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those who think as we do, all things them selves are dancing: they come and offer their hand and laugh and flee-and come back. Everything goes, everything comes back; eter nally rolls the wheel of being. Everything dies, everything blossoms again; eternally runs the year of being. Everything breaks, everything is joined being
anew; is
same house
Everything parts, everything
greets every other thing again; eternally the ring of being remains faithful to itself. In every Now, being begins; round every Here rolls the sphere there. The center is everywhere. Bent Is the path of eternity." Nietzsche
these! the warm spirit of cold noses at raking time; the barefooted path of dust fine to the big toe touch, of puddles, the playground, hiding the pebbles so painfully found; running, running hard, feeling muscles, bones straining, pulling together then setting free the joyful aches to flutter and nudge you in the cracker crisp air; the thought of dessert land up, up high summersaulting strawberry shortcakes, cartwheeling eclairs, floating gingerbreads with whipped cream, and twirling chocolate chip cookies;
the treetop fear, proud of my daring looking down, counting pine cones; the inside knowing feeling that a drab green garment has the lost leaf colors within; exploiting the simple simply and smiling all the way to the bottom of the hill, lying back looking down at the sky and not falling, walking windkisses and grasshugs: that i do love i give to you. Debbie Messer
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The Structure is essential. The white brick building blocks are Not enough. It must fit well In the Republic's framework, Yet manifest distinction: An object of civil pride. Absolutely, it must stand.
Minds manufacture the blocks. Hard separate units unite By cementing smiles shaking hands. But the structure is essential.
Hands pick through the broken-toothed smiles, And pile the jagged remains Into small pebble stacks that fall Distinctly ir:ito extinction.
Civic minds separately pick Through swirling dust for intact blocks: Different dreams to build on.
But dreams smoke in dust-white clouds. The wind blows, stretching its shape Into a haze. The sun burns. The blue emptiness expands, Infinitely fills the sky As cold water fills a glass. Eyes tilt back and drink in drops
Of Socrates and Plato. The elements of essence are Held in smarting-red, blinking eyes. The sun burns. The pupils close.
The absolute atoms are Smashed by angry electrons. Wild mushrooms grow every spring.
Philip Jay Byers
The history of a person's education might be envisioned as a triangle. When young he undertakes a broad base of studies {a "liberal education") to become acquainted wrth the fields of knowledge. Some breadth, say advo cates of liberal education, makes a person "well-rounded " while introducing him to the rich complexity of the world in which he will have to live and work. This introduction, of course, is not merely for the purpose of self-develop ment: one must soon choose a field of specialization in order to thrive in the world. It is necessary, therefore, to review quickly a number of fields to find out which seems most attractive. Once the choice is made, the pretense of a well-rounded person is quietly dropped by all. After graduation from college, most go into business where their education becomes strictly functional and technical. And even those who pursue graduate work find the triangle of education rising to a point they too become specialists. In short, education seeks to develop one function or capacity in an individual while leaving the rest to atrophy. Education does not appeal to the whole person. Education is not human. Wouldn't it be truer to human nature to turn the triangle upside-down? A young person can scarcely appreciate the breadth of knowledge. He tends to be interested in relatively few areas of life-those that concern him immediate ly. Only with increasing maturity do his interests expand. After mastering a few areas, he becomes interested in their relation to new ones. Experience strengthens his judgement and refines his sensibility. As he grows older he develops a sense of history and an interest in the past. Now he is ready to be well-rounded, to appreciate the rich complexity of the world.... The tragedy of education is that its concept of human development is squarely opposed to the way in which people actually develop. And educa tion is forced to do this because of the pressures of society, whose function ing depends upon the destruction of the well-rounded individual. Don Norford
Dennison Bancroft Donald Sanborn
Roland Thorwaldsen
Jan Hogendorn
Thomas R. Longstaff
Adel Heinrich
Patrick Brancaccio
Bruce Spiegelberg
Dean Harry Carroll
Eugene Peters
A. Mark Benbow
Albert Mavrinac
Dick Dyer
William Miller
Frederick A. Geib
Ermanno Comparetti Adel Heinrich
Robert Jacobs
Irving SuA
97 Elizabeth Libbey
Ed Witham
Wendell Ray
James Carpenter
Gustave Todrank
Anthony Hunt
Colin Mackay
Vishwaneth Naravane
Francisco Cauz
Paul Perez
Jon Russ Peter Westervelt
Robert N. Metz
Eileen Curran John Mizner
Harold Raymond
John Clark
Don Norford
Dorothy Reuman
Peter Re John Kempers
Yeager Hud10n
Mrs. L. P. Zukowski
0. B. Allen
Charles Hickox
Yun-Tong Pan
Marc Arnold
David Stratman
J. A. Sweney
Jay Meek
William J. Taffe
Guenter Weissberg
Paul Machemer 0. E. Knox
Philip Sither
W. J. Combellack
Earl Junghans
F. J. Fuglister
0. Koons
Joan and Stephen Marks and Peter
Treasurer Aurthur Seepe
Allee ComparettJ
John Sutherland
Guy T. Filosof
John Simpson Clifford Berschneider
Dorothy Koonce
E. A. McKeen
Yvonne Knight
R. E. Reuman
Elizabeth Pestana J. M. Gillespie
K. H. Birge
o. G. Bridgman
Dean J. 0. Rosenthal
Robert G. Doel
Dean E. M. McCue
George Whalon
President R. E. L. Strider II
Dean Charles Quillin
Dean Parker Johnson
K. Blake
Vice President Williams Registrar George l. Coleman
1 09
Jean Bundy
E. Makinen
A. H. Biron
H. C. Keuter
C. A. Ferguson Mrs. L. S. Ferguson
1 10
Francisco Perez
L. W. Mayo H. L. Koonce
E. B. Reid
John Dudley
H. 0. Schmidt
Dane Cox George Elison
R. K. Kellenberger
K. F. Gillum
1 12 Gordon Smith
J. L. Landsman
R. W. Pullen
W. H. Zukowski J. A. Dunlevy
H. A. Gemery
113 Henry Holland
Captain Richard Korejwo
Major Don G. Harris
Allan Scott Captain S. E. Hilinski
Robert Terry
Bruce Fowles
Thomas Easton
Harriet Matthews Abbott Meader
George D. Maier
Ronald Davis
Wayne Smith
Miss J. P. Barry Waldo H. Covell
R. J. McGee
Michael Hodges
F. Alexis Schulten
1 16
J. A. Scholz
E. J. Burke
A. L. Green
Mrs. M. D. Sither
Carl Nelson
J. W. Winkln
Susan Gunn
Mrs. S. M. Kenney Mrs. Y. R. Kerkham Mrs. M. Mavrinac Mrs. T. Mursin Mrs. Margaret Nutting V. R. Ullom Willard B. Walker G. Dorin Zahner E. J. Kenney Jr.
MISSING: Charles W. Bassett R. Cary Robert J. Doan J. D. Foner Henry A. Freedman H. T. Hayslett Jr. C. L. Howard H. A. Jacobson
1 18
Frank 0. Apantaku, Jr. (1949)
Biology TOT
Martha Alden Mathematics SK
Gregory N¡ Andrews Economics
Jane Alexander English
Deborah Williams Anderson
Debbie Anderson
Biii Ak ns
History PDT
Jandy Anderson
Psychology SK
Allan K. Braddock
Geology PLP
William P. A. Andersen
Leslee Cheryl Anderson
History ZP
Eileen L. Boerner
English SK
Robin Armitage
History Judith Clark
Christopher Beerits
English James Coleman
Philosophy-Religion Al Cantor
Jeff Carty
English Richard Hinman
English Robert Johnston
Bruce A. Abrams
Daniel Baschkopf
Philosophy-Religion Fred Smerdgraf
Lee A. Clarke Business Administration PLP
Peter Bogle
History KOR
Clare Bonelli
Michael Alan Baskin
Economics ZP
Martha Belden
David S. Baxter
Philosophy PLP
Susan Baird Spanish
Edward Bogh
Wayne T. Blanchard
Jean Blatt
Art 125
Ben Bradlee
Government LCA
Cliff Bunting
" ...... .-
. ...... .. -. .'I ,,,
Haroldine Bailey
Karen Brandt
Rodney A. Buck
Economics DU
Elizabeth C. Brown
Mathematics DAU
Chicki Barnes
American History SK Alfred E. Brown, Jr.
Susan Costello Economics
Alan Colby Sociology PDT
Peter Adams Economics KOR
Molly Carroll English SK
Lois M. Chalmers History
John Cioffi
Chemistry ZP
Judy Carlisle
Paula J. Crowley
Kathe Cahn
Brian J. Cooke
Business Administration DU 129
Caryl Ann Callahan
Steven D. Cline
Psychology ZP
Joyce Cicatelli
Sociology co
Nancy Campbell
Jay Dworkin Adrienne Creanza
Business Administration
Gail S. Cuatto
Christine M. Celata
Michael Condax
13 1
Ronald DiOrio
European History LCA
Peter Albert Devine
• '.
, �--:-Roman W. Dashawetz
David Durkin
Lee F. Doggett
Susan Doten
Susan M. Dann
John Dowling
Government ATO
Cheryl J. Dinneen Government co
Jacky Dingwall
Economics 133
Alfred C. Dostie
Business Administration
Pam Dyer
Psychology Carol A. Dennison
Richmond Grey Davis
Peter H. Daigle
Christine A. Crandall
Connie Cebulsk1 Business Administration
Robin L. Costa
David B. Dougan Biology LCA
Bud Earle Psychology DKE
Donna Fowler Mathematics ADP
Judith M. Files
Linda Marsh Foss Classics-English
Barbara Dumont
Peggy EJkus Sociology
Robert Carl Falsani
Government LCA
Peter Foss Religion-Philosophy ATO 137
Peter S. Glass
Judith Freedman
Beverly Foster
John Fochs
Lenny Guitar
Marlene Goldman
Lorraine Ann Gill
Patricia Gerrior
A. Freeman
Linda Gulbrandsen
Richard Warren Gallup Roger H. Gould
DU Andrew B. Gilson
Psychology TOP
Diana Graves
Peter Gilfoy
Economics ATO
Robert R. Gassett
David Gilbert History
Mary Ann Golden
Brenda Handelman
English Harry Faust
Barbara Hamaluk
Government SK
Arthur F. Hannigan
Sandra Holler
Alison Harvey Classics
English co
Elayne Haggan
Kathryn Hill
Government¡ German 143
Kathy Hayes
English Brenda Hess
English SK
Inness Humphreys
Kenneth L. Jordan
History TOP
Robert W. Hall
Russian PLP
Andrew M. Hayashi
Business Administration
Eric Mason Hanson
Sandra L Ha1mila
Deborah Hawks
French co
Nancy Jorczak
East Asian Studies ADP
Barrett Hurwitz
Craig Johnson
Spanish TDP
Stephen Kitchen
Economics DU
Nathan Kamensky
History Marty Kolonel
Business Administration OU
llan Hadani
Busmess Administration TOP
Karen Johnson
Economics Sari Abul-Jubun
Karen V. Knapp
Susan Kalenderian
Constance M. Kratz
Joan F. Katz
Carol Lewis
Mathematics 148
Martha C. Luce
English SK Dal Levick
Linda Loring
Jeff Lovitz Sociology TOP
Mary Langevin
Peter Lowell
Richard J. Lane
John Lombard ..
Rodd Leeds
English OU Robert Colby
Dick Moss
History DKE Mary Lee Merrill
Government ADP
a.rt>ara McClain Livingston E ngl/ah SK 15 1
Deborah Ann Fitton
D. Bruce McNamee
Elinor Miller
Anne E. Madden
Roberta Lynne Murrell
French co
Ann Lee McEwen
Stephen McNulty English
Judith A. Mcleish
Cheryl Moriarty
English co
James Lawrence Martin
Martha McCall
Susan Maxfield
John C. Moberger
Laurel Maney
Russell MacPherson
Mathematics ZP
Ann Moscow
Peter W. Mackinlay En(llt.h 155
Erica Nissen
Donna Mason
Tanya McDowell
John W. McMahon
John McDonald
Chris Nahabedian English
Takaharu Nakano (Sho)
Sebsibe Mamo Government
Hlatory 157
Robin Potter English ADP
Anne Peterson Sociology
Anne Pomroy English Pam Ohnysty
Michael Poling Chemistry KOR Sharon E. Niles
Virginia S. Pierce German
Joe Peters Earth Science PLP
Michele Poplawski French 159
Jeff Parness Government TOP
Sally Peterson Biology ADP
Janet H. Rosenbaum English
Nicolette Pach Government SK Charles Piper Music DU
Paul Roud Economics TOP
16 1
Laura Lee Struckhoff
Sociology Francis Sylvia
Psychology TOP
Norma Rivero
Steve Saporito
Business Administration DKE
Aroline Fenno Stone
Peter Spindler
Business Administration
Stephen Schmickrath
English LCA
Steven Snow
Stuart Rothenberg Government PLP
Allee Ryen
Todd H. Smith
Economics ATO
Richard Ian Spector
Laura Schmidt
Government SK
David H. Schumacher
Psychology PDT
Jordan Selden
Psychology 164
Jane Sawyer Economics
Christine Sherman
Donna Sundeen Biology
Roslyn Dee Schwarz
English SK
Dana Spallholz
Clark Smith
Jane K. Stinchfield
Ltnda Steere English
Ken Stead Psychology DKE
lesl e Seaman English
Howard S. Sh.,., Jr. Cbwnment OU
Dennis Salmi
Biology LCA
Elizabeth Susan Ryerson
Steven Steege
Jeffrey N. Silverstein
Peggy Swanson
English 168
Cathy Lynn Shippee
David M. Shea Sociology
Debby Sugarman
Charles Terrell
History Dan Timmons
Deborah Lee Thurlow
John Sobel
Douglas G. Smith
Ear1e G. Shettleworth, Jr.
Wallace W. Tapia
Pete Simmons
American Civilization POT 17 1
Maureen Vaughn
Mimi Ware
Andrea Vujan
English SK Karen Teravainen
Business Administration
Deborah Smiley
Chris Thomas Woessner
Economics DU
John L Caplice
Sociology DU
Sarah Tabor
Philip Tabor Paul Tabor
Cynthia Wallace
Katherine T. Wells
William Ware
Biology LCA
Donna Webber
Chemistry Shipp Webb English
James R. Wulff
Psychology PLP
Jack Denfeld Wood
Government ATO
Nancy Tindall
Lynne McKendry Stinchfield Geology
Charles Henry Wood, Jr. ATO Economics
Elaine Treworgy
Martha Ethan Wells
Art SK 175
Pam Warner
French co
Christine J. Zlotnick
Bob Woo
Philosophy-Religion PDT
Edward P. Wells
English 176
Sarah E. Vose
Arthur White
Economics TOP
Gary Woodcock
Judy Wood Sociology
Debora Booth Music
Judi Kel ly Classics-English
Mary Margaret Stephens German
Karen Scott Andersen Sociology
Nancy Costello
Janice Chapman
Nancy Anthony
Walter H. Effron Classics
Robert Saglio Government ZP
Thomas W. Munson Philosophy
In a Family A girl I knew for a time, at one time, was runner-up in the Miss America contest. She used to tuck her black hair into her skirt, but in Atlantic City they made her tie it into one big knot around her head and put spray on it, like a licorice souffle. She brought the burgundy bathing suit she wore the one day
I realty ever talked to her, but they gave her a pink one with wires in it to wear. They didn't explain that one. Before she went on stage for the talent contest, the contestant from South Carolina bumped into her from behind and spilled Pepsi-Cola down her back so she had to borrow a dress from Miss Minnesota with brook trout and pickerel all over it. In the extemporaneous part they asked her if communes were an escape from the complex problems presented by today's society. When she opened her mouth a Volkswagen drove out and sixty seconds later there was a girl from Alabama juggling five burning bowling pins on the screen. When she was chosen among the five finalists, my father put down his paper and called my mother.They knelt eighteen inches from the screen and sang along with her, "The Battle Hymn of the Republic." They opened the envelopes ... Five ... Four ...Three . . . Two, and we stopped there, dumb, deaf, when they read her name. Slowly, her lips fell open, my father grumbled and sat back in his chair, my mother went back to the sink, and I sat there watching the tears run down her face and sprinkle all over the pickerel. We didn't talk about that night again, but somehow that second place sat like a sour note, a bad seed, until l moved out of the house.
18 1
19 1
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Waterville Hardware and Plumblng Supply
Depositor's Trust Company
Federal Trust Company
Alvlna and Della
20 1
S€010R b1R€CtORY Caplice, John L. 23 Gorham Rd., H a rwichport, M ass. 02646 Carbone, Gregory R. 3306 N. Perry St., Arl ington, Va. 22207 Carlisle, Judith A. 942 Middle Rd., Portsmouth, N . H . 03801 Carroll, Mary E. 5 Ridge Dr. Chappaqua, N.Y. 10514 Ca rty, Jeffrey W. 8 Anne Pl., Pleasantville, N.Y. 10570 Cebulski, Connie M . 3 1 Colchester Rd. . M u rray H il l , N . J . 07971 Celata, Christine M . 1 7 Top Hil l Ave., Dedham, M ass. 02026 Chalmers, Lois M . 88 N . Spring Ga rden Ave., N utley, N.J. Chapman, Janice E. Main St., Dama riscotta 04543 Cicatelli, Joyce A. 95 Stanton Ave., Revere, M ass. 02151 Cioffi, John A. Danbury, N . H . 03230 Clark, Judith A. 9 C l u b House La., O l d Saybrook, Conn. 06475 Cla rke, Lee A. 9 B a ldwin St., Augusta 04330 Cline, Steven D. 32 Montrose St., Newton, M a ss. 02158 Colby, Alan W. 313 Amity St., Amherst, M a ss. 01002 Colby, Robert A. 1 Leighton St., Waterville 04901 Coleman, James J., Jr. 101 Monroe St., N a shua, N . H . 03060 Condax, Michael D. 315 Chestnut St., Moorestown, N.J. 06460 Cooke, Brian J. 983 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. 10028 Costa, Robin L. 17 Lincoln Terr., H a rrington Park, N . J . Costello, Nancy E . 1292 Wa shington St., Norwood, M a ss. Cistello, Susan R. 142 Winthrop St., Taunton, M ass. 02780 Cotter, Walter B. 22 Woodland Rd., B a rrington, R . I . 02806 Grandall, Christine A. 171 Gainesvi l l e Dr., Wa rwick, R.J. 02886 Creanza, Adrienne P. 1 N. 157 M ain St., G l en E l l yn, Ill. 60137 Crowley, Paula J . 2 0 Seminole S t . , Mattapan, M a ss. 02126 Cuatto, G a i l S. 141 Durand St., Torrington, Conn. 06790 Daigle, Peter H. 3 Silver St., Waterville 04901 Danieli, Frank M ., Jr. RFD l, Box 153, Fairfield Center 04937 Dann, Susan M. 17 Chatham Way, Lynnfield, M a ss. 01940 Dashawetzer, Roman W. 45 S a l man St., W. Roxbury, M a ss. 02132 Davis, Richmond G. 314 Concord Ave., Lexington, M a . 02173 Dennison, Carol A. 3217 S a rgeant Dr., F a l l s Church, Va. 22044 Devine, Peter A. RD 2, Putney, Vt. 05346 Dingwall, Jacquelin T. 59 Fore River Ave., N . Weymouth, M a. 02191 Dinneen, Cheryl J. 1819 Central Ave., Needham, M ass. 02192 DiOrio, Ronald 72 Dinsmore Ave., B u rgettstown, Pa. Doggett, Lee F. 23 Highland Ave., Westbrook 04092 Donahue, M i ldred N. 19 Col l ins St., Ca ribou 04736 Dostie, Alfred C. 19'h Kenda l l St., Augusta 04330 Doten, Susan G. 4 La riviere Rd., Framingham, M ass. 01701 Doud, M i chael W. G reensboro Rd., H a nover, N.H. 03755 Dougan, David B. R · Vernon, Conn. 06086 v o n 947 Highland Ave., Pelham, N.Y. 10803 Dumont, Barbara N . 6 Coburn Ave., Skowhegan, 04976 Durkin, David W . 3 Country W a y , Danbury, Conn. 06810 Dworkin, Jay S. 459 Greenmount Ave., C l iffside Pk., N.J. Dyer, Pamela R. 127 Beacon Ave., Wa rwick, R.J. 02886 Earle, Gilbert L. 18 Old M i l l Rd., F a l mouth 04105 Effron, Walter H. 29 Sunrise La., Poughkeepsie, N.Y. 12603 Elkus, Peg$)' H. 128 N. Craig St., Pittsbu rgh, Pa. 15213
Abrams, Bruce A. 122 M ain St., Roslyn, N.Y. 11576 Abul-Jubein, Sari 40 Rowda St., D a m a scus, Syria Adams, Peter S. 17 College Ave., Watervil l e 04901 Adams, Waneta J. 36 Stony B rook Rd., Cape Elizabeth 04107 Akins, W i l l i a m A. 11 Tinkham La., Middleboro, M ass. 02346 Alden, M a rth a I. Chestnut H i l l , Stockton Sp rings 04981 Alexa nder, J a ne 17 Strong Ave., E. B ridgewater, M a ss. 02333 Andersen, Karen S. 9 Dartmouth Rd., Cranford, N.J. 07016 Andersen, Wil l i a m P. A. 40 Twin O a k Rd., Short H i l l s, N .J . 07078 Anderson, Deborah 54 Cliff Rd., Wel lesley H i l l s, M ass. 02181 Anderson, Judith G. 762 G a rl and, P a l o Alto, C a lif. 94303 Anderson, Leslee C. 1163 Broad St., M e riden, Conn. 06450 Andrews, Gregory N. 31 Ivy St., Sherborn, M a ss. 01983 Anthony, N a ncy P. 81 Edgehi l l Rd., Wa rwick, R . I . 02889 Apantaku, Frank 0. 0. 22 Olowojeunjeje St., Ajegunle, Apapa, Nigeria Arbor, Ann Loise 56 Sewa l l St., Boylston, M ass. 01505 Armitage, Robin C. 73 Plymouth Ave., Braintree, M a ss. 02185 Baer, Carl D. Danforth St., Rehoboth, M ass. 02769 Bailey, HaroJd{ne 956 Red Rowe, M e m phis, Tenn. 38107 B a i rd, Susan L. 66 H o l l y H i l l Cir., Weymouth, M a. 02190 Barnicoat, A l a n R. 20 Sextant Circle, Q u incy, M ass. 02169 Baschkopf, D a n i e l 2 1 8 Gardner Ave., J e richo, N.Y. 11753 Baskin, Michael A. 7 Dorothy Rd., N e wton, M a ss. 02159 Bassett, Peter J. 5 Agawan Rd., Waban, M ass. 02168 Bates, Donald T., Jr. M ain St., H a rwich, M ass. 02645 Baxter, David S. 745 M ain St., N ewington, Conn. 06111 Baxter, M arguerite L. 17 Church St., Ware, M ass. 01082 Beerits, Christopher J. 235 U pper G u l ph Rd., Radnor, Pa. 19088 Belden, M a rtha E. 16 Depot Rd., N. Hatfield, M a ss. 01066 B l a nchard, Wayne T. 8 Grandview Rd., Bow, N . H . 03301 B latt, Jean Ann 235 Lincoln Pl., Brooklyn, N . Y. 11217 Boerner, Eileen L. 511 Alden Ave., Westfield, N.J. 07090 Bogh, Edward J . 156 H a stley S t . , Portland 04103 Bogle, Peter C. 152 H i l l side Ave., Somerset, M a . 02726 Bonelli, Clare T. Post Rd., Old Lyme, Conn. 06371 Booth, Deborah L. Booth Rd., Lisbon, N . H . 03585 Borchers, Elizabeth A . (Mrs. Kenneth) 69 P l e a s a nt St., Waterville 04901 Braddock, Allan K. 38 Butternut Dr., Pittsford, N.Y. 14534 Bradlee, Benjamin C. 28 Fresh Pond La., C a m b ridge, Ma. 02138 Brandt, Karen A. 25A Rochester St., Westbrook 04092 Brower, Walter 628 Ewing St., Princeton, N.J. 08540 Brown, Alfred E., Jr. RFD 1 O a k l and 04963 Brown, Elizabeth C. 341 T a l l Timbers Rd., G l a stonbury, Conn. Brown, Leslie A. M ain St., York H a rbor 03911 Buck, Rodney A. Taylortown Rd., Montvil l e , N.J. 07045 Bunting, Clifford T. 80 Spruce St., Stratford, Conn. 06497 Burnett, M o n a E. 97 Crescent Beach Dr., B u rl ington, Vt. Cahn, Kathe S. 448 Norton Pkwy., New Haven, Conn. 06511 C a l l a han, Caryl A. ngton, N .J . 07111 l 3 York Rd., Wayland, M a ss. 01778 Cantor, A l a n L. 122 S u mner Rd., B rookline, M ass. 02146
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Jordan, Kenneth L., Jr. 18 Elm St.. Ellsworth 04605 Joseph, Douglas 8. 605 High St.. Walpole, Mass. 02081 Kalenderian, Susan 12 Jefferson Ave.. Bayville, N.Y. 11709 Kamensky, Nathan E. 52 Summer St., Nashua, N.H. 03060 Katz, Joan F. 60 Briarcliff Rd., Brockton, Mass. Kaufman. Robert M. 112 Deer Hill Ave., Danbury, Conn. Kelly, Judith A. 10 Burnside St., Nashua, N.H. 03060 Kitchen, Stephen N. 617 Namquid Dr., Warwick, R.I. 02888 Knapp, Karen V. 170 So. Mam St.. Newton, Conn. 06470 Kolonel, Martin T. P.O. Box 460 , 560 Main St.. Apt. A, Stephenville, Newfoundland, Canada Kratz, Constance M. 212 Arbor Rd.. Franklin Lakes, N.J. Kravitz, Benlamln W. 42 Massapoag Ave., Sharon, Mass. 02067 Lane, Richard J. 43 Mt. Pleasant St., Marlboro, Mass. " e v e l. o. Haven, Conn. Lee, James C. 253 Freeman St., Hartford, Conn. 06106 Leeds, Rodd H. 370 Felton Ave.. Hewlett, N.Y. 11557 Levick, Dudley Ill 11 Dexter Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio 45206 Lewis, Carol South St .. Land's End, Rockport, Mass. Livingston, Barbara M. 30 Division Ave., Summit, N.J. 07901 Lombard, John C. North St.. Kennebunkport 04046 Lord, Charles Jr. 4050 Westaway Dr.. Lafayette Hill, Pa. Loring, Unda A. 12 Mansfield St.. Framingham, Mass. Lovitz, Jeffrey M. d Sharon, Mass. 02067 le RFD 2 . Bridgton 04009 Luce, Martha C. 3 Snake Brook Rd., Wayland. Mass. 01778 Luce, Paul ;E. 149 Granite St.. MeJ<ico 04257 MacDonald, N111dlne J. 2762 S.W 12 St-. Miami. Fla. 33135 MacKinlay, Peter W. 48 Holman St., Attleboro, Mass. 02703 Macleod, John o. Princes Point, Yarmouth 04096 MacPherson, .Russell B. 99 Tower Rd.. Hingham, Mass. 02043 Madden, Anna E. O5 ry Ave.. Bryn Mawr, Pa. am Prince Mekonen Rd.. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Maney, Laurel 188 Brimbal Ave., Beverly, Mass. 01915 Manning, David 23 Boutelle Ave.. Apt. 5 , Waterville Marsh, Linda M. 11 Blake Ave.. W. Boylston. Mass. 01583 Martin, James L. 67 Howland Ave.. E. Providence, R.I. Mason. Donna S. 686 Salisbury St .• Worcester, Mass. 01609 Maxfield, Susan 15 Martin Rd., Portland 04103 McCall, Martha C. 18 Van Ouyne Ave., Aubum, N.Y. 13021 McDonald, John t h owers. Pittsburgh, Pa. . 7005 Clearview St, Phlladelphia, Pa, McEwen, Ann L 163 Atwater Terr., Springfleld, Mass. MeKendyr, Lynne N. 188 E. Beechwood Ave.. Oaklyn, N.J. 08107 McKinney, Mlcheel R. e Minn. 55720 . 391 North St .. Tewksbury, Mass. 01876 McMahon, John W. 6 Bumham Rd.. Aodover, Mass 01810 McNamee, David B. 772 Plymouth St., Holbrook, 02343 Mc::Nulty, Stephen P. 23 Oak St., Wakefield, Mass. 01880 Merrill, Mary Lee Gr'eensboro, Vt., 05841 Miiier, Elinor G. (Mrs. Charles) 175 College Ave.. Waterville 04901 Miiier, Kathryn I. 2 Morris Rd.. Lansdale, Pa. 19446 Moberger, John C. 190 Warwick Rd .. Melrose, Mass. 02176 o ? u c . Weston. Mass. 02193 Moscow, Ann L. Garden Rd .. Harrison, N.Y. 10528 Mon. Richard D. 507 Buffalo St., Farmville. Va. 23901 Munson, Thomas W. 86 Arnold Rd., Wellesley, Mass. 02181
Falsani, Robert C. 26 Dustin St., Berlin, N.H. 03570 Faust, Harold S. 521 Riverside Rd., Lawrence, Ma. 01841 Files, Judith M. 41 Thirteenth St., Bangor 04401 Fitton, Deborah A. RFD, Jefferson, Mass. 0152.2 Fochs, John M. 2506 Branch St., Duluth, Minn. 55812. Foss, Peter 127 Lowell Rd., Wellesley Hills, Mass. Foster,. Beverty E. 133 Lawrence Rd., Mahwah, N.J. 07430 fowler, Donna H. RFD 3 , E. Montpelier, Vt. 05651 Fraser, Mark S. 4 Troy SL, Nashua. N.H. 03060 Freedman, Judith M. 4 Suncrest Rd., Andover, Mass. 01810 Freeman, Margaret A. 30 Lincoln St., Bath 04530 French, Robert E. 111 Sudbury Rd., Weston, Mass. 02193 Frizzell, Margar·et A. 111 Sudbury Rd., Weston, Mass. 02193 Gallup, Richard W. 42 Trowbridge St., Cambridge, Ma. 02138 Gassett, Robert R. South SL, Halifax, Mass. 02338 Gerrior, Patricia A. 62 Sea St., No. Weymouth, Mass. 02191 Gilbert, David M. W. High St., Sangerville 04479 Gilfoy, Peter G. Grasshopper La.. Lincoln, Mass. 01773 Gill, Lorraine A. 11 Rollin Terr .. Lynn, Mass. 01905 Gilson, Andrew B. 265 Jackson St., Newton Ctr.. Ma. 02159 Glass, Peter S. 48 Hammond Pd. Pkwy., Brookline, Mass. Golden, Mary A. 9 Breezy Knoll, WestDort. Conn. 06880 Goldman, Marlene B. 156 Massapoag Ave., Sharon, Mass 02067 Gould, Jame.s M. 9 Tardiff St.. Waterville 04901 Gould, R.oger H. 110 Hackensack Rd., Boston, ass.. 02167 Graves, Diana J. 28 lewis La •• W. Hartford, Conn 06110 Gray, Barbara 76 Elm S .. Apt. 8 , Watervllle 04901 Guitar, Leonard G. Ferry Rd., Old Lyme, Conn. 06371 Gulbrandsen, Uiida J. 35 Riverdale Rd., Wellesley Hills, Ma. Hadanl, llan 5 Hish St.. Afeka, Tel Aviv, Israel J.
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Halmlla, S•ndra L 56 Reingold Ave., Fitchburg. Mass. 01420 Halbert, Terry A. rtourtown, Pa. 19031
E. A.
171 Parldawn Dr., Waterbury, Conn 06708 Hamalu.k, Bartl•nt I. 43 Highland S , Newington, Conn. 06111 Handelm&n, Brenda 2 Paul Ave., W. Peabody. Mass 01960 a h r F s . elrose. Mass. 02176 H•nson, M. 23 P ine.croft Rd., Weston, Mass. 02193 Hardy, Wllllam P. 30 Western Ave., Waterville 04901 Harvey, Alison J. 106 Weymouth St.. Holbrook, Mass. 02343 Hawks, Deborah 29 Devens St., Concord, Mass. 01742 Hayashi, Andrew M. 6 Allanbrook Dr., Islington, Ontario, Ca. Hess, Brenda L 54 Pine Ledge Rd , Bangor 04401 Hiii, K•thryn C. 128 Pomeroy Ave., Pittsfield, Ma. 01201 Hinman, Rlchud G. 46 W1dwood Rd.. Andover, Mass. 01810 Hobbs, G.,y L 1251/2 Wood St .. Lewiston Holler, Sandra J. 39 texmgton Ave.. Torrlngton, Conn. Humphreys, lnne11 Hampton Park, Southampton, N Y 11968 Hunt, Richard 1 . Jr. RFD 1 . Fairfield 04937 Hurwitz, Barrett A. 189 Palmer St., New Bedford, Mas . Irvine, J. 195 Queen St, Cobourg, Ontario, Canada
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Rleherd h 1� M�tU��!:l1�:urt, Branford, Conn. 06405 Johnson, Karen L 17 Kenwood St.. Portiand 04102 Johnston, Robert B.
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120 Summer St.. Andover, Mass. 01810 Jone1, Gordon B., Jr. 495 South St.• Needham, Mass. 02192
Washlnaton Crossing, Pa
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debby anderson, philip byers donna sundeen, gail robinson, kathy
business manager
winslow, sherry phipps, amy brewer,
cathy shippee, patricia montgomery claudia caruso
paRent patRon s D r . & M rs . A rt h u r M . O l se n
M r . & M rs . H a r ry Nec kes
M rs . M a rv i n H oy
M r . & M rs . Thomas H o l l a n d
M r. & M rs . Roger Cow l es
M r. & M rs . C a r l eton Ryerson
M r. & M rs . Pa u l R. Ly n c h
Mr. & M rs . W i l son C . P i pe r
M r. & M rs. R a n d o l p h Baker
F a i t h B . Pa l me r
M r . E. E. Ford
M r. & M rs . Sw i ft Ta rbe l l
M r . & M rs . W . H. Be n son
M r s. Robert H a r r i s
M r. & M rs. Arsene C . Te rrio
M r . & M rs . J o h n Tay l o r
D r . C h a r l es B . R o u n d
Edward A . M oos
M rs . 0 . W . H a u s se rm a n n , J r .
M r . & M r s. R i c h a rd W . A l e x a n d e r
M r. & M rs . W a l wo rt h B . W i l l i a m s
M r . & M rs . Ph i l i p F . F i n c h , J r.
M r. & M rs . C h a se R i tts
M r . & M r s. Lou i s F. Fa l l on
M r. & M rs. W m . F . F e r n a l d
Dr. H. F . M u rray, J r .
M r. & M rs . Leo n a rd W h ite
M rs. H e l e n A. M a rt i n
M r. & M rs . E l l i ot+ L . Sta n t i a l
M r. & M rs. Maxwe l l Q u a c k e n bos
M r . & M rs. F . P . Ande rson
M rs . M a ry S i e n k i ew ic z
G race A . A nd e r se n
M r. & M rs. A l ex a nd e r M cW h i rt e r
M r. & M rs . Don a l d K . Trescott
C l e t u s Keat i ng , J r.
M r . Ed wa rd G. M o r i n
M r. & M r s. A. E . Camp
C a pt . & M rs . He r be rt S . Schwab
Mr. & M rs . Dwi g h t E. Sa rge nt
R. F. K re a m e r
Mr. & M r s. H y m a n Pa rness
M rs. A l l a n B . Steven so n
M rs . Edith C . J ac ques
M rs . R u sse l l E . Wel l s
Edwi n E . Kol ho nen
M r . & M rs. David Wu rze l
M r. & M r s . Don a l d G . Sc h i ne
M r . & M rs . Preston H a rvey
M r . & M rs. R hodes H . Co p i t h o r n
M rs . A l f red Ste i ner
M rs . R i c h a rd M . Saaye r
M r. & M rs . Rol l i ston W. L i n scott , J r .
Gordon B. J o nes
M r. & M rs . David B a rt e l
T. W. H o l l a nd
M r . & M r s. Robe rt Ke l l y
D r . & M rs . E rw i n Neter
D r . & M rs . K . L . M c Ewen
M rs. Wm. E. Tucker
M rs . Robe rt W . Sparks
E . R. S k i n ne r
M r. & M rs . F red e r i c k N. Robi n son
M r . & M rs . R u sse l l J . K e l l y
M r . & M rs . J oseph M e l p i g n a n o
M r . & M rs . 0 . Ga ssett
J a m e s L. M ad d e n
M rs . J a m e s H. E l k u s
M r. & M rs . W m . N . M ac Kay
Le h m a n Katz
M r. & M rs . B u r re l Hors ley
Mr. & M rs . Wm. M. M i l n e
M r . & M r s. I ra H a be s h i a n
M r . & M rs. C a r l R u d n i c k
M r . & M rs . R a p h ae l G i guere
M r. & M r s. H . W . B u c k
M r. & M rs . He n ry F r i sbie
M r . & M r s. Dona ld H uff
M rs . T h o m a s F i sh e r
M r . & M rs . David Newm a n
M r . & M rs. C h a rles S. Eaton
R i c h a rd J o s l y n
Pilot To see you last on All Saint's, some Thought appropriate; I counted those who had come Before me as they wheeled you in beneath The flag's reddest wreath, The wound. The cortege was slow and Longer than many, Strange tribute to one whose end Had come at five hundred miles in one hour, Then in cadence our Rite to you began, probably To stop before you could have wound One engine. The priest And officer touch the ground Below the straight black wood as though to break Your fall. This mistake In time shall come to us; at least Now you lie still. We never stood In spite from you, nor Any man so much to brood, Is it final blame that bothers us; we Hang you needlessly. Wordlessness from you does not score Freedom from your own. A parting Line could serve your wife As 'broken' or 'forgetting'; Curiosities must insult what she Has left to her. She Knew you would never give your life For less than another. The field Is full now, a hand Motions every flight to yield And come in; beneath the lid your silver
This page contributed by:
Eye revolves, ever Pilot to this final, spoiling land. James Lawrence Martin
Levine's Store for Men and Boys Berry's Stationers Dunham's of Maine M ichaud Jewelers A. W. Larsen Co. Colby Bookstore Canaan House The Spa 202
The Acolytes Spectral
he was
a boy
Black cassocked and white Shouting at them Their death
with surplice waving
and the corner
In long black cars In winter
moving toward
A snowball thrown
with a little life
Booming for playtime In winter
by kids
on their way to serve at the church
Weathering the end of the year And the kin passing in j udgment Lights on
And I, a bonelike grin, Hollowsocketed
above them all
Overlooking my living Thinking of words Not
until now
Buttoned in black cassocks White starch stiff on the neck Bringing-oh my elders, why-child eyes Into the death house, surrou nding the caskets, Incensed: "Did you wish us to know before our time, you priests? Do not judge, then, the whiteness of our small play Thudding crystalline on your caissons; Marvel, instead, that we serve." Small furies, vital, erratic Floundering toward the church.
J . A. H u nt
PATRONS Frlel-Hogdom-Mltchell ln aurence •nd Aul Eatll te Agency The
Gooda Center T•rdH
Chi Aho Shoppe
Snow, Stephen K. H a rborside 04642 Sobel, John 55 Dogwood La., Rockv i l l e Centre, N . Y. Spallholz, Dana J. 233 B ra d l ey St., Portland 04103 Spector, Richard I. 450 E. 40 St., Paterson, N . J . 07514 Spindler, Peter B. 210 Schoolmaster La . , Ded h a m , M ass. 02026 Starkis, Andrej T. 99 Acorn St., M i l l i s, M ass. 02054 Stead, Kenneth A. 1 08 Swarthmore Ave., Rutledge, Pa. 19070 Steege, Steven T. 29 Eastern Dr., Wethersfield, C o n n . 06109 Steere, Linda 32 W. Greenvi l l e R d . , Greenv i l l e , R.I. 02828 Stephens, M a ry M. 144 M a pleto n , Grosse Pointe, M i c h . 48236 Stevenson, W i l l i a m G, 85 U p l a n d R d . , Attleboro, M a ss. 02703 Stinchfield, Jane K. Pond Rd . . M a n chester 04347 Stone, Aroline F. 251 Boston Post R d . , Weston, M ass. 02193 Stromberg, Robert L. 213 K e n s i ngton Ave., Lynbrook, N .Y. 11563 Struckhoff, Laura L. 12 Pleasant View Ave., Concord, N . H . Sugarman, Deborah 193 Sal mon St., M a n chester, N . H . 03104 Sundeen, Donna C. 8116 Rt. 20A, Honeoye, N . Y. 144 7 1 Swanson, M a rgaret J , M a i n St., U p t o n , M ass. 01568 Sylvia, Francis Voke St., No. Reading, M ass. 0 1 864 Tabor, Paul N. and Sarah A. 239 M a i n St., Wate rv i l l e 04901 Talbot, Joan E. U pper St., Turner 04282 Tapia, W a l l a ce W. 186 M a rtha R d . , H a rri ngton Park, N . J . Tarrant, Jeanne Cat Rock R d . , Cos Cob, Con n . 06807 Teravainen, Karen L. 6 Th ird Ave., Scarborough 04074 Terrell, Charles 150 R . I . Ave., N .W. 32, W a s h i ngton, D . C. Thurlow, Deborah L. 218 O l d S u d b u ry R d . , S u d b u ry, M ass. 01776 Timmons, Daniel S. 270 London St., Sherbrooke, P.Q., C a n a d a Tindall, N a ncy L . 1 2 3 H i l l side D r . , Robbinsv i l l e , N . J . 08691 Treworgy, Elaine N. 3 1 8 Main St., Calais 04619 Vaughan, M a u reen A. 77 Aborn St., Peabody, M ass. 0 1 960 Vose, Sarah E. 6 N elson Rd., Scarborough 04047 Vujan, Andrea 60 1 Amberson Ave., Pittsburgh, P a . 15232 Wallace, Cynthia F. 202 Witherspoon R d . , B a l t i more, Md. 21212 Ware, W i l l i a m B. Great R d . , Stow, M ass. 01775 Warner, Pamela C. Grasshopper Lane, L i n col n , M ass. 01773 Webb, Shipp H. Box 958, U n iversity Station, Sewanee, Ten n . Webber, Donna L. 10504 S u n rise B lv d . , Okl ahoma City, O k l a . Weemes, Jonathan R . 4 E u s t i s S t . , Lexington, M a ss. 02173 Weitzman, David N. 232 Academy Terr., L i n d e n , N . J . 07036 Wells, Edward P. 23 B r i a rwood Ave., Rea d i n g, M ass. 01867 Wells, Katherine T. 47 C h a m be rl a i n Ave., Westwood, M ass. 02090 Whidden, Thomas A. 29 M i n ute M a n H i l l , Westport, C o n n . 06880 White, Arthur M . 4 West S t . , S h a ron, M ass. 02067 Wichtel, Jerold J. 320 S. H a rrison St., E. Orange, N . J . 0 7 0 1 8 W i l l i a m s, Deborah 12 M a c i ntosh Rd., Rea d i n g, Mass. 0 1 867 Winer, Ronna M. 2 1 1 C h u rc h i l l Dr., W i l m i ngton, Del. 19803 Woessner, Chris T. 151-22 26th Ave., F l u sh i ng, N .Y. 1 1354 Woo, Robert G. F. 71 No. Prospect St., A m h erst, M ass. 01002 Wood, Charles H., Jr. 282 Powder Point Ave., D u x b u ry, M a ss. 02332 Wood, Jack D. 855 Great P l a i n Ave., N e e d h a m , M a ss. 02192 Wood, Judith A. 110 Leamy St., G a r d n e r, M a ss. 0 1440 Woodcock, Gary E. 231 M a i n St., Thomaston 04861 Wulff, J a mes R. 60 Lexington Rd., W. H a rtford, Con n . 06114 Zaccaria, M a rk S. 45 N o rwel l Rd., Ded h a m , M ass. 02026 Zlotnick, Christine J . 30 Ray S t . , Webster, M ass. 0 1 57 0
Murrell, Roberta L. 6 W . R idge Dr., S i m s b u ry, C o n n . 06070 N a h a bedian, Christine 1 8 Wright St. , P a l m e r, M ass. 01069 N a kano, Takaharu A m h e rst H ou se , D o s h i s h a U n iv., Kyoto, J a pa n N i les, Sharon E . 3 6 C o b u r n H i l l R d . , Concord, M ass. 0 1 742 Nissen, Erica A. D a m a riscotta 04543 Norfleet, P h i l i p S. 4 G u a rd H i l l R d . , Westport, C o n n . 06880 Ohnysty, Pamel a M . 4 0 Westl a w n D r. , G l e n Cove, N .Y. 11542 Pach, Nicolette M. 10 N i ckerson Rd., Dedham, M ass. 02026 Palmer, Earl R., J r. 26 F a i r m o u n t St., N as h u a , N . H . 03060 Parker, Hazel A. Apartado Aereo 11348, Bogota, C o l u m b i a S.A. Parness, Jeffrey A. 1 03 Pembroke Ave., Providence, R . I . 02908 Patch, Ja mes H. 75 S u m m e r St., Saugus, M a ss. 01906 Peters, Joseph E. 114 N ep a r a n R d . , Tarrytown, N .Y. 1 059 1 Peterson, Anne V. 12 C o l o n i a l R d . , W i l b r a h a m , M a ss. 0 1 095 Peterson, Sally S. 311 0 O l y m p i c B lvd., Taco m a , Wash. 98466 Pierce, Virginia S. 4 1 4 Prospect St., Leo m i n ster, M a ss. 0 1 453 Piper, Charles W. 4 Westwood R d . , W e l l e s l ey, M ass. 02181 Poling, M ichael D. 175 Oak H o l low, Springfi e l d , M a ss. 0 1 128 Pomroy, Anne C. H a ncock 04640 Pond, Catherine M. 157 M oody St., B risto l , Con n . 060 1 0 Poplawski, M ichele A. 14 Oxbow R d . , Lexington, M ass. 02173 Potter, Robin C. 144 Ti m ro d Road, M a n c h ester, C o n n . 06040 Rathbun, J a net A. 1 0 7 Cornwa l l D r. , Pittsburgh, Pa. 15238 Rivero, Norma F. Aptdo, 6 1 124, C a racas, V e n e z u e l a Rosenbaum, J a net H . 2 2 5 W. 86 St., 9 p t . 207, New Y o r k , N .Y . Rothenberg, Stuart 151 Central Park, W., New York, N . Y. 10023 Roud, Paul C. 32 Consi d i n e Rd., Newton, M a ss. 02159 Ryen, Alice M . 95 Cock's L a . , Locust V a l l ey, N .Y. 1 1 560 Ryerson, Elizabeth S. 231 Worcester St., No. Grafton, M a ss. 0 1 536 Saglio, Robert H . M a rl borough R d . , G l aston b u ry, C o n n . 06033 S a l m i , Dennis R. 8 H a rrison St. , M a y n a rd , M a ss. 0 1 745 Saporito, Steven E. 17 D u n st a n Rd., Lyn nfie l d , M a ss. 01940 Sargent, Cole A. 98 Front St., Apt. 3, Wate rv i l l e 04901 Savage, Russell Y. Georgetown 04548 Sawyer, Jane E. 21 B rooklawn Ave., Augusta 04330 Schmickrath, Stephen 0. 52 Stoner Dr., W. H a rtford, C o n n . 06107 Schmidt, Laura R. Woodv i l l e R d . , Shore h a m , N .Y. 11786 Schumacher, David H. 14 Westwood Rd., Augusta 04330 Schwartz, Roslyn D. 802 H a rston La . . P h i l a de l p h i a , P a . 19 1 1 8 Sea man, Leslie A. 2607 H i rst Terr., Havertown, Pa. 19083 Selden, Jordan P. 9 Greenway Ct., G reen St., B rookl i n s , M a . Self, M ichael 69 M o rrow, Peterboro, Ontario, C a n a d a Sharples, Howard S., J r . 152 Fa i rweather A v e .. C ra n ston, R . I . Shea, David M. 9 3 4 M i d d l e S t . , Bath 04530 Sherger, John D. 42 M a p l e Lane, Wayne, N . J . 07470 Shettleworth , Earle G., Jr. 126 H e rsey St., Port l a n d 04103 S h i p pee, Cathy Lynn. (Mrs. Richard) 35 L a F a rge Lane, M a n h asset, N.Y. 11030 Silverstein, Jeffrey N . 1 6 Crescent Ave., Passiac, N . J . 07055 Simmons, Peter J. R D 2, W. Fra n k l i n , N . H . 03235 Skeats, B a rbara J. 1640 O l d Farm Lane, York, Pa. 17403 Smiley, Deborah J. 159-03 28 Ave., F l u s h i ng, N .Y. 11358 Smith, Douglas G . West S i d e R d . , N o . Conway, N . H . 03860 Smith, Judith M. Box 254, RFD 2, K i l l i ngworth, C o n n . 06417 Smith, S. C l a rk 1 0 1 5 So. Spoede Rd . , St. Louis, Mo. 63 1 3 1 Smith, Todd H . 100 M e m o r i a l D r . , C a m bridge, M ass. 02142
of lithographic T h i s b o o k printed by VELVA TONE, a special process Box 1052, B uff a lo, N.Y. printing. Sole producers: Wm . J Keller Inc., printing firm is authorized to use the Velvatone method.
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