Rosenthal BONE CHINA 2015 english

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Bone China


2 — Rosenthal Bone China

CONTENTS An interview with …


Stylist Natascha Sanwald shares tips and tricks and reveals why men sometimes have the better interior design ideas.

Interesting facts about bone china


Fascinating facts about fine porcelain.

Brillance White


Flat meets curve: the alluring interplay of geometries.

Brillance Les Fruits du Jardin


Summery design: luscious lemons and black laurels transport you to southern climes.

Brillance Fleurs Sauvages



Enchanting meadowy splendour: a lush profusion of delicate wild flowers.

Flower Power


A stroll with designer Regula Stüdli around St. Gallen's Botanical Fruit Gardens.

Belles Fleurs


Flowers meet diamonds: enjoying a cup of tea or coffee has never been this floral.

Curve White


White wonder: a classic with a talent for transformation.

Silver Curve


Pared-down, timeless beauty: bone china decorated with a fine silver border.

Curve Dandelion



Carried by the wind: delicate dandelions on ivory bone china.

Jade Magnolie


Pretty in pink: luxurious flowers and delicate leaves.

Grandezza Milanese


Stylish living: the Seven Stars Galleria in Milan is more than just a hotel.

Jade Rendezvous


Perfect match: the latest lacy fashion trend on glossy porcelain.

Jade White


From oriental to casual: enjoy mixing and dining with this bestseller.

Glossar For food lovers: the Rosenthal bone china series at a glance.



Rosenthal Bone China — 3




Dear readers,

Rosenthal GmbH Creative direction Andreas Gerecke Project lead Daniela Drees, Claudia Kasper Art direction Ulf Ueck Text Claudia Simone Hoff Photos Andreas Hoernisch > 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30, 31, 40 Jorma Müller/Esther Stüdli > 12, 13, 14, 15 Seven Stars Galleria > 24, 25, 26, 27 Rosenthal GmbH / Stephan Geiger > all the rest Styling

classic pieces are everywhere you look, on furniture, lighting and accessories alike. We like to surround ourselves with well-designed items. Especially in times of uncertainty, they convey a sense of style, taste and security. At home, we reveal who we are – both to ourselves and to our guests. Our own four walls are therefore many things all rolled into one: a safe haven, a symbol of security and our own personal space for experimentation. Nowhere is this more evident than in the kitchen. It is where we cook, laugh and try new things – it is both immediate and unadulterated. And this round dance of taste, design and sensuality would not be complete without one thing: a beautifully laid table, which always includes plates, cups and jugs made of porcelain. They have long since ceased to be so strictly arranged as in the past, and are now casually put together with a bit of a rebellious streak: robust ceramic bowls made in Portugal with fragile cut crystal glasses, heavy silver cutlery with decorative blackberry brambles, delicately shimmering bone china with serviettes made from coarse linen. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!

Natascha Sanwald > 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30, 31, 40


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4 — Rosenthal Bone China — Natascha Sanwald, stylist

An interview with: Natascha Sanwald Natascha Sanwald develops home living and styling concepts with a focus on tableware and food – for magazines, book publishers and manufacturers. When she is not behind the counter of her very own bar in Munich, her world revolves around furniture, accessories, materials and colours. We spoke to her about decorative blackberry brambles, men in the kitchen and grandma’s porcelain classics. Ms Sanwald, what is the attraction of bone china? It looks attractive and is uncomplicated. You can use it every day. What does it work best with? It depends on the occasion, but – generally speaking – contrasting elements. Dark shades such as grey and black go with it very well and are very popular right now. Especially in their matt versions, these colours look very beautiful against the shiny bone china. I also like to combine different textures such as rough wood, coarse linen and smooth bone china. The kitchen is increasingly becoming the living room. Do you think this is a good thing? The kitchen has always been the nicest room in the house [laughs]. For me, living and enjoyment are the first priorities, and etiquette is less important. The same can be said about decorating and crockery. So why not simply combine the good old porcelain grandma gave you with new pieces you have bought? What is a hot trend for the laid table? Mix it! I like to mix together different styles, colours, materials and designs. This kind of combination produces a very individual laid table and leaves a lot of scope for people’s individual tastes. »Brillance Les Fruits du Jardin« and »Belles Fleurs« are brightly coloured, very sensuous designs. How should they be displayed to their best advantage? I like it when the table looks lively. Although, as a general rule, you should know how to lay a table properly, guests love surprises. Souvenirs are especially good for this: a

Moroccan ceramic bowl placed at the centre of the table, or a colourful Indian sari thrown casually over the table. Even homemade items look nice with bone china, such as cutlery arranged in glasses or a jar of home-made raspberry jam for each guest. I think that decorating should be fun. And what should you do with real flowers, leaves and blossoms? Flowers are now being presented in a more relaxed style. It no longer has to be just luxurious, tied bouquets. It can also be something as simple as a decorative blackberry bramble. I also like to scatter blossoms and leaves on the table, depending on the time of year. Do men like home decorating, too? It is men in particular who are increasingly buying kitchen furniture and expensive kitchen accessories such as knives and electric appliances. I get the impression that increasing numbers of men are doing the cooking, and they are also catching up in terms of home decorating, too. I think it’s a good thing as men have completely different ideas. You just need to allow them to surprise you! Three tips on how to give my table the wow factor. Lightness, fashion rebellion and a tonguein-cheek attitude. The wow factor doesn’t come from a mass of elements but from personal touches, a hint of otherness and a surprise element. What’s staying and what’s coming? There is no right and wrong. The important thing is that your decorations show off your own personal style.

Rosenthal Bone China — Interesting facts about bone china — 5

Interesting facts about bone china The core

Bone china is a fine ceramic material with high

raw materials that

chip resistance, which also makes it

bone china is made of are kaolin, quartz

ideally suited to use in hotels and restaurants.

and bone ash. Plates, cups and jugs: Traditional

production techniques such

as turning for flatware and slip casting for hollowware work the bone china material into the right shape. Bone china

glaze is smooth and transparent. This is because it is fired at a lower temperature than

hard-paste porcelain – at a maximum of 1,250 degrees Celsius on its first firing. Another advantage of

the lower firing temperature is that it produces more colours that also glow with an unusual intensity – including red and purple.

Bestseller: The bone china

collection »Jade« – Rosenthal’s most

successful range – was brought to

Bone china has an extremely sensuous appearance with its delicate,

translucent material

and looks like it is glowing in a warm, cream shade.

market in 2006. It consists of 109 individual pieces. So far, a total of 7,046,814

individual »Jade« pieces have been sold.

The »Brillance Fleurs Sauvages«

design comprises

23 colours, each of which is printed individually. For this, the films are arranged on top of

To retain the

brilliant radiance

of the exquisite surface, bone china should be

cleaned carefully. Using the correct dosages of cleaning agents and rinse aids is even more important for bone china than for hard-paste porcelain.

each other with extreme accuracy to ensure that the right colour is in the right place.

6 — Rosenthal Bone China — Brillance White

BRILL ANCE WHITE A flat surface meets a spherical curve, emitting a feeling of creative tension. The alluring interplay of two perfect geometries – that is the idea behind Brillance. And bone china is particularly well-suited for this range as the material not only has a translucent, warm shine, but the thin material also brings together flat surfaces and spherical elements to create a single shape – just like with the jugs, cups and small bowls that appear to be floating above the table. However, the collection’s different plates constitute the design highlight. They are available as coupe plates with extra-wide rims or slightly dipped reflective surfaces. They combine a minimalist design with handcrafted perfection in the most beautiful of ways.

Hand-painted The fine, hand-applied platinum line of the »Ligne d’argent« design forms an elegant contrast to the warm, shiny material.

Dinner is served! The »Brillance« range is available in a selection of traditional coffee, tea and dinner sets with a wide variety of cups and plates.

Rosenthal Bone China — Brillance Les Fruits du Jardin — 7

Brillance Les Frui ts Du Jardin Shiny red berries roll over the fine porcelain surface. The bright-yellow lemons look enticingly fresh and fruity, while the evergreen palm leaf is feathered across the plate. Soft, white blossoms with jagged red edges seemingly enchant our senses with their intense scent. The bluish-black fruits of the aro-

matic laurel shrub cast a shadow and seem to multiply. »Les Fruits du Jardin« is a design that floats across the shiny surfaces of plates, cups and bowls. Applied to the elegant Brillance range, it transports us to a luxurious, lush green garden in bloom.

What is that beautiful glow? Yellow, green, red – lemons, palm leaves, berries and blossoms glow against the warm, white surface of the bone china in these bold colours.

8 — Rosenthal Bone China — Brillance Les Fruits du Jardin

In the land where the lemons bloom The design is captivating with its intense medley of colour and enjoys playing with different meanings. Whereas lemons, with their evergreen leaves, have been a symbol of paradise and eternal youth since ancient times, their fresh scent and vibrant yellow colour conjure up sunny days in Mediterranean lands.

Two-dimensional wonder The extremely two-dimensional, intensely colourful design contrasts beautifully with the simple »Brillance« range.

Airy ensemble While some of the porcelain pieces are almost entirely covered with the opulent pattern, others feature plenty of white space. This creates an airy ensemble of plates, cups and bowls.

10 — Rosenthal Bone China — Brillance Fleurs Sauvages

Brillance Fleurs Sauvages A flower is a flower is a flower. This free adaptation of Gertrude Stein’s poem is what seems to have run through Swiss textile designer Regula Stüdli’s mind. She has enjoyed huge success with the Fleurs Sauvages design, namely because Fleurs Sauvages is both luxuriant and surprising at the

same time. Twigs, leaves and an array of different blossoms climb across the shiny surfaces. Sometimes strewn across the plate’s wide rim, sometimes scattered over the entire surface of the object like a wild-growing shrub or blossoming evenly along the edge of the plate. The naturalistic floral

design makes for a visual contrast to the range as Brillance is anything but wild. Quite the opposite, it has an extremely functional look and is an appealing feature in the interplay of geometries.

Surreal garden splendour Eye-catching A combination with the pure white collectors’ pieces of the »Brillance« range brings out the beautiful frenzy of blossoms and colours of »Fleurs Sauvages« particularly well.

With her »Fleurs Sauvages« design, Regula Stüdli has conjured up a veritable array of flowers on porcelain.

Rosenthal Bone China — On the way with Regula Stüdli — 13

”Some thing that appeals to the emotions“ Regula Stüdli likes to be out and about. Especially in places where there are flowers blooming, trees growing and birds chirping. She looks around, does some gardening and searches for inspiration in the Botanical Garden or in the Textile Library in St Gallen. What is more, the Swiss designer always has her camera to hand because a photo is always the starting point for her designs. The fact that Regula Stüdli loves nature is also evident in her work. The skilled textile designer worked for Swiss textiles manufacturer Jakob Schlaepfer for ten years and has crafted fabric creations from exquisite materials with subtle patterns and appliqués, which often have a floral focus and are digitally modified.

Exuberant imagination

Intuitive design

Working for Rosenthal, Regula Stüdli used porcelain as a material for the first time. That was back in 2013 and her very first design was a huge success. »Brillance Fleurs Sauvages« is both luxuriant and surprising at the same time, with twigs, leaves and blossoms climbing across the shiny bone china surface. Sometimes strewn across the plate’s wide rim, sometimes scattered over the entire surface of the object like a wild-growing shrub or blossoming evenly along the edge of the plate. Her new design, »Les Fruits du Jardin«, which she has also created for the simple »Brillance« range, is completely different. Rosenthal wanted it to be more twodimensional and striking than »Fleurs Sauvages«. But Regula Stüdli was able to work freely and draw on unlimited resources with the theme of fruit in all variations. In a series of bright colours, the designer rendered a harmonious composition of bright-yellow lemons, black berries and evergreen palm leaves on a range of plates, cups and jugs.

She has an interesting approach to her work, which is intuitive and always involves her getting up close and personal with the subject matter – in this instance, blossoms, leaves and fruit. “When I designed »Les Fruits du Jardin«, I worked with real berries that I draped around the house and then photographed. I always work the same way because I need to have the material up close. That’s why I also prefer not to work with Internet databases,” explains the lively Swiss designer. She also took a similar approach to developing the new mug collection »Belles Fleurs«, which is likewise made from bone china. “I initially designed an introductory collection. But then when I was at Rosenthal in Selb, we decided to give each mug a different colour,” says Regula Stüdli, describing the development process. “I made a few suggestions regarding the colour, one of which was the idea of a rainbow. The final colour palette was then developed as a result of this discussion.” Speaking of

discussion: “The process of working together produces a better product than I could ever come up with alone,” sums up the designer. In the case of »Belles Fleurs«, for example, the design started with more graphic elements, which over time wandered onto the handles of the mugs. Diamonds, stripes and circles contrast with the floral design, yet always follow the same colour scheme.

Intentional breaks with tradition In the »Belles Fleurs« collection, Regula Stüdli coloured some of the blossoms to retain the base shade of each of the mugs. But she did this in such as subtle way that the change in colour takes people by surprise only on an unconscious level, which was the designer’s intention. Incidentally, flowers, blossoms and leaves are not just very en vogue when it comes to the dining table. Floral designs have long featured in the fashion world as well. And that completes the tour of Regula Stüdli’s work with floral motifs.

14 — Rosenthal Bone China — On the way with Regula Stüdli


2 Decorated for the occasion! Regula Stüdli visits the Botanical Garden in St Gallen to draw inspiration from plants and flowers from all over the world.

Rosenthal Bone China — On the way with Regula Stüdli — 15

Regula Stüdli on ... ... her style of working. “I like to work using my sense of touch. I therefore surround myself with all manner of items and draw inspiration from them: textiles, colour samples, magazines and souvenirs. I come from a world in which there is great demand for variation.” ... the popularity of floral designs. “Particularly in times of economic instability, there is a desire for something that awakens emotions. Something that means home. Something that moves us.” ... her favourite flower. “I like poppies. Their colour, feel and delicacy. I also like the fact that they wither quickly. That is an absolutely beautiful moment for me.” ... the success of her »Brillance Fleurs Sauvages« design for Rosenthal. “I was surprised and very pleased about the design’s success. It seemed to resonate with the spirit of the times and evokes certain recollections.” ... the uniqueness of »Brillance Fleurs Sauvages«. “The design is very carefully and delicately crafted so that the blossoms almost look real. The abundance of this fine detail – that is what makes Fleurs Sauvages so unique.” ... working with Rosenthal. “The process of working together produces a better product than I could ever come up with alone.”


Floral transformation The designer’s fondness for trying new things is also evident in the series Reflexion No. 1–9 featuring ambitiously designed glass images with imaginative floral motifs (ink jet print on glass with a mirror effect and faceted borders). For the photo session, the designer made a point of designing matching costumes made of felt-like architect’s cardboard to which she added fetching leather appliqués.

(* 1974) After studying at the Zurich University of Art and Design, Regula Stüdli worked as a designer at the renowned Swiss textiles manufacturer Jakob Schlaepfer for over a decade. Her artistic and imaginative textile prints can be found on clothing, furniture and wallpaper. For Rosenthal, she has created the designs »Brillance Les Fruits du Jardin«, »Belles Fleurs«, »Fleurs Sauvages«, »Maria Pink Rose« and »Sanssouci Chambre Bleue«. Regula Stüdli lives and works as a freelance designer in the Lake Constance region.

16 — Rosenthal Bone China — Belles Fleurs

Belles Fleurs All good things come in eights. They have names such as Roses, Jaunes, Lilas and Corails: eight mugs made of delicate bone china featuring eight different designs. Each individual piece is an exquisite floral creation featuring the base colours yellow, coral, red violet, rose, green, blue, lilac and olive.

Floral elements cover the warm, shimmering surface of the porcelain with a poetic medley of colour: evergreen leaves and stems, white anemones, luxurious roses, blood-red poppies, captivating passion flowers, delicate pink orchids, bright Ornithogalum and luscious redcurrants. The artistically

arranged floral still-life motifs are paired with bold graphic patterns, including circles, spots, diamonds and stripes. They work their way across the curved handles of the mugs and form a dramatic contrast to the floral design.

Flowers meet diamonds In contrast to the opulent floral design on the body of the mugs, the handles feature bold graphic patterns. Spots, stripes and diamonds are precisely rendered and follow the same colour scheme as the flowers.

Rosenthal Bone China — Belles Fleurs — 17

Celebrate the occasion Birthdays, weddings or simply just because: The mugs and scented candles lavishly decorated with flowers, leaves and blossoms from all four seasons brighten the mood and make for a wonderful gift idea.

18 — Rosenthal Bone China — Curve White

Curve White White is fresh. White is timeless. White is versatile. If there was one classic piece on a laid table, it would undoubtedly be the white porcelain set. It serves as the basis of every table design and adds a different visual touch every time – depending on the time of day and the occasion. However, using the set in combination with decorated pieces made from porcelain, fine silver and fragile glass, patterned textiles or fresh flowers maximises its impact. »Curve« demonstrates that white has many facets. It stands out due to its timeless shape and delicate cream material. Plates and platters in all variations set the stage for a wide range of table designs. Mum’s home cooking therefore fits in just as well as wafer-thin pizza or artistic sushi and sashimi.

It’s tea time! Imagine soft, buttery muffins, wonderfully nutty florentines and a pot of freshly brewed tea – served in refined white teacups from the »Curve« collection.

Rosenthal Bone China — Silver Curve — 19

Silver Curve A line is more than just a line. A line is geometry. It is limitation, decoration. Just like the silver lines adorning the plates, cups and jugs of the classic »Curve« collection. Its shape is as simple as the lines running around the outermost edges of the bone china pieces. The design elegantly contrasts with the material’s warm shine and transparent look. Shape and design reduced to the very essence coupled with top-of-the-range craftsmanship – this is the design concept behind the »Silver Curve« collection.

Classic reloaded The silver lines may be on the edges, but they still constitute the focal feature of the classic design, adding an elegant touch to every white and cream porcelain set.

Blown away by the wind The little white umbrellas of the blowball adorn the linear rim of the plates in a light and floating effect.

Blowball Taraxacum officinale is the botanical name of the common dandelion. Once wilted, it transforms into a blowball. Its slim-line, barrel-shaped fruits have tufty parachutes and are blown away by the wind.

Rosenthal Bone China — Curve Dandelion — 21

Curve Dandelion Bright sunshine, azure skies and luscious flower meadows. And there it is as well: the dandelion. No sooner has it begun blooming canary yellow than it rapidly transforms into a blowball. Children and adults alike love dandelions. Blow once on the

perfect, delicate white object and its billowing fruits will float away in the breeze. With the »Dandelion« design, Rosenthal has captured this moment on porcelain. Here, the delicate, ivory bone china of the »Curve« range meets a fine grey

sketch and white highlights. Scattered golden accents emphasise the outline of the dispersing seeds, which float down haphazardly on to the shiny porcelain surface.

22 — Rosenthal Bone China — Jade Magnolie

Jade Magnolie A spot of pink here, a splash of green there, then dip the brush in a little water. Stems and leaves snake upwards on a delicate tea cup made of bone china. A single magnolia blossom climbs over the edge of an egg cup, while buds burst open on the dinner plate. A bold branch of leaves floats across the porcelain surface, while delicate pink blossoms come into bloom in all their splendour on the interior of a bowl. The »Jade Magnolia« design is reminiscent of an ink drawing with its subtle nuances of colour and shape, making the almost transparent surface sparkle while the giant blossoms give the harmonious »Jade« range a touch of elegance.

Look at the detail On this design, which has a watercolour effect, the surface structures of the magnolia are elaborated very visually: from the bushy stems and sturdy leaves to the striking blossoms and tiny seed stems.

Subtle interplay The delicate magnolia blossoms can flower beautifully across plates, cups and jugs because the copious white areas give them plenty of breathing

Rosenthal Bone China — Seven Stars Galleria — 25

Grandezza milanese Three words are enough to conjure up the grandeur of Milan: Galleria Vittorio Emanuele. The Dolce Vita (good life) of the Lombard capital reaches a pinnacle in this domed, 19th-century shopping centre. You can even live here. In the Seven Stars Galleria luxury hotel overlooking the elegant hall architecture, there is a personal butler serving culinary delicacies on fine bone china by Rosenthal.

The Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, which was designed back in 1864 by Italian architect Giuseppe Mengoni, is in the illustrious company of neighbouring landmarks such as the Duomo, the Palazzo Reale and the Teatro alla Scala. The Galleria is many things all wrapped up in one: a promenade for visitors and locals, a place of unstoppable shopping sprees (it was here that Prada opened its very first store), a mecca for architects and a refined stopping place for a cold glass of Negroni. And it is also a lucky charm.

Marvel at your luck Four arcades adorned with gold mosaics, stucco work and sprung arches intersect in an octagon, which is topped with a majestic glass dome. Beneath it, visitors expectantly spin around on the spot while standing on the zodiac mosaic with the bull, as legend has it that this will bring good luck. Those who get to lay their heads on down-filled pillows at the Seven Stars Galleria hotel should also count themselves lucky. And because the suites are situated on the piano nobile (principal floor) of the Galleria, guests can marvel at the view, which looks out onto the interior of the halls, both day and night.

Travel in style The hotel promises both privacy and exclusivity – right in the midst of this bustling city. In addition to a 560-square-metre penthouse, the hotel boasts seven different-sized suites with such sumptuous names as Verdi and Toscanini. Featuring a low-key décor in a palette of subtle shades interspersed with a few spots of colour, each of the suites is equipped with elegant furniture and has a marble-

tiled bathroom. Superior-quality materials and hand-picked works of art are added to the stylish ensemble on two floors.

Indulge in sensory pleasures In addition to a private butler service, the in-house restaurant La Sinfonia waits on guests 24 hours a day with lavish meals and drinks. The ambiance is intimate as head chef Alberto Citterio prepares his creations. Just like in the suites, all manner of delights including tartlets and truffles are served on bone china by Rosenthal. The timeless Jade range blends seamlessly into the elegant ambiance of the dining area, which seats 26 people. Jade in its shiny, cream version with no decorations beautifully complements the brilliant white seats, which form a contrast against the black tables and chairs. Gathered drapes atop French windows, which look out onto the octagon of the Galleria, a sumptuous chandelier and the old timber flooring give the interior a pleasant homely touch.

Stay forever The Seven Stars Galleria hotel is the most beautiful hideaway you will ever find – situated right in the heart of Milan and yet set apart from the hustle and bustle of the city. The architecture of the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II is a real highlight, much like the interior design of the hotel, which is homely and refined at the same time. The individual furnishing makes guests feel as if they have arrived at a home away from home. And when a liveried butler knocks at the door holding a tray of sparkling champagne in one hand and balancing a porcelain plate of caviar and blinis in the other, they will want to stay forever.

Seven-star luxury The exclusive, modern suites – some with a view of the breathtaking Galleria Vittorio Emanuele – offer an intimate, elegant hideaway in the heart of Milan. A personal butler guarantees exclusive service in an atmosphere of complete privacy.

26 — Rosenthal Bone China — Seven Stars Galleria



1 A room with a view 3

At the heart of the action and yet away from it all: the Galleria penthouse looks out over Milan's most famous promenade and shopping street. And that's not all: the cathedral is just around the corner.

Rosenthal Bone China — Seven Stars Galleria — 27

4 2 A hideaway “alla italiana”

3 Symphony in white

4 La vita è bella

Italian furniture, crimson curtains, sumptuous chandeliers: the hotel's interior likewise evokes the spirit of the nineteenth century.

In the hotel's own restaurant La Sinfonia, head chef Alberto Citterio concocts all kinds of delicacies. These are presented creatively on the white pieces from Rosenthal's timeless Jade collection.

Beauty, elegance and style are almost everywhere you look in Milan. But nowhere else is this trio as happy as in the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele.

28 — Rosenthal Bone China — Jade Rendezvous

Jade Rendezvous Blouses, skirts, dresses. Handmade lace is en vogue in the fashion world. And now it can be found nestled around a tea cup like a delicate ribbon. Spilling over the rims with its jagged edging, it envelops the beautifully formed body of a sugar bowl and peeps out from under the lid of a coffee pot. The delicate lace pattern looks like an abstract flower, covering the wide rim of the dinner plate and creating an elegant stage for all manner of delicacies. »Jade Rendezvous« is conspicuously inconspicuous. The design takes on subtle grey and brown tones against the cream-coloured porcelain surface and is framed with a striking platinum border. There is a fascinating contrast between the almost material-like, soft-looking design, the gleaming bone china and the balanced, timeless style.

Subtle elegance »Jade Rendezvous« is a design that is understated in terms of colour, which can only be found on the edges of the transparent-looking porcelain pieces. Design highlight: The lace pattern is framed with an elegant platinum border.

On-trend: lace Rosenthal was inspired by authentic lace textiles when it developed the »Jade Rendezvous« design. The delicate openwork material is extremely sought-after right now, which is due in particular to its handmade character.

Playful The play on traditional lace is particularly attractive as it covers the bone china surface of the simple, classic »Jade« range in a romantic yet understated pattern.

30 — Rosenthal Bone China — Jade White

Jade White A range of possibilities The collection, with its simple design, is just as beautiful on wedding tables as it is in an uncomplicated afternoon tea arrangement.

Rosenthal Bone China — Jade White — 31

The wishing table furnishes itself. Be it traditional, oriental or casual, there is one bone china collection that suits every occasion. This is because, with its clear shape and elegant lines, »Jade« has an extremely timeless design. The wide range of collector’s pieces – be it rectangular plates, oval trays or round soup bowls – provides fans of porcelain with an unlimited range of opportuni-

ties for delightful combinations. For example, when filled with rice and accompanied by chopsticks, the round bowls and matching lids add a pronounced Asian touch to your table design. However, they have a completely different effect when hot tea is steaming from the cream bowls and the lids are luring you in with biscuits and sweets on a table set in the afternoon.

Multi-talented Round, oval or angular? »Jade« comprises a wide variety of collector’s pieces that can be used for many purposes and in many combinations.

32 — Rosenthal Bone China — Glossary


Rim plate — 19 cm 10530-800001-10019

Breakfast plate ­— 23 cm 10530-800001-10023

Rim plate — 28 cm 10530-800001-10028

Service rim plate — 33 cm 10530-800001-10063

Rim plate deep — 23 cm 10530-800001-10123

Plate — 18 cm 10530-800001-10218

Plate — ­ 21 cm 10530-800001-10221

Plate — 27 cm 10530-800001-10227

Service plate — 32 cm 10530-800001-10262

Plate deep — 21 cm 10530-800001-10321

Bowl — 22 cm 10530-800001-13322

Platter — 34 cm 10530-800001-12734

Sauce-boat — 0,55 l 10530-800001-11622

Covered vegetable bowl — 3,0 l 10530-800001-11320

Teapot — 1,35 l 10530-800001-14235

Espresso cup — 0,08 l 10530-800001-14715

Tea-/Cappuccino cup — 0,25 l 10530-800001-14675

Coffee cup — 0,20 l 10530-800001-14740

Mug with handle — 0,34 l 10530-800001-15505

Creamer — 0,32 l 10530-800001-14430

Combi cup — 0,30 l 10530-800001-14770

Sugar bowl — 0,25 l 10530-800001-14330

Rosenthal Bone China — Glossary — 33

BRILL ANCE Les Fruits du Jardin

Rim plate — 18 cm 10530-405107-10218

Cereal dish — 15 cm 10530-405107-15455

Bowl — 22 cm 10530-405107-13322

Espresso cup — 0,08 l 10530-405107-14715

Teapot — 1,35 l 10530-405107-14235

Coffee cup — 0,20 l 10530-405107-14740

Combi cup — 0,30 l 10530-405107-14770

Breakfast plate ­— 23 cm 10530-405107-10023

Service rim plate — 33 cm 10530-405107-10063

Creamsoup cup — 0,37 l 10530-405107-10420

Plate — 27 cm 10530-405107-10227

Service plate — 32 cm 10530-405107-10262

Plate deep — 21 cm 10530-405107-10321

Bowl — 26 cm 10530-405107-13326

Platter — 41 cm 10530-405107-12741

Covered vegetable bowl — 3,0 l 10530-405107-11320

Creamer — 0,32 l 10530-405107-14430

Mug with handle — 0,34 l 10530-405107-15505

Sugar bowl — 0,25 l 10530-405107-14330

34 — Rosenthal Bone China — Glossary

BRILL ANCE Fleurs Sauvages

Rim plate — 19 cm 10530-405101-10019

Breakfast plate ­— 23 cm 10530-405101-10023

Rim plate — 28 cm 10530-405101-10028

Service rim plate — 33 cm 10530-405101-10063

Rim plate deep — 23 cm 10530-405101-10123

Plate — 18 cm 10530-405101-10218

Plate — ­ 21 cm 10530-405101-10221

Plate — 27 cm 10530-405101-10227

Service plate — 32 cm 10530-405101-10262

Plate deep — 21 cm 10530-405101-10321

Cereal dish — 15 cm 10530-405101-15455

Bowl — 22 cm 10530-405101-13322

Platter — 34 cm 10530-405101-12734

Creamsoup cup — 0,37 l 10530-405101-10420

Covered vegetable bowl — 3,0 l 10530-405101-11320

Espresso cup — 0,08 l 10530-405101-14715

Tea-/Cappuccino cup — 0,25 l 10530-405101-14675

Coffee cup — 0,20 l 10530-405101-14740

Mug with handle — 0,34 l 10530-405101-15505

Creamer — 0,32 l 10530-405101-14430

Teapot — 1,35 l 10530-405101-14235

Sugar bowl — 0,25 l 10530-405101-14330

Rosenthal Bone China — Glossary — 35

Belles Fleurs

Mug with handle 61040-321310-15505 – Bleues

Mug with handle 61040-321313-15505 – Orange

Mug with handle 61040-321315-15505 – Rouges

Mug with handle 61040-321317-15505 – Vertes

Mug with handle 61040-321311-15505 – Lilas

Mug with handle 61040-321312-15505 – Roses

Mug with handle 61040-321314-15505 – Jaunes

Mug with handle 61040-321316-15505 – Olive

Table light with scented candle 61040-321346-24866 – Lilas / winter

Table light with scented candle 61040-321347-24866 – Roses / spring

Table light with scented candle 61040-321348-24866 – Jaunes / summer

Table light with scented candle 61040-321349-24866 – Olive / autumn

36 — Rosenthal Bone China — Glossary

Curve White | Silver Curve

Breakfast plate — 23 cm 10515-800001-10023

Rim plate — 27 cm 10515-800001-10027

Pasta plate — 29 cm 10515-800001-15321

Service rim plate — 31 cm 10515-800001-10031

Bowl — 24 cm 10515-404551-13324

Rim plate deep — 23 cm 10515-800001-10123

Creamsoup cup — 0,35 l 10515-800001-10420

Rim plate — 16 cm 10515-404551-10016

Breakfast plate — 23 cm 10515-404551-10023

Rim plate — 27 cm 10515-404551-10027

Covered vegetable bowl — 3,0 l 10515-800001-11320

Sauce-boat — 0,55 l 10515-800001-11622

Service rim plate — 31 cm 10515-404551-10031

Teapot — 1,20 l 10515-404551-14230

Espresso cup — 0,10 l 10515-404551-14715

Platter — 35 cm 10515-800001-12735

Cereal dish — 16 cm 10515-800001-15456

Creamer — 0,20 l 10515-404551-14430

Sugar bowl — 0,25 l 10515-404551-14330

Tea-/Cappuccino cup — 0,22 l 10515-404551-14675

Rosenthal Bone China — Glossary — 37

Curve Dandelion

Breakfast plate — 23 cm 10515-404553-10023

Rim plate deep — 23 cm 10515-404553-10123

Pasta plate — 29 cm 10515-404553-15321

Rim plate — 27 cm 10515-404553-10027

Service rim plate — 31 cm 10515-404553-10031

Rim plate — 16 cm 10515-404553-10016

Espresso cup — 0,10 l 10515-404553-14715

Coffee cup — 0,20 l 10515-404553-14740

Creamer — 0,20 l 10515-404553-14430

Tea-/Cappuccino cup — 0,22 l 10515-404553-14675

Sugar/creamer tray — 25 x 15 cm 10515-404553-12865

Sugar bowl — 0,25 l 10515-404553-14330

Platter — 30 cm 10515-404553-12730

Platter — 43 cm 10515-404553-12743

Sauce-boat — 0,55 l 10515-404553-11622

Covered vegetable bowl — 3,0 l 10515-404553-11320

Cereal dish — 16 cm 10515-404553-15456

Bowl — 24 cm 10515-404553-13324

Coffee pot — 1,24 l 10515-404553-14030

38 — Rosenthal Bone China — Glossary

Jade White

Rim plate — 16 cm 61040-800001-10016

Breakfast plate ­— 23 cm 61040-800001-10023

Rim plate — 27 cm 61040-800001-10027

Service rim plate — 31 cm 61040-800001-10031

Plate — ­ 20 cm 61040-800001-10220

Plate — ­ 23 cm 61040-800001-10223

Plate — 28 cm 61040-800001-10229

Service plate — 31 cm 61040-800001-10261

Espresso cup — 0,10 l 61040-800001-14715

Sugar bowl — 0,25 l 61040-800001-14330

Fruit dish — 16 cm 61040-800001-10516

Platter — 48 x 16 cm 61040-800001-12948

Plate — 23 cm 61040-800001-16183

Tea cup — 0,22 l 61040-800001-14640

Creamer — 0,20 l 61040-800001-14430

Bowl — 28 cm 61040-800001-13328

Pasta plate — 29 cm 61040-800001-15321

Plate — 27 cm 61040-800001-16187

Café au lait cup — 0,38 l 61040-800001-14850

Combi cup — 0,28 l 61040-800001-14770

Platter — 30 cm 61040-800001-12730

Platter — 25 x 19 cm 61040-800001-12925

Rosenthal Bone China — Glossary — 39

Jade Rendez vous | Magnolie

Rim plate — 16 cm 61040-330037-10016

Rim plate — 16 cm 61040-414124-10016

Breakfast plate ­— 23 cm 61040-414124-10023

Rim plate — 28 cm 61040-414124-10229

Pasta plate — 29 cm 61040-414124-15321

Plate deep — 19 cm 61040-414124-10319

Dessertschale — 16 cm 61040-414124-10516

Breakfast plate ­— 23 cm 61040-330037-10023

Plate — 28 cm 61040-330037-10229

Espresso cup — 0,10 l 61040-414124-14715

Service rim plate — 31 cm 61040-330037-10031

Service plate — 31 cm 61040-330037-10261

Tea cup — 0,22 l 61040-414124-14640

Mug with handle — 0,40l 61040-414124-15505

Rim plate deep — 23 cm 61040-330037-10123

Espresso cup — 0,10 l 61040-330037-14715

Combi cup — 0,28 l 61040-414124-14770

Creamer — 0,20 l 61040-414124-14430

Sugar bowl — 0,25 l 61040-414124-14330

Rosenthal GmbH | D-95100 Selb | Germany


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