Lent & Easter Planning Catalog

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PREPARE YOUR CHURCH Lent, Passion Week, Easter: Supplies, dĂŠcor, and more

PREPARE YOUR HEART Studies and devotionals that capture the reverence and celebration of the season


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wa s t h e d i s c i p l e

“whom Jesus loved” …and

so will you.

John is the most deeply spiritual of the four Gospels. He includes some of the loftiest and most loved verses in all the Bible. This study on John, the Gospel of light and life, a study of spiritual growth and renewal, could change your life. “As John explores the questions of the identity and meaning of Jesus, I invite you to do the same.” —Adam Hamilton


Adam Hamilton..........1–2

Affordable Gifts for Children..........20–21

Mike Slaughter..........3

Teaching & Family Activities..........22

Adult Studies..........4–8

Worship & Family Activities..........23

Discussion Starters..........9


Lent & Easter Studies Comparison Chart..........10–11


Devotions & Meditations..........12–16 Devotions & Gift Bibles..........17 Congregational Gifts..........18–19

Shop for all your Easter needs on Cokesbury.com.

Special Service Resources...........30–31 Communionware & Elements..........32 Communionware & Linens..........33 Communion Bulletins & Resources..........34–35

Baptism Resources & Certificates..........36–38 Baptism Mementos..........39 Confirmation Resources..........40 Confirmation Mementos..........41 Candles & Altarware..........42–43 Albs..........44 Stoles..........45 Paraments..........46–inside back cover Prices subject to change.





about the study Adam Hamilton’s six-week, churchwide, DVD-based study sheds light and brings John’s message of hope for the Lenten season. Explore the spiritual significance of Jesus’ life through John’s eyewitness and gain a fresh perspective on who Jesus is, and what it truly means to ‘have life in his name.’


Join Adam Hamilton this Lent & Easter in exploring the major themes of the Gospel of John NEW John The Gospel of Light and Life Adam Hamilton The Gospel of John is the most deeply spiritual of the four Gospels. This writing is filled with rich images and profound truths, but John notes that his aim in writing the Gospel is that readers will not only believe in Jesus Christ, but that they “may have life in his name.” This Lent, adults, youth, and children alike can experience a season of spiritual growth and life-changing renewal in Adam Hamilton’s six-week, DVD-based study, John: The Gospel of Light and Life. You’ll follow the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus through the Gospel of John and understand the context of some of the best-known verses in the New Testament. Everything you need to lead small groups of all ages is also available.


Abingdon Press. Coming in December. 9781501805332. Participant Book, Hardcover. $18.99; Cokesbury Price $12.72 9781501805356. Participant Book, Paper, Large Print. $19.99; Cokesbury Price $13.39 9781501805363. Leader Guide. $12.99; Cokesbury Price $8.70 9781501805417. DVD. [CC] Six videos, 8–10 min each. $39.99; Cokesbury Price $31.99 9781501805486. Youth Study Book. $9.99; Cokesbury Price $6.69 9781501805509. Children’s Leader Guide. $18.99; Cokesbury Price $12.72 9781501817519. Leader Kit (Book, Leader Guide, DVD, Youth Study Book, & Children’s Leader Guide). $100.95; Cokesbury Price $69.99

kit dvd



kit includes: LE16


leader leader leader participant Children’s and

participant kit kit participant participant kit book book dvd


book preview preview preview


book book book Youth sh resources shash also devo devo fla fl fladevo tional tional preview included intional kit

what you’ll need 1

ADAM HAMILTON The third volume in Adam Hamilton’s Bible study trilogy on the life of Jesus. The Way Walking In the Footsteps of Jesus Adam Hamilton Travel with Adam Hamilton as he retraces the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. Fascinating video from his personal travels to the Holy Land give you a “first-person” experience while his biblical wisdom and historical knowledge provide thoughtful and insightful commentary. For personal or small-group study; especially fitting as part of a 40-day churchwide emphasis during Lent and Easter. The adult DVD can also be used with youth. 6 sessions plus bonus material that can be used for a seventh session.

Abingdon Press. 9781426793431. Large Print Paperback. $19.99; Cokesbury Price $13.39 9781426752513. Hardcover Book. $18.99; Cokesbury Price $12.72 9781426752537. DVD. [CC] 6 sessions; each 9–12 mins. $39.99; Cokesbury Price $31.99 9781426753954. Leader Guide. $12.99; Cokesbury Price $8.70 9781426752520. 40 Days of Reflection (devotional). $9.99; Cokesbury Price $6.69 9781426767333. The Way Audio Book (CD). $24.99; Cokesbury Price $16.74 9781426752551. Children’s Leader Guide (ages 3–12). $16.99; Cokesbury Price $11.38 9781426752544. Youth Study Edition (for ages 13–18). $8.99; Cokesbury Price $6.02

Sessions are available in streaming format, and may be accessed on Cokesbury.com any time after purchase.

Journey to the Cross Reflecting on 24 Hours That Changed the World Adam Hamilton These reflections build on 24 Hours That Changed the World with added historical and scriptural content. Through online videos and photographs from his visit to the Holy Land, Hamilton helps prepare your heart and mind for Easter. For individuals or groups. Abingdon Press. 9781426780615. Paperback. $9.99; Cokesbury Price $6.69 9781426793707. Large Print Paperback. $10.99; Cokesbury Price $7.36

24 Hours That Changed the World Adam Hamilton In this Lenten journey, Hamilton guides us through the last 24 hours of Jesus’ life, helping us experience and understand the significance of Jesus’ suffering and death like never before. Abingdon Press. 843504011673. Kit. $59.99; Cokesbury Price $47.99 (Hardcover Book, DVD, and 40 Days of Reflection devotional).

Also available: 9780687465552. Hardcover. $18.99; Cokesbury Price $12.72 9781426793424. Large Print Paperback. $19.99; Cokesbury Price $13.39 9781426770265. Paperback with DVD. $19.99; Cokesbury Price $15.99 9780687659708. DVD. 7 sessions; each 6–12 mins. $39.99; Cokesbury Price $31.99 9781426712074. Leader Guide. $11.99; Cokesbury Price $8.03 9781426714306. For Younger Children. $16.99; Cokesbury Price $11.38 9781426714313. For Older Children. $16.99; Cokesbury Price $11.38 9781426714320. For Youth. $8.99; Cokesbury Price $6.02 9781426714375. Spanish-Language Edition. $13.99; Cokesbury Price $9.37 9781426700316. 40 Days of Reflection. $9.99; Cokesbury Price $6.69


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Final Words From the Cross Adam Hamilton Explore Jesus’ final words from the cross. Each chapter includes the biblical account followed by a story written from the viewpoint of a witness at the cross. Abingdon Press. 9781426746802. Hardcover. $16.99; Cokesbury Price $11.38 9781426746833. DVD. 7 sessions; each 8–10 mins. $39.99; Cokesbury Price $31.99 9781426746840. Leader Guide. $11.99; Cokesbury Price $8.03



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author’s insights

We have dumbed down what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. Instead of being disciples who demonstrate an undiluted devotion to Jesus as Lord, we have domesticated and watered down Jesus’ true identity. We have turned faith into easy believe-ism.


Be a renegade for the true Jesus Renegade Gospel The Rebel Jesus Mike Slaughter


Who was Jesus, really? Wasn’t the central figure to the Christian faith a man who denied all preconceived notions about what God should look like? Wouldn’t associating with him have meant joining a rebel movement? Doesn’t it still? Renegade Gospel challenges believers to come to terms with the real Jesus— the rebel Jesus. The six-session program is ideal for an all-church experience and provides leader guides and materials for adult small groups, including a DVD that features author Mike Slaughter. Materials delivering the same message are supplied for youth and children’s studies as well. Abingdon Press. 9781426792793. Participant Book. $14.99; Cokesbury Price $10.04 9781501802799. Large Print Edition. $15.99; Cokesbury Price $10.71 9781426792816. Leader Guide. $11.99; Cokesbury Price $8.03 9781426792823. DVD. [CC] 6 sessions; each 8–10 mins. $39.99; Cokesbury Price $31.99 9781426792830. Youth Study. $9.99; Cokesbury Price $6.69 9781426792854. Children’s Leader Guide. $16.99; Cokesbury Price $11.38

Save space! Stream instead of store. *Sessions are available in streaming format, and may be accessed on Cokesbury.com any time after purchase.

kit dvd


kit participant participant kit book

book dvd dvd*

leader participantleader book preview

book preview

book sh fla

leader sh devo fla tional preview

what you’ll need Large Print Participant Book and Youth and Children’s resources also available LE16


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book devo tional


Explore the “I Am” sayings of Jesus The God We Can Know Exploring the “I Am” Sayings of Jesus Rob Fuquay In this 7-week study, your entire congregation will explore the “I am” sayings of Jesus found in the Gospel of John. One by one, Jesus’ statements grab our imagination, reveal more about his identity and purpose, and connect us to the God of Moses, who spoke the first “I am.” These significant, yet ordinary images (bread, light, shepherd, vine, and more) give us insightful ways to experience Jesus and point us to a God who wants to be known. The DVD, filmed on location in the Holy Land, allows you to travel with Rob Fuquay and see the places where Jesus stood and in what context he spoke each “I Am.” The book, DVD/study guide combo, and online support work together to provide a meaningful and transforming experience for your church. Perfect for Lent. Upper Room Books. 9780835813389. Book. $9.99; Cokesbury Price $6.99 9780835813624. DVD. $39.99; Cokesbury Price $31.99

What Wondrous Love Holy Week in Word and Art Thomas G. Long and others Holy Week and Easter come alive with commentaries by scholars and works of art by John August Swanson. The DVD has six commentaries plus art, each focused on familiar Scripture. The Study Guide depicts artwork from the DVD with discussion questions. Morehouse Publishing. 9781606741214. Discussion Guide. $5.50; Cokesbury Price $4.35 846863019090. DVD. $29.95; Cokesbury Price $23.96 4

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Meeting God in Mark Reflections for the Season of Lent Rowan Williams Explores the essential meaning and purpose of Mark’s Gospel for beginners who want to learn more, or for seasoned readers who want to see the Gospel in a fresh light. Written by the former Archbishop of Canterbury, the book’s focus on the Passion narrative makes it ideal for Lent. Includes questions for reflection, a reading guide, a prayer for each of the seven weeks of Lent. Westminster John Knox Press. 9780664260521. $12.00; Cokesbury Price $8.64

Forgiveness A Lenten Study Marjorie J. Thompson Forgiving others and humbly asking for forgiveness are central disciplines for all Christian believers. In six brief chapters, Thompson uses biblical examples and real-life situations to address questions about how, when, and why to forgive. Includes a study guide for individuals or groups. Westminster John Knox Press. 9780664259723. $12.00 Cokesbury Price $8.64



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Give It Up!

Blessed Is She

A 40-Day Journey with Jesus Jacob Armstrong

A Lenten Study for Adults Dottie Escobedo-Frank

Living Lent with Mary Tim Perry

Set aside your stress for a bit and refocus on God. Armstrong looks at the life of Jesus and gives insights on how you might respond to all the interruptions in your life, from a flat tire to a family crisis. He weaves together biblical and contemporary stories in these short, effective devotions that guide you to think about interruptions in a new way. Upper Room Books.

Things like social media and busy schedules monopolize our time, isolating us from God and the world around us. This seven-week Lenten study takes us on a journey of self-discovery, where we learn that the power of release brings great gain, including a stronger relationship with Christ. For individuals or small groups. Abingdon Press.

Drawing primarily from the Gospel of Luke, this book of devotions sketches a Lenten Mary—complex, inviting, strong—who teaches us about being disciples. Includes a meditation for each day of Lent, along with reflection questions. Morehouse Publishing.

9781426785962. $9.99; Cokesbury Price $6.69

9780819222336. $14.00; Cokesbury Price $9.80

9780835813471. $9.99; Cokesbury Price $6.99

Pray with the mind and heart of Jesus NEW Near the Cross A Lenten Journey of Prayer Kenneth H. Carter, Jr. Prayer nurtures our faith and encourages spiritual growth. This thematic Bible study calls individuals and small groups to a deeper life of prayer during the season of Lent. It guides readers to spiritual transformation and application of Bible study to everyday, practical life experience. By coming near the cross through prayer, we can know and imitate the heart of Christ. Each chapter offers questions for reflection and discussion, a brief prayer, and a focus for the week. For individuals or small groups. Abingdon Press. Coming in December. 9781501800917. Book. $9.99; Cokesbury Price $6.69 9781501804175. Large Print. $10.99; Cokesbury Price $7.36



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A six-week study of Mark 14–16 NEW Jesus Understanding His Death and Resurrection Kay Arthur and David Arthur This six-week, no-homework study explores the death and resurrection of Jesus to help readers understand why it matters to the world—and to them personally. Though many are familiar with the story of Easter, few have a clear understanding of the “why” behind the events that took place during the final days of Jesus on earth. Centered on chapters 14-16 in the Gospel of Mark, but pulling from other biblical sources, this study will help readers grab hold of the key truths that anchor their Christian faith. Six 40-minute sessions for individuals or small groups. Waterbrook Press. Coming in December. 9781601428042. $7.99; Cokesbury Price $5.75

Additional studies in this series also available. Contact us for details.

Pilgrim Road, Revised Edition

He Set His Face to Jerusalem

A Benedictine Journey Through Lent Albert Holtz, O.S.B.

A Lenten Study for Adults Richard B. Wilke

Written during a 15-country pilgrimage, Benedictine monk Albert Holtz developed St. Benedict’s inner spiritual journey themes. These meditations help contemporary spiritual seekers experience the journey of Lent in a positive manner. Morehouse Publishing.

Christians are called to reflect on and pray about where we set our faces day by day...in our relationships, in our choices, when we see the oppressed. Seven sessions with Scripture, a reading, questions, a prayer, and a weekly focus for individuals/groups. Abingdon Press.

9780819229816. $18.00 Cokesbury Price $12.60

9781426768934. $9.99 Cokesbury Price $6.69


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Give Up Something Bad for Lent A Lenten Study for Adults James W. Moore During Lent, many Christians give up something they enjoy as a sacrifice and spiritual discipline. Moore challenges you to take it further—give up something spiritually you’d be better off not doing. With group session guides and study questions. Abingdon Press. 9781426753695. $9.99; Cokesbury Price $6.69

A Place At The Table 40 Days of Solidarity with the Poor Chris Seay Challenges readers to eat like the poor for 40 days and donate the saved money to a charity that serves the poor. Short, daily chapters include Scripture, prayers, and more. Baker Book House. 9780801014512. Book. $13.99; Cokesbury Price $10.07 9780801014529. DVD. $19.99; Cokesbury Price $15.99



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Gospeled Lives Encounters with Jesus: A Lenten Study John Indermark What does it mean to be gospeled? Covers biblical characters who had an encounter with the living Christ. Their stories, with daily Scripture readings, prayers, and exercises, make an ideal Lenten study for individuals or groups. Upper Room Books. 9780835899710. $15.00; Cokesbury Price $10.50

The God Story Jacob Armstrong Follows the threads that run throughout the story of God’s people, leading finally to Jesus and the Resurrection. Uses classic storytelling components to help reveal your role in God’s story. Ideal for a Lenten series. Abingdon Press. 9781426773792. Daily Readings. $8.99; Cokesbury Price $6.02 9781426773754. Sermon Series Flash Drive. $34.99; Cokesbury Price $27.99

The Easter Experience What If What Happened Then Changes Everything Now? Brings to life Jesus’ Resurrection through dramatic storytelling and challenging teaching. Thomas Nelson. 9781418534004. Participant’s Guide. $9.99; Cokesbury Price $7.89 9781418533991. DVD. $39.99; Cokesbury Price $28.79 9781418534028. Devotional. $2.99

Additional study resources available. Contact us for details.

Times change, but the human condition remains the same NEW Life in the Psalms Contemporary Meaning in Ancient Texts, The Mowbray Lent Book 2016 Patrick Woodhouse The Psalms lie at the heart of Jewish and Christian worship. For thousands of years people have cried to God through the words of the Psalms. Yet much of the depth of their meaning is lost to us. This book helps modern readers find hope in these ancient texts by re-imagining their meanings for our times. Three introductory chapters are followed by reflections on 30 psalms, one for each weekday of Lent. Bloomsbury Continuum. Coming in January. 9781472923141. $17.95; Cokesbury Price $12.92



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ADULT STUDIES Discovering our new creation through God’s redeeming love NEW The Gift of New Creation A Lenten Study Based on the Revised Common Lectionary Thomas Ehrich The Gift of New Creation is based on the Revised Common Lectionary Scriptures for Church Year C, the third of a three-year cycle of Bible readings. The study includes commentary and reflection on readings from the Old Testament, the Gospels, and the Epistles. It offers the opportunity to explore these Bible readings in a seven-session study. It will help participants understand, appreciate, and engage in meaningful and life-changing spiritual practices and to offer gratitude for God’s salvation through Jesus Christ. Abingdon Press. Coming in December. 9781501801990. $9.99; Cokesbury Price $6.69 9781501804168. Large Print Edition. $10.99; Cokesbury Price $7.36

Listen Praying in a Noisy World Rueben P. Job A 40-day experience to deepen prayer practice for groups new to prayer or with busy lives. Abingdon Press. 9781426780745. Book. $14.99; Cokesbury Price $10.04 9781426781209. Leader Guide. $14.99; Cokesbury Price $10.04 9781426781216. DVD. [CC]; six sessions, approx. 10 minutes each. $39.99; Cokesbury Price $31.99 Streaming video sessions also available at Cokesbury.com. 8

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A World Worth Saving Lenten Spiritual Practices for Action George Hovaness Donigian Challenges us to grow in our prayer lives by praying about daily news reports, discovering the needs around us, and responding with love and compassion. Each chapter includes inspirational hymn texts, spiritual growth exercises, and questions for reflection. Upper Room Books. 9780835812115. $14.00; Cokesbury Price $9.80

Parables and Passion Jesus’ Stories for the Days of Lent John Indermark

Converge Bible Studies: Christ the Lightgiver Clifton Stringer

Takes us into the lessons of the parables Jesus told in light of his betrayal and death on the cross. They take on a new significance and application in the lives of Christian believers. Contains weekly overviews, 5 daily readings, and leader’s guide for small-group study. Upper Room Books.

Clifton Stringer explores the story of the gospel from creation to the fall, then from the incarnation to the mystery of Jesus’ (and our) Passover to eternal life. Based on the Common English Bible. Includes questions for small groups, classes, or individuals. Abingdon Press.

9780835810050. $15.00 Cokesbury Price $10.50

9781501805875. $9.99 Cokesbury Price $6.69



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This Risen Existence The Spirit of Easter Paula Gooder Explore the Resurrection accounts in the Gospels and in Paul’s writings, as well as the Ascension and coming of the Spirit at Pentecost in Acts. Discover what resurrection tells us about life after death, the end times, and what it means to be a Christian. Fortress Press. 9781451498066. $14.00; Cokesbury Price $10.08

And the Angels Were Silent

Thank God It’s Thursday

Shadows, Darkness, and Dawn

The Final Week of Jesus Max Lucado

Encountering Jesus at the Lord’s Table As If for the Last Time William H. Willimon

A Lenten Journey with Jesus Thomas R. Steagald

You can tell a lot about a person by the way he dies. In the last week of his life, Jesus deliberately sets his face toward Jerusalem—and certain death. This is no ordinary week. Even the angels are silent as they ponder the final days of Jesus Christ. Thomas Nelson. 9780849947513. $15.99; Cokesbury Price $11.51

Thank God It’s Friday

Move with Jesus from the gathering of shadows during his temptation, to the terrifying darkness at Calvary, then into the hope of dawn on Easter morning. Six carefully chosen stories help readers examine their own shadows and the power of Christ’s regenerating love. Upper Room Books.

9780687464906. $15.99; Cokesbury Price $10.71

9780835810326. $15.00; Cokesbury Price $10.50

Focuses on Jesus’ teachings to his disciples prior to his death—before their own hour of decision. Abingdon Press. 9781426743375. $13.99; Cokesbury Price $4.90

Also available:

A new introduction to the rebel rabbi named Jesus. NEW What Every Christian Needs to Know About the Jewishness of Jesus A New Way of Seeing the Most Influential Rabbi in History Rabbi Evan Moffic Jesus wasn’t a Christian—he lived and died as a Jew. Understanding the Jewishness of Jesus is the secret to knowing him better and understanding his message in the twenty-first century.

What Every Christian Needs to Know about Passover What It Means and Why It Matters Rabbi Evan Moffic Popular speaker and writer Rabbi Evan Moffic brings an understanding to the Last Supper that will forever change how Christians celebrate Communion and prepare for Easter. Abingdon Press. 9781426791567. $16.99; Cokesbury Price $11.38 9781501800009. Hardcover. $24.99; Cokesbury Price $16.74


Walking through Jesus’ life from birth to death, Rabbi Evan Moffic serves as a tour guide to give Christians a new way to look at familiar teachings and practices that are rooted in the Jewish faith and can illuminate our lives today. Moffic gives fresh insight on how Jesus’ contemporaries understood him, explores how Jesus’ Jewishness shaped him, and provides renewed appreciation for Jesus’ miracles. Abingdon Press. Coming in February. 9781426791581. $16.99; Cokesbury Price $11.38 9781501816420. Hardcover. $24.99; Cokesbury Price $16.74


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24 Hours That Changed the World

The Way: Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus

Final Words from the Cross

Renegade Gospel: The Rebel Jesus

Meeting God in Mark: The God We Can Reflections for the Know: Exploring the Season of Lent “I Am” Sayings of Jesus


Adam Hamilton

Adam Hamilton

Adam Hamilton

Adam Hamilton

Mike Slaughter

Rowan Williams

Rob Fuquay


Churchwide/ Small Group

Churchwide/ Small Group

Churchwide/ Small Group

Adult Individual/ Small Group

Churchwide/ Small Group

Adult Individual/ Small Group

Churchwide/ Small Group


The Gospel of John includes some of the loftiest and most-loved verses in all the Bible. Join Adam Hamilton and experience a season of spiritual growth and life-changing renewal as you read the entire Gospel of John, exploring its major themes.

Participants will travel with Adam Hamilton through the last 24 hours of Jesus’ life from the Last Supper to Gethsemane, to the trial and to the Crucifixion.

Travel again with Adam Hamilton as he retraces the life and ministry of Jesus Christ in this 40-day study using historical information, archaeological data, and stories of the faith. Use during Lent and Easter or anytime of the year.

Explore Jesus’ final words from the cross. Each chapter includes the biblical account followed by a story written from the viewpoint of a witness at the cross.

A multi-component, all-church sermon series and study featuring pastor and author Mike Slaughter bringing his edgy, powerful style to bear on the topic of coming to terms with the real Jesus, the rebel Jesus. Perfect for Lent and Easter.

Explores the essential meaning and purpose of Mark’s Gospel. The book’s focus on the Passion narrative makes it ideal for Lent. Includes questions for reflection, a reading guide, and a prayer for each of the seven weeks of Lent.

Your entire congregation can explore the “I am” sayings of Jesus found in the Gospel of John. This series will help you find and form an answer to the most essential question in the Christian faith, “Who do you say I am?” The DVD is filmed on location in the Holy Land.

# Sessions

6 Sessions


John: The Gospel of Light and Life

__ Hardcover Book. Separate 9781501805332. components $18.99; $12.72 or included __ Leader Guide. features 9781501805363. $12.99; $8.70 __ DVD. [CC] Videos are 8–10-min. each. 9781501805417. $39.99; $31.99 __ Youth Study Book. Ages 13–18. Use with adult-level DVD. 9781501805486. $9.99; $6.69 __ Children’s Leader Guide. Ages 3–12. 9781501805509. $18.99; $12.72 __ Leader Kit. Contains one each of above. 9781501817519. $100.95; $69.99 __ Large Print Book. 9781501805356. $19.99; $13.39

See the inside front cover & page 1 for more details.


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7 Sessions

6–7 Sessions

6–7 Sessions

6 Sessions

7 Sessions

7 Sessions

__ Hardcover Book. 9780687465552. $18.99; $12.72 __ DVD. Videos are 6–12-min. each. 980687659708. $39.99; $31.99 __ Devotional: 40 Days of Reflection. 9781426700316. $9.99; $6.69 __ Kit. Contains one each of above. 843504011673. $59.99; $47.99 __ Leader Guide. 9781426712074. $11.99; $8.03 __ Large Print Book. 9781426793424. $19.99; $13.39 __ Paperback with DVD. 9781426770265. $19.99; $15.99 __ For Youth. 9781426714320. $8.99; $6.02 __ For Younger Children. Ages 4–8. 9781426714306. $16.99; $11.38 __ For Older Children Ages 9–12. 9781426714313. $16.99; $11.38

__ Hardcover Book. 9781426752513. $18.99; $12.72 __ Large Print Book. 9781426793431. $19.99; $13.39 __ 40 Days of Reflection Devotional. 9781426752520. $9.99; $6.69 __ Leader Guide. 9781426753954. $12.99; $8.70 __ DVD. [CC] Six 9–12 min. videos. 9781426752537. $39.99; $31.99 __ Audiobook CD. 9781426767333. $24.99; $16.74 __ Youth Study Book. Ages 13–18. 9781426752544. $8.99; $6.02 __ Children’s Leader Guide. Ages 3–12. 9781426752551. $16.99; $11.38

__ Hardcover Book. 9781426746802. $16.99; $11.38 __ DVD. Videos are 8–10-min. each. 9781426746833. $39.99; $31.99 __ Leader Guide. 9781426746840. $11.99; $8.03

_ Book. 9781426792793. $14.99; $10.04 __ Large Print Book. 9781501802799. $15.99; $10.71 __ Leader Guide. 9781426792816. $11.99; $8.03 __ DVD. [CC] Six 8–10 min. videos. 9781426792823. $39.99; $31.99 __ Youth Study Guide. 9781426792830. $9.99; $6.69 __ Children’s Leader Guide. 9781426792854. $16.99; $11.38

__ Book. 9780664260521. $12.00; $8.64

__ Book. 9780835813389. $9.99; $6.99 __ DVD. With Leader’s Guide. 9780835813624. $39.99; $31.99

See page 2 for more details.

See page 2 for more details.

See page 2 for more details.

See page 3 for more details.

See page 4 for more details.

See page 4 for more details.



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Pilgrim Road, Revised Edition: A Benedictine Journey Through Lent

NEW Jesus: Understanding His Death and Resurrection

NEW Life in the Psalms: Contemporary Meaning in Ancient Texts, The Mowbray Lent Book 2016

NEW The Gift of New Creation: A Lenten Study Based on the Revised Common Lectionary

Albert Holtz

Kay Arthur David Arthur

Patrick Woodhouse

Thomas Ehrich

Adult Individual/Small Adult Individual/Small Adult Individual/ Small Group Group Group

Adult Individual/ Small Group

Adult Individual/ Small Group

Adult Individual/ Small Group

Adult Individual/ Small Group


This Lenten study reflects on all the things that hold our attention, occupy our minds, and monopolize our time, yet still isolate us from God and the world around us. Takes us on a journey of self discovery, where we learn that the power of release brings great gain.

This thematic Bible study calls individuals and small groups to a deeper life of prayer during the season of Lent. Each chapter offers questions for reflection and discussion, a brief prayer, and a focus for the week. For individuals or small groups.

This 40-day study provides a chance for participants to set aside stress and refocus on God. Armstrong looks at the life of Jesus and gives insights on how to respond to all of life’s interruptions. The Scripture-based meditations guide readers to think about interruptions from various angles.

A revised edition of a classic Lenten devotional guide. Benedictine monk Holtz develops St. Benedict’s Lent-asinner-pilgrimage theme through meditations written during a 15-country pilgrimage, applying his wisdom to the everyday concerns and aspirations of modern Christians.

This six-week, nohomework study explores the death and resurrection of Jesus to help readers understand why it matters to the world—and to them personally. Centered on chapters 14–16 in the Gospel of Mark but pulls from other biblical sources.

Much of the depth of the Psalms’ meaning is lost to the modern reader. This book helps us find hope in these ancient texts. Three introductory chapters are followed by reflections on 30 psalms, one for each weekday of Lent.

This lectionarybased study includes commentary and reflection on readings from the Old Testament, the Gospels, and the Epistles. Participants will engage in meaningful and life-changing spiritual practices and offer gratitude for God’s salvation through Jesus Christ.

# Sessions

7 Sessions

7 Sessions

8 Sessions

6 Sessions

6 Sessions

6 sessions

7 sessions

__ Book. 9781501800917. $9.99; $6.69 __ Large Print Book. 9781501804175. $10.99; $7.36

__ Book. 9780835813471. $9.99; $6.99

__ Book. Includes questions for reflection. 9780819229816. $18.00; $12.60

__ Book. 9781601428042. $7.99; $5.75

__ Book. 9781472923141. $17.95; $12.92

__ Book. Includes commentary and reflection of readings from the Old Testament, the Gospels, and the Epistles. 9781501801990. $9.99; $6.69 __ Large Print Book. 9781501804168. $10.99; $7.36

See page 5 for more details.

See page 5 for more details.

See page 6 for more details.

See page 6 for more details.

See page 7 for more details.

See page 8 for more details.


Give It Up! A Lenten Study for Adults

NEW Near the Cross: A Lenten Journey of Prayer


Dottie EscobedoFrank

Kenneth H. Carter, Jr. Jacob Armstrong


Separate __ B ook. Includes questions for components reflection and or included discussion, a brief features prayer, and a focus for the week. 9781426785962. $9.99; $6.69

See page 5 for more details.

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Interruptions: A 40-Day Journey with Jesus

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LE165610001ND010.indd 11

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8/29/15 10:10 AM


NEW 40 Days of Decrease A Different Kind of Hunger. A Different Kind of Fast. Alicia Britt Chole What are you giving up for Lent? we are asked. Chocolate? Designer coffee? Social media? Forty days later, some feel disappointed in their efforts (it was a limited-time blend…), some feel surprised by their success (didn’t even miss it…), but perhaps precious few feel spiritually renewed. Can such fasts alone truly prepare us to celebrate Easter? What if you or your church fasted comparison? What if your family fasted accumulation? What if your office fasted gossip? 40 Days of Decrease guides readers through a study of Jesus’ uncommon and uncomfortable call to abandon the world’s illusions, embrace his kingdom’s reality, and journey cross-ward and beyond. Each daily entry includes a devotional, a reflection question to guide journaling or group discussion, a fast to inspire a tangible response, a thought-provoking Lenten quote, and a sidebar into the historical development of Lent. Thomas Nelson. Coming in January. 9780718076603. $14.99; Cokesbury Price $10.79

NEW Walking with Jesus through the Old Testament Devotions for Lent Paul Stroble Between Jerusalem amd Emmaus, the resurrected Jesus captivated two travelers. Considering this journey, Stroble imagines what Jesus would have said to his companions and guides readers along the way with 46 devotions. Westminster John Knox Press. Coming in January. 9780664261214. $15.00 12

LE165610001ND012.indd 12

Love Set Free Meditations on the Passion According to St. John Martin L. Smith This short book of meditations on the Passion according to Saint John shows how, in the Christian mystery, love itself must be crucified and die to be reborn as the grace of Communion...as love set free. Designed for use as lectio, suitable for Lent or Holy Week. Morehouse Publishing. 9780819228123. $10.00; Cokesbury Price $7.00

NEW All Shall Be Well Readings for Lent and Easter Michael Leach, James Keane, and Doris Goodnough, editors An anthology of 54 inspired readings from cherished writers, classical and contemporary, to enrich the Lenten season from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday and beyond. Orbis Books. Coming in November. 9781626981393. $16.00; Cokesbury Price $11.52

Stories of Jesus 40 Days of Prayer and Reflection Joseph F. Girzone A portrait of Our Lord in a day-by-day reflection format, based on the Gospel accounts of his life and teachings. Girzone introduces Jesus and his adult ministry, pausing to focus on the important people and events of Jesus’ world. Franciscan Media. 9781616366315. $14.99 Cokesbury Price $10.79



8/31/15 4:42 PM


Lent with Saint Augustine

Bread and Wine

Waldemar Turek

Readings for Lent and Easter Blaise Pascal, Dorothy L. Sayers, Wendell Berry, and others

Selected excerpts for each day of Lent from Augustine’s Confessions, with commentary that takes the cycle of liturgical readings into account. A prayerful aid for living Lent spiritually, allowing you to experience the sacred while returning to the sources of faith to celebrate the death and resurrection of Christ. Liturgical Press. 9780814637609. $16.95 Cokesbury Price $12.20

These seventy meaningful, accessible devotions from the wealth of twenty centuries reflect on the true meaning of Lent and Easter. Ecumenical in scope, they represent the best classic and contemporary Christian writers. Plough Publishing House. 9780874869262. Hardcover. $24.00 Cokesbury Price $17.28

Finding Life Forty Days of Deeper Devotion through Lent Jane Rubietta Follow Rubietta on her daily journey through Lent as she traces the way that God the Son traverses with his people—a path that leads from exile and death to resurrection and life. Wesleyan Publishing House. 9780898278927. $12.99 Cokesbury Price $9.35

Stories to read aloud, year after year NEW Under the Fig Tree Visual Prayers and Poems for Lent Roger Hutchison Under the Fig Tree is a book of 46 drawings, photographs, and paintings inspired by Lenten themes, readings, and stories for each day of Lent and Holy Week. The images, like snapshots, are colorful, inspired, and rife with emotion. The reader receives an opportunity to reflect, slow down, and walk with Jesus as a friend and disciple, and to sit with Jesus under the fig tree and talk, listen, and glimpse the face and heart of authentic love. Morehouse Publishing. Coming in December. 9780819232076. $16.00; Cokesbury Price $11.20



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8/29/15 10:19 AM


Can 40 words change your life? NEW Pauses for Lent 40 Words for 40 Days Trevor Hudson In this beautifully minimalist book, Trevor Hudson focuses on 40 single words, one for each day of the season of Lent. Each brief meditation pairs the word for the day with a Scripture verse, brief insight, and a thought or action for the day. Each pause for Lent will refresh and challenge readers. Upper Room. 9780835815048. $8.99; Cokesbury Price $6.29

Resurrecting Easter Meditations for the Great 50 Days Kate Moorehead American Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus on one day and then return to ordinary time. But Christ appeared over and over again for forty days in resurrected form. This devotional offers short daily readings for the forgotten post-Easter season. Morehouse Publishing. 9780819228482. $16.00 Cokesbury Price $11.20 14

LE165610001ND014.indd 14

Lent with St. Francis

The Way of the Cross The Path to New Life Joan Chittister; art by Janet McKenzie When Joan Chittister heard that artist Janet McKenzie painted the fifteen stations of the cross, she was eager to write the accompanying text: her first book-length treatment of the stations. Her reflections provide a guide for all of us on how to overcome obstacles and direct our path to a life that is newly fulfilling. Orbis Books. 9781626980440. Hardcover. $25.00 Cokesbury Price $18.00

Daily Reflections Diane M. Houdek Lent calls us to turn away from sin and be faithful to the gospel. Few saints have done this more intentionally than St. Francis of Assisi. By pairing his words and deeds with Scripture readings for Lent, this book helps readers reflect on how they, too, can live the gospel in their daily lives. Franciscan Media. 9781616365240. $3.99

Lent for Everyone: Luke, Year C A Daily Devotional N. T. Wright In this inspirational guide through the Lenten season, N. T. Wright provides his own Scripture translation, brief reflection, and a prayer for each day of the season, helping readers ponder how the text is relevant to their own lives today. For individuals or groups. Westminster John Knox Press. 9780664238957. $15.00 Cokesbury Price $10.80



8/29/15 10:22 AM


Praises Abound

An Inner Journey to Easter

Wondrous Encounters

Hymns and Meditations for Lent and Easter Russell Schulz-Widmar, editor

A Lenten Devotional Anne Kathryn Killinger

Scripture for Lent Richard Rohr

These hymns and meditations are authentic and honest reflections of seminary students who studied under Dr. Schulz-Widmar and have since become priests, musicians, and educators throughout the church. Church Publishing.

Lent is a time of reflection and preparation, but too often we are so busy that it seems we go straight from New Year’s Day to Easter. Get prepared for Easter with a short prayer for each day of Lent, accompanied by the author’s thoughts and observations. Chalice Press.

Rohr’s meditations on the daily readings of Lent are designed to help transform us into our original “image and likeness,” which is the very image of God. What always and finally matters for all of us is “encounter.“ Franciscan Media.

9780898698671. $18.00 Cokesbury Price $12.60

9780827216419. Hardcover. $14.99 Cokesbury Price $11.84

9780867169874. $8.99 Cokesbury Price $6.47

A Season for the Spirit Readings for the Days of Lent Martin L. Smith Originally commissioned by the Archbishop of Canterbury in 1991, these 40 daily meditations, each with a prayer plus Scripture or quotation for further reflection and study, will help individuals and groups break through to a deeper experience of prayer this Lent. Seabury Books. 9781596280069. $20.00 Cokesbury Price $14.00

The practice of formal daily prayer for the Lenten season Eastertide Prayers for Lent Through Easter from The Divine Hours Phyllis Tickle In her acclaimed trilogy, The Divine Hours, Phyllis Tickle introduced modern Christians to the time-honored practice of “praying the hours.” In Eastertide, she provides a vibrant program of prayer dedicated to the anticipation of Christ’s resurrection. Beginning with Ash Wednesday, Eastertide provides the daily prayers that bring practitioners into the full spirit of this season. Each day is filled with psalms, readings from the Bible, and hymns of praise and worship. Doubleday Religion (Random House). 9780385511285. $19.00; Cokesbury Price $16.91

Also available:

COKESBURY EXCLUSIVE The Divine Hours Collection Set Phyllis Tickle The 5-volume series, treasured for more than a decade, takes us through the year and the seasons of Easter and Advent. Now in an elegantly designed gift box. Collection set consists of: • Eastertide • Christmastide • The Divine Hours (Springtime) • The Divine Hours (Summertime) • The Divine Hours (Autumn and Wintertime)

Doubleday Religion (Random House). 540114. 5-Volume Set. $99.99; Cokesbury Price $49.99 LE16


LE165610001ND014.indd 15


8/29/15 10:22 AM


A Practical Christianity Meditations for the Season of Lent Jane Shaw This devotional book challenges readers to take up “practical Christianity”—proposing Christian faith as something we do, not something we merely believe in. Includes fiction, poetry, art, and music, with Scripture and theology. Morehouse Publishing. 9780819227768. $14.00 Cokesbury Price $9.80

Living Lent Meditations for These Forty Days Barbara Cawthorne Crafton Barbara Cawthorne Crafton turns to beautiful seasonal hymns for inspiration for daily meditations on faith, prayer, forgiveness, healing, and more during this great devotional season of the Christian Year. Morehouse Publishing. 9780819217561. $10.00 Cokesbury Price $7.00

A Clearing Season Reflections for Lent Sarah Parsons It’s time to rethink Lent, and see the positive opportunity it offers to pause, consider, and renew your relationship with God. Includes exercises for small groups, questions for individual reflection, and an appendix of spiritual practices for Lent. Upper Room Books. 9780835898171. $14.00; Cokesbury Price $9.80 16

LE165610001ND016.indd 16

Journeying through Lent with Mark Daily Meditations Gregory Weyrauch During Lent we reflect on the life, death, and resurrection of Christ and on our lives as followers. This guide includes meditations based on a passage from Mark’s Gospel with reflection questions and a prayer. Includes an optional group study guide. Augsburg Fortress. 9780806639505. $6.99

Gifts From Within

Lent with Evelyn Underhill

Women’s Meditations for Lent Women of Brigid’s Place

G. P. Mellick Belshaw, editor

This wide range of meditations invites women to spend Lent focusing on their uniqueness and on the gifts of their feminine spiritual nature. This collection points the way for women to recognize God’s love and to live as God directs. Morehouse Publishing.

A selection from Underhill’s enduring devotional writings, chosen for their pertinence to Lenten themes. Morehouse Publishing. 9780819214492. $14.00 Cokesbury Price $9.80

9780819218957. $14.00 Cokesbury Price $9.80



8/29/15 10:26 AM


The Faith-Sharing New Testament with Psalms: New Revised Standard Version Designed as an outreach tool, this NRSV version contains more than 25 questions and answers which provide a framework for learning about and witnessing one’s faith. Each question is confirmed by Scripture. Cokesbury. 9780687642793. $5.99

New Revised Standard Version Gift and Award Bible

Common English Bible Gift & Award

Features a presentation page, Bible helps section, dictionary/concordance, and color maps. Imprinting available. Cokesbury.

Ideal for confirmations, promotions, graduations, and more. Gift Bibles feature translation footnotes, in-text subject headings, and color maps from National Geographic.

Each, $17.99; Cokesbury Price $12.05 Simulated Leather Black Letter Edition. 9780687643486. Black. Simulated Leather Red Letter Edition. 9780687643288. Black. 9780687643189. Burgundy. 9780687643387. Blue.

Each, $10.99; Cokesbury Price $7.36 Imitation Leather Red Letter Editions. 9781609261429. Black. 9781609261436. Burgundy.

These little books will be your companion for forty days of Scripture reading and guided spiritual reflection—an ancient Christian practice. Each day begins with a reading from the Common English Bible and leads to a written record of your own thoughts and prayers. Each, $9.99; Cokesbury Price $6.69

NEW Forty Days of Generosity A Scripture Journal Deepen your relationship with God, the source and subject of all true generosity. 9781609261924.

NEW Forty Days of Hope A Scripture Journal Explore both the hope shown in the Scriptures and that which comes through committed Bible reading. 9781609261931.

Also available: Forty Days of Celebration. 9781609261825. Forty Days of Meditation. 9781609261818.



LE165610001ND016.indd 17


8/29/15 10:26 AM




Pkg. of 10

NEW The Sanctuary for Lent 2016 Sue Mink This convenient booklet contains one devotion for each of the forty days in Lent, plus Sundays, with a recommended Scripture reading, a Bible verse, an inspiring message, and an uplifting prayer. Easy-to-share size; fits in a standard business envelope.



Abingdon Press. Coming in December.

Pkg. of 10. Each

9781426799747. Package of 10, $9.99 5 Packages of 10, $44.99 10 Packages of 10, $79.99

Lent and Easter Booklets Each helpful, 16-page guide is an excellent way for children to prepare for and learn about the meaning, history, and traditions of Holy Week. Sold in packs of 10—great for group giving. Channing Bete.

About Holy Week. 538076. What You Should Know About Lent. 538088. About Easter. 538065.

Reach out to congregants, visitors, and invite members of the community to holiday services or other events including retreats, special services, mission programs, or any Sunday of the year.

Common English Bible Kit. Includes 50 CEB Common English Bible Outreach New Testaments, 50 door-hanger bags, and 56 customizable invitation cards. 9781609260958. $99.00; Cokesbury Price $39.99*

Also sold separately:

Common English Bible New Testament. Features 9-pt. type, 2-column setting with black letter text, devotionals, prayers, and a brief history of the Bible. 9781609260965. $1.99* * While supplies last.

Also available: 9781609260774. CEB Everyday Outreach Kit. $99.00; Cokesbury Price $39.99* 9781609260767. CEB Everyday Outreach New Testament. $1.99*



Pkg. of 30

NEW Gather, Share, Remember: Lent Poster 2016

• Everyday Outreach

Join artist and poet Roger Hutchison as he journeys through Lent, reflecting upon the Scriptures of Jesus’ life and death in color, texture, and word. Coming in December. 846863020461. Package of 30, $19.99* 18

LE165610001ND018.indd 18



8/29/15 10:38 AM

CONGREGATIONAL GIFTS NEW [A]–[C] “Journey to the Cross” Gifts Gifts with Scripture and an inspirational message. For ages 13+. Coming in January.



A. Bookmark with Rustic Nail.

B. Lapel Pin. ¾" gold-tone pin



5"H with rustic nail. 615122142431. 99¢


with card. 615122142486. $2.99


$ 99 Each

C. Pocket Coin. Pewter 1½" coin with card. 615122144428. $1.99



Pkg. of 15

NEW Love Life Live Lent Be the Change! Paula Gooder and Peter Babington



Contains two unique booklets—one for children, one for adults/youth—each offering 40 small, age-appropriate actions for each day of Lent to make the world a better place—locally, nationally, and globally. The adult/youth version also includes a Scripture quote and brief reflection for each day.


Pkg. of 25

“God Loves You” Pocket Cross Carry this in your pocket or purse as a reminder of God’s love. Includes a card with an inspirational poem.

Morehouse Publishing. Coming in December. 9780819232366. Single Package, $6.00; Cokesbury Price $4.20 9780819232403. Package of 15, $33.00; Cokesbury Price $23.99

788200567973. Package of 25, $12.99



LE165610001ND018.indd 19


8/29/15 10:38 AM






Pack of 24

The Shepherd, The Lamb Activity Book 16-page Easter activity book includes a maze, puzzles, and more! Perfect for Children’s Church, Sunday school Easter parties, car trips, or “wait” times. Theme Bible verse is John 1:29, Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! (ESV). For ages 7–11.


538132. Pack of 24, $16.80; Sale $4.25 While supplies last.



Sale Pack of 24

Gospel Easter Egg with Silicone Bracelet Each “Jesus Lives! Let’s Celebrate!” Gospel Easter Egg® contains a jelly silicone bracelet (one size fits most) and booklet. Theme verse is John 14:19. Assorted colors: yellow, green, blue, orange. For ages 3+. 538121. Pack of 24, $36.00; Sale $17.95 While supplies last.



Pack of 12


$ 99 Pack of 12

“Jesus Makes All Things New” Gifts Gifts feature the Scripture reference: Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. —2 Corinthians 5:17, NLT. .

Activity Book. 8 pages of gospel fun for little ones ages 3–6. 9781940088280. Pack of 12, $10.99

Goodie Bag. For ages 3 and up. 615122137994. Pack of 12, $5.99


LE165610001ND020.indd 20



8/29/15 10:42 AM




$ 49

$ 99


$ 99

Praying with My Fingers

Happy Easter Day

The Unexpected King

An Easy Way to Talk with God (Inspired by Pope Francis)

Daphna Flegal; illustrated by Dan Sharp

A Child’s Activity Book for Easter Daphna Flegal; illustrated by Joel Spector

Parents, grandparents, and preschool teachers will love this fun and colorful board book. Through simple and beautiful illustrations, Happy Easter Day introduces preschoolers to this very special holiday and the news that Jesus is alive! Abingdon Press.

Using their five fingers is a “handy” way to teach young children to say these simple prayers. Though this creative form of prayer has been around for a long time, it is often credited, especially today, to Pope Francis from when he was the Archbishop of Argentina. Regardless of its origins, it is a powerful way to teach our children to pray. Paraclete Press.

9781426751417. Board Book. $2.99; Cokesbury Price $1.49

9781612615257. Board Book. $7.99; Cokesbury Price $5.99

Hear stories of how Jesus did surprising and unexpected things in his life and ministry. Learn how Jesus turned the world upside down with his message of God’s love to all people—men, women, and children. Rejoice with the women at the empty tomb and hear the most unexpected story of all! Includes mazes, a coloring page, a word find, and a Holy Week calendar with stickers. Abingdon Press. 9781426794278. $1.99


$ 99

Affordably priced so you can give one to each child in your church

NEW From a Deep Blue Night to a Bright Morning Light A Child’s Activity Book for Easter Daphna Flegal; illustrated by Four Story Creative Join the kids from the Deep Blue Kids Bible as they tell the story of Jesus’ resurrection from the Gospel of John. Includes a maze, a dot-to-dot picture, picture match, and Holy Week calendar. Abingdon Press. Coming in December. 9781501806063. Book. $1.99

Great for the classroom or for kids and parents to read and watch together! Also available:

NEW From a Deep Blue Night to a Bright Morning Light An Easter Story Hardcover book version combined with a 12-minute video of the Easter story taken from the Deep Blue Kids curriculum! Abingdon Press. Coming in December. 9781501815027. Hardcover Book with DVD. $9.99; Cokesbury Price $6.69 LE16


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8/31/15 10:32 AM


Lenten Survival Guide for Kids

What We Do In Lent

What Is Lent?

Seasons of Faith

I Am Supposed to Do What?! Peter Celano

A Child’s Activity Book Anne E. Kitch; illustrated by Dorothy Thompson Perez

Preparing for Easter Marcia Stoner

Teaching the Christian Year Marcia Stoner

Part of an introductory series to the essential elements of worship, this worship tutor for kids ages 9–12 contains fun activities, puzzles, and games that teach the basic fundamentals of the season of Lent. Mini booklet fits inside a Bible or hymnal. Bonus: a free downloadable Teacher’s Guide. Abingdon Press.

Information, crafts, and activities for all ages enhance every holiday of the Christian Year. Abingdon Press.

Written for 7–11 year olds, this playful guide appeals to kids without talking down to them, challlenging them to learn and do more. It explores: What Lent Is, What Lent Definitely Is Not, 40 Days of Survival Tactics, and A Few Prayers and Practices—Only for Kids. Paraclete Press. 9781612615219. $7.99; Cokesbury Price $5.75

Fun Lenten activities for children ages 4–7 and their families: mazes, crossword puzzles, connect the dots, devotionals, and more. Suitable for any Christian denomination that follows the liturgical calendar. Four-page parent guide. Morehouse Publishing. 9780819222787. $10.00; Cokesbury Price $7.00

9781426708480. $3.99

“Bursting Forth with Praise” $15 Lent Coin Folder

“The Wounded Healer” $15 Lent Coin Folder

Dated by the days of the week, starting with Ash Wednesday and going through Holy Saturday, excluding Sundays. Holds $15 in quarters. Also features a “Special Offering” pocket for inserting currency or checks.

Dated by the days of the week, starting with Ash Wednesday and going through Holy Saturday, excluding Sundays. Holds $15 in quarters. Also features a “Special Offering” pocket for inserting currency or checks.

527393. Package of 50, $34.50 Cokesbury Price $17.00

745046. Package of 50, $34.50; 100 of same design, $62.00

9780687037360. $17.99; Cokesbury Price $12.05

Also available:

Symbols of Faith Teaching Images of the Christian Faith 9780687094752. $17.99; Cokesbury Price $12.05

Lent Offering Box Space for contributor’s name, address, and envelope number is provided on the back of the box. Approximate capacity $25.00. 346654. Package of 50, $13.50

While supplies last. 22

LE165610001ND022.indd 22



8/29/15 11:00 AM


The Lenten Tree Devotions for Children and Adults to Prepare for Christ’s Death and His Resurrection Dean Lambert Smith Contains 82 Lenten devotions and family activity suggestions (including an illustrated guide for creating a “Lenten tree”), prayers, memory verses, hymns and songs, and more. Abingdon Press. 9780687062799. Hardcover. $16.99; Cokesbury Price $11.38

Children’s Dramas for the Church Year Reproducible Dramas for Lent, Easter, and Pentecost Very simple Easter dramas can be performed by kids of all ages— younger children can perform with very little or no speaking, while older children will enjoy speaking and narration parts. Minimal props and rehearsal. Abingdon Press. 9781426778650. $9.99; Cokesbury Price $6.69

Rise Up With Jesus Easter Event for Families An hour-long family Easter outreach event centered on Luke 24:1-6 with fun, station-based games and activities like gathering puzzle pieces to solve the mystery of the empty tomb, plus an interactive drama. Kit contains Director Manual; Media Pack (with CD and Publicity & Resources CD-ROM); and Sample Pack. Group Publishing.

The Easter Garden A Lenten Experience for Children Daphna Flegal and Marcia Stoner Children of all ages explore the Bible story and the symbols of Holy Week, make symbols of Lent, prepare for a presentation of the story of Easter, and more. Abingdon Press. 9781426742965. Book with CD-ROM. $34.99; Cokesbury Price $27.99

9781470718787. Kit. $59.99; Cokesbury Price $43.19

Families will love to read these stories aloud together...year after year! Easter Stories Classic Tales for the Holy Season C. S. Lewis, Leo Tolstoy, Selma Lagerlöf, and others This collection of short stories sheds light on the deeper meaning of the season. Selected for their spiritual value and literary quality, these classic tales capture the spirit of Easter in a way that will captivate readers of all ages. Easter Stories includes time-honored favorites from world-famous storytellers as well as many you’ve never heard before. Illustrated with original woodcuts. Plough Publishing House. 9780874865981. $18.00; Cokesbury Price $12.96



LE165610001ND022.indd 23


8/29/15 11:00 AM


All you need to plan worship in one convenient place Worship in a Flash Everything You Need for Inviting and Inspiring Worship Worship leaders know how important it is to plan meaningful, engaging worship services. What they don’t always know is how they’re going to find the time in their busy week to pull everything together. Drawing on a vast library of prayers, calls to worship, litanies, benedictions, sermons, music, projection images, and other elements of worship, Worship in a Flash provides everything needed to plan worship, all on one USB flash drive. Compatible with Windows or Mac; text materials are in PDF format, while images are in JPEG format. Abingdon Press. For Special Days. 9781630888350. Flash Drive. $34.99; Cokesbury Price $27.99 For Lent and Easter. 9781426754227. Flash Drive. $32.99; Cokesbury Price $26.39

Feasting on the Word Lenten Companion A Thematic Resource for Preaching and Worship David L. Bartlett, Barbara Brown Taylor, and Kimberly Bracken Long, editors Great for churches wanting an alternative to a Lectionary resource, this all-in-one resource provides worship materials and sermon preparation tools for Lent and Holy Week. Includes ready-touse liturgies and complete orders of service, plus suggestions for hymns, midweek services, and children’s sermons. Westminster John Knox Press. 9780664259655. Hardcover. $25.00 Cokesbury Price $18.00 24

LE165610001ND024.indd 24

Just in Time! Prayers for Lent and Holy Week

Common English Bible Audio Edition

David N. Mosser

Hearing the Scripture can help you “see” the Bible in a whole new light. The highly readable, easy-tounderstand CEB translation speaks to everyone, regardless of belief or background. The full CEB Audio Edition is contained on a flash drive, making it convenient to take everywhere. Common English Bible.

Helpful prayers to use in public worship during Lent and Holy Week, including invocations, opening prayers, prayers of confession, and pastoral prayers. Abingdon Press. 9781426710315. $12.99; Cokesbury Price $8.70 Also available: Each, $12.99; Cokesbury Price $8.70 9780687655168. Lenten Services. 9780687646326. Easter Services, Sermons, and Prayers. 9780687497782. Palm Sunday and Holy Week Services.

9781609261832. Flash Drive. $39.99 Cokesbury Price $26.79



8/28/15 5:36 PM


Essential Lent

Altars for Everyone

Holy Moments and Sacred Experiences for Your Whole Congregation Aimee J. Jannsohn

Worship Designs on Any Budget Nancy C. Townley and Stephanie Davis

Gain new perspectives on this holy season as you learn about Lent observances around the world. Includes interesting, easy-to-prepare activities and worship resources. Pilgrim Press. 9780829820003. $12.95 Cokesbury Price $9.32

Make the altar a more integral part of the worship experience. This helpful and practical book includes dozens of altar designs, complete with photos and detailed instructions on locating materials and recreating the design in your church. Abingdon Press. 9781426765957. $21.99 Cokesbury Price $14.73

Worship in the Garden Services for Outdoor Worship J. Wayne Pratt Enhance your experience of God through meaningful outdoor worship. Offers liturgies for Communion, Blessing of the Animals, Healing, Renewal of Wedding Vows, Resurrection/Memorial Services, and more. Abingdon Press. 9781426765940. $14.99 Cokesbury Price $10.04

Creating Holy Spaces Worship Visuals for the Revised Common Lectionary Delia Halverson and Karen Appleby Worship should be about more than just the ears. Creating Holy Spaces will help you make worship an exciting and meaningful multisensory experience. Abingdon Press. 9781426754791. $24.99 Cokesbury Price $16.74

Creative, interpretive worship for a fresh way of telling a familiar Gospel story Voices for Good Friday Worship Services with Dramatic Monologues Based on the Gospels Amanda J. Burr These interpretive, dramatic monologues give voice to selected characters from the Gospels. Presented in a reproducible, copy-friendly format, the monologues provide a creative way to present Good Friday/Tenebrae services and to tell the story of the passion of Jesus Christ. The monologues can be presented as a collective work or can be used individually as sermon helps, Bible study presentations, and in other creative ways in worship settings. Abingdon Press. 9781426783142. $16.99 Cokesbury Price $11.38



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8/31/15 5:10 PM

BULLETINS BULLETINS Measure 8 ½ " x 11" (bulletins fold to 5 ½ " x 8 ½ ").

Large Bulletins Measure 8 ½ " x 14", fold to 7" x 8 ½ ".

NEW “Have Mercy on Me” Ash Wednesday Bulletin

NEW “Have Mercy” Ash Wednesday Bulletin

Psalm 51:1, CEB

Psalm 51:1-2, KJV

Coming in January.

Coming in January.

9781501802416. Pkg. of 50, $4.99*

081407016023. Pkg. of 100, $8.25

“Call to Repentance” Ash Wednesday Bulletin Joel 2:12-13, KJV 730817351636. Pkg. of 100, $8.25

*Quantity discounts are available for these items. Please check Cokesbury.com for more details.

NEW “He Bore the Punishment” Lenten Bulletin Isaiah 53:5, CEB Coming in January. 9781501802423. Pkg. of 50, $4.99*


LE165610001ND026.indd 26

Lent Bulletin Luke 11:4, KJV 730817351629. Pkg. of 100, $8.25

NEW Tenebrae Bulletin Coming in January. 9781501802638. Pkg. of 50, $4.99*

NEW “Hosanna to the Son of David!” Palm Sunday Bulletin Matthew 21:9, CEB Coming in January. 9781501802430. Pkg. of 50, $4.99* Large Bulletin. 9781501802447. Pkg. of 50, $5.59*



8/29/15 11:05 AM


NEW “Blessed Is He” Palm Sunday Bulletin

NEW ”Behold Your King“ Palm Sunday Bulletin

Mark 11:10, KJV

Matthew 21:4-5, KJV

Coming in January.

Coming in January.

081407016078. Pkg. of 100, $8.25

081407016085. Pkg. of 100, $8.25

“Remember and Give Thanks” Maundy Thursday Bulletin

NEW “Were You There?” Good Friday Bulletin

NEW “Truly” Good Friday Bulletin

“We Are Healed” Good Friday Bulletin

Mark 15:37-39, KJV

Isaiah 53:5, KJV

Coming in January.

Coming in January.

9781501802454. Pkg. of 50, $4.99*

081407016054. Pkg. of 100, $8.25

1 Corinthians 11:24-25, KJV 730817351650. Pkg. of 100, $8.25

“The King is Coming!” Palm Sunday Bulletin Zechariah 9:9, NIV 730817351643. Pkg. of 100, $8.25

NEW “Go and Prepare” Maundy Thursday Bulletin Luke 22:8, KJV Coming in January. 081407016061. Pkg. of 100, $8.25

730817351667. Pkg. of 100, $8.25

*Quantity discounts are available for this item. Please check Cokesbury.com for more details. LE16


LE165610001ND026.indd 27


8/29/15 11:05 AM


NEW “Alleluia!” Easter Sunrise Bulletin

NEW “He’s Been Raised” Easter Lilies Bulletin

Coming in January.

Matthew 28:7, CEB

9781501802461. Bulletin. Pkg. of 50, $4.99* 9781501802515. Large Bulletin. Pkg. of 50, $5.59* 9781501802522. Letterhead. Pkg. of 50, $4.99* 9781501802539. Offering Envelope. Pkg. of 50, $4.99*

Coming in January. 9781501802546. Bulletin. Pkg. of 50, $4.99* 9781501802553. Large Bulletin. Pkg. of 50, $5.59* 9781501802560. Letterhead. Pkg. of 50, $4.99* 9781501802577. Offering Envelope. Pkg. of 50, $4.99*

*Quantity discounts are available for these items. Please check Cokesbury.com for more details.

NEW “He Isn’t Here” Easter Dogwood Bulletin

“Blessed Is the Sunrise” Easter Bulletin

Luke 24:6, CEB

730817351681. Pkg. of 100, $8.25

Coming in January.

Psalm 72:19, NKJV

“Sing the Songs” Easter Bulletin Luke 24:34, KJV 730817351698. Pkg. of 100, $8.25

9781501802584. Bulletin. Pkg. of 50, $4.99* 9781501802591. Large Bulletin. Pkg. of 50, $5.59* 9781501802607. Letterhead. Pkg. of 50, $4.99* 9781501802614. Offering Envelope. Pkg. of 50, $4.99*


LE165610001ND028.indd 28



8/29/15 11:09 AM


NEW “Crown Him with Many Crowns” Easter Bulletin Coming in January. 081407016047. Bulletin. Pkg. of 100, $8.25 081407016337. Letterhead. Pkg. of 100, $8.25 081407016238. Offering Envelope. Pkg. of 100, $8.50 081407015798. Die-cut Bible Bookmark. Pkg. of 25, $5.25

“The Lord Is Risen Indeed! ” Easter Bulletin Luke 24:34, KJV 730817351735. Bulletin. Pkg. of 100, $8.25 730817351902. Large Bulletin. Pkg. of 100, $9.25 730817351919. Letterhead. Pkg. of 100, $8.25 730817351926. Offering Envelope. Pkg. of 100, $8.25 730817351933. Bible Bookmark. Pkg. of 25, $5.25

SIZES Bulletins & Letterhead. Measure 8 ½ " x 11" (bulletins fold to 5 ½ " x 8 ½ "). Large Bulletins. Measure 8 ½ " x 14", fold to 7" x 8 ½ ".

Offering Envelopes. Measure 6 ¼ " x 3 1⁄8 ".

Bible Bookmarks. Measure 2" x 6 ½ " (except for die-cut bookmark).

NEW “Christ is Risen” Easter Bulletin Coming in January. 081407015941. Bulletin. Pkg. of 100, $8.25 081407016313. Letterhead. Pkg. of 100, $8.25 081407016245. Offering Envelope. Pkg. of 100, $8.50



LE165610001ND028.indd 29

NEW “I Will Pour Out My Spirit” Pentecost Bulletin Acts 2:17, CEB Coming in January. 9781501802621. Pkg. of 50, $4.99*


8/29/15 11:10 AM


Handmade Palm Crosses

Palm Branches

Handmade by families in seven mud hut villages in Tanzania, East Africa, to supplement meager incomes. Sales help support community projects such as agricultural and vocational training, schools, water systems, and emergency relief. Crafted from dry palm fronds, crosses may be hung or worn on a cord.

Natural dried palm branches complement Palm Sunday decor and celebrations.

13" Branches.

780090145729. Pkg. of 100, $25.99

24" Branches.

780090145712. Pkg. of 100, $27.99

534925. Pkg. of 50, $20.00

A [A]–[B] Footwashing Sets Earthenware pitcher and basin sets are an ideal way to help your congregation engage in the tradition of footwashing ceremonies, most often experienced in connection with Maundy Thursday services. Each is completely unique and glazed in varying shades throughout. Lead free, dishwasher safe, with easy-to-grip pitcher handles.


A. Large Pitcher and Basin

The basin is 3½ " H and 12½ " W. The pitcher stands 9" H.

Each, $215.95 999900. Dark Blue. 239651. Tan.

B. Miniature Earthenware Pitcher and Basin The basin is 1¾ " H x 7¼ " W. The pitcher is 5" H. Each, $69.95 514764. Tan. 514752. Dark Blue (not shown).


LE165610001ND030.indd 30



8/31/15 10:53 AM


Earthenware Ash Pyxis Attractive earthenware ash pyxis features an etched palm leaf and is glazed with varying shades throughout. Dishwasher, microwave, and oven safe, and completely lead free. Measures 5" high x 3½ " wide and holds 4 ounces or 124 grams. Each, $35.95 546411. Brown. 546386. Blue.

Palm Leaf Ashes These palm ashes are 100% pure and packed in resealable plastic containers. The 10-gram package serves approximately 200 people. The 50-gram package serves approximately 1,000 people. 511115. 10-Gram Package. $4.95 511104. 50-Gram Package. $19.95

Acrylic Ash Pyxis The understated design of this ash pyxis makes it perfect for holding palm ashes during your Ash Wednesday service. The small pyxis holds 15ml of palm ashes and serves 100+ people; the large pyxis holds 60ml and serves 500+ people. 534378. Small. $15.85 534391. Large. $17.95

Anointing Oil Comes unscented or scented with aromatic frankincense and myrrh. Olive oil base.

4-Ounce Bottle.

735162. Scented. $31.95 735220. Unscented. $19.95

Âź-Ounce Bottle.

486486. Scented. $5.00 486420. Unscented. $3.50



LE165610001ND030.indd 31

Anointing Oil Carrier Case The essential accessory for anointing services! Features a washable insert and a plastic see-through window. Anointing oil sold separately. 735105. $3.00


8/31/15 10:53 AM

COMMUNIONWARE & ELEMENTS NEW Silverplate Communionware Traditional American design—an elegant classic. Easy-to-clean, long-lasting silver-plated finish. 659830301537. Chalice. $483.55 659830301735. Chalice with Pouring Spout. $552.20 659830301582. Ciborium. $592.30 659830301636. Flagon. $1,435.80 659830301681. Host Box. $310.40 659830301780. Paten. $195.35

Communion Bread

1/4" squares of unleavened Communion bread. Carefully molded sealed edges prevent crumbs. 008357. Box of 500, $5.50

Also available:

Soft Communion Bread 782983. Box of 500, $5.25

Communion Wafers These thin Communion wafers with a symbol of a cross cut into the wafer are 11⁄8 " in diameter. Exceptional in quality and packaging. 778354. White Wafers. Box of 1000, $13.50 778296. Wheat Wafers. Box of 1000, $17.00

Also available:

817310. Wheat Wafers 5¾ " diameter. Box of 25, $15.00

Gluten-Free Communion Wafers

13⁄8 ” round wafers are free of: gluten, wheat, casein, dairy, nut, egg, corn, yeast, and soy; low protein. Approximately 40 wafers per box. 662177000001. Box of 25, $14.00 514351. Box of 40, $10.35

Remembrance Individually Packaged Bread and Juice Sets Prefilled Communion cups contain unleavened Communion bread and 100% grape juice. Recyclable cup has ergonomic design. 081407006147. Box of 480, $90.99 081407008653. Box of 240, $54.99 081407008677. Box of 80, $19.99 081407008660. Box of 6, $3.99 32

LE165610001ND032.indd 32

Plastic Communion Cups Economical, disposable or recyclable. 9780805471212. Box of 1000, $21.50 9780805469615. Box of 500, $11.99 9780805402599. Box of 100, $4.99

TIP See page 45 for Communion stoles. More online at Cokesbury.com.

Fellowship Cup® Prefilled Communion Cups with Soft Wafers Ready to serve, prefilled Communion cups contain 100% grape juice and an unleavened wafer. No refrigeration needed. 081407011592. Box of 500, $99.99 081407011578. Box of 250, $57.99 081407011585. Box of 100, $24.99 081407014005. Box of 6, $3.99



8/29/15 12:12 PM

COMMUNIONWARE & LINENS Old Rugged Cross Earthenware Beautifully handcrafted porcelain stoneware with the symbol of the cross in raised relief and unique glaze of varying shades of blue and pastel colors. Dishwasher, microwave, and oven safe, and completely lead-free. Chalice approximately 81/4 "H; holds 24 oz. Flagon approximately 61/2 "H; holds 40 oz. Plate approximately 10" in diameter. Ciborium approximately 6" H. 537955. Ciborium. $59.95 537918. Bread Plate. $53.95 537943. Flagon. $55.95 537931. Chalice. $55.95


A. Easy-Care Embroidered Table Cover Available in two sizes with your choice of embroidery. 47" x 80". 152353. IHS. $155.00 152422. In Remembrance of Me. $455.00 47" x 86". 152386. IHS. $170.00 152400. In Remembrance of Me. $470.00

B. Elements Cover


47" x 72" plain cover. 008222. $147.50

Crown of Thorns Earthenware Chalice & Paten

Chalice is 9" H. Paten is 8 1/4 " diameter. 507847. Set, $105.95

Communion Bread Plate Napkin

Wooden Communionware

Communion Tray. Holds 40 cups. 14" diam.

• Pecan Finish

• Antique Maple Finish

Pure linen 13 1/2 " square with mitered corners. (Embroidered napkins also available; call for details. Chalice not available). 760862. $24.95

Each, $69.99 886083201424. Pecan Finish. 780090611729. Antique Maple Finish.

Communion Tray Cover. 13.25" diam. Each, $24.99 886083201431. Pecan Finish. 780090616410. Antique Maple Finish.

Stacking Bread Plate. 10" diam.

Each, $34.99 886083201448. Pecan Finish. 780090626884. Antique Maple Finish.

Stacking Bread Plate Cover. 7" diam. Each, $19.99 886083201455. Pecan Finish. 780090671181. Antique Maple Finish. LE16


LE165610001ND032.indd 33


8/29/15 12:13 PM


BULLETINS Measure 8 ½ " x 11" (bulletins fold to 5 ½ " x 8 ½ ").

NEW Communion Bulletin

NEW “This Is My Body” Communion Bulletin

Matthew 26:27, CEB

Luke 22:19, CEB

Coming in January.

Coming in January.

9781501802775. Pkg. of 50, $4.99*

9781426776847. Pkg. of 50, $4.99*

NEW “Jesus” Communion Bulletin

“Deepest Love” Communion Bulletin

“Silver Tray”

NEW “For As Often” Communion Bulletin Coming in January.

1 Corinthians 11:26, KJV

Matt. 26:26-28, KJV

John 15:13, KJV

Coming in January. 081407015972. Pkg. of 100, $8.25

730817351506. Pkg. of 100, $8.25

“This Cup” Communion Bulletin I Corinthians 11:25, CEB 9781426773051. Pkg. of 50, $4.99*

“Chalice and Bread” Communion Bulletin I Corinthians 11:24, CEB 9781426755392. Pkg. of 50, $4.99*

081407015958. Pkg. of 100, $8.25

TIP *Quantity discounts are available on these bulletins on pages 34 and 35. Visit Cokesbury.com for more details.


LE165610001ND034.indd 34



8/29/15 12:23 PM


“Knowing Christ” Communion Bulletin I Corinthians 11:26, NRSV 9781426736131. Pkg. of 50, $4.99*

Good Shepherd Holding Cross— First Communion Handcrafted of olive wood in the Holy Land; designed to fit in the palm of your hand. Measures 33/4 "H. 609613385896. $21.99

What Is Communion? Learning About Communion in The United Methodist Church G. L. Reed Part of a series on essential elements of worship for ages 9–12, these fun activities, puzzles, and games will help preteens learn the basic fundamentals of Communion as a part of Christian worship. Abingdon Press. 9780687493371. $3.99

“Remembrance of Me” Communion Bulletin I Corinthians 11:24, KJV 730817351513. Pkg. of 100, $8.25

Holy Communion Celebrating God with Us Kenneth M. Loyer This four-week adult study helps individuals or groups learn about the sacrament experience and how it is directly linked to spiritual formation and daily faith practice. You’ll gain insights and practical suggestions on ways to make Communion a more prominent feature in your church life. Abingdon Press.

Communion and United Methodists Brochure This brochure answers frequently asked questions about Communion in The United Methodist Church. Abingdon Press. 9781426711510. Each, 69¢ 25 for $16.25; 50 for $30.00; 100 for $55.00; 200 for $98.00

9781426796333. $13.99; Cokesbury Price $9.37 LE16


LE165610001ND034.indd 35


8/31/15 4:14 PM


NEW “I Believe” Baptism Bulletin Acts 8:35-37, KJV

This 8 ½ " x 11" bi-fold bulletin features beautiful, 4-color art and Scripture from Acts. 081407007779. Pkg. of 100, $8.25

NEW Baptism Bulletin 1 Peter 3:21, NIV Features a colorful front cover with Scripture from 1 Peter. Inside and back cover are blank. 8 ½ " x 11" unfolded; 5 ½ " x 8 ½ " folded. 730817352466. Pkg. of 100, $8.25

Also available:

Baptism Certificate. 8 ½ " x 11".

730817353081. Pkg. of 6, $8.35

Baptism and United Methodists Brochure People frequently ask what The United Methodist Church teaches about baptism. This brochure will help visitors and those new to the church understand what United Methodists believe and encourage further dialogue. Abingdon Press. 9781426711497. Each, 69¢; Pkg. of 25, $16.25; Pkg. of 50, $30.00; Pkg. of 100, $55.00; Pkg. of 200, $98.00


LE165610001ND036.indd 36

“Repent, and Be Baptized” Baptism Bulletin Acts 2:38, KJV

8 ½ ” x 11” unfolded; 5 ½ ” x 8 ½ ” folded. 730817351193. Pkg. of 100, $8.25

Also available:

Baptism Certificate. 5" x 7". 730817350899. Pkg. of 6, $11.95

What Is Baptism?

Children’s Baptism Certificate

Learning About Baptism in The United Methodist Church G. L. Reed

Matthew 19:14, NIV

By working through the fun activities, puzzles, and games in this booklet, preteens (ages 9–12) will learn the basic fundamentals of baptism. Abingdon Press.

This lovely keepsake certificate features a whimsical lamb and a Bible verse. Printed in full color on premium stock. 11" x 8 ½ ". 730817353074. Pkg. of 6, $11.35

9780687493272. $3.99



8/29/15 12:29 PM


Abingdon Select Collection Baptism Certificate

Traditional Steel-Engraved Baptism Certificate

These beautifully designed keepsakes have foil stamped covers. Each certificate is French-folded to 5" x 7" and comes with an envelope, making it easy to give and save.

Features fine, close-lined artwork with a corresponding message. Simple, yet striking and well-designed, the certificate features a French fold and includes an envelope. Size is 5" x 7".

Each, $3.99

Pkg. of 3, $9.99

Child Certificate.

Children’s Certificate.

9781426755682. Gold. 9781426755583. Silver.

9781426791680. “Christ Blessing Children.”

Adult and Youth Certificate.

Adult and Youth Certificate.

9781426791697. “Come Unto Me.”

9781426755590. Gold.

Contemporary Steel-Engraved Baptism Certificate

Traditional Steel-Engraved Certificate of Baptism and Church Membership

Features the timeless beauty and quality of fine, close-lined artwork. The certificate features a French fold and includes an envelope. Size is 5" x 7".

Help your congregation welcome a new family member and give the person being baptized a special keepsake. This Abingdon certificate features fine and close-lined artwork of Christ with outstretched arms and caption “Come Unto Me.” Simple, yet striking, it features a French fold and includes an envelope. 5" x 7".

Pkgs. of 3, $9.99

Child Certificate. 9781426710278. Descending Dove.

Adult and Youth Certificate.

9781426710575. Descending Dove and Baptism Scene. LE16


LE165610001ND036.indd 37

9781426791703. Pkg. of 3, $9.99


8/29/15 12:29 PM

BAPTISM RESOURCES Contemporary Solid Brass Baptismal Bowls Styled to reflect the dignity of the occasion. Protected with clear urethane finish; use of liner (included) is recommended. 3-Step Square Base. Bowl measures 61/2 " dia. x 5" H. 659830401701. $256.00 Round Base. Bowl measures 6¼ " dia. x 41/2 " H. Holds 24 oz. Matching cover sold below. 659830401985. $138.85 Matching Latin Cross Cover Only. Measures 6¼ " dia. 659830401886. $86.05

Glass Baptismal Bowl on Earthenware Pedestal Clear glass bowl with etched cross/shell atop an earthenware pedestal. Bowl is 6 ¼ "H and 7 3/4 "dia.; holds 44 ounces. Dishwasher safe, microwave safe, oven safe, and completely lead free. 535758. $71.95

Dove and Shell Baptismal Stole Embroidered with a graceful dove, representing the Holy Spirit; a scallop shell, a symbol of the rite of baptism; and three drops of water, symbolic of the Trinity as well as baptism. Made of Cathedral fabric, this stole measures 5" W x 110" L, with contoured neck for comfort. 531634. $179.95

NEW Baptismal Shell Stole This subtle and graceful white satin stole has a shell design appliquéd on lower portions of white stole panels. Measures 5" W x 110" L. 820830019665. $155.00

Earthenware Baptismal Bowl on Pedestal A beautiful, quality baptismal bowl for your special occasion. It is dishwasher safe, microwave safe, oven safe, and lead free. 5 1/2 " H; 10" dia. Each, $79.95 301986. Brown. 301975. Blue. (not shown)


LE165610001ND038.indd 38



8/31/15 10:37 AM

BAPTISM MEMENTOS Heaven Sent Silverplate Baptism Keepsakes Silverplated zinc alloy keepsakes feature embossed baby chick design, raised dotted border, and the engraved words “Heaven Sent.” Cup and spoon are food safe. Trinket box measures 21/2 " dia. and features a white satin lining. Items come gift boxed. 045544585682. Silverplate Cup. $19.99 045544585675. Silverplate Spoon. $12.99 045544585637. Silverplate Rattle. $17.99 045544585613. Silverplate Trinket Box. $16.99

Solid Brass Baptismal Shell Used in the baptism ceremony, this becomes a meaningful keepsake. Each shell features a hand-engraved cross. An ideal gift! Small Handheld. Measures 3". 659830401398. $42.75 (not shown) Large Handheld. Measures 5". 659830401442. $49.65 Tabletop Model. Measures 11". 659830401480. $129.90 (not shown)

“Holy Baptism” Baptismal Candle Natural wax color candle with red baptismal symbols. Includes a gift box with space for record of ceremony. 9"x 3/4 ". 072094054108. $3.75

“I Baptize Thee” Baptism Candle Made of pure white wax with colorful baptismal symbols. Comes in a presentation box with space for name, name of church and date of baptism. 9 1/2 " x 7/8 ".

Baptismal Towel with Shell Design

072094054009. $4.50

100% cotton; features an embroidered shell and pearl edge hem. 10" x 131/2 ". Candle not available. 539709. Pack of 4. $22.50 LE16


LE165610001ND038.indd 39


8/31/15 10:38 AM




Credo Confirmation is a program that brings worship, Sunday school, Bible study, service, and church ministries into confirmation. CredoConfirmation.com has dynamic web content for leaders and confirmands. The leader’s section has web content that includes training for leaders, adult mentors, and parents; updates; additional ideas; promotional materials; and networking opportunities. Confirmands have support for what they’ve learned in class with lesson summaries, games and quizzes designed to reinforce their faith formation. Credo can be used the way you want: over a semester, the course of a school year, or a 3-year span. Cokesbury.

Director’s Tools

Credo Confirmation TalkPoints®

Session plans, retreat plans, reproducibles, more.

Frank Nelson Involve mentors and parents in confirmation for greater participation and more meaningful dialogue outside the classroom experience.

9781426706240. 3-Ring Binder. $74.99

Director’s Tools for Small Churches Session plans/activities adapted for groups of 5 or fewer. Scheduling options: 18 sessions in 36 weeks (school year) to fewer sessions with retreats added. 9781426715310. $29.99

Teaching Plans for 8 Weeks Eight 90-minute class plans. 9781426742194. $29.99

Teaching Plans for Including Youth With Special Needs

Each, $9.99 TalkPoints for Mentors and Youth. 9781426757556. TalkPoints for Parents and Youth. 9781426757624.

Credo Faith Formation for Older Youth and Young Adults Six age-appropriate units emphasize baptism and Communion and contain multiple learning activities and discussion starters plus instructions for retreats.

Clear, structured lesson outline formats meet the requirements of individuals with physical and cognitive challenges.

9781426751448. Leader’s Guide. $19.99 9781426751479. Student Journal. $11.99

9781426740428. Downloadable file only. Order at Cokesbury.com. $15.99

The Quadrilateral Game

Multimedia Teaching Tools Contains 18 videos, PowerPoint slides, and more. 843504020620. DVD, CD-ROM, Leader’s Guide. $39.99

Student Journal Devotional readings, key information, and questions. 9781426706257. $11.99

Guide for Parents, Mentors, and Adult Leaders Learn what confirmands learn. 9781426706271. $9.99

A Wesleyan Trivia Challenge for All Ages A quiz-show style competition based on the Wesleyan Quadrilateral. Teams test their Bible and church history knowledge. Includes games for children, families, and church leaders plus youth games that review Credo program materials. Also available as a download; visit Cokesbury.com for details. 843504033743. CD-ROM. $9.99

Confirmation Cross Necklace For boys or girls. 1" pewter color cross is imprinted with the Credo motto, “Know, Confirm, Live.” With 18" silvertone chain. Gift boxed.

A. Spirit of God Confirmation Candle Ideal for confirmation. White with red descending dove and flames. Measures 7⁄8 " x 10¼ ". Boxed. 761890. $4.00

B. Confirmation Candle Decorated with descending dove and cross design. Includes presentation box with space for name, church name, and ceremony date. Measures 8 7⁄8 " x 7⁄8 ". 072094130406. $5.15

843504031978. Each, $10.99

Session Plans Lesson plans only for the 18 confirmation class sessions. Ideal for churches with multiple confirmation program teachers. 9781426706264. $27.99


LE165610001ND040.indd 40



8/29/15 1:04 PM


Good Shepherd Holding Cross for Confirmation The holding cross is designed to fit in the palm of your hand. Handcrafted in the Holy Land, it is made of olive wood and measures 3¾ " tall. 609613385865. $21.99

“Confirmed In You” Confirmation Bulletin 1 Corinthians 1:5-6

Confirmation Bulletin John 20:29 730817351568. Pkg. of 100, $8.25

730817347271. Pkg. of 100, $8.25

Confirmed in Christ Bookmark

Confirmed in Christ Pendant

Pewter Confirmed in Christ bookmark with red ribbon.

Pewter Confirmed in Christ pendant with 33" black cord.

813540017168. $6.95

813540011364. $6.50

Dove Premium Foil Embossed Confirmation Certificate Ephesians 4:7 This beautifully designed certificate works well in both contemporary and traditional settings. Made of premium stock and embossed, the certificate is 8½ " x 11". 730817340050. Pkg. of 6, $11.95

Contemporary Steel-Engraved Confirmation Certificate French-folded to 5" x 7" with a foil stamped cover and an envelope. 9781426710582. Pkg. of 3, $9.99



LE165610001ND040.indd 41


8/29/15 1:04 PM


Paschal Tube Candle 2" x 36". Uses replacement wax candle inserts, sold below. 659830600791. Each, $232.80

Wax Candle Inserts.

659830800672. Set of 4, $8.05

Also available:

Refillable Liquid Fuel Paschal Candle 2" x 36". Uses liquid wax fuel, sold below. 659830600807. $237.00

Liquid Wax Fuel.

659830800351. Quart, $18.45

Paschal Candle with Disposable Cell Liquid Wax Canister 2" x 36" candle. No refilling, pouring, or mess. Uses individual disposable inner liquid wax fuel canisters, sold below.

51% Beeswax Paschal Candles 2” diam. x 36” L.

Easter Glory

659830000096. $230.10

Features the Easter lily—an enduring symbol of the Risen Christ and the renewal for His people—and a gold cross.

Liquid Wax Fuel Canisters. Each burns 25 hours with 1" flame. 659830500268. 4-pack, $22.70 659830904646. 24-pack, $86.05

530825. $110.95

Holy Trinity • Disposable canister

Features a raised Chi-Rho with monstrance styled center—red central medallion struck with the symbol of the Holy Trinity. Available by special order. Contact Cokesbury Custom Sales at 800-237-7511. 301736. $110.75

Plain Paschal Candleholder Head

This plain Paschal candle is marked with a cross and an Alpha and an Omega. Decal design may be easily peeled off. The four numbers of the year are marked between the arms. Includes incense nails and year dates.

659830603594. 115/16 " socket. $475.60 659830900877. 2" socket. $475.60

622641. $63.85

A. Chapel Series Pole and Base.



Pole and three-step square base in Solid Brass with protective urethane finish. 50" tall. 659830001628. $946.70

B. Sanctuary Series Pole and Base. Pole and round base with cast iron ballast weighting. In Solid Brass with protective urethane finish. 55" tall. 659830001208. $1152.35


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CANDLES & ALTARWARE NEW Ascension Altar Set Solid brass with brasstone accents and a urethane finish for stunning beauty and durability. Bright finish; scratch-proof footing to protect your furnishings. Candlesticks have 11/8 "sockets. One pair of vase liners included. We recommend tube candles and inserts, which are sold separately below. For optional engraving or special finishes, call our Custom Sales department. 659830002809. 5-Piece Set. $2,349.00 659830002816. 24" Cross. $956.40 659830002823. Pair of 71/2 " Candlesticks. $925.20 659830400711. Pair of 10" Vases. $673.05

Also available: 659830400421. Tube Candle 9" x 1" (Pair). $82.35 659830800511. Replacement Wax Candles for Tube Candles (12-Pack). $6.65

Cast Metal Tenebrae Altar Candelabra

Crown of Thorns Wall Decor

This 20" wide cast metal candelabra is ideal for the Tenebrae service, featuring heavy cast silvertone and purple branillium metal. Candelabra uses 9" x 7/8 " candles (sold separately). 185648. $146.95

Hand twisted using sharp thorns from real trees. Thorns range in length from 1" to 3" and vary in color from dark maroon, to brown and red, depending on the season of the year harvested. Each crown is completely unique, reflecting its own witness, touching the reality of suffering and pain and glorifying the Lamb of God.

Tenebrae Refill Candles

531043. 12" diam. $65.99 537784. 20" diam. $119.99

072094116004. Box of 7, $22.75



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Wraparound Style With Embroidered Collar Double-pleated front and back; collar embroidered with a tone-on-tone Canterbury-style cross. Each, $215.00 SP217591. Men’s Style. SP217590. Women’s Style.

Wraparound Style with Chi-Ro Lace Inserts Full-length side opening, with adjustable Velcro at the neck and waist. 100% polyester white Lancer fabric. Machine washable. Women’s Sizes: XS–XL; Men’s Sizes: XS–XXXL (Men’s XXL size add $25.00; XXXL size add $37.50) Each, $225.00 SP217550. Women’s Style. SP217549. Men’s Style.

Hooded Style Concealed zipper closure provides a clean line. Each shoulder features a decorative button with Velcro underneath. Full hood. Includes a rope cincture. Each, $210.00 557653. White Dorian Cloth. 557711. Natural Flax. 44

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STOLES Handmade Ephesus Stole Features a 1" wide strip of pieced cotton prints in a variety of patterns and designs, against a background of lustrous silk Dupioni. A gold cross is embroidered at the back of the neck. Handmade; no two are exactly alike. Length is 110". Please allow 6–8 weeks for delivery if not in stock. Choose purple, white, blue, red, or green. SP217535. Each, $199.00; Sale $179.95* * Sale price good through March 25, 2016.

Latin Cross Reversible Stoles (Above)

Plain Reversible Stoles (Not shown)

The quality, versatility, and value of these stoles make them some of our most popular! 92" L x 4 ½ " W, tapering at the neck. Edged in gold fringe.

Same style as Latin Cross stoles (above left), but without Latin Cross embroidery.

Each, $98.95 193182. Blue/White. 007865. Red/White. 007854. Purple/Green.

Each, $57.95 007912. Red/White. 007923. Purple/Green. 193171. Blue/White.

Reversible Embroidered Satin Stoles (Above) Chest-high embroidered symbols. 92" L x 5" W. Each, $127.50 284425. Red/White. 284436. Blue/White. 284447. Purple/Green.

Communion Stoles

Fair Trade Minister’s Communion Stole

100% polyester Liberty fabric with gold braid at bottom. 92" long; 5½ " wide.

Made in Guatemala; hand-embroidered; 100% cotton. 4" x 110." No two exactly alike. Dry clean only. Choose green, purple, red, or white.

Each, $169.95 919021. White Chalice/Cross. 923386. White Chalice/Wafer. LE16

SP217619. $99.00


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The Coming of the Spirit Pentecost Stole An elegant and affordable option. Unlined poplin; measures 5" x 100." Hand wash, hang to dry, warm iron on reverse. 820830054833. $149.00 45

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PARAMENTS Lent/Easter Reversible Parament Sets Display these stunning paraments in your sanctuary throughout the season. Use the purple side during Lent, then reverse to white for Easter. Sets are 100% polyester polyfaille and are embellished with gold chainette fringe.

2-Piece Set. Includes one Bible bookmark, 3 ½ " x 36"; and one pulpit scarf, 18" x 36". 519679. $299.95

3-Piece Set. Includes one Bible bookmark, 3 ½ " x 36"; one pulpit scarf, 18" x 36"; and one Communion table runner, 20" x 80". 519692. $435.00

4-Piece Set. Made up of one Bible bookmark, 3 ½ " x 36"; one pulpit scarf, 18" x 36"; one Communion table runner, 20" x 80"; and one stole, 90" long, 4 ½ " wide, narrowing to 1 ½ " at the contoured neck. 519716. $565.00

Value-Priced Parament Sets The Lenten Array paraments (below) and the Passion Cross paraments (red or purple; on facing page) offer quality at an affordable price. Printed on 100% poplin polyester, unlined, with a matte finish. Altar Frontal measures 48"W x 46"D (including 18" drop); Pulpit Scarf measures 18"W x 44"D; Bible Marker measures 5"W x 36"D; Table Runner measures 18"W x 96"L; Stole measures 5"W x 100"L. The Set includes the Altar Frontal, Pulpit Scarf, and Bible Marker. Hand wash in cold water, hang to dry, warm iron on reverse.

NEW Lenten Array Paraments 820830020333. 3-Piece Set. $269.00 820830019689. Altar Frontal. $179.00 820830019696. Pulpit Scarf. $79.00 820830019702. Bible Marker. $29.00 820830019719. Table Runner. $89.00 820830020388. Stole. $149.00


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NEW Passion Cross Red Paraments 820830020487. 3-Piece Set. $269.00 820830020449. Altar Frontal. $179.00 820830020456. Pulpit Scarf. $79.00 820830020463. Bible Marker. $29.00 820830020470. Table Runner. $89.00 820830020494. Stole. $149.00

NEW Passion Cross Purple Paraments 820830020340. 3-Piece Set. $269.00 820830019733. Altar Frontal. $179.00 820830019740. Pulpit Scarf. $79.00 820830019757. Bible Marker. $29.00 820830019825. Table Runner. $89.00 820830020418. Stole. $149.00



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PARAMENTS Adorn your sanctuary at an affordable price! The new value-priced paraments on these two pages are printed on unlined 100% poplin polyester and have a matte finish. Choose from two beautiful designs. Sets include the Altar Frontal, Pulpit Scarf, and Bible Marker. These and other pieces are also sold separately. Care instructions: Hand wash cold water, hang to dry, warm iron on reverse.

Measurements: Altar Frontal: 48"W x 46"D (including an 18" drop) Pulpit Scarf: 18"W x 44"D Bible Marker: 5"W x 36"D Table Runner: 18"W x 96"L Stole: 5"W x 100"L

NEW Easter Chi Rho Paraments 820830020357. Set. $269.00 820830019832. Altar Frontal. $179.00 820830020098. Pulpit Scarf. $79.00 820830020081. Bible Marker. $29.00 820830020104. Table Runner. $89.00 820830020401. Stole. $149.00


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NEW Cross of Ashes Paraments 820830020425. Set. $269.00 820830020142. Altar Frontal. $179.00 820830020166. Pulpit Scarf. $79.00 820830020159. Bible Marker. $29.00 820830020173. Table Runner. $89.00 820830020395. Stole. $149.00



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2222 Rosa L. Parks Blvd. P.O. Box 280988 Nashville, TN 37228-0988


LE165610001 PACP10041763-01 9781501819834





“whom Jesus loved” … A ND


Adam Hamilton’s six-week, churchwide, DVD-based study sheds light and brings John’s message of hope for the Lent season. See page 1 for details.

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