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CODE M was born to showcase and highlight Black people who are making a difference for their businesses, community, and we same thing.


Earlier this year, I was honored to receive the Joseph R. Biden Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award. And on top of that amazing honor, the committee asked me to speak to celebrate all the honorees. Here are a few points I shared in my speech that I believe can be a blessing to you as well! There will be times in life when things might look dim, but you must make a point to stay positive by filling yourself with inspirational and motivational information. It will keep you uplifted so you are able to move forward to experience all the amazing things that are possible for your life.

When I was at one of the lowest points in my business, an older gentlemen took the time to share some words of hope and possibility with me. He encouraged me to stay positive and have faith. He helped me to believe that my best was yet to come. And he was right. I truly believe that his words that day changed the trajectory of my future and helped me to think better so I could do better and create a better future!

In the speech, I shared three points that I believe can also be a blessing to you! Everyone needs to make a commitment to Lead, Feed and Seed.

First you must lead! No matter who you are or where you are, you have leadership potential within you. Know that leadership is not a position, it is an action. Most leaders are not born, they are developed. So today, make the decision to do better. Make a commitment to do what you do every day with a spirit of excellence.

Next, you must feed, which is to make a commitment to mentor others. Great leaders understand that they have a responsibility to pour their knowledge into others.

And finally, you must seed, which is to make a commitment to drop seeds of encouragement in others as you pass along the way. That seed might not pop up today or tomorrow but if you plant it, then in time it will grow.

Just as that older gentleman planted a seed in me, when I was at a low point, it germinated and grew. Today, I want you to know that your best is yet to come.

Now let that seed grow in you! ●

This is Dr. Willie Jolley. Go to www.winwithwillie.com to watch the video from the ceremony and hear the story for yourself. God Bless You! Make it a great day!

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