The Colby Oracle 2017

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I HoW We can se setter p Allysl1ip is not a noun, It's an action. • Educate yourself & your people Be 1ntersect1ona l' Ra ce gender & c ass ni atte'

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Renaissance Men

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Beniamin Ach

Kieran Adams

Sydney Abrams

Jaritza Abreu

Jacob Adamson

Akubar Adan

Ernesto Aguilar-Arizmendi

Devin Albert

Alexandra Alman

Olivia Amber

Luke Andrews

Madeline Andrews

Joseph A nil e IV

Kimberly Anker

Ryder Arsenault

Samuel Arthur

so oulos


· ic oela l"'\1hanosopoulos


Cleo Auklond

Boturoy Aydemir

Groce Baldwin


Emma Bartlett


Andr w B ocf1orr1

Aoliyof1 B II




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Alexandra Belzer

Emma Berger

•. • I



Jacqueline Betz

Leah Bilodeau

Madeline Bistrong

Brandon Blackburn

John Blackburn

McKayla Blanch

Michael Boardman

Isaac Bol

Sarah Bo land

Ben Bostwick

Amy Bianco


Joe Benson


Michelle Boucher

James Bowen

re er,c


Gemma Bread ,



John Bur on

Erin Breen

Anno Brogan

orgo Bruder

Conor Bruen

Gron Bur e1nd

Riley Burke

Alexa Busser

Greyson Buller


Julia Butler

Kathryn Butler

Pedro Caballero

Jonathan Cabour

.... • .... .........



Zachary Cange;,;i

Anthony Cappellino

Catherine Carey

Kathleen Carroll

Clayton Chang

Xiaojing Chen

Grace Carroll

Katherine Chenail

\ 108

Dylan Cincotta

Ryan Clemens

Christina Cobb

Madeleine Cohen

Josep Connell

Abbie Cooper

Carmen Cordova

S mu I Cr1mm1ns

Antquanique Dancy




oy D Gro v

Andr w Dell Vol

smyn Do 1s

Potrick Deniger

Lucas De lo Cruz

Hannah Dinees



Katherine Discipio

Hugh Doherty

Kevin Doherty

Maeve Dolan


.. . .


Brer1dan Dolye

Larkin Domench

Christina Dong

Roy Donnelly

Susannah Donoho

Anna Donovan

Sean Dougherty

Caroline Dove

Francis Dunham

Julia Dunlavey

Catherine Dunn

Grace Dunn

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aria Ennomoroti

Toylor Enrico



u1 Fon


Tereso Farley



Lil F rnol

Caroline Ferguson

J.lliori Fl iscf, r

D Ion y Flynr1


Jack Flynn

Jenner Foster

Katherine Fotos

Grace Fowler

Kai Frankville

Tristan Friedman

Lisa Fujitake

Andrew Fullerton

Kalen Gabow

Shane Gallagher

Duncan Gans

Michaela Garrett



Yuzhe Geng

Dana Getschow

Zoe Gibson

Logan Gillen

a Go

Shanno Grant






Son, a Hov

Weiqi Gu

Kodish Hagley


Mc,tth w rlc1wk1r1s

Gobr el Harringlon

Caitlin Heaps

11 3


Sara Heilbronner

Lucas Hickok

Hannah Hearn

Emma Heilbronner

Harry Hill

Cameron Hillier

Kaleigh Hoffman

Matthew Hoffman

Margaret Hoilo

Isabel Holland

Beniamin Holtzer

Elizabeth Huber

Ph oebe Hughes

Deanne Human

Jabari Hurdle_ Price

Hannah lnsuik

Ele nor Iris

nno Joe son

Sophie Janeway

Melissa Jeon

Serhon Korol1no

Eric Kim


Josepf, Knighl

Eleonor Knutzen


Anno Krauss

Emma Kuehn

Tanyo ( Jreishi

Hayley Kushner

Hannah Kwasman

Albertha Ladina

Lucas Lam

Tiffany Lam

Justin Lamere

Elizabeth Landry

Lydia Lorson

Emery Lawrence

Phuong Le

Emily Leach

John Leahy

Alex Kromer


Corson Leydecker

Carl Lipani

Yu uan L1

Madeline Lipton

Sa an Liu asemsarn


Gear 117

Nora Mabie

Lydia MacDougall

Nothon Modiero

Alessandro ~J\oglione

Joseph Malior1e~

Robert Molongo

Todd Manley

Jomes Manning

Christopher Marano

Luc Morrie

Madison Marra

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Spencer Mortin


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Brian Martinez


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Mark Martinez

Andrew Martzolf

Esther Mathieu


Abigail McOsker

Amanda Millott

,chol s


m fv' cElroy


Jone Mesno

Molly Mizusowo


u er

l 19

Nadia Mustefo

Celeste Murtha

Claire Muscat

Madeleine Neide1

Jiaming Ni

Thomas O' Donnell

Allison O'Connor



Elizabeth Noyes

Tom O'Shea

Afia Obeng

Lawrence Patrizio

Sarah Peck

I 120

Madeline Ojerholm

Alan Ottenstein •

Alexandro P r ,con

John Pinlouro

Rochel Presligiocomo

Alex Pleso

Erin Purcell-Moi'let

Kelseyonn Pool

i I om Q n


C helsea Regan

Colin Reilly

Michael Remondi

~Aollie Rich

Kenny Robbin

Michael Roberts

F1ore nce Robin son

Ta!ia Rich kin

•• ••



Rebe cca Robinson

Cassandra Rodgers

Meghan Rumph

Eugene Ryang

Nicholas Rosenbe rg

Burcu Sagiroglu


.• ••

•• •



Jenna Rumble

Ryan Salerno

Kevin Seiler

Ben Semmes

Duncan Sewall

Lake Seymour





Paige Shortsleeves

Natalie Sill

Edward Simpson

Alton Sioussa t

Olesksiy Skrynnyk

Kiernan Somers

Robin Spofford

Morgo n Springer

Elisa Stern

Allison Stertze r

Roger Stone

Nadia Stovicek

Geoffrey Sullivan

Landon Summers

M y les Stephe nson


Thoma s Stone

Aremi Topia

Noah Tocci

Anh Uong

Mario Urru ia

Aliza Von Leesten

Mory K. Vance

Ashley Vandal

Geor e 019

a r no on

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Corino Wallack

Kyra Webb

So brino Yong

Ho oron Zhong


Eric Walton

Zitong Wong

William VI/ore

Erin Whitney

Broden W ilson

Alex Wol ansky

Lukas Yasuda

Quill Yates

Renjion Zhong

Shenzhong Zheng

Izzo Za idi

Xinyi Zheng

NOT PICTURED Chr1st1ne Francis L x,n on Mo o Old B

Jo n Goll Samu I Poul Gol

Po, ond Mon


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Add o Stan I u Gw n r Wo h,n on DC Py

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Lucy H di y Greenwich Conn En I

Hnnnoh H ymon Hostin

-on Hudson, N Y P ye olo y Fr

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N S Conodo G olo

J "n Hill Joe son, N H. G o o y



y n Ho son

y B och N H Economics Fr nc S u

nn th J cob on Du

1.1ry Moss Econ Mo



,,1r"-1:: s

Ry n Jann, W stford, Moss, Econ-M h Fin M r,;.t:ts Ton Jin, B 11,n

Chino, Economics Tt1eo er

th n Johnson S owh gon Mo,n othon1

I Jo



o Lo

Eriv1ronm ntol Policy

nson L nnon, Amherst, Moss , Env1ronme



t Sc1e ce

Kaplan, N w Yor , NY, M d1a Studies

Connor o Swore

y, Mar, tto Go , Governrner1t

nz1 K nn


To l,OS

Chr, toph r Krosn10 , Clinton, N Y, B1ology, Psychology· t"lf'Uroscience Samu I Lamson Chevy Chose, Md Econ Moth: Fin Mor ets

OO!"l1 Sc m



Pe er Schow So ore

Sarah lone Retie er, Avon, Conn, Chemistry-B1ochemis ry

Ch 1s1op er S orey Dov r Foxcro

Adorn Lavertu, Modowosko, Moine, Biology-Computation

Des ree S

Christopher Leete, Falmouth, Moine, Compuler Sc,ence

T er S or s

Juv nol Lop z Los Angeles, Col,(, Biology

II Beverly, Moss, Env1ronrnentol Policy Thomas Lue, Ch,cogo, ill, Cornpuler Science, Studio Ar John Lynch, Lo e Forest, Ill, Biology: Ecology & Evolul!on I

D Ion M r

Po •1c S ewer Bangor Mo Sopr e SJ

Tre or

Seattle, Wash, Environmental Pol cy

Gr c McV y Bron ,lie,

Y Eco Moth. Fino c1ol Mor els


Dollos Te as Chem1stry-Biochem1stry ,,,, c,v, or Brunsw1c Mo,n Engl s Cl ss1col C, 11 zo 10n Hunt r Moor



n-nc u

Ant 1n I

r New Yor



A P uon S o g lvn Esl TO

r,uS11r1 Te

Emil Wo er Le ng on

Bo do,n Moine, Psychology



nf\ego T SC

D n1 I M d1c1, South Portland Moine, Matherne ,cs Carolin



Coo C

omos Brewi:tPr


y Norwich, Conn Biology: Ecology & f:volu ion





C,eo'ive o

Cole S evens Son o oe Co

Mo Portland, Moine, Biology

1cholos Monnin

M on Moss E,..n!

Lil S e g Jo o o Po

Samantha Lov


a er own




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Amer con S ud1es


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en1ors as


Kyra Webb; Greece







··Laura Jensen; England

Vosquez; Argentina

Jenn r Foster; South Afri


Aoli oh Bell; South Africa



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May 15-- 19, 2017





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Casco Bay Cruise

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Honore Degree Recipients: arren

Joe Biden Yoshihiro Takishita

Michelle Boucher

ass smat

You are going to get tired of eeing me by the end of the day. Today not only mark the end of a journey for me it al o mark a big tep toward understanding the fascination that we a millennial - and even ome of our parent - are aware of: the craze surrounding memes in social media platform . For tho e of you who don't know, the cientific definition of a meme is a humorou image, video, piece of text etc., copied and pread rapidly by Internet users. I've always wondered what it would be like to meet a meme celebrity and today I am lucky enough to finally realize that dream with For1ner Vice Pre ident Joe Biden here. Anyway, I am truly honored to be tanding here· thi i be ond unbelievable. I could say this is a dream come true--butI would be lying--becau e I nevercoul have dreamed about one day graduating from an elite college in the U.S. let alone having the honor to be the cla peaker. We all hold our dreams as the innacle of our ought-after achievement , but ometime there are things so far beyond our reach an comprehen ion that we don't even dream about them. Many years ago I couldn't have even explained what the world out ide Kabul looked like. I came to the United States in 2008 to attend a boardin chool and all I had was a bag full of thrift store clothing, LL Bean boot , and prayer from my amily .( You decide which of the above you can't find in Kabul). People often a k how I got here, and I give the u ual tory of how 1 merel applied to boarding school and then to Colby, but deep down I till don't understand how I have een able to make it this far. There are thousands of young kids back home who probabl deserve to be here ten times more than I do, and the only way I can convince myself otherwise is t ough a simple story I often tell. When I was growing up in Kabul, there used to be a blind man who moved from mosque to mosque and would spend a couple days at each location. My parent would often pack whatever we had for lunch or dinner that day onto a plate and we would walk down to the mosque to give it to him. One day, when I went to pick up the plates from the mos ue, the man held my hand and said, ''may Allah bring true all your dreams and grant you a life full o success,'' and I often think to myself, maybe that is why I am standing right here in front of you. In life we are blessed by strangers, something I have learned to be true during my four years at Colby. When I first found out that I would be speaking, I thought to myself, this is going to be hard, es ecially since my first sentiment toward Colby was ''let me get this done so that I can et out of the reaking cold forever.'' But over time my sentiments began to change and develop in di ferent ways. But what has caused this change?


Was it COOT? Definite! not. I am till tryin""' t figur ut big blu 01 confu ed about why I ha to . le pin aw t I pino bag \\ hil · I had a ni back on campu . 1

Wa, it the weather. Mhmm r babl n. . . t. I d n't think I ha\ · '\'t.=r 1b en '"1 I - n i LI f Ill ry t· t f n \\' on th t!r L1nd. 11 1 th )f Ill ' f i t1 height than I hav in th pa t our y ar~. r is buried, and we g t many feet f. n w . u an figur ut h \\ ·I ab ut tl1 at. ,r

Was it the petting zo / Stre . bu t r. : I thought ab ut thi n 1· r a ·<)r1d. bL1t tl1 ·n [ 1·c111 i 1 .._,, I ( still haven't figured out how p ttin a g at r a ~~\\I an tak n1 ' t1· U\\ (•~ ' · l h(l\' ' ' J ) n' ·1· 1 <Jtten rid of my str . , by karate ch ppin ab ard. a]th ugh judging t·r r11 th d< n11 \ ~i11d[1li 111 111 ,~··-=have had t pay on b half of my p r. r th pa t 1· ur ar . th r ar (tpp(1r ·r1t1.' < 111 • , l1 ... ·t a rush of sati, faction fr m br aking thin s. .' \ l o


1t·not th a.pct f Colby Iv jut . hard · ith u, th n what \\a i it \er tt1e • (l t t< LIi' •\ ·ar that ha. d fin d my col leg xp ri nee. Th unif in fa t r, and m t crt·1i11l th }1 j ~ }1 J j L ll l , J) [i be n the eopl around m , the nc trang r that ha be: m part t· 111 . Th lit· I < 11 I l1 learn d rom my p r , faculty, and taff at C lb ar int bral t th p r n I ha\ b ' ( Ill •. 1

Ov r the, e a t four ear , you might ha found m ta ing u lat m 01 ri,in . . tl1c r1[1111 t ,iriou roe that to ay I till ca11 no longer di tingui h , and n · t \ n o t r11 tart d <)11 t t1 pedantic fine-tuning of Chica o Style citation . Whil the m m nt ha\ and \\ ill '()nti11L1 t<> sliP. out of m mory, what I wi 1 remember fore er i my p . . . . r \Nh \N r . ta ing up ar )Lind r11 • ir1 M1llerdoingthe amethin ;Iwillrememberthe taff.I'llr m mb rR ...... no 'v\-i hin° \ r tL1d r1t an enjoyable meal; and I'l remember the time Andre and I chatt dab ut m · futur plan · nd i · i,','Ue , to which he offered to reach out to hi friend . I will al f ur , r m mb r 111 , r 1rtn) roommate and friend including Charle , Doha and Allen with horn i har db th I ar ;_ind h;_11 1 moment . \\ We oft n forget: every moment and interaction that we hare i a lif 1 , n in it wn right. lcav Mayflower Hill today, ome of u leaving Waterville om th t t . , nd th r th ()untr ,. what we will all be taking with u are the memorie and relation hip built r ur tim at c)! '· As a group of tranger from Maine, 20 minute out ide of B ton or th u and t· mi le a\\ i.1 )'. Colby brought u together in the hope of becoming 11-r und d, d . . . . . p-thinkin . . , ·I ;_1r co111municator ; but, mo t importantly, Colby ha brought u tog ther a, trang r . but \\ ill rid LI ;_1way a fri nd . Wh ther a blind man in Kabul, or our peer faculty and taff at C lb , th r all n trar1.! r that have now become part of our live . Lea ing here today r m mb r t al\\ a1 apprc iat th· st1·ang r in your life. A they can give u trea ured memorie lif I n and b m ur f ;_1r11il) and fri nd . 1


I wi ·h you all good luck in what i to come after Colb and on f n1y fa orit po t , Rumi: ··Fron1 Stran~ What To .:'ee

th r b th

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out id , u lif lv0 fac all, from Rom to Kh ra an. hind tho fac . L ok again. human an. I k within." Rumi


Commencement Speaker 4 7th Vice President Joe Biden

Thank you. Thank you, thank you. thank you 1l1ank yciu vcl) much Thank yciu I think may he I ,hc>uld ,1t dc,,.,n n,1,.,. l\1r. President 1t', an honor to be here. And Enc Rosengren. chair c1f the b<,ard. Colh> tru,tcc,, c,pcc1,1lly my g,xxJ fncnd. Pete Rouw, C<>lby tru,tcc and-I mean 1h1 , I can r...y 1h1 \l.1thnu1 fear of contrad1ct1on-onc of the"' coun ls Lhat I thinJ... ever served as chief of ,taff to Lhc President of the n11ed S1a1c, <>f •\mcrica. Pete i, a man of incrcd1hlc pcrM>nal 1ntcgn1y. and a g,xxJ. good tnend I "'a fncnd wuh hi mom and dad; they helped me "'hen I Wal a 2 )e • old announced through the cnatc to get elected and he ha, hcco1nc close friend, ,.,,th m> decca,ed s,,n, Beau 81dcn, and my M>n, ~lun1cr 81d n. Yc>ur tru tee from \l.'1lm1ng1on, Del. now living in Wa: hing1on, Robert Hoopes. I wan to acknowledge you. Roben. Thank you. My fcllow honoral) degree rec1p1cnt, and l\.1adam Pre 1dcn1 and \Ir. Pre 1dcn1 [Cla , of 2() I 7 co-pre ,d nt Carc>hne [>o,e itlld \1uheb E! mat) I ,e been to Kabul a number of tJme . for you IO con1plain about cold i, hy pocr1,y . I've never been ,o damned cold 1n 111> "'hole hie a, I "'"' 1n Kahul - alth,iugh n<>l a, much no". I,11, Jedgc. ·fhanl >ou for chcm,ng u • thank you for choo<,1ng Colby, and plea~-1 mean th1 sincerely Mr. President [Esma1]--co111e bacJ.... come hack. We need you. "'c need you. And a1naz1ng Grace. Grace Dunn." here are you. Grace·, Goo love you child. I tell y<>u \I.hat I am ,(1. ,;,, prc1ud ,,f <,race Dunn And ladie, and gentlemen. 10 your honoree,. my congratula11on,. l\1y n10Lher, Grace. had an expre,,1on. She'd ,ay to me and I mean this ,1nccrcl}, ,he'd ,ay, "I _,,.,k 1n my eyes. honey." If h <;a1d JI 10 me ,,n e l !?l\C you m> \\Ord )Our courage, and y u're redee,ned b) your loyalty "

a Bidcn he said 11 <J umc . Shed

y, "Remember )OU re defined by

Gracie. ,he didn't J...11011, you but ,he had you 1n mind Rcmen1hcr, rcmcmt>cr-you re defined hy y,1ur C<>Urage. You kno,, to all the proud olby mon1, and dad, here. congratulation,. ) 'ou·rc abc,ut to get a pay rJJSC-n<> 1u1uon nc t )Car \layt>c that' not quite true. But folks. your mom. dad. grandparent,, your family, made a lot of =rifice for yen to be here. so ,tand up and give them a cheer tand up. You know, Mr. Pre,1den1. I find con1inenccn1cnt ,pccchc, the n,0,1 dtflicult tc> g1,c I mean 11 ,,nccrcly. ,\nd the reason l do, 1 the faculty "'-') . "Herc 11,c go again. my I.5th commencement peech to hear," and the student<; say. "Hurry up ,nan we've got a party to go to." and the parent, ,ay. · ay ,c1111cth1ng n1can1ngful 111 Ju,uly 1ha1 tu1uon.• \\ ell, I'm g,nng to g,,c JI a tr) but Im n t un: Im capahle I'm inclined 10 do ,vhat a con11nencen1ent ,pcaker did the year 1ha1 Pete R,,u,c graduated lr<>m here ,n 196 nnd I graduated from )311, ...:hoof B,,h Hope \I.a the commencement at Georgeto\l.n un1,er<,1ty that year. It "a:, the ,niddle of the Vietnan, War. thing, ,, ere gelling \\(>r-e, and he ,tc><xl up al tcr re,<1gn1;ing ull the cclchnue and the faculty, and he turned and he loo cd 111 the tudent and he said. I ha, e one thing to "3) to you: don't go_· And he .sat do11,n . It was ma)be the 1110,1 ,nean,ngful ,pcech that 11,a, given that )Car at a c,,mmcn,cmcnt But) ou kno,,. the la.,, of' 17. you n1ade 11. I'm ,ure you arri,cd on th 1, campu, 11,c,nd nng " the ne I r,,ur year "ere going be like, )OU "eren I quite ure "hat to expect And then, a fe\\ day later "hen the -,chool chucked }OU out into the ,vilderne,,. and tho,e fe,, day, of OOT-oh goo )OU'rc n1can up here-and. a "ct lccp1ng t>ag I mean. )OU really didn't lo " "hat to expect, I expect. But in tho four )CM> Colby h.c. not only come to feel like home for IIKht of) ou. I suspect. \\'atch1ng your face,. 11', hccomc family. It', c, en rcnec1cd ,n the "a) ) ,,u talk uh<.,u1 thi pla c Th tudcnt lead r "ho 100 ) ou out 1010 the\\ ood , your COOT mom and dad . "hen }OU came together on Sunda)' night to ,hare your liYe, "ith one another at Page Common,-that', n<>t ,,1n1c mandat,,ry n1cc11ng, l 111 told ,t' IOI') time And, )OU know. l often ,ay-a, Pete Rou,e ha, heard me a} man) nmc, the pr<>hlen1 that', going on ,n ongr no\\ 1 "edon1 tell tone toonennothcranymore. ound 111} hut I meitll it. \\"e don t kno" each other an>more. \\'hen you know ,omebody', ,nom ha, brca,1 cancer. or) ou knc1,, ,<1n1cb<xl) ·, dad iu,t !,, 1 h1, J<1h. ,1r) ,1u kn,,.,. that ) ,1u !?OI n I ter \\ ho 1 1ck, 11 m c II hard to di like that per,on ) 'ou get to under.tand and thetr humanJt). \\'e used to know those things in Congre,,. You" 1ho,e thing, here, I ,u,pcct. fr,,m unda) n1gh1 And no,\ after l1sten1ng 10 your ,pcech. ~luheb. I finally understand all th(> c· ha htag, bc>ul y,,u )',,u·11 nc,cr forget the time )OU pent here hunkered do\\n \\Ith fnend and hoarding food o )OU \\ouldn t haYe to lea\'e the dorm dunng now,tor,ns. or reaching out 10 each other 10 get a hungry Jack ,,hen Dairy ("11nc l1nall) open el.l,h ,pring, ch nng on a hocl.:C) team that t>cat Bo.,.doin1-11"1ce But the thing that I hope }OU remember mot from your time here 1 the ethos at Colby that ,ought to ,n,1111 ,n each and e, cry one of) ou your sense of ohhga11,>n that you hear 111 on an thcr ~ 1nd1\1dual . ,\ culture ol mutual accountahilit). accountah1l1t) and canng. In other "ord . be a ~1ule. Be a ~lule. That's what it', all about.


You kno". this past election C)clc churned up ,on1e of the ughc t rcahue, ,n ,,ur c,,untry 1h1cd d, cour,;c and real de hate !?a' c "a) t<> I coa.r-c t rhetonc and toking ol our darl,;e t emotion , I thought \\ e had pa.,\Cd the da} "here it 11,as acceptable for pollucian, at all Je,el, to he,to\\ lcgiumacy on hate ,pee-ch and fringe ,d~,,1c,g1e, c,cn 1f it .,.a,Ju th) their 1len,c. But. the "orld t changing >rapidly, there are a lot of foll.:, out there "ho are afratcl Good people_ We kno\\ globalizat1on ha.,n't been an unalloyed hcnefit for all comn1un111e, ,1rugghng t<> get hJ. People re t>c1ng d1 placcJ h) tcchnolog): ~loore La": the" hole nouon of d1g1tal1zauon. People are "orried. a lot of people are "omed. There', an overwhelming need for conunu1ng educauon. Tho,c of )OU grJdua11ng, c,en ,n the -.c1cncc . \l.1th1n the next 1.5 )C'af> )Ou·re going 10 ha,c to he re-educatcd-)OU c-an be an a troph} ici t-\0 much i. going to change. So much is going to happen . To keep pace "'1th your profe,,1on ) ou re going to ha, e 111 ct1nt1nuall), C<>nunuall), t>c rc•cdu,ateu to keep up, c\ lot ol p..-ople <llll there kno11, the) ha, e to do that "ithout an) capac1t) to do iL don·t !" ho"' to get b)'. We aw how playing to their fears and appealing to their t>a,cr 1n,1in,1,-rJthcr than their heller 3ngcl a, l.1n,oln talked abc,ut-<:an till t>c, a1 lca t tcmporanly. po"-erful in politic . \\'e -.a" ho11, appeal to the force of populi,m can toke an:..iety and seek to blame the trouble, of a rap1dl) changing "11rld on "he c,thcr.• It' al,, 3) the out 1dcr. ·1 ,, ,,uldn t ha, e lo t m) j<>h but for . The rea.son Im not doing "ell ... The imrrugrant. the nunority·. the traru.gender. An) one not like "n1e" becan1e a scapegoat. There', a reason 1'1n falling behind." hy I can't get a job." nd I imagine for many of yt>U, -...:e1ng th, unf,,ld "'a ,n redibly d,sonentJng. a d1 heartening e,pcrience. It "as for me and man). man) Americans all across Lhe countr). nd 11', under,tandablc Bui I a.,,ure you 11·, 1cmporoll). I a ,urc )OU 11 1ran,11ory The ,\mcnc'lln petipfe "111 not u,wn th1 attitude. And now i the ti,ne for engaged leader;h1p. o you have to hold. ) ou ha, c 10 ht1ld on 10 the C11lhy mentaht) on,c ) ou lea,e campu . B.xausc 11 "111 not only scr- e } ou "ell. 11 "ill scr-e our natJon \\ell-and that i. not h)-perbole. I mean that literally . You have to be responsible 10 J01n in the cease le,, "ork of perfecting a more perfect union "\\ e hold these truth clt-c, 1dent that all men are created equal. that they are endo.,.ed b) thetr Creator" ith certain inalienable rights." We say tho e things. But think about,, hat define, u, a, American,. ) ou cannot dcline an mcncan based on their ethn1.:it). )"ou cannot define an mencan based on religion. You cannot define America by 3D) thing other than an inherent acceptance of the nouon;, contained "1th in our 1n,111u11onal tructure, "\\'e h<>ld the,e truth, sell-e, tdcnt that all men arc created equal." \\'e don·1 al" a), practJce 11. but "e lcno,, that' "hy \\e belong. no maner "'here .,..e come from. It' been a long. long climb--an uphill climb--to make It real: ,, c're no11, here near making it real ) ct. \\'e ha, en t af 11, 3), It, cd up to our ,deal . \\'ere re pected around the \\Orld not because of the exercise of our po"er but the po"er of our example. That's wh) we're "ho "e are But, it's e pecially in moments" here the 11,orld i, 1n d1,a.rray and our poluic, ,, ,n chao, ,, hen there 1, a 1emptauon to d1,cngagc. to thro" our hand, up. That' "'hen JL more imponan1 for u~ to return to the basic principle . That's \\-ben we have to show that our ideal;, remain undimmed. and 11 ,ull matters to u, a., Amencan,. It ,ound, corny. But it', reall) true. 11 ·, really true For me it goe, bacJ... to something m} father taught me . 1y father used to say--and I mean it. thi is not a joke. My father ,vas a graceful, high , hool-educated man. ,,ho ,, a, ,,ell-read and a trul) decent man. nd he used to '3). "Joey. e, ery. e, ery, e, el) man "'oman and child is to be treated "ith re pect and deser-·e to be treated with dignity." My father would never ,vaJk by son1eoae begging. I'd ay. "Dad. but he', only going to u,e 1110 go out and drink." He ,aid. "Do you think tf he had any choice he'd be tanding here doing anything else than begging?" they're entitled 10 be treated with dignity .

o matter ,,·ho it is.

It goes to the very heart of what it 1neans. [ think. 10 be an American. The right to dignity 1, ,, hat underg1rds the,e ,elf-e, ,dent truth "e aJ"·ay, talk. about. FUilhermore. "hen \\e treat people" ith dignit). \\hen .,..e equip them 11,'ith tbe ability to care for their fa.mi lies and n1aintain their dignity. it's harder for the politic, of fear 10 find a home. o today I ,,ant to talk to you about the imponance of keeping dignity at the center of our ociet) and at the center of your life as you go out into the world. Folks, each of you has respon ibility-you all Jcno11, it. you've been taught it here and you·,e been taught JI before )OU came here-to treat people ,,·ith dignit) . You demand it for yourselves: you demand that you be treated that " 'ay_ And all of us-all of us-have to do better when it con1es to building Lhe bond, of en1pathy. That folks" ho aren't like us can" \\'e understand them. Life can't be lived in this self-referential, self-reinforcing. self-righteous echo chamber we',e built for oursel,es on line. Li,·ing in our screens encourages shaJlo" and anti eptic relation hips that make it easy to reduce others to tereot)-pes. To write another human being off as a bad person rather than someone" ho just made a really bad decision . The person on the other side of the negotiating table. the other ide of the political debate; a person who doesn't look like you, who lives in a community you've never visited, a per on who ha a different background or religion than yours_ They're not some flauened version of humanit). reducible to a collection of pans and attribute . They're a whole person. flawed, struggling to make it in the world just like you. You have to work to ascribe to your oppo ition the same emotional complexity you find in yourself that you poses .


Your unday 11,ry time, learning 11, l1 ten tu on

n,11hcr h pc ~c,ur o n t <11111"1 that II c11me d1,11, n 1,, JU I hc1ng per m I It II alxJUt 1n I

I have met every maJ<1r w1,rld I ad r 1n the I t 2 ) 11 t ommon trail thal lh< "'hr,'ve found 1ha1 cct ptJI bct11,ccn lclJU rwu 1nana c11len1 lh 1' 1h tullth I tcr r alrcl 11 le ,n I ,r I I rn ,l when I ,,1 to 1hc n 1 a 3(). a young wr1m;1n 11,ho d11Jn'1 kn,1w me, nd th r "'hy th t mil) 11,a ( hr, 1,n h11pp1n d a lractor rnul r h 11 rn d a I ·-~•,n lr1J1r11h I I 1l1<ln·1 .. ~n1 I hard 1,, el ) <JU h r yc,u ,,w 11 tu your ~ mil) I be au I d11Jn'1 anl I I \C rn MJn S th

Jlll m


1n tum It II pain

the I n:



old 1d I d1dn t >had he JI th m i\nd II f

I) thin

rnl 11 I eld 1:.d llut I dido t nt I nt I

n 1ur Mun I, Id "'hu h ,I rnor 1n1 rny 111 h1 l111le tin r th n lllO\t n , n1r n1 ot a J• e I m the fir I n


r nc





nd II w

th end 111 f y nd I walkcil 111 ) u r,cc <>n ( I' th th I :cwl 111, .IJ'°' , tha1 I C<>uld 11( h 1h Ir ,n lo o hon 10 e my hi, h, h I d,,J er the t II me nothcr <KKI lr1 r1d ,,t 1111n , lloh I> J:e--110 1111 h\c <,od lo\c h1r11 for tnt the •!,Of r pt I tell 1a <J11n1 , or hu 111 J r n or n lx,d cl 1hc) had to h \ urh ut ,r bu ter Jo ' n,l I "' 11111n I r proh hly thr n11nu1 I 1lk1n uhou1 how J~i.e 11 1111 h d 11 Im 1hr ye r a ,, 111,n I h, h 111 1n I< 11 1 • rth ( r >hn 11,11h ht 1f I n \erll ment 1n car t r,,r < hr, 1111a , "'''" ,,n h1 lo\c 111 nd 1 111c h,,mc • So hat 11,ould ou ) J,,c,, I 1, Id {)IJ I t I I Im Kl I d I I h~ ,t t,,ol ' I I 111 ' ~ 11 lh y did J,x: \nd J1.,c 11' 111, ii) ppr pn tu n IIJIOth r man or 1 •n n1ol1\ , ,,u 111 kc 11 1111p<> ,hi h ,unpr1J1111 I a) • <1U • re 10 Ill plX u'r uncth, I h n r 111 111 ,,n o1n I u that h I 111\ d 111 1,mc, 11,c ha\c re pc1n 1hilll) 111 t.,n,I up 0111m,11 d ) ou h \ 1,1 .-er)v.hcn: 4u 1,,,11,n JlC<>pl 1111>11,c II au n 1n1ur) 1,, 1hc r1~h1 ol n, per n th1111111 h II I ur hu1n 11 n."' Iha,· hccn 1h und rty,n • pr,n 1pl hch1nd c,cl) , u I ,c e,er ;,>11 n ,n,,,tv d tn. nd I u I II of ou 11,'fi oor ()(>11 d 1111h ,,,1 r, h1 1n,,,cn1 111 ., a high h0<1I dutn 11-,n It' "h} I 1111n d 1h n 1ron111cn1ul m \ rn nl I d .">c1 >r ,,,.,.,.r Jll>llu1111 ,,ur cn,1r1>n1nc111~,,,11, 1h111 1'111 urc rnan) ,,J }<>U tud,ed ,n )l>ur [ ,I ,s-..:i fhat' "h) I d rd JOIJ(J n o h,,rd ,,n,I "'hy I "r,,1c the V11,I n,c ,\ •,1111 I \\ 11111 n \ 1 tn lhc l.11c 1Xl , nd 1ha1 · "'h) I rc111a111 ,omrn1ttcd t u I ult "'11T1.1n or t II h Id \\omen r u ,J 1<1 a\ 1h.111h grc.11c I 111 ".t lh .,hue 111 Jllll!.cr, und the ,arJ,nal 1n ,,I all 1n "il' am n l1l11n ht h Ill.It mun d 1h,11111 l•>ur •ran1Jd.1ugh1cr. 11,h,1 arc ap.1hlc 1>1 d,11ng ll)lh1n un) m,,n can J1.>-:an)th1n an) roan Jo--th 11h y re treat d th I 11,111\ h In I lhc 111<11 1111) <>I c LU 1ng har., 1r1 nt Ind 1h1 n,,11,,n tn 11, r<><>n1, 1ha1, the lalJ.. 1ha1 g11c; on-11 doc n't go 11n like m hody 1d 11 d land up 111,dlll! It I h II lll,,11,h,rf,,1,n•1a1ul,11111n l<•)••uanJ)11urJ"ardt1><lJ) J'n1 ,1pr11udtha1C',1lh) 1 re,,> n11rng)OUrcL1n11111tr11111 nd)<lur f'\t ctopr \ n11n se,u l\1 I bu1ld1n • ll uhur ,,t ,,,n nl l11r e\Cf)l>nc here 1>n 1hc ,ampu,. 1ncludrng 1111n1ng th· 11' ()n ampa,gn, ,..h, h I ont,nu 10 he O{' pl) 1n,ol, d ,n I hope ou II ,111, 1,111,11 )<>U le.,rned here ,,n thi: 11111 lic,au,c )<>u'rc g1un • 11, IJ,c 1c111p1a111,n at,,ng th "a) 111 ll<l!lllliz nd n11a~1: h t pul peopl r I hultl ,,n h1 ull 1h,,



11111 r d1hl, o1r1111u111 ,,t pre ur· 1>11 }llur gen ·ralll1n 11, ,uc,ci:d '\-1,u alc<.:ad) a ·c11111plt h ,,, much, hu1 )l>U might n,,11,c th I )<>u "1ar1 lipp1n 1n10 bubbl th:il , 11h r lh,111 111.11.111 • a dtl t,·r ·nee " I J..e the Jllh, lt\c 111 lhc place. hang 1>ul "'1th pe1>plc 1u,1 ltkc )<>U, t.iJ..c 01, real r1 J.. , h \ n real 1111p,..,, 'I fendtn I n11 11u1 lc>r )11ur ,,,.. n U<<< ,. hecau e 1111 n1a11 ·r -n,, 1na11er \\hat )llU 1h1nJ.. -)1>u ,ann11t erect a huhhle ar,,und )our II nd )l>ur I mil) to prot I th m

Tht i.Jc re \\1111 I pr,llecl )llU lr,1111 lhc pri:,,urc, 11I a changing 11,orld. a, prc,11g1ou, a 11 ,, \\ hal happen, 111 )<>ur ,1,n1mun1I) clle,l )<>U fl

man he Jc,,, , )<•U a<c le cn,·d fl }<>ur he,t lr1enJ ha, 111 \\-lllf) ah<>ul he,ng prul1lcd, )!JU h\c ,n a c1rcurn,,c 1ha1', n,,1 .. ,1nh, ol u nd Uil'.CC' ) ,,u ,ll(lllllpl1,h

ur I~ r I \nd 11 )OU Jnn,11 h ' I llm of d me It alhe I If nd

f,,tl . )<>U h.,,c I<> rc.1,h he) 1>nd )<lur cit, he ·au,c \\c l.1111,1 "hat', Jll>,,1hle "hen pe11ph: gel a ,han ·e 111 c pl,>re their 1alcn1, "11h,,u1 h.:10 held h.1 k Iner 11 r "-'" 11,h II I h, l.1,1 111 a 11111g line 1>1 n1,q1>rtl) lc,1dcr 1n lhc l'n11e l ',1a1e, Sena1e, ,1l11ng "llh 811h [)11lc. "h11 a,luall), a,1u.ill) hclp.:d gen rate ,,1n II u ,nth na1 II onn, 1111 ·,,nhcrn Ireland and l11crall), 4u11c l11cr,1II), ,a, ,ng h Jndrcd, and hundred, 111 h,e, Gc(1rgc 1, the ,,111111 a Jan1111r II, dad .. ,1rkcd r, hi h r t ( olh H, mom



d,1d "' uld al"a), a). he'd al"a) ,a) "Ji>c), a J<>b', ah<1u1 a h>1 n1,1rc 1han a pa) h k 11' bou1 hc111• ,1hlc h> h><1J.. )<>ur kid 1111hc i:)c anJ a), ' ll11ne) 11', g1nng 111 he 1>1..a) ,11 ·, going ll> he <>l.,1) "' T'hc parent, c·an tell )1>u 1hc 111,, 1 h lplc 1h1n oou1 ) our d1 n11 p;ir nt n f ' n,,1 ., d,111111 thin!,! 1hc) ,.ind<> 111 help 1hc111 deal \\llh either 1111 · S11 l11JJ..,. lhe) 1111rkcd hard 1<1 g1,c their kid, lt,c Idled" 11h grc tcr 1>pportun1I), 10 ,,e(,,,.,, It~ 111 puhhc·, ·r, 1,· · S11 ltl..i: (ic11rgc, regard le , t>I ) 11ur t,,1,J..gr11und. rc111cmh.:r "here ) 11u c·an1e fron1 H11ld on 111 the "a) ,,1 man) 1,I )<>U re hcJ ,1ut 11), nt r n a 111 th,, ,·1•111111un1l) ,\nd 111,11..c ,urc 10 hr1ng 1ha1,·11111n111rncn111, ,,hate,cr \\all. 111 ltfc )<lU ch1111,e. (


, hl..c n1c·, un,fcr l11t1tl "a1,h1ng h,, parcn1,. 11 hat







~olk , c·t.,,, nl 'fl 17, n,, •radua11ng cl.,,, get, Ill ch,x1,,: the "llrld 111111 .. 11,,h the) gradual,: 1n11i Thal h1,111f) ha, hccn 11,r1t1cn b} 1h1, .. h,,, 111c hct,,re }OU hut n "' 11 ur J b t put lu h•f\ , h,,,·r 11, 11 hi:rc \\C "Jnl 1,, he a, a na11,1n I hi: J11un1C) 1,, p.:rle,t,ng th, un1(1n 1, ni:,cr c11111plc1c ·rhcrc' al"a}, nc" challenge, ah ad ,hall n , lh - • 11 -.ccn1 111.;c 11 t \ d1tl,·r,·11,,• llut, .d,1,1}, 111ak,: ,1 Lhltcrcnce '>1>111.:11111,:, per p.:<.:111c ,, 11np<1rtan1 I rcn1cn1her ,,hat 11 tell hJ..e a, I ,at ,,here )<>u'rc 1111n n,, .. 111 19(, . raJu ung 1111 1 u1a111 "u, d1 ., " 111 • 111 ,1 , hi,,: \nd l'<-'IC and I 1h,1ugh1. ,, ell 111a} he 11 c · re 11111 going 111 V 1ctnan1 ~la) he I or 111) gencra111,n. the "ar 1, cnd1n \\ c "'ere I IJ th,-rc " d 111un1,,I ,1u1111 he a tr 1i:h11ra111 The ,,ar ,,a, ,upp11,ctll} dr,11, 1ng 111 a cl,1 c. )Cl the\ 1c1 ('ting laun,hc:J the Tei ()lien,,,,: 1n an cll,1r11,, end lhe"' r 111 on 1n I f11,, ,ta, 1111,11h,1t 1>ll,·n,1,c 1hcr ·, ,1111,1111,c ph,1111gr.1ph c,cn )l>U'\,: ,ccn. allht>ugh 11 "a' )Cal', and }Car, ago, 1>1 a polti;cman ,1anJ1ng ,n a bu inter • 10n 111 \t 1,,, hi h,, hc,111 I h,: ph,,1,,graphcr ,·apture,1 11, ht,,,, ,ng lhe man·, brain, ou1, Thai bullet not ,,nl} pierced the ,,,IJ1cr·, J..ull. 11 p1cr,cJ \111 n, ' on 1ou r,c d 1h.11 lher, ,, ,,, 111> end 111 ,1gh1 l hi:re ,, .1, 1111 l1gh1

rid !\ I nd f a,.,;iuJt

n 11,1th \ I I "' II nd II

ra,·rtul 11111 ,, .1, dc•111,,n,1ra111,n, 1un1,d up all 111 er 1hc c:1,untf). and ,,1me lumi:d 11,1lcn1. all a,r11,, \111enca. Jn,1ead 111 1hc "ar \\ 1nJ1n_ d,, .. n homh,ng 1n \ 1 tn n1 I \ .,r, 1u,1 1h,11 } , .1r .d,,ne, 1h,· ,, ,1r ,, .i, ,upp,.1,cd Ill ,:nd


111111 • J'I< ,,d,·nt, I , nd,111 13,unc, J11hn,,1n, \\ h,1 ,.,,, clcJ the prc,,den,). ann11unceJ he 1,,1uJJ n1,1 eel.; a ,c,,1nd lcnn Then ,n \pnl Dr ts:,n "' , 11111:d 1ln11n 1,111, I) ·I, 11,·111 up 111 11,1111,•, \l1 h,11nc111\1 n ,, the 11111) <:II) ,n \n1cncan h1,1111") ,,nee lhe ·,, 11 \\ ar 1>i:,up11:d b) the auonal CiuarJ, t,1r ,, rnon1h I onl p,.>h11,al h·r,1 I C\cr h.,d h,1d 1u,1 h.:en a,,.1,,111,llcd The h1,pe 11l 111) gencra1111n B,1hb) Kennell) ,,a, a,,a, 1na1c:d Dtcd .. ,th thal a a,,,n', hull nt1n1h 11~hen1nl pnn1.1r , .,nd th,· hk,·t, n,,111111,· · I 1111 lallen \111cr1c,1n her1,c, 111 a n1a11cr 111 ,,<!ck anJ 111an) more fallen mcn.:an, all acr1,,, the gl,>t>c 1n \ 1c1nam

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r 1111 '< n,•1,1111>11, 11>1 111, •r.1Ju.111n • ,·la ,, the ,,nee pr , ailing h11pc t>eucr da), ahcaJ ,, a, g,,ne h,11 thr,,ugh ,, 1th 1hc pa,n and gnel ol an lltln th I \ I< 11' If n the h 11 le n,•,, ht.• •.1111,11,ike h,,ld lh,11 ,1,1, the ,1,1rld 1h.11 Pc1c anJ I 1nhcn1cd That ...1, hi IOf) 1ha1 had h<:en ,,n11cn f,,r u, up 1,, th.:it JX>int 01 h) u Bui 10 pt f I th l " , ,>uld ,·h,111 •e th h1,t,>f) ,, c ,, er· hand ·d That ,, c ·,1uld re,, ntc thc: ou1c,1mc ,,e ,, ere careening 1,,,, ard

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Dear Jane , Congratulations! You have worked hard for this day and we couldn't be more proud of you. We are excited for you to begin veterinary school and to keep following your dreams! All our love , Dad , Mom Martha, & Peter The best things in life are the people you love, the places you have seen , and the memories you make along the way.

Congratulations!! We are so proud of you. We love you. Mom , Dad , Tom , Lauren and Lucky


on<1 ratulati )n ... You ha\r alv.'a)' had high tand,trd ~ind lc>t·t gc)al e11 a a ''ju,, ni1~··- )' <)lJ ant d tc) '' hurf) and \\re1· ften ''._1lr[1id. " but n \ er I t up a11d ga\'e it l l (} ~1:. parents. \ve " ere \\101·ricd )' <1U \\ c>t1ld ''burn C)ut'' a ti \v re al\\ a) le <)king t·c)r r11or·e ''h ur<., in a da ." but) c>tJ rc,1ct1cd )'c1u1· Iat st in a Ion g Ii \ t o t· <1 C) a I . ) <) u c Ic) e 1


thi<., ama,ing chapt r. ) c)ur· l<)r) cc)r1tinue as u <.,tart our pur ui t 01·) <)ur chi ldhc> )d dr am of getting a PhD. You ha\ e nc\er ne d d t I ok to ''find our If' and alwcl sf lt r sp n\ible f r ''e r atin 1'' yc>ur wn r alit , not nI . tting ' ''Ur dr am , but chasing th m. still h p our ''cr,tL) child'' learn to ''s1 do,A,n'' a bit. but v. mar el at all y u ha''"' d n and kn v. you will uc ed in lif , wh r '"'r th path may lead. We are pr ud of u. We lo e you, Mom, Dad Tara, and Brendan U'-/

As we write the e word to celebrate your graduation and achievements, we reflect upon the per on that you are and the time that we are fortunate to share \.Vith you. You have unapologetically cho en a path. As you pass another mile tone and continue on your Journey. do not forget what you have learned. Ob tacle blocked }'Our pathv,ay and you succes fully confronted adver it). You tood tall, firrti, and resolute; through your will and dete11111nation ou ha e triumphed. You discovered }Ourself, developed our character. You are an amazing and accomplished man: industrious, generou . caring, and thoughtful of others. Despite your incredible attribute and ucce you have ne er ""avered in your Faith and our lo e and commitment to God and family. Continue on }Our path and alv ays pursue your dream ; do not let }Our perseverance and dedication waver. A you move forv.ard, remember to enjoy the pre ent. Time i illusory, icious in its ability to pas \.\ithout notice. On the rare occasion, time yield an elu i,·e moment: ublime and transcendent. lt is fleeting: ,ou may not recognize 1t i happening until long after it has pas ed. Li e in the now, enjo} the pre ent, and grasp the moment. These fev , precious momen create a blaze of memor1e radiating }'Our pathway for you to enjoy your Journey. The time we hare ,vith you gives us many pecial moments. Our path,.,..ay are illuminated , ith memories of you: }OU brighten our joume,s. ''Be happy for th1 moment. This moment is your life." (Omar Khayyam)

Be wit-I, wl1

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Joe, we are so proud of you! Love, Tom, Dad and Mom

Always remember you are BRAVER than you believe , STRONGER than you seem , SMARTER than you think and LOVED more than you know! Congratulations , you did it!!! Love, Mom and Dad GO MULES!!

We are so proud of you ToddCongratulations! This is just the beginning of what we KNOW will be an exciting life on and off the sea! We love you. Mom and Dad


It has been a blast watching you guys play together. Such a special group! We wish you all the very best in your incredibly bright futures ahead of you. Thanks for the awesome memories. We look forward to enjoying more good times ahead with all these families. Special shout to our number one fan Konnor. Mules forever. Hee Haw! With love from the parents of the Bartlett Street boys.

eanor ane Scholar, athlete, cat whisperer ... Congratulations to you and to the Colby College Class of 2017 Love, Mommy, Daddy, Henry, Maggie & Arwen



The Campus Life Office: Kim Kenniston and Danie ll e Hague, the S uden , Gove r ..... en Association, Mark Maserjian and the Portrait Imaging Compa ny S eve Eric so 1

Josten s Representative), and Barb Walls (Director of C reative Services i



Communications Department at Colby) and the following peop e for heir p o os: Milton Guillen John Meader, M ichele S ople on, Cosey Coulter Terry O Connor, Amanda C oole ,, Clore Stephens, Emily Doyle, Abe Erin Lu, and A li Hasson Rozo !


an '- '4 goo . . . .

ri eger,

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