Class Rep Forum Student Guide

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Class Rep - Students' Association SPACE on MyCity

Welcome Message

Welcome to your Students’ Association Class Rep Space on MyCity! This is a space where you can discuss what is going on in your faculty, you can talk about the findings in your Faculty Summary Report and you can share your experiences with other class reps. Your Faculty Student Engagement Officer will update you with all the latest class rep news and will keep you up-to-date with any changes and progress arising from your finger on the pulse reports. We look forward to working with you and making real positive change in college. Thanks again for taking time out of your course to becoming a class rep.

Ian Gilmour – Student President.

How to Self Enrol for Class Reps

Self Enrol as a Class Rep for Your Faculty

Search MyCity for Space named Class Rep - Students' Association OR click link below:

SELF ENROL yourself using your FACULTY KEY provided below. Keys are all lowercase with no spaces.

1. Search

2. Self Enrol


FACULTY Faculty of Business


Faculty of Creative Industries Faculty of Building, Engineering and Energy Faculty of Leisure and Lifestyle Faculty of Nautical Faculty of Education and Society

classrepb classrepc classrepe classrepl classrepn classreps

Get Involved with your Class Rep Space Calendar and Upcoming Events Forums and Information & File Store

Check the calendar and upcoming events panel to be kept up to date with meetings and events.

Use forums for discussions and engagement. Access Information, documents and files.

Class Rep Flyer - Welcome and Self Enrol Flyer

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