IB Extended Essay 2016

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IB DIPLOMA EXTENDED ESSAYS 2016 This ebook celebrates the pursuit of scholarly exploration within ISHCMC’s graduating class of 2016. The extended essay is an independent, self-directed piece of research, culminating with a 4,000 word research paper. The extended essay experience is about engaging in high level inquiry, academic writing and creating a culture of integrity around the research process. At ISHCMC our students pursue their passions. Working closely with their extended essay supervisor, an expert within their selected subject group, students are empowered to design their own question and methodology in which to explore it. Research spans across all disciplines, discourses and languages. Some examples include: What is the role of imprisonment in both The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka and Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys? To what extent are the two contrasting Asian nations, South Korea and Vietnam successfully responding to scientific climate change consensus & climate change event? How do AA alkaline batteries of different brands compare with each other in terms of the number of hours they power electronic devices and what are the environmental effects of heavy metals present in them? The published abstracts contained within these pages open our horizons of understanding, thinking and inquiry into the world around us. There is a significant amount for our students to be proud of.

GROUP 1 LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE Student: Teacher Supervisor:

CATHERINE TRAN Ms. Janelle Codrington

How and why is the Cinderella Text Influenced by the European and Asian social and culture?



The question that this essay addresses is “How and why is the Cinderella text influenced by the European and Asian social and cultural context?” It is a comparison of how different target demographics along with social and historical contexts have impacted Cinderella tales. In order to answer this question, the areas investigated were the background of the authors, their culture and its influence on the text. There were observations made upon the intended audience and how this may have restricted the writing relative to the time era. There is also examination of the compositional context of each story, analyzing the gender constructs reflected by the society of the time. In the essay the 3 texts interpreted are Cendrillion, Aschenputtel, Tam and Cam; these stories are ultimately mirrored, but they convey different messages as each author had a unique aim and audience. Researching for this essay required in-depth analysis of information from many websites, reading of literary sources written by scholars and psychoanalysts, and searches of articles both criticizing and admiring Cinderella. Although the most essential resources used in this investigation were the three texts themselves. In order for there to be comparisons, the author had to be familiar with the details in each text. Biographies of Perrault and the Grimm Brothers were also analyzed for better understanding of the author ’s background and how this may has influenced the tales. All evidences demonstrate that there is indeed a link between the construction of the text and the context in which it is created. The authors intentionally manipulated their tales according to the social norms of their time and their audience.

GROUP 1 LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE Student: Teacher Supervisor:

FAY NGUYEN Ms. Thu Huong Tran

Hình tượng nữ thanh niên xung phong được thể hiện thế nào trong truyện ngắn" Những Ngôi Sao Xa Xôi" của Lê Minh Khuê và " Mảnh Trăng Cuối Rừng" của Nguyễn Minh Châu?



Nói đến những người có công cho cách mạng, chúng ta không thể không nhắc đến những nữ thanh niên xung phong đã sẵn sàng hi sinh mạng sống và tuổi thanh xuân cho nước nhà. Họ là những thành phần tiêu biểu nhất của xã hội và là những tấm gương xứng đáng được kề cao. Có thể nói, tốn cả một đời người để viết văn, cũng không đủ hay, không đủ chân thành để miêu tả vẻ đẹp của những nữ thanh niên xung phong, nhưng em vẫn muốn đóng góp một chút ý thành ý, sự yêu mến của em đối với văn học Việt Nam thời kỳ chống Mỹ. Khi đọc hai tác phẩm “ Mảnh Trăng cuối rừng” của Nguyễn Minh Châu và “Những Ngôi Sao Xa Xôi” của Lê Minh Khuê đã để lại trong em một bức chân dung sống động về những cô gái trẻ - những nữ thanh niên xung phong hồn nhiên, vô tư, mộng mơ, khao khát yêu thương trong cuộc sống đời thường và mưu trí, dũng cảm trong khi làm nhiệm vụ. Chính nét đẹp cả về hình thức lẫn tâm hồn của những cô gái trẻ trong cuộc kháng chiến chống Mỹ đã cho em nhiều bài học quý giá. Tuy em không sinh ra và lớn lên ở Hà Nội, nhưng thông qua hai tác phẩm của Lê Minh Khuê và Nguyễn Minh Châu, em đã hiểu được sự cơ cực, nhưng hạnh phúc của các nữ thanh niên xung phong cũng như nền văn hoá của người Hà Nội. Những nữ thanh niên xung phong là những người còn rất trẻ; họ có thể còn là học sinh trung học, hay là những sinh viên. Họ cùng sống bên nhau, chia sẻ một lý tưởng chung cho nên họ dễ dàng hiểu rõ và đồng cảm cho nhau. Tinh thần lạc quan, dũng cảm của họ đã dạy cho em một điều rằng phải biết đấu tranh, dù có hy sinh và khi gặp bất kì những vấn đề khó khăn trong cuộc sống, đừng bỏ cuộc bởi vì xung quanh em còn nhiều mảnh đời khó khăn cơ cực hơn, được sống trong sự hoà bình cũng là một điều hạnh phúc và ý nghĩa.

GROUP 1 LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE Student: Teacher Supervisor: Bối cảnh văn hóa và xã hội ảnh hưởng thế nào đến sự lựa chọn trong tình yêu của người phụ nữ trong hai tác phẩm “Anh có thích nước Mỹ không” của Tân Di Ổ và “Cuốn theo chiều gió” của Magaret Mitchell?



ABSTRACT Tình yêu đôi lứa từ rất lâu đã trở thành nguồn cảm xúc vô tận của vô vàn những ngòi bút tài năng. Trong mỗi chúng ta, ai cũng đã trải qua ít nhất một lần thương, một lần nhớ hay một lần tương tư. Tâm hồn của con người được nuôi dưỡng và thăng hoa với tình yêu. Dù chưa yêu, đang yêu hoặc đã từng yêu, nó vẫn luôn là một phạm trù trừu tượng và rộng lớn khiến người ta không khỏi tò mò, tìm hiểu và băn khoăn. “Cuốn theo chiều gió” ra đời vào năm 1936 như một luồng gió mới ập vào nền văn học hiện đại nước Mỹ. Cuốn tiểu thuyết đã “làm mưa làm gió” và được chuyển thể thành phim chỉ sau ba năm xuất bản3. Lấy bối cảnh miền Nam nước Mỹ trước cuộc nội chiến, “Cuốn theo chiều gió” là một sự hòa quyện hài hòa giữa chiến tranh và sự sống, tình yêu đất nước và tình yêu lứa đôi Bên cạnh đó, ngôn tình Trung Quốc lại là một xu thế mới của giới trẻ châu Á – là những câu chuyện tình yêu đầy sắc màu nhưng cũng không kém phần li kì. Trong khi đại đa số những cuốn ngôn tình hiện đại đều có phần bay bổng thì những tác phẩm của Tân Di Ổ lại thực tế đến phũ phàng. Điều đó đã làm tác phẩm “Anh có thích nước Mỹ không?” nổi bật hơn cả đứng giữa hàng trăm cuốn tiểu thuyết tôi từng đọc qua. Nhiều người sẽ tự hỏi, tại sao hai cuốn tiểu thuyết ở hai đất nước khác nhau, hai thời đại khác nhau, hai bối cảnh xã hội, văn hóa khác nhau lại tạo nên sự tương đồng và khác biệt đến kỳ lạ của những số phận con người trong tình yêu, cũng như sự lựa chọn này đã góp phần in sâu dấu ấn của hai tác phẩm và để lại dư âm lâu dài trong lòng độc giả. Hai cô gái mặc dù đến từ hai bối cảnh xã hội và văn hóa khác nhau, nhưng đều là người phụ nữ với một tâm hồn mạnh mẽ, ý chí kiên cường, một trái tim yêu bất diệt trong cuộc sống. Bên cạnh họ đều tồn tại hai người đàn ông đặc trưng: Một người đại diện cho “người ta yêu" và người còn lại là “người yêu ta". Bài luận sẽ phân tích và so sánh sự khác biệt trong xã hội và văn hóa của hai cuốn truyện và nó đã ảnh hưởng đến sự lựa chọn của họ trong tình yêu như thế nào.

GROUP 1 LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE Student: Teacher Supervisor:

NGUYEN KIM CHI (SUSAN) Ms. Ngoc Mai Nguyen

ố phận của người phụ nữ qua những thời kì xã hội khác nhau qua hai tác phẩm “Bỉ Vỏ” của Nguyên Hồng và “Xin Lỗi, Em Chỉ Là Con Đĩ” của Tào Đình được thể hiện như thế nào?



Có biết bao nhiêu đề tài muôn thuở phản ánh về tầng lớp xã hội nhưng một trong những đề tài đầy nhiệt huyết là người phụ nữ và sự tác động của xã hội xung quanh qua những thời kì khác nhau. Xã hội đã đặt nặng đạo lí luân lý hơn tính mạng con người. Càng đào sâu hơn, ta càng cảm nhận những con người tuy đã sa chân vào con đường tội lỗi, trụy lạc vẫn mang những nét đẹp tâm hồn-biết yêu thương ước mơ và nghĩ đến tương lai. Trên cở sở đó, bài tiểu luận sẽ trình bày số phận người phụ nữ đến hoàn cảnh xã hội và đời sống con người qua tác phẩm “Bỉ Vỏ” của Nguyên Hồng và “Xin Lỗi Em Chỉ là Con Đĩ” của Tào Đình. Cụ thể sẽ làm rõ những luận điểm sau: Thứ nhất: Sự tác động mạnh của định kiến xã hội xung quanh Thứ hai: Tìm hiểu số phận người phụ nữ khi phải sống dưới danh phận miễn cưỡng “đĩ” Thứ ba: Phản ánh chân thực cái kết bi thảm –những con người bị vùi xuống đáy xã hội Với mục đích làm rõ những điều trên, bài tiểu luận sự dụng các phương pháp chủ yếu như: phân tích, so sánh, miêu tả và trích dẫn, v.v….Qua những việc làm này, người viết hi vọng sẽ làm sáng tỏ được đề tài: Số phận của người phụ nữ qua những thời kì xã hội khác nhau qua hai tác phẩm “Bỉ Vỏ” của Nguyên Hồng và “Xin Lỗi, Em Chỉ Là Con Đĩ” của Tào Đình được thể hiện như thế nào? Mong rằng với sự nỗ lực và làm việc nghiêm túc, bài tiểu luận sẽ mang đến một quan niệm về hình ảnh phụ nữ và xã hội thông qua việc so sánh hai tác phẩm thuộc hai thời kì khác nhau cũng như góp lên tiếng nói về sự sai trái trong tiềm thức người đời về tầng lớp bị xem là “đáy xã hội”.

GROUP 4 SCIENCE Student: Teacher Supervisor:

SEOKYOON JUNG Mr. Justin Babcock

Investigation on thermal energy storage of construction material: Loess and Cement

ABSTRACT This extended essay is investigating heat conductivity of different materials to study about the thermal energy storage of traditional construction material and modern one. The research question on this investigation is: “Between the loess and cement, what is better insulator for the construction material?” The materials used on this investigation are loess and cement. Loess is traditional construction material which is made of rocks and sands. Cement is modern construction material that is used in nowadays. The investigation separates in to two aspects. First are the materials’ thermal energy storage data, and the rate of decrement of energy. Second, the materials’ cooling rate and the densities are going to be calculated and recorded to show how does materials are efficient on real life situation. The thermal energy that cement and loess have gain at the first 2 minute of heating, loess have shown much higher energy than cement have gained, but the decrement was different. While loess has gained much more energy than cement, loess was not able to keep the energy as cement does. According to the research, I was able to find out that loess has higher heat capacity than cement. I also used CASIO graphing calculator to find out the cooling rate by differentiating the equation of temperature vs. time graph. The differentiated graph showed that after approximately 850 seconds later, cement and loess had met to same cooling rate. Since construction materials should be hard for stability of the building, higher density of the material is preferred for construction purpose, so I used the density calculation, have helped to conclude the efficiency of materials as construction purpose. The result showed that cement is denser than loess; therefore I was able to conclude that cement was better construction purpose material than the loess.

GROUP 3 HISTORY Student: Teacher Supervisor:

YUHYUN ERIN YI Mr. Mark Clement

Why did the Korean government fail to resist Japanese encroachment in 1894?

ABSTRACT In 1905, Joseon forcefully signed the Treaty of Eulsa with Japan, relinquishing its national sovereignty. This meant that Joseon was not an independent state and had no diplomacy rights; Joseon had become a colony of Japan. This investigation aims to question: Why did the Korean government fail to resist Japanese encroachment in 1894? The scope of the extended essay is restricted to only one year, 1894. This is because after 1894, the Korean government had completely lost control over its state and diplomacy. Hence, in order to determine the scope of foreign interference in 1894, I picked two events which are regarded to be conclusive in Japan’s full force intervention. One is the Tonghak Movement which gave the excuse for foreign armies to set foot in Joseon. The other event is the consequence of the movement, which is the Gabo Reforms. The series of reforms, passed by Japan exerting its power, were both advantageous and Disadvantageous to Joseon and its farmers. However, the ultimate outcome was that Japan had succeeded in facilitating its plan to annex Joseon. In order to determine the extent of Japanese intervention and the reason behind the failure of the Gabo reforms, I have evaluated whether the reforms were more beneficial to Joseon and its people or Japan. Moreover, in order to investigate the research question, primary sources such as the treaties signed by the government as well as secondary sources were used. The findings prove that the inept government to respond to its people and the lack of power to disobey Japan led to an unsuccessful resistance to Japanese invasion.

GROUP 4 SCIENCE Student: Teacher Supervisor:

CAITLIN BROWN Ms. Stephanie Kilminster

How do different levels of chlorine dioxide pollution stunt or affect growth of Coriandrum sativum?

ABSTRACT The effects of chlorine pollution in soil on seed germination, growth and biomass on Coriandrum sativum were observed in this essay, exploring the research question: How do different levels of chlorine dioxide pollution stunt or affect growth of Coriandrum sativum? Although chlorine is a naturally occurring element, and can be beneficial in small amounts for the environment, an increasing concentration of chlorine pollution can prevent seeds from germinating. This research found that concentrations of approximately 0.75% and higher of chlorine dioxide in the initial medium the seed is grown in hinders the growth of seeds. In a 1% concentration chlorine solution, 100% of the observed seeds did not grow. In a 0.75% concentrated solution, from these findings it can be estimated that 60% of the seeds will germinate. The seeds were found to be able to grow in concentrations of 0.5% and 0.25%, but the biomass of the seeds in the 0.25% solution was, on average, were 0.47% heavier. Chlorine prevented growth of mold when 0.75% and 1% concentrated, as it kills microorganisms such as Rhizospheres, Pseudomonas, Enterobacter and Anthrobacter by damaging the structure of their cell. Microorganisms are crucial for seedlings to grow, and therefore too high of a concentration of chlorine can prevent this.

GROUP 3 INDIVIDUALS AND SOCIETIES Student: Teacher Supervisor:


What would be the best strategy for DNE Company to export furniture?

ABSTRACT Exporting products is always the dream of the Vietnamese business. In foreign market, the products will have a higher price than selling in Vietnam. However, selling in other country that the market is way different the Vietnam market is extremely hard, especially is wooden furniture because of the competition in the market. This essay will suggest the best way to export product from Vietnam’s wooden furniture factory to England, where is one of the best place to export furniture. At first explaining the market in European Union and Vietnam market is the first part. After that, analysing the market in industries country like Germany and England is at the second part. Because England has the most substantial market high economy and the taste of the customer is fit with the company. Therefore, exporting to England will be the best strategy for DNE. In addition, the company using market oriented method because of the competition in England is extremely intense. SWOT was use to analyse the strategy that DNE Company use in order to be success in business. After stating the best strategy, the essay also includes other option that business can use to expand the range of export or expand the market of the company. Using Ansoff Matrix will be able to identify the characteristic of the new strategy.

GROUP 3 INDIVIDUALS AND SOCIETIES Student: Teacher Supervisor:

JUN SUK PARK Mr. Darie Ilies

To what extent did Samsung Electronics monopolize the Korean smartphone market for the period of 2012-2015?

ABSTRACT Most of people in the world use smartphone instead of 2G mobile phones. Also in Korea, almost everyone utilize smartphones and some people possess more than two smartphones for their own good. As I look around the people on the streets in Korea, most people utilize smartphones from Samsung and actually Samsung is a firm, which dominates current Korean smartphone market. Therefore, there is no diversity of the smartphone in Korea society. This situation helped me to arrive at my research, which is ‘‘to what extent did Samsung Electronics monopolize the Korean smartphone market for the period of 20122015?’ To explain briefly about this extended essay, the investigation or analyses have been made secondary resources. The major economic theory, which going to be handled in this essay, is market structure from microeconomic including monopoly, oligopoly, monopolistic competition and perfect competition. Then, there are investigations with each aspects or characteristics of market structure like number of producers and consumers, type of competition and existence of barriers to entry. Also, these sections have some of the statics to explain the investigation. Furthermore, there are several diagrams to provide the visual information. Throughout the investigation, Samsung started to lose the market power in Korean smartphone market. This is because foreign firms entered the market and gain their competitiveness due to the low barriers to entry, which created by government subsidy regulation. Also, the market is starting to form oligopolistic because firms start to do product differentiation by developing the quality or creating new features for their products. On the other hands, according to the HHI, Samsung still had advantages in the market with Apple since these two companies act as a duopoly in 2015. As a result, it is difficult to predict the future Korean smartphone market structure.

GROUP 4 BIOLOGY Student: Teacher Supervisor:

SILKE KOBZA Ms. Ellen Clampitt

Do Solanum lycopersicum (tomato) plants grow better with horse manure (organic fertilizer) or with artificial fertilizer?

ABSTRACT Organic fertilizer and artificial fertilizer are used on crops to help the growth of diverse plants. This investigation was made in order to compare the effects of organic fertilizer and artificial fertilizer. For this extended essay, the research question is ‘’Do Solanum lycopersicum (tomato) plants grow better with horse manure (organic fertilizer) or with artificial fertilizer?” To complete the investigation, the experiment was elaborated. The method was created to plant tomato seeds into fifteen different pots. Five pots for each independent variable: horse manure, artificial fertilizer and water which is the control group. The tomato seeds grow in order to measure the plants’ heights. The experiment lasted for 20 consecutive days. At the end of the experiment and by making tables and graphs, the result doesn’t support the hypothesis and it appears that the horse manure and artificial fertilizer are slightly different. However, the organic fertilizer has great potential in plant growth, but also it has many benefits for a healthy environment and doesn’t harm any organisms either on earth or in water. In comparison, after some researches it has been proved that chemical fertilizer is great to grow plants as well. However, it has a lot of negative aspects and has bad effects on the environment, especially the soil and the water quality.

GROUP 1 LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE Student: Teacher Supervisor:

JIE YEE LAU Mr. Bo Zhong



GROUP 1 LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE Student: Teacher Supervisor:


배경과 인물을 통해 본 현대 사회의 왜곡된 진실과 부조리한 현실 - 공지영의 <도가니>를 중심으로 -



연구 문제: 배경과 인물을 통해 본 현대 사회의 왜곡된 진실과 부조리한 현실 - 공지영의 <도가니>를 중심으로 본 논문은 현대 사회의 왜곡된 진실과 부조리한 현실을 공지영의 <도가니>를 중심으로 분석해 보았다. 권력에 대한 사회 비판적인 성향을 지닌 소설의 배경과 인물들을 집중적으로 연구해보았다. 작가가 배경과 인물들의 역할을 통해 어떻게 현대 사회의 권력 중심 사회를 비판하고 왜곡된 진실과 부조리한 현실을 보여줬는지가 본 논문의 핵심이다. 소설의 공간적 배경인 무진시는 안개로 뒤덮여 무슨 일이 일어나도 외부에 알려질 길이 없는 인상을 심어주며 안개는 바깥세상과의 ‘셔터’와 같은 역할을 한다. 소설의 주 배경은 언어폭력과 구타는 기본으로, 성폭행도 존재하는 자애 없는 자애학원이다. 자애학원은 장애가 있는 학생들을 보호하고 가르치는 사회복지시설이어야 하지만, 안개에 뒤덮인 자애학원은 권력에 무릎을 꿇은 채 폭력에 휩싸이게 된다. 모든 사건은 권력을 지닌 자이자 가해자들에 의해 외부에 노출되지 않는다. 작가는 소설의 피해자를 장애아동들로, 가해자를 기득권층의 자애학원 교장, 행정실장, 선생으로 그리고 방관자를 가해자 외 기득권층과 무진시 주민으로 설정했다. 작가가 가해자 역할을 권력 있는 자들로 설정함으로, 권력에 의해 진실이 왜곡될 수밖에 없는 현대사회의 부조리한 현실을 부각할 수 있었다. 특히, 사회의 약자인 장애아동들을 피해자로 선택한 것은 이를 더더욱 극대화 시켰다. 그리고 자신들에게 악영향이 끼치는 걸 원치 않아 사태에 개입하지 않는 방관자의 무관심한 태도는 우리 사회 시민들의 모습을 그려내고자 했던 작가다. 결론적으로, 이와 같은 연구를 통해 소설은 혼란된 배경과 권력을 가진 인물들과 못 가진 인물들의 대립관계를 통해 현대 사회의 왜곡된 진실과 부조리한 현실을 그려냈다.

GROUP 1 LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE Student: Teacher Supervisor:


허균의 <홍길동전>과 미겔 데 세르반테스의 <돈 키호테>에서 주인공의 능력과 시대적 배경의 상관관계



본 연구는 소설 속 주인공들이 어떻게 당시 시대적 배경을 반영하는지에 대하여 찾는 것을 목적으로 한다. 허균의 <홍길동전>과 미겔 데 세르반테스의 <돈 키호테>는 각각 1600년대 초에 동양 사회와 서구사회의 배경에서 보이는 사회적 문제에 대하여 이의를 제기하는 작품이다. 하지만 서양은 동양보다 대체로 근대사회를 먼저 맞이하여 두 소설의 시대적 배경은 고대사회와 근대사회의 성격으로 차이가 난다. 이 논문에서는 두 소설에서 보이는 각각의 시대적 배경을 주인공의 능력과 관계를 지어 심층 분석하고 결론을 하고 왔다. 이 논문의 연구 방법은 소설의 기원으로서의 서사문학에 따른 작중 인물의 능력을 조사하였다. 그리고 두 주인공인 홍길동과 돈 키호테의 능력에 있어 상관관계를 분석하고 분석을 통해 문학작품에서 보이는 주인공들의 능력은 어떻게 소설의 단계인 발단, 전개, 위기, 절정, 결말에 영향을 주었는지 분석하였다. 이로부터 시대적 배경이 어떻게 반영되는지 주인공들의 능력과 시대적 배경의 상관관계를 심층 분석하고 결론은 가지고 왔다. 결론적으로, 각각의 작품에서 보이는 주인공의 능력은 소설의 구성에 영향을 주었고 이에 따라 시대적 배경은 구성 속에서 반영된다는 것을 발견하였다. 그리고 당시 고대사회와 근대사회의 시대적 배경을 분석해 보았을 때 시대적 배경에 따라 신성문화와 세속문화라는 문화적 개념의 차이를 띄었고 이 차이는 주인공들의 능력설정에 영향을 주었다는 것이다. 정리하자면, 시대적 배경에 따른 문화적 개념은 주인공들의 능력 설정에 영향을 주어 소설 구성체제를 형성하였다. 이러한 결과로 이 논문의 최종 목적인 소설 속 주인공들은 당시 시대적 배경을 어떻게 반영하는지에 대한 문제 제기에 답을 내려주었다.

GROUP 3 INDIVIDUALS AND SOCIETIES Student: Teacher Supervisor:


What is the legacy of hosting the Association Football World Cup on two contrasting nations, Brazil and Germany?


The aim of this essay was to answer the research question “What is the legacy of hosting the Association Football World Cup on two contrasting nations, Brazil and Germany?� It was suggested the legacy in Germany was more positive upon both sectors; social and economic compared to Brazil. The world cup is a football competition that occurs every 4 years. Motivations to host the event include: improving infrastructure, winning and raising the countries profile in the international market. Brazil, located in South America had a slow development until recent years. It is now part of the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) indicating that it is a world leader in manufacturing textile, and further illustrating it is a fast developing nation. In 2014, Brazil hosted the world cup. It was left with more issues than benefits, socially and economically. Socially, the nation has protested prior, during and after the event because of the disparities that exists between the wealthy and the poor and the corruption that is constantly haunting the lower class society. Economically, the nation experienced downturns during the last quarter. Germany, a country situated in Central Europe has experienced a fast growth rate in the last decades and is currently ranked 4th in holding the largest GDP worldwide. In 2006, Germany hosted the world cup. It was left with more benefits than issues, socially and economically. It had a more positive approach in preparation for the cup, during and after. Statistics illustrated the German nation were warm welcoming individuals. Economically, the country experienced fast increases in their GDP since 2006 and most certainly the world cup has raised the nations profile in international trade. In conclusion, the legacy was more positive in Germany than on Brazil. It seemed that Brazil did not consider ordeal with the negative impacts.

GROUP 1 LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE Student: Teacher Supervisor:


How does late 20th Century female poetry express identities of women as individuals?



The women’s work are always under represented. The few notable works only speak of the general experience of women. However, women are not defined by the common struggle or stereotypes. Woman is a gender identity classified originally for the purpose of differentiating the two sexes. Time has continued to develop more complete and complex definition of woman. In poetry women more often speak for groups. But, each woman is their own entity, capable of being an individual person also as shown by poets Audre Lorde, Anne Sexton and Adrienne Rich. By analysing certain poems, I will explores the question, ‘How does late 20th century female poetry express identities of women as individuals?’ To answer my question, I looked into to the works of three well known and respected poets, choosing a poem by each of them that illustrates the life of an individual woman. I investigated the poems; “A Woman Speaks” by Lorde, “Her Kind” by Sexton and “Planetarium” by Rich. I analyzed each poem and structured my findings into two overlapping themes; the relationship between women and their environment, and, the usage of control and freedom. This led me to my conclusion. Each poet illustrates different lives and worlds without letting go of their identity as women. In this way, they have shown women as individuals. Rich may describe a common struggle for women, but, the effect it had on Caroline Herschel makes it her own story. Lorde speaks of herself with strength and power that is her own. Sexton illustrates the complex emotional and mental struggles she faced as an individual woman. Each poet used their words creating imagery and metaphors through the setting to depict a unique character with their own struggles and triumph. They have shown the spectrum of personalities and tales that is women.

GROUP 1 LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE Student: Teacher Supervisor:


“성장소설에서 ‘낯선 사람과의 조우’의 문학적 역할 연구” – 황석영 <개밥바라기별>과 무라카미 하루키 <해변의 카프카>를 중심으로



본 논문에서는 성장소설에서 ‘낯선 사람과의 조우’의 문학적 역할에 대해서 연구했다. 이 연구는 황석영 <개밥바라기별>과 무라카미 하루키 <해변의 카프카>를 중심으로 연구했다. ‘낯선 사람’ 이 어떻게 설정되었고, 작가의 의도를 효용론적 관점과 작가론적 관점으로 분석했다. 먼저 성장의 의미와 ‘낯선 사람과의 조우’의 정의와 유도에 대해서 분석하였다. 성장소설에서 성장은 물리적인 성장인 직접적인 개념보다 내면의 성숙의 개념으로 이해하는 것이다. ‘낯선 사람과의 조우’는 성장소설에서의 필수적 성장 서사인 ‘낯선 경험’과 긴밀한 연관성을 가진다. 두 소설에서 ‘낯선 사람과의 조우’를 유도하기 위해 공통적으로 여행모티브를 사용하였다. 다음으로 <개밥바라기별>를 분석하였다. 낯선 인물들은 공통적으로 주인공에게 외향적, 적극적 성향을 지닌다는 특성을 가지고 있다. 낯선 인물 중에는 주인공의 성장에 직접적으로 개입하는 장대위라는 인물이 있다. 이는 작가론적 관점으로 이해할 수 있다. 황석영 소설의 특징은 이 인물과 같이 노동자 계층이지만 스스로의 정체성이 뚜렷한 인물이 등장한다. 이러한 인물의 형태는 성장소설에서 적합한 인물 형태이다. <해변의 카프카>을 분석하였다. 이 소설에서도 공통적으로 낯선 인물들이 외향적, 적극적 성향을 지닌다. 다른 점은 낯선 인물이 소수라는 점이다. 또한, 사애키, 사쿠라, 오시마는 카프카에게 결여된 어머니, 누나, 친구의 존재를 대신해준다. 결론적으로 두 작품은 공통적으로 ‘낯선 사람과의 조우’가 인물의 성장과 긴밀한 연관성을 지닌다. ‘낯선 인물’의 성격은 작품마다 공통적인 부분이 존재한다. 인물의 성장에 필요한 조건인 ‘낯선 경험’은 이 문학적 기법으로 이루어졌다.



Comment voit-on les prémices de l’économie moderne à travers “Le Père Goriot, Balzac” et “La Curée, Zola”?



Le but de ma dissertation est de comparer deux témoignages du changement économique en France au XIXème siècle à travers deux romans phares “La Curée” d’Emile Zola et “Le Père Goriot” d’Honoré de Balzac à travers la problématique: “Comment voit-on les prémices de l’économie moderne à travers « Le Père Goriot Balzac » et « La Curée Zola » ? Après la lecture de ces deux livres, j’observe un lien très soudé entre les deux romans: les deux auteurs dépeignent un changement drastique qui va changer l’économie française à jamais. C’est à travers plusieurs personnages et dans des situations différentes qu’une analyse littéraire me permettra de tirer des conclusions basées essentiellement sur l’économie du XIXème siècle. Le but de cet essai est mettre en commun deux univers différents et de deux auteurs au style complètement opposé pour arriver à comprendre le bouleversement économique en France à cette époque. Pour y arriver, je regarderai en premier lieu le rôle social de l’argent au XIXème siècle à travers la narration des deux romans, puis dans un deuxième temps les bases de l’économie moderne. Pour finir, j’analyserai les conséquences de ce changement radical sous plusieurs angles: économique, politique et social. En conclusion, je remarque que l’instabilité politique a provoqué un chamboulement dans la manière de s’enrichir. La spéculation et la thésaurisation apparaît, provoquant un développement des banques et donc de l’argent fictif. J’ai choisi cette problématique en raison de ma passion de l’économie et de la littérature. Etant française de naissance, les racines de l’économie moderne me concernent. C’est pourquoi j’ai décidée de combiner deux de mes matières favorites.

GROUP 1 LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE Student: Teacher Supervisor:

AARON SNG Ms. Emma Collins

How has the characterisation of gay people evolved in mainstream American film?



The aim of this investigation is to explore the changing societal views on gay people that are expressed within American film. A selection of films will be analysed to investigate how these movies characterise gay people. This led to the question: How has the characterisation of gay people evolved in mainstream American film? The Stonewall Riots marked a turning point in the gay rights movement in the United States and the event is used as a place marker that separates the development of gay representation in film before and after. Before the Stonewall Riots, gay people were classified as mentally ill, and some filmmakers implemented Hay’s Code in conjunction with Freudian concepts to subtly characterise gay people in film. Films selected for this case study are Strangers on a Train directed Alfred Hitchcock, The Boys in the Band directed by William Friedkin and Brokeback Mountain directed by Ang Lee. Film scripts were not widely available, so this research focused on the material presented to the general public through dialogue, image, acting methodology and interaction with other characters. The content of each film was contextualized by the zeitgeist of each time period in relation to gay rights. Chronologically, these events reflect a changing attitude towards gay people by the general public into the modern day. Based on these elements, this essay concludes that the portrayal of gay people in modern day film shows gay characters represented in a way that allows the audience to empathise with gay characters. The significance of this incorporation into mainstream culture is that politically, gay rights have been advanced because of the rapid growth of popular support for gay people. This reflects an American historical trend of assimilation that allows for the general public to sympathize with a marginalized group of people.

GROUP 6 VISUAL ART Student: Teacher Supervisor:

NAOMI PHAM Ms. Laura Thomson

How has the social and emotional impact of war photography changed since the 1940s?

ABSTRACT As a lifelong international student, I am able to look at news broadcasts and articles without the bias of having a home country influencing my opinion. This has led me to wonder how my ideas, perceptions, and opinions have been affected by content published in the media. To an extent, it is easier to explore this through written texts, however, people are exposed to images that portray current events just as much as the written word. I wanted to explore how these images influenced people emotionally and socially, hence the research question of this extended essay: ‘How has the social and emotional impact of war photography changed since the 1940s?’ To structure my research, I decided to focus on four different time periods to ensure I explore the evolutionary process of broadcasted images of war. I selected four wars that had high media coverage and chose one photo from each that I felt was relevant to the conflict. From here, I analyzed these images in correlation with the current political situation and social reaction. To support my findings, I also interviewed people who were present at the time, to gain relevant stories of how people reacted when these images were published. From my research, I found that the Internet has democratized war imagery, making it an even more evocative and personal communication that express values, ideas, social and political goals. Over time, the role of the audience has developed from people merely watching and reacting predictably, to people being able to directly involve themselves within conflict. War photography has evolved from being a heavily regulated process designed to control the people as a whole to being a music more direct way of communication that is targeted at an individual without the confinements of photos being approved by authorities before publication.

GROUP 6 VISUAL ART Student: Teacher Supervisor:


To what extent do the artworks of Frida Kahlo depict her as a feminist icon?

ABSTRACT This essay examines the question: “To what extent do the artworks of Frida Kahlo depict her as a feminist icon?” I will start off by introducing Frida Kahlo, her background and the concept of feminism in general terms. The next section will describe Frida Kahlo’s life events from her perspective, that were found in her personal diary and could be as a reliable and interesting insight into the thoughts behind her artwork. This part is quite significant as it fully depicts the tragedies and sufferings she went through and how they could serve as an explanation for her work. Furthermore, the essay concisely addresses feminist ideology, its relevance to today’s values and its links to Kahlo herself. This essay will then continue to discuss how Frida Kahlo is indirectly connected to the feminism, why she’s idolised by so many women as a character and how she impacts the movement. I will go through thorough analysis on three of Kahlo’s famous pieces, which include: “My birth”, “The Wounded Deer ”, and “The Two Fridas”. The analysis will be based on the conceptions of the work in relation to Kahlo’s intent, juxtaposed next to the assumed feminist analysis of her work. Additionally, other aspects of design and principles will be discussed to illustrate the effectiveness of Kahlo’s paintings. This essay will reflect on why Frida Kahlo is perceived as a feminist icon, the ways in which she portrayed feminism values in her art, why feminists admire her and how she became an influential feminist figure in society as we know it. To conclude everything, I will mention that the speculation of Kahlo being a feminist artist goes much further than her artwork. I will repeat that Kahlo has never intended to create artwork that addresses feminist issues but was merely perceived as a feminist artist through analysis. Kahlo’s intents are based on her life events that were clearly mentioned in her diary entries, a place where one can look inside of Kahlo’s mind and understand her thought processes during the process of making art.

GROUP 6 VISUAL ART Student: Teacher Supervisor:

PIERRE GENET Ms. Laura Thomson

Why did art nouveau style experience resurgence in popularity in the sixties in the USA?

ABSTRACT Several Art Nouveau and sixties pieces were analysed to highlight the main visual characteristics and compare patterns, palette, iconography and fonts. This essay proved that the art style in the sixties borrowed heavily from Art Nouveau imagery, reinterpreting shapes and colors with a psychedelic twist. Because Art Nouveau was creative in pioneering commercial communication, artists in the sixties appropriated it. The Art Nouveau and sixties movement were documented, the main research done using English and French websites and books on multiple subjects including: paintings, design and history. Because of personal interest in graphic arts and product design, visits were made to: The Horta Museum, Brussels, Belgium; The Owl House, Brussels, Belgium; and Sonia Delaunay Exhibition, Tate Gallery, London, England. Videos on the Art Nouveau Movement and Art of the sixties were also used as resources Researching information regarding a direct relationship between the two periods was challenging little supporting documentation was available directly relating to causality. The “Art Nouveau Revival” exhibition curator in Paris was even contacted. The finding indicated that indeed, the Art Nouveau style experience resurgence in popularity in the sixties in the USA. The Art Nouveau movement and the revival of the sixties were driven by reactions from the young generation to the then existing dominating schools of thought on art; that they were both responses to a perceived lack of expressive artistic creativity in a world dominated by mass production and consumerism; and both were rebels intent on redirecting society back into a more nature centered and peaceful harmony aspiring to modernity. Perhaps that is the answer to Why did Art Nouveau style experience resurgence in popularity in the sixties in the USA?

GROUP 1 VIETNAMESE LITERATURE Student: Teacher Supervisor: Chiến tranh đã gây ảnh hưởng đến xã hội, con người và gia đình như thế nào qua hai tác phẩm “Số Phận Con Người” của tác giả Mikhail Solokhov và “Nỗi Buồn Chiến Tranh” của tác giả Bảo Ninh?


MINH ANH (MIA) NGUYEN Ms. Ngoc Mai Nguyen

ABSTRACT Từ lâu, chiến tranh đã là một đề tài văn học muôn thuở bởi trong thời hòa bình, nhân loại vẫn nghe thấy đâu đó lời than khóc và những nỗi đau khôn nguôi. Đau xót trước những số phận bất hạnh trong hai tác phẩm “Số Phận Con Người” của Mikhail Alexcxandrovitr Solokhov và “Nỗi Buồn Chiến Tranh” của Bảo Ninh, em muốn dùng bài Luận văn mở rộng này để khám phá và so sánh hai tác phẩm, từ đó rút ra được những điểm giống nhau và khác nhau giữa hai cuộc chiến tranh thế giới lần thứ hai và chiến tranh Việt Nam. Qua quá trình nghiên cứu và viết bài, em hy vọng sẽ được hiểu thêm về những đau khổ mà thế hệ xưa phải đi qua để bản thân thêm trân trọng những đặc ân mà chúng ta, những con người sống trong thời hòa bình, được hưởng thụ. Bài viết sẽ trình bày những luận điểm sau: 1) Tóm tắt hai tác phẩm. 2) Sự tàn khốc và hoàn cảnh khắc nghiệt thời chiến tranh được phản ánh trong hai tác phẩm. 3) Nỗi đau và những mất mát mà chiến tranh gây nên trong hai tác phẩm. 4) Cuộc sống thời hậu chiến của hai nhân vật Xocolov và Kiên. 5) Tính cách của những người lính thời chiến tranh qua hai nhân vật Xocolov và Kiên. 6) Chủ đề tư tưởng của hai tác phẩm 7) Nghệ thuật trong hai tác phẩm Bài viết sử dụng nhiều phương thức so sánh như thu thập dẫn chứng, phân tích và thống kê. Em hy vọng bài Luận văn mở rộng này sẽ giúp em đạt được những mục tiêu mà em đã đặt ra khi chọn đề tài này.

GROUP 3 HISTORY Student: Teacher Supervisor:

QUYNH TRAN Mr. Mark Clement

To what extent was the holocaust inevitable after kristallnacht in 1938?

ABSTRACT Kristallnacht is one of the most famous events in anti-Semitic history. The pogrom was conducted by Nazi officials, and carried out in the night, vandalizing Jewish homes and businesses, arresting and murdering innocent Jews. This essay explores the question of whether or not the Holocaust was inevitable after Kristallnacht, or Night of the Broken Glass on the 9-10 of November 1938. The investigation will be structured by firstly explaining anti-Semitism in the Third Reich. Then the causes and significance of Kristallnacht will be explained and evaluated, and the Holocaust will be introduced and its relevance with Kristallnacht will be evaluated along with the context of the Wannsee Conference. In order to assess Kristallnacht contribution towards the Holocaust, primary sources quoted from conferences, governmental records and the Jewish survivors themselves along with secondary sources conveying historian’s perspective towards Kristallnacht will be taken in consideration. The conclusion that have been reached in this extended essay is that after Kristallnacht, it was inevitable that Hitler issued the Final Solution, commencing the Holocaust because Kristallnacht was a government orchestrated pogrom in order to declare that extent of violence that can be inflicted upon the Jews, and the lack of governmental protection they have. The attack sent a predominant message that any radical measures of violence were possible for the Jews.

GROUP 3 HISTORY Student: Teacher Supervisor:

ANH DAI NGUYEN Mr. Mark Clement

Why did the 20th July Plot (operation Valkyrie) fail?

ABSTRACT In this paper, the idea being examined is the German Resistance and its role in influencing the outcome of the Second World War. The paper mainly revolves around only one particular group of resistance called the Military led German resistance, a group of individuals consisted of Nazi party individuals who were notably known to oppose Nazi ideals that made history through one of the most bold attempts at assassinating Hitler on the 20th of July. The Essay is based on different anecdotal accounts and facts that were provided by both primary sources and secondary sources ranging from paperback titles to web publications. However, Anecdotal accounts may be considered of weak or limited value, as it lacks credible proof. The structure of the essay is made up of four sections distinguished under subheadings namely: “Who Was Stauffenberg?, Planning the Coup, Tactics, Setbacks of July 1944 and Operation Valkyrie. The essay’s introduction starts off by laying out general background information and an overview of the topic to set the stage for essential information that comes later in the essay. The first section of the body paragraph mainly addresses the key events and issues through detailed insights of the events leading up to the coup and introduces us to Claus Von Stauffenberg, the main figure of 20th of July Plot. The second section of the body paragraphs deals with Tie-In events such as, “planning the coup” and “the setbacks of July,” that are considered relevant to the topic. Furthermore, at the end of each respective section, a paragraph concerning the evaluation the referenced sources and construction of an argument is addressed in order to make a connection with the research question. Lastly, the conclusion will summarize the reasons pertaining to the plot’s failure and all the information mentioned in the body paragraphs.

GROUP 3 INDIVIDUALS AND SOCIETIES Student: Teacher Supervisor:

DONGGUN LEE Mr. Darie Ilies

To what extent would carbon emission trading in Korea influence Korean steel manufacturing industry?

ABSTRACT The extended essay responds to following research question; “To what extent would carbon emission trading in Korea influence Korean steel manufacturing industry?” Research in such topic is important because carbon emission trading is emerging trend of measure to tackle air pollutions. This essay examines potential economic impacts of carbon trading emission implemented by Korean government on domestic steel industry. The scope of this essay is to forecast how Korean steel manufacturing companies will be influenced by the carbon emission trading referring to economic theories of demand and supply and theory of negative externalities. The extended essay suggests theoretical concepts and models followed by critical evaluation on assumptions referring to the empirical statistical data and on stakeholders’ perspectives. This paper analyzes data and empirical results from foreign cases to support the forecast on Korean steel industry. The essay refers to domestic data to examine current economic circumstances in Korean steel industry. As a supplementary source to improve authenticity of claims suggested in this essay, interview on veteran from Korean steel industry has been conducted prior to writing the essay. The essay concludes that the steel production in Korea might decrease in the short run due to the increased cost as referred to the model, but would rise again in the long term, referring to the previous case. The research turned out to demonstrate that change in quantity of production in Korean steel industry after activation of carbon emission trading coincides to the phenomenon in Europe when carbon emission trading emission was conducted.

GROUP 5 MATHEMATICS Student: Teacher Supervisor:


Efficiency of DNA strand structure building

ABSTRACT Why people are looking for unique building and why architects build it? I was looking around one of my favourite cities that shows many unique buildings in the world. While I saw the building called “DNA structure building”, it sparked me and derived this question, “Is that useful except fascinating visual?” I was wondering whether it is actually practical and valuable to be built. Here is the DNA strand structure building. My research question is “Efficiency of DNA strand structure building.” In this investigation, efficiency is defined as the use of space. It is approached by two different views; the effect of the slope of out layer of building elevation and comparing each floor ’s surface area between before and after building is twisted. While those two progresses are shown, integration will be applied to measure the surface area. Due to the building is not constructed yet, several assumptions of shape of cross section (floor base) will be stated. In the conclusion, I will come up with the efficiency of this structure based on those two components. Furthermore, several suggestions that can increase the surface area will be given with evidences that come up during the process.

GROUP 1 LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE Student: Teacher Supervisor: 세월호 보도를 통해 비교하는 뉴스사의 재난보도 의제와 프레임 설정- (조선일보, 중앙일보, 한겨레) 들 헤드라인 중심으로 한국 신문사들의 의제 설정과 프레임 재난보도 얼마나 적합한가?


JUN HYUK LEE Mr. Jae Min Chung

ABSTRACT 이 논문의 연구 문제는 ‘한국 신문사들의 의제 설정과 프레임은 재난 보도에 얼마나 적합한가?’ 이다. 이 문제에 답하기 위해 세월호 사건 보도 기사를 대상으로 첫째, 한국 신문사 헤드라인이 각기 의제를 어떻게 설정하고 프레임을 구성하는지를 비교했다. 둘째, 기사는 독자에게 얼마나 신뢰성과 타당성을 갖춘 정보를 제공하는지 재난보도준칙에 근거해 평가했다. 의제 설정이란 ‘무엇을 보여줄 것인가?’ 의 문제이고 프레임은 ‘무엇을 어떻게 보여줄 것이냐’의 문제이다. 연구 대상은 조선일보, 중앙일보, 그리고 한겨레다. 분석 방법은 사건이 발생한 2014년 4월 16일, 17일 18일 기준으로 16일 첫 10편의 기사, 17일 중간 10편의 기사, 그리고 18일 마지막 10편의 기사를 분석했다. 신문사의 의제를 ‘현장 중계’와 ‘원인 및 대처’로 나누고 시간의 흐름에 따라 신문사의 의제가 어떻게 설정되는지 또는 구성되는지에 집중했다. 신문사의 프레임은 ‘단면적’ 프레임과 ‘포괄적’ 프레임으로 분류했다. 결론적으로 세 신문사는 모두 다른 의제와 프레임을 구성했으며 다른 프레임으로 독자에게 정보를 전달했다. 한편 세 신문사의 기사 모두 재난보도준칙과 어긋나며, 자극적이고 선정적인 내용의 헤드라인을 설정했다. 결론적으로 이 논문은 향후 재난보도 시 해결해야 할 문제점으로 재난보도준칙과 어긋나는 기사 방지 대안을 제시한다.

GROUP 1 LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE Student: Teacher Supervisor:

JAE WOO KIM Mr. Jae Min Chung

제 5대, 제 15대 대통령 취임사 대조 분석 연구



이 연구의 목적은시대적 배경은 다르지만 같은 주제를 다루는 두 대통령 취임사의 내용 전달 방법에 어떤 차이가 있는지 대조하는 것이다. 제5대 대통령 취임사와 제15대 대통령 취임사는 상반된 시대적 배경을 근거로 한다. 두 취임사에서 볼 수 있는 같은 주제인 경제 문제와 남북관계를 놓고 취임사의 내용 전달 방법을 분석해 그 차이를 토대로 취임사를 대조하였다. 결과적으로 두 취임사의 같은 문제에 대해 두 취임사는 시대 상황 인식 및 취임사의 의도와 문체 설정에서 차이를 보였다. 이 글의 연구 방법은 첫쨰, 각 취임사가 시대 상황을 어떻게 반영하여 묘사했는지 본문에서 찾아 분석했다. 박정희 대통령 취임 당시 우리나라는 전쟁의 아픔을 씻어내지 못한 채 경제를 재건하고 북한의 위협을극복해야만 했다. 김대중 대통령 취임 당시 우리나라는 경제 위기에 놓여있었고, 이전 대통령인 김영삼 집권 시기에 남북정상회담 취소로 인해 급속히 악하되었다. 따라서 두 취임사 내용 모두 경제 발전과 남북관계 회복에 초점을 맞추고 있으므로, 두 취임사의 내용 전달 방법에 어떤 차이가 있는지 대조 분석하는 것은 의미 있다. 대조 결과, 박정희 대통령의 취임사는 국민을 경제 발전과 민족 통일을 위해 적극 참여하고, 자발적 노력을 통해 국가 발전에 이바지해야 하는 잠재적 노동력으로 간주한다. 반면 김대중 대통령의 취임사에서 국민은 앞에서 대조된 이미지로 그려진다. ‘국민의 정부’를 중심으로 국민이 주인이 되는, 국민을 위한 정치는 김대중 정부의 신념이며, 이를 통해 국민은 주인 의식을 갖고 경제 회복을 이끌어 나가는 존재로 설정된다. 결론적으로, 국민을 나라 발전을 위해 적극적으로 참여해야 하는 일꾼으로 인식하는 박정희 취임사와 달리, 김대중 취임사에서 국민은 국가의 주권을 가지고 주인 의식을 느끼는 존재이다. 따라서 정부는 국민을 위해 일하며 국가의 주인인 국민을 위해 노력해야 한다.

GROUP 3 INDIVIDUALS AND SOCIETIES Student: Teacher Supervisor:


To what extent does innovation in Silicon Valley enhance economic growth (and change society) through knowledge spillovers in San Francisco?

ABSTRACT This essay examines the question: “To what extent does innovation in Silicon Valley enhance economic growth (and change society) through knowledge spillovers in San Francisco?” In today’s day and age, technology has become ever so important and present, but what is its true economic repercussion? This research can serve as either an argument for Silicon Valley’s benevolence, or as a challenge to its perceived grandeur. The essay begins by introducing the more rudimentary facts and background information on Silicon Valley, as well as outlining and introducing several areas for debate among professionals in the business. Additionally, the introduction serves to illustrate some of the ideology and appeal of Silicon Valley in shaping the future. Beyond the introduction, lies an in depth analysis of Silicon Valley, examining the role that venture capital for start ups has played. By the end of the body, the essay seeks to explore and deal with some the opportunities for change that have not been taken. Details are provided to illustrate certain messages about Silicon Valley’s impact, for example it’s total economic impact, its employment creation numbers, as well as counter arguments to its supposed effects. However, the essay additionally attempts to go slightly outside of economics and investigate social repercussions and problems. The investigation was undertaken primarily through means of internet research, as well as through personal interviews and visits to some locations in Silicon Valley (tours). Concluding this essay will be a recapitulation of all the major details and points in my bodies, a verdict on the matter, and a personal opinion on the matter. Silicon Valley, although a comprehensive source of revenue and macroeconomic prosperity (GDP, employment creation), is not as beneficial as originally perceived, thrusting the United States back into a self-destructive pattern of capitalism and greed.

GROUP 3 INDIVIDUALS AND SOCIETIES Student: Teacher Supervisor:

MEGAN CHEW Mr. Darie Ilies

How does the effect of global recession on crude oil have an impact on Vietnam’s oil industry from 2014-2016?

ABSTRACT The essay I have presented examines the case on crude oil prices, whether prices will affect the outlook on Talisman’s oil company located in Vietnam. The research question involved answering is “How does the effect of global recession on crude oil have an impact on Vietnam’s Oil Industry from 2014-2016?” Therefore this essay explored the meaning of a “recession” in terms of leading to effects of price reduction, and unemployment. Reiterating the oligopoly market and instruct whether absence of decline impact on the company. For this case, the primary source was collected by handing out personal questionnaires to Talisman’s manager. The questionnaires contained 5 questions in which would give me a brief introduction before interviewing with the managers of Talisman to discuss further details to my research questions. While the secondary sources were articles and statistics from online newspapers and media articles. Therefore in order to envisage Talisman’s business, the essay has examined implication which consisted on 5 economic categories investigating recession, economic growth, price reduction, unemployment and growth and development. An analysis of the case for global economy has drifted in discovering that the fall in crude oil rate has rapidly decreased through the last year. The main component for this unsolved solution were implemented by the OPEC who kept production flat leading to oversupply with less demand for movement on oil. Thus, I’ve concluded based on the industry that there is still great demand of oil which has not harmfully been affected. Vietnam has still been growing becoming a fastest growing country through its innovation of new technology and expansion. And the company has great future expectation to improve their company’s supply and demand for oil even with the collapse of the rapid crude oil price dropping creating generated revenue in Vietnam and its company.

GROUP 4 BIOLOGY Student: Teacher Supervisor:


Does water really need to be boiled to 100 degree Celsius in order to make a good cup of tea?

ABSTRACT Generally, people usually overheat water from a kettle to make their cup of tea and leave the excess water to be reheated later. This action consequently causes the amount of carbon dioxide emission increasing daily. The aim of this essay is to examine and answer the research question that ‘Does water really need to be boiled to 100°C in order to make a good cup of tea?’ In this extended essay, the investigation consists of two experiments, measuring absorbance of tea and taste test, which were used to compare the quality of tea brewed in different temperature of water and analyze the answer for the research question. Two different type of tea were investigated, oolong tea and chamomile tea, with the same steeping time and temperature. The colorimeter showed the concentration of tea that the higher absorbance value means the more concentrated and better quality of tea meanwhile results deduced from the taste test were based on the participant’s tea preferences to distinguish the better taste of tea brewed at 90°C and 100°C. Conclusively, the results were indicative that the tea brewing temperature for a perfect brew depends on the type of tea as shown that oolong can be successfully brewed at 90°C with similar concentration and taste, unlike chamomile tea which needs more evidence to answer the research question. Further investigation is required to include other types of tea such as green, jasmine or chai, for example. This will help determine if they have similar results as brewing oolong tea.

GROUP 1 LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE Student: Teacher Supervisor:


분단 문학 속 분단의 상처와 그에 대한 치유 과정 - 최인훈의 <광장>과 크리스타 볼프의 <나누어진 하늘>을 통해



이 연구는 <광장>과 <나누어진 하늘> 속 분단의 상처와 그에 대한 치유 과정을 알아보는 데서 시작한다. 두 작품은 분단을 배경으로 두며 두 반대되는 사상적 갈등에서 출발했다. 이 글에서는 세계 제2차 대전으로 인해 발발된 분단 속 개인이 겪은 상처와 치유 과정을 인물 간의 갈등 중심으로 분석하였다. 시간과 공간적 배경이 다르지만, 분단의 아픔과 치유 과정이 서로 얼마나 유사한지 그리고 그 연구 결과가 분단 때문에 상처받은 피난민들과 생이별을 맞이한 이들에게 치유 방법을 제시 하려는 마음에 이 연구를 시작하였다. 따라서 이미 통일을 하고 통일 당시 한국과 상황이 비슷했던 독일의 작품을 선정하였다. 이 연구의 조사 방법은 먼저 두 작품 속의 갈등의 뿌리가 뭔지 알기 위해 갈등의 근원을 분석하였다. 그리고 당시 정치와 사회 문화적 배경을 잘 담고 있는 두 작품의 맥락적 관점에서 분단 속에 발발한 갈등을 어떻게 다루었는지 보았다. 마지막으로 각각의 인물들이 어떻게 트라우마를 극복했는지에 대해 조사하고 분석하였다. 결론적으로, 분단에 처한 사람들은 이념적 갈등을 겪고 그 상처를 과거에 대한 회상과 사랑을 통해 극복되었다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 두 작품 속의 사랑은 인물들의 갈등을 완화해주고 인물들을 한 층 더 성숙하게 만들어주는 존재이다. 그리고 회상은 인물들이 자아 성찰을 하고 삶의 인식을 하도록 도와주는 존재이다. 이러한 결과들로 인물들의 상처는 무뎌지게 된다. 하지만 두 작품에서는 사랑과 현실이 공존하지 않았다. 즉, 두 작품은 사랑과 현실은 양립할 수 없는 존재라는 것을 보여준다. 이처럼 두 분단 문학의 주인공들은 삶의 존엄한 가치인 사랑과 상처받은 시간을 되돌아가는 회상을 통해 각자의 상처를 치유해나간다.

GROUP 1 LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE Student: Teacher Supervisor: In the novel Sputnik Sweetheart and On The road, how do Haruki Murakami and Jack Kerouac use the motif of travelling to convey the struggle between acquiescing to social expectations and refusing them?


THANH TRANG VU Mr. Michael Roberts

ABSTRACT The purpose of this extended essay is to analyse travelling as a representation of freedom and imprisonment in the novels On the Road by Jack Kerouac and Sputnik Sweetheart by Haruki Murakami through the question, ‘How does the motif of travelling convey the struggle between acquiescing to social expectations or refusing them?’ The essay embodies how the two authors use the motif of travelling to convey society’s limitations upon individuals, while simultaneously implying the importance of complying with social conformity. The paper explores different aspects of travelling that include the refusal to conform to neither Western nor Asian social expectations of morality, as well as the effect of different surroundings inclusive of individuals and cultures, and figurative travelling through character development are identified and examined as purposes and effects of the motif because they encompass themes about self-identity, relationships and psychological necessities. Kerouac’s travelling protagonists change their morality evident through their lacking social responsibility, and its impacts on themselves and others. Whereas Murakami depicts the missing vitality to be responsible as a limitation, rather than Kerouac’s representation of freedom. Although both authors depict change in surroundings as an impacting aspect of travelling, Kerouac implies different places to have less social limitations than others which enables more freedom, while Murakami conveys social imprisonment through the inability to assimilate although social structures of different places are depicted indifferently. This essay furthermore studies effects of travelling on individuals’ spiritual freedom and their understanding of their society and own identity. Upon exploring these particular elements of the motif, the paper concludes that the authors employs these aspects to portray impacts on self-identity, meaning of human relationships and the natural human aspiration for freedom and thus bring forth their purpose of demonstrating social imprisonment and the pursuit of freedom from it.

GROUP 4 EXPERIMENTAL SCIENCES Student: Teacher Supervisor:

KSENIA KURNOSOVA Mrs. Stephanie Kilminster

How much biomass is needed to sustain a candle in a closed biospere for a set period of time?

ABSTRACT The conducted experiment investigated how the burning time of a candle is influenced by a change of autotrophic biomass in a closed biosphere. In two stages the credibility of the construction and the rate of change of the burning time have been examined. The study strived to answer the research question “How much biomass is needed to sustain a candle in a closed biosphere for a set period of time?” A preliminary experiment was conducted to test the validity of the construction in addition to one main experiment, which used the tested model to answer the research question. The main experiment consisted of five times five trials with decreasing biomass of the plant Zamioculcadoideae at an average rate of 8%. Subsequently the burning time of the candle had been measured to study how significant the effect of the plant’s reverse respiratory reaction would be. The reason for this experiment was to create a simplified model of the earth’s ecosystem. Its simplifications consisted of disregarding all other organisms on earth, and only focusing on the relationship between autotrophic organisms and humans. From this model, projections, like the estimated life period of the human species until extinction, could be concluded. Personally this estimation was important, as it serves to help people realize that they are harming our planet. Nature is often underrated and this experiment might open the eyes for many people, showing them that the human race has to be more sustainable towards the planet. The experiment showed that the burning time of a candle is highly dependent on the amount of photosynthetic biomass in the biosphere. This led to projecting the model on the global atmospheric changes, through questioning the time of human existence unaffected by oxygen rates, if the current rate of habitat destruction would continue.

GROUP 3 INDIVIDUALS AND SOCIETIES Student: Teacher Supervisor:

GEO KIM Mr. Matthew Wright

To what extent are the two contrasting Asian nations, South Korea and Vietnam successfully responding to scientific climate change consensus & climate change event?

ABSTRACT This investigation answers the question ‘to what extent are the two contrasting Asian nations, South Korea and Vietnam, successfully responding to scientific climate change consensus & climate change events?’ As climate change is a global phenomenon that has been acknowledged by the science community and therefore it should be further investigated to come up with an effective strategy for mitigating the effects of such a phenomenon. This investigation starts by researching factors behind the contributions that each country has towards climate change through each of its release of greenhouse gases. This is done through understanding the industrial development gone through by each country, and the correlation such development has with the carbon dioxide emission levels. Following the process of identifying the evidence between carbon dioxide emissions and economic development, strategies suggested by each country is explored along with the set goals regarding the environment for each country. Through such analysis the investigation gives readers a general idea what possible solutions to mitigating the effects of climate change currently exist. Through such understanding, it allows for analyzing the effectiveness of each suggested policies. Although as most of the suggested strategies are designed to meet each of their goals in the future, this investigation will focus on the current extent to which they have achieved the goal today. This investigation concludes the essay by further understanding the fact that each government has more time to work towards reducing its greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally reasons behind the successfulness of the suggested solutions are explored in this section of the investigation.

GROUP 3 INDIVIDUALS AND SOCIETIES Student: Teacher Supervisor:


To what extent does piracy affect the video game industry and how it can be resolved?

ABSTRACT The rise of technology has made it a critical part of our economic growth. However, as technology develops and improves over time, piracy does also. The video game industry is one of those that became affect by it the most for it heavy reliant on technology. New method of downloading and distributing video games illegally have grown and resulted in a pandemic. To fight against copyright infringement in the video game industry, corporations have made drastic decisions and strategies to gain back their profit. The war on piracy had been going on for a long times and it didn't seems to end anytime soon. My research question: How significant is the rise of piracy as a factor in damaging the video game industry in the last 10 years and how to resolve that problem The question ground itself solely to the video game industry which is a relatively younger than the movies and music industries. The essay discuss mostly about the effect of piracy over the businesses, why customers choose to pirate instead of choosing a legal product and how businesses deals with the pandemic and thus its effect on the customers. I will use SWOT analysis to analyse the strategies used by most businesses in the industry. To conclude, I proposed that maybe restrictions aren't the right way to design your products around as customers aren't very keen on such restrictive product while they can easily find a much more accessible version illegally. As such, the trust between customers and the video game companies must be established and nourished.

GROUP 1 LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE Student: Teacher Supervisor:

JI HAE YOON Ms. Janelle Codrington

To what extent does the use of social media influence the careers of Kim Kardashian and Taylor Swift, and their audience reception?

ABSTRACT This essay examines how social media has been employed as an essential marketing instrument to promote and further the careers of celebrities, in particular, two presentday celebrities who could be considered masters of this craft, Kim Kardashian and Taylor Swift. With millions of followers, these celebrities are deemed pioneers of this everevolving social media frontier, harnessing the power of social media for self-promotion and public relations. The promotional approaches that celebrities have implemented on social media have changed the way an audience interacts with the celebrity. Therefore, the research question being answered is to what extent does the use of social media influence the careers of Kim Kardashian and Taylor Swift, and their audiences’ reception? The investigation is important, as the use of social media has become widespread, by-passing traditional mass media. Due to this increasing prevalence, one must understand how social media can influence the audience’s ideologies in both positive and negative manners. To conduct the research, various literature like the “Journalism in the Age of Social Media” by Oxford University, were incorporated to support claims, and statistics were analysed, for example, from Pew Research Center. Additionally, there was an exploration of primary sources like Instagram posts. The research shows that social media plays an integral role in the growth and success of Kardashian and Swift’s careers, becoming the cornerstone for communication between the celebrities and the audience. It acts as a support of lucrative activities, elevating their prominence and revenue; nevertheless, it ultimately influences the audience, as their frequent interaction may affect language, whether it is the syntactical language or visual language, or may create intellectual isolation. There are also positive ideologies that celebrities convey through social media. Therefore, the influence that social media can have on the audience could depend on the way one uses it.

GROUP 3 INDIVIDUALS AND SOCIETIES Student: Teacher Supervisor:

JEE YE HONG Mr. Mark Clement

To what extent did Gorbachev’s reforms during 1985 to 1989 cause the collapse of the USSR?

ABSTRACT Perhaps a pivotal moment in history is the demise of the Cold War. Such political change arose from the surge of reforms and revolutions that dominated almost all established communist systems during 1979-1991. In allegedly the most potent of communist states, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, reform caused revolution and the ultimate collapse of the regime in 1991. This Extended Essay aims to examine the extent to which the collapse of the USSR was a result of the particular nature of Gorbachev’s reforms during Gorbachev’s rule from 1985 to 1989. The research question is: “To what extent did Gorbachev’s reforms during 1985 to 1989 cause the collapse of the USSR?” To answer the question, the political, economic and social circumstances during Gorbachev’s rise to power are first investigated. This includes an analysis of the ineffectiveness of the past inheritors of the regime and the prostrated state of the regime caused by the Cold War during the 1970s. Next, the effects of Gorbachev’s reforms and the reasons for the USSR’s gradual lost in influence are considered. The conclusion drawn from this EE is that Gorbachev, to some degree, holds responsibility for misreading the situation. Nevertheless, it seems rather the case that the political, economic and social circumstances were too unstable to endure the substantial changes that arose. Indeed, Gorbachev, with nations now limited in their resources and pressures on time, could never have saved a system bound to collapse since its establishment in the early 1920s.

GROUP 4 EXPERIMENTAL SCIENCES Student: Teacher Supervisor: How do AA alkaline batteries of different brands compare with each other in terms of number of hours they power electric devices and what are the environmental effects of heavy metals present in them?


ABSTRACT In this essay, I have investigated the research question: “How do AA alkaline batteries of different brands compare with each other in terms of number of hours they power electric devices and what are the environmental effects of heavy metals present in them?” AA alkaline batteries use a reduction-oxidation reaction between zinc and manganese dioxide with a basic electrolyte of potassium hydroxide (Banks, Chen “Case Study”). The comparison between three different brands of AA alkaline batteries was conducted by comparing their individual performances for powering the same load. Initially, an electric toy was obtained to act as the controlled load in this experiment. Then, 1.5 V AA alkaline batteries from Duracell, Energizer and Fujitsu were obtained. Then, they were inserted into the electric toy and were timed using a stopwatch until the electric toy’s performance would reach the point of termination determined by the experimenter ’s judgement, that is to say the point where the electric toy would perform significantly lower than the maximum potential. The average performance time for each brand was calculated and compared with one another. Information on the environmental effects of these batteries were obtained through the means of articles, journals and other scientific publications where alkaline batteries were compared with other non-alkaline dry cells and wet cells. The experimental data illustrates performance in descending order for the three selected brands as Duracell, Energizer and Fujitsu. For environmental effects, there is an on-going controversy between battery manufacturers and researchers on whether the disposal of alkaline batteries is safe due to their high content of heavy metals or not. However, there is a consensus that alkaline batteries are the safest among other types of dry cells even though sufficient recycling programs are not in place due to high costs.

GROUP 2 ENGLISH B Student: Teacher Supervisor:

TAEHYOUNG (RYAN) KIM Mr. Wayne Harwood

How is the portrayal of women in “Gone with the Wind” different to the social norms of the 1800s covered by the novel?

ABSTRACT This essay examines the depiction of women in Margaret Mitchell’s novel Gone with The Wind and compares and contrasts this portrayal with the social norms and realities of the time. The novel which covers a period of ten years from 1861 to 1871 tells a story of a woman’s survival through the civil war and the following period of reconstruction. Specifically, in order to analyse Mitchell’s portrayal of women, analysis of the text Gone with The Wind is compared to historical sources related to the civil war and reconstruction period and in particular women’s roles at that time. A text analysis is supported by the secondary source, “Scarlett as a feminist.” Moreover, historical secondary source documents related to the women’s movement such as, “Women in the civil war ” are referred to. The legal status of women, divorce rates (Historical Divorce Rate Statistics), and African Americans’ social status are compared with the presentation of women in the novel. In addition, it is necessary to compare this information with the social roles of women in the 1930s when the novel was published, by referring to texts such as “Reconstruction” and “Blacks and the Great Depression”. Also, biographical details about Margaret Mitchell herself such as, “Margaret Mitchell (1900-1949)”, and how this may have influenced her outlook are considered. The essay finds that Mitchell’s presentation of women during the period of the Civil War and following reconstruction is insightful and captures the position and roles of white women in the south well although there are some inaccuracies with regard to the influence of the patriarchal dominated system. Moreover, Mitchell’s own upbringing influenced her characterisation and the portrayal of African American slaves lacks historical insight and underplays the injustices they face.

GROUP 3 INDIVIDUALS AND SOCIETIES Student: Teacher Supervisor:

HOAI LE Mr. Darie Ilies

How has establishing trade relations with the U.S. affected the textile & apparel industry in Vietnam?

ABSTRACT Quoted directly from the essay: “After more than two decades without any economic relationships since the Vietnam War, and over five years of bargaining, in the 13th of July 2000, Vietnam and the U.S. signed the historic bilateral trade agreement (BTA) that went into effect on December 10 later in the same year ”. This essay is a response to the research question: “How has establishing trade relations with the U.S. affected the textile & apparel industry in Vietnam?” This piece of research paper considers the many major economic variables (growth, trade in goods, employment, and investment) in the industry in Vietnam that changed with the implementation of the trade relation. These variables were assessed with the use of economic theories that I learnt in the course. Research was done mainly with the use of secondary sources, they are: reports, IB diploma textbook, and news articles. After research, it was found out that the benefits were significant. Net exports figure that was once non-existent to tens of thousands million; Investment from all over the world owing to access to the US market; hundred thousands of jobs created. All in all resulting in considerable economic growth. The essay was then followed by the conclusion that the trade relation have positively and extensively affected the textile & apparel industry in Vietnam.

GROUP 3 INDIVIDUALS AND SOCIETIES Student: Teacher Supervisor:


To what extent does Nike’s product strategy in the marketing mix influence its market share in China?

ABSTRACT My essay is going to cover the 4 main marketing mix that is used by Nike. Showing how Nike plan their marketing strategies to be able to meet the wants and needs of their consumers. My research question is "To what extend does Nike's product strategies of the marketing mix influence its market share in China". In the context of this essay, I was able to use numerous tools in the syllabus such as: The porter ’s five forces analysis, SWOT, Profitability Ratio and product analysis to thoroughly answer my objective. From my secondary research I was able to use this tools to help me develop an in depth analysis of Nike’s marketing strategies. Furthermore, I’ve also went out to collect quantitative data of Nick for my primary research. I was able to fill out my questionnaire by asking Nike’s consumer about their shopping experience. Implementing different perspective upon them, I was able to see how the consumer ’s perspective alter. From all of this, I’ve found out that Nike have made a very in-depth conduction analysis with their marketing strategies upon the Chinese market. Furthermore, with Nike spending a tremendous amount of money into their research and development department. This will enable them to further renovate and innovate their brand image and constantly produce new products. Furthermore, Nike have found ways to connect to their consumers, gaining loyalties. Being a part of the world’s technology exponential, Nike strives to be more emotional appeal as well as reaching consumers instructiveness upon social network platforms such as: Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Consequently, with all this image, Nike was able to build such a high bargaining power over consumers. This gave them an extra edge as Nike was able to gain marginal profit and continue to grow in the South East Asia Market.

GROUP 4 PHYSICS Student: Teacher Supervisor:

DONG HYEON KIM Mr. Justin Babcock

Investigating consequences of popcorn and Styrofoam after collision with free falling material?

ABSTRACT This essay studies effect of substances by the collision with a free fall object in an attempt to answer the question: “How the two different substances do affect to the change in force of free falling object?” The investigation attempts to answer this question on three levels: first, by comparing the depth of a ball after a collision with two different substances. Second, knowing an average depth of a ball for each substance, derive acceleration with using SUVAT equation. Third, with acceleration that is founded by theoretical equation to derive a force using Newton’s second law. A holder, thread, visible box, popcorn and Styrofoam with height 50cm, scissor, ruler and 0.1kg of metal ball were used throughout this investigation. The 0.1kg of metal ball roped by thread is cut and released from the 1.5 m and approaching to the substances and the ruler was used to measure the depth of metal ball for each substances. The depth of ball was then compared to popcorn and Styrofoam, showing that popcorn had recorded the higher depth than the Styrofoam recorded. Secondly, with the depth of each substance founded by ruler calculates the acceleration using a theoretical equation. Finally, with the acceleration founded for each substance allows to measures the force of a 0.1kg metal ball feel during the collision. Than it is compared with value of force that ball feels in popcorn and Styrofoam. Overall, this investigation has shown evidence that during the collision with metal ball and substances the acceleration changes. Hence, force of ball changes. The study is merely an attempt at understanding how the acceleration and force changes during the collision with substances. A continuation of this investigation could possibly lead to the gain the knowledge of properties of two substances.

GROUP 3 INDIVIDUALS AND SOCIETIES Student: Teacher Supervisor:

YOUNG HEE SUH Mr. Mark Clement

To what extent was the partition of Korea after the Second World War a consequence of the weakness of the Korean independence movement during 193145?

ABSTRACT This extended essay undertakes a historical analysis of the Korean independence movement and its outcomes in post-colonial period. This is done to come to a plausible conclusion whether the partition of Korea was the outcome of the weaknesses of the Korean independence movement. Therefore, the following question is investigated: to what extent was the partition of Korea after the Second World War a consequence of the weaknesses of the Korean independence movement during 1931-45? The scope of this essay is limited to a specific period of time, which is 1931-45, in order to conduct an in-depth analysis of the significant events that contributed to the establishment of two states in Korea after independence. Therefore, both long and short term effects are examined in this essay. As the independence movement took place during the Second World War, sources from different origins are used. This investigation leads to the conclusion that the partition of Korea after the Second World War was a consequence of the weaknesses of the Korean independence movement to a great extent. Regardless of external influence, such as the division of the Korean peninsula through the 38th parallel, ideological differences were too big for the Koreans to unite and establish a single independent Korean state. The inability to conduct a unified movement was a weakness that resulted in the partition of Korea. In addition, foreign intervention was also considered as an outcome of the weaknesses of the Korean independence movement – different groups depended upon different great powers. The activists regarded the independence movement as a method to establish a new modern state under their desired political system. This ultimately led to the establishment of two states, thus the partition of Korea.

GROUP 1 LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE Student: Teacher Supervisor:

JIEUN YOO Mr. Jae Min Chung

따돌림 영상 공익광고의 내러티브 특성과 효과대한민국 사례와 스웨덴 사례 비교 분석



이 논문의 목적은 대한민국의 따돌림 공익광고의 문제점을 분석하고 이에 대한 개선책을 모색하는 것이다.현대 사회는 주로 다수 콘텐츠의 발전을 위해 미디어를 사용한다. 하지만 사회 문제점을 분석하고 해결하기 위해 더욱 적극적으로 미디어를 활용하고 있다. 그 중 대표적인 활용법이 공익광고이다. 최근 한국 사회에서 급증하는 10대 자살의 원인 중 하나가 청소년 사이의 따돌림이다. 따돌림 공익광고는 미디어를 통해 이 문제를 해결하려는 노력의 결과물이다. 그러나 내러티브의 한계로 충분히 설득력 있는 메시지를 전달하지 못한다. 이 논문의 의의는 한계가 무엇인지 분석하고 개선 방안을 제시하여 보다 효과적인 메시지 전달에 기여하는 것이다. 연구방법으로 따돌림 공익광고가 사용한 내러티브를 분석할 것이다. 내러티브란 사건을 묘사하고 표현하는 구조적 형식으로 흔히 ‘story telling’이라고 하며, 한 마디로 공익광고의 주제 전달 방식이다. 과정은 첫째, 대한민국의 여러 따돌림 공익광고 내러티브 분석 및 공통적인 문제점 추출, 둘째, 스웨덴 따돌림 광고와의 대조를 통한 개선책 마련, 셋째, 실천적 내러티브의 보완 주장으로 이루어진다. 연구 결과는 대한민국의 공익광고는 세 가지의 내러티브로 나뉘지만, 공통적인 문제점을 지닌다. 첫째, 목격자가 어떻게 관심을 갖고 도와야 하는지 명확한 실천 방법을 제시하지 않는다.둘째, 피해자의 목소리를 들려주지 않는다. 이는 따돌림의 내부에서 무엇이 일어나는지 제대로 이해하지 못했기 때문이다. 한편 스웨덴 광고는 두 가지 유형 모두 명확한 실천방법을 제시한다.따라서 대한민국 따돌림 공익광고는 따돌림 문제가 우리 사회의 문제임을 직시하고 보다 실천적이고 구체적인 내러티브를 제시해야 한다.

GROUP 1 LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE Student: Teacher Supervisor:

CINDY HARRIS Ms. Janelle Codrington

Are Facebook & Twitter substituting mainstream news outlets as primary source of information?



The purpose of this extended essay is to identify the modern changes in the news industry and evaluate the evolution of the industry through the question; “Are Facebook and Twitter substituting mainstream news outlets as the primary source for information?” The thesis is that Facebook and Twitter will not be able to substitute mainstream media as the primary source, it is probable that they will merge to create a very interactive news cycle in the future. Social media could be slowly embedded into mainstream media. The scope of this essay incorporates how the general population consumes the news, and through which media outlets the population is drawn to now versus several years ago. The essay also includes in-depth analysis of the benefits limitations of social media accompanied with real-life situations and examples. Furthermore, the essay looks at how the traditional media, which is television news, newspapers and radio, have adapted to the changing the opinion and the rising use of social media and technology. After looking at all the information, the conclusion is that social media is becoming more comparable with mainstream media as a source for information however it will not completely replace the traditional media as the primary news source. This is due to factors such as reliability. Eventually, social media will no longer be considered as “new” media, will be one of the mainstream media outlets. The news cycle and system will also change into a much more user-friendly and have more audience interaction through social media. Social media is just a new platform for information following the advancements in technology and mobile devices.

GROUP 1 LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE Student: Teacher Supervisor:


What is the role of imprisonment in both The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka and Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys?



The purpose of this extended essay is to explore the depiction of; physical, mental, social, and financial imprisonment in Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis and Jean Rhys’ Wide Sargasso Sea. To effectively undertake this I will examine the question: “What is the role of imprisonment in both The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka and Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys?”. Both writers illustrate the intricate milieu of factors that comprise the human experience, thus, exposing the oppressive nature of a society divided by hierarchy and social class. Both novels critically examine the “accepted” rules and social constructs in life, highlighting the alienation and repression humans have learned to accept over time. In The Metamorphosis, Kafka coneys the nuclear family unit and the consequences of flouting social rules. When the novel opens, the protagonist, Gregor Samsa, finds himself pressured by financial means which leads him to usurp his father as the family patriarch to become head of the family. The consequences are reflected in his “Ungeziefer ” (Sokel, “Kafka's "metamorphosis": Rebellion and Punishment’’), or vermin body, which symbolizes his selfhatred for destroying traditional family dynamics, and the entire family’s imprisonment: the women in the family are dependent and irrelevant, the father is decrepit as he no longer is the source of income, and Gregor detests his job and cannot have a family of his own. In WSS , Jean Rhys delves into the intricacies of race and social class, giving voice to the incarcerated madwoman, Bertha Mason, from Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre, which in some interpretations may be seen as feminist . The protagonist, as a half creole-half English child of a former slave owner in a post-emancipation era, is alienated because of her conflicting races and social class. Traumatized by a lifetime of rejection from social groups and people, she is left socially “marooned” and mad. Both Kafka and Rhys focus on universal issues like social and financial imprisonment, which manifest into more serious mental and physical imprisonment. The authors attack social constructs and rules that they depict as constricting and detrimental.

GROUP 1 LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE Student: Teacher Supervisor:

JI AH LEE Ms. Janelle Codrington

How is isolation portrayed in the novels The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger and The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter by Carson McCullers?



This essay explores how isolation is portrayed in two novels published in similar time periods, the mid-1900s, to compare how different authors express the same idea. To be more precise, the research question is ‘How is isolation portrayed in the novels The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger and The Heart is a Lonely Hunter by Carson McCullers?’ To answer the question, this essay attempts to demonstrate how J.D. Salinger and Carson McCullers deliver the theme of isolation to the reader, by deconstructing the novels in terms of structure, writing style, theme and symbolism. In order to compare the two texts, I conducted close readings and research, and concluded that language, plot development and narration contribute to the isolation experienced by the central characters, Holden Caulfield from The Catcher in the Rye and John Singer from The Heart is a Lonely Hunter. In examining the portrayal of isolation, both similarities and differences were taken into account. To support my interpretations, I consulted a number of academic literary sources and referred to bibliographies of well-written academic journals to understand the context of the novels. After taking into consideration the authors’ style, I was able to draw conclusions that the novels portray different types of isolation, despite similar publication dates. This is mainly due to different historical events that happened in the United States, influencing the authors’ ideologies. This essay further emphasizes how characters from both novels are in fact more isolated at the end of the novels than the beginning. As a developing teenager, I too, experience isolation in society, which is why I was captivated to look deeply into this theme. Being a part of the 21st century, I was intrigued by how a universal theme like isolation may be depicted differently by authors of an older time period.

GROUP 6 VISUAL ARTS Student: Teacher Supervisor:


How did l’École Superieure des BeauxArts d’Indochine impact the Vietnamese Art scene?

ABSTRACT This essay looks at French colonialism and answers the question ‘’how did the L’ecole Superieure des Beaux Arts d’Indochine, (the Superior School of Fine Arts Indochina) impact the Vietnamese art scene?’’. Answering the question involved attending Sophie’s art tour, a tour around Ho Chi Minh taking me to 4 art museums exploring the journey of Vietnamese modern and contemporary art; interviewing the conductor of that tour, gathering information from one book, 3 online articles as well as conducting internet based research for websites. The essay first explores the history of French colonialism, the foundation of Indochina and the impact that this colonialism had on the Vietnamese nation. It then moves on to the second section which discusses Victor Tardieu the first director of the school, Nam Son his partner, and the actual opening of the institution. The essay then outlines the functioning of the school, its curriculum, the art that its students produce, and finally provides an analysis on how the Vietnamese Fine Art scene is impacted by examining the legacy left by the ESBAI. The conclusion arrived at is that the school was landmark and catalyst for the Vietnamese art scene: it formed a generation and community of talented artists still existent today, introduced numerous art practices to the country, incorporated art into politics and gave the opportunity for the Vietnamese art market to expand Internationally.

GROUP 3 INDIVIDUALS AND SOCIETIES Student: Teacher Supervisor:


What was the origin and significance of ethnic divisions that led to the Yugoslav Wars?

ABSTRACT This essay examines the significance of ethnic divisions in contributing to the outbreak of war in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) from 1991 until 2002 and the eventual fragmentation of the republic into seven different states. This is done by analyzing primary and secondary sources, especially those assessing Yugoslavian race relations and inter-republic relations under the SFRY. The essay compares the characteristics of the Yugoslav conflict with the Rwandan genocide, which occurred in the same decade as the Bosnian Genocide, and assesses the Yugoslavian conflict through the lens of European and world nationalism as well as political zeitgeist in the 1990’s. Primary and secondary sources are also analyzed to compare contrasting viewpoints on the role of Josip Broz Tito and the policies of the SFRY in helping or hindering ethnic relations. In order to understand the conflict, the essay measures the origin and development of national identity from antiquity until the beginning of the conflict. The essay concludes that ethnic tension, although admittedly roused from nationalist interests and economic discontent, heavily influenced the conflict thanks to its strong foundation of historical enmity which had simmered and worsened throughout the existence of the SFRY.

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