Cokesbury Small Group Spring 2017 Catalog

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COMMUNITY The word community is actually a compound word stemming from the words “common” and “unity.” Having a common union. God wants Christians to dwell in community, beyond a life of selfinterest, committed to sharing our lives in Christ, united in fellowship. The New Testament is filled with “each other” language about community: love, forgive, and show humility towards each other. Serve one another. Teach and correct each other. Encourage and pray for each other. Bear each other’s burdens. Be kind, compassionate, and generous in hospitality to one another. But what of community with the rest of the world? With non-believers? People with whom we profoundly disagree? People who may hate us? On the one hand in John 17 we’re told we’re “not of this world,” and on the other hand we’re told we’re being sent into the world. As ambassadors of God’s love, we can’t live the Christian life as a solo act or with a fortress mentality. We are called to form outposts of God’s love in a sometimes hostile world. To be “ministers of reconciliation” (2 Corinthians 5:18). Not only to demonstrate God’s love to the world, but to mediate it.


For personalized help choosing the right resources for your group, call your local Community Resource Consultant or Live Chat with a Customer Care Representative.

God’s world is one world

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Adam Hamilton • 2–3

Retracing the steps of the reluctant prophet and turning our own reluctance into boldness.

Community • 4–7

Representing Christ beyond the four walls of the church.

Leadership • 8–9

Guiding strategies for leaders.

Spiritual Growth • 10–13

Understanding how to become more Christ-like.

Women’s Studies • 14–21

Inspiring today’s women to keep moving forward in faith.

Men’s Studies • 22–23

Building and reinforcing men of strong faith and amazing purpose.

Stewardship • 24

Giving in all aspects of our lives.

Discipleship • 25

Building strong foundations of faith in God.

Wesleyan/United Methodist • 26–28

Examining discipleship through a Wesleyan/United Methodist perspective.

Churchwide • 29

Engaging and unifying entire congregations with applicable themes.

Marriage and Family • 30–31

Confronting issues and supporting the lives of married couples and their families.

Prayer • 32

Finding inspiration in our daily walk with God.

Topical Studies • 33–38

Addressing timely, relevant subjects through the lens of faith.

Conversation Starters • 39–41

Getting them talking—and thinking and doing, too.

Biblical Studies • 42–47

Digging into the heart of God’s Word.

Youth Ministry • 48–inside back cover

Pointing youth in the direction they naturally seek—lives of meaning & joy.

Scan here to view & purchase items from this Cokesbury 2017 Spring Small Group Catalog.

Prices shown in red reflect Cokesbury discount off regular prices. Prices subject to change.

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Fast and easy online ordering any time at Speak with a Customer Care Representative at 800-672-1789.

Approved by The Curriculum Resources Committee of The United Methodist General Board of Discipleship for use in the Christian education ministry of The United Methodist Church.

Unless noted, all books are paperbound. ebooks available for most books. Visit for more details.

10/11/16 12:26 PM

Adam Hamilton

Turn reluctance into boldness by following in the footsteps of the reluctant prophet Examine the significant challenges Moses faced and how God shaped his character in powerful ways as you explore important locations he inhabited.


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Moses In the Footsteps of the Reluctant Prophet Adam Hamilton



Moses’ life was dramatic: rescued baby, life in the courts of Pharaoh, parting the Red Sea, leading his people out of Egypt. Although he resisted God’s calling, by the end of his life he successfully fulfilled the role he was given. Join award-winning author Adam Hamilton in this six-week study as he travels from Egypt to Mt. Sinai, the Nile, the Red Sea, and the wilderness exploring the sites of Moses’ life and sharing historical information, archaeological data, and biblical text. You’ll gain a better understanding of Moses’ significance in your life today, and you’ll discover how you, too, can turn your own reluctance into boldness. Abingdon Press. Coming in May. Hardcover Book 9781501807886

$19.99; $13.39

Also available:

Large Print Book 9781501807909

$20.99; $14.06

Streaming videos available on


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Community Resource Consultants


10/10/16 2:19 PM



Leader Guide 9781501807916

Leader Kit Includes one each of other components 9781501838903 $103.95; $69.99

$12.99; $8.70

Children’s Leader Guide 9781501808029 $18.99; $12.72

DVD [CC] 10–12 min. sessions 9781501807930 $39.99; $31.99

author insights

From the Great Pyramids, to the temples of Luxor, from the River Nile, to the wilderness of Sinai, these are the journeys of a man who challenged an empire, liberated a slave people, and changed the world. Join us as we walk in the footsteps of Moses.

OTHER STUDIES by the author

Youth Study Book (Ages 6–12) 9781501808005 $11.99; $8.03

For more churchwide studies from Adam Hamilton, see pages 28–29.

kit dvd


kit book dvd

kit participant participant participant book

kit includes:


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kit and Children’s participant Youth h book sh sh book devo asresources available fla devoalso fldevo fla tional tionalbook previewpreview dvd tional


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and included in kit

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what you’ll need

Shop the online catalog at


10/10/16 2:20 PM

Community Grab, Gather, Grow Multiply Community Groups in Your Church Jim and Jennifer Cowart






Transform your congregation by launching community groups—a fresh strategy from Jim and Jennifer Cowart, authors of Grab, Gather, Grow. Learn how they used adaptive systems, digital tools, and flexible overhead to expand Harvest Church, a United Methodist congregation twenty miles southwest of Macon, Georgia, from 72 community groups to over 300 in just one year. Their five-part growth strategy includes a thirty-minute video in addition to the leadership book. The book and training video includes the following themes: • Group Explosion • Overcoming Obstacles • The Power of the Pulpit • Living the 5 through Group Life • Creating Infrastructure for Facilitators.

about the study

Grab the Living the Five resources in the narthex or lobby, Gather the group, and Grow in life together.

Abingdon Press. Book (For Participants) 9781501825057 $12.99; $8.70 DVD (25–30 min. session) 9781501825088 $19.99; $15.99







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p sh flabook

de tio

sh flabook

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what you’ll need

Streaming videos available at

Expand your church with community groups

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Living the Five Jim and Jennifer Cowart; Rick Warren, foreword





This is the resource for any church looking to expand through community groups—an alternative type of small group that reaches smaller settings. With less overhead and more mobility, community groups harness a combination of evangelism and ethics reminiscent of John Wesley’s class meetings. In Living the Five, Jim and Jennifer Cowart show you how successful community groups are called to live out five principles and share how they applied these principles when creating community groups in their own church During the Living the Five campaign, which is led during worship from the platform or pulpit, make books and DVDs available for anyone who agrees to establish a community group in their home, workplace, or other settings. Purchase onekit DVD Set for up to 10 community groups and one Participant/Leader Book per participant. dvd

participant book

Abingdon Press. Book (For Participants and Leaders) 9781501825095 $12.99; $8.70 Living the Five DVD, Set of 10 DVDs (for 10 groups) (7–10 min. sessions) 9781501825118 $69.99; $46.89

leader book preview dvd



what you’ll need

Streaming videos available at


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Community Resource Consultants


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DVD 6 sessions 9781501825194 Set of 10 DVDs (for 10 groups) $69.99; $46.89

Streaming videos available at

about the church

During their years of worshipping on the move in a rented theatre, Harvest Church learned about adaptive systems, digital multimedia tools, flexible overhead, mobility, and sustained rapid growth. This book expands on their journey, and their flourishing community groups model.

More help for implementing community groups NEW


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Hand Me Downs Leaving a Legacy Jim and Jennifer Cowart




Hand-me downs are usually thought of as “second-rate,” but Jim and Jennifer Cowart’s Hand Me Downs offers a six-session small group study showing us that our heritage—what we leave behind— is central to who we are as Christians. A follow-up to the Living the Five principles, this community group resource helps you replace self-destructive, addictive behaviors with new, healthy habits so that your legacy is one of spiritual and mental integrity. In addition to the book, a companion DVD is offered in affordable 10-packs to make it easy for your church to multiply community groups.

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what you’ll need

The six sessions offered in the study are: Session One: Leaving a Legacy Session Two: Modeling Holy Habits Session Three: Breaking Bad Cycles Session Four: Living with Integrity Session Five: Playing Well With Others Session Six: Doing God’s Will Abingdon Press. Coming in January. Book (For Participants and Leaders) 9781501825170 $14.99; $10.04


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10/10/16 3:33 PM

Community Taking the next faith step together as one





Forward A Small Group Journey Toward a Full Life in Christ Nick Cunningham

about the author


Nick Cunningham is the Adult Discipleship Director at Mt. Horeb United Methodist Church in Lexington, South Carolina. He previously served as the teaching pastor at Ginghamsburg Church in Tipp City, Ohio. He is pursuing a Master of Divinity degree at United Theological Seminary. Nick and his wife, Lindsey, live in Lexington, South Carolina with their three children, Rowan, Gwen, and Selma.


Pursuing a godly life involves action. It’s not just resistance to sin that matters; fully living into the new life that Christ offers means taking steps forward. Forward is a seven-session study based on 2 Peter 1:3-11 that shows you and members of your small group how to push one another forward in your shared life together, helping one another grow in faith, knowledge, and actions consistent with a Christian life. As a sequel to Cunningham’s study called One: A Small Group Journey Toward Life-Changing Community, it follows the same format, including the book for participants with teaching content and interactive elements, a Leader Guide, and DVD videos.


by Nick Cunningham (co-authored)

Abingdon Press. Coming in April. Book 9781501837463 $14.99; $10.04 Leader Guide 9781501837470 $10.99; $7.36 DVD [CC] 6-8 min. sessions 9781501837494 $39.99; $31.99 kit




leader book





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book devo book videos available at Streaming tional preview

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what you’ll need

Fear of the Other No Fear in Love William H. Willimon


One 8 A Small Group Journey Toward E S SIO N S Life-Changing Community Nick Cunningham with Trevor Miller

Tolerate one another. Wait. Isn’t that supposed to be love one another? It’s one thing to genuinely love people who are more or less the same as we are, but what about those who are not only strangers, but people who live completely different lives? Reliable spiritual guide Will Willimon invites you to look more closely at the gospel’s command to love—because to genuinely love those considered to be “Other” may be the hardest thing for people of faith to do. Get the free downloadable discussion guide at Abingdon Press.

Life is better shared…especially in a Christ-centered community. Although One is a small-group study written to cover an eight-week session, its larger purpose is for participants of the group to embrace meaningful relationships with their fellow Christ followers and to continue to meet together, lifting each other up, pushing each other forward, and sending each other out—indefinitely. Abingdon Press. 9781501816451 9781501816468 9781501818578

Book (for Participants) Leader Guide DVD [CC] 10–15 min. sessions

$14.99; 10.04 $10.99; $7.36 $39.99; 31.99


$14.99; $10.04

Streaming videos available at


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Community Resource Consultants


10/10/16 2:54 PM

We all have a story—how can you live a great one?






What’s Your Story? Seeing Your Life Through God’s Eyes Sarah Heath




Joseph had quite the story, but it didn’t really begin until he saw his story as part of God’s story. His great accomplishments came only after he recognized the significance of what he had done and what God was doing through him. In exploring Joseph’s life (Genesis 37–50), you’ll discover how to see your life through God’s eyes and learn how to co-create a real pageturning story of your own. What’s Your Story? is a four-session, small-group study that features opportunities and space for creative journaling and is complemented by art by the author and a DVD. The DVD features Sarah Heath and others sharing stories that illuminate the Joseph story, illustrate the main ideas of each session, and spark further reflection and discussion. Abingdon Press. Coming in April. Book 9781501837890 $12.99; $8.70 Leader Guide 9781501837906 $9.99; $6.69 DVD [CC] 4 sessions 9781501837920 $39.99; $31.99

Streaming videos available at kit book



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book sh fla

kit dvd

ash fldevo tional

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what you’ll need

6 S


9781501816239 9781501816246 9781501816260

Participant Book Leader Guide DVD [CC] 10–15 mins. sessions

$12.99; $8.70 $9.99; $6.69 $39.99; $31.99

devo tional

This Invitational Life Risking Yourself to Align with God’s Heartbeat for Humanity Steve Carter


“Shout loudly; don’t hold back; raise your voice like a trumpet!” The words of Isaiah 58 lay the groundwork for this small group study that uses art, poetry, and video performances to create a unique learning environment. It offers a framework for discussion in which participants explore their own answers after first hearing the perspectives of artists and creative thinkers. They are encouraged to venture into their community to listen for unheard prophetic voices and to help these voices be heard. The message is especially appealing to the millennial generation. Abingdon Press.

sh fla





All of us are living a story. We often ask ourselves if we’re living a good story or if we’re capable of a great story.



devo book tional

The Shout Finding the Prophetic Voice in Unexpected Places Hannah Adair Bonner

“” author insights



The early church loved to talk about their faith to others and the growth of new Christians shows it! So what stops us from sharing our faith? In this powerful teaching series, Willow Creek pastor Steve Carter takes us back to Paul and the first-century church so we can discover how ancient ways of inviting others to know Jesus is relevant and powerful today. The curriculum kit includes the book, the eight-week study guide, and a DVD with eight sessions of 10-15 minutes each. David C. Cook Publishing. 9780781413985 9780781413992 9780781413978

Curriculum Kit Study Guide Book

$39.99; $9.99; $16.99;

$31.99 $7.19 $12.23

Streaming video is available at SG17

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Leadership SEE THE VIDEO at

Participant Book 9781501837623

$9.99; $6.69

about the author

DVD 9781501837616

Lead your congregation to see and solve problems of race and justice in your community

F. Willis Johnson has served in professional ministry in Indiana and North Carolina for the last 15 years. He currently leads Wellspring Church in Ferguson, MO, as senior minister. He counsels bishops, General Board agencies, Conferences, and local churches across the country. Johnson’s writing and lecturing credits range from TIME Magazine, National Public Radio, universities, and seminaries to the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture. He is also Vosburgh Visiting Professor of Ministry and Social Engagement at Drew Theological School.

$39.99; $31.99

NEW Holding Up Your Corner Talking about Race in Your Community F. Willis Johnson How do you talk about racial prejudice, entrenched poverty and exploitation, segregation, the loss of local education and employment, the ravages of addiction, and more? Holding up Your Corner walks you through a self-directed process of determining what role your church can play in your specific community. You’ll learn how to use testimony and other narrative devices, proclamation, guided group conversations, and other tactics in order to own the calling and responsibility we have as Christians. Examples from a wide variety of churches and leaders make this a valuable resource for everyone concerned with racial justice. The DVD includes video clips from clergy and other Christian leaders across the country that will spur dialogue and selfexamination. Each presenter shares a personal story related to one of the discussion points in the guided conversation.

kit kit dvd dvd

participant participant

Book 9781501837593


book book

book book

Abingdon Press. Coming in January.

leader leader preview dvd preview

what you’ll need

$15.99; $10.71


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Community Resource Consultants


10/10/16 3:34 PM

sshh flflaabook





Do you say “no” too often? Pastors, laity, staff...we’re all guilty of squelching and constraining creative people who want to use the gifts God has given them to serve and lead even if we don’t mean to. Bishop Robert Schnase helps us examine the systems, attitudes, and dynamics that restrain, control, and diminish ministry, providing insights and practical help for being more open to innovation and experimentation for the purposes of Christ. The study can be done in as little as 3 hours or in 6 hours if groups watch all the videos and do all the optional exercises and activities. Sessions can be used as a single-day retreat or broken into 3 or 6 separate sessions. The DVD has 8 video stories showing the PermissionGiving Church in action, 3 brief video essays demonstrating the essentials of a PermissionGiving Church and 1 video promo for inviting participation in the Just Say Yes! experience. Abingdon Press.


Leader Guide (with Angela Olsen) 9781501825262 $9.99; $6.69 Book (for Participants, with Angela Olsen) 9781501825286 $10.99; $7.36 DVD Series kit participant 9781501825309 leader leader $39.99; $31.99 Devotional (with Angela Olsen) book book sh a ash devo fl9781501825798 book $4.99 fl tional preview preview

participant book


ticipant participant


3+ E SS


Just Say Yes! Unleashing People for Ministry Robert Schnase


leader kit

leader book preview

preview dvd

book sh fla


ash devo flbook tional

devo tional

what you’ll need

Also available:

devo tional

The bottom line is this: successful pastors manage to say yes to ideas that unsuccessful pastors say no to. And growing churches manage to say yes to ministry initiatives that declining churches say no to. We’ve got to change the default of our congregations from no to yes.

Streaming videos are available at

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$14.99; $10.04 $12.99; $8.70 $39.99; $31.99 $9.99; $6.69 $77.96; $54.99 $29.99; $23.99






Get Their Name Grow Your Church by Building New Relationships Bob Farr and Kay Kotan

Move beyond discord to a hope-filled future. When we come together around what matters most, the gospel of Jesus Christ becomes a vibrant part of our lives and witness. Fights, feuds, and uncertainties can distract us, leaving us ineffective and mired in mediocrity and decline, but focusing on what matters most causes our ministries to flourish and the church to become a relevant and vital presence in the community and world. Abingdon Press.

Streaming videos are available at

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$15.99; $10.71


Book Leader Guide DVD [CC] 10–15 min. sessions Devotional: Coming Together Around What Matters Most 9781501817533 Leader Kit (Contains one each of above components) 9781501815133 Pastor Resources Download (at



Just Say Yes! book ash Unleashing People for Ministryfl preview

What Are We Fighting For? Coming Together Around What Matters Most Thomas J. Bickerton

9781501815058 9781501815072 9781501815119 9781501815096

devo tional

author insights



Reveals the ways most churches unwittingly misdirect their reach into the community. Shows in practical terms how to change the habits of leaders and entire congregations, so that invitation is natural, constant, systemic, genuine, and easy. Clearly demonstrates how your church can change, and equips your people to share their faith in a way that is effective, biblical, and transformational. Abingdon Press. 9781501825453 9781501825439 9781501825477

Also available:

9781426759314 9781426782060

Workbook (for Participants) Coordinator’s Guide DVD Promo video plus 3–5 min. video sessions

$8.99; $6.02 $10.99; $7.36 $19.99; $15.99

Book (by Bob Farr, Kay Kotan, and Doug Anderson) $14.99; $10.04 Workbook (for Leaders by Kay Kotan, Ken Willard) $12.99; $8.70

Streaming videos are available at Shop the online catalog at


10/10/16 3:35 PM

Spiritual Growth NEW

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When Did God Become a Christian? Knowing God Through the Old and New Testaments David Kalas



The God of the Old Testament and the God of the New Testament is the same God, right? Then why does God seem so different depending upon which part of the Bible you read? Christians have struggled with this question throughout history. This book by David Kalas helps you explore the unity of the Scripture, biblical history, and the two primary attributes of God: love and holiness. You’ll come away with a better understanding of the nature and integrity of God, leading you to love, worship, and trust God even more. Perfect for Christians in all stages of spiritual maturity, When Did God Become a Christian? may be read alone or combined with the Leader Guide as part of a six-week study. The Leader Guide contains everything needed to guide a group through the study, including session plans and discussion questions as well as multiple format options.

The book comes out of a phenomenon that I have witnessed: ...folks in our churches who are earnestly reading the Bible [and] are disturbed by a sense that...God is different in the Old Testament than he is in the New. And, frankly, they like him better in the New Testament.... So the pastor in me is eager to help folks wrestle with what they are finding as they read the Bible. The theologian in me is eager to make sure that we don’t carelessly jump to unorthodox conclusions...and the Bible lover in me is eager to help folks rediscover the continuity of all of God’s Word.

Abingdon Press. Coming in March. Book 9781501830969 Leader Guide 9781501830983

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Also available:

9781601425133 9781601425348

Hardcover Book

9781501800955 9781501800979 9781501800993

$17.99; $12.95

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Book Leader Guide DVD [CC] 6 videos; 10–15 mins. each

$14.99; $10.04 $12.99; $8.70 $39.99; $31.99

Streaming videos available at

Book (for Participants) $9.99; $7.89 DVD (Approx. 79 min.) $23.99; $18.95



In the Scriptures we see that God’s people often went through a wilderness experience that changed them in profound ways. With sensitivity and warmth, Rob Renfroe explores the wilderness experience—what it is, how we get there, why God allows it, and how we can get through it God’s way so that we learn the lessons he has for us, lessons that can be learned only in the desolate seasons of life when we are totally dependent on God. Abingdon Press.

Seven-Mile Miracle was created on location in the Holy Land, designed to bring individuals, churches, and small groups into a deeper understanding of Christ and his redemptive work. Based on the seven last sayings of Jesus on the Cross, Seven-Mile Miracle takes the reader to those exact locations during Christ’s last hours, and reveals the resurrected Son of God like never before. Includes questions for reflection and a forty-day reading guide to Jesus’ death and resurrection. Multnomah Books. Coming in February. 9781601429223

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A Way Through the Wilderness Growing in Faith When Life Is Hard Rob Renfroe




Seven-Mile Miracle Journey Into the Presence of God Through the Last Words of Jesus Steven Furtick


by David Kalas (co-authored)


leader book


$16.99; $11.38 $12.99; $8.70

author insights




Community Resource Consultants


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4 E SS


happy? what it is and how to find it Matt Miofsky




What’s keeping you from being happy? Do you really have to lose weight or find a new job before you can say you’re happy? No matter how hard we try, happiness can seem elusive. Even as we reach our goals, we set new ones, making happiness always out of reach. In this study, author Matt Miofsky helps you discover that contentment isn’t dependent on the “things” of life. Instead, he’ll help you see that happiness can be found in the value of our relationships, a forgiving lifestyle, living in the present, feeling gratitude, and learning to release control. This four-week study uses basic theology and the words of Solomon and, in addition to the book, includes a DVD featuring Matt Miofsky and a comprehensive Leader Guide.

author insights

We all dream of being happy. If we could just lose the extra weight, get Book the job, buy the house, we could truly 9781501831102 $14.99; $10.04 be happy. But over time, it begins to Leader Guide 9781501831126 $12.99; $8.70 seem as though lasting happiness is DVD [CC] 10–12 min. sessions 9781501831140 $34.99; $27.99 unattainable. That despite our best Streaming videos available at efforts, true happiness will never be a reality for us. So how do we find lasting happiness and contentment in our lives? Maybe the answer isn’t in kit participant leader ourdevo own lives at all. book devo ash Abingdon Press. Coming in April.

kit participant participant





book preview


book sh fla dvd

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what you’ll need


Participant’s Guide DVD


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$10.99; $7.91 $26.99; $21.59

6 E SS




Everybody wants to be happy. For many, happiness is measured in moments. Experiences. It’s elusive. Unsustainable. What makes you happy? In this six-session video Bible study, pastor Andy Stanley examines the ways in which we tend to define happiness and explains how that definition influences the way we pursue it. He reveals that happiness is about who, not what, and that happy people are at peace with God, with others, and with themselves. He also shows how sin undermines peace because it separates us from God, others, and ourselves by substituting pleasure for fulfillment, things for people, images for intimacy, and self-expression for self-control. Zondervan. Coming in January. 9780310084990 9780310085010

NEW Waiting for Wonder Learning to Live on God’s Timeline Marlo Schalesky

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What Makes You Happy Andy Stanley



Join the author on a unique, contemplative journey to reveal the wonder that is often missed when we find ourselves struggling to wait well. Walking through the life of the biblical character Sarah, one who knows what it means to wait, you’ll discover a glimpse of God’s character that will give you strength to keep hoping and praying for the desires of your heart. Waiting for Wonder takes you into the heart of God where you’ll wrestle with personal questions, think deeply about God’s true character, and learn to appreciate His divine work as you discover your own path to the promised land. The Leader Guide includes opening prayers, session outlines, discussion questions, and more. Abingdon Press. 9781501820106 9781501823572

Book Leader Guide

Shop the online catalog at

$16.99; $11.38 $12.99; $8.70


10/10/16 3:38 PM




The Rewritten Life When God Changes Your Story Jessica LaGrone




Spiritual Growth


Your story can change. Abraham, Sarah, Jacob, Naomi, Daniel, Peter, and even an unnamed woman in the Bible are all testaments to the transformational power of God. Their stories were rewritten giving them new names and identities that were in line with God’s call for their lives. And the same can happen to you. God wants you to rewrite your story so that you may become and do all that is planned for you—all for God’s glory. The Rewritten Life is a six-session study perfect for any small group looking for a powerful and practical biblical study that leads to transformation. A Leader Guide and a DVD complement the book. The Leader Guide contains everything needed to guide a group through the study including session plans with discussion questions and multiple format options, as well as other leader helps. The DVD features six video segments of 10 minutes each of LaGrone’s dynamic and engaging teaching. Abingdon Press. Coming in April. Book 9781501834431 $14.99; $10.04 Leader Guide 9781501834455 $12.99; $8.70 DVD [CC] 10 min. sessions 9781501834479 $34.99; $27.99 participant

book preview


kitleader participant Streaming videos available

leader participant



sh devo fla tional dvd preview

what you’ll need

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book book

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The Basics Series Clayton Oliphint and Mary Brooke Casad


Citizens of Hope: Basics of Christian Identity

9781501813092 Book 9781501813115 Leader Guide

The Road to Amazing: Basics of Christian Practice

9781501813139 Book 9781501813153 Leader Guide

Get in the Game: Basics of Christian Service

9781501813177 Book 9781501813191 Leader Guide



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Focuses on three aspects of the Christian life: who we are, what we do, and how we serve. Explore the topics individually, or together as a 12-week course. Leader Guide includes options for tailoring sessions to the time frame and style of each group. Abingdon Press.

$19.99; $14.39

devo tional




by the author


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devo tional

Car pools and car crashes. Job changes and joint custody. Life can feel overwhelming and inconsequential. But best-selling author Max Lucado says there’s more to your story than the chaos, confusion, and clutter of daily life. Your life is a crafted narrative written by a great God who is working toward your supreme good. Join Max on a journey through the great promises of the New Testament and discover your place in God’s plan. Everything changes when you see how your story fits with God’s story. Features the complete book, plus a six-session DVD curriculum and study guide, which were previously published under the title God’s Story, Your Story. Thomas Nelson. Book & DVD

author insights

The Rewritten Life is all about how God is both author and perfecter of our stories. He is the God of the plot twist, the next chapter, and the surprise ending. I am so thankful the way our stories start doesn’t have to be how they end!

For more studies from Jessica LaGrone, see page 17.

More to Your Story Discover Your Place in God’s Plan Max Lucado





Community Resource Consultants

$14.99; $10.04 $12.99; $8.70 $14.99; $10.04 $12.99; $8.70 $14.99; $10.04 $12.99; $8.70 SG17

10/11/16 11:41 AM


How’s Your Soul? Why Everything That Matters Starts with the Inside You Judah Smith

6 E SS





Judah Smith, pastor and New York Times bestselling author of Jesus Is ______, explores what it looks like to cultivate a healthy soul in the midst of a busy life and points readers to the soul’s only true home and place of rest and fulfillment: God. How’s your soul? It may seem like an odd question, but it’s what Smith chooses to ask his friends, rather than How are you? It’s a way to look past the externals and consider what’s going on inside, in that essential part of us that is often overlooked in the struggle to make our way through everyday life.

author insights

Here’s the deal, the health of my soul...YOUR soul is crucial. That is why I wrote this book. The point is to hopefully make you stop and ask, ‘How am I really doing...on the inside? How is MY Soul?’ I’ve learned personally that this is an important question to ask!

If we’d pause, we’d find the things that matter most in life—stability, peace, hope, love—are rooted in the health of what Smith calls the inside you. Sharing his own, often humorous, mistakes and foibles, he helps us find our way through the emotional roller coasters of life to discover the soul-healing essentials of rest, responsibility, restraint, and relationships, all rooted in what he calls the soul’s only true home—God himself.

OTHER STUDIES by the author

Thomas Nelson.


leader book dvd

sh fla

participant guide

devo book tional


what you’ll need

Book 9780718088606 $16.99; $12.23 Hardcover Book 9780718039172 $22.99; $16.55 Study Guideparticipant (for Groups/Individuals) kitleader leader 9780310083863 $10.99; $7.91 book book sh a devo fl DVD, 6 sessions book tional preview dvd preview 9780310083887 $26.99; $21.59 Study Guide with DVD 9780310083894 $36.99; $26.63

sh fla

devo tional

Glory Days Living Your Promised Land Life Now Max Lucado

6 S




Life has a way of taking the life out of us. Often we go through situations where the challenge seems so much greater than our strength. During such times, we can find hope and inspiration from the story of Joshua God had called Joshua to take over from Moses and lead the Israelites into a paradigm shift from wilderness wandering to promise-believing. In Canaan, they would not fight “for” victory but fight ”from” victory. God had a Promised Land in store for them, but they had to grasp that reality, change their mindsets, and take action to receive it. The same is true for us today. God is telling us that our best days—our “glory days”—are still ahead of us. We only need to grasp that truth and live in faith to realize this promise. This study guide includes leader helps, discussion questions, conversation starters, and between-session activities to enhance your understanding and application of Lucado’s teaching. Thomas Nelson. 9780718035976 9780718036034 9780718036010 9780718035983

Study Guide DVD, 6 sessions Study Guide with DVD, 6 sessions Campaign Kit (Includes one each of above components)

$10.99; $7.91 $26.99; $21.59 $36.99; $29.59 $59.99; $47.99

Also available:


Glory Days: Trusting the God Who Fights for You

Coming in March.

$16.99; $12.23

9780718091194 Book SG17

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10/11/16 11:42 AM

Women’s Studies SEE THE VIDEO at

Leader Guide 9781501821226

$13.99; $9.37

The truth of the matter is we need other women in our tribe. We need to lean on one another and hold each other up when it feels like we can’t walk. We need someone to lovingly tell us we should apologize to our spouses when we’re in the wrong. We need someone to speak up if the dark brown lipstick makes us look like a corpse. Simply put, God knew we would need all kinds of relationships to fulfill the desire He placed in each of our hearts to live in community.

DVD [CC] 20–25 min. sessions 9781501821240 $49.99; $39.99

Dig into God’s Word and experience friendships like God intended NEW

6 E SS


Becoming Heart Sisters A Bible Study on Authentic Friendships Natalie Chambers Snapp



Leader Kit Contains one each of Participant Workbook, Leader Guide, and DVD. 9781501821257 $79.99; $63.99

“Let’s get together to catch up!” How many times have you and your women friends made this exchange? And how many times did you follow up? Despite being more connected than ever before, we struggle to feel connected. And yet, our friendships with other women are not only something we want, they’re something we, as women, need. In this six-week DVD Bible study, author Natalie Chambers Snapp teaches you how to develop and nurture the kind of enriching and satisfying friendships that build up the body of Christ and bring honor to God. Includes five daily lessons for each week combining study of Scripture with personal reflection, application, and prayer. A Leader Guide; DVD with Natalie’s dynamic teaching; and a boxed Leader Kit, which contains one of each component, are also available in this refreshing and insightful women’s study. Abingdon Press. Coming in February. 9781501821202

Participant Workbook


$15.99; $10.71


Also available:

Heart Sisters Be the Friend You Want to Have 9781426769054


SG175610001_ND_014.indd 14

author insights


kit book dvd

participant participant kit participant



kit includes:

” leader

kit leader leader h h book book s sh s devo fla fla devo fla book tional tional previewpreview dvd book


what you’ll need

$15.99; $10.71




Community Resource Consultants


10/11/16 11:44 AM


Leader Guide 9781501839948

$13.99; $9.37

about the author

Hayley DiMarco is a pastor’s wife and the bestselling author of more than forty books, including Mean Girls, Own It, Die Young, God Girl, the God Girl Devotional Bible, and The Fruitful Wife. As the founder of Hungry Planet, a company intensely focused on feeding the world’s appetite for truth, Hayley is passionate about taking on issues of faith and life. She speaks regularly for women’s groups and events, including Women of Faith, dotMOM, Precept National Women’s Convention, and MOPS International.

DVD [CC] 20–25 min. sessions 9781501839962 $49.99; $39.99

NEW A Woman Overwhelmed A Bible Study on the Life of Mary, the Mother of Jesus Hayley DiMarco

6 E SS





As women, we often are overwhelmed by the demands and circumstances of life, resulting in stress, fear, worry, impatience, fatigue, frustration, and even depression. The truth is that we were created to be overwhelmed . . . not by life but by God! When we learn to be overwhelmed by God, the fruit in our lives goes from rotten to fragrant— filling our days with peace, hope, love, and joy. This six-week Bible study walks us through the story of Mary, Jesus’ mother, who knew what it was like to be overwhelmed. As we explore Mary’s life—from the news that she would give birth to God’s Son to the day she witnessed his tragic death on the cross—we find ourselves on a journey from overwhelming joy to overwhelming sorrow and back again, learning along the way how to be consumed with the mission of God rather than the “mission of me.”

OTHER STUDIES by the author

Leader Kit (Includes one of each component) 9781501839979 $79.99; $63.99

Each week explores a part of Mary’s story along with practical and biblical application related to a particular aspect of life that can make us feel overwhelmed. kit

Abingdon Press. Coming in May. Book (for Participants) 9781501839924 $15.99; $10.71


SG175610001_ND_014.indd 15



kit book dvd

participant participant kit participant


kit includes:

Shop the online catalog at



kit leader leader h h book book s sh s devo fla fla deb fla tional tio previewpreview dvd book


what you’ll need


10/11/16 11:44 AM

Women’s Studies SEE THE VIDEO

6 E SS


First Corinthians Living Love When We Disagree Melissa Spoelstra




With more and more ways to communicate in a culture that encourages sharing the details of our lives, there exists greater and greater opportunity for disagreement. Our differences seem more pronounced. Our words sound more divisive. Even as Christians, we struggle to get along. The Apostle Paul wrote to the Christians living in Corinth about this very thing, encouraging them to not ridicule one another but to work together to show the love of Christ. In this six-week DVD study, you’ll explore Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians and discover how to live love even when you disagree. A workbook and Leader Guide complement the book and six-segment DVD. Abingdon Press. Book (for Participants) 9781501801686 $15.99; $10.71 Leader Guide 9781501801709 $13.99; $9.37 DVD [CC] 18–30 min. sessions 9781501801723 $49.99; $39.99 Leader Kit (One each of all listed components) 9781501801730 $79.99; $63.99




book dvd

participant kit participant participant book


kit includes:





book book sh sh devo fla fla tional preview previewdvd



sh fla devo book devo tional tional


Paul urged the church in Corinth to “be of one mind, united in thought and purpose” (1 Corinthians 1:10). He essentially called them to live love— even when they disagreed. Chapter 13, known as the love chapter, wasn’t included to be a nice poem for weddings. Instead, it was written to urge Christians living in a pagan and diverse culture to approach one another with the love of Christ. It calls leader us to do the same. book


sh fla





All of us know what it’s like to be hurt or betrayed: being spoken to rudely, overlooked in a time of need, gossiped or lied about. Some of us have endured unspeakable pain through abuse, adultery, or abandonment. God knows our pain and longs to help us learn to practice forgiveness. This six-week study explores what God has to say about grace and forgiveness through Joseph’s story of trial and triumph found in Genesis 37–50. As we study his struggle to forgive, and his journey toward reconciliation, we’ll find truths that echo into our own personal situations. Abingdon Press. Book (for Participants) Leader Guide DVD [CC] 18–30 min. sessions, plus promo video Preview Book Leader Kit (One each of all listed components)


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Women are experts when it comes to worry, fear, and doubt. Unsettled times in our world—our neighborhoods—certainly don’t help. This six-week Bible study, designed specifically to address the challenges and circumstances of today’s woman, helps explore the meaning of Jeremiah’s message with practical life applications to start experiencing intentional living now! Abingdon Press. 9781426788871 9781426788949 9781426788956 9781426788963 9781426788970

$15.99; $10.71 $13.99; $9.37 $49.99; $39.99 $1.99 $79.99; $63.99




Jeremiah Daring to Hope in an Unstable World Melissa Spoelstra


devo tional

what you’ll need

Joseph The Journey to Forgiveness Melissa Spoelstra

9781426789106 9781426789113 9781426789120 9781426789137 9781426789144

from the introduction


Book (for Participants) Leader Guide DVD [CC] 22–28 min. sessions Preview Book Leader Kit (One each of all listed components)

Community Resource Consultants

$15.99; $10.71 $13.99; $9.37 $49.99; $39.99 $1.99 $79.99; $63.99


10/11/16 11:46 AM

6 S






You’re not unlike some of the kings and prophets in 1 and 2 Kings. Although they were set apart by God, they didn’t have all the answers. They struggled. They made big time mistakes. But they grew in their faith through spiritual practices even while carrying out God’s calling on earth. This six-week study examines the holy habits of six kings and prophets who were set apart by their close walk with God. Each week you’ll study the story of one intriguing character, discuss God’s unique purpose for his life, and learn about his particular spiritual discipline. Then you’ll explore how that timeless spiritual practice can draw you closer to God, helping you fulfill God’s purpose for your life. A Book (for participants), Leader Guide, and DVD are offered individually or as part of the complete Leader Kit. Abingdon Press. Book (for Participants) 9781426778421 $15.99; $10.71 Leader Guide 9781426778438 $13.99; $9.37 DVD [CC] approx. 25-min sessions, plus intro video 9781426778452 $49.99; $39.99 Leader Kit 9781426778469 $79.99; $63.99




book dvd

participant kit participant participant book


kit includes:









This study traces the story of the Genesis family from Adam and Eve through the generations to Joseph. Despite good and bad traits that were passed down, God worked for good in every generation. The study ends with the story of Joseph, who stopped the cycle of previous generations, offered forgiveness and grace to his brothers, and brought blessing from brokenness. Abingdon Press.

Book (for Participants) Leader Guide DVD [CC] 16–27 min. sessions, plus intro video Preview Book Leader Kit (One each of all listed components)


SG175610001_ND_016.indd 17

$15.99; $10.71 $13.99; $9.37 $49.99; $39.99 $1.99 $79.99; $63.99





sh 12 for See page a new study devo fla from Jessicational LaGrone.

Namesake When God Rewrites Your Story Jessica LaGrone

6 E SS

author insights

Being set apart is not something that means we see ourselves as better than others. On the contrary, it is only God’s Spirit living in us that marks us and makes us different from those around us, and it is our brokenness and sinfulness that drive us to seek a new way, a new life in Christ.


what you’ll need

Broken and Blessed How God Used One Imperfect Family to Change the World Jessica LaGrone

9781426778377 9781426778384 9781426778391 9781426778407 9781426778414


book book includes sh sh10 sh devo fla fla devo fla book devo tional tional tional preview previewdvd postcards. book



Set Apart Holy Habits of Prophets and Kings Jessica LaGrone



Every name tells a story. Names in Scripture were often given to tell the story of a person’s identity, upbringing, or character. When God transforms lives, it often brings more than we bargained for: new identities, new journeys, even new names. Namesake is a six-week Bible study that explores the transformational power of God through the stories of biblical characters who met God and whose lives and names were changed forever. The Leader Kit contains a Leader Guide, Participant Book, DVD, and 5 Preview Books. Abingdon Press. 9781426761874 9781426761881 9781426761898 9781426763540 9781426778049

Book (for Participants) Leader Guide DVD [CC] 22–27 min. sessions, plus intro video Preview Book: When God Rewrites Your Story Leader Kit

Shop the online catalog at

$15.99; $10.71 $13.99; $9.37 $39.99; $31.99 $1.99 $74.99; $59.99


10/11/16 11:46 AM

Women’s Studies

6 E SS


Beautiful Already Reclaiming God’s Perspective on Beauty Barbara L. Roose



Abingdon Press. Book (for Participants) 9781501813542 $15.99; $10.71 Leader Guide 9781501813566 $13.99; $9.37 DVD [CC] 25 min. sessions 9781501813580 $49.99; $39.99 Leader Kit (One each of components above) 9781501813597 $79.99; $63.99 Also available: Enough Already: Winning Your Ugly Struggle with Beauty 9781426789014 $15.99; $10.71




Based on This I Know For Sure, this six-week study by award-winning Gospel singer-songwriter and Bible teacher Babbie Mason challenges you to examine your personal relationship with God and take hold of some non-negotiable principles of the faith. The DVD offers six video segments with Babbie’s teaching and original music. Abingdon Press. 9781426772450 Book (for Participants) $15.99; $10.71 9781426772467 Leader Guide $13.99; $9.37 9781426772474 DVD [CC] 19–26 min. sessions $49.99; $39.99 9781426772481 Preview Book: Taking God At His Word $1.99 9781426775697 Leader Kit (One each of components above) $79.99; $63.99 Also available: 9781426740817 Original Book: This I Know For Sure $15.99; $10.71

6 E SS


Anonymous Discovering the Somebody You Are to God Cindi Wood


This I Know For Sure Babbie Mason


You look at a mirror and what do you see? Wide hips. Too many wrinkles. A crooked nose. But is that what God sees in your reflection? What is God’s perspective on beauty? Beautiful Already is a sixweek Bible study designed to help liberate women from the ugly struggle with beauty. By letting go of beliefs that affect your self-image and self-esteem, you’ll be free to move toward God’s viewpoint of your heart, mind, body, and soul…free from the traps of comparison and self-ridicule. Plus you’ll learn how to encourage and support other women who are overcome with unrealistic expectations. Six DVD teaching segments and a Leader Guide with discussion points and questions, activities, prayers, and more complement the Book.



You’d think that if you got a mention in the Bible your name would be included too, right? As a woman, you know that who we are is often overlooked. Even in the Bible. But, although their names were not always recorded, biblical women were known and loved by God—just like we are.

Abingdon Press. Book (for Participants) 9781426792120 $15.99; $10.71 Leader Guide 9781426792137 $13.99; $9.37 DVD [CC] approx. 25 min. sessions 9781426792151 $49.99; $39.99 Preview Book 9781426792168 $1.99 Leader Kit (One each of components above) 9781426792182 $79.99; $63.99


SG175610001_ND_018.indd 18




The Christ-Centered Woman Finding Balance in a World of Extremes Kimberly Dunnam Reisman

6 E SS


You’ll explore the stories of four of these anonymous women in this six-week, DVD-based study which is perfect for you and your girlfriends’ Bible study or any women’s small group. Each woman will grow in her relationship with Christ and find her significance in the heart of God. And the stories from everyday women will have you wondering if somebody overheard your last girl-to-girl phone call!



This six-week, in-depth Bible study, based on Ephesians 3, helps women find balance at every age and stage of life through Christ-centered living. Women will discover how being centered in the Savior can help us contemplate, sort, and prioritize our callings. Abingdon Press. 9781426773693 Book (for Participants) $15.99; $10.71 9781426773709 Leader Guide $13.99; $9.37 9781426772511 DVD [CC] 21–27 min. sessions $49.99; $39.99 9781426773716 Preview Book: Finding Balance in a World of Extremes $1.99 9781426775680 Leader Kit (One each of components above) $79.99; $63.99

Community Resource Consultants


10/11/16 11:48 AM



Women of Faith Bible Study Series





Founded in 1996, Women of Faith® has ministered to more than 4 million women with the transforming message of God’s grace. Through events and resources, they fulfill their mission to nurture women spiritually, emotionally, and relationally. Thomas Nelson. Coming in February.


$9.99; $7.19

Living in Jesus Explore what happens after you receive Christ and what it means to truly dwell in Him. 9780310684626

Leading a Life of Balance Learn how to achieve spiritual balance to find the equilibrium you need in other areas of your life. 9780310684602

Awakening to a Grand New Day Discover how God wants you to put the past in the past, and move on to the grand new day He has planned for you.


Experiencing Intimacy with God Examine how to know God, be known by Him, and reveal your true self to Him—the good, the bad, and the ugly. 9780310683018

Managing Your Emotions Explore what the Bible has to say about our emotions and how we can learn to manage them so that they do not end up controlling us.



kit cd


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about the study S

Corinth was the Sin City of its day. The Apostle Paul lived in Corinth for eighteen months, helping the rookie church there gain its footing in a slippery society. However, after Paul left the city, the Corinthians slid all too quickly into their previous behaviors and vices. They had new hearts, but they couldn’t shake their old habits. It was in this circumstance Paul wrote his extraordinary letter to the Corinthians. Just as Paul speaks into the lives of the Corinthians, he speaks to us here and now with an exhilarating message of grace and freedom. His letter offers us so much wisdom and clarity for a different way of life, one that doesn’t just avoid sin and hunker down into sanitized Christian enclaves. Rather, we are challenged to live abundantly in Sin City, to dynamically contribute to culture and cultivate participant leader the holy lives, not in our own power, but through book sh power and freedom of Jesus Christ. fla book Thomas Nelson. Study Guide 9780310082095 DVD 9780310082170 Study Guide with DVD 9780310082187


6 E SS


Live Full Walk Free Set Apart in a Sin-Soaked World Cindy Bultema


Touching on themes of identity, purpose, and purity, this Bible study offers women a bold route to freedom, a path of strength, clarity, and nonconformity. These six sessions will equip women to open their eyes to the complexities of life in a sin-soaked world and to handle each situation they face with boldness and grace.


guide devo tional

book dvd

particip book

what you’ll need $14.99; $10.79 $26.99; $21.59 $39.99; $28.79

Shop the online catalog at


10/11/16 11:48 AM



You Are Free Be Who You Already Are Rebekah Lyons




Women’s Studies


about the author


In this six-session video Bible study, Rebekah Lyons explores why we all want to know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, what we were made for. Yet many of us believe that calling feels like something held for the exclusive few. Lyon dismantles that idea, reminding us that God has plans for something specific if we have ears to hear the still small voice of a Father that beckons. Lyons has traveled the country sharing with vulnerability her struggles to hear God and follow Him. She has prayed with hands laid for deliverance on women considering suicide, experiencing trauma, fighting cancer, holding off divorce, or overcoming addiction. These women, battle weary and wounded, are saying, I’m done with the life I’ve created. I want to expect more from a passionate and relentless God. Please set me free. Abiding in God’s presence will bring us answers and sustain our life from a new place of freedom. You Are Free is a prophetic call for women to be who they’ve been designed to be, and to truly run free.

...a mother of three, wife of one, and dog walker of two living in Nashville. She’s an old soul with a contemporary, honest voice who puts a new face on the struggles women face as they seek to live a life of meaning. Through emotive writing and speaking, Rebekah reveals her own battles to overcome anxiety, depression, and consumer impulses— challenging women to discover and boldly pursue the calling God has for them. As a self-confessed mess, Rebekah wears her heart on her sleeve, a benefit to friends and readers alike.

OTHER BOOKS by the author

Zondervan. Coming in February.


leader book dvd

sh fla

participant guide

devo book tional


what you’ll need

Hardcover Book 9780310345527 $19.99; $14.39 Study Guide kitleader participant leader 9780310085614 $12.99; $9.35 book book sh DVD a devo fl book tional $19.43preview 9780310085638 $26.99; dvd preview Study Guide with DVD 9780310085645 $38.99; $28.07

Play with Fire Discovering Fierce Faith, Unquenchable Passion, and a Life-Giving God Bianca Juarez Olthoff

6 S




New York Times best-selling author Ann Voskamp sits at the edge of her life and all of her own unspoken brokenness and asks: What if you really want to live abundantly before it’s too late? What do you do if you really want to know abundant wholeness? This is the one begging question that’s behind every single aspect of our lives— and one that The Broken Way rises up to explore in the most unexpected ways. Zondervan. 9780310318583 9780310346562 9780310820741 9780310820918 9780310821106

Hardcover Book Book Study Guide DVD (6 sessions) Study Guide with DVD


SG175610001_ND_020.indd 20

$22.99; $14.99; $12.99; $26.99; $38.99;


5 E SS



Fire can burn and destroy but it can also refine and bring beautiful new life. In this five-session video-based Bible study, Bianca Juarez Olthoff delivers a Bible-infused message that will help women gain new insight into God’s character, discover the personal and powerful nature of the Holy Spirit, and understand the unique fire God places in each person, helping them to fulfill their God-given calling and Kingdom purpose. In each powerful video session you will be reminded, or perhaps learn for the first time, that God has HUGE dreams for you. Zondervan.

$16.55 $10.79 $9.35 $19.43 $28.07


devo tional


The Broken Way A Daring Path into the Abundant Life Ann Voskamp

sh fla

9780310345244 9780310880707 9780310880714


Book Study Guide DVD (5 sessions)

Community Resource Consultants

$16.99; $12.23 $12.99; $9.35 $26.99; $19.43 SG17

10/11/16 11:49 AM


12 E SS


Twelve More Women of the Bible Life-Changing Stories for Women Today Sherry Harney (based on teaching from various authors)



In this 12-session video Bible study, some of today’s best-loved authors and speakers look at the spiritual lessons learned from twelve biblical women and what they mean for your life today. Each of the twelve sessions focuses on one biblical character. In each session women will learn to apply biblical lessons to their own modern-day struggles; live through their failures as well as successes; draw near to God in a world filled with trials; find lasting contentment; overcome rejection and insecurity; and much more. The Study Guide features discussion questions, background information on each character, space to write down thoughts, video notes, and much more. It is designed for use with the DVD (sold separately). HarperCollins. Study Guide 9780310081463 $12.99; $9.35 DVD 9780310081487 $29.99; $23.99 Study Guide with DVD 9780310081494 $39.99; $28.79

31 Verses to Write on Your Heart Liz Curtis Higgs Here are the words of hope you re looking for when your faith needs a boost or a friend needs encouragement. Chosen by more than a thousand women as their favorite verses in the Bible, each one is worth learning, worth sharing, worth remembering. You ll find verses you already know and love and others that are less familiar but no less powerful. All of them capture the truth of God s goodness, mercy, and love for His own. With a Study Guide included, 31 Verses to Write on Your Heart is a daily devotional and a small group Bible study, wrapped in a lovely gift book overflowing with joy. WaterBrook Press. 9781601428912

Hardcover Book

$14.99; $10.79

NEW Zip It The Keep It Shut 40-Day Challenge Karen Ehman

Each of the forty interactive entries includes a Scripture verse focus for the day, a story or teaching point, and reflection questions with space for readers to write their answers and thoughts. Zondervan. Coming in February. 9780310345879


$15.99; $11.51

Also available:

Keep It Shut: What to Say, How to Say It, and When to Say Nothing at All 9780310339649 Book $16.99; $12.23


SG175610001_ND_020.indd 21

Shop the online catalog at

Ten Women of the Bible One by One They Changed the World Max Lucado with Jenna Lucado Bishop

10 E SS


Zip It empowers readers to put into action the advice and commands of Scripture concerning the tongue. The New York Times bestselling book Keep It Shut covered many topics, including anger, truth-telling, people-pleasing, our digital tongues online, and gossip. Because there are more than 3,500 verses in the Bible that relate to our words and our silence, Keep It Shut only scratched the surface. Zip It takes a deeper look and offers practical how-tos that will inspire you use your words to build, to bless, to encourage, and to praise.



We don’t even know all the names of the remarkable women found in the Bible. This 10-session workbook gives some of Lucado’s favorite accounts of ten biblical women: Sarah, Abigail, Esther, the Samaritan Woman, Mary Magdalene, and others, and describes what set them all apart. Each session includes in-depth Bible studies to help you navigate the stories with summarizations of key Scripture points; daily prayers; weekly memory verses, and additional notes for leaders. Thomas Nelson. 9780310080916

Study Guide

$19.99; $14.39


10/12/16 1:05 PM

Men’s Studies author insights

Large Print Book 9780835815826





Take the Flag Following God’s Signals in the Race of Your Life Rob Fuquay


$9.99; $6.99

DVD (Includes Leader Downloads) 9780835815819 $39.99; $31.99

...have you ever felt as though you were just coasting, driving warmup laps? Nothing is wrong. You just wonder why your faith doesn’t have more energy and power. Or perhaps youth faith life consists mostly of practices and routines that make you feel like you’re just going through the motions. You are looking for something more dynamic, something that will make a difference in your life and in the world around you. Have you ever wished someone would wave a green flag of faith that takes life from coasting to a full-throttle, earth-shaking experience?

OTHER STUDIES by the author


The spiritual life is often compared to a race. This Lent, slow down and watch for signals God sends us in our fast-paced lives. This 7-week series compares flags from auto racing to our life of faith: • Green flag (start): How do we start our journey of faith? • Yellow flag (caution): The decisions we make can sometimes put us in danger. How do we learn to heed God’s caution? • Red flag (delay): Finishing well involves pit stops. How does God help us get the most out of these breaks? • Blue flag (yield): Each of us may run our own race, but we also need to respect others. How does God help us focus on others’ needs? • Black flag (disqualification): What happens when our own violations take us out of the race, and how does God help us get back in? • White flag (final lap): As we head toward the finish line, how do we steer according to God’s will? • Checkered flag (victory): If we persevere—navigating the hazards, managing the pit stops—then victory is ours. But how does God want us to experience victory?

kit dvd


kit participant participant book



what you’ll need DVD includes leader materials.

The racing theme is especially appealing to men’s study groups, but the DVD contains leader resources for children, youth, and adults. Upper Room Books. Book (for Participants) 9780835815789 $9.99; $6.99


SG175610001_ND_022.indd 22




Community Resource Consultants


10/11/16 11:51 AM


4 E SS


Shaken Discovering Your True Identity in the Midst of Life’s Storms Tim Tebow


Have you ever questioned God’s plan? Struggled with disappointment? Doubted your purpose in life? Many of us have. Through his NFL journey, Tim Tebow has learned what it means to be grounded in who you are, despite the shifting tide of public opinion or the things life throws your way. In this powerful new Bible study, Tebow delivers a Scripture-packed message about what it means to fix your hope and your identity in a God who does not change. He highlights key players and passages from the Bible that will inspire you to release bitterness from past hurts and trust in a loving God, recognize and use your talents to make a difference in the world, and remain resilient and grounded in your faith. Perfect for groups or individuals, this dynamic study includes key quotations and in-depth discussion questions to help you face life’s challenges head on. Waterbrook Press. Book 9780735289895 $12.99; $9.35 Hardcover Book (with A.J. Gregory) $18.00 kit kit participant participant9780735289864 leader $25.00; leader DVD 20-min. video sessions book book sh ash devo devo fla book book 9780735289918 $24.99; fl$17.99 tional tional preview preview dvd dvd Hardcover Gift Book—What God Says About You Coming in February. what you’ll need 9780735289925 $14.99; $10.79 Homeschool Resource Hardcover Book, Hardcover Gift Book, Coming in May. and Homeschool Resource also available. 9780735289949 $12.99




Join the conversation as a father and son talk about pursuing beauty, dealing with money, getting married, chasing dreams, knowing something real with God, and how to find a life you can call your own. Killing Lions is more than fatherly advice. It is an invitation into a journey: either to be the son who receives fathering or the father who learns what must be spoken. Most important, these conversations speak to a searching generation: “You are not alone. It’s not all up to you. You are going to find your way.” Thomas Nelson.

Our deepest need is to live in conversation with God. Yet most Christians have never been taught how to have a conversation with the Creator. In this updated study guide, Eldredge dives deeper into his personal journals to tell his stories about walking and talking with the Lord. Packed with questions, stories, and discussion topics, this study guide features journaling prompts, relevant passages, clarity readings, and a leader’s guide. Thomas Nelson. Coming in March. Study Guide

$16.99; $12.23


$16.99; $12.23

Also available: 9780718080983


SG175610001_ND_022.indd 23

Tim Tebow is a two-time national champion, first round NFL draft pick, and Heisman trophy winner. After playing in the NFL for the Denver Broncos and the New York Jets, Tebow joined the SEC Network. In addition to his role on SEC Nation, the network’s traveling road show, Tebow also contributes to a variety of other ESPN platforms. Through everything Tim’s true passion remains the work of the Tim Tebow Foundation which he began in 2010. The foundation’s mission is to bring Faith, Hope, and Love to those needing a brighter day in their darkest hour of need. The foundation is fulfilling that mission everyday by serving thousands of deserving children around the world.

Killing Lions A Guide Through the Trials Young Men Face John Eldredge and Sam Eldredge

E SS N S IO Walking with God How to Hear His Voice Craig McConnell and John Eldredge


about the author



Shop the online catalog at

$16.99; $11.89


10/11/16 11:52 AM


4 E SS


Defying Gravity Break Free from the Culture of More Tom Berlin



Our possessions can create unbearable weight and affect our ability to serve and thrive. How do we defy gravity and find freedom? In this four-week small group study and stewardship campaign, pastor and author Tom Berlin explores what is required to sustain a vibrant life, what we need versus what we want, and what we can do to avoid being pulled into the orbit of materialism. Abingdon Press. Book 9781501813405 Leader Guide 9781501813429

Funding Ministry with Five Loaves and Two Fishes Rosario Picardo; foreword by Mike Slaughter

$14.99; $10.04 $12.99; $8.70

The Generous Church: A Guide for Pastors 9781501813498 $16.99; $11.38 DVD [CC] 4 sessions; 7–9 mins. each 9781501813443 $29.99; $23.99 Program Tools Flash Drive 9781501813511 $39.99; $31.99 Family Card Pack 9781501813535 $2.29 Quantity discounts available. See for details. Leader Kit (Includes one each of above) 9781501817557 $114.95; $82.99

Rosario Picardo knows what it’s like to be a pastor with few resources and feel the stress of managing “business” matters like finances, debt reduction, fundraising, and building maintenance. He’s been there. Through trials and failures, innovation and entrepreneurial thinking, Picardo learned new ways for reaching the least and lost and for growing disciples. He shares the lessons he’s learned with the confidence that other leaders can do the same. Abingdon Press. 9781501818929

$16.99; $11.38

Streaming videos for each session are available at

4 E SS


Earn. Save. Give. Wesley’s Simple Rules for Money James A. Harnish



Earn all you can. Save all you can. Give all you can. Wesley’s rules for money sound simple, but they’re not always easy in today’s culture of consumerism. This 21st-century translation of Wesley’s thoughts on money will give your congregation a new way to think about money, during your stewardship program and beyond. Abingdon Press.


SG175610001_ND_024.indd 24

Book 9781630883928 $13.99; $9.37 Large Print Edition 9781630883942 $14.99; $10.04 Leader Guide 9781630883959 $13.99; $9.37 DVD [CC] 4 sessions; 10–12 mins. each 9781630883973 $39.99; $31.99 Program Guide Flash Drive 9781630883980 $34.99; $27.99 Devotional Readings for Home 9781501805073 $6.99; $4.68 Devotional Readings for Home, Pkg. of 25 9781501805097 $174.75; $99.99 Youth Study Book 9781630884000 $9.99; $6.69 Children’s Leader Guide 9781630884024 $16.99; $11.38

Cash or check? How about neither? Why hasn’t the church embraced the idea of electronic giving and digital finance? The E-Giving Guide for Every Church takes away the confusion and fear involved in using electronic media to raise money for your ministry and mission by providing a solid, sustainable framework that focuses on the key topics every church must address... sooner rather than later. Abingdon Press.

Streaming videos for each session are available at





The E-Giving Guide for Every Church Using Digital Tools to Grow Ministry Richard Rogers; foreword by J. Clif Christopher

Community Resource Consultants

$12.99; $8.70


10/11/16 11:53 AM




Emotionally Healthy Spirituality E SS N S IO It’s Impossible to Be Spiritually Mature, While Remaining Emotionally Immature Peter Scazzero S

about this study

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality is the heart of the discipleship course (The EHS Course) that is changing people and churches around the world, launching people into a transformative spirituality with God. It offers eight powerful chapters leading people beyond a tip-of-the-iceberg spirituality.

After almost three decades of pastoring New Life Fellowship Church in New York City, Peter Scazzero discovered that most people are not being changed in our churches, and, as a result, are not changing the world. He found two truths to be true: (1) you can’t be spiritually mature while remaining emotionally immature, and (2) little change is possible without a first-hand relationship with Jesus Christ. The integration of these two truths unleashed a spiritual revolution in Scazzero, in his church, and now in thousands of other churches. In this revised bestselling book, Scazzero outlines his journey and offers a roadmap for a discipleship with Jesus that is powerfully transformative. With new stories and principles, this updated edition will inspire readers to revolutionize their spiritual life. Zondervan. Coming in April. 9780310348498 Book $16.99; $12.23 9780310085195 Workbook (with Geri Scazzero) $10.99; $7.91 9780310085423 Participant’s Pack (book, Day by Day book, and workbook) $39.99; $28.79 9780310085218 DVD (8 sessions) $39.99; $28.79 9780310085232 Leader’s Kit (Participant’s Pack, Course DVD, and Ministry Resource DVD) $79.99; $63.99 kit dvd



participant participant kit

book book dvd

kit includes:


kit participant leader leader participant Workbook

leader book sh fla


sh devo fla tional

devo tional

9781426787737 Book 9781426787775 Leader Guide 9781426787751 DVD [CC] 4 sessions; 10–12 mins. each

$14.99; $10.04 $12.99; $8.70


A Disciple’s Heart Growing in Love and Grace E SS N S IO James A. Harnish with Justin LaRosa





Christian belief through Christian action— it’s like an apprentice who learns from a master carpenter not only by listening, but also by following the master’s example. Author Jeff Kirby brings his rich and challenging style of teaching to a powerful four-session study that shows us how we aren’t truly following Jesus until we do as Jesus…until we become a Jesus apprentice. The study features a DVD, a Leader Guide, and flexible format options. Abingdon Press.

SG175610001_ND_024.indd 25

book devo tional preview

what you’ll need

Jesus Apprentice Doing What Jesus Did Jeff Kirby



book book included insh kit. sh fla fla devo book book tional preview preview preview

John Wesley was really all about the spiritual journey—taking steps and continually walking a path that transforms the heart and helps us grow into the likeness of Christ. This six-week study for small groups or a churchwide experience reinterprets Wesley’s idea of “Christian perfection,” helping participants develop a pattern of daily Scripture reading, prayer, and personal reflection. Abingdon Press. 9781630882556 9781630882570 9781630882594 9781630882617

Daily Workbook (Participant Book) $12.99; $8.70 Companion Reader (Devotional) $9.99; $6.69 Leader Guide with Downloadable Toolkit $25.99; $20.79 Program Kit (includes all items listed above) $39.99; $31.99

$39.99; $31.99

Shop the online catalog at


10/11/16 11:53 AM




A Grace-Full Life E SS N S IO God’s All-Reaching, Soul-Saving, Character-Shaping, Never-Ending Love Jorge Acevedo and Wes Olds S


Wesleyan/United Methodist


Grace. It’s a game changer. And when neverending love comes from God, it sometimes feels like more than you can take. Why does God want to have a personal relationship with me? How can I fully experience and respond to God’s grace? What does “grace” really mean? In A Grace-Full Life, you’ll examine a Wesleyan understanding of grace for the common person. You’ll learn about various forms of grace— prevenient grace, justifying grace, sanctifying grace, and glorifying grace—and you’ll come away knowing how God’s grace truly works in your life. The book may be used as a standalone resource or combined with a DVD and Leader Guide for a four-session study. Abingdon Press. Coming in February. Book $14.99; $10.04 Leader Guide $12.99; $8.70 DVD [CC} 10–12 min. sessions $34.99; $27.99

9781501832819 9781501832833 9781501832857

about the book

A Grace-Full Life seeks to answer these questions and more: What is grace? In what ways is God an everpresent God? How can I die well surrounded by God’s grace?


Streaming videos available on beginning in February.



participant leader book preview



kit leader sh fla dvd

devo tional preview

book book


sh fla

by the author

leader book

devo tional


sh fla

devo tional

what you’ll need

8 S



Ask Faith Questions in a Skeptical Age Scott J. Jones and Arthur D. Jones


This exciting and inspiring study helps seekers and believers to envision and practice discipleship as a way of life. Presenting Christianity from a Wesleyan perspective, Jones invites participants into a deeper, more thoughtful, more active commitment to Christ. This 8-session study helps participants focus on how, through discipleship with Jesus Christ, we become part of God’s work in transforming the world. Each week a different presenter shares their personal faith experience. Abingdon Press. 9781426767562 9781426767579 9781426767586

9781501803338 9781501803352 9781501803376

Streaming videos available on

SG175610001_ND_026.indd 26



We live in a skeptical age. People— especially young people—express doubts about Christian faith. In this thoughtful eight-week study, Bishop Scott Jones partners with his son Rev. Arthur Jones to address hard questions about faith, religion, and the church: Can only one religion be true? Why is there suffering and evil? How can I believe in science and creation? How can I believe in a God I can’t prove? Are marriage, sex, and family life religious issues? Was Jesus’ resurrection real? Why do Christians disagree about so many things? Abingdon Press.

Student Book $14.99; $10.04 Leader Guide $14.99; $10.04 DVD [CC] 8–10 min. sessions $39.99; $31.99


8 E SS


The Wesleyan Way A Faith That Matters Scott J. Jones

Book Leader Guide DVD [CC] 10–14 min. sessions

$14.99; $10.04 $12.99; $8.70 $39.99; $31.99

Streaming videos available on




Community Resource Consultants


10/11/16 11:56 AM


3 E SS


The Wesley Challenge 21 Days to a More Authentic Faith Chris Folmsbee

about the book



Renew your passion and discover deeper commitment to God in just 21 days. With fast-paced emphasis on graphics and short contents bits, The Wesley Challenge by Chris Folmsbee, the director of discipleship at the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, KS, will inspire us to a new kind of commitment to God and others.

Wesley who? As mature Methodists, the question seems unimaginable, but do our young laypeople know who John Wesley was and what he means to our church? The Wesley Challenge introduces young adults to our denomination’s father in a practical and accessible way through 21 questions studied over three weeks. This series is, in fact, a great way for your entire church to renew its passion and discover a deeper commitment to God—one that is more authentic, vulnerable, and soul-shaping— right along with your young adults. Engage your physical, emotional, and spiritual lives throughout the 21-day study, which includes a book, a Leader Guide, a Youth Study Book, a DVD, and a Campaign Download Package.

OTHER STUDIES by the author

Abingdon Press. Coming in June. 9781501832901 Book (for Participants) $14.99; 9781501832925 Leader Guide $12.99; 9781501832949 DVD [CC] 10–12 min. sessions $29.99; 9781501832987 Youth Study Book $9.99;

$10.04 $8.70 $23.99 $6.69

Campaign Download Package and Streaming Videos available on beginning in June. kit book

participant participant



book sh fla dvd







sh available also devo devo fla book tional tional

leader book preview

sh fla

devo tional

what you’ll need

6 IO N

A covenant with God is a faithful promise of renewal, and none is more central to the Methodist identity than The Wesley Covenant Prayer first used by John Wesley in 1755 during a renewal service. Its central theme focuses on the way we can have a closer relationship with God and others through a heightened dedication to a serious faith. And now, modern congregations can experience a boost in their way of Christian living thanks to Wesley’s text and this accessible, churchwide campaign. Abingdon Press. 9781501824920 9781501824944 9781501824968 9781501824982

Hardcover Book $9.99; $6.69 Participant Guide $4.99 Leader Guide $9.99; $6.69 DVD 10–14 min. sessions $39.99; $31.99


SG175610001_ND_026.indd 27

Five Marks of a Methodist Magrey deVega with Steve Harper


6 E SS




One FaithFul Promise The Wesleyan Covenant for Renewal Magrey R. deVega



Wesley knew that if the Methodist movement was to be established and grow, it must rest upon the solid foundation of gospel characteristics. This study provides a focused strengthening of the world Wesleyan family, while written so that any Christian person or group could benefit. This study includes the book, Five Marks of a Methodist, a Participant Character Guide, a Leader Guide, and 6 brief video sessions (DVD or streaming). Abingdon Press. 9781501820267 9781501820243 9781501820229

Participant Character Guide Leader Guide DVD 9–15 min. sessions

Also available (by Steve Harper): 9781501800597 Hardcover Book 9781501824739 Book, Spanish Edition

$4.99 $9.99; $6.69 $29.99; $23.99 $8.99; $6.02 $7.99; $5.35

Streaming videos available on

Shop the online catalog at


10/11/16 11:56 AM

Wesleyan/United Methodist NEW 40 Days with Wesley A Daily Devotional Journey Rueben P. Job Prepare for Lent with a daily devotional that weaves quotes and excerpts from John Wesley, the father of Methodism, with inspirational readings on faith and prayer from Rueben P. Job. Each selection offers a simple daily pattern of reflection with a prayer, Scripture, and short readings that make this daily devotional an easy read. You’ll also find that this book makes a wonderful gift or award for anyone who needs reassurance and inspiration.

Abingdon Press. Coming in January. 9781501836015

$14.99; $10.04

Lead Like Wesley Help for Today’s Ministry Servants Mark L. Gorveatte



Two centuries ago, John Wesley famously composed Twelve Rules for Helpers for pastors of his time who would follow in his ministry footsteps. Gorveatte devotedly unpacks the heart of each rule, revealing how the timeless truths inform and direct good Christian leadership even today. Each chapter is dedicated to one rule, is supported by a key theme with its scriptural context, and is thoughtfully considered in the light of contemporary research, making a compelling case for character-based leadership. Wesleyan Publishing House. 9781632571250

Revival Faith as Wesley Lived It Adam Hamilton

12 E SS


Those familiar with Bishop Job’s writing will be delighted to find selections of his writing from the past two decades in a new format. Flexible softcover binding and a ribbon marker make this book perfect for gift-giving.

$14.99; $10.79

6 S




Once again, Adam Hamilton uses his captivating storytelling talent to take you on a six-week DVD journey through England tracing the life of John Wesley whose message and faith call for a revival of our hearts and souls. Abingdon Press.

Also available:

Large Print Book 9781630882945

$15.99; $10.71

Streaming videos for each session available at


SG175610001_ND_028.indd 28




Top 10 United Methodist Beliefs Don Adams

10 E SS


Book 9781426778841 $14.99; $10.04 Leader Guide 9781426778834 $12.99; $8.70 DVD [CC] 6 sessions, 10 mins. each. 9781426776823 $39.99; $31.99 Youth Study Book 9781426788680 $9.99; $6.69 Children’s Leader Guide 9781426788710 $16.99; $11.38 Start-Up Kit (Contains one each of items above) 9781630889852 $94.95 $66.49



Using John Wesley as guide, this book describes the 10 most important United Methodist beliefs, so that we are equipped for every good work. It also describes how a passionate Wesley can still inspire us to travel the road to perfection using these basic beliefs as signposts, not hitching posts. Includes study questions. Abingdon Press. 9781501804229

Community Resource Consultants

$14.99; $10.04


10/11/16 11:58 AM

Churchwide NEW


Creed What Christians Believe and Why Adam Hamilton





Adam Hamilton believes that powerful answers to many of our complicated questions are contained in the Apostles’ Creed. Creed explores what Christians believe, why they believe it, and why it matters, helping readers confront and examine their own core beliefs. An ideal six-week churchwide program for Lent, Easter, and beyond.

Hardcover Book 9781501813719 $19.99; $13.39 DVD [CC] 6 sessions, 12–15 mins. each 9781501813764 $39.99; $31.99 Leader Guide 9781501813740 $12.99; $8.70 Youth Study Book 9781501813832 $9.99; $6.69 Children’s Leader Guide 9781501813702 $18.99; $12.72 Leader Kit (one each of above) 9781501824838 $101.95; $67.99 Also available: Large Print Book 9781501813733



Your whole church can experience a season of spiritual growth and life-changing renewal with this six-week, video-based series. You’ll follow the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus and understand the context of some of the Bible’s best-known verses. Abingdon Press. 9781501805332 Hardcover Book $18.99; $12.72 9781501805363 Leader Guide $12.99; $8.70 9781501805417 DVD [CC] 6 sessions, 12–17 mins. each $39.99; $31.99 9781501805486 Youth Study Book $9.99; $6.69 9781501805509 Children’s Leader Guide $18.99; $12.72 9781501817519 Leader Kit (one each of above) $100.95; $69.99 Also available: 9781501805356 Large Print Book $19.99; $13.39

$20.99; $14.06

Streaming videos for each session available at

Streaming videos for each session available at

5 E SS


Half Truths God Helps Those Who Help Themselves and Other Things the Bible Doesn’t Say Adam Hamilton

6 E SS


John The Gospel of Light and Life Adam Hamilton

Abingdon Press.



Everything happens for a reason. True? Not so fast. In Half Truths, you’ll learn that this phrase, and others, are really just popular sayings. The five-week video-based study can be used in small groups or as a churchwide program where all ages explore the topics at the same time. Abingdon Press.

Also available: Large Print Book 9781501813894

$19.99; $13.39

Streaming videos for each session available at

See pages 2–3 for a new study from Adam Hamilton. SG17

SG175610001_ND_028.indd 29

Shop the online catalog at


E SS N S The Call IO The Life and Message of the Apostle Paul Adam Hamilton


Hardcover Book 9781501813870 $19.99; $13.39 Leader Guide 9781501813900 $12.99; $8.70 DVD [CC] 5 sessions, 8–10 mins. each. 9781501813924 $39.99; $31.99 Youth Study Book 9781501813986 $9.99; $6.69 Youth Leader Guide 9781501814006 $14.99; $10.04 Leader Kit (one each of above) 9781501817540 $97.95; $67.99

From the road to Damascus to modern-day Greece and Turkey to a Roman prison, go with Adam Hamilton as he follows the journeys of Paul in this six-week, churchwide, video-based study about Christianity’s greatest teacher and missionary. Abingdon Press. Hardcover Book $18.99; $12.72 Large Print Book $19.99; $13.39 Leader Guide $12.99; $8.70 DVD [CC] 6 sessions, 10–17 mins. each $39.99; $31.99 9781630882686 Youth Study Book $9.99; $6.69 9781630882709 Children’s Leader Guide $16.99; $11.38

9781630882624 9781630882648 9781630882655 9781630882679

Streaming videos for each session available at


10/11/16 11:58 AM

Marriage and Family

6 E SS


Cherish The One Word That Changes Everything for Your Marriage Gary L. Thomas


There are countless marriages consisting of two people just going through the motions. But Gary Thomas says there are real ways this pattern can be reversed: when husbands and wives learn to cherish one another in proven, loving, and everyday actions and words. Through personal stories and real world examples, Thomas proves what husbands and wives can begin doing today to turn their marriage around, even a marriage marred by neglect and disrespect. So how do you cherish your spouse? Thomas will show you how going out of your way to notice them, appreciate them, honor them, encourage them, and hold them close to your heart will bring hope, light, and life into your marriage. Zondervan. Coming in January. Hardcover Book 9780310347262 Study Guide with DVD 9780310080763 Study Guide 9780310080732 DVD, 6 sessions 9780310080749

kit dvd


kit participant Study participant Guide book

also available book


$36.99; $26.63 $10.99; $7.91

None of us want marriages where we grit our teeth and just tolerate each other....where our spouses really don’t like us, much less respect us. We want to be married to someone we cherish and who cherishes us.

OTHER STUDIES by the author

$26.99; $21.59


book preview

$22.99; $16.55

“” author insights



book sh fla

sh devo fla tional

devo tional

what you’ll need


Don’t Go to Bed Angry Stay Up and Fight Deb DeArmond and Ron DeArmond

I Choose You Today 31 Choices to Make Love Last Deb DeArmond

Don’t go to bed angry. Deb and Ron DeArmond say there’s a second part to that oft-given marriage advice: Stay up and fight! Conflict isn’t the problem; it’s how you deal with it. The DeArmonds combine a healthy dose of personal experience with relationship-affirming biblical wisdom to demonstrate how communication through conflict can actually safeguard and even strengthen your relationship. Worksheets, discussion questions, and prayers make this a definitive, go-to resource to help you start fighting together for your marriage. Abingdon Press.

Features 31 scriptural principles that support marriage and help couples develop healthy biblically based behavior. Built on an introductory anecdotal story, each chapter has an inspirational takeaway of not only what to do, but how to begin applying the principles immediately. Thoughtprovoking questions create talking points for couples to explore their own choices and experiences in each area, serving to generate open dialogue of discovery. Abingdon Press.

$14.99; $10.04


SG175610001_ND_030.indd 30





$14.99; $10.04

Community Resource Consultants


10/11/16 11:59 AM

NEW Stepping on Cheerios Finding God in the Chaos and Clutter of Life Betsy Singleton Snyder

author insights

She has her first child at age 44. Then at 47 she finds out she is carrying triplets. Add to that the responsibilities of being a pastor, missionary, and wife of a United States senator… to describe her life as “overwhelmed” would be an understatement! Betsy Singleton Snyder understands how hard it is to experience a personal connection with God and community when you are caught up in the chaos of just “doing family.” Women who are juggling everyday feats of work, motherhood, marriage, and church will relate to this funny, warm, and charming collection of tales and will discover how God works in our lives no matter what comes next.

Frankly, I grew up with my mom loving Erma Bombeck. I still love reading women with a sense of humor, such as Anne Lamott, and who also have a touch of irreverence that most of us find very relatable. We need to find it in the church today and in people who love the church and, most importantly, love Jesus.

The first chapter is titled, “God’s Time Is Cray-Cray,” based on an incident with one of Betsy’s triplets, which made her think about the difference between chronos and kairos. “My whole life is me pushing for chronos and God delivering kairos.” Additional chapters include: Just Sayin’: It Ain’t No Picnic; Fixer-Upper (from the big hit song in Frozen, those lyrics are perfect for relationships); God Dropped Them Like Handkerchiefs from the Sky (Buechner’s words); The Prodigal Paci; Legos Are a Means of Grace. Abingdon Press. Coming in April. 9781501827259

$16.99; $11.38

You Can Adopt Without Debt Creative Ways to Cover the Cost of Adoption Julie Gumm You’re a Christian family who feels led to adopt, but you really had no idea how much money it took to complete a private domestic or international adoption. And now you’re thinking that you have to give up the idea. You’re frustrated, overwhelmed, and discouraged. Don’t lose hope. Author Julie Gumm shares proven strategies that include applying for grants, creative budgeting, and fund-raising ideas that you can use to prepare for and avoid those high costs associated with adoption. And having successfully adopted two children from Ethiopia, she should know. Abingdon Press. 9781426793004

$15.99; $10.71


SG175610001_ND_030.indd 31

Total Family Makeover 8 Practical Steps to Making Disciples at Home Melissa Spoelstra Proverbs 22:6 tells us to train up our children in the way they should go, but exactly how are we supposed to do that when sometimes it’s a battle just to get them dressed and ready for school on time? How did Christ teach his disciples? He lived by example and taught them using hands-on training. When we focus on the eight keys to living like Jesus—prayer, Bible study, mentoring, community, serving, rest, generosity, and evangelism—our children can learn the same way. Making disciples at home starts with YOU! Give your family a makeover with this practical approach to helping your children learn what it means to be a follower of Jesus. Abingdon Press. 9781501820656

$16.99; $11.38

Shop the online catalog at


10/11/16 12:00 PM

Prayer NEW

6 E SS


Pray Like Jesus Rediscovering the Lord’s Prayer Don Underwood



Seventy words were all Jesus needed to cover the breadth of the Christian message and experience. You already know The Lord’s Prayer by heart and can easily recite it…and that may be the problem. We know those 70 words so well most of us rattle them off, never thinking about their meaning.

Abingdon Press. Coming in February. Book 9781501831058 Leader Guide 9781501831072

$14.99; $10.04 $12.99; $8.70

What the Prayers of Jesus Tell Us About the Heart of God Shane Stanford

5 E SS


In Pray Like Jesus, pastor and author Don Underwood reexamines the content of the Lord’s Prayer, helping you to discover insightful spiritual guidance for developing a rich devotional life. Plus, at the end of each chapter, you’ll find ideas for making the prayer a part of your daily spiritual discipline. Perfect as a standalone resource or combined with the Leader Guide for a six-week study.



Even little children can be heard reciting The Lord’s Prayer during a service—most Christians know it by heart. But the New Testament gives us additional examples of Jesus’ prayers. By studying them, we can learn how they inform and engage his intentions of how the gospel would change lives and affect the world, both in the first century and for every century to follow. Abingdon Press. 9781426774256 9781501819391

Book $15.99; $10.71 Leader Guide $12.99; $8.70

Praying the Names of Jesus A Daily Guide Ann Spangler


$16.99; $12.23

Also available:

Praying the Names of God: A Daily Guide 9780310345817 $16.99; $12.23

Your Powerful Prayers: Reaching the Heart of God with a Bold and Humble Faith Susie Larson

SG175610001_ND_032.indd 32






The all-powerful God of the universe loves you and wants to talk “with you.” Drawing from thirty years of journaling, trusted author and radio host Susie Larson shares the secrets to effective prayer. She will help you put into action the powerful combination of a humble reverence before God and a tenacious hold on the promises he gives his beloved children, drawing you closer to God and changing how you see yourself and your circumstances. Bethany House. 9780764213328 9780764213540


6 E SS


Gain a more intimate knowledge of Jesus and his plan for your life. Each of his names holds within it a promise: to be our Teacher, Healer, Friend, and Lord to be God with Us no matter the circumstances. Prince of Peace, Lamb of God, Bread of Life, Yeshua . . . through his names and titles, we come to understand more fully how Jesus reveals God’s heart to us. This book focuses on twenty-six of his most prominent names and titles to provide six months of devotions. Ideal for personal prayer and study or for use in small groups. Zondervan.

Community Resource Consultants

Book $14.99; $10.79 DVD, 25-min. sessions $29.99; $21.59


10/11/16 12:03 PM

Topical Studies The Will Of God Leslie D. Weatherhead; foreword by Adam Hamilton

about the book

During the tumultuous era of World War II, the city of London shattered under unrelenting bombs dropped by Nazi Germany. Millions of buildings were destroyed or damaged, tens of thousands of civilians were killed, and survivors were left to ask: How can this destruction be part of God’s plan? What is God’s will in all of this? After City Temple in London was reduced to rubble, Rev. Leslie Weatherhead crafted five sermons on understanding the will of God to help his congregation endure religious doubt as their city—and church—crumbled around them. Weatherhead’s sermons were eventually published as The Will of God, a resource that has sold more than a million copies and has been a lifeline for grieving persons seeking to understand God’s purpose for their pain.

The phrase “the will of God” is used loosely, and the consequence of that looseness to our peace of mind is serious. Weatherhead’s recognition of this problem led him to write The Will of God, a classic that has helped more than a million grieving persons better understand the meaning of the phrase. It can help you as well.

This gift edition of the classic book includes a foreword from best-selling author Adam Hamilton, as well as background information and photos of the historical setting that inspired this book. Abingdon Press. Hardcover Book 9781501816697

$14.99; $10.04

The Way of Hope Growing Close to God Through Loss Beth and David Weikel

Breathing Under Water Spirituality and the Twelve Steps We are all addicted in some way. When we learn to identify our addiction, embrace our brokenness, and surrender to God, we begin to bring healing to ourselves and our world. In Breathing Under Water, Richard Rohr shows how the gospel principles in the Twelve Steps can free anyone from any addiction—from an obvious dependence on alcohol or drugs to the more common but less visible addiction that we all have to sin. Franciscan Media.

Sorrows visit all of us in many forms: job layoffs, doctor reports, divorces, foreclosures, prison sentences, natural disasters, or deaths of loved-ones. But sometimes it is through brokenness that God can reach deepest into a heart. Veteran sufferers and authors Beth and David Weikel help readers follow Jesus, leading all who will follow through the way of suffering that God’s Son knows so intimately, and into his very real, here-and-now hope. Wesleyan Publishing House. 9781632570505 9780898279870 9780898278866 9780898279986

Book Workbook DVD Hope in the Midst of Loss (Devotional)


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$14.99; $10.79 $9.99; $7.19 $24.99; $17.99

9781616361570 9781616369736 9781616361211

Book Companion Journal CD

$16.99; $12.23 $14.99; $10.79 $29.99; $21.59

$12.99; $9.35

Shop the online catalog at


10/11/16 12:03 PM

Topical Studies

4 E SS


Hollywood Jesus A Small Group Study Connecting Christ and Culture Matt Rawle




Hollywood Jesus is pastor and author Matt Rawle’s four-week study of Jesus and Christ figures in films including Cool Hand Luke, The Lion King, The Truman Show, and One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. Explore what happens when script meets Scripture, when pop culture encounters the King of kings and Lord of lords. This titles on this page are part of the Pop in Culture series, a collection of Bible studies in which Matt Rawle stirs up a tasty gumbo of insight, humor, and inspiration based on some of your favorite pop culture classics. Each study includes a book, a DVD featuring four sessions with the author, a full Leader Guide, and a Worship Resources Flash Drive. Abingdon Press. Book (for Participants) 9781501803918 $14.99; $10.04 Leader Guide 9781501803932 $12.99; $8.70 DVD [CC] 6–10 min. sessions 9781501803956 $39.99; $31.99 Worship Resources Flash Drive 9781501804007 $34.99; $27.99 Leader Kit (Includes one each of above) 9781501813085 $102.96; $69.99

author insights

When Scripture becomes script, it can change the experience we have with God’s Word, so let’s explore how the medium of film affects the way we see the person of Jesus.

Streaming videos available on kit kit dvd dvd dvd dvd



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kit includes:

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what you’ll need





In The Faith of a Mockingbird, based on Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, pastor and author Matt Rawle uses Lee’s beloved characters to explore Christian faith, theology, and ethics. Join Scout, Atticus Finch, Boo Radley, and Tom Robinson in this four-week study considering God’s world and what it all means. Abingdon Press.

9781501803802 9781501803826 9781501803840 9781501803895 9781501813078

Streaming videos available on

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In The Salvation of Doctor Who, pastor and author Matt Rawle draws on the longrunning TV show and cult favorite Doctor Who to chart the intersection of faith and science. Chapters include “Bigger on the Inside,” “God and Time and God’s Time,” “The Oldest Question in the Universe,” and “The Sonic Screwdriver Is Mightier Than the Sword.” Abingdon Press.

Book (for Participants) $14.99; $10.04 Leader Guide $12.99; $8.70 DVD [CC] 6–8 min. sessions $39.99; $31.99 Worship Resources Flash Drive $34.99; $27.99 Leader Kit (Includes one each of above) $102.96; $69.99



The Salvation of Doctor Who A Small Group Study Connecting Christ and Culture Matt Rawle



The Faith of a Mockingbird A Small Group Study Connecting Christ and Culture Matt Rawle

9781501803697 9781501803710 9781501803734 9781501803789 9781501813061

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Book (for Participants) $14.99; $10.04 Leader Guide $12.99; $8.70 DVD [CC] 8–10 min. sessions $39.99; $31.99 Worship Resources Flash Drive $34.99; $27.99 Leader Kit (Includes one each of above) $102.96; $69.99 Streaming videos available on




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10/11/16 12:04 PM

Each book below by Talbot Davis contains discussion questions at the end of each chapter to help leaders of small groups. Also, with the purchase of each book, you gain access to a free video trailer and an audio recording of Davis’ sermons as another way to experience the weekly message. Abingdon Press.

5 E SS


Solve Finding God’s Solutions in a World of Problems Talbot Davis




5 E SS



We all have doubts. Throughout this study, Davis invites you to acknowledge and confront your doubts about your Christian faith. Each chapter focuses on a different biblical story that illustrates a key insight into doubt and its effects on faith. 9781501804335

$9.99; $6.69

$9.99; $6.69

5 E SS


The Storm Before the Calm Making Sense of Life’s Troubles Talbot Davis



In this five-week study, Davis addresses life’s turbulent, trying moments by looking at some of Scripture’s most significant “storm stories.” By turning the popular phrase, “the calm before the storm” on its head, The Storm Before the Calm presents a unique take on the significance of life’s storms—grief, job loss, relationship failures, and so on—and how faith in Christ helps us weather them. Davis’s message is clear and challenging: life’s storms prepare us for the calm that follows. $9.99; $6.69

Head Scratchers When the Words of Jesus Don’t Make Sense Talbot Davis

5 E SS



The Shadow of a Doubt Confronting Challenges to Faith Talbot Davis


Nehemiah was not exactly handed a piece of cake. He had to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem after his people returned from exile…that’s all. But Nehemiah chose not to dwell on his complicated task and the many dilemmas that came with it. Instead, he sought God’s solutions, following God’s lead and trusting God’s purpose. In this five-week study, author Talbot Davis shows us how we can follow in his footsteps, building up our lives and the world around us.



Davis focuses on some of Jesus’ difficult sayings that some find perplexing or offensive, offering biblical and other relevant background to help readers not only understand the passages, but take them to heart and embrace a new way of life as a result. 9781501802881


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Shop the online catalog at

$9.99; $6.69


10/11/16 12:04 PM

Topical Studies

6 E SS


At the Crossroads Leadership Lessons for the Second Half of Life Clayton Smith and Dave Wilson



Thousands of men and women are retiring each day, and many look forward to this phase of life with equal parts excitement and anxiety. Baby Boomers have high expectations of retirement: they want to be redeployed to a life that is meaningful, significant, and full of joy. But this requires thoughtful planning, and many soonto-be retirees wonder how they’ll get there, or if they’re even on the right path. This Bible-based, six-week, small-group study offers comprehensive, practical help for Christians who are approaching, entering, or already in retirement. Readers can work through the book on their own or as part of a group. Through a study and reflection process they’ll discover their purpose, passion, and mission for retirement. It includes self-assessments and other planning tools for developing a personal and spiritual mission statement. It also facilitates discussions with family and friends about shared priorities, expectations, and end-of-life decisions, and includes a chapter on financial planning. Abingdon Press. 9781501810503




Teaching Biblical Faith Leading Small Group Bible Studies Jack L. Seymour

Book (for Participants) 9781426772290 $19.99; $13.39 DVD and Leader Guide 15–20 min. sessions 9781501806360 $39.99; $31.99 Leader Guide 9781501813245 $4.99

Biblical faith is a lens for viewing life. How bliblical faith is taught has concrete consequences that affect the ways people of faith view the world, make decisions for living, and how they think and act. Written in an accessible style, this book provides a manageable way to inspire conversation about how the Bible can be taught, the purposes and outcomes of each approach, and how biblical wisdom shapes personal and corporate decision-making. Includes strategies for leading group Bible study that cultivates a whole congregation approach. Abingdon Press.

Streaming videos available on


The DVD and Leader Guide features Olson and former student Rev. Adam Hamilton. Leader Guide by Magrey deVega. Abingdon Press.

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$13.99; $9.37

5 E SS

Heresies are not limited to times of long ago. True, major heretical controversies originated ages ago, but many of these same errors and myths continue to circulate through congregations of today. Olson helps pastors and leaders know how to deal with these artificial truths—how to explain that they are not simple confusions or misunderstandings, but are instead counterfeit teachings that plague modern-day churches by undermining and dangerously distorting faithful living. He also demonstrates how heresies can serve the church by opening up a dialog that will ultimately educate congregations about Jesus, God, and salvation.


What does baptism really mean? The work of the Spirit is often thought of as “inspirational,” but it’s more than that. This book will help people recognize what an extraordinary thing has happened to them through baptism and their inclusion in the Body of Christ through the Spirit. The authors challenge some of the individualistic and subjectivist accounts of the Spirit’s work to help people understand the Holy Spirit is more than a personal experience. The Holy Spirit is who God is and what God does as the Trinity, whether we feel it or not. Abingdon Press. 9781426778636

$10.99; $7.36

Counterfeit Christianity The Persistence of Errors in the Church Roger E. Olson

The Holy Spirit Stanley Hauerwas and William H. Willimon




Community Resource Consultants

$15.99; $10.71 SG17

10/11/16 12:06 PM

Converge Bible Studies Converge Bible Studies is a series of topical Bible studies based on the Common English Bible. Each title consists of four studies on a common topic or theme. Converge can be used by small groups, classes, or individuals. Primary Scripture passages are included for ease of study, as are questions designed to encourage both personal reflection and group conversation. The topics and Scriptures in Converge come together to transform readers’ relationships with others, themselves, and God. Abingdon Press.

Christ the Lightgiver Clifton Stringer

4 S




In John 9, Jesus heals a man blind from birth. This is shocking. Even more: this miraculous healing is a microcosm of the whole Christian gospel. In merely seven verses of text, the contemplative Bible reader can see the fruit of the Holy Spirit’s work, putting the infinite Word of God into a mere handful of human words. In Christ the Lightgiver, Clifton Stringer explores the story of the gospel from the Creation to the Fall, then from the Incarnation to the mystery of Jesus’ (and our) Passover to eternal life. $9.99; $6.69


More CONVERGE Bible Studies! See for descriptions. Each

$9.99; $6.69

9781426778278 9781426771552 9781426778254 9781426771576 9781426771569 9781426768989 9781426771538 9781426771545 9781501805899 9781426795565 9781426795558 9781426795541 9781426795534 9781426795527 9781426789533 9781426778292

Three Gifts, One Christ, by Katie Z. Dawson Reclaiming Anger, by David Dorn Practical Prayer, by Joseph Yoo Kingdom Building, by Grace Biskie Sharing the Gospel, by Curtis Zackery Our Common Sins, by Dottie Escobedo-Frank Who You Are in Christ, by Shane Raynor Women of the Bible, by James A. Harnish Holy Spirit and Community, by Kenneth H. Carter, Jr. Fasting, by Ashlee Alley Cries of the Poor, by Grace Biskie Idolatry, by Curtis Zackery Encountering Grace, by Joseph Yoo Being Holy, by Shane Raynor Perplexing Scriptures, by Josh Tinley Who Is Jesus?, by Adam Thomas

Belief Matters Series




Creation The Apple of God’s Eye Justo L. González



The Bible tells us that God created the heavens and earth, but does that deny the science of the Big Bang? If God created all there is, does that also mean God created evil? While no one author can deal with all these tough questions, this book will help us begin the conversation. 9781426785955

$13.99; $9.37

Also available in the Belief Matters series, 4 sessions per study. Each, $13.99; $9.37 9781630887865 Trinity, by Jason Byassee 9781426757549 Incarnation, by William H. Willimon 9781426796333 Holy Communion, by Kenneth M. Loyer SG17

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Standing with the Vulnerable A Curriculum for Transforming Lives and Communities Gil Odendaal

10 E SS


Books written by widely recognized authors to help readers think more clearly about their faith and better understand their beliefs, so that they may live more faithfully. General editor for the series is William H. Willimon. Abingdon Press.



The world has needs. Children are orphaned, refugees are displaced, and families are devastated by natural disasters. But God is greater than those needs, and he works through his people to accomplish healing and transformation. God calls us to minister to people’s spiritual, physical, emotional, and social well-being. This curriculum from World Relief is designed to mobilize the church to engage the great causes of our day, stand with the vulnerable, and meet the needs of our neighbors as Jesus did. These ten sessions show how shaping our fundamental beliefs and values lead to better actions and results. InterVarsity Press. 9780830820993

$18.00; $12.96

Shop the online catalog at


10/11/16 12:06 PM

Topical Studies


Making Sense of the Bible Rediscovering the Power of Scripture Today Adam Hamilton







In Making Sense of the Bible, Adam Hamilton invites us into an honest conversation about the Bible. The book begins with foundational questions such as, How and when was the Bible written? Who decided which books made it into the Scriptures and why? How literally must we read it? And, Is the Bible ever wrong? In this six-week study with Leader Guide and video presentations, Adam Hamilton leads groups through the key points in the book, focusing on the most important questions we ask about the Bible, its origins, and its meaning. Abingdon Press. Leader Guide 9781426785580 $12.99; $8.70 DVD [CC] 5–8 min. sessions 9781426785573 $39.99; $31.99 Kit (Includes Leader Guide, DVD, & 5 Hardcover Books, below) 301167 $162.95; $99.99

asks questions like:

• Were Adam and Eve real people? • Why is God so violent in the Old Testament? • Why would Paul command women to “keep silent in the church”? • Is Jesus the only way to salvation? • How does God view homosexual people? • Is the Book of Revelation a guide to the End Times?

Also available: Hardcover Book (HarperCollins) 9780062234964 $23.99; $17.27 Audio Book (Blackstone Audio) 9781483002934 $39.99; $31.59


Paperback Book 9780062234988

$15.99; $11.51

Streaming videos available on


participant book



participant participant leader Audio Book

participant leader kit kit book

book preview dvd dvd

kit includes:

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what you’ll need

Who Is My Neighbor? Learning Spanish as E SS N S IO Church Hospitality Joyce Carrasco, Ruth Cassel Hoffman, and Ngoc-Diep Nguyen

Current topical studies with online delivery, on demand



FaithLink Over 20 years old, yet always brandnew! FaithLink’s ready-to-use lessons connect faith to current headlines, events, and issues. Convenient, online delivery of materials means you print exactly what you need for each session. You’ll never run short or have excess.

How can we welcome our neighbors into church if we can’t understand them? And vice versa? This six-session, field-tested program will give your congregation the basic Spanishspeaking skills needed to communicate with and provide a welcoming atmosphere to Hispanic persons. The teacher and student manuals include worship materials designed to include Hispanics in worship, and insights into Hispanic customs and lifestyles will help create a compassionate attitude toward those who struggle to learn English. Abingdon Press. 9781501803659 9781501803673

sshh flflaa

Student Manual Teacher Manual


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Great for small groups or Sunday school classes, FaithLink also works when you’re in between studies or as a quick replacement if a leader is out unexpectedly. Each issue includes reproducible pages of background information; core, on-topic Bible passages; suggested group activities; and discussion questions. New issues are available weekly for download on; previous issues are also available. Cokesbury.

$9.99; $6.69 $11.99; $8.03

Call 1-800-672-1789 to subscribe. New subscribers receive 1st month FREE!




Community Resource Consultants


10/11/16 12:08 PM

Conversation Starters NEW


Shalom for the Heart Torah-Inspired Devotions for a Sacred Life Evan Moffic; foreword by Shauna Niequist

Hallelujah Anyway Rediscovering Mercy Anne Lamott

Discover the wisdom of the Torah in Shalom for the Heart. Jews have long been known as careful examiners of the Bible, dedicated to understanding and growing from God’s Word. Now, Rabbi Evan Moffic encourages today’s Christians through beautifully written devotions based on verses from each of the 54 Torah portions. In this year-long devotional, you will learn the Jewish model for weekly Bible reading which can inspire your faith and lead you to grow into a deeper relationship with Jesus by helping you find meaning, comfort, and direction for your life. Abingdon Press. Coming in March. 9781501827372

$9.99; $6.69

Full of Lamott’s trademark honesty, humor and forthrightness, Hallelujah Anyway is a powerful exploration of mercy, its limitless (if sometimes hidden) presence, why we ignore it, and how we can embrace it. Profound and caring, funny and wise—it’s a hopeful book of hands-on spirituality. Lamott ventures to explore where to find meaning in life. She suggest we begin by “facing a great big mess, especially the great big mess of ourselves.” It’s up to each of us to recognize the presence and importance of mercy everywhere “within us and outside us, all around us” and to use it to forge a deeper understanding of ourselves and more honest connections with each other. Riverhead Books. Coming in April. 9780735213586

When Breath Becomes Air Paul Kalanithi For readers of Atul Gawande, Andrew Solomon, and Anne Lamott, a profoundly moving, exquisitely observed memoir by a young neurosurgeon faced with a terminal cancer diagnosis who attempts to answer the question “What makes a life worth living?” At the age of thirty-six, on the verge of completing a decade’s worth of training as a neurosurgeon, Kalanithi was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer. One day he was a doctor treating the dying, and the next he was a patient struggling to live. And just like that, the future he and his wife had imagined evaporated. Paul Kalanithi died in March 2015, while working on this book, yet his words live on as a guide and a gift to us all. Random House. 9780812988406

$25.00; $18.00


Slow Kingdom Coming Practices for Doing Justice, Loving Mercy and Walking Humbly in the World Kent Annan Pursuing justice is not easy. The road can be so challenging and the destination so distant that you may be discouraged by a lack of progress, compassion, or commitment. How do you stay committed to the journey when God’s kingdom can seem so slow in coming? In this book, Kent Annan shares practices he has learned working for justice over the long haul that will encourage and help you to keep making a difference in the face of the world’s challenging issues. All Christians are called to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly in the world. Slow Kingdom Coming will guide and strengthen you on this journey. InterVarsity Press. 9780830844555

$16.00; $11.52


In this highly anticipated follow-up to the enormously successful Seven Men, the New York Times bestselling author gives us seven captivating portraits of some of history’s greatest women, each of whom changed the course of history by following God’s call upon their lives. Each of the figures who stride across these pages: Joan of Arc, Susanna Wesley, Hannah More, Sister Maria of Paris, Corrie ten Boom, Rosa Parks, and Mother Teresa is an exemplary model of true womanhood. Writing in his trademark conversational and engaging style, Metaxas reveals how these extraordinary women achieved their greatness, inspiring readers to lives guided by a call beyond themselves. HarperCollins. 9780718088132

Starting Point, Revised Edition A Conversation About Faith Andy Stanley and the Starting Point Team

8 E SS


Seven Women And the Secret of Their Greatness Eric Metaxas

$20.00; $14.40




Everything has a starting point your life, your relationships, your education, your career, your faith. For some of us, our faith journeys began in childhood as a set of beliefs handed to us by a parent, teacher, or pastor. Too often, a faith formed in childhood isn’t strong enough to withstand the pressures of adult life. But what if you could find a new starting point for faith? Starting Point is an 8-session, small-group conversation that reflects on the central questions of faith. Whether you’re new to faith, curious about God, or coming back to church after some time away, it’s a place where your opinions and beliefs are valued, and no question is off limits. Zondervan. 9780310819325

$12.99; $9.35

$16.99; $12.23


SG175610001_ND_038.indd 39

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10/11/16 12:08 PM

Conversation Starters NEW


Radical Spirit 12 Ways to Live a Free and Authentic Life Joan Chittister

Pond River Ocean Rain Find Peace in the Storms of Life Charles Lattimore Howard

Feeling burnt-out from life, strung-out from social media, and put out by a society that always wants more from you? Beloved nun and social activist Joan Chittister offers a practical, character-building, and inspirational guide to help you take control of your emotional life and redirect your spiritual destiny. Drawing on little known, ancient teachings of the saints, Sister Joan offers a practical program with a series of twelve simple rules for healthy spiritual living. Chittister not only reminds us, but pleads with us, to develop enduring values by shifting our attention to how God wants us to live. Convergent Books. Coming in April. 9780451495174

Wade into the beautiful water that is God through stories, questions, and illustration in Pond River Ocean Rain—forty-five short, insightful essays on spiritual life. Even if you typically don’t relate to devotionals, you’ll enjoy the poetic writing style of Charles Lattimore Howard as he helps you find new depths in your spiritual life. Pond River Ocean Rain, like all bodies of water, is simple, occasionally wild, and consistently beautiful— calming the storms of your life with the presence and power of God and revealing a new abundance for all who jump in. Abingdon Press. Coming in February. 9781501831034

$22.00; $15.84


Accidental Saints Finding God in All the Wrong People Nadia Bolz-Weber

The Road to Character David Brooks Beginning with an examination of how our hunger for wealth and status is eroding our ability to create meaningful inner lives, Brooks looks at men and women throughout history whose genuine sense of humility was fundamental to their success. From St. Augustine, Dorothy Day, Eisenhower, and Samuel Johnson, Brooks explores how their inner struggles transformed each of these men and women into high points of moral clarity and intelligence. With his trademark intelligence, humor, and storytelling ability, David Brooks traces the history of a great moral tradition, how it has been carelessly thrown away, and how moving away from our “résumé virtues” (power, material wealth, and professional achievements) and toward our “eulogy virtues” (our ability to love and connect to others) can enrich us all. Random House.

New York Times best-selling author Nadia Bolz-Weber invites readers into a surprising encounter with what she calls a religious but not-so-spiritual life. Tattooed, angry, and profane, this former standup comic turned pastor stubbornly, sometimes hilariously, resists the God she feels called to serve. But God keeps showing up in the least likely of people. As she lives and worships alongside these accidental saints, Nadia is swept into first-hand encounters with grace. In a time when many have rightly become disillusioned with Christianity, Accidental Saints demonstrates what happens when ordinary people share bread and wine, struggle with Scripture together, and tell each other the truth about their real lives. It rings true for believer and skeptic alike. Convergent Books.


$15.00; $10.80


At Home In Exile An Asian American’s Memoir from the Ghetto Russell Jeung

McLaren, a leading voice in contemporary religion, argues that—notwithstanding the dire headlines about the demise of faith and drop in church attendance—Christian faith is not dying. Rather, it is embarking on a once-in-an-era spiritual shift. Drawing from his work as global activist, pastor, and public theologian, he challenges readers to stop worrying, waiting, and indulging in nostalgia, and instead, to embrace the powerful new understandings that are reshaping the church. With his trademark brilliance and compassion, he invites readers to seize the moment and set out on the most significant spiritual pilgrimage of our time: to help Christianity become more Christian. Convergent Books. Hardcover


SG175610001_ND_040.indd 40




10 E SS



The American church is a church in exile. Whereas American evangelicals were once comfortable in their privilege and power, the church’s role and influence in the public square, especially among the Millennials, is waning rapidly. At Home In Exile traces Dr. Jeung’s family’s life as Chinese-Hakka guests in exile in the slums of East Oakland and his ministry among the poor there. Through solidarity with those who are refugees and undocumented, Jeung heard anew how Jesus speaks to Christian exiles as well. As an Asian American, his story reveals how an exilic perspective is particularly relevant to today’s post-Christian society. Zondervan.

$21.00; $15.12

$18.00; $12.96


The Great Spiritual Migration How the World’s Largest Religion Is Seeking a Better Way to Be Christian Brian McLaren


$16.99; $11.38


$17.99; $12.95

Community Resource Consultants


10/11/16 12:10 PM



7 Days to Change Your Life Find Focus Through Intentional Living Josh Moody

What Falls from the Sky How I Disconnected From the Internet and Reconnected With the God Who Made the Clouds Esther Emery

It’s time to stop running and start following. After all, Jesus didn’t invite us to “go through the motions.” His call was to “Follow me.” But between meetings, emails, family responsibilities, and church functions, life has become an exhausting rush. 7 Days to Change Your Life will remind you that Jesus’ words were not just an invitation to faith; they were a prescription for living well. Author Josh Moody explores hope, life, truth, freedom, humility, greatness, and glory—the seven “follow me” statements in the Gospel of Matthew—helping you to find a focus for your life, no matter how hectic it may be, and revealing a biblical plan to revitalize your life in as little as seven days. Abingdon Press. Coming in January. 9781501824845

Esther Emery was a successful playwright and theater director, wife and mother, and loving it all—until, suddenly, a personal and professional crisis changed her life. What Falls from the Sky is Esther’s fiercely honest, piercingly poetic account of a year without Internet—one woman’s desperate attempt at a reset. Esther faces her addiction to electronica, her illusion of self-importance, and her longing to return to simpler days, but then the unexpected happens. Her experiment in analog is hijacked by a spiritual awakening, and Esther finds herself suddenly, inexplicably drawn to the faith she had rejected for so long. HarperCollins. Hardcover


$16.99; $11.38

NEW Welcome Homeless One Man’s Journey of Discovering the Meaning of Home Alan Graham with Lauren Hall

Riley Unlikely With Simple Childlike Faith, Amazing Things Can Happen Riley Banks-Snyder This is the inspiring story of Riley Banks, who first traveled to Kenya at age 13, and has been back every year since bringing backpacks of school supplies and hygiene kits for young girls, developing relationships and friendships, and is currently, as a young millennial, raising money to build a complete learning complex in Kibwezi, Kenya for those who have nothing. Riley’s stories of her trips to Kenya, her struggles to figure out how to best serve and care for these people she has fallen in love with, and her own unexpected health issues are funny, compelling, and gripping. Readers will find that God writes surprising stories in the lives of those who follow Him. This book will inspire you to pursue your dreams and make a difference in your own world and around the world. Zondervan. 9780310347873

$19.99; $14.39


Alan Graham, founder of Mobile Loaves & Fishes and Community First Village, is improving the quality of life for many people through sharing his personal story of becoming more human through humanizing others. He believes the more we can give people dignity, the power of choice, and genuine community, the better we’ll be able to offer solutions that will have impact on the world. And while his missionary work is focused on giving a home to the physically homeless, he also delves deep into what it means to be connected to God, the earth, and each other. In doing so, he shows us the home we’ve all longed for but never had. Nelsonword. Coming in March. 9780718086558

$16.99; $12.23

Charity Detox What Charity Would Look Like If We Cared about Results Robert D. Lupton The veteran urban activist and author returns with a headline-making book that offers proven, results-oriented ideas for transforming our system of giving. In Toxic Charity, Lupton revealed how modern charity programs spend billions but often hurt those they seek to help. What would charity look like if we, instead, measured it by its ability to alleviate poverty and needs? In Charity Detox, Lupton outlines programs that actually improve the quality of life of the poor and disenfranchised, introduces revolutionary strategies, and offers numerous examples of organizations that have successfully adopted these groundbreaking new models. HarperCollins. 9780062307286

$14.99; $10.79


SG175610001_ND_040.indd 41

$19.99; $14.39

Doing Good Is Simple Making a Difference Right Where You Are Chris Marlow What if you could become a powerful force for good in the world without moving overseas, burdening your overwhelmed family, or giving up the comforts of modern life? Chris Marlow, founder of the global advocacy organization Help One Now, offers ways to do just that. Doing Good is Simple is the ordinary’s person’s practical guide to world change wherever he or she may be. It will empower you to make a difference where you are and help you redefine good according to God’s metrics of small, simple things with great love. It brings global concepts down to earth and provides practical, accessible guidelines for getting started today. Zondervan. 9780310343578

$15.99; $11.51

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10/12/16 1:06 PM

Biblical Studies


Take them from “Someday I’ll…” to


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Community Resource Consultants


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24 E SS




Broken into three 8-week modules, each dealing with a different aspect of what covenant means: Creating; Living; Trusting. Includes one Leader Guide, one Participant Guide for each session, Covenant Meditations, and three DVDs with Implementation Guide. 9781426772269. Kit. $234.99

DVDS (Set of 3)

Comes with eight pages of episode summaries and three DVDs, one for each module—Creating, Living, and Trusting. Co-hosts for the 24 sessions are Shane Stanford and Christine Chakoian. 9781426786785. Set of 3, $179.99


Contains comprehensive and detailed direction for each meeting experience/session, plus leader helps. 9781426772238. $24.99


Shows what to read and offers space to interact personally with the daily Bible readings, the prayers, and the weekly Covenant meditations for all three modules: Creating, Living, and Trusting. Order one per participant. 9781501840159. $39.99

Also available individually and in large-print editions:

“STARTING NOW.” Congregants can become distracted, or even disengaged, by life’s commitments, though they may promise: “Someday I’ll….” Let Covenant Bible Study help them finish that sentence. Three eight-week modules can be scheduled at any pace, any time. Covenant encourages small groups to connect with: • • •

life’s experiences Scripture’s mysteries relationships old and new

Regular Print. Each, $19.99 9781426772160. Creating Participant Guide. 9781426772177. Living Participant Guide. 9781426772184. Trusting Participant Guide. Large Print. Each, $22.99 9781630886257. Creating Participant Guide. 9781630886264. Living Participant Guide. 9781630886271. Trusting Participant Guide.


In addition to the once-weekly meditation in the Participant Guides (on Day Six), a set of 66 additional Covenant meditations is included in this book. 9781426772207. $9.99


In recognition of the completion of the discipline of a 24-week study, we recommend giving each group member a Covenant Bible study certificate. 9781501820519. Pg. of 6, $10.99; $7.37 Additional videos, testimonials, downloads, and applications are available on and at For more information, contact your Cokesbury Community Resource Consultant or visit

By design, Covenant meets participants where they are…but certainly won’t keep them there.

Abingdon Press.



SG175610001_ND_042.indd 43

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10/11/16 12:12 PM

Biblical Studies about the author

Leader Guide 9781501836480

J. Ellsworth Kalas (1923–2015) was the author of over 35 books, including the popular Back Side series, A Faith of Her Own: Women of the Old Testament, Strong Was Her Faith: Women of the New Testament, I Bought a House on Gratitude Street, and the Christian Believer study, and was a presenter on Disciple videos. He was part of the faculty of Asbury Theological Seminary from 1993, formerly serving as president and then as senior professor of homiletics. He was a United Methodist pastor for 38 years and also served five years in evangelism with the World Methodist Council.

$12.99; $8.70


NEW The Grand Sweep 365 Days From Genesis Through Revelation J. Ellsworth Kalas

by the author

You want to read Scripture daily; you just need some direction. The Grand Sweep guides you through Scripture so that at the end of 365 days, you will have read every book of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Daily readings include only three to four chapters a day and moves through the Bible in biblical sequence, making this devotional a positive experience even for those just beginning a spiritual discipline. Author J. Ellsworth Kalas also provides a faithful daily summary of readings, but with a devotional quality to encourage warmth of spirit as well as a knowledge of mind. The Grand Sweep also includes a reflection from son David Kalas and selected quotations from Kalas’ 35 books. It is designed for personal use, but the added component of a Leader Guide enables congregations and study groups to share the experience. Abingdon Press. Book 9781501835988

$24.99; $16.74


Also available:

Large Print Edition 9781501840722 $27.99; $18.75


SG175610001_ND_044.indd 44

participant book




participant leader book preview


leader sh fla

devo tional preview

what you’ll need




Community Resource Consultants


10/11/16 12:14 PM



The Bible and Your Work Study Series Theology of Work Project





These 8-session Bible studies are part of The Bible and Your Work Study Series. Each book contains Scripture references, thought-provoking questions, and prayers to help you explore what the Bible says about work and apply it to your life in positive, practical ways. The lessons in each chapter are designed for thirty-minute lunch breaks, although they can be used in other formats as well. Books include space for note-taking. Hendrickson Publishers.

Rest and Work This Bible study examines the meaning and place of rest and work in the Bible, providing a relevant roadmap for our everyday lives. Workplace Christians who wonder if the Bible’s Sabbath commandments still apply to us today will find this study to be a practical, meditative, and helpful guide. People thrive when we work and rest in a rhythm that deepens our connection with God. Yet finding real rest can be challenging. From the wandering Israelites who didn’t trust God’s provision, to today’s Christians, many ask why and how we should rest. Through biblical analysis and real-world examples, this in-depth study of rest and work elevates both activities to their God-given importance. 9781619708563

$9.95; $7.16

Also available:

Genesis 34-50 This Bible Study works through Genesis 34-50 and offers biblical guidance for everyday life. Christians in the workplace will appreciate examining the themes of conflict, leadership, and calling. God’s threefold covenant to Abraham ends with a promise that his descendants will be a blessing to all nations. The end of Genesis traces the partial fulfillment of this promise through the chosen lines of Abraham’s descendants, specifically through his great-grandson Joseph. This third and final study on the book of Genesis (study one covers Genesis 1–11; study two covers 12–23) follows Joseph from his lowest point, being sold to slavery by his brothers, to his greatest achievement, the saving of many lives (Gen. 50:20) as the second-in-command of Egypt. This study wrestles with several tough issues and cites Joseph as an example of how to deal with conflicts and feelings of futility, what it means to be a leader as a Christian, and how we should discern God’s call on our lives and go about accomplishing his will. 9781619708099

$9.95; $7.16

Additional studies in the Theology of Work Study Series are available at


Journeying with Matthew Reflections on the Gospel James Woodward, Paula Gooder, and Mark Pryce Perfect for sermon preparation, devotion, or group study, Journeying with Matthew offers a brief and accessible guide to the Gospel of Matthew for learning and reflection. Like the other titles in the series, Journeying with Matthew follows the Revised Common Lectionary, and each chapter corresponds to a season of the liturgical year and the Gospel passages read during that season. The reader will find an introduction to the biblical text that looks at historical and literary themes; imaginative new ways to encounter Matthew in preaching and study, including poetry; and reflections on the text’s meaning for contemporary Christian life. Each chapter ends with an action item, questions for reflection, and a prayer. Westminster John Knox Press. 9780664260217

$18.00; $12.96


SG175610001_ND_044.indd 45

When in Romans An Invitation to Linger with the Gospel According to Paul Beverly Roberts Gaventa When reading the book of Romans, we often focus on the quotable passages, making brief stopovers and not staying long enough to grasp some of the big ideas it contains. Containing profound insights written in accessible prose and illuminating references to contemporary culture, this engaging book by leading New Testament scholar Beverly Roberts explores the cosmic dimensions of Romans, focusing on four key issues— salvation, identity, ethics, and community—that are crucial both for the first century and for our own. As she helps us navigate the book of Romans, she shows that the gospel is far larger, wilder, and more unsettling than we generally imagine it to be. Baker Book House. 9780801097386

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$22.99; $16.55


10/11/16 12:14 PM

Biblical Studies Disciple Fast Track Richard B. Wilke and Susan Wilke Fuquay

24 S




This adaptation of the original, bestselling Disciple Bible Study is ideal for busy people who want to fit a comprehensive Bible study into their schedule. Classes meet for a total of 24 weeks, studying the Old and New Testaments for 12 sessions each. The time commitment is manageable, with only 3–5 chapters of the Bible to read each day. No additional preparation is needed for the leader—just follow the Guide. Weekly sessions last 75 minutes. A brief illustrated review video helps participants remember what they have learned, then leads into a video sharing insights related to the week’s session. A new Spiritual Gift component helps participants explore their spiritual gifts and determine meaningful places of service. Suggestions for Old and New Testament Celebrations are included to increase the fellowship and fun of Disciple. Flexible for use with small groups of 8–14, or for large groups of 15–100. The Disciple Fast Track Kit contains one each of the following components: Old Testament Study Manual; New Testament Study Manual; Leader Guide; DVD; plus a CEB Study Bible, digital access to publicity materials, and a zippered canvas tote bag. Abingdon Press. kit dvd

kit book dvd


participant kit participant participant book


kit includes:




book book sh sh devo fla fla preview preview dvd tional book


what you’ll need




h sdevo fla9781501821318 book devo tional tional

9781501821332 9781501821356 9781501821301


Kit $199.99 Old Testament Study Manual book $14.99flash New Testament preview Study Manual $14.99 Leader Guide $19.99 DVD [CC] Runs 160 mins. $99.99

devo tional

Disciple Short-Term Bible Studies



E SS N S These life-changing courses are ideal for busy IO people who are unable to commit to longer studies. They focus on smaller Bible sections, or single books of the Bible, and appeal to more participants with more frequent offerings! These studies embody the same trusted scholarship as the Disciple foundational studies and include the same core activities: independent reading, weekly small groups, and video presentations by scholars. Sessions last 60–90 minutes each. The Planning Kits contain one each of the other components, plus other leader materials.

Abingdon Press. Participant Books Leader Guides DVDs Planning Kits

$15.99 $17.99 $39.99 $54.99

INVITATION TO GENESIS. 10 sessions. 9780687494927 Participant Book 9780687494842 Leader Guide 9780687495221 DVD 9780687495320 Planning Kit INVITATION TO THE OLD TESTAMENT. 8 sessions. 9780687495900 Participant Book 9780687493906 Leader Guide 9780687497218 DVD 9780687055067 Planning Kit

For additional details on these studies, see


SG175610001_ND_046.indd 46



INVITATION TO THE NEW TESTAMENT. 8 sessions. 9780687055081 Participant Book 9780687054985 Leader Guide 9780687055975 DVD 9780687054961 Planning Kit


Community Resource Consultants

Also available:

INVITATION TO PSALMS. 10 sessions. 9780687650712 Participant Book 9780687650910 Leader Guide 9780687650811 DVD 9780687650613 Planning Kit INVITATION TO JOHN. 11 sessions. 9780687642571 Participant Book 9780687642779 Leader Guide 9780687642977 DVD 9780687642670 Planning Kit INVITATION TO ROMANS. 8 sessions. 9780687496495 Participant Book 9780687496594 Leader Guide 9780687496693 DVD 9780687496396 Planning Kit


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Journey Through the Bible

Genesis to Revelation Series

Study the Bible book by book using the NRSV. Each 13-session volume: • Highlights pivotal points in the Scriptures. • Lifts up the Bible’s most significant stories, events, and people, describing historical and cultural settings. • Includes the original language and what the passage meant for its first readers. • Gives insight into possible life applications. • Maps out a daily plan for reading the Bible, verse by verse. Cokesbury.

This comprehensive, verse-by-verse, book-by-book study of the Bible uses a three-dimensional approach: 1. Students answer the question, “What does the Bible say?” 2. The meaning of the passage is made clear by considering such aspects as ancient customs, locations of places, and the meanings of words. 3. Students connect the meaning of the Scriptures with their own lives. Each 13-session volume is based on the NIV translation. Abingdon Press.

For additional details on both of these studies, see

Immersion Bible Studies

Infusion Bible eStudies

Inspired by a fresh translation—the Common English Bible—this series stands firmly on Scripture and helps readers explore the emotional, spiritual, and intellectual needs of their personal faith. More importantly, they’ll be able to discover God’s revelation through readings and reflections. Each volume offers suggestions for leading a group and questions to facilitate class discussion. Abingdon Press.

Listen to Scripture and discover its message for you today. Look at contemporary life and see how it connects with you and Scripture. Live inside Scripture and allow it to come alive in you and cause you to live out your faith. Infusion Bible eStudies are downloadable small-group studies that can be read online, printed, or emailed. Each study includes a leader guide and a study guide and is suitable for a one-hour group Bible study. Cokesbury.

For additional details on both of these studies, see


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10/11/16 12:16 PM

A deeper dive into understanding the key themes and story lines of the Bible


Fathom A Deep Dive into the Story of God





Fathom is a Bible study for teens that covers the Old and New Testaments in eighteen 4-session studies. The lessons are a blend of narrative and traditional theological approaches to understanding the Bible story. Each lesson will focus on one passage that will launch into the larger context of God’s story, and how that story is meant to be theirs. Fathom is suitable for groups with middle schoolers, high schoolers, and any combination of the two. Fathom acknowledges the differences between older and younger youth and the way they learn. It provides activities specific to each age group, and gives leaders the option to let youth take ownership of their learning through teaching and leading alongside adults. Fathom creates space and tension for teens to wrestle with how to interpret and experience the Bible. Through, leaders will have access to planning and teaching tools to support their use of Fathom as well as their youth ministries in general. Abingdon Press.

NEW The Bible

The first 3 of 18 studies!

The Bible is what sets Fathom apart from all other Bible studies. The Fathom series is designed to help teens break down the barriers of fear, awkwardness, and unfamiliarity to reading and studying the Bible for themselves, and it starts with The Bible. In a clear and engaging way, it will help your group learn where the Bible came from and how to use Bible scholar-recommended tools to understand and interpret it— tools that are utilized throughout the Fathom series. Coming in June.

NEW The Beginnings This study will dive into Genesis 1-11. In The Beginnings study, your group will be handed the keys to exploring the mystery and beauty of the origin of the universe, the birth of the human race, and the interrelationship between God, humans, and nature. From there, you’ll see how God’s relationship with humankind led to the founding of a people called to belong to God, and the themes of covenant, grace, and redemption that are the foundation of the whole Bible story. Coming in June. Student Journal 9781501837685 Leader Guide 9781501837692





Student Journal 9781501837715 Leader Guide 9781501837739

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NEW The Teachings of Jesus This study explores the Gospels (Matthew-John). You and your teens will gain a ground-level perspective of the message of the gospel from the writers and their sources. With each lesson, your group will become transformed by the teachings of Christ who became flesh and lived among us with grace and truth. Coming in December 2017. Student Journal 9781501837647 Leader Guide 9781501837654










Community Resource Consultants


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A new approach to nurturing faith in teens Confirm is a new confirmation and discipleship resource. Confirmation leaders and churches will find practical help for nurturing sustainable faith in the lives of teenagers in a way that values their faith formation process. Confirm is flexible, adaptable, and scalable, while at the same time engaging adult participation. Cokesbury.

NEW Confirm Your Faith. Your Commitment. God’s Call. Too often confirmation has been downgraded to the role of a checkpoint along the faith journey. The Confirm family of resources reclaims confirmation as the first step on a journey that leads to a mature, adult faith. Confirm treats confirmation as more than a decision. Instead, it is the beginning of a conversation about what it means to be a Christian: living out your faith, your commitment, and God’s call. Confirm is an easy-to-follow and fully customizable confirmation program that can be used in any church setting and with a wide variety of schedules. You have the option to schedule your lesson choices and the tools to organize your own confirmation program over the course of a school year, a 3-year span, or in any other way that meets your needs—without having to purchase additional content. With flexible and easy-to-understand materials, Confirm provides students with the basic beliefs of a theologically sound, United Methodist faith while engaging them in creative and thought-provoking activities to help them internalize what they’ve learned. Confirm also embraces the importance of community in the journey of faith development, and provides materials to encourage cooperation with parents and mentors in the confirmation process and beyond. DIRECTOR GUIDE:

This helpful guide provides direction for creating an effective discipleship path for teens during confirmation at your church. Complete with detailed instructions, Confirm integrates easily with the church’s youth ministry program and other ministries throughout the church. In addition, you will be provided tools for creating specific confirmation assessments and reasonable expectations for youth, pastor, parents, and confirmation leaders. TEACHING PLANS:

The fully customizable teaching book includes easy-to-follow lesson plans for 39 confirmation class sessions, along with lesson recommendations to choose from for a variety of time-frame options. Lesson planning, individual lesson templates, tools, and supplemental content are also provided for ease of customization. The sessions are organized around the following content categories: • Theology • History • Belonging in the Community of Faith • Making a Faith Commitment • Understanding God’s Call SG17

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The Student Guide includes devotional readings, key information, and questions for journaling to help confirmands create their personal statements of faith. PARENT GUIDE:

The Parent Guide provides an overview of confirmation and helps the parent and family establish their role in the process. The guide includes discussion starters, activities, and devotional suggestions for use at home. As teens prepare to take the vows of confirmation, they need to be surrounded by mature Christian adults who can love, guide, and nurture them. This love and nurturing begins at home, with the youth’s parent or guardian. MENTOR GUIDE:

The Mentor Guide provides an overview of the confirmation process and equips mentors with suggested relationship building ideas, as well as providing some of the dos and don’ts when taking on the role of mentor. A mentor doesn’t need to be a trained theologian or someone who has all the answers. Rather, a mentor is an adult who is mature in the faith and can walk alongside a young person on the confirmation journey. DVD:

The Confirm DVD has two styles of video, YouTube-style & Whiteboard sketch-style, both closed captioned and running 2–3 mis. each: 1) Unit overview, YouTube-style videos are fun, fast-paced, and engaging. Hosted by our friends at Blimey Cow. 2) Selected unit lessons utilize whiteboard sketch-style videos for deeper learning and reflection. Fun and easy to follow. 9781501826924 9781501826948 9781501826962 9781501826986 9781501826993 9781501831225

Director Guide Teaching Plans Student Guide Parent Guide Mentor Guide DVD [CC] 18 videos: 2–3 mins. each

$19.99 $39.99 $12.99 $8.99 $10.99 $39.99

Downloadable editions of the Director Guide, Teaching Plans, Parent Guide, and Mentor Guide are available on

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10/11/16 12:17 PM

Parables of Jesus Bundle (4 Lessons) Connects students to the parables that Jesus tells, inviting them to have a greater understanding of the character of God. 9781501821509



Judges Bundle (3 Lessons) Women in the Bible, leadership, what’s really important, courage, and relationships are discussed in this three-part series on the book of Judges.

Spice Rack Mark DeVries


Spice Rack was created for volunteer junior and senior high school Sunday school teachers. It is designed to move away from a lecture-style teaching method and instead provide teachers with options for creating a fast-paced, interactive, faith-sharing experience. Each lesson features these components: • Engaging the Brain—At least three options for opening the lesson • Igniting the Heart—Three options for digging into the meat of the lesson • Taking It Home—One or two options for closing the lesson





A discussion about the two creation stories and how each of us is created in the image of God. 9781501815935



Jesus’ parable of the wandering sheep invites students to have a greater understanding of the character of God. 9781501815942




Colossians 1:15-20 (1 Lesson) Helps youth recognize the importance of allowing Jesus to be the head in the church and in their lives.

Two New Year’s lessons help students learn their own stories and to see where God has been at work in their lives.





Romans: Something That Sticks (1 Lesson)

Philippians Bundle (5 Lessons)

Students will look at their ability to really hear God’s message in a new way that really sticks.

Explores how Paul’s lessons in Philippians can be put into practice: having Jesus’ attitude, rejoicing in all circumstances, contentment, peace, and joy.




CORE Danette Baird



SG175610001_ND_050.indd 50


Parable of the Wandering Sheep (1 Lesson)

New Year Bundle (2 Lessons)



SINGLE LESSONS: Genesis (1 Lesson)

The importance of thanking God when things are going well and even when they’re not. Scripture passages include Habakkuk 3, John 6, and John 12.

Video downloads and other digital resources available on


Also available:

Thanksgiving Bundle (3 Lessons)



This four-week study from Matthew, Luke, and John tells the Christmas story as students move through the Advent season.

What the Bible says about giving, tithing, and possessions. Scripture passages include Deuteronomy 14, Malachi 3, and Proverbs 3.



Advent Bundle (4 Lessons)

BUNDLE LESSONS: Stewardship Bundle (3 Lessons) 3 Lessons on How We Spend Our Money



This seven-week study for Lent and Easter takes a look at challenging words from the Old and New Testaments and offers an intentional self-examination.

Also available:



Lent Bundle (7 Lessons)




This three-week course gives youth a handle on basic Bible stories and helps provide an understanding of how all the books of the Bible fit together.

Includes 48 lessons and the suite of leader tools, helps, and training offered by Youth Ministry Partners at



Bonehead Bible Bundle (3 Lessons)




This six-week course is designed to help students grow their independence in Christ while exploring habits and spiritual disciplines.

Full-Year Bundle



Habits Bundle (6 Lessons)

Abingdon Press.



Lessons from Psalms explore our focus as God’s children, following God’s road signs, and understanding our self-worth as God’s image bearers.

Spice Rack is a downloadable Bible curriculum with 15 individual studies that cover an entire year. It’s available as an editable Word document. Each downloadable lesson is packed with a variety of activities, discussion questions, and games, providing leaders the flexibility to use any time of the year in any ministry environment.



Self Worth Bundle (4 Lessons)




Study 1: Dig In S

A four-session study for groups of all sizes that takes teens on the journey of addressing the obstacles they’ve experienced in understanding who they are in Christ toward connecting with God and others in new and healthy ways. • Identity Theft • Delete the Spam • Connect with God • Connect with Others

CORE (Connect, Own, Reveal, Empower®) is a resource designed to help teenagers discover their value and worth as God’s children and empower them to reach their potential in faithfully following Christ in the context of relationships. This comes with an understanding of one’s true identity in Christ and living from an integrated sense of self with confidence, strength, and with the purpose of positively influencing others. Consists of two 4-week studies, each with a Student Journal; a Leader Guide with study helps and discussion plans for large and small groups; and a short video introducing the topic. Abingdon Press.



9781501810039 9781501813269

Student Journal Leader Guide

$11.99; $8.03 $9.99; $6.69

Study 2: All In A four-session study for groups of all sizes. When used alongside Dig In, All In is a powerful tool to help you help your group take the next step of living their newfound commitment to their God-given identity with confidence. • Own • Reveal • Empower • I Am! 9781501813306 9781501813320


Student Journal Leader Guide

$11.99; $8.03 $9.99; $6.69

Community Resource Consultants


10/11/16 12:19 PM


Groove Bible Study Series S




The Groove Bible study series invites teens to learn the essentials of their faith, own their story, and engage the world in serving Jesus. Each topical study consists of four weekly sessions that are easy to lead and relate to life issues teens face. With up to 48 weeks available, Groove is great for Sunday and mid-week gatherings for both large and small groups as well as retreats. The student journal contains session-specific questions, background information, and daily devotions for each session. Abingdon Press. Student Journals, Each

$8.99; $6.02

Leader Guides, Each

Digital resources available at $9.99; $6.69, including a 48-lesson bundle zip file download.

The Basics Michael Adkins Some alarmists are claiming that the Christian faith is in danger of becoming extinct. We can no longer rely on culture to support the passing on of faith in Jesus Christ to the coming generations. The Basics study is not a quick fix to this situation. It is a handcrafted tool that when used by compassionate, caring, and committed adults, will ignite youth’s imagination for God, the Scripture, the faith community, and living a transformed life. It will likely raise more questions than it answers, and that’s intentional. Allow your teens the opportunity to leave with ideas and truths on which to reflect and wrestle as they use the daily devotionals provided in the Groove: The Basics Student Journal. 9781501807053

Student Journal


Leader Guide

Student Journal


Leader Guide

Also available:

Character Michael Adkins 9781501809774

Dilemmas Tony Akers

9781501809187 9781501809194

Grace Tony Akers

9781501809309 9781501809316

I Am Tony Akers

Student Journal 9781501807107 Leader Guide 9781501807114

Inside Out Tony Akers

Student Journal 9781501809873 Leader Guide 9781501809897

Jesus Tony Akers

Student Journal 9781501809729 Leader Guide 9781501809743

The Life Michael Adkins

Student Journal 9781501809828 Leader Guide 9781501809842

Relationships Michael Adkins

Student Journal 9781501809248 Leader Guide 9781501809255

School Michael Adkins

Student Journal 9781501809361 Leader Guide 9781501809378

Temptation Tony Akers

Student Journal 9781501809675 Leader Guide 9781501809699

The Walk Michael Adkins

Student Journal 9781501809620 Leader Guide 9781501809644

Student Journal Leader Guide

Student Journal Leader Guide

Current topics for younger & older teens LinC (Living in Christ) Youth Connecting Faith & Life New look, new format! LinC contains Bible-based topical lessons on current issues that matter most to teens. Each week you’ll receive this fresh, timely eCurriculum through email subscription or individual download. LinC can also be used on your electronic device. Each LinC lesson includes Bible prep material for teachers, a lesson that can be used with middle and high school youth, learning activities, life application discussion questions, and a reproducible student handout. Subscribe and you can download new, 6-page single issues of LinC from every week for only $9.99. Or, if you prefer, we’ll email LinC to you weekly at a price per week of $9.99. (Contact or call 800-672-1789.) Cokesbury. Did you know you can purchase and download individual issues of LinC? Great when looking for a small group resource on a particular topic or event. Visit to search by topic.




SG175610001_ND_050.indd 51

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10/11/16 12:19 PM

NEW Unleashing the Hidden Potential of Your Student Leaders Jen Bradbury Jesus knew how to develop students into leaders. Just take a look at his disciples and you’ll see how young leaders can transition into leadership positions in the broader church. Unleashing the Hidden Potential of Your Student Leaders lays out a theological and philosophical outline for effective student leadership in a youth ministry context and gives you guidance on how to connect student leaders with the wider church by helping them become the leaders of the future. Practical tips from the author’s own experience as a youth worker will inspire and equip rookie and veteran youth leaders alike, developing within them a more mature faith. Abingdon Press. Coming in April. 9781501835698

$16.99; $11.38

Hollow Faith How Andy Griffith, Facebook, and the American Dream Diluted the Gospel Stephen Ingram This book for youth leaders, pastors, and parents looks into the mirror of pop and church culture and asks if the things we produce and consume are defining us. It explores themes of moralism, deism, meism, consumerism, pluralism, and therapeutic religion of pop culture, as well as current sociological and psychological data, to help us recognize these serious shifts in our faith so we can begin to have discussions, develop plans, and form actions to reclaim the vibrant, life-giving faith of the Bible. Includes a Parents Guide in the back. Abingdon Press. 9781501810053

$15.99; $10.71

NEW Smaller Church Youth Ministry No Staff, No Money, No Problem! Brad Fiscus with Stephanie Caro Your church may be small, but the impact you can have on the faith journey of your young people is huge. Authors Brad Fiscus and Stephanie Caro show you how to start, build, and lead an effective disciple-making youth ministry in Smaller Church Youth Ministry. You’ll learn how other churches have created vibrant youth ministries without a lot of money or even a youth minister. Designed for use by individuals or in a team environment, it provides biblical foundation, practical helps, tools, and activities that have been proven to work in churches just like yours. Abingdon Press. 9781501825811

$16.99; $11.38

Beyond the Screen Youth Ministry for the Connected But Alone Generation Andrew Zirschky Why are teenagers perpetually connected via social media and mobile devices? Beyond the Screen explains that they use these technologies in a desperate bid for an intimacy and depth of relationship largely absent from face-toface society and the church. Using the latest ethnographic research on youth and digital media plus theological reflection and interviews with teens themselves, Zirschky gives new direction and directives for ministering to Millennials. Abingdon Press. 9781501810077


SG175610001_ND_052.indd 52




Community Resource Consultants

$16.99; $11.38 SG17

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6 E SS


Creed Youth Study Book What Christians Believe and Why Adam Hamilton



See John churchwide studies on page 29.

We’re used to answers popping up on a screen right in front of us. But when the questions examine the truths that give meaning and purpose to life, finding the answers takes more than simply typing a few words and pushing a button. Adam Hamilton believes that powerful answers to many of our complicated questions are contained in the Apostles’ Creed, an early statement of foundational Christian beliefs. In Creed, he explores not only what Christians believe, but also why they believe, and why it matters, which in turn leads readers to confront and examine their own core beliefs and go beyond reciting the Creed’s familiar words.

John Youth Study Book The Gospel of Light and Life Adam Hamilton

Abingdon Press. Youth Study 9781501813832

$9.99; $6.69



$14.99; $10.04

See Half Truths churchwide studies on page 29. SG17

SG175610001_ND_052.indd 3

See The Call churchwide studies on page 29.

The Call Youth Study Book The Life and Message of the Apostle Paul Adam Hamilton

6 E SS


The five-week, DVD study can be used in small groups or as a churchwide program where all ages explore the topics at the same time. The Youth Study Book for young people in grades 6–12 is written in an engaging style that will capture their humor and imagination. It can be used as a book study only or in combination with the adult-level DVD. Abingdon Press. $9.99;

$9.99; $6.69


True or false: 1. Everything happens for a reason. 2. God helps those who help themselves. 3. God won’t give you more than you can handle. 4. God said it, I believe it, that settles it. 5. Love the sinner, hate the sin. All true? Not so fast. We’ve heard these phrases all of our lives, but in Half Truths, you’ll learn that although they capture some element of truth, when compared to the wisdom found in Scripture, they’re really just popular sayings.

Youth Study. 9781501813986 Youth Leader Guide. 9781501814006


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Half Truths Youth Study Book God Helps Those Who Help Themselves and Other Things the Bible Doesn’t Say Adam Hamilton


The Gospel of John is the most deeply spiritual of the four Gospels. This writing is filled with rich images and profound truths, but John notes that his aim in writing the Gospel is that readers will not only believe in Jesus Christ, but that they “may have life in his name.” Everything needed to conduct a six-session study of the Gospel of John including current examples that have meaning to young people in grades 6–12. Can be used with the adult-level DVD. Abingdon Press. Youth Study 9781501805486

See Creed churchwide studies on page 29.


This Youth Study Book takes the ideas presented in Adam Hamilton’s book and interprets them for young people in grades 6–12. Includes leader helps with discussion questions and can be used with the adult-level DVD.

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Follow the journeys of Paul, beginning with his dramatic conversion, as he spread the Gospel through modern-day Greece and Turkey. You are invited to experience faith through Christianity’s greatest teacher and missionary. Everything needed to conduct a six-session study of Paul’s travels and teachings geared to youth in grades 6–12, including current examples that have meaning to young people. Can be used with the adult-level DVD. Abingdon Press. 9781630882686

Youth Study

$9.99; $6.69

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Grow your church numerically, spiritually, and relationally

Thousands of churches are using community groups to take their message into homes or other places beyond the walls of the church. Jim and Jennifer Cowart offer church leaders the system they developed to expand their own church outreach from 72 community groups to more than 300 in one year.

Learn the system church leaders are using to Transform Their Communities. See pages 4–5 for details.

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