Versace Leaflet »A Winter's Night«

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A WINTER‘S NIGHT Ein majestätischer Tannenwald schmückt den neuen Weihnachtsdekor von Rosenthal meets Versace. Barocke Ranken und Blattwerk in Gold formen einen üppig verzierten Versace Weihnachtsbaum und rahmen Teller und Platten wie ein Adventskranz ein. A noble grove of firs rise together majestically for the décor of the 2017 Holidays Collection from Rosenthal meets Versace. Gold Baroque curlicues and tendrils are intertwined to shape an iconic Versace Christmas tree. A gold Baroque lace frames the plate like a Christmas wreath. Un boschetto di abeti maestosi sorge al centro del decoro della collezione Natale 2017 di Rosenthal meets Versace. Fregi dorati e arabeschi Barocchi si intrecciano a formare un iconico albero di Natale Versace. Una fascia oro Barocco incornicia il piatto quasi fosse una ghirlanda natalizia.

Weihnachtsteller | Christmas plate | Piatto di natale 2017 limited — 30 cm 19305-409945-20021

Brotteller | Plate | Piatto piano — 18 cm 19300-409945-10218

Frühstücksteller | Plate | Piatto piano — 22 cm 19300-409945-10222

Suppenteller | Plate deep | Piatto fondo — 22 cm 19300-409945-10322

Speiseteller | Plate | Piatto piano — 27 cm 19300-409945-10227

Espressotasse 2-tlg. | Espresso cup & saucer | Tazza espresso 19315-409945-14715

Becher mit Henkel | Mug with handle | Bicchiere con manico 19315-409945-15505

Cappuccinotasse 2-tlg. | Cappuccino cup & saucer | Tazza cappuccino 19315-409945-14765

Tortenplatte | Tart platter | piatto torta — 33 cm 19300-409945-12843

Schälchen quadr. flach | Bowl square flat | Coppetta quadra piana 12 cm 11940-409945-15253

Schale | Dish | Coppa 28 cm 14240-409945-25828

Ascher | Ashtray | Posacenere 24 cm 14096-409945-27243

Porzellanglocke | Porcellain bell | Campanella porcellana — 7 cm 14089-409945-27911

Porzellankugel | Porcellain ball | Sfera porcellana — 7,5 cm 14283-409945-27940

Etagere 2-tlg. | Etagere | Etagere — 22-27 cm 19300-409945-25310

Rosenthal GmbH | Philip-Rosenthal-Platz 1 | D-95100 Selb

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