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10/19/15 1:56 PM
Truth can be tricky. Most modern definitions include terms such as facts and verifiable. An alternate, older definition is “sincerity in action, character, and utterance.” And in Greek it means, “unclosedness, unconcealedness.” Less about facts; more about the nature of truth and its effects. As Christians, we not only seek out truth with our senses and perceptions, we are also inheritors of “things from God’s Spirit” that “can only be understood in a spiritual way” (1 Corinthians 2:14, CEB). Most of us can comprehend the truism “the same sun shines on us all,” even though, clearly, the sun doesn’t shine where it is nighttime. The sun’s essential nature remains constant whether we see its rays or not. Biblical truth is like that too: its essential nature rests in its constancy and accessibility and in the genuine, unfailing ways in which it is able to touch every part of our lives. THIS SPRING, LET THIS CATALOG GUIDE YOU AS YOU SEEK OUT SPIRITUAL RESOURCES THAT CAN LIGHT UP GOD’S TRUTH IN THE LIVES OF EVERYONE IN YOUR CONGREGATION. “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32, CEB).
For personalized help choosing the right resources for your group, call your local Community Resource Consultant or Live Chat with a Customer Care Representative.
let the truth shine
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10/19/15 1:16 PM
Adam Hamilton • 2–3
Setting the record straight about what’s really in the Bible.
Spiritual Growth • 4–11
Understanding how to become more Christ-like.
Community • 12–13
Representing Christ beyond the four walls of the church.
Leadership • 14
Guiding strategies for leaders.
Wesleyan / United Methodist Studies • 15–17
Examining discipleship through a Wesleyan/Methodist perspective.
Stewardship • 18–20 Giving in all aspects of our lives.
Women’s Studies • 21–25
Inspiring today’s women to keep moving forward in faith.
Grief • 26
Guide the grieving on a journey of healing and peace.
Marriage • 27–29
Confronting issues, supporting the interests of married couples.
Topical Studies • 30–37
Addressing timely, relevant subjects through the lens of faith.
Conversation Starters • 38–39 Don’t just get them talking—get them thinking and doing, too.
Biblical Studies • 40–45
Getting into the heart of God’s Word.
Churchwide Studies • 46–48
Engage and unify entire congregations with applicable themes.
Youth • 49–inside back cover
Pointing youth in the direction they naturally seek—lives of meaning & joy.
Visit for more small-group studies! Prices shown in red reflect Cokesbury discount off regular prices. Prices subject to change.
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Fast and easy online ordering any time at Speak with a Customer Care Representative at 800-672-1789.
A pproved by The Curriculum Resources Committee of The United Methodist General Board of Discipleship for use in the Christian education ministry of The United Methodist Church.
Unless noted, all books are paperbound. ebooks available for most books. Visit for more details.
10/19/15 1:16 PM
Adam Hamilton
Search for the whole truth by comparing common Christian clichés. New
5 E SS
Half Truths God Helps Those Who Help Themselves and Other Things the Bible Doesn’t Say Adam Hamilton
True or false: 1. Everything happens for a reason. 2. God helps those who help themselves. 3. God won’t give you more than you can handle. 4. God said it, I believe it, that settles it. 5. Love the sinner, hate the sin. All true? Not so fast. We’ve heard these phrases all of our lives, but in Adam Hamilton’s new book, Half Truths, you’ll learn that although they capture some element of truth, when compared to the wisdom found in Scripture, they’re really just common Christian clichés. This five-week, DVD-based study can be used in small groups or as a churchwide program where all ages explore the topics at the same time. Abingdon Press. Coming in April. 9781501813870 9781501813894
kit dvd
dvd dvd
kit kit book
participant kit participant participant book book dvd
kit includes:
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Hardcover Participant Book $19.99; $13.39 Large Print Participant Book (Paper) $19.99; $13.39
leaderYouth participant leader leader leader Study Bookshash book book book h book devo s devo fl book fla Youth fla devo tional tional preview preview tional preview preview Leader Guide
sh fla
devo tional
what you’ll need
Community Resource Consultants
10/19/15 12:58 PM
Author insights
Leader Guide 9781501813900
$12.99; $8.70
DVD [CC] 8–10 mins. each. 9781501813924 $39.99; $31.99
God is the God of the hopeless cause. He is the God who loves sinners. He is the God who walks with us through the darkest valleys. He is the God who brings light into our darkness and peace to our times of anxiety and despair. God rescues, redeems, and forgives sinners. This help is extended to us even though we can’t earn it and don’t deserve it. There’s a word for this truth: grace.
other studies by Adam Hamilton
Youth Study Book 9781501813986
$9.99; $6.69
Leader Kit Contains one each: Participant Book, Leader Guide, DVD, Youth Study Book, and Youth Leader Guide. 9781501817540 $97.95; $67.99
Streaming videos for each session are available at
Youth Leader Guide 9781501814006 $14.99; $10.04
SG165610001ND002.indd 3
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10/19/15 12:59 PM
Spiritual Growth new
The Basics Series Clayton Oliphint and Mary Brooke Casad
The Basics series focuses on three aspects of the Christian life: who we are, what we do, and how we serve. Explore the three topics individually, or study them together for a complete 12-week course on living as a follower of Jesus. Each session is designed to invoke “holy conversation” and provides a suggested course of action in faith for every member of your group. Each Participant Book is complemented by a Leader Guide with options for tailoring sessions to the time frame and style of each group. Abingdon Press.
Citizens of Hope Basics of Christian Identity Hope. We know that hope is central to our identity as Christians and we know that supreme hope is found in a relationship with Jesus Christ, but how does that relationship become real to us? In Citizens of Hope, a book and four-week small-group study, you’ll be guided on a formative path of understanding who God is and who you are as God’s children. Coming in February. Participant Book 9781501813092 Leader Guide 9781501813115
$14.99; $10.04
Also coming in February:
$12.99; $8.70
The Road to Amazing Basics of Christian Practice After you invite Christ into your life, then what? Learn the basics of Christian discipleship in this 4-week study.
Participant Book 9781501813139 Leader Guide 9781501813153
$14.99; $10.04 $12.99; $8.70
Get in the Game Basics of Christian Service Teaches the basics of Christian discipleship and explores how we are called to serve others through Christian service.
Participant Book 9781501813177 Leader Guide 9781501813191
5 E SS
What the Prayers of Jesus Tell Us About the Heart of God Shane Stanford
More than any other part of his ministry, Jesus’ prayers inform and engage his intentions for how the gospel would change lives and affect the world. Looking at specific examples of when Jesus “goes away to pray,” this study refines our understanding of Jesus’ plans for his disciples (both in that first century and for every century to follow). By witnessing even the most intimate moments between the Father and the Son, we can learn something about the big plan God has for our lives. Abingdon Press. Participant Book 9781426774256 $15.99; $10.71 Hardcover Participant Book 9781501808340 $24.99; $16.74 Leader Guide 9781501819391 $12.99; $8.70
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“ $14.99; $10.04
$12.99; $8.70
author insights
We learn in the prayers of Jesus that we should want something more than nameplates and accolades. Whether we fully realize it or not, Jesus understood that we seek a relationship with the Father that transforms our life. We don’t have to become something more than we are—no, we need only take hold of that which is already being offered to us....
Community Resource Consultants
” SG16
10/20/15 2:22 PM
Uncertain? Empty? Lost? It’s okay to feel awkward in your search for God. You’re not alone amid your holy mess. In fact, Dr. Eric Elnes believes that uncertainty about your spiritual life can be one of your greatest assets in finding spiritual awakening because it is while we are unsure that we probe, question, and discover. You only need to wander. Abingdon Press. 9781426794131 $16.99; $11.38 Also available: 9781501808289 Hardcover $24.99; $16.74
see the video at
Darkwood Brew DVDs Eric Elnes, Host An expansion of the groundbreaking Darkwood Webcasts, these standalone, multi-session DVDs will invigorate, inspire and and challenge your small-group meetings. Led by Rev. Eric Elnes, Ph.D these DVDs are spiritual gatherings that explore progressive/emerging Christian faith and values with Christian thought leaders like Brian McLaren, Nadia Bolz-Weber, and Christian Piatt. Based on the structure of the Lectio Divina, an ancient spiritual practice developed by Benedictine monks in the 5th century, Darkwood Brew explores the unexpected love of God in relevant, challenging and surprising ways. This is Christian practice for the emerging faith of our world today; a hearty exchange of ideas, plus clarity, insight, and direction for your unique faith journey. Stir things up! Countryside Community Church.
Gifts of the Dark Wood DVD 10 Bible. Theology. Mystics. Holy Spirit. Prayer. E SS N S IO Dante. Struggle. Failure. Uncertainty. Emptiness. S
Gifts of the Dark Wood Seven Blessings for Soulful Skeptics (and Other Wanderers) Eric Elnes
In this 9-part series (plus a bonus episode with Frank Schaeffer) Rev. Eric Elnes Ph.D, author of Gifts of the Dark Wood, acts as a guide as we explore such “gifts” as Uncertainty, Emptiness, Lostness, and Failure. Guests Include: Brian McLaren, Chuck Marohnic, Lillian Daniel, Jacob Slichter, Winne Varghese, Parker J. Palmer, Diana Butler Bass, Melvin Bray, and Frank Schaeffer. 4:38. 2-DVD Set $49.99; $39.99
Additional DVDs available in the Darkwood Brew Series: Each
$49.99; $39.99 731882 486957 Listen! Hearing that Still, Small Voice and Finding your Own.
731882486865 The Be@titudes. 9 sessions; 2:21.
7 sessions; 3:18.
731882487084 Abrasive Grace. 6 sessions; 1:43. 731882487060 If Love Wins, What Now? 4 sessions; 1:11.
731882 486933
Evolving Universe, Evolving Faith. 7 sessions; 2:57.
731882487053 Praying for Revolution. 6 sessions; 1:58.
731882 486926
On Earth As It Is in Heaven. 7 sessions; 2:54.
731882487046 Can We Talk? The Psalms. 8 sessions; 2:15.
731882486919 Prophetically Incorrect. 6 sessions; 3:00.
731882 487039
Hope: A Pessimist’s Guide. 8 sessions; 2:35.
731882 487015 Upside Down Faith: Paul’s Challenge to the Colossians 731882 486988
731882486896 Drawn In. 6 sessions; 3:00. 731882 486902 Busy: Restoring our Connection to an Unhurried God.
731882487022 Advent Wait Training. 4 sessions; 2:38.
6 sessions; 2:29.
and to Us. 6 sessions; 1:20.
731882486889 The Great Convergence. 8 sessions; 3:37.
Faith of Jesus in a Pluralistic World. 7 sessions; 2:52.
731882486872 Vocatio. 8 sessions; 3:45.
731882 486971 Hookers, Looters, and Cheats—The Curious Companions
731882487138 Forgiveness. 4 sessions; 1:33. 731882 486940 For the Love of God: A Conversation About the Bible and
of Jesus. 6 sessions; 2:20. 731882 486964 Failing, Falling, & Flying: Genesis Stories of Original Grace.
Homosexuality. 6 sessions; 3:08.
11 sessions; 3:20.
SG165610001ND004.indd 5
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10/19/15 8:38 AM
Spiritual Growth new
Before Amen The Power of a Simple Prayer Max Lucado
We all pray . . . some. But wouldn’t we like to pray more? Better? With more fire, faith, and fervency? We aren’t the first to struggle with prayer. The first followers of Jesus needed prayer guidance too. In Before Amen, best-selling author Max Lucado joins readers on a journey to the very heart of biblical prayer, offering hope for doubts and confidence even for prayer wimps. Distilling prayers in the Bible down to one pocket-sized prayer, Max reminds readers that prayer is not a privilege for the pious nor the art of a chosen few. Prayer is simply a heartfelt conversation between God and his child. Let the conversation begin. Thomas Nelson. Coming in March.
Breathing Under Water Spirituality and the Twelve Steps Richard Rohr We are all addicted in some way. When we learn to identify our addiction, embrace our brokenness, and surrender to God, we begin to bring healing to ourselves and our world. In Breathing Under Water, Richard Rohr shows how the gospel principles in the Twelve Steps can free anyone from any addiction— from an obvious dependence on alcohol or drugs to the more common but less visible addiction that we all have to sin. Franciscan Media.
Participant Book 9780718078126 $15.99; $11.51 Prayer Journal 9780718014063 $13.99; $10.07 Study Guide 9780529123343 $9.99; $7.19 Study Guide with DVD 9780529123640 $29.99; $23.99 DVD 9780529123428 $21.99; $17.59
9781616361570 Participant Book $16.99; $12.23 9781616369736 Companion Journal $14.99; $10.79
All the Places to Go . . . How Will You Know? God Has Placed Before You an Open Door. What Will You Do? John Ortberg
6 S
Very rarely in the Bible does God command someone to stay. He opens a door, and then he invites us to walk through it—into the unknown.
Tyndale House. Participant’s Guide 9781496404602 $10.99; $7.91 DVD 9781496404596 $26.99; $21.59
Also available:
Paperback Book 9781414379012 Audiobook (CD) 9781496405869
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$15.99; $11.51 $26.99; $19.43
Truly Free Breaking the Snares That So Easily Entangle Robert Morris
6 E SS
In this study, best-selling author John Ortberg opens our eyes to the countless open doors God places before us every day, teaches us how to recognize them, and gives us the encouragement to step out in faith and embrace all of the extraordinary opportunities that await.
Best-selling author Robert Morris invites us into a glorious truth—that the promise of being set free from the slavery of sin is a promise to be set free “completely.” Although evil is real, we have the promise that the one who is in us is greater than the one who is in the world (1 John 4:4). Jesus saves us, trains us to resist the power of evil, and delivers us from anything that holds us back. With Jesus, we can be finally free forever. Thomas Nelson. 9780718028572 Study Guide $10.99; $7.91 9780718028503 Study Guide w/DVD $36.99; $26.63 9780718028749 DVD $26.99; $19.43
Community Resource Consultants
10/20/15 9:24 AM
6 E SS
vd d
The Comeback It’s Not Too Late and You’re Never Too Far Louie Giglio
Drawing from the Bible and his own experiences, Louie Giglio shows how God is all about comebacks. Samson had blown it repeatedly; nevertheless, he experiences tremendous triumph at the end of his life. The prodigal son returns home in disgrace only to be welcomed by his father with open arms, no questions asked. And the list goes on. Jesus himself performed the greatest comeback of all by rising from the dead. God is in the business of giving fresh starts to people. No matter what kind of disappointment or grief or pain or trouble or heartache we encounter, God always offers a new beginning, a change of heart, and a powerful spiritual turnaround. The Comeback proves God can use our mess and still make a masterpiece and that our current circumstances will not get the final say in our lives.
author insights
Everyone loves a good comeback story. Whether it’s a touchdown in the final seconds of the fourth quarter, an impossible recovery from a terminal illness, a group of hostages released safely to the waiting arms of loved ones, or an amputated leg turned into an Olympic gold medal and a world record — we all love comeback stories. Somehow these stories strike a chord in the very core of our being. They make us realize that difficult circumstances do not always get the final say in our lives. They reveal to us that, in the end, our story can be a comeback story too.
Thomas Nelson.
other studies
Participant Book 9780718042189 $19.99; $14.39 Study Guide (Leader Guide) 9780310887386 $10.99; $7.91 DVD 9780310887409 $26.99; $21.59 Study Guide with DVD 9780310684688 $36.99; $29.59
kit kit
participant participant book book
leader leader kit book book preview preview dvd
by Louie Giglio
participant asshh flflabook
devo devo tional tional
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sh fla
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Christ Walk A 40-Day Spiritual Fitness Program Anna Fitch Courie
The Life Recovery Journey 12 Inspiring Stories and Biblical E SS N S IO Wisdom as You Work the Twelve Steps and Let Them Work You Stephen Arterburn and David Stoop
40 IO N
What’s better than feeding your soul while developing healthy practices for your body and mind? This book outlines a 40day program for individuals and groups to focus on improving physical health while engaging in spiritual and mental reflection and growth. Morehouse Publishing.
In this ultimate recovery book with a biblical perspective, the authors of The Twelve Steps of Life Recovery share real-life, personal accounts of people on the road to recovery; biblical stories and verses to support readers in their journey; and powerful principles that offer hope for the future. Tyndale Momentum.
Participant Book 9780819231697 $18.00; $12.60
Participant Book 9781496410498 $16.99; $12.23 Also available: Each $12.99; $9.35 The Twelve Gifts of Life Recovery: God’s Hope and Strength for Your Journey 9781496402691 Participant Book The Twelve Laws of Life Recovery: God’s Wisdom and Guidance for Your Journey 9781496402707 Participant Book
SG165610001ND006.indd 7
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10/20/15 2:25 PM
Spiritual Growth
4 E SS
If Trading Your If Only Regrets for God’s What If Possibilities Mark Batterson
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“If” is a powerful little word. Some people are stuck in “if only,” trudging through lives marked with regret. But God wants us to live lives marked with possibilities, with the “what if” attitude that looks forward to the future with confidence.
With his trademark enthusiasm and contagious joy, Mark Batterson helps readers overcome feelings of guilt, fear, and doubt because in Christ there is no condemnation. Unpacking the promises of Romans 8, he shows readers that they are more than conquerors—right now and forever. And because of that, the possibilities for their lives are limitless. Christians from all walks of life will find themselves set free by this inspiring and entertaining read. Baker Book House. Hardcover Book 9780801016004 $19.99; $14.39 DVD 9780801016011 $24.99; $19.99 Participant Guide 9780801016028 $9.99; $7.19 CD 9780801005992 $24.99; $17.99 Curriculum Kit (Includes Hardcover Book, DVD, and Participant Guide) 9780801006043 $54.99; $43.99
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kit includes:
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CD also
sh ash devodevo fla available flbook tional tional cd
what you’ll need
6 IO N
Finally, a book that shows you how and why we should all take the risks that lead to a life of genuine and faithful purpose. —Judah Smith, New York Times bestselling author of Jesus Is
other studies by Mark Batterson
sh fla
devo tional
The Trouble with the Truth Balancing Truth and Grace Rob Renfroe
At one time or another, everyone has a wilderness experience, a difficult time of life when we feel alone and desperate, don’t know where to turn, and see no end in sight. In the Scriptures we see that often God’s people went through a wilderness experience that changed them in profound ways. Some come out of the wilderness broken, bitter, and far from God. Others come through with a deeper faith and closer to God than before. With sensitivity and warmth, Rob Renfroe explores the wilderness experience—what it is, how we get there, why God allows it, and how we can get through it God’s way so that we learn the lessons he has for us, lessons that can be learned only in the desolate seasons of life when we are totally dependent on God. Abingdon Press.
6 E SS
A Way Through the Wilderness Growing in Faith When Life Is Hard Rob Renfroe
praise for the book
“At the heart of the universe, there is a heart of grace. . . . This heart of grace is also a heart of truth.” –Rob Renfroe Balancing our Christian walk with passion and compassion isn’t easy—but it’s exactly what Jesus did during his time on earth. Rob Renfroe challenges us to take an honest self-examination to determine if we identify more with “truthers” or “gracers” and how to reset our spiritual compasses to walk a journey that embraces both fully. This study includes six DVD-based sessions for adult small groups. Abingdon Press. 9781426786198 9781426786266 9781426786259
Participant Book $14.99; $10.04 Leader Guide $12.99; $8.70 DVD [CC] 6 videos; 10–15 min. each $39.99; $31.99
9781501800955 Participant Book $14.99; $10.04 9781501800979 Leader Guide $12.99; $8.70 9781501800993 DVD [CC] 6 videos; 10–15 min. each $39.99; $31.99
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Community Resource Consultants
10/19/15 8:42 AM
4 E SS
Jesus Apprentice Doing What Jesus Did Jeff Kirby
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Christian belief through Christian action—it’s like an apprentice who learns from a master carpenter not only by listening, but also by following the master’s example. Author Jeff Kirby brings his rich and challenging style of teaching to a powerful, four-session study that shows us how we aren’t truly following Jesus until we do as Jesus…until we become a Jesus apprentice. Participants learn how to sweep aside the clutter of daily life, getting to the heart of Jesus’ message and finding the way to a renewed faith.
author insights
The study features a DVD, a Leader Guide, and flexible format options for use with any size group. The four-session DVD features Jeff Kirby guiding us through Jesus’ key teachings and activities. It is designed for small group use, in conjunction with the book.
I want to be a Jesus apprentice. I want to be a disciple. Maybe you do too. But we can only become disciples by learning to share our faith with confidence.
Abingdon Press. Participant Book 9781426787737 $14.99; $10.04 Leader Guide 9781426787775 $12.99; $8.70 DVD [CC] 4 sessions; 10–12 min. each dvd 9781426787751 $39.99; $31.99
kit dvd
kit participant participant kit book
book dvd
leader participantleader book preview
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what you’ll need
This set of 3 six-session, small-group studies covers 3 relevant and intriguing E SS N S IO themes, each designed to foster personal insight and compelling discussion—leading back to the individual’s relationship with God. Abingdon Press. S
see the video on
6 Decisions That Will Change Your Life A Six-Week Small Group Experience Tom Berlin Our busy lives are filled with decisions, but are they the important decisions? This study helps us discern six key decisions in our walk with Christ. 9781426794445 9781426794469 9781426794483
Participant Book $9.99; $6.69 Leader Guide $8.99; $6.02 DVD [CC] 6 sessions; 5–8 min. each. $24.99; $19.99
6 Things We Should Know About God A Six-Week Small Group Experience What are God’s qualities, and what effect do they have on us? This study introduces us to the living God and urges us to respond to each of God’s desires for us. 9781426794568 9781426794582 9781426794605
Participant Book $9.99; $6.69 Leader Guide $8.99; $6.02 DVD [CC] 6 sessions; 4–6 min. each $24.99; $19.99
6 Ways We Encounter God A Six-Week Small Group Experience
Streaming videos for each session are available at
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When we live, worship, or pray, do we really encounter God? This study introduces us to six basic characteristics of God, linking each to thekit characteristics we should develop in response. 9781426794681 9781426794704 9781426794728
Participant Book dvd $9.99; $6.69 dvd Leader Guide $8.99; $6.02 DVD [CC] 6 sessions; 4–6 min. each $24.99; $19.99
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author’s insights
We’re all on a journey—as people, as churches—and that journey is our faith in God. Along the way we find these experiences that we look back on...we say to ourselves, that’s when the journey really changed.
kit participant participant kit book
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what you’ll need 9
10/19/15 8:42 AM
dfl tip
Spiritual Growth
8 E SS
Ask Faith Questions in a Skeptical Age Scott J. Jones and Arthur D. Jones
see the video
We live in a skeptical age. People—especially young people—express doubts about Christian faith. In this thoughtful eight-week study, Bishop Scott Jones, author of The Wesleyan Way, partners with his son Rev. Arthur Jones to address hard questions that all of us face when considering faith, religion, and the church. The message is strong and clear: Don’t let your questions stop you from accepting God’s invitation to faith. Engage your doubt, and you may find you are closer to God on the other side.
Participant Book 9781501803338 $14.99; $10.04 Leader Guide 9781501803352 $12.99; $8.70 DVD [CC] 10–12 mins. per session 9781501803376 $39.99; $31.99
Streaming videos for each session are available at
kit dvd
kit participant participant kit book
book dvd
leader participantleader book preview
book sh fla
book preview
sh devo fla tional preview
book devo tional
what you’ll need
Intersect Where Your Story and God’s Story Converge Rob Peabody and Cris Rogers
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5 E SS
Starting spiritual conversations with those outside of the church is a worthy, yet often difficult and intimidating task. Intersect was designed to help overcome those barriers. It is an easy-to-use resource, perfect for sharing with co-workers, friends, neighbors, and family to enter into meaningful conversations. Five individual believers recount their faith journey and tell authentic stories of the circumstances that have forced them to examine how God might fit into their lives. Each film is accompanied by thought-provoking questions designed to encourage participants to examine the world in which they live and the life they’re pursuing, always ending with a conversation on how Jesus intersects the current topic. Awaken Movement.
$9.99; $6.99 $39.99; $31.99
devo tional
Participant Book DVD
sh fla
Help your entire congregation explore the “I am” sayings of Jesus found in the Gospel of John. Perfect for Lent, this series will help you find and form an answer to the most essential question in the Christian faith, “Who do you say I am?” One by one, Jesus’s statements grab our imagination, reveal more about his identity and purpose, and connect us to the God of Moses, who spoke the first “I am.” These significant, yet ordinary images (bread, light, shepherd, vine, and more) give us insightful ways to experience Jesus and point us to a God who wants to be known. Upper Room. 9780835813389 9780835813624
For faith to thrive in the twenty-first century, we must first ask our own questions and then begin to answer the questions of a skeptical world. —Scott J. Jones and Arthur D. Jones
The God We Can Know Exploring the “I Am” Sayings of Jesus Rob Fuquay
“” author insights
Abingdon Press.
Community Resource Consultants
10/19/15 8:43 AM
Pilgrim E SS N S IO A Course for the Christian Journey Sharon Ely Pearson, Stephen Cottrell, Steven Croft, Paula Gooder, Robert Atwell Pilgrim is a teaching and discipleship resource that helps inquirers and new Christians explore what it means to travel through life with Christ. A Christian course for the twenty-first century, Pilgrim offers an approach of participation, not persuasion. Following the practice of the ancient disciplines of biblical reflection and prayer with quotes from the Christian tradition throughout the ages, Pilgrim assumes little or no knowledge of the Christian faith. Individuals or small groups on the journey of discipleship in the Episcopal tradition can use Pilgrim at any point. There are two stages of material in Pilgrim: the “Follow” stage, designed for those who are enquirers and very new to the faith; and the “Grow” stage, designed for those who want to go further and learn more. Each stage is comprised of four, six-session courses. There is a Participant Book for each course of each stage. The Leader Guide covers all 8 courses.
Church Publishing. Coming in March. Leader Guide Use for all 4 courses in the “Follow” stage and all 4 courses in the “Grow” stage. 9780898699364 $12.95; $9.07
kit dvd
kit participant participant book
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leader book sh fla
sh devo fla tional
devo tional
what you’ll need
“Follow” Pilgrim studies: Each $9.95; $6.97
Course 1: Turning to Christ 9780898699388 Participant Book
Course 2: The Lord’s Prayer 9780898699401 Participant Book
Course 3: The Commandments 9780898699425 Participant Book
Course 4: The Beatitudes 9780898699449 Participant Book
Look for the Pilgrim “Grow” courses coming in October 2016.
SG165610001ND010.indd 11
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10/19/15 8:44 AM
Community new
7 We Speak E SS N S IO Proclaiming Truth in an Age of Talk Mike Baker, J. K. Jones, and Jim Probst As Christians, we are called to speak. Some of us speak out in our workplaces. Others in our schools or neighborhoods. Our audiences may vary in size, but we are all called to witness to Christ in us. Pastor Mike Baker puts it like this: “Jesus himself has commissioned each of us to be a witness for his kingdom. And every believer has a faith testimony, a story of how Jesus has made all the difference compelling us to be his representatives.” Written in daily devotional style, this book is designed to be an encouragement and support as you identify and add your voice to the chorus. In addition to the chapters by Mike Baker, there are daily devotions by J. K. Jones and a seven-session weekly group study guide by Jim Probst to help you process all that you are learning. Also available is a companion DVD of brief weekly video teachings by all three pastors, which completes this churchwide curriculum series. InterVarsity Press. Book 9780830844258
$16.00; $11.52
“” author insights
We live in an age of meaningless chatter. It’s time we became speakers of Truth.
Also available:
DVD 9780830844265
participant book
$12.00; $8.64
leader participant book preview
leader sh fla
devo tional preview
sh fla
devo tional
what you’ll need
SG165610001ND012.indd 12
$9.99; $6.69
Also available:
Youth Study, by Hank Hilliard 9781426782589 $9.99; $6.69 Children’s Study Leader Guide, by Sally Hoelscher 9781426782626 $15.99; $10.71
Teacher Manual $11.99; $8.03 Student Manual $9.99; $6.69
This resource is part of the 4-week churchwide Sunday school study for adults, youth, and children that follows the 2014 theme of One Great Hour of Sharing—Be Hope. By supporting One Great Hour of Sharing and the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR), we share the goodness of life with those who hurt, both in the U.S. and around the globe. Abingdon Press.
This teacher’s manual is a field-tested resource through which English speakers of any church and congregation can learn basic Spanishspeaking skills to be able to communicate and provide a welcoming atmosphere to the Hispanic communities surrounding them. The six-session resource developed by the Northern Illinois Conference covers basic conversational Spanish, and simple and easy to follow Spanish-language worship material. The program encourages openness toward Spanish-speaking neighbors, understanding of different cultures, and compassion for those who struggle to learn English. Abingdon Press. 9781501803673 9781501803659
4 E SS
Being Hope – Adult Study United Methodists in Global Mission Larry Beman
Who Is My Neighbor? 6 Learning Spanish as E SS N S IO Church Hospitality Joyce Carrasco, M.T.S., Ruth Cassel Hoffman, Ph.D., and Ngoc-Diep Nguyen, Ph.D.
Community Resource Consultants
10/19/15 10:35 AM
8 E SS
One A Small Group Journey Toward Life-Changing Community Nick Cunningham with Trevor Miller
see the video
Life is better shared…especially in a Christ-centered community. Although One is a small-group study written to cover an eight-week session, its larger purpose is for participants of the group to embrace meaningful relationships with their fellow Christ followers and to continuing to meet together, lifting each other up, pushing each other forward, and sending each other out—indefinitely.
“ ” “ ”
One journal is an interactive tool that helps small group members take the first step by answering questions that call for individual responses and with prompts for creative interaction. Group activities based on the weekly lesson are designed to further build the community. In addition to the Journal, a Leader Guide and video (DVD or Mp4) are also available. Abingdon Press. Coming in May. Journal 9781501816451 $14.99; $10.04 Leader Guide 9781501816468 $10.99; $7.36 DVD [CC] 10–15 mins. each. 9781501818578 $39.99; $31.99
author insights
Jesus desires for our unity to reflect what he has with the Father: a complete oneness. This oneness will be a conduit through which we experience God’s love. But it requires us to get up close and personal. It is the result of a common experience and a shared life.
Streaming videos for each session are available at
6 E SS
The Shout Finding the Prophetic Voice in Unexpected Places Hannah Adair Bonner
“Shout loudly; don’t hold back; raise your voice like a trumpet!” The words of Isaiah 58 lay the groundwork for The Shout, a six-session small group study that uses art, poetry, and video performances to create a unique learning environment. The curriculum offers a framework for discussion in which participants explore their own answers after first hearing the perspectives of artists and creative thinkers. Participants are encouraged to venture into their community to listen for unheard prophetic voices and to help these voices be heard. Although the study Journal and Leader Guide are suitable for any of adult age, the searching hearts of many within the millennial generation are especially drawn to the message in The Shout. Abingdon Press. Coming in May. Journal 9781501816239 $12.99; $8.70 Leader Guide 9781501816246 $9.99; $6.69 DVD [CC] 10–15 mins. each. 9781501816260 $39.99; $31.99
about the study
On a monthly basis in Texas, artists, thinkers, and advocates have been coming together to hear and echo the prophet’s shout. People from different communities, neighborhoods, and demographics gather to hear one another, learn to better understand and love one another, and with that knowledge take action to better serve one another....Now they invite others to join them.
Streaming videos for each session are available at
SG165610001ND012.indd 13
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10/19/15 10:36 AM
Leadership new
6 E SS
What Are We Fighting For? Coming Together Around What Matters Most Thomas J. Bickerton
Move beyond discord to a hope-filled future. When we come together around what matters most, the gospel of Jesus Christ becomes a vibrant part of our lives and witness. Fights, feuds, and uncertainties can distract us, leaving us ineffective and mired in mediocrity and decline, but focusing on what matters most causes our ministries to flourish and the church to become a relevant and vital presence in the community and world.
Small Groups for the Rest of Us How to Design Your Small Groups System to Reach the Fringes Chris Surratt
Abingdon Press. Coming in April. Book 9781501815058 $14.99; $10.04 Leader Guide 9781501815072 $12.99; $8.70 DVD [CC] 10–15 mins. each. 9781501815119 $39.99; $31.99 Devotional: Coming Together Around What Matters Most 9781501815096 $9.99; $6.69 Pastor Resources Download 9781501815133 $34.99; $27.99 Leader Kit (Contains one each: Book, Leader Guide, DVD, and Devotional) 9781501817533 $77.96; $54.99
participant participant book book
dvd dvd
kit includes:
book book preview preview
participant leader leader participant book book
Pastors, church staff, and small group leaders are trying to figure out how to make small groups work in their church and they don’t know how. Small Groups For The Rest Of Us gives them practical, proven strategies on moving people from the fringes into biblically based communities. Thomas Nelson. 9780718032319 $15.99; $11.51
Pastor Resources kitleader leader participant download also book book shsh devo devo book flafla tional tional available.
sshh devo devo flflaa tional tional preview dvd preview
leader book preview
8 S
$10.99; $7.91
The Class Meeting Reclaiming a Forgotten (and Essential) Small Group Experience Kevin M. Watson
Dr. Kevin M. Watson has written a fresh new guide to the theory and practice of the Wesley class meeting, an essential element of truly Wesleyan spirituality. This book is for clergy and congregations who are looking for ways to develop deeper discipleship. The class meeting is made workable without losing its essential dynmic as a gospel-based accountable community. Watson has resurrected the class meeting and given it new meaning, showing its relevance for the church today and how it may be a perfect means for church renewal. Asbury Seedbed Publishing. 9781628240580
8 E SS
Emotional health and spiritual maturity are inseparable: that is the premise of the awardwinning book The Emotionally Healthy Church. This stand-alone workbook helps leaders and lay persons alike apply the biblical truths in Peter Scazzero’s revolutionary book to their personal lives, small groups, and churches. Eight studies take you beyond merely reading about emotional health to actually cultivating it as a disciple of Jesus. Step by step, you’ll discover what it means to have Christ transform the deep places hidden beneath the surface so that you might become more authentic and loving toward God, others, and yourself. Zondervan.
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devo tional
what you’ll need The Emotionally Healthy Church Workbook 8 Studies for Groups or Individuals Peter Scazzero
sh fla
Community Resource Consultants
10/19/15 8:47 AM
Revival Faith as Wesley Lived It Adam Hamilton
6 E SS
see the video at
If you’ve taken a class using Adam Hamilton’s The Journey or The Way, you know how his DVD sessions seem part travelogue—part history lesson—a lot Bible study. In Revival, he once again uses his captivating storytelling talent to take you on a six-week journey through England tracing the life of John Wesley. Wesley’s message and his faith continue to speak to 21st-century Christians, calling for a revival of our hearts and souls so that our world might be changed. His story is our story. It’s our heritage, it defines our faith, and it challenges us to rediscover our spiritual passion.
The Leader Guide includes everything needed to lead an adult group through Revival, with session plans and discussion questions as well as multiple format options. Components for children and youth make this a true churchwide study program. All video sessions are closed captioned and run approximately 10–15 minutes each. Abingdon Press. Book 9781426778841 $14.99; $10.04 Large Print Edition 9781630882945 $15.99; $10.71 Leader Guide 9781426778834 $12.99; $8.70 DVD 9781426776823 $39.99; $31.99 Youth Study Book participant participant leader kit leader participant 9781426788680 $9.99; $6.49 kitkit participant leader Children’s Leader Guide h h book book h s s book devo devo devo 9781426788710 $16.99; $11.38 fla book book flasfla book tional tional preview preview dvd dvd preview Start-Up Kit (Contains 1 each: Revivaltional Book, Leader dvd Guide, DVD, Youth Study Book, and Children’s kit includes: what you’ll need Leader Guide) Youth & Children’s components 9781630889852 $94.95; $66.49
also available/included in kit.
author insights
Today we find ourselves in a world much like Wesley’s—polarized, where faith seems to falter, and the gap between rich and poor widens. Many of us have a faith in need of revival.
other studies by Adam Hamilton
sh fla
devo tional
Streaming videos for each session are available at
6 E SS
Three Simple Rules for Christian Living A Six-Week Study for Adults
This small-group study is based on Rueben P. Job’s book Three Simple Rules: A Wesleyan Way of Living. Six sessions provide extended reflection for adults on three principles of Christian life: do no harm, do good, and stay in love with God. Each rule has a session to help you understand the rule and a session to help you explore ways to practice the rule. Resources include a DVD with excerpts from an interview with Bishop Rueben Job, and a CD-ROM that includes a Leader Guide for the study sessions and other useful information for organizing, leading, and publicizing study groups. Abingdon Press. 843504002152 9781426700255 9780687649662 9781426702235 9781426700422 9781426700347 9781426700330 9780687654741 9781501800511 9780687646852
L eader Materials on DVD and CD, by Jeanne Torrence Finley $29.99; $23.99 Student Book, by Jeanne Torrence Finley $7.99; $5.35 Hardcover Edition, by Rueben P. Job $6.99; $5.59 Large Print Edition, by Rueben P. Job $6.99; $5.59 Children’s Leader’s Guide, by Linda Whited $16.99; $7.99 Youth Leader Guide: 24/7, by Josh Tinley $8.99; $6.02 Youth Student Book: 24/7, by Rueben P. Job $7.99; $5.35 DVD, by Rueben P. Job $29.99; $23.99 P aperback Edition, Case of 50 books, by Rueben P. Job $299.99; $199.99 Bookmark, Pack of 25 $4.00; $4.00
Other studies also available from Rueben P. Job include Three Simple Questions and Listen. Visit for details.
SG165610001ND014.indd 15
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10/19/15 8:47 AM
A Disciple’s Heart Growing in Love and Grace James A. Harnish with Justin LaRosa
6 S
We hear a lot about “spiritual journey” these days. But it’s more than just trendy wording. Although he didn’t use the phrase, that’s what John Wesley was really all about—taking steps and continually walking a path that transforms the heart and helps us grow into the likeness of Christ. This study, designed for use in either small groups or as a churchwide experience, attempts to reclaim and, in a sense, reinterpret Wesley’s idea of “Christian perfection.” Participants learn how to develop a pattern of daily Scripture reading, prayer, and personal reflection, while guided questions help define spiritual life goals and create strong church community bonds. The six-week class is supported with the Daily Workbook (Participant Book), Companion Reader (Devotional), a Leader Guide with Downloadable Toolkit, and a flash drive with the contents of the Downloadable Toolkit (all included in the Program Kit). Abingdon Press. 9781630882556 9781630882570 9781630882594 9781630882617
Daily Workbook (Participant Book) Companion Reader (Devotional) Leader Guide with Downloadable Toolkit Program Kit (includes flash drive)
$12.99; $8.70 $9.99; $6.69 $25.99; $20.79 $39.99; $31.99
kit kit participant leader leader participant leader kit kit participant participant participant leader leader h book book h devodevo book book book s sh sh asdevo ash devo fla fldevo fla fla fl book book book book book tionaltional tional tional tional preview preview preview preview d dvd dvd dvd preview
kit includes:
what you’ll need
8 S
A Disciple’s Path 6 Deepening Your Relationship E S SIO N S with Christ and the Church James A. Harnish with Justin LaRosa
The Wesleyan Way A Faith That Matters Scott J. Jones
In this exciting and inspiring new study, Scott J. Jones helps seekers and believers to envision and practice discipleship as a way of life. Presenting Christianity from a Wesleyan perspective, Jones invites participants into a deeper, more thoughtful, more active commitment to Christ by focusing on how, through discipleship with Jesus Christ, we become part of God’s work in transforming the world. Different presenters share their personal faith experience each week, followed by an interview or ministry story from the presenter’s home church. Participants then read on their own from the student book and the Bible and then once a week the group comes together to explore what they’ve read and to view another video. Abingdon Press. 9781426767562 9781426767579 9781426767586
Student Book Leader Guide DVD [CC] 8–10 mins. per session.
SG165610001ND016.indd 16
Whether used as an introduction for new members or a renewal course for existing members, this engaging program guides individuals to take the next step in discipleship and become dynamic, engaged followers of Jesus Christ. Participants will develop spiritual practices, discover their unique gifts, and become engaged in ministry that brings transformation in their own lives, the lives of others, and the world. Abingdon Press. 9781426743498 Daily Workbook $12.99; $8.70 9781426743504 Companion Reader $9.99; $6.69 9781426743481 Leader Guide with CD-ROM $25.99; $20.79 9781426777950 Program Kit (Companion Reader, Daily Workbook, Leader Guide with CD-ROM, sample of each ancillary product) $39.99; $31.99 843504029753 Rubber Wristband, Pkg. of 10 $12.99; $8.70 843504029760 Bookmarks, Pkg. of 25 $7.99; $5.35 843504030155 Window Clings, Pkg. of 25 $7.99; $5.35 843504029777 Key Tags, Pkg. of 3 $7.99; $5.35
$14.99; $10.04 $14.99; $10.04 $39.99; $31.99
Community Resource Consultants
10/19/15 11:33 AM
United Methodist
Five Marks of a Methodist Steve Harper
This concise and compelling study helps readers learn and remember the five identifiers that John Wesley set forth in The Character of a Methodist, appealing especially to those of Wesleyan heritage, but beneficial to any Christian person or group. It answers in plain language, “How should United Methodists live?” and provides the people called Methodists with a clear and memorable unifying focus. As followers of Jesus who reach out to serve their neighbors, United Methodists: • Love God • Rejoice in God • Give thanks • Pray always • Love others The study consists of Steve Harper’s original book, Five Marks of a Methodist, a Participant Character Guide, a Leader Guide, DVD, and streaming video sessions (6 brief videos). Perfect for explaining what it means to live in the United Methodist way. Abingdon Press. Coming in March. 9781501820243 Leader Guide (Includes Participant Character Guide by Magrey deVega with Steve Harper) $9.99; $6.69 9781501820267 Participant Character Guide, by Magrey deVega with Steve Harper $4.99 9781501820229 DVD $29.99; $23.99 Also available: 9781501800597
$8.99; $6.02
Hardcover Book
Streaming videos for each session are available at kit dvd
kit participant book
participant dvd
kit leader preview dvd
kit participant leader participant
book book preview
book sh flabook
sh devo fla tional
leader devo tional preview
book preview
leader book sh fla
sh devo fla tional
devo tional
what you’ll need
new Top 10 United Methodist Beliefs Don Adams There can be no doubt about what Jesus thought was “the main thing”—the Great Commandments to love God with our heart, soul, and mind and to love neighbor as yourself. What were the non-negotiables for the founder of the Methodist movement, John Wesley? Wesley’s first priority was to grow Christian disciples who loved God and neighbor with a holy love that keeps those Commandments. Using John Wesley as guide, Top 10 United Methodist Beliefs describes the 10 most important United Methodist beliefs, so that we are equipped for every good work. It also describes how a passionate Wesley can still inspire us to travel the road to perfection using these basic beliefs as signposts, not hitching posts, so that we can more fully follow Jesus. But discipleship can be arduous and God’s grace is not cheap. We must be prepared to walk and walk and not just talk. The Christian life is action packed with surprises at every turn. “Are you able?” as the old hymn asks. Yes, Lord, we are able through the power and love of God to be accountable to Jesus and each other. Each chapter includes study questions suitable for personal reflection and group conversation. Abingdon Press. Coming in February. 9781501804229
SG165610001ND016.indd 17
$14.99; $10.04
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10/19/15 11:32 AM
Stewardship new Generosity Rising Lead a Stewardship Revolution in Your Church Scott McKenzie With all of the books written on stewardship and all of the workshops offered; why do churches continue to struggle with questions and issues of financial giving? The answer is in the church’s leadership.
Generosity Rising instructs pastors on whom to recruit and how to recruit them, offering practical guidelines for training a dedicated team of “generosity revolutionaries.” This book also provides daily devotionals for leaders to inspire, motivate, and encourage their personal journey of gratitude, prayer and faith. Abingdon Press. Coming in March. 9781630883171
$15.99; $10.71
Stewardshift An Economia for Congregational Change Bob Sitze
This book offers theoretical and practical propositions by which lay and clergy leaders can ensure the sustainability of stewardship ministries to help their congregations flourish. Bob Sitze invites stewardship leaders into a broader conversation of how shifted biblical and secular stewardship concepts, practice, and identity can be incorporated into a congregation’s life and help bring about lasting change. The book has two sections and is written in a friendly style, with reflection questions, so-what moments, and engaging sidebars. Morehouse Publishing. 9780819231918
$24.00; $16.80
Earn. Save. Give. 4 Wesley’s Simple Rules for Money E SS N S IO James A. Harnish
new S
A revolution of generosity will only occur as pastors, financial chairs, and stewardship chairs live and give witness to the importance of generosity in their personal lives and then intentionally recruit and train others to join the revolution. Leading a revolution in generosity is not about simply using the right program or reading the right book or preaching the right sermon; a revolution of generosity is about embracing, living, and leading others on a journey of gratitude, prayer, and faith.
John Wesley boils fiscal responsibilities down to just three rules: Earn all you can. Save all you can. Give all you can. Sounds simple, right? Yes, but not easy, especially in today’s culture of consumerism. This twenty-first century translation of Wesley’s money management philosophy will give everyone in your congregation—children and teenagers as well as adults of any age—a new way to think about money, not only during your stewardship program, but for the rest of their lives. Churchwide study guides, a Leader Guide, a DVD, Devotional Readings for Home, and a Program Guide flash drive are available for this four-week program. Abingdon Press. Participant Book 9781630883928 $13.99; $9.37 Large Print Edition 9781630883942 $14.99; $10.04 Leader Guide 9781630883959 $13.99; $9.37 DVD [CC] 10–12 mins. per session. 9781630883973 $39.99; $31.99 Program Guide Flash Drive 9781630883980 $34.99; $27.99 Devotional Readings for Home 9781501805073 $6.99; $4.68 Devotional Readings for Home, Pkg. of 25 9781501805097 $174.75; $99.99 Youth Study 9781630884000 $9.99; $6.69 Children’s Leader Guide 9781630884024 $16.99; $11.38
SG165610001ND018.indd 18
new Holy Currency Exchange 101 Stories, Songs, Actions and Visions of Missional and Sustainable Ministries Eric H. F. Law Eric Law’s foundational book, Holy Currencies (2013), demonstrated a new way ministries can think about the resources needed to do their work in their communities. Law’s follow-up book, Holy Currency Exchange, shares a variety of tools for thinking differently about how those resources can mobilize ministries into new life, mission, and vitality. Examples include a restaurant ministry, programs for youth, an emergency rent loan fund for people in the neighborhood, worship service in Mexican restaurants, and many more. What could your ministry do? Chalice Press. 9780827215016
Community Resource Consultants
$16.99; $12.23 SG16
10/21/15 8:10 AM
author insights
Just as gravity exists in the natural world, financial gravity exists in our economic world....To experience the kingdom of God, we must defy the world’s gravity, let go, and truly submit to Christ.
Leader Guide 9781501813429
$12.99; $8.70
other books
by Tom Berlin (& Lovett Weems)
A Generous Church: A Pastor’s Guide 9781501813498 $16.99; $11.38
Book 9781501813405 $14.99; $10.04 Leader Kit (Includes one each of the five components on this page) 9781501817557 $114.95; $82.99
4 E SS
Defying Gravity Break Free from the Culture of More Tom Berlin
dvd NS
Our possessions can create unbearable weight and affect our ability to serve and thrive. How do we defy gravity and find freedom? In this four-week small group study and stewardship campaign, pastor and author Tom Berlin explores what is required to sustain a vibrant life, what we need versus what we want, and what we can do to avoid being pulled into the orbit of materialism.
kit dvd
participant book
kit kit
kit includes:
participant leader book book participant preview book leader kit book dvd
sh fla
sh fla
partic preview devo book tional
what you’ll need DVD [CC] 10–15 mins. per session. 9781501813443 $29.99; $23.99
Pastor’s Guide also available/included in kit.
Abingdon Press. Coming in May. Streaming videos for each session are available at
Program Tools Flash Drive 9781501813511 $39.99; $31.99
SG165610001ND018.indd 19
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dev tion prev
10/19/15 12:46 PM
Stewardship new
The Christian Wallet E SS N S IO Spending, Giving, and Living with a Conscience Mike Slaughter with Karen Perry Smith Best-selling author Mike Slaughter offers a comprehensive look at how Christians use their money, exploring today’s culture of consumerism and the impact of what we buy, and asking difficult questions about morality and money while acknowledging that there are no easy answers. Throughout the book, profiles of real people inspire thoughtful reflection about the true value of money and the rewards of conscious spending. Questions for individual or group study are also included with each chapter. The Christian Wallet helps Christians grapple with important questions about using money: how we spend, how we live, how we save, how we give, and what it all means.”
The temptation to spend now and think later (or never!) is ever-present, but with good intentions and prayerful hearts, we can slow down and reflect on what we earn, how we spend it, who is affected by it, and who we can share it with.
from Mike Slaughter
$20.00; $14.40
first putting GOD first in living and giving Mike Slaughter
What happens when we truly put God first in all aspects of our lives? In first, pastor and author Mike Slaughter conducts a four-week all-church stewardship program based on his popular book, shiny gods. You’ll reassess priorities and create a culture and a lifestyle of faithful living and giving and make a meaningful contribution to the world. And to help parents educate and model generosity for their kids, first includes components for children and youth that help families explore financial decisions together. Abingdon Press 9781426762024 9781426763632 9781426763687 9781426765544 9781426761942 9781426762017 9781426761966 9781426775734
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The Grace of Giving Money and the Gospel John Stott and Chris Wright In The Grace of Giving, John Stott takes you through the Apostle Paul’s teaching on giving. He’ll help you answer questions about when to give, what to give, and in what spirit. These 10 principles of Christian giving offer sound guidelines for you as you make decisions about finances.
Chris Wright’s The Risky Business of Handling Money, now included, walks us through familiar Bible passages, raising questions about how we let biblical models shape our approach to financial responsibility. The Apostle Paul sets a clear standard for the church, and the principles easily transfer to any charity or organization Hendrickson Publishers. Coming in March.
first Devotional $8.99; $6.02 first Youth Study Edition $8.99; $6.02 first Children’s Leader Guide $16.99; $11.38 first Program Guide Flash Drive w Booklet $29.99; $23.99 shiny gods Participant Book $14.99; $10.04 shiny gods DVD [CC] 8-14 mins. per session. $39.99; $31.99 shiny gods Leader Guide $11.99; $8.03 Program Kit (Includes one each of items listed above) $99.99; $79.99
4 E SS
other studies
Westminster John Knox Press. Hardcover 9780664260293
author insights
$5.95; $4.28
Community Resource Consultants
10/19/15 10:05 AM
Women’s Studies new
author insights
Beautiful Already Reclaiming God’s Perspective on Beauty Barbara L. Roose
You look at a mirror and what do you see? Wide hips. Too many wrinkles. A crooked nose. But is that what God sees in your reflection? What is God’s perspective on beauty? Beautiful Already is a six-week Bible study designed to help liberate women from the ugly struggle with beauty. By letting go of beliefs that affect your self-image and self-esteem, you’ll be free to move toward God’s viewpoint of your heart, mind, body, and soul…free from the trap of comparison and self-ridicule. Plus you’ll learn how to encourage and help other women with their unrealistic expectations.
Ladies, our ugly struggle with beauty is a war on two fronts: against our culture and against ourselves. Although we cannot control the media or the messages it creates, we are 100 percent in control of our beliefs, responses, and choices when it comes to the topic of beauty.
Six DVD teaching segments and a Leader Guide with discussion points and questions, activities, prayers, and more complement the Participant Book. Abingdon Press. Coming in March. Leader Guide 9781501813566 $13.99; $9.37 Participant Book 9781501813542 $15.99; $10.71 DVD [CC] 25 minutes per session. 9781501813580 $49.99; $39.99 Leader Kit (Includes one each of components above) 9781501813597 $79.99; $63.99
Streaming videos for each session are available at
kit dvd
dvd dvd
participant kitkit participantparticipant kit book
book book dvd
kit includes:
leader leader leader participant book book book sh fla book preview preview preview
leader book sflhash devo devo a devo fl tional tional preview tional
what you’ll need
Enough Already Winning Your Ugly Struggle with Beauty Barbara L. Roose Most women know that God loves them, but might he love them more if they finally lost that last ten pounds, or got their hair to lay right, or finally found a pair of jeans that looked good and let them breathe? Well, maybe God doesn’t care about jeans, but women do, and all the talk about inner beauty hasn’t kept all of us from staring into a mirror and taking an inventory that never quite measures up. Enough Already will elevate the soul-freeing, spiritual truth that God is the Creator of beauty and that women are called to appreciate and care for themselves as his own. Women will learn to accept God-given beauty so that when they look in the mirror they see his handiwork, not their flaws. Abingdon Press.
SG165610001ND020.indd 21
$15.99; $10.71
Also available: Hardcover Edition 9781501800023
$24.99; $16.74
Shop the online catalog at
10/19/15 10:05 AM
sh fla
Set Apart Holy Habits of Prophets and Kings E S S SI O N Jessica LaGrone
see the video
Women’s Studies
You’re not unlike some of the kings and prophets in 1 and 2 Kings. Although they were set apart by God, they didn’t have all the answers. They struggled. They made big time mistakes. But they grew in their faith through spiritual practices even while carrying out God’s calling on earth. This six-week study examines the holy habits of six kings and prophets who were set apart by their close walk with God. Each week you’ll study the story of one intriguing character, discuss God’s unique purpose for his life, and learn about his particular spiritual discipline. Then you’ll explore how that timeless spiritual practice can draw you closer to God, helping you fulfill God’s purpose for your life. A Participant Book, Leader Guide, and DVD are offered individually or as part of the complete Leader Kit.
author insights
Abingdon Press. Participant Book 9781426778421 $15.99; $10.71 Leader Guide 9781426778438 $13.99; $9.37 DVD [CC] 6 videos; approx. 25-min each, plus intro video 9781426778452 $49.99; $39.99 Leader Kit 9781426778469 $79.99; $63.99
Being set apart is not something that means we see ourselves as better than others. On the contrary, it is only God’s Spirit living in us that marks us and makes us different from those around us, and it is our brokenness and sinfulness that drive us to seek a new way, a new life in Christ.
Streaming videos for each session are available at
kit dvd dvd
participant kit kitkit participantparticipant book
book book dvd
kit includes:
leader leader participant leader leader Kit also h h book book h book book includes 10 s s s devo devo fla fla fladevo book tional postcards. tional preview preview preview preview tional
devo tional
what you’ll need
SG165610001ND022.indd 22
9781426761874 9781426761881 9781426761898 9781426778049 9781426763540
$15.99; $10.71 $13.99; $9.37 $49.99; $39.99 $79.99; $63.99 $1.99
Every name tells a story. Names in Scripture were often given to tell the story of a person’s identity, upbringing, or character. When God transforms lives, it often brings more than we bargained for: new identities, new journeys, even new names. Namesake is a six-week Bible study that explores the transformational power of God through the stories of biblical characters who met God and whose lives and names were changed forever. The Leader Kit contains a Leader Guide, Participant Book, DVD, and 5 Preview Books. Abingdon Press.
This six-week study traces the story of the Genesis family from Adam and Eve through the generations to Joseph. Despite both good and bad traits that were passed down, God worked for good in every generation, transforming those within and outside the family bloodlines. The study ends with the story of Joseph, who decided to stop the cycle of previous generations, offering forgiveness and grace to his brothers and bringing blessing form brokenness. A Participant Book, Leader Guide, Preview Book, and DVD are offered individually or as part of the complete Leader Kit. Abingdon Press. Participant Book Leader Guide DVD [CC] 6 videos; 15–25 min. each, plus bonus intro video. Leader Kit Preview Book
6 E SS
Namesake When God Rewrites Your Story Jessica LaGrone
6 E SS
Broken and Blessed How God Used One Imperfect Family to Change the World Jessica LaGrone
9781426778377 9781426778384 9781426778391 9781426778414 9781426778407
sh fla
Participant Book Leader Guide DVD [CC] 6 videos; 22–27 min each, plus intro. Leader Kit Preview Book: When God Rewrites Your Story
Community Resource Consultants
$15.99; $13.99; $39.99; $74.99; $1.99
$10.71 $9.37 $31.99 $59.99
10/19/15 10:11 AM
Joseph The Journey to Forgiveness Melissa Spoelstra
6 S
author insights
All of us know what it’s like to be hurt or betrayed. Often it’s a small breach such as being spoken to rudely or overlooked in a time of need. Other times we experience lies, gossip, or harsh words that cut us to the core. Some of us have endured unspeakable pain through abuse, adultery, or abandonment. God knows the pain we cause each other and longs to help us learn to practice forgiveness. Nowhere do we see forgiveness played out more fully in Scripture than in the biblical story of Joseph. This six-week study explores what God has to say about grace and forgiveness through Joseph’s story of trial and triumph found in Genesis 37–50. As we study his dreams, his betrayers, his dysfunctional family, his struggle to forgive, and his journey toward reconciliation, we’ll find truths that echo into our own personal situations as well as practical help for answering common questions. God wants to use the very things intended to hurt you as a source of blessing in your life and the lives of others.
We can’t do it on our own. We desperately need God’s Spirit and Word to help us sort through fact and fiction so that we can make the journey to forgiveness. It will mean getting real, raw, and possibly reopening some painful memories. The freedom and healing on the other side will be well worth it as we search the Scripture alongside others who want to become more like Christ, learning to extend the same grace and forgiveness they have received from Him.
Abingdon Press. Participant Book 9781426789106 $15.99; $10.71 Leader Guide 9781426789113 $13.99; $9.37 DVD [CC] 6 videos; 18–30 mins. each, plus promo video 9781426789120 $49.99; $39.99 Preview Book 9781426789137 $1.99 Leader Kit (Includes one each of above listed components) 9781426789144 $79.99; $63.99
Streaming videos for each session are available at
kitkit dvd dvd
participant kit participant book book dvd
kit includes:
leader participant leader book
book book preview preview
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devo tional
what you’ll need
SG165610001ND022.indd 23
$15.99; $13.99; $49.99; $79.99; $1.99
$10.71 $9.37 $39.99 $63.99
6 E SS
You’d think that if you got a mention in the Bible your name would be included too, right? As a woman, you know that who we are is often overlooked. Even in the Bible. But, although their names were not always recorded, biblical women were known and loved by God—just like we are. Explore the stories of four of these anonymous women in this six-week, DVD-based study. Each woman in your group will grow in her relationship with Christ and find her significance in the heart of God. The Leader Kit includes one each: Participant Book, Leader Guide, DVD, and a Preview Book. Abingdon Press. Participant Book Leader Guide DVD [CC] 6 videos; approx. 25 mins each Leader Kit Preview Book
Jeremiah Daring to Hope in an Unstable World Melissa Spoelstra
6 E SS
Anonymous Discovering the Somebody You Are to God Cindi Wood
9781426792120 9781426792137 9781426792151 9781426792182 9781426792168
leader book sh sh devo devo fla fla tional preview tional
Women are experts when it comes to worry, fear, and doubt. Unsettled times in our world—our neighborhoods—certainly don’t help. This six-week Bible study, designed specifically to address the challenges and circumstances of today’s woman, helps explore the meaning of Jeremiah’s message with practical life applications to start experiencing intentional living now! The Leader Kit includes a Participant Book, Leader Guide, DVD, and a Preview Book. Abingdon Press. 9781426788871 9781426788949 9781426788956 9781426788970 9781426788963
Participant Book Leader Guide DVD [CC] 6 videos; 22–28 mins. each Leader Kit Preview Book
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$15.99; $13.99; $49.99; $79.99; $1.99
$10.71 $9.37 $39.99 $63.99
10/19/15 10:11 AM
new Unashamed Drop the Baggage, Pick up Your Freedom, Fulfill Your Destiny Christine Caine
8 E SS
Women’s Studies
Explore God’s Word where you will see that God is bigger than your mistakes, your inadequacies, your past, and your limitations. He is not only more powerful than anything you’ve done but also stronger than anything ever done to you. You can deal with your yesterday today, so that you can move on to what God has in store for you tomorrow a powerful purpose and destiny he wants you to fulfill. In Unashamed, you will discover that God has already won the victory over sin and its shame and how to break free from believing the lies of the deceiver. You will discover how to define yourself not by shame’s lies, but by God’s truth. You need not live bound by shame because you have been set free.
Shame has no place in the purpose, plan, and destiny God has for you. Because shame lies to us. It robs us of the very freedom we long for, and shackles us in the prison of our past. I know. I’ve been there. I was schooled in shame. It has been my constant companion from my very earliest memories. I see shame everywhere I look in the world, including in the church. But you have the power to move past your past, and step into a future that God has prepared for you in freedom.
Zondervan. Coming in May. Book 9780310340706 Participant Book 9780310698487 DVD 9780310698739 Participant Book with DVD 9780310698760
kit dvd
kit participant participant kit book
book dvd
by Christine Caine
$12.99; $9.35 $26.99; $21.59 $38.99; $31.19
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book devo tional
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what you’ll need
The Longing in Me How Everything You Crave Leads to the Heart of God Sheila Walsh
Today’s wives and mothers have been hoodwinked; convinced that serving their family is a subservient and antiquated role. Because of culture, family, friends, or lack of biblical teaching, many moms miss how valuable and powerful their calling really is. Some have bought into the pressure to be Supermom. Others have believed the myth that they can do it all and do it perfectly.
Each of us has a sacred ache within us a longing for the very heart of God. Walsh draws on the biblical example of David, the greatest king Israel ever had, who was known as a man after God’s own heart. Yet at times even David had frustrations, doubts, and worries about his situation. David’s life paints a portrait of the longings we all share, and how we can channel those longings in a way that brings us closer to God. The Longing in Me will help you find the one true source who can meet your deepest longings and give you real tools to help you heal from the past and find joy today. Thomas Nelson. Coming in April.
This six-session video-based study will encourage and inspire women to find a fresh new vision for an age-old calling as they tackle the challenges and embrace the blessings of motherhood. Zondervan. Book Participant Book DVD Participant Guide with DVD
6 E SS
Hoodwinked Ten Myths Moms Believe and E SS N S IO Why We Need to Knock It Off Karen Ehman and Ruth Schwenk
9780310343431 9780310831457 9780310837138 9780310841760
other BOOKS
$16.99; $12.23
participantleader leader book book sh fla book preview preview
author insights
$15.99; $11.51 $12.99; $9.35 $26.99; $21.59 $39.99; $31.19
9781400204892 9780310684916 9780310684862 9780310684886
Also available:
Hardcover Participant Book Study Guide with DVD Study Guide DVD
$22.99; $16.55 $38.99; $31.19 $12.99; $9.35 $26.99; $21.59
Pressing Pause: 100 Quiet Moments for Moms to Meet with Jesus 9780310357797 $19.99; $14.39
SG165610001ND024.indd 24
Community Resource Consultants
10/20/15 2:27 PM
Moms were never meant to be Lone Rangers, doing life alone. Instead, we need each other—a squad of other super moms who can leap over piles of laundry, tackle all-night science projects, and live to tell the stories of preteen slumber parties. Moms need encouragement, support and friendship, and that’s what this event is all about.
Embraced by God Seven Promises for Every Woman Babbie Mason
8 E SS
Use this mini-event kit to help moms connect with each other, realize the unique gifts God has given them, and be refreshed and refilled for another day of momhood. Includes Leader Guide, Graphics CD, MomSquad Memory Booklets 10-Pack, and How to Start a Mom’s Ministry. For all ages and group sizes.
Every woman longs to know that she is loved, accepted, and valued. Yet many women struggle to understand and accept just how much God really loves them. Drawing upon her own personal journey to understand how very much God loves her not as a singer or teacher but as His beloved daughter, contemporary gospel singer Babbie Mason equips women to accept God’s unfailing love as they understand and claim seven biblical promises. Abingdon Press.
Group Publishing. Mini-Event Kit 9781470726973 Booklets 9781470726966
Hardcover $24.99; $17.99 Extra 10-Pack $7.99; $5.75
9781426754418 Participant Book $15.99; $10.71 9781426754401 Leader Guide $13.99; $9.37 9781426754425 DVD 8 sessions; approx. 15-min. each, plus 8 music videos $39.99; $31.99 9781426777943 Leader Kit (Contains one copy each of components above plus a Preview Book, music CD, and additional leader support resources) $69.99; $55.99
Soul Spa 40 Days of Spiritual Renewal Sharla Fritz
8 E SS
MomSquad Faith. Friendship. Fun. Mini-Event Kit for Moms
Do you need a place to rest your heart? When we are tired or stressed, when our muscles ache and our skin feels dry, we can go to a health spa for renewal. But what do we do when our soul needs care? How do we cope with this hectic, messy, and complicated world?
This I Know For Sure Taking God at His Word E SS N S IO Babbie Mason
Soul Spa provides for our spirits what a spa offers our bodies: activities and nourishment for a healthy spirit. During forty days of readings and Bible study, participants will explore will sample 28 different spiritual experiences that will help you draw upon the spiritual renewal that only the Holy Spirit offers. Includes suggestions for life application and answers to Bible study questions.
Do you have a longing to know God more intimately? Do you desire a rock-solid faith to face life’s challenges? Based on her book, This I Know For Sure, this six-week Bible study by award-winning Gospel singer-songwriter and Bible teacher Babbie Mason challenges you to examine your personal relationship with God, make up your mind to believe God’s Word, regardless of your feelings or circumstances, and take hold of some nonnegotiable principles of the faith. The DVD provides six video segments with Babbie, featuring teaching and original music. Abingdon Press.
Concordia. 9780758649072
Also available:
Living a Chocolate Life 9780758647894
9781426772450 Participant Book $15.99; $10.71 9781426772467 Leader Guide $13.99; $9.37 9781426772474 DVD [CC] 6 sessions; 20–25 min. each $49.99; $39.99 9781426772481 Preview Book: Taking God At His Word $1.99 9781426775697 Leader Kit (Contains one each of components listed above) $79.99; $63.99
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$14.99; $10.79
$9.99; $7.19
For more resources for women, check out the Lavender Springs Spa retreat kit and Thistle Farms body care products on
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10/19/15 10:19 AM
Grief Beyond the Broken Heart E SS N S IO A Journey Through Grief Julie Yarbrough
The Way of Hope Growing Close to God Through Loss E S N S SI O Beth and Dave Weikel
Wesleyan Publishing House. Book 9781632570505 $14.99; $10.79 Participant Book (Workbook) 9780898279870 $9.99; $7.19 DVD 9780898278866 $24.99; $17.99 Devotional: Hope in the Midst of Loss 9780898279986 $12.99; $9.35 Kit (Includes one each: Book, Workbook, DVD, and Devotional) 9780898279535 $99.99
Let your church show the way of hope into your community, through their times of loss. Many in your fellowship and neighborhoods know the sorrows of loss right now: job layoffs, doctor reports, divorces, foreclosures, prison sentences, natural disasters, or deaths of loved-ones. This DVD-based study provides the tools needed to minister to souls suffering loss. Resources are flexible for a single weekend-day workshop or multiple weekly workshops. The DVD includes video teachings by veteran sufferers Dave and Beth Weikel combined with interviews of other believers who have endured profound losses, providing facilitators the tools they need to show how God transforms very real tragedies into deep and abiding hope.
How does the heart understand grief when it is broken by the death of a loved one? To survive and live forward, those who grieve must find answers. Beyond the Broken Heart is an eight-week support and ministry program for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. Author Julie Yarbrough chronicles her personal experience combined with a deep love of Scripture and years of leading grief support groups to create an authentic and deeply personal exploration of the grief journey. Abingdon Press. 9781426744372 Participant Book $12.99; $8.70 9781426744365 Leader Guide $15.99; $10.71 843504027889 DVD 10–12 min. sessions $39.99; $31.99 9781426744389 Daily Devotional $15.99; $10.71 9781426745102 A Journey Through Grief $1.99 9781426777981 Kit (Includes one each of components listed above) $69.99; $55.99
Secure in the Storm Scriptures for Your Time of Need Julie Yarbrough
new The Will of God Leslie D. Weatherhead Foreword by Adam Hamilton Rev. Leslie Weatherhead crafted five sermons on understanding the will of God to help his congregation endure religious doubt as their city— and church—crumbled around them. Weatherhead’s sermons were eventually published as The Will of God, a resource that has sold more than a million copies and has been a lifeline for grieving persons seeking to understand God’s purpose for their pain. This gift edition of the classic book includes a new foreword from best-selling author Adam Hamilton, background information and photos of the historical setting that inspired this book, plus a new cover and layout to refresh a timeless message. Abingdon Press. Coming in April. Hardcover Gift Book 9781501816697 $14.99; $10.04
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This pocket-sized book contains a beautiful collection of Scripture verses offering comfort and hope to anyone who is experiencing a time of loss or discouragement. Over 150 promises from the Word of God are conveniently organized into seven categories for quick and easy searching. These Scriptures will strengthen and sustain readers in difficult times, reminding them of the steadfast love and faithfulness of God. A great resource for individuals or grief support groups. Abingdon Press. 9781426768941 9781426780110
Community Resource Consultants
Participant Book $2.99 Participant Book 10-Pack $19.99
10/19/15 10:28 AM
Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts Seven Questions to Ask Before– And After–You Marry Les And Leslie Parrott
see the video S
Created by relationship experts, Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts has become the gold standard for helping engaged and newlywed couples build a solid foundation for lifelong love. This comprehensive marriage program is designed specifically for today’s couples by a couple. Enjoy lively and eye-opening interaction through seven sessions and bonus sessions on the DVD. For small groups, individual couples, and pastors and marriage counselors, each session links with the workbook exercises and concludes with an exercise each couple can do together over the next week. Zondervan. Hardcover Participant Book 9780310346289 $21.99; $15.83 Leader Guide with DVD 9780310875734 $29.99; $23.99 Workbook for Men 9780310875420 $10.99; $7.91 Workbook for Women 9780310875475 $10.99; $7.91
Also available:
Churchwide Resource Kit (Contains Participant Book, Leader Guide with DVD, and both Workbooks) 9780310875819 $69.99; $55.99 52-Week Devotional Coming in February. 9780310344827 $18.99; $13.67
“” author insights
The belief in a happily-ever-after marriage is one of the most widely held and destructive marriage myths. But it is only the tip of the maritalmyth iceberg.
see the video
Saving Your Second Marriage Before It Starts Nine Questions to Ask Before–And After–You Remarry Les And Leslie Parrott
Using the same structure as Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts, Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott address the unique issues of ‘pre-remarital’ families. This book prepares couples for what lies ahead and enables them to tackle the challenges with faith, perseverance, and hope. Zondervan. Hardcover Participant Book 9780310346302 $21.99; $15.83 Leader Guide with DVD 9780310885436 $29.99; $23.99 Workbook for Men 9780310875598 $10.99; $7.91 Workbook for Women 9780310875710 $10.99; $7.91 Churchwide Resource Kit (Contains Participant Book, Leader Guide with DVD, and both Workbooks) 9780310885474 $69.99; $55.99
SG165610001ND026.indd 27
Shop the online catalog at
author insights
Ask most people why they are getting married — for the first or the second time — and the answer is nearly reflexive: “Because we are in love.” But if you scratch the surface, you’ll find that the motivations for matrimony are far more complex.
10/19/15 10:28 AM
Marriage Growing a Strong Marriage Starting Strong (Vol. 1) E SS N S IO John & Stasi Eldredge, Les & Leslie Parrott Gary & Lisa Thomas, et al Participant Guide by Amy McGowan
This unique video study series on growing a stronger marriage is a great starting point for couples as they pursue deeper communication and understanding with one another. Through videos and candid interviews with famous Christian authors and leaders, discussion with other couples, and Bible study, this resource will help men and women become rooted and grounded together in Christ and committed to each other. Hendrickson Publishers. DVD 9781619705869 $21.95; $17.56 Participant Book with DVD 9781619705883 $29.95; $23.96 Participant Book 9781619705845 $9.95; $7.16 3-in-1 Box Kit (All 3 Volumes: Starting Strong, Working Together, and Staying Connected, each with corresponding DVD) 9781619707061 $69.95; $50.36
Also available:
Growing a Strong Marriage Working Together (Vol. 2) Growing a Strong Marriage Staying Connected (Vol. 3)
UnBreakable Forging a Marriage of Contentment and Delight Charles Causey and Tony Miltenberger A unique and powerful resource for couples who want to repair, strengthen, and shock-proof their marriages. The authors bring a remarkable and dynamic combination of experience: both Miltenberger and Causey have served in the military, are actively involved as leaders in the church, and are married with young families of their own. Their approach has already helped hundreds of military couples who live in perhaps the most challenging marriage context today. Abingdon Press. 9781426784354
$14.99; $10.04
See for more details.
6 E SS
Love to Stay Sex, Grace, and Commitment Adam Hamilton
In this book, Adam Hamilton explores how, with God’s help, we can make love last. Drawing upon a survey of thousands of couples and singles, interviews with relationship and marriage therapists, the latest research in the field, and wisdom from the Bible, Hamilton looks at what it takes to create and sustain healthy, meaningful romantic relationships across the course of a lifetime. Abingdon Press. Participant Book, Hardcover 9781426759512 $18.99; $12.72 Leader Guide 9781426759543 $11.99; $8.03 DVD [CC] 6 videos; approx. 10 min. each 9781426759536 $39.99; $31.99 Kit (10 books, 1 Leader Guide, 1 DVD) 9781426796517 $241.88; $145.00
I Choose You Today 31 Choices to Make Love Last Deb DeArmond I Choose You Today features 31 scriptural principles that support marriage and help couples develop healthy, biblically based behavior. Built on an introductory anecdotal story, each chapter has an inspirational takeaway of not only what to do, but how to begin applying the principles immediately. Thought-provoking questions create talking points for couples to explore their own choices and experiences in each area and serve to generate open dialogue of discovery. This isn’t a book of “shoulds,” but one of clearly identified choices that each individual can make to grow their marriage and align it with the word of God. Every saying ends with a conventional wisdom quote. Abingdon Press. 9781426787966
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Community Resource Consultants
$14.99; $10.04
10/19/15 10:42 AM
The Meaning of Marriage A Vision for Married E SS N S IO and Unmarried People Timothy and Kathy Keller and Spence Shelton
Modern culture would have you believe that everyone has a soul mate; that romance is the most important part of a successful marriage; that marriage doesn’t mean ‘til death do us part; and that when serious differences arise, divorce is the best solution. In this six-session video-based Bible study, Timothy Keller, along with Kathy, his wife of 40 years, draws a profound portrait of marriage from the pages of Scripture that neither idealizes nor rejects the institution but points us back to the relationship between God and man.
new Don’t Go to Bed Angry Stay Up and Fight Deb DeArmond & Ron DeArmond
Zondervan. Participant Book 9780310868255 DVD 9780310876137 Participant Book and DVD 9780310874911
This definitive go-to handbook gives you permission to fight. Conflict isn’t the problem; the real issue is how we deal with the conflict. Combining a healthy dose of personal experience with relationship-affirming biblical wisdom, the book demonstrates how communication through conflict can lead to greater insight and understanding of thoughts, feelings, and perspectives that can safeguard—and even strengthen—your relationship. Includes worksheets, discussion questions, callouts, and prayers. Abingdon Press. Coming in June. 9781426790935 9781501816413 Hardcover
$10.99; $8.79 $26.99; $21.59 $36.99; $29.59
Also available:
The Meaning of Marriage: Facing the Complexities of Commitment with the Wisdom of God 9781594631870 $16.00; $11.52 9780525952473 Hardcover $25.95; $18.68
$14.99; $10.04 $24.99; $16.74
Growing Love in Christian Marriage, Third Edition Jane P. and S. Clifton Ives (Pastor’s Manual); Joan and Richard Hunt (Couple’s Manual) This resource is ideal for clergy to use during prewedding counseling sessions and will help couples learn more about themselves and their future spouse and address potential problem areas before, rather than after, the wedding. This official United Methodist resource includes worksheets to be completed by each person, Scripture references about marriage, and interactive exercises. For use with couples of all ages, whether they are entering their first marriage or remarrying.
Never Fight Again... Guaranteed! Groundbreaking Practices for a Win-Win Marriage David Hawkins What do couples fight about most? Is it sex, money, children, in-laws, or time management? The answer is: none of the above. Couples can get into power struggles over anything. It is not any specific subject, but the act of fighting, that drives us. We want what we don’t have and will fight to get it. And this drives a wedge between us and the ones we love. In this book, Dr. David B. Hawkins argues for a paradigm shift that will take your relationship from one built on selfishness to one of sacrificial love. Once we do that, we give up the fight, care for ourselves and those around us, and change our hearts for the better. Abingdon Press. 9781426773853
SG165610001ND028.indd 29
Abingdon Press. Pastor’s Manual 9781426757914 Couple’s Manual, 2-Pack 9781426757907
$14.99; $10.04 $17.99; $12.05
$15.99; $10.71
Shop the online catalog at
10/19/15 10:43 AM
The Salvation of Doctor Who A Small Group Study Connecting Christ and Culture Matt Rawle
4 E SS
Topical Studies
see the video at
In The Salvation of Doctor Who, pastor and author Matt Rawle draws on the long-running TV show and cult favorite Doctor Who to chart the intersection of faith and science. Chapters include “Bigger on the Inside,” “God and Time and God’s Time,” “The Oldest Question in the Universe,” and “The Sonic Screwdriver Is Mightier Than the Sword.” This titles on this page are part of the Pop in Culture series, a collection of Bible studies in which Matt Rawle stirs up a tasty gumbo of insight, humor, and inspiration based on some of your favorite pop culture classes. Each study includes a Participant Book, a DVD featuring four sessions with the author, a full Leader Guide, and Worship Resources Flash Drive. Abingdon Press. Participant Book 9781501803802 $14.99; $10.04 Leader Guide 9781501803826 $12.99; $8.70 DVD [CC] Session length: 8-10 min. each 9781501803840 $39.99; $31.99 Worship Resources Flash Drive 9781501803895 $34.99; $27.99 Leader Kit (Includes one each of the four components above) 9781501813078 $102.96; $69.99
kit dvd
participant kit kit participant participant participant kit
kit includes:
book book dvd
leader leader leader leader participant
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sh fla
The Doctor certainly seems to be a Christ figure in the show...with special powers only used for truth, justice, and all that is good. In some episodes, the Doctor’s expression as a Christ figure is quite explicit. At the conclusion of [one episode], the Doctor is, in essence, resurrected.... All of humanity thinks of the Doctor at the same time, and their ‘belief’ in him brings him back to life. Through this resurrection, he is able to save humanity.... devo tional
what you’ll need
In The Faith of a Mockingbird, based on Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, pastor and author Matt Rawle uses Lee’s beloved characters to explore Christian faith, theology, and ethics. Join Scout, Atticus Finch, Boo Radley, and Tom Robinson in this four-week study considering God’s world and what it all means. Abingdon Press.
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Hollywood Jesus is pastor and author Matt Rawle’s four-week study of Jesus and Christ figures in films including Cool Hand Luke, The Lion King, The Truman Show, and One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. Explore what happens when script meets Scripture, when pop culture encounters the King of kings and Lord of lords. Abingdon Press.
Participant Book $14.99; $10.04 Leader Guide $12.99; $8.70 DVD [CC] Session length: 6–8 min. each $39.99; $31.99 Worship Resources Flash Drive $34.99; $27.99 Leader Kit (Includes one each of the four components above) $102.96; $69.99
4 E SS
Hollywood Jesus A Small Group Study Connecting Christ and Culture Matt Rawle
4 E SS
The Faith of a Mockingbird A Small Group Study Connecting Christ and Culture Matt Rawle
9781501803697 9781501803710 9781501803734 9781501803789 9781501813061
author insights
9781501803918 9781501803932 9781501803956 9781501804007 9781501813085
Participant Book $14.99; $10.04 Leader Guide $12.99; $8.70 DVD [CC] Session length: 6–10 min. each $39.99; $31.99 Worship Resources Flash Drive $34.99; $27.99 Leader Kit (Includes one each of the four components above) $102.96; $69.99
Community Resource Consultants
10/21/15 8:11 AM
Each book below by Talbot Davis contains discussion questions at the end of each chapter to help leaders of small groups. Also, with the purchase of each book, you gain access to a free video trailer and an audio recording of Davis’ sermons as another way to experience the weekly message. Abingdon Press.
Head Scratchers When the Words of Jesus Don’t Make Sense Talbot Davis
5 S
The focus of this five- week study is on some of Jesus’ difficult sayings that readers of the Gospels find perplexing or offensive. Each session, Davis examines a different statement or brief teaching from Jesus, offering biblical and other relevant background to help illuminate the passage in question. The message in each chapter goes beyond information and clarifying background. Davis’ goal is not only to help readers understand the passage, but to take it to heart and embrace a new way of life as a result. He starts with a piece of Scripture that many struggle to make sense of, and opens it to reveal a challenging, hopeful word that manifests the Gospel’s transformative power. 9781501802881 $9.99; $6.69
5 E SS
The Shadow of a Doubt Confronting Challenges to Faith Talbot Davis
We all have doubts. Throughout this study, Davis invites you to acknowledge and confront your doubts about your Christian faith. Each chapter focuses on a different biblical story that illustrates a key insight into doubt and its effects on faith. 9781501804335
$9.99; $6.69
5 E SS
The Storm Before the Calm Making Sense of Life’s Troubles Talbot Davis
In this book, Davis presents a unique take on the significance of life’s storms—grief, job loss, relationship failures, etc.—and how faith in Christ helps us weather them.
$9.99; $6.69
Solve E SS N S IO Finding God’s Solutions in a World of Problems Talbot Davis Nehemiah was not exactly handed a piece of cake. He had to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem after his people returned from exile…that’s all. Talk about a problem solver! Nehemiah chose not to dwell on his complicated task and the many dilemmas that came with it. Instead, he sought God’s solutions, following God’s lead and trusting God’s purpose. In this five-week study, author Talbot Davis shows us how our problems, as individuals and as a society, are not unlike Nehemiah’s. You will see how you can follow in his footsteps, building up your life and the world around you. Each chapter includes questions for reflection and discussion, a practical focus for the week, a closing prayer, and daily Scripture passages to guide personal reading throughout the week. Abingdon Press. Coming in May. 9781501816482
SG165610001ND030.indd 31
$9.99; $6.99
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10/20/15 2:29 PM
Topical Studies
Mudhouse Sabbath An Invitation to a Life of Spiritual Discipline Lauren F. Winner Despite her conversion from Orthodox Judaism to Christianity, Lauren Winner finds that her life is still shaped by the spiritual essences of Judaism-rich traditions and religious practices that she can’t leave behind. In Mudhouse Sabbath, Winner illuminates eleven spiritual practices that can transform the way we view the world, and God. Whether discussing her own prayer life, the spirituality of candle-lighting, or the differences between the Jewish Sabbath and a Sunday spent at the Mudhouse, her favorite coffee shop, Winner writes with appealing honesty and rare insight. Paraclete Press. Study Edition 9781612614533 Participant Book 9781557255327
$18.99; $13.67 $14.99; $10.79
God of Justice is a twelve-session, discussionbased curriculum from IJM for individuals or groups that explores the biblical narrative of justice throughout the whole of Scripture. While coming to a deeper knowledge and understanding of biblical justice, participants will draw personal application for the pursuit of justice ministry in their individual lives and the wider church. Prepare to have your heart and mind engaged, to be instructed by Scripture, and to be challenged by real-life stories of people freed by the God of justice.
Participant Book 9780830810284
SG165610001ND032.indd 32
$16.00; $11.52
International Justice Mission (IJM) has rescued thousands of people from oppression and violence. IJM also partners with thousands of churches to help them live out the mandate of Isaiah 1:17: to seek justice, rescue the oppressed, and care for orphans and widows.
InterVarsity Press.
... cuts to the heart of each spiritual practice and shows, through examples from her own life, how it can fit into a gospel-centered paradigm. Succeeds in establishing Winner as a writer of spiritual substance and grace-filled style. —Publisher’s Weekly
12 E SS
God of Justice IJM Institute’s Global Church Curriculum Abraham George and Nikki A. Toyama-Szeto
praise for the book
praise for the book
This is a wonderful resource for the church! It’s a great Bible study overviewing God’s heart for justice and the role it plays in the overarching biblical story. May more churches gain God’s heart for the vulnerable and oppressed through this study. — Eddie Byun, author of Justice Awakening
Community Resource Consultants
” SG16
10/19/15 10:48 AM
“” author insights
In this 8-session video group study, you will discover why Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis is one of the most read and beloved Christian books of all time. But over seventy years after it was first delivered on radio, what relevance does it have to our world today? DVD Host Eric Metaxas and a variety of Christian leaders, including Devin Brown, help us understand the timeless message of C. S. Lewis in fresh ways for a new generation.
Aims to fulfill the vision of C. S. Lewis of reaching people from all faith backgrounds.
Metaxas and other speakers will help you explore the positive ideas that C. S. Lewis has so eloquently written about in Mere Christianity for those who already call themselves Christian. This video study also explains in an engaging, winsome and nonthreatening way the basic tenants of the Christian faith as illustrated by C. S. Lewis to those who do not claim to be Christian. Zondervan Publishing House. Study Guide 9780310699842 $12.99; $9.35 DVD 9780310699859 $39.99; $31.99 DVD with Study Guide 9780310699873 $49.99; $35.99
Also available:
kit participant
kit book dvd
participant DVD withleader book
C. S. Lewis’s Mere Christianity (Shepherd’s Notes), C. S. Lewis 9780805493474 $5.95; $4.28
Mere Christianity, C. Lewis sh sh Guidebook9780060652920 devo fla $14.99; $10.79 fla
preview also available
devo tional
what you’ll need
40-Minute Bible Studies Series
These 6-week, no-homework Bible studies from beloved Bible teacher Kay Arthur E S SI O N S and the teaching staff of Precept Ministries tackle important issues in brief, easy-to-grasp lessons you can benefit from personally or as part of a small group. Each book in the series includes six 40-minute studies designed to draw you into God’s Word through basic inductive Bible study. Waterbrook Press. S
Discussing Mere Christianity Relevance of C. S. Lewis’s Greatest Book Devin Brown (Study Guide and DVD with Study Guide); Eric Metaxas (DVD)
new Ignite Your Passion For God Kay Arthur and Mark Sheldrake 9781601428028
$7.99; $5.75
Also available in the series:
Each $7.99; $5.75 NEW Jesus: Experiencing His Touch, Kay Arthur and David Arthur. 9781601428066 NEW Jesus: Listening for His Voice, Kay Arthur and David Arthur. 9781601428080
Visit for other studies in the series.
SG165610001ND032.indd 33
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10/19/15 10:48 AM
Topical Studies
5 E SS
Counterfeit Christianity The Persistence of Errors in the Church Roger E. Olson
Heresies are not just a thing of the past; many of these same errors and myths continue to circulate today. Olson explains these artificial truths are not simple confusions or misunderstandings; instead they’re counterfeit teachings that undermine and dangerously distort faithful living. Yet heresies can also serve the church by opening up a dialog that will ultimately educate congregations. Includes questions for individual or group study. The DVD and Leader Guide features Olson and former student Rev. Adam Hamilton. Leader Guide by Magrey deVega. Abingdon Press.
The Holy Spirit Stanley Hauerwas and William H. Willimon
When God Becomes Small Phil Needham
This book will help people recognize what an extraordinary thing has happened to them through baptism and their inclusion in the Body of Christ through the Spirit. The authors challenge some of the individualistic and subjectivist accounts of the Spirit’s work to help people understand the Holy Spirit is more than a personal experience. The Holy Spirit is who God is and what God does as the Trinity, whether we feel it or not. Abingdon Press. 9781426778636
$13.99; $9.37
Deep inside each one of us is a deep empty space. We work and strive with great energy toward ideals and objectives that we know will never fill that space. This human chafing point is universal and although we become quite accomplished at hiding it, it never leaves us. It is always there, under the surface, this struggle to figure out who we are supposed to be as humans, with each other and with God. It is this most basic human struggle that author Phil Needham addresses in this beautiful, profound book. Abingdon Press. 9781426778711
Participant Book 9781426772290 $19.99; $13.39 DVD and Leader Guide 9781501806360 $39.99; $31.99 Leader Guide 9781501813245 $4.99
$16.99; $11.38
Coming soon to for these two studies—FREE downloadable Study Guides.
Current Bible studies with online delivery, on demand new DESIGN! FaithLink Twenty years old, yet always brand-new! FaithLink’s ready-to-use lessons connect faith to current headlines, events, and issues. Convenient, online delivery of materials means you print exactly what you need for each session so you’ll never run short, or have excess. Great for small groups or Sunday school classes, FaithLink also works when you’re in between studies or as a quick replacement if a leader is out unexpectedly. Each issue includes reproducible pages of background information; core, on-topic Bible passages; suggested group activities; and discussion questions. New issues are available weekly for download on; previous issues are also available. Call 1-800-672-1789 to subscribe. New subscribers receive first month FREE! Cokesbury.
SG165610001ND034.indd 34
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10/20/15 2:05 PM
see the video at
6 E SS
Making Sense of the Bible Rediscovering the Power of Scripture Today Adam Hamilton
Hamilton considers the real questions people frequently ask that continue to divide Christians and denominations alike. In approachable and inviting language, he addresses these often misunderstood biblical themes leading readers to a deeper appreciation of the Bible. Abingdon Press. Leader Guide 9781426785580 $12.99; $8.70 DVD [CC] 5–8 min. each. 9781426785573 $39.99; $31.99 Kit (5 Participants Books, Leader Guide, & DVD) 301167 $162.95; $99.99 Participant Book, Hardcover (HarperCollins) 9780062234964 $23.99; $17.27 Audiobook (Blackstone Audio) 9781483002934 $39.99; $28.79
kit dvd
dvd dvd
kitkit participant participant participant kit book
kit includes:
book book dvd
leader Audiobook participant leader leader leader h book also available s h h book book book s devo s fladevo devo fla fla book preview tional tional tional cd preview preview preview
what you’ll need
author insights
It’s not a lack of faith that leads us to wrestle with the Bible; it’s because we have faith that when we find something that seems inconsistent with the character of God that we wrestle with that. I hope when people are done reading this book that they have an appreciation the Bible was put together, who wrote it, why they wrote it, and then shhow to a devo make sense of its troubled fl tional passages so that they can...hear God speaking through it.
Creation The Apple of God’s Eye E SS N S IO Justo L. González
As people of faith, we believe that our gracious God created all there is, but does that also mean that God created evil? How does creation jive with what scientists are telling us about the origin of the universe? The Bible tells us that God created the heavens and earth, but does that deny the science of the Big Bang? While no one author can deal with all these questions, this book will help us begin the conversation and gain new understanding of how the doctrine of creation can help us address these very human and timeless questions.
Abingdon Press. 9781426785955
$13.99; $9.37
Also available in this series: Each
other studies in the series
$13.99; $9.37
Trinity, Jason Byassee (4 sessions) 9781630887865 Incarnation, William H. Willimon (4 sessions) 9781426757549 Holy Communion, Kenneth M. Loyer (4 sessions) 9781426796333
SG165610001ND034.indd 35
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10/21/15 8:12 AM
Topical Studies Embracing Forgiveness Barbara Cawthorne Crafton E SS N S IO on What It Is and What It Isn’t Barbara Cawthorne Crafton with Tim Scorer
see the video
Popular speaker and author Barbara Crafton explores forgiveness in this newest addition to the Embracing study series. It features two components: a DVD with five 10–15 minute presentations, followed by a video of the guest lecturer interacting with a small group as they discuss the issues, and a Participant Workbook containing all the material needed by class participants and by the facilitator. Morehouse Education Resources. Participant Workbook 9781606741986 $12.95; $10.36 DVD (5–10 min. video sessions) 9781606742006 $39.95; $31.95 Special Kit Offer! Buy 5 Participant Workbooks & Get the DVD for FREE! 539656 Kit $104.70; $51.99
kit participant
book dvd
what you’ll need Also available in the series: Participant Workbooks $12.95; $10.36
With wisdom, wit, and theological depth Barbara Cawthorne Crafton explores the perennial topic of forgiveness from the perspective of gift rather than duty. This study is both timely and urgently needed in a world in which judgment again and participantagain leader and Christ’s leadertrumps forgiveness, book h book sh work of reconciliation is held atflabay. s devo devo fla tional tional preview —Frank T. preview Griswold, 25th Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church
DVDs (5–10 min. video sessions) $39.95; $31.95 Special Kit Offer! Buy 5 Participant Workbooks & Get the DVD for FREE! Kits $104.70; $51.99
Embracing A Life of Meaning 9781606741139 Participant Workbook 846863018888 DVD 540077 Kit
SG165610001ND036.indd 36
praise for the book
Embracing An Alternative Orthodoxy 9781606741405 Participant Workbook 846863020065 DVD 540105 Kit
Embracting Spiritual Awakening 9781606741146 Participant Workbook 846863019830 DVD 539677 Kit
Embracing Interfaith Cooperation 9781606741191 Participant Workbook 846863019106 DVD 540308 Kit
Embracing the Prophets in Contemporary Culture 9781606740927 Participant Workbook 9781606740910 DVD 539773 Kit
Embracing Emergence Christianity 9781606740712 Participant Workbook 9781606740729 DVD 539807 Kit
Embracing an Adult Faith 9781606740576 Participant Workbook 9781606740583 DVD 539728 Kit
Community Resource Consultants
10/19/15 11:02 AM
4 E SS
Converge Bible Studies: Christ the Lightgiver Clifton Stringer
In John 9, Jesus heals a man blind from birth. This is shocking. Even more: This miraculous healing is a microcosm of the whole Christian gospel. In merely seven verses of text, the contemplative Bible reader can see the fruit of the Holy Spirit’s work, putting the infinite Word of God into a mere handful of human words. In Christ the Lightgiver, Clifton Stringer explores the story of the gospel from the Creation to the Fall, then from the Incarnation to the mystery of Jesus’ (and our) Passover to eternal life.
More CONVERGE Bible Studies! See for descriptions. Each
$9.99; $6.69
9781426778278 9781426771552 9781426778254 9781426771576 9781426771569 9781426768989 9781426771538 9781426771545
Three Gifts, One Christ Reclaiming Anger Practical Prayer Kingdom Building Sharing the Gospel Our Common Sins Who You Are in Christ Women of the Bible
“” Abingdon Press. 9781501805875
$9.99; $6.69
The man they call Jesus made mud, smeared it on my eyes, and said, ‘Go to the pool of Siloam and wash.’ So I went and washed, and then I could see. —John 9:11, CEB
Also available in the series: Each
$9.99; $6.69
Holy Spirit and Community 9781501805899
Fasting 9781426795565
Cries of the Poor 9781426795558
Idolatry 9781426795541
Encountering Grace 9781426795534
Being Holy 9781426795527
Perplexing Scriptures 9781426789533
Who Is Jesus? 9781426778292
SG165610001ND036.indd 37
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10/19/15 11:02 AM
Conversation Starters
Accidental Saints Finding God in All the Wrong People Nadia Bolz-Weber
The Case for Grace A Journalist Explores the Evidence of Transformed Lives Lee Strobel
New York Times best-selling author Nadia Bolz-Weber invites readers into a surprising encounter with what she calls a religious but not-so-spiritual life. Tattooed, angry and profane, this former stand-up comic turned pastor stubbornly, sometimes hilariously, resists the God she feels called to serve. But God keeps showing up in the least likely of people: a church-loving agnostic, a drag queen, a felonious Bishop, and a gun-toting member of the NRA. As she lives and worships alongside these accidental saints, Nadia is swept into first-hand encounters with grace. This unforgettable account of their faltering steps toward wholeness will ring true for believer and skeptic alike. Convergent. 9781601427557
Writing with unusual candor, Lee draws upon his own journey from atheism to Christianity to explore the depth and breadth of God’s redeeming love for spiritually wayward people. He travels thousands of miles to capture the inspiring stories of everyday people whose values have been radically changed and who have discovered the how and why behind God’s amazing grace. Through it all, you will be encouraged as you see how God’s grace can revolutionize your eternity and relationships starting today. Zondervan Publishing House. Coming in February.
$23.00; $16.56
The Life You’ve Always Wanted Spiritual Disciplines for Ordinary People John Ortberg
When Anything Goes Being Christian in a Post-Christian World Leslie Williams
The Life You’ve Always Wanted offers modern perspectives on the ancient path of the spiritual disciplines. But it is more than just a book about things to do to be a good Christian. It’s a road map toward true transformation that starts not with the individual but with the person at the journey’s end—Jesus Christ. Paved with humor and sparkling anecdotes, the book is an encouraging and challenging approach to a Christian life that’s worth living—a life on the edge that fills an ordinary world with new meaning, hope, change, and joy. Zondervan Publishing House.
While America believes we live in a postChristian world, a world where anything goes, Williams explores why Jesus Christ is still the answer. In a lively, personal, and humorous style, she shares experiences and debunks criticisms in search of a clear explanation of why we believe what we believe. Along the way, she invites you to disagree with ideas, to counter the rhetoric, to refute the conclusions—but to wrestle with the questions and experiences, enter your own journey, and discover for yourself why being Christian still makes sense. Abingdon Press. Coming in March.
The Spirit of Grace A Guide for Study and Devotion Alister E. McGrath
new Dwelling Places Words to Live in Every Season Lucinda Secrest McDowell
In The Spirit of Grace, the fourth in the Heart of Christian Faith series, Alister E. McGrath looks at the Holy Spirit, human nature, the doctrine of grace, and the place of the church in the Christian life. Full of stories and helpful illustrations, these easy-to-read devotional books offer spiritual consideration of the difference that our belief in God makes to the way in which we think about ourselves and the world. With one volume remaining, McGrath’s series will define “mere Christianity” to a new generation for many years to come. Westminster John Knox Press.
Award-winning author Lucinda Secrest McDowell knows that if you spend a few minutes every day turning to God’s Word for wisdom and guidance, your faith can flourish and grow. Through short and inspiring readings, McDowell unpacks a single word— like mercy, beauty, gratitude, or grace—to uncover a biblical blessing or lesson you can act on that very day. Organized into four seasons—fall, Advent, Lent, and summer— these devotions invite you to discover those “dwelling places” that offer the joy of God’s promises and presence. Each devotion includes stories and illustrations to foster understanding and ends with a benediction. Abingdon Press. Coming in June.
9781501815324 $16.99; $11.38 9781501816444 Hardcover $24.99; $16.74
SG165610001ND038.indd 38
$15.99; $11.51
$16.99; $11.38 $24.99; $16.74
9781630881269 9781501800634 Hardcover
$16.99; $12.23
Community Resource Consultants
$16.00; $11.52
10/19/15 11:05 AM
Prostitutes and Polygamists A Look at Love, Old Testament Style David T. Lamb
What Every Christian Needs to Know About the Jewishness of Jesus A New Way of Seeing the Most Influential Rabbi in History Rabbi Evan Moffic If you were to ask ten people, Who started Christianity? you might hear ten voices giving the same quick response: Jesus. But they’d be wrong. Jesus wasn’t a Christian; Jesus lived and died as a Jew. Understanding the Jewishness of Jesus is the secret to knowing him better and understanding his message in the 21st century. Walking through Jesus’ life from birth to death, Rabbi Evan Moffic serves as a tour guide to give Christians a new way to look at familiar teachings and practices that are rooted in the Jewish faith and can illuminate our lives today. Abingdon Press. Coming in February.
Jacob and Solomon were polygamists. Tamar and Rahab were prostitutes. What are polygamists and prostitutes doing on the pages of Holy Scripture? And God told the prophet Hosea to marry a prostitute. What about Cain—did he really marry his sister? Abraham did, and he was also a polygamist. These stories were included in the Bible for a reason. Instead of ignoring them, Prostitutes and Polygamists engages, discusses, and learns from them. Zondervan Publishing House. 9780310518471
$16.99; $11.38 $24.99; $16.74
9781426791581 9781501816420 Hardcover
The Story Continues The Acts of the Apostles for Today J. Ellsworth Kalas
Are You Fired Up or Burned Out? James W. Moore Have you ever felt a little bored, tired, or stressed about your life and even your faith? Haven’t we all? This “world weariness” can happen to anyone. Yet Jesus came that we might have exciting, joyful, abundant life! The question is… how? In Are You Fired Up or Burned Out? best-selling author James W. Moore explains how to move from fatigue to favor. In short, encouraging, and practical chapters, you will learn how to recognize your fatigue limit, remember your priorities, and relax your soul in God. Abingdon Press. Coming in March. $15.99; $10.71
At the very beginning of our faith, the Christian population numbered a few thousand, measuring only one percent of the world population. Join best-selling author and beloved pastor J. Ellsworth Kalas as he explores the book of Acts to uncover the ministry motivations of the first followers— ordinary people who accomplished the extraordinary and who can serve as a guide for today’s believers to carry on. Because the work is not done. Contains a discussion guide. Abingdon Press. Coming in April.
Life Lessons From A Bad Quaker A Humble Stumble Toward Simplicity and Grace J. Brent Bill
Having a close friendship with God is the only thing that will ultimately bring joy and happiness and ease the ache of loneliness, Hudson says. In Beyond Loneliness, he provides guidance for building a friendship with God. Ten chapters help readers discover how to get to know God and deepen their friendship with God. Each chapter includes friendship exercises and reflection questions. Perfect for small-group or individual study. Upper Room. Coming in February.
SG165610001ND038.indd 39
$15.99; $10.71
E SS N S Beyond Loneliness IO The Gift of God’s Friendship Trevor Hudson; Edited by Joanna Bradley
$16.99; $12.23
In Life Lessons from a Bad Quaker, a selfprofessed non-expert on faith invites readers on a joyful exploration of the faith journey— perfection not required. With whimsy, humor, and wisdom, Bill shows readers how to put faith into practice to achieve a life that is soulfully still yet active, simple yet satisfying, peaceful yet strong. For anyone who is bad at being good, this is an invitation to a pilgrimage toward a more meaningful and satisfying life . . . one step—or stumble—at a time. Abingdon Press. 9781630881313 $16.99; $11.38 9781501816390 Hardcover $24.99; $16.74
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10/19/15 11:06 AM
Biblical Studies
When’s the last time your small groups were fully transformed into the Body of Christ? Where their relationships—with God, each other, and community— deepened into a noticeable, positive difference?
This is where Covenant Bible study begins. A Covenant Bible study: •
Builds communities •
Develops leaders
Deepens love for the Bible
By taking the biblical concept of covenant and unpacking what it means in our relationships, participants are challenged to discover the transformative individual and collective power that comes from being in a true covenant relationship. This power builds and strengthens relationships, develops new leaders, and encourages participants to dive deeper into the Scriptures.
Consider the impact of a Covenant Bible study in your small group, church, and community…and get ready for your small groups to make a big impact! •
Three 8-week modules (24 weeks total)
Session videos include Bible scholars whose discussions springboard small-group discussions •
SG165610001ND040.indd 40
Study components available as a kit or sold separately
Community Resource Consultants
10/20/15 2:30 PM
24 S
Participant Guides (Set of 3)
Broken into three 8-week modules, each dealing with a different aspect of what covenant means: Creating; Living; Trusting. Includes one Leader Guide, three Participant Guides, Covenant Meditations, and three DVDs with Implementation Guide.
Includes a Creating, Living, and Trusting Participant Guide. Each guide shows what to read and offers space to interact personally with the daily Bible readings, the prayers, and the weekly covenant meditations. Order one per participant.
Streaming videos for each session are available at
Regular Print 9781426772160 9781426772177 9781426772184 Large Print 9781630886257 9781630886264 9781630886271
Leader Guide
DVDs (Set of 3) Comes with eight pages of episode summaries and three DVDs, one for each module—Creating, Living, and Trusting. Cohosts for the 24 sessions are Shane Stanford and Christine Chakoian. 9781426786785
DVD Set 7–21 min. each
Contains comprehensive and detailed direction for each meeting experience plus leader helps. 9781426772238
Participant Guide Set
Also available individually and in large-print editions: Each $19.99 Creating Participant Guide Living Participant Guide Trusting Participant Guide Each $22.99 Creating Participant Guide Living Participant Guide Trusting Participant Guide
In addition to the once-weekly meditation in the Participant Guides (on Day Six), a set of 66 additional Covenant Meditations is included in this book. 9781426772207
Additional videos (closed-captioned), downloads, and applications are available on the website. For more information, contact your Cokesbury Community Resource Consultant or visit SG16
SG165610001ND040.indd 41
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10/20/15 2:30 PM
Biblical Studies LifeGuide Bible Study Series LifeGuide® Bible Studies feature questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and a “Now or Later” section in each study. InterVarsity Press. Each $9.00; $6.48
10 E SS
Listening to God 10 Studies for Individuals or Groups Carolyn Nystrom
Does God hear us? Does God speak? How can we connect with God when all seems to be lost? What is our role in listening? Through exploring both biblical characters and teaching, the ten studies in this LifeGuide Bible study helps us understand how to seek and find an ever deeper dialogue with God. Features the popular inductive study approach. Ten sessions include helpful notes for group leaders. In a convenient workbook format for groups or individuals with approach questions to help get you thinking or start group discussion and application questions help you to act on what you have learned. Field-tested by individuals and groups. 9780830831104
Apostles’ Creed 6 Studies for Individuals or Groups Alister E. McGrath
“I believe in God the Father, Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth.” This six-session study, based on Alister McGrath’’s book I Believe, introduces us to the Apostles’ Creed and the essential truths about God the Father, the person and work of Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Christians indeed trust in God, and the basics of our faith have remained the same for centuries. These truths are summarized in historic church documents known as creeds. The Apostles’ Creed is an ideal starting point for this vital process of consolidating our grasp of the faith. Coming in April. 9780830810956
Also available: Each
$9.00; $6.48
9780830830077 Acts: Seeing God’s Power in Action, Phyllis J. Le Peau. 24 Sessions in 2 Parts. 9780830830749 Angels: 8 Studies for Individuals or Groups, Douglas Connelly. 8 Sessions. 9780830831074 Busyness: Finding God in the Whirlwind, Juanita Ryan. 8 Sessions. 9780830830312 Daniel: Spiritual Living in a Secular World, Douglas Connelly. 12 Sessions. 9780830831456 Distorted Images of God: Restoring Our Vision, Dale and Juanita Ryan. 8 Sessions. 9780830830060 John: The Way to True Life, Douglas Connelly. 24 Sessions in 2 Parts. 9780830830206 John’s Letters: Discovering Genuine Christianity, Ron Blankley. 12 Sessions. 9780830830602 Meeting Jesus: 13 Studies for Individuals or Groups, Leighton Ford. 13 Sessions. 9780830831326 The Messiah: The Texts Behind Handel’s Masterpiece, Douglas Connelly. 8 Sessions. 9780830830138 Philippians: Jesus Our Joy, Don Baker. 9 Sessions. 9780830830534 Prayer: An Adventure with God, David Healey. 12 Sessions. 9780830830268 Proverbs: Learning to Live Wisely, William E. Mouser. 10 Sessions. 9780830830343 Psalms: Prayers of the Heart, Eugene H. Peterson. 12 Sessions. 9780830831050 Resurrection: Living As People of the Risen Lord, Kristie Berglund. 12 Sessions. 9780830830084 Romans: Becoming New in Christ, Jack Kyhatschek. 19 Sessions in 2 Parts. 9780830831098 Ruth: Rescued by the Redeemer, Dale and Sandy Larsen. 6 Sessions. 9780830831470 The Twelve Disciples: 10 Studies for Individuals or Groups, Douglas Connelly. 10 Sessions. 9780830831081 Women & Identity: 9 Studies for Individuals or Groups, Adele Ahlberg Calhoun and Tracey Bianchi. 9 Sessions. 9780830830770 Women of the New Testament: 10 Studies for Individuals or Groups, Phyllis J. Le Peau. 10 Sessions. 9780830830640 Women of the New Testament: 12 Studies for Individuals or Groups, Gladys Hunt. 12 Sessions.
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Community Resource Consultants
10/22/15 8:00 AM
Disciple Short-Term Bible Studies
Immersion Bible Studies
These life-changing courses are ideal for busy people who are unable to commit to longer studies. Focuses on smaller Bible sections, or single books of the Bible. Appeal to more participants with more frequent offerings! These studies embody the same trusted scholarship as the Disciple foundational studies and include the same core activities: independent reading, weekly small groups, and video presentations by scholars.
Inspired by a fresh translation—the Common English Bible—this series stands firmly on Scripture and helps readers explore the emotional, spiritual, and intellectual needs of their personal faith. More importantly, they’ll be able to discover God’s revelation through readings and reflections. Each volume offers suggestions for leading a group and questions to facilitate class discussion.
For details on these studies, see
Journey Through the Bible
Genesis to Revelation Series
Study the Bible book by book using the NRSV. Each 13-session volume: • Highlights pivotal points in the Scripture • Lifts up the Bible’s most significant stories, events and people, describing historical and cultural settings • Includes the original language and what the passage meant for its first readers • Gives insight into possible life applications • Maps out a daily plan for reading the Bible, verse by verse.
This comprehensive, verse-by-verse, book-by-book study of the Bible uses a three-dimensional approach: 1. Students answer the question, “What does the Bible say?” 2. The meaning of the passage is made clear by considering such aspects as ancient customs, locations of places, and the meanings of words 3. Students connect the meaning of the Scripture with their own lives. Each 13-session volume is based on the NIV translation.
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10/19/15 2:27 PM
Biblical Studies
8 E SS
The Bible and Your Work Study Series Theology of Work Project
The Theology of Work Project is a group of renowned thinkers, academics, and business leaders who help people explore the Christian perspective on work. Each 8-week study delves into what the Bible says about faith and work. Chapters include three 30-minute practical lessons, complete with Scripture references and thought-provoking questions, perfectly suited to a workplace lunch-hour study group, a church group of workers interested in living out their faith Monday through Friday, or as a personal pre-work devotion. Hendrickson Publishers. Exodus 9781619706835
Also available: Each
“” praise for the series
The Theology of Work Project is
providing desperately needed resources
to pastors and the entire church on what
$9.95; $7.16
the Bible has to say about our work. —Tim Keller
$9.95; $7.16
2 Corinthians 9781619706866 Women and Work in the Old Testament 9781619706736 Proverbs 9781619705241 Luke 9781619705159 James 9781619705173
Word & Life Series Dal Joon Won The Word & Life series guides Korean readers to study the Bible more deeply and promotes better meditation on how the Bible’s teachings can apply to our everyday life. Personal meditation and quiet time will be enhanced, and it will help readers change their lives by listening more closely and understanding God’s Word. With study guides included, this series is designed for both individuals and small groups. Cokesbury. Each
$9.99; $6.69
Coming in March
9781501808432 Ecclesiastes– Song of Songs 9781501808449 Isaiah
Coming in June
9781501808456 Jeremiah–Lamentations 9781501808463 Ezekiel–Daniel
9781426797873 9781426797743 9781426797750 9781426797880 9781630885687 9781630885694 9781501806032 9781501806049
Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers I & II Samuel I & II Kings I & II Chronicles Ezra–Esther
For more studies in the Word & Life series, see 44
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Community Resource Consultants
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14 E SS
Where’s God on Monday? Alistair MacKenzie and Wayne Kirkland
This book introduces readers to a basic biblical theology of work. It is written in fourteen engaging chapters, each of which is followed by questions and exercises for small group or individual reflection. The authors wanted a book that would straddle the divide between theological reflection and practical application in the everyday. In Alistair’s research over the years, he discovered that many people were looking for an easy-to-read book on the subject, but not one that was lightweight or lacking in credible biblical and theological content. Most treatments were too heavy, academic, long, and inaccessible, or they were largely anecdotal. Where’s God on Monday? is short enough for people to read in an afternoon, written in accessible language for the average person in the pews, yet thoughtful enough to be used as a text in Bible colleges.
47 E SS
Learn the Old Testament Pack Featuring A Survey of the Old Testament and Its Supporting Resources Andrew E. Hill and John H. Walton Contains everything needed for in-depth understanding of the Old Testament, whether in a class or learning on your own. Explores the literary, historical, and theological issues behind the Old Testament and its various books. Includes the bestselling survey textbook: A Survey of the Old Testament—with full-color maps, photos, timelines, and charts; A Survey of the Old Testament video lectures—one video for each of the 47 chapters in the textbook; and a laminated quick reference guide to the central concepts in the textbook. Zondervan. Coming in March. 9780310526735
Henrickson Publishers. Hardcover 9781619707078
$24.95 $17.96
Pack $99.99; $71.99
Infusion eStudies Listen to Scripture and discover its message for you today. Look at contemporary life and see how it connects with you and Scripture. Live inside Scripture and allow it to come alive in you and cause you to live out your faith. Infusion Bible eStudies are downloadable small-group studies that can be read online, printed, or emailed. Each study includes a leader guide and a study guide and is suitable for a one-hour group Bible study.
Teaching Biblical Faith Leading Small Group Bible Studies Jack L. Seymour Refreshingly illustrates how the reading of Scripture is a resource for ongoing theological reflection connecting experience, vocation, daily life, and faith. Written in an accessible style, the book provides a manageable way to inspire conversation about the many ways the Bible can be taught, the purposes and outcomes of each approach, and how biblical wisdom shapes personal and corporate decision-making. Useful strategies for leading group Bible study help congregations respond faithfully to the biblical witness and cultivate a whole congregation approach to Bible study. Abingdon Press. 9781630884307
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For details on these studies, see
$15.99; $10.71
Shop the online catalog at
10/19/15 11:11 AM
Churchwide Studies see the video at
9781501805363 Leader Guide
$12.99; $8.70
9781501805417 DVD [CC] 6 videos; 8–10 min. each $39.99; $31.99
This study of John...a study of spiritual growth and renewal, could change your life. Explore the major themes of the Gospel and as you read the book, read the entire Gospel of John, with excerpts of the CEB [Common English Bible] translation of the Gospel included after each chapter.
6 E SS
John The Gospel of Light and Life Adam Hamilton
Adam Hamilton
9781501805486 Youth Study Book $9.99; $6.69
Abingdon Press. Participant Book, Hardcover 9781501805332 $18.99; $12.72 Large Print Edition 9781501805356 $19.99; $13.39 Leader Kit (Contains one each: Regular Print Participant Book, Leader Guide, DVD, Youth Study Book, and Children’s Leader Guide) 9781501817519 $100.95; $69.99
b preview
kit includes: kit dvd
kit participant participant kit book
book dvd
9781501805509 Children’s Leader Guide $18.99; $12.72
participant book
Streaming videos for each session are available at
SG165610001ND046.indd 46
Other studies by S
The Gospel of John is the most deeply spiritual of the four gospels. It is filled with rich images and profound truths, but John notes that his aim in writing the gospel is that readers will not only believe in Jesus Christ, but that they “may have life in his name.” This Lent, adults, youth, and children alike can experience a season of spiritual growth and life-changing renewal with this six-week DVD-series. You’ll follow the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus through the Gospel of John and understand the context of some of the best-known verses in the New Testament. Everything you need to lead small groups of all ages is available for this special study.
author insights
Community Resource Consultants
leader participant leader book preview
book preview
book sh fla
what you’ll need Youth and Children’s resources also available/included in kit.
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de fl tio pr
9781630882655 Leader Guide $12.99; $8.70
9781630882679 DVD [CC] 6 videos; 10–17 min. each $39.99; $31.99
The Call The Life and Message of the Apostle Paul Adam Hamilton
6 E SS
see the video
From the road to Damascus to the sun-drenched lands of modern-day Greece and Turkey to a Roman prison, go with Adam Hamilton as he follows the journeys of Paul in this six-week DVD study about Christianity’s greatest teacher and missionary. You’ll see exactly where some of the most dramatic events in the spread of Christianity took place, and through Hamilton’s insightful and colorful teaching style, you’ll likely gain a better understanding of Paul’s missionary travels than if you had covered the many miles in person. The Call is a complete churchwide program with study components for adult, youth, and children’s ministries. In addition to the DVD, a Leader Guide featuring flexible format options is available to make the study meaningful for any size group.
Paul is the most important figure, after Jesus, in the Christian faith. Jesus is our central figure, is our Savior and our Lord, but Paul is the one who interpreted Jesus. What is the meaning of Jesus’ death and resurrection? How does that affect our lives? He was the first Christian theologian and then he took the gospel out into the world.
kit dvd
author insights
kit participant participant kit book
book dvd
leader participant leader
book preview
book sh fla
what you’ll need Youth and Children’s resources also available
9781630882686 Youth Study Book
$9.99; $6.69
Abingdon Press. 9781630882624 9781630882648
Participant Book, Hardcover Large Print Edition
$18.99; $12.72 $19.99; $13.39
Streaming videos for each session are available at
9781630882709 Children’s Leader Guide
SG165610001ND046.indd 47
$16.99; $11.38
Shop the online catalog at
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dev fla tion pre
Churchwide Studies see the video
Leader Guide 9781426792816
$11.99; $8.03
author insights
We have dumbed down what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. Instead of being disciples who demonstrate an undiluted devotion to Jesus as Lord, we have domesticated and watered down Jesus’ true identity. We have turned faith into easy believe-ism. DVD [CC] Session length: 8-10 min. each 9781426792823 $39.99; $31.99
more from Mike Slaughter
6 E SS
Renegade Gospel The Rebel Jesus Mike Slaughter
Who was Jesus, really? Wasn’t the central figure to the Christian faith a man who denied all pre-conceived notions about what God should look like? Wouldn’t associating with him have meant joining a rebel movement? Doesn’t it still? Renegade Gospel is a church study that challenges believers to come to terms with the real Jesus—the rebel Jesus. The six-session program is ideal for an all-church Lenten experience and provides leader guides and materials for adult small groups, including a DVD that features author Mike Slaughter. Materials delivering the same message are supplied for youth and children’s studies as well.
Youth Study Book 9781426792830
$9.99; $6.69
kit dvd
Abingdon Press.
book dvd
leader participant leader book preview
book preview
book sh fla
Streaming videos for each session are available at
Also available as a churchwide study from Mike Slaughter, Dare to Dream. Call or visit for more details. See Youth edition on page 51.
SG165610001ND048.indd 48
participant kit
what you’ll need Youth and Children’s resources also available
Participant Book 9781426792793 $14.99; $10.04 Large Print Edition 9781501802799 $15.99; $10.71
kit participant
Children’s Leader Guide 9781426792854 $16.99; $11.38
Community Resource Consultants
10/19/15 1:04 PM
about the authors
Dr. Kara E. Powell is an educator, professor, youth minister, author, and speaker. She is the Executive director of the Fuller Youth Institute and a faculty member at Fuller Theological Seminary. She also serves as an Advisor to Youth Specialties and volunteers in student ministries at Lake Avenue church in Pasadena, CA. Brad M. Griffin is the associate director of the Fuller Youth Institute, where he develops research-based training for youth workers. After more than fifteen years in youth ministry, he now volunteers at his church.
other studies by the authors
new Sticky Faith Service Guide Moving Students from Mission Trips to Missional Living Kara Powell and Brad M. Griffin Anyone who serves teenagers today knows that more and more young people are eager to make a difference in the world. When students participate in short-term missions, service, and justice causes, parents and youth leaders hope these experiences will lead to real transformation. But research shows that our efforts don’t always stick. If we truly want short-term work to translate into long-term change, leaders and students must spend more time before, during, and after service projects preparing for and processing their experiences. This study helps create experiences that stick both for the students kit and kit participant the communities served. It offers practical and field-tested exercises, whether it’s a half-day local service project or a twobook book week trip overseas. Also included aredvd ideas to helpdvd get parents and the whole church engaged in service together.
leader book preview
leader book sh fla
sh devo fla tional
devo tional
what you’ll need
Zondervan. Coming in February. Leader’s Guide: Moving Students from Mission Trips to Missional Living 9780310524205 $18.99; $13.67 Student Journal: How Serving Others Changes You 9780310524236 $9.99; $7.19
SG165610001ND048.indd 49
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10/21/15 8:14 AM
Youth new
Half Truths Youth Study Book E SS N S IO God Helps Those Who Help Themselves and Other Things the Bible Doesn’t Say Adam Hamilton They’re simple phrases. They sound Christian. They capture some element of truth, yet they miss the point in important ways. Join Adam Hamilton in this 5-week Bible study. The Youth Study Book helps young people in grades 6–12 understand how to apply God’s truth to these simple Christian clichés. Written in an engaging style that will capture the humor and imagination of young people, it can be used as a book study only or in combination with the adult-level DVD. Abingdon Press. Coming in April.
6 E SS
Youth Study 9781501813986 Youth Leader Guide 9781501814006
The Call Youth Study Book The Life and Message of the Apostle Paul Adam Hamilton
Follow the journeys of Paul, beginning with his dramatic conversion, as he spread the Gospel through modern-day Greece and Turkey. You are invited to experience faith through Christianity’s greatest teacher and missionary. Everything needed to conduct a six-session study of Paul’s travels and teachings geared to youth grades 6–12, including current examples that have meaning to young people. Can be used with the adult-level DVD. Abingdon Press.
$9.99; $6.69 $14.99; $10.04
See additional Half Truths studies on pages 2 and 3.
Youth Study
$9.99; $6.69
See The Call churchwide studies on page 47.
6 E SS
John Youth Study Book The Gospel of Light and Love Adam Hamilton
The Gospel of John is the most deeply spiritual of the four gospels. This writing is filled with rich images and profound truths, but John notes that his aim in writing the gospel is that readers will not only believe in Jesus Christ, but that they “may have life in his name.” Everything needed to conduct a six-session study of the Gospel of John including current examples that have meaning to young people grades 6–12. Can be used with the adult-level DVD.
Youth Study 9781501805486
$9.99; $6.69
6 E SS
Abingdon Press.
Revival Youth Study Book Faith As Wesley Lived It Adam Hamilton
Join Adam Hamilton for a six-week journey as he travels to England, following the life of John Wesley and exploring his defining characteristics of a Wesleyan Christian. Wesley’s story is our story. It defines our faith and it challenges us to rediscover our spiritual passion. Everything needed to conduct a six-week study and help youth grades 6–12 define what the Christian life looks like through the eyes of a Wesleyan Christian. Can be used with the adult-level DVD. Abingdon Press.
See John churchwide studies on page 46. 9781426788680
Youth Study
$9.99; $6.69
See Revival churchwide studies on page 15. 50
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Community Resource Consultants
10/20/15 9:38 AM
FREE downloadable, 6-session Study Guide available on
#Stolen Is Social Media Stealing Your Identity? Jessica Fralin Our young women are being stolen through social media. Like all of us, young women desire to be affirmed, valued, and loved. We need to point them to the only place where that desire can be filled: in Christ. #Stolen offers straight talk for teen girls and young women on the image they project and relatable, practical advice, grounded in Scripture, on how to find their identity in the one voice that really matters, not in the millions of voices online. The book also features creative hashtags and discussion questions throughout. Abingdon Press.
6 E SS
Renegade Gospel Youth Study The Rebel Jesus Mike Slaughter
Be a renegade for the true Jesus. This youth study for grades 6–12 is designed for parallel use with the adult and children’s studies as part of an all-church Lent/Easter program. The study communicates the challenging, revolutionary message of Jesus in terms that are meaningful for youth. As we prepare for Lent and Easter, we meet Jesus again: a man who denies our preconceived notions about God. Joining his movement means coming to terms with the real Jesus, the Rebel Jesus. Can be used with the adult-level DVD. Abingdon Press. Youth Study 9781426792830
$9.99; $6.69
For additional age-level studies of Renegade Gospel, see the churchwide section on page 48.
9781426789069 $15.99; $10.71 9781501800559 Hardcover $24.99; $16.74
6 E SS
FREE downloadable discussion questions for youth and church leaders available on
Dare to Dream Creating a God-Sized Mission Statement for Your Life Mike Slaughter; Youth Edition by Nick Cunningham
A startling and inspiring program by popular author and pastor Mike Slaughter that draws on the Bible and a lifetime of ministry to help us discern God’s dream for us and learn to live it out, prayerfully and enthusiastically. Participants will learn how to develop a life mission statement that helps them fully commit to a God-directed lifestyle. Abingdon Press.
Broken Restoring Trust Between the Sacred & the Secular Gregory Fromholz We created a disconnect. Where do we as Christians get off shaking our judgmental fists at a secular society instead of exploring other faith perspectives? What makes us think that holding tight to outdated traditions is preferable to reaching out beyond our walls? In Broken, Greg Fromholz helps us recognize that we are part of this culture and life around us, and he inspires us to be who we were always created to be—connected and restored—so that we can find, and multiply, hope. Abingdon Press. 9781426796357 9781501808272 Hardcover
SG165610001ND050.indd 51
$16.99; $11.38 $24.99; $16.74
Youth Edition 9781426775802 $8.99; $6.02 Youth Study DVD [CC] 6 videos: 7–10 min. each 9781426775826 $39.99; $31.99
Also available:
Participant Book (Adult Study) 9781426775772 $16.99; $11.38 Leader Guide (Adult Study) 9781426775796 $11.99; $8.03 Adult Study DVD [CC] 6 videos: 7–10 min. each 9781426775789 $39.99; $31.99 Children’s Leader Guide 9781426775819 $16.99; $11.38 Preview Book 9781426775833 $1.99 Preview Pack (Includes Adult Study Participant Book & Leader Guide, Adult Study DVD, Youth Study DVD, Youth Book, and Children’s Leader Guide. In addition, the pack includes 5 Preview Books.) 9781426792731 $132.90; $84.99
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10/20/15 9:38 AM
Youth new
CORE Danette Baird
CORE (Connect, Own, Reveal, Empower) is a resource designed to help teenagers discover their value and worth as God’s children and empower them to reach their potential in faithfully following Christ in the context of relationships. This comes with an understanding of one’s true identity in Christ and living from an integrated sense of self with confidence, strength, and with the purpose of positively influencing others. The resource consists of two 4-week studies, each with a Student Journal and a Leader Book containing study helps, dicussion plans for large and small groups, and a short and powerful video introducing the topic. Abingdon Press.
You are NOT your thoughts, your past, what you’ve done, what’s been done to you or what’s been said to you or about you. You ARE a person who is worthy and valuable. You have been called by name by the One who loves and cherishes you. You are, at your CORE, created on purpose in the image of God.
Study 1: Dig In
kit participant participant
leader book
what you’ll need
leader book sh fla
A four-session study for groups of all sizes that takes teens on the journey of addressing the obstacles they’ve experienced in understanding who they are in Christ toward connecting with God and others in new and healthy ways. • Who I’m Not: Identity Theft • Delete the Spam • Connect with the Holy Spirit • Connect with Others sh devo devo fla 9781501810039 tional9781501813269 tional
Student Journal Leader Book
author insights
$11.99; $8.03 $9.99; $6.69
Streaming videos for each session are available at
Study 2: All In A four-session study for groups of all sizes. When used alongside Dig In, All In is a powerful tool to help you help your group take the next step of living their newfound commitment to their God-given identity with confidence. • Responsibility • Reveal • Empower • True Identity 9781501813306 9781501813320
Student Journal Leader Book
$11.99; $8.03 $9.99; $6.69
Streaming videos for each session are available at
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new Groove Bible Study Series
The Groove Bible study series invites teens to learn the essentials of their faith, own their story, and engage the world in serving Jesus. Each topical study consists of four weekly sessions that are easy to lead and relate to life issues teens face. With up to 48 weeks available, Groove is great for Sunday and mid-week gatherings for both large and small groups as well as retreats. The student journal contains session-specific questions, background information, and daily devotions for each session.
Abingdon Press.
The Basics Michael Adkins Some alarmists are claiming that the Christian faith is in danger of becoming extinct. We can no longer rely on culture to support the passing on of faith in Jesus Christ to the coming generations.
Jesus Tony Akers
9781501809729 Student Journal
9781501809743 Leader Guide The Basics study is not a quick fix to this situation. It is a handcrafted tool that when used by compassionate, caring, and committed adults, will ignite their imagination for God, the Scripture, the faith community, and living a transformed life. The Basics will likely raise more questions than it answers, and that’s intentional. Don’t feel the need to make sure all the loose ends are tied up at the conclusion of your youth gathering. Allow your teens the opportunity to leave with ideas and truths on which to reflect and wrestle as they use the daily devotionals provided in the Groove: The Basics Student Journal. Student Journal 9781501807053 Leader Guide 9781501807060
$8.99; $6.02 $9.99; $6.69
Dilemmas Tony Akers Every day, youth are called to navigate a world full of challenging decisions—from the simple choices about everyday life to the much more serious ethical dilemmas that can make being a teenager a complicated experience. Some of those dilemmas include: What does it mean to be a person with established morals and ethics? How does the commandment to love others affect our lives in a tangible way? What happens when we make choices that have consequences that greatly affect our lives and the lives of those around us?
The Walk Michael Adkins
9781501809620 Student Journal 9781501809644 Leader Guide
Dilemmas isn’t designed to provide simple answers to complicated questions, but rather help teens understand how to make inspired, smart choices that reflect both who they are and who they are striving to be. The Groove: Dilemmas Student Journal will challenge youth to be deliberate, thoughtful, and faithful as they attempt to make choices that are consistent with their character and their faith. Student Journal 9781501809187 Leader Guide 9781501809194
Also available: (4 sessions each) Student Journals $8.99; $6.02 Leader Guides $9.99; $6.69
Character Michael Adkins
Grace Tony Akers
SG165610001ND052_CV3.indd 3
$9.99; $6.69
Inside Out Tony Akers
Relationships Michael Adkins
The Life Michael Adkins
School Michael Adkins
9781501809309 Student Journal 9781501809873 Student Journal 9781501809248 Student Journal 9781501809316 Leader Guide 9781501809897 Leader Guide 9781501809255 Leader Guide
I Am 9781501809774 Student Journal Tony Akers 9781501809798 Leader Guide
$8.99; $6.02
Temptation Tony Akers
9781501809675 Student Journal 9781501809699 Leader Guide
9781501807107 Student Journal 9781501809828 Student Journal 9781501809361 Student Journal 9781501807114 Leader Guide 9781501809842 Leader Guide 9781501809378 Leader Guide
Shop the online catalog at
10/21/15 11:45 AM
2222 Rosa L. Parks Blvd. P.O. Box 280988 Nashville, TN 37228-0988 | 800.672.1789 community resource consultants
SG165610001 PACP10041949-01 9781501821097
Search for the
whole truth by comparing common Christian clichÊs. See pages 2–3 for the latest from best-selling author Adam Hamilton!
SG165610001NDCV4.indd 5
10/27/15 12:21 PM