IBDP Course Selection

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IB Diploma Programme Course Selection Guide 2014 - 2015






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Dear Students and Parents, Welcome to the ISHCMC IB Diploma Course Guide. This guide contains a listing and description of all courses offered in Grades 11 and 12 at ISHCMC for the school year 2014-2015. The IB Diploma Course Guide is an es足sential tool for assisting you with designing your programme of study for the final two years of your school life. Planning a course of study for the IB Diploma is very important and we ask you to take some time to think and reflect upon what you would like to accomplish, where your interests are, and in which areas you need development and growth. You should focus on your subject strengths, what subjects are suitable for your skill sets and always ensure these choices enable you to prepare for the future in a balanced fashion. The IB Diploma Course Guide contains factual information which should be combined with discussions and recommendations from teachers and counsellors in order to allow you to make informed decisions based on all the information available. This guide is meant to be a resource in helping you plan appropriately and effectively. Remember to set your standards high; but also create a sustainable academic programme which enables you to involve yourself in a variety of learning opportunities and, ultimately, allows you to succeed. I wish you well in your course selection and hope you find this guide a valuable source of information. Best regards, Michael D. Roberts Secondary Principal

Dear Students, I am delighted to introduce to you our IB Diploma Programme course selections at ISHCMC for the coming year. This guide will help you make important decisions about the next two years. This is an exciting time to challenge yourself in ways that that you could only imagine before. It is well documented that IB Diploma graduates are often more disciplined and reflective than their peers in other programmes. In this time here at ISHCMC, you will develop strategies for self-management and service to others that will serve you well for the rest of your lives. 4

As your DP Coordinator, I am the main point of contact for all items concerning your IB Diploma Programme. I will help you to gain the confidence and knowledge to make the right decisions to develop the best course combinations that maintain the integrity and spirit of IB philosophy. Over the two years of the programme, it is the DP Coordinator’s role to manage your deadlines alongside your teachers and administer your examinations. I wish you joy and happiness in this new stage of your lives! Tanya Nizam IBDP Coordinator

Dear Parents & Students The task of Course Selection can sometimes feel like an enormous decision. One strategy is to identify past successes and imagine future possibilities by projecting the value of a particular course in the context of a lifetime. Alternatively, choices might be based on more immediate needs, what feels comfortable or best in the moment. Successful course selection is predicated on the compromise of these two very valuable perspectives. There are four key components of successful course selection. 1. Leverage & Lean on your strengths (Do what you do best.) 2. Take care of the ‘basics’ (Challenge yourself in English and Math.) 3. Don’t narrow your focus (Diversity is more valuable than specialization.) 4. Take special care of your opportunities outside the classroom. (CAS) The College and University counselling office can help you understand how certain course selections appear in a university application. Teachers can help you understand the nuances of how particular courses relate to future academic study. The IB Diploma Coordinator can help you determine what might be the right academic fit given your preparation to date. The CAS coordinator can help students find ways to support or balance learning through non-academic endeavors. In addition, our Life Skills Program undertakes career surveys in the spring of tenth grade that help students understand their unique personalities and abilities in the context of future aspirations. The support at ISHCMC for healthy and thoughtful course selection is extensive. The conversations between parents and their sons and daughters will be as unique as the individuals involved. Course selections should reflect that individuality. Course selections should also allow for students to be active members of their communities in addition to being the best student they can be. I encourage students and their parents to work together to strike a balance between practicality and possibility. Casey Nolen Jackson College & University Counsellor


The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme at ISHCMC


Grades 11 and 12 at ISHCMC The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme provides an “excellent educational framework for students of a wide range of abilities and backgrounds� (The Diploma Programme: From Principles into Practice). At ISHCMC, through this programme, each student has the opportunity to develop strategies for independent learning through challenging academic subjects, an active lifestyle and through thoughtful contributions to society. All students who enter Grade 11 are expected to pursue the IB Diploma Programme. Students who meet the requirements of the two-year IB Diploma Programme are awarded an IB Diploma by the International Baccalaureate Organisation (IBO). In the second year of the Diploma Programme, some students may choose to opt out of the full IB Diploma and continue their studies to earn IB Course certificates in individual subjects. This option can be followed after consultation between students, parents, the College Guidance Counselor, the IB DP Coordinator and the Secondary Principal. All students at ISHCMC are also eligible to earn the ISHCMC High School Diploma (for further information please refer to the Parent & Student Handbook).

Grade 11 and Grade 12 Course Route

Grade 11

Grade 12

All students begin the full IB Diploma Programme (6 Subjects + Extended Essay + Theory Of Knowledge (TOK) Essay and Presentation + Community, Action, Service (CAS)

Continue and Complete the full IB Diploma Programme

Register for IB course Certificates in 6 subjects + TOK class assessments + CAS activities

ISHCMC High School Diploma Awarded Through Credits Obtained. Please refer to the Parent & Student Handbook


An overview of the IB Diploma Programme The IB Diploma Programme is an academically rigorous two-year (Grades 11-12) programme where students study six subjects concurrently. Typically, three subjects are chosen at Higher Level (HL) and three at Standard Level (SL), although students may opt for four Higher and two Standard Level subjects. Students must choose one subject from each of groups 1 to 5, thus ensuring breadth of experience in Languages, Humanities, the Sciences and Mathematics. The sixth subject may be an Arts subject chosen from group 6, or the student may choose another subject from groups 1 to 5. In addition to this, students engage in the three elements of the IB Diploma Programme core: Theory of Knowledge (TOK), Extended Essay and Creativity, Action, Service (CAS).

IB Diploma Programme Model


Choose subjects from the 6 subject group Components of the IB Diploma Programme • 3 Higher Level subjects • 3 Standard Level subjects OR • TOK • Extended Essay • CAS

• 4 Higher Level subjects • 2 Standard Level subjects • TOK • Extended Essay • CAS

Group 1

Studies in Language and Literature

Group 2

Language Acquisition

Group 3

Individuals & Societies

Group 4


Group 5


Group 6

The Arts & Electives

The IB Diploma Programme Core The IB Diploma Programme Core supports the aim of the IB to develop the whole person. Going beyond the acquisition of knowledge, students are supported to develop the skills to enjoy life to the full while developing values that lead to a positive contribution to society. Students are also taught to make evaluative connections between knowledge and multiple contexts. The rigours of thorough academic research practice are explored through an inquiry-based approach to independent learning. These aims are supported through the three elements of the IB Diploma Programme Core – Creativity, Action, Service (CAS), Theory of Knowledge (TOK) and the Extended Essay. Theory of Knowledge (TOK): This course enables students to reflect on the nature of knowledge and how it is constructed. Studies in this course take place through discussion and investigation into different ways of knowing, which forges links within and between the different Diploma subject courses that they elect to take. These reflections involve critically examining real-life situations. The course is assessed through a presentation and a TOK Essay. Extended Essay: This 4000 word essay is an opportunity for students to engage in detailed independent research relating to one of the subjects they are studying. Students are required to develop their own research question and respond with a logical argument through academic research and analysis. Creativity, Action, Service (CAS): As part of developing skills in critical thought about their role in the world and their many choices, students develop their own CAS programme, engaging in new challenges and actively reflecting on new skills. The CAS programme must provide a balance of sports, creative learning and community service with a consideration of global applications. This is assessed through students’ goal setting, planning and reflection.

The IB Diploma Programme provides a balance of academic and creative experiences


International Mindedness Intercultural understanding and a curiosity about cultures around the world is part of ISHCMC school life. The ISHCMC school curriculum is developed with this in mind, embedded with case studies and approaches to knowledge from around the globe. Cross-cultural contexts of the taught curriculum are supported by information technology and experiences developed and shared through the community.

Artist: Nguyen Hoang Phuong Vy Grade 12


Artist: Nguyen Hong Duyen Grade 12

The IB Learner Profile The IB aims to provide the framework to develop “caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect�(The IB Mission Statement). The IB Learner Profile describes the attributes fostered in students at ISHCMC in support of these aims.

Inquirers: They develop their natural curiosity. They acquire the skills necessary to conduct inquiry

and research and show independence in learning. They actively enjoy learning and this love of learning will be sustained throughout their lives.

Knowledgeable: They explore concepts, ideas and issues that have local and global significance. In

so doing, they acquire in-depth knowledge and develop understanding across a broad and balanced range of disciplines.

Thinkers: They exercise initiative in applying thinking skills critically and creatively to recognize and approach complex problems, and make reasoned, ethical decisions.

Communicators: They understand and express ideas and information confidently and creatively in

more than one language and in a variety of modes of communication. They work effectively and willingly in collaboration with others.

Principled: They act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness, justice and respect for

the dignity of the individual, groups and communities. They take responsibility for their own actions and the consequences that accompany them.

Open-minded: They understand and appreciate their own cultures and personal histories, and are

open to the perspectives, values and traditions of other individuals and communities. They are accustomed to seeking and evaluating a range of points of view, and are willing to grow from the experience.

Caring: They show empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings of others. They

have a personal commitment to service, and act to make a positive difference to the lives of others and to the environment.

Risk-takers: They approach unfamiliar situations and uncertainty with courage and forethought, and

have the independence of spirit to explore new roles, ideas and strategies. They are brave and articulate in defending their beliefs.

Balanced: They understand the importance of intellectual, physical and emotional balance to achieve personal well-being for themselves and others. Reflective: They give thoughtful consideration to their own learning and experience. They are able to

assess and understand their strengths and limitations in order to support their learning and personal development.


Course Offerings for the ISHCMC IB Diploma Programme


Course offerings for the IB Diploma Programme at ISHCMC Group Description

Course Offerings

Group 1

Literature or Language & Literature

English, Korean, Vietnamese, School Supported Self Taught Language

Group 2

Language Acquisition

English B, Mandarin B, French B, Mandarin Ab initio, Spanish Ab initio

Group 3

Individuals & Societies

History, Geography, Business & Management, Economics

Group 4


Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Sports, Exercise & Health, Science (SL only)

Group 5


Mathematical Studies (Standard Level), Standard Level and Higher Level

Group 6

The Arts

Visual Arts, Theatre, Music

An Overview In a 10-day school cycle, students attend 6 lessons for their Higher Level subjects and 4 lessons for their Standard Level courses. Student learning is supported by formative assessments (assessments FOR learning) as well as summative assessments (assessments OF learning). While a large portion of final assessments are carried out through written examinations at the end of the second year, other assessments include oral presentations, performances, reflections and long-term projects.


An Emphasis on Languages Bi-Lingual diploma In the IB Diploma Programme, there is an emphasis on supporting the development of the students’ mother-tongue as well as learning new languages. Each student will ideally study their ‘best’ language for Group 1. For Group 2, students may choose a language to acquire at a level that provides an appropriate challenge. An alternative to a Group 2 language is to choose a second language to study as a Group 1 course. Students will be awarded a ‘bilingual diploma’ if they study two languages as a Group 1 course or if their Group 1 language is different from another course studied from Groups 3 – 5. Language Proficiency At ISHCMC, all new students must pass an English language proficiency test in order to be admitted as an IB Diploma student.

Transfer of Courses At ISHCMC, students undergo a comprehensive course selection process in the year preceding the first year of the Diploma Programme to help them make the right course choices. With the assistance of teachers and course coordinators, students are encouraged to make choices that are consistent with their interests and present an appropriate academic challenge. Students can add/drop courses within a period of 20 teaching days, at the start of the academic year. A student has the right to request to add or drop a course during this 20-day period, if he or she obtains written permission from parents, teacher(s), and the IB Diploma Programme Coordinator. The Secondary Principal has the final say on any decision. If a student does wish to add/drop a course, teachers, students, parents, counselors and IB Programme Coodinators should all be involved in the process. Once a programme of study has been initiated, changes to selections should occur only if:

• A student has been misplaced • A student finds the course is not meeting his or her expectations • Any further issues deemed academically relevant

Grade 12 students wishing to drop a course after transcripts have been sent to colleges and universities must notify each institution of the modification to their academic programme.



Choosing Your Six Subjects


Artist: O Tuan Hung, Grade 12

Group 1 – Studies in Language & Literature (Language A) The choice made for this subject is usually the student’s ‘best’ language. In cases where a student is sufficiently capable in more than one language, an appropriate choice between languages should be sought. Alternatively, students may study a second Language A instead of Language B (see next section). At ISHCMC, students may choose from the following Language A options:

Language A: Literature (SL/HL)

Course pre-requisite: This course is for students who have sufficient proficiency in the chosen language to engage in literary discussion. Course description: This is a high-level literary analysis course offered in English, Vietnamese and Korean. Core Assessments: 2 examination papers, 1 written assignment (literary essay) and 2 oral assessments.

Language A: Language and Literature (SL/HL)

Course pre-requisite: This course is for students who have sufficient proficiency in the chosen language to engage in literary discussion. Course description: This course includes both literature components and cultural/media components. This is offered in English and Korean. Core Assessments: 2 examination papers, 1 written assignment of textual analysis and 2 oral assessments.

School Supported Self-Taught (SSST) Language A: Literature (SL only)

(This option is available for students if their ‘best language’ is not offered at ISHCMC) Course pre-requisite: This course is for students who have sufficient proficiency in the chosen language to engage in literary discussion. Course description: In support of students’ mother tongue, if a student’s ‘ best language’ is not offered at ISHCMC, an alternative choice is the School Supported Self0Taught (SSST) option. Here, the student uses scheduled Language A periods to study literature analysis in a language that is not taught by a teacher at the school. In this case, it is the student’s responsibility to arrange and pay for an appropriate tutor. Formal assessments including oral and written examinations will be carried out on the ISHCMC school premises. The choice to take the SSST option must be made in agreement with the DP Coordinator who will determine whether this is a viable option for the candidate. The student must have previous academic experience in the study of literature in their chosen SSST language. Core Assessments: 2 examination papers, 1 written assignment (literary essay) and 2 oral assessment.


Choosing between Language A: Literature and Language A: Language and Literature Language A: Literature

Language A: Language & Literature

This course is aimed at promoting respect for the literary heritage of the students’ home language. While exploring the literary representations of human experience of the world, the course encourages independent thinking and expression of original literary judgment.

In this course, students examine both literary and non-literary texts. The language component focuses on how language creates meaning in cultures. The literature component explores literary analysis. The level of language usage and analytical reflection is the same as for the Language A Literature course.

Intercultural understanding is developed through literary works that have been translated from other languages. In this way, experiences and values are studied in a variety of contexts through a range of texts. Both courses are assessed through both oral and written assessments.


Group 1 Assessments Language A: Literature

Assessment Components

Literature (SL/HL)

45% written examinations 25% written assignment literary essay 15% individual oral commentary and discussion 15% individual oral presentation

Language & Literature (SL/HL)

50% written examinations 20% produce 3 written tasks 15% individual oral commentary 15% complete 2 further oral assessments

School Supported Self-Taught (SSST) Literature (SL)

45% written examinations 25% written assignment literary essay 15% individual oral commentary 15% individual oral presentation


Group 2: Language Acquisition (Language B) This is a language acquisition course that explores the cultures connected to the language. Depending on the students’ level of proficiency in the chosen language, a choice can be made between the following courses:

Ab initio (SL):

Course pre-requisite: No previous knowledge/ little knowledge of the language. Course description: Students learn the language at a level that allows the construction of sentences, verbal and written that allow simple discussion in the main themes of the course. The cultural context of the use of language is explored through a variety of media. ISHCMC offers Ab initio Spanish and Mandarin. Core Assessments: 2 examination papers, 1 written assignment (following intertextual reading) and 2 oral assessments.

Language B (SL):

Course pre-requisite: Usually more than 2 years of study of the language. Course description: The level of language acquisition and usage is higher than Ab initio. Students will learn to explain a point of view in detail and use appropriate rhetoric devices in written and oral work. ISHCMC offers French B (SL) and Mandarin B (SL). Core Assessments: 2 examination papers, 1 written assignment (following intertextual reading) and 2 oral assessments.

Language B (HL):

Course pre-requisite: Student can express ideas verbally and in written form in the target language to a degree of coherency. Course description: The level of language acquisition and usage is higher than Standard Level (SL). Students will develop the ability to engage in a flow of interaction in the target language with some fluency and spontaneity. Students will engage with some complex literary work. ISHCMC offers French B (HL) and Mandarin B (HL). Core Assessments: 2 examination papers, 1 written assignment (creative writing) and 2 oral assessments.


Choosing the right level for Language B Course pre-requisites

Language proficiency at the end of the 2-year course

Assessment Components

Understand simple written texts and questions in the three themes.

Ab initio (SL)

No previous knowledge/ little knowledge of the language.

Construct simple answers both written and orally. Hold simple conversations in the three themes. Demonstrate some intercultural understanding through written and spoken communication. Understand general spoken and written information in the topics studied.

Standard Level (SL)

Usually more than 2 years of study of the language.

Explain a point of view in detail and use appropriate rhetoric devices in written and oral work.

• 50% written examinations • 20% written assignment • 30% oral assessments

Demonstrate cultural engagement with the target language and culture. Understand complex recordings and literary works.

Higher Level (HL)

The student has a working knowledge of oral and writing skills in the target language to the extent that ideas can be expressed to a degree of coherency.

Communicate orally and in written work to explain a convincing argument appropriately to a target audience. Demonstrate a coherent flow of interaction with a degree of fluency and spontaneity. Demonstrate cultural engagement with the target language and culture.


Group 3 – Individuals and Societies For Group 3, students choose a subject which falls under the category that is commonly known as human sciences or social sciences. These subjects explore the interactions between people and their environment in a cultural and social context.

Business and Management (SL/HL)

Course pre-requisite: Students will have studied Grade 10 Integrated Humanities or an equivalent course. Course description: This course is designed for students to analyse day-to-day strategies for business decisions in both a local and international context. Students are required to make links between elements of the course that include marketing, production, human resources management and finance. International cooperation and ethical practices are running themes as well as both individual and group interactions with overall business processes. Core Assessments: 2 examination papers and an internal assessment (IA). The IA is either a written commentary (SL) or a research project (HL).

Geography (SL/HL)

Course pre-requisite: Students will have studied Grade 10 Integrated Humanities or an equivalent course. Course description: This course is grounded in real-life case studies and analysed through different viewpoints. Both physical and human geography is integrated in this course. Key global issues such as poverty, sustainability and climate change are examined and perspectives are expressed and challenged through both scientific and socio-economic methodologies. Core Assessments: 2 examination papers (SL) or 3 examination papers (HL) as well as an internal assessment (IA) based on fieldwork.

Economics (SL/HL)

Course pre-requisite: Students will have studied Grade 10 Integrated Humanities or an equivalent course. Course description: This course emphasizes theories of macro and micro economics and how they are applied in real-world issues. Key issues are fluctuations in economic activity, international trade, economic development and environmental sustainability. Students are expected to reflect on the ethical implications of economic end-goals at a local and global level. In this way, through analysis and inquiry, students develop international perspectives of the effects of economic change in an increasingly interdependent world. Core Assessments: 2 examination papers (SL) or 3 examination papers (HL) as well as an internal assessment (IA) which is a portfolio of three commentaries relating to economic texts.


History (SL/HL)

Course pre-requisite: Students will have studied Grade 10 Integrated Humanities or an equivalent course. Course description: Here students are expected to develop and understanding of the present through critical reflection of the past. Historical developments at national, regional and international levels are investigated while students develop an awareness of their own historical identity. The History course taught at ISHCMC follows 20th century world history including the causes and practices of war, nationalist movements and peacemaking. Communism and the Arab-Israeli conflict are two specialized contexts for part of this course. This enables students to engage in analysis of recent conflict and draw connections with other core areas of history. Core Assessments: 2 examination papers (SL) or 3 examination papers (HL) as well as an internal assessment (IA) of a historical investigation.


Group 3 Assessments


Assessment Components

Geography (SL/HL)

75% written examinations 25% written report (2,500 words) based on fieldwork

Business & Management (SL/HL)

75% written examinations 25% research project – including action plan, report and analysis of business issue and solution (2,000 words)

Economics (SL/HL)

80% written examinations 20% portfolio of 3 commentaries based on different parts of the syllabus and news extracts (750 words X 3)

History (SL/HL)

Written examinations: 75% (SL) 80% (HL) Historical investigation: 25% (SL) 20% (HL)


Group 4 – Sciences The IB emphasizes the need for students to learn about the overarching Nature of Science (NOS). Through inquiry and active discussions, students are expected to learn about scientific endeavor, how science impacts public opinion and the role of collaboration in the development of scientific ideas. All DP Science courses combine experiential scientific investigation and information technology skills with theoretical study. The Science courses are as follows:

Biology (SL/HL)

Course pre-requisite: Students will have studied Grade 10 Integrated Science or an equivalent learning experience. Course description: The Biology course is aimed at students who wish to learn about living organisms and the structures and systems by which they function, evolve and affect one another. Cells, Biochemistry, Ecology, Genetics and Evolution underpin this course and are the basis for analyzing a variety of situations of biological discovery. Core Assessments: 3 examination papers and 1 internal assessment (IA) which is a scientific investigation relating to the course.

Chemistry (SL/HL)

Course pre-requisite: Students will have studied Grade 10 Integrated Science or an equivalent learning experience. Chemistry HL should be taken in combination with Mathematics SL or HL. Course description: This course provides the widest opportunities for further study in Science. Chemical principles underpin both the physical environment in which we live and all biological systems. Students will learn inorganic and organic chemistry as well as learn about energetics and equilibrium as a basis for wider studies in Chemistry or other Sciences in further study in university. Core Assessments: 3 examination papers and 1 internal assessment (IA) which is a scientific investigation relating to the course.

Physics (SL/HL)

Course pre-requisite: Students will have studied Grade 10 Integrated Science or an equivalent learning experience. Physics HL should be taken in combination with Mathematics SL or HL. Course description: Physics is the most fundamental of the sciences as it seeks to explain the universe itself, from the very smallest particles to the vast distances between galaxies. Physics is explored as a human activity, involving observation, experimentation and theoretical modeling. This includes both classic Physics as well as more recent articulations of the physical world. Mathematics is viewed, as a language of physics and therefore, proficiency in Mathematics is essential for Physics students. Core Assessments: 3 examination papers and 1 internal assessment (IA) which is a scientific investigation relating to the course.


Sports Exercise and Health Science (SL Only)

Course pre-requisite: Some background knowledge of scientific investigation at a Grade 10 level. Course description: This course involves the application of scientific principles in sports and exercise as well as critical analysis of human performance. The course incorporates the traditional disciplines of anatomy and physiology, biomechanics, psychology and nutrition in the pursuit of excellence in sport. Core Assessments: 3 examination papers and 1 internal assessment (IA) which is a scientific investigation relating to the course.

Experiential learning in Group 4 lessons


Group 4 Assessments Assessment Components

Biology (SL) & (HL)

80% written examinations 20% internal assessment of a practical investigation

Physics (SL) & (HL)

80% written examinations 20% internal assessment of a practical investigation

Chemistry (SL) & (HL)

80% written examinations 20% internal assessment of a practical investigation

Sports Exercise & Health Science (SL only)

76% written examinations 24% internal assessment of practical investigations


Group 5 – Mathematics Mathematics can be seen as a set of abstract ideas, a system of knowledge or as a useful tool. In the IB Diploma Programme, Mathematics is viewed as a key to understanding the world and is therefore a compulsory course. The three Mathematics courses offered at ISHCMC reflect the varying needs and abilities of students. The three courses are as follows:

Mathematical Studies (SL)

Course pre-requisite: This course caters for a variety of mathematical backgrounds and abilities. Course description: This course is equivalent to Mathematics (SL) but addresses different needs. There is an emphasis on the application of mathematics, particularly in statistics and prepares students well for careers in social sciences, languages and arts. Core Assessments: 2 examination papers and 1 internal assessment (IA) of an individual mathematical exploration.

Mathematics (SL)

Course pre-requisite: Students have skills to apply simple mathematical techniques correctly. The Grade 10 Math II, III and IV courses at ISHCMC are an appropriate pre-requisite. Course description: This course caters for students who already possess knowledge of basic mathematical concepts and are equipped with the skills needed to apply simple mathematical techniques correctly. This course is appropriate for students who wish to pursue life sciences, psychology and business administration careers. Core Assessments: 2 examination papers and 1 internal assessment (IA) of an individual mathematical exploration.

Mathematics (HL)

Course pre-requisite: Students have a good background in mathematics and are competent in a range of analytical and technical skills. The Grade 10 Math I course at ISHCMC is an appropriate pre-requisite. Course description: The majority of students taking this course will be expecting to include mathematics as a major component of their university studies, such as in careers in economics, physics and engineering. Core Assessments: 3 examination papers and 1 internal assessment (IA) of an individual mathematical exploration.


Mathematics Course Route

Math Class V

Grade 10

Grade 11 & 12 DP

Math Class IV

Mathematical Studies (SL)

Math Class III

Math Class II

Mathematics (SL)

Math Class I

Mathematics (HL)

Direct Route These routes may also be considered

Group 5 Assessments Assessment Components

Mathematical Studies (SL)

Mathematics (SL)

80% written examinations (2 papers) 20% internal assessment 80% written examinations (2 papers) 20% internal assessment

Mathematics (HL)

80% written examinations (2 papers) 20% internal assessment


Group 6 – The Arts The fundamental human need to communicate personal and social meaning through art is explored through the subjects in Group 6. These subjects encourage respect for cultural and aesthetic differences and promote creative thinking and problem solving.

Music (SL/HL)

Course pre-requisite: Some working skill in playing a musical instrument is essential for students who wish to study Music as part of the Diploma Programme. During this course, students will not receive lessons in learning to play an instrument, but rather in musical theory, composition and performance. Therefore, throughout the course, students are expected to continue to develop their skills in playing their chosen instrument outside lesson time. Course description: This is an enriching academic course through which students can appreciate the diversity and universality of music and its expression of cultural thought. It provides a foundation for further study in music at university level or as a career pathway. Core Assessments: 1 examination paper, 1 musical links investigation and 1 internal assessment involving ‘creating’ and ’performance’ (HL) or a choice between the two themes (SL).

Theatre (SL/HL)

Course pre-requisite: None. Course description: This course is designed to encourage students to examine theatre in its diversity of forms around the world. This may be achieved through a critical study of the theory, history and culture of theatre, and will find expression through workshops, devised work or scripted performance. Students will come to understand the act of imagining and producing theatre in its past and present contexts and how this is a form that investigates and find explanations for the world around us. Core Assessments: 1 research investigation, 1 performance proposal, 1 independent project portfolio and 1 oral presentation.


Visual Arts (SL/HL)

Course pre-requisite: None, although some technical knowledge about art may be helpful. Course description: This course encourages an active exploration of Visual Arts in the students’ own cultural heritage as well as others’. The focus of this course is for students to study and produce art while locating their ideas in an international context. Students are encouraged to develop a critical and personal view through investigative techniques as well as skills associated with the production of art. There are no pre-requisites for this course and it is suited for students with diverse career aspirations. There is no written examination, although regular critical reflections must be recorded in the form of the investigative workbook throughout the course. Core Assessments: A comparative study of artwork, a process portfolio and an internal assessment (IA) of artwork from their exhibition.

Technology as part of Arts productions

Group 6 Assessments Group 6 Subject

Assessment Components

Music (SL/HL)

30% written examination that involves listening to music and analysis 20% musical links investigation (2000 words) 50% internal assessment (‘creating’ or ‘performance’)

Theatre (SL/HL)

25% research investigation 25% practical performance proposal 25% theatre production and performance oral presentation 25% independent project portfolio

Visual Arts (SL/HL)

20% comparative study 40% process portfolio including 9 – 18 screens 40% internal assessment based on students’ own artwork in the context of their exhibition


Diploma Programme Course Selection FAQs


Frequently Asked Questions: Students often ask us how some of their course decisions can impact their future career choices. The ISHCMC DP Coordinator and Career Guidance Counsellor have collated some frequently asked questions (FAQs) that you may find useful:

1. My teacher advises me to choose Mathematical Studies (SL). Will this prevent me from studying certain subjects at university? Students who are prepared for Mathematics (SL) should take advantage of the opportunity. Many university courses or programmes have specific requirements, like Mathematics (HL) for engineering. Since it can be hard to know (in year 10) what you will choose to study in university, the best strategy, with respect to Mathematics, is to choose the course that allows for success and challenge.

2. I would get a better grade if I chose Mandarin Ab initio instead of Mandarin B for Group 2. Can I choose this option? It is assumed that students who have had adequate preparation in Mandarin would repeat beginner content only if it was necessary. In this situation a possible alternative might be Ab initio in a new language like French or Spanish.

3. Is it better to choose two Language A subjects or to choose one Language A and one Language B subject? This can be an interesting decision for multi-lingual students. The important difference between Language A and B courses is that the former involves the carrying out literary/text analysis while the latter concentrates on the acquiring of language and application in cultural contexts. Choosing a new language to learn or continue learning can provide breadth and personal engagement to a student’s range of courses in the Diploma Programme. Unless the student has a particular desire to engage in literary analysis in more than one language – one of which may need to be self-taught – it is advisable to choose a Language B as well as a Language A subject. At ISHCMC, the main medium of teaching is English. Therefore, if a student’s ‘best language’ is not English, it is strongly advised that English is studied as their other language choice.


Your Notes


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