The Colby Oracle 1956

Page 1

ORACI�E 1956 The Y earhook. of Colby College Waterville, Maine


Business Manager Layout Editor Photography Editor Assistant Photography Editor Staff Photographer Copy Editor Editorial Coordinator Senior EJitors Sports Editor Assistant Sports Editors Art Editor Circulation Editor


Office Manager


Faculty Consultant






























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CARL JEFFERSON WEBER has perhaps done more than any other person to establish Colby College in the world of scholarship. Dming his curatorship, the Edwin Arlington Robinson Treasure Room has become widely known as a valuable repository of literary and historical material. Along with the duties of cmator and teacher, Doctor Weber has been instrumental in the publications of the Colby College Press and is the editor of the Colby Library Quarterly. In dedicating this ninetieth issue of the Oracle to Doctor Weber, the staff, acting f or the student body, wishes to express its gratitude to him f or his tire­ less efforts on the behalf of literature and of Colby.

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Recognition As­ sembly, May, 19.55. ancy H u bbard becomes a member of Cap and Gown in the traditional tapping ceremony.

E . P o w e r B ig g s poke and played in Lorimer on the Walcker Organ.

Spring of 19 55 at Colby was characterized by the burs t of activity which always arrives ·with that season. Winter's numbing lethargy left the Colby mind sooner than it left the campus. The first sign of this was the Greek Sing. Shirt-sleeved fraternities and sweater­ and-skirt sororities sang in the cool shade of the library on one of those damp evenings which typifies the Colby spring. The first prizes in respective groups were awarded to the Delta Delta Delta sorority and the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity. The recordings of the Colby-Eight and the Colbyettes, new undertakings by both of these groups, met with approval, evident from the reaction to the familiar songs heard in the Spa for several days. The Powder and Wig presentation of two of Lillian Hellman's plays, "The Little Foxes" and "Another Part of the Forest'', was the first repertory production given at Colby. Long-range efforts to bring Robert Frost to Colby were finally successful, and, during that same week, Al Capp, originator of L'il Abner, was scheduled to speak at the all-college banquet. Like Aesop's hare and tortoise, the weather caught up with the enthusiasm of the student body and soon surpassed it. However, on Johnson Day, the two were side by side, and the amateur agriculturists matched the tem­ perate day with their energy and accom[ 14]




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Charles A. Sprague of the Oregon Statesman and winner of the 19 55 Lovejoy award.

Francis Keppel, Dean of the Harvard Graduate School of Education, opened the Averill Lecture series. As the students finally acclimated themselves to the schedule of classes and activities, the college community settled into the diver­ sified routine of the Fall semester. The usual gratifying attendance at the Air Force Reserve Officer's Training Corps Military Ball, not necessarily an indication of the spirit behind such a turn-out, was proportionally equal to the number of students, faculty members, and Waterville people who heard Mary Ellen Chase speak on C(The Poetic Imagination" in the Women's Union. M ay Craig, of the Portland Press Herald, proved to be another stimulating speaker in a semester which was surprisingly lacking in that medium of education. As the holiday season approached, the Outing Club, fresh from its earlier ventures into the Hinterlands, offered The Hayseed Hop, an Autumn Sadie Hawkins dance, and, on the bibliophilistic side, the Library Associates met in the Treasure Room for an entertaining examination of Colby's new rare acqui­ sitions. In view of the "importance of college faculties in preserving America's freedom, as well as the fact that faculty salaries have failed to increase as rapidly as the cost of living" , the Ford Foundation awarded a grant of five hundred thousand dollars to Colby as one of several other colleges receiving similar grants. The award came as a result of the Ford Foundation's inspection of Colby and her modus operandi the preceding year.

[ 16 ]

I 17 I

the Women's Janet Kimball, '57, was the chairman of directed the and e mitte Com uet Annual Christmas Banq Glee Club oin Bowd The n. Unio en's Wom the affair in iah in Mess el's Hand of ce joined Colby's in a performan the than ful color less ly slight n ntatio prese a the Chapel, The ng. eveni day Satm one at Bowdoin the preceding program, and Colby Community Symphony opened the performed in several selected members of that group Messiah. on an over­ In an attempt to increase studying facilities enacted by crowded campus, new library rnles were room was kept Sh1dent Government, and the reading students to open until twelve o'clock, enabling male tl1e door on, additi In . hours ing benefit by longer study to prevent locked was Spa the near room e reserv the of from annoythe disturbing element of cross-library traffic nts. stude ing ing study

[ 18 ]

Interfraternity competition at the Woodsmen's Meet. ext year, perhaps

[ 20 ]




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On Fdmiary 19th, 19"' . Fra nkl in \ imlcm J oh n. on Pr sid nt Em ·ri tus of 'olhy, d it d in hi· ·igh ty-si th yc>ar . oti ·c• of his passing w< r <\Tri d in th ett 1 ork Time. and the..• /frm/d 'friln11w as wdl .ts lo ·al and . tat p 11 hli ·ation . at · r that am W(•ck t lw t•ol l •g<• wa., a rain add •1 NI h ' t lw dt•ath of \l rs. l i lclr •cl Pc rki ns, on of the mun who had s ·p11 t llC' Colh • of �ra ·flowc·r Hill gr \\ i n to a rc•alit '·

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Oscar Wilde's Salome, a production of the Modern Dance Club in conjunction with Powder and Wig, pro­ vided a contrast to the latter organization's production of Murder in the Cathedral of Thomas Stearns Eliot. A touring group prGsented three famous tea scenes to central M aine clubs and organizations. Spring vacation meant early release for the traveling Glee Club, which, under Mr. Re's direction, presented a concert in Town Hall. The program was a varied one, including three Shakespeare songs by R. Vaughn Williams and a rare Mozart mass. The disappointment caused by a most unfortunate football season in the Fall was somewhat lessened by a succesful basketball season, although a loss to Bates came as a surprise. The Alfond Hockey Rink, opened earlier in the year, proved to be immensely popular, and hockey was on its way to becoming a major Colby sport. Spring Convocation featu red Jack Levine, whose pictures were on exhibition in the library, along with other celebrities, in a week of lecture and discussion. "The Rediscovery of the Individual" brought an intellectu al air to a campus which so often seemed to be lacking any semblance of scholarly pursuit and endeavor. The winter had proved to be long, and the change of season was as usual, lingering. Gym classes and stu­ dents finally moved out of doors into the mild breeze of the Hill, and the pond became another Walden to the undergraduate Thoreaus who brought books, blankets, and radios with them. Final examinations meant another summer interim for many and a closing of four years at Colby for others, who now looked forward to graduate school, military service, summer jobs, and, in some cases, marriage.

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J ULIUS SEELYE BIXLE H President of Colby College

On July 1, 19 42 , Julius Seelye Bixler took office as Pres­ ident of Colby College. Formerly, he was professor of Theology at Harvard Divinity School, serving as acting­ dean on two occasions. Dr. Bixler graduated from Amherst in 1916 . He spent the following year in India studying at a missionary school. Later, he continued his theological work at a missionary college of an American university in Beirut, Syria. He did further graduate work at Harvard and Yale. Dr. Bixler was a member of the faculty of Smith Col­ lege for nine years with one year spent on research work in Germany. In 19 33, he joined the Harvard faculty. President Bixler is the author of Religion for Free Minds, Conversations with an Unrepentant Liberal, A Faith that Fulfills and other books on philosophical and theological subjects. He is a former president of the American Theological Society. He has received degrees from Amherst, Harvard, Brown, Bowdoin, Wesleyan and other colleges. President Bixler is a life member of the board of trustees at Amherst and is also a trustee at Radcliffe, and the International College of Beirut, Syria. He serves as a member on the board of directors of several colleges.

[ 26 ]


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I 27 I






an of tlic Fuc:ulty


E. WILLIS MILLETT Alumni Secretary


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JAMES HUMPH RY III Librarian FLORENCE E. LIBBY Assistant Librarian

MUSIC-Peter Re and Ermanno F. Comparetti

CLIFFORD H. B R "E Clia11lai11 of Colby Coll "l

M . I. , I PE '1 1-:J\ lleacl of tlw Art Dt/Hlrlm< 11t

ALFRED K. CHAPMAN Head of the E nglish De partment

CARL J. WEBER Roberts Professor of English and Curator of the Edwin Arlington Robinson Trea ure Room

E NGLISH Seated: Carl J. Weber, John J . Iorio, Richard C. Harrier, Alice P. Comparetti, Lee S. Baier, John H. Suther­ land, Carlin T. Kindilien, F . Celand Witham . Standing: J ames Oliver, R. Mark Benbow, Richard Cary. -

f f . T r. y llcml of tlw .'1od1 m l..tmf:.tllll!,l' o, /""'"' nt

RELIGIO -PHILOSOPHY-Seated: John A. Clark, J. Seelye Bixler. Standing: Peter Coffin, Clifford H. Os­ borne, Richard C. Gilman.

HISTORY-GOVER IE T-Clifford J. Berschneider, Harold B. Raymond, K. Frederick Gillum, David H. Grubbs, David G. Bridgman.

K. FREDERICK GILLUM Acting Head of the History­ Government Department

[ 34]







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RALPH S. WILLIA�! Head of the Business Adminis­ tration Department

M ATHEMATICS-Lucille Zukowski, Wilfred J. Combel­ lack, Rahim R. Mojallali.


Moore, Walter

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PIIY I '-Donald Wolfo, h F. Br \\a. Ila� . Th ma:.

, Y-Do11.ild I..mntK: E. Philip JI. 0 h r •.


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LIEUTENA T COLO EL H. H. KIRBY, JR. Head of the Air Science Department

Staff Sgt. Dean Faircloth, USAF; Master Sgt. John Love, USAF; 1'1aster Sgt. Robert Hilbert, USAF; Master Sgt. Edward Cilley, USAF.

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First Row: L. Powers, S. 1ill�r, J. J ubins!<Y-Vice Pres., R. Raymond-Pres., D. Rice-Treas., E. Ewing, N. Hanson. Second Row: D. �obson, �· Jones, M. �erkms, J. Martin, R. Rasmussen, M. Goodman, Jvf. Papalia, J. Huebsch, l'\l. Seaver, 1. Lawrence, T. LaV1gne. Third Row: G. Picher, M. Remington, B. Hom, R. Phillips. Absent: J. Williams-Sec.

STU DENT GOVERNMENT Student Government, headed by Bob Raymond, John Jubinsky, Joan Williams and Don Rice, has worked this year to improve all phases of student life and activity. Freshman Hazing was more impressive and successful in its first year under Student Govern­ ment jurisdiction, and, thanks to the hard-working Planning Com­ mittee, Campus Chest reached its goal again this year. Improvements were made in the women's mail system by the installation of separate mail boxes in the four dorms and in library study conditions by the stopping of tlu·ough-tra:ffic through the Reserve Room. Several new campus organizations were supported by Student Government, including the Forensic Society, the Freshman Cheer­ ing Squad, and the Sigma Theta Psi Fraternity. Colby Student Government played host in March to the Maine Intercollegiate Student Government Association with a confer­ ence entitled, "World Citizenship and the Liberal Arts School. " Delegates from the four Maine colleges and many visitors enjoyed stimulating discussions, panels, and speakers. [ 42 ]


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B. Karetnick, M. Roberts, M. Papalia, B. Hall, K. Knight, P. Rigero. Absent: J. Kimball.


WOMEN'S STUDENT LEAGUE Seated: F. Wren, . Hubbard, J. Kimball-Vice Pres., J . Pratt-Pres., R. Rowe-Treas., E. Ewing -Corr. Sec. , N. Hansen. Standing: J. Lary, M. Perkins, J. Huebsch, S. Whittlesey, B. Scott, J. Vaughn. Absent: E. Bigelow-Rec. Sec., M. Seaver, K. Kies.


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Vashti Boddie Arthur Goyette Patricia Hennings Theodore Margolis Shirley Needham Yvonne Noble Barbara Preston Joanne Stinneford

[ 46 ]

English History Sociology Biology Sociology English Mathematics Biology



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nl: Thomas, K. Haruta, Mr. Brown, W. Weitzman, G. Picher.



Sigma Pi Sigma, Delta Phi Alpha, and Phi Sigma Iota are the three honorary societies at Colby for those who have shown outstanding achievement in cer­ tain fields of scholarship. Sigma Pi Sigma is for physics students; Delta Phi Alpha for those inter­ ested in the German language and culture; and Phi Sigma Iota is a society for French and Spanish students.

[ 48 ]


J. Lury, r.

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Seated: V. Boddie. Standing: J. Pratt, V. Noble, A . Stiegler, R. Rowe, N. Edmunds.


Election to Cap and Gown or to Blue Key is the highest non-scholastic honor that can be attained by an under-graduate at the end of his or her junior year. Those chosen by the graduating members are tapped at the annual Recognition Assembly in May. While Student Government handles affairs of legislation and policy, Blue Key and Cap and Gown are respon­ sible for the management of all official social functions, from Freshman Week and Johnson Day to President's Convocation, teas, official gatherings, and banquets. Working together as one group, Cap and Gown and Blue Key seek to perform those functions which will benefit the entire campus.

Mr. Bryan, D. Kupersmith, J. J ubin­ sky, J. Chatfield, R. Raymond, D. Van Alien, R. Zullinger, Dr. Bixler.





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K1� ·r, D. � lilt, H. D. Ydt, J. urti\.

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First Row: Mr. Re, J. Ludwig, R. Peppe, K. Rojanavongse, R. Hakes, F. Hammond, J. Whitman, P. �lerrill, R. Arthur -Vice-President, S. Painter, D. Hoyt. :-:iecond Row: C. Lopez, J. Wiley, S. l'vlacDonald, G. Poor, R. Brown, D. Trevett, J. Redmond, J . Turner, K. Arnett, R. Lockwood, A. Gengras, P. I ves . Third Row: D. Yett, P. Schultz, J. Keal, P. Price, B. Rhodes, J. Dyson, G. Hagerman, N. McCracken, N. Stinneford, J. Smith. Fourth Row: D. M ills, R. Thomson, A. Gold­ schmidt, R. Seavey, B. Montgomery, B. MacDonald, F. Barnes-President, E. Greppin.


The Colby Glee Club has succeeded in presenting a full and varied program during the past yeaJ:, made possible by the enthusiastic leadership and sensitive direction of Peter Re. On December 4th, despite a snow storm, a small group selected from the glee club went to Poland Springs to give a half hour Christmas program over television. The entire glee club joined in a chorus of three-hundred voices in the annual Messiah Con­ cert at Bowdoin on December 10 th. Other participating choruses were: Colby Junior, Westbrook Junior, Brunswick Choral Society, and Brunswick High School Chorus. The chorus was under the direction of Frederic Tillotson and was accompanied by a thirty piece orchestra. The follow­ ing night the Bowdoin Glee Club and Colby Glee Club presented sele(tions from Messiah in the Christmas Concert in Lorimer Chapel, with Colby students as soloists. The highlight of the year was the ambitious program prepared by the travelling glee club. Selections were: Mczart's "Vesperae Solennes de Confessore, " K.339; three Renaissance madri­ gals, "Echo Song" by Orlando di Lasso, "Moro Lasso" by Carlo Gesualdo, and "Revecy Venir du Printans" by Claude le Jeune; two choruses from Messiah; Vaughn Williams' "Three Shakes­ peare Songs" ; "Six Chansons" by Paul Hindemith; "Psalm 150 " by Anton Bruckner; and "Col­ biana", a medley of Colby songs arranged by Peter Re. This program was presented in Hartford on March 2 2nd and in Town Hall in New York City on the 2 4th. Last year's concert with the Portland Symphony Orchestra was well received, and the glee club was invited for a return engagement on April 18. A selection by Mozart presented in com­ memoration of the two-hundredth anniversary of his birth was directed by Richard Burgin, the conductor of the Portland Symphony Orchestra. [ 52 ]

T Fint Roic: . ·.


Le�ru K. E,.m . Fuller


J. Fon�ey . Tran 11<.• H. � Joor ·

E. Eh,l'll B. Barron E. Walkl'r

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\1. . Little

B. Barni:s B. Li t

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P. Bl.1tk B. wtt B Pn ton J. LO\\ 'I')' orcor.1n J. rth L. \\'1 hh ·r Thomp..011 •


PRA First Rem·:

1 1. Holwrts \\' \I .id on,tld \', Drapt•r \!rs. 1 Iarrkr

'. D rd ·rinn "'Ill;\!\ " J i athawa\. J. Pulll'n .

Third Row: J. \·,lllghn L. llcrton J. Pratt D. Rob on H Lorc.l •. Dnnbar . \Vieland

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Fourth Rou.:: •.



�I. Hice \'. B mi C. Bears

L. Pov er· !::. FortL·nbau rh P. \Jartin


Front: M r. Re. First Row: J. Bray, U. Draper, N. Williamson, J. Cronk, K. Evans. Second Row: P. Martin, A . Jefferson, J . Shaw, M. Lermond, P . Ruker, D. Tasker. Third Row: L. Wade, A. Lowery, N. Miller, L . Johnson. Fourth Row: B. Preston, N. Hansen, S. Painter. Fifth Row: A . Goldschmidt, J . Whitman, D . Hoyt, R. Arthur.

Mr. Re conducts the Colby Concert Choir in a rehearsal for the Town Hall Concert, with Mrs. Richard C. Harrier at the piano.



8. \tkimon, William 11, 8 Kit in, �I. Wood onw. J. K11nh. II, :\. Pl'.tc·od,, n. Pr ton, 1l p1.t110 • Jt•rTt T on, Dirator.

D. Hob on,

THE COLBY COMMUNITY Because 19 56 is the bi-centennial anniversary of Mozart's death, the Colby­ Community Symphony, directed by Dr. Ermanno Comparetti, joined musical organizations the world over with its emphasis on the music of Mozart. For the Christmas Concert, the orchestra presented Bach's ]esu, Joy of Man's Desiring and Sheep May Safely Graze, and Mascagni's Intermezzo. The orchestra again gave a concert at Pittsfield which included the Zigeunerwesein and Gypsy Airs of Sarasate, Bernard Morel, soloist, as well as a concert at Madison. For their proj­ ect this year, the orchestra brought the Harvard-Radcliffe Orchestra, who per­ formed Brahms' Fourth Symphony, to Colby in May. Thomas Richner was guest at the Spring Concert, at which Mozart's Concerto in D Minor, for plano and orchestra, was performed, along with Dr. Comparetti's Symphonic Poem, based on Italian folk melodies. On April 30 , the orchestra sponsored an organ recital by Thomas Richner.

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Hmt: I. Aud1·r 111 S. J )1111l1.1r, A T.1mwr, H. ".111 tor.\, D. i(cnrwch, G. Poor, (,. .oITin, Ji'. l l ammoncl, F. 'Cotul lfou T. J\1rl.end.ill. JI. Wiko\, B. H•) n 11'., II. \loor·. J. l 111cr, J. B. t1 r, J\. Brc 1·n, ,\. Ltlt1r Brll\\ n, ,\, Joi .1ri11�, P. J) 111k1•rt, Dr Co1 1 1 p.1rdti, B. \l 11r r••�, \I. Bu rger. L. Hoy, 11 . Holwrts, B. List. J . King. 'f/1irtl llm1: J. D11 11 t11 1, �I. f l 1JJ"\\1t1. L. .·ovic:k , T. ·t.olfit·lcl, P. Br<mn, D. H<vmkls, J. ohum, '. Painlt•r. •

[ 57]

The Drokur, Colby's literary magazine, went into its third year with new format and design and great hopes for future Student Government support. Planned to afford an outlet to Colby's literary and artistic talent, the Drokur put out its three issues under the editorship of Candace Orcutt. With Richard C. Harrier as its advisor, the Drokur looks forward to another successful year.

·ti: . K1�t.r, G. Ruclolph-B11Slll ·s �lanag •r-'55. R. Row'-• ditor-'55, \t,1rtm, \I. Rumngton, D. llo) t. 'landing: B. Karl'lnitk, L. Latinwr. B. .dt�. J. .\mold. P. Bo�n·n, �1. mith. J\b, ·nt: P. L11ndcr.


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Seated: J. Nordgren, K. Sferes, E. Duckworth, B. Rubin, D. Mills-Editor, J. Klem-Assistant Editor, J. Murnik-Business Manager, G. Bears, R. Berns. Standing: A. Powell, J. Silverstein, B. Hunter, S. Haye .

The goal of the 1956 Oracle staff has been to produce a yearbook with a new standard of conservatism which, at the same time, recorded as completely as pos­ sible the 1955-1956 Colby year. Taking note of the constructive criticism offered by the student body, the staff has endeavored to raise the literary tone of the book as a whole without sacrificing to any great ex tent the spontaneity of the college community. With this issue, the Oracle celebrates its ninetieth anniversary. Its unstated dedication has been in no small measure to the staffs and yearbooks of the past. The 1956 Oracle ex presses its gratih1de to them and its sincere best wishes to the staffs of the future.



[ 61 ]



Seated: J. farcbbank, J. Brush-President, J. McCurdy. Standing: B. Karetnick, P. Walters, D. Powers, B. Barron, M. Darby, L. Levinson, C. Graves, A. ifcLean.


[ 6:3]

Seated: D. Ting, M. Winter, K. Rojanavongse, M. Siu, K. Haruta, A. Clockler, B. Sondern, A. Schimmelpfennig. Standing: S. Gang, M. Kruger, T. Totman, A. Tanner, S. Transue, J. Butler, M. Andrau, A. DeCarlo, C. Craves, J. Auger, G. Bears, V. Serpa, l'. Rigero.

COSMOPOLITAN CLUB Seated: L. Latimer, M. \!Vorster, W. Weitzman, C. Kiger-President, M. Wormser, J. Piazzi, R. Rowe. Standing: 1. Baker, A. Goldschmidt, M. Kruger. Absent: S. Gang, C. Davila-Vice­ President.



] l 64

FRE CH CLUB Knight, P. IIarri-.o o, Fort ob ugl1. K. Coon-Pre ident, L. �l .umn · "· J. ugtr. ·n:o11d Rmc: �I. h,\ , Ga�nor.

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LE BOUR GEOIS GENTILH OMME Kiger, Keach, Dainwood, Bullock, and Bears in a scene from LE BOURGEOIS GENTIL­ HOM M E for Commencement-1955.

POWDER AND WIG THE LITTLE FOXES gather for dinner in Lillian Hellman's drama, Spring, 1955.

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la r d and w i th a n w ca t.

rps o Tur k i. h danc r

n •mhlP undc•r the d i rection of � I rs. Richard

T' ·th




lr. \\'itham of th

lu ·tio11, LC' Bo11rf!.coi.



n o


lubs in

'I i i t" Murder in th•

THE Sl( IN OF OUR TEETH conveeners in the Atlantic La Noble and McCurd y share the focus o f the City scene.


. Tr.1H �. C De\ t·,ty. \I. Phillip.. . Sccm1d Rmc Rmt. J. II.1rl w" B. H uhin, \1. L 011ond, C.



E luh


l laborated thi

CAMERA Seated: M. Libby, A. Tanner, B. Wheelwright, L. Latimer, D. Hoyt. Standing: W. Knouse, A. Snyder, W. Dorman, J . Haurand, A. Lowery, D. Ting. Absent: J. Arnold.


GUN CLUB Kneeling: K. Connolly, R. Dow, B. Magee, R. Adams. Standing: E. Goldberg, B. Byers, A. Greene, B. Stomp, S. Armstrong.





St•ult'd: J . H11clolph, �Jr. Brown, J. S1111th. Stmull11�: A. J• ,1lt<•r, P. Jodw�. G. Hi .1r, J. Arnold. Alm rit: 0. Wlw 1" ri tht, \V. 'J l111111p 111.

First Row: N. Lee, D. Dinwoodie, A. Tanner, V. Vaughn, J. Merrill, C. Layer, .M. Perkins, S. Stewart, N. Gilligan, F. Barnes, W. Clark. Second Row: R. Simmonds, L. Johnson, J . Earley, P. Rigero-Vice-President, B . Henderson, T . Brackin-President, A . Stiegler, A. Eng­ dahl, B . Hall, B. Morgan. Third Row : R. Summers, N. Bates, C . Rice, T. Ostrom, E. White, V. Bernhard, B. Stompe, B. Olsen, C. Siegal, F. Moorhouse, P. Hussey.


shape in or d



· nt ·r

fa l l .


Th • od

ouncil was fi n al ly bl n w

on l i tions, ancl tc ok

th ·m to p ·rfect th ir j u m p OtJtin�

' l 1 1 l)s !\ q 1 arc d a n c ,

. ucc·ess, as p.trti

·s .



supp ·r

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n ta rn.

an<l swi m m i n g

\Vint(·f C a rn i v a l W · · k • n c l •\\"

I t o l<·y ri n k .

ad 1 v i t ie clo!!Pd '' i t h trip , a 1 1 d a 1 1o t l u



th •


highli rht of th · s ·ason, com pk te wi t l how on t lw 11


a r p at d


Th • y


' •ar s

i s i t s to th · lodg \ can o ·

h i k t · up \ l m m t K a t a l


[ 7:3 )

Kathy f cConaughy is queen at the Showboat Serenade Ball.

Snow Sculptures by the Z etes , lef t, and the Tri-Delts , above, were the winners in the final judging by a stu dent­ f aculty committee.

1 956

First Row: M iss Marc? ant, , J . H�ebsch, N. Eggleston, N. Edmunds, P. McConnack-President, E. Ewing, J. Thomson, D. Green­ man, E. Foresman, Miss D Amelio. Second Row: S. Transue, J. Auger, L. Macomber, M. Papalia, K. Vogt, E. Fortenbaugh, B. Thompson, C. Moore, J. King, G. Krebs, K. Knight, L. :tvicGuinness, G. Graves.

WOMEN'S ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION This was a banner year for W.A.A. Aside from the perennial tourna­ ments in hockey, volleyball, basketball, ping-pong, tennis, and badminton, with Jackie Auger copping her fifth win in the tennis tournament, and Kathy Vogt taking first place for the fifth time in the badminton tourna­ ment, W.A.A. sponsored a hockey playday and clinic which included representatives from nearby colleges. Ann Townsend, noted hockey player, gave the group some hints on how to improve hockey techniques. In the spring, along with Cupid's reawakening interest in archery, Grace Robertson, from the University of Massachusetts held an archery clinic and demonsb:ated some tricky shooting. The spring also saw many girls at the University of Maine for the spring sports inter-collegian playday. With the opening of the new Alfond Hockey Rink, ice-skating became a central sport. A record number of girls signed up for it as an activity, but perhaps its being the first co-ed physical education class provided an extra ch-awing card. Another new sport was added to the W.A.A. program. Under the direc­ tion of Ellie Fortenbaugh, a riflery club is being formed, and should be in full swing next year. The annual awards picnic drew W.A.A.'s full year to a close, when numerals, letters, and the coveted silver cup were awarded to those women who had earned them through their participation in sports and promotion of good sportsmanship and the high ideals of W.A.A. [ 76 ]

L lub i · t n or

o l by \'• r ity

Th ·

nizati n f rm

I •ttt•rnwn in cml r to build and maint. in th c

mp ·tition on :\ l .1) £10\




c l •partm •nt i


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·n i l l

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d ·partm •nt and th · coll

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aid to ·t d<:nt hip to th

[ 77 J




mmunity of

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"i automatica l l , initiat d into th �

'lub IM · l ' ho will


Athl <'tic D partm nt

'olhy " '" in th

ho is <:>l t ibl for th •

an<l pirit

of main c n

The dub con i t. of mt mh r from th ..

Tl is



·arn •d th •i r \


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quality of athl tic

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pla n · for


h lar hip

ontrihut in port man hip and choL r·

o l hy ommuni



JUNIOR OFFICERS First Ro w: R . Darroch, W . Herdiech, R. Krasnigor, N. Stin­ neford. Second Row : E. White, A. Bernhard, B . Olsen, R. Huart. Third Row : P . Deerin g , P. Merrill, J: Fisher, C. Smith. Absent : T. Collins, A . Eng dahl, L. Mathieu, D. Tracy, C. Webster.


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[ 85 ]








f u nd d at

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i n 1908

th ar,

[ 87 ]



n t < ft r him in


pril. The annual fa hion







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XI of

Mrs. E lizabeth Towle.

E f u u d d al

I ll

[ 93 ]

ILO 8 6

ALPHA of Pill DELTA THETA founded at Colby in 1883

Mrs. Hazel Whitmore. [ 94 ]

Tlw ,ood hip Phi," ahl, uaviga t 'cl h) Tom ewman and J ohn • arley, h,t agai n mad , n 011 tstandin 1 con trihution to th 'olhy ports pi ·tur " Th · thr • var it) captnin. from th hou Hool in ootba l l , harlic � l orri ·e' i n this ,y ar wc•r Bark hoc:k .'" and Bob Brun in l , sk •tba l l . J im H i g r i n s :rnd V i n • •rrarn have J ft u to join th 'Ver grO\ partm nt ·, no\ b tt r known i ng 1ro1 1 p of o ·c.:1 1 pants in th • •t as h • "Phi Dd t \m ' \ . " J a -k I u lanc) has ma nag •cl to conquer our hudg<'t prob] m this •(•ar a11d h ..1s also fo1 1 1 cl tim • to r •pr ' · •n t u · on t h . Int r­ fnt ·rni ty 'ou nc:i l . Fol lowi ng Hom · ·oming and Wint r 'arni al, prin g W k nd finish >cl a gn•at year off right. "

[ H5 J



-- - -

cm of

M rs. Helen Goodwin.

[ 96 ]

111dr y, T. harp, D. Downing. i\I. tom·. P. P1uc.: ·-Pro1d ·nt D. Dunn, J. \k mat') , R. dam , It ader-Vice-Pre id 'nt, • '. ould enmd Rou : R. Ru '"• H. J I . P. Do) It , . \ 1�11t-, \'. \'t·ntra, .\. I l ull, A. D ' mit'o, J. Vl•ntra, F. \\'aldron, J. hutc.>, P. De�ring, . Pi(.:ht:r, R. Phillip.. Tliird Rott- R. \\',11tlwr, J. L) nch, D. .odsol', R. 'ton •, W. Fry . J. Po t, P. Golden, Fitc.:h, \\'. Juclcl, E. Ru hton, \. Tarr. Fo11rtli Rott : R. l(cdd). . ht'rT} . . Lincoln. . Rand, O. COte, C. arother , dam , J . F rrie, J . D y n , B t ' •n on. b rrt : L. Mat hit·u, D. Oa\ nport, B. \\'illfam .

Z T f u nd c l a t

p I lh

l 97 ]

i n 1 850

Mrs. Marion Whitehead

DELTA UPSILON founded at Colby in 1852

. . hou


A l l i11 a l l , i ts b<·eu J ). .

f 01



·a t )' ·ar. W e



t h ' <:omin g h a

[ 99 ]

u ·

, but

rt· i nJ, n t with u t

much t o promis ' a l> h,

thi pa t ·


Mrs. Hilda Ames.


LPH f u nd d a t I


i n 1 892


whi le• our hri l l iant soc.:i.t l chairm n, Timk n & H aslam, mana 1 cl to p rsuadc· Lew P ·arson to mak ' the• lon g tri p from Ban g or to pla for th \Vi i t r 'arni al anc s th \' ar dra' to a clo , th ·i\ pill. rs of TO, Hatch, J I •IJa, £>11, '. g , Ri , �larshall, and S fior \V, man, drift into ob 1 1 ri ty. Ho' •v r, th i r • ar wa a colorf 1 1 1 on nd we ' ish th 'Jn a l l th Ju ck i n th world. ( J 'd like• to tc•ll ·01 1 w h h u t I c:a1 1't. ) ·



( 101 ]




f u ud d a l .\ noth •r year i n P<•pp •r I J a l l u nder th at

or th i


mo t J i k •ly to b <:oml'


ti nws thi.

m i s t r B. t •

. <�ason

<Iso n . mon k .

'' h i l



cou l d n 't

chard .

'' U)' to Toro n to a

ret an) thing an; vh r >.


\\ h i l c





u n bar, Twigg,

< l u ri n g the wint •r m n th · . " R u h­

H agg tt. "Tigc•r"' J a mi ·on . La\ •rclic•r

a m o n g otlwrs, lw l p •d t o rnak

II n.


hri ti

stel play d

.ir agai n . Bogr •n. \'olm r, a n d \ a n

Kel ly's h l u s at tlw n .,,

·rurm "

ol hy'·

cl k y rol . in

Bob A c l I ma naged to fi nd h i ha ... .

ti n n cford,

am and I da .

JTO\ .. Chnt.6 >)<l rema i n cl th • man

.. traight

Cud more, "Test", a nd \ l a rch tti toi l d for L •



CM ·

m i s' · c l a r p at p rforman e h) fh -t n ths of a p i n t.

manag •d to wa_ h th for


·urge, \Voodhury. pla

. R a. m 1 1">s n. J oh nson .

footba l l for t u n

9 8

I ll


ta plC' ,

baseba l l t am a

ti n n ford u

a n c l Bla n ­

. s. This y



i ts u ps a n c l c lowns for P ·t '. H arry man<tged to a\ oid trouble-, a l so. J ohn Lmh ·i b ·c:u me a virtu a l "\'ar i s h i n

Jn cl oc; i n �.

f. n•w Jl . i •g ,

J oc k . K r i ( •g , L ·avi tt, Do(:, od hlc•ss

. 011


m •rican ", w i th his lif hat. A rti ., J u t,

J ck.

'ri.sp ' , Tigt•r, I l a ,


[ 1 03 ]



of . o l i tu c l , in th

Boo ra, Pa nda,


O u t h, H arry H o u



ha, moth r, and

XI of

Prt•\\ , J . . F •arin g , Penn k.




RHO 926

f u nd d at

• our y<'ar of hi rh •r education, and t i l l higher broth rs h< ' ' almo ·t pa ·ed . But y •t, '" c shal l al" ay ha \ e mernorie of K R and !by- oug \ l u rr, ); no. <.' ttin cau�ht in a h • r C<ln Ho) ·or<. ros \ w ,di h W ddin ; Ted .\ f ar oli anc<•r i n p ·ct ions '' hic:h pr ·parl'cl him for I •d hool; P t r en 's turning J ohn aw: J a, mi th' tnr n i n g J ohn I o •, Bi l l •nnoc:k' roving radi o; .\ l i t ·h " 'am" 'al l's ro\'ing I · ·ping hag, Di k I ads' rol l in� milk '' a 1on ; Hoh " Duvy 'ro k ·tt" Blak •lock's " Hoston and .\ Ja i 1 1 ··· press; Bill Th m p. on\ clinn r wi t h tb pre· ·i­ dcn t; H unk's hunk; and Art ,o t t 's gu iding l ight. And to thc·-. • m •morie \H' add tlw oarin� T" en tit's H ome ·omi n \ i n te r Cami als. Spring \\'<· ·k •nd at Pcmaqu i c l and Ki ldct r. th ,tt u rda) "T a Danct -. · ·. the formals, th s< mi-formals, and th uot-an ' hl'rc-n ·ar formal ·· and of cour <.' a l i t t l · st11dyi 1 1 g ( j 1 1 t h ·fem· t'. ams ) .tncl a lot of pa; and th ·re ou hm our 1rac luating s •niors-stro11�. t, and solwr (" c • hope• ) , taking with tlwm, tlw B ·�t of Colby. ·'




[ 103 ]


Mrs. Marion Hague.

Fir t Rmt . R Raym nd. B 1-.. .m tmd.;. F. J luntr<' • lt A h..:clon , P. Lund<:r-\'k ·-Pn• 1dl·nt. D. Kup •r. mith-Pre!>icknt, R. Rhode • J . T11ml·r. J . 1h n�l ·in. D . Y.m:hm. ffOllrl Ro n : R . B ·m'. H. mda\ , . . h.1.u:,011, B . 1 1 0111, D . \<lll-r, E. olcllwr r, J. ro . . \'. o lga ian. L. l it � '\l"O, I Dunn, B i.. rnmd.. D. � ! ills • . Hudolph. Third Rmt : � I . I ml'I. P. Dor.m. ·. � Iogl·r. . 0l'nncen, . Dean R. ,t!t.i:. I Burger, D. D nn, A. 1 1 ad. Fourth Rem : I• . Harris. \'. Hoj.rnarnn1 1s " J . \l argl111, E . � lazo, R . utter, R . :\ l a Leod, Jr., E oldbcrg, D. Bloom. R. Lo I N, J. lh·dmond, 8. Hohdl', P. Tira In, 1, • , j ib ·rt . .Ab\c11t : J . •11ll''Pi .



fo u nd d a t


PID I ll



[ 1 07 J


apartmc n ts.

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-- ... · · �

Freshmen Welcoming Committee greets Colby team on the opening game of the 1955 season.

RECORD Amherst Middlebury Springfield Tufts Bowdoin Maine Bates

Colby cancelled 19 0 cancelled 14 0 12

Opp .


20 14 12 53 20

Half-back Lee Mathieu rips off yardage against Bates.

[ llO ]

. \ l ,tth.e11. R H.1,mu lll, R 1' r.t,ni�ur. ,1Ltd1no, J. \It rr.m.rn. , Ii \\'inl.. 111 . . 1•c1111d Rott . \\'oodlmn I) O'Brit•n, ; \ t�n · J L.mdo\ t•l, A. J..: .dlod 1, B. J . l'n�t . J . Plante, \. Pi1·r . H. Batt•\, D Pate •. rowIt>\ ,

l i nndor<l, B.



9 5 Fir t to1 1 <. hclown in a

[ 111 ]

60-0 l T on


.ame w i t h � r . in .

The 1955 football season saw the departure of two fine coaches, Frank Maze and Andy Tryens. The team arrived at Colby early in September to begin rigorous training. They were in good condition for the opening game against Amherst, but un­ fortunately the game was cancelled due to a polio threat. Colby played M iddlebury the follow­ ing week, and displayed fine teamwork though suffering a one-point loss. Quar­ terback Jug Merriman guided the team to a half-time lead, but Middlebury utilized its reserve strength and pushed forward to victory. On a rainy Parents' Weekend, Colby met Springfield on the home field. Springfield's Conant and teammates prevented Colby from scoring.

Bob Bates stopped in gain.

Neil Stinneford caught in mid

dri\'ing for mor



onh to

t o . ch

lc·i l

·du l : thl

d for th ·


vitlt Bat(•

m i 1 1 1 1 tP.

[ 1 1.'.3 ]

t i n ndord bloc:k a J u g

lcrriman goe for a

first down.

RECORD Yale Bates Maine Da1tmouth Bowdoin Boston University Providence St. Anselm Seton Hall Middlebury Bowdoin Connecticut

Colby 74 85 65 41 82 60 62 52 54 58 70 71

Opp. 96 77 64 52 68 83 74 63 61 53 59 79

Up, up, and away-Don Dunbar vs. U. Conn.

RECORD Amherst Maine Bowdoin Bates St. Michael's Vermont Connecticut Maine Massachusetts Rhode Island Bowdoin

Colby 59 90 74 66 64 88 98 76 67 83 70

O pp. 56 75 59 70 78 62 93 74 69 61 73

Cro , . Twigg. at d: J. Fi hu l J. Dunbar, 0. \'an A lll·n. R. Ha)lnoncl, H. Bruns, J. wore, R, amph• ll r. \\'t•b tl r, J. E<lr , W. Judd, J. d ·I-. fan n, \ 'inkin.





B ob Raymond driv through the BO\ doin d f n .

Jud Cross follows his man in New Eng­ land Tourney play.

Who me, coach?

With the nucleus of seven returning lettermen to work with, Lee Williams started early in October to practice for a rigorous twenty-four game schedule. He was fortunate in retaining four of the five starters from last year's championship team, and it was only a question of practice time for the team to regain its former finesse and polish. The team opened the season on December 3rd against a strong Yale team and went down to defeat 96 to 74. There was some fine defensive play on the part of the Mules, but this was not enough to stop the Yale club. Captain Bobby Bruns was high man with 17, starting a habit of high scoring which he was to continue throughout the season. To start the home stand, the M ules beat Bates by an 85 to 77 score. The winning streak in State Series competition was begun, and the type of playing seen that night was to make Colby a definite possibility for the State Crown. Colby edged out Maine in a 65-64 thriller, but lost to Dartmouth 52 to 41 later in the month. J ustin Cross was high scorer for the M ules in this one. The first round of the State Series ended in an 82-68 victory over Bowdoin, and Colby had come out of the round with a 3-0 record. The team traveled South during Christmas vacation. An undefeated B . U . team was given a rough time for three quarters of the game, but pulled ahead in the last minute to win 83-60. In spite of Raymond's 16 and Brun's 20 points, Providence came out 74 to Colby's 62. A third defeat of the tour was handed the M ules in the first of a ¡ triple header series in Boston Garden against St. Anselm's, 63-52. Back in Maine, the Mules regained their former verve and beat Maine and Bowdoin 90-75 and 74-59 respectively. Raymond and Twigg each enjoyed the honor of a fine night. [ 116 ]

ti l l fiery from th


in a clo e bal l gam

d cid d in the final minut

of pla .

fo l

coring game o f pla,

' a

t h n conti nu d 'vith t h Univer ity of a .



fo r th

r u u n ers- 1 1 p .

l\ Iu l Ia

tealing one b achu ett , turning

69-67 count. Rhode I land, one of -61 with Ric a h igh man

I ul

Coach Kelly and Capt. Morrissey supervise construction of the hockey rink.

econd Row : F. R •inmund, Coach

i tant mana ger.

oming u p t o r p l ac

n r ·

n ior. , th


HOClffi Y 1 955




a fi n e group o f grad uat­

pro pccts for nc\t ea on are bri h t.

RE ORD Colh '" H arnpshir Bm\cloi n niv •rsity niv rsi

of \ f a s.

orthcastern . \ J i l i tar



2 2 2


3 7





Bowdoin .\cacl<'rny


olb I n t rnational




B wdoin


Won Lost

[ 1 19 ]







We ',

J. Bi hop,

First Row: D. �errick, R. Longely, T. Colman, W. Chapin, R. Russell, G. Burton. Second Row: R. Theve, P. Hussey, D. Burke, A. Johnson, N. Bates, Coach Osberg, D. M iller. Absent: W. Winslow.

SI{] TEAM Under its new coach, Phil Osberg, a one-time Dartmouth ski whiz, the Colby ski team organized itself for the coming racing season. Due to various conditions only two lettermen returned, but the new crop of team aspirants helped to fill the gap. Captain Buddy Bates outlined the coming season which included four varsity and two freshmen meets. Though m id-years and lack of snow caught the team somewhat unprepared for the Brown Invitational Slalom, February 4, the E.l.S.A. meet at Lyndonville the following week found the team more prepared. Doug Miller surprised every­ one by gaining top place for Colby in the slalom-downhill combined. Burke was high man in cross-country. Winter Carnival, the team was out in full force against the Maine colleges and teams from Harvard and the University of New Brunswick. A fourth by Burke and ninth by Bates in cross-country started the team off strong on Friday. Satm­ day Bud Bates showed his true skil l by taking the slalom and a second i n the down-hill. Final tabulations showed Colby in third place out of five possible places. On February 17- 18 at Bridgton, Farmington, and Colby, Buddy Bates' third in the down-hill and sixth in the slalom, and Dave Burke's third in the cross­ country put the team in third place. Two men will not return next year, but the team hopes to have a good season through the efforts of two promising freshmen.

[ 120 ]

R E COR D Colby Iaryland State Catholic Uni ersity

16 10

G orgetown Un iversit r 7 11 American U n i r ity 14 Farleigh- Dickinson 3 U p ala 6 ortheastern 2 Univer ity of Con n. 4 pringfield 2 mherst 3 orthea tern M ain 2 4 Bat s 3

Bat o l h} f r th and


A l l-�Iain


unbar with honorary

Bo' <loin r i ty of Conn .

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r i ty

1 2 4 2 5 4


5 0


5 11 10 1 8 3 5 2 1 4 4

0 1 2 12 10 3 2 10 3 1

EBALL 1 955

rout : D . ll , ) . J . J 1 1bin ky, J . J.1whs. ;lptain K . ra� , D . Lak " J. Jami · ·on, 0. R ice>. Back : CoaC'h \\ inkin, P. Bro\: n, G. Coffin, I:.. L �oni !!rn, \\'. l lair�ctt, 1 • tinn ford D D11nh.1r, \V. Lav rdit'r , . \ Joni 'Y, . Pierce, :\ t ana ger V . orcnson.

RECORD April 23 4 1 11z Colby Norwich 92"\12 April 30 Quadrangular Meet at Colby Bates 66 Vermont 55 38"\12 Middlebury Cclby 5"\12 M ay 7 State M eet Maine 60 Bowdoin 47 27 Bates Colby 1 I\fay 14 E . I .C.A. Colby-Ninth Place lh

Colby track in 1955 went through a very disap­ pointing season, as the loss of Fritz Knight and other boys at the beginning of the second semester was a severe blow. Colby lost all of its track meets, scoring only one point by Don Vollmer in the State Meet. Don Vollmer and Larry Zullinger scored in the Easterns. The 1956 season is expected to see track begin to rise. Returning veterans are Captain Don Vollmer, Larry Zullinger, Fred Moorhouse, J ustin Cross, and David Olsen. The return of Fritz Knight should add considerably to Colby scoring. Candidates up from a good freshman team who will bear watching are : Felix Suchecki, sprinter; Bob Bates, quarter miler; Gordon Cunningham, miler; and David O'Brien, weights.



foorhouse, J . Ziegler, A . Smith, D . Dinwoodie. Back: Coach A . Tryens, D. George, B . Pettegrew, L . Zullinger, :Manager . Hart. Absent: Captain D. Moore, D. Vollmer, D. Krasnigor.


1 1 c lt•r t h

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1 955


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olby � I . L T. Bo ton U n i ver i ty Tufts

o l l ge

� Iain Bowdoin

Rhod,, Island

� l ai n lumni

[ 1 23 J


221h 13 20 2 11 9 22 25 21 19 20h 15

l !h



41h 14 6 2 16 1 5 2 6 51 _


25 -


Kneeling: J. Shute, W. Timken, J. Marshall. Standing: Coach Loebs, C.

lacomber, F. Barnes, R. Hear, A. Clapp, R. Weiss.

The 1955 Varsity Tennis Team was marked by excellent team coordination under the direc­ tion of Coach Mike Loebs. Eleven matches were played during the season with Colby winning six and losing five. The match with Boston University provided the Colby team with its first indoor competition. John Marshall, '56, won nine of his eleven singles matches and was elected captain of the 1956 team. This season marked the first year in which varsity tennis was recognized for the major sports award and six men received letters. The freshman Tennis Team won each of its five matches with impressive scores, providing good material for the 1956 varsity team.

Varsity and Freshman Tennis

Kneeling: R. Keddy, D. Megathlin, D. l\Iiller, F . Reinmund. Standing: Coach Loebs, N. Fitch, J. Bishop, D. Davidson, A. Dean, J. Wolper.

RECORD Colby M. I. T. Boston University Tufts Bowdoin Bates Tufts B abson I nstitute Bates Bowdoin University of Maine University of Maine

4 2 8 3 7 5 9 2 4 6 5

Opp. 5 7 1 6 2 4 0 7 5 3 4

TBALL 1 955

] f L5

RECORD Colby Opp. South Portland High School 65 49 Maine M aritime Academy 73 51 Edward Little High School 43 78 Nasson College 98 39 Westbrook High School 67 50 H iggins Classical Institute 64 56 Portland Y. M.C.A. 72 60 Hebron Academy 78 63 M aine Central Institute 86 85 Bowdoin Freshmen 65 56 Nichols Jr. College 87 76 78 Portland Boys Club 58 Dow Air Force Base 78 70 Bangor High School 71 64 69 Portland Jr. College 41 M aine Central Institute 79 74

Colby's "Baby Mules" rounded out their season with an overall record that commands recogni­ tion. The 13-3 record which the team compiled was highlighted by a 65-56 decision over the Bowdoin freshmen. As for personnel, the frosh mentor, John Winkin, substituted freely without fear of any sacrifice to the team's chances. Lack of height on the squad was compensated for by speed. At center, Paul Neri was ably backed up by Bob Haggett; the forward posts were alternated throughout the season between Joe Grimm, Al Regan, Bruce Williams, Bob Kopchains, Ernie Caruso, Grant Hendricks, and Charlie Maguin­ ness. Setting up the plays from the guard spots were Bob Keltie, Lloyd Cohen, Tony Ruvo, and Dick Hunt.



First Row: H . Whitaker, L. Cohen, B . Keltie, J . Grimm, P. Neri, A . Rogan, D. Hunt, Coach Winkin. Seconcl Row: P. Henderson, T. Runo, C . Maginniss, E . Caruso, R. Haggett, B . Williams, B. Kopchains, G. Hendricks, S. Singer, C. Crosby-Manager.


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[ 1 27 ]

I l i ggin

\Va t >r i l l



Hi l l


las ical I n s ti t u tC' f i iuh


Front: G. Cunningham, P. Suchecki, R. McFarlin, T. Juhlin, R. Haley, B. Ginsburg, D. Adams. Back: A. Tryens-Coach, 0. Sheerin, R . Moran, B. Cron, B. Bates, W. Clark, P. Doran, A. Wilcox, E. O'Brien, P. Dankert-Manager.



The freshman track team had a successful season which began with two easy wins over Hebron Academy and M. C. I. In these two meets the experience of the Tryens-men was sufficient to turn back the efforts of the prep schools. A triangular meet with Bangor and Waterville, held in the pouring rain, resulted in a second-place for the baby mules. The superior numbers in Bangor's team were more than enough to subdue the team, despite several stellar performances by i ts members. A fourth meet, scheduled for South Portland, was postponed. The brunt of the M ule attack was borne by Dave Adams' 440-880, Don Affeldt's hurdles and Phil Suchecki's sprints. Dave O'Brien and Dick M cFarlin added a respectable number of points in the weights and sprints respectively. In the 440-880, Bob Bates, a transfer from Brown, ran unofficially, and his performances indicate a welcome addition to the Varsity in '56. Besides Bob, Gordon Cunning­ ham, Ollie Sheerin, and Ron H aley placed in every meet, giving more points to the baby M ules' totals. If these men continue to improve, the next few years shoul d see a rise in the stature of Colby track to a more prominent place in the M aine conference.

[ 128 ]


Toucl Football Ba I. th,tl l ( ·•1gu \ ) B.1 1' ha l l ( L a�1w B ) •

Bo'' lmg tling 1-. i i n g P i n g Pon!!; \\ imming \'oi l<.•\' B a l l




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Foss Hall Dining Room -first littered by the Class of 1956.

FOUR YEARS OF 'FIFTY-SIX On September 18, 1952, a rather confused but very eager class of '56, ready to revolutionize the little world that was Colby, arrived at Mayflower Hill. That group of sub-freshmen, more enthusiastic than some, less blase than many, was the first to live entirely in buildings on the hill-the new Foss and Woodman Halls had just been opened, and a hearty welcome from Pauline Tompkins, the new Dean of Women, made the women feel right at home. Freshman Week was the first in a series of orientation processes which the college employs to brain-wash high school students, with a n¡easure hunt, picnics, dances, and the involved intricacies of getting acquainted on both sides of the campus. The upperclassmen arrived to add to the confusion and the first semester started. The Freshmen could hardly believe that at last they were really college men and women, and the humiliations of hazing made it even harder. In spite of the beautiful work the girls did on the library steps with their tooth-brushes; in spite of Denny Lyons' prowess in the ring; and in spite of the capturing of Charlie Macomber, the sophomore president, hazing dragged on. The steadfast freshmen fought back with bonfires, water fights, and firecrackers, but only creeping inertia in the sophomore class finally ended the hazing period.

[ 132 ]

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pond. wa.


C'r to he d u l l <·d

tlw son w t i m •., too s i m i lar years to fo l l ow .

By the Fall of 1953 the Class of '56 was out of the adolescent stages of freshman days. Everyone had spent the summer day­ dreaming about the pleasure of being an upperclassman, a B . M .O.C., a sophomore. Remembering last year's hazing, the class h·ied to be strict and to make every freshman bend under the yoke of his own inadequacy. However, the puerile freshmen managed to kidnap the sophomore president, Charlie Morrisey, and hazing ended sooner than the sophomores woul d have liked. Powder Puff Football, another innovation, was another attempt to prove women superior to men; it lasted only one semester. I t didn't take the co-eds long t o primp a n d preen after a hard session on the gridiron when they learned that Colby was to be televised for a nation-wide broadcast. Carnival Saturnalia finally gave the Class of '56 a glimpse of snow sculptme, and for some, slight cases of frostbite; the Car­ nival Queen was a sophomore, Susan M iller. Two more celebri­ ties from that erstwhile group, Charlie Morrisey and J ohn J ubinsky were co-editors of the Echo. The J unior Birdmen held their annual ball, a conh·ast to th more abandoned antics of the Sadie Hawkins' Dance. Along intellectual lines, a new literary magazine was founded and called for reasons no one has been able to discover, the Drokur.

The 1953 Convocation brought outstanding figures to Colby­ Nicolson, Gabrielson, Cousens, Bronk, Case, and Greene.

another inno a­



now an


•:u .,. ·1 i n g of an otlwrn ht• ·w ·<l prin� hro1 1 rht �( ntl<'ma n c:al l • r in rr •.tt 1 umh r to t h(' " om · 1 1 dorm. . Tlw n umh • r . ' er · o \'a t. a. a m a t t •r of fact. that the poh<.: · .trri' cl in hort tim , j ust aft •r th amp11 ·op. ic.k(•non h a c l mad ' o,mc:er and 1 •an ·t n ·n e lm, n b u t it ('ff •ctu.11 a l t ·mpb to from tho · fir and off tho� · C:< pe roofs. lw party \\'ao, O\ ('r too ., am a u d was. f o r t lw m o o, t part. 1 1 11 prnfit.thl('. Th ·r • ''as small r · \'arcl for t h<>'><' '' ho had mac l (• off with a f<'w m ·ntion.thl .., hu t had hop ·d for m1a ll •r and hdkr thin 'S.

The fir t d


• ·


pu. heel

Powder Puff Football­ another '56 first.

The Campus Chest Committee came up with some new and different ideas, and a fair was held in the Women's Union, followed by a faculty show, largely a product of Dean Tompkins, another member of the Class of '56, figuratively speaking. Dr. Bixler with his bass fiddle, that fab­ u lous woman-charmer, Jim Liberace, and a harried Rebecca Larson in the meller-dramer. Fire claimed the famous old, old Coburn Cl assical I nstitute and, later, the Templeton-gone forever were the days of Gubbi's smorgasbord. Rummel's super specials, baseball games, tennis, track meets, visiting sub-freshmen, and visits to the lakes were the obvious signs of Spring. Every­ one turned out to honor Dr. Johnson on his day and to make it one of the most successful ever. Even Life magazine was on hand to record the a nnual h·ibute made to the President Emeritus. Commencement meant more this year for the traditional enmity between the sophomores and freshmen of 195.3 had melted into friendships now to be ended. September, 1955, brought to the Class of '56 the sense of accomplishment and responsibility that comes with seniority. The new semester bro ught with it, too, a realization of friends gone, among them a great Colby leader and teacher, Paul Fu llam. The burdens of work were lightened by unli mited cuts, but most seniors busied themselves with some serious studying and planning for the future. Homecoming was more meaningful-next year it would be the Class of '56 returning for a last goodby. The Dekes triumphed in the Woods­ men's Meet for the second year. Students and fac ulty were elated when the Ford Foundation, after a survey of the college the previous year, honored Colby with a grant for faculty salaries. Colby christened the new Alfond Hockey Rink by defeating Bowdoin, and, over Christmas va­ cation, Colby played host to the New England ba sketball tournament. Powder and Wig offered The Skin of Our Teeth, the Outing Club offered "Showboat," and the Modern Dance Club group offered Salome. Weddings seemed to be in the offing for many of the class when Spring came along. "Redis­ covery of the I ndividual" was the theme for a second all-college convocation, as intellectually stim­ ulating as the one three years ago. The closing m onths brought a rush of recommendations, hours spent wondering if jobs and acceptances would come through, fittings for caps and gowns in the yearly frenzy that's worse for Mr. Trott than all those text books, a senior picnic and, finally, June 1 1 th-commencement for the class of 1956.

[ 1:17 ]

R ichard L. Abedon

Providence, Rhode Island History Tau Delta Phi 1,2,3,4; Stu­ dent Government 3; Echo 2, 3; Tennis 1,2,3,4.

Brian L. A Uey

Waterville, Maine Art

Robert S. Adams

Owl's Head, Maine Psychology Zeta Psi 1, 2, 3, 4; Gun C lub 1, 2; Outing Club 1, 2; AFROTC Rifle Team 1, 2, 3, 4.

Hugh F. Anderson

New Haven, Conn. Psychology Delta Kappa Epsilon 1, 2, 3, 4; Outing Club 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Newman Club 1 . Robert E . Adel

Glendale, New York Professional Chemistry Lambda Chi Alpha 2, 3, 4; Letterman's Club 3, 4; Bas­ ketball Team Manager 1, 2, 3, 4.

Frederick Bagnall

Houlton, Maine Geology Delta Kappa Epsilon 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary 3, Treasurer 3; Freshman Interim Commit­ tee. G a i l AUen

West Hartford, Conn. Religion-Ph ilosophy Transfer, Connecticut Col­ lege for Women Alpha Delta Pi 3, 4, Cor­ responding Secretary 4 ; Dor­ mitory Council 3 ; Echo 2, 4 ; Outing Club 2; Student Christian Association 4. Barbara A . Baldwin

Glen Ridge, New Jersey Psychology Oracle 4; French Club l ; German Club 4 ; Outing Club 1, 4; Congregational Club 4.

[ 138 J

B a r b a ra B a rn


lban! . i ' w York P ycli >logy Delta Delta Delta :2. 3' , Chaplain -1; D •an' Li t 3, tud •nt Government l \\'omen'. J udicial Board 2. 3. -l; I •c lub 1 , 2, :3 , -1 . t•r tan 2. hoir 1 : ·rh;h l ; t udenl hri t ian ci•ltion 1 , :2. 3. ·r ·Lan 2; Rdigiou on' ' oeation o- h;unnan 4. sou<l­ \\'onwn' .\t h letie t um 3, -1. ·

' u ro l J . B u r t o n

'h,uou. � l .t. ltadrn etb 'o iolony , lpha D ·lta Pi :2. :3, 4, H u hm� ham n.m t•an' Li. t 1 . .

"' -. Darn l loulton, . l .unl' \Jatl1cmut1c




P a t ridu B a t l• m a n

\\'1ndll'11clon, \ t,is.,, RC'ligion P n· ,icl t· nt \ L "'�' H' :J,

:2. I· l11h I ; rthl �t r.i :J, B.rncl l . '3, Dmkur 3 ..J . t 1 1d ·nt hn�t iun "Ol01at 1011 1 , 2, ;), J . \' i n· Pn ,idl'nt 3, Prt• 1cll'nl I . 1 ) miu ton 0t 1 1lt"1I l. 'oc1< I .c;mm1tl t' :J. · I .

Hob rt


B a rn e · �

Pl11 l 1d ·Ir h i.1, Pc 1111 � h 1111,1 \ rt Tr 111 fc r fro11 1 J>hi l.1cldphi.L 'J ('\li lt· J 1 1. tit1 1lt'. \1r Forn• fhi lo11 I , 2, , , I ; Dt l t u olli\' �ighl I Outir � .lub I, :2. Trad.: I, 2 3. dh·rluh J , 2, 3. 1111·n ·



R o l J •rt J . ll<'gin


1 . B a rron louu 'l<·r. f .1, ...a<.·h11 «'lh Hdif!,icm Cl1·1 Club I . 2, 3, 1· t11cknt Im t1.111 .\., o ·i. 1 t 1on 1 . B o n n ie






Chri t ia11

F1 l low,h 1 p 3, 1 : J 11tn-Fa1tli ,\., o<'i,11 iou 1 . Ch.qwl Co111111ith· . I .

[ J :3H )

\\ ,Il l r\ illt", \ 1 ,1 1 111' l'\ydwlor,y t•\\ ll\,1n luh 1 ..J ; T •noi •

R ichard H. Berns

ewark, New Jersey History U. S. Air Force Tau Delta Phi 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Oracle 4 ; Outing Club 1 , 2 ; Basketball 1 .

Lucy B l a i ney

Woodside, New York Sociology Echo 2, 4; Powder and Wig 3, 4; Life Science Collo­ quium l; Canterbury Club 1, 2; Student Christian Asso­ ciation 1 , 2, 3, 4, Treasurer


Arline Berry

Darien, Connecticut A1t Chi Omega 2, 3, 4; Dormi­ tory Council 3 ; Oracle 2; Powder and Wig 1 , 2, 3, 4, Publicity Manager 3 ; Baptist Youth Group 2, 3, 4; Wom­ en's Athletic Association 3, Publicity Manager 3 ; Mod­ ern Dance Club 1, 2, 3, 4, Publicity Manager 4. Robert E. B lakelock

Belmont, Massachusetts Business Administration Kappa Delta Rho 2, 3, 4 ; Glee Club 1 , 2 ; Choir l ; Colby Eight 1 , 2 , 3 , 4. Dean Berry

Westwood, New Jersey Professional Chemistry Delta Kappa Epsilon 1, 2, 3, 4; Hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; Letter­ men's Club 2, 3, 4.

Vashti 0. Boddie

Baltimore, Maryland E nglish Dean's List 2, 3; Cap and Gown 4, President 4; Senior 4; President's Scholar League 3, 4; Student Gov­ ernment 3; Women's Judi­ ciary Board 4; Dormitory Council l; Drokur 2, 3, 4, Assistant Editor 2, Editor 3; Oracle 2, 3; Powder and Wig 2, 3, 4; French Club 2; Co-Chairman Campus Chest Drive 3.

V irgin i a B i rn ie

Hartford, Connecticut Mathematics Dormitory Council l; Glee Club 2, 3, 4; Powder and Wig 2, 3, 4 ; Outing Club l ; Camera Club 3 , 4 .

Peter Bogren

Cochituate, Massachusetts History Lambda Chi Alpha 1, 2, 3, 4; Echo 2, 3, 4, Sport's Edito1· 4; Hockey 3, 4.

l 140 ]


B. B ro w n

om r\'ill , � l a. adrn tts B 1 1si11e s

dmini tration

Delta f..: appa Ep i lon 1, 2, 3, ; Echo 1 : Cun lnb l ; uting lub 1 4 ; J lock T 1 , 2 , :3, 4 ; LettermC'n'• luh .'3, 4. Bark " B oo l e

·t·\\ t on , �h s,1drn ·ett P.\yc/w/octy Phi Ddta Theta I . 2, 3, •


Ru.hmc; hairman 3; hapl'I u,hc:r' 2: B,1,ehall l , 2, '3, 4 ; Football 1 , 2 , a . -l , aplitin 4 ; L ·th•rnwn\ luh 2, :3, 4 , ol b �. luh.

Pri .. i l l

Bo' d n 1<ll n . m rw

l iuit


.onndl I , .luh I: C )nting luh


.le- ·


R o be rt t Hill , •

. B r u n ...

•\\ York


Phi Ddt a Tlwta J . 2, 3, I ; ,h.1pl.11n 3: In t rfrall•rnit_ 1 1 ndl ; · ootball l ; Bas­ kc·th.111 1 , 2, ·J. 4, .1pt.tin 4 , • l l •rm n' l n h 2 , "3 , l ; 1 1 - f ti nt• oa,hthull :3. � l o l \ .il11.1hl • B.1 !... tthull PLnn :3.

R o l a n d J . B re> l o n

f ;U J W Bu i n \ \ ,\d111i11i\I ration \\ .ih·n 1 llt'.

t'\\ 1 11.111



2, I.

"\1 ·\\ ton

J u l i •• B ru h l'nln ,

\ l ,1S\, II


Pn• ·id •nt' · League :3 , . t u­ <lPnl O\ •rnnwnt 1 , \\'011 1 -

· n\ 't u<l ·nt L ·u�11 ' 1 . 2. 3, 2, 't·t·n·tar� HPc:ord ing Tr a'ur •r 3; Dnnnitory ,oun c:i l 1, 2, :3, rdwstra · , 1, Ed10 l ; 'tucl ·nt L, J h risl ia11 Ass0<·1al ion I , 2. :3, I , Pn·,icknt :J.

la ri l n B roolc


Bmi11 . \

\ J u_ ,ac:J111, ·th

Adw ir11\lralim1

Cha 011 w�.1 l , 2. :3 , l. Trcw.11n·r :3 � J )onrntol) oundl l : Echo I , 2. OradP 1 , l l an�011l 3, & . Tn ..1s1m·r .J ; 0 1 t i 11� Clnh I , 2, ·3, ·I, \ foclern D.1 m. 1 · .lub 2. Y.1d1t Cou11c ii 1 , 2.

[ 1 1 ]

Donald Buonomo

White Plains, ew York Economics Echo l; Radio Colby 4 ; Newman Club 1 , 4 ; Congre­ gational Club 4 ; Football 1 , 2 , 3 ; Track 3 ; Skiing 4. Nancy Carro11

Old Greenwich, Conn. E nglish Dean's List 2, 3; Senior Scholar 4 ; Dormitory Coun­ cil 2, 3, 4; Echo 1, 2; Pow­ der and Wig 3, 4 ; Outing Club 1, 2, 0'.3, 4 ; Delta Delta Delta Scholarship 1 . David L. Burke

'Waterville, Maine Fine Arts Transfer, University of New Hampshire Delta Upsilon .'.3, 4; Ski Team 4; Outing Club 3, 4; Ski Council Secretary 4 ; Military Ball Chairman 4; Distinguished A F R 0 T C Cadet 4; Powder and Wig .'.3 . Janet C . Chase

Hinckley, Maine Business Administration Women's Athl tic Associa­ tion 1, 2, 3, 4. Linda B urrage

South Weymouth, Mass. Psychology Alpha Delta Pi 1, 2, 3, 4, Dormitory 4; Chaplain Council 3, 4; Chapel Usher 4; Congregational Club 4. E. John Chatfield, Jr.

Newton, Massachusetts Geology Lambda Chi Alpha l, 2, 3, 4, Treasurer 3; Dean's List 1, 2, 3; Blue Key 4, Secre­ tary-Treasurer 4; Student Government 2, 3; Men's Judiciary 3, Secretary 3; Echo 2, 0'.3 ; International Relations Club 2; Football 1 .

Mitchell N. Call

Quebec, Canada Business Administration Kappa Delta Rl10 1 , 2, 3, 4 ; Echo l ; Powder and W i g 1 , 2, 3, 4, Business Manager 4.

Paul W . Christie

E . Bridgewater, Mass. Psychology Lambda Chi Alpha 1 , 2, 3, 4; Band 1, 2, 3; Echo 2, 3; Football 1, 2; Baseball 1 , 2; Lettermen's Club 3, 4; Foot­ ball Team Manager 3.

[ 142 ]

Ju L i n A.


Rockland, i\ lain

hemiM ry

Lambda Chi lpha 1, 2, 3 4; Dean" Li t 3; Chapel h rs 4; Lif cit•nc:c ol­ lo<ptium 1 , 2 ; Ba-.ketball 1 , 2, :3, 4 ; Trac:k 1 . 2 , .'3, 4 ; Lt-ttermen's luh 2, :3, 4 ; lnd •nt ch bor � •

l fred

l a r) p . J r.

� l ontda1r, �('W J erllt'�

/ / i lory

Tr.m f •r, J l a milton h a pd l h •rs ; Drokur 2; c:ho '> :3. T ·nnb " ' ·3, 4 , J loc:ke 2, '3. 4. B�ok f L h l · Y l'<lr Committt·t·. -·

•l ta Ot•lta R c:ordin� ' D ·an i. u ..1

I I n r'


l� 1h


Bu \i11c•

ratlc• Ontm�


Plaul .

'n · '\



I J .1111-{<mt 1, 2: 1, 2, 3: 1 l i l ld 1 , 2, :3, ; I Jod.: )' 'I c>a111 t.1n.1gn I , 2 a. 4. I;


'1n rg r I D 11 rl>.

\\ an ·a , . la. ath 11_ ·th 'ociulo[!.y Donnilorv m 1 11c· 1 l 3; lhv hn l ia n' ' l.'Uow .. hip 2, '3, 4, V1t Pn ·,i < l t· nl 3, , Int •r­ Fa1 t h ''ol'i.ll ion J a n .-

: l lin'

E\ · r 1 l t . \ 1 ,, ad111 ·tt-. Irrg/i Ii 111 ( mr �a 1 , 2 :J. I; P.rn I l< - 1 1 · u i c o u n t· i I 3, 1 ; t 1 1 cl 11 l ,o\t-mml'nt 3. \'om ·n' J 1 1cltc1.1ry Bo<u< l 2, on.11 mnmiltl· 2, 3; ,lu· lub I , 2, hoir l, 2 3 H an�ou t 2, 3 -1. (· r tary . •

o ro l D. Da u p h i m•e l

Iyann1. ,

l as ac:hu •ll

Engli. h

2 . .'3; Dormitorv ounc1l 1 , 2, 3; h.q)•J ..twr 4 . 'C:l o 3; hristian Ora · k· 2; l ud ·nl � ocial ion 3, . igma Kapp.

K a l h c• r i n e Coon





lph.1 Ddt.t l'i 1 , - · 1 · , 1; Pn �i<knt\ L1•;11.�11<· 4, Ontdc· 1: Fn·m h . 1 1 1 1 > 1 . 2, 3, I , l'n ,i< l 1·11t 4 ; Outin� Cluh J , 2 , , , 1 ; .cm�n·gal lonal ,luh

l H1 ]


Patricia C o ffi n Davis

Brunswick, l\laine French Dean's List 1, 3; Phi Sigma Iota 3, 4, Secretary 4; Dor­ mitory Council 3, 4; Can­ terbury Club 3, 4, Secretary 4.

Merabeth L. Dogherty West Hartford, Conn. Psychology Transfer, Colby J unior Col­ lege Echo 4; Outing C lub 2; Congregational Club 4. R ichard J. Davis

Cranston, Rhode Island History Kappa Delta Rho 1, 2, 3, 4, Corresponding Secretary 4; Glee Club 1 , 2; Echo 3, 4, Managing Editor 4; Cosmo­ politan Club 3, 4 ; Interna­ tional Relations C lub 4; Woodsmen Club .'.3, 4, Treas­ urer 4; Student Advisor 4.

Carolyn Donley

Reading, Massachusetts French Chi Omega 3, 4; Dormitory Council 2; Choir l; Student Christian Association l; French Club 4. John A . DeLaney

Yonkers, New York Business Administration Lambda Chi Alpha 1, 2, .'.3, 4; Newman Club 1, 2, .'.3, 4 ; Baseball 1 , 2 .

Darroll Downing

Danvers, Massachusetts Economics Zeta Psi 1, 2, 3, 4, Secretary 4; Outing Club l; Baseball 1. Charmi a n deVesty

Verona, New Jersey Sociology Sigma Kappa 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Outing C lub 1 , 2, 3, 4 ; Stu­ dent Christian Association 1, 2, 3, 4; 1odern Dance 3, 4. Barbara Duer

Ventnor City, New Jersey English Chi Omega 1, 2, 3, Rush Chairman 3 ; Dean's List 2, 3, 4 ; Phi Sigma Iota 3, 4; Dormitory Council 2, 3; Powder and Wig Associate Member 2, 3, 4; ewman Club 1, 2, 3.

[ 1 44 ]

R o b rt

, tl'hua,


rb, J r. l l amp hi r •


·ltu p ii n 1 , 2. 3, 4, P r e id(•nl -4 ; I nll'rfr,1tPm1h l11b oun i i 3: , 1l'wman ,olf 2, :J, 4, d lt'mwn\ l 11 h 2, 3, l.



n rbaru u l t i n fC Tc:nall) , \·\ J 1·rsl')

1/i tory-Cot:t m mcnt 111 �a I, 2, :3, 4 . Dorm1tOl) oundl l ; �c:lm 2; Oradc • l nt<·mat ion,i l Hdul11h 1, 2, 4, ul ln� h1



. D u n bur

, \\ om n's <.:1..ll ion 1 , 2, :3,

2. 3,

la 'adrn ·tt

l ion l , D,m<. . J o h n Furl

�Lo1 1�hton, \ I ;


, J r.

·hu d i s

ll i\tory

Dt' l l a Th ta 1 , 2, !3, 4 , Pn•sid1·nt I ; \I · n \ J m l i 1:i<11) 2, l, Vi<.:1· ll' 1 r 1 1 1a 1 1 1: Vno t ­ l ia l l I , 2; S1·uior d v i \or 1 .


D u id D u n n 1 ' •wtun,


la _ adrn

P yclwlnf!.!J

<·t h

Z1 ·t.1 I'" J , 2, :3, 4, ponclin� < r ·t; ry 3. 0111 t; I l<itk i ·y I , 2, Tr.1 ·k l ; ,olf 2, . • 4; C l 1 1 l i l , 2, C l u h 1.


, l;

,i irrr·I f a n�:J, 4; 11t in� Ll'l t1•rnwu\

r 1 4; 1

Vincent J. Ferrara

Flush ing, New York Business Administration Phi Delta Theta 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Government 3; Echo 2, 3; Outing Club l; New­ man Club 1 , 2, 3, 4 . Nancy H. G i Uigan

Sheffield, Massachusetts Math(!matics Transfer, Smith College Dean's List 3; Oracle 4; Outing Club 3, 4; Student Christian Association 2, 3, 4; Modern Dance Club 4; Winter Carnival Committee

Walter S. Foster


Friendship, Maine Biology Delta Kappa Epsilon 1, 2, 3, 4; President's League 4; Orchestra 1, 2, 3, 4, M an­ ager 3, 4; Band 1, 2, 3, 4, Vice President 3, President 4; Camera C lub 1, 2, 3, Treasurer 3; Life Science Colloquium l ; Channing­ Murray 1 , 2, 3, 4, Vice Pre 4; President 3, ident Religious Emphasis Week 3 ; Maine All College Band Concert Chairman 3 ; Colgan Orchestra 2.

Marilyn Godsey

J. New Brunswick, Biology Alpha Delta Pi 1, 2, 3, 4; Dormitory Council 4; Gun Club l; Life Science Collo­ quium l; German Club 3, 4. .

Joyce Frazier

Reading, Massachusetts Psychology Dean's List 3, 4; Echo 3, 4 ; Oracle 4 ; Outing C l u b l ; Congregational C l u b 4.

Gerald Goldsmith

Brookline, Massachu etts Philosophy Camera Club 1, 2; Hangout 1, 2; Football 1 . Donald D. Gerry

Arlington, Massachusetts Business Administration Dean's List 3 ; Gun Club 2; Outing Club 3; Newman Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Team Man­ ager Baseball 2. Forrest R . Goodall

Castleton-on-Hudson, New York Biology U. S. Navy Lambda Chi Alpha 3, 4; Dean's Li t 3; Senior Scholar 4; Student Advisor 4; Dor­ mitory Counselor 3, 4.

[ 146 ]

A bbol t


olu mbia,




Kappa Delta Rho 1 2, :3, 4, Pr id nt' 4; Pre ident oun­ Leugu 4; Dormitory c i l 4 ; Band 1, 2; Pm: d r and olb \\'i 1 , 2, 3, 4 : Hadio 3, ..J ; un lub 1 , 2, 3, ..J .

1 orman



oul•I � l .1 i m•

Cliemi. t ry

Z t.

P.i :3, 4 ; Dt>an' .3; Bashthall 1 .

Li t

2, r i�


p. i lon :3, 4 :

.. Hagg B<\th, � l ainc.•



1 1 i�tory-Col't'mme11tEcorwm ic.1 Lamh<l.1



\ lphu

1 , 2, :J,

Pn· 1d ·nt 4, Foothall 1 , 2.

:3, Ba'l hall


111 •n\



:3, 4.

3, I,

L ·tt •r-

u rol) n Gra'\ e



lain ·

811.1 1 11<'\\ Acl111i11i\lratio11 o 1 1 1opolitan l 1 1 h 1 ; Frt•rn. h h.rn11i11�- \ l ur• l 1 1 h 2, '""ra\ :l, I: l nh -r- F.1 i t l t ci :1t ion 4 .

J n rwt

l l u m i l tun

Prim:dc111, \ l as,ad n i.. ·tts

C :k-c·

1 1 /.\lory Cluh I , 2, :3, 4; l nt ·r-

1 1,1t umul

.luli H •lat ious a 1 1 l <'rhury ,f11h 3, I .

\' i r1t i n i a GruH·

w,•Jk.,l<·y, l\ l ,1 'ac:l 1 1 1 sd t .

P.\1jc lwlogy hi 0111 ·�a 1 , 2, .') , 1: I or­

,01 1 nc: i l ;3; I Ian 1011t r nitor\ luh l; ' t u d •nl �1 l i n� '"" ·iatim 1 , 2, :3, J 1 risl ian ''o­ t h l ·tic: 4, \Vo11wn\ dat ion I , 2, '3, I, A.1 .. J... d ha l l � l an.1gc r 2. Vi<' · J > n s i d · 1 1 1 1;


[ 1 47 ]

.J ;

Starling L. Hanford

Columbus, Ohio Business Adm in istrat,ion Kappa Delta Rho 3, 4, Treasurer 4 ; Band 3, Man­ ager 3; Team Manager Bas­ ketball 1 .

R ichard S. Hellawell

Worcester, Massachusetts Business Administration Alpha Tau Omega 1, 2, 3, 4; Newman Club 1, 2, 3, 4.

Joan Harlowe

Providence, Rhode Island English Dean's List 3, 4; President's League 4; Dormitory Coun­ cil 3, 4 ; Chapel Usher 3; Outing Club 1 , 2, 3, 4; Katahdin Council 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Modern Dance C lub 1 , 2 , 3, Secretary-Treasurer 3, 4, President 4,

Beatrice A . Henderson

Portland, Maine Psychology Chi Omega 1, 2, 3, 4, Pres­ ident 4; Choir l ; Outing Club 1, 2, 3, 4, Correspond­ ing Secretary 3, Recording Secretary 4; Student Chris­ tian Association l ; Modern Dance Club 1, 2; Junior Advisor 3 .

Nelson P. Hart

Waterbury, Connecticut Business Administration U. S. Navy Lettermen's Club 4; Track 2, 3; Senior Advisor 3, 4. Patricia Henn ings

Mt. Clemens, Michigan Sociology Sigma Kappa 1, 2, 3; Dean's List 1, 2, 3, 4; Women's Judiciary Board 2, 3; Dor­ mitory Council 2; Student Christian Association 1, 2, 3, 4 , Secretary 4; High General Scholarship 2, 3; Carrie M . True Award 3.

E d ward Hatch

Newton, Massachusetts Business Administration Alpha Tau Omega 1, 2, 3, 4, Secretary 4 ; Powder and Wig 4 ; ewman Club 1, 2, 3, 4.

Ronda Herbig

Boonton, New Jersey Psychology Two years at Cornell Chi Omega l; Women' Athletic Association 1 .

[ 148 ]

Pet r Hon b rgcr laioc Wat r ill Ilistory

ac:hu 'tls 1, 2, . ' 4 : 4; Lett 'rl a r i l y n H o w a r th


rt lund, � l ain Fr nch J u nior t ·phen


drnini tration luh l ;



Gun lub Tral k l . inn<''' H u b ba rd Portl.1 n'd, \ la inl·

Lou I i i ( '

a m·,

Pl< a anl\ 1 1 1 • ,

Fr 11cli l11b 1 , Fr ·nth lub l ,· Yi <.:h t luh 2.

tod 1 ·rn 2,



Jo<'tl U <' l i 11

4; m cronwnt 'tud ·nl \\'onwn'1- l 1 1d ·n t L agu<' 4 , Don n i t ory ouncil 1 , h i r­ man, 4; "' man lub 1 , 2, :), 4; \ omen·� thl ·tic sso­ ·iat ion 2, .1, -1 , T ·nnh � l ana!j<'r :3.

rm l l o lrlt·11


. ·n 1 1011t


011nc:il 1; O mk ur ·ial<' d1tor :3, -t, J>ow<ln and \ ig l , 2, .3, ·I, S1•nf' 1. Fn:n h . 1 1 1 ' 1 2, 1 . 0111 1 1 1� .l1 1 l i l ; � l oclnn Dormilol)

2, . ,



I J u c b,.. t ·h

\·w ) urk, :-.,,., York Eco11.mnin lpha Ddt,1 Pi J , - , :3,

D.111 u · Club 2.

[ U9 J

Fra n k l i n E. Buntre s, Jr.

Marblehead, Mass. B'iology Tau Delta Phi 1, 2, 3, 4; Glee Club l; Outing Club l ; Canterbury C lub 1 , 4 ; Bas­ ketball Team Manager 1, 2, 3, 4. Barry Karetnick

Hillside, New Jersey Economics Transfer; Washington and Jefferson College Tau Delta Phi 3, 4; Echo 3, 4, Advertising Manager 3; Hillel 3, 4 ; Interfaith Asso­ ciation 3, 4 . James Jamieson

Carol Kiger

Hartland, Maine Business Administration Lambda Chi Alpha 1, 2, 3, 4, Rushing Chairman 2, Treasurer 3 ; Men's Judiciary 4; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Bas­ ketball l; Football 2; Letter­ men's C lub 2, 3, 4 ; Senior Advisor.

Lancaster, Ohio History-GovernmentEconomics President's League 4 ; Stu­ dent Government l; Dor­ mitory Council l; Band 1, 2, 3, 4, Secretary 3, 4 ; Echo 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , Re-Write Editor 3, News Editor 4; Library Associates 2, 3, 4; Colby Forensic Society 4; Radio Colby 3, 4; Hangout 1, 2, 3, Secretary 3; International Relations Club 2, 3, 4, Pres­ ident 4; Canterbury Club 1 , 2; Winter Carnival Commit­ tee 2, 3; Convocation Com­ mittee 1, 3, 4; Levine Speaking Contest Second Prize 3; Powder and Wig 4.

Andrew T. Johnson, Jr.

Littleton, New Hampshire Biology Lambda Chi Alpha 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Outing Club 3, 4; Foot­ ball 1, 2, 3, 4; Skiing 3, 4 ; Lettermen's C l u b 3, 4 .

Janine King

Melrose, Massachusetts History Chi Omega 1, 2, 3, 4; Dor­ mitory Council 1, 2; Wom­ en's Athletic Association 3, 4, Numerals 2, Letter 4.

J o h n J uhinsky

Jermyn, Pennsylvania Mathematics Delta Kappa Epsilon 1, 2, 3, 4 Vice President 3, Treas­ u �er 4, President 4; Dean's List 1, 3, 4; Blue Key 4; President's League 3, 4; Stu­ dent Government 4, Vice President 4; Echo 2, 3, 4, Co-editor-in-chief 3 ; Base­ ball 1, 2, 3, 4, Captain 4; Basketball 1 , 2; Lettermen's Club 3, 4, Secretary 3 ; Class President 3, 4; Commence­ ment Committee 4.

S. Peter Krieger

New London, Connecticut Economics Lambda Chi Alpha 1, 2, 3, 4, Secretary 3, 4 ; Dean's List 3, 4.

[ 150 ]

Rob rt Lea \ i l l

toncha rn , � f a . achu t t dmini !ration Bu i n es Lambda hi lpha 1 , 2, 3, t udent Government 3, 4: I C lub 1 .

D n a ld K u per�m i t h

ntrc, .\ la s .



Tau D lta Phi 1 , 2, :3, 4, Pr ' ident 4 ; Int rfmt mil\ Cou ncil :3, 4, Pr id at 4; D an' Li l :3 ; B lu e Key -1 · Pre. idenf League 4: Edi� :3, 4; H i l lel 1 , 2, :3. -1; F t­ baU 1 , 2,. 3; Track l ; Lt"tter­ luh :3, -1: omm ·nc m n' mt•nt Committ t·nior Ad, i. or -1.

. Li bbe) M a u riet> \\'alen ill ., .\ h1ine Art








R IC r L n n a �

.\la l<.:hu t'll

Brook linl', Brninc

Ddt;1 Phi l , 2. • -1; Li�t . 3; · ·ho 4 0 an' ' i tant Fin.rnC'i'd . l.rn. �< ; 4 : H i l l ·I 1. 1, 3, -1.



nn L



Lo i ..



hoir k • Club 1 , 2, .3, <I; '1 ·ialt" 1 , 1 , 3. ·1. Lilmm

Lu t i nw r

olfn ; anwra l ud <'nt .hri l 1;Ul hanning­ so i, t ion 1, 2, � l urray :3 <I.

onn '(;l ieut

r l artiord,

2; lhd10 l 1 1 b :J. t.


'°' <' r '

1 1 mp. hir


Dt au' Li't J , 2. .J o ommiltt: 1 hapt·I ,Ji1·r o­ 1, 3 • l ho l 2, : . j • ' · • d 1 to r 4; Po,, d ·r a11<l \\ i� 2, :), 4: a 1 m·m l11h ·er< .ln 4: l nt<· l11h 4, 't1 1d1•nt H ·Ltt10n h ristian As oc1.1tion l , 2: mm 11ill1 <' AH•rill L<'ll tm• 2, ,J. .






·cw ton,

8 1 1 illl'H

T. 1 u

PNn l l . L u n d r \ l ass.wh1N l b c/111i11i\lration

Dt·lt.1 Phi l , 2, '3, l , t · · r •t ary 3 , Presid •nt cho 3, 4, Fmunl'ial <\ l an­ .1�<·r : I ! i ll ·I 1, 2, 3. 4 ; Bas1·ha l l l ; 1'.1tahclin 0 1 1 n ­ •


<:1 1 3, 4.

(;h ri t i n • l .uH•r .

l1 ·vl'la 11d,

Sll( tolo{!,IJ De lt.t Ddt ,1 Dorn 1 1t11r�

hi o

J ·ll<t ! , 01 1 1w i l

2, ;J, l ; l . 3;

Orat•l1• .J. 011tin , 1 1 1 h I , 2, , 1 ; �Jod1·m D.1 11c« l11h I , :2, :3; Sn· o f J u nior ; J,t's.

r 151 J

Denise Lyons

Brockton, Massachusetts Sociology Delta Delta Delta 1 2 3 4 · Drokur 3 , 4; o :acie ' 4 ; Powder and Wig 2 3' 4 · ' ewman Club 1 , 2. '

Joanna McCurdy

Providence, Rhode Island Mathematics Dean's List 1, 3; Powder and Wig 1, 2, 3, 4, Record­ ing Secretary 3; Outing Club l; Canterbury Club 1 , 2, 3, 4; Inter-Faith Association 2 ' 3, 4, Secretary 4.

Kath leen McConaughy

Dayton, Ohio Biology Delta Delta Delta 2' 3 4 Vice President 4; De� n·� List 2, 3, 4; Student Gov­ ernment 2; Donnitory Coun­ cil 2; Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Librarian 2; Chapel Usher 3, 4; Drokur 3; Oracle 3; Gun Club l; Life Science Modern 2; Colloquium Dance Club 2, 3; Junior Advisor 3; Honors in Gen­ eral Scholarship 3 ; Com­ mencement Committee 4· Powder and Wig 4; Winte; Carnival Queen 4.

Louise McGuiness

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania French Alpha Delta Pi 1, 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 1, 2, 3, 4; Librar­ ian 1, 2, 3, 4; French Club 3, 4, Vice President 4 ; Con­ gregational C lub 4; Wom­ en's Athletic Association 4 ; Lacrosse Manager 4 ; Sym­ phonic Society Award 1, 2, 3.

Martha McCorison

Chappaqua, New York Sociology Transfer, Stephens College Dean's List 3; Glee Club 3, 4; Choir 3, 4; Cosmopolitan Club 4; Student Christian Association 3, 4 . E . Sheila McLaughl i n

Bridgeport, Connecticut History-Government Delta Delta Delta 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Echo 1 , 2, 3 , 4; Oracle 4 ; Hangout 4 ; Outing C l u b 1 , 2; Newman C l u b 1 , 2 , 3 , 4; Modern Dance Club 1 , 2, 4 ; Dean's List 4 . Patricia A . McCormack

Port Washington, New York Spanish Alpha Delta Pi 1, 2, 3, 4; Pan-Hellenic Council 3, 4, Vice President 4 ; Dean's List 3 ; President's League 4; Dormitory Council 1, 4; Social Committee 4; Spanish Club 4 ; Women's Athletic Association 3, 4, President 4; Yacht Council 2, 3.

Nancy McLeod

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania E nglish Delta Delta Delta 2, 3, 4, Rush Chaim1an 4; Dean's List 3 ; Oracle 4; Hangout 4; Outing Club 1, 2; Cheer­ leaders 2, 3, 4; Women's Athletic Association 1, 2; 1odern Dance Club 1, 2, 3, 4, Publicity Manager 4.

[ 152 J

'fart h a

� l ontr al, Hi tory Dr kur 2, 3, 4, Cir u lation � I an. er :3; Echo l ; Oracl 4; Po' der and Wig 1, 2 3, 4, Corre poodin r tary 4; N wman lub 1, 2.

rue nin ro tamford, Conne

t icut


cho 1 , 2, 4 ; r.i I 2. 3, 4 ; H angout 4 ; uting l u b 1 , 2 , 3 , ; ' wman Club 1 , 2, 3, 4: Powd •r and Wi� 4.

n a n L.


l i l lt-r

onn t'ticut


�I .

h odore


rgol i

c·rl) , \ I ·1chu t t. Biology k 1pp;t D ·lt.1 Rho 1 , 2, :). I . I m ' Li l 1 . 2 , 3, : . 1 1 1 1 lub 2: I I a n � u l 2. 3 . u t ­ i n g lub 1 , 2 ; l l i l lel 1 , 2. ;3, : I nt C'rf.tit h w1<.:iati< n H iHt T •am 1 , 2. B


.aroh n



01110 P. yclro/01111 \ lpha D ·lt.1 Pi I . 2, :3, luh on�r • rational \\ onwn\ Athll'!ic o<.·1,tUon l, 2, 3, 4 . 1 1 nwruJ, 1 , :oflhall \ l ana�t·r ·3, L 'll l'r 2. 0,1 I.. ·th.di i\ l .m.1gn 4.


J o h n '\ 1 a r .. h I I . •\\ ton. \ I 1 ..1



B11mtc 1 1 Ac/mini frulim1 lph I T.t1 1 llll',l{U 1 , 2 ,


, Pr .,icknt 4, Tcnri1 2. 1, 4, aplain , B.1,kdba l l 2, '3, . L<·tternwn\ Club '3 , 4 ; h a p ·I . lwr. 2.

FrNlc•ri r k

H a rr}


Pu n.I} '• 81nfru'.1·

'1t•i n h o ld

c·\ Yori.. clmi11i tr11/it111

hi lpha 4 , Pov. ­ 'Vi� 1 , 2, .3, ·1, l11h l , :'3, l ; B,1,ht l>all I . Foot ba ll Tt•a111 \ 1 .1 11a�1·r 4; Ll'l tc·m1 ·11\ ;t11J, I.

Lambda ckr and a n lt'ra


.ramlnn, Hhodt• 1 'l,111d Gcolo[!.y U<·lla Kappa Epsil n 1 , 2, 3, .J; ul in� Club 1 , 2, 3, 4 ; \\'oodsmun ouncil 2 , 3 ; k i mml'il 3 , 4 , \ ICl' Pn•si<knt '3; Katahdin oun<.'11 , ; Football 1 ; Traci.. 1 , 2, :3, ; L tt •rm •n'i. luh 3, :t ; \•nior dvbor.

[ 1 .5:3 J

Charles Morrissey ewton, Massachusetts

English Phi Delta Th ta 1, 2, 3, 4 , A l u m n i Secretary 4 ; Dean's List l; Blue Key 4 ; Pres足 Men's League 3; ident's J udiciary 3 ; Echo 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, Co-editor-in-chief Featme Editor 3; Football Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4 ; l; Hockey 1 , 2, 3, 4, Captain 4 ; Lettermen's Club 3, 4, Vice Chairman 3, Chairman 4; Convocation Committee 4 ; Lelia M . Forster Prize 1 .

Dougla s

Russell A. Nahigian West

Mathematics Dean's List 3 ; Camera Club 2, 3, 4; International Rela足 tions Club l; Distinguished AFROTC Graduate.

E. M urray, Jr.


ewton, Mass.

ew York

Business Adm inistration Kappa Delta RJ10 1, 2 , 3, 4, Treasurer 3, Vice President 4 ; Echo 3, 4 ; Camera Club 2; Gun Club 2 ; Outing Club

Barbara J. Nardozzi



ew York

History Delta Delta Delta 2, 3, 4 ; Dean's List 1 , 3, 4 ; Student Government 3; Dormitory ewman Council 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Club 1, 2 ; Women's Athletic umerals 2, As ociation 2, Letter 2 ; Campus Guide 3; J unior Advisor 3; Wilkinson History Prize.

R ichard Nader Lawrence, Massachusetts

Business Administration Zeta Psi 1, 2, 3, 4 , Vice President 4 , President 4; ewrnan Echo 1; Oracle 2 ; Club 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Outing Club 1 ,2,3,4.

Shirley Needham Wakefield, Massachusetts

Sociology Dean's List 1, 2, 3; Echo 1, 2, 3; Powder and Wig 2, 3, 4 ; Student l; French Club Christian Association 1, 2, 3, 4.

A l bert Nagy Fairfield, Connecticut

Business Administration


S. Marines

Alpha Tau Omega 1 , 2, 3, 4, Vice President 4 ; Interfra足 ternity Council 3, 4, Vice President 4; Social Commit足 tee 4 ; Echo 1, Acting Sports Editor l; Newman Club 1 ,

Thomas B. Newman Cos Cob, Connecticut

2 , 3 , 4.


Phi Delta Theta 1, 2, 3, 4, President 4 ; Interfraternity Council 3, 4, Vice President 4; Student Government 4; Outing Club l ; Football 1 , 2 ; Baseball 1 .

[ 154 J

\\ o n n e

obi i l lc, P 'nns) lva n i<l


Enuli h l)(;m'· LU 1 ,

:3, -1;


,own 4 , ecr tarv 4.: igma lot<\ :J, 4 ; • ··nior cholar 4; Presid nt' L •a u • 3; t udent O\'ernm nt l ; and


Dom 1itorv


1 , 2 , :);

Orokur §, :3, 4 , odate E d ito r :2, 3. 4 ; Echo 1 . 2, :3, , Fcat ur • Ed i tor l; Lihmr) :\ . oc1;tte · 1 , 2 :3. 4, tuck•nt Pr •sid('nt :3; radl.' :2, .�, ' 1. tant Editor 2, Editor-in Chid : ; Powd ·r and \\"ig 2. · , 4, · Im � I . For t •r Prin• l ; l n ternm ommittt·l· l ; ' l'ri l l Ll'l;t 1 1 r Com m i t t 'l' 1 , 2, :3: Book-nf-tlw-Yt•ar o m m i l l t • 1 . 2, '3. 4. on\ O t.1tion .m u m t l ee :), I. ont· ·rt Boa rd ommm11t'


2. 1. 4 .

n l L

Le " i

P., ycholo"y D 1 · lt a p t l on 1 , 2, .'3, , Hu hrn , h;umhlll 2, .3, \ ' i l'l' Pn· i<ll ·n t 4 : u t rn g lub 1, 2. B�kctba ll 1 .


OMf.?T n

h rt·\\ hu� . · m 111/ogy

. Parso n ,., •w York

1 1 1 ll' rda m ,

� t .1 .. :..

Dtlt.1 D ·lt.1 D 1· l l .1 l , 2 3, I , Tr ·.l\ur r 4, Pn·.,id ·n t ' -1 ; J >.1 11- J I lll·n ic· -t. Pr ··:d ·nt U t -I, Do n mto n Olll1t 1l I . 2. 3. 3. .. nmr Editor 4 l l . tn�< >1 1 l 4: Out rn (! l 1 1 h 1, 2. ;3, I : c.unpu mdl· 3. l onn rton Fn·n ·h

11 1 1 >

l l t• i c l c• I Pa u l ,

't ork Fr "'"'




-I ·

l'rm in l 1 1 b I . 3. , \'iu• Pr ·�• l1•nt 3, Prt·,id ·nl ·l , I 1 • ltn Phr lph.1 I .

l l o p<•



. Palmrr

"' t p•

' l i1.1lll'th, \ 1 ,1 1 111'

l'vjCl1<1lof!,y i(!rtl.I K.1ppa l , 2, :3. 0 1 1t 111l! l 1 1 h J , 2 , 3 , I, St n­ sociation 1 . cknt hrist i.Ln J u <l i l h

• • Prn 1 1 01• k

'" a rt h mo n -, Pl'llll\\ h ,mia fn r

1 - r n.5 � ' t . A n d rl·W� n i ­ \(T'lil , 0l'Ol l,\lld Ch i Ill · a 1, 2, 3, .J , \'il·t· Pr ''icll'nl I; \\' 01 1 1 1 · n '. ' t u cl<'nl L1·al!l l ' 2; rn ·ll' 1 , 1: mmopo l i t <1 n luh I ; lod-

\\'.1frrtow11, \ t a,,,1 d t 1 1M·l h

,\fathc:111atin u·a�llt' cl 1 · n t

; O\ 1 ·rn11wnt

4; 4.


.01 1 1tt· r l 2, :J, t, Fi n • . q > t ; r n , �<Kial 0111111 i l l t· • 3, 4, .hamnun t, • ·h 1 :3, 1 !uh l , 2, :1, c· I llar .lnh l , 2, : , t , orn·' 1 " 111clrn� 'c•t"rl'l,1ry 2, \ 1 ·1 1'n•'iic l1·nl I, l n l t'r-F, 1 i t h A 'oci.1t io11 2; \\'onu·n\ A t l i l 1 tk ,\ ,-;o uat i o n t, Buw l1 1 1 1 l ory

111� \ 1 a 1 1.1 1n


l t).5

A n n P a pu l i a

<·rn Dalll't' 0 ·a n 'i. Li,t


I 1 55 J





William Pennock, Jr. Melrose, Massachus tts

Sociology Kappa Delta Rho 3, 4; Glee Club l; Choir l; Canterbury Club 2, President 2; Inter­ Faith Association 2, Treas­ urer 2.

Barbara Porte Jamaica, New York

Biology President's League 4; Dor­ mitory Council 2, 3; Glee Club l; Colbyettes 1, 2, 3; Drokur 3, 4; Library Asso­ ciates 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Oracle 4 ; Powder and W i g 1 , 2, 3, 4 , Secretary 3, President 4.

Sid ney D. Perham West Paris, lv l aine

History U . S . Navy

3, 4; Dormitory Council Echo 1 , Powder and Wig 3; Channing-Murray 1 , 2, 3, 4, President 2; Track l; Good­ win Prize Speaking Contest Second Prize.

Linda Powers Sanford, Maine

Sociology Dean's List 3; Student Gov­ ernment 4; Dormitory Coun­ cil 3, 4; Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Inter-Faith Association 1 , 2 , Secretary 2 ; Chapel Com­ mittee 2.

George Petrikas Waterville, Maine

History Dean's List 3; Track 1, 2.

Jean W. Pratt Westbrook, � l aine

E nglish Delta Delta Delta 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Dean's List 1 , 2, 3; C a p and Gown 4 ; President's League 4 ; Student Government 4; Women's Student League 3, 4, Vice President 3, Pres­ ident 4; Dormitory Council 1, 2; Social Committee 3; Chapel Usher 4 ; Echo 2, 3, 4 ; Radio Colby l; Powder and Wig 2; Cheerleaders 1 ,

2 , 3.

Peter G . Pierce Exeter,

ew Hampshire

Biology U . S. Navy

Barbara Preston

Zeta Psi 2, 3, 4, President 4; L i f e Science Colloquium 1 , 2 ; Senior Advisor.

Cheverly, Maryland

Mathematics Alpha Delta Pi 2, .'3, 4; Dean's List 1, 2, 3; Senior Scholar 4 ; Women's Student League 2; Women's J udi­ ciary Board 2, 3; Glee Club 1 , 2, 3, 4, Vice President 4; Choir 4; Colbyettes 1, 2, 3, 4, 4; Secretary-Treasurer l; Outing German C l u b Club 1 , 2, 3, 4 ; Katahdin Council 2.

[ 156 J

h :nle

R i<'

\ r iddletown, Connecticut Psycho/t)tly

Lambda Chi A lpha 1 , 2, :3, �( n 's J udiciary 2; Chap I . h r 3, 4; Outin� Club 1 , 2, 3 , 4 ; Kntahdin Council l , 2 , :], -1; Co-Chnirmnn \\'inter arnival Committee 2 ; lud<.>nt Christian ssociation l ; Fo tb,l ll 1 ; \\'r st lin g 1 ; ki lub :3, 4; Co- h airman Religiou Emphasi. \\'e k 2; \\'ood. man 01 1ncil 2, :3, 4, Pr • id<>nt 2. 4·

La w ren e R . Pugh \\'hitc




w York

dmini tratio11

D ·lta KJppa Ep·ilon 1 , 2, R u hing Chairman 2, :3, \'it·c Pr ·sid ·nt :3; 'tudent O\ rnm •nt l ; Footh d i 1, 2, 3; Ba'>kl'lhall l ; •nior d\·hor. :3, -1 ,


Don a ld R i ce

.re ld, \ h1 suchus l

Hi tory

lph Tau nwga 1 , 2, 3, 4, Trl'<l urt'r :J. 4. ludc•nl 0\ l'nlll1t"llt -1, Tr •a\1 1 r r -1 ; \ [ • n ' J udiciary -1 . Echo 2 : utin� lub 1 , 2, :3, -l ; Ba. ­ kt·thall 1. 2, 3. 4; Ba· ball 1 , 2, :3, ; Footb.1 1 1 3; Lettt'r­ n w o\ l 1 1 b 2. 3. i, cn•t.1iy •


nor Ri flt l.1. �achm ·th J / t tory .\ lpha D ·Ila Pi I , .2. 3, 4, \'il' • Pn·�id •nt l ; D a n's

r.rn� ',

Li t 2, ;J; Dom1itorv nundl rcht•,t ra 1 . 'a nd 1 ; I lanKout 3, 4, \'1l'l' ha1r­ rnan 4; ulJng luh l. 2, ) ' , 4, anl ·rhun' luh ; Iod­ t•m• 1 11b 3; \\ ill.. inon I I i Lory Prize.

.J .

l f t>pl:i b o h n .. ·d

\\'oolwic:li , \f.1in


Ju Ill ·ga 1 , 2, 3, ; r.icl<' t . Po\\ dc•r < nd Wig -l; 't11hri frm d1 nt o ·iation I.

L< omm

J. R o bert R h odt> �11-lros<', \ f as achu

dl ·

B u.sine.\ \ :\dmlt1htrati1m

T.u1 Ddta Pin 1 , 2 . 3, ·1 : Ca11tnlmry Club I , 2 , 1 , 4 ; Fuothall I , 2.

[ 1 57 J

'hurlene , Rob rt-. l •r, \la �,1dm ·tl

Fr 11cli

Rebecca Rowe

Dover-Foxcroft, J\ fa ine H istory -Govermne·ntEconomics

Alpha Delta Pi 1, 2, 3, 4, Treasurer 3 ; Dean's L i s t 1 , 2, 3; C a p a n d Gown 4 ; President's League 3, 4 ; Women's Student League .'.3 , 4, Editor of Handbook 3, Secretary 4; Women's J udi­ ciary Board 3, Secretary 3; Dormitory Council 1, 2; Band 1, 2, 3 ; Echo 1, 2, 3, 4, Co- ews Editor 3, Editor­ in-Chief 4 ; Library Associ­ ates 2, 3, 4; International Relations Club 4 ; Women's Athletic Association 1, 2, umerals 2; Book-of-the­ Year Committee 3, 4.

P h i l i p G . Schultz Scarsdale, New York

E nglish Transfer, University Pennsylvania


Glee Club 3, 4; Drokur 3, 4; Powder and Wig 3, 4 ; Cos­ mopolitan Club 4; H illel 3.

Barbara Rubin Westbury, New York

A1t Dean's List 2, 3, 4; Dor­ mitory Council 4; Drokur 3, 4, Art Editor 3, 4 ; Oracle 4, Art Editor 4; Powder and Wig 1, 2 ; Modern Dance Club 3, 4, Secretary-Treas­ urer 4; Winter Carnival Committee 3.


Marv . Seaver lassachusetts

Economics Sigma Kappa 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Stu­ dent Government 4; Wom­ en's Student League 4; Echo l; Powder and Wig l ; Dor­ mitory Chairman 4.

George R udolph Swampscott, M ass.

Business Administration Tau Delta Phi 1, 2, 3, 4;

Student Government l ; Echo 1, 2, 3, 4, Advertising Sales Manager 2, Advertising Manager 3, Business Man­ ager 4; Radio Colby 4, Advertising Manager 4; H illel 1, 2, 3, 4, Treasurer 3, Vice President 4.

V incent A. Serpa New Bedford,

l ass.

Spanish Dean's List 3, 4; Cosmopol­ itan Club 4; Newman Club 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Phi Sigma Iota 3, 4; Spanish Club 1, 2, 3, 4, Vice President 4.

Ronald Sand borg New York, New York

History Delta Kappa Epsilon 1, 2, 3, International Relations Club 4 ; Football l; Baseball


1. Thomas W. Sharp Larchmont, New York

Psychology U. S.


Zeta Psi 1, 2, 3, 4, Corre­ sponding Secretary 3; Hang­ out 4 ; International Rela­ tions Club l; Outing Club 1 ,

2, 3, 4.

[ 158 ]

mi th

J u.

·wton, l\ l a. sa ·hus lt. Psyclw/ooy Kappa D >)la R ho 2, 3, 4 ; Pr . id nt' Lcacru 2, :3, 4 ; R .d i o Colb 1 , 2 , :3, 4, Pre ident 2, t at ion l\ l an. g r 3, 4: l la.ngout :3, 4; uting lub 1 , 2, 3, 4; Yacht Coun­ cil l ; Republi ,·iat ion ir ; ;\ l u rrav Power ward ' D bating Prize 3 : \'in p akin ontest Priz 2, 3; dwin p aking ontc t Priz 2, ;J; \ Ja i n · Inter oi­ l •giatt• or nsic " . rd 3. 1'

Rola nd H.

h('rmnn. Jr. Andon•r. �la - ·1chus tts I i i tory lee l11b l ; Choir l ; un Club 4 : Hangout 1 2. -1 : luh I n t ·m.1t ional Helation ..J . am ra lub ..J ; R 1Ilt• lnb 4; kiing Team � l an1, L t t rm •n' !uh 2.




nd n,

D ' id


omw l 1l·1 1 t C it 1111 trlJ Ddta 1'.:app.1 Ep,a lon I , 2, :J. l. l ntt•rfrall•mil\. oun ·i l -1 , hoir 1 ; l ntt-rnational Jkl,1t ion .luh 2; Li ft• ·1 •nt ullo<(lti11m 2; Trad. I , 2, ·).

. :i l H·r l e i o Brookli 1w, 1.,,,,1tJ111 d i

G1•ra ld


Tau J 1 lt.1 Phi 2, :3, , Tm\�­ ur r .J ; Pn·,1dt·11t\ Lt 1�uc· l ; Or.1"1(· 4 , 1·111 > r �d1 tor; Inti m.1t Hl'l.1ti11m .l11h I; l l i llc•I l 2 , . , 1. \ iu· Pn i<l1 111 3 , l'r "clt-11t I ; lfrli •io11 �om lll'.1tio11 .01 1 1111 itl • • 3.

1 rn•n D. o u t h � or t h ., \ Llssad111s l t s • /Hlllh/i D 1 .111\ Li'l 1· panr h luh J. 2, 1, · 1 . I l o p ·chi t

R u t ha n n

i m morul

J 1·ff ·r...o n , \ l aan1· P\y1·/wlov.y J ) ·Ila D1·lla Oc·ll a L , 2, 3, -1 . Pr<·,1lk11t 1; D1·a11\ Li�l 2, uu1 u:il 2. 3, . ; Oonmtory 1: C,)1·1· ,l11b 1, Onti11� Club I. 2, 3, I. ,011 1 1 ·ii 1, ; ,.11 1tc-rl11 1 r\' Clul> l , l o<lnn D.111(·1· fnh 2 3, ,a1 11p11' G 1 1 id1· 2 3; J 1 1nwr ch t\lll 3. \V1 1 1tn ,.1m1\'.il ,om r n i t ­ te 1 ; l ' h i Si�111a lol.t I . •

r i.59 1

Nancy Stagg Medford, Mas achusetts

Biology Chi Omega 1, 2, 3, 4; Dor­ mitory Council l ; Dean's List 4.

Joanne Stinneford Livermore Falls, Maine

Biology Chi Omega 1 , 2, 3, 4; Dean's List 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Gov­ ernment 3; Women's Stu­ dent League 3, Dormitory Council 2, 3, Chairman 3; Orchestra 1, 2; Outing Club 1 , 2, 3, 4 ; J u nior Advisor 3; Winter Carnival Committee


B arbara M . Starr Brookline, Mass.

French 1, 3; Dormitory Council Social Committee 3 ; Drokur 4; French Club 1, 2, 3, 4, Secretary 3, Treasurer 4; Outing Club l; Hillel 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Inter-Faith Association 3 ; Chapel Committee 3; Religious Convocation Co­ Chairman 4; Powder and Wig 4.

Brian K . Stompe orthfield, Massachusetts

Economics Lambda Chi Alpha 2, 3, 4 ; 1 , 2, 3, 4 ; G u n Club Katahdin Council 3, 4; Foot­ ball 1, 2, 3 ; Yacht Council 4; Woodsmen's Council 2, 3, 4, President 3 ; AFROTC Rifle Team 1, 2, 3, 4, Captain 4.

Janet C. Stebbins Needham, Massachusetts

Psychology Delta Delta Delta 3, 4; Echo Oracle 4; Hangout 4; International Relations Club l ; Outing Club l; Canter­ bury Club l; Cheerleaders 2, 3, 4, Sub-Captain 4 ; Modern Dance Club 4.


M ilton E . Stone, Jr. Falmouth, Massachusetts

Economics U. S.


Zeta Psi 1, 2, 3, 4; Outing Club 1, 2; Football 1, 2; Track 1, 2.

A n n M . Steigler North Haverhill, N. H .

Business Administration Sigma Kappa 3, 4, Secre­ tary 4; Cap and Gown 4; Student Government 3; Dor­ mitory Council 2, 3, Chair­ man 3; Outing Club 2, 3, 4, Treasurer 3, 4; Women's Athletic Association 2, 3; Campus Chest Chairman 3; Commencement Committee

Yvonne Nelson Summerill


Tom's River, New Jersey

Sociol.ogy Sigma Kappa 1, 2, .'3, 4; Dean's List 3 ; Glee Club 1, 2; Outing Club 1, 4; Yacht Club 1, 4.

[ 160 ]

J o h n W. Turner

:udncr, �la achu ett. Bu. ine. . dmini. tratioli Tau Delta Phi l, 2, 3, 4; Cl e lub 1, 2, 3, 4 ; olb, Eight 2, 3, 4; Po" d •r and \\'ig l . .•


To n o t c

. (·\\ rork, ' . '\\ r rk c>c i(lft>ay \ l od m 0,1me luli :}. I . Dnvid

Omham, N




cnnom ic. ·111 1lxL1 h 1 lpha l . 2, ;1_ I. \'iu· Pn·-.itl ·nt I : D •an\ · : Bhll' K1•\ t. \ l l'n\ Li-.t J J 1 1<l1l'i.1r> 1. B.1 kc thall l, 2, :3, -t , Ldtt·mwn\ !uh :1, -t , \'1u l>n· 1<11·11t

ud r,· Ta n nt·r pn ��fi1 kl. \ l a" 1d1 11,dt ... rroult D Ill. Li ..t l . 2: Phi 1�111.l lot,1 :J, t: Dun1 1 1 ton 011nl•1l .lllll'T.l 2: B.111J l . 2 . .'3 . .{ lnh ::! ], 4, Tn ..1 ... 11rt r o. 1 o po ht, n .luh t . :1 r111, n !uh l: Fr ·m h lnh 3, 1; 011t in� 111h I . 2. 3 L h, 'l, t : P11bl1t:il\ I.:: t i hdfn .c11111l·i l 1 , I , Co11�r �.1ti1 .luh I. •


'' l lamp,hirc

u .. n n. (' h t e olorado 'pnng�. olo. Cm crn111c11t - l l iMoryEcm wr it's ·an'· '1 qm.1 K.1pp•l 2, '3, 4 List 2, .l ; Dormiton 011nl'il . l . 2; l ntt•m,1tinrn1l H1·h1linn luh :J, , .'tmh·nl ,hmt 1an .irl\ \ ·n ·iat ion 1 . 2. :J. 4 l.. 1 Tl'•l lll I . 2, :3. �

h i rley J. ' ergn

t.'\\ \ ork,

t'\\ York

PT1/lo. ophy

·,m · Lbt 1 , 2, 3; Lihrarr 3. I, Powdt·r nncl \\ i� 2, 3: osmopolitan luh 2, :3, 4 ; l nt •rnat ional Relat iom l11b 1 , 2, . Lif cit•n ,ollm 1u i11m 1 , 2; < ·m ian .lnh l, 4; 1' wman l11h 1, '3, 4, lh·ligious �tnpha i� ,ommittc 3, 4; D(•lta Dl·lt.1 Dt·lt.1 diolar­ ,hip .'3 . I)

-.scic·ml <'S


l Tr H'r l .1 r,J 1 fu · lcl r ......ad111wlts L11J!.lhh lph.1 l klt.1 l'i I , 2, 3, I . Hc•<:orcl in� � ·t·r t.1n 4 . Dor­ mtlor .oundl 2: Lihr,tr ")('I, !Pi. , , 1, Or.1 k i. I I 111�011t 1; , ' w111a11 Club I , 2, 1; \ lodn11 Dam·1· Cl11h

' •


r 161 I

K a t h leen Vogt Westport, Connecticut

English I, 3; Senior Dean's List Scholar 4 ; Student Christian Women's I; Association Athletic Association 2, 3, 4 , Badminton Manager; Foster Classics A ward Memorial


2, 3.

History Sigma Kappa 2, 3, 4, Vice 4; Pan-Hellenic Pre ident 3, 4 , Secretary­ Council Treasurer 3 ; Dean's List I ; Dormitory Council 2 , 3; In­ ternational Relations Club 2, 3, 4 ; Outing Club I, 2, 3, 4; ewman Club I, 2, 3, 4.

Donald W. Vollmer Chatham,

J. Weaver ew Jersey

Pali ades Park,

ew Jersey

Economics Lambda Chi Alpha I, 2, 4; Interfraternity Cotmcil 4, Secretary - Treasurer Blue Key 4; Track I , 2, 3, Captain 4; Hockey 1, 2, 4; Lettermen's Club 3, 4.

3, 3, 4; 4, 3, Robert B . Weis Long Island City,

. Y.

Psychology Oracle 3; Radio Colby I, 2, 3, Production Manager 2, 3; H i llel 1, 2, 3, Treasurer 2 ; Lettermen's C l u b 4; Tennis Team Manager 1, 2, 3, 4; Inter-Faith Association 2, 3, Treasurer 3.

E l i zabeth A. Walker B lue Hill,


Psychology Sigma Kappa I, 2, 3, 4 ; Dormitory Council 3 ; Glee Club 1 , 2, 3, 4; Oracle 4; Outing Club I, 2, 3, 4 ; Yacht Club 4.

Joan Wentworth !\lilton,


Psychology Sigma Kappa I , 2, 3, 4; 1od­ Dormitory Council 2; ern Dance Club 3, 4.

R u t h Waters Sterling, Massachusetts

Psychology Library Associates l ; Radio Colby 3, 4 ; Cosmopolitan Club 3 ; German Club I ; Channing-M urray 3 , 4 .

Henry F. G. Wey, I I I Rye,

ew York

Business Administration Delta Kappa Epsilon I, 2, 3, 4; Echo 1 , 2; Hangout 4; Outing Club 3, 4; Football I; Track l ; Hockey I , 2, 3, 4 ; L ttennen's Club 2, 3, 4.

[ 162 ]


�la ·

Bl'lmont ,

. � orn1 u t h

achu ett E1iulish

J o n n ne B .

Tran f ·r, Las II J u nior oi­ l g Dom1itorv undl 4 ; hoir 3· Powd�·r antl Wig 3, 4; ant rbury lub :3, 4 ; Wint r amh ;1 1 om milt 3, 4; Outing lub :3, 4; ampu. lwi.t omm i t t •c . .

h i t ne••

on �edicul

Farmington. Philn vpliy ho 2, Rt'l.1tioru lnb 1 ,

3, 4: International l ub 1 ting t 1 1<lent hri t ian .\. 'o 1at aon l , 2. 4; �ro<l •m D.1nt·l· luh 4; l,1 .....1. ' luh l.

·cl.. o fT Joan • •w York


P. yclwlo"y ounc:il 3, 4: Donrnton . le< Iuh 3, 4. rd1 tr•t 2.



;J, l . 2.

i l l i a m ...

\\ ·� mouth. � l .t· .1dm


i l l n rd \\' � rn n n

.in co,

altform.1 L11:,lhh

K t ht'ri m

Brookh n

Tr.111,ft•r, \\ 1•,l Pm nl . lph.1 T.m 1 1 1 ·.ga 2, 3, 11li11� l11h '3; Foot I al l 2, 1, l, \\'n·,tlin� 1. I, t"t t e r­ l ll<·n\ l11h a. l; pan1'h luh 4.

,,J O t t <""" ) orl.;

8iol11:!_1J J <.).5 1 - J tr:;

\ 1 1<lr

'\\ '


11\ , lO ),md .-o 1 1 1opolit.i11 luh 1 : Int< r­ n . 1 l 1 on .1 l lkl.1t11m l11b I ; Lif1 wnc: · .olloq 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l , 2; I <·lt.1 Phi lph.1 l . ,.,. rn.m 'lub l; 1 1 t 1 1 1 � .l11h I , 2, l . 111 t 1 · 1bmv Juh I , 2, 'I

Fol i n i

<'n a k i

I Ia' l'Th i l l , � l us .1<:h 11 <:th French l ph .1 D · IL .t Pi 1, 2. :3, I ; I c,111., Li l .'3; Phi t �ma I ola 3, 4 Pw icl •nl 4; 1'rt•11c:h 1111� l, :2, .'3; ul ing .l11b l . . h u r l o t h' \\'ood

'.1 1 1 �a l 1 1d.;, .on1wtl it1 1 l C111 r ru 1111 ·11t£r111111111w\ Si�1 1 1.1 l\.1 p p.1 • , 4 , ) )1 ·;111\ Li�t :2, • ; l ntn11al ion.d Hd.1l lflu C:lt tli .'.!; l odc•rn D.tnl f ' .1111> I , , , I . II i.�tor'J

[ 16 .1 J

Daniel Yarchi n

John Briggs

� fassach11setts Business Adm i11ist rat io 11

Vassalboro, Biology


T a u Delta Phi 1 , 2 , 3, 4, Rushing Chairman 2; Echo 1, 2, 3, 4 , Subscription M an­ ager 1, 2, 3; Oracle 1 , 2 ; R a d i o Colby 4 ; H illel 1 , 2 3, 4; Campus Chest Repre­ sentative

•J aine

Norman Crook Waterville, M aine

Pfriloso71hy U. S.


John Ziegler Columbus, Ohio

Business Administrati011 Delta Kappa Epsilon 1, 2, 3, 4; International Relations Club l; Newman Club 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Baseball l; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 1 , 2, 3, 4 ; Lettern1en's C l u b 2, 3, 4 .

Roy E . Norcross Cheshire, Connecticut

Sociology Transfer, Stockholm


Army Kappa Delta Rho

Robert L . Zullinger, J r.




George R i tchie

Merion, Pennsylvania

Kennebunk, Maine



Delta Kappa Epsilon 1, 2, 3, 4, Secretary 3, President 4, National Undergraduate President 3 ; Interfraternity Council 3 ; B lue Key 4, Pres­ ident; Student Government 3; Social Committee 3 ; Echo 1, 2 ; Canterbury Club 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Track 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Letter­ men's Club 3, 4; Book of the Year Committee 3; Senior Advisor.

Air Force Lambda Chi Alpha 1, 2, 3,


Richard F. Shein Providence, Rhode Island

Psychology H illel 1, 2.

[ 164 ]

� - ,, , -- ·




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Office Supplies and Equipment Sales and Service


1 70 Main Street



The n a m e FO RSTER h a s been a byword in the woodenwa re i n d u stry for over sixty-seven yea rs





m a d e in

Maine, known and sold the world over.

�J#i� �(/f/V"�RMIN 6TON, MAINE

M F G . C O ., I N C.

Hah n I B ro t h r R oofin u an d ,'.h e o n t ra t r �car






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TR 2-2372

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nrP kt>pt ntttl cooketl i11 t h t>ir 01011 n a t u ra l nmter."


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W a terv i l l e


A. M. Drumm o nd Co. General Insurance

BERLOU G uaranteed Moth Protection

I 73 Main S treet

WATERVILLE, MAINE Rheba C. Terry, Mgr.

"Tim" Terry, Agent

Telephone TR 2·5589

Fre.-1 J . Sterns, '29

George H . Sterns, '3 1

Herbert D. Sterns, '4 1

STERNS Waterville - Skowhegan " The Store of Famous Brands"




David Mathieu Co. AUTO BODY S HOP Beeline A lignment Equipment Frame Straightening


College A venue


r t-n w i •h

For th in




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Bring the




ALVINA & DELIA "Distinction




Ware-Butler, Inc. L u m ber and Building Materials WATERVILLE, MAINE TR 3-337 1

A. W. LARSEN CO. Radios and Records Television and The Home of Hallm ark G reeting Cards WATERVILLE, MAINE

The Harris Baking Co. Better Baked Foods /or Better Health WATERVILLE, MAINE


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W e re M ade by

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WATERVILLE, MAINE Telephone TR 3-3341


The Newspaper All Colby Reads


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1 82


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L r<' l fa i n

LaVerdiere's D rng Store

Spring Brook Ice


1 77

Fuel Compan y

Main S treet





G. GIOVINO CO. Wh olesale and Com. m ission Merchants

1 2 S anger Avenue



Commercial Street


Livermore Falls Trust Compan y Member Federal De posit Insurance Corporation

of LIVERMORE FALLS, MAINE Birthplace of H ERBERT E. WADSWO RTH Founder of Colby' s Department of Business A dministration

nque tionahly . . .



1 956


Jackson Dairy Farm, Inc. Purelac Dairy Products, Inc. PA STEURIZED DA I R Y PRODUCTS Hom ogenized and Vitamin D Milk

2 1 3 M ain Street

C. F. Hathaway


and Company


Main Street


Waterville Hardware and Plumbing Supply Company

Colby's Electrical S ystem

Trading Post, Inc.

Instal led by

A rmy and Navy S urplus

E . .S. BOULOS CO. PORTLAND, MAINE "Serving Northern New England For the Past





Sporting Goods

7 1 -73

Temple S treet


Hotel Co nti nental ' One of N w England's Best Hotels''

C h e r ry Prese rves



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Crysta l cane sugar cooked slowly with tree-ripened fru it.

I m t cl Bro t h r

If you can not pvrchote this i n your home tow n - write u1 - P. O. lox J. S., Chicogo


Brook l i n


'<'rt•ice. TJep ndabilit and Q ua/it





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TR 2-934 1



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TR 2-2622

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T oach and Taxi er ice Jf 'lt itP Top With 2- Tr'ay Radio

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tan<l : H otel Elm u•ood Room



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In .

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P yrof ax Bottled

Lebanon Woolen Mills

Gas Service

Company, Inc.


Sylvania and Crosley Television Electric and Gas A ppliances

RAY PAPE, '36 F. W. Woolworth Co.

1 1 8 MAIN STREET TR 2 -8 5 6 1

LEVINE'S The Colby Men's S tore Home of Botany and A rrow Ludy, '2 1

Pacy, '27





EVELYN CARDIN Ferris Arms Motel "Cofjee Shop and Dining Room"

Ladies' Specialty S h op


Main S treet









a11cl Fabrics'



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" /Uake It You rself With Quality Yarn ·


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Manufactur r of Metal Pa kages and tampings •

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ďż˝ n i,riJpiUIE'POSITORS .ďż˝ Trus t Company M ember Federal Reserve S ystem M ember Federal Deposit Insura n ce Cor poratio n U nited S tates Depositary Authori zed to Act as Trustee a n d Executor

Waterville, Maine Fourteen Convenient Offices in Central Maine

tanho p I




E. M.


yor of Fi ne Meat

Pu r 1 55

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6-269 1


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En uland


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25 Biml<'r"

Niles Co.

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Ma i n



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A r l h u r R. Nordgren




Waterville' s Diamond and Sterling Headq uarters


Nordgren Memorial


Cha p el Funeral Service

Barrows - Mayflower

49 Belmont Street Worcester, Massachusetts




Telephone 6-356 1



Made by

The Green Shoe Manufacturing Co. BOSTON, MAS S ACHUS ETTS

A nnouncing Tl-I E N EW O FFI CIAL

Colby Ring

h m

Price of R i n g s








Hou e of ln tegrit

$ 3 1 . 3 1 for M e n $2 6.00 f o r Wo m e n I n c . Ta xes

$ I 0.00 D e po s it M ust B e Pl a c e d with O rd e r. $ 1 .00 Extra Cost for R i n g s D a te d Befo re 1 9 56.


STU DENT DIRECTORY ABEDON , R I C H A R D L., '56 545 Wayland Ave . , Providence, R. I . ACIERNO, C LAUDE H . , '59 3437 Corsa Ave ., N . Y . 69, . Y. ADAM S , BARBARA S., '58 22 Orchard Rd., Holden, Mass. A D A M S , D A Y I D L. , '56 99 Forest Ave. , Orono A D A M S , G E O RGE L., '59 597 West St., Keene, N . H. A DA M S , J OAN E., '58 82 Newington Rd., Elmwood, Ct. A D A M S, MARY, '58 2 1 1 J une St., Worcester 2, Mass. A DA M S , NATHAN M . , '56 1 28 DeWitt S t . , Syracuse, N . Y. ADAM S , R O B ERT S., '56 Owl's Head ADEL, ROBERT E., '56 77-51 78th St., Glendale, N . Y. A D LE R , RICHARD J . , '57 2 Ives S t . , Beverly, M ass. 0 AFFE LDT, D O ALO D., '58 16 Swart Terr., Nashua, N. H . A H N EMAN , CAROL, '59 295 Mastin Place, Ridgewood, N . J . ALLEN, GAIL G . , '56 49 Fernwood Rd., W . Hartford, Conn . ALLERTON, LUCINDA A . , '58 320 1 N. Wakefield St., Arlington, Va. A L LEY, B R IAN L. , '56 1 1 Pleasant Pl., Waterville 0 A M E S , SYLVIA C., '59 55 Penobscot Ave . , M i l linocket 0 AMSDE , LEIGH E . , '58 252 South St. , Reading, Mass. ANDERSON, H U G H F., '56 1 1 20 State St., New Haven, Conn.

AUSTERMAN N , K U RT T., '59 Box 876 Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands AUSTIN, CARLTO E., J R . , '57 R . F . D . No. 2, Rumford BADGER, HARRIET N., '59 17 Oak St., So. Weymouth, Mass. BAG ALL, FREDERICK C., '56 49 Elm S t . , Houlton, BAILEY, THOMAS R., '59 109 Norfolk S t . , Bangor BAKER, JEA R., '58 R . F . D . No. 1, Chester, Vt. BAKER, M YRON G . , '59 Dryden BALDW I N , BARBARA A., '56 85 Hawthorne Ave., Glen Ridge, N . J . BALFOUR, J E A NE E . , '59 1 27 North Road, Bedford, Mass. 0 BALL, OWE H., '58 6705 Springbank Lane, Phila., Pa. BA GS, LEIGH B., '58 27 California Rd., Reading, Mass. 0 BANNAK, WILLIAM J . , '59 Landisville Rd., Doylestown, Pa. BARNARD, BRIAN K., '58 Box 55, West Buxton BARNES, BARBARA, '56 32 Terrace Ave., Albany, N . Y. BARNES, FORREST W., '56 31 Pleasant St., Houlton BAR ES, ROBERT 0., '56 5 1 7 Westview St., Phila . , Pa. BARNETT, WILLIAM R., '59 23 Beacon Ave., Holyoke., Mass. BARRETT, GEORGE P., '58 1 4 1 5 1 9th Ave., Moline, I ll. BARRETT, M A RGO L. , '58 Harris Rd., Katonah, . Y. BARRON, BONNIE T., '56 1 Page St., Gloucester, Mass. BARTLETT, FRANCIS F., JR., '56 335 Main St., Waterville BARTON, CAROL J . , '56 1 20 N . Main St., Sharon, Mass. BATES, NATHANIEL B., '57 Atlantic Rd., Gloucester, Mass. BATES, ROBERT S . , '58 45 Aberdeen Rd., Riverside, R. I . BATC H ELDER, CORINNE E . , '59 New Scotland S . Road, R. D. Slingerlands, N . Y.

A N D E RSON, LINDA LEE, '59 679 Wellesley St., Weston 93, Mass. ANDERSON, MARJORIE G., '59 36 Franklin Ave . , New Rochelle, N. Y. A

D E R S O , NANCY T . , '57 Sterling Dr., Westport, Conn.

A N D R A U, M AYA H., '58 Bearsville Rd., Woodstock, N . Y . A N G N E Y , VIRGINIA K. , '58 Arlington, Vt. ANGR IST, B U RTON M., '58 1 66- 1 9 89th Ave., Jamaica 37,

. Y.

A R M STRONG, STANLEY R . , J R . , '59 37 Bartlett St., Chelmsford, Mass.

BA TEMAN, PA TRICIA, '56 333 Front St., Winchendon, Mass.

A R N DALL, GALE, '58 26 faplewood P l . , Stamford, Conn. A RNETT, B U RN E Y K., '59 4 Bellclaire P l . , Montclair, N . J . ARNOLD, J EANNE F . , '57 8 Branch Ave . , Saylesville, R. I . A RT H U R , R O A L O H . , '57 48 Monument St., Wenham, Mass. A S HWORTH, V I RG I N I A V. , '57 322 Paradise Ave., Middletown, R . I .

BODDIE, VASHTI 0., '56 821 W. Lanvale St., Baltimore 1 7 , Md.

BAXTER, JOHN S., '58 45 Washington Ave., Gardiner

BODI NGTON, FREDERICK M., '59 South of Commons, Little Compton, R . I .

BEACH, H E R BERT B., '58 8 1 Bedford Ave. , Hamden, Conn.

BOGREN, PETER A . , '56 55 W . Plain St., Cochituate, Mass.

BEAN, ROBERT H . , '57 1 4 Highland Ave., Augusta

BOIS, WILLIAM J . , J R . , '57 R . F.D. No. 1, Waterville

BEARS, GRACE E., '57 62 Prospect Hill Rd., Lexington, Mass.

BONNEAU, AN N , '58 42 Meadow Wood Rd., Great Neck, N . Y .

., BECK, CAROLYN M., '57 9269 Shore Rd.; Brooklyn, N. Y .

ATK IN SON, ELIZABET H K . , '57 .'.38 Lorana Ave., Bradford, Pa.

0 B EDELL, PETER, '59 15 Werdover Rd., Forest H i lls, L. I., N. Y. BEEBE, MARGUER ITE A., '58 Arabian American Oil Co., Abqaig, Saudi Arabia BEGI , ROBERT J . , '56 7 Gray Ave., Waterville BENDELIUS, JACQ U E LI E L. , '59 850 Ridgewood Rd., Oradell, N . J . BENDER, LEONARD M . , '59 1 28 5th St., Stamford, Conn. B E R N HARD, AR OLD V. , '57 Sylvan Rd., Westport, Conn. BERNS, RICHARD H . , '56 33 Vassar Ave., ewark, N . J. BERRY, ARLINE, '56 43 Hillside Ave., Darien, Conn. BERRY , CLAIRE E., '59 14 Court St., Machias BERRY, DEAN A. , '56 377 Pascack Rd., Westwood, N . J. BERRY, MARILYN , '59 43 H i l lside Ave., Darien, Conn. 0 BER RY , RICHARD H., '58 377 Pascack Rd., Westwood, N. J . B IGE LOW, EST HER M . , '57 8 Bertram St., Beverly, Mass. B I LLUPS, JOAN M., '57 28 Woodmere Rd., W. Hartford, Conn. BIRNIE, VIRG I IA A., '56 30 Annawan St., Hartford, Conn. i"BISHOP, DONALD S. St. Albans BIS HOP, JAM E S D., J R . , '58 Armonk Rd., Mt. Kisko, N . Y. BLACK, M. PATRICIA, '59 8 Colonial Rd., White Plains, N. Y. BLAINEY, LUCY C. , '56 47- 1 1 47 Ave., Woodside 77, L. I., . Y. BLAKELOCK, ROBERT E. , '56 57 Foster Rd., Belmont, Mass. BLA C HARD, BRUCE C., '58 6 Elm St., Windsor, Vt. BLANCHARD, MALCOLM E., '57 34 Spring St., Dover-Foxcroft BLOO M , DAVID N . , '59 708 George St., New Haven, Conn. BLUME, P H ILIPPA L. , '58 865 West End Ave., N . Y . , N. Y.

BO O LE, BAR KEY J . , '56 237 Franklin St., Newton, Mass.

AUGER, JACQUELINE, '57 65 Dudley St., New Bedford, M ass.

BECK, SANDRA, '59 77 Whitman Ave., Whitman, Mass.

BORTOLAN, PETER R., '59 1 1 8 Oak St., Willimantic, Conn.

A U R I E M M A , ROBERT W., '59 429-56th St., W. New York, N . J .

B ECKM AN N , JON M., '58 1 Eton Rd., Yonkers, N . Y.

BOSSE, GERARD J., '59 2 Spring St., Waterville


I n attendance first semester only.


In attendance second semester only.

[ 1 96 ]




[ 1 97 J

COULOMBE, PHILIP A . , Sp 1 1 9 Mount Vernon Ave., Augusta COUTROU B I S , GEORGE C., '59 250 Maple St., Fall River, M ass. COWPERTHWAITE, FRA KLIN C., '58 Winthrop CRANE, THEODORE, J R . , '58 21 Carleton S t . , Hamden, Conn. CROCKETT, CYNTHIA, '59 Cherry St., Wenham, Mass. CRON , ROBERT A., '58 Old Westbury, N. Y. CRONK, J AN ICE, '59 148 Davis St., Auburn CROOK, NORMAN B., '56 227 Newman Ave., Rumford, R. I . CROSBY, C HARLES H . , '59 454 Riverside Dr., N. Y. 27, N. Y . CROSBY, D . GAIL, '58 21 Hart St., Beverly Farms, M ass. CROSS, J E FFREY C., '57 63 Welshire Park, eedham, Mass. C ROSS, J U STIN A., '56 W. Meadow Rd., Rockland ° CROSSMAN, NANCY A., '59 Dover-Foxcroft CROUTHAMEL, ROSEM ARY, '56 1 25 So. 3rd St., Perkasie, Pa. CRUISE, COLLEEN, M., '59 26 Summer St., Waterville CROWLEY, DONALD P., '58 27 Upland .11. ve., Dorchester, M ass. C U D M ORE, LAU RENCE E., '58 64 Pearl St., Brockton, M ass. C U M MI NGS, CAROLYN D . , '59 508 S . Broadway, Nyack, N . Y. C U M M I NGS, R I C HARD C., '59 1 69 Walnut St., Lewiston C U N N I NG HAM , GORDON F., '58 1 67 Lincoln St., M i llinocket C U RTIS, J O H N 0., '58 1 26 Pleasant St., Newton Centre, Mass. " C UTTER, G. RICHARD, '59 367 Merriam Ave., Leominster, M ass. CZERNIN, CH ARLES B., '57 Lakeville, Conn. DAIB, JANE M . , '58 79 Greenhurst Rd., W. Hartford, Conn. DAINWOOD, WALTER C., '57 5960 Amarillo St., La Mesa, Calif. D'AMICO, ANTHONY M., '57 20 1 Broadway, Bangor D'AM ICO, LYNNE W., '58 20 1 Broadway, Bangor DANKERT, P H ILIP R., '58 9 Pleasant St., Hanover, N . H. 0 DANFORTH, MARY E., '57 Court St., Castine DARBY, M ARGARET M., '56 7 8 Baptist St., Swansea, Mass. DARROCH, RONALD E . , '57 1 85 Boston Post Rd., By-Pass, Weston, Mass. DAUG HARTY, GORDON D . , '57 6360 E . Surrey Rd., Birmingham, M ich .

D A U P H I N E E , CAROL D . , '56 R.F.D. No. l, Hyannis, Mass.

0 DAVENPORT, DONALD S . , '59 14 Corning St., Beverly, Mass. 0 In attendance first semester only.

DAVIDSON, DOUGLAS A., '58 520 Washington St . , So. Attleboro, Mass. DA VI LA, CARLOS G., '58 Malecon Balta 7 1 0, M i raflores Lima, Peru 0 DAVIS, DAVID H . , '59 1 87 Somerset Ave., Winthrop, 1ass. DAVIS, MARY JANE, '59 37 Lake Drive, Needham, fass. DAVIS, PATRICIA COFFIN, '56 ( M rs. ) 29 Boody St . , Brunswick DA VIS, R I C H ARD J., '56 1 53 Columbia Ave., Cranston 5, R. I. DEAN, ALFRED H., J R . , '58 85 Oak St. , Weston, Mass. DEAN, CHARLES E., '59 79 Mechanics St., Putnam, Conn. DE CARLO, A GELA J., '58 79 Homestead Ave . , Naugatuck, Conn. DEERING, PHILIP A., '57 Hartland DELANEY, J O H N A., '56 . Y. 71 Winnebago Rd., Yonkers, DEN EEN, GEORGE F., '58 1 96 W . Squantum St., o. Quincy, Mass. DERDERIAN, NA CY L., '58 45 Barbara Rd., Waltham, Ma s. DE VESTY, CHARMIA J . , '56 29 Parker Rd., eedham, l\ f ass. D I E, SALLY R., '59 19 Commonwealth Ave., Haverhill, M ass. DINWOODIE , DONALD G., '57 38 Broad St., Hawthorne, N . Y. DIXON, BAR BARA, '57 1 63 East Clinton Ave., Tenafly,

. J.

DIXON, SALLY A . , '57 Scudder Ave., Hyannis Port, Mass. DOC H E RTY, M ERABETH L., '56 8 Gabb Rd., Bloomfield, Ct. " DOHRMAN, EDWARD M . , J R . , '59 25 Ardmore Rd., Ho-Ho-Kus, N . J .

DRIGOTAS, CAROLY A . , '57 28 Beacon Ave., Auburn DUCKWORTH, ELEANOR R., '57 89 Cambridge St. , Halifax, Nova Scotia DUE� A. BARBAR� � 6 2 1 N o . Cornwall Ave . , Ventnor, . J. DULANEY, J O H N S . , '56 1 93 Brimfield Rd., Wethersfield, Ct. DU BAR, DONALD M., '56 12 Ridge Ave., Newton Center, 1 ass. DUNBAR, SARA . , '56 66 Perry Ave., Whitman, Mass. DU N, DAVID, '56 106 Gibbs St., Newton Center, Mass. DUNN, JOH L., Sp 1 67 Water St., Waterville DUN , 1 E L VI B., '59 28 Robbins Rd., Watertown, Mass. DU STA , JOH P., '59 146 Herrick Rd., Newton Center, Mass. DU RANT, JOH R., '57 29 Park St., Shrewsbury, l\ f ass. DUSTY, FRANK T. , J R . , '58 6V2 Leighton St., Waterville DYER, MAR I LY , '58 1 1 Grove St., Winchester, Mass. DYSO , JOH D., '59 56 Mountain Ave . , Winsted, Conn. EARLEY, JA ET M . , '57 56 Dwelley Ave., Dover-Foxcroft EATON, GEORGE M . , '58 Forest Rd., Salisbury, Ct. ED DY, LATIMER B., '59 60 Livingston Rd., Wellesley, M ass. EDES, JOHN C . , '58 Forest Ave . , Ellsworth EDMUNDS, ELEA OR M . , '56 39-20 2 17th St., Bayside, . Y. tEDSALL, RICHARD A., '57 5604 Brite Dr., Bethesda, Md. EDWARDS, JAMES W., '59 5220 Moori and Lane, Bethesda 14, Md.

DOLLOFF, ALTHEA J . , '59 R . F. D . 1, Mt. Vernon DON LEY, CAROLYN A., '56 227 High St., Reading, Mass.

EGAN, CORNELIA l\f., '59 Box 9 1 , Grafton, N. Y.

DONOVAN, J E R E M I A H M., '59 16 Hartwell Rd., Wetl1erfield, Conn.

EGGLESTO , R. NANCY, '57 APO 343 c/o Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif.

DOOLITTLE, SANDRA J., '58 394 No. Main St., Wallingford, Conn.

E I D A M , BARBARA E., '59 88 E. Haverhill St., Lawrence, ]\ [ ass.

DORAN, PETER C., '58 1 30 Washington St., Wellesley H ills, Mass.

ELLINWOOD, GEORGE W., J R. , '56 39 Catlin Ave., Rumford, R. I.

DORMAN, S . WENDY, '57 1 1 Montrose Ave . , Arlington 74, l\ [ ass. DOUGHERTY, STEVEN L., '57 37 Berkeley St. , Portland DOW, E. RAYMOND, J R . , ' .5 8 Monmouth

DOW N I NG, DARROLL M . , '56 45 Purchase St., Danvers, Mass. " DOYLE, PETER C., '57 1 1 1 Hilton Ave., Garden City, N . Y. DOYLE, THOMAS F., '59 20 High Rd., Newbury, Mass. DOYLE, W I LSON W., '58 80 No. Island Ave . , Ramsey, N . J . 0 DRAPER, U R S U LA, '59 Hodgeport Lane, Dover,


DREXEL, PAUL E., '58 R.F.D. No. 3, West Chester, Pa. t I n attendance second semester only.

[ 198 ]

tELLIOT, RICHARD, '57 33 Bailey St., Worcester,


ELWELL, ELIZABETH A., '57 West Buxton ENGDAHL, ARTHUR E., J R . , '57 68 Old Farm Rd., Needham, fass. EPLETT, JANE, '59 65 Charlton St., Stratford, Conn. ERB, ROB ERT C., JR., '56 1 7 Chester St., Nashua, N . H . ESTABROOK, HAROLD M . , '59 56 Gray St., Arlington, Mass. ESTES, RICHARD F., JR., '58 706 Cambridge Rd., Bala-Cynwyd, Pa. EV ANS, KATHRYN D., '57 1000 Haines Ave., Gordon Heights, Wilmington, Del . EWING, ELEANOR A . , '57 3 Philips Rd., Stoneham, Mass.

• 1 11 a t 1 1 •1 H l.111u first


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1 1 1 a l t <•n<lan(T

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[ 1 99 ]


G R IGGS, M A RCIA E . , '58 65 Tamarac Rd . , Westport, Conn. G R I M M , J OS E P H L., J R . , '59 102 Avondale Ave. , Haddonfield, . J. GROSS, DA I E L 0., '59 399 Silver Lake S t . , Athol, Mass. GROSS, NANCY L., '59 7 2 Watson Rd., Belmont, 1ass. G ROSSGUT H , CARL L., '57 134 Richard St., Cranston 10, R. I. G U I LE S , P H ILIP E., '58 65 Sylvan Ave., West Newton, M ass. 0 G UTH, FRANK E ., '58 37 Whipple St., Waterville HAGE R M A N , GARY N . , '59 404 N . M ain St., Cananhavgua, . Y. HAGGETT, ROBERT D . , '59 43 York S t . , Bath HAGGETT, W I LLIA 1 E., '56 43 York St., Bath HAKES, RICHARD J., '59 3002 24th St., .W . Washington, D. C . HALEY, OWEN R . , J R . , '58 7 Brewster St., Providence, R. I . HALL, ART H U R 0 . , '57 63 Swan Rd., Winchester, Mass.

HALL, CAROLI NE S., '58 1 9 Bettswood Rd., Norwalk, Conn. HALL, E LIZABETH I., '57 M ai n St., S . Dennis, Mass. HALLEE, ROGER E., '59 2 Swan St., Waterville H A M I LTON, JAN ET, '56 Worcester Rd., Princeton, Mass. H A M M O N D , FREDERICK C., '57 15 Bertram St., Beverly, Mass. HANFORD, STARLI G L., '56 1 6 1 6 Hawthorn Park, Columbus,


HANNON , J O H N F . , '57 86 School St., Manchester, Mass. HANSEN, NANCY L., '57 7812 Custer Rd., Bethesda, Md. HARDING, M. ANN, '58 1 26 Wilder St., Hillside,

N. J .

HARDY, ELIZABETH W . , '57 6 1 6 High St., Bath HARDY, P HYLLIS A., '58 901 Narragansett Pkwy., Warwick, R. I. H A R K I N S , C RAIG, '58 1 88 Islington Rd., Auburndale, Mass. HARLOWE, JOAN M., '56 274 Brow St., E. Providence, R. I . H A R M O N , NANCY J . , '58 535 Great Plain Ave., Needham, Mass. t H A R R I M A N , EDWARD N., J R . , '57 67 M aple St., Needham, Mass. H A R R I NG , CEDRIC F., J R ., '57 20 Glen Rd., Newton Centre, Mass. H A R R I NGTON , M ARY C., '58 1 25 Woodman St., Richmond, Vt. HARRIS, FREDERICK J . , '59 Edgewood Rd . , Southboro, Mass. HARRISON, GERAL D I N E , '59 70 Edgemoor Rd., Belmont, Mass. HAR RISO , PA TRICIA L., '57 1 00 Summer St., Springfield, Vt. HART, NELSON P . , '56 36 Puckingham St., Waterbury, Conn. HARTZELL, JANE C., '59 2 Kavanaugh Place, Bar Harbor 0 In attendance first semester only.

H ARUTA, KYOI C HI , '57 8 Kitaya-Machi, Shibuya-ku Tokyo, Japan HASLAM , P H I LIP S., '58 32 Westwood Rd., Shrew bury, Mass. HATC H , C H ARLES E., '56 12 Purnside Rd., Newton Highlands, 1 a s. H ATFIELD, DOUGLAS S . , J R. , '58 . H. Farover Farm, Peterborough, HATHAWAY, CAROL I . , '58 67 Andrew Ford Way, Abington, Mass. HAURA D , JEA H . , '57 72 Fairview Ave., N . Plainfield, N . J . H AY, ELIZABETH, '59 2 Ocean Rd., S . Portland HAYES, STEPHEN W . , '59 High St., E. Pepperell, Mas . HAYES, W I L B U R F., '59 606 Centre St., ewton, Mass. HAYWARD, LEW I S W., '59 79 Airlie S t . , Worcester, Mass. H E C HT, GORDO A., '59 5565 Netherland Ave., ew York, . Y. REEKS, CAROL, '58 R.F.D. 1, North Adams, Mass. H ELLA WELL, RICHARD S., '56 6 Andy Rd., Worcester, Mass. H E N DERSON, BEATRICE A., '56 48 Sawyer St., Portland H E N DE RSON, P H ILIP, J R . , '59 40 Willetts Rd., M t . Kisco, N. Y. H END RICKS, GRANT 0., '59 1 1 5 Kenilworth Rd., Mt. Lakes, . J. HENNI NGS, PATRICIA A., '56 1 87 Crocker Blvd., Mt. Clemens, M ich. HERBIG, RONDA ( M RS. ) , '56 Kinsland Rd., Boonton, N. J . H E R D I E C H , W I LLIAM G . , '57 103 Log Plain Rd., Greenfield, Mass. H ESSE, ROBERT L., '58 1 1 8 Lowell St . , Andover, Mass. H IGGI S, JAMES A., '56 2 1 1 Woburn St., Lexington, Mass. H IGGINS, RUSSELL E., '57 426 Linden Ave., Bogota, . J. H ILLENBAC H , L E E R. , '59 1 67 Rhode Island Ave., East Orange, N . J . H I NES, ROBERT N . , '56 47 Rosedale Rd., W . Hartford, Conn. H I NCE, J U DITH A., '58 39 1 Pawtucket St . , Lowell, Mass. HISE, NANCY LOU, '56 61 Grandview Ave., Pleasantville, N. Y. H ITTENGER, A U D REY W . , '57 431 School S t . , Belmont, Mass. H O DGKINS, THOMAS C., '59 50 Jackson St., Northampton, Mass. HOFFMAN, J OAN C., '59 5.552 Netherland Ave., Riverdale, N. Y. H OLDEN, ANN, '56 Orwell, Vt. HOLMES, S HI R LEY M., '59 R . F . D . 2, Southbridge, Mass. H OLST, J U DITH, '59 2403 Ocean Ave:, Brigantine, N . J . HOLT, CAROL, A . , '59 1 80 Vernon Ave., Middletown, R. I . H O M , B E N L . , '57 .Y. 64-35 83 Pl., Middle Village 79, t In attendance second semester only.

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HO SB ERGER, KARL, '57 Cedar Lane, Ossining, N. Y. H ONS BERGER, PETER, '56 Front Royal, Va. 0 H OOGEVEE N, LAWRENCE J . , '57 Garfield St . , Humarock, Mass. HOUSTON, KEN NETH A., '57 9-19 Main S t . , Apt. 14, Waterville HOWARTH, MARILYN L., '.56 4 1 Woodmont St., Portland HOYT, DA YID M . , '58 39 Bayview Ave . , So. Norwalk, Conn. HOYT, PAULINE A., · 57 Easton HUART, R I C HA R D A., '57 913 Centre St., Brockton, Mass. HU BBARD, NANCY, '56 1 24 Glenwood Ave., Portland H U EBSCH, J ACQUELYN E., '56 4 1 40 Carpenter Ave., New York 66, . Y. H U L BERT, EDWARD I., J R . , '58 63 W. M ain St., Westboro, Mass. H U NT, FAYE F., '58 171 Second St., Hallowell HUNT, RICHARD A., '59 8 Gibson St., Fairfield HU TER, BARBARA L., '59 87 Roslyn Ave., Cranston, R. I . 0 HUNTER, DWIGHT P . , '.59 48 Blake St., Presque Isle HUNTER, ROBIN L., '58 20 Humphreys Rd., W. Barrington, R . I . HUNTRESS, FRANK E . , '56 1 Elmwood Rd., Marblehead, 1 1 ass. HURWITZ, M I C HAEL J . , '59 198 Greenwood St., Newton, Mass. H U SSEY, PETER A., '57 North Berwick ISAACSON, E. CLE N, '57 42 South S t . , Hyannis, Mass. ISRAEL, MICHAEL G., '57 1574 Wayne Ave., York, Pa. IVES, LEWIS K., '59 Veteran's Hospital, Northampton, Mass. IVES, PHILIP G., '57 4 Bushcliff, Winchester, Mass. JAFFEE, TONI C., '57 Galloupes Pt., Swampscott, Mass. JAMES, W. B RUCE, '57 84 Spring St., Wakefield, Mass. JAM IESON, JAMES R., '56 Pleasant St., Hartland J E FFERSON, ANN A., '57 Flemington , N. J. JELINEK, CAROLE J . , '59 102 Betsy Williams Dr., Cranston, R . I. JENSEN, DIANE L., '57 30 Puritan Rd., Beverly, Mass. 0 J O HNSEN, w. ANDREAS, '59 34-62nd St., West New York, N . J . JOHNSO R.F.D.

, AND REW T . , '56 Littleton, N . H.


J OHN SON, GEORGIA M., '59 386 . Central Ave . , Ramsey, N . J . J O HNSON, LUCIA R . , '58 Tower Rd., Riverside, Conn. .J ONES, CLARK S., '58 65 Beaufort Ave. , Needham, Mass.

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, D E I E L., '56 LYO 59 \\'ood ide ve. , Brockton,



Curien, Conn. JA ·1 E , '5 9 l'nm k l m Tt:rr., {('lro' .\ J u''· KI J OA ' L . , '5 '2 L;.11.. \ •. , Lc.-ic l ·r, I l"'· . \I I \\' A R H It , ·.-i Kl. .56 Winthrop t . , Augu. t.1

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larvwilk . Oh io ' K L E I � . BA HBAH J ., '.57 267 Wt"•l Port, \\ l iih· Pl..un. , . · . Y K L E I, J I .E , '.'58 737 Gro\1• · t . , \\'or n t 1 ·r, \ 1 ;,,,, k. I C l lT. F. FH ITZ, '58 R . F . I J.




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t, Brod.ton, \ l .1 ".

':58 Philadi:lpl 1 1,1, Pa.

T J I E HI . E S . ,

Lmrnl11 Dr.,

•wton, \ f ,,.,,,

I 20 1 I

l\ l u s .


MARCHBA J AM E S H . , '57 5 8 1 7 Bradley Blvd . , Bethesda, Id. 0 M A RC H ETTI, JOSEPH J., '58 1 356 Washington St . , Bath l\' ! A R C H O , C AT H RYN M . , '59 56 Academy St . , Presque Isle M A RGLI N , J OS E P H H., '59 82 Kenilworth St., Newton, Mass. M A RGOLI S , T H EODORE M., '56 22 Heather St . , Beverly, M ass. l A R KOWITZ, STEPHE , '59 1 675 Grand Concourse, Bronx, N. Y. t M ARQUIS , GORDON E., '56 79 H.idge Rd. , Waban, lass. '1. A R S H , NANCY L . , '59 . Y. 1 7 4 Highland Ave . , Buffalo, M A R S HALL, J O H N C., '56 36 Plain£eld, Waban, Mass. 1ARTIN, E L I J . , '57 Wauregan Rd., Danielson, Conn. '1. ARTI N , JOHN H., '58 Boston Post Rd., Old Lynn, Conn. M ARTI , M AR Y L., '59 50 School St., Gorham M ARTIN , PATRICIA, '57 2 1 20 4th Ave., Kearney, Neb. M AT H I E U , LIO E L E., '57 5 Boston Ave . , Winslow M AT H I E U , STANLEY K . , '57 1 1 Boston Ave . , Winslow M ATT H I E U , M A R I LY C., '58 22 Bean St., Madison M AY , CA ROL A., '58 Park and Bivd., Pitman, N. J . M AZO, EUGENE D . , '59 20 Saxon R d . , Wethersfield, Conn. 0 M E D E I ROS, J A M E S s., '58 67 Garden Ave., Somerset, fass. 0 M EGAT H L I N , DONALD E., '58 94 Lewis Ave . , Walpole, Mass. M E I N HOLD, H A R RY S., '56 Creenswood, Purdys, N . Y. M E RC HANT, COLBY M . , '58 R . F. D . No. 1 , Newport M E R R I C K , DOUGLAS C . , '59 Parkway & Parkside, Harrington Park, N . H . M E R RI LL, J U DITH A . , '58 21 Davis Rd., Chelmsford, Mass. M E R R I LL, PETE R, '57 38 Oak S t . , Augusta 0 M E R R I M A N , FRA K A . , '58 87 Montgomery St., Bangor 1 ' 1E R R I M A N , R I C H A R D D . , '57 87 Montgomery St . , Bangor M ETCALF, CARROLL M . , '59 27 Ross R d . , Scarsdale, N . Y. M ETCALF, M ELBA S . , '59 131 Grant S t . , Bangor 1ETZER, J O H N M . , '59 406 South Burgess Ave., Columbus, Ohio M E Y E R , MARTHA A., '56 102 DuHenur Rd., Hampstead, .Montreal, Canada M I LLER, DOU GLAS T., '58 Old M il l Rd. , M i llington, N . J . M I LLER, NAN, '57 Old M il l Rd. , M i llington, . J. M ILLER, S USAN L . , '56 14 Great Hill R d . , Darien, Conn. M I LLER, TUCKER R . , '59 1 85 Valentine St., W . Newton, Mass. � I I LLS, D A YID H., '57 4 Clark S t . , Holden, Mass.

iV l l LLS, JANE, '59 542 H i gh Rock St. , Needham, Mass. I ITTLE:, D ORF, J A ET S., '57 40 Dusenbury Rd., Bronxville, N . Y. M OGER, FLINT C., '58 . Y. 82 Beverly Pkwy., Freeport, M OGER, STA LEY H., '58 72 Salisbury Rd., Brookline, Mass. M ONTEI T H , RICHARD F., '59 15 S m i ley Ave., Haverhill, Mass. MONTGO M E RY , B RUCE W . , '59 3235 Hull Ave., N . Y . 67, . Y. M O O R E , A N T H O N Y E . , '59 1 1 8 Main St., Rockport, Mass. I OORE, CAROLYN D . , '56 7 1 5 Hubbel S t . , Maumee, Ohio MOORE, H ELEN B . , '59 603 Concord St., Framingham, Mass. M OO R HOUSE, FREDERICK M., '56 20 Fordson Ave . , Cranston, R . I. I ORAN, RONALD W . , '58 56 So. fountain Dr., New Britain, Conn. M O RGAN, E L IZABETH L., '57 35 Gershom P l . , Kingston, Pa. M O R R I S O , J OA G., '59 52 Allen Rd., Winchester, Mass. M O RRISON, R I C HA RD B., '59 329 Rosemary St., Needham, Mass. 1 1 0RRISSEY, C HARLES A., '56 4 8 Waverley Ave . , Newton, Mass. M O RTON, PARKER P., '58 Theresa Hotel, 7th Ave. & ! 25th St., N. Y., N. Y. MOULTON, S U Z A N N E L., '59 R . F. D . o. 1, Portsmouth, . H. 1 U I R , J OAN, '58 23 1 Maple St. , New Britain, Conn. 1 U LL I N , LOUISE A., '58 302 Clyde St., Chestnut H ill, Mass. MU SON, LOIS M., '58 40 Wilson Ave., Presque I s le :f\ l U R IK, J AM ES M . , '57 524 Milk S t . , Fitchburg, Mass. M U R N I K , J U DI T H A . , '57 524 l i lk St., Fitchburg, Mass. :t-. l U R RAY, DONALD B . , '59 23 Morgan Ave., Norwalk, Conn. :f\IU RRAY, DOUGLASS E., '56 1 8 8 Bedford Rd., Chappaqua, IYERS, PlUSCILLA, '57 14 Tappan Rd., Wellesley, NADER, R IC HARD J., '56 90 Nesmith St., Lawrence,


N A H I G IAN, RUSSELL A., '56 20 Pleasant St., West Newton, 1 1 ass.

- --

OSBORN, SUSAN B . , '59 29 Washington St., Belmont 78, Mass. OSSER, RICHARD F., '59 220 No. Arlington Ave., E . Orange, N . J. . Y.

PADDOCK, LUCINDA A . , '59 80 Howell Ave . , Larchmont, N . Y.

NELSON, R I C HARD G., '58 407 Kingston St., ·Wyckoff, N . J .

. J.

ORTH, J U LIE L., '59 99 Athelstone Rd., Newton Center, Mass.

OTT, GEORGE, '58 726 Glen Ave., Westfield, N . J .

ELSO , NANCY, '59 4 M iddlecot St., Belmont, Mass.

EW I-IALL, BARBARA J . , '58 41 Stanford Pl., Glen Ridge,


OSTROM , ANTHONY, '59 7 Knollwood Rd., Roslyn,

E E D H A M , S H I R LE Y A . , '56 519 Lowell St., Wakefield, Mass.

[ 202 ]

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. Y.

NAZOR, H U C H R., '59 1 40 Clifton St., Belmont, Mass .

E R I , PAUL A . , '59 75 Maplewood Rd. , Portsmouth,

ORCUTT, CANDACE S . , '57 49 Armour Rd., Gregmere Pk., Mahwah, N . J . O'REILLY, M A R Y E . , '58 Upper Black Eddy, Pa.

ORR, PATRICIA L., '59 500 l Iselin Ave., Fieldton, Riverdale, N . Y.

NAGY, ALBERT N., '56 1 252 Fairfield Woods R d . , Fairfield, Conn.

NARDOZZI, BARBARA J., '56 64 . Bedford Rd., Chappaqua,

0 0BERY, RICHARD D., '58 Box 255, Togus O'BRIEN, CAROLY , '58 Stowe Rd., Harvard, Mass. O'BRIEN, C . DAVI D , '58 101 West Rd., New Canaan, Conn. 0 0'BRIEN, EDWARD F., '58 277 Pine St., Holyoke, Mass. O'BRIEN, JAY M., '57 196 Fairfield Ave . , Hartford, Conn. O'CON ELL, FREDERICK L., '59 5 Center Place, Waterville O'DO ELL, FRANCES, '59 4 8 Montgomery St., Lawrence, Mass. OLSEN, BRIAN F., '57 68 Rockridge Rd., Waltham, Mass. OLSE , DA YID, '57 979 Enfield S t . , Thompsonville, Conn.

E, W I LLIAM H., J R . , '58 24 Darling S t . , Marblehead, Mass.


I n attendance second semester only.

0 I n attendance first semester only.

-- �---

. Y.

NEWMA , THOMAS B . , '56 67 Loughlin Ave . , Coscob, Conn. ICHOL�, LESLIE R., '59 R.F.D. No. 1, Durham, N . H . IC HOLSON, WILLIAM A . , '59 Route o. 1, Windsor, Vt. 0 ICKERSON, JOSHUA A., '58 Bay Rd., Chatham, Mass. N I C J..: E RSON, PETER A., '57 1 36 Roslyn Ave., Cranston, R . I . N IELSEN, NANCY M . , '57 R.F.D. o . 1, Waterville !ELSE , ROBERT E . , '59 1 94 Holcomb St., Hartford, Conn. N I LES, KAT H E R I NE E., '59 6 High St., Waterville OBLE, GAIL P., '59 1 63 8th St., Cresskill, . J. NOB LE, M . YVON E , '56 Treva St., Finleyville, Pa. NORCROSS, ROY E., '56 1 99 Oak Hill Rd., Cheshire, Conn. NORDGREN, JANET L., '56 2 S urrey Lane, Shrewsbury, Mass. NOVICK, LA WRE CE G . , '59 3 Stetson St., ew Bedford, Mass.

. I-I .

PAINTE R , STANLEY L., J R . , '59 Monmouth PALLOTTA, J O H N J., '59 59 So. Village Green, Ipswich, 11 ass.


I I .,






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2 1 D111 1hurt c m H d . , Bl' l mon l , \ l ,ls'.'i.

. I I.

[ 203 ]

tROGERS, J A M E S M . , '58 24 Dunbarton Rd., Belmont, Mass. ROHDE, BARRY C., '59 435 Fairview Ave. , Colonia, N. J . ROJA AV O C S E , V I R A K . , '59 153 Rajadamri Rd., Bangkok, Thailand ROLFE, DAV I D S., '59 1 4 Currier Rd. , Lynn, M ass. HOLLINS, NANCY E., '57 13 Emerson S t . , Sanford ROSE, RICHARD A., '59 27 Broad St., Salem, Mass. ROSEEN, NA CY C., '57 Mountain Rd., Bristol, Ct. ROSE BLATT, NORMA S., '59 65 Highland St., Revere, M ass. ROSENTHAL, RONA K., '57 304 M ai n St., Waterville ROSS, STUART D., '59 West Paris 0 ROWE, JEAN ANN, '59 18 Grymes Hill Rd., Staten Island, . Y. ROWE, RE BECCA J . , '56 South St., Dover-Foxcroft ROWLANDSO , H U G H F., Sp 2 1 Barasford Ave . , Lowell, fass. ROY, LAURENT B . , '57 70 Bay St., Winslow R U B I N , BARBARA L., '56 683 Mason St., Westbury, L. I., . Y. R U DOLPH, GEORGE, �6 t61 Bradlee Ave., Swampscott, Mass. RUESCH, ANTON H., '59 Wayne RUKER, PATR ICIA I., '59 14 Brinckerhoff Ave., New Canaan, Conn. R U LISON, J A M E S P., J R . , '58 Crumitie Rd., Londonville,


R U S HTON, EDWARD C., '58 43 Water S t . , Oakland R U SSELL, D A YID H . , '59 1269 Union St., Manchester, N. H . R U S SELL, R I C HARD F . , '59 Corlies Ave . , Poughkeepsie,


RUSSO, ROBERT R., '57 8 Enmore Rd., M elrose, Mass. RUVO, ANTHONY E., '59 76 Clinton St., Bloomfield, N . J . SALADINO, WILLIAM F . , '57 8 Springvale Ave., Chelsea, Mass. SALTZ, ROBERT M., '58 68 Puritan Lane, Swampscott, Mass. SAN ANGELO, JOAN C., '59 1 2 Grant St., Stoneham, Mass.

SHEi F. RICHARD, '56 52 Taber Ave., Providence, R. I . S H ELTO N , M ER R IWELL T . , '59 6 1 Winthrop St., Augusta SHERMAN, BRADFORD C . , '58 1 1 5 Ocean Ave., Cranston, I t I . S HERMAN, ROLAN D H . , J R . , '56 66 Central St., Andover, Mass.

SANDBORG, RONALD, '56 200 E . 66 St., Apt. C., N . Y . , N . Y.

S H E HMAN, S USAN B . , '58 Old Sudbury Rd., So. Lincoln, Mass. 0 S H E R RY, GEORGE W., '59 634 orth B'way, Yonkers, N . Y.

SANDQU I ST, CAROL A., '59 14 Valley St. , Concord, . H. SANDS, BOYD S., '59 460 Watchung Ave., Bloomfield,

SCARCE LLO, EDITH M . , '59 Iselden St., Worcester, Mass. SC HAEFF, GAYLE H., '58 7 8 Greeley Ave., Sayville, Mass. 0 SCHERESCHEWSKY, BRADLEY W., '58 15 School St., Andover, Mass. S C H I M M ELPFE NNIG, AN E R. , '57 161 Locust St., Burlington, Vt. SCH LESS, AAHO B., '58 1 68 Chatham Rd., Fairfield, Conn. SCH AUFFER, DIANE, '57 2 1 3 Rockwell Terr., Frederick, Md. S C H U LTZ, PHILIP G . , '56 43 Chesterfield Rd., Scarsdale, N . Y. SCHWARTZ, CARO LY , '57 325 East 17th St., Brooklyn 26, N . Y. SCOTT, BERYL E., '58 631 Western Ave., Albany, N . Y. SC HANTON, W I L B U R L., '58 Long Hill, Fountain St., Woodbridge, Conn. SCRUTON, H. KENT, '58 96 Eastern Ave . , St. Johnsbury, Vt. SEAVER, MARY D., '56 1 30 Lindbergh Ave . , eedham, Mass. SEA VEY, RIC HARD L., '59 5 Summer St., Weston, Mass. SEEBODE, FRA K F., '59 29 Jones St., Hingham, Mass. SEELY, POLLY, '58 . Y. 9 ichols Rd., Armonk, SEGRAVE, ANN M., '59 29 Dolphin Green, Port Washington, N. Y. 0 S ELDO , GEORGE L., '58 78 Russell St., Manchester, N. H . SELTMA , C H ARLES P . , '59 2335 Hudson Terrace, Coytesville, . .T . SER}' A, VI CE T A., '56 105 ewton St., New Bedford, Mass. SFERES, KATHERI E D., '57 So., Windham S HARP, THOMAS, '56 680 Fenimore Rd., Larchmont, N. Y. SHAW, J OAN V., '58 20 Whitney St., Westboro, !'. l ass. S HEA, LA WRE CE, '57 1 98 Florida St., Springfield, lass. SHEER! , OLIVER K., '58 County Rd., Burlington, Mass.

. J.

S I LVERSTE I N , GERALD L., '56 36 Ogden Rd., Brookline, Mass. S I M MONDS, RUTHANN, '56 Jefferson SINGER, SAMUEL J . , '59 94 Longfellow Rd., Newton, Mass. S I S K , BARRY N., '58 242 Main St., Suffield, Conn. S I U , MABEL K., '58 49- 1 6 Annandale Lane, Little eek, N. Y. S KOLFIELD, THOMAS C., '59 133 Morning St . , Portland SM ALLEY, LINDA J . , '59 63-15 Haring St., Rego Park, N. Y. SMETH URST, WI LLIAM H., '58 Fairhaven Rd., Concord, Mass. S M ITH, ARTHUR H., '57 1 Park St. , Union Springs, . Y. S M ITH, CHARLES S . , '57 236 Conant Rd., Western, Mass. S M ITH, ELSIE H . , '59 342 West Miner St., West Chester, Pa. 0 S M ITH, E M I LY H . , '59 125 Parker St., Newton Centre, Mass. S M ITH, GARY R . , '58 2 1 30 Clinton St., Rockford, Ill. SM ITH, JAY M., '59 Metcalf Rd., Willoughby, Ohio S M ITH, JAY W., '56 15 Dale St., Newtonville, Mass. S M ITH, J EAN L., '58 White Oak, Southbury, Conn. 0S I ITH, JOELLYN, '58 130 Beechwood Dr., Packanack Lake, N . J. S M ITH, LY DIA B . , '57 Lowell Rd., Carlisle, 1ass. S M I T H , MARGARET L . , '58 95 Enclid St., Valley Stream, N. Y . SNYDER, A U D REY M . , '57 30 Windy Ridge, Trumbull, Conn. SOM MERILL, YVONNE N . ( M RS. ) , '56 5 Brooks Rd., Tom's River, N . J. SONDERN, BARBARA R., '59 20 Church St., Greenwich, Conn. SORENSEN, VERNON M . , '56 Black Point Rd., Scarboro SORTOR, DA YID C., '56 38 Chapell St., New London, Conn. SOUTHWORTH, WARREN B., '56 28 Dutcher St., Hopedale, Mass. SPALL, J U DIETH W., '58 1 2 Harvey St., Watertown, Mass. SPEAR, J U L I A M., '59 96 Elm St., Camden SPENCE, WILLARD L., '57 1 1 Glenmore House, Richmond Hill, Surrey, England SPIERLI NG, FRANK W., '59 32-44 214 Pl., Bayside, N . Y.

SANDY, SUSAN, '59 20- 1 1 James Ave. Sq., M inneapolis, M inn.

S H OEMAKER, J O H N B . R . , '59 267 M iller Rd., Mahwah, N . J .

SPOKESFIELD, A . JANE, '59 3 Abbey Rd., Darian, Conn.

S H ORE, J O H N E . , '59 4200 Rose H ill Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio

SANTORA, ROBERTA, '57 228 Western Ave., Augusta

S HOREY, ELEANOR, J . , '57 460 Fairfield Ave., Ridgewood, N. J .

SARGENT, ROBERT A., '59 1 4 Gates Rd., Shrewsbury, !'. l ass.

S H UTE, J O H N W . , '57 100 Ossining Rd., Pleasantville, N . Y.

STAGG, NANCY L., '56 23 Pleasant St. , Medfield, Mass. STA H L, M A RC P., '57 Tree Lane, West Hartford, Conn. STANWOOD, KAY, '58 45 Chandler St., Bradford, Ma

SA WYER, MARK F., '56 orth Castine

S I EBHEC H T, MARGARET A., '58 61 Clark St., Pleasantville, N. Y.

STAPLES, RONALD G., '58 8 Wilson St., Presque Isle

In attendance second semester only.

0 I n attendance first semester only.

[ 204 ]


SIEGEL, CARL W . , '56 2431 Bird Dr., Wesleyville, Pa.




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'E P., '59

on � ·r Rd., \\'on: •\l ·r, la<,s. T ,. T ·, A R H I E , '56 ,B(j E. i6t h t . , . 't·w York 2 1 , · . \ . T ' • ER, D H EY L., '56 I 88 Bowle· Park, Spriu�fidd, �ht ' · 1 H R . A L F H E D E . , '58 H . F. O . . o. 2, H i d 1 1 1 m1 1d

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[ 205 ]

WE TWORTH, J OA R . , '56 29 Parkway Crescent, M i lton, M ass. WEST, RAC H E L L. , '58 Barker St., No. Pembroke, Mass. 0 WEST, STEWART C . , '57 . J. 1087 Azalea Rd., Union, WESTON, RALPH D . , '58 59 Grove St. , Auburndale, M ass. WEY, H E N R Y F. , '56 M ilton Point, Rye, N . Y. W H EELER, GEOFFREY, '58 94 Park St., ewton, Mass. W HE E LWR IG H T, B O D E . , '58 20 Louisburg Sq., Boston, Mass. W H ITA K E R, H ARRY J., '58 2 8 Heckle S t . , Wellesley, l\i l ass. W H ITE, EDWARD B., '57 R.F.D. o. 1, Newton, Conn. W H ITE, JEA I E, '57 Box 17, Weld 0 W H ITE H I LL, ROBERT W., '59 5 1 Green St., Bellows Falls, Vt. W H ITMA , J O H NSTO DeF., '59 1220 Park Ave. , ew York, . Y. W HI TNEY, J OA E B . , '56 1 1 Farmstead Lane, Farmington, Conn. W HITT A K E R , ALA C., '57 199 Walnut St., Bogota, N . J . W HITTLESEY, S U S A , '59 6 Roanoke Rd., Wellesley, M ass. WIELAND, A N D., '58 Spring Lane, Philadelphia, Pa. W IGGIN, J U DITH H., '57 16 East St., Sanford WILBUR, WI LLIAM A . , '59 27 Lawler S t . , Holyoke, Mass. W I LCOX, H E LE K., '59 1 7 9 Varnum Ave., Lowell, Mass. W ILLCOX, A N L., '58 Bacon Rd., Old Westbury,



W I LLEY, JOH H . , SP. 5 Spring St., Clinton WILLIAMS, B R U CE A., '59 52 eponsett Rd., Quincy, M ass. W I L LIAMS, DEBORAH � I . , '58 23 1 6 N . W. 27th S t . , Oklahoma City, Okla. W I LLIAMS, J OA A., '56 154 Pilgrim Rd., No. Weymouth, M ass.

WREN, FRA CES A . , '58 65 Talbot Ave., Somerville, Mass. WU LFF, GAIL, '59 1 62 M t. Vernon St., Newtonville, Mass. WUNDT, J OBST M., '59 2 Clearwater Rd. , Winchester, Mass. WYCKOFF, J OA , '56 Nightengale Rd. , Katonah, N . Y . WY M AN , A NETTE E . , '59 Oak St., Oakland WYMAN, LESLIE A., '57 3205 I nverness Dr., Rowayton, Conn.

W I LLIAMSO , ORMA C., '57 1 2 King Ave . , Weehawken, N . J . WI SLOW, WILLIAM C . , '57 1 05 Freeman Pkwy., Provid nee, W I TER, L U D M I LA, ' 5 8 Box 5, Howard, R. I . W I TERBOTTO M , RUTH, �8 8 1 1 Shawmut Ave., New Bedford, Mass.


WITHEE, GEORGE A., '59 98 South Front St., Richmond WOLCOTT, KATHARINE, '56 66 Pierrepont St. , Brooklyn, . Y. WOLPE R, GERALD, '58 44 Baker Circle, Brookline, fass. WOOD, CHA RLOTTE A. , '56 16 Park Ave., Naugatuck, Conn. WOOD B U RY, DA YID E., '58 1 33 1 1 Fostoria Rd., Findlay, Ohio WOODS, JOA E K., '59 45 Kirkland Circle, Wellesley H ills, Mass. WOODSOME, MARIAN L., '58 Rand Rd., Shelburne Falls, Mass. WORMSER, M ICHAEL D., '59 2 1 Dale Place, Stamford, Conn. WORMUTH, A CY A., '56 67 Dalton Rd., Belmont, M ass. WORCESTE R , A1 N M . , '59 1 82 1 Beacon St., Brookline,

0 I n attendance first semester only.

[ 206 ]

fas .


WYMA , W I LLARD G., '56 Ft. , Monroe, Va. XE AKIS, FOTI I, '56 26 10th Ave., Haverhill, Mass. YARCHIN , DA I E L, '56 280 Reservoir Rd., Chestnut H ill, M ass. YETT, DA IEL J., '58 148 Hill St., Barre, Vt. YORK, THOMAS I-I . , '57 336 Summer S t., Oakland YOUNES, ROBERT P., '59 . Y. 88 38-7th, Brooklyn, YOU G, ALBERT 1 . , '59 403 Walpole Ct., Towson, Md. 0 YOU G, CAROLYN R . , '57 9 Barclay Court, Rowayton, Conn. YOUNG, WI LLIAM W., '59 403 Walpole Ct. , Towson, Md. ZIEGLER, JOH M., '56 48 S . Stanwood Rd., Columbus, 0. ZULLINGER, R . LAWREN CE, '56 121 �lerbrook Lane, Merion, Pa.

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