96th V lurne C lby C llege Waterville, Maine
Busine s Manager:
Cynthia Peter
David West ate
The Prophet cJpeaks: fnl(ll. 0 NL Y speak to you in words of that which '--./ VJ you know yourselves in thought. Your thoughts and my words are waves from a sealed memory that keeps records of our yesterdays. Wise men have come to you to give of their wis dom: And behold I have found that which is greater than wisdom. It is a flame spirit in you ever gathering more of itself. ¡
[ 2]
[ 4]
� .(fln behalf of the 'L._/
raduatin class and th
ntir' Co/hi Com1111mit
dcdic 1le
the 196._ Or 1clc to
hn J ... :--�·lz
e loralty to Colb1
�r unendin J r�n 'rosit alleled ./iiendlin'
ho h
th Oracle stofJ
r J
mark d
ita/!1}1, and unpar
, ha. tndtar d him to all
k:w·� ·n him.
rnxlf he is indeed wise he does not btd '-./VJ you enter the house of his wiSdom, but rather leads you to the threshold of your own mind.
[ 6]
T R b rt
L. •tridl'r
RALPH S. WILLIAMS, Vice-President
EDWARD H. TURNER, Vice-President for Development
E . PARKER JOHNSON, Dean of Faculty
ARTHUR W. SEEPE, Treasurer
[ 8]
. i t
� T.
JHRLOW. th Pr· id nt
nl to
D ·un of Men
t nt to
RI .fl \RD . th· Prc,idcnt; Dir
f9 I
D\ • R, tor
f Publi
of Women
IRVING G. TOLETTE, Assistant Director of Admissions
WILLIAM L. BRYAN, Director of Admissions
EARLE A. McKEEN, Director of Placement
WILLIAM A. MACOMBER, Director of Adult Education
[ 10]
RI H:\R )Off\ R.
l II. B
[ 11 l
l IJ
Libr rfan;
[ 12]
fulir • Tou ard
Taking Jt Utt:rall11
[ 13 ]
Human ities
Mrs. J. McKenna, James M. Carpenter, C. Abbott Meader, William B. Miller.
ENGLISH. Seated: Robert E. L. Strider, Alfred K. Chapman, Alice Comparetti. Standing: Daniel F. Kirk, Richard Cary, Arra M. Garab, Colin E. MacKay, Mark R. Benbow, Joseph B. Yokelson, Gladys I. Forde, Elizabeth Pestana, John H. Sutherland, F. Celand Witham, William C. Wees. Absent: Eileen M. Curran, John J. Iorio, Irving D. Suss.
[ 14 ]
\f. Fiedl r,
J. D
hibnld Al len, P
[ 15 l
um n,
�t rvelt.
nn nno
omp rctti.
tanding: Harry
MODERN LANGUAGES. Seated: Jacqueline T. Schaefer, John F. McCoy, Janet K. Sherwin. Standing: Wesley V. Blomster, Everett F. Strong, John Kempers, Henry Holland, Philip S. Bither, Francisco A. Cauz, Henry 0. Schmidt. Absent: Emily F. Brady, Gordon W. Smith, Archille H. Biron, Richard Kellenberger.
Spontaneous and Unrehearsed
Variations on a Theme
[ 16 ]
Social Sciences
mond . • tcmding: a' id Bum ·r.
0 OMI S. S at d: W 1t r Br k nridgc. Stanlt·y Bob ·r. Almmt : Rob •rt F. B rte)\ .
[ 17 J
tan<ling: Rob rt \ . Pull
PSYCHOLOGY-EDUCATION. Seated: Norman Johnson. Standing: James L. Fozard, Paul Perez.
BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION. Seated: Yvonne Fisher. Standing: Ralph S. Williams, Walter Zukowski, Henry A. Gemery.
[ 18]
Jonas 0. Ro enth ], KinJ?Sle · H. Bir e, Lorr in
C udrc u.
Abaent: Frederick
OPIIY-RELI ,JO . Rob rt E. Reuman, Jay E. Baehr ch, Amar PHI bs nt: John u tave II. Todr nk, Donald R. Dunb r. lillord II. 0 borne,
r i9 1
ath I rk.
Natural Sci e nces
PHYSICS. James Arthur S. Fairley.
Robert L. Terry, Allan Scott, Ronald B. Davis, Thomas W. Easton.
MATHEMATICS. Seated: Lucille Zukowski. Standing: Wilfred J. Combellack, Earl A. Junghans, Norman E. Wheeler.
[ 20 ]
Wilmoo B
hipm o
. \fach mer, E
B. Reid, Wende)]
. , I ,,
. Ra .
Paride Del Bigio, Charles F. Hiclcox, Donaldson Koon , Harold R. Pe tana.
[ 21 )
Ai r Sci e nce
AIR SCIENCE. Captain Gerard H. Culp, L t . Col. Harry E . Peterson, Major William A . Starker. Standing: Staff Sergeant John M. Maxwell, Jr., Master Sergeant John A. Peterson, Technical Sergeant John W. Parkes.
Organization Men
[ 22]
Physical Education
Pill I
at d· Leon P. WiUi m Jiff rd John B. , R b rt F
I 23 l
ilbcrt F. L
b, John W .
r::7! Jl lE are the seeds of the tenacious plant, ďż˝ lV and it is in our ripeness and our fullÂ
ness of heart that we are given to the wind and are scattered.
[ 24]
CAP AND GOWN Seated: M. B a lantyne, H. Web-
ster, S Fullerton, B Bertore 1 1·i, · Standing:· L. SwinD. Allen. p ney, R. Carbino. Absent: . Downs, H · Strider.
BLUE KEY B. MacPherson, D i G Miles. Stan . Starr, R. R Bridgem ing: B. M p' � F. Wiswall, . Duggan. Seated:
��� j.
[ 26 ]
R. E. L · Strider.
S e n i o r S c h o l a rs
ar- itâ&#x20AC;¢
Practice of \mcrican ColleJ!,e Fratcmitic and nification: Bru \lac her on-Tltc Ii mical Ba i
Ph i B eta Ka p pa
[ 27 ]
Warren P. Bal gooyen
Joseph G. Adams Windsor, Connecticut
Katonah, New York
Phi Delta Theta 2, 3, 4, Secre tary 4; Track 1, 3, 4; Varsity Club 3, 4; Outing Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Chapel Usher 4.
Outing Club 1 , 2, 3, 4; Katah din Council 1, 2; Glee Club l; Concert Choir l; Woodsmen's Club 1, 2, 3, 4.
William S. Alexander
Mary J. Ballantyne
North Hills, Pennsylvania
Windsor, Vermont
Zeta Psi 2, 3, 4, Social Chair man 4; Varsity Cheerleading 4; Varsity Hockey 3, 4; Yacht Club 3; Sports Car Club 4; First Prize, Hamlin Speech Contest 1 .
Diane E. Allen Brattleboro, Vermont
Student League 2, 3, 4, Editor of the Handbook 2, Vice-Presi dent 3, President 4; Judicial Board 4; Interdorm 4, Chair man 4; Campus Workshop 4, Chairman 4; Dorm Council 1 , 2 , 3 ; Outing Club l ; Chapel Choir 2; Board of Ushers 4; Junior Advisor 3, Chairman 3; Subhead 3; Speech Therapy Worker at Thayer Hospital 3, 4; Oracle 1; Student Govern ment 4; Cap and Gown 4.
Marjeanoe F. Banks China, Maine
Sigma Kappa 1, 2, 3, 4; Judi cial Board l; lnterdorm 2, 3, 4; Dorm Chairman 3; Junior Ad visor 3; Dorm Social Chairman 2; Student League 1, 2, 3; Cap and Gown 4.
J anan Babb Camden, Maine
Delta Delta Delta 1, 2, 3, 4; Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Concert Choir 1, 2, 3, 4; Chapel Choir l; Roger Williams Fellowship l; Junior Advisor 3; Judicial Board 4; Sigma Kappa Schol arship 3.
Graham Barkham
New York, New York English
Kappa Delta Rho 1, 2, 3, Treasurer 4; Outing Club 1, AFROTC Rifle Team 1, Oracle Business Sta.ff 2, 3,
Alpha Delta Pi 1, 2, 3, 4, Ex ecutive Board 4; Outing Club l; Dorm Council 2; French Club l; Canterbury Club 1, 2, 3, 4 .
[ 28]
4, 2; 2; 4.
David E. Bennan
Economic lpha
D'lta Phi 1, 2, 3, Trcarnrer 4: uting lub l, •.\FRO TC Rifle T am 1. Orad' B11 ·ine'>s t'.lff 2. 3.
Hull, Mas achu etts
\fanchc t r. �l.t. achu e�
History D lta Kappa Ep ilon 1 . 2, 3, 4. \ice Pre ident 3, Initiation faster 3; Football 1. 2, 3. 4, Co-Captain 4: Track l; W ight Hfting Irutn1ctor 3, 4: Dorm Conn C'lor 2. 3. 4; Collw C Cluh 2, 3. 4, �- i tant Foot ball on.ch 5.
4, -: 2; 4.
Brenda , f. B rtorelli \hlford
En1Zli�h Lit
� achu l'tU raturc
Delta D It t De lta 1. 2. 3, 4, Panh 11 nic R pr ntativ 3, 4. . far hal 4. Campu' .uicle 2. ff. , Dom1 Chaim1. n 3; \\'omen'. tudent L<'a gu e 3: dvi� or Int rdorm 3; Junior 3: \\'omrn's Judicial Board 4, Panhdl nic Cmincil 3, 4, Cap and C:own 4: tudent L agu cholar-.hip 3 Phi igma Iota 3, 4. Pre�d nt 1
<fl..l •
Benjamin Blone \\'e ton. \fa, achu ctt. C
Phi Delta Th •t, 3, 4; utinp; Cluh 1, 2, 3, 4: Gl."rmnn Club 1, 2, 3, . D lta Phi Alph., oational G rman Honor cic>t) 2, 3, 4.
Kn Cr
n W. B m i h,
fargaret ). Bone
Conn cticu
America11 Lit �atur
D ·It K pp 4, Jumnj hall I, 2, 3 Tr.1ck l, 2, 3
I:p ilon
'l'TI tar}'
l, 2, 3, 3, f0<1!
1tin� Club
4; lh k th.di I; 4; R1fl, T am 1 .
[ 29 ]
Mark A. Bradford
Margaret A. Brown
So. Lincoln, Massachusetts
Chatham, New Jersey
Pi Lambda Phi 2, 3, Vice President 3; Echo 2, 3, 4, Copy Editor 3, Editorial Board 4; Powder and Wig 2, 3, 4; Li brary Associates 2, 3; Outing Club , 4; Ski Instructor 2; Dean s List 2.
Chi Omega 1, 2, 3, 4, Activities Chairman 4; Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4, Secretary 3, Vice Presi dent 4; Concert Choir 1, 2, 3, 4; Chapel Choir 1, 2, 3, 4; Roger Williams Youth Fellow ship 1, 2; Spanish Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Practice Spanish Teaching 3, 4; Outing Club l; Winter Carnival Skating Show 3; Phi Sigma Iota 3, 4.
Kathryn R. Bradley
Nelson E. Bruce
Mt. Connel, Connecticut
AA 4>
New Bedford, Massachusetts
Cheerleader l; Class Treasur er 3; Chess and Checker Club 4; International Relations Club 3, 4; Sports Car Club 4; Young Democrats Club 3, 4; Philoso phy Club 1, 2, 3; Homecoming Candidate 1.
Alpha Delta Phi 1, 2, 3, 4, Treasurer 3, 4; Outing Club l; Channing-Murray Club l; ROTC 1, 2, 3, 4, Distinguished Cadet.
Ralph A. Bradshaw
Sumner S. Bryant Jr.
Milton, Massachusetts
Freeport, New York
Business Administration
Kappa Delta Rho 1, 2, 3, 4, Athletic Representative 2, Sec ond Vice President 4; Powder and Wig 2, 3; Sports Car· Club 3, 4; Homecoming Co-Chair man 3; Winter Carnival Com mittee 3; Chess Club l; Outing Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Sigma Pi Sigma 3, 4 ; Chi Epsilon Mu 4; Dean's List 3.
Delta Upsilon 1, 2, 3, 4, Secre tary 4; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Cheer leader 1, 2, 3; Outing Club 1; Religious Convocation 3, Co Chairman 4; IFA 4; ROTC Band 1, 2.
Andrew 0. Bridgeman
Daniel C. Bumsted
Westwood, New Jersey
Somerset, Massachusetts
Business Administration
Lambda Chi Alpha 1, 2, 3, 4, Social Chairman 2, 3, President 3, 4; Football 1, 2; Dorm Counselor 3, 4; Outing Club 1 .
Lambda Chi Alpha 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1 , 2, 3, 4, Co-Captain 4 ; Dorm Counselor 4; Lelia Forster Award l; Blue Key 4 ; Men's Judiciary 2, 3, 4.
[ 30]
W. Burl eiizh
Damariscotta. \ [ ainc
. Carbino
Adrnini ration
Zeta Psi 3. 4. Cam rn C l n h l; CA I; Outing Club l. 2. 3, 4; Young Republicans Club 3; Katahdin Council 1, 2, 3, 4; Colby Colle�c Band l. 2. 3. 4: �tanager 2. 3 Pre5idcnt 4; Colb · Echo I: John �farshall ocietv 3. 4. \\'ood men' o u n ci l 1. -· 3. : Pr ident 3: ROTC Band 2 . . 'C\\ Enc;hnd Int rcollet;ia t Band F stival Committ 2.
Alpha Delta Pi 3, 4. Cant r bury Club 1, 2. Outing l11h 1. 2, 3, 4. Donn Council 2: International Re latio� Cluh 4; \\'inter Caminil ommittt: 1.
John C. Chapman
T le, �laine
Pre ·que
William'. Chn
onn cticut
P ychology Chi Om ega 1 2, . Council 1, 2 paru h . 'ewman lub Lea� 2. 3; .unpus ,, id· .:2, Donn owi.l Chairman 2: IF. Repr nt ti\'• 3, 4: \\ ..\ Board 3, J1mior , d\i or 3, E ch o 4. ub-H d 3; D an' List 1, 2, 3, 4· · I ie A" anl 3; Cap and Gown 4.
Stephen C. Carp nter
.\ . .
John F.
H mp hir
BT) n \fawr
P nn.s •Iva run
Lambda lpha 1. 2. 3 4, er tar} In ·nm nunittee 1 C Vice Pr iden 3: Or cl 4. nior Editor 4 B 1 ketball l; football 1 2, 3 la ing 2, 3. 4 Cap ·n 4.
Garth K.
Enfi ld,
h andler .
William R.
hri tie
outh Portland,
Pro/e icmal Cli ml n1
Alpha D lta Phi I, 2, 3, 4 I C Reprc nt1tivf· 3 4; Iutr ru.1tional R el, ion ,h.h l raclc 2, 3, 4; chol ar hip 2
Z t
P�i 1, Chi Epsilon d nt 4.
[ 31 ]
2, 3, Tr
, urcr 3; 2, 3, 4, Pr •s1-
William P. Clough
Henderson W. Co1ley
New London, N.H.
Lambda Chi Alpha 1, 2, 3, 4; S k i Team 1, 2, 3, 4, Captain 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4, Captain 4; Baseball 1.
Lambda Chi Alpha 3, 4; Track 1, 2, 4.
Bana L. Cohen Swampscott,
Elizabeth P. Conley Massachusetts
Frederick, Maryland
American Literature
Hillel 1, 2, 3, 4; Outing Club 1, 2; John Marshall Society 3, 4; Young Democrats 3, 4.
Delta Delta Delta 1, 2, 3, 4; Dorm Council 1, 2; W.A.A. 1, 2, 3, Secretary-Treasurer 3, Dorm Representative 2; Outing Club l; Canterbury Club 1, 2; Women's Union Committee 3,
Samuel G. Cohen
Dennis Connolly New York, New York
Waldoboro, Maine
History Hillel 1, 2, 3; Outing Club 1, 2.
Marshal Law Club 3, 4; Outing Club l; Forensic Society 4; Young Democrats 2, 3, 4.
Janet M. Cole
Whitney J. Coombs
Short Hills, New Jersey
Lexington, Massachusetts
French Newman Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Out ing Club 1, 2, 4; French Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Dorm Council 2; Dean's List 2, 3, 4; Phi Sigma Iota 3, 4; German Prize 3; Honors in General Scholarship
Kappa Delta Rho 1, 2, 3, 4, Treasurer 3, 4; Outing Club 1, 2, 3, 4; l.F.A. 3, 4; Cheer leader 1, 2, 3, 4; Varsity Soccer 2, 3; Varsity Club 3, 4; Inter national Relations Club 4; Hangout 3, 4.
[ 32]
Terence A
T ..l<l>
ordner Jr. \\
Judith Cronk
Tau D lt1 Phi 1, � r n 2 ; JFC 4; John L:wh 11 oc1ety
Ed,,in olch
French 4
igma Kappa 1, 2, 3, 4, Rush Chairman 3, Recording Secre tary 4: Hangout 1, 2, Execu tive Committee 3, 4; Chapel U her 2, 3, 4, Co-Chairman 4; Glee Club 1.
Lc cho 3.
t r,
.-\r> tr c n Cit:ili::ation
Anne B. Cro H) anni
A.lJI tts
lpha Delta Pi l, 2, 3, ocial .hamnan 3: Fr nch Club 4; Intern lional Relations Club 4, Chri tian ci nee Organization l, :2, 3, 4, PrL'sid nt 4. IF 2, 3: Rdi!!iou. Convocation Com-
Int mi-
' . Crowell
\\' . t
1 annouth, Mas
Zeta P i l, 2, 3, 4 Var ity oc cer 2, 3, 4, Captain 4, Golf l.
Lawrence �lurray Dale
Pcmhroke, Ontario Economic
Z t P·i 1, 2, 3, 4, Vice-Pre i dc:nt 4; \ arsit • Hock y 2, 3, 4.
[ 33 ]
Barbara C. Davenport
Patricia A. Doucette
West Brattleboro, Vermont
Westbrook, Maine
Dorm Council 2; Ski Team 2, 3, 4; Majorette 3; Outing Club l; Young Republicans 4; In ternational Relations Club 2; Dance Club 2, 3.
Newman Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Ger man Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Delta Phi Alpha 3, 4, Vice President 4; Dorm Council 2; Dean's List 3; Modern Dance Club 4.
R. Gary Davis
Patricia Downs
Waterville, Maine
Bronxville, New York
American Literature
Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4, Treasurer 2, 3, President 4.
Cheerleading 1, 2, 3, 4; Young Democrats 3, 4, Co-Chainnan 4; Class Secretary 2; Judicial Board 3; N.S.A. Coordinator 4; Dorm Chainnan 4; Glee Club 1, 2, 3; Dean's List 1, 2.
Modesto Mario Diaz
Peter M. Duggan New York,
Barcelona, Spain
Tew York
Spanish Literature Spanish Club 3, 4, President 4; Varsity Soccer 2, 3 , 4 ; Dean's List 2.
Kappa Delta Rho 1, 2, 3, 4, Rush Chaim1an 3, Vice Presi dent 4; Class Vice President 2, President 3, 4; Outing Club l; AFROTC 1, 2, DrilJ Team l ; Co-Chaim1an of Student Ad visors 4; Varsity Soccer 3, 4; Varsity Club 3, 4; Student Gov ernment 3, 4; Blue Key 4.
Joyce A. Dignam
Cynthia B. Dunn
Winchester, Massachusetts
Barrington, Rhode Island
Alpha Delta Pi 1, 2, 3, 4, Vice-President 4; Glee Club 1, 2, 3; Concert Choir 1, 2; Or chestra 4; Student Government 2; Junior Advisor 3; Dean's List 2, 3; Phi Sigma Iota 3, 4, Secretary 4.
Delta Delta Delta 1, 2, 3, 4; Newman Club 1, 4; Outing Club l; Hangout 4; Echo Typ ing 4.
[ 34 ]
David G. Enloe
. Dupras
En{!li�h Literature
German Club 3, 4; Powder and Wig 2; Canterbury Club 1, 2; Outing Club 1, 4.
Alpha D lta Pi 1, 2, 3, -1 Re ecr tary 4. .\lod m cordi. nc: Dance Club 2. 3. Echo 2. 3: Campu Ch t \'ari t) how 2.
Barbara E. E
. fa achu
. hddleboro
ew York
tanhas et,
Tyne: boro, \fa.· achu_ett
Mar ot E. Ettinger w York
fanha.s · t,
tt ·
ry r Chi Omeira 2, 3, 4, 4. Band l, 2. Cant rhin) lub 1. 2, 3. 4. er t ry 3; 0 1ti110: Club l; Powd r and \Vii;: 2;
D lta D Ila D lta 1, 2, 3, 4, ·cretary 4. Wom R cording ki T am 1, 2. Chapel en's ti ng Club 1, 2; her 3, 4, Donn Council 2 .
Oracle 3.
Marcia L. 'orthhoro.
M. E ans
West6 Id,
J r
Eniili h Literature er D bating 1, R cording 1, Powder and Wig 2, 3, i t hoir 2; Dean'· all rt En gli h l, olomon Priz 2 .
4, Ch p I
ancy D. El
\\':1} l ind
P ycholog11
K lpp;i 1, 2, 3, 1, Vici Pr• 1d n t 4; Jhngout I, -i
Alpha Ddta Pi 3, 4; Outing Club 1, 2, 3, 1, ocinl Chair man 3, Tr n�ur r 3, 4; Kat 1din Council 2, 3, 4; Band 1, 2, ki T am l, 2, 3; Worn n's dviRiEI T am 3, 4; Junior or 3.
Pow<l ·r and \\!ig 1; \\'.
2. 3, 4; J1111ior di ial Bo a rd 3 .
. Farnham
. . . 1,
rlvi or 3; Ju
r 35 l
Bruce C. Ferguson
Jill H. Francis
Greene, Rhode Island
Sigma Kappa 1, 2, 3, 4; Donn Council l; Colby Outing Club 1, 2, 3; Hangout 2, 3, 4; Young Republicans Club 3; I.F.A. 1, 2, 3, 4.
Zeta Psi 1, 2, 3, 4; Outing Club 1, 2; Football l; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Sigma Pi Sigma 2, 3, 4.
Anthony F. Ferruci Jr. .
Alan M. Frankel
Portland, Maine
New York, New York
Business Administration
Zeta Psi 1, 2, 3, 4; Newman Club l; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4.
Constance A. Fournier
Hillel 1, 2.
James R. French
Cranford, New Jersey
Livermore Falls, Maine
Business Administration
Delta Kappa Epsilon 1, 2, 3, 4, Alumni Secretary 2, Corres ponding Secretary 3; Basket ball Manager l; Varsity Base ball 1, 2, 3, 4; Varsity Hockey 2, 3, 4.
Alpha Delta Pi 1, 2, 3, 4, Guard 4; Outing Club l; Dorm Council 3; International Rela tions Club 3, 4; Modern Dance Club I, 2, 3, 4, Publicity Chair man 4.
Thomas P. Fox
Lunenburg, Massachusetts
Sandra J. Fullerton
Wilton, Connecticut
Skowhegan, Maine
English Literature
Chi Omega 1, 2, 3, 4; Band I, 2, 3, 4; Orchestra I, 2; Chapel Choir l; Student Christian Association I, 2, 3, 4; Inter Faith Association 2, 3, 4, Presi dent 2; Religious Convocation 3, 4, Co-Chairman 4; Campus Chest Chairman 3; Junior Advi sor 3; Cap and Gown President 4.
Zeta Psi 2, 3, 4, Secretary 3; I.F.A. 3, 4; Outing Club 1.
[ 36 ]
William L. Furstenberg
II \.<I>
Stephen S. Garment
Ann Arbor. �fichigan
English Literature
Philosophy Young Democrats 3, 4; Inter national Relations Club 3, 4, Pre ident 4; Che Club 2, 3, 4, Pre ident 4; Philo ophy Club 2, 3, 4; Fre hman Ba eball �fanager l; Fre hrnan Basket ball fanager l; A i tant Base ball �tanager 2.
Pi Lambda Phi 2, 3, 4, Record l, ing ecr ta.I) 3. Glee CJu Chapel Ch ir 1; German Club 1, -· 3. 4, Delta Phi . lph 3. 4, Library A ociate 3. 4: Outing Club 1
fatthew J. Car ton
Jean E. Gaff oe · Westport,
ew York
'ew B diord,
Chi 0me{ta 1, 2, 3,
4; Fr ch tc Club 1, 2 4, Pre id nt 2 lul, 1 2 ret:ary 4; . 'cwrnan 4; Echo 1, 2· \\' .\ .\ 2· Out in� Clu l; Phi i� Iota: Junior Year in Franc. D • 11' List l, 2.
Alpha D !ta Phi 1, 2, 3, 4.
David �f. Callin
Arlene J. Gauthier
, 'ew Rcx:h ll ,
'ew Yorlc
Newman Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Out ing Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Hangout 1. 2, 3, 4, E cutive Commit tee 3, 4; Fren h Club 3, 4; Homecoming Co-Chairman 3.
Tau D lta Phi 1, 2, 3, 4, '< ecutive Council 2 Ch ·nn.Ln of utin� 2; Hou e Comnu te Club 1, 2, 3 lei Club 2, 3, 4; Club l: In ma tional R latio Cam us Ch t Tr ur r 3; Hill 2, 3, 4; I.F.A. 1, 2, 3 4, Tr un.r 3, Pre id<:nt 4; Chi EpsHon . fu 2, 3, .
. Garde!
ew Hamp hire
Sharon L. Gear Vancouv r, Briti h Columbia, Canada
'ew Yo rk, , ' w York Ptychology
D ·lta K p pa Ep ilon l. 2, 3, 4; Outing Club 1, 2, i)l·hatin� Club 1 CamNa Club 1 por Car Club 4, Ch Club 2, 3, Yachtin� Club 4
Hill l 1, 2, 3, 4, ecreta.ry 2, 4; Outing lub 1, 2, Interna tional Rel i lion - Club 1, 2; Bad
minton Club 4; Worn n' Union Committee 3, nior Scholar 4.
[ 37 J
Jane T. Germer
Philip J. Gregorio
West Hartford, Connecticut
Reading, Massachusetts
Delta Delta Delta 1, 2, 3, 4, Historian 3, Treasurer 4; Out ing Club l; Hangout 1, 2; Jun ior Advisor 3; Dorm Council 1, 2, 3; Dean's List 1, 3.
Tau Delta Phi 1, 2, 3, 4; Foot l; Young Republicans' ball Club 3, 4; Wood.man Scholar ship 4.
Ann M. Gleason
John A. Grieco Jr.
East Haven, Connecticut
Penacook , New Hampshire
Mathematics Echo 1, 2, 3, 4, Make-up Edi tor 3, Managing Editor 4; Jun ior Advisor 3; German Club 3, 4, Vice President 4; Dean's List 3; Delta Phi Alpha 4.
Delta Upsilon 1, 2, 3, 4, Re cording Secretary 2, House Chairman 3, Social Chairman 3; Interim Committee 1; Bas ketball 1, 2; Newman Club 1, 4.
Nancy N . Gould
Janice C. Griffith Union, New Hampshire
Essex, Connecticut
Outing Club 1, 2; Internation al Relations Club 2, 3, 4; Young Democrats' Club 3, 4; Echo 4; Hangout 2; Dean's List 3.
Sigma Kappa 1, 2, 3, 4, Ex ecutive Board 3; Cheerleader l ; Outing Club 1, 2, 3; Yacht Club 1, 2, 3; Dean's List 3.
M. M. Gray
Nicolas P. Gross
Mystic, Connecticut
Winchester, Massachusetts
American Literature
Classcis Track 1 2; Folk Dancing 2, 3, 4; Library Associates 4.
Delta Upsilon 1, 2, 3, 4, Treas urer 4; Glee Club 1, 2; Inter fraternity Council 3, 4.
[ 38]
Pri cilia :\. Gw1'11 car ·dale.
W. Hansen Jr.
Lynnfield Center,
'ew York
Economics Powder and Wi g 2, 3, 4, Vice Pre ident 3, Production Man ager 4; enior Advisor 4.
. Haskell
\Vinch ster, Massachusetts
Economic Kappa Delta Rho 2, 3, 4; Colby Outing Club 1, 2, 3, 4, enior dvi or 4.
Gordon W. II II \V
Onnc ticut
ine r
Zeta P i l, 2, 3, -1; C. nt rlmI) !uh I, 2.
R. Hamill
.\_l t
White Plaim, 1
. Hamilton
�t Bn ·I ton, . fa
Chi Om< g
Dorcas M. Hebb
English Literature
1, 2, 3, 1, Hi t ori. n ,111111cil 3; Int m. -
tion 1 R l u ti ns
D !ta Kappa Epsilon l, 2, 3, 4, '\\man Club 1, Pre�id nt -!, 2, 3, nior lub l, uting Advi or 4; V r ity Football 3.
Engli It litrrnture 4.
L rnmc11t
l ph.1 D lta Phi 1. 2, 3. 4, Ru bing 3, Prt i<h nt \'ic Ch. irm. n :! · Younc R pul1li ; Cant rhury �· Club 2, 3, Club l, 2.
Edw rd F. Ila de
H 1 ilton, .r,
Univer ity of Edinburgh De n'. Li t 1, 2.
�l11b 1.
[ 39 ]
Joanne Herbold
Diane L. Hilton
Lexington, Massachusetts
Bremen, Maine
English Literature
Outing Club l; Glee Club l; Chess Club 4; Echo 4; Young Republicans' Club 4.
Janet Katherine Hertzberg
Outing Club 1, 2; Young Re publicans' Club 3; Echo 2; Faces and Places 3, 4, Editor 4.
John E. Hilton
Brattleboro, Vermont
Athens, Maine
Alpha Delta Pi 1, 2, 3, 4, Treasurer 3, Panhellenic Coun cil 4; Junior Advisor 3; Con cert Choir 2, 3, 4; Glee Club 2, 3, 4, Treasurer 4; Modem Dance Club 2; Dorm Council 2, 3; Delta Delta Delta Schol arship 2; Dean's List 1, 2, 3.
Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Chess Club 1, 2, 3; Woodsmen's Team l; German Prize 3.
Paul William Hickey
Katherine G.
Hudson, Massachusetts
Newman Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Pow der and Wig l; International Relations Club 3, 4; Young Democrats' Club 3, 4; Oracle 3, 4; I.F.A. 3, 4.
Eleanor G. Hicks
Milford, New Hampshire Dorm Council 2; Student Gov ernment Representative 4; Fire Captain 4; International Re lations Club 4.
Judith J. Hoagland
Quaker Hill, Connecticut
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
English Literature
Chi Omega 1, 2, 3, 4, Rush Chairman 3; Spanish Club l; Outing Club 1, 2; Women's Union Committee 2, 3, 4; Dorm Council 3; International Relations Club 4.
Delta Delta Delta 2, 3, 4, Rec 4; Chairman ommendations Ikon l; Dorm Council 1, 2; Convocation Com Religious mittee 3; Junior Advisor 3; Dean's List 1.
[ 40 ]
Robert W. ! pear
:Mary �1. Hurd
Georgetown, Maine
Palermo, �laine
Biology Echo 1, Band l, 2. Young Re publicans' Club 3, -1, e c retary 3, 4.
ROTC Rifle Team 1, 2, Cap tain 2; Geology Club 2, 3.
William A. Hurder
Patricia L. Jack
Hamden, Connecticut
outh \V ymouth,
P ychology
pamsh D lta D It Delt a 1, 2, 3, 4, Pr ·idcnt , ch tra 1, 2, 3, 4, Ang l Flight 2; Dorm C1.mn cil 3; Cla. ccr tary 3· Ham lin Conte t 3rd Prize 1.
Delta Up ilon 1, 2, 3 4, Hou.-,e Chainnan , \·ic -Pr id nt I· RoC!er \\ illi m F llow hip 2 3; Outin Club 4; Orn: 't11T 4.
Da";d E. Jacob on
Hope Hutchin
y City ,
ew Jersey
Art 1gma Kappa 1, 2, 3, 4 nc1 I utintr Club 1 1 Chairman 4; 3 pani h Club 1, 2: Dorm Co1.ncil 1, 2, 3; D nn oci I Chairman 4; Winter C mh al Corunitt 2; Hom roming Commi tte 3.
Delta Kappa Ep. ilon 1, 2, 3, 4; Hangout 2, 3, 4, Bu iness Man ger 3, Hillel l, 2, 3, 4; Int r-Fruth A. ociation 2, 3, 4; Roger Willi m 2, 3, 4; Inter national Relation 3, 4, Foot ball 1, 2, 3; Track 1, 2, Youn D mocrat 4, Che and Check ers Club 4.
Peter Hutchin on
Peter M. Jaffe
So. Li ncoln, . fa Bu$lne '
B v rly ,
achu etts
Business Administration
lta Kapp a Ep !.Ion Tr ur nior Gia 3, 4; F tball l.
Outing Club l, 2, 3, 4.
[ H]
l, 2, 3, 4; r 4; Hill 1
Gary Jahrsdoerfer
Bridgewater, Massachusetts
Business Administration
Alpha Tau Omega 2, 3, 4, Treasurer 4; Outing Club 1.
James A. Johnson Jr.
Susan J. Keith
Milford, New Jersey
Sigma Kappa 1, 2, 3, 4, Pan hellenic Association 3, 4, Vice President 3, President 4; Freshman Interim Committee l; Fre hman Cheerleader l; Hangout 2, 3; Rifle Club 3; French Club l; Modern Dance Club 2; Phi Sigma Iota 3, 4, Treasurer 3, 4; Mary Low Carver Poetry Prize 3.
Sarah W. Kent
Tewksbury, Massachusetts
Damariscotta, Maine
English Literature
Tau Delta Phi 1, 2, 3, 4, Ath letic Chairman 2, 3; Outing Club 1, 2, 3; Canterbury Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Hillel 1, 2, 3, 4; John Marshall Society 3, 4, Vice-President 4; Class Vice-President 4; Folk Dancing 3, 4; ROTC Drill Team 1, 2; Chapel Usher 4; Student Christian Association 2.
Powder and Wig 3, 4; Young Republicans' Club 3.
Samuel V. Just
Lynn B. Ki�ball
Brooklyn, New York
English Literature
Pi Lambda Phi 1, 2, 3, Social Chairman 2, Recording Secre tary 2, President 3; Tennis Team Manager l; French Club l, 2; Library Associates 2, 3, 4; Chi Epsilon Mu 4; Dormitory Counselor 3; Biology Labora tory Assistant 3; Dean's List 1, 2.
Sandra A. Keef
Pittsfield, Massachusetts
Alpha Delta Pi 1, 2, 3, 4, Ex ecutive Committee 3, Chaplain 4; Colbyettes 1, 2; Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4, Librarian 3, Wom en's Secretary 4; Concert Choir 1, 2, 3, 4; Donn Council 3; Outing Club 3, 4; Chapel Choir 1, 2, 3; Phi Sigma Iota 3, 4; Dean's List 1, 2.
Bruce W. Kingdon
Holden, Massachusetts
Bangor, Maine
American Literature
English Literature
Phi Delta Theta 1, 2, 3, Varsity Football 1, 2, 3, Co-Captain 4; Baseball 1.
Alpha Delta Pi 1, 2, 3, 4, Reg istrar 3, Scholarship Commit tee 4; Echo 1, 2, 3, Copy Edi tor 3; Dorm Council 2; Honors with Distinction 2; Honors in General Scholarship 3; Dean's List 1, 2, 3.
[ 42]
4· 4'.
A. Kinne
Edward E. K le Laconia,
Hou·atonic, �fa, achu et �
ew Hampshire
Lambda Chi lpha l, 2, 3, -l. -ewman Club l, 2. 3, .J, Ba ketball l, 2, 3, 4; Golf 2. 3, 4.
Tau Delta Phi 1 , 2, 3, 4, Edi tor-Hi torian 2, Athletic Direc tor 4; Band 1, 2, 3, 4, Trea surer 2, 3; International Rela -t:i.ons Club 4; Outing Club 1, 2, 3, 4; ewman Cl ub 1, 2, 3,
usan C. Kondl
. Lamb
ardin r,
tarnford, Conn cticut
n· tonj
Sigma Kappa 1, 2 3, 4, Cor re pondin� er tar) 4; ting Club 1 2 3, E cho 2 3; , · ,,_ man Club 2· Fr n h Club 4.
Chi ega 1, 2, 3, 4; Canter bury Club 1, 2, 4; Echo 1, 2; Oracle 3, paru h lub 2.
thony F. Kram r
M. Lamb on
Chicago, lllinoi
ancy- no Kudri
We t Hartford,
v tz
Linda t. L ughlin
Conn' lic..·ut
hi Om ga 1, 2, 3, 4; h ·r leadmg 2 3 4, apta.in 4; Dorm Council 2, 3, pam h ·ovcnuo ·nt Cl u b l; �tud nl S er tary 4; Wilham J. Wilk in.son
Hi tory
achu · tts
ting Club igm 2, 3, 4, e if:t!ua Pi igm1
[ 4 3]
Arthur M. Lawton
fl Y
Richard A. Lessard
Torrington, Connectiout
Waterville, Maine
Delta Upsilon 1, 2, 3, 4, Treas urer 3, Social Chairman 3; Oracle, Business Manager 3; Student Advisor 3.
Donald E. Legro
Brenda L. Lewison
Lexington, Massachusetts
Business Administration
French Alpha Delta Pi 2, 3, 4, Report er-Historian 3, Corresponding Secretary 4; Dorm Council l; Echo 1, 2; French Club 4; Spanish Club 1, 2; Dean's List 2.
Zeta Psi 1, 2, 3, 4, Supreme Council 3, Vice President 4; Freshman Hockey 1; Varsity Hockey Manager 2; Track 1, 2, 4; Campus Chest 2.
Peter D. Leiser
Erickson Lief
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Newton, Massachusetts
Business Administration
Phi Delta Theta 2, 3, 4, House Manager 3, Scholarship Chair man 4; German Club 2, 3, 4, President 4; Soccer l; Outing Club 1.
P�ter L. Leofanti
Hopedale, Massachusett�
Hillel 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 1.
Colleen Littlefield Newport, Maine
Belmont, Massachusetts
French Club 2, 3, 4; W.A.A. 2, 3, 4, President 4; Dorm Council 2, 3; S.C.A. l; Outing Club 1, 2.
Delta Kappa Epsilon 1, 2, 3, 4; Hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; Newman Club 1, 2, 3.
[ 44 ]
Raymond \L Loe"
Garden Cit� . _ · c '' York
.-\hi ncton, \fa
achu etts
Phif,1�11hy-Cla . ic
K :ippa Ddta Rho 1, 2 , 3, 4 . Pn·,idC'nt 4 : \!en'" Judiciary Committc>e. Pre ident 4: l . F.C. ccrctary 3, Blue K ey 4; Gen C' ra l , cholar hip 2: Chi Ep�ilon \lu Award L 'l'nior , cholar 4 .
K :ipp.1 D lt.1 Rho 1 . 2 . 3 : Phil o,oph� Club 3. -1 , Pn idcnt 4 : l11h Tcnni T am I : 011 tin!! ;mtcrhurv Cl11h 1. 2 . 1 11 ic 1: A oc1atc' .( l.ihr. T) A lCi at · 3. 4 Dean' LU 3.
\� \
Ralph J. Loffr do E
Bruce R. .\ [ acPherson
J l' I
Michael R . \fcCnbe Well
lcy Hill. . \ [ as .
American Cicrlization
lpha Tau Om ga 3, 4, Outing Club 1, C ntcrbury Club l, 2. racle
\lorri own
J oa n L.
.;.\ � �
. · ancy J. \I c K c n z i J r
\ fcCarth
, luh 1, Young DPmo rats' 'cwman C' l u h 1, - ; Echo 1 . � ; Bioloin Clu b 3 , 4; cholarship
2, 3, 4.
�fal c Im F.
facLcan I I I j,KE
'' ' a m p c o t, , f n
Samuel R . \le leer
, tt
"'ilhraham, \ l n""achu
tl>�0 tt
P 11c11ow1n1-.'!atlt matic
Phi Delta Th<'ta 1, 2. 3. 4. ocial Chairman 2 . 3. H i �to n . n 2. 1 £011 c \ f a na g<' r -: IF . 3. H a n gou t 2. B mi n \ f anagcr 2; ROT l . 2, 3, 4. mold \ir ocil'tv 3, 4 , Chical!O Trilrnn£' a d •t ward 2. Dht1 ng1 mhC'd ward 4: Drill Tt'am Comm ·rican L gion m. nd r 3; w. rel 2.
01•! K. ppa Ep ilon 1 , 2, 3, 1 , Tn 1 1 1 r1 r 4; Football I ; '•'W · m: n Clih I, 2, .'J , 4; Il ns,:01 1 1 1 , 2 3 Echn 1 , 2.
r is 1
John W. McHale Brunswick, Maine
William H. Marks
North Haven, Connecticut
Delta Kappa Epsilon 1, 2, 3, 4, Secretary l; Football 2, 3, 4 ; Baseball l; ROTC 1, 2, 3, 4.
Delta Upsilon 1, 2, 3, 4, Presi dent 4, Vice President 3, Sec retary 2; l.F.C. President 4; Student Government 3, 4; Blue Key 4; Student Advisor 3; Dorm Counselor 4; Varsity Bas ketball 2, 3, 4.
Joyce I. McQuilkin
Bruce C. Marshall Psychowgy-M athematics
Kappa Delta Rho 1 , 2, 3, 4 ; Varsity Golf 2, 3, 4; Freshman Golf l; Freshman Ski Team; Outing Club 1, 2; Student Ad visor 4.
Delta Delta Delta 4; Canter bury Club 3, 4; Student Gov ernment 3; Women's Athletic Association 4; Synchronized Swimming 3, 4.
Frank A. Mainero
Portland, Maine
Wellesley, Massachusetts
Suzanne Martin
Lynnfield, Massachusetts
West Hartford, Connecticut
English Literature
Kappa Delta Rho 1 , 2, 3, 4, Rushing Chairman 2, Corres ponding Secretary 2, Secretary 3, Social Chairman 3, 4; Out ing Club 1, 2; Cheerleading 1 , 4 ; Colby Echo l ; S .C.A. 3 , 4 , President 4; Religious Convo cation Committee 4; Chapel Usher 3, 4; ROTC American Legion Award 2.
Craig B. Malsch
Modern Dance Club 2, Presi dent 3; Glee Club 2; Echo 2 ; Oracle Photography Editor 3, 4; Dean's List 2, 3; Young Democrats 3; Powder and Wig 3, Secretary 4.
Carl I. Meyerhuber Jr.
Berger£eld, New Jersey
Fairfield, Connecticut
Business Administration
Lambda Chi Alpha 1, 2, 3, 4, House Manager 3, Ritual Chairman 4; Student Advisor 3; Senior Advisor 4; Football 1 , 2, 3; Wilkinson Hi tory Prize 3; Dean's List 3.
Tau Delta Phi 1, 2, 3, 4, Social Chairman 2, 3, Treasurer 3, 4; Hangout l; Echo 1 , 2, 3, 4, Advertising Manager 3, 4; Canterbury Club 1 , 2, 3, 4; Young Republicans Club 3, 4; Outing Club 1 , 2; Woodsmen's Club.
[ 46 ]
Gal"} B .
f ile
Cynthia T.
n 1 irh . \f a,.
. •
Clo i -Endi Ii
hC' and Clwck1•r Cl 1 1 h l : D1 h.1tl 1 . I�d10 3. 4 . Ecl i tm Lihran· A ociatC'' 1 . 2. 3. - L utin� l u b 1 B l u e �l'\ ·L
icma Tht ta P 1 Trophy 2; enerJI 1 . 2. 3.
a if
d10l.ir h i p chol mhip
J. \f ill tt
cw York
HistOn) French lub 1, 2; Colby Out w m a n Club 1 , i ng J u b l ; 2 , 3 , ; I nterfaith 4; O ra c l e 3 ; I n ternational R l at i o n s !uh 2, 4 ; You ng Republicans' C l u b 3, 4.
i g he r
Fairfield. Connecticut
dmilli trnlio11
mcncan C11;iliwtion
Tau D l t .1 Phi 1, 2. 3, , cc r •t n 3. o · i a l hamnan 2. Pr · ic l nt l . • c h o 1 , 2, Hill(' I l . :2. .'3. 4: ,he •rl ac.I ·r 2, 3,
Fre,hm.m B.h b. II 1 . \'arsit •n10r Ac.l\ i sor B a ' ·ba l l 1, l.
R ic hard
Pro i I 1.
l i t t l man •
Hh d
1 1 \ <11 I J, n
C rman
c1 uor
Jenni[ r 1 1 .
bit lts
f J.,,ach11
Pi L 111lxl
3, \
m n
unnn IT
( .
f ulca hy
Cr un cticut
�hi Ornt'!P I. 2. , 3 1 , J>l1 <li,tt' Tra i n r 3; J n t•·rn t 1011a l H1 •l a tio11 .1, t ; '1 W t 1.1 1 1 ,!1 1 !, 1 , - , 3, !, l'r• i<lr 11t :3
W. Richard Nobman
Brenda L. Phillipps
Oyster Bay, New York Business
Melrose, Massachusetts
Phi Delta Theta 3, 4; Band 2; Outing Club 4.
Chi Omega 1, 2, 3, 4, Vice President 4; Student League l; Glee Club l; Colbyettes 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , Leader 3 , 4; Cheer leader 3, 4; "The Boyfriend" l; Homecoming Queen 1 .
David C. Norman
J. Henry Phillips
Yarmouth, Maine
Manhasset, New York
Man and Superman 3; Powder and Wig 4; Library Associates 4.
Phi Delta Theta 3, 4; Outing Club 1, 2, 4; Woodsmen's Club 1, 2; Ski Club l; French Table 4.
Julie P. Nugent
Joan Phillips Norton, Massachusetts
Southwest Harbor, Maine
Dean's List 3.
Colby Community Symphony Orchestra l; Outing Club 2 ; French Club 2; W.A.A. 4 , Dorm Representative 4; Span ish Club 4.
Matthew B. Perry
Arthur P. Pickman
Peabody, Massachusetts
New York, New York
Tau Delta .Phi 1, 2, 3, 4, Alumni Secretary 2, 3, Parlia mentarian 4; AFROTC Drill Team 1, 2; Varsity Cheerlead er 1, 2, 3, 4; Interfaith Associa tion 2, 4; Community Chest, Chairman 4; Hillel 1, 2, 3, 4; Powder and Wig 3; Young Democrats 3, 4.
Zeta Psi 2, 3, 4; Photography Club 1, 2; Outing Club l; Soc cer 3; Cross-Country 4, Cap tain 4; Track 1, 2, 3, 4, Cap tain 4; Young Democrats 3, 4.
[ 48]
Gcor(! town, �la
Businc s
Will iam I. Pye Jr.
.\ X A
Calvin H. Pingree
. achu etts
We t
K.�P Connecticut
Business Administration
Lambda Chi Alpha 1, 2, 3, 4, \'ice P r �ident 4 : Ba ball 1, 2, 3, 4 , B a � ke thall 1 , :2, 3.
Delta Rho 2, 3, 4 , Chairman Alumni Committee 3, Vice Presid nt 4; Int ma tional R lation Club 4; Out ini; Club 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Young Republicans' Club 3; ewman dvi or 4 ; tudent Club 1 : Donn Coun l o r 4 ; ROTC 1 , 2 . 3, 4; Distinguj bed \tilitary Cadet 4.
Richard T. Pol nd
Liwrmore Falls, .
Phil<'roph11 2, 3, 4 , It ecretarv 2 B nd l , 2· Club 2: 3; Colhy i(!ht l , :!, 3, Lead r 3; Chapel Choir 3, 4.
anc · L. R cord
p· ii
Falmouth Forcside, M u.i n •
Clmton, Conn cticut
1, 2. 3, 4, Pr i yndent 4, \V . . . l , 2, 3; ' immi ng I nstru chroniz x:l tor 2, 3; Donn Council 1 .
p 11 Band 1 Outin� Clu h l ; i h Cl11li 1 Youn� R publica • 1; 3, Li r . oci t 3 S C . 4 ; F r n h Cluh 1 .
Sigma Kappa
...\ ��
J . Rowe
· chu !'lb ni?li h
ki Team 2, 4 ; !uh l ; e 'vi111min� T a m 3: Badminton uting Club 1 . !uh 4;
Kappa D ! ta Rho l,
Carol . nn P
EUen Rand
Cr enwich, Connecticut
Literatur .
D ·I D lta Dc· l t 1 1, 2, 3, 4 , h.-urm.m 3 Ru h om pond ing 1 w· ary 3 Judici.d D o a rtl l, 2, 4, Ecli() 1 Outm,I! )uh ounc:i l l; \ .A . . J , 2 Donn arnpu l; Junior .\d i or 3 .uid<· 2 Dr an' Li t 3.
1 , 2, 3, 4 ; Cone rt h1clent L agu 2, 4, R cording S er Hangout E. cutivc 1, 2, 3, 4, E x ch ange niv r. ity 3; lac;s Seer tary 4, Dorm Council l l Campus Guide 2, n rru Schol: r hip 1, 2, 3, 4; D an' List 1 , 3; ROTC Q u en Can didate 3. Cl
1, Board 3, 4; tary Commjtt to Fi k
r 49 J
Ronald K. Ryan
Richard R. Schmaltz
Ridgeville, Ontario, Canada
Lambda Chi Alpha 1, 2, Student Government 3, 4, President 4; Hockey 1, 4, Captain 4; Golf 1, 2 ,
Delta Upsilon 1, 2, 3, 4, Treas urer 2 , Rush Chairman 3, 4, Pledge Trainer 3, Social Cha ir man 3; Freshman Soccer l ; Var�ity Socc.:er 2 , 3 , 4 ; "C" Club 2 , 3, 4 ; Dean's Li\t 3; Fre�hman I n terim Com m i t tee l; Student Advisor 3.
3, 4; Vice 2,
3, 4.
Howard W. Shaw
E. Noemi Sanchez
Business Administration
Alpha Tau Omega 1, 2, 3, 4, Worthy Sentinel 3, 4; Soccer l; Varsity Hockey Manager 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; Outing Club 1 , 2 , 3 , 4; Yacht Club l; Tntrafraternity Athletic Council 3, 4.
Sigma Kappa 1, 2, 3, 4; Donn Council l ; International Rela tions Club l; Spanish Club 1 , 4 ; Hangout 4.
Henry J. Sargent Jr.
Dean E. Shea
.\ X A
Waterville, Maine
North Haven, Connecticut
English Literature
Deita Upsilon 1 , 2, 3, 4, Schol arship Chairman 2, Secretary 3, Pledge Trainer 4; Freshman Basketball l; Colby Eight 3, 4; General Scholarship 1, 4.
Jeffrey W. Savastano
West Newton, Mass.
Managua, Nicaragua
Lambda Chi Alpha 2 , 3 , 4 ;
Colby Outing Club l ; Canter bury Club l; Varsity Baseball
2, 3, 4; Freshman Baseball Freshman Basketball 1 .
Alice C. Shest Valley Stream, New York
Cranston, Rhode Island
Business Administration
Transfer from Adelphi College 3; Delta Delta Delta 2, 3; Orac.:lc 3, 4; Band 2; Sync.:hro nized Swimming 2; Dean's List 2, 3; Phi Sigma I ota 3, 4.
Alpha Tau Omega 1, 2, 3, 4, Vice-President 4; Track 1 , 2, 3, 4.
[ 50 ]
R ich ard Cam )
Li nn Spe nce r
i lon 1 , �. 3, 4. :2.
D l ta Delta Delta 2, 3, 4; Out ing Club 1, 2; Women' Union Committ <' 2, 3, 4; ubh ead 3; Club \ omen's ewtonvill e chol arsh i p 1 .
Corrcspondmg ecr tar) 4 Hangout 1, Colh · tud nt 1 4. Outmcr Cluh C::w ·mmcnt 3. 4. ot1.1 l h m
man 4: C h 't rkackr L 2 ch nt \d,; or 4.
David M.
imm ns
H m p, hi r
E conom ics
Pi Lambda Phi 1 , 2, 3. I . F.C. 3: Blut• K y, Pre ident 4 � In t mational R<'lation Cluh 1 , 2, 3, 4 ; Library :\ ociate 1 , 2, onvocation 3, 4, R liqiouc; omrnitt 3; H i llel l; D an' Li t l. 3.
Bever!. F.
American Literature
Fomt, , 'e\\ Jer<;e)
Frank P. t Pl mouth,
ph n oo
.\ . ·
w H am p ·hir,
Philo oplay
hi � ph a I , 2, 3, 4 ; 1 , 2, 3, 4; h i d nt Gov mm<'nt 2: frn'c; Judiciary 2. 3, 4, Powel r nd Wig o ci cty 3, 4, Pre id nt 4, Oracle opho port-; Editor 2, 3, 4; mor Cl c; P rc� i d nt 2, Donn oun !or 3, 4 . Lamhdn H ockey
Cail ]. •
felro . , . 1
Oum\ L1
merit:an C1 1liuition
D It 1 D lta 01 lt..1 1 , 2, 3, 1, d oci I �hainn. n 1 · J1111ior 1111c:1l I. ngd \.i or 3 Donn 11ic.lt 2; .11 1 1pus Fli�ht 2 H.1 m l i n Cont<! t S( cond Pl c: • I
mega 1 , 2, 3, 4, Pan Chi -0uncil 3, 4: Donn H 'lll·nic Club l , 2, le Council l ;
Junior Advisor 3, Donn hair n1nn 3, J 1 1<lici11l Board 2, 3, hicf J u tic · 4, hid nt .ov<'mm •nt 4; nd O\•tn 4 p
r s1 1
Mary B. Symonds
Louis C . Theobald Jr.
Hinsdale, Illinois
Exeter, New Hampshire
Business Administration
Chi Omega 1 , 2, 3, 4; Canter bury Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Outing Club l; Junior Advisor 3 ; Winter Carnival Committee 3, 4 ; Homecoming Committee 3; Runnals Union Committee 2, 3, 4, Chairman 4.
Delta Kappa Epsilon 1 , 2, 3, 4, Secretary 2; Baseball 2, 3, 4; Football 2 3, 4; Student Advi sor 3, 4; Canterbury Club 2, 3, 4.
Pamela A . Taylor
Janice K. Thompson Economics
Sigma Kappa 2, 3 , 4; Echo 2 , 3; Oracle 2; W.A.A. 1 , 2, 3 , Vice-President 3 ; Hangout 1 , 2, 3, 4 ; Outing Club 1 , 2 , 3 ; Homecoming Committee 2, 3 , Publicity 3; Powder and Wig 1, 2.
Outing Club 1 , 2, 4; Yaung Democrats 3, 4; French Club 3, 4; Library Associates 3, 4; Dorm Council 1 , 3; Bixler Scholar 3; Dean's List 1 , 2, 3; Phi Sigma Iota 3, 4.
Gerald W. Tays
Laconia, New Hampshire
Montclair, New Jersey
Peter J. Thompson
Houlton, Maine
Milton, Massachusetts
Delta Kappa Epsilon 2, 3, 4, Social Chairman 3, Corres ponding Secretary 3; Hangout 2, 3, 4, Executive Committee 3, 4; Echo Sports Editor 3.
Kappa Delta Rho 1, 2, 3, 4.
David C. Thaxter
Anne Ticknor
Englewood, New Jersey
South Freeport, Maine
American Literature
Sigma Kappa 1, 2, 3, 4, Treas urer 4; Outing Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Young Republicans Club 3, 4; Library Associates 3, 4.
Lambda Chi Alpha 1, 2, 3, 4, Rush Chairman 2, Vice Presi dent 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4, Captain 4; Student Advisor 3, 4; Travelli Scholarship 2, 3, 4; Lelia Forster Prize l .
[ 5 2]
Carl T. fiedemano Rye .
Janice E. Turner Canton Center, Connecticut
rew York
Adm inistration
Kapp D !ta Rho l, 2, 3, 4. Rehgiou · Convocation 1 , 2. Outing Club 1 . 2. 3. 4. Pre 1 dent 2. Katahdin Council 1 , 2. 3, 4: Powder and Wig 1 . - · Fre hman Interim Committ e , Chairman 1 , tudent Co,· m ment 1 ; I nternational Rel. tion luh 1 . 2; oc.:cer l, 2. ports Car Club 3. 4 . Preiid nt 4
Dorm Council 1, 2; ubhead dvi. or 3; Glee Club 3; J unior and Concert Choir 1; Outing Club 1 , 3; Powder and \ i g 1 , 2 , 3 , 4, Recording ecre tary 3; Treasurer 4; German Club 2, 3: Delta Phi Alpha 3, 4, Pre ident 4; German Prize 2: Honors in General cholarhip 3; D e an ' Lht 1 , 2, 3.
Jo n E. Tinker
Rich rd P. Vac
Cardn r,
Bridgeport. Conn cticut
achu e
T .i<l>
Busines Administration
History 1, 2 3, 4: ing Club 1, 2: Ham:out 3 4 ; Rifle Team 3, 4 : Youn!! R publi n Club 3· Dorm Council 1 , - · Cant rhury Cluh l ; Echo I , 2.
Tau D lta Phi 1 2, 3, 4, Treas ur r 2. • ' wman lub I . 2 ; Footh. II 1 . 2. 3; Hillel C l u b 4 .
Eleanor L. Toml in on
Ruth M. Veit
1� Kapp
Goe rnment
'ew York
Chi Om ga
Tr nsf r from Colbv Junior Coll I! 3, Outing Club 3, \ · chronizcd 'dmming 1.
1 , 2, 3, 4, Tre ur r 3, Pre id nt 4; Oracle 2, i�tant Copy Editor 2, Editor-in-Chi f 3, enior Edi tor 4; Dorm Council 1 , uting Club 1 , Women'· Union Com m i tt 1 , 2, 3, 4 , H angout 2, 3, 4; Jntemationnl R lation lub 4 ; Junior dvi or 3.
3, 4,
D. Vin ent I l l
Mendon, �1
Z'i' tts
Zeta P i l, 2, 3, 4, uprem Council 2; occ r 1 , 2. 3, 4 ; John f ar hall o iety 3 . 4 ; uting Club 1 , 2, 3, 4, Colby Kato.hdin Council 4; \Vood� man' ouncil 1, 2, 3, 4 , R T C Drill T a m 2 .
[ 5.'3 ]
Alice E. Walker
Judith Alice Webb
Owl's Head, Maine
Hingham, Massachusetts
Alpha Delta Pi 1 , 2, 3, 4, Rush Chairman 3, President 4; Dorm Council 1 , 2; W.A.A. RiHery Manager 1, 2, 3; Colby Outing Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Junior Advisor 3; Powder and Wig 1 , 2; Student Government 3 ; Winter Carnival Committee 2 ; Oracle Copy Editor 3; Alpha Delta Pi Scholarship 3; Delta Delta Delta Scholarship 4.
B. Royce Wagner
Powder and Wig 3, 4; Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Modern Dance Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Library Asso ciates 1, 2, 3, 4; French Club 3, 4; German Club 2; Folk Dance Group 3, 4; Young Re publicans Club 4; Dean's List 1, 2, 3.
John C. Webster III American Civilization
Delta Kappa Ep ilon 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 2, 3; Yacht Club 2, 3, 4; Student Advisor 3.
Lambda Chi Alpha 1 , 2, 3, 4 , Rush Chairman 2 , 3, 4, Cor responding Secretary 4; Bas ketball 1 , 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1 , 2, 3 , 4; Chapel Choir 4 .
William C . Waldeyer
Stoughton, Massachusetts
Augusta, Maine
Allston E. Weller Jr.
Neptune City, New Jersey
Marblehead, Massachusetts
Business Administration
Business Administration
Tau Delta Phi 1, 2, 3, 4, Vice President 3, President 4; ROTC 1, 2, 3, 4; Arnold Air Society 3, 4; Student Government, Treasurer 4; Student Advisor 4; Echo Business Manager 4; Football 1, 2, 3.
Phi Delta Theta 1, 2, 3, 4, Rush Chairman 2, Treasurer 3, President 4; Basketball 1, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4, Captain 4.
Michael N. Wescott
Douglas E. Way
A A<I>
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Chestnut Hill, Mass.
English Literature
Alpha Delta Phi 1 , 2, 3, 4, So cial Chairman 3, Vice Presi dent 4; Freshman Football l ; Varsity Tennis 3 ; Senior Advi sor 4.
French Club 2, 3; Colby Li brary Associates 2, 3, 4; Pow der and Wig 2, 3, 4; Sports Car Club Secretary-Treasurer 3, Activities Director 4.
[ 54 ]
Paul J. White
\ X .\
I L\ <J>
H annon T. Withee Springfield,
\\'.1tu-nllt. \ f .1inl'
fa achu ett
. \d111i11ivtratio11
nmhd.1 hi :\ l ph .1 :2. 3. FoothaU l. · L
Lamhda Ph i 1 , 2, 3, 4 , P l dg Tra i ne r 3 , Trea urer 4;
Arnold Air Society 3, Treas ur r 4; igma Pi igma 2, 3, 4.
C h r i to p h e r R . Wood k i n g R id�<'.
ew Jer y
Hlrtary T.lll D t ltn Ph i 1 . �; I"n·,hm. n
Phi D I t Th t a 1, 2, 3, 4, Hi toria n 4; Tra ck 1 , 3, 4; Football 1, 3.
F< t h.ill 1 , Y.1<. h t C 1t 1 11 �I J, I . .l11h I ntl'm.1tion. I H1•l,1 t io11 3, 4 .
f. Will iam
nC!I • rnod,
Hi1on1 D It Vic
K pp Ep i lo n 1, 2 3, , Pr idt n 3, Ru h i n ,I!
.h.tinn, n b.1ll
I , 2.
1, HocJ.. ')'
3, 4; 3, 4;
1 , 2; f'0< 1t
Fro nk L. Wi wall Jr.
. W ri g h t IT
r t
\ ,:lcJ1
Brenda D. Wrob)e ki Camden, N
.l l I
J r y
D l ta Ch. innnn 4,
Pi 3, 4, oci l Room Ch. irma n 1 . 2, 3, 4 ; French C l u b 4 , ocial Ch ir mnn 4 , ynchronized wim ming 4, Dom1 Council 2. A lpha
[ 55 J
Donald P. Young
Edward C. Franklin
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
New York, New York
Business Administration
Lambda Chi Alpha 1 , 2, 3, 4; Hockey 1, 2, 3, 4.
Gerald F. Gould Jr.
Jean M. Young
Middletown, New York
Framingham, Massachusetts
American Civilization
Outing Club 1 , 2, 4; French Club 3, 4; Young Democrats 3, 4; Library Associates 3, 4; Phi Sigma Iota 4; Dean's List
Kappa Delta Rho 1 , 2, 3, 4, Scholarship Chairman 2; Stu dent Government 1; Colby Eight 1, 2; Chapel Choir 1, 2, 3, 4; Glee Club l ; Concert Choir l; Outing Club 1, 2, 3, 4.
James M. Acheson
Ovila J. LaPlante
Augusta, Maine
Fairfield Center, Maine
Robert A. DiNapoli
Robert B. Marr
Winchendon, Massachusetts
West Hartford, Connecticut
English Literature
Alpha Delta Phi 1, 2, 3, 4.
Alpha Tau Omega 1, 2, 3, 4.
[ 56 J
Frederick l l . \fcrrill Jr. \\·ood ·tock, ,. rmont
Philn 011 '1!1
Bast hall
2. 3 3. 4
l. \'arsit-. "C" 0<.:ct>r Club 2 , - L \'nr i t-. c c110r A h-isor 4 . 1:
Robert T. � h i r 1th Dartmou h. Fr
David G. Wiggins Concord, \fa_ achu ett
John II . Tucker Fairyland, Bermuda
American L iterature
Alpha Delta Phi
3, 4 .
Elliot D. Woocher C r a t f'Ck. 'ew York
�ferrill C. ' 'elles Jr. \\' t n1ll>. . I line
Non-Pmf�s'i"imuil g
2, 3, 2. 3
Pi amhda Phi l . 2. 3, 4, th1 tic \hairmnn 3 ; Et'ho l, 2, 3, porh di tor 2, 3; Tt nnis 1 ,
2, 3, 4,
[ 57 J
I l .\ 4>
H istory of the C la ss of 1 962 The class of 1962 has been a witness to four years of tremendous growth and development in the history of Colby. With a backward glance, we survey the events and changes which made our college experience mean ingful and significant. We cannot look at the Lovejoy building, the Bixler Music and Arts Center, and the Eustis Administration building without remembering them as unbroken plots of ground. We have benefited from the administrations of two great presidents. We have welcomed the first year of the January Plan as an unparalleled opportunity for independent study. We have witnessed a revolution in the official attitude toward drinking on campus. We have been represented by a dynamic Student Govern ment in discussions of the place of fraternities and soror ities at Colby. In addition, we have been offered a list of social activities, sports events, and academic opportunities which may surprise the uninformed. We have danced to the music of Richard Maltby, Lionel Hampton, and Woody Herman. We have seen the popular Ice Show added to the program of Winter Carnival. We have thrilled, too, in various ways, to the music of the Broth-
ers Four, Josh White, and the Flamingoes - as well as our own Colby Eight and Colbyettes. Among many notable lecturers we will not soon forget Crane Brinton, Ralph Bunche, and the musical genius of Hindemith. Few will not remember the Maine State Championships amassed by our football, basketball, and baseball teams, or the stunning performance of our hockey teams over the years. Our backward glance surveys all of these events with pride and yet rests in the last analysis on the less singu lar and perhaps more influential part of our career. We remember fondly the strong friendships developed in four years, the everlasting bridge games, the casual and sometimes heated discussions. \Ve remember the charac ter-building influence of chapel services, the football games in the rain, and perhaps Sugarloaf Mountain on a sunny day. We remember laughing to "The Boy Friend" and "Guys and Dolls" and the solemnity of Lovejoy and Religious Convocations. We remember snow in the winter and the lakes in the spring. We look backward to four years of triumphs, personal and shared, and finally forward to a future made bright and possible by a most significant chapter in our lives.
CLASS OFFICERS P. Duggan, President; N. Rowe, Secretary; P. Jaffe, Treasurer; J. Johnson, Vice President.
[ 58 ]
r .59 J
ďż˝ ND if there come the singers and the JJl dancers and the flute players, -- buy of their gifts also. <;Jor they too are gatherers of fruit and frankincense, and that which they bring, though fash1011ed of dreams, iS raiment and food for your soul.
[ 60 ]
[ 61 1
H i sto ry of The Year
[ 62]
H istory of T h e Year M a rc h 1 961---M a rc h 1 9 6 2 w� cho n by vote of both the faculty and the tudent ocly. Th golf, track, t nni , and baseball t am. prO\id d much inter t for port enthu iasts.
ten tialism
fay 9th wa an acth· da,' on the Colby campus. Greek i ng. \\'On ;. hi mega and Del ta Kappa Epsi lon . \\'il fol lo\\'ed ' , , . n w 1 1 attended varietv show. hid n rioted lat � th, t Yening \\'hen the Aru{iinistra tion c.rnc led th tracHtionJl John on Da . Rioters ch.m t cl. "\Ye w,rnt John. on Day" and "John on si, cla s no . .. for \ ral hour that eveni ng. Clas \! ere picketed the f llo\\ing morning.
[ 63 ]
Summer was still very much in evidence as Colby College began the academic year 1961-62. The heat didn't seem to hinder the enthusiasm of the Freshman class, as the class of 1965 crammed the activities of Freshman Week into three short days. They read and discussed G. B . Shaw's Arms and the Man and C. P. Snow's The New Men in a way which astounded their upper class advisors. As usual registration was extremely hectic, but everyone apparently survived! Upperclassmen arrived clad in Bermuda shorts, and classes began the following day. Already the difference in the academic atmosphere was felt by the Colby students. Before any- one had a chance to buy the books, hour exams and
[ 64 ]
papers were assiisned! Why all the pressure so soonďż˝ Everyone knew it was because of Colby's new experi ment with the January Plan. The first semester was to be condensed, and final exams given before Christmas By mid September the college year was in full swing1 and still the hot Indian summer sun beat down on May flower Hill. The fa]} was full of all kinds of activities and events many traditional, many new and different. The football team was plagued by a small squad and by a great man injuries . However, the season began-and ended success fully. The band added much enthusiasm to the gamei both at home and away.
el i mi n .i ti n
the acti' iti r. t e r n ity
trad itio n a l
"h u ·e-hoppin ci' from
folJo, i n g football gam
e of
r u hin g ) po d a oci.il pro !em for maiw ei n CT w pt off nMn oy Fre hm<t n £'irl '' r th ir f t b: upp r cJ,1 fr.itemit; m n w l t i l thl' Fre hma.n ·at in th dorm I d thi y r y Fra n k \\·n, .tll Ron R,·an . ncy u dria ' i tz and Al \\�ell r q u 1cl-ly lm to th 1r r ue and pon or <l n�r.t l ucc ·ful <lane for the Fr h tud n t .o, mm nt, it funcmen in Runnar
Fre 1
\\'omen' hid nt L <tgue led by �lary B a l l an l) ne wa a l s o ,. ry actfre throughout th fir�t em · t er . In the early Fall it pon or an .\1 1-Coll e-\\' rk hop. A 1 l of th group nd int r st on campu were repre. ented, and campu probll'm '' r di. cu ·cd and pos. ible solu tion. propo. d. Th \\ ork hop pro,·ed to e an altog th r '' orth\ ·h i l e an<l h ·n Scial p r oj ct. ·
tra n g . t i ght wa ordinarily r.1th r n' en· d and 1 ol \ tud nt " a ob en·ed trippin cr armed wilh a cigar hox a k i l l i n g throu gh th me.1do'' jar and 1.i. t ut not l a s t butt rfiy n t, in qu t of Bi . 101 bu g ! Thi ho" ' r ' a not th only ex rcis d nt. Fifty h a rdy indul£! cl in y th acth olby en a mou n tai n ad\'enturcr _om of whom bad ne' er b for ·p n t , whol " k nd climbin g and c<1 mping on It K .1 t . t h <l i n 111L p l i l i on w a pon ·or d by th luh . I lny ti r d mu ck and a few cratche u mg nd
To' ·ard the
n , 11 O\' con\'ention e
ptemhcr the
mptL The
rnd brn i
U ct
[ 6.5 J
i re.
,,. r
th "'
only i l l fleet
of thi
I i i rhly succ
During the fall of '61 political organizations showed a great deal of enthusiasm on campus. Advertisements for Young Republican, Democrat, and Conservative groups consumed a great deal of Colby bulletin board space. The International Relations Club offered all a source for discussion and concern. Both visiting lecturers and Colby professors brought such topics as Berlin, nuclear testing, The Peace Corps and fallout shelters repeatedly to the mind of the student body. Most of these topics were taken away from the lecture halls and class rooms to be discussed all over campus. Parent's Weekend dawned-foggy, rainy and cold! Be-
[ 66 ]
fore the weekend was completed, the Mayflower Hill weather had treated our parents to a little of everything ranging from fog and drizzle to snow and sleet! How ever, this was not the only impression left in the minds of those who were present at the most well attended Parent's Weekend in Colby history. The football team won a smashing victory over Springfield College, and an excellent program of entertainment was provided for the parents. The program included participation by the Folk Dance Club, the Colbyettes and Eight, and the Glee Club. This new addition to the Parent's Weekend program was received with a great deal of enthusiasm.
[ 67 1
Homecoming was the next big weekend at Colby.
the whole campus plus IMPORTS! and a great many
Just Jazz was the theme and Woody Herman the star
alumni turn ed out for the football game. The Chi
attraction. Cute and radiant Judy Eyges, Lambda Chi
Omegas won the float contest, the Tau Delts the DU
Alpha's candidate, was crowned queen. The fraternities
bike race, the Zetes the ¡woodsman's meet-bringing anÂ
and sororities came through with floats and displays, and
other fun weekend to an end.
[ 68 ]
f thi educational e"\-perirnent me n i n a , nd con. <] l l nc uld b . Thank givi n g vacation hrought a l i gh t r a k i n the ch dul , ) et not many c. r ¡ left the campu ri g ro 1 \\ithout a t, ck of hook m" nin g the \'i sion thru th
h ri trna
ar to
[ <>U J
The month of January, as was expected, brought many changes to life on Mayflower Hill. Colby's first experi ence with the January Plan of Independent Study proved as a whole very worthwhile. The month began with a mad rush to the card catalogue and stacks. Twenty thousand books circulated in the first week, including mirny which had not been used for years and years ! Throughout the month freshmen and sophomores attend ed discussion groups and met regularly with their faculty advisors . Juniors and seniors were given less supervision, and several students did not appear on campus at all during the month. The atmosphere was generally more relaxed, and students felt that at last they had an oppor tunity to read and work at their own speed - and enjoy the advantages of being at Colby. During January Onies was frequented more and the Spa less than usual. The month was exceptionally excit ing in sports as both Colby's hockey and basketball teams had winning streaks. The weather was cold, the snow icy, and trips to Sugarloaf were held to a minimum. The last week of the month was "panic time" for some of the more easy going January Planners. The atmosphere around the hill was filled with the sound of clacking typewriters and Mr. Trott did a booming business in
[ 70 ]
Corrasable Bond. By February 3rd papers and projects were completed, and handed in for approval. Colby's first experiment with the January Plan came to an end with the feeling that this had been a valuable educational experience, and one which would improve with the years to come. A bitterly cold and windy March second ushered in Colby's 1962 Winter Weekend, The Great White Way. However, aside from hampering work on the snow sculp tures, the weather didn't interfere with the usual activi ties, and certainly didn't dampen anyone's spirit. Bill Bryan officially opened the weekend on Friday night by crowning Gretchen Miller queen. Gretchen's reign be gan with an impressive ice show, including several skat ers from out of town as well as Colby's own talent, and the judging of the snow sculptures-Alpha Delta Pi and Lambda Chi Alpha as winners. On Saturday afternoon the "Highwaymen" put on a very good show, after which the crowd trekked to the hockey rink to watch the Colby Mules tangle with the Swiss National Team. Sunday's Eight-Ette Concert with groups from Bowdoin and Bates as guests concluded a very successful and enjoyable winter weekend.
ot: 1 -
[ 71 J
hrou�l1t out o mu h t.tle11t a. wa c' hibit d bY th . c: r.ip- Ii ot c•r a n d l lot - Bo\ girls, \\ 1 1 0 c.ipti v.tt d .., >lhy th ir .l lld il•n • for t l i r t> n i �ht . in .t polish d prod uction \d 1 i d 1 hct o n t l i ' odd and cam out \\i th a fu l l -hou P l TlH' <'ll<I of \ l .1rd1 brought p ri n g Vae.1tion, and m ) ti n g snow 1 oht red hop · for . 1 11 ad � pring . th n ior · .1ttcmpted to o i l g · y •ar dr '\\' to : dos<', lh · ·am , toward of ompreh n i ve l ook h yoncJ t h • ahy h a l l •nging fu t u r . d tt•ment f < gr.1duation and t he
Powde r a nd W i g
Standing: H. Hansen-Production Manager; Sitting: A. Tracy-Vice President, L. Orr Corresponding Secretary, S. Martin-Recording Secretary, F. Stephenson-President; Floor; J. Turner-Treasurer.
Once again Powder and Wig has upheld its position as a primary center of culture on the Colby College campus. As usual, DR. IRVING D. SUSS, director and supervisor, commanded the devotion, admiration, blood, sweat, and tears of his executive committee and the casts and crews of all the productions.
[ 72 ]
'o matt r how of ten thc'I till firul th action on production.
een if in rehear nl, tJu. crew rbin� durin" t11e actual
Two manikina in an embarT�sin� .;1untion lMJ to recnJit worken for the r.o fume depan ment.
Powder and Wig uaet it• recon1truction of a 1905 touring car, tohich •tole the. a1 oto in fan and Supennan, aa a line to attract Fre1hman at the C'ti it�11 Fair.
[ 7.3 ]
Frank Stephenson, David Norman, and Teke Marquez receive instructions from Dr. Suss during a rehearsal for Six Characters in Search of an Author.
Ctm and
crew gathn
curtain goes up.
in the workahop before the
Even after the play, Powder and Wig 8UJJPOrls f'J'esident.
[ 74 ]
Pu b l ications O ra c l e
The 1 962 nd
raclc t, ff h�
writt n r
rd of th
produc v
hroughou t 1 9 1 and 1 62. Thi rnlor ·cl pictm
pring. 111
ari cl and
ven th
fu l l p.\gt>
bot h
nts and ac:tivih hot
h ve b
pi torial
,1t .,olh)
"n •w look "
n i m portant i nn
consi ting
b, K.t l i h l G1brnn.
ation i th, t of
f p rti n nt quot
roi tor hip of C 1thin P ter ,
di tion
famo1 1 o;
taff ha
er at
hopi n
1t w11l hold pl
n incre,
per nnial group pic:tur
th happ<•ni ng, of thi pa t
[ 75 1
lit rary
from The Prophet
for ar.
6th edi tion of a
, nt m morie
Seated: S. Parry, A. Weller, G. Miles, A. Gleason, P. Gwyn. Standing: D. Traister, C. Malsch, F. Wiswall, D. Pulver, B. Hallett. Absent: S. Schaeff.
The Echo, under competent management, has com足 pleted another year, bringing to the Colby community news of campus events, controversies, and items of gen足 eral interest. R eplacing Gary M iles, Alliston Weller, and Ann Gleason, are Dan Traister as Editor-in-Chief, Neil Ossen as Business Manager, and Sue Schaeff as Manag足 ing Editor, who are continuing the tradition of a steadily
[ 76 ]
improving Echo. Filled with fiery opm10ns, the Echo stated varied views of the January Plan, and other topics of campus interest. It also discussed with animation the discrimina足 tory clauses of organizations at Colby. The staff keeps an ever roving eye and open ear about campus, and hardly an event misses its attention.
L i b ra ry Assoc i a tes
Floo r: A . Tr l illett
Libra r; \s
ion a t
olhy .
oci a te.s
Tliro11gh th
r ra nization stim 1 1 I . t · la. s i
. \ ebb,
cv •ra t
. �inc\ 'ill iam, W.
e" man ated: L. f il l er, D. \ f i nahan, B.
i mportant func·
o l b ' Li brary
i n tt•r st in vol u m
iart rly this m cl rn
H oom , and
which mi ht othc•rwise b n · g l ct d . I t al o aid., ·
i n procuri n g rar
" ri .1
[ 77 l
·alu.thle b
o rga rn z s t h
of f nr facu l t) 1
qu, i n t stud nt
' ·arclin of , <.:
''ith t op i c out i d
for th
a ·ure
1 1ior book p ri ze .
giv n
e. r to
their major fi Id.
Serv ice O rganizations Stu d e n t Govern me nt
Seated: R. Simkins, N. Kudriavetz, F. Wiswall, A. Weller, P. Downs. Standing: E. Rowe, M. Palmer, C. McConnell, P. Duggan, T. Dakin, W. Marks, M. Ballantyne, K. Hiltz, L. Swinney. Absent: S. Ellsworth, C. Bonsall, J. Valhouli, P. Vogt, B. MacPherson, R. Ryan.
Student Government, composed of four officers, a representative from each service organization, a campus s ocial chairman, and N.S.A. Coordinator, is the parent organization of all student activities at Colby. This year's officers are President Frank Wiswall, Vice-President Ron Ryan, Secretary Nancy Kudriavetz, and Treasurer All ston Weller. A member of the United States National Student Association, the organization sent delegates, in the summer of 1961 , to the 14th USNSA Congress in M adison, Wisconsin. At the Congress, Frank Wiswall was chosen to be the chairman of the next Congress to be held the following year. In addition to sponsoring pep rallies before the home football games, Student
[ 78 J
Government sponsored freshmen dances which were held in the fall before the freshmen boys could attend fra ternity parties. One of the most important activities i n which the organization was engaged in this year was the battle for the passing of the Nunez Proposal, dealing with racial discrimination in fraternities and sororities on campus. The proposal was passed at a well attended open meeting which was held in the fall. Another im portant Student Government event was held when the organization sent delegates to meet Prime Minister Nehru in New York City. Among the delegates were Frank Wiswall and Nancy Kudriavetz.
Pan-Hellenic C o u n c il
Th Panhel leruc Cou n ci l at Col by ollep;e i the orority govern i n cr body which i compo e d o f h\ d e ! gat from each of the four sororitie on campu . The coll �C' admini tr lion i n conjunc tion ,,;th th Counci l , d cide the time for form,11 rn hing. U nder the abl l ader hip of Pre id n t Sue K ith, a " R u . h Booklet" wa pub li h cl a.· an aid to fr hmen and tr, nsf rs . In a n ffort to forth r hi gh schot r hi 1 . th Council �1 w. rd · a chol. r. hip up to the
orori n· wi t h thC' hi he t <.cad mic a\' ra � .
Floor: K Hertzber - e ret Keith-Pre id nt. tandi1u�: .
ry. .
at d: !\f. Bri�gs. L. nold , B. Bertorell i .
'\inney, C.
, tcConneU,
I n t e r - Frate r n ity Council
8. PetTakis, N. Butler, W. Ba sett, D. Politica, R. Kimball, R. Loffredo-vice president,
W. \f rks-pr
T. Cordner.
ident, J. Dolian-sccretary-trea urcr, J. Cra
[ 79 ]
G. Chandler, J . Speer
Wome n ' s Stu d e n t Le a g ue
Floor: S. Fullerton, M. Miller, B. Read, P. Downs. Seated: E. Rowe, P. French, M. Ballan足 tyne-president, D. Cobb, N. Rowe. Standing: P. Harris, M. Eck, C. Cousins, M. Michelmore' S. Lockhart, D. Emerson, L. Swinney.
Under the leadership of President Mary Ballantyne, the Women's Student League Board spent much time this year in attempting to extend the individual responsi足 bility of each woman student. The establishment of the V\Tomen's Senior Honor Dorm was a step in this direction . Among other projects, a Campus-Workshop held in September was a very successful project which was sponsored by the Board. At the Workshop, those attend足 ing discussed the aims and goals of Colby, and made proposals for the betterment of the college. In addition to sponsoring the Women's Handbook, the Spring Ban-
[ 80]
quet, the Annual Rummage Sale, and other projects, the Board contributed to the social life of the women stu足 dents through its highly successful Senior-Freshman Tea. Also, the members of the Board discussed the possibility of sponsoring a Last Lecture Series wherein a person would give a lecture as if it were the last lecture he was ever going to give. The League also continued to act a a link between the administration, faculty, and students as a body representing the opinions of the wome students.
Wo m e n ' s J u d i c i a ry \Yith
L:. el
eated: M. Ede, D. Price, L. winne -chief j ustice, �f. Banks, B. Bertorel li. Quirion A. Pet r o n . L B I I nt yn e , L. I l a ke! J, E. e wa l l , . aabye.
Men's J u d i c i a ry
eated: F. Stephen.son. B. MacPherson-chief ju t i ce, T. Dakin, J. Bridgeman. Standing: J. Fredri on, R. Drewe , . Dulce , C . • fcLaughJin.
[ 1 ]
Music Organ ization s Glee Clu b
Ffrn Row: M . Banks, M . Farrington, S . McCune, J. Anderson, C . Lederman, W. Fielder director, C. Smith, P. Hornaday, G. Miller, M. Michelmore. Second Row: S. Berry, C. Rose, L. Kimball, B. Kreps, N. Eckel, A. Webb, S. Ferries, S. Worthley, J. Stanley, B. Carr, A. Bruno. Third Row: R. Robbins, K. Hertzberg, S. Hayward, E. Burgess, L. Smith, D. Kearns, S. Noyes, W. Lipshutz, V. Bauer, P. Downing, N. Pendleton. Fourth Row: A. Gellhom, M. Brown, J. Vore, F. Post, W. Kittredge, W. Bosworth, R. Mandell, G. Davis, L. Schulze, J. Morang, D. Cobb.
Con cert Choir
[ 82 ]
�Ir. \\·.
Fim Row: E. Speen, M. Dener, M. Brown, J. Arnold, P. Duwning. Second Row: C. Smith, L. Hathaway, S . Ferries.
r s3 J
The Colby College Band enjoyed a sucessful season under the presidency of John Chapman. During the fall, Bill Chase, Drum Major, led the marching band during the halves of all the football games-both at home and away. The Band Concert was held on November 1 8th. Dr. Comparetti conducted and Kenton Steward was the
Assistant Conductor. The program included a variety of works ranging from selections from "The Music Man" to Mendelssohn's "Allegro from Sonata in A." Spring plans were numerous and brought the season to a re warding close.
The Colby Community Symphony Orchestra, com posed of students, faculty, and musicians from the Waterville area added, as always, a great deal to the musical program of the college. Under the leadership of Dr. Comparetti, the orchestra presented a very moving Christmas Concert, the diversity of which showed the
real talent contained within the group. Also at this time the orchestra played an accompaniment to Hermann Suter's "Le Laudi." The Children's Concert was held in March and the Spring Concert in May, thereby rounding out a most rewarding year.
[ 84 ]
Col bye t t e s The Co] Yett completed one of the mo t ucce ful Year i n their hi. tor�· mging both at th co11e e and , w�n· from the c. rn pu . the girl worked up a good repertoire :\ r cord w m·1 de i n the prine; which hould b on ale hY the f, lJ of 1 962. Tn·out durin g the vear added {dor. nc\· Revnold . Janie Cl rk, . nder on. , �d . I ."rth.1 Farrin ton to the group. _ -,
rs n
ichol on G. \filler, B. Phillipp nd e o , L. C. mith, ]. . Tou ]. \1 uo. Ab nt: J. Phill ipp ,
�1. Giddings, S. Ferries,
C o l b y E ig h t i ht, l P ter y Lud' i main tained its tradition of . ingi n g at other college by d cending upon U . r . H . , Bate , Bo' ·<loin , a n d Cornell. 111 E i ht al o ang ev ral ong to complete rear' the crowni n of thi Hom corning Que n. A very ucce fol pontaneou ong fest wa h ld \\i th th Colb ette at th DKE hou aft r the foot ball game on Hom coming W k nd. The alumni of both group ' er in ited to ing. A highlight of the vear wa the Octet cone rt h Id h re on the Sund a of \\ i nter C mi al. ' Many group trom other New England chool w r h ard i n addition t t h Colb Eight and th Colb ett . 111
\ ogt and
H. Godfrey, D. Gilbert, B. Hendrickson, P. Vogt, . lip ham, H. Sargent, B. Beaver.
C. Ludwig, B. Johnson, G. Gray,
r 5J
Mode rn Da nce C l ub
First Row: C. Portnoy, J. Wincze. Second Row: D. Ellsworth, C. Fournier, D. Buckley treasurer. Third Row: C. Page, A. Webb, S. McCobb-president, C. Cook. Absent: B. Haines-vice president.
W i nte r Ca rn iva l Com m ittee
Floor: A. Bruno, N. Reynolds. Seated: P. Gwyn-secretary, P. Ketchem-co-chairman, M . Eck-co-chairman, W. Bond-treasurer, M. Simons. Standing: S. Saabye, K . Moore, J. Fredrikson, J. McKinnie, M. Miller.
[ 86 ]
Outing Club
lu b
m ad
two " ry
u rroup
pri n variou
\\ a l ton
r 0
pon ored
fall, m mh r ested tudcnt drov o u t to th Camd 1 Hill , a it which allow cl H wid " iC\\ of th harbor and tl e to wn of a m cl '11. o n aft r, the club Early in the
to Mt.
Blu , ďż˝ l ain . Tw
by th of th
ful trip , on pent th
H. Katahdin,
k nd, and another ki mov:i
co ll eg .,
ki r
and non- kiers,
Lodg , i n ter p rs d throughout the 'ear, are e f th th
[ 87 ]
which , ttr, ted the attention of a great p art
i n ter sti n
and fun-packed activiti
at the m p lary
pl nned b
I nte r-fa ith Association First Row: A. Peterson, S. Fullerton, D. Wilson. Second Row: A. Cross, C. Osborne chapfain, D. Callin-president, R. Pratley-corresponding sec· retary, J. Wincze-recording secretary, C. Nasif. Third Row: P. Hickey, D. Jacobson, P. Pineo, S. Bryant, A. Pickman.
The Interfaith Association includes representatives from all the religious organizations on campus and from each sorority and fraternity. Its activities include sponsorship of the weekly noon-
time chapel services conducted by various faculty mem bers, the Thursday evening vesper services, the annual Religious Convocation, Infirmary Service, and Campus Chest activities.
The Student Christian Association, although primarily Protestant in character, is open for membership to all students on the campus. This organization holds meet-
ings featuring speakers on various topics of interest and its program includes study, worship and action.
Stu d e nt Christia n Asso ciation Floor: L. Philbrick, H. Holmes. First Row: Chaplain Osborne, S . Hayward, E. Field co-chairman. Second Row: S. Fullerton, M. Wesley, P. Millett-secretary, A. Peterson. Absent: T. Mainero-president, E. Burgess -publicity.
[ 88 ]
L. Barr,
f. Wall, B. Chase J. Cronk, B. H all ett.
F LL W J I I P . R WIT..LI \f R repre entative, C. H atton, C. Peters.
Morse, J.
Wincze- I.F.A.
I. B. P. Cr wford, M . D A. 'TE R B R Y . John on, ley, L. 'ewmnn, J. McQuillcin,
CLUB. l l i key, J. Wood.
fotte, R. Prat . Jtobbin .
r aCJ 1
IC. Begnnny, E.
Sewall, C. Na ii, P.
F o re i g n I nte rest G rou ps I nternational Relations C l u b INT E R NATIONAL R C L R T I ON S CLUB
Seated: S . Shoeman, J . Lee-vice president, S. Thompson, M . Walton-secretary, P . Hickey. Standing: S. Garment, L. DuBois.
German C l u b
Seated: P . Crawford, E . Hinterkopf, C . Peters, S. Morse, P . D . Leiser, A . Gleason. Standing: S. Monzel, B. Blaney, D. E nloe, R. Mittleman, P. Doucette.
[ 90 ]
Fre n c h
Floor: S . McCobh, R . Gilson. First Row:
B. 1'1ep , L. Wal lc:er, C. Christy.
M. Brown. M . Diaz, P . Jack.
r 91 1
Second Row: E . Doe,
H o n o ra ry Soc ieties
CHEMISTRY SOCIETY. Floor: D. Cross, L. Orr-secretary, C. Lay. Seated: Dr. Mac¡ Herner, Dr. Reid, W. Christie, Dr. Ray, Dr. Chipman. Standing: J. Vorr, J. Hardy, C. Cliche-treasurer, D. Cox, C. DeWoody, B. Chase.
The four honorary societies consisting of Chi Epsi lon Mu, the Chemistry Society; Delta Phi Alpha, the National German Honorary; Phi Sigma Iota, the National Romance Langauge Honorary; and Sigma Pi Sigma, the National Physics Honorary are organizations which aim
to promote outside research and study among their members in particular fields of interest. Membership consists of those students who have excelled both in their particular field and in overall academic standing.
NATIONAL GERMAN HONORARY. J. Turner-president, P. Doucette-vice-president, P. Crawford, B. Blaney-secretary-treasurer. Absent: W. Furstenburg.
[ 92 ]
Floor: . Quirion D. Emerson, T IO. ' ti- R \I \ . "CE L .\NC :\ E 1 10 'OR . R Y. tein, L. Kimball J. Youn�. Fir t Rott. I . Wnui;h, " nl l , . h t, B. B rtorelli-pr ident. . Keith, . Dunn, P. Bone. cond Row: L. :-\ \\ m a n, M. Bro\' "• P. Ta}lor, J. I J aU, . I. Diaz, J . le, P. �fill t , . W ucll.
HO 'OR R Y. Fir.ti Row: A. F irlcy-advi er, D. Bancroft, L. • 'ATJO. Laughlin- ccr l ry, R. Le nrd - pr ident, B. Ferguson. econd Row: J. Beatty, C . Crane, . Levi, H. Wuthee, J. l l i , M. Alh rt on.
r 93 J
Arn o l d Ai r Soc iety
Seated: G. Moog-recorder, S. McCleery-operations officer, J. Wright-commander, D . Legro-executive officer, G. Culp-captain adviser. Standing: R. Cote, T. Dakin, P. Wads worth, A. Weller, P. Williamson.
�1 •
[ 94 ]
C hess a n d C h e c k e rs
Herbold, J. , esbit, . Brudno. tandinf!: J. Quirk. . C armentmitb. b cnt, K. Birg -f ultr ad' i er, L. Lonidellow L. Braun,
F o re n s i c C o u n c i l
Seated: R. Forde, . Schoeman-pre ident, A . mith-vice-prcsident. tanding: R. Larschan ould. A11 ent: E. Witham-advis r, J. Quirk, B. pitz r, f. Ward. S. RakofJ, W. ' ii, R.
r Ds 1
S po rts Ca r C l u b
Seated: W. Leanard, G. Robbins. First Row: C. Von Glahn, T. Tiedemann-president, D. Wax. Second Row: T. Curtis, W. Gardel. Absent: W. Alexander.
Ca mera C l ub
Seated: D. Vogt, R. Hamburger. Standing: W. Dowden, Mrs. Fortine. Absent: R. Wiebust.
[ 96 ]
C a m p u s C h e st
R. Pralle · - co - h n i rm .in,
\. Picl.:rn;i n-!.:O· ha irm an.
\ t a \ t ull an-trc ·urer.
Red C ro s s
J. Mnr hant -adviscr. \ f . Fnrrin�ton- watcr safety, E. Lnrkin-chairm a n.
[ 7l
Women ' s U n ion Com m ittee
Seated: C. Cook, D. Kearns, E. Wills. First Row: M. DeMotte, M. Phillips-secretary, M . Symonds-president, C. Sewall, M. Mattraw. Second Row: B. Read, J. Fassett, S. Morse, S. McCobb, J. Hoagland, E . Stevens. Third Row: M. Achilles, M. Michelmore, N. Godley. Absent: C. Crimmins, R. Veit, C. Spencer, L. Conley, B. Haines, D. Weathers, S. Thompson, J. Hamilton. ďż˝-
The Runnal's Union Committee provides recreational
and bus trips for vacations. During January dancing to
facilities for Colby women. Under the sponsorship of
records on Sunday nights, following the campus movie
this committee are student-faculty teas, campus movies,
was sponsored by the committee.
[ 98 ]
Bad m i nton
Club r
St!ated: B. rockett, S . haw, M . Shatt. � h a d r. Third R o w : K . feyer, B. J I
·•trelel, . Eittreim, L. Lyman. AbM•nt: D. R ho<lc .
St>conrl Rorr: W. rn,
[ HH ]
D. W
t gat
Yo u n g Rep u b l ica n s M. Hurd-secretary, D. Johnson president.
Yo u n g De m o c ra ts C. Marquez-co-vice chair A. Pickman - co-chairman. Standing: P . Downs-co-chairman, N. Green-co-vice chairman. Seated:
[ 100 ]
You n g C onse rva tives eated: W. Zukow ki, . cboemnn-pre i ient. tanding: C. Krack-vice-pre ident, r. DuH -- ecretary-trea urer.
J oh n Ma rsha l l Society eated: \ . H llett,
. V i ncent. First Row : peers-justice, D. Pulver quac tor, J. Lockwood. econd Row: C. White, T. Dakin, . DuBoi R. f i tt l em n n, C. bur. bsent: J. J hnson-bnliff, ). Dol inn-clcrk, F. Wi wall.
E. John on, J.
[ JOI ]
C heerlea d e rs
First Row: P. Downs, K. Beganny, N. Kudriavitz-captain, E. Rowe, M. Briggs-secretary, B. Phillips. Second Row: M. Phillips, W. Coombs, E. Cragin, P. Wadsworth, W. Alexander, A. Pickman, J. Hillery. Absent: A. Mainero, S. Ellesworth, J. Marchese.
[ 102 ]
Firn Rote: C . Ta
Th Sund· '. • ach tudent ,·o l u n t
· , . l ivetti 0. J cob on. econd Row: J. Cronk, Ro"'e· K. Knud en. B. Johnston. C. L d nnan.
. Gouthier '.\f. Palmer
and thir t\' 011 \' tml nt . One of th main fu nction of the Han r�ut c �mi tt 1 the p n ori n g of Homecom in the f 11. pla ing \\'eek nd \.\ Inch tak
� N'D in the sweetness offriendship
� let there be laughter and sharing of pleasures.
[ 104 ]
[ 105 ]
Colby, 1 9 1 5
Al pha De lta
C ha pte r
[ 106 ]
A l p h a De l ta P i
on in pu rpl str<.>t h '"°1 pant . . . . Pat : " H ow .1bo11t a �oo<l old-fashion c.l f d?'' ind ': "Fri nd f th 1 rm ma l ok u nd r thi curtain." <tn<l · : '' Ho' a out a trip to w J er · ?" J, n<1 n : ''\\ h. t did vou 1 y you got o n th hi. tology . am ? ue: "Hon . t, I t ·ill <li t tomorro\ ." Lyn n . "L t hav <l song, in · tcad of a pr<l 'er " Pri : "Frank an<l I hav a sood phi1osoph Donna : "If w ' ha t Hy o er 0 1 1 ' m r ' ath dral I'll pa out." "
h 'art
wi m m i n g b:." nion has arc.I W th · \\ om n\ onni : " But I K tahl .s " BrPnda L. : " I t' not that big a ri ng!" Brenda \V. : "\\ h •n r fir t w 'n t skiin I wa the only
[ 1 07 ]
w CA
w . mn???I
Colby, 1 906
C h a p te r
C h i Omega
The B t hu ti d throu g h the re k ing for th s cond con ·ent do\\ n to th co.1st for an ' a n d o u t t o th J a k for
p ri n cr of J<. 61 winning c:uth c v u r . Lat · r , we o n tm � �\'ith t h · l a i n a fi na l o u t i n g \ \ i t h t h
class, \
I J C�) 1
. Lurkin, J.
Colby, 1 90 8
Al pha U ps i l o n
C h a p te r
[ l lO]
De l ta De l ta De l ta
[ 111 J
Colby, 1 8 74
Al pha
C h a pte r
[ 11 2 ]
S i g m a Ka p pa
l 1t " P i i i t .u1d L· n t h 1 1 s i a..,rn i n ou r 11c•w pit cl n
' P r ',t e l d1
u nd
r t hP leader hip
i gma
tr or ( '\'( ry mee t i n g
"L ·o 11ahl<• t o d o a m t l i i 1 1 11 t>l \t
of J :inuui-:.•. n i i s i n 11 to \\'or� · t r, Li nda
n( .
m i a n·sid n t f o r t h
mon t h
fo1 1 1 1 C l i 1 1 l 1 r - rn l l t·�i a l e act i vi t i <'s a l mo ·t .1s t i rn
c o n u m i 1 1 � as s o ro r i t y ' ' o r k . n i t t i n g .1 way l i kt> ma<l , t l w s b t<·r-. n w t t h <' C h rb t mas ck,1d l i 1w wi th m i t t n
ti -.ion-,l i l pack.1 1 1 . •,1c:oast .1p.1hl c .me� C .1vc· t l t os<· ,r<'«n , t.1mp ," t l H• mot to of a l l , fou nd ,1 n w co!f p ot a l l i n t a l kd ; ' ' l io mak t h e h e t c o lT •?-J oa n T. \\' . • m<l J i l l F. , of cour . 1 rma<> cri •d " J s n l H opi ' a m ,w n g?" m lop cl i n h1 1 1 11h t c•r t l i a nd l ints fo 1 t h · d 1 1 l d ru1 .tl t l H' \ ( . u m•
<·ws 11
fast .ts
J a 1 1 's a rou nd for
waywar <l hus or a ny ear S1 1 rtarloaf a nd
r i nvi n ·ihlc J u dy
tr ·m ·nclou · '' rk ·1 w ' 1 1 a l l mi . tH'
K. a rt' t h
best f ti nds b
,, wi t h 1wn i n h a n d , a-. ·t• ·re t ; ry . h m d to h. e the "Ion" ·st rniuutc•s" bu t ·nwmh r y th · I •adc r of m a l l , u nc l r whos • ca p able f.,'1 tidan o f t l 1 · m os t rC'warcl i n g y<':trs i n hi s tory- H ai l to t i Pr •s . . · trnc H ord . o f ,m•w I I s •nior a n d t h · h ' t of lo k in the> wid , world f hu ·in · ; ncl such But do 11ot forg t tlw amaz i n � rro n p , J ,cft a t Colby t h ro11 r 1 J . P.'s l o lro u p .
[ 1 13 ]
rnxJ[ N friendship, all thoughts, all expec '-J LJJ tations are born and shared, with joy that
[ 114 ]
[ 1 15 J
C o l by , 1 9 61
Co l by
C h a pte r
[ 1 16 ]
A l p h a De l ta P h i
haptcr f u mple t i n rr the fir t fu l l : 'ar .t 'i tli , olby b ro t h ns nrc• re.d i z i n g m 1n· t h a n ,\ er th • fu l l i crn i fica n ct• of h<·lon r to snch ,t fi n · '\,1tlonal f r a h o m e l i :l\ · h orne .1 r .d i ty . ur pla Frat •rnity . < nd h op es are h i gl i t h a t hi y • ar 's pl dg • will l e hr ak ing ground h for · t h ·y graduat • . \\ ith m mlwrs h i p i n lpha D J t ,t Ph i , th
A l p h a D l t . thc:r • ha ... com · a m•w re p<m i bi l i ty . \\
}'t'.lr by t.tying am o ng t h top ood l iowi 11g a t l i l tic,t ! ly, and o u tdoi n g <t l l p .1 s t y , i r soci .t l ly. Our pl :<l ge cla'is was • x ccl l •nt, a u d i l h • i n g u p t o all <.·xpt cl,1 t ions. Pre i c.l n t \\'i w a l l ru )('cl tht' l iouw \\ ' t h a n i ro n h a 1 1<l ,
have l i \C'cl up to i t t h i
acad m ic,il ly, J i . \ ing a
overnmc•nt as wc•l l . Everv Bart � l s ret1 1rn, w i t h );i s \ i f >, to cornpl ·l<' h i s s t u c l i ·s. T l ic w <l <l i ng hel ls ra n� t h is .' •ar O\'C'r A l p h , D · I t 1 1 o t o n ly for B u m p , bu t for F r, r n k \Vi w a l l and 01<.:k \'anw , a n <l '>0011 w i l l rin 1 , 11, i 1 1 for . ' · I son B rn C' • Dmty, I k�· a n<l Forri<· rcprcs •nta n d l c·ft I i i
mark on
onc was l 1 appy to s
t u ck1 1 t
B 1 1 1n p)
[ 1 11 I
Colby, 1 8 92
G a m ma A l pha
C h a p te r
[ 118 ]
A l p h a Ta u O m e g a
i\ T
in ' '
n S lCC you mean he wan
[ 1 19 1
C o l by ,
1 846
C h a p te r
De l ta Ka p pa E ps i l o n
\\ i l l th p i l lar of D k r ma i n tandin like L ofanti , T ay . Haycl , Th 'Oba kl , B . ], ff ', . facLean, Jacob on, B .rman , \\ i l l i a m , \\ c t �r, � t c und r tli m f r th · fin, l tim ? Hale, and French p· ool, holder of r Who will r place tud, " Ralph" J most orcls uch a : hot down m t in on ni rht, huil 0,l\ "lov you r on aturd ay night , and many oth r body, but what a fac " Berman w a k pt for anoth r ear. "Falcon.. Fr nch, .. f id t " Leofa n ti , " R utt! •·
( ?)
�f cL an. hick! ts" Will iams had a ba<l y ·ar at th gi rls' dorm -nothi ng of i mportanc to r •port on th ·ni. Hol lvwoo<l " Bumbl •" B ·e and J a k -a-hoo rn. d t h mos t of off c mpus pri \.' i ] r s. " u rarfoot " Tays i hop i ng for a roo<l pri n g to ga i n on Reo' R i g wltich i s
pr · ·ntl: " n gag d " wi th plan. for a J u ne wedding. t e r o's p l a n w r p ·aki n 1 of w ·ddi n g , ome\ hat rus h d by a r 'nl ngag ment. bi . rbuckl i pu h
b u t he can't g t hi. ru. tv dusty out of tho e comfort arm h a i r . ft r cramhling aroun d for four ar , J ack '' \ f oo " \\' b t r fi n a ll y fou nd , horn -Camd n . in
a bl e
'\. w d i a p p ar "ov r th h i l l , " ''' , bid acli u to t h D k ' h o u . wi h i n g th be t of luck to th u ndergr, d a nd th ir u p ·incl ·om i n g horror shm , !
[ 121 ]
Col by, 1 8 5 2
Co l by
C h a pte
[ 122 ]
De l ta U ps i l o n
1 foor: Pol le • • I i rk •
P t raki , ] . \'ulho u l r . I . .m r on nd r on. D. John ton. . \Vin lo'' . D. H. f"ur l'k. T ir t H u Bn J nt H imkrn' I I . C. o l l fr il'd. J . . rieco . . . . ra , , '' · \\ . l l urckr. I f Jr� · n t. H <. lrm.1 l t .t . H. I .m ton ' '·crmcl R111< : \ \ Ferre t t i, D. B r o n th }'. \ . \\"i·il r nd P H ·<:!.. . 1. 1\. 1111 • \. rnd i11, (. .r,n . \ .ondch i l d . B . hrh , R .\ o t i k. \\'. l l i ht«111 I liirtl llrm : H . Ll'" i • H. Dm ll', P. h c' f D • nm - R m '' 11, P B u n t i n g, i l t r · i n 1 . J . ' 1 < .1 h h R . ltolm H. \ l d ..1 u i.:l1 l i 1 1 , E. p il n·r. I: \ l itchcl l . FCJurtli Rm1..· : T. \ fo rri1111 · I ) l l 111 l 1 1 1 0. , . 1 r l n I ll unt, · . ft•rhoun:h. Oukt.•,. B • C' 1 1 n. D. \\'l' t nil'. J. Bu h, 1 .1c.1 l � 1 . \ b 1·11t: \\ t:1cl�I. B.
Los i n g . 1 1 1d g.t i 1 i n <r .5 f ) . l . .1 rtnl off i 1 1 it 1 1 ... 1 1 a l m. r m tr iu t i t • fa l l of l lJ > I . Hoof r tll rn(•d to t i ll' t1 1denl lif • :t f t c r d r i \ i 1 1g t'n •Jt• S , u n °s j1•1 p for l \\ O ) {'.trS .tncl D . P. I I . ho H<l :d i I i i dP It r i t y w i t h t he c:hop s t i ck.. . H 1 1 11ky fl i p p cl ii or t l J(' l \\ < ·n l w 1 1 t i nw and PoopsiP fi r 1 a l l v 0C":i 1 1 rrht it-J l 1 u \' d i d t i 1• !. il l ll • Im on h for f 0 1 1 r d. l w T l l •a l rwopl�· \\ :tl ·n cl l l . HmH'f" ( ) ; , l h l w a l l nncl t i p l i.1 1 1 torn r 1 111 1 1 ·c l ng.t i 1 1 . l l l d • g.t i 1 1 . I m ports [ 0 ) 1· . 1 1 1 d J7or t h co1 1 l c l n 't b•ep t lwi r rPt 1 1 r1 1 ' c l oft1 •11, l m t c.:t r or ·)oth ' d ·•rn . J>.t1 1d:i sp1 nt t h ri· ' monthc; in t h •
/ :.
11° irood rrner•s, . l l ld P;101 1 ! fi n a l ly rnad1· i t . \ part1m• 1 1 t s \ <'fi' \ oguP a rn l t l 1 t• lnc·a l um<,t.1hh· ... aw t hat all n•rri.1 i 1 wd in orcl<•r. Turk< y maclt• tlw h i � move.• fi rst t h u s
[ 1 23 ]
m d i n g t hl• gn•at nmp<"ti t i on w i t h J o<>eppi. hut h ks' r ·sp1• t for th1· latt •r\ m· ·ra i l t .1Jent r main d l t n ab. ted t l ic cow\ ' 1 s 1 t.· d ro \ ' • the t hml Aoor i n . • m h u t ·1 1 1 \H•k orrn cl h i m d u r i n g t h b i g n 1 s l i . h m u tz' a p p ndi. ·nc.l d u p h i n � l \\ i c · a lon g as t h e Round H .1d. a nd Buckv fi n a l l v 111astl'rc•d t h · t\\ i s t .me.I now h • a n I l ov .tr · h �i n' n i n g a rec l u e i n g salon . .'on n� look O\' r t l u: I ".lcl <l. hot c l og c l mi n � ti {' Jan Pla n and t h • snow man came a wfu l ly c.Jo..,p to lo ing hi ro)d ) ,th'> tad:ll'Cl parkin g md<"r'> w l t i l{' t l w l n n k l \\ i s t d ii\\ •l\ . \ \\'011 c l 1 ·rfu l nt'\\ l 1om mother. 1 :1 \ l c Dermott . sp ,1 r l ic.1c.kc1 0 1 1 r ' rl'at y ·ar u pt o w n and clo w n tovm.
Colby, 1 9 2 6
C h a p te r
[ 1 24 ]
Ka p pa De l ta R h o
anoth r t i n Eri k on, footbal l team, and L r y'
r -
[ 12 ] ..
Colby, 1 9 1 8
Al pha Rho Zeta
C h a p te r
[ 1 26 ]
La m bd a C h i A l p h a
rip-, t o \ u gm t a , w l i i k· I i " " B 1 1 111" The UT1 1 h , " mad 'H l i o n ., t h e re-. Bot h A l ic s h a d "wl w l1·s" of . 1 ti m . " R a f ' spr ad joy t l i ro 1 1 1� I ou t t h<' l m 1 1 1· m a k i ng "Rahh i t .. l.u 1 gl i a l l t ) I(> t i rrn•. " BonrH y," ' A l fio," a n d "P •t ·• show do\\'n at t h e clcmm. w h i le• " � l a rco" \\ c nt a rou nd t li : \\ Orld. " . D. t h e B . :· bu i l t l i i m s c•l f .t tH'l for B i o. "'Q Bait" was fou nd 0 11 t h • s nd flour by Charli and I l o gnm " T l 1 ·rt was a n <> cl m i tch b 'l\\' ' •n "Z k " an d " l look . · S 1 1 �arfoot llld . • rwn t w i s t ·d . wl11l ·o rm .m twi st d 1 1 1 d ,1tc u p . ick c.: hmh •d rnou n · tai n s , a n d " S n u ffy" wen t lwav �r trappi n i n Bo-, ton . sp n t va
[ 1 27 ]
Colby, 1 8 8 3
Al pha
C h a p te r
[ 128 ]
P h i De l ta Theta
[ 1 29 1
Colby, 1 9 59
Beta C h i
C h a p te r
[ 130 ]
P i La m bda P h i
y '! r Hom c ming. ,.,.; th the pooks pr vidmg th mu ic, arol . l\ ,m y, and brought ack Goo, J ohn. Frank, J : nnie. \\ ho c.tn forg ·t " h ·n Pi L.1m w n t heat for a night, or wh n our tin fol ksing rs an<l the r st of the pl dge I� u. t th h acl 1 i n ,,1rl) J nou;u 1? Th hott t \\'inter Formal in our hi tor) lo ·c.•d lh ' o ial ucc ses of m t r one. \\'hi l<.> th b roth r '' ere strugglio r( ?? ) through th ' J anuar ' plan : Larry, 1 ar . �lark, and \Yeiby took O \ ' r th h Im of our now tmdy hip . t h y ar clo . , \\ r •gr �tfu l l 1, ur goodby s to H mn \\ ooch r. Rill "blackball" \\ ith c, Eliot "cam ra- h " hhhh" Fu rst nh •rg, and Di k "it ou lcl b t n " M i ttl man. •
\\ er
. •
r 131 J
Colby, 1 9 3 3
Ta u Al pha
C h a pte r
[ 132 ]
Ta u De l ta P h i
Th Well r
e are the thi n w as
Pre iden t . . . . Th
pli h •d when Al , 'eigli r \ nd on t o p of all th Record; th Ham•' Kyle'
che k favorit
Willie took
accompli h d wh n A l e ar
H� m
'' a.
of th
wrong; f aj
ob-,...i thou t the Corn ; ; Phi l
Brrrrum k 1 ; Buck ' y
.1chi v ·m •nt , Callin won a ri ht. but \\'ell
at th
id n t .
turned rosy outsid di h
agai n , D.icld, gav
up the ultim te and
Bean town , J e r:;
\H •ts
I f. B
[ 1 33 ]
t of
uave nor
heik i n
took a man-sized problem i n hand; "Du
ba" took a Ch z br ak that la t d the
nt to the f. rm
Cordn r
the ame T rry Cordner-got a <lat ; Vac played big
J ew, er, - h J u l ; Pickie wa nei th r
tarted p l aying
Temple crumbl cl ; Terr
ntir ty of J , nu
.A A ncl \ f a R i ch "' as h r '' oncl rfu l
rything from th
Colby, 1 8 50
C h a p te r
[ 134 ]
Zeta P s i
\\'i t h t he Bi.·ler Bo, ...·} ruck d u nd •r om rm, \\ ra i n to '61 v..i th the "Hound" lea d i ng the pa k. \\ hile th aptai ridiron. footb 1 1 team was occupi cl on th "\\ h i t y" wa leadi n g " ti tcl1,'' h l ly, Fr cl, \ l i k e . and the �fo]e occ r team to ,moth r ' ict riou >.t�on. Rush i ng b 11an, and und r th lead r hip of Dann · and Lun • , hi s t ou t to battl , nd cam back with i te n pl <l g c:: ptfrc who ' ' re to enjoy many a f. mou Z t ' ord r you wi h . party, raid , and kidnappin -in an A fter H o m com i ng. t h e "Tri u mph , " and ' ho know I ., t he brothc:rs s tagg ·r c1 throu h fi n als, t h what Janu ary Plan, and o n i nto s ·cond s m ter w i t h n �, officer and " Bro' " as I •ad r.
( 1 35 ]
ďż˝ OR the breath of life ts in the sunlight \..:.f ./ and the hand of life is in the wind.
[ 136 ]
[ 1 37 ]
'f ,·
Coach Winkin with catcher and captain Dave Seddon.
Coach Winkin with his infield. Left to right: R. Turecki, C. Carey, D. Mulcahy, R. Glennon.
[ 138 J
Va rs i ty Ba seba l l
1 961
Fir t Row: A . 'ei�r, W. Walde •er, J. Fr nch, D. eddon, T. Ferruci, B . • farlcs, T. arric� cond Row: D. h • R. Tur cki R. Bon le\\ icz, \ l . Fl nn-mann r; R . R. .Jenn n W g n r , J. Brid� m n .
re ·•
1 r. Wmldn-c a h.
e<l by Co. h John \\'i nkin th gain cl th i r fifth �fain t. te n th pa t ·j y •ar . I n th fint t t -. 2 Tlwn behind omb d Bowdoin J i m Bridg man, olby tupp •d \tun i n th i nto ol po •s i n of fir t p l .1 olby fan wi l l defeating Bowdoin twic ' .5- 1 and l ·cldon\ n n<l- Jam horn •r in th no t o n forget Dav ond gam la t f th ninth with h\'O out, that ' on th" with Bowdoin on 1 fa, ninth. Two <la ' lat r, b hin th ·
pit hin of F rruci and \\"ago r, olby t k Bate twice 4-3 and 6-3. fo l eason Th b 5-0, " i th Bridgepi n F rruci a gain tt ldng honor on th m ound. \\'inning ' ery t. t - n . gam but one, and h, ing an O\ •r-.t l l P\\ Engl.md r' ord of 1 5- 1 , th h'<U11 i a · u r 1 , •nior gone, that olh) t'an lool.. forward with onl on to another •q u a l l y u T •..,..,f ul ·ason . ·
[ 1 39 ]
Va rs ity G o l f
1 961
First Row: T. Meyer, E . Sagalyn, T. Richardson. Second Row: R. Ryan,
Clifford-coach; R. Noel, D. Kinne.
Since taking over the Golf team in the spring of 1957, Coach Bob Clifford has made a habit of winning State championships. Last spring his golf team ended in a three way tie for State supremacy with Maine and Bowdoin. This makes the 4th year that Clifford's golfers have won or tied for the State championship. Within the State, Colby had a 4-2 won-loss record, defeating Maine twice ( 6-1 and 4-3 ) , Bates twice ( 6- 1 and 7-0 ) . Bowdoin handed the Mules two defeats ( 3-4
[ 140 ]
B. Marshall, Mr.
and 3-4 ) . State matches include a 5-2 win over B.U. and losses to M .I. T. ( B2-5}n and Williams ( 1-6 ) . I n the New England College Tournament held at Providence, R. I . , the Mules were the highest Maine team entered and placed a very respectable 9th over-all. Individual honors were won by Ralph Noel and Ron Ryan" who finished 2nd and 3rd in individual Maine state competition.
Va rs i ty Ten n i s
Fim Row; P. Keddy, H . Wingate, B. Hood, E.
P. Fr nch, K.
ntm , T.
Woocher .
1 961
econd Row:
fr. Loeb
( Coach )
wi ns and Th motto of th te.1m cou ld 11. \ • l c · • 11 . ha\· racqu t will tra\' I" for tli t •a m pl,1y ·cl on ly two matches at
m v r · i ty of BO\ ·<loi n . nd t J 1 'e' Hamp hir . R turning l tt rm n for th Capnd j unior tain Bill Hood, P< ul K ddy, Henr 1 Wi ngat Elliot \\'ooch r. 111 t am primari ly c n i t d of opho
mor s.
t •nni
I D6 1
t .1 m, und r
a. on
r · ·or<l of four
h i 1hpoint
of th
tlie l nh' ·rsity of , I a i n<' by tori
w r
on ,,. ·r · two victori ·s
O\' ·r
or ' of S- 1 . \'ic
won from Babson l mt i tu tc .rnd Bat
]he t .� m was d f at •cl br T 1 ft .
prosp ct
t he r turning
for thi
. ason look bri ght b c.m
from l as t
promising fr s h m . n t a m .
1 1 . T , Bat · , Brandeis,
I Ju l
a o n . and al o t h
Va rs ity Tra c k - 1 9 61
First Row: R. Emmett, S . Bolin, J. Savastano, C. Pettee, M. Perry, R. Goula, T. Flint, 0. White. Second Row: S. Bryant, K. Bee, E. Buyninski, C. Wood, B. Furguson, B. Staples, R. Jeans, D. Politica, Mr. Simpson-coach.
Coach John Simpson's efforts to rebuild Colby's track team finally brought results. The Mules broke a five year famine when they won their first meet of the season at Brandeis with a great 76-59 win. The victory was a team effort with Ken Bee, Bill Swormstedt, Sumner Bry ant, Dan Politica, Roger Jeans, Scott Bolin, and Joseph Adams capturing firsts in their respective divisions. I n the next meet, a triangular with Bates and Brandeis, Colby finished second, with Dan Politica setting a new Colby record for the shot-put. Bee, Jeans, and Politica
[ 142 ]
were the stalwarts in the contest. The next meet was the Maine State-Series champion ship meet. The University of Maine won easily and Colby finished last. However, the Mules scored 19 points which is the best Colby has done in this contest in eighteen years. The team was ably led by captain Charles Pettee, and by seniors Dave Berman, Mal Graham, Bruce Staples, and Bill Swormstedt.
F res h m a n Ba s e ba l l
The Fre hman b· ebal l team had a winnin .a on with eight win and thr e defeat . A l thou h the fir. t h\ o game w r narrow defea to Bowdoin Fro h 3-2 nd Bate J a. 'vees 2- 1 , th Baby M u i w nt o n to beat t h . laine Fro h 2- 1 a n d then Jubb d � 1 . I . tv.ic with core of 22-5 and 22-2. The on) other lo \\! to Bat 7 -4. n the trong rm of Lippincott ( 3- 1 ) . �Iangion ·
1 961
( 3-0 ) and Fitzh rb rt ( l -2 ) , the l u le batm n wept the re t of th ir comp b tion. Other win ' er over on ollege, niver ity cc: d mv Bowdoin, Hu H bron of Maine, . nd \\'at rvi l l H i gh chool . Thi winning unit will undoubt d l bol t r th champion hip V r. ity b n h in 1962.
[ l i3 ]
F res h m a n Ten n is - 1 9 6 1
First Row: B. Phillips, J. Lockwood, J. Meechem, E. Griepenkerl. Second Row: Mr. LoehsÂ
coach; L. Dubois, J. Crawford, M. Albertson.
F resh m a n Tra c k - 1 9 6 1
First Row: S. Papish, R. Perkins, I. Balbus, R. Gelhard, S. Thayer, T. Andrews, R. Steinberg, R. Reed. Second Row: B. Hallett, G. Manberg, N. Dukes, B. Beeson, D. Chase, L. Dyhrberg, R. Stone, R. Masters, R. Drewes, J. Simpson-coach.
[ 144 ]
Va rs i ty Footba l l
1 961
ter, L. Theobold, . .:\el on-train r: J K II<'' - o ch; J. imp on-c ch: J . W P. Whit . B Kinl'(don and J. Bnds:m n- ·C pt i ; K. Bee, J . .\I Hale R . Clifford-coach · cond Ror.c . Krin ki. J. Pomeranz, K. Pal mer, D. B rrett, R. Banale· D. B rm n- o ch. R. Dr '' , D. o�. F. Green, C. Car , C. Tha ·er, P. Ketchum "';cz, B. Be on, . ·. Duk mano� r. Th ird Ror.c: ]. Drumond -manai;er: . t i on, R . • ortar, R . Robbatt. B . Waldman, . Erner on, . Gr c ffa. R. Whitehous • W. 01 en. P. Parki ngton, R . Isbi t r,
Fir t Rou·
man, ophomore end, wa cho n a th "out tanding ophomore" i n th \v England mall Col l ege Conf reace. Pau l \\11 i t , enior nd, wa giv n the Chri tian Sci lon itor' enior achi v m nt award-th "Un ung Hero" trophy. Pau l i th 1 3th man to r iv the awnrd and th first man to win it fr m a fain olleg . ence
In the Bridg port g. m , tron -armed K n B pa ed Colby to a 1 3-6 vi ·tory. B r c iv r. ' re nd� Paul White and Bru W. ldman . ',
[ 1 45 ]
You're not going to catch that pass while I'm here!
Get him, Bruce! Bonalewicz and White charge to the rescue.
[ 146 ]
orn . Brucc-'"i h I could help but - - .
Tuft r.t !Ji d l a t to top :'1 tron � :ol hy t 1 \ n, 1 - 1 4. I n thi g.1me . oph o mon <"nd Brnu· \\ .de.Im.in . c m �ht two to11chclo\\ ns and wa name cl L. \ C:. -.ophomor of the ,,. k. Back i n horn tcrri ton th n · t \\' k off a s cond half ral ly b pr ingfi Id. How \' r, Colby's 27 poin t output in th fir t h. 1f was Pnough to stop pri n fi ld 27-2 1 . The next w ek' t r i p t o H . rt ford �omu• ticut proved to b heartbr aki ng. RaJlying in th final minute· of the g . m ' Trinitv pu�h d bv ' an :u xiom mul -t am 23- 1 6. Bnic Kingd ;H1 .suppli cl t l 1c bi p owe r whil \ \ hi t and \\ alclman cored on pa �cs from (piartC'rback. K en B c . la cifa l ru Ii d the extr.1 poinb. Th fol lowing w ·k Colby was downed by ,lfch riv. I B wcloi n, 22- 1 .5 . Brue · K i n gdon scon d twic to k ' 'P mu! • hop aliv<'. Skip Thayn sophornorc• guard , su .
t7 ]
Ohhh! Not another one !
Don't just stand there, Bee! Do something!
[ 148 ]
Va rs i ty Soccer - 1 9 6 1
hri tie, \. i,
1 1mJ
Coombs splits to stop opposition and Diaz recovers for Colby.
F reshma n Socce r - 1 9 61
First Row: B . Nohawi, A . Salim, D. Kelly, T. Morrione, G . Burks, M. Denny-Brown, R . Lewis, J. Spates, N. Lacsin. Second Row: Kempers-coach; K. Young-manager; J. Huckel, T. Carvey, S. Smith, B. Barker, L. Bailey, M. Albertson, M. Loebes-coach. Third Row: T . Hill, W. Oursler, M . Dodge, H. Hyler, P . Ives, B. Donohue, J. Workman.
[ 150 ]
F res h ma n Footba l l - 1 9 6 1
kn . s i n cl pth wa mor th.in am thing for the w<•, k showing o th olhy Fre hm n thi y ar. ctual l:, it i a tribu t to •w that th y we r ahl t o \Vinkin and l1is d crmin ason with a quad do a w 11 a th y did tarting th of 24 \\ lnkin had a <p 1 ad which a ra d �O m n p r gamP Colby' on wi n wa a 2 �-22 ' 1 tory over Briel ton 1 1 H<•r cl at th hands o f Academy, \ hile l o -30 ) , and th · niv r ity of . ICI ( 6-4 ) , Bowdoin we,
faine ( 6-37 ) . I t 1 int r ting to not . ho " ' r, th, t through the a on the lul s ored 26 of th i r total of 14 poin ts i n t h e fir t qu, rt r of th 1 f a m s, \ I i l limiting their oppon nt. to hut ....9. I n th la t qu. rter . however, Colb ' wa out cored 50- 1 0. Th re i no doubt th.lt thi t am had . ome tnl nt. l t c n onl hop � th,lt th ho. conti nn \\rith the V, r ity n xt ·ear. ·
r 1 s1 1
F res h m a n B a s ketba l l
1 961-62
First Row: E. Beaverstock-manager; M. Riddell, J. Stevens, J. Griffith, C. Eck, B. Byrne, J. Champli n, J. Carnochan-manager. Second Rou.;: R . Fein, G. Corey, R. Bunche, Jr., J. Cornell, R. Moody, K. Reed, T. Decker, J. Winkin-coach.
This year the Frosh basketball team, combining height and scoring punch, drove to ten victories in their first twelve games. Their only two losses to date have been at the hands of Bates ( 49-67 ) and Durfee High School ( 56-60 ) . Victories have been scored against Thornton Academy, Morse High School, Deering High School, Portsmouth High School, Bowdoin, University of Maine, M .C.I., Thomas Junior College, and the University of
[ 152 ]
Maine at Portland. The highest scoring game was an 87-74 victory over Morse High School, while the Frosh's best defensive effort was an 84-35 victory over Thomas Junior College. Bob Byrnes, a 6'5" center, is high scorer and his highest single game effort so far is a 33 point spree against the UNH Frosh. Other consistent scorers for the Frosh are Jim Champlin, Jeff Griffith, and John Stevens.
F resh m a n H oc key - 1 9 6 1 - 6 2
Fir t Rou·: J \\ lch. T. "ie er. R. f o rn u, w l r, H H yl r. R . D � l e, . \ J c Do\\ c l l . r<md Rou : J p.1tc , \ . Pict ch, J. H uth, B O , " i , D Kel l :. , B . Oatc . M Wnrd - m ann�er: ]. imp nn-c:oa h
wi n
on th • Fn s l u n.m I Io kc•y Te 1m. u n c l t · r t lw
d i r ·cti o n of
1 rn p�on
\ n�r.1gitt " t1t>.1rly
Hi h
'otn chool , ,
· \'t'll
s t r.1 i�ht
Dun • I J i gh
' e n go.t l '.-1 p •r �.nm-, t h <·
B. y ;\ J u l< �c.:OrPd cl ci s i vt· victories cliool ,
·pt to ·I
l o i n g , t 1 t; h l <.:ou t · t lo a ddt·rmint>d l
b for
o,t d 1
.lf(l Li t t I · I I i " l i
K 11l
d 1ool , th
ncl B r i cl g t or 1 \ (',tel ·rn) . H1 1 t wh
i t o11 I I i 1h
I I i l l,
Ii ·
l os
r,lm '
f rn .
I I 1gh
t sts for t h .1 t •s 1
[ 1 :"'8 l
a. 1 0 1 1 .
.mcl �-0, I
Dom i nic
B rl i u
Bel\\ d o i 1 1
rmc to th<' o
ra ri n g ,c>\\
chool \\',l y
go,1 J i; a g.1 i n t p r e;ame.
I l i gh
i. ton H i gh , chool
3-0. and
l-3 i n
r e t h e real
i n th
•1 t 1 m
t •am. Brue
olh) defem i "
tl e
l .5
' l o e gnnws w i t h \\ .t tc>n i l l
. cor i n g
awlcr n·conl ·<l n\'e s h u to u t s .
; n C\
and Bill
d ·pmtm 'Ill.
wh i l e
Va rs ity Basketb a l l
First Row : J. Brooks-manager; B. Leighton, W. Waldeyer, T. Wagner, D. Thaxter, D. Kinne, D. Oberg, P. Brown. Second Row: Mr. Winkin-assistant coach; R. Bonalewicz, R. Geltman, L. Dyhrberg, K. Stone, K. Federman, R. York, J. McNabb, Mr. Williams-coach.
On the way to its most successful record in several seasons, the Colby cage team combined outstanding de足 fensive basketball with a potent scoring attack to com足 pile a 9-5 record in the first part of the 1961-62 campaign. The M ules dropped four of their first seven games ( three of them by two points each ) , but then rallied brilliantly and won six of their next seven. In State Series action the Mules humbled Maine and Bowdoin twice, and Bates once, without experiencing defeat. Ken Stone, Colby's outstanding sophomore cen足 ter, in addition to proving himself an invaluable re足 bounder, led all Maine scorers, and Dave Thaxter, Mule captain, gave Stone a welcome hand in scoring, while
[ 154 ]
compiling one of the leading foul-shooting percentages in the nation. In the Downeast Classic the Blue and Gray placed fifth, impressing tournament observers with one of the finest showings of the year, but lost to classic champion Rochester University, 88-86. Colby had five starters in double figures, with Ken Federman and Thaxter leading the way with 24 points each. A highlight of the season was Colby's first hoop victory over Ivy League Dartmouth 84-63. It was Thaxter, Stone and Dennis Kinne who paced the Mules with 29, 18, and 17 points respectively.
But I'm
" ll Y ;
;ount: to di
ou hold thnt po. c for just
[ ] f5:5 l
second? I've run out of fll m l
Ken Stone rises to the occasion.
In their last four State Series Games, the Mules defeated Bates twice, while losing one each to Maine and Bowdoin . Their final Series record showed a 7-'2 won and lost average, good enough to give them their 1 1 th MIAA Title in 16 years. Sophomore center Ken Stone led the team in scoring with 429 points, averaging 16.5 points a game. Graduating from this year's squad will be Captain David Thaxter, Dennis Kinne, Tink Wagner and Bill Waldeyer. Their presence on the court will certainly be missed, for, over a three year span, Thaxter, Kinne and Waldeyer scored a very com mendable 1906 points between them.
[ 156 ]
Caught in Passing!
Va rs i ty H oc key - 1 9 6 1 - 6 2
B 1ck Rote, 11 I I to ri:d1 t:
1 17
poi n t . I y a n h i m s ' H " ,1 s l 'acl i n g t l w n a tion wi t h 3 1 oals. �q as. i s t for 0 po111t . A n d wh r<' th off n ·t.· rni glit h,l\ c fa l t r cl .t t t l m , th s tp rb d ·f ·m.h·c l l ll l l was ,1 t .1 1 1 l iJm: rc,1d� . w m i n g, a nd ahl ' \\ 1 t h Fra 1 1 k t ·ph 'll'•On in th goa l .1ml Don You n g and � J u rra� D.tl ') .1l l l w n.·,ir gu ,ml pos i t ion , t l w � l 1 1 le h .1d m , 1 \ i m u m l'\.pc·1wn , a a h " .1 s p l a y i n � h i t h i rd ) ar of ' .m i ty o m p t i t io n . Hou ncl i n � o u t t h d f('ns i \ u n i t " .1 s Bob \ J B ri clt>. n h i g, hnrh sophomorr who has
l h.m fi l led tlw crap left h) last ) (';\r\
B a rn \\ ilm rd i 1 1 g. Jn t hos f ir..,t l :" gam s , son a l low • I j1t\l :2< �o.ds for ,1 1 .93 <l\ rag ' . l l is
tepl i u �. . \ .'\ .
nt a rk \\ as '\'l ' t l 111on phl·nomu1.1l .1s h p<>rmitkd h u t f.!o.ds Im . m 1 1 1 1lwl it•\'.1bly kl\\ 1 . 1 av ra � '
[ L>7 ]
I've got it and you can't have it!
After opening the season ,,vith two losses at the hands of a tough New Brunswick, Canada team on enemy ice, the varsity six bounced back to crunch Dartmouth and Hamilton, and sandwich a tie with Providence. A tie and a win over the strong Canadian Laval team followed. The Kelleymen then promptly began to gain recogni tion as a hockey power in the East, as they mowed down their next eight opponents. Included in the winning streak was a 2-0 win over highly rated Bowdoin and a thrilling 2-1 upset in sudden death overtime over favored Boston College two nights later.
What are you smiling about, Shaw?
[ 158 ]
'e, r before h ,.
o man
oplc pnid
o much att ntion to . . . .
r please?
[ 1 59 J
First ECAC Playoff
After rolling through their first seventeen NCAA games without a loss, Boston College finally changed �he tune by upsetting the Mules 6-5 on February 24th. During the win streak, the Mules had among their victories such powerful teams as Boston University ( 4-0 ) , Providence College ( 8-5 ) , and RPI ( 6-3 ) . The Varsity Six followed through with highly impressive victories over Northeastern University ( 1 1-0 ) , UNH ( 5-0 ) , Williams College ( 1 0- 1 ) and arch-enemy Bowdoin ( 6-1 ) . The final game on the regular schedule was a tuneup both for Colby and their opponent, the Swiss National team-on their way to the Olympics. The precision skat ing and expert passing overwhelmed the Mules, and the guests were 4-2 victors. Colby was seeded fourth in the ECAC tournament and as a result faced RPI in the opening round here at Alfond Arena. After two well-battled periods, the Mules finally broke wide open i n the finale when they took a . 7-3 lead. However, RPI scored 3 goals in the last minute when Coach Kelley played his reserves-bringing the final score to 7-6. The well-played semi-finals at the Boston Arena, proved too much and the Mules bowed to first-seeded
[ 160 ]
Clarkson 4-1, after a gallant effort and spectacular per formance by goalie Stephenson in the nets . Again in th consolation game, and again despite great efforts o ' the part of Frank Stephenson, the Mules were defeateo by second-ranked Harvard University 2-0. It was Colby' first shutout since 1959-60. In his individual record, Frank Stephenson had < remarkable season. He was named to the ECAC Tourna ment Team, piled up six shutouts during the season, i Colby record, and had goals against an average of 2.2 with an NCAA mark of 1 .8. Elsewhere in the Colby record book, Captain Rya has left an almost incomparable mark. His 48 goals thi season broke his own record of 34 set last season. Hi. total point accumulation of 104, highest in the natio, this year, surpassed his mark of 92 last year and fe just 4 short of the NCAA record. He became the secono player in NCAA history to hit over 100 points in a seaso Finally, defenseman Young reset the Colby record fo defenseman scoring with his 41 points this season, su passing the old record of 35 which he set last year. Much credit and admiration is due the Colby Mules the laurels are indeed theirs!
Ath l e t i c Reco rd s V A R ITY B.
prindield prindi Id Bowdoin Bate Bo ton Collt g :\fain Bo ton l'niver 1ty Bowdom Bowdoin Bat... · Bates rorthea tt m l 1in , !. in
-t 5
10 10 t
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2nd pl,1c • l t pl. c . l t p l IC• 2nd pl.ic •
23 16
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KEY olh> Opp. 3 4 0 2 0 3 5 3
4 2
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(' l' 1
II .
Colby Opp. 22 24 6 48 6 37 30
�1 .ilnl' Bow doin RE H 1
T B . LL
Brid!.!ton Academ}
\ A R I TY T R
FRE H. \ 1:\. . I.
Colby Opp. 2 7 4 5 4 3
5 7
( th pl.1 '
Bo Lfl
-19 1 0
1 3
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6 54
\'AR I
7 72 72 6 u
(.11 r<l
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Dcenng H . . t. Dom' H . Hebron Academy Bowdom Brumwick H . . � l ain
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!) 0
59 6
2 1
3 3
60 6
60 6 66 -9 50
3 2
F RE I D f
E B. LL Colby Opp. 0 2 2 1 3
F R E H \ 1 .-\ _
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Bowdoin . LC.I.
.llw Opp. 6 1 1 0 7
Colin Opp. 50 74 74 7 � ION' I I 60 56 urf · H 15 63 'l ring H 49 bt Port�mcmth H 59 65 Bowdoir 57 61 . I int> 5 6, H. l ni\', of 6 75 �I. .r. 35 1 Thomas Jr. o\h gt> 49 67 Butt"' 65 3 ni\·, of l a i n • , Portland 61 71 • LC. I . 67 0 :\f aine 70 67 Bat 70 56 Bowdoin
l homt1 n \ud .
FRE H M A1 Eclwarcl Little H. Bowdoin � LC f . Bowdoin � Jaine
Colh · Opp. 2. 0 3 1 0
4 4 3 3 4
4 0 4
1 (; 2
1 . .-o lhy
Funninglon 2.
� 1 . l .T.
t 3. Bowdoin
Wo m e n ' s Ath letic Assoc iation
First Row : M . Palmer, B. Brown, M . Walton, B. McClarin, P. Ryder. Second Row : N. Ela, E . Sewall, C. Littlefield, J. Marchant, M. Chandler. Third Row : J. Fassett, M. Farrington, H.
Sewall, J. McQuilkin, M. Stimson, B. Simon, G. Koch, N. Mitchell.
The Women's Athletic Association, under the leader足 ship of Colleen Littlefield, President; Edith Sewall, Vice President; Laurice Puglia, Secretary; and Meredith Claus, Publicity Chairman, with the assistance of the Executive Board, has completed another successful year of organized sports for the m any girls interested in par足 ticipation. Sports days were held with other Maine colleges for field hockey and later for basketball and volleyball. I nterdorm activity during the January program was also welcomed by many. There were volleyball, basketball,
[ 1 62 ]
ping pong, and bowling matches. Organized recreation periods were held afternoons throughout January. The ski team, headed by Bonnie Brown, had two meets this season, one with Colby Jr. and one with Middlebury. Coffees were held at the end of each of the sports seasons to announce the winners of the various tourna足 ments and the honorary members of the varsity teams. Awards for W.A.A. participation throughout the year were presented at the annual picnic held after the stu足 dent-faculty softball game.
Women's Ski Tea m
.hri t� . B. BrO\\
cated: K. \f yer, P. Chandler,
Men ' s Ski Tea m
lfock /fou : Jl F ·nn T. Coodchild, . ,\Ji . it1 ': O. l ou gh D. John on T. Rog
r .
arp ntcr. Front Row : T.
[ W3 ]
ros man, R. P
rlon .
r;::;-;£ OR in the dew of little things the heart �ffinds its morning and is refreshed.
[ 164 ]
Waterv i l le F ru i t & P roduce Com p an y SAN G E R A V E N U E - WAT E RV I L L E , M A I N E
T R 2-27 8 1
[ 166 ]
" . / F J> I /�.'\ I J , Y I .\ ' TI T T TI O .Y "
. .
.\ I
Bl R
I I I R \I
I i-; p
1 1
R .\ .
l. (. O R l ' O R \ n u . .
u r 1 '1
D'1 i r
P ro u t
In .
l a l C' 11 ri:.... d Dairy Produ cts
I-/ o m o g
11 i:....
d a nd
ri1am i11 D i\ /ilk ugu
Ro, d
\Y a t e r v i l l c, \ l a i n <:
. I lath a \\ a
[ r n1 ]
Vstanding behind Maine's growth . . .
"Tale with a twist"
BANKING SERVICES OE DEPOSITORS TRUST Largest Ba n k in Maine La rgest lending capacity of any bank i n Maine
O racle
23 0 !fices Th roughout t h e H e a rt of Maine
. nEPOSITORS -ITT fi NJLJ/ . . �.�' : · Trus t CompatnJy
Ph otographers 6 6 9 B oylston St. B oston
· ·· ·
1 6 , Mass.
Member Fede ral D e p o s i t I n su ra n c e
Member Federal Reserve System
[ 168 ]
Fri nd. � I
( O \ f P L l ;\ J E . T ' OF
I lf>�) I
The name F O R ST E R h as been a byword in
the w oodenw are
i n d u st r y
yea rs
for made
over m
M aine, known and sold the world ove r .
�4 "-"f"'flll ";'.,RMIN&TON, MAINE
M F G . C O ., I N C.
D ia l T R 2-2 1 82 1 1 3 M A I N STR E ET
N ite C a l l s TR 2-7732 WAT E RV I L L E , M A I N E
S e rv es You A t A l l T i mes
Wheel Chairs, Crutches and H ospital Beds Rentals and Sales Authorized Distributors of Everest & Jennings Wheelchai rs, \Valkers and Accessories Autho rized Dealer CAM P S u ppo rts for i\ l en Trusses and B races of all Types Visit Our D isplay and Fitting Rooms over the Pharmacy You r R ussell Stover Candy H eadquarters
[ 170 ]
T'1 rd i f Tow l e -
I n t e r n a t i nn :.i l -
1 r
c i l Goddard
l 11 s 11 ra 11 r e
H e i r l nnm
L ' 2 \ la i n � t .
\\' a l l .1 l e
W a t e n· i l l e
R ee :i � B :i r t 1 r n
+ 1 \ L\ L
, TR r ET
L A \ " F I 1 I I· R r . I R
\\" . T I: R \. I L L L \. l " , l ' T . \
1 .\ 1
l l LLD c , ,\ R l >
[ 171 ]
H J I I� L ' '
Quality Court
The Senator Motel ROUTE
R E S TA U R A N T and SW I M M I N G
O p e n A l l Year CECIL A. DAY,
Telephone MAyfa i r 2-5804
[ 172 ]
\Y< R T H F
Com f>/im cnts of
6 1 T mple "" t re e t W \T r nY i u r ,
:\ h i .
\\ ort hl·n ' ' 7
l i.-h.ll!d ·-o
H a r l d W. K i m ba l l m pa n v
"Tirn" Ter n · :; 2
7 1-0 1
Tele p hone
For .
N ;,
c .
J) pr ,, nlnlrt 1
U1 a/1 1 1
'.\ L L
l f o rd-.,· o rc r1 11cl J J J//
I· ' T [ R
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' 11
'l rd i n
L a di1·5 ' , ' p t' c ialt_\ , ' h o p
l .
\ \ .\ I I: P \ " I L L E . :\ l .\ I
.:-9 ·
T R 2 - 67 1 1
n ·e nn
F al 1�
r u �t
L i n: rmorc Fa l l . \ l a i n · t i \ 1 11 1. R
p p ! i t'.1
£ I l > l. H .\ I . l > I l 'O
1 1'
f 1 73 I
l R . \ . ( L l O R l ' ! l l< , \ J ' l l l , '
Compliments of
1 3 ,000 items t o choose from
'Waterville, Maine T R 3-3366
V\ a t e r v i l l e , . M a i n e S h aw m u t, :\ l a i n e H ammond, I nd i ana
Ma n ufactu rers o f
W o lded Pu lp a n d O t h er
4 0 Elm Street
Fibro u s Plastic Pro du cts
EDI TI O,.Y B O OKBLYDE R S I n su ra n ce Sin ce 1 55 Col u m b u s A v en u e
H A 6-2690
1 8 5 .:VI a i n S tr e e t
HA 6-269 1
V\ a t e rv i l l e, l\ T a i n e B in de rs
[ 174 ]
H . P.
o n 't r u t 1 o n
umm1n \\' . I
om p a n
� I .\
B r .11 1 h c •
.i t :
\Yr :\ I H R > P . \ l .\ L · 1�.
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Bu i/den of t lu � ldmi11islratio 11 J > 11 ildi11J[
[ 1 -:- I
Wate rvi l le, Mai ne
[ 176 ]
T o W A L L C A R P ET• F I R E P R O O F - F R C E T.V.
H c AT C o N T R O L M o o c R N B R 1 c oc
T 1-1 c R M O .
. \'
:\ I AG :\ A \ ' H I Fl
� �TE R E
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R o u T C lt 2 0 1 A N O 1 0 0
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· · L oc a l \ l m in g
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for ov r 1 2 ... : a r
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T I ll"..
W.8.AUJJ LD Co. �-.::. . �
H a ro l d
M E.
a PooL C 1.v o c & T M C R E B A A R N O LD, P R o P • . H O P - C o rrc c S H O P D • R C C T TO C AN A DA
S c L E C T c o sv E ..
a rd\\
F' R D M
rtl'Cing C a r J
w· a t c n
N U T C. 8
FA I R F I E L D ,
J ' h I'
\ I L B Y \ I I: � '
H o 111 t' of B o I a 11 y , , l r r o u a n d J / f (J rt•y o r
C o /JI f>//1J1 c 11ts of
rri 1 1
R f., . / 1 , J-.,S T. J Tf.,
I t i7 I
ra n � p rt
Dav i d Math ieu Co. H OP
B eeli n e Alig n m e n t E q u ip m e n t F ra m e S t ra ig h I e 11 i n g +9 College A\·enue WAT E R V I L L E , :\ I A I .:\ E
Cr J111j>/i111ents of
H OTEL EL� IWOOD H o sp itality a n d F i n e F o ods P E C I AL I Z l .:\ G I :\ B A .:\ Q C E T A .:\ D P R ff ATE PART I E
T R 2-553 1
AL C OREY M u src C E N T E R HEverything in Music" 98 MAIK STREET '" I A I N E
WAT E RV I L L E T R . 2-5622
Fred J.
terns, ' 3 1
6+ Temple S t reet If/al/paper - Artist's .11aterials
George H.
H e rbert D . Stern
tern , '29
vVa te rv i l l e -
T "en Ptian Blinds
kow h eg a n
" Th e S t o re of f'.a m o u s B ra n ds"
[ 178]
JOE 'S PLACE r - A l - .H :x rs
A. L I A N
- .+ Tl'm p l <' ' t . TR :2- 7 -t
Pt'ter J o e p h , P rop.
l IF h o /
sale Pu n·t y o rs of • in e Jleals 121-lr BC
9, � I A
T. .
C fJ 111plt111 rn ts of
T ·I . T R 2-69H
C'o m pli m r n ts of
1P T Y D
I 10
re t
l 1 79 ]
\Va te n i l l t', ;\ I.tine -3 57
C o m p li m e n ts of
Mammoth Mart
23 College Avenue, Waterville
((1Yl a i n e' s Largest D isc o u n t
D ep a rt m e n t S t o re"
60 Temple S t reet
Q u a lity D ry Clean ers and Tailor Service
" A G o o d Edu cat io n I n cl u des
T R i n i ty 2-5+6 1
G o o d 1'/u fritio n "
F . V/en tworth, P roprietor
Elm Street Waterville, M aine
P E T E R ' S L I TT L E B I G
yam s h op-
STO R E 2+2
1A I N S T R E E T
E v e ry o n e C o m es t o Pet e's
B reak/ as t - L u n c h - S n a c k s
1 3 4 M a i n S t reet
W E A I M T O PLEASE John a·nd J o s e p h Pete r s, P ro p s .
Telephone T R I N ITY
" Th e Home of the Colby Homemakers"
TR 2-2372
C o 111pli111 e n ts of
Ken n ebec Motel
AR M O U R & C O .
A U G U STA ROAD 7 M i n utes from D o w n to w n W a te r v i l le
1 1 0 Pleasant St.
Modern - Firep ro of - TV
Direct to Canada-Route 201 - 100 MR. A TD M RS. TED W EIGAND Waterv i l le, Maine R.F.D. 3
W a t e rv i l l e, M e .
[ 180 ]
111 a rl C o lby
e n d T h eir L a 11 n dry t o-
C o m plim ents (JI the
L.J C .\' D E R E R ' and CLE.J . ' E R �
l u de n ls
- l l ' TO J l . I T I C
rI t.-l S !\
Craig 's
f, 11 111 h a a n d B u i/di n !/ J l a t ain /J
C l f f l L L I: . :\ L\ I IR
om p l i me n t
·1 r - B u t ] r, I n .
G .I T I T
· .33;1
S p ri ng Brook Ice
& Fuel Com p an y
12 Sange r Avenu e Waterville, M aine
The Jefferson 54 Col lege Aven u e TR 3-.3 307
W h e n at C o lby
B I L L ' S L UN C H
Visit th e
7 9 Temple S t reet
S PA B es t of L u c k
Tel. TR 2-98 1 4
Pizza t o Tak e O u t - Beer a n d Ale
1 96 2 !
[ 182 ]
L-\ R E
n te r 'I R 2 - 727
A CrJ 111 I _-\ · Tc
1 '
i\ I I
I :': � . \ 1
l 2,
20-2.' Com m r n: i :i l
t rr ·t
1� U. t h i ng !"
> R I I:
I N C.
l:.orl G. Y1c lrn/srm nnrl J l 11rra.1 K.
Port l a n d , :\ L a i n e
SPruce 4-503 1
u A
F UR B USH C H E V R f? L E T ,
Pete Webber's
Inc .
2 0 Temple Street WATERVILLE, M A I N E
TR 2-27 1 6
Compliments of COOK I E
Red and White M a rkets
S p ri n g and .'.\!Iain S t reets
and in Bel fast
[ 1 84 ]
1 OT
T E R R A C E Dl :-\ L ' G R FFEE
E . M . N I LE S CO.
:\ I -
e Cater to Private Parties and B anquet V
P u r" yors o f Fin
E A \' E .
TR 2 - 7 24 1
to T
E n a/a n d and
oll c R'CS
H �
O i\ I PA 2-
� e" F a n u e d H a l l � l a r k e t
.\ I . L D
B o t o n , i\ l a · a c h u · e n
:\ I
. l lnn ufnrlurrrs of .l l r tal Pnrkngrs and •
tampin g.( for Our Fi/I I' Y rnrs
David \ I a rz� n..,k i , '48
Be r r '
t t 1 on r --
tudHJ Grt'tftrtQ Cnrd.f
Y� L TY P E W R I T E R ' ale
r\'ice - R rn t a l
c n<>•Jl
1 70
upp l ie
\ l ain
t reet
WAT E R \ I L L E , :\ I A I
C()mpli:mc·nts of
M ontgomery Ward
r 1 s1
C O L B Y C O L L E G E STU D EN TS Sh eets - Towels Pillow Cases - Bla n k ets 60 A b e rd een Ave.
C a m b r i d ge , M as s .
"Local color! "
[ 186 ]
(; 11 111p/i111 rn Is
Pa rk 's D i n r � l a i n . t.
\Y a t c r v i J l c
r 1 R1 1
h i gh w i th you r c o l l e ge board from the
Watervi l le Sav i n gs Ban k 1 8 2 :\ l a i n S t reet \i\T a te rv i l l e , :\ J a i n e
M em b e r o f F e d e r a l J ) e p o � i t I n , u r a nce C o r p.
[ 188 ]
\ --Z::::::z����:::-=WE SA L UTE THE
'· .
/; /
l H'J
festival of cottons
"I H ate Cocktail Parties ! "
[ 190 ]
Tlzan. k
o u.
Ottnia r! n J uh . , I
, in t h e compo i n g r om
\'cu· rork Tribune an hi l n e n• n t t oo k p l .i e. e o t cd • t t he ke) · of
boJ rcl
\ t ·ri:� t'nt h a l r
Reid J
n "
f met a l . Reid C \ d a i m d.
t he forerunner of a t in g ma · h in e :
I It: re a t Port I a n cl rn u h i n •
e,1rho k
t od i.l � ' the
h r i t n c cl
m elem l ine ·
inot y pe .
i t hograph an
i m port a n t
pr d ut t ion
, c c u r a t c t ) pt.• ett i n g i
fa t or for an
l lmor
W h i t c l . \\
a l in c--of·t ) p ' . " T h u-. '' l '
" I t'
h an dl'd
a l " ll )
p a rt
ardul, a
u h t an d i n g ann u a l .
Po rt l a n d L i t h og r a p h C o m p a n y 252
Spri ng Street
S P ruce
2 -0 1 3 1
Port l a n d , Maine
Student D i rectory MEN'S DIVISION Abbott, Frank D., Jr., '65 2 Old Marlboro Rd. , Concord, Mass. Acheson, James M., '62 49 Western Ave., Augusta Adams, James B., III, '63 425 East 86th St., New York 28, N. Y. Adams, Joseph J., '63 Loomis School, Windsor, Conn. Albertson, Mark D., '64 37 E.' Roseville Rd., Lancaster, Pa. Alexander, William S., '62 R. F. D. # 1 , Lincolnville Allen, Jonathan, '64 544 High St., Fall River, Mass. Allison, Phillip E., '63 68 Murray Ave., Milton, Mass. Almy, David, '65 Horseneck Rd. , S o . Westport, Mass. Anderson, David C., '65 30 Longfellow Ave., Brunswick Anderson, Norman E., '64 1983 Williston Rd. , S o . Burlington, Vt. Anderson, William J., '64 42 No. Central Ave., Hartsdale, N . Y. Andrews, Albert T., III, '64 Eayrestown Rd., Medford, N. J .
Balbus, Isaac D., '64 1 17-0 1 Park Lane, So., Kew Gardens, New York Balgooyen, Warren P., '62 The Crossways, Katonah, N. Y. Bankart, Richard W., '65 10 Colby Rd., Wellesley, Mass. Banks, Bruce D., '65 78 Harmon Ave., Pelham, N. Y. Barclay, Ceylon L., '62 Moosehill Rd. , Livermore Falls
Begg, David A., '65 4 Sunset Ave., Methuen, Mass. Beguin, Jean-Geza, '65 34 Addison Ave., London W. 1 1 , England Berger, Jason, '65 76 Clark Ave., Chelsea, Mass. Berman, David E., '62 443 Nantasket Ave., Hull, Mass. Bernau, H. Peter, '65 330 Hartford Rd., South Orange, N. J.
Barker, Bruce W., '65 140 Sunniehelme Dr., Fairfield, Conn. Barkham, Graham, '62 50 E . 79th St., New York 21, N. Y. Barnes, George B., Jr., '64 3 1 Pleasant St., Houlton Barnett, George, '64 Peru, N. Y. Barnett, William, '62 18 Norwood Ave., Manchester, Mass. Barr, A. Lawrence, '63 1 160 Great Pond Rd., No. Andover, Mass. Barrett, Daniel L., '64 8-A Soper St., Oceanside, N. Y. Bartow, Stephen C., '63 374 Hollow Tree Ridge Rd. , Darien, Conn.
Besemer, Donald J., '65 100 Oakland Ave., Port Washington, N. Y. Beveridge, Arthur W., '65 809 Forest Glen Rd., Silver Springs, Md.
Angell, Charles F . , '64 7 Brewster Rd. , Kingston, Mass. Ansnes, Bruce L., '65 15 Hathaway Rd., Scarsdale, N . Y. Antik, Randall W., '65 20 Lime St., Boston, Mass. Archer, Michael D., '63 747 Brooke Rd. , S t . David's, Pa. Archer, Peter H., '63 747 Brooke Rd., St. David's, Pa. Arvanitis, Peter G., '64 47 Bellevue Ave., Springfield, Mass.
Bassett, William W., '62 95 Pleasant St., Bridgewater, Mass. Baxter, John H. E., '65 17 Church St., Ware, Mass. Beatus, Peter E., '65 121 East 79th St., New York, N. Y. Beaumont, G. Peter, '62 Cherry Lane, Madison, Conn. Beaver, Bentley H., '64 468 Riverside Dr., New York, N. Y. Beaverstock, Eric E., '65 16 Perry Ave., Nashua, N . H.
Baggs, Robert E., '65 1 2 1 8 Main St., Holden, Mass. Bailey, Lawrence D., '65 36 Red Barn Rd., Wayland, Mass. Baines, LeRoy R., '65 97 Liberty St., Manchester, N. H. Baker, Edward J., '64 6 Almar St., Hallowell
Beck, Paul R., '62 32 Welland Rd., Indian Orchard, Mass. Bee, Kenyon W., '62 20 Church St., Greenwich, Conn. Beechinor, Robert M., '65 1 52 Federal St., West Hartford, Conn. Beeson, John K., Jr., '62 Edgewood Rd., Pittsburgh, Pa.
[ 192 ]
Bidwell, Theodore H., '64 28 Walker Lane, W. Hartford, Conn. Birch, George R., '65 332 Reserve St., Boonton, N. J. Blaney, Benjamin, '62 555 Wellesley St., Weston, Mass. Bonalewicz, Richard M., '63 50 Chapin St., Fall River, Mass. Bond, Whitford S ., '63 62 Channing Rd., Dedham, Mass. Bonsall, Charles A., '65 48 Boutelle Ave., Waterville Boothby, William F., Jr., '65 4 100 Granville Rd. , Westerville, Ohio Bosworth, William H., '64 Vermont Academy, Saxtons River, Vt. Boulette, E. Thomas, '65 46 Silver St., Waterville Bowie, Gordon W., '65 1 Iroquois Dr., Brightwaters, N. Y. Bradford, Mark A., '62 Cedar Rd. , S o . Lincoln, Mass. Bradford, William C., Jr., '63 Nawthorne Rd., Old Greenwich, Conn. Bradshaw, Ralph A., '62 1 0 Rock View Rd., Milton, Mass. Bragg, John W., '65 1 1 Graham Ave., Bangor Braun, Laurence I., '64 Mill River Rd., R. F. D. # 1 , Oyster Bay, N. Y. Bridgeman, Andrew 0 . , '62 1 94 Buffinton St., Somerset, Mass.
Carpenter, t phen Francom a,
. , '62
ol umbin, DJvid, '63 17 H i i:!h t . \\"c,tficld \ l a � . Connol lv. Denni , '62 -16 I l;lra lio t . . . ' c " York 1 4. . ' Y ook, Richnrd H . , '65 4 \ hli o tt l . , Portland oomb . \V hitney J . , '62 3 1 .., Taylor Rd . . hnrt H i lk · J . oo per, Peter :\ . , '64 1 2 1 3 Fifth :\\'C . 0l'" York 29, , ·. Y . orbin, C r n r d .\., '63 \\',1tt•nill< 5 C'rl,Cl•nt t ord ner. Terence .\ . . J r . • '62 ..J ; L, kcwood Pl . . Trn) . ' . Y . o re \ , . ordon :\ [ . , '(}5 H-Hl <.., n 1 1 t h :\ l ,iin t . l ..1 1 1 fit lei, \ fo,, .orncl l , J o h n R . . '61 1 · nn .;t \\ t . Orono ornw ·1 l l . \ ndrcw B . , '65 :;7 :ron t., \\' i n lw t r I. . o b •y. Jame , I I I . 'fi-t 2 . J i ff Rll . h l t on, :\ l .1 Colt', H id1urd D . '(j• 22 ( l it \ l·uK \V t l !'n i l l P ot l k . \\ i l l ium T . J r. , '65 . 2 Hoo ' ' elt \\ . , \ 'all rvi l lt• .ou �hl n. P tcr. '63 H I' . I . #2, \n!\ IC', • ' . Y • . o,, 0,1\ id L . . 'fi:J I � 011, R1l . , B king Ridge, J r a �i n , · d '' i n B . . '62
• 'cw Il JJ 1p hire Carter, D ni R, '65 17 Lake .-he. . :\ l elro e, :\f:u!.'.
Hichard J., '64
3 5 1 R.1del Terrace. r.i n ql , . ·. J. o C:m ille . ,\lbcrt F., J r . , '63 \\ b t r Avt ., L i -.ho n Ch 1clcr, P a ul B. _ l Lhi11!! ton , • Lc<lh m• . I 1
' 3 i r It.,
Portia ml
F., 'G.'5
1(Jf'\\ l h Hd ..
C .nld11 'll'' .onn . Cram r . t u nton 1 1 .. 'G3 I 1 0 ( . rot 11 \ an Prin,tcrerl.1,111. Tl 11 1 1 . guc , • 'eth ·rlam] , Cr.int', . t e n R . , '64 7_ - F,1i r.1ln'' .\\'t• Wt tfil'l<l. J. ra\\ ford. Jamt'\ B .• '64 1 3- Anl mon_ ·t . 1 1 . md n. Conn . . rc ,pi, Ro b rt. '63 H. 0 . # l , ' Y. Ro1 1 11cl.il1 ro '· Peter . . '64 R F. D. # 1 , no,ford . �fas.. 'rm en, Wade K., '65
C) l O Ridge Bh-d.,
Brook I) n 1 Y. . , '62 Crcl\\ d i . John 7fi nmp t., \\'t ,t '\;inno1 1 t h . \[a s. ummin ' • \f ore . , '64 Tantmnmahcasr Rd ., O l d Lyme. onn.
urrie, Charle E., '65 6 \ l .ltthc w' .he . \\',1tc·rvi l le urti<., Thomp on, '63 Porl<'r ! I i l l , ! iddlt:l m ry . Co1111 . . utl cr, David · . , ' 5 \Va,hinglon L. 0 1 1 hury. \f.1 ·�.
olw 11, S u 111 11l'I ,, '()2 \ 1 1 J,t1 1 t,1 Hcl ., \\' 1lclnl 111ro Colh· ' · f l t•ncln�on \V . , '(;2 I l l 1 1 1 1t 11w,1y Hd . • · \' , T I J f> ot t , 1 1 ,
[ W:3 I
Oukin, T i mol h' J., '63 S 1 1 gar I f i ll Rd . . r.111' \'ilia f ( ' .01 1 1 1 . Duh• ·, \ f mrur L . • '62 23<> D1 1 1 il o11 S t . , P1 · 1 1 1hrok1· , Ont .nio, C.uiacl.1
Danforth, Stephen C., '63 R. F. D. #2, Dover-Foxcroft Davey, Bruce M., '65 1019 7th Ave., N. W., Rochester, Minn. Davis, Richard W., '65 67 Lawton Rd., Needham, Mass. Davis, R. Gary, '62 66 Bu.steed Dr., Midland Pk. , N. J. Dawbin, Gerald G ., '64 Nichols St., Searsport Decker, John F., '65 35 Woodland Rd., Holden, Mass. Denny-Brown, Myles R., '65 3 Mercer Circle, Cambridge, Mass. DeWoody, Charles T., '63 Topping Lane, R. F. D. #3, Chagrin Falls, Ohio Diaz, M. Mario, '62 Cendra 4-2-la, Barcelona, Spain Dille, John F., III, '63 1 Holly Lane, Elkhart, Indiana Dimaio, Alfred J., Jr., '65 1 755 Paine St., Yorktown Heights, N. Y. DiNapoli, Robert A., '62 19 Long Lane Rd ., West Hartford, Conn. Dodge, Martin C., '65 612 South Brooksville Rd., Cheshire, Conn. Dolian, James P., 63 Revonah Woods, Stamford, Conn. Donaghy, Allan A., '63 9 Mt. Pleasant St., St. Johnsbury, Vt. Donahue, Thomas A., '65 304 Fenimore Rd., Mamaroneck, N. Y. Donohue, Bruce M ., '65 Via Capitan Romeo 60, Arenzano, Italy Dowden, William M., '64 149-40 Ash Ave., Flushing 55, N. Y. Doyle, Robert McM., '65 71 Miller Rd., Morristown, N . J . Drewes, Robert W . , '64 1 07 Cliff Ave., Pelham, N. Y. Drummond, Josiah H., Jr., '64 1 00 Neal St., Portland Dubitsky, Stanley L., '64 1 575 Highland Ave., Fall River, Mass. DuBois, Lloyd R., '64 P. 0. Box 760 Ridgefield, Wash. Duchrow, Elwyn C., '64 434 D'Arey St., Pembroke, Ontario, Canada Duffy, John P., '65 34 Crestwood Dr., Wellesley Hills, Mass. Duggan, Peter M., '62 128 E. 92nd St., New York, New York Dukes, E. Norman, '64 62 Taylor Rd., West Hartford, Conn. Dyer, Robert D., '64 3 Easthill Dr., Doylestown, Pa. Dyhrberg, Lauritz N., '64 331 Main St., Westbrook
Eck, Charles R., Jr., '65 66 1 Lakeside Dr., Bridgeport, Conn. Eckhardt, Harvey A., '65 49 Englewood Dr., New Haven, Conn. Edwards, Laton G., '64 26 Pleasant St., Madison Ehlers, Charles H., '63 60 Sears St., Middletown, Conn. Eittreim, Stephen L., '63 5 1 7 So. Riverside Dr. , Neptune, N. J. Ellery, Richard V., '64 182 Centre St., Danvers, Mass. Ellis, James G., '64 413 First Ave., Pelham, N. Y. E iil erson, L. Lee, '64 227 1 Ridge Rd., No. Haven, Conn. Emmet, Robert T., '63 Camden Enloe, David G., '62 828 Park Ave., Manhasset, N. Y. Fallon, Charles D., '64 West Bloomfield, New York Fayerweather, Jay G., '64 68 Edgewood Dr., Hohokus, N. J. Federman, Kenneth L., '64 1 92 Birch Dr., New Hyde Pk., N. Y. Fein, Ronald L., '65 9 1 2 Teakwood Rd., Los Angeles, Calif. Feinberg, Barry L., '65 1340 Trafalgar St., West Englewood, N. J. Fellows, Peter F., '65 41 Auburn St., Concord, N. H. Fenn, Wallace B., '63 Dorset, Vermont Ferguson, Bruce C., '62 Sisson Rd., Greene, R. I. Ferguson, Robert C., '65 R. F. D., Collinsville, Conn. Ferretti, William P., '65 56 Maple Ave., Shrewsbury, Mass. Ferruci, Anthony F., Jr., '62 20 Grant St., Portland Field, Edmund E., '63 247 Springfield Ave., Hasbrouck Hts., N. J. Field, Fred F., '64 388 Battles St., Brockton, Mass. Fisher, Adam E., '63 Colonial Inn, Augusta Rd ., Waterville Fisher, Alfred J., '64 533 Norfolk St., Boston, Mass. Fitzpatrick, Garrett C., '64 1 0 Spring St., Houlton Fleuren, Jeff E., '65 306 Elizabeth Ave., Cranford, N. J. Flint, Timothy M., '63 4 Pine St., Westport, Conn. Foritano, James C., '65 57 Chester St., Arlington, Mass.
[ 194 ]
Fox, T. Peter, '62 4 Coburn Ave., Skowhegan Foxman, S. James, '65 40 Washington Ave., Kearny, N. J. Frankel, Alan M., '62 15 W. 8lst St., New York, N. Y. Franklin, Edward C., '62 1 170 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Franklin, Michael L., '64 24 Bruce Lane, Newton, Mass. Fraze, John T., '63 229 Highland Ave., Fall River, Mass. Fredrikson, Jon A., '64 8 Wayside Lane, Scarsdale, N. Y. Freed, Ivan G., '63 18 Holman St., Fitchburg, Mass. Freed, Ronald L., '63 629 No. 30th St., Allentown, Pa. Freeman, MacGregor, '63 127 Coolidge Hill, Cambridge, Mass. French, James R., '62 20 Madison Ave., Cranford, N. J. French, Peter E., '63 20 Madison Ave., Cranford. N. J. Friary, Richard J., '64 30 May St., Biddeford Friberg, John E., '64 539 Merrimack St., Manchester, N. H . Fulman, Arthur S., '64 163 Hawthorne St., Malden, Mass. Furek, Robert M., '64 416 Palisade Ave . , Cliffside Park, N. J. Furlong, Edward J., '65 630 Black Rock Rd., Bryn Mawr, Pa. Furstenberg, William L., '62 2240 Belmont, Ann Arbor, Mich. Gagliardi, Francis S., '64 177-30 Wexford Terr. Jamaica, N. Y. Gallin, David M., '62 32 Elk Ave . , New Rochelle, N. Y . Garde), William A . , '62 144 West 86th St., New York 24, N. Y. Garment, Stephen, '62 101 Horton St., Malverne, N. Y. Garnett, Stanley I., '65 455 Monument Ave., Malvern, Pa. Garon, Gerald S., '65 43 Chenery St., Portland Carston, Matthew J., '62 384 Hawthorn St., New Bedford, Mass. Geist, Barry J., '65 1 1 East 87th St., New York, 28, N . Y. Gelbard, Robert S., '64 1 0 Westminster Rd., Brooklyn, N. Y.
H athawa. , Lewis K., '63 1 404 :\la achusetts Ave., Lexington, � l as . Hauck, Charle E., '63 2420 La\·in Ct.,
'. Y.
H augh . Donald B . '64 3 �1ulberry Lane, Co
Cob, Conn.
H ayde, Edward F., Jr., '62 1 79 • 'orth Kensico Ave., White Plains, . Y. Ha ·ne • Ceor e I. '65 29 Che tnu t St., \Ye t H a ,·e n , Conn. H ayne , John K., Jr., '64 29 Ch tnut t., West Han•n, Conn. 1 lender on, Jay, '64 17 \fy. tic Rd., Marblehead, �fa s. Hendren, Kenneth H . ( Maj. ) , ( p. ) Canaan H endrickson, W illiam F. '64 3 0 rien ta Ave., . lamaron ck, ' . Y. . '64 H nklc. Brue 1 70 , 'il H ill Rd .. \\'aterford, Conn. II r t z, Bruce E . • ' 5 9 Ed�cwood Dr., Fr · ·hold , . ]. I ler\'e '. Vir ii W . , '65 67 Roo. evelt t., .anlen Cit), , . Y. Hickey, Paul \ . , '62 26 Church t., Hurl.on, la .
l l ilJ, Thoma . . '65 1 :20.5 I r hcrton Ave., Pit t lmrgh 6, Pa. H il l iar, Thomas B., ' 2 Pcnmcott Rd., Quaker H ill, Conn. l l ilton John E., '62 thens
1 1 rdy, John D., ' 3 13 or t Pk, Portland 1 1 rrington, John ' . , '65
\Vi11t1•rport H a rri'>, tcph n J I., '64 457 Wolf's Ln n , Prlha.111 l ano r, ' · Y. H arwood Ri h rd B., '65 301 pin a Dr , D.l, ton JO hio H a kell, David F., '65 18 J ord t t., . 1 anch ·sh r, Conn.
f l n.,kel l, R obe rt ., '62 9 ak vit w T rr., \ im h 'ln, \1ass. II tch, Da id R., '65 1 Pa1'ort' Ave., Lynnfi lcl, Mass.
l 1 95 ]
H i p on. H erman . , '63 55 Wallace ve., uhum , \fas . Hod�e, Rob rt J., '65 1 iO La ur I H ill Rd., \ fou n tain Lak , . ]. H olden, Randall L., '65 1 42 Lions Rd . , car�dalc, . Y. Hollins , Gerald D . , ' 64 l ei chool Rd., Lil rtyvillc, Ill. Hooker, eorge D., '65 3 1 Loomis Plac , 1('w Ha\'en, Conn. Houlahan ndrew P., '64 Round Hill Rd., .rr nwich, Conn. H ubbard, Hen ., II, '62 Berry H i ll Rd., yo t, . Y. nu kel, John, '65 I 0 I lill Park v ., ck. . Y. .reat H unt, Da id P., '63 1200 . t . , . W., W.1 hin�ton 7 , D. C. l l urdcr, William ., '62 1 904 hep.ird Ave., I I , m d c n , Conn.
J iu ton, Fr nk W., '65
5 F nway ·t., Portland H utchin on, Peter, 62 South l incoln, \fass.
Hyde, Albert A., '65 Old Redding Road, Weston, Conn. Hyler, Harvey, '65 69 Union St., Lynn, Mass. Hymoff, Ira H., '65 45 Monson St., Brockton, Mass. lmpastato, Michael J., '64 1234 Spofford Ave., Bronx, N. Y., N. Y. lpcar, Robert W., '62 Georgetown Isbister, Roger J., '64 263 Summer St., Oakland Ives, Edwin R., Jr., '65 1 32 Henry St., Westbury, N . Y. Ives, Peter B., '65 Th e Green, Middlebury, Conn. Jacobson, David E:, '62 320 ' Fairmount Ave., Jersey City, N . J. Jaffe, Peter M., '62 93 Lovett St., Beverly, Mass. Jahrsdoerfer, Gary, '62 R. D. # 1 , Milford, N. J. Jeans, Roger B., '63 9 Getchell St., Waterville Jerabek, John S., '65 2734 Gifford Ave., Bronx, N. Y. Jewell, Dale C., '65 Augusta Rd., Winslow Johnson, Bernard M., '64 2 1 8 Eastern Promenade, Portland Johnson, David A., '63 1 1 South S t., Lebanon, N. H. Johnson, David L., '64 236 Katherine St., Scotch Plains, N . J. Johnson, Ernest M., Jr., '64 62 Bickford Hill Rd., Gardner, Mass. Johnson, James A., Jr., '62 130 Arkansas Rd., Tewksbury, Mass. Johnson, Kent A., '65 24 Vista Rd., North Haven, Conn. Johnson, Steven P., '65 560 Lincoln St., New Britain, Conn. Johnston, Douglas R., '63 Carlisle Rd., Westford, Mass. Johnston, Robert C., '64 30 School St., Plainville, Conn. Just, Samuel V., '62 7 10 1 Colonial Rd., Brooklyn, N. Y. Kane, Kenneth J., '65 63 Highland St., Hudson, N. H. Kantor, Shepard J., '65 29-40 l 72nd St., Flushing 58, N. Y. Kaplan, Stephen J., '65 56 Florence Ave., Revere, Mass. Kauer, John S., '65 124 Corona Ave., Pelham, N. Y.
Kazanjian, Myron, '64 30 Cambridge St., Winchester, Mass. Kelleter, John P., '64 472 Summer Ave., Reading, Mass. Kelley, David M., '65 14 College Rd., Princeton, N. J. Kellogg, Theodore M., '63 Loomis St., North Granby, Conn. Ketchum, Peter J., '63 378 Bedford Rd., Pleasantville, N. Y. Kiesow, Thomas E., '65 Reynolds Rd., Winslow Kimball, Ralph A., Jr., '63 Nancy Rd., Andover, Mass. Kingdon, Bruce W., '62 1429 Main S t., Holden, Mass. Kinne, Dennis A., '62 11 Main St., Housatonic, Mass. Kirtz, Charles, '64 1 180 W. Exchange St., Akron, Ohio Kittredge, William G., '65 14 Middle St., Pittsfield
Leighton, William A., '64 1 5 Pilgrim Dr., Winchester, Mass. Leiser, Peter D., '62 Caixa Postal 2838, Sao Paulo, Brazil Leofanti, Peter L., '62 17 Bright Rd., Belmont, Mass. Leonard, William P., '65 Storm King School, Cornwall-on-Hudson, N. Y. Lessard, Richard A., '62 167 Northern Ave., Augusta Leupold, John K., '64 205 Orchard Hill Dr., Fairfield, Conn. Levesque, Lionel P., '63 17 Elm St., Fort Kent Levesque, Richard W., '63 19 Western Ave., Waterville Levi, Eric H., '64 c / o Lance Jones, Box 440, Mirnbasa, Kenya Levy, Kenneth R., '64 1389 Millwood Lane, t-.1errick, N. Y. Lewis, Robert B., '65 18 Turner Dr., Chappaqua, N. Y.
Knox, Michael R., '64 Church St., Brownville Koenigsbauer, Kirk R., '63 Walnut Hill, Thomaston, Conn. Korst, Thomas, '65 Lakeview Drive, Riverside, Conn.
Lewis, Ronald S., '65 13 Richardson Ave., Livennore Falls
Krack, Conrad R., '65 52 Plymouth Rd., Manhasset, N. Y. Kramer, Anthony F., '62 2901 South Parkway, Chicago, Ill. Kreideweis, John L., '64 2254 Balmoral Ave., Union, N. }. Krinsky, Lewis, '64 3426 Southmore Blvd., Houston, Texas Kyle, Edward E., '62 501 Elm St., Laconia, N. H.
Lippincott, Bruce L., '64 Edgewood Rd., Riegelsville, Pa.
Lakin, Robert F., '63 Ellsworth Falls Lap ides, James E., '63 92 Livingston St., New Haven, Conn. LaPlante, Ovila J., '62 R. F. D. #1, Waterville Larschan, Richard J., '64 22 East 83rd St., New York 28, New York Law, Willam B., '63 86 Betsy Brown Rd., Port Chester, N. Y. Lawton, Arthur M., Jr., '62 1 63 Hoerle Blvd., Torrington, Conn.
Libby, Harry S., '64 68 Irving Ave., Torrington, Conn. Lief, Erickson, '62 32 Park Ave., Newton, to.Jass.
Lloyd, Alex, '64 28 Hollywood Ave., Yonkers, New York Lockwood, John A., '64 28 Westover Circle, Wilmington 6, Del. Locsin, Nicholas T., '65 977 High St., Bath Loew, Raymond M., '64 128 Brook St., Garden City, N. Y. Loffredo, Ralph J., '62 93 North 22nd St., East Orange, N. J. Lord, Frederick C., '65 12 Rockridge Rd., Waltham, Mass. Lowell, David H., '65 Tenants Harbor Lowery, James G., '65 24 Pleasant St., Brunswick Ludwig, Charles S., '63 R. #2, Augusta Lundberg, Edmund M., '65 12 Grove St., Exeter, N. H.
Lebeau, Donald P., '65 252 Main St., Easthampton, Mass.
Lunt, Robert B., Jr., '63 36 Scott Dyer Rd. , Cape Elizabeth Luternauer, John L., '64 Rua Ilheus 1 13, Sao Pauio, Brazil
Legro, Donald E., Jr., '62 84 Gleason Rd., Lexington, Mass.
Lytle, Bruce P., '64 16 Berkley Place, Buffalo, N. Y.
[ 196 ]
\ t a ndell. Robert, '65 31 John on He i g h ts , Waterville
:\fongion, R obert B. '64 75 Lu n t R<l., Falmouth :\fnrburg, G al e n . • '64 \ l urch e, Je R., '63 44 \\ ' il l ow t . , Floral P .1 rk . '. Y.
'62 • \\ illi. m H., 1 Be ch L ne, . 't:w II \ Cn, Conn.
:\( rk
M r haU,
C., '62 Portland B. .
\Vinche. tcr, Ma s. rorman C., '64 13 Ba) 1 .ith, King, ton, �ta . :\ f ittlf' man, Richard S., '62 74 E i ghth St., Providcnce, R . I . . loody, Carli l e E . , '65 1 4 Park Circle, • ' cwburypo r t , fa:-s. :\lood , J o n a t ha n F. '65 3:2 Irving t., \klro c. :\ l ass . \foog, Cordon L., '63 2:2:2. 'orth \'anDien Ave., Ridg . wood, 1• J . \loon y, Richard A. '63 2045 Park Ave., Bricfo:t:port, Conn. \ forum�, Jame B. '64 3 1 I.1rhor \'iew A . , outb Portland \ f org a n, Donald A . . '63 20 Elm Dr., \\'t·�t I I .1rtford, Conn. \ fo rneou, Roland E., '65 727 Fourth Ye., Bt· r l in , . . H . \f rrione, Thoma J . , '65 1 27 , 'cwrnark t Rd . , G.1rdcn C1t:) , N . Y . \fo rri , John D . , '65 \ \1mppoorwill Rd. , An wnk, • . Y. Mor e, Robert F., '65 5 El mor t., 'cwton enter, :\fa s. :\ lor e, \ 'illi m J., '65 I 7 B rwick Rd ,
:\ I itchell,
1 3 1 i Fitl<llcr:. Green, Fall Ch u rch , \·a.
. iarquez, C m i l o R . , '63 25 \\'. 1 t t . . w York 24, Y. • 1 rr . Rob rt B. '62 B :2 1 3, \\'mchendon Winchendon, , la .
:M itchell Everett C., '64 7 ard n c r Place,
'c .
A ttldioro .\I
l o ul to n. Robert T., '63
( gt ) ,
JC) \\'arrl·n t , .ill n , \ fao;s. \foul ton, Willi m . , '64 2<J1 , urth l am t , h.1ro11, l t1'S. f u d �c. Peter '65 7 P.il 1111r t , H .unpton. • . H.
fulc 11
L) m .,
T., '63
onn. ;\full n. J ohn P. , '65 1-1 l f i il!h t., B ·!fast f urr u)-. K •nneth }., '65 23-l R o gt' r s . ve. , \ \ 1 ,l prin�field, 1.i�s. \ l o h n"; , Bahn E . ., '65 T.1 \ 1 Err:l�hid, A m m an . Jo rd a n
, e i f!;h c r, Alan L., '62 01 :! Judd t . , F1irfleld onn. i i , W i ll i a m B., '05 -14 Linwood Av .. H 1cl g1•\\ood, N . J. "l:ohman, W. R i c l i n rd, f l .1rhor R d . . Y. 0 · t r Ray,
Ra l p h E., '02 .11 1 rp n t., Auburn orman, D a vi d ., '62 1') \\'< ,l \ l n i n S t , Y:innouth
'i rthn<·ker, Eugene J.,
I l :l Tnunhull Rd., f a11lia 't·t. . Y. ·orion, Roh rt M . . '63 80 \\' dian H i l l Rd , Cl11•st 1 1 1 1 t l l i ll, 1 ,\"
·1mhum, William R . , '63 1<> B l . 1kt• Rd . , L · · i n Yto 1 1 , �fnss.
\ f i n hun, Deane
7 f•,
ho D r . , D.1ri1 n , Cmm.
l W7 I
Nye, Kenneth P., '64 2 144 Glenview Rd., Glenview, Ill.
Perkins, Raymond K., '64 105 School St. , Concord, N. H .
Oaks, John A., '64 104 Myrtle Ave., North PlainÂŁeld, N . J.
Perry, Matthew B . , '62 1 33 Seventh Ave., New York 13, N. Y.
Oates, William A., '65 St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H. Oberg, Donald C., '64 38 West Kidder St., Portland O'Brien, Edward F., '62 227 Pine St., Holyoke, Mass. O'Callaghan, Paul E., '63 R. F. D . #3, Laconia, N. H. O'Conner, John J., '65 721 Edgewood Ave., Trenton, N. J. Okie, William T., Jr., '65 1 28 Camp Ave., Darie ďż˝ , Conn. Olivetti, Alfred C., '64 Ivrea, Italy Olson, Clifford B., '64 94 Ellis Farm Lane, Melrose, Mass. Olson, William J. , '63 28 Emerson Rd., Needham, Mass. O'Neill, Herbert G., '65 75 Palmer Ave., Larchmont, N. Y. Onsager, Hans T., '64 841 Whitney Ave., New Haven, Conn. Osseo, Neal, '63 23 Friendly Rd., Norwalk, Conn. Ostendorf, Karl B., '65 196 Ridge Park Ave., Stamford, Conn. Ostrovsky, Marvin C., '63 48 Malden St., Everett, Mass. Oursler, William F. , '65 25 Sutton Pl., South, New York
Peterson, John A., ( Sgt. ) , Sp. 1 24 Western Ave., Waterville Petrakis, Byron, '63 10 Victory Ave., Haverhill, Mass. Phillips, Benjamin J., '64 9800 Chapala Dr., Albuquerque, N. M. Phillips, J. Henry, '62 550 Park Ave., 1anhasset, N. Y. Pickman, Arthur P., '62 17 Fay Ave., Peabody, Mass.
Purdy, Chester H., Jr., '63 Round Pond Purington, L. Gardiner, '64 The Ledges, Hopedale, Mass. Pye, William I., Jr., '62 148 Whiting Lane, West Hartford, Conn. Quirk, James R. F., '65 50 Silver St., Waterville Raikes, Merrill C., III, '63 10 18 Calvert St., Baltimore, Md. Rakoff, Stuart H., '65 686 Hall St., M anchester, N. H. Rancourt, Edward F., '65 23 Boutelle Ave., Waterville
Pierce, Rodney D. , '63 104 Woodstock Lane, Cranston, R. I. Pineo, Paul, '63 Shore Rd., Ogunquit
Randall, Donald H., Jr., '64 River St., Halifax, Mass. Rebello, James S., '65 354 Thelma Ave., Somerset, Mass.
Pingree, Calvin H . , '62 52 East Main St. Georgetown, Mass.
Record, Duane C. , '65 Livermore Falls
Pious, Richard M., '63 486 East 7th St., Brooklyn 18, N. Y. Pitman, Jon P., '64 North Vassalboro Platner, Edward W., '63 12 Tower Rd., Hingham, Mass. Pletsch, Alan R., '65 1 950 Butler Ave., South St. Paul, Minn. Poland, Richard T., '62 R. F. D. # 1 , Livermore Falls Politica, Daniel F., '63 1 1 0 Christie St., Tena.By, N. J. Polley, David L., '64 19 Ashland St., Nashua, N. H.
Reed, Kenneth L., III, '65 Harmony Reinstein, Robert A., '62 79 Rue de la Faisanderie, Paris, France Repetto, Arnold, '65 34 Maple St., Broad Brook, Conn. Rhoades, Alan S., '64 Merrill Hall, Exeter, N. H. Richardson, Thomas 0., '63 Wilmarth St., R. F. D. # 1 Attleboro, Mass. Rickard, Arthur W., '64 195 Overpeck Ave., Ridgefield Pk., N. J. Riddell, Matthew A., '65 56 Pine St., Bar Harbor
Pomeroy, David C., '64 Mineral Springs Rd., North Windham
Riebe, Peter A., '65 8 Linden Ave., Metuchen, N. J. Robbat, Richard J., '64 38 Sherburne Rd., Lexington, Mass. Robbins, Geoffrey T., '65 1020 The Parkway, Mamaroneck, N. Y.
Parish, David F., '65 75 Beverly Rd., New Haven, Conn.
Poole, David S., '63 300 Colonel Hunt Dr., Abington, Mass.
Robbins, James W., '65 Lee Terrace, Williamstown, Mass.
Parker, Frank H., '64 Waites Landing, Portland
Poole, Jerome A., '62 3201 Fordham Rd., Wilmington, Del. Post, Frederick W., Jr., '64 7 4 Shoreham Dr., Rochester, N . Y.
Robbins, Kenneth S., '63 40 Center Dr., Old Greenwich, Conn.
Palmer, Paul K., Jr., '64 80 Eaton Rd., Needham, Mass. Papish, Stephen J., '64 10 Gregory St., Danbury, Conn.
Parkerton, Prosper K., '64 267 South Harrison St., East Orange, N. J. Parkes, John W., ( Sgt. ) , Sp. 1 2 William St., Waterville
Pollock, William B., '64 28 Columbus Ave., Beverly, Mass. Pomeranz, John E., '64 61 Mountain View Dr., West Hartford, Conn.
Robinson, John A., '64 West Granby, Conn. Robinson, Michael A., '64 Sherman Station
Parsons, J. Cary, '65 34 Lithgow St., Winslow
Potter, Benjamin C,, Jr., '64 400 Winter St., Waltham, Mass.
Patrick, William S., '64 126 Blakeslee Ave., North Haven, Conn.
Pritchard, Bruce G., '64 42 Quarry Rd., Waterford, Conn.
Rogers, Robert P., '65 1 1 Charles St. , Houlton
Pawlowicz, Peter H., '65 308 Maple St., East Longmeadow, Mass.
Prokosch, Andy, '65 Chasmar Rd., Old Greenwich, Conn.
Rohrs, Robert J., '65 36 Springlane, West Hartford, Conn.
Paxton, Peter C., '65 33 York St., Lexington, Mass.
Pulver, David, '63 86 Dover Rd., West Haratford, Conn.
Roody, Randolph R., '65 305 South St., Concord, N. H.
[ 198 ]
Rogers, Paul K. , III , '63 120 Ten Acre Rd., New Britain, Conn.
C., '65
u m m er
-!0 1
t., :-.fas .
Ross, � f urdock J., Jr.
1 6 4 Ro .c ter t., Dorche ter, � f a s .
\\"atcrtown , .\ I a
P a ul �L '65 a n tu cket Pl., ca r; d a le , . 1 . Y. Ruf, J. N i c ho l as , '64 146 ta ffo rd Ave.,
N. Y.
' .
pringer, Donn E., '63 1 Quinobequin Rd . ,
\\'aban, :\ f a .
rodio. A n dre w P . , '64 6- H A rcad i a Rd.,
Ridgewood, . J. tarr, David M . , '62 2 1 9 E. 64th t., Apt. 98, N w York 2 1 , . Y. team , Stewart 1., "63 1 43 Port. mou th t., Co nco rd . J - . H .
hnpi ro J rrold L., '64 1 1 Blu H i l l Terr. t . , l i l t on , � l a . harr n, W i l l iam R. '63 3 Bo ukk r Rd.,
• ·
R uschmann, H elll}
eder, :-.I ichnel . '63 65 William t., onn. • 1 o rw i c h , eferian, Albert, Jr., '65 1 1 Ec.lw.lrd Rd.,
�ta-- .
\\"<.>lh·-1 . . If 1ll '
tephcn on, Frnnk P., '62 H o l clt:me ss chool, Pl ym uth, T. H . teven , J o h n E . '65 291 \\'oodford t.. Portl and tc,·en ou, Robert J., '63 279 \\'est Hill Rd . , \·\\inc:ton, Co n n.
:-.lcadow Brook Fa.rm. B mard : vi l l e , , . J.
R uth. John C., '65 1 4 Inwood Rd., E e. Fall , ' . J. Ryan. J o h n H ., ' 64 3 E ve r t t l , \Yulpoli>, . r a
Rvnn. R o n al d K.,'62 R R. #5, Fenwick, �trio,
tinson, arl W., '63 13 Dih· Rd , Bath
. md
t k
10 1 2
b a rl C., '63 \\'c tview t.,
Philldclphia 1 9, Pa. t one, Kenneth
17 ra.i nn ou n t
., '64 t., Po rtl a nd
trong, Paul, '64 h-10 - 1 09th t., Richmond IIill · l
tup ki. Bernard \ . , '64 21 \ 1 1 l k r t . , \\ .illi nidord, Conn.
\ Cd n, David G., '64 15 . 'orfolk �t.,
'' nn, Alton K . , Jr., '65 7 -l C.:tD t . , outh Pan . imon, ) u m �)-
f ' II
Brook)} n :!G Y i t k i n. John J I ., '64
l tm ood I .a n , F11mac • Doc k . Y. Pi · li I kodn k. Kenn th B., '64 \\ " •· ' ·1 \v " B I \ \ lit • . Y. m i t h, \ l l a n �f., '64 I �00 D· , h<'nau Rd .
Thri 1• Riv r
c, Canada
mith, I I rmon E., '63 7 I le n · fo rd Rd
l .1rhlc Ii< 1d
fa� mith tar h u ck , m '65 74 Old l nd 1 1 n l hll Rd. , Cmn nn1 l 1 4 3 , Ohio
Bo 1cl
m i t h,
tcph n \f., '64 32 \ , Rt #2,
n V. .
l phcn W., '63
t. A Bmok W1·�l fc 1l forcl
Rd ,
mith, William B., '63
'' a cy, G org , '63 l o TA \ 1 . , ICC E an Fra n c i co, Cahf. wcrl i n g, Bru e '63 ;; - :\ l on t ro ·<> t . , t'\\ lOll, \ t a . · ·h ia, Robert T., '62 -12 . n11t.h <·ck Rd., 0111.h Dartmouth, la
h c t r, \ f ichael ., '64 27-19 Landon Rd . . hak r H ights 22, hio
ymin�ton, La'>Hencc E. '64 Bo 4 7, o rpora ti on Rd., Denni., :\ t as .
Tays, Gerald W., '62 22 Wehs t r Rd ,
\ l i lton , \ la .
Tcrb rgh, El l iot F., '65
4%2 2 th \ r l in� to u ,
TC\\ he •, John D., '65 1 t T.unpa t • Lewi ton Th ter, David C., '62 \ l iclcl ll' , t . ,
Tho •r,
Thomu , Will iam D., '64 fi I !lawn Rd .
, o\
e r\ , Je rro l d B., '65 R . r. D. *2 Wi n t hro p pit1 r, Eri R . , '05 4 'on n t rr iclc- Lan<·, . l a r l ilelu
f,1, .
hnrlc. D., '64
cotia I I ill Rd., \\ . 1 t 1 ·rlown Conn. now, Jrnrle B., '64 IC) Cro 1 l Hd., R 1 vn� i d , .o n n . pnt • Jame L., '65 J OG • trnclowhrook Av . , \ ·, . .,l •'pri nv:fi1·ld • f, s. 1'5
APO 146,
6 1 \ f .ii n St . , South Paris
hcobol<l, oui C., Jr., '62 Hoekl' H ill Dr . , II.
E wkr,
homn,, Thoma Thoma. Rd.,
Lm\ Pll,
M K., '63
'· J.
f ;h s
Thomp,1m, K nncth C., '(12
Pint· St
, Frl't'port
Thompson, Peter J., '62 68 Court St., Houlton Thompson, Stephen W. A., '63 683 Andover St., Lowell, M ass. Tiedemann, Carl T ., II, '62 1 64 Highland Rd., Rye, N . Y. Tobias, Allred J., '65 R.F. D. #2, Augusta Traister, Daniel H., '63 80 Van Cortlandt Pk., S., New York 63, N . Y. Treiber, Thomas S., '65 River St., Central Village, Conn. Tripp, Robert M., '65 10 Leland Rd., Natick, Mass. Tschebull, Raoul E., '63 336 King's Highway, Moorestown, N. J . Tsitsopoulos, Stamatis, '64 Doryleon 8, Vizon, Athens 5, Greece Tucker, John H., '62 "Four Winds," Fairyland, Bermuda Vacco, Richard P., '62 1 30 Fairview Ave. Ext., Bridgeport, Conn. Valhouli, James N., '64 9 Woodcock Ave., Haverhill, Mass. Van Hall, Richard W., '65 48 Wesser Dr., Westwood, Mass. Varney, Richard A., '63 131 Parkway No., Brewer Vaughn, William L., '64 Pond Rd., Manchester Vincent, Shelley D., Ill, '62 Main St., Mendon, Mass. Vogt, David T., '64 8 Foster Rd. , Lexington, Mass. Vogt, Peter S., '63 801 Harding St., Westfield, N . J. VonGlahn, Christopher G., '63 27 Fairview Rd., Scarsdale, N . Y. Vore, Jon M. B., '64 3 1 Fifield St., Nashua, N . H. Waddington, Rich!lrd J., '65 654 Moreno Rd. , Penn Valley, Narbeth, Pa. Wadsworth, Peter, '63 1 1 0 Lincoln St., Framingham, Mass. Wagner, B. Royce, '62 1 Walker St., Augusta Wainer, Herbert A., '63 190 1 5 Van Aken, Shaker Hts. 22, Ohio Waldever, William C., '62 50 Ridge Pl., Neptune City, N . J. Waldman, Bruce I., '64 62 Sycamore Rd. , Cochituate, Mass. Wallace, Barry H., '63 1 43 Woodbridge Rd., South Hadley, Mass. Walley, David R., '64 Merserve's Lane, Kennebunkport
Ward, Michael D., '65 23 Earle St., Norwood, 1ass. Warren, Derek L., '65 Sprucewood Lane, Ridgefield, Conn. Watkins, Frederick A., '63 19 Luman Circle, Shaker Hts.-; Ohio Wax, Douglas E ., '62 158 Gerry Rd., Chestnut Hill, Mass. Webster, John C., '62 256 Prospect St., Stoughton, Mass. Weeks, John C., '62 40 Griggs Rd. , Brookline, Mass. Weibust, Robert S., '64 76 Bowers St., Manchester, Conn. Weiland, Andrew J., '64 8 Aspen Lane, New Hyde Park, N . Y. Welch, Jonathan B., '65 68 Richland Rd. , Cranston, R. I. Weller, Allston E., Jr., '62 26 Hereford Rd., Marblehead, Mass. Welles, Merrill C., Jr., '62 6 Leighton St., Waterville Wescott, Michael N., '62 8635 Montgomery Ave., Philadelphia 18, Pa. Westgate, David F., '63 Water St., Mattapoisett, Mass. Westgate, James F., '63 Commercial St., Rockport Wetzel, Fred J., '65 145 Belmont Ave., Kenmore, N . Y. Whalley, Peter J., '64 22)ďż˝ Dunlap St., Salem, Mass. White, Charles B., '64 49 1 Main St., Saco White, Frank P., Jr., '64 278 Main St., Greenfield, Mass. White, Lloyd 0., '63 R.F.D. # 1 , Box 195, East Lebanon White, Paul J., '62 66 North St., Waterville White, Raymond 0., '63 369 Main St., Oxford, Mass. Whitehouse, Robert W., '63 756 Lynn Fells Pkwy., Melrose, Mass. Whitelaw, Robert M., '63 4 Raymond Hill Park, Cam1el, N. Y. Wiggins, Charles, '62 43 Grove Point, Westport, Conn. Wiggins, David G., '62 Lewis Rd., Concord, Mass. Williams, David E., IV, '63 4 Brookside Circle, Wayne, Pa. Williams, Dennis R., '65 10 Colony Place, Millinocket Williams, John M., '62 107 South Woodland St., Englewood, N . J.
[ 200 ]
Williams, J. Randall, IV, '65 Main St., Dover, Mass. Williamson, Charles P., '63 130 Prospect St., Providence, R . I . Wilson, John M . , '63 Main St., Centerville, Mass. Winslow, Carlton H., III, '64 90 Hillcrest Terrace, Meriden, Conn. Wise, Robert I., Jr., '63 415 Penn Valley Rd., Narbeth, Pa. Wiswall, Frank L., Jr., '62 Old Ferry Rd., North Castine Withee, Harmon T., '62 43 Norfolk St., Springfield, Mass. Witherell, William H., '63 1 1 Stevens Rd., Westboro, Mass. Woocher, Elliot D., '62 1 Grassfield Rd., Great Neck, N . Y. Wood, Christopher R., '62 Box 323, Basking Ridge, N. J . Wood, John C . , '64 1 Chu.rch Ct., White Plains, N . Y. Woodard, James S., '65 33 Arrowhead Rd. , Wilton, Conn. Woodward, Robert W., Jr., 64 Hatherly Rd ., Rockland, Mass. Workman, John T., '65 22 Prospect St., Hopedale, Mass. Wright, Frank T., '64 Wildwood Rd., Saddle River, N. J. Wright, Joseph A., II, '62 23 Ivie Rd . , Cape¡ Elizabeth Yaeger, Thomas L., '65 1024 7th Ave., N. W. Rochester, Minn. York, Richard A., '64 15 Montgomery St., Warwick, R. I. Young, Donald P., '63 3 1 Courtwright Rd., Toronto 18, Ontario, Canada Young, Kenneth E., '64 47 Longwood Ave., Augusta Young, Robert M., '65 160 Bush St., Bronx, N . Y. Young, Stephen E., '64 169 Washington St., Wellesley, Mass. Zaremba, Frank T., '64 Ridgeview Orchards, Shoreham, Vt. Zientara, Gerald R., '64 28 Amherst St., Augusta Zipser, Richard A., '64 88 George St., Warwick, R . I . Ziter, Michael P . , '65 94 Cunningham St., Springfield, Mass. Zoehler, Gerald E., '64 764 Lexington St., Waltham, Mass.
WO M E N ' S D I V I S I O N haron I. '65 Corner Water & :\ f ai n
chille , \1 arcia A., '63 3 75 \\' lnut A'·e.,
Christy, Carol J., '65
.. Blue Hill
Bonnie Brae,
\ e t Canaan, N. H .
Clark, Adora J., '65
Concord. Calif.
Acl<le '. . del 2:?. Th om a
35 Bedell
I le
H. '63 t.,
2 Fann Rd., M arlboro, fa
Barrington, R . I.
Allen, Diane E., '62 rchard t., Brattleboro, \'t. nderson, Jane H., '64 94 \\ · oodar Ye., Brockton. \fa_- s.
nder on, J e a nne
t., Portland
hirlee F., '65 .
Claus Meridith R., '63 Dr . , W ate rvi lle
., '63
., '62
30 LondeJlo,, A"e., BruruWJck Arano' it h, Le h. '65 10 outh Walnut t . , Bn an Oh io
Box 375-G, Rt. # 1 , Port Clinton, Ohio
Clevel ad, Joanna L., '64 76 ou t h Main t., orthfield, t. Coady, Alison A. '65 25 pring Lane, Canton, Mass.
Cobb Donna M., '63
. moid. Joyce \ 1 . , '64
1 2 Fm ler t., Bridgton hirley F., '64 27 Brook Bend Rd., H anover, 1as . Cole, Janet M., '62 50 Prospect Hill Rd., Le:-.mgton, Mas . ole, Vir inia A., '65 59 Bo ton ve .• Winslow Comeau, usan, '63 1 1 5 \1 in t . , \Vin low onle , E lizabeth P. '62 "Poplar Terrace," Rt. #7, Fred rick, \fd. on ery, �f arjorie P., '64 Harborside In n, Ed�artow11, fa . k. Carolyn . , '63 t2 Web t r t., . H. 1a hua, pithome, Joan R . , '65 Bo 67 , tr tham. . H. otton, L i n da B . , '65 P. . Bo 242, A m ht>r,t, . H. ousins a andra C., '65 1 2 1 \ l idc.11 • t . , Old Town , Terry·Ellen, 65 191 a't Cli nton ve., J. Beri;t • n fiel<l . oyl , J o elyn M . , '65 26 Kenv orth Rd., Port \ a�hington, N . Y. rabtree, Pamela H., '64 1 5 \ e t �inin t . , Ell worth rawford, Phyllis L., '62 1 Campu A ve . , K i np; ton, R. I . , rimmins, Charlene ., 62 1 tring t., ugu ta Crock tt, Elizabeth A., '64 12 Lim rock t., Camde n
1 330 Ken mgton Rd , Pointe, heh Cro , I'} . B rb r D.. '65 . 'orth pnng Cmc0rd _ · H
I le
hill, \( ary J., '63
20 ( IT\ ,1 1 \' • t onc h a rn , �I l l nh n, J n t F., '63 23 Fl x Pond Rd. L}'nn . fa� Camp, atharine F., '64 E ,t Blu Hill
Campbell, Bnrbara · Jeao, '64 55 Ri ve r g a t Dr., \J ilton, Conn.
Campb II, Patricia, '65 R F. D. #2, Concord, . H.
Carbino, R o emarie
'62 hi· ·phi II Rd , Riwr,iclc, .onn. . , '64 arr Barbara 429 Owen Rd., Wyn nt · wood , Pa. arroll, ynthia B., '63 9 Kcolf •r m Rd ., Id G n·t> nwi ch , Conn. hnmb rla i n , B rbara A., '65 ynnott Ave., 306 'ortli
. J.
h ndler \fargaret D . , ' 64 Bl.111 hard Rel . Cu m h •rland C nt r h ndler, lary L., '65 1 4 3 Palm •r Av .,
Falmout h ,
h rlton, Pat ricia Llhnty t •
�f. d i .,on , Conn.
[2 1 ]
Cronk, Judith, '62 14
D vi
Ave . , Auburn
ro man, Cora-Lou, '63 1 7 1 9 Alb ny chcn ctady,
Cro ,
t. ,
. Y. nne B., '62
52. Pitchn
W, y,
I I yannis, 1 , . Cro , Diana C., '63 3 1 2 Oak t., R id gewood, . J. unningham, Judith, '65 c/o Cook . edar o' Coh, Conn. uri, man . , '64 l t adow Way, Irvington, N . Y.
Curr , Donna J., 'GS 5c 7 l l nv rhill t., Lawr nc . M,
Lan ,
Curtis, Linda K., '64 92 South High St., Bridgton Dailing, Pauly M. Y., '65 79 Hardy St., Presque Isle Daman, Linda J., '64 Sugar Rd., Bolton, M ass. Darling, Barbara W., '64 1 1 1 Midway Rd. , Ithaca, N. Y. Davenport, Barbara C., '62 We t Brattleboro, Vt. Davidson, Lynne R., '64 208 Ash St., Brockton, Mass. Davis, Deborah C., '65 1 04 Northwood Rd., Newington, Conn. DeMotte, Marjorie, '63 398 Spring St., Portland Dexter, Mary A., '63 261 1 Park Ave., Baldwin, N. Y. Diano, Patricia, '63 975 Woods Rd., Southampton, Pa. Dignam, Joan M., '63 2 Collins Ct., Barrington, R . I. Dignam, Joyce A., '62 2 Collins Ct., Barrington, R. I. Doe, Elizabeth W., '63 R. D. #2, Kennebunkport Doe, Linda W., '64 65 Maple St., Franklin, Mass. Doucette, Patricia A., '62 29 1 Main St., Westbrook Downing, Patricia }., '64 2 1 6 Arbor St., Cranford, N. J. Downs, Patricia, '62 Stoneleigh Apt. , Alger Ct., Bronxville, N. Y. Droitcour, Barbara C., '65 310 Kirby Ave., Warwick, R. I . Duggin, Leslie A . , '64 Journey's End, Wilton, N. H. Dunn, Cynthia B . , '62 3 Grove St., Winchester, Mass. Dunn, Patricia A., '63 1000 South Orange Grove Ave., Pasadena, Calif. Dupras, Cynthia J., '65 Dunstable Rd., Tyngsboro, Mass. Dupras, Judith A., '62 Dunstable Rd., Tyngsboro, Mass. Eayrs, Barbara E., '62 15 Webster St., Middleboro, Mass. Eck, Marcia L., '62 40 School St., Northboro, Mass. Eckel, Nancy E., '64 23 Plymouth Dr. So., Olen Head, N . Y. Ela, Nancy D., '62 Shaw Dr., Wayland, Mass. Ellsworth, Diane, '63 517 Peck Rd., Geneva, Ill. Ellsworth, Susan, '64 517 Peck Rd., Geneva, Ill .
Emerson, Dian R., '63 39 Blake Rd., Lexington, Mass. Eskesen, Karen M., '64 20 Church St., Greenwich, Conn. Ettinger, Margot E., '62 22 Plymouth Rd., Plandome, N. Y. Evans, Alice MacD., '62 408 Salter PL, Westfield, N. J. Ey, Patricia A., '63 1 15 Pin St., Lisbon Falls Eyges, Judith M., '65 9 Drumlin Rd., Marblehead, Mass. Fannin, Jeannette H., '63 7 1 3 W. 1st St., Fulton, N. Y. Farnham, Patricia A., '62 M . R. C., Box 17, Bangor Farrington, Martha L., '64 1 1 Patterson St., Augusta Fassett, Judith, '64 145 W. Tioga St., Tunkhannock, Pa. Ferguson, Jean L., '65 209 Middle Rd., Falmouth Ferries, Susan, '63 234 Linden Rd. , Barrington, Ill. Field, Linda A., '64 20 Westlawn Rd., Portland Fischer, Cynthia B . , '64 22 Lynnwood Lane, West Boylston, Mass. Flewelling, Barbara A., '64 2 Baldwin St., Augusta Forman, Lesley N., '65 46 Grace Ave., Great Neck, N. Y. Forslund, Karen, '63 Mt. Hennon School, Mt. Hennon, Mass. Fournier, Constance A., '62 97 Park St., Livermore Falls Fowler, Marilyn H., '63 R. F. D. #3, Fort Fairfield Francis, Jill H., '62 9 Lancaster Ave., Lunenburg, Mass. Frazer, Elizabeth A., '65 510 Beatty Rd., Springfield, Pa. Freitas, Karen, '65 175 Richland St., South Portland French, Paulette R., '63 Sheephill Rd., Riverside, Conn. Fuchs, Margaret, '63 2240 49th St. N. W., Washington 7, D. C. Fugere, Claudia M., '65 45 Tory Rd., Manchester, N . H. Fullerton, Sandra J., '62 342 Belden Hill Rd., Wilton, Conn. Gaffney, Jean E., '6212 Overlook Rd., Westport, Conn. Gardner, Jan E., '65 65 Cedar Lane, Westwood, Mass. Gates, Natalie, '63 24 Mansion Dr. , Topsfield, Mass. Gauthier, Arlene J., '62 4 Nye Ave., Nashua, N. H.
[ 202 ]
Gay, Nancy C., '65 5 Bradeen St., Springvale Gear, Sharon L., '62 56 Merivale, New Westminster, B. C., Canada Gellhorn, Anne F., '64 1 18 East Hamilton Ave., Englewood, N. J. George, Susan A., '64 306 Amesbury Rd., Haverhill, Mass. Germer, Jane T., '62 9 Brookline Dr., West Hartford, Conn. Giddings, Mary E., '63 5 Winter St., Augusta Gilson, Roberta J., '65 84 Tyler St., Attleboro, Mass. Gleason, Ann M., '62 15 Chandler St., Penacook, N. H. Goddard, Virginfa S., '65 1 123 Massachusetts Ave., Lexington, Mass. Godley, Anne C., '65 Cobbler's Farm, Wilton, N. H. Goldstein, Rhoda L., '65 20 Robinson Gardens, Lewiston Goodine, Jeanne L., '65 Shawmut Goodridge, Karen E., '64 R. F. D. # 1 , Rumford Gordon, Barbara J., '64 30 Nathan Rd., Newton Centre, Mass. Gorsun, Charlene R., '65 37 Magnolia St., Malden, Mass. Gould, Nancy N., '62 Saybrook Rd., Essex, Conn. Grand, Helen A., '65 1 070 E. 28th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Grant, Mary L., '63 101 West Broadway, Bangor Green, Diane C., '65 1 30 Roger White Dr. , N e w Haven, Conn. Green, Nancy L., '64 5337 MacArthur Blvd. N. W., Washington 16, D. C. Greer, Nancy A., '65 35 Highland Ave., Gorham Grey, Ruth R., '63 Canaan St., Canaan, N. H. Griffith, Janice C., '62 Union, N. H. Gross, Jean '63 7 Pocahontas Dr., Winchester, Mass. Guptill, Judith E., '65 14 Lincoln Pl., Port Washington, N. Y. Gwynn, Priscilla A., '62 Guilford House, Scarsdale, N. Y. Hackler, Marilyn D., '65 23 North Main St., Derry, N. H. Haines, Barbara J., '63 525 Quigley Ave., Willow Grove, Pa. Hale, Marian P., '65 219 Katahdin Ave., Millinocket Hall, Mrs. Nancy D., '63 Memorial Drive, Winthrop Ham, Elizabeth S., '64 457 Wolcott St., Auburndale, Mass.
H urd. fan P.ll1 nno ·
\ I . , '62
l l ukh1 m. T l op , '62 "00 K min ki.;ai., .\
l n l!c nni111. Carol A., . Rox 42 >,
l.111 Ii
ter C
c., B a n � or
Krep , Barbara I., '64 3:2 E. Pa t< riu "i t . , Ph i l dclpht• 4 4 , P,\ Kudriavetz, • · an cy- An ne, '62 63 � I ou n t a i n Rd. , \\'est Hartford , Con n . Lally, , lary Ann, '63 63 � l a i n t., Portland, Com1. Lamb. Cynthia A., '62 1 1 '5 Bmn wick Ave . , Gardiner Lamb on, Donna M., '62 36 Loami t., outhwi k , \ l as . Larldn, lien L., '63 74 Jeffer on t., L\.nn. � l a!<i. Laughl i n, Linda M . , '62 Brookfi I d Road , Fi,kdal , \ f a s. ny, on.stance E., '63 pring ane, 4 W · t H artford , Conn. L derman. on t nee H., '63 .\rc,1din Orin\ ,rnd' Point. . Y. Lee. . Jacquel ine, '63 61 \ f c Oonough t., B rook ) · n 33, . Y . , '65 I enz. • ii 129 O a mwl l Drive, 'itamford. Con n . Lerner, D i an . • '63 1 R 1 l·hmond ve., L<'1.'. \ l as . e \ard. Elizabeth ., p. 7 l C'ii:thton , t , \Vat r\illcC., '64 evin . Berni
1 er, \"t.
�fas .
J. t.,
9 1 . l or iint•
Brockton, l a\<;, \i ne. Id Jo · ce , '65 76 Pl ;i ant t . . \ atcn;ll L \\ L , Jane L., '64 2C) l I mm\\:\\ Pnrk Rd . , \\'.it< rtown, onn. L e " i o n . Br nd n L., '62 2 Park t .. I ! np«dalc , \fa. s. L i pp\chutz, \f ry L . , '64 t.. 7 ) \\'<.,t Fl'rn:
R1 1 fhlo .
\\. a l d ohoro
I i t t l •fi Id.
't: .
11 en,
\\ 1ten;1lle \{., p. B nch
Ve . ,
[2 3J
McCarthy, Joan L. A., '62 16 Stanwood St., Brunswick McCarthy, Judith E., '63 10 Greenwood Lane, Waltham, Mass. McClarin, Barbara T., '64 221 Park Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. McClay, Patricia L., '65 3 Redington St., Waterville McCobb, S ara A., '64 640 Arlington Ave., Westfield, N. J. MacColl, Janet E., '63 43 Fifth Ave., New York 3, N. Y. McConnell, Catharine A., '63 522 North Main St., Brewer MacCubrey, Louse P., '65 58 Hillcrest Ave., Wethersfield, Conn. McCune, Shannon, '63 5 Ave. de Bretteville, Neuilly-sur-Seine, France MacDonald, Joyce A., '64 Whitefield McDonough, Esther E., '65 364 Ray St., Manchester, N. H. McFaul, Barbara N., '64 80 10 Barron St., Takoma Park, Md. McGhee, Joan R., '64 Mason Rd. , Brookline, N . H. McGillicuddy, Barbara C., '65 6 River St., Houlton McGinley, Susan L., '65 R. F. D. # 1 , East Holden MacKay, Margaret A., '64 1 55 Pleasant St., Athol, Mass. MacKenzie, Nancy J., '62 Hillcrest Ave., Morristown, N. J. McQuilkin, Joyce I., '62 96 Pilgrim Rd., Wellesley, Mass. MacWilliam, Sandra J., '63 Bond Rd., Kittery Point MacDonald, Heather, '64 R. F. D. #1, Readfield Machemer, Mary C. ( Mrs. ) S p . R. D. # 1 , Oakland Macomber, Gail, '62 Eaton Rd., Conway, N. H . Maher, Alta S., '62 Weeks Mills Marcus, Madeleine F., '64 35 Mountain Ave., Riverside, R. I. Marshall, Virginia R., '65 429 East Illinois Rd., Lake Forest, Ill. Martin, Jean A., '64 12 Sanford Terr., Irvington, N. J. Martin, Suzanne, '62 West Hartford, Conn. Matteson, Frances A., '65 270 Antrim Dr., San Antonio, Texas Mattison, Diane R., '65 170 Woodrow St., West Hartford, Conn. Mattraw, Margaret A., '64 Topsfield Rd., Boxford, Mass. Mayo, Barbara E., '63 53 Orchard St., Leominster, Mass.
Mazzo, Janice E., '63 100 South St., Elmwood, Conn. Melanson, Jane, '63 Broadway, South Hanover, Mass. Melanson, Louise, '65 Broadway, South Hanover, Mass. Michelmore, Mary E., '63 6 Woodland Rd., Foxboro, Mass. Miller, Constance D., '63 1 6 Sherwood Rd., Natick, Mass. Miller, Gretchen E., '63 1 34 Burlington St., Lexington, Mass. Miller, Margaret A., '64 304 East High St., Lebanon, Pa. Millett, Craig B., '64 34 Chestnut St., South Dartmouth, Mass. Millett, Patricia J., '62 Franlin St., Bucksport Milner, Judith A., '64 64 Ea t Levering Mill Rd ., Cynwyd, Pa. Mitchell, Ellen G., '65 237 Dorset Rd., Waban, Mass. Mitchell, Nancy E., '64 725 Main St. , Shrewsbury, Mass . Moffett, Marjorie D., '65 Machias Monzel, Suzanne, Sp. Berus/Saar, Germany Moore, Christine, '65 35 Radcliffe Rd., Wellesley, �la s. Moore, Karen A., '63 12 MacArthur Rd., Natick, Mass. Moran, Elinor C., '64 705 Hanford Pl., Westfield, N. J. Morrison, Nancy G., '64 52 Allen Rd., Winchester, Mass. Morse, Sally B., '63 93 Main St., Springvale Morse, Virginia D., '65 Whitehall Rd., South Hampton, N. H. Mulcahy, Suzanne C., '62 7 Westview St., Hamden, Conn. Munsell, Deborah A., '63 R. F. D. #1, Box 27, Boxford, Mass. Nasif, Cynthia T., '62 159 Clinton St., Brooklyn 1, N. Y. Nelson, Diane L., '63 53 Overbrook Rd., West Hartford, Conn. Nelson, Joan L., '63 45 Wesleyan St., Shrewsbury, Mass. · Nesbit, Jennifer H., '62 96 East Acres Rd. , Pittsfield, Mass. Newbert, Priscilia A., '63 82 Limerock St., Rockland Newell, Nancy A., '65 27 Newell Ct. , Amherst, Mass. Newman, Laura H., '63 930 Park Ave., New York, N. Y.
[ 204 ]
Nicholson, Linda H., '62 109 Southwood Rd., Newington, Conn. Nissen, Karen D., '65 Damariscotta Nourse, Anita J., '63 66 Mt. Prospect St., Bridgewater, Mass. Noyes, Suzanne J., '64 120 Mankin Ave., Oak Hill, West Va. Nugent, Julie P., '63 c/o American Embassy, Asuncion, Paraguay Orr, Linda S., '63 40 Day Ave., Suffield, Conn. Owens, Anna K., '65 Higgins Beach, Scarborough Page, Cynthia A., '65 1 73 Silver St., Waterville Page, Sally L., '64 Prospect St. , Guilford Palmer, Marsha F., '63 608 Whalley Ave., New Haven, Conn. Parker, Katherine W., '65 284 filler St., Ludlow, Mass. Parry, Shirley K., '63 65 Green Ave., Madison, N. J. Patterson, Martha J., '65 6 School St., Bucksport Pearson, Karen E., '64 South China Peirce, Laura S., '65 Box 414, York Harbor Felson, Susan E., '63 Barstow St., 1attapoisett, Mass. Pendleton, Nancy A., '64 205 Katherine Rd. , Ridgewood, N. J. Peters, Cynthia J., '63 830 Main St., Westbrook Petersen, Annette R., · '64 193 Old Dyke Rd. , Trumbull, Conn. Philbrick, Lois A., '64 34.5 Central Rd., Rye, N. H. Phillipps, Brenda L., '62 40 Albert St., Melrose, Mass. Phillipps, Joan, '64 40 Albert St., Melrose, Mass. Phillips, Joan ,'62 42 Mansfield Ave., Norton, Mass. Phillips, Marcia L., '64 66 Highland Ave., Glen Ridge, N. J. Pierson, Pamela P., '65 Baird Rd., Caribou Platt, Mary L., '65 379 Common St., Walpole, Mass. Plumb, Pamela R., '65 Old Orchard Rd., Riverside, Conn. Portnoy, Constance L., '63 181 Chatterton Pkwy., White Plafos, N. Y. Pospisil, Carol Ann, '62 5 Maplewood Dr., Clinton, Conn. Poulin, Barbara J. Shawmut
pear, Li nda I., '64 331 Pearl St., �1anche ter, N. H.
p e e r , E l aine C. '64 R. F. D. #2, Winthrop pencer, L i n n, '62 137 Lowell Ave., , 7ewtonvillc, Mass.
pitzer, Betty-Lea, '64 1 2 �la) ficld Rd. , B ·l mont, :\ta .
tanlcr. J ud i t h, '65 1 1 . imitz Pl. , O l d . r nwich, Conn. turk. E l izabeth '65 1 1 Elm t . •olT s town . H.
aru , Linda R. 1-fampden
u a n B., '63 Pitt lwr' \ ay, J ly.inru�. \L1 · .
tcphc1 on, J a net L., '65 v ., 65 Lin<ll'n · orth Andover, tao<;.
' 65
l izabeth ., Dr , Rcx:hcsl •r, !'\. Y.
tc' en ,
1 20 B.1h ock
''art, El p th Br •tton Rd , Do' ·r . . f a s.
M ., '63
. '64 tim otl, \lar 1 2 1 � Croft Lane, l ll f nry
l\l . ,
en� r, Jonn B"' ,alt R<l . , w.1111p coll, fa .
t rc
. \ l . Lnel, '62 orth Oakland \rling-tou \'a.
'' inn
rn1ond ,
-1 F
• 1£th
B., '62 t.,
1 I i md,1le. 1 11
. '62 Ta) lor, P a mel a -.-o Highland Ave., Uppu \ l ontclai r, J. err , Dion , '65 c oni.," i w Drive, fa L n�mcadow, Thi I, Joan C., '64 1 3.5 Bt·m nu • t., \\ t•ll ·�lt• , �t ass.
. J udith, '63 homp\on, kowhegan t., \\' .,t F1ont
Thomp on, Dorothy L., 1 .- 0 W sl Bro cl t., onn. S t amford,
Thomp on, Janice K., '62 2 hon· Driv , . II. L.iconia. Thompson,
l l y R.,
12 Ell 111 1 1 1 1cls Rel., fas�. \\ t'll . . ,k .
Tichnor, \ n n , '62 Hl Bt·t h Rd . E 1 1 1 l t wood , 1 'fink •r, Joan 1 :32 Pc arl C.ardn r, .
[ ..05 J
· .,
't, fos�.
' 65
Tomlinson, Eleanor L., '62 124 Loring Rd., Weston, Mass. Tougas, Jeanne C., '63 8 Cumberland St., Brunswick Tower, Ellen D., '63 Peaceable Hill Rd., Ridgefield, Conn. Tozier, Shirley A., '64 2 1 Woodmont St., Portland Tracy, Ann B., '62 Charleston Tracy, Diana, '65 624 Chestnut Terr., Easton, Pa. Tunis, Elizabeth C., '64 Trussel House, New London, N. H. Turner, Janice E., '62 Canton Center, Conn. Turner, Judith C., '65 1 56A Bainbridge St., Brooklyn, N . Y. Van Dine, Judith, '64 Swamp Rd., Doylestown, Pa. Veit, Ruth M., '62 North Field Drive, Northport, N. Y. Wakefield,¡ Elizabeth, '65 83 East Main St., Northboro, Mass. Wakefield, Linda D., '65 503 Elm St., Biddeford Walker, Alice E., '62 Star Route 22-282, Owls Head Walker, Lois M., '63 East Brownfield Walker, Suzanne 97 Diana Drive, Troy, Ohio
Wall, Margaret R., '63 54 Holden St., \Vorcester, Mass.
Wilson, Doris D., '63 792 Wooded Rd., Jenkintown, Pa.
Walton, Majorie R., '63 Marne Highway, Moorestown, N. J .
Wilson, Helen S., '65 2.500 East Olive St., Milwaukee 11, Wisc.
Waugh, Lillian J . , '63 135 Swed en St., Berlin, N. H. Waugh, Lucille E., '63 1 35 Sweden St., Berlin, N. H. Weathers, Dorothy A., '64 12 Wyatt Rd., Garden City, N . Y. Webb, Judith A., '62 43 Cushing St., Hingham, Mass. Webster, Shiela A., '65 283 Main St., Limestone Wesley, Margo E., '65 9 Rowland Lane, Ridgefield, Conn. Wheeler, Roberta P., '64 9 Hayward Ct., \Vest Concord, Mass.
Wincze, Jo-Ann, '63 158 Whiting Lane, West Hartford, Conn. Winslow, Nancy S., '65 90 Hillcrest Terr., Meriden, Conn. Wiswell, Dawne R., '64 R. F. D. #3, Waterville Wood, Janice L., '65 15 Webster St., �Ialden, Mass. Woodward, Susan C., '64 Hubbard ton Rd., Princeton, Mass. Wooster, Margo E., '65 Friendship St., \Valdoboro Worcester, Carol T., '64 52 Burr Rd., Hingham, Mass.
Wilder, Faith, '65 177 East Parkway, Rochester, N. Y.
Worthley, Sherryl A., '64 Scantic Rd., Warehouse Pt., Conn. Wrobleski, Brenda D., '62 1 166 Thurman St., Camden, N. J.
Williams, Ann S., '65 4 Brookside Circle, Wayne, Pa.
Wulling, Lucinda L., '64 613 North 22 St., LaCrosse, Wisc.
Wills, Eileen C., '65 42-05 Layton St., Elmhurst, N. Y.
Young, Janet, '64 14 Ganung Drive, 0 sining, N. Y.
Wilson, Candice J., '65 44 Newton Ave., Wollaston, Mass.
[ 206 J
Young, Jean M., '62 52 Lake Road, Framingham, Mass.
1 9 6 2 O ra c l e Sta ff
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