ISHCMC AA Newsletter November 2013 - English

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Sports News ISHCMC American Academy Participates in Terry Fox Run 2013 Luu Nguyen Phuc & Nguyen Tuan An

ISHCMC American Academy students and faculty have the opportunity to support cancer research by taking part in the annual Terry Fox Run on November 24th. The run will start near Crescent Mall in District 7. Registration is at 7am and the event starts at 8am. The total distance is 5km. Who was Terry Fox? Terry Fox was born on July 28, 1958 and he died on June 28, 1981, just one month before his 23rd birthday. He was a Canadian athlete, humanitarian, and cancer research activist. He lost his right leg in 1977 after he was diagnosed with osteosarcoma (bone cancer). In 1980, with one artificial leg, Terry Fox embarked on a cross-Canada run to raise money and awareness for cancer research. Terry Fox died on day 143, after 5,730 kilometers. However, his efforts resulted in a lasting, worldwide legacy.


Middle School Basketball The boys' middle school basketball team is having a strong season. On Oct 23rd, they won a match against ISHCMC with a final score of 37 to 10. On Oct 24th, they obliterated the American International School team with a final score of 47 to 26. Bui Thinh Khang (Kenny) has the record of scoring the most points in a single game. Congrats boys!

Student spotlight Middle School Students of the Month

What Teavhers are Saying

Le Hong An (Amanda 7A)

This is Amanda’s first year here at AA and she smiles everyday, tries to speak in English and volunteers to answer many times during homeroom and Life Science. She is a great model for all those shy students that struggle with speaking English everyday.

What Teavhers are Saying

High School

Students of the Month

What Teavhers are Saying

Linh is very focused in class. She is always willing to help out her classmates to understand some pretty challenging Computer Science topics, even the boys!

Le Hoang Phuong Linh (11A)

He has been a classroom leader and a motivated student.

Bui Thinh Khang (Kenny 8B)

Kenny was also last year’s winner of the Principal’s Sun Bear Award, and he is an active member of the middle school basketball team.

Nguyen Khuong Duy (10A)

Linh is also a member of Reverberations staff.

What Teavhers are Saying

Duy has taken a new student under his wing and is leading her through some pretty challenging Graphic Design processes. He has shown patience and understanding. Shame he never speaks English in class unless it is singing to an Eminem song!

Teacher of the Month Mr. Matthew Russell teaches English Language Arts for grades 10 and 11. Here’s why he was awarded October’s Teacher of the Month title: Mr Russell has a deep passion and commitment for English Language Arts education. He understands that what happens in the classroom comes first, and he is able to meet his students wherever they are at intellectually and academically. He challenges them not only to understand the many nuances of literature, but also to reflect deeply on themselves and the world. I’ve been impressed by his ability to simultaneously challenge his students and build genuine rapport and trust with them. Mr. Russell is a great teacher, who engages and holds the attention of students in all discussions. He establishes clear objectives for each lesson and works those specific objectives during each class. He has thorough knowledge of the school’s curriculum and other standards to uphold in the classroom.

Student Talk


Meet the Teacher: Do you have a favorite dish or food you’ve eaten during your travels? I think my most favorite dish is Pad Thai in Thailand. I love the one with chicken in it. What places have you lived besides Vietnam? And can you speak any other languages? I’ve lived in Washington State, but I can speak Spanish and I studied Russian for one year in college.

For this month’s Meet the Teacher interview, Reverberations staff members Chu Thi Tra My and Nguyen Ngoc Hoang An had a chat with Mrs. Kealy McCleery, the new Biology teacher at ISHCMC American Academy.

If you could own a summerhouse anywhere in the world, where would it be? Describe the place. It would have to be on an island. There wouldn’t be too many people. I would have a little bungalow next to the water so I can hear the waves in the morning and the night. It would also be in a place where I can just go out and go SCUBA-diving anytime I want to. So you SCUBA dive? Cool! What is the riskiest or most dangerous thing you have ever done? Jump out from the plane. I’ve gone skydiving six times.

First of all, welcome to Vietnam! We know you just arrived in August, but can you tell us about one memorable moment that you have experienced here? I have only been here for three weeks, but the most memorable experience was a couple of Saturdays ago. We went venturing and got caught in the big rainstorm. We were outside, I think we were in the District 2, but I’m not sure. We just kind of waited it out. We saw the whole street flood; a whole bunch of little bicyclers then their pushed bikes. People kept on biking, and they got splashed by passing buses. Mrs. McCleery in the Biology lab at ISHCMC American The waves got up so high that some Academy. people were playing in the water.


Watch out for next month’s interview with drama teacher Ms. Ingrid Berry.

Kealy McCleery What did you want to do for a career when you were a child? Did you have any other jobs before becoming a teacher? My first dream was to be an actress, then I wanted to be a veterinarian. I didn’t originally want to be a teacher, but for me I don’t think there will be anything besides teaching. I’ve been teaching for ten years now and I’ve started to love it. If I could change careers, I’d probably want to do something around pharmaceuticals to make more money! Describe yourself as a teenager. What did you wear? Who did you hang out with? What kind of music did you listen to and why? I was a little gothic (at least that is what they call it now). I had at least eight braids in my face. I wore a lot of black

and t-shirts; I rarely wore dresses or skirts. I hung out with the nerdy crowd of people, the band geeks, most of the time. We watched movies, worked at McDonalds, talked on CB radios, hung out at Shari’s restaurant, and went to football games. The music I liked was alternative: Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Violent Femmes, Alice in Chains, Jane’s Addiction because I liked the variety of grunge music and words of the music -the beat was fun. If you had to describe yourself with only three adjectives, what would they be? Enthusiasm, creativity, and spunkiness Thanks so much for taking the time to chat with us! Photos by Nguyen Ngoc Hoang An (Annie)


All About TOEFL, IELTS an Mrs. Heather Carreiro At our Parent Seminar on October 10th, many parents had questions about language proficiency testing and requirements for college applications. Here is an overview of language proficiency as it relates to international student admission to universities and colleges abroad.

ability to study in English.

• The student has scored well on the Critical Reading portion of the SAT. Specific scores vary by school. For example, the University of Washington will waive language proficiency test requirements if the applicant has “achieved academic success in high school level English writing or literature courses and has attained a minimum SAT Critical Reading score of 550.” What is language proficiency and RequireThis means that ISHCMC American Academy ments for College Admission? students who study English Language Arts and achieve a 550 on their SAT Critical Reading DO Higher-education institutions want to know NOT need to submit a TOEFL or IELTS score that your student can use the English language with their application. well enough to undertake academic studies in English. Different schools have different re• The student has scored a 3 or higher on AP quirements, so the plan that your child follows English Language & Composition OR AP English to show language proficiency will be different Literature and Composition. ISHCMC American based on where he or she plans to apply. Academy offers the AP Literature course for academically qualified grade 11 students, and the TOEFL and IELTS both test English language AP Language course for academically qualified proficiency. The areas tested are speaking, grade 12 students. reading, writing and listening. Unlike the SAT, these tests do not measure academic ability. • The student has demonstrated success with They only test English language skills. This is a C grade or better in our Syracuse University why these tests are considered English lancollege writing course, Writing 105: Principles of guage proficiency tests. Academic Writing. Several college admissions representatives that I have met with have agreed Scenario #1: Language proficiency tests not to waive the TOEFL or IELTS requirement when required a student submits his Syracuse University transcript that includes a grade of C or better in Many schools will waive the requirement for Writing 105. TOEFL or IELTS if the student has demonstrated English language proficiency in another None of the above options are official “lanway. Some examples: guage proficiency tests,” however if a student is able to succeed in these areas (college-level • The student has completed at least two composition through Syracuse University, AP successful years of study at an accredited English, SAT scores, rigorous study at an accredinternational school where the language of ited international school), then the student has instruction is English. Because ISHCMC Ameri- already proven his ability to study in English. can Academy is accredited by CIS and NEASC, some colleges and university automatically Scenario #2: Language proficiency tests rewill waive the TOEFL or IELTS requirement. A quired smaller number of schools will waive the testing requirement with an individual note from In other cases, a TOEFL or IELTS score will still the School Counselor that verifies the student’s be required. Which test should your child take?


nd Language Proficiency

The TOEFL is used primarily in the United States. If your child’s GPA is below a 2.5 and he wants to study in the US, I recommend he take the TOEFL because this will most likely be required by community colleges and less selective four-year schools in the US. If a student cannot prove English proficiency using the methods outlined above, it is best for him to sign up for the TOEFL in the spring or summer of his Grade 11 year.

IELTS is a UK-based language proficiency exam. If you plan to apply to a larger public university or a competitive private school with a significant international student population, chances are that they will accept IELTS. Things to know about IELTS:

• The test scores are valid for two years. • Over 8,000 organizations in 135 countries Things to know about TOEFL: accept IELTS scores. • Registration cost is 3.2 million VND. • The test scores are valid for two years. • The test takes 2 hours and 45 minutes. • Over 9,000 institutions in 130 countries ac• There are two versions: Academic and Gencept TOEFL scores. eral. Students need to take the Academic • Registration cost in Vietnam is $160. version. • The test takes 4 hours. • Upcoming test dates are Nov 9th, Nov 16th, • Upcoming tests dates are Nov 9th, Nov 17th Nov 24th and Nov 30th. and Nov 24th • In December, IELTS testing is offered Dec • In December, TOEFL test dates are Dec 7th, 7th, Dec 12th, Dec 14th and Dec 21st. Dec 15th and Dec 21st • Test reports come 13 days after you sit the • Scores are given out of 120. exam. • Scores are available 10 days after the test • Results are given out of a 9-band scoring date. system. You can take the TOEFL through IIG Vietnam in District 10. IIG VIETNAM JSC No. 3, 3 Thang 2 Road Ward 11 District, 10 – HCM City Vietnam Email: Phone: (84 8) 3929 2633/34 Website: Website:

There are two IELTS testing locations in HCMC: British Council Ho Chi Minh City 25 Le Duan, District 1 Tel: 84-8-38232862 Email: IDP Education - Test Centre 33 Mac Dinh Chi Street. District 1 Tel: 84 8 39104 205 Email: Web:


Food Feature: Bun Cha Ca Da Nang Chu Thi Tra My

For over 40 years, one restaurant in central Da Nang has been making traditional fish cake noodle soup that still retains the sweet flavor of the broth and a strong appealing flavor of fish cakes. To get its signature taste and quality in this fish cake noodle bowl, the manager pays great attention to the choosing raw materials and processing. Fish are purchased from selected stations in the morning, the bones are filtered out to cook the broth. Making the soup stock takes a few hours, until the fish bones have given flavor to the broth. Then, the cook takes the fish bones out and adds pineapples, tomatoes, bamboo shoots, and pickles to create a natural sweetness. The minced meat is for making the cha, fresh fish cakes. The special thing here is that the cha is made from fresh raw fish without adding any additional powers or flavors. When the soup is served, you just add a little bit of lemon, pepper, seasoned shrimp sauce, and chilies you like it hot. Then you can enjoy a bowl of delicious noodles and fried fish cakes. Once you have eaten this dish, you’ll have no chance to forget the taste.

Where to eat it in DaNang: 109 Nguyễn Chí Thanh, Quận Hải Châu Tp. Đà Nẵng


Make it Yourself!

Ingredients To make the rolls (cha) 300g fish fillet 200g Basa fish fillet 100 g lard 1 chicken egg. 1 TB flour 1 TB oil ½ TB salt ½ TB pepper ½ TB sugar 1 minced purple onion To make the broth Pig’s tibia 100 g pumpkin cut to about 4x5cm 10 cabbage leaves, chopped 3 tomatoes, chopped 1/4 ripe pineapple, thinly chopped Raw shrimp 2 TB fish sauce ½ TB salt 1TB all-purpose seasoning 2 TB sugar Lettuce, basil Other green herbs as desired Vietnamese spice blend


4. Rinse shrimp in cold water to deposit the sediment and get the water out. Then add this water into the pot Making the fish cakes (cha) of broth. Add 2 TB of shrimp sauce, 1. Chop fillet of basa fish, then grind ½ tablespoon of salt, 1 tablespoon of it. Chop lard into small pomegranseasoning (what kind of seasoning?), 2 ate seed-sized bits and mix egg tablespoons of sugar, and add all the together with flour. vegetables. Simmer on medium heat 2. Mix together the basa fish, lard, for 30 minutes. eggs and flour with oil, salt, pepper, 5. Add the fried cha in and cook addisugar, and minced purple onion. tional 20 to 30 minutes, Mix thoroughly. 3. Apply cooking oil to hands, Note: You can use mackerel or tuna to divide and knead the dough into replace the cha. Marinate it with sauce, small balls with diameter of 5 cm salt, pepper, and minced onions. Cook and 1 cm thick. Deep-fry the fish fully before adding to soup stock. balls in boiling oil over a large flame Then simmer for a few minutes to until the pieces turn red-yellow. You integrate the flavor of the broth with can also steam the fish balls if you the fish. want to eat less fat. Making the broth 1. Boil the pork bone in water 2. Peel and wash the pumpkins, slice it about 4x5cm. Add pumpkin to broth. 3. Slice cabbage into size of ½ of human hand. Then add cut tomatoes, thinly sliced pineapple and put it all into the pot


Place some rice vermicelli in the bowl. Pour over broth with cha or fish slices into the soup. Remember to have a delicious dish, you have to keep the soup hot!

Photos by Nguyen Ngoc Hoang An 9

Students’ Favorite Activities in Phan Thiet

1. Orienteering race (hiking) 2. Mui Ne orienteering sand dunes 3. BBQ and campfire at the beach 4. Collective sports on the beach 10 5. Ke Ga Lighthouse visit

The focal point of the mountain is the spectacular statue of Buddha entering a state of rest, the final nirvana of enlightened beings. Built in 1963, the statue is 11 meters high and extends for 49 meters. The statue is located in the Linh Son Truong Tho Pagoda.

Ke Ga lighthouse, built in 1899 is the oldest lighthouse in Southeast Asia. It is also the highest such structure at nearly 65 meters tall. All materials to build the lighthouse were shipped from France as it was built during colonial times. Ke Ga Cape was considered an important location in the coastal region from Phan Rang to Vung Tau.

Photos by Jake Vu Text by Pham Thi Thai An & Bui Khanh Linh


Nha Trang : Grades 8 & 9 Nguyen Tich Thien & Nguyen Le Bao Ngoc

Nha Trang is a popular tourist destination in Vietnam. The gorgeous sea dominates the view, and the natural hot springs and mud baths nearby offer the opportunity for some amazing memories. Last but not least, from Nha Trang you can visit Vinpearland amusement park, an example of Vietnam’s modernization.

One teacher noted that the pagoda and cathedral visit “really got the kids talking and sharing ideas. It was good to see the open dialogue. Many students had been to either a pagoda OR a church, but not both. The experience raised questions and got students thinking.”

According to another trip chaperone, one of the best outcomes of the trip was the student bonding: “I saw a lot of changes from Day 1 to Day 4 in regard to how the students related to each other, Vinpearland is a major project and I saw some solid connections being made with some of the quieter students. After returning to of JSC Vinpearl Tourism and school, I can already see how the classroom dyTrader. The amusement park namics have changed in a positive way because was established in 2001. One of the highlights of the trip was the students have new connections. Eating meals with the students was another memorable activity. visiting Vinpearland’s UnderIt was great getting to know them on a different water World, an aquarium with over 300 different aquatic level.”

12 species.


Nguyen Thanh An & Nguyen Hai Nguyen Escaping the hectic lifestyle of Saigon, the 10th graders of ISHCMC American Academy traveled to the Mekong Delta area and experienced the serene environment of the warm-hearted local people. For the first time in their lives, the students got to experience the real taste of the harsh and tiring works that are part of the locals’ daily lives. This included rowing boats, catching mud fishes with bare hands, cooking various local dishes like Banh Khot, and planting around 40-50 tropical fruit trees for a local farm in just only 5 hours! One would imagine those works to be dreadful and gruesome, but laughter were always in the air because as reported, everyone had a great time together, and the students even held small activities like mini games after a hard day of work. Not only that, they also got to visit the factory where coconut toffees and puffed rice were made, AND got the chance to hold a gigantic python. Don’t worry; the snake was domesticated and nobody got strangled! Coming back after four days of pure hardship but fun, the bonds between the students were strengthened, making them each other’s second family now.


1. 2. 3. 4.

Memorable Moments: Catching fish the traditional way Rowing a boat for the first time Having free time at the home stay The whole trip!

Nguyen Thanh An & Nguyen Hai Nguyen Trốn thoát khỏi cuộc sống sôi động ở Sài Gòn, các học sinh Khối 10 của ISHCMC American Academy đã đi về Vĩnh Long , thuộc khu vực sông nước ở Vĩnh Long, và đã có nhiều trải nghiệm đáng nhơ với những người dân thân thiện. Lần đầu tiên trong đời, họ đã được nếm mùi khó khăn và mệt nhọc của cuộc sống đời thường nơi đây, như chèo thuyền, bắt cá bằng tay dưới bùn và nấu những món ăn địa phương như Banh Khot, và quan trọng nhất là, trồng khoảng 40-50 cây chôm chôm cho một trang trại địa phương chỉ trong 5 giờ đồng hồ! Đối với mọi người, đây có vẻ là một công việc khó khăn và đầy cực nhọc, nhưng tiếng cười luôn vang vọng trong bầu không khí vì mọi người đã có một khoảng thời gian vui vẻ, và học sinh luôn tổ chức những trò chơi nhỏ sau một ngày làm việc vất vả. Không chỉ thế, họ còn được tham quan nhà máy nơi sản xuất kẹo dừa và cơm cháy, và, có cơ hội đến gần một con trăn khổng lồ nhưng hoàn toàn vô hại. Sau chuyến đi 4 ngày tuy đầy khó khăn nhưng vui nhộn, các học sinh đã trở nên gắn bó và đoàn kết hơn, giúp cho mọi người trở thành những thành viên trong gia đình nhỏ ở ISHCMC American Academy.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Memorable Moments: Catching fish the traditional way Rowing a boat for the first time Having free time at the home stay The whole trip!




Grade 12 Field Trip: Food, Culture & His

Photos : Hai Van Pass, hiking at Marble Mountain, Duy & Ha planting vegetables, Trang waters the garden, looking good in our farmer outfits Hình ảnh: Qua đèo Hải Vân; Leo núi Ngũ Hành Sơn; Duy & Hà trồng cây; Trang tưới cây; Mọi người nhìn rất đẹp mắt trong bộ đồ nông dân

Photos: B Cooking Trò chơi Cầu Đỏ,



This year, the senior class went to Da Nang, Hoi An and Lang Co Beach to create memorable moments together. This trip was successfully organized and everyone was satisfied in spite of the rain. We even had to wear raincoats while biking around Hoi An, but most of us still loved it! We tried different local foods such as Bun Cha and Cao Lau. We climbed Marble mountain, learned about the temples at My Son Sanctuary, practiced making some traditional foods like Banh Xeo, and studied the process of planting organic vegetables. According to our trip survey, the senior class most enjoyed biking around Hoi An team-building activities at Lang Co Beach.

Nguyen Ngoc Hoang An

Năm nay, Lớp 12 đã có dịp đi Đà Nẵng Hội An để cùng nhau trải qua những kỉ niệm đáng nhớ. Chuyến đi này đã được tổ chức thành công, tất cả mọi người đều rất hài lòng dù nhiều lúc trời đổ mưa. Mọi người đều được thử nhiều món ăn địa phương như Bún Cá, Cao Lầu, và còn nhiều nữa. Ngoài ra, cả nhóm phải mặc áo mưa trong lúc đạp xe vòng quanh Hội An, và mọi người đều yêu thích trải nghệm này. Chúng tôi đã leo núi Ngũ Hành Sơn, đi học về thánh địa Mỹ Sơn, học cách làm Bánh xèo Hội An, học cách làm sau sạch, và chơi các hoạt động khác nhau trên biển. Một số hoạt động được Lớp 12 quan tâm thích thú nhất là “Đạp xe vòng quanh Hội An” và “Hoạt Động trên Biển”.

Nguyen Ngoc Hoang An

Beach games, Ha’s success with vegetable carving, our new plants, Tien & Ngan look over the Hai Van Pass, tug of war, eating at Red Bridge g School, biking in the rain, Mr. Swanson & Calvin make banh xeo i trên biển; Hà tỉa rau củ thành công; Cây mới trồng của chúng tôi; Tiên & Ngân nhìn qua đèo Hải Vân; Kéo co; Ăn tối ở lớp học nấu ăn; , Đạp xe đạp trong mưa; Thầy Swanson & Calvin làm bánh xèo.


Who’s that Baby?

Letter Box Hello students and welcome to Letter-Box! Ask us about study tips, dating, cooking, anything! Then, we will post your questions and our answers in the school monthly newsletter. Email your questions:

SAT Vocab Master Here is our SAT vocabulary word of the month.


(verb) to make a situation worse Ex: Lying to your teacher after you plagiarize will only exacerbate the situation. Email your guess to The first 3 students to submit the correct answer will get house points.

YOU TRY IT! Email a sentence with the word to First 3 correct uses will earn house points.

Crossword Trivia


1. In what city is Mr. Russell in the photo on page 3? 4. The University of _____ visited from Australia. 6. Which female faculty member has twins? Write her last name here. 7. In what month are AP exams? 8. What state is Mrs. McCleery from? 9. The University of _____ visited from Scotland. 11. On what street can you find the British Council in Ho Chi Minh City? 13. What teacher was the winner of the Rock Star Day contest?



2. X-Factor-style singing contest to take place Dec 13th. 3. Middle school elective taught by Mr. Rogal. 4. Which male faculty member has twins? Write his last name here. 5. In 1980, Terry Fox was running across what country? 10. What did Nguyen Tich Thien dress up like for the Halloween dance? 11. What beach did Grade 12 visit during the field trip? 12. What lighthouse did Grades 6 & 7 go to during the field trip?


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