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Is the planet better with artificial intelligence? We did some digging and the answers might surprise you!


People are quickly learning that the one thing they can count on since the pandemic is that nothing is the same and nothing is safe. Gone is the expectation that your life is predictable. The college degree, the salary, the home, the food, and the life we all could count on is over.

When gas prices increased there was a realization that Americans might be able to deal with this one thing. Then housing and rents increased. Then the price of food went up. Now people must deal with the threat that the job they spent $70k getting might be gone due to Artificial Intelligence (A.I).

At first it was acceptable. The auto attendant, self-checkout, the ATM machine, and EZ pass for the turnpike. It seemed harmless because it made life easier. Maybe even better in some ways. But today A.I. is starting to disrupt lives and careers.

The recent launch of ChatGPT has literally changed the game for anyone who holds a position that interacts with anything digital. ChatGPT is a sibling model to InstructGPT, which is trained to follow an instruction in a prompt and provide a detailed response. ChatGPT can compose essays, describe art in detail, create AI art prompts, have philosophical conversations, and even code

A.I. has the potential to bring about numerous positive changes in society, including enhanced productivity, improved healthcare, and increased access to education. AIpowered technologies can also help solve complex problems and make our daily lives easier and more convenient.

A.I. already provides a range of benefits, including increased efficiency, reduced costs, improved accuracy, enhanced decision-making, and new opportunities for innovation and job creation. People have already seen this across many enterprise verticals.

Since the introduction of A.I. there have been several instances where people cannot tell the difference between what is fake and what is real. Music, art, movies, and video have all been impacted using A.I.

For the working class, A.I. is starting to take away everyday jobs. Waiters in restaurants, forklift drivers, meal delivery and a host of other positions are being eliminated due to A.I. The question remains, is your job safe from the advancement of technology?

What used to be convenient has now turned into a possible threat to millions of people who thought their degree made them safe, their knowledge of their job made them protected, and their length of employment made them comfortable. Now music producers, marketing professionals and content creators must deal with the reality and a computer can create the same result, using less effort, less money, all with no need for a break.

It used to be the call center in India that was the problem, and it still is. Now it’s technology that is the threat. The same technology that everyone has come to enjoy and even depend on.

In a recent study, people showed the most support for a 75% human to 25% AI decision-making collaboration, or a 50%-50% split. People still prefer to talk to people. When using A.I. to navigate a phone conversation people still expect and need to speak with other humans to get their point across.


Now that artificial intelligence is here many people wonder what will happen if it is used for evil. There is a myriad of risks to do with AI that people deal with in their lives today. Not every AI risk is as big and worrisome as killer robots or sentient AI. Some of the biggest risks today include things like consumer privacy, biased programming, danger to humans, and unclear legal regulation.

ChatGPT is an incredible invention. It can be used in all sorts of applications, including bad ones. Recently there was a song created using ChatGPT using the likeness of Drake went crazy online.

“Heart on My Sleeve,” a song created by TikTok creator ghostwriter, combining the AI-generated voices of Drake and the Weeknd, managed to go viral, accumulating millions of plays across Spotify, TikTok, and YouTube before being taken down; the song wasn't a joke, and its success shone a spotlight on the blurry legality issues that arise when something fake creates revenue and the original artist doesn’t benefit from it.

Despite the originality of the artwork, the U.S. Copyright Office has taken the position that AI generated images themselves are not entitled to copyright protection, as they are not the product of human authorship and therefore do not meet the definition of original. The same goes for music created using AI.

An AI art piece cannot be copyrighted by typical copyrighting standard practices. One AI art generator, Deep AI, states on its terms of service page that all content created using its AI tools is free of copyright, including for all legal uses, such as personal and commercial gain. This blurry line will only create more questions as the use of AI expands into all areas of marketing, content creation and publication.

Currently AI-generated images are free for commercial use. AI art does not have automatic copyright protection, and ownership cannot be claimed.

The Future With Ai

The impact of AI on society is a complex and multi-faceted topic. Like any powerful technology, AI has the potential to bring both positive and negative consequences. It's important to consider various aspects when evaluating its effects:

AI has the potential to revolutionize numerous fields and improve society in several ways. It can enhance productivity, automate repetitive tasks, assist in scientific research, drive innovation, and improve healthcare outcomes. AI-powered systems can provide valuable insights, make accurate predic- tions, and help in decision-making processes.

Economic Impact: AI has the potential to create new job opportunities and boost economic growth. It can lead to the development of new industries and contribute to increased efficiency and competitiveness in existing sectors. However, there are concerns about the displacement of certain jobs, particularly those that are routine or repetitive in nature, which may require society to adapt and reskill workers accordingly.

Ethical Considerations: AI raises important ethical questions that need to be addressed. Issues such as data privacy, algorithmic bias, and transparency are critical to ensure that AI is used responsibly and does not perpetuate discrimination or harm individuals. Establishing ethical frameworks and regulations for AI deployment is crucial to mitigate potential negative impacts.

Social Implications: AI can have far-reaching social consequences. It may alter the dynamics of the labor market, impact social interactions, and raise concerns about autonomy and accountability. The deployment of AI systems must consider potential consequences and prioritize human well-being, fairness, and social cohesion.

Security and Privacy: The increasing reliance on AI systems also presents security and privacy challenges. AI technologies can be vulnerable to hacking, and the misuse of personal data collected by AI systems can lead to privacy breaches. Ensuring robust security measures and protecting individuals' privacy are essential aspects of AI development and deployment.

There is no doubt that the future of AI is here to stay. For those that work in industries that use AI or ChatGPT there are many ways to work with the technology to make money. Here are some of the top ways to earn an income using ChatGPT:

Find Unclaimed Money.

Build an App, Website, or Service.

Get Business Ideas from ChatGPT.

Create an AI Chatbot.

Email Affiliate Marketing.

Turn into a Prompt Expert.

Create Videos with ChatGPT.

Write e-Books and Self-publish.

Another way to use AI to generate passive income is by creating AI-powered products. For example, you could create a chatbot or virtual assistant and sell it to businesses. Once the product is developed, you can generate passive income by selling it without having to put in any additional effort. You can also.

• Freelance Copywriting. This is perhaps the most obvious way of making money online with generative AI, but it's also hugely lucrative. ...

• Freelance Coding. ChatGPT, and other AI LLMs, can also be used for coding! ...

• Web Design. ...

• Kindle Direct Publishing. ...

• Video Creation.

In summary, AI has the potential to bring significant benefits to society, but it also poses challenges that need to be addressed. It requires careful consideration, responsible development, and the establishment of regulatory frameworks to maximize its positive impact while mitigating potential risks. Take your time, protect your income, and make sure you do your research before making any decisions about how to use ChatGPT or AI. Happy hunting. ●

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