From the Desk of the Editor-in-Chief
Colour Masquerade A Winter Lip Story
Staying “Lean� Over The Holidays
True “Tea� with
Just Brittany
One of 0OF PG the UIF most NPTU rewarding SFXBSEJOH things UIJOHT about BCPVU editing FEJUJOH B magazine a NBHB[JOF is JT that UIBU you ZPV learn MFBSO about BCPVU so TP many NBOZ EJGGFSFOU types different UZQFT of PG people; QFPQMF their UIFJS stories, TUPSJFT UIFJS journeys, their KPVSOFZT their UIFJS struggles TUSVHHMFT and BOE their UIFJS USJVNQIT triumphs. 5ISPVHI COEUS Through $0&64 Magazine, .BHB[JOF we XF have IBWF connected DPOOFDUFE PVS readers our SFBEFST with XJUI engaging FOHBHJOH content DPOUFOU on PO so TP NBOZ different many EJGGFSFOU topics UPQJDT unlike VOMJLF any BOZ other PUIFS NBHB[JOF Let’s magazine. -FU T take UBLF for GPS example FYBNQMF the UIF piece QJFDF i" Positive “A 1PTJUJWF Me: .F Living -JWJOH with XJUI HIV.� )*7 w Our 0VS desire EFTJSF at BU COEUS $0&64 is JT to UP always BMXBZT bring CSJOH positivity QPTJUJWJUZ through UISPVHI our PVS actions, BDUJPOT our PVS stories TUPSJFT and BOE our PVS interactions. JOUFSBDUJPOT " story A TUPSZ like MJLF “A i" Positive 1PTJUJWF Me� .Fw seeks TFFLT to UP present QSFTFOU B HIV a )*7 positive QPTJUJWF person QFSTPO living MJWJOH a B full GVMM life MJGF QBSUJDJQBUJOH in participating JO their UIFJS hobbies IPCCJFT and BOE interests, JOUFSFTUT HPJOH to going UP work, XPSL running SVOOJOH a B business, CVTJOFTT and BOE BDDPNQMJTIJOH more accomplishing NPSF than UIBO most NPTU people QFPQMF that UIBU BSF not are OPU HIV )*7 positive. QPTJUJWF The 5IF story TUPSZ originally PSJHJOBMMZ TUBSUFE off started PGG as BT an BO educational FEVDBUJPOBM piece QJFDF and BOE EFWFMPQFE into developed JOUP an BO inspirational JOTQJSBUJPOBM mini NJOJ biography. CJPHSBQIZ *U It became CFDBNF clear DMFBS that UIBU our PVS feature GFBUVSF on PO 1BSJT Warren Paris 8BSSFO would XPVME touch UPVDI people, QFPQMF inspire, JOTQJSF NPUJWBUF prevent, motivate, QSFWFOU and BOE educate FEVDBUF so TP many NBOZ of PG our PVS readers. SFBEFST Holiday )PMJEBZ issues JTTVFT are BSF so TP passe’. QBTTF Everyone &WFSZPOF TIPXDBTFT the showcases UIF newest OFXFTU products QSPEVDUT available BWBJMBCMF through UISPVHI SFUBJM retail, which XIJDI is JT why XIZ we XF chose DIPTF to UP focus GPDVT on PO the UIF gift HJGU of PG giving HJWJOH this UIJT holiday IPMJEBZ season. TFBTPO Every &WFSZ JTTVF of issue PG COEUS $0&64 features GFBUVSFT charities, DIBSJUJFT nonprofit OPOQSPGJU PSHBOJ[BUJPOT and organizations, BOE ways XBZT to UP get HFU involved JOWPMWFE and BOE give HJWF back CBDL to UP the UIF community. DPNNVOJUZ Our 0VS team UFBN had IBE the UIF pleasure QMFBTVSF of PG covering DPWFSJOH the UIF “Breast i#SFBTU Cancer $BODFS 4VSWJWPS Event� Survivor &WFOUw in JO October. 0DUPCFS This 5IJT event FWFOU is JT the UIF produced QSPEVDFE entirely FOUJSFMZ by CZ volunteers WPMVOUFFST with XJUI DPOUSJCVUJPOT and contributions BOE donations EPOBUJPOT from GSPN altruistic BMUSVJTUJD TQPOTPST and sponsors BOE their UIFJS companies. DPNQBOJFT The 5IF grateful HSBUFGVM TNJMFT on smiles PO the UIF faces GBDFT of PG the UIF participants QBSUJDJQBOUT DPOGJSN the confirm UIF team’s UFBN T motivations NPUJWBUJPOT and BOE ambitions BNCJUJPOT BOE led and MFE to UP annual BOOVBM “Survivor� i4VSWJWPSw events. FWFOUT "T we As XF pieced QJFDFE together UPHFUIFS this UIJT magazine, NBHB[JOF I * JODMVEFE strong included TUSPOH fashion GBTIJPO concepts DPODFQUT that UIBU DPMMBCPSBUFE our collaborated PVS underlying VOEFSMZJOH theme UIFNF of PG acts BDUT of PG selflessness. TFMGMFTTOFTT We 8F reached SFBDIFE out PVU to UP more NPSF of PG our PVS readers SFBEFST for GPS our PVS features GFBUVSFT and BOE showcased TIPXDBTFE the UIF amazing BNB[JOH spectrum TQFDUSVN of PG people QFPQMF that UIBU make NBLF up VQ Houston. )PVTUPO I * learned MFBSOFE more NPSF about BCPVU tattoo UBUUPP artists BSUJTUT and BOE men’s NFO T skin TLJO care DBSF regimes SFHJNFT from GSPN local MPDBM experts FYQFSUT in JO hopes IPQFT of PG bringing CSJOHJOH you, ZPV the UIF reader, SFBEFS exclusive FYDMVTJWF content. DPOUFOU
5370 Westheimer Rd Houston, TX 77056 713-622-2900
Tiffany Kowalski P H O T O G R A P H Y
Editor in Chief Regina Moretto Creative Director Marisha Garris Director of Operations Patterson Nguyen Marketing and Advertising Graphic Design Josh James Alvarez Charlie Quinsaat Fashion Department Travis Young Music Department Christian Birdwell Men’s Interest Department Hunter Cherry Contributing Writers Judy Williams Staff Photographers Tiffany Kowalski Charles Richard Ashley Webb Contributing Photographers Austin Goswick David Nguyen Scott McCombs of Nayshun1 Fashion Photography Koby Brown
A Rising Star
Alexandra -
How did you get involved in Acting?
How long have you been an actor? From where did you get started?
How many plays have you done so far?
Are you working on any current projects?
What kind of roles have you performed throughout your
How different is it to act in a movie and to act in a theater play?
Tell me about an area in which you would like to improve as an actor?
Do you ever think that you could have done a bit better in any particular role?
Which has been your favorite character that you have performed? -
What are your strong points as an actor?
What have you learned from the directors that you have worked with throughout your career? -
What have you learned from your senior actors?
From where have you learned acting? Do you think that you have matured as an actor?
Do you think that you have the potential to carry a
What has been your biggest achievement in the
Mention about any special recognition or award that you have received for your acting skills?
What do you prefer theater acting or movie acting?
What kind of roles do you prefer?
What is the hardest part of being a celebrity?
Give me a few tips to be a successful actor?
Who is your favorite actor?
How does one go about getting into the acting business?
your genre of acting?
than on screen acting?
Thank you so much for your time.
Melissa Rose Moya (Melrose) Age: 22 Conroe, Tx “I’ve been tattooing for about a 2yrs now. I’ve always loved the art of tattoos. The way you’re able to transfer the actual art onto somebody’s skin is what really grabbed my attention. The realistic view of the tattoos caught my eye as well. I told myself one day I’ll be doing that too,” Melrose mused. Her apprenticeship lasted a year and a half. She recalls, “That was totally the hardest year and a half for me!” But the reward was well worth it in the end and Melrose really enjoys being a tattoo artist. Melrose’s determination drives her passion. She continues to study her craft to insure she masters the different techniques required in tattooing. She considers the black and gray style of tattooing her signature style. Melrose is also focusing on realism, she says, “Every tattoo I do, I portray into making it look as real as I can because that’s what I fell in love with.” She doesn’t shy away from color tattoos but admits she still has some more learning to cover in that area.
What types of clients do you normally? I see a mixture of clientele…I see the tattoo virgins when tattoo. My clients that already know me know that I work my hardest to make sure their happy with their design. Their ideas play a big part in the making (drawing) of their design. By them giving me freewill and creativity tattoo we are able to come up with an impressive piece. How do you learn a new technique? I do my studying so I can learn the techniques by watching other artists that I look up to. I learn a lot by watching. I’m determined to never fail. Have you ever attended any tattoo expos in Houston? I’ve been to many tattoo expos here in Houston but was learn new techniques. My good friend Valentin Colunga has always been good at giving advice and little tips here and there. I’ve modeled the work he inked on me at the shows(my back piece, hand piece, and in the making my left sleeve.) We’ve taken a few awards home too. I’m very proud of him. He also introduced me to Joe Chavez (Zombie Joe) and Veto an amazing artist from California at the ink masters show. Hopefully soon I’ll be attending a show to do tattoo work of my own. Who are your tattoo role models? Role models to me...mine just happen to be from Houston. Yes there’s tons of talented artist all over the world, but have all given me great advice and I’m thankful for that. Being a female; it’s really hard for me to get accepted in this industry ‘cause its always been a guy world. These guys have just showed me to keep practicing and stay focused, and you’ll reach the top. Danny Gonzales (Danny Blu) known for his “sickkkk” lettering and freestyle; I look up to him for lettering and freestyle. I practice my lettering everyday no lie. Danny was also with me while I was doing my apprenticeship. Valentin Colunga is known for his realism on portraits...dude is so sick and I’m very thankful to have met him. (He’s) Always giving tips and letting me know how it is. I couldn’t ask for anything else but to stay real. Javier Alvarez is also known for his realism and freestyle; dude is so cold on paper and skin. motivates me to keep practicing to improve my own work. Abel Sanchez is known for his amazing color work. I totally love his work.
He has always given me great advice forward and just letting me know how it is…staying real is the only way to go in this industry. Like I said these guys are amazingly talented. I’m just lucky to have met them. Tell me about your tattoos, do any of them have special meaning? Yes, most of my tattoos all have meanings in some way or form if not only the memory of when I got the tattoo. My left arm is all about the important people or things in my life (my son’s portrait on my hand, my mom’s portrait on my arm), my back piece represents myself; a fallen angel. I have a couple of tattoos I wish I would’ve waited on but hey, I think everyone has some of those. Did you do any of your own tattoos? Yes I did. I did one on my thighs. But I always practiced on myself before I actually tattooed anyone. What do you think is the best tattoo you’ve done to date? I think the best tattoo I’ve ever did was the Virgin Mary full color piece I did on the left arm took about 7 hrs to complete was challenge. What would you say was the worst tattoo you’ve ever done? Worst tattoo drawing would have to have been when I attempted to draw a tribal style at all, gave it a shot and didn’t work focus on strictly on tribal tattoos. How long does it take to tattoo a subject? It normally depends on the size of the tattoo. Big pieces take me around 5-7 hrs some small ones 1-2 hrs.
Name: Cody Gibbs Age: 21 Hometown: Houston, Tx Name of Tattoo Shop: Big City Tattoos
How many years have you been a tattoo artist? I’ve been tattooing for 4 years, but been in the industry for 2 ½ years. What inspired you to become a tattoo artist? Ever since I was little I’ve always loved art and loved drawing, and when I was about 13 years old I was introduced to tattoos when my dad came home with one. Ever since that day I knew what I wanted to do when I was older. How long do you have to study to become a tattoo art-
Describe your tattoo style? and neo-traditional color bomb tattoos. Where is your tattoo shop located? I work at Big City Tattoos off of 45 south and Edgebrook next to Cavender’s Boot City, in South East Houston. What types of clients do you normally see (tattoo virgins, many tats)? covered in them. Describe how you go about creating a realistic tattoo put your own unique touch on your tattoos? The customer gives me their idea and I put my own twist on it and try to make it one of a kind. What do you think a client should expect from you as a tattoo artist and what do you on the other hand expect from a client to make a successful tattoo and a good collaboration? To trust me in what I can do for the client to deliver the best quality. Also when the customer sits still and doesn’t move it makes it a lot easier to tattoo. Have you ever attended a tattoo conference and if so when? What did you do there? Did you learn any new techniques or meet celebrity tattoo artists? Yes, I’ve been to several tattoo conventions through out Texas. I also learned a lot by watching different artist at work.
why? I would say my tattoo artist role models would have to Rene Garcia, Valentin Colunga, Abel Sanchez, Javier Alvarez, Krime, Robert Sandoval, Cory Salls, and many more. I would have to say these are my role models because I learn something from each one of them. Especially Rene Garcia he taught me to become a better individual as an artist. If it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t be the artist I am today. Tell me about your tattoos, do any of them have special meanings behind them? I have a lot of tattoos, but the one that means the most to me is the portrait of my grandma that passed away that George Donez did about a year and half ago. Do you do your own tattoos? Yes I did a couple of my tattoos that I did when I What’s the best tattoo you feel you’ve ever done? The best tattoo I feel that I’ve done would have to be a realistic black and grey owl on the forearm. What do you think was the worst tattoo you’ve ever drawn? The worst tattoo that I’ve ever drawn and tattooed would have to be a tribal on my cousin that I did How long does it generally take to do a tattoo ( based on different sizes)? It takes any where from 10 min to multiple hours; depending on size and detail. What advice would you give to someone interested in pursuing the path of tattoo artistry? If it doesn’t come natural just don’t pursue it for the wrong reason trying to be rock stars and ruining people’s skin. It is not a hobby but more of a lifestyle. We live and sleep tattoos.
Silver Mask : Mac Lipstick in Shy Girl
COLOUR Masquerade
Gloves : Mac Lipstick in St. Germaine
Black Mask : Mac Lipstick in Rebel with liner in Night Moth
By: Austin Goswick; Photographer, Jenni Reed; Hair and Makeup, Ava Galindo; Model
Waist: 34 Bust: 36 D Hips: 38 Shoes: 11 Height: 5'8.5� Age:18 In the process of signing with Neal Hamil. I coach gymnastics, I love debate and public speaking. I love to go to the gym and work out. I love working with little kids! I enjoy theater and working with the English as a Second Language students at San Jacinto College. I’ve been modeling since the beginning of March! Photgrapher: Stephanie Quates Photography MUAH: Abigail Samford (model)
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Breast Cancer
Everyday people are working to make a positive impact on the lives of others. Houstonians share a love of service, community, and fellowship.
What inspired you to start this program?
Survivor OVER
Who reviews the stories?
What is the purpose of this putting this together?
Who are the sponsors?
How are the sponsors selected?
yearly? What do they donate? How many ladies this year?
What was donated this year and by whom?
How many women have been helped in total?
Who has sponsored in the past?
What is the application process? Who are the volunteers? How are they selected?
What services do they provide?
What was the most heart breaking story youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve read?
vivors and the community?
What do you feel is the most heartwarming experience youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve had?
What are your goals for the next event?
When is the next event?
Do you have women signed up already?
Please explain the process of selecting the women...essay, nominations, etc?
Where will it be held?
Links: Website Do you have volunteers already? YouTube - Twitter Like us on Facebook!
The Unfortunate Tale of Bianca Neve A Tragic Story of Love, Lust, Betrayal, and Fashion
Photography: Ashley Webb Styling/Concept: Regina Moretto Models: Kiara Shanae, Brandon Yee, Kerry White Hair and Makeup: Mya James Designs by Danny Nguyen Couture
“Once Upon a Time.. ”
A Love Unrequited
Despair & desperation leads to drastic measures
True Love conquers even the strongest of spells
5lb Density AirCool Removable Washable Terry Cotton Cover Solid 3" Memory Foam with air holes 7" Reflexa Foam Base 10 Year Limited Warranty
10631 Harwin Dr #606 Houston TX 77035
Photographer: David Nguyen Hair and Wardrobe Styling: Regina Moretto Makeup: Faith Haller Wardrobe Provided by: Danny Nguyen Couture Model: Brittany Yee
King Dickâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
Bitches By: Nikiage Washington
Life is a party for Jeff Taplin! He has two exclusive clothing lines, all access passes to the hottest clubs, constantly surrounded by beautiful models, and a party surely isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t a party until Jeff steps in. The Sophisticated Bitch designer talks about how he got into the fashion business, his clothing lines, and who he truly is.
with the GAP store as a visual stylist. The Gap offered him an opportunity to relocate within the company to Houston, Texas. Always known for having a creative eye for fashion and business, this designer is someone to watch. Sitting down at a local Starbucks, Jeff’s bright smile beaming brightly, I realize he is truly one of the rare people that actually live their dream on a daily basis. Wearing his exclusive men’s line; King Dick, on his 6’0 slim frame, he shows his love and passion for his brands while recanting how he actually got into fashion. “I was actually at the Essence Festival one year with a girlfriend! We kept seeing jean skirts everywhere but they were so expensive! She dared me to make her a jean skirt and she would fry me some chicken Let’s just say she got her skirt, the chicken not so much,” he laughs. “I thought well, she’ll need a shirt to go with the skirt, so I made her a shirt .the clothes started to advertise for themselves! I had people ask me to make them clothes and I’ve been doing it ever since.” It’s crazy how making a skirt for a girlfriend can help birth the creations of Sophisticated Bitch and King Dick! Since ago, Jeff has started a trend of his own through his designs and the way he does business. “Knowing your market and catering to it,” is truly Jeff’s slogan for his business and it hasn’t steered him wrong yet. Jeff is creatively involved with all aspects of both clothing lines which are sold exclusively in Los Angeles and San Francisco boutiques. I asked Jeff why his line is not sold in Houston. Jeff explains, “Houston’s market is more swimwear and lingerie, my clothes are creatively out of the box designs that Houston may not be ready to rock just yet or they will over popularize my designs to where it gets old fast.” Unfortunately, that statement holds true. His women’s line, Sophisticated Bitch causes enough controversy with the name alone. Houston’s fashion scene is very
conservative and high end brand conscience. I leaned in to ask this next question, “How did the name of your clothing line come about?” Jeff laughed and replied, “People take some things too seriously. My women’s line, Sophisticated Bitch actually came from two things, a girlfriend and a Public Enemy song. You have to agree that women can have two sides to them, a public sophisticated side and a bitchy house side. For my men’s line, King Dick, I came up with that name after seeing a big tool named King Dick literally and it just stuck in my head.” Although the brands King Dick and Sophisticated Bitch garner a lot of interest and attention, Jeff knows how to maintain the brand identity with his style of promoting and marketing. Jeff’s model entourage, VIP access to the hottest clubs, and fashion shows even the manliest of men attend, all point to a well established following for Jeff and his brands without the need for traditional advertising. How is this possible in a city that is apprehensive about setting its own fashion trends? “I allow my models to wear my designs when they go out! That’s enough advertising; to have a beautiful model in a club wearing something not sold in stores, that’s exclusive! Women love having what no other woman has. That’s also how I advertised for my King Dick, I let my models wear them out.” Jeff’s women’s line features customized destination clothing and swimwear for exotic places, but King Dick is vintage t-shirts, track suits and custom clothing that you have to surely be comfortable in your skin to wear. With inspirations like Tom Ford and Lanvin, he thinks out of the box when it comes to his photo-shoots, fashion shows, and designs. “I’ve always looks and I add those types of creative ideas to my designs and shoots”. Don’t mistake Jeff as a designer that just likes to party with models; he gives back to
his community as well. “This past year I participated in White Linen Nights in the Heights Fashion Show for Breast Cancer. I love supporting and helping out my community whenever the opportunity presents itself.” you have to wonder what else could be next for Jeff Taplin, the fashion designer, the businessman, the big brother to everyone. “A mini vacation .I have a lot of things in store for my company this year from photoshoots to videos and about 3 fashion shows.” It’s truly inspirational to see such drive and determination in such a competitive business but Jeff stays true to himself and his clients by “Staying in my lane, being protective of my brand, and standing on my own!” A formula for success that truly strikes gold for Jeff Taplin at all times.
5 Random Facts About Jeff You Don’t Know About: the work I just put into the show the last thing I wanna do is talk business.” 2. He Can Cook. “I love fried chicken; I’m a southern man at heart.” 3. He Has An Alter Ego. “My men’s clothing line, King Dick is actually my alter ego. It’s my wild side opposed to my regular calm, cool personality.” 4. He Can Sketch. “I tried sketching my designs but I come up with better designs when I just sew the fabric with a sketch.” 5. He LOVES Women. “I love women that are relatable! Those are also the type of models I choose for my fashion shows.”
HOUSTON “The Look Houston” showcased Houston’s most talented independant designers Spring 2013 collec-
No Such Thing As Bad Food ggs How can something so natural and good for you be so tasty at the same time?! You may be thinking, “Geez, are they good for you all of a sudden?” These days it’s hard to tell what the truth is about good and bad foods. One day a scien-
your heart as cigarettes. Hold on a second; don’t start throwing out that 36 count egg carton just yet. -
sary to be healthy and has been found to be less of a risk than hydrogenated fats when it comes to so breathe a little easier for now. As far as saturated fat goes, there is only about 1-1.5 grams of sat-
How many people are perfectly healthy these days when considering our modern lifestyles? How many of us eat fats and don’t exercise? The average person today has health problems, or they are looking to shed a few pounds and not really even in that bad of shape. So we see commercials for medicine to lower cholesterol, and every major food brand is advertising “LOW FAT “ or “FAT FREE” Everything points to fat being bad for you… but it’s not, is it? It’s bad IF you’re trying to go for a leaner look, or if your body isn’t up to coping with it. In other words we are all different and have our own issues, and to be quite blunt about it, the problem lies with YOU. Not the egg. Either your health condition doesn’t allow you to eat a normal diet, or your lifestyle doesn’t incorporate normal, natural healthy amounts of exercise to make use of that fat (same goes with carbs), or simply by aesthetic preference you might rather eat less fat than other people. Eggs area great source of protein, good fats, and have loads of vitamins A, D, E B vitamins 1, 2, 5, 6, and 12. Eggs also have significant amounts of calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc, and egg protein contains all 9 essential amino acids! Eggs also contain omega-3 derivative DHA, which is essential for proper brain functioning and is actually associated with REDUCING the risk of heart disease!!!
Did you know your legs are primarily fueled by sugar? Do you remember that sugar comes from a plant? Did you know that all carbohydrates break down into glucose (sugar) in the blood stream? Complex carbs are just bunches of sugars combined into one molecule, so essentially the only difference between table sugar in your soda can and whole grains is time release. Think of your complex carbs as extended release sugar if you want. If you’re doing tons of cardio in an attempt to burn off that unwanted extra couple of pounds, and you’re cutting out all carbs, or even cutting out just simple sugars, then be prepared for little reduction in energy and recovery. The first thing you should be replacing after a hard workout is your simple sugars. Your body stores the carbs you eat for energy. Your muscles have several different fuel sources but number one is sugar. IT HAS A PURPOSE PEOPLE!
All nutrients have a purpose in nature; it’s just that we as human beings have worked our civilization up to a point where we don’t necessarily follow nature anymore. We don’t hunt for our food on foot, and most of us don’t grow and harvest our own crops (at least in America). Natural creatures really use their bodies practically and at the same time make use of the nutrients they eat. Most humans don’t have to run away from animal predators Can I move on to carbs? Is it that time yet, because on a regular basis or migrate on foot from plain to plain this one REALLY jerks my chain! I can’t stand it following drinkable water, or a migratory food source. We when I hear someone say that sugar, or carbs in ARE animals in fact, and after all… have you ever seen a general are bad for you. Most of the time it’s just lion draining the fat from his fresh cut of gazelle?? someone who doesn’t really know what they’re talking about, or they are just spouting things they’ve heard friends say, etc. Again, this is a subject you have to few in a case-by-case fashion.
First I must tell you that the hands of fate were truly at work. I missed Keiko Matsui’s Houston performance in February, but this time I believe we were destined to meet. My schedule was completely booked until a few days before Keiko’s arrival. Then miraculously my schedule was cleared and I was led to her performance announcement. I’ve never felt anything like I experienced listening to Keiko’s music. Her music is like a spiritual light beckoning for you to come in and venation, a musical prayer that made my inner spirit swell. I felt compelled to reach out to her team. I thought that it might be a long shot to her team quickly responded to M.E.E. and the stars were aligned for our notable introduction. On October 6, 2012, Keiko landed in the ect - The Road , released in January 2011 by Shanachie Entertainment. The Road..., is Keiko’s long awaited, self produced, 22nd album released in the US. It is also Keiko a follow-up to her acclaimed 2007 South African inspired release entitled Moyo, which featured Hugh Masakela among other amazing artists. The Road..., is a riveting collection of timeless, passionate, cathartic, emotional and exotic melodies with lush harmonies and global rhythms.
“Destined to Connect with M.E.E.”
The sense of peace and harmony that I experienced from her music translated into our meeting. Keiko was absolutely divine! I felt an overwhelming sense of calmness while spending time getting to know her. She has a very open and welcoming demeanor and it felt as if we had met before. I was so comfortable with her that I forgot it was an interview; we talked as though we were long time friends.
Keiko M
Keiko’s no borders ideology to music poured out The Keiko experience is a must! I have much more to of her personality. “Music has no borders and it reveal about this harmonious spirit, in an upcoming issue of In The Jazzy Limelight. I went to meet Keiko Japanese born pianist, composer and producer. for an interview, but left with enlightenment. Keiko’s Now I understand why her unique melting pot of star is pretty bright in the industry, and yet, she extended her hand to M.E.E. in support of our eninternational following. deavors and I was moved by this beautiful gesture. We touched on many topics; her beautiful The staff & management team at Dosey Doe daughters, work and life balance, how mu- rolled out the red carpet for M.E.E. & were gracious hosts to all their guests. I aptransition into music from Japlaud them for their hospitality pan and what her fans mean to and professionalism. Dosey Doe her. Keiko has a bubbly sense is one of the most well respected of humor and was ecstatic about listening rooms in the country experiencing a Texas BBQ with featuring nationally recognized Joe Sample, who told her to give artists from contemporary to counhim a call whenever she was in Houston. Keiko took him up on in between. The 165-year-old historhis offer and Joe Sample invited ical structure has been saved for its her over to his house for a Texas current purpose. style BBQ, and she had a blast! Originally built as a tobacco barn in That night following our Kentucky the 300-600 year old growth meeting, Keiko performed to oak & birch massive beams are the a thunderous crowd at one of foundation not only for a beautiful Houston’s best-kept secrets room but also for the great acoustics. Dosey Doe, located in the It is a place where memories Woodlands. She put on the are made. No need to run from ultimate show! She took control of restaurant to music hall that stage and delivered a 90 min as here you have it all. non-stop entertaining and truly unique experience. Keiko is a
To learn more about Keiko Matsui please visit: h t t p : / / w w w. k e i k o m a t s u i . c o m / The JAZZ IN M.E.E is on a mission to keep the Jazz genre and its Artists presmusical talents of Jackeim Joyner on sax, ent and we would like your support in our efforts. Please subscribe to get our updates:
music has such strong classical,
Eric Baines on bass, Blake Aaron on guitar and Steve Hass on drums. Join our group: This band shook the building!!/groups/THEJAZZINMEE
What is your full name? Wow, not my government name! lol Sydnee LaChelle Simpson! Now you’re wondering where the “JANE” came from I’m sure! My mother named me Sydnee and I added the Jane on the end! I chose the name Jane a few years ago because it’s ultra girly and and wild Tarzan…lol but also begift” (female translation of John) I thought that was perfect for me, but not because i’m vain lol but because my voice is a gift from and use my gift to do good and
What high school did you go to? What were you like in high school? Cool kid, nerd,
may be described as a “choir nerd” my homeroom was choir, most of my best friends were in choir with me, my after school hand I was also one of three nominated for my senior class’s I was extremely girlie and so were all my friends, we dated also goofy and wrote an entire script for me and my friends to
When is your birthday? Did you attend college? November 3, I am a PHOENIX Yes Ma’am! I was somewhat of a “college hopper!” I attended SCORPIO ! Yeahhh!! Lol Shout out San Jacinto College South for a bit as a full blown vocal to my fellow sexy Scorpios! performance major, then decided I wanted a business backWhere were you born? ground too for my music career and applied for the University Well my parents met while attending the University of attended there a few months, then I went to The University of Phoenix ground campus when my schedule became too busy Austin, Texas, but they moved to to live the real “college kid” life! Lol I really only wanted to go Houston when I was 9months! to college to learn more about music and develop my business Funny even though I am truly a knowledge as I had always dreamed of being a vocal Houstonian, I think I promote the performance major and wanted to learn as much about my “Keep Austin Weird” mantra quite naturally! lol education since they are both college grads and felt that if I wanted to pursue music I needed the technical background What is your home town? See #3
When did you get into the music industry? Well there is really no exact measure initially of when you are “in” the music industry per se but
When did you form Sydnee-Jane and the Jane-Ettes?
know that’s confusing to some people who see us but they should think of The Jane-Ettes as my into the music industry until someone brings you crew of awesomely, talented, pretty chicks that in to the inner coveted circle of music industry professionals who have no other jobs outside of consist of my younger sister, Taylor RaeChelle and her childhood best friend, Tierra- Jhane who I also refer to as my younger sister! In the beginning I wanted to liven up my stage show so I asked them to sing background with me for a a bit protective so I couldn’t go to parties and together and blended and the girls immediately took an interest in the vision I was trying to build
Usually people say well, I remember when I decided to sing at age “blah Blah” but that was not me at all! I have always been singing, I don’t you asked my Mom I think they noticed I had talent around the age of 3 or 4 and shortly after I became the youngest member of my youth
small, I bring my #JANES with me to help me turn the show out and make an even bigger production! Now we are all #JANES for life! Lol We are each other’s ride or die chicks! #JANEgstas lol What is #JANESWORLD?
ple sometimes think it’s a real place! One day it
to record 3 and 4 part harmony on my old school two tape deck karaoke machine before I started recording in a real studio! Lol But there is no without judgment or ridicule and to invite others beginning or end to my love of music and singing it just always has been and will be a part of me… Haha!
Hahaha! Funny! I used to be UBER Christian…a Bible thrower, like Mandy Moore in the movie ‘Saved” when she chunked a Bible at this girls back lol! Well, it wasn’t that serious but I am a internal journeys that my parents knew nothing about so I often turned to spirituality and music that I actually remember was a spiritual song
space of growth and sharing and caring that I plan to continue to build without limits! Heck it may become a foundation one day! Eventually I include other artists and release various creative
anyone else or spread negativity!
soloist was “We are the World” at Varnett Academy’s Kindergarten graduation! I only sang beforehand and everything lol!
released entitled “Turn me On V2; For the Love of Music!”
Lauryn Hill, Missy, Jamiroquai, Jimi Hendrix, Jones, Michael Jackson, Mariah Carey, Erykah Badu, The Noisettes, MIA, Kanye West, Billie Holiday, Mahaila Jackson and anything from the Woodstock era…haha I’m so random I know! would it be and why? Yikes! That would be multiple people…so let me be concise and only name a few…I want to meet: Maya Angelou because of her journeys I feel she would have so much to share about living and growing and being a good person and leaving a positive legacy Kanye West because he obviously thinks out of the box, I feel creativity oozes from him naturally appreciate a straight shooter!
Jimi Hendrix because I just want to hear him play all day all night lol because of his many years of experience in the industry Jane? Well, my goal is to one day win someone’s best there is not a paved road, a lot of hard work is in my future! Remaining consistent ,relevant, and genuine in my approach bringing videos, music, photos, and more and more and more!I even want to write an inspirational book or two! lol Continuously working hard at my craft and
Michael Jackson because I believe he was truly a genuine loving and warm person and I would just want to be in his presence to feel his energy and Well, I wont go into too much detail but generally a few acting projects, music releases, at least two EP releases within the lol! next few months, music placements on other Missy Elliot because I think we would make great with videographer, Bruce McKinzy, and more music together consultant…Regina!!
by the universe, the day, my mood lol I’m not a label whore or a was always complimented on a particular accessory I’m wearing at the time and my shoes! I believe a persons fashion develops my fashion sense has evolved over time, I wear what I like and now I and general style instead of pieces! What I think is that you should always dress EXACTLY how you feel that day! When you are truly comfortable in what you are wearing people read that energy and are extremely attracted to it, that’s what makes a traditionally unattractive fashion piece And that’s fashion to me, once a person realizes that fashion is just a visual honest expression of themselves in that moment it all becomes effortless and natural! It’s when people visually express someone else that the identity confusion crisis arises and you get the “it’s kind of cute” face from What do you wear when you are doing your laundry? least! Lol Lets just say my Berthas come out for some fresh air! Wal-mart? Hahaha bought groceries! Never again! Lol Those roll back prices add up! In bed or in the shower? I like my eggs in an omelet in bed, and my #JOHNNY in the shower getting fresh before our dates! Lol Tsk tsk Regina lol
starred in the Ensemble Theatre’s stage play, The Velveteen Rabbit! Lol it really turned out to be a big deal as the play was shown on a local Houston Access channel continuously for about 3 years after
also recently a cartoon character named “Cali” on a web series in its fourth season entitled , Jay’s Life by Kartoon Management amongst other acting projects! Acting is such a blast, my second love easily! Do you smoke?
sweet Allie!) lol Do you drink?
Are you single? lingo for the ultimate hot guy all around! Lol A #JOHNNYmasterpiece of course! Lol I like guys who are secretly nerdy, and analytical with a cool exterior because that’s basically me! Lol If I had a “Chilli from TLC” intelligent, witty, healthy conscious, extremely ambitious, accomplished, and way around the bedroom and preferably no baby mamas! Lol It’s #JANEoClock and I’m not yet ready to settle down with the babies, even though I love them! Other than that I am very open to letting nature guide me and him to each other, I don’t have personality preferences aside from them being down to earth because I don’t want to miss out on any great #JOHNNYs !
It’s empowering for women who desire a positive cause and I totally support the movement! I am personally too lazy to be at the fore front or anything of the sorts when it comes to my natural hair
is a fanatic! I will accept products or tips and use them if someone natural was the best decision I ever made, I have wayyyyy more hair is awesome, plus the chemicals for processed hair are just terrible for your skin and body!
much so I put them all on my face at once when I was 12 and created this hard skin that didn’t peel off for two weeks straight! Yikes! lol Learned my lesson early! But to answer the question, I would say right now I like Motions natural hair products because they smell so great and feel good on my hair! I have the leave in conditioner spray, hair wave right up! I love it! What is your daily/weekly hair routine? follow up with an oil or cream based conditioner and follow up with
with Mizani and Motions products and I probably rock a fro once a shoots, and appearances I may rock a “Japunzel” or sew in look another
into the entertainment industry? Figure out who you are, what makes you different, and build your at fame, and the ego boosting experiences, be humble and work hard at your craft, create genuine loyal relationships, be open to growth,
What do you think about the in the entertainment industry? Do you think that sometimes African Honestly, maybe a couple of years ago I would have agreed but now I see African American Women and I think that we are are the ultimate “independent woman” and blur on the road to success for some as selling sex can bring money and attention the straight and narrow by building careers that will last and become successful without selling themselves short or over sexualizing such a negative connotation around the African American woman, we are said to have crazy attitudes, ego issues, and drama in general! I am not like that and of respect we get is equal to the public opinion of us and while many cultures admire our bodies and emulate our natural builds most do not respect our lifestyles or understand who we are so we Do you think the music industry is a male dominated industry? them do business, be it a manager, boysomeone to help you differentiate between the professionals and the “gamers” because sometimes the lines are blurred and you know, that’s why focus and self control are
Who would you like to collab with next? Missy Elliot, Cee Lo, and Kanye West for you? Romance, sweetness, natural attraction, peaceful vibrant energy, no force, no pressure, just pure What do you think is the most have a thing for straight teeth…a great smile sends me to the moon lol
say? some funny ish! Lol But I am totally drawing a blank right now in reference to public friendly conversations lol How do you get into the zone for writing and recording? Honestly, I’m not really big on rituals right now, I like for things to be natural and to release them as they I could create the perfect zone each time I would say when I’m writing herbs, candles, my lava lamp and strobe light or some good inspiration… when I record I try not to overuse my voice beforehand laughing heartily, or speaking too loudly and I keep Ricola and water or tea on hand to soothe
when you are recording, writing, or brainstorming? probably pretzels, nuts, nature valley oatmeal bar, dry cereal, or some sort with it! Lol
How do you handle talking to a guy with bad breath?
Wow people think that I am funny but its more of a situational thing lol I would love to tell a joke but I don’t do so well at those on command so I’ll leave you with mentor shared it with me: There was a man in Africa that was in search of diamonds, he purchased land in an area heavily populated with diamonds and built his house and looked in his Immediately after his property was for sale another gentleman purchased his land of the land did not know what a diamond actually looked like as he was expecting a Moral of this story and inspiration for all…people often miss opportunities to become successful because they don’t know what a possible opportunity actually looks like…there are opportunities all around you just keep your eyes open and be
Extras What is Jane’s World (Brief) : Jane’s World is a place that can only be physically
Are you a #Jane or #Johnny? Are you Innovative, Resilient, Ambitious, +? If you identify with at least one of the above, then you are a #JANE or #JOHNNY! So let your light shine and go out and make a difference in the world! chose the name #JANE because in some hebrew translations it means ‘heavenly gift”
#JANEup = #manup #JANEdown = #mandown #JANEquette: Jane Etiquette , manners #JANEversaton: #JANEs only conversation #JANEholdup = #manholdup (Texas Term) #JANEwreck – Absolute wreck, when a #JANE is having a bad day #JANEboo – A term of endearment #JohnnyV – Johnny Valentine; term used for a romantic man dy etc BYASE: translation Boy You Are Something Else
“Texas”: translation “Big”, usage in a sentence : “Let’s do it Texas, Baby” Potion: spirits! See-Saw: A fun ride with two people The Wizard: Magical sorcerer and spreader of good news, wisdom and overseerer of supernatural
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