ISHCMC Inquirer - ISSUE 4, JUN 2017

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PING’S KITCHEN Page 9 What I learnt from 11th Grade Page 1

- June Edition -

The SGN Oscars Page 3

N O T E F R O M T H E E D I T O R Dear avid readers of the ISHCMC Inquirers, Welcome to the 4th and the last edition of the 2016/17 academic year! In 2013, ISHCMC Inquirers started off as online newspaper led by Khang and Ji-Hae. After they graduated in 2015, I took on the role as the editor-in-chief. In our new group, there was a general consensus that there was a need for print newspaper, something more tangible as means of communication. On 26th of October 2016, we published 100 copies of ISHCMC Inquirer’s print-edition. Many students, faculty members and leadership team showed genuine interest and the school promised to support our group with a monthly budget of $300. This year, we covered many different areas of interest ranging from crisis in Venezuela, global wealth inequality, process on ISHCMC’s new secondary campus and Honk! I sincerely hope that this provided the ISHCMC community more insight on issues both in Vietnam and beyond. On a final note, I would like to express my sincerest appreciation to the writers and to our assistant-editor Rizana, who have kept this periodical going through challenging times, and to our dedicated readers, who are the reason we continue. I would also like to extend my gratitude to Ms. Barrowcliff, Ms. Blavet and Ms. Taylor for their painstaking efforts to actualize the newspaper. The ISHCMC Inquirers wouldn’t be where it is today without your dedication. Have a great summer and stay safe! Yours Sincerely, Sungjun Min (Editor-in-Chief ).

-What I Learnt From 11th Grade (DP Year 1)Opinion Article by Bea Carandang 11D


IBDP is definitely as hard as you think it’s going to be. Actually, scratch that. It’s definitely harder than you think it’s going to be. Just weeks ago, I was drowning in what seems like mountain of assignments, homework and revision for upcoming tests. During the exam period, I couldn’t wait for the summer holiday so that I can finally relax and hang out with friends, but most of all, get that 15 hours of sleep that I deserve 100% without doubt. I know I speak for all of us in the 11th grade when I say; it’s been a tough year. However, despite my spiel on the horrors of the 11th grade, I have definitely learnt a lot. Here are the 3 most important things I learnt this year:


What I learned from DP Year 1 page 1-2 SGN Oscars page 3 One year of ISHCMC Inquirer page 4 ISHCMC 2017-2018 New Secondary Campus! page 4-5 The Sad Fate of Putin’s Enemies page 5-6

1. I learnt that it’s okay to be disappointed. Getting low grades was a tough pill to swallow. When I first

entered 11th grade, things were different. There was more work and as the first semester went on, it became increasingly harder to get high marks. I remember how I would put in all of my effort and dedication into studying for a test and yet, still received marks that I was unhappy with. I became extremely frustrated and confused as to what I was doing wrong. I was so disappointed in myself leading to my confidence dropping and eventually causing my grades to suffer as well. However, I realized that much like everything else, it takes time and continuous hard work in order to attain satisfactory grades. Every mistake or triumph is a learning experience that shapes the person that you become. I learnt that it was okay for me to feel disappointed because it made me realize that I could do better. It made me realize that there’s nothing wrong with failing and that it’s actually essential that we make mistakes so that we can learn from them and be better. This was the first and definitely the hardest hurdle that I faced all year.

2. I know it’s been said a million times, but I learned that time-management is everything. With 11th

grade comes harder tasks and with that, more responsibilities. Finding a way to balance your school work, extracurricular, social life and on top of all of that getting the right amount of sleep is difficult to say the least. Trust me- I’m still trying to figure this one out. Although I still catch myself trying to put off certain assignments to the absolute last minute, and occasionally submit things in an untimely fashion, I promise that I’m improving. The thing I found that helped me the most with managing time was this thing called a planner. Not sure if you’ve heard of it, but it’s this thing where you can plan out your day, write down assignments and write down what you have due in the coming weeks. It’s mind blowing, really. I found that it helped me stay organized and plan out what is needed to be done on a specific week in order for me to be prepared for the upcoming weeks. I know it seems completely mundane, but I promise you planning ahead works wonders. If I had to give away $1 for every time my planner saved my life, I swear to you, I’d be broke. 3. Lastly, I learned the importance of taking care of myself. I know this last one sounds rather arbitrary, but I assure you that this is extremely important! With school, friends and extracurricular constantly orbiting the solar system that is our lives, we often forget to dedicate time for ourselves. I don’t mean 10 minutes of mindfulness Costs of Inequality which you may or may not be using to nap, or page 6-7 procrastinating by watching Netflix, but actually dedicating a solid hour doing whatever it is that makes you happy, without any worries lingering at the back of Mondragon: Why it’s your mind. There were a lot of times during the year important where I felt overwhelmed with work and ended up putting all of that work before taking care of myself. With page 7-8 that, I became even more stressed because my mind was doing 5 different things at a time, at all times. Soon, I Ed Sheeran ended everyday feeling utterly drained and waking up the next morning feeling just the same. Just taking a time page 8-9 out to yourself to let your mind breathe can really refresh and give you the energy that you need to take on your day. But most of all, especially for those entering the 11th Ping’s Kitchen grade, I just want to remind you that high school isn’t page 9 only made up of all of the things that cause you stress. It’s about the good parts too; we just have to find a way to persevere through the bad and the ugly.


Technological Advances and trends page 10

Article by Bea Carandang


April 20th was a day of the Service Group Network Oscars at ISHCMC. Organized by SGN executives, it is an annual event dedicated to recognize the hard-working and innovative service groups throughout the course of a year. The form it has taken has varied annually, and this year’s SGN Oscar was more widely promoted around school, naturally attracting more students and teachers to attend.

The SGN Oscars

The event took place in the MPR, with finger food available and nice decoration with lights and cocktail tables. The dress code was semi-formal. Among the people who attended were the SGN executives and leaders, members of various groups, including award winners and teacher supervisors. The actual presentation has started at 5:20 pm, and lasted for an hour and a half. For those who have missed the Oscars, here is the list of award-winning groups. Most PoTeNtiAL Library for Love Most Creative Fundraising Heartbeat Most Creative Group Beadsabled Best Awareness Campaign Wildlife at Risk Best Community Involvement Thien Phuoc Orphanage Most Effective Group Grace’s Cookies Best Leader Sungjun Min <3 (ISHCMC Inquirers)

Best Group Library For Love Last but not least, one member from each group was nominated for Best Member by their respective group leaders. This event in general was very impressive and was well beyond my expectations. A lot of effort was made by the SGN executives to organize this event. It was nice to see how Service has become more important in the ISHCMC community and to see the celebration of different achievements throughout the year. Article by Juhyun (Robin) Kim


One Year of ISHCMC Inquirer

With our final edition of the 2017 academic year, ISHCMC Inquirer is proud to have provided you with a variety of content, from insightful political articles, movie and videogame recommendations to memes and photos of school events. Some changes have been made throughout the year to improve the quality of articles that we offer you. We had decided to release one edition per term, rather that once a month. This allows us to undergo a more effective editorial process to ensure that all our articles are selectively picked and checked before being sent to print. As students who, for the most part, have never been a part of a news team, it is safe to say we have gained many experiences and have learned many valuable lessons from our time spent at ISHCMC Inquirer. We were glad to see that, as more editions were being published, an increasing number of people took interest in our editorials, some of whom even ended up joining our news team. We would like to thank everyone who has helped us in creating a successful news platform for the education and entertainment of the entire secondary school. A great big thank you goes to Ms. Jane Barrowcliff for supervising the group, Ms. Sophie Blavet for assisting in the process as a whole, and Ms. Rebecca Taylor for all her involvement in the printing of the newspaper. Last but not least, we would like to thank you, the readers who have supported us throughout this year. This was year one of ISHCMC Inquirer. We hope you have enjoyed it. Have a great summer! Article by Alexia Beatrice Guglielmi

ISHCMC 2017-2018 New Secondary Campus! Welcome, to the last article of this year. Early next academic year, the whole secondary would be shifting to a brand new campus, with many brand new features that everyone will be fascinated about. You might have seen this picture around many areas in our current school. The new campus will open around October, in the 2017/18 academic year. It has achieved the technological and architectural milestones that the current school couldn’t achieve (our current school used to be a shoe factory xD). The school is big enough to accommodate more than 500 New Secondary Campus Bird’s eye View students. The new campus provides fresh empty space to be covered with students. Since there will be many students entering the new school, space still wouldn’t be a thing to worry about. The building will look as big as the previous one. The football pitch on top of the terrace looks bigger compared to the previous one. If you are worrying about the fencing, don’t worry, the architects have made sure that it won’t collapse! I am slightly concerned that there is no shade on top of the fencing. It would’ve been great when you experience very sunny days to have a shade covering the field, thus preventing us from having to put on hats and sunscreen. By looking at this picture, I think we can mistakenly kick out many balls out of the fence.


The gym will be as big as the previous school gym. It will serve both Middle and High School. We have a highly improved swimming pool for the ISHCMC Stingrays, and a bigger and cleaner cafeteria next to it. We have a larger professional auditorium for musical, and drama rehearsals/performances. The library will be much bigger, including a newer collection, guiding our students in their research, providing a quiet and inviting space. Some new features of this campus are: - Better quality air purification systems. - Recording studio. - Professional auditorium. - Volleyball, Tennis, and NBA-sized basketball court. - Bigger parking lot. I can’t wait to the next school next year! There will be plenty to explore and experiment! This advantage is going to help us in our journey to become even more energized, engaged, and empowered. Thank you for reading my last article of this year and I wish you all a safe and fun summer holiday. See you next year! Article by Aditya Chauhan

The Sad Fate of Putin’s Enemies Vladimir Putin, the current president of Russia has had a tight grip on the country for over 16 years, having his rule stretching across 3 decades. Though he has seen continuous criticism from the international community, his grasp on Russia remains relatively stable. Moreover, his countrymen actually support his policies. This was shown in the previous Russian election where Putin won a staggering 64% of the nation’s vote. He has also received positive domestic approval rating with the previous one in 2016, standing at 83%.

yer boi Putin

Though Putin is highly praised within the borders of his country, the outside world does not seem to agree. According to a survey by the “ Pew Research Center’ in 2016, most foreigners hold a negative view of Putin with approximately 3 quarters of Western Europeans as well as a majority of Northern Americans, Australians and Arabs. This raises the question, “Why is that Putin’s rating are so inflated within Russia?”

In reality, there are many people in Russia speaking out against Putin. People like Boris Nemtsov, Anna Politkovskaya and Alexander Litvinenko have criticized and spoken out against for years. They have brought up everything against Putin ranging from his disregard of human rights to collusion with the wealthy oligarchs in Russia. However, outside of being well-known critics of Putin, they have another thing in common. They all suffered mysterious deaths, allegedly at the behest of Putin. Ever since Putin has gained power, it takes some courage to speak up against Putin. Protests against him would always lead to thousands of demonstrators being detained, even tortured. The most recent public figure to be arrested was Alexei Navalny, a well-known lawyer and blogger who recently transitioned into the political scene. He was protesting against Putin’s corruption on the 26th of March when he was arrested. He had to pay a fine of 20,000 ruble and served 15 days in


26th of March when he was arrested. He had to pay a fine of 20,000 ruble and served 15 days in prison. Others such as Garry Kasparov, a world chess champion turned political activist have chosen seek asylum in order to escape prosecution. However, there are those who were not as lucky. Perhaps the most well-known target of Putin was Boris Nemtsov. Nemtsov was a well-seasoned politician who had a successful career under President Boris Yeltsin. Ever since Putin gained control of Russia he had been an outspoken critic. He would speak out against Putin’s ever increasing authoritarian and undemocratic regime. He has also conducted corruption within the Russian government in which he ties it directly to the president. Nemtsov has also been known to take part in the dissenters march, protesting for fair elections in Russia. Nemtsov met his end on the 27th of February in 2015. While walking down a bridge near the Kremlin, he was shot four times in the back. Though his murder was pinned on several suspects, all of whom were Chechen or Russian nationalists, some still believe his assassination was ordered by Putin. This is because he was planning on releasing an exposé on Putin’s involvement in Ukraine. It was reportedly evidence that the Russian had military involvement in Ukraine though it adamantly denies those claims. Eerily, Nemtsov seems to have predicted his death. Less than 3 weeks before the attack, he told Sobesednik, a Russian news website that his mother had expressed fears that Putin would order for his death. He had also expressed the same fear to his friend, Yevgenia Albats of the New York Times 2 weeks prior to his test. Nemtsov’s death marks a frightening milestone. Nemtsov was a former member of the Russian government and Putin’s willingness to have him assassinated shows that Putin will stop at nothing to ensure that his opposition is destroyed. If Putin was truly behind the assassination, this would mean that he has enough control over Russian media and people that he could get away with the elimination of high profile targets. This would mean that Putin’s terror and tyranny knows no bounds. Article by Fred Jed Ahmed Ted Dennis

The Costs of Inequality Since the 20th century, government intervention to reduce wealth inequality has taken place, but it still remains a big problem. As seen on this 2016 Global Wealth Pyramid, the top 1% of the global population owns almost half (45.2%) of the global wealth. Shockingly, the top 30% owns 97% of the global wealth. China has one of the worst records for wealth inequality. About 1/3 of China’s wealth is acquired by 1% of the citizens and 85% of China’s wealth is held by 10% of the population. Wealth inequality within countries has been alleviated to some degree with government intervention; The Global Wealth Pyramid however, it still remains a severe problem. Affluent people are able to manipulate the government through both legal and corrupt methods. Often, rich people give political funds to persuade the government to benefit their businesses or cover up illegal acts. According to the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), all countries have this problem to an extent. Wealth inequality between countries has worsened since colonial times, with more economically


developed countries (MEDCs) having 83 times more wealth than less economically developed countries (LEDCs) on average. Large corporations from wealthy nations take almost $900 billion/year through tax avoidance. Poor nations, meanwhile, must pay almost $600 billion/year to wealthy countries for debt services on loans that have already been paid. This cyclical nature of wealthier nations taking money out of poorer nations makes it extremely harder for poor nations to climb out of poverty and makes richer nations even richer, widening the gap even more. So, what are some potential solutions? Progressive tax, meaning the tax rates increases proportional to increasing income. Essentially, the more someone earns, the higher the tax rate that is applied to them. It can give more government revenue to enhance opportunities for low and middle-classes by providing free education and healthcare. Also, without this system, there would be a high chance of wealth being concentrated to a small number of people. The small tax rate for low-income workers allows them to save their disposable income to reduce the wealth gap in the long-term. However, countries like Russia argue that it goes against Article 7 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states all people are equal under the law. Opponents also argue that progressive tax prompts rich people to find alternatives ways to avoid paying tax. Lastly, it can also create unemployment. By over-taxing business owners, it puts strain on the businesses, causing them to cut down employees. Minimum wage, the lowest an employer can pay a worker per hour is a method to increase the standard of living and keep people above the poverty line. Advocates point out that it reduces income inequality, especially for different gender and race, as minimum wage applies for everyone. By proving workers a decent wage, it encourages consumption, thus putting more money into the economy as low-paid workers can spend more. Minimum wage still has its setbacks. It could increase unemployment. Employers will be more hesitant to hire workers as they are less affordable. Tesco, UK’s largest retailer is planning to cut workforce by 18% due to rising minimum wage. Also, more than 98% of workers in the U.S pay their worker above the minimum wage voluntarily to avoid losing skilled workers to competitors. If the governments impose such regulations, least-experienced workers will not only get fired but would have difficulty finding other jobs. These two approaches are currently being implemented in various countries, each with its respective benefits and setbacks as mentioned above. However, progressive tax seems to be a better solution than minimum wage. With the current global unemployment rate at a staggering 30%, minimum wage will only increase the rate, putting more people out of jobs. Since many nations are working toward a fully democratic, transparent government, progressive tax will allow low-income families to receive education, healthcare, giving them an opportunity to succeed and, thus, become more economically sustainable. Article by Sungjun Min

Mondragon: Why It’s Important Opinion Article by Greg Chung 11D Discontent with the corporate establishment is at all-time high. According to a survey, 51% of millennials view capitalism unfavorably. It’s not surprising when wages have fallen and inequality has grown. It’s quite obvious most youth lack the ambition to ambition up the corporate ladder like their parents. Luckily, there’s another way. In the distant region of Spanish Basque, mythically shrouded by mountains, lies Mondragon; a federation of over a hundred cooperatives. What is a cooperative, you may be asking. Well unlike typical business, which is run by a small group of


Mondragon Organisational Structure

investors who pick managers to order workers, cooperatives on the other hand are run by the workers themselves. Each worker owns a piece of the company, and then they choose managers to run the company. Now, some of you might say that system won't work, it’s too disorganized, there’s no motivation, it’s not scalable; except currently Mondragon has global sales of 12 million euros, and is the tenth largest business in Spain. And while Spain is experiencing a 26% unemployment rate, the Basque country has been mostly untouched, with an unemployment rate of 14%. For reference, the unemployment rate in Andalusia is 36%. Unlike most firms that are driven by pleasing investors, co-ops focus on the worker, that’s the main reason Basque, has such a low unemployment rate. Mondragon also solved a crucial issue that co-ops faced, scalability. Critics argue that it’s difficult to grow co-ops, due to the need to organize large groups. Mondragon solved this by forming a federation. All the co-ops chip in to coordinate with each other. A very interesting part of Mondragon is how they split the money. In each co-op, 10% of the profit is put in the federation, 45% is left to reinvest, but the last 45% is where it gets interesting. The last 45% is used to pay the workers...but it doesn’t directly go to them. The 45% is put in the bank, where it’s stored as part of their retirement. The money they do get is 7% of what their retirement money has grown over time. This deal is miles ahead of what they’d get in a normal business, where they’d be paid minimum wage and no pension. But don’t think it’s some red paradise riding Uncle Mao’s tears. In 2013, Mondragon’s Fagor went bankrupt. To put sand in the wound, Fagor was Mondragon’s first co-op. It’s important to note that Fagor specialized in “white goods”, luxury goods like washing machines. During the recession, Fagor lost 50% of sales. Even before the bankruptcy, Fagor was dealing with other issues related to policy. When Fagor entered the global market, they used cheap foreign labor, such as Poland and Mexico. While using cheap labor didn’t lead to waves of pink slips, like in the rust belt, the issue was that they were employees, not owners. In Poland, Fagor suppressed a strike over low wages, this brings up the claim, “that as co-ops grow, they turn into red blooded capitalists”. Defenders argued that the issue is co-ops are very foreign to many outsiders, who grew up in capitalist environments. It’s also important to note that between 2008 and 2012, the number of worker owners increased by 10%. Mondragon, while riddled with flaws, should be seen as a proof of concept. Proof that co-op can not only compete with capitalist businesses, but have a unique edge over them. Even though Fagor collapsed, statistically, co-ops have double the life span than all other businesses. Hopefully in the future, we might see more co-ops, even those with more radical designs, such as worker managed instead of worker owned. Article by Greg Chung

Divide Album Cover

Ed Sheeran: The Return of the Musical Giant Ed Sheeran’s newest album, Divide, was released on the 3rd of March, 2017 and has drawn global attention ever since. On the US Billboard 200, Divide made its debut at number one with approximately 451 000 album-equivalent sales. 322 000 of them were pure album sales. In the US, the tracks received around 134.6 million streams in the first week. Immediately after the release, ten songs from the album debuted in the Hot 100, joining three other songs, which were released as singles, on that list. Two of those singles were Shape of You and Castle on the Hill. Shape of You has topped the Hot 100 for its debut and for eleven non-consecutive weeks while Castle on the Hill made its debut at number six. Sheeran’s masterpieces made him the first artist to debut two songs in the top ten in the same week in the history of Hot 100.


In this album, not only was Ed Sheeran able to prove his musical talents through his amazing vocals but also through his ability to write music. He has shown diversity in his musical composition. Songs such as Nancy Mulligan and Galway Girl have a very traditional feel. Nancy Mulligan is an Irish folk song about how Sheeran’s grandparents met. More surprisingly, Galway Girl is a fusion between Irish folk music and rap. A fiddle and some rap? Why not? Meanwhile, songs like Perfect in this album have a very romantic atmosphere. These three songs are just three examples that show the variety in this album. The miscellany is one of the reasons that make this album so good. Every song is going to be different from the next. No matter whom you are and whether or not you have enjoyed Ed Sheeran’s previous hits such as Photograph or Thinking Out Loud, I guarantee there is a song in Divide for everyone. What do I know, right? Divide is for everybody and if you haven’t listened to this album, you really should. Article by Ida Putu Wiweka Dharmasiddhi

PING’S KITCHEN In this new Ping Chao’s kitchen we’re featuring a brand new style of making food. In this “What’s in Ping’s fridge?” I will only be using the ingredients that are in my fridge to create unique Ping cuisine. I have decided to use these ingredients to make myself some Vietnamese-inspired tomato fish noodles. You’ll need: 500 ml of water 1 bag of wet rice noodle (bún) 1 teaspoon of salt ½ tablespoon of vegetable oil 1 teaspoon of fish sauce ½ teaspoon of sugar 1 can of tomato sardine Half of an onion Chopped spring onions Price: Around 50,000 vnd Serves 3+ people



Finished Product

Instructions 1. Add vegetable oil into a pot 2. Saute the garlic and the chopped onion in the pot to bring up the flavor 3. Put in 500 ml of water into the pot when the garlic turns golden brown 4. Heat the pot with high heat and add in the can of sardines do add more flavor to the soup 5. Season the soup with salt, sugar and fish sauce 6. Add the rice noodles when the soup starts to boil 7. Turn off the heat immediately after adding the noodles 8. Garnish with chopped spring onion Article by Tsengson Ben

Technological Advances and trends of 2016~17

Introduction In last 30 years, technology has come very far in its development. Thirty years ago, people could only do limited work with their personal computer because of slow internet speed. However, since then, technology has improved so that people can now find hundreds and thousands of images in the web, watch videos through YouTube, and buy what they need without going to the market. As this shows, the improvements in technology advances are more and more significant every year and are enabling the people to do ever more advanced work. Let’s take a look back the technological advances and trends in the last year (June 2016~May 2017). Artificial Intelligence The first is Artificial Intelligence (AI). Between 2016 and 2017, there were many AIs introduced to the market: Google Assistant, Samsung Bixby, and Amazon Alexa. In smartphones, it seems like there is no difference between AI and voice-based assistant, such as Google Now and Siri. However, AI can do much more than just work as a voice-based assistant. They are learning and improving themselves by using data from users. So, as time passes, the accuracy and reliability of AI-based assistants are going to be increased. AI is not only used for those assistants, but also in the other areas. For example, IBM’s Watson is used in many areas, such as analysing economies and diagnosing diseases. 5G The second is 5G technology. The definition of 5G is “fifth wireless broadband technology, which provides 1Gbps of speed by using 5Ghz signals” (, What is 5G?). It is going to provide service around 100 times the speed of 4G. Samsung, Hwawei, AT&T, Verizon, KT, and many operators are preparing for this technology. Even though it is still in preparatory stages, the companies are getting large investments from various sources. As faster internet is enabling a more convenient life for many people, the new 5G technology is expected to break the limitations of current internet technology. Iris Scanner The third technology is the Iris Scanner. Since 2013, smartphone manufacturers have included fingerprint sensors in their phones. This sensor identifies users by fingerprint information so it has been widely used as a security option for years. However, this sensor is easily hacked by using copied fingerprints. So, Samsung decided to use Iris Scanner technology as another security option. The company first introduced this option with Galaxy Note 7. The Iris Scanner identifies an iris of the user, which cannot be copied. Since everyone has a unique iris pattern, it provides a better, more secure option than fingerprint sensors in security. The limitation is that it takes several seconds to recognize the pattern, but this has been shortened with further updates. The Fourth Industrial Revolution Industry 4.0 is not only a technological advance but the new trend of the modern society, named “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”. Nowadays, machines are used in production more than humans while people are working in quality control processes, or in developmental roles which cannot be replaced by robots. So, people don’t need to be involved in the production of the product anymore, and this leads to demand for newer creative jobs. However, there are many people who are currently working in the production process. This creates some concerns about the reducing number of jobs and unemployment. Conclusion: What can be improved in 2017~18 and further? In 2016~2017, there were a lot of technological advances and trends, including things not only on this list, such as the USB C type, the removal of the headphone jack, and infinity display (such as 18:9). These trends are changing technological products as well as the society which uses them. As many industries have shown significant improvements in technology in this year, there would be many more advancements and new trends in technology between 2017 and 2018. Now it is time to await those changes, which, hopefully, are going to make our lives better. Article by Myeong Hun (David) Song


Cutest Member | Myeong Hun (David) Song SUPREME LEADER | Sungjun Min



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