Pascal Interview Questions 2020 -Coding Tag

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PASCAL Interview Questions

BY : Coding Tag

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In this presentation you will learn about latest frequently asked Interview questions related to Pascal. More info related to Pascal Interview questions and answers from coding tag

What are the difference between Modern and Standard Pascal ? Modern Pascal ● ● ● ●

Uses more security while programming or coding Provides backward compatibility by the use of functions and procedures. Provides definitive type of compatibility It allows the removal of the limited length of the symbol

Standard Pascal ● ● ● ●

Using less security while programming or coding. Doesn’t provide backward compatibility . Pascal does not remove the symbol length limit Enables objects to be incrementally modified and extended based on previously defined objects.

What is the lifetime of IP Pascal ? Unlike many commercial products,IP Pasal is not likely made according to the hit software mentality Like, If I am its first customer because of this i wont be able to create a phone support for any product IP Pascal will be supported by email, website, and use net forum without charging or restricting any existing services of the customer. Emails will be answered within 48 hours. Because of this support model does not require any large or huge number of staff [and firing them as not needing them for a period of time when demand decreases], there is no plans to limit or charge for support.

How Do I Make Exe File With Turbo Pascal ? In Turbo Pascal , in the compiler menu , ● Select COMPILE TO MEMORY. Open the menu again, ● Select COMPILE TO DISK. ● Select COMPILE. And it will create the file XXX.EXE, where XXX is the name of your .PAS file .

How is a string declared in pascal ? String in Pascal is a sequence of characters with a size defined .those characters involved numeric , letters, blanks,special characters or a combination of all . String objects depending upon the system and implementation. var greetings: string; organisation: string[10]; message: pchar; begin greetings := 'Hello '; message := 'Good Day!'; writeln('Enter the name of an Organisation'); readln(organisation);

What is a NIL Pointers in Pascal ? It's a well good to assign a NIL value to a pointer variable if programmer is not knowing exact address to be assigned. NIL Pointer is done at a time of variable declarations Aponter that is assigned NIL points to nowhere. program exPointers; var number: integer; aptr: ^integer; y: ^word; begin aptr := nil; y := addr(aptr); writeln('the value of aptr is ', y^); end.

Name some of the memory management functions in Pascal . Name 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Addr Assigned CompareByte CompareChar CompareDWord CompareWord CSeg Dispose DSeg FillByte FillChar FillDWord

Descriptions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Return address of variable Check if a pointer is valid Compare 2 memory buffers byte per byte Compare 2 memory buffers byte per byte Compare 2 memory buffers byte per byte Compare 2 memory buffers byte per byte Return code segment Free dynamically allocated memory Return data segment Fill memory region with 8-bit pattern Fill memory region with certain character Fill memory region with 32-bit pattern

THAN KS! Do you have any questions?

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