VBS Showcase 2015 Catalog

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VBS 2015



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your #1 source for VBS

At Cokesbury’s G-Force VBS, kids will experience God’s unstoppable love and discover how to fuel up and put God’s love in action! Your church will come alive with movement and kid-friendly transportation such as skateboards, running shoes, roller blades, bikes, and so much more!


Science Leader by Steve Spangler

VBSShowcase.Cokesbury.com | 800.672.1789 | Community Resource Consultants


“In God we live, move, and exist.” Acts 17:28a, CEB



God Calls Moses (Exodus 3:7-12) Rollback Can Tornado in a Bottle

Solomon Builds the Temple (1 Chronicles 28:20-21 & 2 Chronicles 5:1,13) M oney Under Bottle I nsta-Snow®



Four Friends Help (Mark 2:1-12) The Egg Drop Homemade Kaleidoscope

Healing of Bartimaeus (Mark 10:46-52) P endulum Catch P opsicle Stick Chain Reaction


Women Find the Empty Tomb (Luke 24:1-12) Color Changing Milk Disappearing Color Wheel Bonus: Static Flyer


Super Starter Kit The Super Starter Kit provides everything you need to start get your G-Force VBS movin’!

Best Value!

159 99



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! Abingdon Press’ 2015 Bible and Arts program SHINING STAR: See the Jesus in Me! is perfect for Vacation Bible School! It will help all of God’s children—girls and boys, young and old— to shine with the light of God by listening, studying, taking action, forgiving, and being stars for Christ through loving ways. The Bible lessons, videos, featured personalities, crafts, games, skits, music, movement, and other activities will inspire participants to hear God’s voice and follow the lamp of God’s Word. They will be inspired to believe and sing “This little light of mine; I’m gonna let it shine!” and to better understand what Jesus told his disciples in the overall Scripture, “You are the light of the world!” (Matthew 5:14a)

With Shining Star: See the Jesus in Me! participants will: • Discover the Bible as a light for life’s path! • Realize that each one has “star power” in Jesus Christ! • Have community fun shining like stars for God! • Be encouraged to believe that Jesus is the light that shines in them!


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BIBLE LESSON Hearing God’s Call (1 Samuel 3:1-10) Samuel is just a boy when God calls him as a prophet.

Keeping to God’s Path (Psalm 119:9-16)

An answer to the question of how young people can remain in God’s path.

MEMORY VERSE Samuel said, “Speak. Your servant is listening.”



When God speaks, I will listen!


God’s Word lights my way each and every day!


“Child, get up!” (Luke 8:54b)

I’ve got get-up-and-go because Jesus loves me so!

Get up!

Live your life with love, following the example of Christ. (Ephesians 5:2a)

Together we can live, ‘cause like Jesus we’ll forgive!


(1 Samuel 3:10b)

Your word is a lamp before my feet and a light for my journey. (Psalm 119:105)

Jairus’ Daughter Gets Up (Luke 8:40-42, 49-56)

Jesus responds to parents desperate to save the life of their daughter.

Living as Children of God (Ephesians 4:29–5:2)

As dearly loved children of God, we must imitate God’s love.

Shining Like Stars (Philippians 2:12-16) We shine like stars when we hold on to the word of life.

Let your light shine before people so they can see the good things you do and praise your Father who is in heaven. (Matthew 5:16)

This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine!


The starter kit contains:

• Worship DVD including an introduction video, music videos, movement instructionals and demonstrations, and liturgical dance video • Guides for Leaders: Director’s Manual; Preschool/K, Younger & Older Elementary Bible Story Leaders; Arts & Crafts; Music & Movement; Heritage/Drama Leader; Recipe Guide; and Outreach/Follow-up • Student Book samples • Music CD • Plus samples of exciting publicity materials

Order your $79 99 Starter Kit today! 9781426792502


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G-Force: God’s Love in Action

Publisher Description


Búsqueda Submarina: Dive Into God’s Word

Abingdon Press

Camp Discovery:

Fun Run

Jesus at Work Through Us

Editorial Concordia


Brentwood VBS KidZ

Kids will experience God’s unstoppable love and discover how to fuel up and put God’s love in action. Your church will come alive with movement and kid-friendly transportation such as skateboards, running shoes, roller blades, bikes, and so much more!

Everyone can be a star for God! Participants discover the Bible as a light for life’s path and realize that each one has Star power in Jesus Christ! They will have community fun shining like stars for God, and be encouraged to know that Jesus is the light that shines in them!

God’s providence washes over four friends as they explore how God reveals Himself to us. Set in a gigantic seaside water park, this VBS teaches that God is the Creator of all that we are and the Giver of everything that we have.

Kids learn that God has a plan for them right now, right where they are. They explore Bible truths that point to Jesus, our True North, and discover how He blesses us with courage and wisdom for our everyday journeys. God enables us to serve others through vocations.

Come run the most exciting race ever with Jeff Slaughter and this fun-filled VBS! Follow the race route on a Scripture-packed course, all to encourage kids to run and finish the most important race of all...the pathway to salvation in Christ.

God Calls Moses (Exodus 3:7-12); Solomon Builds the Temple (1 Chronicles 28:20-21 & 2 Chronicles 5:1,13); Four Friends Help (Mark 2:1-12); Healing of Bartimaeus (Mark 10:46-52); Women Find the Empty Tomb (Luke 24:1-12)

Hearing God’s Call (1 Samuel 3:1-10); Keeping to God’s Path (Psalm 119:9-16); Jairus’ Daughter Gets Up (Luke 8:40-42, 49-56); Living as Children of God (Ephesians 4:29–5:2); Shining Like Stars (Philippians 2:12-16)

Day 1: Creation; Day 2: Adam is Put Into the Garden of Eden; Day 3: The Birth of Jesus; Day 4: Jesus and the Samaritan Woman; Day 5: The New Jerusalem

God Makes David Bold (1 Samuel 17:1-51); Deborah Judges with God’s Wisdom (Judges 4:1-16 & 4:17–5:31); God Saves Shadrach, Meshack, and Abednego (Daniel 3); Jesus Gives Bartimaeus Sight (Mark 10:46-52); God sends Ananias to Saul (Acts 9:1-19)

Day 1: John 8:12 & John 3:16-21, Day 2: Psalm 23, Day 3: John 6:1-13 & 25-35, Day 4: John 4, Day 5: John 14



Ages 3–14



Starter Kit Prices

9781426792496 Super Starter Kit: $159.99

9781426792502 Starter Kit: $79.99

Leader’s Packs: 078777087234 Spanish $54.99 078777087258 Bilingual $59.99 Student packs also available.

078777087272 Starter Kit: $149.99

645757280000 Ultimate Kit: $189.99 645757280017 Essential Kit: $69.99

Music in Kit

Complete Music CD with PowerPoint™ slides, 8 original songs, 2 new arrangements of popular songs, instrumental tracks, and projection lyrics slides.

Complete Music CD with praise songs, traditional songs and hymns, and hip-hop. Includes learning/teaching and accompaniment tracks.

Audio (Spanish and instrumental) and lyrics to 8 original songs.

S’more Fun! Music Leader Guide CD, plus song action DVD.

Essential: Listening CD, SplitTrack CD w/Musical/Drama Demo; Ultimate: items above plus Spanish Listening CD.

Video/ Multimedia Components

Adventure Video DVD/CDROM, Music Video DVD, and Decorating/Publicity CD-ROM; sold separately or together in the Mega Media Pak (included in Super Starter Kit).

Worship DVD with introduction video, music videos, movement instructions/demos, liturgical dance video.

Story narrations (Spanish), PowerPoint slides with music & lyrics.

Trailhead Overview DVD, S’more Fun! Passalong CD/DVD, Tree-mendous Opening/Closing Guide with DVD.

Essential: 6 Sing-along Videos w/Full Lyrics, 6 Choreography Teaching Videos, & 5 Daily Teaching Videos, or Ultimate: all above plus Digital Curric., Leader materials, PowerPoints, Worship Backgrounds, & more.

Student Music

Student Take-Home CD-ROM



S’more Fun! Passalong CD/DVD: 19 songs on CD side, DVD side includes 8 song action videos.


Student Books

Preschool/Kindergarten (ages 3–5), Younger Elementary (Grades 1–2), Older Elementary (Grades 3–6), Youth, and Adult

Preschool/Kindergarten (ages 3–5), Younger Elementary (Grades 1–3), Older Elementary (Grades 4–6), Teen, and Adult

3 levels of full-color take-home leaflets, sold individually.

Trail Tales Preschool Leaflet, Trailblazer Elementary Leaflets, Trail Markers.


Leader Books Available

Director Guide, Preschool/ Kindergarten Leader, Elem. Classroom Leader, Youth Leader, Bible Storyteller, Music Leader, Craft Leader, Science Leader, Assembly Leader, Recreation Leader, Decorating Guide, Mission Leader, Snack Leader, and Reflection Time Leader.

Director’s Manual, Preschool/ Kinder., Younger & Older Elem. Bible Study Leaders; Arts & Crafts, Music & Movement, Heritage/Drama Leader, Recipe Guide, and Outreach/Follow-up Leader are in the kit. (Teen & Adult Leaders include Music CDs; sold separately.)

Fully reproducible Teacher’s Guide, included in the Leader’s Pack.

Director Guide/CD, Overview DVD, Pastor’s Overview, Early Childhood Guide, Music Guide, Opening/Closing Guide/DVD, Bible Challenge Guide; Storytelling Guide/CD, Crafts Guide, Snacks Guide, Games Guide, Trail Markers, Youth & Adult Bible Study (downloadable).

Curriculum Book, Director’s Manual, Pre-school Curriculum, Bible Study Curriculum, Craftivities (Fun Craft Ideas), Music & Drama, Games & Snacks, and Extras (Parent Take-Homes, Registration Forms and More).

Guide, Decorating Mural, Bible Story Poster Set, Decorating Curtain, Decorating Tablecloth, Large Logo Poster, Decorating Poster Pak, Decorating Wheels, Theme Banner, Posters, Signs.

Outdoor Banner, Promo Poster, Decorating and Publicity Poster Pak, Iron-ons, plus more decorating tips are in the Director’s Manual.


14 posters in the starter kit; 9 decorating “How-To” videos (one for each site and a few extras for inspiration); directions and templates included in the Director Guide; additional campinspired items sold separately.

Daily Theme Posters, Station & Promotional Posters, Decorative Wall Poster, Decorative Posters, Feather Flag, 2-sided Hanging Fun Run Banner, T-Shirts, Name Badges with Lanyards.



Entire program offered in Spanishonly or bilingual (Spanish/English) format.


Spanish Curriculum Book, Spanish Listening CD and Spanish Sing-a-long DVD.

Super Starter Kit includes the Mega Media Pak (Adventure Video DVD, Music Video DVD, and Decorating/Publicity CD-ROM).

Using African American culture as a springboard for learning, this intergenerational Bible and Arts program is perfect for VBS. Get the entire community involved with fun, economical craft projects. The music allows every age level to dance and worship together.

Don’t forget crafts and extra promotional posters!

New in 2015: More emphasis on God’s plan and purpose for us and our ability to make a difference right now. Big Timber Bible Challenge includes a “Science Behind It” component. Volunteer Training Videos provide direction and inspiration to make training easier.

Bible Stories

Age Levels

Decorating Helps

Spanish Other Notes


Shining Star: See the Jesus in Me!

VBSShowcase.Cokesbury.com | 800.672.1789 | Community Resource Consultants


Everest: Conquering Challenges With God’s Mighty Power

Cross Culture VBS: Thailand Trek

Bible Blast to the Past: Discovering God’s Everlasting Love

SonSpark Labs: Discovering God’s Plan 4U = Jesus

Jesus, the TRUE Superhero

Message Received: Hearing God’s Call

Group Publishing

Group Publishing

Standard Publishing

Gospel Light

UMI (Urban Ministries, Inc.)


Embark on an icy expedition that empowers kids to overcome obstacles with God’s awesome power. Anchor kids in rock-solid Bible truths that will guide them through life’s challenges.

Ignite kids’ faith by immersing them in the culture of Thailand. Kids explore the everyday lives of 4 Thai children through video, games, snacks, and cultural experiences. Expand kids’ view of God’s love for them—and the world. 4-day program with optional “celebration day.”

Kids will take an amazing timetravel journey to experience stories of the incredible, faithful, unconditional, and real love of Jesus. Filled with fun activities, kid-friendly service projects, original reproducible worship music, and special needs options.

Kids will discover that through Jesus they can be members of God’s family and personally experience God’s formula for life—GP4U = J (God’s Plan for You Equals Jesus)!

Jesus—Savior + Protector + Provider. Awaken students to their potential in Jesus Christ and help them serve his purpose by becoming everyday heroes to others.

God has a message for you! Can you hear it? Message Received: Hearing God’s Call lets children know that God continues to call all kinds of people—including them! People are called to love God and follow Jesus every day. Those who hear God’s message and respond are forever changed.

God provides for Elijah (1 Kings 17); God speaks to Elijah (1 Kings 19); God heals Naaman (2 Kings 5); Jesus dies on a cross to take away our sins, then comes back to life (Luke 22:31–24:12); Jesus promises us an eternal home (John 14:1-3)

Only God could create the world. (Genesis 1); Jesus is born to show God’s love. (Luke 2:1-20); Jesus dies to forgive our sins. (Luke 23); Jesus promises us an eternal home. (John 14:1-3)

Day 1: God’s Love is Incredible (Exodus 3); Day 2: God’s Love is Faithful (Joshua 2); Day 3: God’s Love is Invincible (1 Samuel 17); Day 4: God’s Love is Unconditional (John 3:16; Luke 7); Day 5: God’s Love is Real (Acts 12)

Session 1: Creation Formulation (story of creation); Session 2: Sin Separation (sin enters world); Session 3: Personification Revelation (Jesus’ miracles); Session 4: Salvation Solution (Jesus’ death & resurrection); Session 5: Infinite Implementation (early church in Acts)

Ephesians 6:11, KJV

1 Samuel 3:1-21 (Samuel is called by God); Esther 4:13-17 (Esther is called to deliver a message); Luke 1:26-56 (Mary is visited by the angel Gabriel); Matthew 4:18-22 and Luke 5:1-11 (Jesus calls the disciples); Acts 16:11-15, 40 (Lydia is called and baptized).




Nursery–age 12, youth, & adult

Child through adult

Preschool–Grade 5

9781470719685 Starter Kit: $174.99

9781470717223 Starter Kit: $149.99

9780784776384 Starter Kit: $179.99

9780830771172 Starter Kit: $199.99

9781630381875 Starter Kit: $79.99

9780836199239 Starter Kit: $159.99

Base Camp Sing & Play Music Leader Version 2-CD Set.

Celebration Music Leader Version 2-CD set.

Original reproducible music by Yancy. 8 new songs (2 for PreK); music videos, motions, sheet music, split tracks on 2-CD set.

Includes 6 brand new and reproducible songs written specifically for SonSpark Labs.

Yes—information forthcoming

Message Received Music CD; Message Received Songbook.

Base Camp Sing & Play Music DVD; KidVid™ Stories: God’s Mighty Power DVD; Ultimate Director Go-To Recruiting & Training DVD; Decorating Places: Everest DVD.

Celebration Music DVD; Ultimate Director Go-To Recruiting & Training DVD; Decorating Places: Thailand Trek DVD; Experience Thailand DVD (with Leader Manual).

Kid-friendly missions videos from Beth Guckenberger for Opening & Closing time, Reproducible Music & Video Set with MP3 & MP4 files.

Preview DVD: planning & decorating videos. Assemblies DVD: 5 daily videos, 12 music videos (6 performed, 6 lyriconly), Mission Spotlight videos, animated logos, posters, & more. DVDs come in Deluxe Kit.

Yes—information forthcoming

Bible Memory DVD

Base Camp Sing & Play Music CD

Celebration Music CD

Music is free & reproducible. Pass-along CD sets also available.

Music is reproducible or churches can buy multipack music CDs for kids.

Yes—information forthcoming

Message Received Songbook

Jak’s Bible Pack (preschool student book); Bible Bands (elementary).

CrossTrek Student Magazine for elementary (includes FREE digital app); Passport Preschool Pages.

Full-color books in four age levels: preschool, elementary, preteen, and teen.

Fun Pages for preschool and pre-K/K; Lab journals for elem. (both sold in packs of 5).

Yes—information forthcoming

My Book of Stories, full-color book for early childhood. Message Decoder, full-color book for grades 1-5.

Everest Ultimate Director GoTo Guide; Base Camp Sing & Play and Summit Celebration Ldr; KidVid™ Cinema Ldr; Imagination Station Ldr; Bible Expeditions Ldr; Mountaintop Treats Ldr; Glacier Games Ldr; Spotlight VBS™ Ldr (software online); Preschool Director.

Thailand Trek Ultimate Director Go-To Guide; Celebration Leader Manual; Thai Treats Leader Manual; Thai Games Leader Manual; Experience Thailand Leader Manual; Bible Adventures Leader Manual; Preschool Passport to Thailand Director Manual.

Director’s Guide and Leader’s Guides for all age levels are included in the kit: Opening & Closing, Bible Stories, Snacks & Games, Activities, Crafts & Science, and Service & Missions.

Leader books in Deluxe Kit for each age group & Center Leader from Bible Story to Crafts, Games, Assembly and Snacks. All leader guides are also available separately.

Yes—information forthcoming

Director’s Guide; Worship & Drama Guide; Active Response Guide; Bible Response Guide; Creative Response Guide; Early Childhood Leader’s Guide.

Decorating Places: Everest DVD; Everest Clip Art & Resources CD

Decorating Places: Thailand Trek DVD; Thailand Trek Clip Art & Resources CD

Decorating Resource Pack, Decorating & Publicity CD, Bible Story Poster Pack, Service & Missions Poster Pack, Daily Theme Poster Pack, Site Names Poster Pack, and Serving Hands

Lab Décor & More Theme Guide, video clips on Preview DVD, wall murals, poster packs, hallway/doorway curtains, fiber-optic lamps, beakers, plus the new MEGA Decorating Pack of decorating images.

Yes—information forthcoming

Invitation poster; Bible Memory verse poster.







New this year: Innovative preschool format with ageappropriate Exploration Stations and Closing Circle time. All-new KidVid Cinema™ with stories of real challenges faced by kids.

Cross Culture VBS immerses your kids in the sights, sounds, and tastes of a new, unique culture every year, showcasing how Christians in other countries live out their faith and magnifying God’s love for the whole world!

No one is left out at Bible Blast to the Past. Special needs options and guidance are intentionally and lovingly built into the VBS experience to make it the best ever for all of God’s children.

Free Leader training on MyVBSParty.com. Gospel Light also provides great tools that kids will love, including Connection Gears, Daily Silly Bands, Stickers, Bookmarks, Pens, Lab Glasses, and more!


VBSShowcase.Cokesbury.com | 800.672.1789 | Community Resource Consultants



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VBSShowcase.Cokesbury.com | 800.672.1789 | Community Resource Consultants



VBSShowcase.Cokesbury.com | 800.672.1789 | Community Resource Consultants


VG155610001 PACP10039826-01 9781501801334

201 Eighth Avenue South P.O. Box 801 Nashville, TN 37202-0801




Save up to 20%*on all VBS resources plus FREE shipping during Cokesbury’s VBS Showcase! Offer good January 1–February 28, 2015. *All VBS items will be sale priced. Group VBS resources are 10% off; other programs are 20% off. Use shipping offer code FREESHIP at checkout. Ground shipping to the continental USA only; does not include express shipping. Not valid on previous purchases.



Here’s how to order:

• Visit • Call Cokesbury at 800-672-1789 • Contact your local Community Resource Consultant

View an in-depth VBS comparison chart at VBSShowcase.Cokesbury.com

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