CitySA Newsletter Oct/Nov 15

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T:0141 566 4140

You Said, We Did

What’s on? 27th October - 12th November: Class Rep Training Are you a Class Rep? Training is taking place across all Campuses at a variety of times to suit you. ALL Reps must attend and the training is specially designed to be informative and engaging, as well as providing you with the skills and knowledge you need to be the best rep for your class. Reps should sign up to a session through the 'Bookings' tab on MyCity:

As a result of student feedback this month, we have: - Introduced Xboxes and PS4s at Riverside Campus - Updated the Finger on the Pulse form for class feedback

30th October: Halloween Party, Riverside SA Space

We are currently working on: All students are welcome along to CitySA's Halloween Party, taking place in our Riverside Space, just off the atrium on ground level. There will be food, spooky activities and scary costumes! Come along from 12pm - for more information, contact your Vice President Social and Activities, Ruta Simonyte 27th - 30th October: Black Sporting Heroes, Townhead SA Space As part of the college-wide celebration of Black History Month, CitySA are holding an event in our Townhead Space showcasing the lives of some of the world's greatest black sporting heroes. There will be a display detailing a number of sport's highest profile black athletes, along with a quiz on Friday 30th with prizes to be won. For more information, contact your Student President, Ian Gilmour 4th November: Glasgow Green Fireworks Trip Both the International Students and the LGBTQ+ Society are organising excursions to the annual fireworks display at Glasgow Green. To find out more, please contact our International Student Engagement Officer or the Convener of the LGBTQ+ Society 18th November: Dr Bike, Riverside The Bike Station will be attending our Riverside Campus to offer their FREE 'Dr Bike' service - students are able to bring their bikes to college and receive a service free of charges, including any small spare parts required and labour!

- Internet connection at Halls of Residence We welcome feedback from students at any time, please contact or call 0141 566 4140

Feedback City of Glasgow College Student President, Ian Gilmour, was elected to the Glasgow Colleges' Regional Board. He will provide feedback to the student body about the progress the board makes. The Student President and Vice President Social and Activities attended the Glasgow Student Forum (GSF) at Glasgow Caledonian University. CitySA will be involved with the GSF's 'Elections' workstream and will be involved with helping to promote engagement in the upcoming Scottish Parliament elections across all students in the Glasgow area.

NUS Scotland CitySA is a member of the National Union of Students, which means that every student member at City of Glasgow College is also a member! NUS Scotland has a number of elected officers that work on your behalf throughout the country. You can find out who they are, what they do and how to contact them here. You can access loads of discounts and savings by signing up for an NUS Extra Card

Ian Gilmour, Student President

Ruta Simonyte, Vice President Social and Activities

Shane Thomas Vice President Learning and Teaching

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