NLP Interview Questions pdf download || Coding Tag

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NLP Interview Question By: Coding Tag

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In this presentation you will learn about latest frequently asked Interview questions related to NLP. NLP AGILE HTML CSS PHP SQL C C++ More info related to advanced NLP Interview questions and answers

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What is perplexity? Perplexity is defined as a inability to deal with or to understand something complicated .It is the inverse probability of the test set normalized by the number of words.

What is dependency parsing in NLP? Dependency parsing or Syntactic parsing is the atask to recognise a sentence and assigning a syntactic structure in it. The widely used syntactic structure in NLP is the parse tree which is generated using some parsing algorithms those parse trees are useful in various day to day applications like checking grammar in any sentence, it plays a critical role in the semantic analysis stage.

What is a word Embedding in NLP ? Word Embedding is the process of Natural Language Processing which is based on language modeling and feature learning. Through the word embossing technique, the mapping of the vectors for words in the given document is done in context to the real numbers.

Define Batch Norm and its limits ? Batch Normalization is a limit covariate shift by normalizing the activations of each layer (transforming the inputs to be mean 0 and unit variance) In each training iteration, for each layer, we first compute its activations as usual. Then, we normalize the activations of each node by subtracting its mean and dividing by its standard deviation estimating both quantities based on the statistics of the current the current minibatch.

Mention some Applications of NLP? Some of the applications of Natural Language Processing are: ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Name Entity Recognition Text Summarization and Classification Language Model Building Speech Recognition Spell Checking Machine Translation Character Recognition

What is the regular expression Regular language is that , can be expressed with a regular expression or a non-deterministic finite automata. Regular expressions are used to show regular languages.They can represent language and operations on them 1. set of vowels 2. a followed by 0 or more b 3. any no. of vowels followed by any no. of consonants


(a∪e∪i∪o∪u) (a.b *) v*.c* ( where v – vowels and c – consonants)

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