Resources for the United Methodist Church 2015

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give thanks

love Pray Others

rejoice in god



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Five Marks of a Methodist

Five Marks of a Methodist..... inside front cover The Wesleyan Way...........................................1 Spiritual Growth............................................2–5 Small-Group Studies....................................6–8 Small-Group Discussion Starters......................9 Confirmation Studies......................................10 Children’s Ministry..........................................11 Churchwide Studies.................................. 12-14 Wesleyan Studies...........................................15 Covenant.................................................. 16-17 Bibles Studies.................................................18 Outreach................................................... 19-20 Leadership................................................ 21-27 Preaching.................................................. 28-29 The Wesleys............................................. 30-33 History...................................................... 34-36 Theology.................................................. 37-43 Spanish Resources..........................................44 Korean Resources...........................................45 Beliefs & Practices..........................................46 Official Resources..................................... 47-51 Certificates............................................... 52-53

Steve Harper goes to the very heart of faithfulness as he describes and then calls upon all those who follow Wesley to live. It is lives of integrity that are the result of following these marks. It is a way of living in God’s gracious presence that he encourages for everyone and it is a way of living I choose for myself. —Rueben P. Job, 1928–2015

Bibles........................................................ 54-55 Hymnals & Song Books............................ 56-58 Essential Supples............................................59 Jewelry Supplies.............................................61 Supplies & Gifts..............................................62 Gifts.......................................................... 63-64 back cover

Unless otherwise noted, all books are paperbound. Discounts are taken off regular retail prices. ebooks available for most books. Visit for more details. Speak with a Customer Care Representative at 800-672-1789. Fast and easy online ordering any time at

A pproved by The Curriculum Resources Committee of The United Methodist General Board of Discipleship for use in the Christian education ministry of The United Methodist Church.

The Fruit of a Living Faith Steve Harper

5 E SS


Stationery & Offering Envelopes....................60

Five Marks of a Methodist:



This concise and compelling summary helps every United Methodist learn and remember the five identifiers that John Wesley set forth in The Character of a Methodist. A gem of a book, it answers in plain language, “How should United Methodists live?” and provides the people called Methodists with a clear and memorable unifying focus. As followers of Jesus who reach out to serve their neighbors, United Methodists: • Love God • Rejoice in God • Give thanks • Pray always • Love others This wonderful, little book is perfect for explaining what it means to live in the United Methodist way. Abingdon Press. 9781501800597. Hardcover. $8.99; Cokesbury Price $6.02 UM15

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4/13/15 9:46 AM

The Wesleyan Way see the video at

excerpt from the video

I’m doing this study to try to connect directly with average folks, with seekers, with people who are asking important questions and want to know a Wesleyan way of living their life as Jesus’ disciple.

Meet the faith of Wesley…real and relevant in today’s world. The WESLEYAN WAY: A Faith That Matters Scott J. Jones

8 E SS


other studies



In this exciting and inspiring new study, Scott J. Jones helps seekers and believers to envision and practice discipleship as a way of life. Presenting Christianity from a Wesleyan perspective, Jones invites participants into a deeper, more thoughtful, more active commitment to Christ. This 8-session study helps participants focus on how, through discipleship with Jesus Christ, we become part of God’s work in transforming the world. Each week a different presenter shares their personal faith experience. Presenters include Adam Hamilton, Olu Brown, Felicia Hopkins, Jessica Moffat Seay, Jorge Acevedo, Rob Fuquay and author Scott Jones.

by the author

Abingdon Press. 9781426767562. Student Book. $14.99; Cokesbury Price $10.04 9781426767579. Leader Guide. $14.99; Cokesbury Price $10.04 9781426767586. DVD. [CC] Session length: 8-10 min. each. $39.99; Cokesbury Price $31.99



kit participant participant kit book

book dvd

participantleader leader book preview

book preview

book sh fla

leader sh devo fla tional preview

book devo tional

sh fla

devo tional

what you’ll need


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4/13/15 9:46 AM

Spiritual Growth Understanding the true meaning and impact of the words Jesus prayed

new What the Prayers of Jesus Tell Us About the Heart of God

Shane Stanford

Most Christians pray, but do we pray like Jesus taught us? What do we really know about the prayer life of Jesus and how it shaped his time with the Father and his relationship with us? More than any other part of his ministry, Jesus’ prayers inform and engage his intentions for how the gospel would change lives and affect the world. Looking at seven specific examples of when Jesus “goes away to pray,” What the Prayers of Jesus Tell Us About the Heart of God refines our understanding of Jesus’ plans for his disciples (both in that first century and for every century to follow). Studying these prayers reminds us of the personal and profound nature of the Trinity, shows us God’s great love for his people, allows us to marvel at the magnitude of Jesus’ sacrifice, and helps us prayerfully communicate with our God. Abingdon Press. Coming in October. 9781426774256. $15.99; Cokesbury Price $10.71 9781501808340. Hardcover. $24.99; Cokesbury Price $16.74

Key United Methodist Beliefs William J. Abraham and David F. Watson

Deepen your faith and enrich your life through this study of core Methodist beliefs. Written by popular seminary teachers, this book will connect you to the life and ministry of John Wesley, demonstrating relevance for the lives of Christians today as it offers an introductory examination of each. Abingdon Press. 9781426756610. $15.99 Cokesbury Price $10.71


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A Spirituality That: Secularizes, Volume 1

Walking with Wesley:

Be guided as you read through the Bible in one year and grow as a more faithful disciple. These 52 devotions refer to the Life Application Topics in The Wesley Study Bible. Each devotion includes Scripture references, thoughtful stories, a prayer, and reflection questions for individuals or groups. Abingdon Press.

Mining gems from the heart of Wesley’s writings, Harrison presents 90 devotions reflecting on subjects including prayer, stewardship, perfect love, and holiness. These inspiring meditations present the founder of Methodism as a kindred spirit to Christians everywhere, reintroducing his amazing life and ministry while offering daily encouragement on the central issues of personal spirituality. Wesleyan Publishing House.

52 Devotions to Warm Your Heart and Guide Your Path Maxie Dunnam

Discerning the Trajectory of the Spirit in the Old Testament Emerito P. Nacpil This book connects the Creator with the creation, describing how the Spirit is at work within each of us, empowering us to make choices that promote, preserve, and enrich creation. It enables us to see that the good we do in the secular world is our active participation in the work of the Spirit. Abingdon Press.

9781426706820. $12.99 Cokesbury Price $8.70

9781630888374. $24.99 Cokesbury Price $16.74

The Grace-Filled Life:

See The Wesley Study Bible on p. 55.



A Ninety-Day Devotional Nick Harrison

9780898279726. $10.99 Cokesbury Price $7.91 UM15

4/13/15 10:03 AM

Spiritual Growth COKESBURY EXCLUSIVE! Reading Nouwen Through A Wesleyan Lens

Henri Nouwen; edited by Michael Christensen and Rebecca Laird Henri Nouwen, the world-renowned spiritual guide and counselor, understood the spiritual life as a journey of faith and transformation that is deepened by accountability, community, and relationships. Though he counseled many people during his lifetime, many of his principles were never written down. Now two of his longtime students, Michael Christensen and Rebecca Laird, have compiled his coursework, journals, conference notes, and unpublished writings to create a definitive, 3-volume work on Nouwen’s thoughts that explore God’s will in your life. Together they provide an unparalleled resource both for individuals and for small groups. HarperOne. 540201. 3-Book Bundle. $50.97; Cokesbury Price $24.99

3-Book Set includes Special Essays on Nouwen through the WESLEYAN LENS!

A Disciple’s Journal 2015: A Guide for Daily Prayer, Bible Reading, and Discipleship Steven W. Manskar

The journal follows the liturgical calendar and contains orders for daily morning and evening prayer, space to record weekly acts of discipleship, a daily lectionary based on the Revised Common Lectionary, excerpts from the works of John and Charles Wesley, and articles on discipleship in the Wesleyan tradition. Discipleship Resources. 9780881777284. $15.00 Cokesbury Price $10.50


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Praying with John Wesley

Becoming a Disciple:

David A. deSilva

Praying in the Wesleyan Spirit: 52 Prayers for Today

Paul Chilcote

Discipleship Resources. Based on Wesley’s model for daily prayer, this book is centered on six Christian virtues. It includes daily Scripture reading, personal reflection, and prayer. While remaining true to Wesley’s intent and emphasis, the prayers have been updated and interpreted for 21st-century Christians. With morning and evening devotions. Discipleship Resources.

A re-presentation of 52 sermons by John Wesley in the form of modern prayers. Scripture and a hymn text by Charles Wesley further enhance each devotion. Readers will encounter anew the rich treasury of the Wesley brothers’ Christian witness through praying it and then putting it into action. Upper Room Books.

Eight United Methodist clergy—all ordained since 2008—explore a definition of disciple and help us along in our efforts to pursue the adventure of a lifetime. Each writer looks at one aspect of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. Abingdon Press.

9780835809504. $14.00 Cokesbury Price $9.80

A Lifelong Venture Adolf Hansen and Colleagues

9781501805042. $14.99 Cokesbury Price $10.04

0881773174. $8.00 Cokesbury Price $5.60

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4/10/15 3:13 PM

Spiritual Growth

The Best of James W. Moore:

The Best of J. Ellsworth Kalas:

Abingdon Press.

Abingdon Press.

9781426742002. $14.99; Cokesbury Price $10.04

9781426742019. $14.99; Cokesbury Price $10.04

Our Father: Where Are the Fathers? Jonathan D. Keaton and Ernest S. Lyght

Grace Under Pressure:

Thoughts on Faith and Grace from a Master Storyteller James W. Moore

Abingdon Press. 9781426745874. $15.99; Cokesbury Price $10.71

Telling the Greatest Story Ever Told Like It’s Never Been Told Before J. Ellsworth Kalas

Negotiating the Heart of the Methodist Traditions Joerg Rieger General Board Of Higher Education 9780938162773. $12.95; Cokesbury Price $10.23

The Best of Will Willimon: Acting Up in Jesus’ Name William H. Willimon Abingdon Press. 9781426742026. $14.99; Cokesbury Price $10.04

The Survival Guide for Christians on Campus: How to Be Students and Disciples at the Same Time Tony Campolo and William Willimon

Howard Publishing. 9781582292366. $15.95; Cokesbury Price $12.60

30 Days with Wesley: A Prayer Book Richard Buckner

Beacon Hill Press. 9780834128330. $12.99; Cokesbury Price $9.35

Being a Christian in the Wesleyan Tradition:

Belonging, Believing, Living, Growing John O. Gooch Discipleship Resources.

John Wesley for the 21st Century John O. Gooch

Discipleship Resources. 9780881774450. $15.00; Cokesbury Price $10.50

9780881775594. 12.00; Cokesbury Price $8.40


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4/10/15 1:44 PM

Spiritual Growth

Come Thou Long-Expected Jesus: Advent and Christmas with Charles Wesley Paul Wesley Chilcote

Daily meditations for Advent and Christmas based on Charles Wesley’s seasonal hymns, each keyed to the Scripture reading for the day and to portions of Wesley’s texts. Meditations conclude with a brief prayer. Morehouse Publishing. 9780819222503. $14.00; Cokesbury Price $9.80

A Life-Shaping Prayer:

52 Meditations in the Wesleyan Spirit Paul Wesley Chilcote Chilcote examines a prayer found in the journals of Elizabeth Rhodes, an early Wesley follower, and leads us in a discovery of an intimate connection with God. Includes 52 readings, each with biblical text, Charles Wesley hymn selections, and a prayer. Upper Room Books. 9780835899383. $17.00 Cokesbury Price $11.90

Conflict and Communion: Reconciliation and Restorative Justice at Christ’s Table Thomas Porter, et al

Christians from various walks of life offer wisdom and experience in examining the sacrament of Holy Communion as a vehicle for transforming conflicts and doing the work of reconciliation in the world. Discipleship Resources. 9780881774788. $10.00; Cokesbury Price $7.00

The Warmed Heart: 30 Days

Living Our Beliefs:

Guide to Prayer

Learn what Wesley meant by spiritual reading, then embark on a spiritual journey through these selected writings from his journals, letters, and sermons. Beacon Hill Press.

Offers a basic explanation of the beliefs and practices of The United Methodist Church as defined in Part II of The Book of Discipline. Readers uncover a deeper understanding and experience of Christian faith as they live the United Methodist way. Discipleship Resources.

This classic devotional and prayer book includes thematically arranged material for each week of the year. Upper Room Books.

in the Company of John Wesley Mark A. Harmon

9780834115552. $8.99; Cokesbury Price $7.55

The United Methodist Way Kenneth L. Carder

9780881775716. $13.00; Cokesbury Price $9.10


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Norman Shawchuck and Rueben P. Job

Guide to Prayer for Ministers and Other Servants. 9780835805599. Paper. $20.00; Cokesbury Price $14.00 9780835804608. Gift Ed. $32.00; Cokesbury Price $22.40 Guide to Prayer for All God’s People. 9780835807104. $20.00; 5 Cokesbury Price $14.00

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Small-Group Studies

The Essentials of Methodism: What Every

10 E SS


Methodist Should Know James Reuteler, Ph.D.



The Essentials of Methodism is a small group study which focuses on the basic beliefs and ethics of what it means to be a Methodist or Wesleyan Disciple of Jesus Christ. This book contains ten lessons on Methodist Essentials. Createspace. 9781482050134. $7.00 Cokesbury Price $6.23

Methodist Identity:


Part 2: Our Beliefs


E SS N S IO This adult study with 8 half- hour long videos by leading Methodist theologians offers valuable information and insight concerning core Wesleyan ideas. Wesley Ministry Network.

539620. CD-ROM with Study Guide. $44.99; Cokesbury Price $35.99

Also available:

Methodist Identity: Part 1: Our Story 539631. CD-ROM with Study Guide. $44.99; Cokesbury Price $35.99


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united methodist questions, united methodist answers:

Questions and Answers about the United Methodist Church

The illuminating question-and-answer format and Joyner’s humorous, yet respectful style, give new recruits as well as lifelong Methodists a lively sense of what’s special and important about their church. Group or individual study. Westminster John Knox Press.

This book is a useful guide that answers the most frequently asked questions about the beliefs, practices, and history of The United Methodist Church. The information is brief, and is presented in an easy question-and-answer format. It is great for those new to the United Methodist Church. Abingdon Press.

Exploring Christian Faith (Revised) F. Belton Joyner, Jr.

Thomas S. McAnally

9780664260422. $15.00 Cokesbury Price $10.80

9780687016709. $3.99



Being United Methodist: What It Means, Why It Matters J. Ellsworth Kalas

Popular and well-loved author J. Ellsworth Kalas uses his approachable style to explore the people called United Methodists—where they’ve come from, where they’re going. How is it so few of them really know what it means to be a United Methodist? What makes them tick? Abingdon Press. 9781426752346. $14.99 Cokesbury Price $10.04


4/9/15 1:40 PM

Small-Group Studies The Holy Spirit is nothing less than a life and death matter for the people of God

New The Holy Spirit

Stanley Hauerwas and William H. Willimon Much more than a personal experience, the Holy Spirit is who God is and what God does as the Trinity, whether we feel it or not. It is the birthday of the church as created through the Spirit, giving the church the task of pointing the world to Jesus. This book helps people recognize what an extraordinary thing has happened to them through baptism and their inclusion in the Body of Christ through the Spirit But to do this, the authors challenge some of the presumptions surrounding discussions about the Spirit in terms of how the work of the Spirit is understood as “inspirational.” And in doing so, the book helps people recover a sense of why the Spirit is the third person of the Trinity and how that reality makes possible our inclusion in the Body of Christ. Abingdon Press. Coming in October. 9781426778636. $13.99 Cokesbury Price $9.37

Why I Am a United Methodist

Explores the meaning of the Lord’s Supper and its significance for our daily lives as Christians. For laypersons, clergy, and seminary students. Also includes a group study guide for each chapter. Upper Room Books.

In seven chapters, Willimon examines United Methodism and the ways it has made and continues to make a difference in his life. Includes a learning guide for groups and individuals. Abingdon Press. 9780687453566. $9.99 Cokesbury Price $6.69



9780835804295. $14.00 Cokesbury Price $9.80

William H. Willimon

7 IO N

United Methodist Beliefs: A Brief Introduction


William H. Willimon

In this brief introduction to the United Methodist Church, Willimon spells out the major beliefs of the Church in a clear, nontechnical style. He discusses the great theological themes that United Methodists share with all Christians as well as the particular accents and emphases of Methodism. Westminster John Knox Press. 9780664230401. $13.00 Cokesbury Price $9.36


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This We Believe: The Core of Wesleyan Faith and Practice William H. Willimon

8 E SS


Sunday Dinner: The Lord’s Supper and the Christian Life William Willimon



Willimon systematically lays out key Wesleyan tenets of faith starting with the Core Terms from The Wesley Study Bible. Abingdon Press. 9781426706899. Book. $16.99 Cokesbury Price $11.38 9781426708237. Leader Guide. (8 week) M. Kathryn Armistead $7.99; Cokesbury Price $5.35

See The Wesley Study Bible on p. 55. 7

4/10/15 1:19 PM

Small-Group Studies Product headline for this product (optional) Through Bible study, people hear God’s voice, share in God’s grace, and become more like Jesus Christ


Reading Scripture as Wesleyans Wrestling with Wonder: A Transformational

Joel B. Green Journey Through the Life of Mary sessions Marlo Schalesky John Wesley boasted that he was a “man of one book,” but he was also a thoughtful throughout his life an author of and manythen books. Ashim breath Who is this student God who calls a young girland to birth a Savior watch die gives life, John Wesley inhaled and exhaled the words of Scripture, shaping on a Roman cross? his thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and behavior. And like our eighteenth-century And, whothe is this God who calls then leads us on a journey of ancestor, Bible is central to us to forsurrender continuedand faith formation. twists and turns, ups and downs, unlike anything we could have ever expected? In this invitation to Scripture, the general editor of The Wesley Study Bible Zondervan. in June. and biblical Coming scholar, Dr. Joel Green, summarizes Wesley’s understanding 9780310337409. Book. $15.99; Cokesbury of key themes and topics of key books ofPrice the $11.19 New Testament. Using brief excerpts from Wesley’s writings (in updated language), Dr. Green explains the Also available: importance of Wesley’s thinking as it directly applies to everyday life and faithful 9780310337409. DVD. $24.99; Cokesbury Price $16.99 practice. Each chapter ends with Cokesbury questions suitable for private devotion or Price $16.99 9780310337409. DuoTone. $24.99; group settings, to help you apply your study to daily living. 9780310337409. Leather. $24.99; Cokesbury Price $16.99

3D FEATURE (Giant)

Abingdon Press. 9781426706912. $15.99; Cokesbury Price $10.71


participant dvd

leader devo tional


kit includes:

what you’ll need Youth and Children’s resources also available/ included in kit

Prayer Journal also available


New Holiness of Heart and Life

John Wrestling Wesley: with


E SS N S IO Charles Yrigoyen, Jr.; Journey Through the Life of Mary study guide by Ruth A. Daugherty Marlo Schalesky A six-week study on John Wesley,

The Christmas story includes a cast the major themes of his theology, of characters who are strange and the spread of Wesleyanism to North exotic. But Christmas is essentially America, and renewal in the Wesleyan a family story of a father, a mother, tradition. Chapters include reflection and a child—their interactions, their questions and the Study Guide offers individual lives, and their common life. step-by-step plans for each session. Random House. Abingdon Press.

9780804141123. $12.99 $20.00 9780687056866. Cokesbury Cokesbury Price Price $14.00 $8.70


UM155610001ND008.indd 8

Living new A as Heartbeat Away: 6 United Methodist Quilts of Love Series Christians: Our Story, S. Dionne Moore E SS


6 Wonder: A Transformational


The Way toFROM Heaven: CHRISTMAS THE The Gospel According to Look at BACK SIDE: A Different S

Our Beliefs, Lives slaves When a bandOur of runaway Andy Langford and Sally Langford a brings Union-loyal Beth Bumgartner

9780310252603. $12.99 Cokesbury Price $9.35

535843. $7.00 Cokesbury Price $4.90

In thispopular revisionbeloved of John Wesley’s This author presents Message for into Today, new insight theHarper biblicaltakes storya of thoughtful inspiring lookthe at season Wesley’s Christmas and by approaching theology of grace its power to through the “backand side”—from a transform. Includes an for updated reading unique starting point a creative list to facilitate furtherPress. study and retelling. Abingdon questions for individual 9780687027064. $10.99 or small group discussion. Cokesbury Zondervan Price $7.14Publishing.

Awounded six-session study with soldier particular Confederate named emphases on the beliefs Unitedher to Joe, it is the catalyst thatof pushes Methodists and ways to live United defy her pacifist parents andasa become Methodist Christian. With reflection a nurse during the Battle of Antietam. questions individuals groups. Abingdonfor Press. Comingand in June. Abingdon Press. 9781426752704. DVD. $12.99 9781426711930. Cokesbury Price$10.99 $8.18 Cokesbury Price $7.36

John Wesley the Story of Jesus’ Birth Steve HarperKalas J. Ellsworth

The Journey: Forgiveness, CHRISTMAS FROM THE Restorative Justice and BACK SIDE: A Different Look at Reconciliation the Story of Jesus’ Birth Stephanie J. EllsworthHixon Kalasand Thomas Porter



This with leader This spiritual popular growth belovedstudy author presents guide intertwines stories from the of Bible new insight into the biblical story and recent by history to illustrate Christmas approaching thethe season redemptive forgiveness. through thepower “back of side”—from a The included study guide restorative unique starting point takes for a creative justice from spiritual Press. concept to retelling. Abingdon tangible life skill.$10.99 9780687027064. United Methodist Women. Cokesbury Price $7.14


4/10/15 11:50 AM

Small-Group Discussion Starters

On the Threshold of Grace:

Postmodern and Wesleyan?

A Blueprint for Discipleship:

United Ministry Resources.

Beacon Hill Press.

Discipleship Resources.

9780984549917. $14.95

9780834124585. $15.99; Cokesbury Price $13.43

9780881775563. $15.00; Cokesbury Price $10.50

Being United Methodist in the Bible Belt: A Theological Survival Guide for Youth,

Reclaiming the Wesleyan Tradition: John Wesley’s Message Today

Methodist Fundamentals (Revised Edition with Study Guide) Donald W. Haynes

Parents, and Other Confused United Methodists F. Belton Joyner, Jr. Westminster John Knox Press.

Exploring the Boundaries and Possibilities Jay Richard Akkerman, Thomas J. Oord, and Brent D. Petersen, editors

John Wesley’s Sermons for Today Douglas M. Strong, Sarah B. Dorrance, Robert McDonald-Walker, Ingrid Y. Wang, and Kevin M. Watson

9780664231682. $15.00; Cokesbury Price $10.80

Discipleship Resources.

Forty-Sixty: A Study For Midlife Adults Who

Kingdom People Member’s Guidebook: Leave the Common Life Behind

Want To Make A Difference Richard H Gentzler, Jr. and Craig Kennet Miller Discipleship Resources. 9780881773255. $8.00; Cokesbury Price $5.60

Wesley’s General Rules as a Guide for Christian Living Kevin Watson

Lovett H. Weems, Jr. Abingdon Press.

9780687316816. $10.99; Cokesbury Price $7.36

9780881775198. $15.00; Cokesbury Price $10.50

Dr. James B. Scott and Dr. Molly Davis Scott

Provident Publishing. 9780977867363. $14.95

A Year with John Wesley and our Methodist Values: Essays by Various

Wesleyan Scholars Michael J. Coyner, Henry H. Knight III, Sarah Heaner Lancaster, Randy L. Maddox, and F. Douglas Powe Discipleship Resources. 9780881775501. $2.50


UM155610001ND008.indd 9

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4/10/15 11:50 AM

Confirmation Studies Credo Confirmation

Credo Confirmation is a confirmation program that is not your conventional classroom experience! It brings worship, Sunday school, Bible study, service, and church ministries into confirmation. Use Credo the way you want: over a semester, the course of a school year, a 3-year span, or however you want to plan it.

Credo also has vast and dynamic web content for leaders and confirmands at The leader’s section has web content that includes training for leaders, adult mentors, and parents; updates; additional ideas; promotional materials; and networking opportunities. Confirmands can find support for what they’ve learned in class with lesson summaries, plus games and quizzes designed to reinforce their faith formation. Cokesbury.

Director’s Tools. Session plans, retreat plans, reproducibles, and more. 9781426706240. 3-Ring Leader’s Binder. $74.99

Director’s Tools for Small Churches. Session plans/activities adapted from the original Director’s Tools for groups of 5 or fewer. Scheduling options: 18 sessions in 36 weeks (school year) to fewer sessions with retreats added. 9781426715310. $29.99

Credo Confirmation TalkPoints®

Get mentors and parents more involved in confirmation—with greater participation and more meaningful dialogue outside the classroom experience. Cokesbury.

Teaching Plans for 8 Weeks. Eight 90-minute class plans. 9781426742194. $29.99

Teaching Plans for Including Youth With Special Needs. Clear, structured lesson outline formats meet the requirements of individuals with physical and cognitive challenges. 9781426740428. Downloadable file only. Order at $15.99

Each, $9.99 9781426757556. TalkPoints for Mentors and Youth. 9781426757624. TalkPoints for Parents and Youth.

Credo Faith Formation for Older Youth and Young Adults

Multimedia Teaching Tools. Contains 18 videos, PowerPoint slides, promotional materials, and more. 9781426736292. Book with DVD. $39.99

Confirmation Journal. Devotional readings, key information, questions for journaling. 9781426706257. $11.99

The study is made up of six units, emphasizing baptism and Holy Communion, with multiple learning activities and discussion starters, from which the leader can choose. Also includes instructions on how to plan and implement two retreats. Cokesbury. 9781426751448. Leader Guide. $19.99 9781426751479. Student Journal. $11.99

Guide for Parents, Mentors, and Adult Leaders. Learn what confirmands learn. 9781426706271. $9.99

Session Plans. Lesson plans only for the 18 confirmation class sessions. Ideal for churches with multiple confirmation program teachers.

The Quadrilateral Game

9781426706264. $27.99

A Wesleyan Trivia Challenge for All Ages

Credo Confirmation Cross Necklace

A quiz-show style competition based on the Wesleyan Quadrilateral. Teams test their knowledge of the Bible, church history, and traditions. Includes games for children, families, and church leaders plus youth games that review material covered in Credo confirmation program. Abingdon Press.

For boys or girls. 1" pewter color cross is imprinted with the Credo motto, “Know, Confirm, Live.” With 18" silvertone chain. Gift boxed. 843504031978. Each, $10.99

843504033743. CD-ROM. $9.99


Making Disciples William H. Willimon





Making Disciples is a 13-session, mentor-based confirmation program that pairs confirmands with adult mentors and guides them through a variety of learning experiences that will strengthen the student’s understanding of the faith while connecting him or her with the community of believers in a personal way. Each session focuses on a particular topic and includes several activities for confirmands and mentors to do together. The DVD that accompanies the course provides an introduction to each session as well as other helpful information. One DVD per mentor is recommended. The Starter Kit includes one each of all the other resources listed. Logos Productions. 10

UM155610001ND010.indd 10



Confirmand’s Journal. 863965. $13.64 Coordinator’s Guide. 862356. $17.82 Mentor’s Guide. 863908. $15.43 Mentor Support DVD. 535165. $29.13 Starter Kit. 862232. $60.09


4/9/15 1:47 PM

Children’s Ministry Children will ride through United Methodist history with John Wesley and the early Methodists Journey with J. W.

John Wesley’s Ride Through Methodist History Daphna Flegal Elementary children will experience life in the times of John Wesley and the circuit riders. It’s a great learning experience that’s fun! Includes reproducibles, plus easy-to-follow directions for crafts, games, and music; scripts for historical dramas and Bible stories; ideas for setting up interest centers; and ways to utilize the gifts and talents of the adults in your congregation. Children will learn about the United Methodist heritage and how it has shaped who we are as people of faith, that God inspired John Wesley and other early leaders of our church to spread the good news about Jesus throughout the world, and that God continues to call us to tell the world about Jesus today! Abingdon Press. 9781501805066. $12.99; Cokesbury Price $8.70

The Children’s Minister:

Most churches provide activities and learning experiences for children, but those who work with them often fail to see themselves as pastors to the children. This book examines the neglected subject of pastoral care for children. Discipleship Resources. 9780881775273. $8.00 Cokesbury Price $5.60


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The Most Important Space in the Church: The Nursery Rita B. Hays

Evangelism and spiritual formation begin in the nursery. Build a rich, spiritually rooted ministry with infants through two year olds and with their families. Discipleship Resources. 9780881775686. $10.00 Cokesbury Price $7.00


Being Hope: United

Methodists in Global Mission



Practical Ways Churches Can Nurture Children Rita B. Hays


Hugging the World: S

A 4-week, churchwide Sunday school study that equips participants to become catalysts of change. Abingdon Press. 9781426782626. Children’s Study Leader Guide (Sally Hoelscher). $15.99; Cokesbury Price $10.71 9781426782404. Adult Study Leader Guide (Larry Beman). $9.99; Cokesbury Price $6.69 9781426782589. Youth Study Leader Guide (Hank Hilliard). $9.99; Cokesbury Price $6.69

Shop our online catalog

Faith, Hope, Love in Action Jodi Cataldo

Stories, biblical lessons, and hands-on activities about diversity and God’s mission in other countries and cultures. Grades K-6. United Methodist Women. 533601. Teacher’s Guide. $8.00 Cokesbury Price $5.76

Also available: 535855. Haiti: Challenges & Hope (Mission Study). $10.00; Cokesbury Price $7.00 536264. Krik Krak! The Story of Haiti Childrens Mission (Children’s Study). $8.00; Cokesbury Price $5.76


4/10/15 1:31 PM


see the video at

Leader Guide. 9781630883959. $13.99 Cokesbury Price $9.37

Also available:

about the book

DVD. [CC] Session length: 8-10 min. each. 9781630883973. $39.99 Cokesbury Price $31.99 Program Guide Flash Drive. 9781630883980. $34.99 Cokesbury Price $27.99 Devotional Readings for Home. 9781501805073. $6.99 Cokesbury Price $4.68 Devotional Readings for Home. 9781501805097. Pkg. of 25. $174.75; Cokesbury Price $99.99

In this essential little book, pastor and author James A. Harnish presents Wesley’s concepts and beliefs in plain, useful language, suitable for individuals to grapple with and groups to discuss and act upon.

Participant Book. 9781630883928. $13.99; Cokesbury Price $9.37 Large Print Edition. 9781630883942. $14.99; Cokesbury Price $10.04


more studies on



Earn. Save. Give.




Churchwide Studies



Wesley’s Simple Rules for Money James A. Harnish John Wesley boils fiscal responsibilities down to just three rules: Earn all you can. Save all you can. Give all you can. Sounds simple, right? Yes, but not easy, especially in today’s culture of consumerism. This twenty-first century translation of Wesley’s money management philosophy will give everyone in your congregation—children and teenagers as well as adults of any age—a new way to think about money, not only during your stewardship program, but for the rest of their lives.

Youth Study. (Ages 13–18). 9781630884000. $9.99 Cokesbury Price $6.69

Churchwide study guides, a leader guide, a DVD, a Program Guide flash drive, and Devotional Readings for Home are available for this four-week program. Abingdon Press.

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book dvd


leader participantleader book preview

book preview

book sh fla

what you’ll need

leader book sh ash devo flaChildren’s devo Leader Guide. fl tional preview tional 9781630884024. $16.99 Cokesbury Price $11.38

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Youth & Children’s components and book sh fla Devotional Readings for Home also available. preview


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devo tional




4/10/15 9:31 AM

Churchwide Studies see the video

Author insights

Leader Guide. 9781426778834. $12.99 Cokesbury Price $8.70

Today we find ourselves in a world much like Wesley’s—polarized, where faith seems to falter, and the gap between rich and poor widens. Many of us have a faith in need of revival.

more studies from

Adam Hamilton

Participant Book. 9781426778841. $14.99; Cokesbury Price $10.04 Large Print Edition. 9781630882945. $15.99; Cokesbury Price $10.71

DVD. [CC] Session length: 10-15 min. each. 9781426776823. $39.99; Cokesbury Price $31.99

REVIVAL: Faith as Wesley Lived It Adam Hamilton

Also available:

6 E SS


Youth Study. (Ages 13–18). 9781426788680. $9.99 Cokesbury Price $6.69 Children’s Leader Guide. 9781426788710. $16.99 Cokesbury Price $11.38 Start-Up Kit. Contains one each of Participant Book, Leader Guide, DVD, Youth Study, and Children’s Leader Guide. 9781630889852. $94.95 Cokesbury Price $66.49



If you’ve taken a class using Adam Hamilton’s The Journey or The Way, you know how his DVD sessions seem part travelogue—part history lesson—a lot Bible study. In Revival, he once again uses his captivating, storytelling talent to take you on a six-week journey through England tracing the life of John Wesley. Wesley’s message and his faith continue to speak to twenty-first-century Christians, calling for a revival of our hearts and souls so that our world might be changed. His story is our story. It’s our heritage, it defines our faith, and it challenges us to rediscover our spiritual passion. Abingdon Press.

kit dvd


kit participant participant kit book

book dvd

leader participantleader book preview

book preview

book sh fla

what you’ll need Youth and Children’s resources also available


UM155610001ND012.indd 13

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4/10/15 9:31 AM

sh devo fla tional previe


6 S


A Six-Week Study for Adults Book by Rueben P. Job; Small-group Study by Jeanne Torrence Finley



This small-group study is based on Rueben P. Job’s book Three Simple Rules: A Wesleyan Way of Living. Six sessions provide extended reflection for adults on three principles of Christian life: do no harm, do good, and stay in love with God. Each rule has a session to help you understand the rule and a session to help you explore ways to practice the rule. Abingdon Press.

Also available from Rueben P. Job:

THREE SIMPLE RULES: A Wesleyan Way of Living

9780687649662. Hardcover. $6.99; Cokesbury Price $5.59 9781501800511. Paper. Case of 50, $299.99; Cokesbury Price $199.99 9781426702235. Large Print. $6.99; Cokesbury Price $5.59 9780687646852. Three Simple Rules Bookmark. Pkg. of 25, $4.00



The Measure of a Life Transformed



843504002152. Leader Materials DVD and CD. $29.99; Cokesbury Price $23.99 9781426700255. Student Book. $7.99; Cokesbury Price $5.35 9781426700347. Youth Leader Guide: 24/7 (Josh Tinley). $8.99; Cokesbury Price $6.02 9781426700330. Youth Student Book: 24/7. $7.99; Cokesbury Price $5.35 9781426700422. Children’s Leader Guide: Following Jesus. $16.99; Cokesbury Price $7.99



An 8-week, churchwide journey that challenges your congregation to experience seven key life changes that God’s Spirit will bring in people’s hearts, minds, and behaviors. The Church Resource Kit has everything you need (1 of each): SoulShift book; Strategic Planning Guide; Group Study DVD (3 Discs); Sermon Introductions DVD-ROM; Youth and Children’s Ministry Leader’s Guides; Youth and Children’s Ministry DVD-ROMs. Includes free online access to SoulShift resources for download. Wesleyan Publishing House. 9780898279740. Church Resource Kit. Hardcover. $99.99

Discipleship Studies





Robert Schnase



Since the publication of Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations, these five practices have helped hundreds of congregations understand their mission, renew ministries, and stretch toward fruitfulness and excellence for the purpose of Christ. Now, each of the five practices has been broken out into five 4-week, small-group studies called The Fruitful Living Series that provide an honest, practical, and winsome guide to the spiritual journey.

Each, $9.99; Cokesbury Price $6.69 9781630882983. Receiving God’s Love. 9781630883003. Loving God in Return. 9781630883027. Growing in Grace. 9781630883041. Loving and Serving Others. 9781630883065. The Grace of Giving.

Abingdon Press. 14

UM155610001ND014.indd 14




4/10/15 9:40 AM

Wesleyan Studies The heart of the matter is always a matter of the heart a DISCIPLE’S HEART: Growing In Love and Grace


James A. Harnish with Justin LaRosa





We hear a lot about “spiritual journey” these days. But it’s more than just trendy wording. Although he didn’t use the phrase, that’s what John Wesley was really all about—taking steps and continually walking a path that transforms the heart and helps us grow into the likeness of Christ. This study, designed for use in either small groups or as a churchwide experience, attempts to reclaim and, in a sense, reinterpret Wesley’s idea of “Christian perfection.” Participants learn how to develop a pattern of daily Scripture reading, prayer, and personal reflection and guided questions help define spiritual life goals and create strong church community bonds. The sixweek class is supported with a Daily Workbook, Companion Reader, Leader Guide, and free downloadable leader helps. The Program Kit includes the Participant Book (Daily Workbook), the Companion Reader (devotional), a Leader Guide with downloadable toolkit, and a flash drive with the contents of the downloadable toolkit. Abingdon Press. 9781630882556. Daily Workbook. $12.99; Cokesbury Price $8.70

Also available: 9781630882570. Companion Reader. $9.99; Cokesbury Price $6.69 9781630882594. Leader Guide with Downloadable Toolkit. $25.99; Cokesbury Price $20.79 9781630882617. Program Kit. Includes flash drive of toolkit material. $39.99; Cokesbury Price $31.99


kit book dvd

participant leader kit participant kit participant participant book dvd


kit includes:

book preview

book preview

leader leader book book book sh a ash ash fl fldevo fldevo tional tional preview preview


sh fladevo tional

devo tional

what you’ll need

a disciple’s path: Deepening Your Relationship


with Christ and the Church James A. Harnish with Justin LaRosa





A Disciple’s Path is an engaging approach to discipleship from a distinctly Wesleyan perspective. Whether used as an introduction for new members or a renewal course for existing members, the program guides individuals to take the next step in discipleship and become dynamic, engaged followers of Jesus Christ. The study combines a Wesleyan understanding of our growth in God’s love and grace with the time-tested practices of spiritual discipline expressed in the membership vows to uphold the church with our prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. Participants will develop spiritual practices, discover their unique gifts, and become engaged in ministry that brings transformation in their own lives, the lives of others, and the world. The Program Kit contains all components necessary to assist leaders in conducting a successful study or congregational-wide program including the Companion Reader, the Daily Workbook, the Leader Guide with CD-ROM and samples of all the ancillary products. Abingdon Press. 9781426743498. Daily Workbook. $12.99; Cokesbury Price $8.70

Also available: 9781426743504. Companion Reader. $9.99; Cokesbury Price $6.69 9781426743481. Leader Guide with CD-ROM. $25.99; Cokesbury Price $20.79 9781426777950. Program Kit. $39.99; Cokesbury Price $31.99 843504029753. Wristbands, Pkg. of 10, $12.99; Cokesbury Price $8.70 843504029760. Bookmarks, Pkg. of 25, $7.99; Cokesbury Price $5.35 843504030155. Window Clings, Pkg. of 25, $7.99; Cokesbury Price $5.35 843504029777. Key Tag, Pkg. of 30, $7.99; Cokesbury Price $5.35

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kit includes: UM15

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Plus ancillary

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4/10/15 9:40 AM


“People are joining Covenant groups beyond their typical Sunday school classes and worship services. There’s a desire for this connectedness, a desire for people to have deeper relationships.... It’s been wonderful to see.” — Kevin Johnson, Pastor of Christian Formation, Fuquay-Varina UMC, North Carolina

Cokesbury is offering $100 OFF the purchase of the Covenant Bible Study Kit through June 30.

WHY? Because we believe in the power of Covenant Bible Study. And we want to invest in your church’s mission to build community, develop leaders, and deepen your understanding of Scripture.


Broken into three 8-week modules, each dealing with a different aspect of what covenant means: Creating; Living; Trusting. Includes one Leader Guide, one Participant Guide for each session, Covenant meditations, and three DVDs with Implementation Guide. 9781426772269. Kit. $234.99; Sale $134.99

DVDs (Set of 3)

Comes with eight pages of episode summaries and three DVDs, one for each module—Creating, Living and Trusting. Co-hosts for the 24 sessions are Shane Stanford and Christine Chakoian. 9781426786785. Set of 3, $179.99

For more information, contact your Cokesbury Community Resource Consultant or visit 16

UM155610001ND016.indd 16




4/9/15 1:50 PM


“I have seen deepening relationships and the groups are really bonding. Through that, I’ve seen more leaders emerge. One lady finally found a place of belonging in the church....It spurred her on to do more ministry within the church.”

“I would say the light came on as to how alive the Bible is, how relevant it is. I’ll see them applying it to present day situations and to each other’s lives as they share the ups and downs of their own lives with each other.”

— Beth Dickinson, Minister of Discipleship, Athens First UMC, Georgia

— Brody Tubaugh, pastor at Carson UMC and Mt. Hope UMC, Carson UMC, Iowa

Leader Guide

Also available individually and in large-print editions:

Contains comprehensive and detailed direction for each meeting experience/session, plus leader helps. 9781426772238. $24.99

Participant Guides (Set of 3)

Includes a Creating, Living, and Trusting Participant Guide. Each guide shows what to read and offers space to interact personally with the daily Bible readings, the prayers, and the weekly Covenant meditations. Order one per participant. 9781426772153. Set of 3, $49.99

Regular Print. Each, $19.99 9781426772160. Creating Participant Guide. 9781426772177. Living Participant Guide. 9781426772184. Trusting Participant Guide. Large Print. Each, $22.99 9781630886257. Creating Participant Guide. 9781630886264. Living Participant Guide. 9781630886271. Trusting Participant Guide.


In addition to the once-weekly meditation in the Participant Guides (on Day Six), a set of 66 additional Covenant meditations is included in this book. 9781426772207. $9.99

Additional videos, testimonials, downloads, and applications are available on and at


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4/9/15 1:51 PM

Bible Studies Disciple

Search Scripture, Find Community Disciple Bible studies have remained the number one choice for some of the most vibrant congregations in the world—transforming the lives of more than 2 million participants! Cokesbury. Disciple program activities include:

• Daily Reading and Study • Weekly Small-Group Meetings • Video Presentations

Planning Kits Include DVDs, one Study Manual, Teacher Helps, and other materials for the leader. For additional information, call 800-672-1789 or visit

I. Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study

This first Disciple Bible study serves as the basis for all other studies in the Disciple family that follow. It’s a 34-week study to match other items in Disciple. Disciple I covers the entire Bible (Old and New Testaments). Planning Kit. 9780687330829. $299.99

Training DVD. 9780687494033. $99.99

Study Manual. 1 for each participant. Each, $39.99 9780687783496. English Edition. 9780687783878. Spanish Edition. 9780687779550. Korean Edition.

Lapel Pins. 9781426795152. Pkg. of 6, $19.99

DVD Set. 9780687498130. $149.99 Teacher Helps. Each, $11.99 9780687496624. English Edition. 9780687779659. Korean Edition.

III. Remember Who You Are

In the Old Testament Prophets and the Letters of Paul, this 32-week study examines the connection between memory and identity as the people of God. Participants will find common themes, including calls to remember, calls to repent, calls for renewal, and calls for community.

Certificates. 9781426796395. Pkg. of 6, $10.99 Study Manual: Youth Edition. 9780687753239. $34.99 Teacher Helps Download: Youth Edition. Available at 978142671420. $11.99

For Sunday School or Personal Study Sunday School Teacher. 9781426714238. $13.99; Cokesbury Price $6.99

Maintains the integrity and principles of the original 34-week study but has been modified to meet the needs of people who feel they cannot commit to a 34-week study. It is not a replacement for the original model; simply an option.


UM155610001ND018.indd 18

Teacher Helps. Each, $11.99 9780687762583. English Edition. 9780687077441. Korean Edition. Lapel Pins. 9781426795176. Pkg. of 6, $19.99 Certificates. 9781426796418. Pkg. of 6, $10.99

The phrase “under the tree of life” conveys the promise of finding shelter, security, and rest in God’s love. In this 32-week study of the Old Testament Writings, the Gospel of John, the Epistles of John, James, Jude, and finally, Revelation, participants will see the entire process of living toward final completion of rest and reward. A focus on the Psalms leads naturally to an emphasis on worship in this study. Includes a special video where Disciple IV participants have an interactive, sensory experience of the Book of Revelation as worship, moving them beyond the usual understanding of Revelation.

Participant Guide, Study Manual, Common English Bible Study Bible. 9781630886363. $106.99; Cokesbury Price $71.68

This 32-week study offers a deeper examination of Genesis, Exodus, Luke, and Acts, examining opportunities for faithful witness and service.

Basic Resource Library. A set of shared books used weekly by group members: CEB Bible Dictionary, NDSB Gospel Of Luke, NDSB Acts Of The Apostles, Oxford Bible Atlas, Jews and Christians: A Troubled Family, and Genesis and Exodus. 9780687757220. $99.99 Limited quantities.

Context Portfolio. A set of maps and charts that situate the prophets and Paul’s writings historically and geographically. 9780687066704. $79.99

IV. Under the Tree of Life

II. Into the Word Into the World Planning Kit. 9780687331659. $299.99

DVD Set. 9780687493005. $149.99

Study Manual. One for each participant. Each, $39.99 9780687762545. English Edition. 9780687077618. Korean Edition.

Personal Study Guide. 9781426714245. $13.99


Participant Guide and Study Manual. 9781630886356. $49.99

Planning Kit. 9780687331956. $279.99

Planning Kit 9780687331123. $279.99

Study Manual. 1 for each participant. Each, $39.99 9780687756315. English Edition. 9780687058792. Korean Edition.

Study Manual. 1 for each participant. Each, $39.99 9780687096671. English Edition. 9780687054442. Korean Edition.

DVD Set. 9780687492909. $149.99

DVD Set. 9780687055463. $229.99

Teacher Helps. Each, $11.99 9780687756339. English Edition. 9780687058693. Korean Edition.

Teacher Helps. Each, $11.99 9780687096688. English Edition. 9780687054749. Korean Edition. Lapel Pins. 9781426795183. Pkg. of 6, $19.99 Certificates. 9781426796425. Pkg. of 6, $10.99

Disciple I–IV Multiphase Lapel Pins

Lapel Pins. 9781426795169. Pkg. of 6, $19.99

For participating in all four phases of Disciple. 9781426795190. Pkg. of 6, $19.99

Certificates. 9781426796401. Pkg. of 6, $10.99

More Disciple products available on




4/9/15 1:53 PM


A Mission Journey: A Handbook for Volunteers

This handbook encourages short-term mission volunteers to reflect on the reasons why they engage in mission and how they plan and prepare to be more intentional. It helps volunteers shape the stories of their mission experiences in a way that enhances their personal and spiritual journeys. Discipleship Resources. 9780881776690. $17.00

The Recovery of a Contagious Methodist Movement George G. Hunter III

The need for the gospel of Jesus Christ is greater than ever. United Methodists must create structures and serve God and neighbor in order to spread, as Wesley admonished, scriptural holiness throughout the land. Abingdon Press. 9781426740381. $11.99 Cokesbury Price $8.03

Change the World

American Methodism:

It’s time for churches to reconnect with the true message and mission of Jesus: to bring good news to the poor, release to the captives, and freedom to the oppressed. Pastor Mike Slaughter challenges church leaders to look at the future of their congregations and make tough but necessary choices. Leadership and small-group studies also available. Abingdon Press.

“[Payne’s] historical research breaks new ground, and his empirical analysis contributes to a better understanding of church growth.” —Bishop Timothy W. Whitaker, Florida Episcopal Area, Southeastern Jurisdiction of The United Methodist Church. Emeth Press.

Mike Slaughter

9781426702976. $18.99 Cokesbury Price $12.72


UM155610001ND018.indd 19

Past and Future Growth William P. Payne

9781609470470. $44.00; Cokesbury Price $31.68

Shop our online catalog

new Meet the

Goodpeople: Wesley’s 7 Ways to Share Faith

Roger Ross

Christianity is growing worldwide, but in the U.S. it is on a steep decline. Author Roger Ross identifies seven strategies John Wesley used to engage people who had given up on church, and shows how those strategies can work again today. Abingdon Press. Coming in October. 9781630885724. $14.99; Cokesbury Price $10.04

Wealth, Poverty, and Economy in God’s World Hendrik R. Pieterse, editor

How do Christians respond to the interrelated realities of wealth, poverty, and economy in an increasingly globalized world? Five eminent scholars offer penetrating insights on key aspects of this complex and urgent question. General Board of Higher Education and Ministry. 9780938162902. $10.95


4/9/15 1:53 PM


revised Watching Over One Another in Love:

A Wesleyan Model for Ministry Assessment Gwendolynn Purushotham Draws on Wesleyan themes of grace and responsibility to provide step-by-step guidance for creating a covenant-based ministry assessment process that holds persons accountable for fruit-bearing faith. General Board of Higher Education.

Living Up Hope, Living Out Justice: Methodist Women and the

Aging and Ministry in the 21st Century:

Documents the religious journey and contributions of several Methodist women to the ethical and faith questions that lie behind poverty and the choices that shape a social order. A great text for inquiring classes in Christian faith. FrontRowLiving Press.

Gentzler affirms that the majority of older adults have plenty to give and the church needs to tap into their wisdom, energy, experience, and talents. Includes assessment tools to help determine the best older adult programs for your congregation. Discipleship Resources.

Social Gospel Alice G. Knotts

9780979419409. $17.95

9780881775402. $13.99 Cokesbury Price $9.10

9780938162728. $12.95; Cokesbury Price $10.93

Designing an Older Adult Ministry Richard H. Gentzler, Jr.

New ways to develop and strengthen ministries with older adults: information about the needs and life issues of older adults; tools to help congregations evaluate their current situation; models for ministry; and suggested resources. Discipleship Resources. 9780881772692. $14.00 Cokesbury Price $9.80


UM155610001ND020.indd 20

An Inquiry Approach Richard H. Gentzler, Jr.

Deepening Your Effectiveness: Restructuring the

Faith-Sharing: Dynamic Christian Witnessing by Invitation (Revised & Expanded) H. Eddie Fox and George E. Morris

Builds a scriptural foundation for discipleship by illustrating the challenging spiritual journey from unchurched to fully committed follower and identifying a discipleship pathway churches can use to help move persons forward along the spiritual continuum. Discipleship Resources.

A tried and proven strategy for outreach, now revised and expanded with input from both pastors and laypersons. Discipleship Resources.

Local Church for Life Transformation Dan Glover and Claudia Lavy

9780881771589. $15.00 Cokesbury Price $10.50

9780881774757. $18.00 Cokesbury Price $12.60




4/10/15 10:38 AM

Leadership Give permission and see what happens

New Just Say Yes!: Unleashing People for Ministry Robert Schnase

Do you say “no” too often? Yes. Pastors, laity, staff...we’re all guilty of squelching and constraining creative people who want to use the gifts God has given them to serve and lead even if we don’t mean to. Bishop Robert Schnase helps pastors and other leaders examine the systems, attitudes, and dynamics that restrain, control, and diminish ministry, providing insights and practical help for those who want to be more open to innovation and experimentation for the purposes of Christ. Just Say Yes! and see what happens. Abingdon Press. 9781426776137. $15.99; Cokesbury Price $10.71

Cover image not final.

FOR THE SAKE OF THE BRIDE: Restoring the Church

Finding Our Way: Love and Law in The United Methodist Church Rueben P. Job and Neil M. Alexander, editors

Celebrating God’s Love:

A helpful reflection on the unity of the church concerning human sexuality. Harper provides a balanced theological reflection on the crisis facing The United Methodist Church today and a way forward. Abingdon Press.

Several United Methodist bishops clarify faithful, constructive ways forward through current conflict about homosexual practice, same-gender unions, qualifications for ordination, and maintaining the “good standing” of elders. Abingdon Press.

This collection of essays offers a framework for reflection and study by United Methodists seeking to live into our faith’s commitment to ecumenism and interfaith relationships. Includes contributors from around the world. Abingdon Press.

9781630881696. $15.99 Cokesbury Price $10.71

9781501809507. $14.99 Cokesbury Price $10.04

to Her Intended Beauty Steve Harper

9781630885700. $11.99 Cokesbury Price $8.03


UM155610001ND020.indd 21

Living Into Christian Unity and Interreligious Relationships Donald E. Messer, editor

Shop our online catalog

New Gladhearted

disciples: Equipping Your Congregation with Generous and Enduring Faith Chris Folmsbee Includes small, tangible things we can do to integrate faith for personal, spiritual development or to foster Christian formation and maturity within the context of small groups. Abingdon Press. 9781630884239. $14.99 Cokesbury Price $10.04


4/10/15 10:38 AM

9 backlist size non-features grid (LEFT PG)

Leadership Classic leadership principles adapted for today

New The New Adapters: Shaping Ideas to Fit Your Congregation

backlist size

Jacob Armstrong, with Adam Hamilton and Mike Slaughter

Know thy audience. It’s one of the most basic rules of communication, and it’s how a new generation of pastors is guiding the mainline churches that are beginning to flourish with a sense of opportunity and hope.

New The title goes here: The Subtitle

Goes Here in Initial Caps Author Name Publisher Name

The New Adapters by Jacob Armstrong demonstrates how classic principles are being translated in a variety of new contexts and shares how time-tested principles can be used to transform your ideas and practices into effective The title goes action in yourgoes own context—no size or your here: The Subtitle Goes The title here: matter your congregation’s Here in Initial Caps church’s denomination. The Subtitle Goes Here in Initial Caps


Author Name

Author Name Abingdon Press.

Publisher9781630883232. Name. Coming$15.99; in Month. Cokesbury Price $10.71

Publisher Name.

ISBN HERE. Qualifier. $00.00 Cokesbury Price $00.00

ISBN HERE. $00.00; Cokesbury Price $00.00

New The title goes here: The Subtitle

new The title goes here:

The title goes here: The Subtitle Goes

Publisher Name

Publisher Name. Coming in Month.

ISBN HERE. $00.00; Cokesbury Price $00.00

ISBN HERE. Qualifier. $00.00 Cokesbury Price $00.00

ISBN HERE. $00.00; Cokesbury Price $00.00


Goes Here in Initial Caps Author Name


New Ten Prescriptions for a Healthy Church

Bob Farr and Kay Kotan


Farr and Kotan offer a practical approach to fixing common problems, offering strategies sure to help congregations achieve success in specific areas of The title goes here: The Subtitle ministry. Abingdon Press.

Goes Here in Initial Caps 9781630885755. Workbook. $9.99 Author Name

Cokesbury Price $6.69 9781630885755. Book. $15.99 ISBN HERE. $00.00; Cokesbury Price $00.00 Cokesbury Price $10.71

Publisher Name


UM155610001ND022.indd 22

The Subtitle Goes Here in Initial Caps Author Name

The United Methodist Deacon: Ordained to Word,

Service, Compassion, and Justice Margaret Ann Crain

Gives a clear understanding of the order of deacon, beginning with a discussion of how its unique call sets apart persons for ordained ministry. Abingdon Press. The title goes here:

new 9781426776113. $16.99

The Subtitle Goes Here in Initial Caps AuthorCokesbury Name Price $11.38 Publisher Name. Coming in Month. ISBN HERE. Qualifier. $00.00 Cokesbury Price $00.00



Here in Initial Caps Author Name

Publisher Name. ISBN HERE. $00.00; Cokesbury Price $00.00

Seven Levers: Missional Strategies for Conferences Robert Schnase

Provides insight and a common language to help leaders focus their work on what matters most and align their ministries, personnel, budgets, and governance accordingly. TheAbingdon title goes Press. here: The Subtitle Goes

Here9781426782077. in Initial Caps $18.99 Cokesbury Author Name Price $12.72

Publisher Name. ISBN HERE. $00.00; Cokesbury Price $00.00


4/10/15 9:52 AM

Leadership KEYWORD category header Questions to consider before ordination

New Have You Faith in Christ? A Bishop’s Insight into the Historic Questions Asked of Those Seeking Admission into Full Connection in The United Methodist Church. Ernest S. Lyght John Wesley taught his followers to ask questions. New Christians were placed in small classes where they were queried weekly about their progress in the Christian journey: how it is with your soul, are you making progress, are you going on to a perfection of love in the walk with Christ? In this book, Bishop Lyght draws attention to another set of questions originating in John Wesley: The Historic Examination for Admission into Full Connection. These 19 questions must be answered to the satisfaction of the bishop prior to the bishop laying on hands and bestowing the spiritual gift of ordination. Abingdon Press. 9781630888312. $14.99; Cokesbury Price $10.04

New Not Your Parents’

Offering Plate, REVISED EDITION: A New Vision for

Financial Stewardship J. Clif Christopher

People don’t give to church because we don’t offer them a compelling vision of the good their giving will achieve. Gives pastors and stewardship teams practical guidance. Abingdon Press. Coming in August. 9781501804922. $15.99 Cokesbury Price $10.71


UM155610001ND022.indd 23

The Church Money Manual: Best Practices

for Finance and Stewardship J. Clif Christopher Dr. J. Clif Christopher has secured more than $500 million for churches, conferences, synods, and diocese in all phases of church growth, and now your church can take advantage of his extensive consultation experience in this go-to financial management handbook. Abingdon Press.

HIGH YIELD: Seven Disciplines of the Fruitful Leader Tom Berlin and Lovett H. Weems Jr. You’ll discover that you can learn leadership traits and experience abundant harvests as a result. Focuses leadership practices and offers tangible examples of success that will inspire and motivate you. Abingdon Press. 9781426793103. $13.99 Cokesbury Price $9.37

Thinking, Listening, Being: A Wesleyan Pastoral

Theology Jeren Rowell

Examines different aspects of pastoral thinking, practice, and work, and challenges pastors to continually pursue prayer, the study of Scriptures, and theological reflection. Beacon Hill Press. 9780834132467. $19.99 Cokesbury Price $14.39

9781426796579. $16.99 Cokesbury Price $11.38

Shop our online catalog


4/10/15 9:52 AM

Leadership Rescue your church from the infiltration of partisan politics Hijacked:

Responding to the Partisan Church Divide Mike Slaughter and Charles E. Gutenson, with Robert P. Jones The last thirty years have seen the political discourse within our country grow more rancorous and increasingly uncivil. During the same period, there has been a growing tendency to conflate one’s theological commitments with one’s political ideology. As a consequence, partisan politics has infiltrated our churches and political commitments are creating unnecessary divisions. Too often, it often seems politics trumps theology. Sadly, this leads to division, where decisions on church direction, and even the content of teaching, get determined more based on partisan politics than on sound biblical and theological factors. Perhaps of most concern, these trends often turn people off to Christianity altogether. Hijacked explores this phenomenon, offers analysis, and proposes a way forward. Abingdon Press. 9781426742361. $14.99; Cokesbury Price $10.04

Focus: The Real Challenges That Face The United Methodist Church Lovett H. Weems Jr.

What core issues and concerns must be addressed if The United Methodist Church is to follow God’s leading into the future? One of the most highly-respected interpreters of contemporary United Methodism challenges us to ask these questions and face up to the difficult decisions required. Abingdon Press. 9781426740374. $11.99 Cokesbury Price $8.03


UM155610001ND024.indd 24

Lord, I Love the Church and We Need Help

Back to Zero: The Search to Rediscover the Methodist Movement Gil Rendle

Virginia O. Bassford

Change, chaos, confusion—how can a pastor make sense of it all? United Methodists’ calling is still to strive to be methodically faithful and alive in Spirit. This is our heritage and our vision. But will we dare to lean into the winds of change and be strengthened by the challenges we find? Only with God’s help. Abingdon Press.

The lifeblood of the United Methodist is passion not organizational neatness, entrepreneurial freedom not denominational restraint, and agility not staid institutional dependence. But if United Methodists want to change and be the church we say we want to be, what must we risk? Abingdon Press. 9781426740398. $11.99 Cokesbury Price $8.03

9781426740404. $11.99 Cokesbury Price $8.03



Jesus Insurgency: The

Church Revolution from the Edge Rudy Rasmus, Dottie Escobedo-Frank

To solve church decline, we need creative thinking from those unafraid of facing the institutional church. The change we need is happening on the margins in ministries to the least, the last, and the lost. Two creative pastors show how the church can live out its mission and ignite a movement. Abingdon Press. 9781426740411. $11.99 Cokesbury Price $6.59 UM15

4/10/15 11:08 AM

Leadership KEYWORD category header

Safe Sanctuaries Joy Thornburg Melton Discipleship Resources.

Ordained Ministry in the United Methodist Church

Grace to Lead: Practicing Leadership

General Board of Higher Education and Ministry.

General Board of Higher Education and Ministry.

9780881776133. Abuse of Older Adults. $25.00; Cokesbury Price $17.50 9780881775600. Abuse in the Church/For Ministers. $15.00; Cokesbury Price $10.50 9780881775433. Abuse of Children and Youth. $25.00; Cokesbury Price $17.50

9780938162698. $12.95 Cokesbury Price $10.23

9780938162766. $12.05; Cokesbury Price $10.23

Mentoring Into Vocation:

Understanding God’s Call:

Mentors as Instruments of God’s Call: Biblical Reflections

General Board of Higher Education and Ministry.

General Board of Higher Education and Ministry.

General Board of Higher Education and Ministry.

Touchstones for the Journey, Revised Edition Mark A. Fowler

William B. Lawrence

A Ministry Inquiry Process Sharon G. Rubey

in the Wesleyan Tradition Kenneth L. Carder and Laceye C. Warner

Justo L. González

9780938162735. $12.95; Cokesbury Price $10.23

9780938162827. $10.95

To Transform the World: Vital

Weaving a Just Future for Children: An Advocacy Guide

Extension Ministers:

Discipleship Resources.

General Board of Higher Education and Ministry.

United Methodist Campus Ministries Alice G. Knotts

General Board of Higher Education and Ministry. 9780938162872. $12.95; Cokesbury Price $10.23


UM155610001ND024.indd 25

Diane C. Olson and Laura Dean Friedrich

9780881775471. $15.00; Cokesbury Price $10.50

Shop our online catalog

9780938162803. $5.95

Mr. Wesley’s True Heirs Russell E. Richey

9780938162889. $12.95; Cokesbury Price $10.23


4/10/15 11:08 AM


UnLearning Church Mike Slaughter

Abingdon Press. 9780687647088. $18.99; Cokesbury Price $12.72

Transforming Evangelism:

The Wesleyan Way of Sharing Faith Henry H. Knight III and F. Douglas Powe Jr.

7 Myths of the United Methodist Church Discipleship Resources.

I Was in Prison: United Methodist Perspectives on Prison Ministry James M. Shopshire, Mark C. Hicks, and Richmond Stoglin, editors

9780881775297. $9.00 Cokesbury Price $6.30

General Board of Higher Education and Ministry. 9780938162896. $14.99; Cokesbury Price $11.81

Lay Speaking for Youth:

The Caring Congregation:

Craig Kennet Miller

Basic Course Mark Young

How to Become One and Why it Matters Karen Lampe

Discipleship Resources.

Discipleship Resources.

9780881774856. $14.00 Cokesbury Price $9.80

9780881774641. $11.00; Cokesbury Price $7.70

9781426727337. Book. $12.99; Cokesbury Price $8.70 9781426793127. Training Manual & Resource Guide. $16.99; Cokesbury Price $11.38

Meeting God at the Boundaries:

Pastoral Practices:

Making Disciples, Making Leaders: A Manual for Developing

A Manual for Church Leaders Lucia Ann McSpadden

General Board of Higher Education and Ministry. 9780938162605. $21.95; Cokesbury Price $17.34

A Wesleyan Paradigm Mark A. Maddix and Diane Leclerc, editors

Abingdon Press.

Beacon Hill Press.

Church Officers Steven P. Eason; lesson plans by E. Von Clemans

9780834130098. $19.99; Cokesbury Price $15.79

Westminster John Knox Press.. 9780664502638. $20.00; Cokesbury Price $14.40


UM155610001ND026.indd 26




4/9/15 2:47 PM


A Way of Life in the World:

Spiritual Practices for United Methodists Kenneth H. Carter, Jr. Abingdon Press. 9780687022465. $17.99; Cokesbury Price $12.05

Seeing Gray in a World of Black and White: Thoughts on Religion, Morality, and Politics Adam Hamilton Abingdon Press.

Accountable Discipleship: Living in God’s Household Steven W. Manskar Discipleship Resources. 9780881773392. $15.00; Cokesbury Price $10.50

9781426766626. $18.99; Cokesbury Price $12.72

Each One A Minister, Revised and Expanded: Using God’s Gifts for Ministry

The Christian Small-Group Leader

Bishop: The Art of Questioning

Discipleship Resources.

Abingdon Press.

Discipleship Resources.

9781426742293. $18.99; Cokesbury Price $12.72

9780881773750. $14.00; Cokesbury Price $9.80

Thomas R. Hawkins

9780881773286. $11.00; Cokesbury Price $7.70

Authority by an Authority in Question William H. Willimon

Lay Speakers Lead Small Groups

Leadership in the Wesleyan Spirit

Discipleship Resources.

Abingdon Press.

9780881773156. $8.00; Cokesbury Price $5.60

9780687046928. $18.99 Cokesbury Price $12.72

Thomas R. Hawkins


UM155610001ND026.indd 27

Lovett Weems

Shop our online catalog

William J. Carter

All Loves Excelling: Proclaiming Our Wesleyan Message John A. Knight

Beacon Hill Press. 9780834115651. $15.99; Cokesbury Price $13.43


4/9/15 2:47 PM

Preaching An expert’s top ten tips for better public speaking, better sermons

New speaking well: Essential Skills for Speakers, Leaders, and Preachers Adam Hamilton

The thought of speaking in public strikes fear in the hearts of many. And yet we are often called upon to speak, teach, preach or make presentations in our work and personal lives. Adam Hamilton knows a thing or two about what it takes to be an effective speaker; he’s delivered nearly 6,000 sermons, speeches, and lectures and is an acclaimed presenter around the globe. In Speaking Well, he offers powerful principles that can significantly improve the reader’s effectiveness as a speaker in any setting. These principles are shared in succinct, easy-to-digest chapters that include examples and real life illustrations, helping the reader to immediately build skill and confidence. Abingdon Press. Coming in September. 9781501809934. Hardcover. $15.99; Cokesbury Price $11.19

The Pastor’s Guide to Effective Ministry William Willimon, et al

You’ve been trained to preach and to teach and to do outreach. How’s it going now that you’re in the trenches? How are you doing professionally? Do you still have the big picture of your call and your vision in view? Well-known church leaders provide solid advice for your personal and professional development. Beacon Hill Press. 9780834119550. $14.99 Cokesbury Price $12.59


UM155610001ND028.indd 28

Preaching Master Class:

From Your Heart to Theirs, Instructor’s Guide: Delivering an

Lessons from Will Willimon’s FiveMinute Preaching Workshop William H. Willimon, edited by Noel A. Snyder

Effective Sermon Tony Franks and David Carroll

Insightful essays on the craft of preaching collected from Willimon’s quarterly column in Pulpit Resource, brought together for the first time. Willimon is widely recognized as one of America’s best preachers. Cascade Books.

Moving beyond the basics of public speaking, the authors address the foundations necessary for preparing an engaging sermon. Discipleship Resources. 9780881775358. $8.00 Cokesbury Price $5.60

9781606089156. $17.00



Lay Speakers Preach: Advanced Course John P. Gilbert

Participants develop an understanding of the basic theories and practices of the art of preaching and have opportunities to practice their preaching skills. Helps participants increase confidence in their ability to preach effectively without formal seminary training. Discipleship Resources. 9780881773873. $8.99 Cokesbury Price $5.60


4/13/15 10:54 AM


The Sermons of John Wesley:

A Collection for the Christian Journey Kenneth J. Collins and Jason E. Vickers, editors With an eye on serious Christian development, Collins and Vickers have arranged this collection of Wesley’s sermons in terms of the way of salvation in general and the “ordo salutis” in particular. Contains the sermons that John Wesley approved, in addition to the standard 52 of the North American tradition. The book is designed to enhance the reader’s understanding of Wesleyan practical theology and written in an accessible style that will be appealing to the wider Wesleyan family of churches. Includes an outline and short introduction to each sermon detailing its importance and context. Abingdon Press. 9781426742316. $49.99; Cokesbury Price $33.49

Black United Methodists Preach! Gennifer Benjamin Brooks, editor

What accounts for the spiritual power and vitality of Black preaching? What are the distinctive contributions of Black preaching to the life of The United Methodist Church? How must Black preaching evolve if it is to rise to the new challenges facing the UMC? Fifteen distinguished preachers answer these and other questions. Abingdon Press. 9781426748332. $18.99 Cokesbury Price $12.72


UM155610001ND028.indd 29

The Quotable Wesley

John and Charles Wesley: John Wesley’s Sermons:

What did John Wesley think about alcohol, music, and popularity? What are his thoughts on education, free will, and joy? From “absolution” to “zeal,” Quotable Wesley is a treasury of quotations taken from Wesley’s letters, sermons, tracts, and journal entries on a variety of wide-ranging topics. Useful for sermon preparation, teaching, and individual reflection. Beacon Hill Press.

An in-depth and scholarly panorama of Western spirituality. Original writings of universally acknowledged teachers of the Catholic, Protestant, Eastern Orthodox, Jewish, Islamic, and Native American traditions have been selected, translated and introduced by recognized scholars and spiritual leaders. Paulist Press.

Dave Armstrong, editor

9780834132214. $18.99 Cokesbury Price $13.67

Selected Writings and Hymns Frank Whaling

9780809123681. $29.95 Cokesbury Price $21.56

Shop our online catalog

An Anthology Albert C. Outler and Richard P. Heitzenrater, editors

This anthology of 50 of Wesley’s finest sermons are adapted from Outler’s 4-volume text, The Works of John Wesley. Abingdon Press. 9780687204953. $28.99 Cokesbury Price $19.42

Also available: 9780687204960. John Wesley’s Sermons: An Introduction. $17.99 Cokesbury Price $12.05


4/13/15 1:27 PM

The Wesleys The man and the Methodist movement revealed through letters

New The Works of John Wesley volume 27: Letters III, 1756–1765 Ted A. Campbell; edited by Randy L. Maddox

The major importance of the letters of John Wesley is as a revelation of him as a man and of the people and events of his day, especially those linked with the Methodist movement. The correspondence in this volume includes very significant rifts between John Wesley and his brother Charles and between John Wesley and his wife Mary, Wesley’s attempts to deal with radical enthusiasts and separatists (such as Thomas Maxfield) within the Methodist movement, his relationship to Greek Orthodox leader Gerasimos (Erasmus) Avlonites, and Wesley’s activities related to the Seven Years War. Abingdon Press. Coming in November. 9781501806223. Hardcover. $59.99; Cokesbury Price $40.19

Also available:

The Works of John Wesley, Volume 13: Doctrinal and Controversial Treatises II.

9781426766978. Hardcover, $59.99; Cokesbury Price $40.19

The Essential Works of John Wesley: Selected Books, Sermons, and Other Writings Alice Russie

This single-volume library of John Wesley’s journal selections, sermons, other addresses, essays, and letters is perfect for personal study, pastoral research, or Christian school use. Features Scripture from the New King James Version. Barbour Publishing House. 9781624162299. $19.99 Cokesbury Price $14.39


UM155610001ND030.indd 30

The Two Wesleys:

On John and Charles Wesley Charles H. Spurgeon A reprinting of Charles Haddon Spurgeon’s 1861 book. Spurgeon (1834–92) was an English Baptist preacher and author. Among his many publications are The Heart of the Gospel, Immeasurable Love, and The Saint and His Saviour. Wipf and Stock Publishers. 9781498205313. $7.00



The Heart of John Wesley’s Journal:

John Wesley; Percy Livingston Parker, editor Spanning some fifty-five years, these writings present an engrossing portrait of Wesley during the course of his travels and evangelistic activities. Hendrickson Publications. 9781619704589. $19.95 Cokesbury Price $14.36


4/10/15 2:37 PM

The Wesleys What the Wesley’s believed and why it’s still relevant today The Way of the Wesleys: A Short Introduction

John R. Tyson

The Wesley brothers are famous as the cofounders of the Wesleyan tradition and the Methodist family of churches. Their impact and legacy have been huge. What began as the excited outpouring of their conversion experiences grew into a transatlantic revival and became a vibrant and significant theological tradition. But what exactly did they believe and teach? Tyson, an acknowledged authority on Methodist studies, offers a helpful introduction to the main teachings and practices of both John and Charles Wesley. The first book to show how Charles, the younger and lesser-known brother, contributed in particular to Wesleyan theology, it takes readers through main theological points thematically. Lavishly documented from the Wesleys’ own writings, this engaging, accessible book shows why the Wesleys remain relevant to the faith journey of Christians today. Includes suggestions for further reading and questions for reflection. William B. Eerdmans. 9780802869548. $18.00 Cokesbury Price $12.96

A Heart Strangely Warmed: John and Charles

John & Charles Wesley:

This volume places the Wesleys firmly in their own world and examines the ways in which their theology and practice was a fusion of diverse elements from the whole Christian tradition, giving impetus to Christian mission. Canterbury Press.

A unique, bifocal presentation of the work of the two co-founders of Methodism. While John articulated his beliefs through sermons, journals, and theological treatises, his brother Charles expressed his theology in lyrical form through hymns and sacred poems. Skylight Paths Publishing.

Wesley and Their Writings Jonathan Dean, editor

9781848255654. $31.99 Cokesbury Price $23.03


UM155610001ND030.indd 31

Selections from Their Writings and Hymns—Annotated & Explained Paul Wesley Chilcote

9781594733093. $16.99 Cokesbury Price $13.42

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The John Wesley Collection: 5 Classic Works

John Wesley

John Wesley, along with his brother Charles, is credited with founding the Methodist movement. This collection includes the following works: Advice to a People Called Methodist, On Prayer, How to Read Scripture, The Character of a Methodist, and Predestination Calmly Considered. CreateSpace Publishing. 9781500204563. $5.99 Cokesbury Price $5.33


4/10/15 2:37 PM

The Wesleys A new Wesley biography published at the tricentennial of his birth The Elusive Mr. Wesley: Second Edition Richard P. Heitzenrater

The aim of this book is simple: it is an attempt to get to know the real John Wesley. The author explains why getting to know the real Wesley seems so difficult and describes the principles of such a quest. The first part contains material written by Wesley himself. The second part contains material written by Wesley’s contemporaries, who describe, defend, and/ or attack him on a number of points. The third part describes Wesley’s fate at the hands of biographers and other writers from his day into the twenty-first century. Includes an index and a bibliography. Abingdon Press. 9780687074617. $39.99 Cokesbury Price $26.79

Assist Me to Proclaim: The Life and Hymns of Charles Wesley John R. Tyson

Traces the remarkable life of this influential man from cradle to grave, using rare—including previously unpublished—hymns, letters, and journal materials. William B. Eerdmans. 9780802829399. $24.00 Cokesbury Price $17.28

The Amazing John Wesley: An Unusual Look at an

A Wesley Reader: Writings

Much has been written about John Wesley’s heartwarming experience that propelled him to preach salvation all over the UK, but little is known about the other facets of his life. Here you will discover much about Wesley that you never knew. InterVarsity Press.

A set of readings from John and Charles Wesley, founders of the Methodist movement of the eighteenth century. These readings are introduced by a sketch of their lives, and some notes on reading their words. Tuckapaw Media.

of John and Charles Wesley John Wesley; Ted A. Campbell, editor

Uncommon Life H. Newton Malony

9780982069806. $12.00 Cokesbury Price $10.68

9780830856022. $16.00 Cokesbury Price $12.64


UM155610001ND032.indd 32



John Wesley’s Theology of Christian Perfection: Developments in Doctrine & Theological System Mark K. Olson

Gain surprising insights into Wesley’s philosophy of discipleship and spiritual growth. Olson guides us along a path explaining how and why Wesley’s most beloved doctrine took the shape it did. Alethea in Heart Ministries. 9781932370881. $31.00; Cokesbury Price $22.32 UM15

4/13/15 9:07 AM

The Wesleys

The Life of the REV. John Wesley, A.M.: Sometime Fellow of

Lincoln College, Oxford, and Founder of the Methodist Societies. Richard Watson Gale Ecco, Sabin Americana.

The Holy Spirit and Power (Revised and Updated)

John Wesley; edited by Larry Keefauver and Clare Weakley

John Wesley: A Biography

Stephen Tomkins

William B. Eerdmans. 9780802824998. $20.00; Cokesbury Price $14.40

Bridge–Logos. 9780882709475. $14.99; Cokesbury Price $10.79

9781275825994. $31.75; Cokesbury Price $22.86

John Wesley: The World, His Parish Janet and George Benge

A Real Christian: The Life of John Wesley

YWAM Publishing.

Abingdon Press.

9781576583821. $8.99 Cokesbury Price $6.47

9780687082469. $22.99 Cokesbury Price $15.40

Susanna Wesley: Servant of God

Susanna Wesley:

John and Charles Wesley:

Moody Publishers.

Mother of John and Charles Charles Ludwig

9780802484147. $6.99; Cokesbury Price $5.03

Mott Media.


9780880621106. $8.99; Cokesbury Price $6.47

9780060576516. $13.99; Cokesbury Price $11.75

Sandy Dengler


UM155610001ND032.indd 33

Kenneth J. Collins

Shop our online catalog

Charles Wesley: Man with the Dancing Heart T. Crichton Mitchell Beacon Hill Press. 9780834114494. $24.99; Cokesbury Price $20.99

Selected Prayers, Hymns, and Sermons John Wesley


4/13/15 9:07 AM

History The practical and theological development of eighteenth-century Methodism. Wesley and the People Called MethodistS Second Edition

Richard P. Heitzenrater This second edition of Richard P. Heitzenrater’s groundbreaking survey of the Wesleyan movement is the story of the many people who contributed to the theology, organization, and mission of Methodism. This updated version addresses recent research from the past twenty years; includes an extensive bibliography; and fleshes out such topics as the means of grace; Conference; “Large” Minutes; Charles Wesley; Wesley and America; ordination; prison ministry; apostolic church; music; children; Susanna and Samuel Wesley; the Christian library; itinerancy; connectionalism; doctrinal standards; and John Wesley as historian, Oxford don, and preacher. Abingdon Press. 9781630885793. Hardcover. $39.99; Cokesbury Price $26.79 9781426742248. Paper. $29.99; Cokesbury Price $20.09

Also available: 9780687741717. Korean Edition. $15.99; Cokesbury Price $10.71

Rethinking Wesley’s Theology for Contemporary Methodism Randy L. Maddox, editor

Presents a set of original essays that allow the reader to see how several prominent theologians are self-consciously reexamining and reappropriating their theological tradition. Kingswood Books. 9780687060450. $28.99; Cokesbury Price $19.42


UM155610001ND034.indd 34

The Poor and the People Called Methodists

Methodist and Pietist:

Retrieving the Evangelical United Brethren Tradition J. Steven O’Malley and Jason E. Vickers, editors

Richard P. Heitzenrater, editor

This book describes and examines the Wesleyan attitude toward and programs with the poor from the time of John Wesley to the present. The chapters consist of revised versions of ten presentations given at a major symposium in October 1999 at Southern Methodist University. Kingswood Books

In 1968, the Methodist and Evangelical United Brethren (EUB) churches merged to form The United Methodist Church. This book makes accessible the considerable riches of the EUB tradition with a view toward the renewal of United Methodism today. Kingswood Books. 9781426714351. $46.99 Cokesbury Price $31.48

9780687051557. $31.99; Cokesbury Price $21.43



The Story of American Methodism Frederick A. Norwood

A comprehensive, one-volume history of American Methodism, tracing the development of a new church in a new nation from its start with the Wesleys in England to changes and challenges of twentieth-century America. Black Methodism, the contributions of women, and 200 years of theological trends emerge in clear detail. Abingdon Press. 9780687396412. $38.99; Cokesbury Price $26.12 UM15

4/10/15 3:32 PM


Social Justice Through the Eyes of Wesley: John Wesley’s Theological Challenge to Slavery Irv A. Brendlinger

John Wesley was the first Christian leader of world renown to take a decisive stand against slavery, though little has been written about this dimension of his life. With wide-ranging analysis and depth, Dr. Brendlinger brings to light Wesley’s antislavery convictions and his contribution in bringing down the institution. Sola Scriptura Ministries International.

The Heritage of American Methodism Kenneth Cain Kinghorn

American Methodism, which began in the 1770s, grew to be one of the largest denominations in America. With compelling words and superb pictorial illustrations, this book answers the questions: What is United Methodism? Where did it come from? How did it develop? Emeth Press. 9780979793554. $94.00; Cokesbury Price $67.68

9781894400237. $29.99; Cokesbury Price $21.59


Rev. Dr. Levi Williams describes the motivating factors that prompted the Methodist mission to Liberia and Africa, discusses the sacrifices of the early missionaries and other significant persons who contributed to this mission, and also explores current as well as future possibilities.

In this engaging and artful overview, Richey, Rowe, and Schmidt—some of Methodism’s most respected teachers— highlight key themes and events that continue to shape the Church. Abingdon Press.

9781478738572. $15.95 Cokesbury Price $12.60


UM155610001ND034.indd 35

Robert Black and Keith Drury

A reader-friendly narrative of the growth and development of the church. Wesleyan Publishing House. 9780898274752. $19.99; Cokesbury Price $15.79

A History of the United Methodist Church in Liberia Levi C. Williams

The Story of the Wesleyan Church

A Compact History Russell E. Richey, Kenneth E. Rowe, and Jean Miller Schmidt

9781426742279. Paper. $29.99; Cokesbury Price $20.09 9781630885809. Hardcover. $39.99; Cokesbury Price $26.79

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Courageous Past, Bold Future: The Journey Toward Full Clergy Rights for Women in The United Methodist Church Patricia J. Thompson

In 1956 The Methodist Church accorded full clergy rights to women clergy. This historic book recounts the stories of the first woman in every annual conference in every ethnic group represented in that conference to receive full clergy rights. Many of the stories recounted in these pages have never been told and recorded in one place before. United Methodist General Board of Higher Education. 9780938162995. $24.95; Cokesbury Price $19.71


4/10/15 3:32 PM

History New JOHN WESLEY: His Life and Thought Timothy J. Crutcher

What people think affects what they do, and what people do affects what they think. There is no better illustration of this adage than John Wesley, the pivotal founder of Methodism. For this phenomenal minister, evangelist, and practical theologian, thinking and living went hand-in-hand. John Wesley: His Life and Thought introduces readers to both Wesley’s story and his beliefs. By neither leaning too much on biography nor focusing solely on theology—as is the case with so many other books about Wesley—this book offers a balanced and accessible portrait that couches Wesley’s beliefs and ideas firmly within his life story. Rather than dwelling on minutiae and scholarly controversy, this book paints in broad strokes the key events in Wesley’s life that not only influenced his thinking but also his approach to the church, the Methodist movement, and the society and world beyond. For anyone wanting a sound but lucid introduction to Wesley and his life and work, this book should at the top of the list. It doesn’t just familiarize the reader with Wesley but paves the way for deeper study. Beacon Hill Press. 9780834134942. $16.99; Cokesbury Price $12.23

A Perfect Love: Understanding John Wesley’s “A Plain Account of Christian Perfection,” Modern Language Version, Expanded Edition Steven W. Manskar, Marjorie Hewitt Suchocki, and Diana L. Hynson

Formation for Ministry in American Methodism:

The full text of Wesley’s book in updated, contemporary language. Discipleship Resources.

This book defines challenges and looks into the future of the formation of ministry in the twenty-first century. United Methodist General Board of Higher Education.

9780881774269. $14.00; Cokesbury Price $9.80

Also available:

John Wesley: A Plain Account of Christian Perfection 9781453687413. $7.95; Cokesbury Price $7.08

John Wesley’s Plain Account of Christian Perfection

Twenty-First Century Challenges and Two Centuries of Problem-Solving Russell E. Richey

9780938162094. $12.95; Cokesbury Price $10.23

9781932370867. $27.00; Cokesbury Price $19.44

ESSENTIAL CHURCH: A Wesleyan Ecclesiology

Mark A. Maddix and Diane Leclerc, editors With so many denominations and differing ideas about what the church is and does, arriving at a clear understanding of the church is a formidable challenge. The pastors and educators who have contributed to this book explore the meaning, purpose, and function of the church, as well as its structure. They address topics such as the kingdom of God, worship, and mission, in relation to the body of Christ, and give special attention to Wesleyan theological concerns. Beacon Hill Press. 9780834132429. $24.99; Cokesbury Price $17.99

A Plain Account of Christian Perfection 9780834101586. $11.99; Cokesbury Price $8.63


UM155610001ND036.indd 36




4/9/15 2:17 PM

Theology THE METHOD OF OUR MISSION: United Methodist Polity & Organization Laceye C. Warner

A concise and accessible treatment of United Methodist polity and organization, in one updated volume, integrated with its Wesleyan theological roots to inform our mission as a church in the world. The book is organized into four parts—United Methodist Beliefs, Mission, Practice, and Organization. These parts offer categories within which to understand the Discipline. Each chapter briefly explores the history of the topic, describes its main purpose and aspects, and identifies key roles. Each chapter concludes with study questions for ordination candidates. Abingdon Press. 9781426767173. Book. $34.99; Cokesbury Price $23.44

As If the Heart Mattered: A Wesleyan Spirituality Gregory S. Clapper

“...reaffirms the traditional terminology of heart religion, such as repentance, faith, and holiness, in such a way as to show how the affections of the heart are vital not only to personal formation but also to effective human relationships that lead to transformative action in the world. —Richard P. Heitzenrater, Professor of Church History and Wesley Studies, The Divinity School, Duke University Wipf & Stock Publishers. 9781625646422. $15.00


UM155610001ND036.indd 37


Introducing Pneumatology in Wesleyan and Ecumenical Perspective

Beth Felker Jones

Dialogues: Amongst the People Called United Methodists

William J. Abraham

Who is the mysterious Holy Spirit, and why does it matter for the Christian life? How do we know when the Spirit is working? This book introduces the doctrine of the Holy Spirit in the Wesleyan theological tradition and within the greater church. It covers key biblical bases for thinking about the Spirit as it seeks to inspire confidence in the Spirit’s power. Cascade Books.

All sides agree that the United Methodist Church is at a crisis-point. This series of dialogues provides a realistic and nuanced account of the chief actors involved and their respective positions. The interchange is frank, focused, and forthright. This refreshing airing of the issues in a rigorous and witty exchange of views is indispensable reading. Highland Loch Press.

9781620325001. $18.00 Cokesbury Price $16.02

9780692255674. $12.95 Cokesbury Price $11.53

Shop our online catalog


4/9/15 2:17 PM


Calvin vs. Wesley: Bringing Belief in Line

with Practice Don Thorsen

Both Calvin and Wesley wrote about major tenets of the church: who God is and what God’s will is for us; the place of Scripture; the atonement of Christ; the role of human responsibility; the work of God’s grace, the relation of the church and world; and how these beliefs can connect to how people practice their faith. But Calvin and Wesley were different, and following their prescriptions lead us down different paths. Abingdon Press. 9781426743351. $17.99; Cokesbury Price $12.05

John Wesley and Universalism James A. Ellison

Considers the process, content, and structure of Wesley’s thinking to explicate the universalistic underpinnings that other scholars have held in the periphery of their analyses for centuries. An in-depth and insightful text, it examines Wesley’s empirical and pragmatic methodology and outlines his concepts of faith development and spiritual growth, highlighting the universalistic elements and patterns in his work and emphasizing their importance in the history—and future—of the Methodist movement. CreateSpace. 9781499270563. $12.95; Cokesbury Price $11.53

John Wesley’s Teachings, 4 Volume Set Thomas C. Oden

This series of four volumes is a text-by-text guide to John Wesley’s teaching. It introduces Wesley’s thought on the basic tenets of Christian teaching: God, providence, and man (volume 1), Christ and salvation (volume 2), the practice of pastoral care (volume 3), and issues of ethics and society (volume 4). In everyday modern English, Oden clarifies Wesley’s explicit intent and communicates his meaning clearly to a contemporary audience. Both lay and professional readers will find this series useful for devotional reading, moral reflection, sermon preparation, and for referencing Wesley’s opinions on a broad range of pressing issues of contemporary society. Zondervan Publishing. 542244. 4-Volume Set. $91.50; Cokesbury Price $49.99

MORE FROM THIS AUTHOR Each, $22.99; Cokesbury Price $18.16 John Wesley’s Teachings, Vol 4. 9780310587187. John Wesley’s Teachings, Vol 3. 9780310587095. John Wesley’s Teachings, Vol 2. 9780310492672. John Wesley’s Teachings, Vol 1. 9780310328155.


UM155610001ND038.indd 38



John Wesley on Methodism Kenneth Cain Kinghorn, editor

This book contains twelve of Wesley’s “tracts” explaining the Methodist movement to his contemporaries. The author has made this tract intelligible for modern readers who struggle with the meaning of 18th century British English. The editor offers introductions to each of the tracts with helpful explanations of the historical background and meanings. Emeth Press. 9781609470753. $41.00; Cokesbury Price $29.52


4/10/15 1:32 PM


Recapturing the Wesleys’ Vision:

An Introduction to the Faith of John and Charles Wesley Paul Wesley Chilcote Provides a full and clear introduction to the dynamic faith of John and Charles Wesley. The vital theology of John is skillfully gleaned from his voluminous writings. The corresponding faith of Charles is culled from his enduring hymns. This book illuminates the vital balance the Wesleys found in Christian teaching that overcomes the often mutually exclusive options presented in other theological traditions. Chilcote shows that such a synthetic faith is not boring or irrelevant but transforming and life-giving, bringing together faith and works, Word and Spirit, the personal and the social, the head and the heart, mission and service. InterVarsity Press. 9780830827435. $16.00; Cokesbury Price $11.52

Doctrine and Theology in the United Methodist Church

John Wesley’s Conception and Use of Scripture

This volume sets in historical context the official United Methodist theological statements in the Disciplines of 1972 and 1988, and fosters reflection on and discussion of the 1988 statement. Kingswood Books.

Jones argues that for Wesley, religious authority is constituted not by a “quadrilateral,” but by a fivefold but unitary locus comprising Scripture, reason, Christian antiquity, the Church of England, and experience. Kingswood Books.

Thomas A. Langford, editor

9780687110193. $26.99; Cokesbury Price $18.08


UM155610001ND038.indd 39

Scott J. Jones

9780687204663. $26.99; Cokesbury Price $18.08

Aldersgate Reconsidered Responsible Grace: John Randy L. Maddox, editor

Wesley’s Practical Theology Randy L. Maddox

A collection of essays by leading Wesleyan/Methodist scholars Richard Heitzenrater, Roberta Bondi, David Lowes Watson, Theodore Runyon, Jean Miller Schmidt, W. Stephen Gunter, and Randy L. Maddox. These essays demontrate the specific impact Wesley’s Aldersgate had not only on his life and theology, but also on subsequent generations of Methodists. Kingswood Books.

This reflective overview highlights the practical-theological dynamics of Wesley’s work and suggests possible implications for contemporary attempts to recover theology as a practical discipline. The author also closely examines the consistency of Wesley’s thought throughout his career. Kingswood Books.

9780687009848. $21.99 Cokesbury Price $14.73

9780687003341. $33.99 Cokesbury Price $22.77

Shop our online catalog


4/9/15 2:26 PM


Wesley and the Quadrilateral:

Renewing the Conversation W. Stephen Gunter, Scott J. Jones, Ted A. Campbell, Rebekah L. Miles, and Randy L. Maddox

According to The Book of Discipline, Wesley believed that the “living core of the Christian faith” is revealed in Scripture, illumined by tradition, “vivified” by personal experience, and confirmed by reason. The thesis of Wesley and the Quadrilateral is that the Church needs serious conversation about reappropriating the Quadrilateral in a manner that is consistent with historical Methodist identity (beginning with Wesley), a conversation that takes the church’s past identity with the utmost seriousness while recognizing present and future cultural trends. Abingdon Press. 9780687060559. $22.99; Cokesbury Price $15.40

John Wesley on Christian Practice: The

Standard Sermons in Modern English, Vol. 3 Kenneth Cain Kinghorn

Wesley’s last 20 sermons that dealt with questions and concerns facing the early Methodist movement. Abingdon Press. Each, $32.99; Cokesbury Price $22.10 9780687022267. Vol. 3 9780687028108. Vol. 2: John Wesley on The Sermon on the Mount. 9780687052967. Vol. 1: John Wesley on Christian Beliefs.


UM155610001ND040.indd 40

Practical Divinity

John Wesley

Vol. 1 traces the growth of Wesleyan thought from Britain to North America and beyond viewed against the background of historical and institutional developments. Vol. 2 offers landmark documents of the movement. Abingdon Press.

John Wesley began one of the most dynamic movements in the history of modern Protestantism, which eventually produced the Methodist churches. This volume offers a representative selection of theological writings by Wesley with introductions and footnotes indicating his Anglican, patristic, and biblical sources. Oxford University Press.

Thomas A. Langford

Albert C. Outler, editor

9780687073825. Vol. 1. $32.99 Cokesbury Price $22.10 9780687012473. Vol. 2: Readings in Wesleyan Theology. $29.99 Cokesbury Price $20.09

Doxology: The Praise Of God In Worship, Doctrine, and Life Geoffrey Wainwright

Seeks to identify and describe the continuing Christian vision, to trace its modes of transmission, and to permit it to illuminate the human context. The result is a systematic theology in the perspective of worship. Oxford University Press. 9780195204339. $24.95

9780195028102. $19.95




4/10/15 3:01 PM


Wesley on the Christian Life: The Heart Renewed in Love Fred Sanders Crossway Books. 9781433515644. $19.99; Cokesbury Price $14.39

John Wesley’s Values—And Ours Rem Blanchard Edwards Emeth Press. 9781609470319. $41.00; Cokesbury Price $29.52

Global Wesleyan Dictionary of Theology

Methodism and the Miraculous:

Beacon Hill Press.

John Wesley’s Idea of the Supernatural and the Identification of Methodists in the Eighteenth Century Robert Webster

9780834128378. Hardcover. $59.99; Cokesbury Price $47.39

Emeth Press. 9781609470487. $39.00; Cokesbury Price $28.08

Keeping Faith: An Ecumenical Commentary

Square Peg: Why Wesleyans

Al Truesdale

on the Articles of Religion and Confession of Faith in the Wesleyan Tradition D. Stephen Long with Andrew Kinsey

Cascade Books.

Aren’t Fundamentalists Al Truesdale Beacon Hill Press.

9780834127937. $15.00; Cokesbury Price $12.63

9781610978996. $18.00

The Renewal of United Methodism: Mission, Ministry and Connectionalism Rex D. Matthews, editor

General Board of Higher Education.

Methodist Doctrine:

Spiritual Formation:

Abingdon Press.

Beacon Hill Press.

9781426727016. $21.99; Cokesbury Price $14.73

9780834126138. $19.99; Cokesbury Price $14.39

The Essentials, 2nd Edition Ted A. Campbell

A Wesleyan Paradigm Diane Leclerc and Mark A. Maddix

9780938162612. $9.95; Cokesbury Price $7.86


UM155610001ND040.indd 41

Shop our online catalog


4/10/15 3:01 PM


The Theology of John Wesley:

Streams of Mercy: Prevenient Grace in

Abingdon Press.

Emeth Press.

9780687646333. $38.99; Cokesbury Price $26.12

9781609470081. $41.00; Cokesbury Price $29.52

Longing for Spring:


Holy Love and the Shape of Grace Kenneth J. Collins

A New Vision for Wesleyan Community Elaine A. Heath and Scott T. Kisker Cascade Books. 9781556355196. $17.00

Mainline or Methodist?:

Rediscovering Our Evangelistic Mission Scott Kisker Discipleship Resources. 9780881775419. $13.00; Cokesbury Price $9.10


UM155610001ND042.indd 42

the Theology of John and Charles Wesley J. Gregory Crofford

Historical Perspectives Russell Richey

General Board of Higher Education. 9780938162858. $16.95; Cokesbury Price $13.39

Doctrinal Standards in the Wesleyan Tradition Thomas C. Oden Abingdon Press. 9780687651115. $32.99; Cokesbury Price $22.10



JOHN WESLEY: A Preaching Life Michael Pasquarello III Abingdon Press. 9780687657568. $19.99; Cokesbury Price $13.39

The Cambridge Companion to John Wesley

Randy L. Maddox and Jason E. Vickers, editors Cambridge University Press. 9780521714037. $33.99

Conscience and Conflict: Methodism, Peace and War in the Twentieth Century Michael Hughes Epworth Press. 9780716206170. $30.00; Cokesbury Price $21.60 UM15

4/9/15 2:42 PM


The Burning Heart: John Wesley,

Evangelist A. Skevington Wood Emeth Publishing.

9780977655595. $38.50; Cokesbury Price $27.72

Wesley for Armchair Theologians

The Wesleyan Quadrilateral:

William J. Abraham

A Model of Evangelical Theology Don Thorsen

Westminster John Knox Press.

Emeth Publishing.

9780664226213. $17.00; Cokesbury Price $12.24

9780975543535. $35.00; Cokesbury Price $25.20

Wesleyan Essentials in a Multicultural Society

Wesley and Sanctification:

Abingdon Press.

Francis Asbury Press.

Ted A. Campbell and Michael T. Burns

A Study in the Doctrine of Salvation Harald Lindström

The NEW CREATION: John Wesley’s Theology Today Theodore Runyon Abingdon Press.

9780687039944. $13.99; Cokesbury Price $6.72

9780916035723. $12.27; Cokesbury Price $10.31

9780687096022. $27.99; Cokesbury Price $18.75

The Scripture Way of Salvation:

Grace and Responsibility:

John Wesley’s Social Ethics:

The Heart of John Wesley’s Theology Kenneth J. Collins Abingdon Press.

9780687009626. $26.99; Cokesbury Price $18.08


UM155610001ND042.indd 43

A Wesleyan Theology for Today John B. Cobb, Jr. Abingdon Press. 9780687007691. $21.99; Cokesbury Price $14.73

Shop our online catalog

Praxis and Principles Manfred Marquardt Abingdon Press.

9780687204946. $22.99; Cokesbury Price $15.40


4/9/15 2:43 PM

Spanish Resources



Who Is My Neighbor? S

E SS N S IO Learning Spanish as Church Hospitality Joyce Carrasco, Ruth Cassel Hoffman, and Ngoc-Diep Nguyen

Who Is My Neighbor? is a field-tested program through which English speakers of any church and congregation can learn basic Spanish-speaking skills to be able to communicate and provide a welcoming atmosphere to the Hispanic communities surrounding them. The six-session study developed by the Northern Illinois Conference covers basic conversational Spanish, and simple and easy to follow Spanish-language worship material. The program encourages openness toward Spanish-speaking neighbors, understanding of different cultures, and compassion for those who struggle to learn English. This resource is easily implemented by congregations of any size, and it results in a program of hospitality that will help include Hispanic communities in your church congregation. Abingdon Press. 9781501803659. Student Manual. $9.99; Cokesbury Price $6.69 9781501803673. Teacher Manual. $11.99; Cokesbury Price $8.03

Doctrina Wesleyana Aclarada (wesleyan doctrine made plain): Instrucci贸n Programada con el Suplemento John Conner

A comprehensive book designed to teach Wesleyan doctrines in a clear and understandable way. Wesleyan Publishing House. 9780898270631. $13.99 Cokesbury Price $10.07

revised Doctrina

bilingual Fiesta

Ted A. Campbell

Adoraci贸n/Resources for Worship Joel N. Mart铆nez and Raquel M. Mart铆nez

Metodista: Los Fundamentos

Cristiana: Recursos para la

Ted Campbell outlines historical doctrinal consensus in American Episcopal Methodist Churches in a comparative and ecumenical dialogue with the doctrinal inheritance of other major families of Christian tradition. Abingdon Press.

Bilingual worship services for use in Hispanic congregations and congregations developing ministries for Hispanics. Contains general services; acts and services for Advent, Epiphany, Lent, Pentecost, and more. Abingdon Press. 9780687021598. $20.99

9781426755125. $19.99 Cokesbury Price $13.39

Cokesbury Price $14.06


UM155610001ND044.indd 44



Mil Voces Para Celebrar: Himnario Metodista (Spanish Hymnal)

400 hymns and choruses in a variety of Latin American musical styles; services for Communion, baptism, confirmation, marriage, funerals, healing, and a prayer service; about 50 psalms with musical responses, and more. Abingdon Press. Each, $19.99; Cokesbury Price $17.99 9780687431854. Red Edition. 9780687431830. Blue Edition.


4/10/15 12:59 PM

Korean Resources

Come Let Us Worship: Features 345 hymns and choruses in a variety of musical styles from Korea; services for Communion, baptism, confirmation, marriage, funerals, and more. Hymns are lined with full accompaniment for both singers and accompanists. Abingdon Press. 9780687085132. Hardcover. $19.99 Cokesbury Price $17.99

Korean Lay Training ManualS

A leadership training program endorsed and conducted by the Korean United Methodist Caucus with three levels, or books, for Korean UM church leaders. Abingdon Press. 9780687466979. Deacon. $17.99 Cokesbury Price $12.05 9780687467174. Exhorter. $17.99 Cokesbury Price $12.05 9780687467075. Elder. $17.99 Cokesbury Price $12.05

Characteristics of THE United Methodist Church Korean Version

Polity, Practice, and Mission of the United MEthodist Church

9781501808364. $5.99

This revised edition addresses ways in which historical developments have shaped—and continue to shape—the organization of the church. Crossreferenced to the Book of Discipline. Abingdon Press.

Revised in 2006, this book will help and guide the people of The United Methodist Church, especially those who serve as deacons, elders, committee chairpersons, and more. Cokesbury.


UM155610001ND044.indd 45

Thomas E. Frank

Each, $27.99; Cokesbury Price $18.75 9780687642809. Korean. 9780687050215. Spanish.

Shop our online catalog

Devotional Life in the Wesleyan Tradition (Korean)




The Korean/English United Methodist Hymnal



Steve Harper

Structured around Wesley’s Means of Grace, the workbook covers Scripture and prayer, among other topics, in this seven-week study. Developed for individual or group study. Upper Room Books. 9780835807005. $7.00 Cokesbury Price $4.90

Wesley and The People Called MEthodists

Translated from the original text by Richard Heitzenrater. Presents the history of the 17th century Wesleyan movement, not only as a description of a spreading organization, a developing theology, and a widening mission, but also the story of the people called Methodists with whom Wesley spent his time and energy. Abingdon Press. Each, $15.99; Cokesbury Price $10.71 9780687741717. Korean. 9780687050017. Spanish.


4/10/15 12:59 PM

Beliefs & Practices United Methodist brochures

Parishioners frequently ask about the stances and practices of The United Methodist Church. These six brochures can help church visitors understand official church positions and encourage further dialogue. At 8.5" x 3.67", they’re ideal for placing in the narthex or pew racks. Cokesbury.

Sample Pack (One of Each Brochure). The sample pack is great for previewing all the brochures in one set before purchasing quantities. 9781426711541. Set of 6, $3.59

Individual brochures:

What’s So Great About Being United Methodist? 9781426711534

Communion and United Methodists. 9781426711510.

Baptism and United Methodists. 9781426711497.

It’s All About God’s Grace. 9781426711503.

The People of The United Methodist Church. 9781426711480.

Prayers, Presence, Gifts, Service, Witness. 9781426711527.

Digital Edition. Downloadable PDFs of all six brochures with blank panels for personalization and printing. Also includes links to online versions that can be used in email or websites.

Prices for individual brochures: 1–24 copies, 69¢ each 25–49 copies, 65¢ each 50–99 copies, 60¢ each 100–199 copies, 55¢ each 200+ copies, 49¢ each

This 64-page booklet contains the official text of the Social Principles from The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church 2012 along with exercises for individuals or small groups, a topical index, and Our Social Creed. 9781426766138. $2.99

Spanish and Korean versions also available for download. See

“Welcome to Our Church” Booklet

The united Methodist Way

Booklet contains Scripture, creeds, a selection of United Methodist beliefs, and a page of information about your church. A great evangelism tool, as well as giving basic information about your church and an overview of The United Methodist Church. Abingdon Press.

Branson L. Thurston

Revised and expanded! Gives the reader a brief overview of the history, beliefs, organization, and mission of The United Methodist Church (including an interpretation of the membership vows). Suitable as a gift for new or prospective members or in membership training classes. Discipleship Resources.

9780687443109. $1.99 each; 12 for $17.99

9780881772159. Pkg. of 10, $22.00 Cokesbury Price $15.40


UM155610001ND046.indd 46



Major United Methodist Beliefs Revised Edition Mack B. Stokes

8 E SS


Social Principles of The United Methodist Church: 2013–2016

9781426711558. Set of 6, $15.99



Expresses in simple language what the people of this denomination believe and how they interpret the ageless affirmation of the Bible. Includes study guide; 8 sessions. Abingdon Press. 9780687082124. $8.99 Cokesbury Price $6.02


4/10/15 10:44 AM

Official Resources A classic on the sacraments Come to the Waters: Baptism and Our Ministry of Welcoming Seekers and Making Disciples Daniel T. Benedict

In the twenty-first century, churches must become missionary congregations, helping people find belonging, meaning, and God. This book gives you and other leaders resources for evangelism rooted in worship, Scripture, prayer, and service. An invitation to make the transforming power of God in Christ accessible to all persons. Part 1: Welcoming and the journey of conversion. Part 2: Model services and commentary. Discipleship Resources. 9780881771794. $17.00 Cokesbury Price $11.90

Growing Love in Christian Marriage:

Official United Methodist Resource, Third Edition Joan and Richard Hunt An official United Methodist resource with worksheets, Scripture references, and exercises. Ideal for pre-wedding counseling. Pastor’s Manual includes mentoring guidelines. Abingdon Press. 9781426757907. Couple’s Manual. Pkg. of 2, $17.99; Cokesbury Price $12.05 9781426757914. Pastor’s Manual. $14.99 Cokesbury Price $10.04


UM155610001ND046.indd 47

Baptism: Understanding

This Holy Mystery:

The biblical and theological meanings of the sacrament of baptism through the words of the Baptismal Covenant of the United Methodist Church. Great for parents or guardians preparing to present children for baptism or others desiring a deeper understanding of baptism. Upper Room Books.

A study guide for the official United Methodist position on Holy Communion adopted by the 2004 General Conference. The official document is included in a running sidebar, with commentary study helps in a second column. Includes “Leader Helps.” Discipleship Resources.

God’s Gift L. Edward Phillips and Sarah Webb Phillips

9780881776362. $4.00

A United Methodist Understanding of Holy Communion Gayle Carlton Felton

By Water and The Spirit: Making Connections/Identity and Ministry Gayle Carlton Felton

This book contains the official 1996 United Methodist General Conference paper on baptism in a 6-week study guide format. Discipleship Resources. 9780881772012. $10.00 Cokesbury Price $7.00

9780881774573. $14.00 Cokesbury Price $9.80

Shop our online catalog


4/10/15 10:44 AM

Official Resources The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church 2012 The Book of Discipline sets forth the plan by which we United Methodists govern ourselves. It reflects our understanding of the Church and of what is expected of its laity and clergy as they seek to be effective witnesses in the world as a part of the whole body of Christ. The Discipline includes our church Constitution, our history, our doctrinal standards, and our mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ, as well as practical processes through which our congregations connect and support each other to reach the world. Each, $21.99; 6 or more, Each, $19.79 English Version. 9781426718120. Hardcover. Korean Version. 9781426757693. Spanish Version. 9781426757709. Site License for 10 Computers. $135.00 9780687051687.

The Book of Resolutions of The United Methodist Church 2012

buy the SET & save The Book of Discipline ANd the book of resolutions of The United Methodist Church 2012, 2-PACK This 2-Pack includes a copy of The Book of Discipline 2012 and The Book of Resolutions 2012. 9781426757884. Hardcover. 2-Pack, $34.99

Additional formats:

The Book of Resolutions provides models for applying an active faith to daily life in ways that can impact the world around us. It contains all current social policies adopted by the General Conference of The United Methodist Church. The Book of Resolutions includes positions on more than 200 subjects, organized into seven sections: The Natural World; The Nurturing Community; The Social Community; The Economic Community; The Political Community; The World Community; and Other Resolutions. English Version. 9781426757877. Each, $19.99; 6 or more, Each, $17.99

843504039523. O ffline Downloadable Edition. $21.99 $15.00 9781426766800. O nline Subscription.

Job Descriptions and Leadership Training in The United Methodist Church 2013–2016:

The 2013–2016 United Methodist Directory

This handy resource helps you contact the agencies that support the work of your congregation. It includes a directory of United Methodist agencies, bishops, conference offices, jurisdictional offices, and groups such as the UM Association of Conference Computer Administrators, and UM Foundation Directors. Includes facts and figures about The United Methodist Church, plus contact information for news services and publications, addresses of United Methodist schools, colleges, universities, and seminaries, as well as an alphabetical listing of ministry programs with the appropriate agencies to contact for guidance and resources.

A Leader Development Guide Betsey Heavner

This book offers insights for training leaders in a variety of settings, using dialogue with leaders in many different churches, from emerging congregations to revitalized churches. It describes the variety of congregational positions (such as outreach committee, children’s coordinator, and trustee), including an understanding of spiritual and vocational gifts called for by these positions. Discipleship Resources. 9780881775983. $20.00 Cokesbury Price $14.00

9781426766145. $21.99

online feature

The United Methodist Directory information is also available online with purchase of the print version. 48

UM155610001ND048.indd 48

Available by subscription. Call 800-672-1789.




4/9/15 2:55 PM

Official Resources How-to handbooks

The Guidelines CD-ROM Includes the complete text of all 26 Guidelines, along with valuable charts, surveys, and other tools that will help your ministry leaders, such as The Guidelines Orientation Workshop—for training new lay ministry leaders, and The Guide to the Guidelines, back by popular request.

Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation: 2013–2016

This collection of 26 guides provides practical, to-the-point, step-by-step help for implementing core congregational ministries.

The texts are completely searchable; the forms are in Microsoft Word so that you can adapt them for your situation; and the links to United Methodist agencies’ websites are easy to use.

Set of 26 Booklets Only. 9781426736803. $64.99 Set of 26 Booklets with CD-ROM. 9781426736810. $69.99

Guidelines CD-ROM Only. 9781426736827. $64.99

2013-2016 individual editions See complete list below. Each, $3.25

Adult Ministries. 9781426736445.

Advocates for Inclusiveness.

High Education & Campus Ministry.

Small Membership Church.



Leader/Lay Member.





Children’s Ministries.

Men’s Ministries.





Christian Education.

Ministries With Young People.

Women’s Ministries.


Church Council. 9781426736261.

Church Historian. 9781426736353.

Church and Society. 9781426736759.

Communications. 9781426736346.

Evangelism. 9781426736407.

Family Ministries. 9781426736681.








Nominations & Leadership Development.

Korean & Spanish Editions


Pastor. 9781426736278.

Pastor-Parish Relations.

Provides practical, to-the-point, step-by-step help for implementing core congregational ministries in one book. Each, $12.99 9781426766282. Korean Edition. 9781426766275. Spanish Edition.


Scouting & Civic Youth-Serving Ministry. 9781426736704.

Small Group Ministries. 9781426736339.

You can download Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation individually, or as a complete set, at



UM155610001ND048.indd 49

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4/9/15 2:55 PM

Official Resources 2013–2016 United Methodist Charge Conference Forms

2013–2016 United Methodist Church Financial Records Handbook

These forms cover the core reporting requirements specified by The Book of Discipline including: •M inutes of the Charge/ Church Conference • Report of the Pastor • Report of the Finance Committee • Report of the Trustees • Fund Balance Report

This handbook will assist you in the work of extending Christ’s love through the business of receiving, distributing, and reporting funds given by God’s people for the mission and ministry of the church. It includes three major sections: The Work of the Counting Committee, The Work of the Financial Secretary, and The Work of the Treasurer.

Note: A PDF template for each form

Report of Giving, a basic treasurer’s cash report, and more are available online, with the purchase of the print version.

is available online with the purchase of the print version. Also included is a convenient Meeting Notification/ Request form.

9781426766039. $12.99

9781426766053. $12.99

Note: Templates for the Quarterly

tip Additional Online Resources:

Using the available online PDF templates, complete the form fields on your PC workstation and print the report. Use the reproducible forms as worksheets as data is collected and confirmed by staff and leaders, then use the templates to type in the final data and output clean documents.

Quarterly Report of Giving

(Not shown) An essential tool for both the church and the contributor as a tax record. 9780687430499. Pkg. of 100, $39.99

Quarterly Report of Giving Envelope

(Not shown) Window envelope design eliminates the need for mailing labels. Envelope measures 8 7/8 " x 3 7/8 ".

Notice of Meeting Card

Use this convenient postcard to keep team members informed of time, place, and date of upcoming meetings.

9780687430505. Pkg. of 100, $15.99

a Commitment to the Church Pledge Card

9780687251582 Pkg. of 100, $9.99

(Not shown) Use this convenient 3" x 7" card in your annual stewardship campaign to achieve higher levels of giving and ministry effectiveness. 9780687430475. Pkg. of 100, $10.99

United Methodist General Record Book for the Church School & Small-Group Ministries Record Book for Class or Group

Space for addresses, birth dates, and church relationship. Record 50 names for one year or 25 names for two years. 51/2" x 81/2". 9780687053827. Pkg. of 12, $7.99

Report and Offering Envelope

Holds the class offering and attendance data. Measures 3" x 5". 9780687083688. Box of 500, $25.99


UM155610001ND050.indd 50

This revised record book (which replaces the General Record Book for the Church School Secretary/Treasurer) helps you collect and summarize weekly church school and small-group participation and prepare quarterly and annual reports including the Local Church Report to the Annual Conference. Use the paper forms as worksheets, then enter the data on the templates provided online to maintain history and to create clean, printable reports. 9781426766077. $12.99

Note: Additional General Record Book resources are available online with the purchase of the print version.




4/10/15 9:58 AM

Official Resources 2013–2016 United Methodist Church Membership Records Manual: A Complete Guide to the Tools You Need to Set Up and Maintain the Membership Records for Your Church

This manual provides the membership secretary, church staff, and ministry teams with the information and instructions they need to maintain membership records and nurture individuals through their faith journey. The record system also helps staff prepare the connectional reports that help us study how our denomination is changing so that we can encourage the ministry of each congregation. The manual includes a sample of each record sheet and complete instructions on completing each record.

Note: Additional resources are available online with purchase of a print version. Online you will find templates for each type of record sheet (Baptism, Marriage, Permanent Church Register, Constituency, etc.), as well as 81/2" x 11" certificates for baptism, confirmation, and professing membership in English, Spanish, and Korean. For a permanent record, print your completed records on acid-free paper, punched to fit the membership record binder. You can save membership forms such as the Permanent Church Register or the Record of Faith Journey, even rename them, and add additional data as you receive it. 9781426766084. $12.99

Record of Faith Journey

This record helps church staff nurture the spiritual formation of each individual in the congregation. The 11" x 8 1/2 " doublesided form includes milestones in spiritual development from baptism and confirmation to professing membership as well as other moments of personal and spiritual importance. 9780687359332. Pkg. of 50, $8.99



united methodist Membership Record System for the Local Church Expandable binder with record sheets, instructions, and tabs. Record sheets may be added as membership grows. Includes an initial supply of record sheets for the Permanent Church Register, Baptism, Marriage, Constituency, and more. 9 1/8 " x 11 1/8 ".

Affiliate/Associate Member Roll. 9780687251599. Pkg. of 50, $8.99

Post Binder. 9780687247417. $79.99 Record of Baptisms. 9780687359639. Pkg. of 50, $8.99

Professing Members Removed by Charge Conference Action. 9780687360031. Pkg. of 50, $8.99

9780687359233. $99.99

Permanent Church Register. 9780687359837. Pkg. of 50, $8.99

Record of Marriages. 9780687360130. Pkg. of 50, $8.99

Extension Post Extenders. 9780687247448. $2.99

Constituency Roll. 9780687359936. Pkg. of 50, $8.99

Record of Deaths. 9780687360239. Pkg. of 50, $8.99

Extension Post Tops. 9780687247455. $1.99

Family/Household Roll. 9780687359530. Pkg. of 50, $8.99

Pastor History. 9780687247349. Pkg. of 50, $8.99

United Methodist Membership Records Book

Membership Record Archival Acid-Free Paper

Certificates of Transfer

9780687359134. Hardcover. $29.99

9780687084128. Pkg. of 50 Sheets, $4.99; 6-Pack, $23.99

9780687360338. $9.99

(Not shown) This hardbound record book is suitable for smaller congregations. It includes all required and recommended record sheets. Goldstamped cover. Measures 81/2" x 11". 96 pages.


UM155610001ND050.indd 51

(Not shown) Use the templates provided online in the UM Church Records Manual and output your completed records to this acid-free paper, which is punched to fit the record system binder.

Shop our online catalog

(Not shown) Booklet of 32 perforated 4-part forms: Notice of Transfer of Membership for the sending and receiving church, Transfer of Membership form and an Acknowledgement of Transfer of Membership.


4/10/15 9:58 AM

Certificates Cover

english Certificates


Each package includes three 5" x 7" certificates with gold-stamped covers and envelopes. (Includes updated membership vows approved by the 2008 General Conference.) Abingdon Press. 1 Pkg. of 3, $6.99; 4 Pkgs. (12 Certificates), $22.99

United Methodist Covenant I Youth/Adult Baptism Certificates. 9780687032600.

United Methodist Covenant II Child Baptism Certificates. 9780687360536.

United Methodist Covenant I Baptism, Confirmation & Reception Certificates. 9780687360635.

United Methodist Covenant I Confirmation & Reception Certificates. 9780687360932.

United Methodist Marriage Certificates with 1984 Service. (Begins with “Friends.”) 9780687034352.

United Methodist Marriage Certificates with 1964 Service. (Begins with “Dearly Beloved.”) 9780687034291.

United Methodist Certificates of Membership Without Service. 9780687361038.


Spanish Certificates

Korean Certificates

1 Pkg. of 3, $6.99; 4 Pkgs. (12 Certificates), $22.99

1 Pkg. of 3, $6.99; 4 Pkgs. (12 Certificates), $22.99

Metodista Unida Certificados de Confirmación y Recepción como Creyente (United Methodist Covenant I Confirmation and Reception Certificates as a Professing Member).

United Methodist Marriage Certificates Without Service. (Note: limited

5" x 7" certificates. Abingdon Press.

Includes 5" x 7" Spanish-language service for Baptismal Covenant I for Youth and Adults. (Note: limited quantities.) 9780687361137.

Metodista Unida Certificados de Bautismo para Jóvenes y Adultos (United Methodist Certificates of Baptism for Youth and Adults). Includes Spanish language service for Baptismal Covenant I for Youth and Adults. 9780687032808.

Also available:

United Methodist Downloadable Certificate Pack, Spanish. Un Certificado de Bautismo para Infantil, un Certificado de Bautismo para Jóvenes y Adultos, y un Certifcado de Membresía. 8 1/2 " x 11" certificates are in PDF format with fill-in fields for easy entry of information and printing.

5" x 7" certificates. Abingdon Press.

quantities.) 9780687034390.

United Methodist Infant Baptism Certificates Without Service. 9780687034079.

United Methodist Confirmation and Reception Certificates Without Service. 9780687034451.

Also available:

United Methodist Downloadable Certificate Pack, Korean. Includes a Certificate of Baptism and a Certificate of Confirmation and Reception. 8 1/2 ” x 11” certificates are in PDF format with fill-in fields for easy entry of information and printing. 9781426740343. $9.99

9781426739477. $9.99


UM155610001ND052.indd 52




4/10/15 10:49 AM


Padded Presentation Folder for Credentials and Certificates

Black with gold-stamped Cross & Flame UMC logo on front, lined with white silk moiré. Sized to fit 11" x 81/2" certificates. Abingdon Press. 9780687045907. $16.99

As the pastor, church staff, and congregation nurture individuals through their faith journeys, they celebrate each milestone. Certificates of baptism, confirmation and reception, and marriage create a permanent record of these important events and provide a meaningful memento. These certificates can be kept for generations! 11" x 81/2". Pad of 26 certificates with record stub. Abingdon Press. Available in Downloadable Sets. See Tip box, below right, for details.

English Certificates

Each Pad, $9.99 9780687495610. The United Methodist Church Certificates of Baptism for Children. 9780687358649. The United Methodist Church Certificates of Baptism for Youth and Adults. 9780687495719. T he United Methodist Church Certificates of Confirmation and Reception as a Professing Member. 9780687495818. The United Methodist Church Certificates of Professing Membership. 9780687097081. The United Methodist Church Verification of Baptismal Record. Pkg. of 12. 9781426736063. The United Methodist Church Downloadable English Certificates. Set of 7. (In addition to the 6 listed above, includes Certificate of Charter Membership, available as download only.)

Spanish Certificates

(Note: Print editions are in limited quantities) Each Pad, $9.99 9780687358946. L a Iglesia Metodista Unido Certificados de Bautismo Infantil (The United Methodist Church Certificates of Baptism for Children). 9780687359042. L a Iglesia Metodista Unido Certificados de Bautismo para Jóvenes y Adultos (The United Methodist Church Certificates of Baptism for Youth and Adults). 9780687359141. Certificados de Membresía (The United Methodist Church Certificates of Professing Membership). 9781426739477. The United Methodist Church Downloadable Certificate Pack, Spanish. Set of 3.

(Un Certificado de Bautismo para Infantil, un Certificado de Bautismo para Jóvenes y Adultos, y un Certifcado de Membresía.)

Korean Certificates

(Note: Print editions are in limited quantities) Each Pad, $9.99 9780687097067. The United Methodist Church Certificates of Baptism. 9781426740343. The United Methodist Church Downloadable Korean Certificates. Set of 2. (Includes a

tip Want to use the Official United Methodist Certificates of Baptism, Confirmation and Reception, and Membership, but keep the flexibility of using your computer to fill them out? Then the downloadable versions of the flat certificates to the left are perfect for you. PDF format with fill-in fields allows for easy entry of information and printing. Visit to download your set today.

Certificate of Baptism and a Certificate of Confirmation and Reception.)


UM155610001ND052.indd 53

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4/10/15 10:50 AM

Bibles Common English Bible (CEB) Pew Editions with Cross & Flame Each Bible offers the following essential features: • Comfortable-to-read black-letter text • Translation footnotes • In-text subject headings • Two-column format Available in Regular or Large Print. Common English Bible.

Regular Print. 8-point type. Hardcover. Each, $12.99; Cokesbury Price $8.70 9781609260538. Navy. 9781609260552. Dark Red. 9781609260576. Bright Red.

Large Print. 12-point type. Hardcover. Each, $19.99; Cokesbury Price $13.39 9781609260385. Navy. 9781609260682. Dark Red.

(Actual 8-point type size)

(Actual 12-point type size)

New Revised Standard Version with Cross & Flame

Each Bible offers the following essential feature: • In-text subheadings Available in Regular or Large Print. Cokesbury.

Regular Print. 8-point type. Hardcover. Each, $14.99; Cokesbury Price $11.99 9780687643882. Navy Blue. 9780687643981. Dark Red. 9780687641499. Purple. 9780687641291. Bright Red.

Large Print. 10-point type. 9780687641994. Hardcover. Navy Blue. $25.99; Cokesbury Price $20.79

Cross & Flame 5-Ribbon BOokmark

Features five 15" ribbons in liturgical colors attached to a Cross & Flame tab which inserts into the spine of the book. 280212. $7.00


UM155610001ND054.indd 54




4/10/15 10:54 AM

Bibles The Wesley Study Bible:

NRSV Edition Joel B. Green and William H. Willimon, general editors As God transforms readers through study, they will be inspired to transform the world. Contributors from across the Wesleyan family join together to help one experience God in fresh ways. The Wesley Study Bible offers easy-to-understand explanations of core terms that cover eternal life, forgiveness, grace, heaven, holiness, justice, and mission. The Bible has extended references to works by John Wesley. Abingdon Press. Green/Brown Faux Leather Edition. 9780687645039. $49.99; Cokesbury Price $33.49

The Wesley Study Bible:

CEB Edition Joel B. Green and William H. Willimon, general editors Lead an abundant life, grow as a faithful disciple, and find new avenues to serve. The Wesley Study Bible highlights the depth of John Wesley’s perspectives on Scripture and features accessibly written notes and articles contributed by pastors, theologians, and Bible scholars. Easy-to-understand explanations of core terms. Common English Bible translation makes this popular study Bible appealing to both clergy and laity. Common English Bible.

Parallel Commentary on the New Testament Charles Spurgeon, John Wesley, and Matthew Henry

A parallel New Testament commentary that includes the text of the King James Version and applicable portions from the sermons from Charles Spurgeon on each left-hand page, and excerpts from the writings of John Wesley and Matthew Henry on each right-hand page. Read the biblical text and glance across the page to get the interpretations and meditations of these giants of the faith. AMG Publishers. 9780899574448. Hardcover. $34.99 Cokesbury Price $25.19

9781609261108. Decotone. $49.99; Cokesbury Price $33.49

Customize Your Bibles With Gold or Silver Imprinting! Have your church name imprinted in gold on the cover of your new Bibles at a low cost! One line includes 35 total characters (counting letters, spaces, and punctuation marks as characters). No. of Copies Price per Line 1 copy $6.00 2–24 copies (same name) $4.00 25 or more copies (same name) $2.50

Select Bibles qualify for custom imprinting. On, on the page of the item you’ve selected, look under “Product Extras” for the “Imprinting Available” link. Click on the link and follow the prompts. You will receive email confirmation once the order has processed. Or you may submit your personalized imprint order by fax or email. Fax to: 800-445-8189 (please type or print the name clearly). Email to:


UM155610001ND054.indd 55

Shop our online catalog


4/10/15 10:54 AM

Hymnals & Song Books the united methodist hymnal Abingdon Press.

Presentation Edition. This CD-ROM contains PowerPoint files for all the Hymns, Psalter, Readings, and Orders of Worship contained in The United Methodist Hymnal. Cross & Flame and photographic backgrounds are used and are interchangeable. This edition provides licensed use of materials without the need to obtain permissions for each use. ®

Pew Edition. Contains 962 pages of hymns, canticles, and other acts of worship, plus a United Methodist Liturgical Psalter of 100 psalms with responses. Plus, services for Holy Communion; Baptism, Confirmation, and Renewal; Marriage; and Death and Resurrection (Funeral). Almost 50 pages of indexes. 6" x 9". Hardcover. Stained Page Edges. Each, $21.99; Cokesbury Price $19.79 9780687431342. Bright Red. 9780687431335. Dark Red. 9780687431328. Navy Blue. 9780687431397. Purple. Hardcover. White Page Edges. Each, $20.99; Cokesbury Price $18.89 9780687494941. Bright Red. 9780687330744. Dark Red. 9780687330447. Navy Blue.

9780687052868. CD-ROM. $199.99; Cokesbury Price $179.99

Bonded Leather Edition. Same contents as Pew 9780687431403. Black. $69.99; Cokesbury Price $62.99

Edition. Gold page edges and ribbon marker.

Hardcover. Each, $26.99; Cokesbury Price $24.29 9780687431540. Bright Red. 9780687431434. Dark Red. 9780687431533. Navy Blue.

Keyboard Edition. 7-ring binder with removable

Music Supplement I: Full Edition. 191 hymn tunes

pages. Contains all from the Pew Edition, plus accompaniments for Psalter and canticle responses and all service music responses. Size: 61/2" x 9". 9780687431410. Navy Blue. $79.99; Cokesbury Price $71.99

Large-Type Edition. Lyrics from the Pew Edition. Musical notes not included. Easy-to-read 14-pt. type.

with 347 elaborations, vocal and instrumental descants, alternate harmonizations, instrumentation, and more. 9780687431472. Navy Blue, Spiral Bound. $39.99; Cokesbury Price $35.99

Braille Edition. Set of seven navy blue binders with removable loose-leaf sheets. Contains just words to all Hymnal contents. 9780687431601. $329.99

Music Supplement II: Full Edition. 200+ hymn elaborations of hymn tunes not included in the first supplement. 9780687430130. Forest Green, Spiral Bound. $39.99; Cokesbury Price $35.99

Compact Disc Accompaniment Edition. The entire musical contents of the Hymnal in 28 CDs.

savings Order both and save!

Includes piano and organ accompani­ments for all hymns, as well as baptism and Communion responses and Psalter responses. Includes User’s Guide and Index.

9780687061822. $69.99; Cokesbury Price $62.99

Music Supplements I and II Set.

9780687003327. 28-CD Set. $400.00; Cokesbury Price $360.00

Hymns for Signing

Helps signers give hearing-impaired persons better access to hymns. Contains words only, with more than 600 hymns translated into American Sign Language. Abingdon Press. 9780687431809. Spiral Bound. $39.99; Cokesbury Price $35.99 * To use this product for religious or educational use, most songs will require that you obtain permission or have a current and annually renewed blanket license, such as OneLicense or CCLI.

UM HYMNal BOokplates

Matches The United Methodist Hymnal perfectly. Bookplates are printed on an 8 1/2 " x 11" sheet and will work in most ink-jet and laser printers. Printed lines are still included to provide a guide for hand-written names. Each package contains six sheets of eight bookplates for a total of 48 bookplates per package.

new Presentation Edition Bundle

Contains the updated PowerPoint® files for The United Methodist Hymnal, The Faith We Sing, and Worship & Song for a total of 1,152 hymns and songs, along with the 100 Psalter Readings and the Orders of Worship found in the The United Methodist Hymnal. The Cross & Flame and photographic backgrounds are used and are interchangeable. Abingdon Press.

Pkgs. of 48, $8.99 9781426715174. In Honor Of. 9781426715198. In Memory Of.

9781426795398. USB Flash Drive. $299.99 9781426795374. UM Hymnal Presentation Edition Only. USB Flash Drive. $199.99; Cokesbury Price $179.99 Also available as a download on


UM155610001ND056.indd 56




4/10/15 11:44 AM

Hymnals & Song Books worship & song

We have bundled popular assortments of Worship & Song resources together and discounted the prices of these packages to give you savings over their individual costs. Abingdon Press.

Introduction Kit. • 3 Pew Editions • 1 Leader’s Edition • 1 Accompaniment Edition 843504025212. Cross & Flame. 843504025229. No Emblem. Each, $99.99 (a $125.95 value)

Getting Started Kit. Specially priced for smaller churches, including: • 24 Pew Editions • 1 Accompaniment Edition • 1 Leader’s Edition • 1 Worship Resources Edition 843504017378. Cross & Flame. 843504017385. No Emblem. Each, $319.99 (a $388.73 value)

Presentation Kit.

Ask a Cokesbury Sales Representative about our easy payment plans! Only 20% down, no interest, and 12 monthly payments on purchases with approved credit.

• 2 Accompaniment Editions • 5 Singer’s Editions • 1 Presentation Edition • 1 Leader’s Edition • 1 Worship Resources Edition

For more information on Worship & Song:

843504025205 Each, $319.99 (a $365.90 value)

Call: 800.672.1789 or your local

CD Accompaniment Kit.

Community Resource Consultant

Go to:

• 7 Discs (Includes all 190 arrangements in Worship & Song) • 12 Pew Editions • 1 Worship Resources Edition 843504036423. Cross & Flame. 843504036430. No Emblem. Each, $459.99 (a $554.86 value)

For Everyone Born: Global Songs for an Emerging Church

A collection of 22 global songs suitable for traditional, contemporary and emerging churches. Designed specifically for congregational singing, includes sung responses, songs and new musical settings for Communion. Companion CD contains musicians from Bolivia, Brazil, Indonesia, Mozambique, Sierre Leone, Uruguay, USA, and 8 other countries. Global Praise. 9781933663265. Song Book. $12.95; Cokesbury Price $9.06 9781933663258. Companion CD. $12.95; Cokesbury Price $9.06


UM155610001ND056.indd 57

a Reference COmpanion to the united methodist hymnal and the faith we sing Dean B. McIntyre

Includes over 90 indexes to The United Methodist Hymnal and The Faith We Sing that range from non-English hymns, to women composers, to contemporary songs, to hymns from classical compositions. Discipleship Resources. 9780881775778. $30.00

Shop our online catalog

Companion to the United Methodist Hymnal Carlton R. Young

For each hymn in the Hymnal includes historical background of text and tune; suggested uses for today; name origin; text/ tune changes over the years; commentary on Hymnal treatment; and theological base of texts. Abingdon Press. 9781426756801. $57.99 Cokesbury Price $52.19


4/10/15 11:45 AM

Hymnals & Song Books New The africana HYmnal: Black Sacred Music Sacred music of the black church is a gift. Now you can have the sheet music, accompaniment tracks, PowerPoint lyrics, and instructional guidelines for 150 songs all wrapped up in one flash drive. The songs are organized around the seasons of the year, the sacramental life of the congregation, and the special days of the church. Encourage all God’s people to sing with this resource that creates a bridge between the past, present, and future of black sacred music. The USB flash drive includes sheet music, accompaniment tracks, and PowerPoint lyrics for all of the songs included, along with instructional guidelines about how to sing the music and use in worship. It emphasizes congregational singing, sensitivity to regional differences, and inclusion of several cultures and dialects present in predominantly black United Methodist churches in North America. Part of The Africana Hymnal Project of The United Methodist Church. Abingdon Press. 9781426776441. USB Flash Drive. $299.99; Cokesbury Price $269.99

Also available:

New Reflect, Reclaim, Rejoice: Preserving the Gift of Black Sacred Music This new companion study guide, together with the DVD documentary narrated by Alfre Woodard, make a great small-group study for any group or individual seeking a greater understanding of the history of black sacred music in America. Part of The Africana Hymnal Project of The United Methodist Church. Upper Room. 9780881777093. Study Guide. $7.99; Cokesbury Price $5.59

Also available: 9780881777468. DVD. $5.00

the faith we sing

More than one million copies of The Faith We Sing are being used in congregations today!

Pew Edition. Designed for congregational use, with 284 songs featuring a variety of musical styles. Primarily unison; some fourpart vocal harmonies included. Each, $14.99; Cokesbury Price $13.49 9780687090549. Cross & Flame. 9780687049042. Cross Only.

Accompaniment Edition. Features independent (stylized) keyboard parts that support the melody and choral harmonies of all selections in the Singer’s Edition. 9780687090587. 3-Ring Binder. $64.99; Cokesbury Price $58.49

Simplified Accompaniment Edition. Moderately easy accompaniment with the melody written as the top note of the right hand. Includes descant lines where they exist, simplified guitar chords, and all lyrics. 9780687090570. Spiral Bound. $44.99; Cokesbury Price $40.49

Flash Drive Presentation Edition. USB flash drive contains PowerPoint® files for all 284 songs. Presented in an updated format, files have been enhanced with thematic background images, including the Cross and Flame® of The United Methodist Church. Files are listed by title and number as they appear in the print edition. Title and first-line indexes are also included. Includes licensed use of materials. Also available as a download on

Compact Disc Accompaniment Edition. Provides accompaniment when a pianist or organist is not available. Songs use a variety of instruments appropriate for each selection, including percussion, keyboards, woodwinds, and more. 9780687052165. 12-CD Set. $395.00; Cokesbury Price $355.50

9781426795381. USB Flash Drive. $89.99; Cokesbury Price $80.99

Worship Planner Edition. Contains introduction and acknowledgments,

Enlarged Pew Edition. Full contents (music/text) of Pew edition in larger format.

informative articles, and commentary (history, when, and how to use) on all 284 songs.

9780687045150. $22.99; Cokesbury Price $20.69

9780687090563. Spiral Bound. $19.99; Cokesbury Price $17.99

Guitar Edition. For lead and rhythm guitar players, or others who play from lead sheets, including praise bands. Each song contains melody, lyrics, chords, and guitar chord grids.

Singer’s Edition. Turn songs into instant anthems! Ideal for choirs and worship teams. Many unison melodies are expanded into two­-, three-, and four-part harmony.

9780687090594. Spiral Bound. $49.99; Cokesbury Price $44.99

9780687090556. Spiral Bound. $21.99; Cokesbury Price $19.79

To learn more, visit: Find detailed descriptions of each edition with a complete song list, answers to FAQs, and more. (Additional items available on including a Braille edition and a sign language edition.) 58

UM155610001ND058.indd 58




4/10/15 11:40 AM

Essential Supplies

new United Methodist

Calendar and Workbook 2016

An enhanced appointment calendar for all church staff. View appointments for the entire week in one spread with extra space on Sunday. Includes UM-specific worship planning information, extra space on Sunday to record special details, month-at-a-glance section, contact information. Abingdon Press. 9781426796609. $15.99

Personal Planner Edition. Fits most 3- and 7-ring planners. 9781426796647. Hole-punched. $15.99



2016 United Methodist Daily Suggester

John Wesley’s Words & Wisdom Devotional Calendar 2016

A comprehensive pocket calendar and day planner that includes the lections for each Sunday, liturgical days and colors, national days for the U.S. and Canada, and addresses for all UM general agencies; listings for all bishops, active and retired; plus the Christian Year and UM Special Days. Cokesbury. Coming in October. 9781501806117. $7.99

new The United Methodist Worship Planning Calendar 2016

new The United Methodist Music & Worship Planner 2015–2016

9781426796630. $8.99

An all-in-one, calendar-format (September– August) resource that helps the music director and pastor plan the worship services for each Sunday and holy day of the year. Lectionary based. Reproducible forms, suggestions for prayers, solos, anthems, visuals, more. Includes lectionary text using Common English Bible translations. Abingdon Press.

This unique tool can help create and capture weekly worship service details: sermon topic, hymns, anthems, acolytes, lay readers, and special services. Each Sunday’s planning chart includes: the lections, liturgical day and colors, and hymn suggestions from The United Methodist Hymnal, The Faith We Sing, and more. Abingdon Press.

David L. Bone and Mary J. Scifres

9781426798108. Spiral Bound. $23.99


UM155610001ND058.indd 59

Shop our online catalog

This desk calendar features quotes from John Wesley’s numerous works. Each tear-off daily page contains the month and day, a Wesley quote, and the source of the quotation. Sits flat or may be propped up with included supports. Makes a great gift. Abingdon Press. 9781426797521. $14.99

new Official United Methodist Program Calendar 2016

Hymns, readings, and liturgical colors for every Sunday. Monthly planning check list. Special days, holidays. United Methodist contact information. United Methodist Communications.

538133. Standard (Saddle-Stitch 11" x 81/2 "). $9.95 538122. Classic (Spiral-Bound 81/2 " x 11"). $10.95 538145. Wall (181/2 " x 25"). $6.00 538156. Pocket (33/4 " x 61/4 "). $8.00 538170. Reproducible (11" x 81/2 "). $6.00 The Official United Methodist 2015 Program Calendar is still available. Visit or call 800-672-1789 to order.


4/9/15 2:59 PM

Stationery & Offering Envelopes A

[A–C] stationery and envelopes


A. Letterhead. Letter size; 20-lb. bond. 232912. Pkg. of 500, $19.75

B. #10 Envelope. 91/2" x 4 1/8 ". 232923. Pkg. of 500, $17.75

C. United Methodist Cross & Flame Embossed Note Cards and Envelopes.


Use these note cards for many occasions. Cards are ivory and are blank inside. 8” x 5 3/8 ”; folds to 4” x 53/8 ”. 522517. Pkg. of 12 Cards & Envelopes, $10.75

[D–E] coin folder & Prayer request card D

D. Coin Folder. 71/2" x 6 3/4". Holds $10.00 in quarters. 284790. Pkg. of 50, $30.50; Pkg. of 100, $55.50


Coin Folder Mailing Envelope. (Not shown.) 6" x 7 7/8 ". 197998. Pkg. of 100, $5.50

E. Prayer Request Card. 53/4” x 3”. 9781426755545. Pkg. of 25, $4.00; 4 Pkgs. of 25, $12.75

Cokesbury Stock Boxed Set offering Envelopes

Encourage the importance of tithing with offering envelopes. Single-pocket style with an easy-open flap. Envelope sets are perpetually dated (Jan., 1st Sun., etc.) with extra envelopes for 5th Sundays, plus an initial offering envelope requesting $1.00 to defray the cost. Boxes are not numbered, but each has a space for an assigned number if used. Envelope set 526574 is available consecutively numbered from the factory. However, a specific starting number cannot be guaranteed. Regular Size: 21/2" x 41/4". 1–47, Each, $2.75; 48–95, Each, $2.48; 96 or more, Each, $2.34 Currency Size: 3" x 61/4". 1–47, Each, $2.75; 48–95, Each, $2.48; 96 or more, Each, $2.34

Cokesbury Stock Bulk offering Envelopes. Not numbered or dated. Space provided for date/name/amount. Single-pocket with easy-open flap.

Regular Size: 2 1/2" x 41/4". 500 for $23.95; 1,000 for $38.60

Currency Size: 3" x 61/4". 500 for $27.55; 1,000 for $39.50


Numbering Options

Dating Options

• Single Pocket • Easy-Open Flap • A $1 Initial Envelope to help defray cost (available with boxed sets)

• Consecutive (specific starting # not guaranteed) or • No Numbers

• Perpetually (Jan. 1st, Sunday, etc…) or • No Dates

UMC Single Fund.

UMC 3 Fund.

UMC Sunday School.

527925. Boxed Sets, Regular. 527936. Boxed Sets, Currency. 527949. Bulk, Regular. 527960. Bulk, Currency.

526562. Boxed Sets, Regular. 526574. Numbered Boxed Sets, Currency. 528162. Boxed Sets, Currency. 526491. Bulk, Regular. 526516. Bulk, Currency.

526695. Boxed Sets, Regular. 526684. Boxed Sets, Currency. 526597. Bulk, Regular. 526709. Bulk, Currency.

United Methodist Church bulk currency Offering Envelope

spanish, single fund Offering Envelope, Bulk Currency

Bulk envelopes are not numbered or dated. Space provided for date/name/amount. and to check Visitor, Special Offering, or Regular Offering.

Bulk envelopes are not numbered or dated. Space is provided for date/name/ amount. Currency Size: 3"x 6¼".

526609. 500 for $27.55

Special Purpose plain white bulk currency Offering Envelope

526745. 500 for $27.55

(Not shown) White, 3" x 61/4" completely blank envelopes. 526621. 500 for $20.59


UM155610001ND060.indd 60




4/10/15 3:17 PM

Jewelry Supplies Cross & Crown Pins

United Methodist Pins B





D 1 year



Cross & Crown Sunday School Recognition


For each three months’ perfect attendance, the member receives a new pin in the first year, then receives a one-year pin to which bars are added for additional years. “United Methodist” appears at the top of pin. Pins are 5/8 " in diameter with pin-back attachment and safety catch.

United Methodist Church School Recognition Attractive 5/8 " pins with the United Methodist emblem. Pin back features safety catch. Each church school member receives a pin after three months’ perfect attendance, then again at six months and nine months. After a year of perfect attendance, the one-year pin is followed by year bars.

G. 3-Month Pin.

A. 3-Month Pin.

009740. Gold-plated. Each, $6.00

009738. Bronze Finish. Each, $6.00

H. 6-Month Pin.

009875. Bronze Finish. Each, $6.00

I. 9-Month Pin.

B. 6-Month Pin.

009751. Rhodium-plated. Each, $6.00

009886. Silver Finish. Each, $6.00

J. 1 Year Pin.

C. 9-Month Pin.

357954. Gold-plated. Each, $12.00

009897. Gold-plated. Each, $6.00

2-Year and Above Bars. (Not shown.) 2nd- through 40th-year bars are gold-plated with alternating enamel colors: blue, white, red. 41st-year and higher year bars are gold-plated with year engraved. (Please specify year.) S935225. 2nd to 40th Year. Each, $6.00 41st Year or Higher. Each, $11.75

D. 1-Year Pin. 009900. Gold-plated. Each, $12.00

E. 2-Year and Above Bars. 2- through 30-year bars are gold-plated with red enamel finish or lettering. (Please specify year.) S935943. Gold-plated. Each, $6.00

tip Bars for United Methodist pins and Cross

F. 31st and Higher Year Bars. (Year engraved. Please specify year.)

& Crown pins are not interchangeable.

604766. Gold-plated. Each, $15.00


acolyte pendant

1" gold-plated bronze pins with inlaid enameled colors feature the Cross & Flame on a shield. Includes acrylic gift box.

Gold-plated with enamel color inlays. 2 1/4 " high, with a 28" chain. Gift-boxed.

Each, $4.95

337455. $12.75

534926. (B-10) Usher. 534952. (B-11) Greeter. 534939. (B-13) Acolyte.

534964. (B-03) Choir. 534977. (B-04) Altar Guild.

LAPEL PINS A. Lay Servant.

E. Oval White Enamel.

813540017861. $6.00

813540017892. $4.75

1/2" x 3/8". A




B. Enamel.

F. Pewter.

538683. $3.25

813540017588. $4.75





C. Oval Brite Gold.

G. Oval Two-Tone.

813540017878. $4.75

813540017564. $8.00

5/8"-diameter. E



D. Cut-Out Gold. Clutch-back, 1/2"-diameter.

813540017885. $4.75


UM155610001ND060.indd 61

Shop our online catalog


4/10/15 3:17 PM

Supplies & Gifts

magentic pocket badgeS A magnetic back helps protect delicate fabrics. 3" x 1". Each, $7.00

813540017557. Greeter Badge. 813540017809. Usher Badge.

UMC STatic cling

Cross & flame static cling

3" in diameter.

Sticks almost anywhere, easily removed and reused. Measures 3" in diameter.

788200801213. $1.99

788200801190. $1.99

indoor flag set

grave marker

5" bronze disk grave marker with Circuit Rider emblem etched in the center, and the inscription “United Methodist Clergy.” Comes with mounting screws. 299494. $114.95

Nylon flag measures 3' x 5' and has gold fringe around the outsides. Set includes flag plus an 8' jointed gold aluminum pole with a 12"-diameter gold medal stand and topped with a 7 1/2 " gold aluminum cross. Pole comes with gold cord and tassels. 003195. Set. $215.50 003047. Flag Only. $73.00

fish auto emblem

5" L x 1.5" H. Sticky adhesive on the back sticks to a vehicle or other objects. 533391. $10.50

stained glass suncatcher Blue glass with pewter finish, and a 3" die-cast, heavy, custom-designed metal frame. 861886. $10.25


Liberty fabric, Cross & Flame embroidery, and gold braid. 51/2 " x 92".

$170.00; Cokesbury Price $83.30 922850. Green. 922974. White.

deacon’s stole


Appliquéd and embroidered Cross & Flame logo. Also available in Small or Tall, or Deacon’s style (both add $10). Call Custom Sales at 1-800-237-7511 to order.

Liberty fabric embroidered with deacon’s logo SP217530. $109.95

820830027776. $125.00


UM155610001ND062.indd 62



Mission stole

100% poplin polyester fabric. 5" X 100". SP217593. $129.00


2' x 6' 100% poplin polyester with pole hem. SP217595. $129.00 UM15

4/10/15 3:25 PM


Stained-Glass Cross pendant

Bronze stained-glass Cross & Flame with inlaid enameled colors. 1 1/4 " with 24" bronze-plated chain and gift box. 534154. (109-P) $11.95

Pewter Pendant

Pewter cross includes stainless-steel chain. Each, $16.00

11/2 " Cross, 18" Chain. 534186. (26295)

gold oval pendant 5/8" United Methodist

Two-tone oval pendant Polished 5/8 " oval Cross

pendant and 18" chain.

& Flame pendant comes with 18" chain and gift box.

813540017496. $8.00

17/8 " Bright Cut Cross, 27" Chain.

small cross & flame pendant

Makes a great keepsake gift. Necklace comes with 18" chain. Each, $11.00 813540017854. Gold-plate. 813540017519. Silver-plate.

813540017502. $12.00


Large Two-Tone Clergy Cross

Polished gold-plated 3 1/16 " x 3 11/16 "cross with cast pewter disk with Cross & Flame emblem. Includes gold-plated 30" chain and gift box. 813540017458. $49.95


Pewter Cross & Flame Confirmation Pendant 1 1/2 " solid polished pewter cross

Sterling-Silver cross Confirmation pendant 1 1/2 ” sterling silver cross with Cross

with 24" chain and gift box. 813540010466. $6.95


529667. $64.95



antique goldtone key tag

& Flame on the front, “Confirmed in Christ” on back. Comes with chain and gift box.

pewter key tag

Key tag features the UM Cross & Flame emblem. Gift boxed.

2"-diameter polished pewter key tag includes a Lucite gift box.

202994. $8.00

534989. $7.75

Stained-Glass Key Ring. Polished bronze 2 1/2 ” Cross & Flame cross with inlaid enamel colors in a stained-glass pattern. Gift-boxed. 529717. $10.95

goldtone cross & flame key tag Keep track of your keys and show your UM pride! 2 1/2 " goldtone key tag.

813540017656. $12.00


A. Pewter Cross Letter Opener

Great addition to any office! The flame on this 6 1/4" pewter letter opener is plated with red inlaid enamel. Gift-boxed. 531149. $19.95 Cokesbury Price $13.99

B. Stained Glass Cross Letter Opener 6 1/4" antique bronze letter opener is plated with inlaid enamel in stained glass pattern. Gift-boxed.

John wesley pocket coin Lead-free pewter, 1 3/8 ” round. Made in USA. Cross & Flame on the front, John Wesley quote on the back. 813540017830. $5.00

529693. $19.95


UM155610001ND062.indd 63

United Methodist Cross Keepsake Box Finely crafted 6 1/2 " square cherry wood box features a gold-plated stained glass cross medallion, plush lining, and hinged lid. Engraving plate included. 813540012767. $49.95

Shop our online catalog


4/10/15 3:25 PM

Gifts A

United Methodist Stained glass Cross Pen Stand


3" x 5" white Carrara marble stand with stained-glass pattern Cross & Flame. Includes quality coordinating pen and optional engraving plate. Gift-boxed.

stained glass Paperweight

Stained glass and polished bronze cross inlaid with enamel colors, mounted on 3" square Carrara marble. Velvet bottom. Optional engraving plate included in gift box

handcrafted ceramic mugs

Deeply etched with the Cross and Flame emblem. Large capacity. Dishwasher safe, microwave safe, oven safe, and completely lead free.

813540010657. $15.95

Each, $17.95

A. Straight Shape. 515964. Tan. (Not shown) 515953. Blue.

Also available: 537882. Green (Not shown)

537871. G reen. (Not shown)



813540012521. $31.95

813540012750. $12.95

Wesley DVD: A Heart Transformed Can Change the World

Use as handbag, shopping bag, weekend travel tote, or can be used as a corporate gift bag. Spacious, sturdy cotton canvas in cream and burgundy. Handles for easy carrying. 18" x 14" x 7". 861820. $16.50 †Limited quantities available; all closeout items are sold “as is” and are non-returnable.

An award-winning feature film based on Wesley’s private journals. Directed by John Jackman. Starring Burgess Jenkins, June Lockhart, Kevin McCarthy, R. Keith Harris, and Carrie Anne Hunt. Dove Family Approved for ages 12 and up. For all denominations. Vision Video.

Men of Faith

Basil Miller The inspiring, personal story of one of the most powerful preachers since apostolic times. Blackstone Audio. 9781470891657. CD. $24.95; Cokesbury Price $19.71

limited edition john wesley BUST

Short-sleeve, black v-neck t-shirt in 100% cotton has Cross and Flame emblem crafted in clear and red rhinestones.

Bronzed resin bust of John Wesley stands approximately 11 1/2 " high. 514873. $89.95

Each, $40.00 Cokesbury Price $25.00 720825706085. Medium. 720825706047. Large. 720825706139. XL. 720825706122. 2XL.

John Wesley Audiobook:

727985013701. DVD. $24.99; Cokesbury Price $2.49†

Black V-Neck Cross & Flame Bling T-Shirt

UM155610001ND064.indd 64

Polished bronze cross with color inlays, mounted on 6" x 8" wall plaque. Optional engraving plate included.

Pewter cross on 2" square marble paperweight. Optional engraving plate included in gift box.

cross & flame tote bag


United Methodist Cross Plaque

United Methodist Paperweight

B. Barrel Shape 462311. Tan. 462253. Blue. (Not shown) Also available:

813540012811. $24.95

John Wesley Bobblehead

Makes a great gift! Made of polyresin, hand-painted, 9" H. 538674. $19.95




4/9/15 3:01 PM

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4/9/15 3:05 PM

2222 Rosa L. Parks Blvd. P.O. Box 280988 Nashville, TN 37228-0988 | 800.672.1789 community resource consultants

UM155610001 PACP10040768-01 9781501809996



Five Marks of a Methodist A modern meditation on Wesley’s The Character of a Methodist. This concise and compelling summary helps every United Methodist learn and remember the five identifiers that John Wesley set forth in The Character of a Methodist. A gem of a book, it answers in plain language, “How should United Methodists live?” and provides the people called Methodists with a clear and memorable unifying focus. As followers of Jesus who reach out to serve their neighbors, United Methodists: Love God | Rejoice in God Give thanks | Pray constantly | Love others

This wonderful book is perfect for explaining what it means to live in the United Methodist way.

See inside front cover for more information.

UM155610001NDCV4.indd 5

ISBN-13: 978-1501809996

4/13/15 9:10 AM

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