am doing in Scotland and why. Then will take a youth workshop on inspiring them for missions and also one session with those who are exploring 1-­‐2 year missions. I will also be spending 2 week in China, mainly Chengdu, Wuhan and Shanghai, visiKng many returnees and some relaKves. Pray for preparaKon for my involvement in the Mission ConvenKon, a blessed Kme of renewing Kes with brother and sisters and good Kme with family. Pray for good health, I would adjust well to the hot weather and safe journey.

Yuen Yee Ting (Church PlanAng; Perth UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thanks God that we had a good retreat camp in April. God spoke to many of us through speaker and worship. The bonus is there were five people commiGed their lives to Jesus. Praise the Lord. Prayer request 2. One believer will move to England. Pray that he gets Kme to go to church. 3. Some believer got different sickness. Pray that God's mercy come upon them. 4. On 5th Restaurant Fellowship will have the AGM. We will elect the new commiGee member to serve. Pray that God will provide His servants to serve.

Mary Ma (Student Ministry; Brighton UK) Prayer request 1. Five students got bapKsed in April. Please conKnue to pray for their growth in the Lord. 2. The new term has begun aWer Ester. Pray for our student campus fellowship which holds on every Friday. Pray that more students will be saved, and the students who have believed in Christ can firm their faith through bible study. 3. Pray for our Sunday service and bible study class. 4. Students bear high studying pressure this term, please pray that they can live through it and have successfully graduated at last.

Simon and Lydia Tam (Church PlanAng; Colchester UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God for smooth journey to Malmo & Gothenburg, Sweden to serve the Chinese churches there. We got to see the need of the field in Northern Europe and the spiritual warfare there. May God send more suitable and faithful servants to take care of His flocks. Prayer request 2. In Colchester, we have 3 students recently accepted Christ. We pray for wisdom to nurture their spiritual growth. 3. Pray for students who are busy finishing their school work and preparing for their exams in May. May God watch over their physical and spiritual health and give them a heart to conKnue to come to church. 4. We will aGend the annual staff retreat from June 5-­‐8. Pray that our body, soul and spirit will be renewed.

Staff Prayer Items(May / 2012) Kam Hung and Mi Ting Ho (Interim Dirctor of Admin, Church PlanAng; Hull UK) Thanksgiving 1. The weather in April was very unstable with a lot of rain and snow. We have to carry umbrella every day. A lot of brothers and sisters were ill. We were affected as well. Kam Hung and Jonathan have been coughing for a long Kme. Gloria has lost her smell and taste. Mi Ting's ears were blocked and lost part of hearing. But we are much improved thanks to God’s healing touch. Prayer request 2. Our car broke down on 16 April on our way to Scunthorpe. Thank God's protecKon. There were no cars around when it happened. Thank God for sending 2 policemen to direct traffic as the car stood on a bend. We really sensed God's love during this incidence. 3. Thank God for the North England Easter Conference. Brothers and sisters were envisioned to look outward to the mission field. We have to pray for the mission field and support our missionary. One sister hopes to join a short term mission trip to Africa. 4. We will take leave from 7 to 11 May to go to Iona Island in Scotland. This island is the place where ChrisKanity was first preached to Scotland. We will visit some coworkers on our way. Pray for guidance from God. 5. Pray the students as they have to finish all their assignments and sit examinaKons in May. Pray for those who have not commiGed to God to be able to know Him beGer. 6. Pray for Gloria and Jonathan as they are seeking for jobs. Jonathan will finish his training in August.

Tin Chung and Carol Wong (Church PlanAng; Exeter UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God for good Kme and sharing during both Cantonese and Mandarin bible study fellowship. Prayer request 2. Several brothers and sisters urgently need God's lead and care, please pray for their preserves to lean on God. 3. Pray for students as they are now facing the exam and papers that they could study hard and balance spiritual life with study life at this Kme. 4. Pray for a student's bapKsm and her mother's visit of her bapKsm and graduaKon ceremony in June. 5. Our son Enoch's kidney disease was unstable, so he will have renal biopsy for accuracy. Please pray for God's care and healing. Thanks God for his posiKve aHtude and the good grades he received. Pray for the God's care for his coming exam in May. May him conKnually walk with the Lord and lean on God.

Lawrence and Clara Sin (Student Ministry; Birmingham UK) Thanksgiving 1. Praise God for Midlands Easter Conference 2012 (MEC 2012). There were about 130 people, out of them 5 are non-­‐ChrisKans; most people experienced spiritual renewal and are commiGed to serve the Lord. Two people were converted in the conference. 2. Praise God that Lawrence’s eldest brother has been discharged from hospital. He needs to go to hospital three Kmes a week to clean the blood. Kindly pray that he will regain strength and accept Christ for his salvaKon. Prayer requests 3. Please pray that there will be a fellowship/ church to host MEC 2013. 4. Pray for Evangelism explosion III (EEIII) training at Bristol. Pray that we can organise more visitaKons to preach the gospel to the non-­‐ believers in Bristol. We thanked God that there were 3 elderly couples who professed faith in Christ in the past 2 visitaKons. Also pray for the EEIII students that they have the passion and strength to preach the gospel. 5. Pray for Noah who is taking final exam in the University unKl 1 June. Pray that he has wisdom and strength and walk with the Lord daily.

Tiger and Joy Liaw (Student Ministry/Church PlanAng; London UK) Thanksgiving 1. STM from New York received posiKve feedback on the children program from parents and good fellowship at the evangelisKc meeKngs at two universiKes. May God reap the harvest from these seeds in His Kming. Prayer requests 2. For the students who are leaving in May aWer exams, May God to lead them & keep them in their new journey of life. 3. For our fellowship & worship in May when students are going home and new students will not arrive unKl June. 4. For our trip back in NY in May, please pray for the guest speaker & worship during our absence. 5. For Joy’s low back pain to be healed.

Chi Ming and Wing Chun Tang (ExecuAve Director -­‐ HK Office, Europe Field; HK) Thanksgiving 1. Praise the Lord! There are two more new-­‐born ChrisKans in Den Bosch Church recently. Prayer request 2. Wing-­‐Chun will be back to Holland on May 3rd. May she have a safe trip and may the Lord be her with during her serving in Den Bosch Church, especially in disciple training for the new-­‐born ChrisKans. 3. Wing-­‐Chun will parKcipate in blood pressure check-­‐up service in the local community on May 8th. 4. Wing-­‐Chun will be in charge for the Sunday message on Mothers' day. 5. Chi-­‐Ming will be in charge for May's messages and he will be at the council meeKng in Hong Kong on May 21st. 6. Chi-­‐Ming will be back to Holland during May 22nd and June 13th, and he will be helping the church in the family camp from May 25th to 29th. From June 5th to 8th, Chi-­‐Ming and Wing-­‐Chun will go to the staff retreat in the UK. 7. Please conKnue to pray for Tony, the father of Chi-­‐Ming and Wing-­‐Chun's son-­‐in-­‐law. May the Lord have mercy on him and heal him, and may the Lord help every member of the family to go through this difficult Kme.

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