Staff Prayer Items(October / 2012) Henry and Ling Lu (General Director, Headquarter Office; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God for travel protec4on during Henry’s ministry trips to Finland, Germany, and in the UK. He also had a chance to reconnect with the children at the beginning of their new school year. Prayer requests 2. Henry has another busy preaching schedule in October. Please pray for him to be able to rest and renew on the run: 7/10 Gloucestershire CCC; 8-‐11/10 European Pastoral Consulta4on in Barcelona, Spain; 14/10 Sheffield CCC; 21/10 Derby Chinese Methodist Church; 22/10 Guildford CCF; 27/10 King’s Cross Methodist Mandarin student fellowship; 28/10 Reading CCC. Please also pray for travel safety, energy and strength. 3. Ling is working on the next issue of Living Water. Please pray for sufficient 4me to focus on the final compila4on so she can send it to the designer soon. Pray for good team work with the designer and proofreader so this issue can be ready for print in October. Please pray that God will prepare people gi[ed in literature ministry to join our team. 4. Please con4nue to pray for our daughter Annabel in her decision making about her study in A-‐level and beyond. Also pray for us to walk alongside her through this journey with wisdom, pa4ence, and uncondi4onal support.
Rebecca Mao (Director of Member Care; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God for blessing the Bible Camp and we had more than 80 young people coming to study the Book of Job for a week. 2. Thank God for providing enough volunteers for our mission centre. 3. Thank God for answering prayers in various situa4ons. Prayer Request 4. I have sent in my passport to UKBA for renewing my visa, please pray the visa will be granted quickly so I can aaend the pastoral consulta4on in Spain. 5. I need to prepare a workshop for pastoral care for Spain’s consulta4on. May God grant me wisdom while I’m preparing for it. 6. Two of my supporters will come to visit me in mid October and pray that they will have a safe journey and have a good 4me in the UK. 7. I will be the speaker for a mission conference in Geneva on 27-‐30 October. Please pray for the prepara4on.
Gordon and Maggie Lam (Student Ministry; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Six gospel events in August were completed. Although there were many obstacles and incidents, God has kept us and protected us all the way. He is the Lord of victory and we have witnessed His amazing work. Many student s have come to Christ in these events. Prayer Request 2. October gospel events in the UK: 6/10 Swansea; 14/10 Exeter; 19/10 Lancaster; 20/10 York;26/10 Hull; 27/10 Bradford. Pray that God will prepare the team's serving heart and bring more non-‐believers to these events. May God touch their hearts and bring them to Christ in the event. 3. 8-‐11/10, we will aaend 2012 European Chinese Pastoral Conference in Barcelona, Spain. Gordon will serve in Montpellier and Nice right a[er the conference ( 11-‐14/10) and Maggie will take the gospel team to Exeter. Please pray for our journey and physical strength. 4. Gospel Team: Please pray for (1) all prepara4on work including worship and drama rehearsal and promo4onal work in different loca4ons; (2) spiritual unity in our team; (3) road safety and members’ health; (4) have good partnership with local churches. 5. Pray for our families’ health and that they can come to know Christ.
Connie Yu (Student Ministry; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Give thanks for the one-‐week Bible camp, over 60 students studied the book of Job and learnt a lot. 2. Give thanks that the gospel events in Dundee and Glasgow went well, we had good fellowship with local churches and there were many students accep4ng Jesus. Please pray they will con4nue to grow in their new found faith in the local churches. Prayer Request 3. Having been preaching 1 Samuel in Leicester church and give thanks for God's Word to speak to our hearts. Please pray that we will con4nue to grow, feeding upon God's Word. May the individual lives and the church be firmly rooted in the Word. 4. There are some Chris4an students coming to Leicester church, pray that they will seale into the new spiritual family, to grow and serve in the community. 5. Please pray for our gospel events in Manchester, Sunderland, Exeter, Hull and Bradford in October, that God be with us and the students will come to know Jesus. 6. Praise God that my parents start going to church, please pray that they will read the Bible and know more of Jesus.
Josh Shek (Second GeneraHon Ministry; Milton Keynes & Bristol UK) Thanksgiving 1. The Gospel Team's mission to France went well. Thank God for his protec4on and for working through and in the lives of the people in the STM from start to finish. Prayer Request 2. Over the next couple of month I will be focused on upgrading some technical systems within COCM HQ. Please pray for wisdom to provide the best support that I can to the rest of the centre staff and for the solu4ons to work! 3. Please also pray for my rest a[er 2 months of intense ministry and travelling. 4. Will join the Gospel Team on their trip to Lancaster and York on 19-‐21/10.
Staff Prayer Items(October / 2012) Dennis Yau and Jessica Guo (Associate; Bookroom; Milton Keynes UK) Prayer Request 1. Jessica's mum will be subminng her visa applica4on during October. Please pray that it goes well so she can come to look a[er Jessica in December. 2. Many new students arrived at Luton and some of them came to the church. Please pray that we will keep in touch with them and they will have the hearts to know God more. 3. Pray for Cranfield fellowship that a[er the welcoming party more new students will come and join us. 4. Dennis will go back to HK for a week at the beginning of October. Pray for his travel safety and pray that Jessica is also safe at home. 5. Please pray for the prepara4on of Dennis’ preaching at Luton CCC in October.
Min Yin (CommunicaHon; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God that I submiaed my thesis and I know that it is God who guided me through the past four years, especially the last two years as I served part-‐4me with COCM. 2. Thank God that my Mum enjoyed her life at COCM with us. 3. Thank God that He showed to us his mighty power through two gospel events at Dundee and Glasgow and indeed He is the Saviour of the world. Prayer request 4. Please pray for my viva (oral defense of PhD thesis) which most possibly will be scheduled at the beginning of December. 5. Please pray for my Mum so that she will be open to the love and grace of Jesus Christ. 6. Please pray for the edi4ng work of Link issue 4, which will cover the second genera4on ministry of COCM. May God use Link as a channel to convey our vision and mission to our mission partners around the world. 7. Please pray that God will give me wisdom to understand His Word and quiet 4me to meditate upon it.
Tzyy-‐Terng Su and Yu-‐Mei Wu (Mission Centre Ministry CoordinaHon Manager; Graphic Designer; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God for bringing Tina Yang, Ding Rui and Gu Yu to join our volunteer team. 2. Thank God that our journey to France with Gospel Team went well. Although we were very 4red, we thank God for our team leaders Gordon and Maggie and great teamwork. God also opened up our eyes to see the needs of Southern France and the seeking hearts of brothers and sisters there. 3. Thank God that Yu-‐Mei finished the design of Year-‐End Camp posters. Prayer requests 4. Our Bookroom has been moved up to 1F and we are now star4ng to do the catalogue of all the books. Please pray that God will give wisdom to those who are going to par4cipate in the process to upgrade our bookroom system. 5. Please pray for the prepara4on of Mid-‐Autumn Fes4val Welcoming Party. May the Chinese living in London see the poster and come to join the party. 6. Please pray for TT’s prepara4on of Bible study, seekers’ group and caring ministry. 7. Please pray for Yu-‐Mei as she started to design Link issue 4. 8. Pray for the recruitment of volunteers in 2013.
Paul Du (IT/Maintenance; Milton Keynes UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God that I saw His great work at two Gospel events at Manchester and Sunderland. It was such a great feeling to fight the good fight with brothers and sisters. Prayer request 2. Please pray for my road test on 5th October. 3. Please pray for Cranfield Fellowship every Friday night and may God bless every student who joins the fellowship that they may be touched by God’s love. 4. May God give me courage, wisdom and love to grow together with those in the fellowship. 5. Please pray for my parents and may God change me to spend more 4me with them and build a closer rela4onship with them.
Anthony Lau (AdministraHon; Milton Keynes & Cambridge UK) Prayer request 1. SEEC prepara4on has step up once term starts. 2. The organisa4on of SEEC reunion dinner in HK in Nov.
Staff Prayer Items(October / 2012) Oiling Lam (Student Ministry; Colchester UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God for this privilege to serve Him. 2. Thank God that I constantly experience His grace and love. Halleujah! Prayer request 3. May God use our welcoming party and fellowship to aaract more people to know Christ. 4. Please pray for the students who are going back home. May God help them to adjust to the lives back home and find suitable jobs. 5. Pray for gospel outreach at campus and may the Lord bless what we do. 6. Pray for my journey back to Hong Kong at the end of October. I will aaend my nephew’s wedding and plan my furlough and further studies.
Chu-‐Yin Ho (Student Ministry; Dundee UK) Thanksgiving 1. On 14/9 DCCF had the welcome Cafe to welcome new students and excluding our own members, we have about 50 students coming to it. It was good to see that the students enjoyed and have been blessed through the cafe. 2. On 21/9, we con4nue to have an outreach event led by COCM gospel team of 14. We praise God about 60 people came to the event. During this event, about 15 people responded to Jesus. Praise God. 3. Last Friday was our normal fellowship, we saw about 35 people came, half were new people. We thank God for what He is doing in our midst and please pray that God will con4nue to keep these students coming and the Bible studies which will begin in 2 weeks' 4me. May you pray with us and for us so that we can be a true blessing to these students. Prayer request 4. Please pray for us as it is vital to do follow-‐up on these young people who have responded and indeed it is a challenge for us, so pray for wisdom, resources and strength. 5. This year, we see quite a few Chris4ans in our midst, half were from China and the other half from Hong Kong, may the Lord bless these students to grow in their spiritual maturity during their 4me here in Dundee and I am seeing some of them, have taken ini4a4ve to help with the Student Home prepara4on and also invi4ng their friends to come along and join in. Praise God for that.
Monica Li (Student Ministry; Lancaster UK) Thanksgiving 1. Praise the Lord for His wonder leading in finding a house. It was whilst I was visi4ng my friend in Leeds at the end of August that I heard that her neighbour had a house to rent in Lancaster! The house is very near to the bus stop and there are a few buses that go to the university. It is also just a 10-‐minute walk to town. God’s 4ming is indeed perfect as I had 4me to unpack and seale in before providing hospitality for a brother who arrived for short-‐term mission. Prayer request 2. Please pray for Brother Ray Han who is here from end of Sept to end of Nov for short term mission. He will be sharing in the Friday evening fellowship and the Tuesday morning devo4on 4mes. May God use him to help the students to grow in their spiritual lives. 3. Please pray for all the prepara4ons for the evangelis4c mee4ng on Fri 19 Oct. Pray that the Lord will prepare believers to invite their friends and to give out fliers on campus. Pray that new students will come with open hearts. The COCM Gospel Team with 16 members will arrive around noon. My uncle and aunt will be taking care of the catering.
Grace Li (Student Ministry; NoUngham UK) Prayer request 1. Pray for new Chris4ans in our fellowship that their faith can grow into maturity. 2. Pray for our seeker's Bible study every Friday. May the Lord bring those who have searching hearts to our mee4ngs. Pray that the Lord give me the right words and the Lord would anoint all my prepara4on. 3. Pray for my housemate who is going to move to Newcastle that she would have a blessed life in new place. 4. Pray for our believers' Bible study on Wednesdays that God would teach us to know him more deeply through the book of Ephesians. Pray for those who will lead the Bible study that they will have good prepara4on. 5. Pray for my Mum as her diabe4cs is becoming worse. Her backache is in bad situa4on. May the Lord grant her health and heal her.
Mary Ma (Student Ministry; Brighton UK) Prayer request 1. Praise the Lord that we have already met more than 200 new students since the start of new academic year. 2. Please pray for the salva4on of these Chinese students in Brighton. 3. Please pray for our weekly gospel mee4ngs on Friday night star4ng from 15th October. 4. Please pray for our Sunday service and the Bible study a[erwards. 5. Please pray that God will raise up co-‐workers to work together with me. 6. New Life Church in Brighton started to help us with the transporta4on on every Friday. 7. Praise God that my health is restored. Please con4nue to pray for my physical and spiritual strength.
Staff Prayer Items(October / 2012) Yuen Yee Ting (Church PlanHng; Perth UK) Prayer request 1. Please pray for the prepara4on of Mid-‐Autumn Fes4val of Fife Fellowship on 2nd October. Please pray for the good weather and good fellowship among us. 2. Please pray for the physical and spiritual health of believers. 3. Please pray that we may obey God’s will as we are discussing our fellowship plan for next year.
Simon and Lydia Tam (Church PlanHng; Colchester UK) Prayer request 1. New students will come over to Colchester in October and may these students come to the church and fellowship to hear the gospel. 2. Simon will be serving at Basel in Switzerland on 19-‐22 October. 3. Please pray for the venue of our Sunday service as the English church we are using now is going to move next year. 4. We will go to aaend European Pastoral Consulta4on in Barcelona, Spain on 8-‐11 October.
Kam Hung and Mi Ting Ho (Interim Dirctor of Admin, Church PlanHng; Hull UK) Thanksgiving 1. September was a busy month for evangelism. We went to Spain with 3 sisters to visit our missionary David and Jacky Cogman. We stayed at the centre to do some repair and cleaning work. We had sharing with our missionaries and visited 14 Chinese shops and invited them to come to the Centre for a gathering. None of them turned up but we hope to go again to do some follow up work. 2. A team of 6 brothers and sisters sent by our suppor4ng church Hong Kong Grace Bap4st Church came at the end of September to help to welcome the new university students. They distributed about 400 welcome leaflets in Hull. More than 60 new students aaended our welcome party. We also organised welcome party for Chinese students at Lincoln University. More than 20 new students came along. We organised welcome party for students at John Leggoa sixthform College at Scunthorpe. About 9 new students came along. The seeds of the gospel have been sown. Pray that God would lead their growth. Prayer request 3. Pray for the student fellowship in the new term. Pray that Chris4ans will grow and those who seek God will know Him soon. 4. Pray that we could have good health and spiritual strength to serve God. Pray for Mi Ting. Her blood pressure is a bit high. She has tried a few tablets to control it. There was some undesirable side effects. Hope a suitable medicine could be found soon. 5. Pray for us as we will lead the Marriage Enrichment Retreat on 29 to 31 October. 6. Pray that Jonathan would get used to his new job in Nonngham. Please con4nue to pray for Gloria's future direc4on.
Tin Chung and Carol Wong (Church PlanHng; Exeter UK) Prayer request 1. We’ve met some students and their parents coming from mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Malaysia. Please pray for their adjustment to new lives in the UK and their future studies. 2. Thank God that we were able to rent a bigger venue for Gospel Event organized by COCM Gospel Team on 14th October. Please pray for the prepara4on. 3. Please pray for the prepara4on of our gatherings and Bible study in the new term and may the Lord bring us the co-‐workers. 4. Some new friends aaended our Mandarin and Cantonese Bible study groups. Pray that they will come to Christ soon. 5. Pray that God will guide us, work with us and protect our health and road safety in the midst of our 4ght schedule. 6. Pray for Adam and Enoch’s health and study.
Tiger and Joy Liaw (Student Ministry/Church PlanHng; London UK) Thanksgiving 1. Thank God for a fruipul September – good fellowship with students, families, brothers & sisters from other churches on a number of occasions. Prayer requests 2. Freshers’ Fair at Middlesex University on 4-‐5 Oct. Pray that more students will get to know our fellowship and join us later. Pray for the prepara4ons of the welcoming fellowship the week a[er. 3. We’re not allowed to distribute flyers at University of Herpordshire at the moment, pray that we can meet with the school Chaplain and get this solved. 4. Some families/students are facing big family issues. May God grant us wisdom to walk with them through the difficult 4mes.
Lawrence and Clara Sin (Student Ministry; Birmingham UK) Thanksgiving 1. Praise God for the welcoming events in University of Birmingham and Coventry University. We met many new students in these events and invited them to join the fellowship mee4ngs. There were about 50 Chinese students aaending the welcome party in Coventry University. Prayer requests 2. Pray for Lawrence’s Dad and two brothers who suffered different illnesses and stayed in hospital for some 4me last month. They have now been discharged but need to take extra care of their health. 3. Also Clara’s mum is now in hospital due to sickness. Her health was deteriora4ng due to diabetes, poor eyesight and physical mobility. Pray that she can have peace in mind and accept Christ as her Saviour. 4. Con4nue to uphold the following welcoming and gospel events for the following Universi4es: 6 Sep (Sat) University of Bath 12 Sep (Fri) University of Warwick (Cantonese) 12 Sep (Fri) Loughborough University 13 Sep (Sat) Gospel Mee4ng for students in Birmingham 5. Pray that God will bring many more students to His Kingdom through different fellowships.
Chi Ming and Wing Chun Tang (ExecuHve Director -‐ HK Office, Europe Field; HK) Thanksgiving 1. Wan Lung (Wing Chun’s elder brother) had his opera4on to take out the kidney stones at the end of September. Praise God for his protec4on and healing. Prayer requests 2. Chi Ming and Wing Chun will aaend European Pastoral Consulta4on in Barcelona, Spain on 8-‐11 October and Chi Ming will go back to Hong Kong a[er this on 12 October. 3. Mary Cheung together with a short-‐term mission team from Far East Broadcas4ng Associates of Canada (FEBC) will come to Den Bosch to do a Musical Gospel Event. The theme is ‘Unreserved Love’. Please pray for the prepara4on and for those seekers. 4. Wing Chun will preach on 14th October and do the Dutch interpreta4on at Sunday service on 7th October. May God anoint her and give her strength. 5. Wing Chun’s Mum suffered from pneumonia due to cold weather. She will be on medica4on for ten days and pray for God’s healing. 6. May God prepare and guide the way for Ying Wai’s future path as he is going to find a job a[er gradua4on. 7. We need your prayers to support our discipleship trainings for new believers.
Faye Lee (Missionary Partner; Milton Keynes/Manchester UK) Prayer requests 1. Please pray for me that I may adapt and adjust the new role and new mission in COCM star4ng in September. Please pray for my constant travel from Manchester to Milton Keynes and to other churches.