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Dr. Michelle McKinney Hammond, bestselling author, wants everyone to live in their purpose. So she decided to make it her life’s work to make sure everyone finds their selfworth.


Life is sometimes surprising, especially if you think you’re going in one direction and life throws you a curve ball. In the case of Marvin Lowe, it wasn’t a curve ball, it was his life’s purpose singing!

As a kid, Marvin sang around the house, but never when others were around. Several of his brothers and sisters sang in the church choir, one brother danced with the Philadelphia Ballet, played the piano, and sang with the Vienna Boys Choir. But no one knew that Marvin could sing.

One day, though, visiting his mother’s church where the choir was rehearsing “God Is,” he sat in the back of the sanctuary listening. Unconsciously, he began singing along, not realizing the choir could hear him. The choir director stopped everything and brought Marvin up to the front of the church. The upshot is that at the following Sunday services, Marvin sang the solo part of the song. That was the first time his church had ever heard him sing.

That didn’t change anything for Marvin, though. He followed his brothers and sisters around to the music groups they were involved with, but he kept quiet. Yet deep inside Marvin, music was making an impression he just didn’t know to what extent.

When he left home to attend Florida A&M University, Marvin’s intent was to become an architect. Arriving on campus for his freshman year, he just “happened” to walk into the music building. A student practicing in a rehearsal room asked Marvin if he was a music major. Marvin replied, “No, no. I’m an architecture student … I’m on my way to that building now.”

But the student begged Marvin to help him with some music he had just composed. Marvin finally relented and sang the piece.

The student was shocked. “You’re not a music major?!” Despite that, the student invited Marvin to join the freshman talent show. And who won the competition? Marvin!

Along with the trophy Marvin received a full music scholarship. And that was the turning point for him. Singing became Marvin’s entire focus.

The next significant moment occurred when the university’s vice president sent Marvin to NYC to audition for Opera Ebony. They loved Marvin and introduced him to a company that was going to perform in Berlin. He was hired as a principal artist and that’s the way it’s been ever since.

Marvin, a bass-baritone, has toured the world performing in operas and theater productions, appeared at the Kennedy Center and Lincoln Center, and has appeared on television and in film.

Marvin is currently appearing as Pastor Alltalk in an updated production of Scott Joplin’s Treemonisha, in Toronto, Canada. The original production was ahead of its time as it introduced a young Black woman as its protagonist who is eventually chosen to lead her community. Its themes are still pertinent today.

One of Marvin’s most important roles besides performing is directing productions of his multifaceted show A Soulful Music Celebration, a journey through the history of Black music in the US with its roots in Africa. The program “seeks to inspire contemporary listeners to use their own voices to create change and help unite all people in these trying times.”

Marvin has come full circle in his career from learning about himself, about his tremendous gift, and the world of music and the many productions he’s been a part of. Now he’s able to share through his artistry and the artistry of his fellow performers the heart and soul of life music!

There is a global powershift happening that most Americans are not ready for. If the dollar falls around the world if could impact the way Americans live, shop, and ultimately survive.


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