Top CSS Interview Questions Answers

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CSS Interview Questions

About Us About Coding Tag Coding Tag is the E-learning website covering all tutorials of technical and nontechnical tutorials including advanced programming , web Development,current affairs and Technical interviews.... In Coding tag , It’s the outstanding reference platform for Interview questions as well on :CSS HTML PHP SQL C C++ OOPS Ajax JS In this presentation you will learn about latest frequentlyPython asked Interview etc... questions related to HTML and HTML5 . More info related to CSS Interview questions


What is Universal Selector? The universal selector works by matching the names of any of the element type instead of selecting any particular elements of a specific type.

<style> *{ color: green; font-size: 20px; } </style>

What is the RGB stream? RGB stream is a system used for representing a colour in CSS. There are three streams in this nomenclature of representing a colour, namely: ✔ Red stream ✔ Green stream ✔ Blue stream The intensity of the three colours is represented in numbers ranging from 0 to 256. This allows CSS to have a wide range of colours spreading across the

What are CSS Sprites? CSS sprites combine multiple images into one single larger image. It is a commonly-used technique for icons. This is how you cou implement it: 1. Use a sprite generator that packs multiple images into one. 2. Each image would have a corresponding CSS class with some properties defined like Background. 3. To use that image, add the corresponding class to your element.

Explain nesting and grouping in css Nesting Selector Grouping selector

Specifying a selector within a selector is called nesting. p


Selectors can be grouped having the same values of property and the code be reduced. h1 {

color: red;

color: blue;



.marked p{ color: green; }

h2 { color: blue; }

What is a CSS preprocessor? A CSS Preprocessor is a program that generates CSS and its unique syntax. Features added by the most preprocessors : ➢ Mixin ➢ Nesting selector ➢ Inheritance selector...

Than ks!

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