St. Andrews Sukhumvit 107, Parent Handbook

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Sukhumvit 107

Parent Handbook

Contents Head of School Welcome


School Mission Statement


School Ethos


School Curriculum


Academic Staff


The School Day


House System


Homework Guidelines


Behaviour Guidelines


General Information


School Calendar 2011-2012



Welcome Welcome to St. Andrews International School, Sukhumvit 107. Whether you are an existing or new parent, I hope you find the following pages of this handbook helpful and informative. The first part includes information on the school, the curriculum and staff. The general body has been broken up and arranged in alphabetical order for an easy find. We have also included the school calendar at the end of this handbook. Our school has over 20 nationalities of children. This wide cultural diversity allows for a cosmopolitan and rich learning environment where all children are encouraged to respect each other and work together. We follow the English National Curriculum and provide French, Mandarin and Thai language lessons. Our student body is made up of children from 2 to 16 years old and this year, as we continue our expansion, we will see our first ever students complete their IGCSEs. We have also been approved as an IB candidate school and will begin to provide the IB Diploma from 2012. All our class teachers possess UK or equivalent teaching qualifications and are very well assisted by a large number of support staff. They are a very dynamic team who are committed to ensuring high quality education in an enjoyable, friendly and supportive environment. I strongly believe that links with the parents and wider community are a major factor in any school’s success. Links inside and outside the classroom with parents allow us to foster relationships and build a sense of trust and team work within all we do. As such, we encourage parental involvement within the class and encourage productive dialogue in order to help us to give the best to the children in our care. I hope this handbook proves helpful. If you are unable to find specific information, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us directly for clarifications via email or by calling the school. We will reply to your enquiry as soon as possible. We wish your children a wonderful year with us. We look forward to working and communicating closely with you to enhance your children’s education and our St Andrews school community. Best regards,

Iain Colledge BEd (Hons) MA Head of School


Mission Statement The St Andrews International Group of Schools’ mission statement is to develop independent, confident lifelong learners.

School Ethos St Andrews Schools provide an education that extends far beyond the English National Curriculum and embraces the learner-centred principles of the International Baccalaureate. Our philosophy encompasses the whole child and each campus is small and exclusive by design. This allows the students to get to know all the staff in the school and our teachers are very aware of each child and their particular gifts. We place a great deal of emphasis on the development of social skills and the importance of valuing individual talents. Our teachers are native English speakers with UK recognised teaching qualifications, and are recruited for their wide range of professional experience, special talent and enthusiasm for teaching using childcentred approaches.

Curriculum Our school offers a warm, secure and caring environment to help each of our children enjoy and benefit from all they do at school. We place a strong emphasis on establishing skills in English and Mathematics with equal priority given to Science and Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Topic work reinforces the interrelated nature of knowledge and skills, and includes many areas of the broader curriculum. Subjects will be taught in accordance with the school’s commitment to a cross curricular

approach and as discrete subjects where and when appropriate, and predominantly so in the Secondary school. Developing independent, confident, lifelong learners is our commitment to children and parents. EARLY YEARS CURRICULUM We follow the UK’s “Curriculum Guidance for the Foundation Stage”, a document for teachers working with children in Nursery, Kindergarten and Reception, who are 2-5 years old. It has a set of goals called “Early Learning Goals” which emphasise early Literacy, Numeracy and the development of Personal and Social Skills. It contributes to children’s knowledge, understanding and skills in other areas as well. The document focuses on six areas of learning for children under 5 and provides a foundation for later achievement. The six areas are: • • • • • •

Personal and Social Development Communication, Language and Literacy Mathematics Knowledge and Understanding of the World Physical Development Creative Development

CURRICULUM FOR KEY STAGES 1, 2, 3 & 4 In KS 1-4, the foundation for our curriculum is the National Curriculum for England and Wales, which has been adapted for our international environment. Each subject is clearly laid out in a detailed document that outlines all the knowledge, skills to


be taught at each stage and learning outcomes. The curriculum is based on a system of progressive learning outcomes, which the teacher assesses to ensure the progress of all the individuals in class. It is important to remember that each child is an individual and that children develop at different rates in different subjects. •

The classes are broken down into the following age groups:

Foundation Stage

Key Stage 1 Key Stage 2 Key Stage 3 Key Stage 4 (IGCSE) Sixth Form (IB)

Nursery, Kindergarten, Reception (2-5 years) Year 1 & 2 (5-7 years) Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 (7-11 years) Year 7, 8 & 9 (11-14 years) Year 10 & 11 (14-16 years) Year 12 & 13 (16-18 years) (Year 12 will open in August 2012)

PERSONAL, SOCIAL AND HEALTH EDUCATION Personal, Social & Health education plays an important part in bringing relevance, extensiveness and balance to the curriculum. Themes and topics contribute to personal and social development by promoting a sense of achievement, confidence and competence. To achieve this goal, we enable children of all ages to become: • • • • • • • • • • •

Creative thinkers Communicators Inquirers Risk Takers Collaborators Reflective Principled Open Minded Caring Balanced Knowledgeable

These qualities encourage personal and social skills such as the ability to organise one’s work and activities; to make informed and relevant choices; and to work both independently and co-operatively. Personal, Social and Health education fortifies the value placed on each student and, together with the ethos of the school, positively affects the way we treat others and how we feel about ourselves.

ENGLISH NATIONAL CURRICULUM The National Curriculum consists of 10 subjects: English, Mathematics; Science; Information & Communication Technology (ICT); Geography; Design & Technology; History; Art; Music and Physical Education. In addition, we teach: Drama, Mandarin, French, Personal, Social & Health Education and Business Studies at various age groups within the school. In August 2012 we will embark on our first year of the International Baccalaureate Diploma (IB). Students will complete their IB studies at the end of Year 13.

MODERN LANGUAGES We teach Thai culture and language to both first and second language Thai speaking groups from Year 3 upwards (in accordance with Thai law for international schools). French or Mandarin are taught by specialists from Year 3 to Year 11.


TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS A variety of methods are used to meet the individual needs of our children.

Children are regularly assessed to ascertain the level of support required in English. The school charges a fee to cover this additional support, which is provided by experienced and dedicated EAL teachers and Learning Support Assistants.

• Direct Teaching – individual, group or class. • Discussion between teacher & pupils and between pupils themselves. • Appropriate practical work. • Problem solving. • Investigational work. • First-hand experience. ASSESSMENT Assessment is summative.



also proficient in developing English language skills.


Formative assessment is ongoing and allows for personalised learning in the class. It is often referred to as ‘Assessment for Learning’ and relates to teachers regularly seeking feedback from students, orally and written, to ascertain their understanding of lessons and the teachers then adapting their lesson and planning accordingly. Summative assessment takes the form of regular written assessments, which are levelled according to our assessment policy. This informs us of academic progress across and through the years, allowing us to adapt our planning and to ensure all children are progressing at the appropriate rate. CHILDREN WHO HAVE ENGLISH AS AN ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE (EAL) Our small classes and experienced teachers enable children who have English as an Additional Language to develop their language as they become immersed in the curriculum. Teaching Assistants throughout the school are

CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS (SEN) Our small classes and personalised approach to learning enables the needs of many of our children to be met in class. However, there are children who have specific learning difficulties or special needs which cannot wholly be met in class or which require individual support in class. These children will have an Individual Education Plan (IEP), which details their needs, their targets and how these targets will be met. We have a Special Needs Coordinator (SENCO) who works closely with teaching staff and who, together with the Head of School and class teacher, liaises very closely with parents and takes advice from outside agencies when appropriate. Children are regularly assessed to ascertain the level of support required for special needs. The school charges a fee to cover this additional support, which is provided by experienced and dedicated Learning Support Assistants. SWIMMING Swimming is a compulsory part of our PE curriculum and unless a child is unwell and a note is provided by parents we expect all children to attend swimming lessons.



Academic Staff The school’s greatest asset is our excellent team of teaching staff, who are all very experienced and possess UK recognised teaching qualifications. Our teachers work in a positive and supportive environment aided by a very capable and dedicated teacm of language teachers, teaching assistants and administrative staff. This support enables teachers to focus on their professional role and be creative and inspiring in their teaching. They are all lifelong learners and continue to study, and enjoy engaging in regular professional development.

The School Day

While waiting in the car park, drivers are required to turn off the car engine. Academic classes finish at 2.30pm and after school activities/clubs end at 3.45pm. Students should only remain at the school at the end of the day if they have after school activities, otherwise parents are responsible for collecting their children at 2.30pm (or 3.45pm, if they have after school activities). Should there be unforeseen circumstances encountered wherein your child cannot be collected at dismissal time, please call Khun Mallika in the Administration office. DAILY SCHOOL SCHEDULE

ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE One of our primary concerns is our students’ safety. Our security guards, as well as support staff, supervise the arrival and departure of students and parents. They are responsible for ensuring that visitors and vehicles without a gate pass do not enter the campus unless proper identification is surrendered, and entry is approved by the school Administration Office. They are also responsible for ensuring students do not leave the campus without a gate pass and a supervising adult. The school day officially starts at 8.10am, which is Registration. Lateness causes disruption to classes, so please try to ensure your child arrives at school on time. It is essential to send a note if your child needs to leave during the school day so that we can inform teachers and gate

8.00-8.15am 8.10am 9.45-10am 10-10.30am 10.15-10.30am 11.30-12noon 12noon -1pm 12.30-1.10 pm 12 noon 2.30 pm

School open for Secondary registration Start of school day for Primary Snack time for Early Years Break time for Primary Break time for Secondary Lunchtime for Early Years Lunch time for Primary Lunch time for Secondary Nursery dismissal Whole school dismissal

AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES After school activities usually commence a few weeks after the beginning of each term and run from 2.45 to 3.45pm. Children are given a selection of different


activities such as clubs and sports programmes to choose from. These vary from term to term and are adult supervised. Such activities are not compulsory. We encourage all children to join in at least one activity each week as part of their physical and social development. These complement the regular school curriculum and allow for fun and development in a relaxed environment. Some of the clubs we offer are Dance, Arts & Crafts, Drama, Music, Computers, Choir, Touch Rugby, Basketball and Football. These are held on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Some clubs run before school and at lunchtime. A sign-up sheet is sent out at the beginning of each term. We aim to offer provision for all the children but some clubs are limited in size and places, and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. A small fee is charged for these activities to cover resources. Clubs provided by external agencies are charged separately. In addition we now have STAR squads in a variety of sports and are now members of the ISAA league so we will be playing regular sports fixtures against other schools. The school provides a bus service. If you wish for your child to go home on the bus at 3.45pm, please contact the school’s Administration office in advance.

The House System In





statement “to develop independent, confident, lifelong learners”, and the IB’s learner centred principles, the school has created four smaller ‘house’ communities within the school. A total of approximately 166 children from Nursery to Year 11 are grouped together and will be part of one of the four houses. Students participate in House Games, which strive to enrich the education of the children through interhouse competitions, quizzes, quests and charity work. All students and staff belong to one of the four houses. Students included in the House system remain in the same House throughout their time at St Andrews. The houses are Ping, Wang, Yom, and Nan; named for the 4 main bodies of water which feed into the Chao Phraya River. Each house is a smaller community made up of approximately 40 children. House leaders are comprised of four secondary students and four primary students. They are supported by two House Secretaries and four teachers. The aims of the house system are to: • Promote positive attitudes towards active and healthy lifestyles. • Encourage sportsmanship, fair play and sense of belonging to a team. • Encourage the development of selfworth and the ability to take the initiative for the wellbeing of both self and the school community. • Relate physical activity and fitness to a way of life and as a means to a positive self-image. • Encourage students to participate in charity activities.



Homework Guidelines Homework is an important factor in your child’s education because it provides the reinforcement and support of concepts learnt in the classroom, as well as giving opportunities to strengthen practice skills. Homework not only promotes self-discipline, organisation and healthy, effective study habits but also fosters positive attitudes towards independent and lifelong learning. Our teachers are aware of the many varied approaches to and opinions on homework, and provide a range of meaningful tasks suitable to each year level. We also recognise that recreation time is important, so homework assignments are carefully considered to ensure that they meet a specific need. Parental support is appreciated to ensure that homework is done to the highest possible standard, with a quiet, well-lit place to study. To assist families in organising homework around their evening/weekend schedules, teachers will often set a week’s homework in one go and then allow your child to organise their own time to finish it for a week later.

weekends and holidays in accordance with our policy which allows the child to have the balance of relaxation and socialisation whilst away from school. However, it is up to the children to utilise their own time management. We will shortly be publishing our full homework policy for the different age groups within the school.

Students’ Rights and Responsibilities Behaviour Guidelines The staff/pupil relationship we enjoy at St Andrews enables our children to develop a sense of social behaviour naturally, through individual responsibility and recognition of the needs and feelings of others. It is our aim to develop independent, confident learners. We work to nurture well-balanced, mature individuals who take responsibility for their actions and who grow to be caring, respectful members of the international community. Respect includes:

It is our aim to differentiate homework according to your child’s ability. There may be times when homework takes less time, or longer than anticipated. This is quite normal but if parents feel that their child’s homework is not suitable, please do not hesitate to contact the class teacher immediately.

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Homework is not generally given on the


Respect for self Respect for others, Respect for the environment, Respect for school rules, Respect for learning, Respect for other cultures and languages.

Students have the right to be safe in school. They have the responsibility to maintain the caring, safe and clean environment provided within the school’s community by constantly striving to respect themselves, respect others and respect property. They have the responsibility to respect others’ rights to safety, to treat others with the same kindness they would expect themselves and obey the school rules.

help develop self-discipline and personal responsibility. Our behaviour policy will be updated shortly and will reflect this.

Students have the right to learn and be free to express their opinions, feelings and ideas. They also have to be responsible, work hard, do their best, complete assignments on time and respect others’ opinions, feelings and ideas. Students have the right to be treated with understanding and respect. They have the responsibility to respect others and to treat them with understanding. Students have the right to hear and be heard but should also be respectful of quiet times for learning and studying. They have the responsibility to listen to others and wait their turn to speak. Students have the right to bring materials they need to school (although valuables should be left at home). They have the responsibility to look after their own possessions and to be honest and respectful regarding the property of others. Older children are encouraged to take on additional responsibilities. In times when some students have difficulty acting responsibly and making good choices, consequences for misbehaviour will be fair and simple. We believe these should


General Information Absence from School The school discourages holidays taken during term time. However, we do appreciate that the nature of international schools means there are times when absence is unavoidable. If you do need your child to miss school please let the office and your child’s teacher know in writing in advance of the absence. Any absence in excess of 10 days in any academic year should be discussed with the Head Teacher. Please telephone to inform us of any temporary absence due to illness.

Annual Events The school maintains an active social calendar and children are regularly encouraged to participate in a variety of areas. These events include: Fireworks Night, Loy Kratong, The King’s Birthday, Christmas, Songkran, International Day, Sports Days, Swimming Gala, Interschool Sports and many others. On other occasions, there may be events to raise awareness for special causes such as non-uniform days, charity events and bake sales.

School Bus The school hires minibuses to run on an annual contract. The minibuses are in good and safe running order and are safety checked annually by staff.

Students are transported in individual minibuses with a maximum capacity of 8 students per bus and 11 students in a 14 seat bus. There will be no seating of students in the front seat of the bus without written parental consent. The school may not be able to provide a service for certain parts of the city due to insufficient demand and the unacceptable length of time that a student may have to spend on a school bus. The school reserves the right to refuse service for routings which are beyond the time travel limit for the welfare of the passengers. Communication is the main thing a parent can do to ensure trouble free use of the bus service. If for any reason at all your child will not use the bus please inform the Administration Office by phone or email at least one working day ahead of the day of any change. The school requests that students are at the pick-up point at the designated time. The bus will wait only 5 minutes before moving onto the next pick-up point. School will not be responsible for subsequent travel into school. We expect all children to behave appropriately at all times. Any behaviour deemed unacceptable on the buses may result in your child no longer being able to use this service.

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Campus to Campus Transportation Students travelling from the Sathorn Campus to our campus are expected to arrive prior to 7am at Sathorn. The bus leaves promptly at 7am. If your child arrives late for the buses, staff from Sathorn will call you and it will be the responsibility of parents to ensure your children arrive at school on time.

Car Stickers For security reasons, it is necessary for parents to obtain a car sticker for any of their cars entering the school grounds. Car stickers are free for up to two vehicles and each succeeding sticker after that has a charge of 50 Baht each. Please obtain the form from the Administration Office. Obtaining a car sticker will help you when you drop off and collect your children.


Parents have a special role to play in their children’s education. To understand how and what our teachers do for the education of each child, we have a number of different communication systems and school events to keep both parents and teachers abreast.

• • School Community Events – These are informal gatherings where information is imparted to parents in general with regards to the school, the curriculum and what other topics are relevant to the children’s school

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life. At the start of each year we hold a “Meet your Teacher” coffee morning so you can get a quick insight into how the school functions, see your child’s classroom and ask any questions you have of their teacher. Parent/Teacher Conferences – These are more formal meetings held in October and at the end of the second term to keep parents informed on the progress of the child, setting of targets and how targets are being met. School Reports – End of year reports are issued in June. Secondary students will receive regular progress updates. Contact Books – Issued to Primary children for written comments by teachers and parents on any item relevant to the child’s well-being or education. General Appointments – Parents are encouraged to make an appointment ahead of time via email or telephone to the school’s Administration Office. Newsletters – Are published and emailed to each family every Friday. Curriculum letters – Outline areas of study and are issued at the start of each term. School Website - We are in the process of launching a brand new website. Once this is complete we will regularly update with news and photos. Our current website is SMS System – We use our SMS system for reminders and important notices.

Emergency Evacuation We utilise a text messaging service so that in the unlikely circumstance that the school should have to be evacuated or closed in an emergency we can contact all our parents directly.

Emergency Contact Details It is the responsibility of the parents to keep the school supplied with their home address, current telephone numbers of home and work, email addresses and name and contact telephone number of the designated person who can be approached in an emergency if neither parent can be contacted. Should any of these details change, please ensure that you inform our Admissions Office.

Friends of St Andrews (FoStA) We will shortly be introducing this collaboration between volunteer parents and teachers with the aim of developing the school community and enhancing community cohesion.

Illness If your child shows any signs of illness you should keep them at home, both for individual recovery and the protection of other children and staff at school.

If the student is diagnosed as having an infectious disease, he or she should stay at home until free from the disease. Before returning to school, the student should produce a medical certificate to clarify their condition.

Library The LAIR (The Library And Information Resources) is located in the Secondary building and operates daily from 8am2.45pm. Our Librarian, Mr Damon, is available to assist and answer any questions concerning the library, and book choices. He also takes requests for new stock.

Lost Property Please label your child’s clothes and school equipment. Do not send your child to school with valuables or breakables as the school cannot be responsible for the security of any personal property that students bring into the campus, on field trips or school journeys. Lost property is kept in the school medical room.

Medical Information & Provision Parents are asked to complete a standard medical questionnaire before their child starts school. Additionally, parents must inform the school, in writing, of any medical condition affecting their child. In the event of an emergency/accident ambulance cover is provided by the school’s insurance. The school has a

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dedicated medical room and qualified school nurse for when the children are unwell or have an accident or injury. If your child becomes sick at school, we will contact you, administer basic first aid and stay with your child until you arrive. In line with the admission form, we will administer medication required unless otherwise informed by parents. Cuts and bruises will be washed and cleaned and medication and plasters/ band aids may be applied. Ice may be used to prevent a bruise from swelling. If parents are unavailable in the event of an emergency the child may be brought to Sikarin Hospital by a member of staff. Every attempt will be made to contact the parent before leaving the school premises.

Medication If your child is taking medication, please check with your paediatrician before letting your child return to school. If it is necessary to continue prescribed medication while in school, parents must provide written details indicating child’s name, class, reason for medication, name of medicine, dosage, routine, time and parent’s signature. Medication must be kept with the school nurse.

School Photos Each year photographers come to school to take photos of all the children. These photos are made available to parents who are interested. The school newsletter will keep you informed of the dates and times for this event.

Secondary School Lockers At the start of the school year, all Secondary students are issued with a locker. Students are strongly advised to use this locker to store their books and any valuables during the school day. It is the responsibility of the student to provide a lock for their locker.

Snack and Lunch Breaks There are two breaks during the school day. The school’s catering service maintains a healthy eating policy and therefore no chocolate is allowed in lunches and there are no nuts in food, to avoid allergy difficulties. The school provides a full snack and buffet lunch menu for all students for a fee paid at the beginning of each term. For further details please contact the Administration Office. To avoid problems with allergies, please do not include any nuts or nut based products in lunch boxes and encourage children not to share lunches and snacks with each other.

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Staff Training In-service training (INSET) days are training days set aside for teachers in order that we can keep up to date with the latest curriculum information and also plan for the coming terms. INSET days are marked on the school calendar and school is closed for children.

Student Council We will shortly be introducing a school council which is comprised of year level representatives of the student body.

should be switched off for the entire school day. Students may use their mobile phone before 8.10am and after 2.30pm. If a student needs to make an emergency phone call during the school day, they must ask a member of teaching staff for permission or go to the Administration Office. Phones and electronic equipment should remain in bags or lockers throughout the day. Mobile phones that are seen to be used other than during the times stated above will be confiscated and returned only to the parent upon collection from the school office. The school will not be responsible for any loss or damage to electronic equipment.

Student Withdrawal To facilitate preparation of student reports and tuition fee refunds, a completed withdrawal form must be submitted to the Admissions Office prior to the departure of the student. The reason for withdrawal must be indicated. If your child leaves before half term, and the school is notified in advance, 50% of the tuition fee and the full deposit fee, shall be refunded. If the child leaves after the beginning of the second half term, no refund of tuition fees for that term will be made.

Telephones and Electronic Equipment

Uniform All our children are required to wear the school uniform, which consists of dark blue trousers/shorts/skirts, and a school shirt or blouse. Footwear for children from Year 3 upwards should be black school shoes (not trainers), which cover the entire foot. All children should keep a hat in school at all times and they are strongly encouraged to wear them during break times and outside PE. For safety reasons, we ask that no jewellery be worn, except stud earrings. Where religious neck chains are worn these should be kept under shirts and removed, where possible, for PE lessons.

Mobile phones and electronic equipment (e.g. music players) may be brought into the campus by students, however they

School P.E. Kit and trainers must be worn for PE lessons.

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Yearbook The yearbook is a record of the events that take place in school during an academic year. Parents do not have to pay extra for their yearbook. The yearbook is distributed before the end of the school year.

Additional Information Further information regarding the school is available from the school office by email: by phone: 02 393 3883 and by fax: 02 393 3935. Alternatively, please pay us a visit to get a true feel for the school and what we do!

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Contacts Administrators and Senior Management Team: Head of School Iain Colledge Secondary Coordinator Iain McGowan Key Stage 2 Coordinator Carole Parker Key Stage 1 and Early Years Coordinator Linda Byrne Senior Administration Manager Mallika Tantasatityanon Admissions and Marketing Manager Michelle Wigley

USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS 02 393 3883 + extension School Office Senior Administration Manager Admissions Marketing Out of hours emergency mobile phone - 087 596 3961

102/103 101 106 105

Sukhumvit Campus 7 Sukhumvit 107 Road, Bangna, Bangkok 10260 Tel: +66 (0) 2393 3883 Email:

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