Zwei weitere Farbvarianten sorgen für Frische und übertragen die dynamischen Fashionlooks der aktuellen Saison spielerisch auf den Tisch. Die auf das Jahr 2017 limitierte I Baroque and Roll Kollektion setzt mit Platzteller, Vasen und Schalen sportive Akzente in lebhaftem, blockweise aufgebrachtem Blau, Grün, Violett und Rot. Wer es dezenter liebt, bleibt mit I Baroque Olive and Tapenade Platztellern in zwei erdigen Nuancen Ton-in-Ton. The I Baroque collection also comes in two other different versions: The limited I Baroque and Roll collection, available only in 2017, with its vibrant strokes of blue, green, purple and red color-blocks set on the matt black and white pattern. A contemporary vision that conveys the dynamic and sporty attitude of the latest fashion collections by Versace. The I Baroque Olive and Tapenade collection is distinguished by refined and ton-sur-ton colors all over the service plate and matches perfectly with the original I Baroque dining collection. I Baroque è disponibile anche in due differenti versioni: I Baroque Rock and Roll, in edizione limitata, con vibranti accenti blu, verdi, viola e rossi sul decoro opaco bianco e nero; I Baroque Olive e Tapenade dai raffinati colori tono su tono. Replicati sul piatto portata, entrambe le declinazioni si abbinano alla perfezione alla collezione originale.
Deckelvase 76 cm | Vase with lid 76 cm | Vaso con coperchio 76 cm 14451-403654-26776
Brotteller | Plate | Piatto piano — 18 cm 19325-403654-10218
Cappuccinotasse | Cappuccino cup & saucer | Tazza cappuccino 19315-403654-14765
Frühstücksteller | Plate | Piatto piano — 22 cm 19325-403654-10222
Suppenteller | Plate deep | Piatto fondo — 22 cm 19325-403654-10322
Espresso-/Mokkatasse | Espresso cup & saucer | Tazza caffè 19315-403654-14715
Speiseteller | Plate | Piatto piano — 27 cm 19325-403654-10227
Becher mit Henkel | Mug with handle | Bicchiere con manico 19315-403654-15505
Platzteller | Service plate | Piatto segnaposto — 30 cm 10450-403654-10263
Müslischale | Cereal bowl | Coppa cereali — 14 cm 19325-403654-15454
Schale 22 cm | Dish 22 cm | Coppa 22 cm 14251-403654-25822
Schale 15 cm | Dish 15 cm | Coppa 15 cm 14251-403654-25815
Dessertschale | Fruit dish | coppetta frutta — 11,5 cm 19325-403654-10512
Vase 32 cm | Vase 32 cm | Vaso 32 cm 14235-403654-26032
Wandteller 30 cm | Wall plate 30 cm | Piatto parete 30 cm 19300-403654-20030
Vase 24 cm | Vase 24 cm | Vaso 24 cm 14235-403654-26024
Rosenthal GmbH | Philip-Rosenthal-Platz 1 | D-95100 Selb www.rosenthal.de/versace