JUNE - JULY 2015
F I N E & S P E C I A LT Y C O F F E E
Quick View
MW Decaf
Yirgacheffe Gr.4 MW Decaf
60 kgs
NAT / Decaf
Daterra Sweet Collection
24.2 kgs vacuum pack
Daterra Bruzzi
24.2 kgs vacuum pack
Fazenda Recanto
60 kgs GrainPro
60 kgs GrainPro
60 kgs GrainPro
60 kgs GrainPro
Kivu - 4
60 kgs GrainPro
Costa Rica
Jaguar Sumatran Style
69 kgs GrainPro
Costa Rica
Jaguar Honey
69 kgs GrainPro
Costa Rica
Las Gaubas
69 kgs GrainPro
Costa Rica
San Pablo-Carrizal
69 kgs GrainPro
Costa Rica
El Cuminate
69 kgs GrainPro
Costa Rica
Frailes-Bustamante II
69 kgs GrainPro
Costa Rica
Legua Los Camacho
69 kgs GrainPro
Pastores Mill SHB EP
69 kgs
Buenos Aires
69 kgs GrainPro
El Tamarindo
69 kgs GrainPro
Pico Yoro
69 kgs GrainPro
69 kgs GrainPro
Concepcion del Horno
69 kgs GrainPro
Silvestre Vasquez
69 kgs GrainPro
FW - Fully Washed; PN - Pulped Natural; N - natural; HP - Honey Process; WH - Wet Hulled
F I N E & S P E C I A LT Y C O F F E E
Quick View
Ratnagiri Estate - Pearl Mt.
60 kgs GrainPro
Blue Bianca
69 kgs GrainPro
Java Blawan
60 kgs
Bunisora Honey
30 kgs GrainPro
Bunisora Fully Washed
30 kgs GrainPro
West Java Geisha
15 kgs GrainPro
Blue Batak Tiger
60 kgs
Blue Mountain Stoneleigh Est
15 & 30 kgs barrels
Chania Bridge AA
60 kgs GrainPro
Kaliluni AA
60 kgs GrainPro
Kyuu AA
60 kgs GrainPro
Utangua AA
60 kgs GrainPro
Tatu AA
60 kgs GrainPro
Ngurueri AA
60 kgs GrainPro
Finca Kassandra Peaberries
69 kgs GrainPro
Finca Kassandra Pacamara
69 kgs GrainPro
Gihombo Mill
60 kgs GrainPro
Ngoma Mill
60 kgs GrainPro
Mondul Estate AA & AB
60 kgs GrainPro
Tarime Organic Natural
60 kgs GrainPro
African Moon Natural
60 kgs
Thuy's Treasure
60 kgs
Mocha Matari
20 kgs GrainPro
FW - Fully Washed; PN - Pulped Natural; N - natural; HP - Honey Process; WH - Wet Hulled
Mountain Water Decaf Yir g a cheffe Gr ade 4
quality origin region producer variety processing altitude packing
MW Decaf Yirgacheffe Gr4 Ethiopia
Yirgacheffe Various small holders Heiloom varietals
Natural / MW Decaf 1500-1800 masl 60 kgs
cupping notes:
Candy-sweet decaf, lemon and forest florals, chocolate overtones with a delicate jasmine finish
This is a new addition to our Mountain Water Decaffeinated coffee range and it really stands out. Beautiful natural yirgacheffe flavours - lemon, floral notes, jasmine - shine through creating a truly exceptional decaf experience.
Daterr a Estate quality origin region producer variety processing altitude packing
Sweet Collection Brazil Minas Gerais Daterra - Tabuões Farm Mundo Novo Pulped 1150 masl 24.2 kgs vacuum packs
cupping notes:
delicate marzipan sweetness, herbal aroma, balance Daterra is a coffee grower and exporter best known for its innovative research, its respect for the environment and its high quality coffee. Plantations are located in the Cerrado region (State of Minas Gerais) and in the Mogiana region (State of São Paulo). The plantations, settled in different areas, are divided into 215 mini- farms and further subdi-
vided into 2.816 blocks called “quadras”, each of which is planted with a specific coffee variety. Daterra figures: 3.250 hectares of preservation land; 150.000 native trees planted; 14.000 tons of organic composting and over 15.000.000 of coffee trees.
Daterr a Estate quality origin region producer variety processing altitude packing
Bruzzi Brazil Minas Gerais Daterra Estate - Boa Vista Farm Acaia / Icatu Pulped natural 1150 masl 24.2 kgs vacuum packs
cupping notes:
bold cocoa, chocolate & dried fruits, well rounded espresso Daterra is a coffee grower and exporter best known for its innovative research, its respect for the environment and its high quality coffee. Plantations are located in the Cerrado region (State of Minas Gerais) and in the Mogiana region (State of São Paulo). The plantations, settled in different areas, are divided into 215 mini- farms and further subdi-
vided into 2.816 blocks called “quadras”, each of which is planted with a specific coffee variety. Daterra figures: 3.250 hectares of preservation land; 150.000 native trees planted; 14.000 tons of organic composting and over 15.000.000 of coffee trees.
Fa zenda Rec anto quality origin region producer variety processing altitude packing
Fazenda Recanto Brazil Sul de Minas Fazenda Recanto Yellow Bourbon / Catuai / Mudo Novo /Catucai / Rubi
Natural 1010 masl 60 kgs GrainPro cupping notes: Fazenda Recanto is a Rainforest Alliance certified farm in the Sul de Minas coffee region. Recanto has been in the same family since 1874, and its award-winning coffees are known for their incredible body and sweetness, making a wonderful drip coffee as well as an incredibly sweet and chocolaty espresso.
History Fazenda Recanto has a long and incredible history in coffee production, and many of the farm’s original structures are still standing and still in use. Olimpio Souza Magalhaes(1850-1920) first planted coffee at Recanto in 1874 when the farm was called São Luiz. In 1916, Olímpio divided up the farm between his two sons and his son Lázaro Magalhães received the corner, or recanto, part of the farm. Since 1985, his great-granddaughter Maria Selma and her husband Afranio have managed the farm, maintaining the well-deserved reputation of consistently producing great coffee.
Sustainability Maria Selma and Afranio live on the farm and raised their children on the farm. Their dedication to preserving the land comes from the sincerity of wanting to leave the land better for their children. In fact, 432 acres, over one third of the farm, have been set aside as natural preserves. They have also worked to reforest large portions of the land and preserve the thirteen natural springs found at Recanto. One major reason they live on the farm is that they delight in the nature that surrounds them. Many of the photos featured in the gallery on this page were taken by Maria Selma and Afranio..
M icr o L ots
BURUNDI quality origin region producer variety processing altitude packing
C anika
Canika Burundi Kirundo Prov. North Burundi Canika Farmer Group Bourbon Fully washed 1400-1700 masl 60 kgs Grain Pro
cupping notes:
floral aroma, sweet lemon acidity, honey and chocolate Burundi is one of the poorest countries in the world. Burundi is land locked by Rwanda, Tanzania and DR Congo. The capital is Bujumbura. Coffee production has suffered over the years from lack of security and investment but is starting to make a recovery. With great growing conditions Burundi produces some super fine african cups. This particular lot comes from the Canika farmer group - consisting of 263 members.
The coffee is fully washed at a central wet mill. It is dried on the 200 raised beds and stored in a well ventilated warehouse. The coffee is shade grown amongst other crops. Kirundo Province is in the north of Burundi. The region is slowly starting to regenerate its former reputation as Burundi’s principal agricultural producing region.
quality origin region producer variety processing altitude packing
Mukerwa Burundi Kirundo Prov. North Burundi Mukerwa Farmer Group Bourbon Fully washed 1400-1700 masl Mukerwa Coffee 60 kgs Grain Pro
Burundi Muke
Country: Burundi The Mukerwa coffee grows between the soybeans, bananas and Region: Kirundo Grevirea. The coffee is picked by a group of 81 farmers. After picking Varieties: Bourbon the red cherries, the fruit is brought to the wet mill the same day. Certification: On the way There the coffee is washed and fermented in water tanks between Altitude: 1700 masl 14 and 16 hours. The parchment is then dried for 10 to 14 days, Burundi is one of the poorest countries in the Soil: soft soil depending on the weather. world. Burundi is land locked by Rwanda, Tanzania Rainfall: 1500-1700 mm p/y The wet mill has 200 drying beds and store the coffee in a ventilated and DR Congo. TheBags capital is Bujumbura. Packing: Grain Pro warehouse. Coffee production has suffered over the years from lack Harvest: March-June SWEET HONEY & NECTAR WITH FRES H LEMON JUIC E
of security and investment but is starting to make a recovery. With great growing conditions Burundi produces some super fine african cups. This particular lot comes from the Mukerwa farmer group - consisting of 81 members.
The coffee is fully washed at a central wet mill. It is dried on the 200 raised beds and stored in a well ventilated warehouse. The coffee is shade grown amongst other crops. Kirundo Province is in the north of Burundi. The region is slowly starting to regenerate its former reputation as Burundi’s principal agricultural producing region.
Cupping notes Stonefruits, chocolate, florals, pepper, citrics, cape gooseberry, black c
cupping notes:
Sweet florals, citrus, spiced honey finish, complex
BURUNDI quality origin region producer variety processing altitude packing
R urir a
Country: Region: Varieties: Certification: Altitude: Soil: Rainfall: Packing: Harvest:
Muk Burundi Kirundo Bourbon On the way 1700 masl soft soil 1500-1700 mm p/y Grain Pro Bags March-June
Rurira Burundi Kirundo Prov. North Burundi Mukerwa Farmer Group Bourbon Fully washed 1500-1700 masl 60 kgs Grain Pro
d average e fruit is ashed e e
cupping notes:
bright berries, dark chocolate, complex with great depth Burundi is one of the poorest countries in the world. Burundi is land locked by Rwanda, Tanzania and DR Congo. The capital is Bujumbura. Coffee production has suffered over the years from lack of security and investment but is starting to make a recovery. With great growing conditions Burundi produces some super fine african cups. There are 210 members in the Rurira Farmer Group who each tend to around 300 trees.
Their coffee is freshly picked and fully washed at a central wet mill. It is dried on the 200 raised beds and stored in a well ventilated warehouse. The coffee is shade grown amongst other crops. Kirundo Province is in the north of Burundi. The region is slowly starting to regenerate its former reputation as Burundi’s principal agricultural producing region. Harvest is March- June.
The Grev the r Ther 14 a depe The ware
Cup Ston
K iv u - 4
quality Kivu 4 origin D.R Congo region Cheganda, Mbinga Nord, Kalehe, South Kivu producer Mungaro Cooperative variety Bourbon processing Fully washed altitude 1800-2000 masl packing 60 kgs Grain Pro There are 450 members (including 45 female farmers) in the Mungaro cooperative that produce Kivu 4. We are really excited to have this coffee, firstly because the cup is fantastic and secondly because it is the first time we receive coffee from the Mungaro cooperative. The farms range from small holding 2 hectares with the larger farms cultivating up to 30 hectares. The soil is volcanic and chalky and very fertile and the area has two rainy seasons in the year. The coffee is shade grown, hand-picked and fully washed at the central wet mill. They use little or no agrichemicals and farming is quite low intensity although the farmers have managed to produce good yields. D.R Congo, the former Zaire, has been a troubled nation, situated in the heart
of the African continent, the people have suffered immeasurably from ongoing civil war and violence. Roads in the area are dangerous and poorly maintained which adds another dimension to the challenge of exporting the coffee safely. Overall It is fantastic to see small groups like the Mungaro group coming together to produce such a spectacular product. The farmers are happy with the results, now they are able to pay school fees for their children and afford some basic medical expenses. Overall the Mungaro group give a very positive impression, coming across as entrepreneurial and enthusiastic, steadily building a strong niche market and global reputation for excellent coffee.
cupping notes:
Powerful coffee, deep mellow caramel and burnt sugar, with seriously zesty bright notes , finishing with a tart blackcurrant acidity
quality origin region producer variety processing altitude packing
Sum atr an St y le
Jaguar - Sumatran Style Costa Rica Tarrazu San Diego Mill - the most sustainable mill in America
Fully washed, wet hulled - inspired by Sumatran Giling Basah over 1500 masl 69 kgs Grain Pro cupping notes:
It possesses a complex & intense acidity with citric sweet notes. Full-flavored cup with notes of fruitiness, prune, sugar cane, chocolate & caramel with a velvety smooth long finish giving it a fully-rounded & balanced cup. Jaguar preparation is exclusively received from farms above 1,500 meters in the TarrazĂş region. Jaguar coffee is naturally fermented in tanks with latest technology; hulled in special hulling machines that do not damage the coffee beans; sun-dried in a controlled environment in greenhouses on top of a special plastic for protection; and, once the humidity is 11% it is immediately bagged in vacuum-sealed bags.
All Volcafe farms must comply with Volcafe Way standards & regulations. Our Farmer Support Organization (OAP) is in charge of providing technical assistance geared to continuously achieving the best sustainable quality of coffee considering the best social, environmental, economic & agricultural practices. The Jaguar coffee is processed in an environmental manner, it is depulped with
an energy efficient ecological system and dried with natural drying processes. Additionally, Volcafe donates $1 for every quintal sold to the Jaguar Conservation Program in Costa Rica.
Ja g uar Hone y
quality origin region producer variety processing altitude packing
Jaguar Honey Process SHB EP Costa Rica Tarrazu and Tres Rios San Diego Mill - the most sustainable mill in America
Honey Processed over 1500 masl 69 kgs Grain Pro cupping notes:
San Diego Honey Process combines the unique fruity flavors from Tarrazú terroir: prune, blackberry and chocolate with those given by this process: honey and sugar cane. San Diego Honey Process will have a long velvety but also smooth and delicate finish. What is Honey Process?
Why Honey Process?
It is a process that started in Costa Rica and has spread to other countries in Central America. In this process some or all of the mucilage of the coffee cherry – or simply coffee honey – that coats the parchment is left on during the drying stage, giving the coffee a sweeter taste close to natural processed coffee. From the tree to the Beneficios, the coffee is picked, depulped and moved to patios or african beds where it will stay at least one week drying until it has reached the desirable point according to temperature and humidity.
Some farmers choose this process because of the benefits it has in comparison with other drying processes. The water usage is lower than in other processes and due to a shorter fermentation period the coffee acquires an acidity halfway between natural and washed coffees. In other words, farmers can produce coffees with some of the unqiue characteristics of natural processed coffee in less time and with lower risks of unexpected effects such as over-fermentation.
S A n Pablo - C arriz al San Pablo-Carrizal Costa Rica
quality origin region producer variety processing altitude packing
San Pablo Tarrazu Carrizal Community / Coopetarrazu Caturra -Catuai Fully washed over 1450-1650 masl 69 kgs Grain Pro
COSTA RIC A El C uminate
quality origin region producer variety processing altitude packing
El Cuminate Costa Rica San Juanillo de Naranjo Finca Cuminate Catuai Fully washed 1600-1650 masl 69 kgs Grain Pro
FRAILES-BUSTAMANTE quality origin region producer variety processing altitude packing
Frailes-Bustamante II Costa Rica Frailes and Bustamante Tarrazu Local Producers Caturra -Catuai Fully washed over 1400-1800 masl 69 kgs Grain Pro
Leg ua L os C a m a cho quality origin region producer variety processing altitude packing
Legua Los Camacho Costa Rica San Pablo Tarrazu Carrizal Community / Coopetarrazu Caturra -Catuai Fully washed over 1450-1650 masl 69 kgs Grain Pro
COSTA RIC A quality origin region producer variety processing altitude packing
L a s G uab a s
Las Guabas - Red Honey Micro Lot Costa Rica Naranjo, West Valley Hacienda Pilas - El Bingo Plot
Honey Processed 1180-1200 masl 69 kgs Grain Pro
cupping notes:
Light floral notes, delicate with pronounced caramels
Pa stores M ill quality origin region producer variety processing altitude packing
Pastores Mill SHB EP Guatemala Antigua Pastores Mill - Weissemberg Family
Bourbon, Arabigo & Caturra Fully washed 1600 masl 69 kgs
cupping notes:
Smooth, fruit and nut notes, chocolate overtones, syrup mouthfeel The Pastores Mill has a rich and long history. It started out as a flour mill in the early 1900’s and only became a coffee processing mill in the 1960’s when the Dorion family acquired it. Today is operated by the Weissemberg family.
The entire coffee flow in the mill is made of wood - this is highly unique and beautiful. Preserving these traditional features and methods has meant that the mill maintains charm and beauty as well as producing a fantastic consistent and unique quality of coffee.
HONDURAS M icr o L ots
HONDURAS M icr o L ots
quality origin region producer variety processing altitude packing available
Buenos Aires Honduras Comayagua, central-west Honduras
Caja Buenos Aires de Santa Maria Caturra and Catimor (Lempira) Fully Washed 1600 masl 69 kgs GrainPro July 2015
Buenos A ires
HONDURAS M icr o L ots
quality origin region producer variety processing altitude packing available
El Tamarindo Honduras Comayagua, central-west Honduras
Caja Nuevo Horizontes Caturra and Catimor (Lempira) Fully Washed 1550 masl 69 kgs GrainPro July 2015
El Ta m arind o
HONDURAS quality origin region producer variety processing altitude packing available
M icr o L ots Pico Yoro Honduras Pico, Yoro, Northern Honduras
Coprocasal Catuai and Catimor (Lempira) Fully Washed 1300 masl 69 kgs GrainPro Available July
Pico Yoro
quality origin region producer variety processing altitude packing
Francisco Morazan
Francisco Morazan Honduras Franciso Morazan Dep. Central Hond.
Guama Danta Caturra and Catimor (Lempira)
Fully Washed 1300 masl 69 kgs GrainPro / available July
HONDURAS M icr o L ots
quality origin region producer variety processing altitude packing
Quemado Honduras Quemado, Yoro, Northern Hond.
Caja Flor de CafĂŠ Catuai and Catimor (Lempira)
Fully Washed 1400 masl 69 kgs GrainPro / available July
Concepcion del Horno quality origin region producer variety processing altitude packing
Concepcion del Horno Honduras Comayagua, Central-west Hond.
Caja Nueva Alianza IHCAFE 90 and Catimor (Lempira) Fully Washed 1500 masl 69 kgs GrainPro / available July
M icr o L ots Silvestre Va sq uez
quality origin region producer variety processing altitude packing available
Silvestre Vasquez Honduras Comayagua, Central-west Hond. Silvestre Vasquez
Catuai and Catimor (Lempira) Fully Washed 1500 masl 69 kgs GrainPro Available July
R atna giri Estate
quality origin region producer variety processing altitude packing
Pearl Mountain AB / MNEB / PB India Karnataka
Ratnagiri Estate Kents & SLs
Fully washed 1100 masl 60 kgs GrainPro
cupping notes:
Sweet, nutty and smooth The Ratnagiri Estate has a global reputation for producing some of India’s finest washed arabica. The estate was established in 1923, handed down over three generations and is located in the Baba Budan mountain range where it is said the first coffee was planted in india by Bababuda – a pilgrim from Yemen. Shivappaiya Patre first purchased the estate in
1923 and named it the Ratnagiri Estate, inspired by the beautiful mountains, the name translates to Pearl Mountain. The coffee is intercropped with black pepper and cardamom groves amongst many other native plants and trees providing shade for the coffee and conserving the natural environment. Every care is taken in processing and drying to produce
quality origin region producer variety processing altitude packing
Blue Bianc a Blue Bianca Indonesia Dolok Sangul, Sumatra
Small holders Onang Ganjang
Wet hulled / washed - Giling Basa 1400 masl 60 kgs GrainPro
cupping notes:
Bold body, sweet aromatics, bitter grapefruit acidity, intensely satisfying This coffee is produced in the highland plateau of Onang Ganjang by small holding farmers. Fresh cherry is picked, pulped and fermented for 12 hours without water. Then the cherry is hulled and parchment washed and left to dry for two days. The parchment is then removed using the giling basa process of wet hulling, a process
unique to Sumatra. The now green beans are allowed to dry for a further 5 days after which they are sorted and hand picked then left for a period of 30 days to rest before ready for shipping. Blue Bianca is prepared by a young local processor in Dolok Sangul.
Blue Bianc a
West Java Geisha
West Java Geisha West Java Geisha Indonesia
quality origin region producer variety processing altitude packing
West Java Klassik Beans Cooperative Unique Dutch heirloom
Fully washed 1400 masl 15 kgs bespoke design - GrainPro Lined
cupping notes:
Very elegant cupping, chocolate, complex fruit, body, delicate florals, hint of spice. . .
Long, canoe shaped beans, selected for their abundance in rich flavours and elegant appearance, make this coffee unique to Indonesia and the world. The trees that produce this Geisha variety were discovered growing between two newer plantations of Timtim and Catimor. The farmers noticed that the trees were different and were producing a longer shaped bean. The trees are thought to have survived since the very first plantations by the Dutch, where most coffee plantations were wiped out by either leaf rust diseases or volcanic eruptions.
it’s all there
Over time the coop monitored the harvest from these trees, keeping it separate from their other coffee crops. Today they have established a harvest of just over 1 mt of the rare beans. Produced by small holding farmers who make up the Klassik Beans Cooperative in West Java, supply is small but of the best quality. The coffee is washed and sun dried, then handpicked for the best beans only before being packed in unique, bespoke cotton/canvas bags with GrainPro linings to ensure the coffee is preserved in optimum condition.
Java Bl awan
quality origin region producer variety processing altitude packing
Java Blawan Indonesia Slopes of Ijen Volcano, East Java
Java Blawan Estate Typica Fully Washed 1200 masl 60 kgs
cupping notes:
Nutty, silky chocolate and sweet green grape juice The Java Blawan Estate dates back to the first Dutch settlements in Indonesia. Today Blawan is run by the state, producing very solid coffees. The coffees are shade grown and fully washed.
Bunisor a M icr os
quality origin region producer variety processing altitude packing
Bunisora Indonesia
Sunda Small Holding Farmers Typica and Bourbon
Honey Processed & Fully Washed 1400 masl 30 kgs bespoke design - GrainPro Lined cupping notes:
Floral bouquets and sweet spices mingle to create an exotic,
and complex profile This coffee is named after Prabu Bunisora, an ancient ruler of the kingdoms of Sunda and Galuh, reigning 1357-1371 ad. It has been produced specially and uniquely for the australian market.
The same coffee has been processed in three ways (fully washed, semi-washed and the most recent arrival has been honey processed) demonstrating the versatility and quality of these beans.
INDONESIA quality origin region producer variety processing altitude packing
Blue Batak Blue Batak Indonesia Lintong, Sumatra
Banyan Farmer Group Local variations of Typica, Caturra, Bourbon, Catimor
Wet hulled / washed - Giling Basa 1400 masl 60 kgs
cupping notes:
Sweet and malty ,
great length, pronounced acidity Blue Batak Tiger is back, produced by the Banyan farmer group in Lintong. The farmers receive regular support and training from Volkopi’s sustainability field team to help replanting, fertilising, composting and general good farming practices to increase yields and maintain high quality standards. The coffee itself is a beautiful jade blue, from wet hulling the parchment in the process unique to Sumatra called giling basa. Cofi-Com support Volkopi’s tiger conservation project. For every bag we purchase
a donation is made to fund the tiger conservation teams. The funding is used to buy equipment and training for rangers who survey the jungle to monitor poaching and other illegal activities while learning and protecting these critically endangered beautiful big cats.
quality origin region producer variety processing altitude packing prep
Blue Mountain Jamaica
St Andrew, Jamaica Stoneleigh Estate - http://www.jamaicacoffeeco.com/#!processors/ce1u Typica Washed 950-1300 masl 15 & 30 kgs barrels Screen 16 +
cupping notes:
Smooth chocolate, very balanced with bold flavours
Stoneleigh Coffee Estate/Stoneleigh Coffee Processors Ltd. (Factory) is located in St. Andrew, Jamaica. This coffee estate has a high altitude of three thousand plus feet and a low of two thousand five hundred feet. It features Typica coffee trees planted in shale soil. In addition to its fertile land and salubrious climate, Stoneleigh is nestled in the heart of the Blue Mountains.
Stoneleigh is a Blue Mountain Coffee Plantation and Processing Factory that is approximately thirty-five (35) acres and it employs up to 100 persons annually. The production of exportable coffee beans from Stoneleigh Coffee Processors on an annual basis ranges from 90,000 kg to 130,000kg with a capacity of 270,000kg.
Chania Brid ge A A quality origin region producer variety processing altitude packing
Chania Bridge Premium AA Kenya
Kiambu, Thika Nr. Nairobi Small Holding Farmers Traditional SL28 & 34,
Fully washed
1550 masl 60 kgs GrainPro Lined
cupping notes:
Spice, dark chocolate and
cherries upfront, sweetness follows Chania Bridge Estate is a small plantation near Thika Town, established during the 1930’s and producing small quantities of high quality coffee. The estate covers around 40 he
Soils are volcanic loams, generally quite acidic. The washing stations produces approximately 1650 bags each season of AA, AB, PB and C grades - known as the main grades.
quality origin region producer variety processing altitude packing
Kaliluni A A Kaliluni Premium AA Kenya
Machako, 120 kms from Nairobi Small Holding Farmers
Traditional SL28 & 34, K20, Blue Mountain
Fully washed
1600 masl 60 kgs GrainPro Lined
cupping notes:
Bright, very bold, developed bitter cocoa, perfumed notes Kaliluni Washing station is located in a beautiful part of Machakos county, with generous rolling hills. Machakos has become an important region seeing a large amount of growth in the agricultural sector. The washing station serves approx. 1’475 smallholder coffee farmers. Traditional varieties SL28, SL34, K20
and Blue Mountain are cultivated on local farms averaging around 1 acre (150 trees) in size. Soils are volcanic loams, generally quite acidic. The washing stations produces approximately 1500 bags each season of AA, AB, PB and C grades - known as the main grades.
quality origin region producer variety processing altitude packing
Kyu u A A
Kyuu Premium AA Kenya
Makueni Province, 80 kms from Nairobi Member of Kikima Farmer Coop Society Traditional SL28 & 34, K20, Blue Mountain
Fully washed
1600 masl 60 kgs GrainPro Lined cupping notes:
Currants, very clean, juicy and bright, rhubarb in abundance Kyuu Washing station serves approx. 540 smallholder coffee farmers. Traditional varieties SL28, SL34, K20 and Blue Mountain are cultivated on local farms averaging around 1 acre (150 trees) in size. Soils are volcanic loams, generally quite acidic.
The washing stations produces approximately 350 bags each season of AA, AB, PB and C grades - known as the main grades. Kyuu washing station is a member of the Kikima Farmers Cooperative Society.
quality origin region producer variety processing altitude packing
Utang ua A A Utangua Premium AA Kenya
Makueni Province, 80 kms from Nairobi Member of Kikima Farmer Coop Society Traditional SL28 & 34, K20, Blue Mountain
Fully washed
1600 masl 60 kgs GrainPro Lined
cupping notes:
Mulled wine, marmalade and warm spice Utangua Washing station serves approx. 350 smallholder coffee farmers. Traditional varieties SL28, SL34, K20 and Blue Mountain are cultivated on local farms averaging around 1 acre (150 trees) in size. Soils are volcanic loams, generally quite acidic.
The washing stations produces approximately 350 bags each season of AA, AB, PB and C grades - known as the main grades. Kyuu washing station is a member of the Kikima Farmers Cooperative Society.
Tat u Estate A A
quality origin region producer variety processing altitude packing prep
Micro Lot - Premium AA Kenya
North East of Nairobi - between Thika and Ruiru Tatu Estate is part of the Socfinaf Farmer group SL28s, Kents and Bourbons Washed 1500-1700 masl 60 kgs GrainPro AA clean green
Cupping Notes: Highly distinctive bright notes, honey sweetness, intense lime zest and apple, touch of spice and burnt sugar with an elegant body and bold juicy and chocolate finish
Tatu Estate is one of nine estates who are part of the Socfinaf group. SOCFINAF operates 9 coffee estates in central Kenya with a central coffee mill in Ruiru (about 40km from Nairobi). Located on red, fertile, volcanic soils on the foothills of the Aberdare Mountain ranges at altitudes of 1,500m - 1,700m, the SOCFINAF coffee estates are in an ideal environment for production of Arabica coffee.
Rainfall is almost 1,00mm per annum, spread over two rainy seasons which results in two overlapping crops on the trees. To maintain optimum flowering and yields, however, irrigation is used on all estates, drawing water from dams especially constructed on the many rivers and streams passing through this region.
Ng ur ueri A A
quality origin region producer variety processing altitude packing
Ngurueri Premium AA Kenya
Rift Valley Murue Farmers Cooperative Traditional SL28 & 34 Fully washed 1600-1800 masl 60 kgs GrainPro Lined
cupping notes:
Sweet currants, rich, thick, chocolatey, bright raisin citrus, fresh cut grass. Ngurueri is one of three farmer groups making up the Murue Farmers Cooperative. The Kiini mill serves around 600 small holding farmers. The average farm has around 150 trees (1 acre). The coffee is disc pulped, fully fermented and washed, sundrying
on elevated tables. Smallhodlers pick fresh cherry and deliver promptly for processing to a central mill. A lovely little micro lot selected at auction for its elegant, sweet profile.
Finc a Ka ss andr a quality origin region producer variety processing altitude packing
Finca Kassandra Special SHG Mexico
Cordoba, Veracruz Finca Kassandra Bourbon, Caturra, Catuai, Catimor Fully washed
1200-1500 masl 69 kgs GrainPro Lined / COMING SOON
Finca Kassandra has been producing some of Mexico’s finest washed arabicas since Don Guillermo established it in 1996. It has a rich history and the finca has transformed the landscape which was once void of trees acting as a cattle ranch. The Finca grows both macadamia nuts and coffee and is Rainforest Alliance certified. It is a very green and sustainable farm always looking for new ways to conserve the natural environment and improve their efficiency and quality. Finca Kassandra special is an award winning and sought after coffee. We look forward greatly to each new crop ! This year’s crop has arrived - in GrainPro and we are offering SHG flat bean, super Peaberries and Pacamara special!
Ka ss andr a Pe aberries quality origin region producer variety processing altitude packing
Kassandra Peaberries Mexico
Cordoba, Veracruz Finca Kassandra Bourbon, Caturra, Catuai, Catimor Fully washed 1200-1500 masl 69 kgs GrainPro Lined
Finca Kassandra has been producing some of Mexico’s finest washed arabicas since Don Guillermo established it in 1996. It has a rich history and the finca has transformed the landscape which was once void of trees acting as a cattle ranch. The Finca grows both macadamia nuts and coffee and is Rainforest Alliance certified. It is a very green and sustainable farm always looking for new ways to conserve the natural environment and improve their efficiency and quality. Finca Kassandra special is an award winning and sought after coffee. This year’s crop has arrived - in GrainPro and we are offering SHG flat bean, super Peaberries and Pacamara special!
Pa c a m ar a Ka ss andr a
Pa c a m ar a Ka ss andr a Pacamara Kassandra Mexico
quality origin region producer variety processing altitude packing
Cordoba, Veracruz Finca Kassandra Pacas & Maragogype Fully washed
1200-1500 masl 69 kgs GrainPro Lined
Finca Kassandra has been producing some of Mexico’s finest washed arabicas since Don Guillermo established it in 1996. It has a rich history and the finca has transformed the landscape which was once void of trees acting as a cattle ranch. The Finca grows both macadamia nuts and coffee and is Rainforest Alliance certified. It is a very green and sustainable farm always looking for new ways to conserve the natural environment and improve their efficiency and quality. Finca Kassandra special is an award winning and sought after coffee. We look forward greatly to each new crop ! This year’s crop has arrived - in GrainPro and we are offering SHG flat bean, super Peaberries and Pacamara special!
Gihombo M ill
quality origin region producer variety processing altitude packing
Gihombo Premium A Rwanda
Western Rwanda Gihombo Wet Mill Bourbon Fully washed
1600-1800 masl 60 kgs GrainPro Lined
cupping notes:
Raspberries, sweet bold, dark honey and caramels Gihombo Wet Mill is in western Rwanda, privately owned and has only been operating since 2011 although built in 2006. The station is supplied with fresh cherry near the shores of Lake Kivu, with coffee growing at altitudes between 1600-2000 masl. The mill uses a Penagos eco-pulper and ferments the coffee for 12 hours after which the wet parchment is left to dry naturally
on raised beds for 15-22 days. Last year the mill processed around 30 mt of parchment but 2013 has been less productive resulting in just 14 mt of parchment. Although productivity was lower this season the quality was higher, as is often the case with coffee crops.
Ng om a M ill
quality origin region producer variety processing altitude packing
Ngoma Premium A Rwanda
Southern Rwanda Ngoma Wet Mill Bourbon Fully washed
1620 masl 60 kgs GrainPro Lined
Ngoma mill was brought to life after funding from us aid to revive the Rwandan washed coffee market. The coffee is fully washed and dried on raised beds for 15-20 days, the parchment is allowed to rest. The annual production for the 2013 crop was around 60mt of parchment which was the highest outturn on record for the mill.
cupping notes:
Spicy currants, rich oak aromatics, creamy nuttiness
TANZ ANIA M ond ul Estate
quality origin region producer variety processing altitude packing
Mondul Estate AA & AB Tanzania
Arusha Region, Northern Tanzania Mondul Estate N39 Bourbon & Keny Fully washed
1700 masl 60 kgs GrainPro / Available June
Situated 30km from the bustling town of Arusha, Mondul has the remote, romantic feeling of old Africa, yet still benefits from the modern advancements in agriculture without having to travel too far to get there. By sharing a border with the enormous Mondul Forest Reserve our neighbors are not only the Maasai people of local villages, but also the likes of buffalo, elephant and leopard. It is this atmosphere which makes Mondul an exciting place to grow coffee. With production on the rise, Mondul Cof-
fee Estates continue their vision of being the top producer of high-quality washed Arabica in Tanzania. As any farm, they face various agronomical, climatic and local challenges, but do so with vigour and enthusiasm. Strong attention to fertilizer and disease management are showing positive results in the field. Constant monitoring and evaluation goes into their most precious resource, water, as continue to develop the storage capacity on the farm. Mondul estate was selected as “Annual
coffee quality award” by TCA in 1998/99”
In the cup, medium acidity (malic) and a smooth body with promising flavor notes (honey and floral). Mondul Coffee Estate was established in 1931 by Count Vittorio Davico. His two sons are now running the Estate and pride themselves in producing the finest washed arabica coffee in Tanzania. Mondul Coffee Estate holds the Tanzania Coffee Assocation Quality Award for the 1998/99 and 2000/01 seasons. In March 2002 AFCA awarded the Estate the Certificate
of Recognition for presenting “qualifying fine coffee” at the AFCA Cupping Competition 2002 held in Kampala. The coffee is kept on a capped multiple-stem system and is rain-fed. Years of dedicated management have achieved average productions of 1500kg per ha with the following average grade percentage: AA 30%, AB 60%, PB 5%. The availability of clean spring water abstracted from the Monduli Forest Reserve contributes to the excellent quality of the coffee.
UGANDA Afric an Moon quality origin region producer variety processing altitude packing
African Moon Natural Uganda
Rwenzori Mountains, Western Uganda Local Communities Bourbon SL14 & SL28 Natural 1250-1400 masl 60 kgs / Available June
cupping notes:
Winey and wild , great body and character
VIETNAM T h u y ’s T r e a s u r e
quality origin region producer variety processing altitude packing
Thuy’s Treasure Vietnam
Dalat, Lam Dong Thuy Thuan processor, local farmers Catimor Fully Washed 1200-1400 masl 60 kgs
Thuy’s Treasure is a clean and uniform quality produced in the highlands of Lam Dong in the Central Highlands of Vietnam. The mill, perched on a hill top has a magnificent view stretching out over paddy fields, flower farms and coffee plantations. The coffee has a clean and mild cup with neutral flavours, ideal for use in blends or for those looking for a softer cup. The coffee is fully washed and mechanically dried. Thuy is the proud owner of her mega-mill which was established just a few years ago.
M o cha Matari
quality origin region producer variety processing altitude packing
Mocha Matari Yemen
Bani Mattar, West of the capital Sana’a Al-Hamdani Heiloom varietals Natural 1800-2100 masl 20 kgs GrainPro lining
cupping notes:
Outstanding, bursting with fruity candy and chocolate, full bodied and exotic Yemen has one of the oldest relationships with coffee, like Ethiopia, with only a short stretch of water separating the two countries the terrain and varietals are very similar. Steep, arid mountainous land provides a breathtaking backdrop for Yemeni coffee farms. The farms are very basic and the coffee appears to be growing wild with absolute minimum input from man, this coffee, although not certified, can be considered to be grown organically. The harvest is gathered at peak ripeness to create this fine natural Yemen Mocha coffee.
Dariusz Lewandowski M: +61 (0) 421889945
E: dariusz@coficom.com.au
Elizabeth Barry
M: +61 (0) 481113035 E: elizabeth@coficom.com.au
Anvil Road
T: +61 2 9838 0858
Main Office
T: +61 2 9809 6266 F: +61 2 9809 6274