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2013 Calendar of Events Randall E. Howard General Overseer

The Upper Room Element Many have heard the story of the Texas cowboy that struck it rich. He immediately decided he was going to buy the longest and most expensive car available. Soon he could be seen moving through the one street town with his hands behind his head, smoking a huge cigar, his feet propped up on the dash, smiling grandly. He had it made. Someone might ask how he could drive through the town in that position. Well, he had his team of long horn steers hooked up to the front of the car pulling it along. This cowboy did not realize that he had the power of 400 horses under the hood of that car and so he was satisfied to parade along behind his cows. So it has been through the centuries for the Christian church. Many times the people of God have not realized just what they had in the Gospel, the Word, grace, and the Holy Spirit. Like the cowboy, they had all that God had appropriated for them, but they did not know how to access it. As the Church of God of Prophecy faces forward into our future, it might be important for us to remember this concept as well. The Upper Room prior to the Day of Pentecost illustrates this crucial lesson. Jesus had given the fledgling church his Gospel. He had breathed on them and commanded them to receive a measure of His Spirit. He had purchased salvation for them as John watched from the foot of the cross. His Word was burning in their hearts. Yet He knew they were not ready. They were not ready to launch their world shaking gospel campaign. They were not 4


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ready to go and impact every corner of the world. So Jesus sent them to the Upper Room to pray. We see this repeatedly in our own world and time. How often has a local church or a worldwide movement received a genuine inspiration from heaven. And, with enthusiasm bursting, they rush to carry out the vision without an Upper Room passage. The one hundred and twenty disciples may not have understood fully the “what and why” of Jesus’ command, but thank God they obeyed. They had everything God was going to give them through Jesus Christ and yet they suspended operations for their Upper Room passage. I love what Michael Green says in his book, First Things Last: “It is through prayer that God is free to reach and use us. If we do things for God without praying, He cannot afford the risk of allowing us to succeed. For we would get proud and would be hardened in our conviction that activism, not dependence on God, is the way for Christians to serve the Lord.” I am glad to report that the story turns out alright for the Martha’s among us. The Holy Spirit falls, bringing power and guidance to the new church. They launch boldly to preach Jesus and His salvation. And within their lifetime the record says they turned their world upside down. And so we are reminded this mighty thrust came not out of the ascension, nor even the resurrection, but from prayer in their Upper Room passage. Remember our mission statement: “Empowered by the Holy Spirit through prayer . . .”

May 16–18 School of Practical & Advanced Studies II Bulgaria May 16–19 Gordon Conwell/CBL Consortium Social Ethics—Dr. Patrick Smith Jamaica May 16–19 Gordon Conwell/CBL Consortium World Mission of the Church—Prof. Nolivos Kirland, Washington May 20–25 Gordon Conwell/CBL Corsortium The Gospel of John—Dr. Gerry Wheaton Nassau, Bahamas May 23–25 School of Practical & Advanced Studies I Germany May 24–26 Tomlinson College Homecoming Cleveland, Tennessee May 29–31 School of Practical & Advanced Studies I Congo Brazzaville May 30–June 2 School of Practical & Advanced Studies III SE Spanish Region—Kentucky May 30–June 2 School of Practical & Advanced Studies II Jamaica June 3–6 CBL Seminar DRC/Kinsasha Executive Editor/Publisher: R. E. Howard, Managing Editor: DeWayne Hamby, Copy Editor: Marsha Robinson, Editorial Assistant: Pamela Praniuk, Graphic Artist: Perry Horner, International Offices (423)559-5100, Subscriptions (423) 559-5114 Please submit all material to the White Wing Messenger; Managing Editor; P. O. Box 2910; Cleveland, TN 37320-2910; phone (423) 559-5128; e-mail us at

White Wing Messenger Editorial Board: Londa Richardson, Chair; H. E. Cardin; Daniel Chatham; Hanny Vidal; Cervin McKinnon; Perry Horner; Tapio Sätilä; Brian Sutton; Shaun McKinley; and Adrian Varlack White Wing Messenger (ISSN 0043-5007) (USPS 683-020) is published monthly as the official publication of the Church of God of Prophecy, 3750 Keith St. NW, Cleveland, TN. Send all materials for publication to Editorial Department; PO Box 2910, Cleveland, TN 37320-2910; e-mail:, fax: (423) 559-5121. For subscription rates, visit; call (423) 559-5114; e-mail: Subscription rate: $18.00 per year, payable to White Wing Messenger by check, draft, or money order. Periodical postage paid at Cleveland, TN 37311 and at additional mail office. Donations for the White Wing Messenger may be sent to the above address. All Scripture references are from the King James Version unless otherwise indicated. POSTMASTER: Send address change to White Wing Messenger, PO Box 2910, Cleveland, TN 37320-2910.


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