3 minute read


Americans are being divided on everything from race, class, sex, and sexuality to political affiliation. And while everyone is busy arguing with each other, the country is slowly slipping away into a bottomless pit of low expectations.


The sick feeling that you can’t seem to get rid of might be a real thing. Lately, there is no amount of sleep, rest, purchases, sex, conquering, or a sense of completion to get rid of it. The United States of America is quickly becoming a wasteland for mediocre expectations.

Division seems to have become the norm in America. You can find it everywhere you look. It’s the Blacks vs. Whites, gays vs. straights, natural-born citizens vs. immigrants, rich vs. poor, Democrats vs. Republicans, pro-lifers vs. prochoice, men vs. women, gas engines vs. electric cars, and finally meat eaters vs. vegans.

The divide is real, and it is getting worse. The algorithm of social media is making things worse by presenting data to end users to feed their paranoia. So, if you have a position on a topic, the internet is going to feed you more of that position to solidify your thoughts toward those you oppose.

These dividers also reduce the chance to hear a different perspective and they eliminate the opportunity for fair resolutions. The US government has not made a meaningful law designed to advance society in over fourteen years.

The Affordable Care Act is a piece of legislation that impacted the entire country no matter if you were a Democrat or Republican. It was meant to make everyone’s life better.

Today’s political climate is producing year after year of infighting and abstinence from elected officials who are under- qualified in character to lead.

“People are becoming numb to the mass shootings, overpaying for everything, and the fact that nothing is getting done to save the environment, and keep our families safe and protected,” Denise said.

Over the last ten years, America has experienced no less than one mass shooting per week. Since the pandemic, the price of everything has jumped 13 percent, and out West, water resources are being purchased by private companies leaving ordinary citizens without running water.

The divide is there to create a meaningful distraction for people, so they aren’t aware of what is really going on.

Experts predict that in the next ten years, no one will be able to buy an affordable house. Private equity firms are buying homes at inflated prices, to then corral people into paying higher rents so the firms can make more money.

In 2021 rents almost doubled in some cities around the country with little to no help from the government to create legislation against it. For the cities where the rent didn’t double, it rose at least 10 percent to a point where people are struggling to find a place to live.

A recent study found more and more Americans who make over $110k a year are living paycheck to paycheck. The gold standard used to be that if you made at least $110k a year, you could grab s piece of the American pie. Today, that piece has been reduced to a bite.

Americans have been trained to become intolerant of each others differences, which leads to elitism.

“After I get done overpaying for everything, I barely have enough to do anything,” Kayla said. “And the money that I make from my side hustle is now paying some of my bills. In the past, I used that money as my fun money not anymore!”

The divide on so many things also seems to have made Americans numb to the greed that is infecting every part of society. Scams are rampant, stealing is rampant, and nothing is being done about it. If you pay attention to crime, no one is protected from the endless ways that people are being robbed today.

Bringing Everyone Back Together

In past societies, the differences between people were what made them great. Everyone heard each other’s stance on a topic and the best theories became laws, and the best solutions benefited everyone. Respect for each other remained at a high level because the conversation was civil. The country needs to go back to having these types of conversations.

The solutions to reducing the divide in America are overwhelming to consider. But it starts with every person working to be more considerate of others, whether they agree or disagree with their position. Tolerance is the key to advancing everyone’s agenda. Americans have always prospered when they stood together for change or results. Not everyone is going to get everything they want, but dealing with being in an intellectually honest way is what is needed if the country is going to be saved.

Resetting Expectation

There is something that can be done to get rid of the sick feeling everyone feels. Americans need to go back to appreciating differences. It does not have to be all or nothing. Rock' n' Roll can co-exist with hip hop. Everyone wants the same thing. Safe streets with low crime, good education for their kids, and a nice place to call home. One job that can support their lifestyle.

The difference between everyone is what makes America so special. Tolerance and acceptance are used to make the country stronger. Somehow that mentality has been flipped on its head.

One way or another a change is coming. The current state of the country will continue to implode if something is not done soon. ●

Most people want the same things; a great life, with peace and equality.

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