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3/18/15 10:52 AM
In the Bible we are told that if we have faith the size of a mustard seed, we can move a mountain (Matthew 17:20). Mustard seeds are tiny, but when nurtured—just like our faith—they can grow into something hardy. Something strong. Something that can flourish in all kinds of places. FALL IS AN EXCITING TIME FOR CHURCHES, A TIME WHEN SMALL GROUPS BEGIN MEETING AND NEW PROGRAMS TAKE ROOT. LET THIS CATALOG GUIDE YOU AS YOU SEEK OUT RESOURCES THAT WILL NURTURE AND GROW THE FAITH OF YOUR ENTIRE CONGREGATION. No matter the direction you want your congregation to grow, Cokesbury can equip you with study materials that are sound, meaningful, relevant, and life-giving. From Bible study and book clubs to leadership and outreach, whatever your interest. After summer’s heat, we welcome the crisp days of fall. Make fall a time of refreshment for your spirit as well.
For personalized help choosing the right resources for your group, call your local Community Resource Consultant, call Curricuphone at 800-251-8591, or Live Chat with a Curriculum Education Speciailst.
faith to grow
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3/16/15 9:53 AM
Women’s Studies • 2–6
Studies that are especially appealing to women...written by women.
Basic Faith Studies • 7
Exploring the basics of Christian faith.
Churchwide Studies • 8–13
Studies that keep the entire congregation on the same page.
Small-Group Leadership • 13 Guiding strategies for leaders.
Stewardship / Churchwide Stewardship • 14–15 Giving...not just of our wealth, but in all aspects of our lives.
Wesleyan Studies • 16–18
Of particular interest to Methodists & those who wish to understand them better.
Discipleship Studies • 19
Resources for the journey of building faith in God.
Spiritual Growth • 20–22
Understanding how to become more Christ-like.
Topical Studies • 23–31
Relevant, horizon-expanding subjects examined through the lens of faith.
Outreach / Missions • 32–33
Reach others near and far with God’s message of love and hope.
Biblical Studies • 34–39
From Genesis to Revelation, getting into the meat of God’s Word.
C. S. Lewis • 40
A prominent Lewis scholar explores favorite works from this beloved Christian writer.
Reading Groups • 41
A novel approach to Christian fiction.
Conversation Starters • 42–43 Don’t just get them talking—get them thinking and doing, too.
Youth Small Group Studies • 44
Help point youth in the direction they naturally seek—lives of meaning & joy.
Student Bible • 45
A Bible for young people that helps them make connections between their world and the world of the Bible. • 46–47
New design offers improved functionality, expanded product selection, and intuitive design.
Coming Soon from Adam Hamilton • inside back cover Preview a new Lent/Easter study for Spring 2016
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A pproved by The Curriculum Resources Committee of The United Methodist General Board of Discipleship for use in the Christian education ministry of The United Methodist Church.
ebooks available for most books. Visit for more details.
3/16/15 9:53 AM
Women’s Studies
Allow God to heal life’s hurts new
Joseph The Journey to Forgiveness Melissa Spoelstra
All of us know what it’s like to be hurt or betrayed. Often it’s a small breach such as being spoken to rudely or overlooked in a time of need. Other times we experience lies, gossip, or harsh words that cut us to the core. Some of us have endured unspeakable pain through abuse, adultery, or abandonment. God knows the pain we cause each other and longs to help us learn to practice forgiveness. Nowhere do we see forgiveness played out more fully in Scripture than in the biblical story of Joseph. This six-week study explores what God has to say to us about grace and forgiveness through Joseph’s story of trial and triumph found in Genesis 37-50. As we study his dreams, his betrayers, his dysfunctional family, his struggle to forgive, and his journey toward reconciliation, we’ll find truths that echo into our own personal situations as well as practical help for answering common questions. God wants to use the very things intended to hurt you as a source of blessing in your life and the lives of others. Abingdon Press. Coming in August.
Author insights
Participant Book 9781426789106
$15.99; $10.71
kitkit dvd dvd
kit includes:
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We can’t do it on our own. We desperately need God’s Spirit and Word to help us sort through fact and fiction so that we can make the journey to forgiveness. It will mean getting real, raw, and possibly reopening some painful memories. The freedom and healing on the other side will be well worth it as we search the Scripture alongside others who want to become more like Christ, learning to extend the same grace and forgiveness they have received from Him.
participant kit participant book book dvd
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what you’ll need
Community Resource Consultants
3/13/15 1:16 PM
Praise for the book
Leader Guide 9781426789113
$13.99; $9.37
DVD [CC] 6 videos; approx. 25 min. each 9781426789120 $49.99; $39.99
Leader Kit 9781426789144
$79.99; $63.99
Preview Book 9781426789137
To be human is to face conflict and the resulting temptations of bitterness, resentment, anger, and unforgiveness. As Christians we are called to forgive, and upon completion of this Bible study you’ll have developed a forgiveness toolbox applicable to every aspect of your life. Learn to forgive others, yourself, and even God—release the weight of your heart. Melissa has a gift for bringing ancient biblical stories to modern life. She recounts the forgiveness story of Joseph with accuracy, and applies the lessons into a modern-day experience that is easy to understand. Highly recommended! —Christine Abraham, Founder and Ministry Director at
6 E SS
Jeremiah Daring to Hope in an Unstable World Melissa Spoelstra
Women are experts when it comes to worry, fear, and doubt. Unsettled times in our world—our neighborhoods—certainly don’t help matters. Jeremiah also lived in an unstable time when he was called to share God’s message of mercy and love. His words are just as relevant to us as they were to the wayward people of his time. This six-week Bible study, designed specifically to address the challenges and circumstances of today’s woman, features DVD segments of approximately 25 minutes for each week’s class. The accompanying materials not only help you explore the meaning of Jeremiah’s message, they provide practical life applications you can use to start experiencing intentional living now!
Participant Book 9781426788871 Leader Guide 9781426788949 DVD [CC] 9781426788956 Preview Book 9781426788963 Leader Kit 9781426788970
$15.99; $10.71 $13.99; $9.37 $49.99; $39.99 $1.99 $79.99; $63.99
The Leader Kit includes the following components: Participant Book, Leader Guide, DVD, and a Preview Book. Abingdon Press.
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3/13/15 1:16 PM
see the video
Set Apart Holy Habits of Prophets and Kings E S SIO N S Jessica LaGrone
Women’s Studies
Your furniture isn’t solid gold nor have you seen a fiery chariot, but you’re not unlike some of the kings and prophets in 1 and 2 Kings. Although they were set apart by God, they didn’t have all the answers. They struggled. They made big time mistakes. But they grew in their faith through spiritual practices even while carrying out God’s calling on earth. This six-week study examines the holy habits of six kings and prophets who were set apart by their close walk with God. Each week you’ll study the story of one intriguing character, discuss God’s unique purpose for his life, and learn about his particular spiritual discipline. Then you’ll explore how that timeless spiritual practice can draw you closer to God, helping you fulfill God’s purpose for your life. A Participant Book, Leader Guide, and DVD are offered as individual items or as part of the complete Leader Kit.
Author’s insights
Abingdon Press. Coming in June. Participant Book 9781426778421 $15.99; $10.71 Leader Guide 9781426778438 $13.99; $9.37 DVD [CC] 6 videos; approx. 25-min each, plus intro video 9781426778452 $49.99; $39.99 Leader Kit 9781426778469 $74.99; $63.99
kit participantparticipant participant kit kit book
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$15.99; $10.71 $13.99; $9.37
9781426761874 9781426761881 9781426761898 9781426778049 9781426763540
$49.99; $39.99 $79.99; $63.99 $1.99
Every name tells a story. Names in Scripture were often given to tell the story of a person’s identity, upbringing, or character. When God transforms lives, it often brings more than we bargained for: new identities, new journeys, even new names. Namesake is a six-week Bible study that explores the transformational power of God through the stories of biblical characters who met God and whose lives and names were changed forever. The Leader Kit contains one of each of the Leader Guide, Participant Book, DVD, and 5 Preview Books. Abingdon Press.
A six-week study that traces the story of the Genesis family from Adam and Eve through the generations to Joseph, bringing blessing from brokenness. Despite both good and bad traits that were passed down, God worked for good in every generation— determined to transform those within and outside the family bloodlines. The study ends with the story of Joseph, who decided to stop the cycle of previous generations, offering forgiveness and grace to his brothers. A Participant Book, Leader Guide, Preview Book, and DVD are offered individually or as part of the complete Leader Kit. Abingdon Press. Participant Book Leader Guide DVD [CC] 6 videos; 15-25 min. each, plus bonus intro video Leader Kit Preview Book
6 E SS
Namesake When God Rewrites Your Story Jessica LaGrone
6 S
Broken and Blessed How God Used One Imperfect Family to Change the World Jessica LaGrone
9781426778377 9781426778384 9781426778391 9781426778414 9781426778407
Being set apart is not something that means we see ourselves as better than others. On the contrary, it is only God’s Spirit living in us that marks us and makes us different from those around us, and it is our brokenness and sinfulness that drive us to seek a new way, a new life in Christ.
Participant Book Leader Guide DVD [CC] 6 videos; 22–27-min each, plus intros Leader Kit Preview Book
Community Resource Consultants
$15.99; $13.99; $39.99; $74.99; $1.99
$10.71 $9.37 $31.99 $59.99
3/13/15 1:19 PM
6 E SS
Anonymous Discovering the Somebody You Are to God Cindi Wood
You’d think that if you got a mention in the Bible your name would be included too, right? As a woman, you know that who we are is often overlooked. Even in the Bible. But, although their names were not always recorded, biblical women were known and loved by God—just like we are. You’ll explore the stories of four of these anonymous women in this six-week, DVD-based study which is perfect for you and your girlfriends’ Bible study or any women’s small group. Each woman in your group will grow in her relationship with Christ and find her significance in the heart of God. And the stories from everyday women will have you wondering if somebody overheard your last girl-togirl phone call! The Leader Kit includes one each: Participant Book, Leader Guide, DVD, and a Preview Book. Abingdon Press. Participant Book 9781426792120 $15.99; $10.71 Leader Guide 9781426792137 $13.99; $9.37 DVD [CC] 6 videos; approx. 25-min each 9781426792151 $49.99; $39.99 Preview Book 9781426792168 $1.99 Leader Kit 9781426792182 $79.99; $63.99
new Enough Already Winning Your Ugly Struggle with Beauty Barbara L. Roose Most women know that God loves them, but he might love them more if they finally lost that last ten pounds, or got their hair to lay right, or finally found a pair of jeans that looked good and let them breathe? Well, maybe God doesn’t care about jeans, but women do, and all the talk about inner beauty hasn’t kept all of us from staring into a mirror and taking an inventory that never quite measures up. This book will enable women to accept God-given beauty so that when they look in the mirror they see God’s handiwork, not their flaws. Abingdon Press. 9781426789014 9781501800023
Book Hardcover
$15.99; $10.71 $24.99; $16.74
Embraced by God Seven Promises for Every Woman E SS N S IO Babbie Mason
Every woman longs to know she’s loved, accepted, and valued. Yet many struggle to understand and accept how much God really loves them. Drawing on her own personal journey, contemporary gospel singer Babbie Mason equips women to accept God’s unfailing love as they understand and claim seven biblical promises (plus an eighth session on how to live loved.) Kit contains one copy each of the Participant Book, Leader Guide, DVD, Preview Book, music CD and additional leader support resources. Abingdon Press.
Participant Book 9781426754418 $15.99; $10.71 Leader Guide 9781426754401 $13.99; $9.37 DVD 8 teaching videos (approx. 15 min. each), 8 music videos 9781426754425 $39.99; $31.99 Leader Kit 9781426777943 $69.99; $55.99 Preview Book 9781426757747 $1.99
Heart Sisters Be the Friend You Want to Have Natalie Chambers Snapp
Also available by Babbie Mason:
6 E SS
This I Know For Sure Taking God at His Word
9781426772450 Participant Book $15.99; $10.71 9781426772467 Leader Guide $13.99; $9.37 9781426772474 DVD [CC] 6 sessions; 19-26 min. each $49.99; $39.99 9781426772481 Preview Book $1.99 9781426775697 Leader Kit (1 each of Participant Book, Leader Guide, DVD, & Preview Book) $79.99; $63.99
FG155610001ND004.indd 5
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Heart Sisters is for women who want to both be and have better friends and want a helpful guide to take them through the process. The author uses her own and others’ stories of successes and failures to illustrate what she has learned about girlfriend relationships. Healthy boundaries, honesty, tact, sharing, and agape love all play a part in being and maintaining a circle of close confidants. She also deals with the inevitable challenges that face many relationships including how to handle conflict; life changes like a new baby, move, or divorce; and when it is right to “break-up” with your friend. Abingdon Press. 9781426769054 9781501800054
Book Hardcover
$15.99; $10.71 $24.99; $16.74
3/16/15 11:38 AM
Women’s Studies
8 E SS
Everyday Matters Bible Study Series Spiritual Practices for Everyday Life
READ excerpt on
This study is designed to help women examine and implement 24 spiritual practices to make their lives richer, fuller, and deeper. It can be used as a stand-alone Bible study guide for groups or individuals, or as a companion alongside the Everyday Matters Bible for Women. Participants work through eight chapters that include articles for reflection, Scripture verses, and discussion questions for deeper thought. Each book also includes a Leader Guide. Hendrickson Publishers. Each, $7.95; $5.72 9781619705739 9781619701472 9781619706255 9781619704374 9781619704428 9781619701465 9781619701694 9781619704381 9781619701595 9781619704404 9781619705753 9781619705722 9781619701588 9781619706309
Celebration and Community Acceptance & Gratitude Bible Study and Meditation Faith and Worship Fasting and Stewardship Forgiveness and Reconciliation Hospitality Justice and Submission Outreach Prayer and Confession Sabbath Rest Service and Mentoring Simplicity and Silence Solitude and Contemplation
from the preface
The holy habits that we call spiritual practices are all geared to position us in a place where we can allow the Holy Spirit to work in us and through us....They take us to a place where we can become intimate with God.
other studies in the series
leader book
what you’ll need
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devo tional
The Christ-Centered Woman Finding Balance in a World of Extremes Kimberly Dunnam Reisman
Today’s Christian woman is so busy handling the challenges of day-to-day life that finding time to spend in the Word can be difficult. This New Living Translation Bible features 24 disciplines—or practices—that position us to receive power and strength to do those things we can’t do on our own and make everyday life fuller and deeper. Each discipline is represented by a colorful icon whose illustration is a reminder of its meaning. Hendrickson Publishers. 9781598567052 9781619700116 9781619700123 9781619700437
Hardcover Hardcover, Brown/Turquoise Cloth Rose/Khaki Imitation Leather Paper
$44.95; $31.47 $50.95; $46.16 $79.95; $55.97 $24.97; $17.48
9781426773693 9781426773709 9781426772511 9781426773716 9781426775680
Everyday Matters Journal A companion to Everyday Matters Bible for Women or a stand-alone journal. Hardcover
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This six-week, in-depth Bible study helps women find balance at every age and stage of life while confronting the daily chaos of competing demands. Don’t just juggle responsibilities, learn a new perspective— learn how to make choices that reflect your relationship with Christ and his direction for your life. Using chapter three of the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Ephesians as a biblical foundation, the study identifies barriers to balanced living and explores what the Bible teaches about Christ-centered living. Women will discover how being centered in the Savior can help them contemplate, sort, and wisely navigate the responsibilities of their lives. Abingdon Press.
Also available:
6 E SS
Everyday Matters Bible for Women (NLT) Practical Encouragement to Make Every Day Matter
Participant Book $15.99; $10.71 Leader Guide $13.99; $9.37 DVD [CC] 6 videos; 20–27 min. each $49.99; $39.99 Preview Book $1.99 Leader Kit (Contains one each of the above) $79.99; $63.99
Community Resource Consultants
3/16/15 9:09 AM
Basic Faith Studies new
8 E SS
Ask Faith Questions in a Skeptical Age Scott J. Jones and Arthur D. Jones
We live in a skeptical age. People—especially young people—express doubts about Christian faith. In this thoughtful eight-week study, Bishop Scott Jones, author of The Wesleyan Way, partners with his son, Rev. Arthur Jones, to address hard questions that all of us face when considering faith, religion, and the church. The questions include: • Can only one religion be true? • Why is there suffering and evil? • How can I believe in science and creation? • How can I believe in a God I can’t prove? • Can I trust the Old Testament? • Are marriage, sex, and family life religious issues? • Was Jesus’ resurrection real? • Why do Christians disagree about so many things? The message is strong and clear: Don’t let your questions stop you from accepting God’s invitation to faith. Engage your doubt, and you may find you are closer to God on the other side. Abingdon Press. Coming in September. Book 9781501803338 $14.99; $10.04 Leader Guide 9781501803352 $12.99; $8.70 DVD [CC] 8 videos; 8–10 min. each 9781501803376 $39.99; $31.99
participant book
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leader kit participant book preview
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book preview
from the introduction
Our increasingly skeptical that there is any wisdom in following God (or even believing that God exists). We asked too many questions that were never answered in Sunday School. Legitimate questions about other religions, science, scripture, community, worship and the purpose of church stop us from believing that the story of scripture is true. It isn’t as though information about such questions is unavailable. We have more data available to this generation than ever before with the power of Google and Wikipedia at our fingertips everywhere we go. As Christians in the 21st century, we must grapple with the fact that everyone in the world has access to data. But data is not wisdom and data alone does not lead to a good life.
leader book sh fla
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what you’ll need
Journey 101: Knowing, Loving, Serving God Steps to the Life God Intends Carol Cartmill, Jeff Kirby, and Michelle Kirby Studies are grounded in 15 core traits of a deeply committed Christian and guide participants on the journey of growing as Christians. Each of the three separate, interactive, 6-week studies uses a group teaching format with videos and group discussion. Group members can take the three studies in any order. The Church Program Kit offers everything needed to lead the three-part basic faith course, including one each of the components below. The Preview Book gives an overview of the three studies. Abingdon Press. Church Program Kit 9781426775741 $169.99; $135.99 Knowing God Participant Guide 9781426765742 $12.99; $8.70 Knowing God Leader Guide 9781426765759 $12.99; $8.70 Loving God Participant Guide 9781426765858 $12.99; $8.70 Loving God Leader Guide 9781426765834 $12.99; $8.70
FG155610001ND006.indd 7
Serving God Participant Guide 9781426765865 $12.99; $8.70 Serving God Leader Guide 9781426765841 $12.99; $8.70 3-DVD Set 6 sessions each; 15–25 min. each 9781426766107 $99.99; $79.99 Daily Readings 9781426766459 $9.99; $6.69 Preview Book 9781426769399 $1.99
Shop the online catalog at
3/16/15 9:09 AM
Churchwide Studies
The Call The Life and Message of the Apostle Paul Adam Hamilton
From the road to Damascus to the sun-drenched lands of modernday Greece and Turkey to a Roman prison, go with Adam Hamilton as he follows the journeys of Paul in this six-week DVD study about Christianity’s greatest teacher and missionary. You’ll see exactly where some of the most dramatic events in the spread of Christianity took place, and through Hamilton’s insightful and colorful teaching style, you’ll likely gain a better understanding of Paul’s missionary travels than if you had covered the many miles in person. The Call is a complete churchwide program with study components for adult, youth, and children’s ministries. In addition to the DVD, a Leader Guide featuring flexible format options is available to make the study meaningful for any size group. Abingdon Press. Coming in July. Hardcover Participant Book 9781630882624 $18.99; $12.72 Large Print Edition 9781630882648 $19.99; $13.39
kit dvd
kit participant participant kit book
book dvd
leader participantleader book preview
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book sh fla
what you’ll need Youth & Children’s components also available.
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Community Resource Consultants
3/13/15 1:24 PM
sh devo fla tional previ
see the video
Coming in July.
Leader Guide 9781630882655
$12.99; $8.70
Youth Study Book 9781630882686
$9.99; $6.69
Author insights
Paul is the most important figure, after Jesus, in the Christian faith. Jesus is our central figure, is our Savior and our Lord, but Paul is the one who interpreted Jesus. What is the meaning of Jesus’ death and resurrection? How does that affect our lives? He was the first Christian theologian and then he took the gospel out into the world.
other studies by Adam Hamilton
DVD [CC] 9781630882679
$39.99; $31.99
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Children’s Leader Guide 9781630882709 $16.99; $11.38
Shop the online catalog at
3/13/15 1:24 PM
Churchwide Studies see the video
Leader Guide 9781426778834
$12.99; $8.70
Author insights
Today we find ourselves in a world much like Wesley’s—polarized, where faith seems to falter, and the gap between rich and poor widens. Many of us have a faith in need of revival.
DVD [CC] Session length: 10-15 min. each 9781426776823 $39.99; $31.99
Participant Book 9781426778841 $14.99; $10.04 Large Print Edition 9781630882945 $15.99; $10.71
Other Studies by
Adam hamilton
Revival Faith as Wesley Lived It Adam Hamilton
If you’ve taken a class using Adam Hamilton’s The Journey or The Way, you know how his DVD sessions seem part travelogue—part history lesson—a lot Bible study. In Revival, he once again uses his captivating storytelling talent to take you on a six-week journey through England tracing the life of John Wesley. Wesley’s message and his faith continue to speak to 21st-century Christians, calling for a revival of our hearts and souls so that our world might be changed. His story is our story. It’s our heritage, it defines our faith, and it challenges us to rediscover our spiritual passion.
Youth Study Book 9781426788680
The Leader Guide includes everything needed to lead an adult group through Revival, with session plans and discussion questions as well as multiple format options. Components for children and youth make this a true churchwide study program. All video sessions are closed captioned and run approximately 10–15 minutes each.
$9.99; $6.69
kit dvd
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book dvd
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book preview
book sh fla
Youth & Children’s components also available.
Start-Up Kit. Kit includes one each of the DVD, Leader Guide, Participant Book, Youth Study Book, and Children’s Leader Guide. 9781630889852 $94.95; $66.49
book preview
what you’ll need
Abingdon Press.
leader participantleader
Children’s Leader Guide 9781426788710 $16.99; $11.38
Community Resource Consultants
3/13/15 1:30 PM
sh devo fla tional previe
see the video
Leader Guide 9781426792816
$11.99; $8.03
Author insights
We have dumbed down what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. Instead of being disciples who demonstrate an undiluted devotion to Jesus as Lord, we have domesticated and watered down Jesus’ true identity. We have turned faith into easy believe-ism. DVD [CC] Session length: 8-10 min. each 9781426792823 $39.99; $31.99
Other Studies by
Mike Slaughter
Participant Book 9781426792793 $14.99; $10.04 Large Print Edition 9781501802799 $15.99; $10.71
6 E SS
Renegade Gospel The Rebel Jesus Mike Slaughter
Who was Jesus, really? Wasn’t the central figure to the Christian faith a man who denied all pre-conceived notions about what God should look like? Wouldn’t associating with him have meant joining a rebel movement? Doesn’t it still? Youth Study Book 9781426792830
kit dvd
kit participant participant kit book
book dvd
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book preview
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$9.99; $6.69
leader sh devo fla tional preview
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sh fla
Renegade Gospel is a church study that challenges believers to come to terms with the real Jesus—the rebel Jesus. The six-session program is ideal for an all-church experience and provides leader guides and materials for adult small groups, including a DVD that features author Mike Slaughter. Materials delivering the same message are supplied for youth and children’s studies as well. devo Abingdon Press. tional
what you’ll need Youth & Children’s components also available. Children’s Leader Guide 9781426792854 $16.99; $11.38
FG155610001ND010.indd 11
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3/13/15 1:30 PM
Churchwide Studies
It’s one thing to know the story of the Bible. It’s another thing to live it. new
Believe Living the Story of the Bible to Become Like Jesus Randy Frazee, general editor How do you Think, Act, and Be like Jesus? If you have experienced The Story, or are beginning Believe on its own, we want to introduce you to the big truths of Scripture in a clear and accessible way. Randy Frazee, senior minister of Oak Hills Church, developed this video-based, churchwide discipleship program to take you on a journey to become more like Jesus in your beliefs, actions, and character. This 30-week experience has three 10-week segments that walk you through the ten core Beliefs of the Christian faith, the ten core Practices of a Jesusfollower, and the ten core Virtues that characterize someone who is becoming more like Jesus. Each of these chapters uses Scripture text from the clear, accessible New International Version to help you live the Story of the Bible. Zondervan.
praise for the study
The congregation is really enjoying the movement, the building each week, adding another layer of not just teaching and understanding, but an incredible appreciation for all these doctrines. Every week it’s like building another room onto your house that you’re going to enjoy. I’ve been inundated with emails from people who are really loving it. This can preach! This is a great experience. We order books every week—it’s incredible. —Pastor John Collins, First Church, Altoona PA
FOR adults 9780310433583 9780829766301
Hardcover Bible NIV Edition Hardcover Spanish Bible NVI Edition
$24.99; $17.99 $17.99; $12.95
Coming in June
9780829766363 Spanish Adult Study Guide $11.99; $8.63 9780829766370 Spanish DVD-ROM (Thirty 10-min. videos) $24.99; $19.99 9780310438090 Hardcover Bible KJV Edition $24.99; $17.49 9780310437949 Hardcover Bible NKJV Edition $24.99; $17.49 9780310888291 The Christian Life Profile Assessment Workbook, Updated Edition $13.99; $10.07
Coming in July 9780310826118 9780310826101 9780310826378
Also available: 9780310681717
Adult Study Guide Adult DVD-ROM (Thirty 10-min. videos) Adult Study Guide with DVD
$10.99; $7.69 $29.99; $23.99 $39.99; $31.99 $281.91; $225.53
Whole-Church Resource Kit
participant leader includes 5leader core books,leader book h book 3 age levelasDVDs, book sh devo fla fl book tional preview Implementation Guide, and preview preview
kitparticipant kit participant
kit dvd
see the video
kit includes:
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access to online resources
what you’ll need
sh devo fla tional
Community Resource Consultants
3/16/15 7:59 AM
author’s insights
What we believe in our hearts will define who we become. God wants you to become like Jesus. This is who God created you to be. It is the most truthful and powerful way to live. The journey to becoming like Jesus begins by thinking like Jesus. FOR STUDENTS
FOR kids
Coming in June
Coming in June
Student Bible NIV Edition Softcover 9780310745617 $16.99; $11.89 Spanish Student NVI Bible Edition 9780829766387 $13.99; $9.79 Student DVD-ROM 9780310826392 $49.99; $35.99 Spanish Student DVD-ROM 9780829766400 $34.99; $27.99
Kids’ Bible NIrV Edition Softcover 9780310746010 $12.99; $9.09 Spanish Kids’ NVI Bible Edition 9780829766417 $11.99; $8.63 Storybook Hardcover 9780310745907 $19.99; $14.39 Spanish Storybook 9780829766448 $19.99; $14.39 Kids’ DVD-ROM 9780310826385 $99.99; $71.99 Spanish Kids’ DVD-ROM 9780829766431 $49.99; $35.99
Think, Act, Be Like Jesus Becoming a New Person in Christ: A Companion to Believe Randy Frazee with Robert Roland This compelling book can be used in conjunction with the 30-week all-church Believe campaign or it may be read separately as an individual study. Book 9780310250173 Spanish Edition 9780829766349
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Randy Frazee
$15.99; $11.51 $13.99; $10.07
Small-group Leadership new Teaching Biblical Faith Leading Small Group Bible Studies Jack L. Seymour Biblical faith is a lens for viewing life, and Jack Seymour refreshingly illustrates how the reading of Scripture is a resource for ongoing theological reflection connecting experience, vocation, daily life, and faith. Teaching has concrete consequences affecting the very ways people of faith view the world and make decisions for living. It matters; it makes a difference in how people think and act. Abingdon Press.
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$15.99; $10.71
Leading Small Groups in the Way of Jesus M. Scott Boren What could be more natural than a group of people sitting together, talking? What could be more contrived than a packaged curriculum, with prefab questions and notes for leaders? Such is the problem of small groups. Scott Boren has wrestled with these challenges for years, in the context of his own small-group ministries and in consultation with churches of every stripe. In this book he reminds us that any small group, no matter how it’s organized, is at its heart a collection of people each walking in the way of Jesus. That means we are going somewhere—together— and that means we have a reliable guide. InterVarsity Press. 9780830836819
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$16.00; $11.52
3/16/15 7:59 AM
The Gratitude Path Leading Your Church to Generosity Kent Millard
Deeper Simplicity, Broader Generosity Images of Financial Wholeness Celeste A. Ventura This is a financial wellness book for individuals with views on financial planning and decision-making through the lens of personal spirituality. Presented by a respected workshop leader and CREDO faculty member, the book uses imaginative imagery found in agriculture, architecture, and creation— including a trellis, a jackpine, an artichoke, a ballet barre, and a stork nest—to engage the reader in exploration of how and why we earn, spend, invest, and share our money. Includes 12 full-color pages as well as discussion questions. Morehouse Publishing. Coming in August.
Financial giving is down in local Protestant churches across the nation. The Gratitude Path provides practical, no-nonsense help for pastors and church leaders, equipping them to teach about finance and stewardship from a biblical perspective. It demonstrates a proven, step-by-step, achievable approach to help churches move away from complex stewardship models that can overwhelm church leadership, and outdated, budget-centric stewardship models, which no longer resonate with people. It offers a fresh alternative: A simpler, Christ-centered model that promotes spiritual health for the congregant and for the local church. Abingdon Press. Coming in August.
9780819231956 $16.00; $11.20
4 S
first putting GOD first in living and giving Mike Slaughter
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Slaughter guides participants through a four-week all-church stewardship program based on his popular book shiny gods. You’ll reassess priorities and create a culture and a lifestyle of faithful living and giving and make a meaningful contribution to the world. And, to help parents educate and model generosity for their kids, first includes components for children and youth. Abingdon Press.
In this coordinated stewardship program, sermon series, and small group study, Jacob Armstrong uses the Sermon on the Mount to reexamine what our treasure is. How do we spend our time, energy, and money? If our hearts follow our treasure, as Jesus taught, then we’d better make sure they are aligned. Kit includes one each of the Daily Readings, the DVD, and the Program Guide Flash Drive. Abingdon Press. 9781426781988 Daily Readings 9781426782114 Program Guide Flash Drive 9781426793417 Kit 9781426782138 DVD [CC] 4 sessions; about 5 mins. each Also available as streaming video content at
4 E SS
Treasure A Four-Week Study on Faith and Money Jacob Armstrong
$14.99; $10.04
9781426762024 9781426763632 9781426763687 9781426765544 9781426761942 9781426762017 9781426761966 9781426775734
$9.99; $6.69 $34.99; $27.99 $79.97; $59.99 $34.99; $27.99
first Devotional first Youth Study Edition first Children’s Leader Guide first Program Guide Flash Drive with Booklet shiny gods Participant Book shiny gods DVD [CC] 4 sessions; about 5-15 min. each shiny gods Leader Guide Program Kit (includes one each of items listed above)
$8.99; $6.02 $8.99; $6.02 $16.99; $11.38 $29.99; $23.99 $14.99; $10.04 $39.99; $31.99 $11.99; $8.03 $99.99; $79.99
Propel Good Stewardship, Greater Generosity Clayton L. Smith
The Church Money Manual Best Practices for Finance and Stewardship J. Clif Christopher
Propel offers solutions beyond the church’s walls to reach all areas of training and resources to support and sustain vital ministry, scholarship, education, and mission. Through creating a culture of generosity, Clayton Smith outlines detailed models to increase giving through various outlets including planned giving, vision casting, and capital campaigns. Abingdon Press.
Here is the most up-to-date and easy-to-use handbook for churches seeking better ways to manage finances. Brief and straightforward chapters each focus on a specific problem or issue. The book covers topics of day-to-day operation and the perennially critical themes related to church money management and stewardship. Abingdon Press.
$14.99; $10.04
Community Resource Consultants
$16.99; $11.38
3/13/15 1:33 PM
Churchwide Stewardship see the video at
Leader Guide 9781630883959
$13.99; $9.37
about the book
In this essential little book, pastor and author James A. Harnish presents Wesley’s concepts and beliefs in plain, useful language, suitable for individuals to grapple with and groups to discuss and act upon. DVD 9781630883973
$39.99; $31.99
Participant Book. 9781630883928 $13.99; $9.37 Large Print Edition. 9781630883942 $14.99; $10.04
more studies on
Earn. Save. Give. Wesley’s Simple Rules for Money James A. Harnish
John Wesley boils fiscal responsibilities down to just three rules: Earn all you can. Save all you can. Give all you can. Sounds simple, right? Yes, but not easy, especially in today’s culture of consumerism. This 21st century translation of Wesley’s money management philosophy will give everyone in your congregation—children and teenagers as well as adults of any age—a new way to think about money, not only during your stewardship program, but for the rest of their lives.
Program Guide Flash Drive 9781630883980 $34.99; $27.99
Churchwide study guides, a leader guide, a DVD, a Program Guide flash drive, and Devotional Readings for Home are available for this four-week program. Abingdon Press. Coming in May. kit
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Youth & Children’s components book sh fla for and Devotional Readings preview Home also available.
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Devotional Readings for Home 9781501805073 $6.99; $4.68 Devotional Readings for Home, Package of 25 9781501805097 $174.75; $99.99
devo tional Youth Study (Ages 13–18) 9781630884000 $9.99; $6.69
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Children’s Leader Guide 9781630884024 $16.99; $11.38
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Wesleyan Studies about the author... James A. Harnish is the author of numerous books and Bible studies, including A Disciple’s Path, Strength for the Broken Places, Simple Rules for Money, and You Only Have to Die.
Companion Reader 9781630882570
He is an acclaimed pastor and ordained elder in The United Methodist Church who has led congregations throughout Florida, most recently Hyde Park in Tampa where he served for twenty-two years. In 2014, after forty-two years of active ministry, he retired from full-time ministry.
$9.99; $6.69
Notes from the field
Daily Workbook 9781630882556
Leader Guide with Downloadable Toolkit 9781630882594 $25.99; $20.79 $12.99; $8.70
6 E SS
A Disciple’s Heart Growing in Love and Grace James A. Harnish with Justin LaRosa
other books by
James HARnish
We hear a lot about “spiritual journey” these days. But it’s more than just trendy wording. Although he didn’t use the phrase, that’s what John Wesley was really all about—taking steps and continually walking a path that transforms the heart and helps us grow into the likeness of Christ.
Program Kit (includes flash drive of toolkit material) 9781630882617 $39.99; $31.99
This study, designed for use in either small groups or as a churchwide experience, attempts to reclaim and, in a sense, reinterpret Wesley’s idea of “Christian perfection.” Participants learn how to develop a pattern of daily Scripture reading, prayer, and personal reflection and guided questions help define spiritual life goals and create strong church community bonds. The six-week class is supported with a Daily Workbook, Companion Reader, Leader Guide, and free downloadable leader helps. The Program Kit includes the Participant Book (Daily Workbook), the Companion Reader (devotional), a Leader Guide with downloadable toolkit, and a flash drive with the dvd contents of the downloadable toolkit.
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Abingdon Press.
Written and tested by Hyde Park UMC, Tampa, FL, and shared with congregations of a variety of sizes and demographics, the study combines an engaging overview of Wesleyan and United Methodist beliefs with traditional discipleship.
Community Resource Consultants
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praise for the study
6 E SS
A Disciple’s Path Deepening Your Relationship with Christ and the Church James A. Harnish with Justin Larosa
For churches transforming their invitation to membership into an opportunity for a discipleship journey. — Lovett H. Weems, Jr., author and Distinguished Professor of Church Leadership and Director, Lewis Center for Church Leadership, Wesley Theological Seminary.
A Disciple’s Path is an engaging approach to discipleship from a distinctly Wesleyan perspective. Whether used as an introduction for new members or a renewal course for existing members, the program guides individuals to take the next step in discipleship and become dynamic, engaged followers of Jesus Christ. The kit assists leaders in conducting a successful study or churchwide program and includes the Companion Reader (devotional), the Daily Workbook (Participant), the Leader Guide with CD-ROM, and samples of all the ancillary products. Abingdon Press. 9781426743498 9781426743504 9781426743481 9781426777950 843504029753 843504029760 843504030155 843504029777
kit dvd
Daily Workbook $12.99; $8.70 Companion Reader $9.99; $6.69 Leader Guide with CD-ROM $25.99; $20.79 Kit $39.99; $31.99 Wristband, Pack of 10 $12.99; $8.70 Bookmarks, Pack of 25 $7.99; $5.35 Window Cling, Pack of 25 $7.99; $5.35 Key Tag, Pack of 30 $7.99; $5.35
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8 S
Abingdon Press.
Student Book $14.99; $10.04 Leader Guide $14.99; $10.04 DVD [CC] 8 videos; approx. 8-10 min. each $39.99; $31.99
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In this exciting and inspiring new study, Scott J. Jones helps seekers and believers to envision and practice discipleship as a way of life. Presenting Christianity from a Wesleyan perspective, Jones invites participants into a deeper, more thoughtful, more active commitment to Christ by focusing on how, through discipleship with Jesus Christ, we become part of God’s work in transforming the world. Each week a different presenter of note shares their personal faith experience. Mini-videos conclude each week with an interview or ministry story from the presenter’s home church. Participants then read on their own from the student book and the Bible and then once a week the group comes together to explore what they’ve read and to view another video.
sh devo fla tional preview
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The Wesleyan Way A Faith That Matters Scott J. Jones
9781426767562 9781426767579 9781426767586
leader plus samples book of aancillary book sh sh devo devo fla fl tional tional preview products
excerpt from the video
I’m doing this study to try to connect directly with average folks, with seekers, with people who are asking important questions and want to know a Wesleyan way of living their life as Jesus’ disciple.
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3/13/15 1:38 PM
Wesleyan Studies Five Marks of a Methodist The Fruit of a Living Faith Steve Harper
5 S
This concise and compelling summary helps every United Methodist learn and remember the five identifiers that John Wesley set forth in The Character of a Methodist. A gem of a book, it answers in plain language, “How should United Methodists live?” and provides the people called Methodists with a clear and memorable unifying focus. As followers of Jesus who reach out to serve their neighbors, United Methodists: • Love God • Rejoice in God • Give thanks • Pray always • Love others This wonderful, little book is perfect for explaining what it means to live in the United Methodist way.
Steve Harper goes to the very heart of faithfulness as he describes and then calls upon all those who follow Wesley to live. It is lives of integrity that are the result of following these marks. It is a way of living in God’s gracious presence that he encourages for everyone and it is a way of living I choose for myself. —Rueben P. Job, 1928–2015
Includes questions for a five- or six-week study on Christian character.
what you’ll need
Abingdon Press. 9781501800597
$8.99; $6.02
6 E SS
Three Simple Rules for Christian Living A Six-Week Study for Adults Jeanne Torrence Finley & Rueben P. Job
This small-group study by Jeanne Torrence Finley is based on Rueben P. Job’s book Three Simple Rules: A Wesleyan Way of Living. Six sessions provide extended reflection for adults on three principles of Christian life: do no harm, do good, and stay in love with God. Each rule has a session to help you understand the rule and a session to help you explore ways to practice the rule. Abingdon Press. 843504002152 9781426700255
Christian Living Leader’s Guide DVD/CD-ROM 6 sessions; approx. 3-6 min. each $29.99; $23.99 Christian Living Student Book $7.99; $5.35
Also available from Rueben P. Job:
Three Simple Rules: A Wesleyan Way of Living 9780687649662
Hardcover Edition $6.99;
(Also available in Spanish, Korean, French, and Portuguese editions.)
Large Print Edition $6.99; $5.59 Children’s Leader’s Guide: Following Jesus $16.99; $7.99 Youth Leader Guide: 24/7 (Josh Tinley) $8.99; $6.02 Youth Student Book: 24/7 $7.99; $5.35 DVD $29.99; $23.99 Bookmark (Pack of 25) $4.00 Paperback Edition Case of 50 books $299.99; $199.99 (Only available in case of 50; $4.00 per person)
9781426702235 9781426700422 9781426700347 9781426700330 9780687654741 9780687646852 9781501800511
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Community Resource Consultants
3/16/15 3:16 PM
Discipleship Studies Jesus Apprentice Doing What Jesus Did E SS N S IO Jeff Kirby
see the video
Christian belief through Christian action—it’s like an apprentice who learns from a master carpenter not only by listening, but also by following the master’s example. Author Jeff Kirby brings his rich and challenging style of teaching to a powerful, four-session study that shows us how we aren’t truly following Jesus until we do as Jesus…until we become a Jesus apprentice. Participants learn how to sweep aside the clutter of daily life, getting to the heart of Jesus’ message and finding the way to a renewed faith.
Author insights
The study features a DVD, a Leader Guide, and flexible format options for use with any size group. The four-session DVD features Jeff Kirby guiding us through Jesus’ key teachings and activities. It is designed for small group use, in conjunction with the book.
I want to be a Jesus apprentice. I want to be a disciple. Maybe you do too. But we can only become disciples by learning to share our faith with confidence.
Abingdon Press. Participant Book 9781426787737 $14.99; $10.04 Leader Guide 9781426787775 $12.99; $8.70 dvd DVD [CC] 4 sessions; 10-12 min. each 9781426787751 $39.99; $31.99
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This set of 3 six-session, small-group E SS N S studies covers 3 relevant and intriguing IO themes, each designed to foster personal insight and compelling discussion—leading back to the individual’s relationship with God. Abingdon Press. S
see the video on
6 Decisions That Will Change Your Life A Six-Week Small Group Experience Tom Berlin Our busy lives are filled with decisions, but are they the important decisions? This study helps us discern six key decisions in our walk with Christ. 9781426794445 9781426794469 9781426794483
Participant Book $9.99; $6.69 Leader Guide $8.99; $6.02 DVD [CC] 6 sessions; 5-8 min. each. $24.99; $19.99
6 Things We Should Know About God A Six-Week Small Group Experience What are God’s qualities, and what effect do they have on us? This study introduces us to the living God and urges us to respond to each of God’s desires for us. 9781426794568 9781426794582 9781426794605
Participant Book $9.99; $6.69 Leader Guide $8.99; $6.02 DVD [CC] 6 sessions; 4-6 min. each $24.99; $19.99
6 Ways We Encounter God A Six-Week Small Group Experience When we live, worship, or pray, do we really encounter God? This study introduces us to six basic characteristics of God, linking each to the kit characteristics we should develop in response. 9781426794681 9781426794704 9781426794728
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Participant Book dvd $9.99; $6.69 dvd Leader Guide $8.99; $6.02 DVD [CC] 6 sessions; 4-6 min. each $24.99; $19.99
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Author’s insights
We’re all on a journey—as people, as churches—and that journey is our faith in God. Along the way we find these experiences that we look back on...we say to ourselves, that’s when the journey really changed.
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3/13/15 1:46 PM
dfl tip
Spiritual Growth new
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6 E SS
A Way Through the Wilderness Growing in Faith When Life Is Hard Rob Renfroe
At one time or another, everyone has a wilderness experience, a difficult time of life— the loss of a loved one, a financial or health crisis, divorce, or some other painful experience—when we feel alone and desperate, don’t know where to turn, and see no end in sight. In the Scriptures we see that often God’s people went through a wilderness experience that changed them in profound ways. Some come out of the wilderness broken, bitter, and far from God. Others come through with a deeper faith and closer to God than before. With sensitivity and warmth, Rob Renfroe explores the wilderness experience—what it is, how we get there, why God allows it, and how we can get through it God’s way so that we learn the lessons he has for us, lessons that can be learned only in the desolate seasons of life when we are totally dependent on God.
author’s insights
Abingdon Press. Coming in August. 9781501800955 Participant Book $14.99; $10.04 9781501800979 Leader Guide $12.99; $8.70 9781501800993 DVD [CC] 6 videos; 10-15 min. each $39.99; $31.99
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The Trouble with the Truth Balancing Truth and Grace Rob Renfroe
The term wilderness is used nearly three hundred times in the Scriptures. We find it in some of the Bible’s most critical moments. The wilderness is a training ground God uses to deepen our trust in him and remake our character into the image of his Son. God isn’t leader leader so much a “problem-fixer” as he book book sh sh devo devo fla fla is a “life-changer.” Rather than tional tional preview swooping in to take our problems away, more often he works to change who we are through the problems and the pain of our lives.
6 S
When mainline pastors and parishioners state: “Well, Jesus is my way, but who am I to say there aren’t other ways for other people”—there’s trouble with the truth. When the president of a mainline denominational seminary states publicly that Christians who feel they need to evangelize persons of other faiths have a wrong view of what it means to follow Jesus— there’s trouble with the truth. Rob Renfroe reminds us that Jesus didn’t lead an “either-or” life—he was committed to both compassion for people and a passion for truth. The Trouble with the Truth explores the essentials about truth and grace in six compelling and engaging DVD classes for adult small groups. Includes a Leader Guide with outlines for each session, discussion points and questions, activities, and prayers, plus leader helps. Abingdon Press.
kit leader kit participant participant
9781426786198 Participant Book $14.99; $10.04 9781426786266 Leader Guide $12.99; $8.70 9781426786259 dvd DVD [CC] 6 videos; 10-15book min. each $39.99; $31.99 dvd
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Hardcover Book
$14.99; $10.79
9781601426086 9781601426734 9781601426758
Hardcover Book Participant Guide DVD
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$22.99; $16.55 $9.99; $7.19 $25.99; $18.71
The Answer to Bad Religion Is Not No Religion A Guide to Good Religion for Seekers, Skeptics, and Believers Martin Thielen
6 IO N
In an effort to help those who’ve been hurt by or turned off by negative religion, Martin Thielen explains that there is an alternative to abandoning religion: good religion. Using personal stories to illustrate the dangers of religion that is judgmental, anti-intellectual, and legalistic (while acknowledging the growth of atheism and the “Nones”), he provides counterparts to bad religion: good religion that is grace-filled, promotes love and forgiveness, and is inclusive and hope-filled. Individual, group, or congregational study. Westminster John Knox Press. 9780664239473 Paperback Book $15.00; $10.80 9780664259600 Leader Guide $10.00; $7.20 9780664259617 Worship/Outreach Kit $25.00; $20.00
Vanishing Grace Whatever Happened to the Good News? Philip Yancey
6 E SS
In this unique introduction to the hidden life in Christ, James Bryan Smith walks readers through a 30-day immersion in Colossians 3:1-17. Each of the 30 brief chapters bring out the main truth of just one word or phrase of this rich passage with an exercise and an affirmation that summarizes the main point of the chapter, plus a written prayer and reflection questions designed to move you deeper into the truths of the Word. Ideal for use as a daily devotional by individuals or as a guide for five weeks of discussion by small groups. InterVarsity Press. Hardcover $17.00; $12.24
“God, if you’re real, make yourself real to me.” Each of us spends our lives on a journey toward God. Yet often our most deeply felt longings— for meaning, for love, for significance—end up leading us away from, instead of toward, our Creator and the person he made us to be. This book shows you how to understand and listen to your longings in a whole new way. Wake up to who you really are, and dare to believe that God wants to be found even more than you want to find him. Multnomah Press.
Hidden in Christ Living as God’s Beloved James Bryan Smith
For centuries Christians have used imagination as a way to listen to God. Using this practice, Vinita Wright leads readers to enter 20 key events in Jesus’ life, prayerfully imagining what might have happened in each story. Through reflection questions, she connects similar moments in the reader’s life with transitional moments in Jesus’ life. Each chapter closes with a prayer. “God invites us to meet the holy face-to-face,” Wright says. “When we do so in prayer and humility, even the scenes that we imagine might have happened can guide us spiritually to a fuller experience of God’s love for us and the grace offered us.” Upper Room Books. Coming August.
Finding Your Way Back to God Five Awakenings to Your New Life Dave Ferguson and Jon Ferguson
Imagine Me Encountering Jesus Through Story Vinita Hampton Wright
Why does the church stir up such negative feelings? Research shows that favorable opinions of Christianity have plummeted drastically over the last 20 years and opinions of Evangelicals have taken even deeper dives. Yet while opinions about Christianity are dropping, interest in spirituality is rising. Why the disconnect? This video-based, small-group study shows the desperate need our world has for grace, and how Christians can truly make the gospel good news again. Zondervan. 9780310339328 9780310825494 9780310825586 9780310825586
Hardcover Participant Book $22.99; $16.55 Study Guide $10.99; $7.91 DVD $36.99; $26.63 Study Guide & DVD $36.99; $26.63
Shop the online catalog at
3/13/15 1:50 PM
Spiritual Growth new Truly Free Breaking the Snares That So Easily Entangle Robert Morris
praise for the author
6 S
“Robert Morris has a remarkable way of knowing where I live and helping me move forward. I love him and his teaching.” —Max Lucado
What is keeping you from being truly free? Jesus said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me” (Matthew 28:18). As believers, we have Christ and never need to be afraid, yet we are not immune to the effects of evil. Even if we’re saved and trust in Christ, we may still find areas in which we just can’t get victory—long-imbedded patterns of shameful living that continue to entangle us. In Truly Free, bestselling author Robert Morris invites us into a glorious truth—that the promise of being set free from the slavery of sin is a promise to be set free “completely.” Although evil is real, we have the promise that the one who is in us is greater than the one who is in the world (1 John 4:4). Jesus saves us, trains us to resist the power of evil, and delivers us from anything that holds us back. With Jesus, we can be truly free forever.
other BOOKS by the author
This study includes a DVD with six sessions from Robert Morris and a study guide with leader helps, discussion questions, conversation starters, and more. Thomas Nelson Publishing. Coming in July. Study Guide with DVD $36.99; $26.63 Study Guide $10.99; $7.91
9780718028503 9780718028572
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book devo tional
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what you’ll need
Have you settled for far less of God than He wants to reveal? Do you feel close to God in your everyday life . . . or does He too often seem distant and silent? Maybe, like many Christians, you live somewhere between those two extremes. You occasionally sense God’s presence, but at other times feel as if He’s a million miles away. The wonder of closeness with God is available to you here and now. This book and study by Alec Rowlands walks you through six sessions of seeking God, revealing the ways God makes His presence known, how you can prepare for it, and how experiencing it will transform everything. Tyndale House Publishers.
The gospel is not about “living better” or “becoming more religious” or “waiting for heaven.” It’s about how God wants us to live bigger, fuller lives—to experience life with a capital L. Now. Heard explores the ten big themes of gospel, unlike much of what we’ve heard before, yet deeply and profoundly rooted in the Bible. This 10-session video teaching series can be used by small groups, churches, and individuals for six- and twelveweek-long formats. Each HD video session is approximately 15 minutes long and leads participants through the content of the book. The participants’ guide includes questions for group discussion and individual response, plus help and instructions for group leaders. Multnomah Press.
9781601426888 9781601426871 9781601426857 9781601424464
6 E SS
The Presence Experiencing More of God Alec Rowlands
Life with a Capital L Embracing Your God-Given Humanity Matt Heard
9781414387246 9781414387925 9781414387918
Book $15.99; $11.51 Participant Guide $9.99; $7.19 DVD $19.99
DVD with Participant’s Guide $34.99; $25.19 DVD 10 videos; 15 min. each $25.99; $20.79 Participant’s Guide $9.99; $7.19 Book $14.99; $10.79
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Community Resource Consultants
3/16/15 8:05 AM
Topical Studies new
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Head Scratchers E SS N S IO When the Words of Jesus Don’t Make Sense Talbot Davis S
The focus of this five- week study is on some of Jesus’ difficult sayings that readers of the Gospels find perplexing or offensive. Each session, Davis examines a different statement or brief teaching from Jesus, offering biblical and other relevant background to help illuminate the passage in question. The message in each chapter goes beyond information and clarifying background. Davis’ goal is not only to help readers understand the passage, but to take it to heart and embrace a new way of life as a result. He starts with a piece of Scripture that many struggle to make sense of, and opens it to reveal a challenging, hopeful word that manifests the Gospel’s transformative power.
Author’s insights
The ‘Jesus many of us have come to know and love’ is quite often the sanitized Jesus. And the sanitized Jesus is much less interesting, altogether less invasive, than the true Jesus. When we ‘clean Jesus up’ he becomes all about improving our lives. He’s an accessory to a life we imagine we’ve got figured out pretty much on our own. The head scratchers, however, come from an unfiltered Jesus. The unfiltered Jesus is much less interested in improving our lives and much more interested in ending them. Ending them so that we may be, in fact, born again.
Discussion questions at the end of each chapter to help leaders of small groups. Also available when purchasing the book is access to a free video trailer and an audio recording of the author’s sermons as another way to experience the weekly message. Abingdon Press. Coming in September. Book 9781501802881
participant book
$9.99; $6.69 leader book
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We all have doubts. Throughout this study, Davis invites you to acknowledge and confront your doubts about your Christian faith. Each chapter focuses on a different biblical story that illustrates a key insight into doubt and its effects on our faith. By bringing our doubts out of the shadows and into the light, we have an opportunity to experience an authentic faith seeking understanding. Discussion questions at the end of each chapter to help leaders of small groups. Also available when purchasing the book is access to a free video trailer and an audio recording of the author’s sermons as another way to experience the weekly message. Abingdon Press. Coming in September. 9781501804335
$9.99; $6.69
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The Storm Before the Calm Making Sense of Life’s Troubles Talbot Davis
5 E SS
The Shadow of a Doubt Confronting Challenges to Faith Talbot Davis
In this book, Davis addresses life’s turbulent, trying moments by looking at some of Scripture’s most significant “storm stories.” By turning the popular phrase, “the calm before the storm” on its head, The Storm Before the Calm presents a unique take on the significance of life’s storms—grief, job loss, relationship failures, etc.—and how faith in Christ helps us weather them. Davis’s message is clear and challenging: life’s storms prepare us for the calm that follows. Discussion questions at the end of each chapter to help leaders of small groups. Also available when purchasing the book is access to a free video trailer and an audio recording of the author’s sermons as another way to experience the weekly message. Abingdon Press. Coming in September. 9781501804311
$9.99; $6.69
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3/16/15 8:06 AM
Topical Studies see the video at
Leader Guide 9781501803710
$12.99; $8.70
Author insights
Participant Book 9781501803697
To Kill a Mockingbird is the story of a broken town, full of broken people, living within a corrupt and broken system; but, like all good stories, redemption waits just around the corner, and beckons us to discover how our own broken lives are part of God’s timeless redemption story.
DVD [CC] Session length: 8-12 min. each 9781501803734 $39.99; $31.99 $14.99; $10.04
Pop in Culture Series These studies are especially for folks who might not know the lingo, who have been turned off by the church, or who don’t go to church. There’s a lot we can learn from TV, movies, and books. God is bigger than Sunday morning worship.
about the author... Matt Rawle is Lead Pastor at The Well United Methodist Church in Ponchatoula, LA. He graduated from the LSU School of Music and Duke Divinity School. Matt is an international speaker who loves to tell an old story in a new way, especially at the intersection of pop culture and the church.
4 E SS
The Faith of a Mockingbird A Small Group Study Connecting Christ and Culture Matt Rawle
Worship Resources Flash Drive 9781501803789 $34.99; $27.99
In The Faith of a Mockingbird, based on Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, pastor and author Matt Rawle uses Lee’s beloved characters to explore Christian faith, theology, and ethics. Join Scout, Atticus Finch, Boo Radley, and Tom Robinson in this four-week study considering God’s world and what it all means. A DVD featuring four sessions with the author, a full Leader Guide, and Worship Resources Flash Drive also are available for group study.
Abingdon Press. Coming in September. dvd
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boo devo tiona
Pop in Culture Series continued:
Author quote
4 E SS
The Salvation of Doctor Who A Small Group Study Connecting Christ and Culture Matt Rawle
God offers the raw ingredients, and ‘culture’ is what we cook up.
In The Salvation of Doctor Who, pastor and author Matt Rawle draws on the long-running TV show and cult favorite Doctor Who to chart the intersection of faith and science. Chapters include “Madman with a Blue Box,” “God and Time and God’s Time,” “The Oldest Question in the Universe,” and “The Sonic Screwdriver Is Mightier Than the Sword.” A DVD featuring four sessions with the author, a full Leader Guide, and Worship Resource Flash Drive also are available for group study. Abingdon Press. Coming in August. Participant Book $14.99; $10.04 Leader Guide $12.99; $8.70 DVD [CC] Session length: 8-12 min. each $39.99; $31.99 Worship Resources Flash Drive $34.99; $27.99
9781501803802 9781501803826 9781501803840 9781501803895
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Hollywood Jesus A Small Group Study Connecting Christ and Culture Matt Rawle
Hollywood Jesus is pastor and author Matt Rawle’s study of Jesus and Christ figures in films including Cool Hand Luke, The Lion King, The Truman Show, and One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. Explore what happens when script meets Scripture, when pop culture encounters the King of kings and Lord of lords. A DVD featuring four sessions with the author, a full Leader Guide, and Worship Resource Flash Drive also are available for group study. Abingdon Press. Coming in September. 9781501803918 9781501803932 9781501803956 9781501804007
kit dvd
kit dvd
Participant Book $14.99; $10.04 Leader Guide $12.99; $8.70 DVD [CC] Session length: 8-12 min. each $39.99; $31.99 Worship Resources Flash Drive $34.99; $27.99
participant kit participant participant kit
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3/13/15 1:55 PM
Topical Studies new
6 E SS
Journeys with Celtic Christians Rodney Newman
Writers often use the metaphor of journey or pilgrimage to describe the Christian life. This book invites readers to experience their personal faith journeys through Celtic lenses. By connecting historical information with their current lives and concerns, readers will consider the many ways pilgrimage has shaped their personal faith. They will discover the value and contributions of fellow travelers on the faith journey and how they assist and shape that journey. They will affirm the importance of both offering and receiving hospitality on the faith journey, a discipline that was critical to the Celts. They will also have opportunities to deal with difficult life journeys such as transitions and opportunities for forgiveness, and the importance of blessing one another in a world that values polarization over cooperation and competition over community. Six chapters, ideal for small groups. Abingdon Press. Coming in September. Book 9781630889814 Leader Guide 9781630889838
$14.99; $10.04 $9.99; $6.69
GreenFaith Mobilizing God’s People to Save the Earth Fletcher Harper God is calling us to live differently. The challenges we face are imminent. There is no doubt that climate change is happening—but what can ordinary people do in the face of such staggering problems? GreenFaith gives concrete examples and tips that will help people of faith to better care for the Earth. Author Fletcher Harper shows that it takes belief and practice, science and faith to sustain us and our planet. He shows us the challenges but also provides the inspiration we need to believe that we can make a difference—that we can make Earth a better world. Abingdon Press 9781426781759
$19.99; $13.39
new Counterfeit Christianity The Persistence of Errors in the Church Roger E. Olson Historic heresies didn’t die or fade away. Each generation boasts its own. Even while these counterfeit teachings remain outside the accepted bounds of Christianity, modern-day versions plague churches. So how does a church leader or pastor understand and deal with these age-old controversies when they pop up in the congregation? In this book, Roger Olson describes the curses but also gifts that heresies bring the Church. While heresies can occasionally correct a version of orthodoxy, they are not simple confusions or misunderstandings about impenetrable mysteries of divine revelation. Instead they undermine the faith and are dangerous distortions. The author describes major heresies and how the church dealt with them, the players, and what pastors can do to address these faith issues in order to educate congregations about Jesus, God, and salvation. Also includes questions for individual or group study. Abingdon Press. Coming in August. Book 9781426772290 $19.99; $13.39 DVD and Leader Resource (5 sessions) 9781501806360 $39.99; $31.99
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Creation The Apple of God’s Eye Justo L. González As people of faith, we believe that our gracious God created all there is, but does that also mean that God also created evil? How does creation jive with what scientists are telling us about the origin of the universe? The Bible tells us that God created the heavens and earth, but does that deny the science of the Big Bang? While no one author can deal with all these questions, this book will help us begin the conversation and gain new understanding of how the doctrine of creation can help us address these very human and timeless questions. Abingdon Press. Coming in November.
Community Resource Consultants
$13.99; $9.37
3/13/15 1:58 PM
We live in a world of noise. Sounds compete for our minds and hearts. Listening to God requires a deliberate choice to shut out the chaos and focus our thoughts. Listen is a 40-day experience created to offer help to those new to prayer, those with a daily prayer routine, and those whose lives seem too busy to pray. The six weekly helps build and deepen prayer practice. Listen is perfect for use by individuals, small groups, or congregations during Lent, Easter, or any time of year.
This book will help people recognize what an extraordinary thing has happened to them through baptism and their inclusion in the Body of Christ through the Spirit. The authors challenge some of the individualistic and subjectivist accounts of the Spirit’s work to help people understand the Holy Spirit is more than a personal experience. The Holy Spirit is who God is and what God does as the Trinity, whether we feel it or not. Abingdon Press. Coming in October.
The Holy Spirit Stanley Hauerwas and William H. Willimon
Abingdon Press. Book 9781426780745 $14.99; $10.04 Leader Guide 9781426781209 $14.99; $10.04 DVD [CC] 6 sessions; 9-11 min. each 9781426781216 $39.99; $31.99
Book 9781426778636
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What’s better than feeding your soul while developing healthy practices for your body and mind? Christ Walk outlines a 40-day program for individuals and groups to focus on improving physical health while engaging in spiritual and mental reflection and growth. Individuals and groups select different biblical routes to complete (through walking, running, biking, etc.), while reading a reflective passage on health and spirituality each day of the journey. Each chapter is a daily meditation on different aspects of mind, body, and spiritual health tied to biblical teachings and Christian traditions. The appendices include options for groups and individuals to transform their Christ Walk experience from journey to journey. Morehouse Publishing. 9780819231697
$18.00; $12.60
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Hamilton considers the real questions people frequently ask that continue to divide Christians and denominations alike. In approachable and inviting language, he addresses these often misunderstood biblical themes leading readers to a deeper appreciation of the Bible. Leader Guide Abingdon Press. 9781426785580 $12.99; $8.70 DVD [CC] 5–8 min. each. Abingdon Press. 9781426785573 $39.99; $31.99 Kit (5 Participants Books, Leader Guide, & DVD. Abingdon Press. 301167 $162.95; $99.99 Participant Book, Hardcover HarperCollins. 9780062234964 $21.99; $15.83 Audiobook Blackstone Audio. 9781483002934 $39.99; $28.79
NEW Hazardous Saints Christians Risking All, Changing Everything C.K. Robertson
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NEW Christ Walk A 40-Day Spiritual Fitness Program Anna Fitch Courie
$13.99; $9.37
Making Sense of the Bible Rediscovering the Power of Scripture Today Adam Hamilton
Listen Praying in a Noisy World E SS N S IO Rueben P. Job
They risked it all for the sake of the gospel: Barnabas, Francis of Assisi, Thomas Cranmer, Sojourner Truth, Dorothy Day, and Oscar Romero. In this six-week study suitable for adults and young adults, you’ll explore the lives of these six “saints” who, like Jesus, were change agents in their times. Presented in a unique “three-track” format that allows for individual study, small-group study, and congregational development, each session concludes with three possible endings. The study includes a bonus resource: A Simple Prayer Liturgy for Use by a Small Group. Individual study guides and a DVD for individual or group study are sold separately. Morehouse Education Resources. 9781606742334 9781606743003
DVD $39.95; $31.96 Study Guide $4.95
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3/16/15 11:40 AM
Topical Studies new
The Meaning of Marriage Study Guide A Vision for Married and Unmarried People Timothy and Kathy Keller
UnBreakable Forging a Marriage of Contentment and Delight Charles Causey and Tony Miltenberger
A unique and powerful resource for couples who want to repair, strengthen, and shockproof their marriages. The authors bring a remarkable and dynamic combination of experience: both Miltenberger and Causey have served in the military, are actively involved as leaders in the church, and are married with young families of their own. Their approach has already helped hundreds of military couples who live in perhaps the most challenging marriage context today. Abingdon Press.
Modern culture would have you believe that everyone has a soul mate; that romance is the most important part of a successful marriage; that marriage doesn’t mean ‘til death do us part; and that when serious differences arise, divorce is the best solution. In this six-session video-based Bible study Timothy Keller, along with Kathy, his wife of 40 years, draws a profound portrait of marriage from the pages of Scripture that neither idealizes nor rejects the institution but points us back to the relationship between God and man. Zondervan. Coming in August. 9780310868255
Also available:
$16.00; $11.52
Never Fight Again... Guaranteed! Groundbreaking Practices for a Win-Win Marriage David Hawkins
I Choose You Today 31 Choices to Make Love Last Deb DeArmond I Choose You Today features 31 scriptural principles that support marriage and help couples develop healthy biblically based behavior. Built on an introductory anecdotal story, each chapter has an inspirational takeaway of not only what to do, but how to begin applying the principles immediately. Thought provoking questions create talking points for couples to explore their own choices and experiences in each area serve to generate open dialogue of discovery. This isn’t a book of “shoulds,” but one of clearly identified choices that each individual can make to grow their marriage and align it with the word of God. Every saying ends with a conventional wisdom quote. Abingdon Press. 9781426787966
What do couples fight about most? Is it sex, money, children, in-laws, or time management? The answer is: none of the above. Couples can get into power struggles over anything. It is not any specific subject, but the act of fighting, that drives us. We want what we don’t have and will fight to get it. And this drives a wedge between us and the ones we love. In this book, Dr. David B. Hawkins argues for a paradigm shift that will take your relationship from one built on selfishness to one of sacrificial love. Once we do that, we give up the fight, care for ourselves and those around us, and change our hearts for the better. Abingdon Press.
$14.99; $10.04
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Love to Stay Sex, Grace, and Commitment Adam Hamilton
This resource is ideal for clergy to use during pre-wedding counseling sessions and will help couples learn more about themselves and their future spouse and address potential problem areas before, rather than after, the wedding. This official United Methodist resource includes worksheets to be completed by each person, Scripture references about marriage, and interactive exercises. For use with couples of all ages, whether they are entering their first marriage or remarrying. Abingdon Press.
lifetime. Abingdon Press. Hardcover Participant Guide $18.99; $12.72 Leader Guide $11.99; $8.03 DVD [CC] 6 videos; approx. 10 min. each $39.99; $31.99 Kit (10 books, 1 Leader Guide, 1 DVD) $241.88; $145.00
FG155610001ND028.indd 28
$15.99; $10.71
Growing Love in Christian Marriage, Third Edition Jane P. and S. Clifton Ives (Pastor’s Manual); Joan and Richard Hunt (Couple’s Manual)
In this book, Adam Hamilton explores how, with God’s help, we can make love last. Drawing upon a survey of thousands of couples and singles, interviews with relationship and marriage therapists, the latest research in the field, and wisdom from the Bible, Hamilton looks at what it takes to create and sustain healthy, meaningful romantic relationships across the course of a 9781426759512 9781426759543 9781426759536 9781426796517
$14.99; $10.04
Study Guide $10.99; $8.79
9781426757914 9781426757907
Pastor’s Manual $14.99; $10.04 Couple’s Manual, 2-Pack $17.99; $12.05
Community Resource Consultants
3/16/15 8:10 AM
new Passing It On How to Nurture Your Children’s Faith Season by Season Kara Lassen Oliver Parents have the most direct impact on their children’s spiritual formation. But often they lack confidence in their biblical knowledge, theological understanding, and grasp of Christian tradition. With gentle humor and faithful insight Kara Oliver encourages parents by providing practical ideas for passing on their faith to their children. She suggests that parents incorporate weekly gatherings into their family schedules for short periods 4 weeks at a time during 4 times of year: Advent, Lent, summer, and back-to-school. Upper Room Books. Coming in August. 9780835814973
$9.99; $6.99
You Can Adopt Without Debt Creative Ways to Cover the Cost of Adoption Julie Gumm You’re a Christian family who feels led to adopt, but you really had no idea how much money it took to complete a private domestic or international adoption. And now you’re thinking that you have to give up the idea. You’re frustrated, overwhelmed, and discouraged. Don’t lose hope. Author Julie Gumm shares proven strategies that include applying for grants, creative budgeting, and fund-raising ideas that you can use to prepare for and avoid those high costs associated with adoption. And having successfully adopted two children from Ethiopia, she should know. Abingdon Press. 9781426793004
$15.99; $10.71
new Scrambled Starts Family Prayers for Morning, Bedtime, and Everything In-Between Jenny Youngman After a year of struggling with nutty family schedules, Jenny Youngman knew that something had to change. The only remedy for their chaotic routine, she realized, was prayer. Youngman and her husband agreed that their family would start and end their days with prayer. Scrambled Starts tells about one family’s adventures in making prayer a regular part of their daily lives. It is also a collection of prayers for mealtime, bedtime, special occasions, ordinary times, prayers just for parents, prayers just for kids. A wonderful reference guide for parents who want to make prayer a priority in their homes. Upper Room Books. Coming in August. 9780835814997
$9.99; $6.99
new Discovering Together (CEB Version) A Parent’s Companion to the Deep Blue Kids Bible Leigh Meekins The perfect accompaniment for churches to provide to parents when children receive their first Deep Blue Kids Bible! As families spend time together, children will develop useful Bible skills. Its pages contain descriptions of the icons and study helps used in the Bible and ideas for family activities that involve parents and children in using and studying the Bible together. Abingdon Press. Coming in June. 9781501806261
Pack of 6 $14.99; $10.04
Also available:
Finding Your Way Through the Bible (CEB Version) A Self-Instruction Book for Elementary Boys and Girls Help elementary children become familiar with their Children’s Common English Bible. 9781426744228
FG155610001ND028.indd 29
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Book $7.99; $5.35
3/16/15 1:05 PM
Topical Studies CONVERGE Bible Studies CONVERGE Bible Studies is a series of topical studies based on the Common English Bible. Each title in the series consists of four studies on a common topic or theme. CONVERGE can be used by small groups, classes, or individuals. The topics and Scriptures come together to transform readers’ relationships with others, themselves, and God. Abingdon Press.
Christ the Lightgiver Clifton Stringer
In John 9, Jesus heals a man blind from birth. This is shocking. Even more: This miraculous healing is a microcosm of the whole Christian gospel. In merely seven verses of text, the contemplative Bible reader can see the fruit of the Holy Spirit’s work, putting the infinite Word of God into a mere handful of human words. In Christ the Lightgiver, Clifton Stringer explores the story of the gospel from the Creation to the Fall, then from the Incarnation to the mystery of Jesus’ (and our) Passover to eternal life. Abingdon Press. Coming in June. 9781501805875
$9.99; $6.69
FG155610001ND030.indd 30
Proverbs 21:13 says, “Those who close their ears to the cries of the poor will themselves call out but receive no answer.” What does this mean for the average middle class Westerner who’s actually part of the wealthiest 1% of the world’s population? In Cries of the Poor, you’ll discover what the Bible has to say about poverty and how Christians can proclaim good news to the poor.
When the Holy Spirit showed up with power in Acts 2, it’s unlikely many of the believers present in Jerusalem that day had any idea the magnitude of what was in store. The Spirit began building the church then and is still active in the world today. In these four sessions based on Acts, Carter explores the work of the Holy Spirit in three areas: shaping, guiding, and disrupting. He maintains that the Holy Spirit creates Christian community, shapes and reshapes community, and works through groups of believers to speak to the culture. In Holy Spirit and Community, you’ll learn how to recognize the Spirit at work in your community. Abingdon Press. Coming in May. 9781501805899
4 E SS
Cries of the Poor Grace Biskie
Holy Spirit and Community Kenneth H. Carter, Jr.
“” The man they call Jesus made mud, smeared it on my eyes, and said, ‘Go to the pool of Siloam and wash.’ So I went and washed, and then I could see. —John 9:11
$9.99; $6.69
$9.99; $6.69
Community Resource Consultants
3/13/15 2:01 PM
More CONVERGE Bible Studies! See facing page for description.
9781426795527 Being Holy $9.99; $6.69
9781426795534 Encountering Grace $9.99; $6.69
9781426795541 Idolatry $9.99; $6.69
9781426789533 Perplexing Scriptures $9.99; $6.69
9781426778292 Who Is Jesus? $9.99; $6.69
9781426778278 Three Gifts, One Christ $9.99; $6.69
9781426771552 Reclaiming Anger $9.99; $6.69
9781426778254 Practical Prayer $9.99; $6.69
9781426771576 Kingdom Building $9.99; $6.69
9781426771569 Sharing the Gospel $9.99; $6.69
9781426768989 Our Common Sins $9.99; $6.69
9781426771538 Who You Are in Christ $9.99; $6.69
9781426771545 Women of the Bible $9.99; $6.69
9781426795565 Fasting $9.99; $6.69
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3/16/15 11:43 AM
Outreach & Missions Helping Without Hurting In Short-Term Missions Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert
8 S
Design your short-term mission trips to support lasting change in materially poor communities and in participant’s lives. Helping Without Hurting in Short-Term Missions takes the ideas of When Helping Hurts (below) and applies them to short-term missions. Blending research, stories, and practical guidelines, it guides team leaders through the process of planning and implementing healthy short-term trips. In addition, the Leader’s Guide includes the content of the videobased Participant’s Guide with additional annotation for leaders as they shepherd team members toward lasting engagement with missions and poverty alleviation. It has eight units, six of which are built around free, online video content. Moody Publishing. Leader Guide 9780802412294 Participant Guide 9780802409928
kit dvd
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$14.99; $10.79 $12.99; $9.35
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what you’ll need
When Helping Hurts How to Alleviate Poverty Without Hurting the Poor... and Yourself Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert
6 S
With more than 300,000 copies in print, When Helping Hurts is a paradigm-forming contemporary classic on the subject of poverty alleviation and ministry to those in need. Emphasizing the poverty of both heart and society, this book exposes the need that every person has and how it can be filled. The reader is brought to understand that poverty is more than simply a lack of financial or material resources and that it takes much more than donations and handouts to solve the problem of poverty. While this book exposes past and current development efforts that churches have engaged in which unintentionally undermine the people they’re trying to help, its central point is to provide proven strategies that challenge Christians to help the poor empower themselves. Focusing on both North American and Majority World contexts, When Helping Hurts catalyzes the idea that sustainable change for people living in poverty comes not from the outside-in, but from the inside-out. Moody Publishing. Leader Guide 9780802409980 Participant Guide 9780802411563
kit dvd
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$15.99; $11.51 $10.99; $7.91
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6 E SS
Who Is My Neighbor? Learning Spanish as Church Hospitality Joyce Carrasco, M.A., Ruth Cassel Hoffman, Ph.D., and Ngoc-Diep Nguyen, Ph.D.
praise for the book
This field-tested resource will help congregations of any size learn basic Spanishspeaking skills in order to communicate and provide a welcoming atmosphere to their Hispanic neighbors.
All of us live in communities where our neighbors are Spanish-speakers. It says a lot about the openness of our hearts, minds and doors when we speak a word to them, even if it is halting and without the right verb conjugation. —Bishop Sally Dyck
The six-session resource developed by the Northern Illinois Conference covers basic conversational Spanish, and simple and easy to follow Spanish-language worship material. The program encourages openness toward Spanish-speaking neighbors, understanding of different cultures, and compassion for those who struggle to learn English. Abingdon Press. Leader Guide 9781501803673 Participant Guide 9781501803659
kit dvd
$11.99; $8.03
kit participant participant book
$9.99; $6.69
leader book
leader book sh fla
what you’ll need
new Food Fight Struggling for Justice in a Hungry World Chris Herlinger and Paul Jeffrey
new Radical Sending Go to Love and Serve Demi Prentiss and J. Fletcher Lowe
This dramatic work of photojournalism and powerful storytelling describes how the “battle to end hunger” is being won, bit by bit, in places like Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean, and the United States, through the compassionate work of grassroots communities of faith involved in anti-hunger efforts. Seabury Books. Coming in September.
Congregations need support in “equipping the saints” for their dayto-day lives and ministries beyond the doors of the building. This book provides practical and tested ways of fulfilling that calling. Radical Sending: Go to Love and Serve builds on and complements the work of Stephanie Spellers’ Radical Welcome: Embracing God, the Other, and the Spirit of Transformation, which called congregations to move beyond diversity and inclusion to be places where the transforming gifts, voices, and power of marginalized cultures and groups bring new life to the mainline church. Each chapter is followed by discussion questions for groups or personal use. Morehouse Publishing. Coming in October.
Participant Guide 9781596272668
Participant Guide 9780819231840
$25.00; $17.50
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$18.00; $12.60
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3/13/15 2:03 PM
s dev fla tion
Biblical Studies new Word and Life Series Dal Joon Won The Word & Life series guides Korean readers to study the Bible more deeply and promotes better meditation on how the Bible’s teachings can apply to our everyday life. Personal meditation and quiet time will be enhanced, and it will help readers change their lives by listening more closely and understanding God’s Word. With study guides included, this series is designed for both individuals and small groups. Cokesbury. Each
9781426797873 9781426797743 9781426797750 9781426797880
Coming in June 9781630885687 9781630885694
$9.99; $6.69
Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers
about this series
A journey through the Bible from a Korean perspective.
I & II Samuel I & II Kings
Coming in September 9781501806032 I & II Chronicles 9781501806049 Ezra–Esther
FG155610001ND034.indd 34
Community Resource Consultants
3/13/15 2:07 PM
new Theology of Work Bible Commentary Volume 4: Matthew Through Acts What does the Bible have to say about work? This one-of-a-kind Bible resource answers that very question. The Theology of Work Bible Commentary is an in-depth Bible study tool put together by a group of Bible scholars and business people. The content is from, and has never before been in print. It reveals what the Bible says about all kinds of work and offers insight from every single book of the Bible.
The Theology of Work Bible Commentary
Pastors will find these volumes helpful as they consider the Bible’s perspective on work when teaching on particular passages or topics. Professors may use the commentary to help prepare classes or as a textbook for students. Lay people may find practical help for workplace decisions, or they may read it as part of their personal or group Bible study.
Theology of Work Project
helps us plumb the depths of God’s Word, so that we can hear and respond to Jesus’ voice in the calling of our everyday work. —Haddon W. Robinson, President,
Hendrickson Publishing. Volume 4: Matthew Through Acts Romans Through Revelation $24.95; $17.96 9781619705265
Coming in March:
Volume 5: Romans Through Revelation $24.95; $17.96 9781619705968
Forthcoming: Volumes 1–3
See page 38 for The Bible and Your Work study series.
Outside the Gate A Study of the Letter to the Hebrews Roy I. Sano
W. E. Vine’s New Testament Word Pictures Every Verse Explained W. E. Vine
Study the meaning of biblical words in the original languages without spending years learning Greek. W. E. Vine’s New Testament Word Pictures places every key word from Vine’s classic Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words in the Bible book and verseby-verse order. The text of the King James Version of the Bible is included for context, but W. E. Vine’s New Testament Word Pictures is keyed to the Strong’s numbering system and can be used with any Bible translation. Thomas Nelson. Coming in July.
According to the Epistle to the Hebrews, Christians are always to be on the move. Christians are to go voluntarily into a kind of exile and to become strangers and sojourners on this earth while doing God’s will “outside the gate” of the mainstream society. Inspired by Hebrews 13:12-14, Bishop Sano examines this theme and its meaning for the original audience and Christians today. Each chapter is divided into three major parts based on the original meaning of Hebrews, an application section with discussion questions, and activities for the group. Abingdon Press.
9780718036898 9780718036911
Matthew to Acts $24.99; $17.99 Romans to Revelation $24.99; $17.99
FG155610001ND034.indd 35
$9.99; $6.69
Shop the online catalog at
3/13/15 2:07 PM
Biblical Studies
Over 1400 churches are experiencing Covenant Here’s what they are saying… “I’ve already seen…relationships across the typical dividing lines…I’ve also seen some cool intergenerational relationships. It’s connecting people who previously had no connection beyond Sunday morning service.” —Fuquay-Varina UMC, North Carolina “They (participants) see that there’s something amazing and fun happening as they’re learning about the Bible. It’s the transformation they’re seeing in their friends and they want to come figure out what is so interesting.” —Carson UMC, Carson, Iowa “It has encouraged people who haven’t been in Bible study in a long’s brought people’s been a welcomed change.” —Athens First UMC, Athens, Georgia
8+ E SS
The Covenant experience will guide participants in a comprehensive, in-depth study of the whole Bible over 24 weeks in three 8-week modules.
Each session includes a thought-provoking video conversation between biblical scholars that serves as an impetus for further discussion and contemplation among the group members. These conversations serve as a model for the kind of learning and sharing that is central to Covenant Bible Study; the belief that it is through conversation together—through community—that we can best discover the Bible’s transformative power. Covenant represents a relationship—a living, breathing conversation. And we invite you to join it. Abingdon Press.
FG155610001ND036.indd 36
Community Resource Consultants
3/16/15 8:15 AM
Participant Guides (Set of 3)
Broken into three 8-week modules, each dealing with a different aspect of what covenant means: Creating; Living; Trusting. Includes one Leader Guide, three Participant Guides, Covenant Meditations, and three DVDs with Implementation Guide. 9781426772269 Kit $234.99
Includes a Creating, Living, and Trusting Participant Guide. Each guide shows what to read and offers space to interact personally with the daily Bible readings, the prayers, and the weekly covenant meditations. Order one per participant. 9781426772153 Participant Guide Set $49.99
DVDs (Set of 3)
Also available individually and in large-print editions:
Comes with eight pages of episode summaries and three DVDs, one for each module—Creating, Living and Trusting. Cohosts for the 24 sessions are Shane Stanford and Christine Chakoian. 9781426786785 DVD Set $179.99
Leader Guide Contains comprehensive and detailed direction for each meeting experience plus leader helps. 9781426772238 Book $24.99
For more information, contact your Cokesbury Community Resource Consultant or visit
Regular Print 9781426772160 9781426772177 9781426772184 Large Print 9781630886257 9781630886264 9781630886271
Each $19.99 Creating Participant Guide Living Participant Guide Trusting Participant Guide Each $22.99 Creating Participant Guide Living Participant Guide Trusting Participant Guide
Meditations In addition to the once-weekly meditation in the Participant Guides (on Day Six), a set of 66 additional Covenant Meditations is included in this book. 9781426772207 Book $9.99
Additional videos, downloads, and applications are available on the website. FG15
FG155610001ND036.indd 37
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3/16/15 8:15 AM
Biblical Studies Unusual Gospel for Unusual People Studies from the Book of John Adam Thomas
4+ S
Learn the good news of Jesus from John’s unusual perspective and how he speaks to contemporary Christians, calling us to respond in our lives—leading to healing, new life, and mission. This series blends traditional Sunday school with modern, daily digital content (available via subscription—more information at, keeping readers connected throughout the week. Participants immerse themselves in the Good News. Flexible format—each title is 4 sessions; buy two titles for 8 sessions; all three titles for 12 sessions. Abingdon Press.
9781426774027 9781426776007 9781426776014 9781426776830 9781426784620 9781426784613 9781426784637 9781426784644 9781426784668 9781426784651 9781426784675 9781426784682
Unusual Healings Leader Guide $9.99 Unusual Healings Personal Reflection Guide $7.99 Unusual Healings DVD (5–7 minutes per session) $19.99; $15.99 Unusual Healings Email Subscription $1.99 Unusual Questions Leader Guide $9.99 Unusual Questions Personal Reflection Guide $7.99 Unusual Questions DVD (5–7 minutes per session) $19.99; $15.99 Unusual Questions Email Subscription $1.99 Unusual Names Leader Guide $9.99 Unusual Names Personal Reflection Guide $7.99 Unusual Names DVD (5–7 minutes per session) $19.99; $15.99 Unusual Names Email Subscription $1.99
Email subscriptions available on
The Bible and Your Work Study Series Theology of Work Project The Theology of Work Project is a group of renowned thinkers, academics, and business leaders who help people explore the Christian perspective on work. Each 8-week study delves into what the Bible says about faith and work. Chapters include three 30-minute practical lessons, complete with Scripture references and thought-provoking questions, perfectly suited to a workplace lunch-hour study group, a church group of workers interested in living out their faith Monday through Friday, or as a personal pre-work devotion. Hendrickson Publishers.
Participant Book; Each, $9.95; $7.16 9781619705142 Genesis 1–11 9781619706231 Genesis 12–33 9781619706620 Provision and Wealth 9781619706354 Ruth 9781619705241 Proverbs
FG155610001ND038.indd 38
9781619706347 9781619705159 9781619706224 9781619705166 9781619705173 9781619706248
Community Resource Consultants
Matthew Luke 1 Corinthians Philippians James Revelation
3/13/15 2:11 PM
Disciple Short-Term Bible Studies
Immersion Bible Studies
These life-changing courses are ideal for busy people who are unable to commit to longer studies. Focuses on smaller Bible sections, or single books of the Bible. Appeal to more participants with more frequent offerings! These studies embody the same trusted scholarship as the Disciple foundational studies and include the same core activities: independent reading, weekly small groups, and video presentations by scholars.
Inspired by a fresh translation—the Common English Bible—this series stands firmly on Scripture and helps readers explore the emotional, spiritual, and intellectual needs of their personal faith. More importantly, they’ll be able to discover God’s revelation through readings and reflections. Each volume offers suggestions for leading a group and questions to facilitate class discussion.
For details on these studies, see
Journey Through the Bible
Genesis to Revelation Series
Study the Bible book by book using the NRSV. Each 13-session volume: • Highlights pivotal points in the Scripture • Lifts up the Bible’s most significant stories, events and people, describing historical and cultural settings • Includes the original language and what the passage meant for its first readers • Gives insight into possible life applications • Maps out a daily plan for reading the Bible, verse by verse.
This comprehensive, verse-by-verse, book-by-book study of the Bible uses a three-dimensional approach: 1. Students answer the question, “What does the Bible say?” 2. The meaning of the passage is made clear by considering such aspects as ancient customs, locations of places, and the meanings of words 3. Students connect the meaning of the Scripture with their own lives. Each 13-session volume is based on the NIV translation.
FG155610001ND038.indd 39
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3/13/15 2:11 PM
C. S. Lewis
new S
E SS N S Discussing Mere Christianity IO Exploring the History, Meaning, and Relevance of C. S. Lewis’s Greatest Book Devin Brown (Study guide and DVD with Study Guide); Eric Metaxas (DVD)
About the book
In this 8-session video group study, you will discover why Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis is one of the most read and beloved Christian books of all time. But over seventy years after it was first delivered on radio, what relevance does it have to our world today? DVD Host Eric Metaxas and a variety of Christian leaders, including Devin Brown, help us understand the timeless message of C. S. Lewis in fresh ways for a new generation.
Aims to fulfill the vision of C. S. Lewis of reaching people from all faith backgrounds.
Metaxas and other speakers will help you explore the positive ideas that C. S. Lewis has so eloquently written about in Mere Christianity for those who already call themselves Christian. This video study also explains in an engaging, winsome and nonthreatening way the basic tenants of the Christian faith as illustrated by C. S. Lewis to those who do not claim to be Christian.
other studies by Devin Brown
Zondervan Publishing. Coming in June. Study Guide $12.99; $9.35 9780310699842 DVD $39.99; $31.99 9780310699859 DVD with Study Guide $49.99; $35.99 9780310699873
kit participant
kit dvd
participant DVD withleader book
book dvd
Study Guidebook preview also available
leader sh fla preview
book devo tional
sh fla
devo tional
what you’ll need
new Bringing Narnia Home Lessons from the Other Side of the Wardrobe Devin Brown On the other side of the wardrobe, C. S. Lewis took us to a land of giants, dwarfs, white witches and, of course, a lion. His delightful stories of high adventure are the framework around which Lewis wove lessons of lion-sized relevance for Christians and non-Christians alike. Bringing Narnia Home, by noted Lewis scholar Devin Brown, is a wise and whimsical look at the important values taught in the Narnia series. It’s the perfect book for the Narnian in each of us, and a great choice for book groups, church groups, and high school studies. Abingdon Press. 9781426791628 9781501800030
FG155610001ND040.indd 40
$12.99; $8.70 $24.99; $16.74
Book Hardcover
Community Resource Consultants
3/13/15 2:15 PM
Reading Groups
Be My Valentino A Jessie Stanton Novel, Book 2 Sandra D. Bricker
Beyond the Cherokee Trail Lisa Carter
Now that the whole truth has come out about her husband’s double life, Jessie is standing on her own for the first time in her life. As she struggles to put her rental store for designer labels on the map, her relationship with private investigator Danny Callahan gains momentum. When she dresses a reluctant Danny in Valentino for work at a formal affair, it’s him rather than her store that captures Hollywood’s notice. Will his popularity thwart her efforts to grow her business? Or worse, can Jessie afford to put her faith— and heart—into another relationship when she’s so obviously handicapped in the good judgment department? Abingdon Press. Coming in August.
When Linden Birchfield arrives in the Snowbird Cherokee community to organize the 180th commemoration of the Trail of Tears, she must rely on her faith to deal with arrogant former Army sniper Walker Crowe. A descendant of the Cherokee who evaded deportation by hiding in the mountains, Walker is bitter about the treatment of his people and less than gung-ho about the festival. Despite their differences, they bond. But then an unseen enemy whose implacable hatred can be traced to that dark chapter in America’s westward expansion threatens the modernday inhabitants of tiny Cartridge Cove—and targets the Christian woman who has captured Walker’s heart. Abingdon Press. Coming in September.
9781426711619 9781501800573
9781426795466 9781501800580
Book $14.99; $10.04 Hardcover $24.99; $16.74
Twice Blessed Two Amish Christmas Stories Barbara Cameron
Miracle Drug Richard L. Mabry, M.D.
Her Sister’s Shadow is about Katie and Rosie Stoltzfus, two identical twins with very different personalities who work part-time in an Amish store and part-time at their own business raising and canning vegetables to sell. Rosie has always felt in her sister’s shadow, until an unexpected opportunity and a special man help her see her God-given uniqueness. In His Brother’s Keeper, Ben Fisher always trailed after his brother, Mark, who was more adventurous. When Mark becomes engaged to the woman they both love, Ben is jealous. Then a terrible accident puts Mark in a coma. Will Ben stoop to deceit and forsake his faith to get what he thinks is his heart’s desire? Abingdon Press. Coming in September. 9781630881115 9781501800658
Book $14.99; $10.04 Hardcover $24.99; $16.74
Book $14.99; $10.04 Hardcover $24.99; $16.74
The infection wasn’t supposed to happen, but it did. The treatment was supposed to take care of it, but it didn’t. Then Dr. Josh Pearson discovers why—his patients have been dosed with a different strain of the virus, one that is universally fatal. The only chance for survival is treatment with an experimental drug. As if treating the President of the United States isn’t stressful enough, the situation goes from bad to worse when Rachel Moore, a nurse Josh is falling in love with, falls ill. With the nation’s eyes on him—and with God’s help—Josh must pull off a miracle to save a man who holds a good deal of power and the woman who holds his heart. Abingdon Press. Coming in September. 9781630881184 9781501800665
Book $14.99; $10.04 Hardcover $24.99; $16.74
The Fruitcake Murders Ace Collins
Another Way Home A Chicory Inn Novel Deborah Raney
As Christmas 1946 draws near, 30-something Marine officer-turned-homicide detective Lane Walker has his hands full. Three men with seemingly no relationship to each other have been murdered, including the powerful District Attorney. All were killed by 20-year-old unopened fruitcake tins from a company no longer in business. While some foods may be to die for, fruitcake isn’t one of them! Then along comes the determined and feisty Betsy Clayton, a political reporter, who gets in the way. Employing witty dialogue, historical accuracy, and characters with spiritual sensibilities, The Fruitcake Murders offers equal parts murder, mystery, and mayhem in a perplexing whodunit set in the days just after World War II. Abingdon Press. Coming in October.
Sometimes God’s ways are not at all what we expect...and exactly what we need. Grant and Audrey are adding grandchildren to their family left and right, but middle daughter, Danae, and her husband have been trying for years with no luck. Though Danae is ready to consider adoption, Dallas won’t discuss it. Despairing of ever having a family of her own, Danae decides to pour her passion and energies into volunteer work with a newly opened women’s shelter in town. She’s finally learning to live her life with gratitude, but then heart-wrenching events on Thanksgiving weekend threaten to pull the entire Whitman clan into turmoil—and leave them all forever changed. Abingdon Press. Coming in October.
9781426771897 9781501807152
9781426770456 9781501807305
Book $14.99; $10.04 Hardcover $24.99; $16.74
FG155610001ND040.indd 41
Book $14.99; $10.04 Hardcover $24.99; $16.74
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3/13/15 2:15 PM
Conversation Starters
#Stolen Is Social Media Stealing Your Identity? Jessica Fralin
Tattered and Mended The Art of Healing the Wounded Soul Cynthia Ruchti
In #Stolen, author Jessica Fralin uncovers our deep desire to be affirmed, valued, and loved and then points to the only place where that desire can be filled: in Christ not social media. She offers creative #FunFact, #GiveItATry, and #WhatDoYouThink callouts containing fun notes, activities, and ideas to discuss with your youth group and friends. As she tackles the issues and insecurities like popularity, body image, and cyberbullying, Jessica shows you how to find your identity in the one voice that really matters, not the million of voices online. Abingdon Press. Coming in August.
Glow-in-the-dark hope. That’s how author and broadcaster Cynthia Ruchti describes how God meets us in the depths of our despair with the promise of transformation. What an illuminating image! Using some of the most important, soul-mending topics from her radio shows, Ruchti offers time-tested wisdom in her newest book, Tattered and Mended. She helps us realize that we don’t have to resign ourselves to lives of brokenness or continue to pretend that all is well. Even wounds we fear are damaged beyond repair can be healed through Christ who takes our ragged edges and missing pieces and mends us into something both whole and beautiful. Abingdon Press. Coming in July. 9781426787690 9781501800474
9781426789069 9781501800559
Book $15.99; $10.71 Hardcover $24.99; $16.74
Gifts of the Dark Wood Seven Blessings for Soulful Skeptics (And Other Wanderers) Eric Elnes
Broken Restoring Trust between the Sacred and the Secular Gregory Fromholz
Have you left the faith but don’t know what to move toward? Do you feel lost and alone? Welcome to the Dark Wood. Writing with the heart of a mystic, the soul of a poet, and the mind of a biblical scholar, Elnes demystifies the seven gifts bestowed in the Dark Wood: uncertainty, emptiness, being thunderstruck, getting lost, temptation, disappearing, and the gift of misfits. For anyone who feels awkward in the search for God, seeks to find holiness amid their holy mess, and prefers practicality to piety. Abingdon Press. Coming in September.
The growing disconnect between the instructions of Jesus and the actions of his followers has caused a rift. Instead of reaching out beyond our walls, we hold tight to traditions that seem outdated. Instead of exploring other faith perspectives, we judge secular society. This book is a call to restore the trust that we have lost in our relationships with each other and with God. cover not final Expounding on stories from the Bible, history, culture, and his own experiences, Fromholz explores the source of the disconnect and provides a blueprint for reconnection. Abingdon Press. Coming in August. 9781426796357 9781501808272
Book Hardcover
$16.99; $11.38 $24.99; $16.74
9781426794131 9781501808289
Most Christians pray, but do we pray like Jesus taught us? What do we really know about the prayer life of Jesus and how it shaped his time with the Father and his relationship with us? Studying these prayers reminds us of the personal and profound nature of the Trinity, shows us God’s great love for his people, allows us to marvel at the magnitude of Jesus’ sacrifice, and helps us prayerfully communicate with our God. Abingdon Press. Coming in October.
Hidden Inheritance takes the reader on a journey that seamlessly weaves personal narrative, social history, and biblical reflection to challenge readers to explore their own identity, vocation, and theology. Neumark boldly calls readers to explore the harsh places of the past, uncover the possible buried secrets, ask new questions, forge new understanding, and discover new hope for transformation that is only possible when what has been hidden is finally brought to light. Abingdon Press. Coming in October.
FG155610001ND042.indd 42
$16.99; $11.38 $24.99; $16.74
What the Prayers of Jesus Tell Us About the Heart of God Shane Stanford
Hidden Inheritance Family Secrets, Memory, and Faith Heidi B. Neumark
Book Hardcover
Book Hardcover
9781630881245 9781501808319
Book $15.99; $10.71 Hardcover $24.99; $16.74
9781426774256 9781501808340
$19.99; $13.39 $24.99; $16.74
Book Hardcover
Community Resource Consultants
$15.99; $10.71 $24.99; $16.74
3/13/15 2:39 PM
Go Set a Watchman Harper Lee
Short Stories by Jesus The Enigmatic Parables of a Controversial Rabbi Amy-Jill Levine In this wise, entertaining, and educational book, Amy-Jill Levine offers a fresh, timely reinterpretation of Jesus’ narratives. In Short Stories by Jesus, she analyzes these “problems with parables,” taking readers back in time to understand how their original Jewish audience understood them. Levine reveals the parables’ connections to first-century economic and agricultural life, social customs and morality, Jewish Scriptures and Roman culture. HarperOne. Coming in September.
An historic literary event: the publication of a newly discovered novel, the earliest known work from Harper Lee, the beloved, bestselling author of the Pulitzer Prize-winning classic, To Kill a Mockingbird. Returning home to Maycomb to visit her father, Jean Louise Finch—Scout—struggles with issues both personal and political, involving Atticus, society, and the small Alabama town that shaped her. Exploring how the characters from To Kill a Mockingbird are adjusting to the turbulent events transforming mid-1950s America, Go Set a Watchman casts a fascinating new light on Harper Lee’s enduring classic. Moving, funny and compelling, it stands as a magnificent novel in its own right. HarperCollins. Coming in July. 9780062409850
$25.99; $18.71
new Hostile Environment Understanding and Responding to AntiChristian Bias George Yancey In our heated cultural environment, comments like this are increasingly common. Sometimes Christians are too quick to claim that they are being persecuted. But Christians aren’t just being paranoid or alarmist. Anti-Christian hostility is real. Sociologist George Yancey explores the phenomenon of Christianophobia, an intense animosity against Christians and the Christian faith. In this truthful yet hope-filled treatise, Yancey shows how Christians can respond more constructively, defusing tensions and working toward the common good. InterVarsity Press. Coming in June. 9780830844227
$16.00; $11.52
What We Need Is Here Practicing the Heart of Christian Spirituality L. Roger Owens For those searching for an authentic faith, Roger Owens shows that in Jesus, God has already given us all we need to live and flourish. He calls readers to return to basic Christian practices that build and sustain their relationship with God. Owens explores seven fundamentals of Christian spirituality: reading the Gospels, praying the Psalms, befriending silence, finding Jesus in church, meeting Jesus through Holy Communion, embodying our spirituality, and being with the poor. His book is a thoughtful, engaging treatment of practices essential to growth as a disciple of Jesus Christ. Ideal for individual or smallgroup study. Upper Room. Coming in November. $13.99; $10.07
One Day I Wrote Back Interacting with Scripture Through Creative Writing Jane Herring Throughout her life, Jane Herring struggled to hear what Scripture had to say to her. She began wondering if the Bible was either too complicated a book to read in a meaningful way or too puzzling to actually mean anything at all. It was only when she started speaking back to Scripture—putting pen to paper to write poetry, lists, stories, and letters—that Herring’s relationship with the Bible began to unfold. Filled with down-toearth stories, One Day I Wrote Back offers insight and perspective on Scripture passages. Herring invites readers to use faith, reason, and imagination as they write in response to each week’s Scripture. Upper Room. 9780835813754
FG155610001ND042.indd 43
$11.99; $8.39
$27.99; $20.15
Wearing God An Exercise in Enriching Our Spiritual Imagination Lauren F. Winner There are hundreds of metaphors for God, but the church only uses a few familiar images: creator, judge, savior, father. Winner gathers a number of lesser-known tropes, reflecting on how they work biblically and culturally, and reveals how they can deepen our spiritual lives. Exploring the notion of God as clothing, Winner reflects on how we are “clothed with Christ” or how “God fits us like a garment.” She then analyzes how clothing functions culturally to shape our ideals and identify our community, and ruminates on how this new metaphor can function to create new possibilities for our lives. HarperCollins. 9780061768125
Shop the online catalog at
$24.99; $17.99
3/13/15 2:39 PM
Youth Small Group Studies
Grapple Jr. High Series Tackling Tough Questions About God, Others, and Me
The Five Marks of Mission and what it means to be a disciple of Christ will be a focus of this new version, which also models student-centered learning as opposed to teacher-driven instruction. For teen study and confirmation preparation, this book can serve as a curriculum for helping teens discover Scripture, church history, sacraments, the meaning and practice of prayer, and what ministry means in the lives of real teens today. A framework for small-group gatherings for each chapter is included as a new section in the back of the book. Morehouse Publishing.
9780819229649 9780819229625
Each 9780764475504 9780764475511 9780764475528 9780764475481
Student Edition DVD Four 10–15 min. videos $26.99; $21.59 Children’s Curriculum $29.99; $23.99
9781426792830 9781426792823
Youth Study Book DVD [CC]
FG155610001ND044.indd 44
$9.99; $6.69 $39.99 $31.99
6 E SS
$9.99; $6.69 $39.99; $31.99
6 E SS
Once again, Adam Hamilton uses his captivating, storytelling talent to take you on a 6-week DVD journey through England tracing the life of John Wesley whose message and faith call for a revival of our hearts and souls. The Youth Study Book contains everything needed to conduct a six-week study and help youth ages 13-18 define what the Christian life looks like through the eyes of a Wesleyan Christian. Can be used with the adult-level DVD. Abingdon Press.
From the road to Damascus to the sundrenched lands of modern-day Greece and Turkey to a Roman prison, go with Adam Hamilton as he follows the journeys of Paul in this six-week DVD study about Christianity’s greatest teacher and missionary. The Call is a complete churchwide program with study components for adult, youth, and children ministries and can be tailored for any size group. Everything needed to conduct a six-session study of Paul’s travels and teachings geared to youth ages 13-18, including current examples. Can be used with the adult-level DVD. Abingdon Press. Coming in July. 9781630882686 9781630882679
$29.99; $21.59 Hope in a Hopeless World Powerful Words Smart Decisions Three Big Questions
Youth Study Book DVD [CC] Six 8–10 min. videos
Revival: Youth Study Faith as Wesley Lived It Adam Hamilton
The Call: Youth Study The Life and Message of the Apostle Paul Adam Hamilton
Who was Jesus, really? Wouldn’t associating with him have meant joining a rebel movement? Doesn’t it still? Mike Slaughter brings his edgy, powerful style to this all-church Lenten study that challenges believers to come to terms with the real Jesus—the rebel Jesus. The youth study is designed for parallel use with the adult and children’s studies. It communicates the challenging, revolutionary message of Jesus in terms that are meaningful for youth. Can be used with the adult-level DVD. Abingdon Press.
This powerful teaching will help students begin to identify dreams and future miracles they can draw prayer circles around. God, who still looks for circle makers whose bold prayers defy human convention and invoke divine intervention, is waiting for those prayers. Batterson not only teaches about big dreams and bold prayers, he lives it. With ancient stories like that of the Jewish rabbi Honi, as well as reflections on modern day miracles as a result of prayer, The Circle Maker will help students identify, discuss, and put into practice the dreams and future miracles they need to draw circles around. Zondervan. Coming in June. 9780310824435 9780310824732
Each 9780764475474 9780764475467 9780764475498 9780764475450
$29.99; $23.69 Finding God’s Best Get Yourself Committed Help Is on the Way Living, Loving, Leading (13 sessions)
Renegade Gospel: Youth Study The Rebel Jesus Mike Slaughter
The Circle Maker Praying Circles Around Your Biggest Dreams and Greatest Fears Mark Batterson
per study
Wherever your students are in their spiritual journey, they all have inquisitive minds and a need for Christ-centered biblical depth. Grapple will help them examine tough topics in meaningful ways so they understand and own their faith. Each week, they engage with memorable Bible passages and characters, grapple with issues that surface, and discover a path that leads them straight to Jesus. Each volume includes a CD and DVD. Group Publishing.
$14.00; $9.80 $20.00; $14.00
Leader Guide Book
12 E SS
My Faith, My Life A Teen’s Guide to the Episcopal Church Jenifer Gamber
9781426788680 9781426776823
Youth Study Book DVD [CC] Six 10–15 min. videos
Community Resource Consultants
$9.99; $6.69 $39.99; $31.99 FG15
3/13/15 2:54 PM
Student Bible
new The CEB Student Bible The CEB Student Bible is a Bible by and for young people that invites them into deeper forms of both personal holiness and social holiness and helps them make connections between the world of the Bible and their own world. It offers resources for engaging the text in personal and group study and embodies a commitment to taking young people seriously as Christian leaders now, not just in the future. It is a resource that helps young disciples of Jesus Christ as they transform the world. With the full text of the Bible in the Common English Bible translation, The CEB Student Bible is the most contemporary, readable, and reliable English translation of the Bible. It also includes the following features to help readers engage the Bible: • Introductions to each book of the Bible by leading biblical scholars give an overview of the book, key themes, tips for reading, and quick facts. • More than 400 articles by biblical scholars and a diverse group of youth ministers explore difficult topics and the things that are important to young people today. • Discussion questions, activities, and exercises for each book of the Bible by youth ministers for groups and small groups. Common English Bible. Coming in August. 9781609261795
$29.99; $20.99
See more CEB editions, including the award-winning CEB Study Bible for Adults, at
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3/18/15 11:03 AM
Coming Soon from Adam Hamilton
Join Adam Hamilton this Lent and Easter in exploring the major themes of the Gospel of John new
John The Gospel of Light Adam Hamilton
The Gospel of John is the most deeply spiritual of the four Gospels. It includes some of the loftiest and most-loved verses in all the Bible: “And the Word became flesh...,” “For God so loved the world...,” “You who are without sin cast the first stone...,” “I am the resurrection and the life...,” “I am the way, and the truth, and the life.” The writing is filled with rich images and profound truths, but John notes that his aim in writing the Gospel is that his readers will not only believe in Jesus Christ, but that they “may have life in his name.” Each chapter concludes with a segment of the Gospel of John from the CEB translation. The DVD features Adam Hamilton presenting the Gospel of John, using Scripture, story, and the teachings of Jesus for each of our lives. Each of the six sessions contain 8-10 minutes of video each and is perfect for both adult and youth classes. The Devotional functions beautifully on its own or as part of the churchwide experience. It offers 40 days of daily devotions—ideal for use during Lent—including Scripture, reflection, stories from Hamilton’s own ministry, and prayers. This Lent, join Adam Hamilton and experience a season of spiritual growth and life-changing renewal as you explore the major themes of John while reading the entire Gospel of John. Abingdon Press. Coming in December. Participant Book 9781501805332 9781501805356
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Hardcover $18.99; $12.72 Large Print, Paper $19.99; $13.39
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Community Resource Consultants
3/16/15 9:48 AM
Leader Guide 9781501805363
$12.99; $8.70
DVD [CC] 6 videos; 8-10 min. each 9781501805417 $39.99; $31.99
Author insights
This study on John, the Gospel of light, a study of spiritual growth and renewal, could change your life. Explore the major themes of the Gospel and as you read the book, read the entire Gospel of John, with excerpts of the CEB (Common English Bible) translation of the Gospel included after each chapter.
Youth Study (ages 13–18) Use with adult-level DVD 9781501805486 $9.99; $6.69
Children’s Leader Guide 9781501805509 $18.99; $12.72
40 Days of Devotions 9781501805387 $9.99; $6.69 9781501805400 Large Print $10.99; $7.36
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3/16/15 9:49 AM