The Colby Oracle 1984

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Colby in Color














Senior Directory


o our asronlshmenr, last June we found ourselves old enough ro be

ever end up there">" The answers were as varied as the

York Clry of course. Bur within ren years of our graduations, we hod lived In

tr ends who provided them And we ore

Africa. South America. and several

doss reunions. Ir was a chance to revet

certain thar the furure paths which

American cities which were not New

In worm nosrolgio. ro wonder In places

many of you wlll follow ore equally

York. 13y then we were nor doing law,

we once knew well and to try ro

uncharted and ore just as unpredlooble

research or teaching although there was

onending our rwenry¡flfTh college

recoprure rhor wonderful rime when

Ar graduation thor thought con be a

everyfhlng lmpononr seemed ro lie

llnle unsettling. Aher all the years of

ahead. when opportuntrles were

preparation it Is natural to think that

a return to those fields later on. Each of the moves we mode come from our reaching our and grasping an

unllmlfed and we were responsible only

what comes next will be definite, secure

ohen unexpected opportunlry as Ir

ro and for ourselves

and stlmulorlng A few groduores wlll

happened to woh by. Serendlplry some

quickly find those comforrble. stable

coll It Bur you hove to be alerrl

We rotked and talked as we caught up wlrh rhe lives, careers and families of

niches but mosr still hove some surprises

our friends. There were a few who

ahead. Don't be dismayed! Excitement

by now well known, admonitions

Ar commencement you wlll hear the,

were doing just what they had Intended

ls the reword for uncenolnty and variety

offered to all Colby seniors: Join your

and we had expeaed for rhem. But

comes to those who ore wllllng to rake

public library and carry a good book

rhey were the notable exceptions.

o chance

wherever you go But the best advice

Many of us were IMng In previously

Our own expectations hod been the

we ever received we'd now like to

completion of low school and graduate

shore with you: Always toke a cookie

places, engaged in pursuits thor hadn't

school and then the sreody ploying out

when they' re passed I

ortglnolly been planned for or all.

of our respective professional careers In

' How" we asked one onorher .. did you

low and research and reaching. In New

unknown (and sometimes unheard of)

- Wllllom and Undo Cotter


'17earbooks always remind me of .I my primary area of research, the study of biological cycles. After all, the publication of a yearbook is an obvious indicator of one such cycle, ttle annual period or a year. A major conclusion of our studies of biological timing is that it is highly beneficial for all organisms to be in the right place doing the right thing at the right time. Honey bees at work during daylight find nectar in flowers. Most blossoms are open by day. Earth�orms out of their burrows during the night find mates. Most of these animals are above ground by night. Fiddler crabs on a Florida beach during low-tide find food. Algae and microscoeic animals are deposited in the intertidal zone by ebbing waters. Varying hares on an Alaskan field during the winter are white. Their predators do not see them as they move over the snow in their winter coats. What about undergraduates living and studying in liberal arts colleges during their late 'teens and early twenties? Are they in the right place doing the right thing at the right time? That question came to me several years ago when I accepted an invitation to speak at an honors day convocation of a liberal arts college, my own a/mo mater. To try to find an answer, I spent a good number of solar days thinking about my own undergraduate years and those of the liberal arts undergraduates I have had the happy fortune to know and to teach during the last thirty years. People mature physically in college. They sharpen


their gods change shape and size. 13ased on that kind of evidence, my

intellectually as do their abilities to

answer to the question is on

interested to hear your answers, backed up, of course, by evidence. Has it been to your advantage to be at

make observations and to integrate

overwhelmingďż˝ However, I do not

Colby College during your

information and experiences. They

assume that I con answer the question

undergraduate years?

become more tolerant of their peers,

for everyone who has attended a

parents and teachers. Their worlds and

liberal arts college. I honestly would be

- Miriam Bennett


ou probobly have been rold, as

who helped to mount difficult

and gentle. the countryside

we were. rhar when you

productions like "West Side Story" and

mognificenr. Periodically the paddling

"No Place To Oe Somebody" rook risks.

would stop and everyone would jump

move inro a place called the Real

So did those who sought ro redefine the

into the stream. floating along beside

character of our community by

the canoes. Or someone would start

rhan the one you are leaving behin d.

confronting intolerance and by

singing aloud and everyone would join

rhat all you have done in college 1s

challenging the hegemony of the

in. When rhe glow of the campfire

merely prepararion for whar lies ahead

fraternity sysrem. So too did rhose who

dimmed that evening, we sot on the

Ir's a standard line, one rhor parents and

spent lonely hours in rhe studio and rhe

shore toking in the splendor of the clear

commencement speakers hove been

laboratory and the library srruggling to

summer sky. We hoped that our

handing our for years Our tr's nor rrue

defy the constraints of inrelleduol

freshman companions would recognize

graduare from college you will

orld. rhar ir is a more important place

convention Your achievements do nor

this as one of those rare sweet days that

rhreshold one musr cross before

pole in magnitude merely because

will survive and shine in memory. Age

anything morters We hope when you

rhey happened early 1n your lives They . were urrerly "real .

was irrelevant; it was o rime ro savor.

Commencement day 1s not o

look bock years from now on your time or Colby that you will recognize it for

In the some sense rhe JOYS you hove

The things that ore truly important in life await the completion of no apprenticeship. Mosr of you will go on

the special and unique experience rhor

experienced here ore no less valid nor

1r was nor merely as prepororion for

less memorable rhon those you will find

to valuable and rewording lives. bur

hfe T e challenges you confronted

later on Joy comes 1n many forms from

you may never again write a

here rhe growing you did r e courage

shoring 1n rhe generous enthusiasm of

paragraph more grocef ul rhan the one

you demonstrored and rhe JOY you

good friendship. from orhlette conquest

you wrore 1n English 152. or capture o

experienced are entirely real They

from mastering a difficult piece of music.

role with as much insight as you did

were not practice for something more

or merely from walking on o winter's

Macbeth, or hit rhe high hard one as

important lorer on They were

night w1rh the snow crunching under

you did in rhe Oates game. If it is o time

1mporront 1n r eir own ng r They count.

your feet and rhe chill o stiletto or your

to look forward ro the resr of your life

They rnorter

c eek

e remember one special day

with excitement - and surely it is -

for 1nsronce on a COOT mp canoeing

we hope you will also find 1r o rime ro

instance. The essence of courage is the

r e Oelgrode Stream wnh nine

look bock with satisfaction on rhe evenrs

willingness to rake nsk Those of you

freshmen Ir was Indian summer. worm

and experiences of the post four years.

Toke the quesnon of courage for

Emerson was once asked how he defined success. He answered: To laugh often and love m uch, to win the respect of inrelligenr persons and the affection of children: ro appreciate beauty; to find the best in others: to give one's self: to leave the world o lot better wherher by o healthy child. o garden porch. or o redeemed social condition: to hove ployed and laughed wirh enthusiasm and sung with exolrotlon; to know even one life hos breathed easier because you hove lived - this is to hove succeeded Emerson . we suspect. would hove reJeCted the notion thar the quest for success begins with the awarding of diplomas. We hope that you too will rejecr rhot silly Idea. - Co/ and Nancy MacKenzie



o the Class of 1984: You and I ore finishing up Colby at the same time, and this is of course the year to which many people have been looking toward as an especially fateful one. Surely Orwell's grim predictions have not been totally realized. but neither, perhaps, have my own gentler hopes for the world is ever confronted by issues bearing the gravest of implications. The current generation of college students is sometimes described perhaps rather unfairly - as being obsessed with grades and careers. Your final Colby grades have all been posted, and we have all been frequently warned in recent years that career directions as yet unimagined lie ahead for many of today's graduates. I rather envy you the prospects and the challenges of social change, and I know that you will be facing up to them, not with apprehension, but with confidence and excitement. As I mention change, I am reminded of how often I am asked what changes at Colby during my tenure of a third of a century have most impressed me. There


have been many, mostly reflecting shifts and developments in the world of which Colby is only a part. Yet it surely did not require the triumphs of space exploration, or the burgeoning magic of the laser and the computer, to effect the category of change that I am inclined to cherish the most. I am referring to the restructuring of the roles of women at Colby (and of course to the parallel growth and change that hove token place in the world at large). When Mary Low, Colby's first female student, graduated in 1875, she was denied the part of valedictorian at the commencement ceremonies, although she was (what else?) the best student! College authorities prescribed her attire for the occasion (she was permitted to deliver the class prophecy - and how we wonder what she said!) She was garbed in black, with a high boned collar, long sleeves and skirts to the ground. Loter classes contained more than one woman student, but they continued to be substantially superior to the men in academic (and probably other) ways, although male students were undoubtedly loath to acknow-

ledge the fact. It is charming - and maybe a bit sobering - experience to examine the 1905 Oracle. One discovers that the college hod a glee club-which consisted only of tenors and basses. There was a dramatic club that mounted plays - but mole students played female ports! The years 1875 and 1905 are far behind us, and certain long overdue changes hove finally begun to take place-most of them rather recently, which is why I om so keenly aware of them. It is snidely inappropriate to echo the advertising pitch of "You've come a long way, baby!" - for we all know that there ore further distances yet to be traveled. You of the class of 1984 will be living into a new century, and it is my fondest hope that you will be able to meet its changes and problems with courage, and to conquer them with grace and style. I hope also that you will think bock with fondness about your years at Colby, and I wish you every success and happiness always. With sincerest affection,


on Valentine's Day. Or when most of the class sides with me Instead of Tom Longstaff during arguments in our team-taught Oiblical Images in American Lit. Or when two letter-jacketed jocks casually catch me (and my brief case) in mid-air one slippery day and send me tottering off down the sidewalk again unharmed. Or when summer-roving students mail me - save for my wife. Colby's only authentic South Dakotan a Oad Lands souvenir ashtray from the Woll Drug Store ("Free Ice water at Wall Drug"). Or. best of all, when a kid in Freshman Composition finally writes a reasoned, Intelligently organized theme; earns his A-; and positively glows at the ochfevemenr. None of these tiny rrlumphs fs likely to raise lumps in your throats. You have student memories more precious to you and your friends, and It's better that I don'r know about rhem. Most of your nostalgia Is probably faintly illegal or Immoral (my own undergraduate nostolgfo was, and I didn't write of that In the Coyote). You do best to keep rhose recollectlons ro yourselves. Out of course we do shore some experiences. Looking across the volley roword the church spire on a red-ond­ gold autumn afternoon. Watching Dick Whitmore coax stlll another victory out of five relatively ordinary-sized men, and Gene Delorenzo do rhe some with his extraordinary women. Oetting on who will be the first moron to don shorts during the February thaw. Talking about Hemingway on a rainy Thursday. Enduring a Waterville April. Sharing a


hlrry years ago - almost to rhe

I tripped over rhot line frequently In rhe

day-I was rollfng away at my

1954 Coyote.

desk on Sourh Unvlerslry Street In

On fh'e'"Other hand, who wants

Vermllllon. Sourh Ookoro, finishing o

profundity In a yearbook? There may

viral ossignmenr. As copy editor of rhe

be a scholarly drudge or two who will

Universlry of South Dokoro Coyore. I

resonate to opt quotations from

hod ro produce .some evocorlve prose

Copernicus or Matthew Arnold In o

to accompany a botch of yearbook

faculty yearbook essay. but I soy that's

photographs. capped by a comic shor

prerenrlous, and I soy rhe hell with It!

of 0111 Frledhoff f eedlng a hot fudge

Blubbery nostalglo was good enough

sundae to George. rhe Phi Deir dog The

tor your parents' generation, so you'll

ensuing rhree decodes have mode me

get rhe some

plumper even rhan George. but the

Hoving token my stand rm sruck

copy Is no easier ro compose In 1984.

Because students and faculty ore rarely

Yearbook writing always walks a

nostalglc about the some things. I get all

dangerous line around blubbery

mushy when rhe Colby Eight sings "I

nosrolglo. and, looking back, I nore that

Don't K now Why" to me In Lovejoy 100

beer by Johnson Pond during Senior Week. Some of your class may hove spent four pragmatic years on Mayflower Hill, learning a lot of monetary theory or Livy. but eager to get on to the "real" world before the Ink Is dry fn their 0.A.'s. I wish success to all those procrlcol types, but the soft spot In my heart fs reserved for those In the Closs of '84 who will actually read this yearbook. They appreciate vintage nostolglo, and they're not afraid of feeling. For thirty years, rhey've been my kind of people.

- Chor/es Oosserr


Senior Staff

Left to Right, Front A.ow: Janice Seitzinger, William Cotter, Robert McArthur. Back A.ow: Sidney Farr, C. P. Williamson, Douglas Archibold, Earl Smith, Stanley Nicholson.

Philosophy and Religion

Left to Right: Yeager Hudson, Thomas Longstaff, Paulo Richmon, Don�I Cohen, Robert Reumon.



Lefr ro Righr: Jomes McGlew. Peter W estervelr. Dorothy Koonce.


Leff to Right: William O'Neil Krisrin Hollberg, Fred Moseley Roberr Christiansen Jomes Meehan Henry Gemery. Oruce Vermeulen



Left to Right: Jeon Mcintrye, Wayne Smith, Anthony Tonner, Gory Mabbott, George Maier.


Left to Right, Seared: Miriam 13ennett, Elizabeth Champlin. Standing: David Firmoge, Russell Cole, Fronk Fekete, Joy Lobov, Thomas Easton, 13ruce Fowles, Arthur Champlin.



Lefr ro P.ighr: Dorin Zehner. Nicholas l\ohrmon, Lewis Lester, Dione Kierstead, Edward Yeterion.


Lefr ro P.19hr, Seared¡ Dole Skrien, Homer Hoyslett, John Gimbel, John Hosack. Donald Small. Standing: Kenneth Lone, Kenneth Homllron, Carol Oosserr, Joke Hornish.



Left ro Right, Seared: Lizz Kleemeier. Chip Hauss. L. Sandy Maisel. Albert Movrinoc. Standing: Michael Huelshott. Roger Gowen, Patricio Kick. G. Colvin MocKenie.


Left to Right: Marilyn Movrinoc, Harold Jacobson.



Left to Right, Seated: Robert Doel. Frederick Geib. Sranding: JoAnne Preston, Dallas Drowne, Jonas Rosenthal, Judith Modell, Thomas Morrione.


Left ro Righr, Seared: Patricio Kick. Robert Weisbrot, Catherine Lynch. Standing: Joel Oernord, Richard Moss. Harold Raymond. Jone Hunter. Clifford Oerschneider, Marilyn Movrlnoc



Left to Right: Adel Heinrich. Dorothy Reumon, Oryon Gilliom, Poul Machlin, Peter Re.

Modern Foreign Languages

Left ro Right, Front Row: Hubert Kueter, Shelley Helmsley, Camille LoPorro. Second Row: Oioto Franzen, Chung So. Mutsuko Motoyomo. Jone Moss. Third Row: Dorothy Rosenberg. Fronk Couz, Jone Yong, Jeon Oundy, Fronk Miller.

Lost Row: Henry Holland, Michael Skodden. George Olivares. John Westlie, Jonathon Weiss.


Art Lefr to Right Michael Morlois, Sonia Simon. Abborr Meader. Meg Wickes. Horrierr Morrhews, Kathy Woody, William Miller. Margaret Miller, David Simon. Hugh Carpenter. David Lubin.

English Lefr ro Righr. Seared. Peter Horris, John Sweney. Sronding: Norolle Horris, Edwin Kenney.Undo Torelboum. Par Onion. P. Mork Denbow. Ira Sodoff


Physics Left ro Right: Bill Tiernan, Robert Joseph, Alice fl.icky, John Dudley, P.oss Reynolds.

Geology Leff to Right: Bob Nelson, Ethan Guiles, Alice Ricky. William Doll, Harold Pestano, Don Allen.


Administrative Science

Lefr ro Aighr Frederick Goursch1 John Oubor. Myles Ooylon



FALL Sovler Chief of Stoff Yuri Andropov's lost public appearance on Augusr 18-Korean Air Liner 007 shot down In Seo of Japan by Sovlers-Classes srorr-Ausrrolio II becomes rhe first challenger to toke the America's Cup-Polish Solidarity leader Lech Wolenso receives the Nobel Peace Prize- 241 Marines die In bombing of U.S. Miiitary Headquarters In Deruit-U.S. Troops Invade Grenada-Gory Horr upsets Wolter Mondale In New Hampshire primary. Jesse Jackson follows closely behind In what will become one of the roughest Democratic races ever.






l?.�.M. 40







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- - ------- -- - - - - -- -- -- - - --- - ------- --- - - - - -


- Front Row: William Cusick. Joe Mlzhir, Richard Erb, Richard Valeri, Steve Lit足 chfield, Cooch Chris Raymond. Andrew Dubina. Holl Adams. Dono Hanley. Andrew Sennett, Steve Gaynor. Second Row: Mork Phillips. Glenn Mortin, Doniel Murphy, Mike Morro. Gory Ruping. Michael Vail. Rodney Krouse. Mork Hodin, Corl 13outiette. Peter Dool足 ing. Tom Cushman. Third Row: Joy Kemble, Wayne Eddy, Sean Hooper. Lance Thompson. Oscar Weekes. Ed Pfister. Tom Volinote, Cory Hills. Jim Pietro. Thomas Oxholm. Fourth Row: Michael Ricci. Eric Sullender. Tom Reed. Steve

McCue. Poul Prescott. Todd Molloy, Joey Mar足 coux. Rick 13isson. Sandy Remington. Fifrh Row: Mike Rollins. Vinnie Emery, David Dugan. Rick Hastings. Jeff 13olloine, Andy Spirito. Tim Sullivan. Jim Feeley, Chris Farias, Todd Perkins. Nick Ambeliotis. John DeRohm. Coaches: Dove Coirnie. Dono Marshall. 13ob Ewell. Lou Ortiz. Jim Parody, Wally Covoll. Rick 13ell, Corl Nelson.

MEN'S SOCCER - Front Row: Scott Hunter, Tim Crowley, 13rion Guarnotta. Tony 13entlvogllo. Torgny Andersson. Jeff King, Rich Collchmon. Poul Swartz. 13ill Clendenen. Wiii Cheever. Bock Row: Cooch Mork Serdjenlon, Peter Vigue, Steve Michaud. Ricardo Sleveklng, Doug Terp. Tim McCrystol, Mork 13urke. Eric VonGestel, An足 dy Castle, Ted Goodrich. 13111 Duncombe, Cooch

Mickey Goulet.



48 1____ ____ ___ ___ ____ ____ ___ __

FIELD HOCKEY - fronr Row Helene Landers. Trlclo Curry Joyce Horrwig Jes.slco Gwynne. Sharon Kehoe Lerry P.oberts. Heidi Arnao. Elaine Segal orlko Mlyokodo Ooch Row Cooch Debbie Pluck Leslle Grttnsler. Korhy Nickerson. El!zoberh Sedor, Lori O'Keefe. 5hlelo P.yon. Korhy Hughes, Krlsren Johnson. Uso Oorhwlck, P.obln Dlonchord. Alldo Ellard, Koren Czuchry. Debbie Dunn, Koren Buckley

WOMEN'S TENNIS - Erin Borgeson. Alison Copsrlck, Norma Deloney, Koren Mlrchell. Sort­ jo Muehlmonn. Wendy Nevllle, 5uson Payne Suzanne Peorson. Deborah Potter. Krlsren P.olff. Korhryn Soderberg. P.omo Voso. Karyn Weafer. Sondra Winship

WOMEN'S SOCCEP. - Fronr Row Heorher Fr<»ler, Korhy 5ulllvon. Debbie Fiiiman, Chor· molne Twigg. Jullerre Bloke Mory Whlre. Mor· sho Landau Morrho McClune, Marianne Moc· Donald, Anne Tiedemann, Debby Brooks, Lourie Shover Oock Row· John Osbourne, Mol· ly Couch, Jen Esres. Mory Needham. Porrlce Golvln. Soroh Chopin, Carol Simon, Leslle Melcher, Jennifer Douglas. 5ue Whlrrum. Jen 5hockerr. Kelley Molloy. Terry Parlin.

WOMEN'S CP.OSS COUNTP. Y - Kelly McPholl, Kris Giblin. Deb Lindberg. lngrld Eksrrom. Cooch Joner Price, Daryl Angney, Prlsclllo Phinney, Rochel Graham, Debbie Scanlon, Jeanne Gulld, Rochel Drondzel, Ginger Prigge



Ooord of Trusrees vore ro obohsh fraternities-Winter Olympics in Sarajevo-Phil and Steve Mohre roke gold and silver medals in slalom-Scorr Homllron rakes rhe gold an figure skating -U.S troops evocuore Oeruir while 7rh Fleer shells the cuy from rhe Medirerroneon - Solly Ride becomes the flrsr American woman in spaceYuri Andropov dies- "Where s rhe beef?''

whether present institutions

Accordingly, the Commission

sufficiently supported Colby's

recommends that recognition of

on Mayflower Hill, at least without

educational mission.The study

fraternities, and also sororities,

provision for access to comparable

would include "consideration of

should be withdrawn . ..

housing by female students. l3ut

whether fraternities and sororities

some of this number at first felt the

(were) still appropriate for the

reaching this result, the members of

fraternities might be allowed to

College.'' The following is an

the Commission heard and read

continue in relocated housing; and

excerpt from the Commission's

about every argument, pro and

others thought the fraternities


con, relevant to the continued

might at least carry on as officially

existence of Colby's fraternities .. .

sanctioned, though houseless, social

'The Commission took up the question of 'whether fraternities

Many Commission members

clubs, like present sororities. As the

and sororities (were) still

doubted that it was in the best

discussion continued, however, two

appropriate for the College' soon

interest of Colby for the fraternities

important shifts of opinion took

after entering the deliberative

to continue in their present,

place. First, members became

stage of its proceedings. It postponed any final vote on their status, however, until the end of its many discussions, since questions relating to fraternities were closely tied to whether alternative means would be available to carry forward their more positive values. "Every member of the Commission .was invited to state fully his or her individual views on retention of the fraternities; .. . and these statements were debated and questioned extensively at the meetings. A spectrum of opinion was presented initially, ranging from the position that fraternities should, with modifications, be retained at Colby, to the belief that they should be abolished.Many positions in between were also stated. l3ut after intensive discussion, a consensus emerged, the strength of which was surprising considering the divergent positions from which many individual members had started, and the many constituencies they reflected. 'This consensus, simply put, is that the fraternities no longer serve an overall constructive role at Colby, and that, on balance, their continued presence is both detrimental and divisive. We believe that Colby without fraternities will be a better place than Colby with fraternities provided the residential Common system and other recommended improvements are adopted.


''It can be fairly said that, in

centrally located, ''prime'' housing

increasingly doubtful that it would be advisable to maintain

affiliations were retained.'' The decision to withdraw

frorerniries in any offficiolly

recognition from fraternities and

recognized status, even without

sororities and replace the current

housing; second, reform of the

residential system with four

fraternities come to seem

''Commons'' was initially met with

unrealistic, leading most of those

shock and anger. Many fraternity

who hod originally supported the

members hissed, tore up the report

fraternities to abandon their

and left the chapel. 13onfires on Frat

positions; and third, the Residential

Row were fed by fraternity

Commons concept appeared

furniture, shutters and a piano.

increasingly ro supplant the role of

"Bloody Sunday" marked the end

fraternities and to be subverted

of one era and the beginning of

somewhat if present fraternal

another as the mo�t important

change at Colby since the move to Mayflower Hill began to toke place.




Friday, March 2 to Monday, March 5 for Mike Marra it was a



Cofb'I light and Cofb'lelle3 •








---- - ------------- ----- -------------- --- --- - --




- - -

----- ---

- - -- ------ -- -- -- - - - - -- - -- --.._ __ -.._ -- --- -- - ------ ---







Front Row:






Weber, Regan Hargraves. Second Lindsey




Corver. Pot McClellan. Margie Shea, Debby




Judy Swift. Third Row: Mork Doollt· tie, Morgon Borer, Mike Doy, Chris VonHorne, Scott Choplowe. Lewis Holmes. Horry Raphael, Paul Boker, Don Bullis. Urstodt,

Ondy Mulliken,






Johnston. Fourrh Row: Rich Klimon. Rick




John Zelnlk,

Quillen, Kurt



Tammy Jones.

WOMEN'S ICE HOCKEY - Front Row: Lolyn Ottley, Kathy Hughes. Sue McNlven. Valerie Lewis, Mory White, Allclo Curtin, Kathy Contff, Anne Whit·

temore. Amy Scott, Molly Couch. Bock Row: Peter McHugh, Michelle Linder, Whistle Wood, Gage Foster. Jen Reuben. Jessica Truslow. Amy Glaser, Anne Boatright, George Brownell. Cooch Bob Ewell.


WOMEN'S DASKETDALL - Front fl.ow Amy Srocks. Porn Hoyr Sue Whinum. Mo Pine

Leslie Melcher Coro! Simon Koy Gommon

Row Berh Sroples Koren Jodoin. Sue Hordy Kaye Cross Therese Langlois. Krlsrln


Jo nson Brenda Delorenzo


Second Row


Front /low



P rer Toubk1n, l\od McG1lhs, Don Cronin, Tom Clune. Tim McCrysrol Tim Holr Greg Aposrle Ousrer Clegg Wair Edwards

Cooch Goul r. John Doehr. Jim Conrt, Greg Cronin. Chris Porker, Sreve Geno Mono Ferrucci, Gus Wilmerding Poul Morleou, Tom Boyd, Vin·

Poluw. Cooch K lley

(Mgr ) Tim


Third /low

(Mgr) (Mgr), Biii Clopp, Tom Hennesey. Tim Murphy Mike l'\e1nmund Ken Vopnl Andrew Burns Oob Aube



nreokdonc1ng becomes o norionol fad - Sovier sub and U S desrroyer collide in rhe Seo of Japan - Michael Jackson whose record 'Thriller


eight Grammy Awards is burned while making o Pepsi commercial - Sov1ers pull out of rhe Los Angeles Summer Olympics - World s Fair opens in


Orleans - Iron and Iraq ore or war in the Persian Gulf - Colby Seniors Graduate.



l..Q(Ml ,



T.\l.E A LITTLE GfTTltiG ll'Jf.P 10,T�TS ALL



One-Act Festival

Jlayferer 93









ar a for riends. e


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- --

-....---....­ ____ _ _ -- -- -- - - -- -- - --- -- -- - - -- --- --- - - - ---- --- -



Mahoney. Mork









Stephen Haynes.




Peter Newmon. Tom Claytor. Jomes Johnston. Robert




Orownell. Second Row: Cooch Ewell. Greg Pastore.






defl.hom. Oill Clopp, Tom Cushman. Steve Get­ to. Andy Herdeg. Andy Palmer. Doug Porker. Kori fl.uping. Mork Sorgenion. Oill Duncombe.

Third Row. Chuck Devin. Will Holmes. Morea Loretto. Fred Horowitz. Sandy Remington.



Fronr Row: Cooch Covoll. Mott Nickerson.

fl.oy Dow. Joe Volle. Horry fl.ophoel. Oilly Collins. Jim Gill. Poul Johnston. Dock Row: Stuart Oobb, Jim Kauf­ man.

Don Cronin. Doug Scalise. Denis Foley, Oen

Lowry. Joey Marcoux. Doug Colondrello. Vin Emery, John





Dugan. Tom Ooyd.

Fronr Row: Francis






More Hogen.


Mike Misner, Norris.


Feeley. Oill McCrillis, Phil Lopp, Tim Gray. Dock Row· Cooch Wescott. Jim





Pickering, Glenn Mortin. Jim Pierro. Phil Thornton. Simpson. Gibson.


Kevin Farley, Peter









Row A l l yson Goodwin Kim Gorron. Suzonne Swain. Rise Samuels. Anne Tiedemann. Gail

Hurchins on,








LeTTy Imhoff Dock

KeuHel. Loriann




Soroh Woodhouse, Tommy Jones

Pamela Jone


Or r l e y




Korhryn Gwynne










From Row Joyce Seymour.

Cindy Mo11ezzo Donna Alrenpohl Lori Srurgeon. Ahc10 Oevin. Anne Concem1. Andrea Sems Second Row Melonie SOFTBALL







Pamela Hoyr Jill lard Denis

Mamn Mo P Srople�



Morrho Mclov1sh


Deb Mor-,e.

Lil 5'=-dor Carol Simon Oerh

Sv\On Wh1rtum


elson. Korie Websrer Mory Jone

Jomes Grerchen Weiser Keary Honan. Amy Trorr Wendy Oirbrower Chose


Third Row


Perers. Meg Frymore


Amy Srocks




Melissa l\0Hon1, Grerchen

Oeon. Juhe D'Arico Sue Horowirz



Guest Lecturers, in Conjunction With Celebrating Diversity, Confranting Intolerance

Angela Davis 116

Alex Haley 117

SENIORS ... A Parting Shot

1 18



1 20

12 1



The Cfa!J!J of '84 1 26

Korhryn Sweeney

Carol Hiidebrand, Sue Chase.Down Lepanto

Gordon Colby


Tom Underwood

Dieter Weber

Al Pore

0111 P.ogers

Medge Linwood Corter

Dennis Myshroll

Cothy Wolsh


Lefr ro n 0 tg . hr·. Glenn . Or IoH . Drew Fiteh . Mike Megna. Don Sm. h David [3ollou,

�r�g Tulloch, Jim Troettino, Jett Perkins.

Rob Fast

More Garson and Yippy

Mike !\yon

Anno Th Arnodortir

13 1

Ann Leary

Lorna M. Neligon

George S. Moses


Denise Koy

Stephen T Gorrlry

I Kathleen A Mcloughlin

Kathy Musser

13 3

Helen Roberta Kacoyanis


Carolyn Lisa Boynton

Top Row: Left to Right: Ogden White Ill. T. J. Palmer. Peter McHugh, Dan Toomey, Rab Graham. Doffom Row: Tam Clune. Bobby Mclaughlin·. Tim Holr. Andy Brown.

Richard Erb

Mellssa Carperos


Sharon Stello

Sheryl Bottit 136

Page Johnson

Srephen J. f\epko

Mory Lou McCulloch

Kaye Cross

13rewster 13urns (person), Corysbrook 13ubo (horse)



Srephen Potter

Claire Ponee

Front Row Orion Hesse. Norhon Emerson, David Rosenberg, Jeff Morrin, Worren Burroughs. George Harrington. Dock Row: Nils GJesreby. Jomes Pollard. Willlom Sheehan, Wllllom McDermott, John Ayer, Craig Alie

Andrew Miller

Mory Colbath Cynthia Villarreal


Ann Christine Orochmon

Denise Orunelle

Lisa M Kuzio


Michael Mchaffie

Joanne S. Werther Eric Broadbent


Edward J. McCorrin

Jim Coroldo. Poul Deronion

Andrew R. Chrlsry


Amy G. Maz ur

Gretchen Gehrke


A. Chrisrlne Gledhill

Shelly Paules

Scott A. Morrill

1 45


Barbaro Duncan Jim Johnston

Gail Hutchinson

Porris Pelletier



Jett Symonds

Oob Orooks

Marsha Landau

Anne Tiedemann

Carole Marsh

Francesco Casoli


Janet Peabody

Lisa Wormwood and friends


13ernd Hefele, Cecil C . Holstein, Juan Colon-Collozo

Kit Williams


Sheila E. P. yon

Todd Holloran Valerie J eon Miller

Jeff Clemenrs

Morgon Oorer

15 1

Michelle A. Wolpert Jennifer Dorr

Ledo L. Hill


Tonya N. Roberts

Ion Snyder

Oliver W Outerbrldge

Russell Smith


Elizabeth C. Newell

David S. Spalding

Jonathon Leach


John Gagne

Cathy Altrocchi

Sreve Michaud . Roy Dow. Pete Newmon, Tom Dol�er. Jim Gouderre. Lou Holle


William Wiese, Ill

David Rocco

Thadeus Mocarski

Scott Niemann


Orion Preney, Ted Jenkins Kolyo Vlrtonds

Doug Terp 13ruce Nicholson


Suzanne L. Olson

Wm. W. Lloyd

Som Staley


Christopher C Hyun

Nancy Houck

Koren Mellno


Peggy Hole

Lauren A. Mogensen


Mory Kate Whalen

Shelley Lenr, Shannon Flynn

Tracy L. Welner


Steven Achber

Dianne Grundstrom 162

Daire L. Fontaine

Tracy l Smith

Julie Stebbins


Rophoelle Camille


Glen Wrighr

Rebecca Cunningham Left to Right: Andy Lufkin. Heorher Nicol. Allison Lory.


Horry Raphael

Peter Necheles


Lisa Patten

Deborah P. Sleeman

Koren Sundberg

Mork D. Harmon


Andrea Colby, Porn Hiscock

Thomas J. Reilly, Jr.

Steve D' Andrea


Jeremy P. Springhorn

Corhy Coniff


Keng Min Low

Peter J. Soccocio

l\ich Klimon

Steve Montebello


Serh I. Wolpert

Cheri es D. Boddy

Joseph Pollls

17 1

Letty Roberts

Sharon Kehoe

Sue Hohn


Morg e Shea

Sarah Woodhouse


Colin Cook

Mory White


Mauro Cassidy

Lee Sr. Laurent

Pam Urrlefield Carherine Oischoff



Lauren Sounders

Maureen Oerro. Oerh Corter

Kam Morquordr. Valerie Lewis, Sandy Winship, Dione Perlowski


Nancy E. Dearstyne

Steve Barbour


Deirdre F. Gallagher

Nancy Heselton

Thomas Oirol

Don McMillan. Sarah Rogers

Richard D. Patten

Dove Scoles, Tim Crowley, 13rod Lucas


Jeffery Ma"hew Oisrrong

Nathaniel Olsson

Peter H Witham

Frederick Canby


Paige 5. Lilly

Franl� Hamblett, Neal Cousins


Oarry Cronin

Jeff Vogt

Joseph I\. Volle

Chris Cheney

Steve Oates


Kimberley Ann Fitch


Ginger l3ushell

Mo Pine

Melissa l\ihm

Jim Pfirrmann

Alicia Curtin

Tricia McCarthy


Maureen Hagerry

Lynn Taylor Maclean

Lisa Tourangeau

Kitty Wilbur

Kathy Nickerson

Jennifer Swanson Sue McNiven


Dove Augeri

Tommy Jones

Andrew Sennerr


Rise Samuels

Maureen Crehan

Jim Flanders


Sarah Lund

Gregory Morses

Heidi Schworrz

Mike Drown. Perer Ingraham

Brendon l\eese

19 1

Kathy Soderberg

Karin McCarthy


Donna Galluzzo

(}ersy Rose

Mel Fohlm

Mio Rosner


Juanita Lieberman

Bruce Zohn Elaine LoVelle


Morie G. Joyce


Soro Hill

Greg Walsh


Amy Carlson

Michael Page

Maxwell Philip Ruston

Elizabeth Ann Keuffel


COMMENCEMENT '84 !2°; •'




20 1



Hall Adams. Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Crehan

Mr. and Mrs. Kyuyoung Hahn

Mr. and Mrs. William M. Alexis

Mr. and Mrs . Ingersoll Cunningham

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E . Hale

Mr. and Mrs. R . Normand Alie

Dr. and Mrs. A. Edward D' Andreo

Monique and Roland Holle

Ann Worner Arlen

Mo and Diane Davis

Don and Gwyn Halloran

Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Arrhur

The Enrire Dovis Family

Dovid and Rurh Hamblen

Mr. and Mrs. Micheal R . Augeri

Mrs. William D. Dearsryne. Sr.

Oruce and Nancy Hanley

Sandy and Alison Ayer

Mr. and Mrs. William Delaney

Howard L. and Mirzi Hanson

Mr. and Mrs. Walrer Oarringer

Dr. and Mrs. John P. Delea

Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Harmon

Mr. and Mrs. George P. Oares

Mr. and Mrs. Oruce 0. Dorr

Mr. and Mrs. Roberr L. Hart

Dr. and Mrs. George E . Oarrir

Dick. Julie, Ellen. Marion and Chrisropher

Mr. and Mrs. Arrhur D. Harrwig

Mr. and Mrs. Iver K. Oenson

Mr. and Mrs. Gallo P. Emerson. Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Hauck

M. F. and Jacqueline Oirol

Sheldon and Lillian Epsrein

Mr. and Mrs. George Heselton

Mr. and Mrs. John M. Oischoff

Dr. and Mrs. R . 0. Fahim

Margery and George Hildebrand

Roberr and Arlene Orochman

Roberr E . Fasr

Mr. and Mrs. George 0. Hill, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Orooks

Mr. and Mrs. William James Flynn

Elaine and Phil Hiscock

Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence L. Orown

Lionel and Violer Fonraine

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hulburt

Wilbur and Ann Ooynton

Violer Fonraine

Dr. and Mrs. Roberr 0. Hutchinson

Ms. Rosemarie C. Ouck

Joyce Francis

Judge and Mrs. Montgomery Hyun

William and Oorbaro Oullock

Dr. and Mrs. Roberr A. Gagne

Raymond and Ina Jackson

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Johnson Ourns

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gallagher

Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Jenkins

Mr. and Mrs. Warren H . Ourroughs

Dr. and Mrs. William A. Gallagher

John W. Johnson

Mr. and Mrs. Philip G. Campbell

Janer and Edward Galluzzo

Dr. and Mrs. Jomes L. Johnston

Mr. and Mrs. David Carlson

Mr. and Mrs. H. Philip Garrity, Jr.

Dr . and Mrs. Thomas J. Joyce, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Armando Casali

Rebecca and Joseph Gates

Mr. and Mrs. George J. Kay

Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Ctooldo

Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Gauderre

Mr. and Mrs. Clark Kendall

Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Chose

Mr. and Mrs. G. Gehrke

Mr. and Mrs. Leon M. Klimon

Mr. and Mrs. John Gilroy Christy

June L. VanGestel

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Kuzia, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. G. H . Claflin

Mr. and Mrs. Arne Gjesteby

Mr. and Mrs. Allan J. Landau

Mr. and Mrs. George J. Cocores

Sally 0. Goodhue

Mrs. Joyce T. Lavelle

Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Collins

Mr . and Mrs. Robert E. Graham

Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Leary

Cr. and Mrs. Juan R. Colon

Mr. and Mrs. Rolf F. Gratzer

Oob and Jean Lee

Dr. and Mrs. Robert F. Coniff

Carol and Fronk Grunstrom

Lois and Davis M. Lent

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Coval

Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hagerty

Dr. and Mrs. Jomes D. Lepanto

Dr and Mrs Thomas W Lieberman

Jeanne and Peter Palmer

Mr and Mrs. Thomas Sorir

Mr and Mrs Roberr F Luchfield

Wiiham 0 Palmer

Mr and Mrs Francis L Spalding

Mr and Mrs H Gores Lloyd. Ill

Mr and Mrs Al Pore. Jr

Polly Sroley

Moe and Dick Lucas

Mr and Mrs Clyde G Porren

Mrs Elizoberh M Srebblns

Dr and Mrs Samuel M M Lumpkin

Mr and Mrs Edward H Peabody

Leonard and Morgorer Srello

Audrey Modeon

Mr and Mrs Eugene J Pellerier. Jr

Oruce and Suzanne S11lllngs

Mr and Mrs Charles D Mohoffie Jr

Gerold and Mory Pine

Olga and Ron Sr Lourenr

Mr and Mrs Orman L Marquardt

Dr and Mrs Jomes J Pollard

Mr and Mrs. David S Swanson

Mory G Mazur

Dr and Mrs C J Poolos

Mr and Mrs John E Towo

Roben H Mazur


Mr and Mrs Leonard M McCarthy

Mr and Mrs R1chord R Rangoon

Mr and Mrs Perer A Thomson

Dr and Mrs Edward J McComn. Jr

Theodore 5 Raphael

Mr and Mrs Wilham 0 Thornron

Jeon McCluskey

Mr and Mrs L1nron Raymond

Mr and Mrs Tudor Tiedemonn. Jr

Mr and Mrs V1ncenr P McCrysrol

Mr and Mrs Thomas J Reilly

John and Dons Toomey

Mr and Mrs J V McCulloch


Thomas and Lorraine McDermorr

Evelyn P Repko

Philip A Vlgeonr

Mr and Mrs George W McLoug hn

Florence and H nry Rlhm

Mr and Mrs Seymour e Wagner

Don and Monlyn Mcleod

Mr and Mrs Rodney 0 l\obem

Anno Mory and David Wallace

Mr and Mrs

Mr ond Mrs

elson J




1IUom A Reinke

1lhom A !\agers. Jr .

Mr and Mrs Joshua M Twilley

Mr and Mrs Thomas P Word

Mr. and Mrs Ira l\osenberg

Mr and Mrs H Gordon Worers

Mr and Mrs Mo well P l\usron

Mr and Mrs Helmur Weber

Poul J Miller

Michael E l\yon

Dr and Mrs Dennis S We ner

Mrs Vero J Miller

Mr and Mrs Poul I\ Sob no

Ela ne and Jerry Werrher

Mr and Mrs Kennerh I\ Mogensen

Mr and Mrs Alberr Soccoc10

Mr and Mrs Maurice J Whalen

Sreven and Marlo Moody

Mr. and Mrs Edward Samuels

Dr and Mrs Roben E Wheorly

Charles F Morgon

Mr and Mrs Oruce Sounders

Mr and Mrs John A Whire

Mr and Mrs Horace C Moses. Ill

Or and Mrs S J Schmldr

David and lerten Wiiiiams

Mrs Martha Ann Mullin

J l\us.sel Scheider

Mrs R K Williams

Mr and Mrs Kori I\ Musser

Al Schwendrner

Chris and Arnold Wiison

Or and Mrs Elias I\ Nawfel

Or and Mrs Kennerh 5ennen. Jr

Dr and Mrs Edward Wolperr

Mr and Mrs Gerold K Neovolls

Judge and Mrs David M Shea

Dr and Mrs 5 M Wolperr

Sron and Colleen Ntcholson

Mr and Mrs J Simcock

Oorboro M Young

Mr and Mrs Lawrence 0. Niemann

Sandro Sheehan

Mr and Mrs Wilham F o·Nell

Or and Mrs J I\ V Smlrh

Or ond Mrs Poul J Orloff

Mrs Lynn Snyder

Dr and Mrs

ormon G Michaud

Dr and Mrs Feh

H Miller

Mr ond Mrs Oov1d


Douglas and Frances I\ Soderberg




Steven L. Achber 36 McGrath Street Lanconia, NH 03246 Economics, A dministrative Science (p.162)

Donald L. Doker 327A Oak Hill Road Williston, VT 05495 Administrative Science (p. 176)

Hall Adams 177 Woodley Road Winnetka, IL 6CXl93 Government (p. 126)

Paul C. Doker 230 Prospect Street Norwell. MA 02061 Economics (p.126)

Susan Hamano Ahern 13 Maple Street Natick, MA 01760 Administrative Science

Thomas J. Doker 28 North Riverside A venue Waterville, ME 04901 Administrative Science (p. 155)

Peter S. Alexis 142 Holyrood A venue Lowell, MA 01852 Philosophy - Religion (p. 144) Craig A. Alie 18 Hull Avenue Dover, NH 03820 Economics (p. 139) Donna Altenpohl 1211 Lafayette Road Gladwyne, PA 19035 English Catherine C. Altrocchi 30 Belbrook Way Atherton, CA 94025 English (p.155)

David J. Ballou 62 Park Street Wilmington, MA 01887 Government (p. 130) Steven W. Barbour 28 Cedarwood Road Catonsville, MD 21228 Chemistry - Biology (p. 178) Joseph W. Barringer 22 Deering A venue Lexington, MA 02173 Art Margrit K. Dass 546 Wahlmont Drive Webster, NY 14580 English

100 Cedar Street Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522 English, History (p. 179)

Catherine G. Bischoff 9201 Laurel-Bowie Road Bowie, MD 20715 Economics - Mathematics (p.175) Nathaniel 0. Olsson 294 St. Michael Court #D Chico, CA 95926 Government (p.181) Jeffery M. Dlstrong 57 Alderbrook Drive Topsfield, MA 01983 Government (p. 181) Charles D. Boddy 37 Linehan Street Lawrence, MA 01841 Spanish (p.171) Morgan D. Dorer 1906 Anchor Apt. 4 San Antonio, TX 78213 Economics (p.151) Carolyn L. Boynton 26 Garden Street Melrose, MA 02176 Mathematics, Psychology (p. 134) Ann C. Brachman 1000 East Ravine Lane Milwaukee, WI 53217 French (p.141)

Marie C. Ammerman 707 Main Street Somers, CT 06071 English (p. 195)

Stephen 0. Dates 266 Glen Road Weston, MA 02193 Economics (p. 1&'.3)

Elizabeth A. Arlen 1120 5th A venue New York, NY 10028 East Asian Studies

John G. Datherson 221 Porter Avenue Rumford, ME 04276 Geology

Anna T. Arnadottlr Birkilundur 15 600 Akureyri, Iceland Chemistry - Biology (p. 131)

Ericsson 0. Broadbent 2195 Shepard Avenue Hamden, CT 06518 Physics (p.142)

Sheryl A. Dattit 34 Woodbine Road Belmont, MA 02178 Mathematics, Economics (136)

Robert F. Brooks 267 Dover Road Westwood, MA 02090 Administrative Science (p.147)

Paul H. Arthur 17 Salt Box Lane Darien. CT 06820 Human Development, Philosophy (p. 164)

Scott I. Benson 228 Mountain Road Cheshire, CT 06410 Psychology, 'Human Development (p. 153)

Andrew S. Drown 14 John Poulter Road Lexington, MA 02173 American Studies (p. 135)

David M. Augeri 625 Ridgewood Road . Middle town, CT 06457 Geology - Biology, Biology (p.189)

Robert F. Bernardo 27 Riverside Drive Barrington, RI 02806 Biology: Environmental Studies

D. Gordon Brown 1665 Russell Road Paoli, PA 19301 Biology: Environmental Studies (p. 171)

John B. Ayer 20 Bayberry Lane Cohasset, MA 02025 Government: Public Policy (p.139)


Maureen Detro 51 Hemlock Street East Walpole, MA 02032 Administrative Science - Mathematics (p. 177) Thomas

K. Dlrol

Susan M. Brigham 157 Ruby Street Berlin, NH 03570 Biology

Michael D. Brown 32 Burleigh Street Watervllle, ME 04901 Government (p. 191)

Michael P.. Brown J1 Chatham Rood Norwood. MA 02062 Governmenr Denise M . Brunelle 5JJ Kelley Street Manchester, NH 00102 Morhemorics (p.141) Leon C. Buck

JCX)8 South 68rh Srreer

Philadelphia. PA 19142 Government, Hisrory (p.186)

P.obert W . Bullock 5 Locksley Rood Cope Elizabeth, ME 04107 Governmenr, Economics: Public Polley

Brewster J. Burns Plummer Hill Rood Waterford. ME 04CX>8 Governmenr (p. 159) Warren H. Burroughs 112 Gordon Rood Newton. MA 02168 Government: Public Policy (p.139) P4Her C. Burton 165 Chapel Srreet Srrartord, CT 06497 Physics Virginia A. Bushell 12 Candlewood Drive Topsfield, MA 0198.'3 Economics - Morhemorics (p. 184)


Medge l. Corter 17 Colony Rood

Lexington, MA 0217.'.3 Oiology: Environmental Studies (p.129) David A. Cosey 1417 Clifton Pork Rood Scheneoody, NY 12J09 Philosophy, Governmenr Francesco S. Cosoll 14 Westland Rood Cedar Grove. NJ 07fm Economics (p.148) Mauro A. Cassidy 8610 Trumbauer Drive Wyndmoor. PA 19118 Arr (p.f74) Jomes It Cataldo 22 Old Colony Rood

Dur1 ngron. MA 01803 Chemistry - Oiology (p.14'.l) Sarah Chopin 2n Alder Rood Wesrwood. MA 02090 Psychology (p.169)

Susan M. Chose P.O Dox 68 West Simsbury. CT 06092 Engl/sh (p.127) Christine A. Cheney 160 Dluerldge Drive Manchester. CT 06040 Admlnlsrrotlve 5dence - Morhemorlcs (p 18J)� L Canby 10671 Spring Knoll Or. Poromoc. MD 20654 Olology (p.181) Amy E. Carlson 'Z'1 Juniper Drtve Bedford, NH 00102 Morhemorta (p.196) Melissa A. Corp.ros 293.'.3 Paces Lake Drive NW Arlonro, GA J03.19 English, American Studies

Beth A. Corter

71 Moplewood Drive Gorhom. ME 04038 Economics (p.177)

I. Gordon Colby 492 County Rood Guilford, CT 06437 Philosophy (p.127) Catherine l. Colemon 14 Winsor Drive Dorrington. RI 02806 English. Amer/con Studies (p.188) WUllom M. Colllns .'.307 Hyde Pork Avenue Jamaica Ploln, MA 021.'.30 Administrative Science (p. 179) Juan P.. Colon-Collozo 6 Diamante Ducore Rio Pledros, PR r.m27 Govemmenr, Spanish (p. 150) Catherine E. Conlff 6 Eosr Wharf Rood Madison, CT 0644J

Classics (p.169)

Colin U. Cook 15 Whlreholl Terrace Hooksen, NH 00106 Olology. Physics (p.f74)

Andrew P.. Christy

Phllodelph a, PA 19118 East As/on Studies (p.14'.l)

Mark T. Cote 11 Prospect Sneer Winchester. MA 01890 Hisrory

8.'.)(X) Sr. Martins Lone

Mork C. Claflin

John P. Ca m pbell 19 Bever1y Avenue Marblehead. MA 01945 Chemistry

Andrea S. Colby 492 County Rood Guilford. CT 06437 English. Sociology (p.168)

Dono M. Coombs 11 Country Club Rood Stoneham, MA 02180 Economics

480 Srreer

P.ophoelle Comllle 94·11 60rh Avenue Apt. JC Queens. NY 1137.'.3 Human Development (p 164)


Lynnfield. MA 01940 Admlnlsrrotlve 5ctence P.eb.cco A. Ooy 5.'305 Albemarle Srreer Berhesdo. MD 20616 English Jennifer M. Cl.ary 58 Avalon Rood

Needham. MA 02192 (p.1J6) J•ffr•Y D. Clements Wollocks Point Sromford, CT 06902 Government. History (p.151) Thomas V. Oun• J6 Ploreou Crescent Don Miils Ontario MJC 1M8, Canada Admlntsrror/ve Science Cp.1.'.35)

G.orge J. Cocor•s

921 Arbutus Srreer Middletown. CT 06457 Human Development Mory E. Colbath Roure 1.'.3 Dunbarton. NH 03001 Spanish

Eric P. Coumou 10 Phalen Street Acton. MA 01720 Economics (p.195) Heal C. Cousins 50 Elder Drewsrer Rood #1655 Duxbury. MA 023.'.31 American Studies (p.182) Mlc.ho•I A. Coval 3J5 Fernwood Point Sunapee. NH 00782 Governmenr Maur .. n A. Cr•hon 72 Elmwood Avenue Dedham. MA 02026 Morhemotlcs (p.190)

Barry F. Cronin

801 West Camino Real

Boca Roton, Fl .'.)3432 Amer/con Studies. Spanish (p.182) Kaye Cross 72 Fifth Street Sourh Portland. ME 04104 Admlnlsrrotlve Science - Mathematics (p. 1.'.37) Victoria

L. Crouchley


16 Harbour T erroce Cranston. RI 02905 American Studies (p. 176)

Timothy J. Crowley 860 Boston Post Rood Weston, MA 02193 Economics, Spanish (p. 180) Jomes E. Cruickshank 50 Glen Street Dover, MA 02030 Economics Rebecca Cunningham 471 Grove Street Needham, MA 02192 Arr (p. 165) Alicia J. Curtin 21 Edgewood Avenue Cranston, RI 02905 Oiology (p. 186) Stephanie A. Curtis 3220 Federal Avenue Los Angeles. CA 90066 English Willia m R. Cusick 15 Grosvenor Rood Waltham, MA 02154 Government (p. 163) Katherine M. Cutler 167 Southwood Rood Fairfield, CT 06432 Government, Administrative Science


Paul K. Deranian Wild Acres Rood RFD 7 Gilford. NH 03246 Oiology, Morhemorics (p. 143) Jennifer C. Dorr 46 Floggler Drive Marshfield, MA 02050 Oiology (p. 152) Roy H. Dow 55 Zions Hill Dexter, ME 049XJ Government: Public Policy (p.155)

Barbara A. Duncan 7 Glen Meadow Rood Andover, MA 01810 Spanish (p.146)

James G. Flanders 52 Church Street Windsor Locks, CT 06096 American Studies, Psychology (p.190)

E Enoch Edusei P.O. Box 3269 Kumosi, Ghana Morhemorics Susan E. Edwards 88 Indian Memorial Drive South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Religion Hothan P. Emerson 80A Wharf Street Salem. MA 01970 Government (p.139)

Nathaniel B. Dane 4 Jefferson Run Rood Great Falls, VA 22066 English

Richard J. Erb 18 Sounders Road Lynnfield, MA 01940 Economics, Administrative Science

Robert J. Davis 18 Twin Fawn Drive Hanover, MA 02339 Government

Richard H. Eustis 9 Crestview Drive Exeter, NH 03833 Administrative Science - Mathematics

Michael S. Day 4 Holly Drive Randolph, NJ 07869 Oiology, Psychology

Peter K. Ewing 504 Matterhorn Drive Walnut Creek, CA 94598 M usic, Philosophy

Haney E. Dearstyne XJ7 South Manning Boulevard Albany, NY 12208 Oiology (p. 178)


Drew T. Fitch Hamilton Avenue Jamestown, RI 02835 Economics, Administrative Science (p.1XJ) Kimberley A. Fitch 5 Kingston Rood Scarsdale, NY 10583 Mathematics (p. 184)

Kenneth L. Epstein 665 Iroquois Oradell. NJ 07649 Economics

Thomas E. Delea 66 Belcher Avenue Brockton, MA 02401 Ad. Sci. - Moth, Economics

Haney D. Finma n 16 O' Hara Street Edison, NJ 08&37 Government (p. 192)

Andrew D. Dubino 2XJ Barton Rood P.O. Box 728 Greenfield, MA 01XJ2 Administrative Science

Stephen P. D'Andrea 112 Sherwood Lone Raynham, MA 02767 Economics (p. 167)

Carole M. Delaney 6 Daniels Drive Bedford, MA 017XJ Economics (p. 140)

36 Walnut Pork Newton, MA 02158 Oiology (p.131)

F Melanie A. Fahim 1005 Bishop Rood Grosse Pointe, Ml 482XJ English, Sociology (p.193) Robert Fast

Shannon B. Flynn 296 South Street Rockport, MA 01966 Administrative Science (p.161) Daire L. Fontaine 72 F Street Hull, MA 02045 Administrative Science (p. 162) Franciene Y. Forte 377 Eastern Parkway Apt. 3E Brooklyn, NY 11216 English (p. 149) Rosemarie A. Francis 20 Ranley Road Hyde Pork, MA 02136 Spanish (p. 186)

G Bruce G. Gabel 103 Surrey Rood Melrose Pork, PA 19126 Classics John R. Gagne 54 Janet Drive Middlebury, CT 06762 Oiology (p. 155) Deirdre F. Gallagher 77 Leicester Rood Belmont, MA 02178 Economics (p.178) Donna Galluzzo 36 Edgewood Rood Ossining, NY 10562 English (p.192) Stephen T. Garrity 11 Colby Street Needham, MA 02192 Psychology, Oiology



Marc A. Garson 2429 Connoughr Avenue Halifax Novo Scorio BJL 21.5, Conoda Economics (p.131)

Margaret L. Hale 7 Brookline Drive West Horrtord, CT 06107 Psychology, French (p.1(:/J)

James P.. Gaudette J6 Rosemary Street Coventry. RI 02816 Psychology (p.154)

Louis P. Halle 44 Camelot Drive Bedford. NH 00102 Adminfsrrotive Science (p.155)

Stephen P. Gaynor 6Q Fowler Avenue Revere. MA 02151 Administrorive Science - Morhemorics

Todd W. Halloran GM Corporation J-220 GM Bldg. Detroit, Ml 48202 Economics (p.151)

Gretchen M. Gehrke RD 1 Oox (:/JA Litchfield. CT 06759 Econ (p. 144) Cynthia E. Gemmell 164 Sandy Point Rood Old Saybrook, CT 06475 English George M. Gignac 2 Meservey Lone Lynnfield. MA 01940 Adminlsrrotive Science. Psychology (p.180)

Fran k S. Hamblen 21 Columbia Avenue Nashua, NH 00060 Govemmem (p. 182) Dana C. Hanley RFD 2 Oox 3075 Sourh Paris. ME 04281 Government (p.126) Lance C. Hanson 1834 East Loke Drive Littleton, CO 80121 Classics

Nils A. Gjesreby 81 Old Pasture Rood Cohos.set, MA 02025 Economics (p.139)

E. Binney Hare 986 Memorial Drive Cambridge. MA 02138 Arr

A. Christine Gledhill Star Route #12965 Oox 3J Saranac Lake. NY 12983 Music. French (p.145)

Mark D. Harmon 9 Hole Rood Penland, CT 06480 Governmenr, Economics (p 167)

Robert T. Graham 5 Burnham Rood Wenham, MA 01984 American Studies (p.135)

George F. Hanington 1 Devereux Rocks Marblehead. MA 01945 Admlnlsrrorive 5clence (p. 139)

Thomas P.. Gratzer 511 Main Street Cold Spr ng Harbor. NY 11724 History, Germon

Cynthia M. Harris 2633 Evergreen Point Rood Bellevue, WA 98CX)4

Dion ne L Grundstrom 5 Monument Circle Hlnghom, MA 0204J Olology (p.162) Jessica K. Gwynne The Island RFD #7 Penocook, NH cn10J lndependem (p.173)

H MaurHn E. Hagerty 99 Folrwood Drive

Pembroke. MA 02359 Psychology (p 187) Susan Y. Hoh n 246 Wesr Rock Avenue New Hoven, CT 06515 Ad Sci.. Eosr Asian Srudles

Chemistry, Olology (p 174) Joyce C. Hartwig f7 Flower Hill Rood Poughkeepsie, NY 12(::/JJ Mothemorlcs (p 188) John A. Hattan Box 105 Salisbury, NH 00268 English Nancy J. Hauck RFD Derby. VT 05829 Germon

(p. 159) Bernd E. Hefele 67 Yacht Club Drive Lake Hopatcong, NJ 07849 Economics. Germon (p 150) Amanda C. Hegarty Mead's Point Greenwich. CT 068JO Hlsrory Nancy L Heselron 157 Dresden Avenue

Gardiner, ME 04J45 English (p.178) Brian P.. Hesse 139 Powderhorn Woy Centerville, MA 02632 Hisrory (p.139) Carol J. Hildebrand 570 Main Street West Boxford, MA 01885 English, Arr (p.127) David E. Hiii

5407 Purlingron Woy 13altimore. MD 21212 History Ledo L Hiii 246 Brooklyn A venue Brooklyn, NY 11213 French (p.152) Sora E. H iii

J3J Christion Street Wallingford, CT 06492 English (p.196) Pamela J. Hiscock 14 Crooked Meadow Lone Hingham. MA 0204J English. Admfnlsrrot/ve Science (p.167) Cecll C. Holsreln P.O. Oox 400 Kobe Port 651-01 Kobe. Japan Adminlsrrorive Science (p.150) Timothy D. Holt 39 Woodglew Circle SW Calgary Alberro T2W 4G4, Canada Admlnfsrrorive Science (p.135) Sean P. Hooper

(:IJJ Frederick Srreer Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Economics Cynthia J. Hurlburt 369 Manley Heights Orange. CT 06477 Human Developmef'lf (p.197) Goll P. Hutchinson 12 Island View Rood Cope Elizabeth, ME 04107 Psychology (p.146) Christopher C. Hyun 3637 Von Ness Street NW Washington, DC 200)8 Ofology, Economics (p.158)

I Peter C. Ingraham RFD 5 Augusro, ME 04JOO Admlnlsrrotive Science (p 191)


J Arthur S. Jackson 18 Surrey Rood Newton. MA 02158 Governme nt: Public Policy (p. 167) La u rie S. Jacobs 47 Wickopecko Drive Wonomosso. NJ 07712 English Cynthia D. Jeck 145 Lake Drive Mountain Lakes, NJ 07046 Oiology Edward R. Jenkins Windsor Rood Pittsburgh, PA 15215 Mathema tics. Economics (p. 157) Jeffrey B. Joh nson P.0. 13ox 15 Athens. ME 04912 English

Sharon Kehoe 224 East Central Street Natick. MA 01760 Psychology - Mathematics (p. 172) Jane E. Kendall 74 Fairmont Street 13elmont, MA 02178 Administrative Science - Mathematics (p. 176) Gregory L. Kenyon North 50th Street Scottsdale, AZ 85254 English (p.126) Elizabeth A. Keuffel 2664 Main Street Lawrenceville. NJ 08648 American Studies ( p . 197) Fletcher E. Kittredge RFD 1 13ox 144A Kennebun kport, ME 04046 English

Page E. Johnson 19 Church Street Westborough , MA 01581 Administrative Science - Mathematics (p. 1J6)

Richard Kliman 14 Country Club Drive West Simsbury. CT 06092 Oiology, Music (p. 170)

James L. Johnston 34 Cohasset Drive Hudso n . OH 442.36 Oiology (p. 146)

Laura A. Knudson P.O. 13ox 2013 Naples. FL 33939 Psychology

Ca therine T. Jones 1072 13oy Rood Ipswich, MA 01938 Chemistry - Oiology (p. 189) Scott D. Jones Creek Rood RD 5 13ethle hem. PA 18015 Economics Sara h J. Jordan 13ox 4J1 Costine. ME 04421 Oiology: Environmentol Studies (p. 185) Ma rie G. Joyce 748 Main Street Westbrook, M E 04092 Human Development (p. 194)

K Helen R. Kacoyanis 20 Pulpit Rock Rood P.O. 428 Rye, NH 00870 Economics (p. 134) Sonia Kaloosdian 25 Fletcher Rood 13elmont, MA 02178 English, Art Denise H . Kay

2 10

33 Rutland Street Dover, NH 00820 Administrative Science - Mathematics (p. 133)

Suzanne L. Krumm 155 Deerfield Terroce Mahwah, NJ 07430 Administrative Science Lisa M. Kuzia 37 Everett Street Manchester, NH 00104 English ( p . 141)

L Marsha A. Landau 65 East Indio Row #34F 13oston. MA 02110 Economics (p. 147) Monique Lapointe 1468 Enfield Street Enfield. CT 06082 Government, French Stephen J. Larrabee 11 Colonial Street Waterville. M E 04901 Administrative Science - Economics All ison M. Lary 9 Woods Woy Woodbury. CT 06798 Human Development (p. 165) Elaine T. Lavelle 279 Forest Drive Wethersfield. CT 06109

Government. Philosophy (p. 194)

Jonathan H. Leach RFD 1 Surry, ME 04684 Psychology, Philosophy ( p . 1 54)

Ann E. Leary 51 Scott Circle Dedham. MA 02026 Administrative Science - Mathematics (p. 132) J ulie L. Leavitt 14 Phillips Street Cumberland, ME 04021 Oiology Sa l l y 0. Lee Leather Lone 13everly Forms, MA 01915 Art (p. 175) Maria n J . Leerburger 338 Heathcote Rood Scorsdole. NY 10583 Psychology, East Asian Studies (p.164) Shelley J . Lent 7 Chipping Ridge Fairport, NY 14450 American Studies (p.161) Da wn A. Lepanto 147 Forest Rood Glen Rock, NJ 07452 Sociology (p. 127) Valerie H. Lewis 55 Crestwood Rood West Hartford, CT 06107 Economics: Public Policy (p. 177) J uan ita Lieberman 1165 Pork Avenue New York. NY 10028 French (p. 194) Paige S. Lilly RFD 3 13ox 2400 Wiscasset, ME 04578 American Studies, Spanish (p. 182) Steven M . Litchfield 48 Sprague Avenue 13rockton. MA 02402 Administrative Science (p. 16J) Pamela J. Littlefield 51 Stony 13rook Rood Ray nham. MA 02767 Art, East Asian Studies ( p . 175) Bradley A. Livermore 902 Sunset Rood Ann Arbor, Ml 48100 Philosophy, Classics Wil liam W. Lloyd 522 Oakley Rood Haverford, PA 19041 English ( p . 1 58) J i l l E. Lord 19 13ridge Street 13ucksport, ME 04416 Economics

Keng M i n Low 8 Jolon T emp1nis Tigo uolo Lumpur. Moloys10 Physio Morhemorio (p 170) Bradley A. Lucas 24 Henroge Dnve Le 1ngron MA 0217J Econom/Cs ( p. 180) Sarah J. Ludw ig J8 Fronets Avenue Lunenburg MA 01462 French (p 1J8) A ndrew H. Lufkin 19 Counrry Club Drive S Tacoma WA 98498 Amencon Studies (p 165) A l ice S. L ump k i n 2050 Geist Rood Glyndon MD 21071 Geology Environmen1ol Srud1es Sarah J. Lund 10 McKn1g r Lane Sr Louis MO 63124 Philosophy (p 90) Lio L Lu n dg ren 1J20 Raberr Gray Ooulevord A 98520 Aberdeen French (p 1JO)

M L y n n T. Maclean 259 Tomerlo1ne Houston TX T/024 Otology (p 187) M ichael ll. Mchaffie 6J07 Wynkoop Cloulevord Cler esdo MD 2C034 Engltsh (p 142) 'Wendy S . Mole 12 Hemlock Drive Lunenburg MA 01462 Psychology (p 167)

Koren E. Molkus 6200 Wesrchesrer Pk .+' 517 College Pork. M D 20740 Human Developmenr Oiology (p 1721 K o re n A . M a rq ua rdt 1526 Wesr Fork Drive Lake Forest. IL 6(X)45 Olology Environmemol Stud1es (p 1Tl) Corole M . Ma r s h 108 Tumblebrook Drive Sourh Windsor CT 06074 Governmenr

( p 14a) Jeffrey A . Mo rtin 26 Washington Square Marblehead MA 01945 Economlo. Admlnlsrror/ve Science

( p. 139) James Martineau 1929 Kenwood Parkway Minneapolis. MN 55405 Economics Gregory S. Motses 4 Clreen Avenue Merhuen . MA 01844 Admirnsrrorive Science (p. 191) Amy G. Mazur 4938 South Ellis Chicago IL 60615 Govemmenr {p 144) David P. McCandless J9 Cresrwood Rood Marblehead MA 01945 01ology Geology Karin L McCa rthy 111 Loconio Srreer Lex1ngron MA 0217J Governmenr {p 192) Mory Lynne McCarthy 14 Wh1re Oak Rood Wellesley Hills MA 02181 Engltsh An Porrlclo M . McCa rthy Ten A Srreer Reading MA 01867 Govemmem {p 186) Edw a rd J_ McCortln 174 Glen Ridge Coun Clnckrown J 08723 Govemmenr (p 143) Timothy M . McCrystol 21 Leahy Srreer Easr Providence RI 02916 Government

(p 162) Mory Lou McCulloch J15 Fo1rfo Dnve Warwick 1\1 02888 Engltsh {p 1J7) Thomas M . McDermoft 5 Clellegrove Drive Upper Montclair NJ 07043 Economlo Peter K. M c H u g h 4J Folmourh Rood West ewton MA 02165 Admtnlsrrorive Science - Morhemortcs (p 1J5) Kath leen A. Mclau g h l i n 2 86 H u n r Avenue Warwick RI 02886 Government French

(p 1JJ) P.oberr F. Mclo u g h l i n 1 6 Conrerbury l\ood Woburn. MA 01801 Adminlsrror1ve Science - Mothemorlcs {p 1J5) Donald D. Mcleod �2 Somerser Srreet Weymourh. MA 02189

Admintsrrorive Science Donald O. McMiiian 41 Grapevine l\ood Wenham. MA 01984

English, French (p. 179) Susan L. McHiven 815 Visro P.ood Hillsboro, CA 94010 Oiology (p. 188) Michael E. Megna 1240 Turner Srreet Auburn, ME 04210 Morhemorics (p. 1JO) Koren Melino 182 Edmunds l\ood From1nghom. MA 01701 Psychology (p 159) Peter J. Mendes 41 Varnum Avenue Powrucket. RI 02860 Economics - Morhemofics Srephen J. M ichaud 19 Shirley Pork Goffstown. NH OJ045 01ology

(p 155) A ndrew D . Milter 6955 Cllenhe1m Courr P111sburgh. PA 15208 Psychology (p 140) V a lerie J. M iiier 2155 Grand Concourse Apr 3H Clronx NY 1045J Psychology (p 151) Thadeus J. Mocarski 45 Fotr Oak Dnve Easton CT 066 1 2 Governmenr H1srory

(p 156) Lauren A. Mogensen 1812 Wagner Rood Glenview IL 6C025 Go ernmenr (p 160) Sreven P. Montebe llo 57 Arhss Srreer Springfield MA 01109 Psychology (p 170) David S. Moody 81 Mr Airy l\oad Croton-On·Hudson. N Y 10520 H1srory American Srudies (p 195) Cha rles F. Morgon 520 Eosr 86rh Streer New York. NY 10028 Chemistry Kevin F. Morin 87 Wilton Woods P.oad Wllron. CT 06897 Government Peter J. Morin 60 011s Streer # 1 Cambridge. MA 02141 Physlo Scott A. Morri l l R F D Cl o x J20 Windsor. ME 04J6J Engl/sh (p. 145) George S. Moses


61 Possum Rood Weston. MA 02193 Marhemarics ( p. 132) Gregory P. Mueller 30 Wayne Avenue Atlantic Oeach . NY 11509 Diology, Arr Cynthia M. M u l liken 98 Indian Hill Rood Win netka. IL 60093 Diology ( p. 160) Frances A . M u l l i n 13 Plaid Place Clifton Pork. NY 12065 Sociology Kathy L. Musser 4 Oerrill Forms R . R . 1, Oox 317 Lebanon. NH 03766 Arr. Marhemarics (p . 133) John W . Mutterperl 20 Kimball Avenue Wenham. M A 01984 Psychology

Kathryn A. Nickerson 10 Pound Street Medfield. MA 02052 Diology (p. 188) Heather D. Nicol 272 West Hills Rood New Canaan, CT 06840 Governmenr. French (p. 165) Lawrence B. Niema n n 401 Fairview Rood Pittsburgh. PA 15238 Governmenr (p. 156)

N Donna E. Najarian 39 Solem Street Solem. NH 03079 Arr Elias J. Nawfel 31 North Riverside Avenue Waterville. M E 04901 Psychology (p . 164) Peter C. Necheles 79 Shornecliffe Rood Newton. M A 02158 English, American Studies ( p . 166)

Peter W. Newman 1 1 Wintergreen Lone West Hartford, CT 06117 Spanish. Administrative Science ( p. 155) Bruce S. Nicholson RFD 1 Fairfield, ME 04937 Hisrory ( p . 1 57)

2 12

Todd J. Pa lmer 45 Taylor Avenue Dedham. MA 02026 Psychology (p. 135) Albert A . Pare 53-11.! Freemon Street York Oeoch, M E 03910 Psychology (p . 129) Claire L. Pattee Rush Rood P.O. Oox 177 Henniker. N H 03242 Economics (p. 139)

Jeffrey S. Nottonson 88 Nordell Rood Newton. MA 02159 Economics, French (p. 138)

Lisa K . Patten 140 Oreezy Hill Rood Stamford, CT 06903 English (p . 166)

0 Suzanne E. Olson 24 High Street Southborough. MA 01772 Adminisrrorive Science - Marhematics C p . 1 58) William W. O'Neil 105 Ridge Street Winchester, MA 01890 Economics. Easr Asian Studies (p. 182) Glenn P. Orloff 52 Pleasant Street Waterville. ME 04901 R ussian Studies (p. 130) Oliver W. Outerbridge 74 Pascals A venue Rockport. M E 04856 English (p. 153)


Lorna M . Neligan 153 West Mountain Rood Ridgefield, CT 06877 Eosr Asian Studies, History (p. 132) Elizabeth C. Newell lsolene Rood P.O. Oox 71 West Hyonnisport, MA 026n. American Studies C p . 1 54)


French (p. 138)

Jeffrey S. Nolan 229 U pland Woy Wayne, PA 19087 Economics

Dennis A. Myshra l l P.O. Oox 9 Eagle Lake. ME 04739 Dia: Environmenral Srudies. Geo-Dio ( p . 1 29)

467 Laurel Rood New Canaan. CT

Peter A. Pagano 6 Gates Avenue Ossining. NY 10562 Geology: Environmenral Studies Michael L. Page 132 Elton Street Providence. RI 02906 Geo-Dio. Diology: Environmental Srudies (p. 197)

Richard D. Patten P.O. Oox 353 Norwell. MA 02061 Chemisrry - Diology (p . 179) Michelle E. Pa u les 745 Southern Rood York. PA 17403 Administrarive Science - Mathematics Cp. 145) Deborah L. Pazary 139 Arbutus Street East Hartford. CT 06108 Adminisrrorive Science (p.134) Janet B. Peabody 41 Orodford Street Rowley. MA 01969 Spanish Cp . 148) Parris S. Pelletier 12 Centre Street Danvers. MA 01923 Economics, Diology (p. 146) Jeffrey V. Perkins 500 North Shore Drive Peabody. MA 01960 Governmenr (p. 130) Leslie E. Perkins 13 Academy Lone Old Lyme. CT 06371 Diology (p. 141) Diane Perlowski 6 Charlotte Drive Andover, MA 01810 English Cp . 177) James A. Pfirrmann 4103 Meadow Lone Newtown Square, PA 19073 Geo-Dio, Diology: Environmental Studies (p . 185)

Joseph M. Pa llis 12 Virginia Lone Tol land. CT 06084 English ( p . 171)

Falls Church. VA 22041 English

Susan H. Pal mer

Maureen Pine

Edward J. Pfister

3664 Tollwood Terrace

875 Aspen Drive Rochester Ml 4806J Amerrcon 5rud1es <p 185) E rick J. Piper J Oe erlee Drive ashua H OJ060 Go ernmenr James J . Po l l a rd 20 Harbor Avenue Marblehead MA 01945 01olog p 1.39) Ann E. Poolos 107 Vine Avenue Greenville PA 16125 Economics (p 184) Stephen G. Po!!er 255 esr 98rh Srreer ew Y ork Y 1 25 English (p 1.39) llrian A. Preney Clo 721 Wesr Oarh E 04ďż˝ Economics (p 157)

R Jeffre y W . Rae 225 Sourhgore Rood Sourhporr CT 06490 American 5rvdies Economics Richard R. Rangoon

50 Shingle Mtll Rood w esr Simsbury CT


English Harry S. P.aphoel 4d Rowena Rood e w ron MA 02159 Economics - Morhemo110 (p 166) Corl M . P.o y mond 50 Coun Srreer Alfred. ME 04002 English French (p 145) Drendon P. P.eese 67 Sunnyside Avenue W1nrhrop MA 02152 Government Economics

(p 191) Thomas J . Reilly d2 De'-orur Lone Wayland MA 01778 Adm1msrro11ve Science

(p 167) Deborah L. Reinke 1212 Onxron Rood Oolt1more. MD 212J9 01ology Envlfonmenrol 51ud1es Ste phen J. Repko 8 Clobcock Drive orrhborough MA 015'12 Adm1n1srro11ve Science (p 1J7) Mellsso J. P.thm 4J9 Cumberland Avenue Apt

Porr lond. ME 04101 Economics (p 185)

Oiology fl.eligion (p. 1 50)

J. Nosh P.obbins 405 Wesr Lyon Form Drive Greenwich CT 068JO English Lerty C. P.oberrs Old Manchesrer Rood Arnhersr NH OJOJ1 Ps chology - Morhemo11cs (p 172) Tan yo N. P.obe r rs 917 Keene Streer Du bury MA 02.33 2 Economics (p 152) Veda P. . Robinson

104J Wesr Cotto Avenue

Sourh Oend I 466 16 01ology fl.ell91on (p 149) David D. P.occo JS Augusrus Srreer Re ere MA 02151 Mo1hemo11cs (p 1 56) Sa rah J. P.ogers Sr Georqes School ewporr RI 02840 English Cp 179) W illiam A . P.ogers oods Rood Doyron OH 45419 010/og Cp 129)


El lz.o be rh M. P.ose Rre 1 Sourh Harpswell ME 04079 H rory (p 19J) Da vid S. Rose n be rg 6 Stevens Rood Marblehead MA 019d5 Admm1srro11ve Science (p 1J9) Mio P.. Rosner 14 Colony Rood Lex1n91on MA 0217J 5ponish Admm1stror1ve Science (p 19J) A m y C. P.ussell

50J Wosh1ngron Rood Grosse Pointe Ml 482JO French Maxwell P. P. u sron 225 Eosr Valerio Srreer Sonro Oorboro. CA 9.3101 Engltsh (p 197) Laurie A. P. utherford

JOJJ Sherbrooke Sr W #703 Wesrmounr Quebec HJZ 1 AJ. Conodo Economics - Morhemoflcs (p 1.32) M ichael S. P. y o n 20 S u m m r Srreer Foresr Hills Gord ns, NY 11.375 Admlntsrronve Science

(p 1J1) Shella E . R y o n 1 0 Granite S r r e r Walpole MA 02081

s E l i za beth A. Sa bino 24 Hillside Lone Yolesville. CT 06492 010/ogy Peter J. Saccocia 1.36 Oirch Srreer Oridgewoter. MA 02J24 Geology (p 170) P.ise S. Sa muels 105 Pidgeon Hill Rood Hunnngron Station NY 1 1746 Economics (p 190) La u ren L. Sa u nders Oox 117 Sourh Cosco. ME 04077 Econom10 (p 177) David A. Scoles 1 16 High Rock Srreer Westwood MA 02090 Economlo (p 180) Debora J. Scanlon Grippen Hill Rd Rd 2 Oox 24'.l Vestal. NY 1.3850 Morhemot10 (p 128) Orendo J. Scheider P 0 Oox 190 Merrimack NH OJ054 French Economics Ma rlene L. Sch m dt

640 Revere Oeoch Ooulevord Revere MA 02151 010/ogy (p 196) James P. Sch weizer 217 Hermiroge Courr Doy1on, OH 45459 Economics (p 142) llorbora J. Sch wendrner 215 Pork fl.ow 16A New York. NY 10038 010/ogy Environmenrol 5c1ence (p 128) A ndrew P.. Sennetr 7.3 High Srree1 Norwell. MA 02061 Chemistry (p 189) Kalhleen M. Show 1 1 5 Staples Srreer Lowell, MA 01851 English. Amer/con 5rud1es (p 184) Margaret M. Shea 97 Westerly Terrace Hartford. CT 06105 History (p 17J) Wtlllom M. Sheehan 7 Ponrloc Rood

2 13

Narragansett, RI 02BB2 Adminisrrotive Science, Germon (p. 139) Patricia A. Shelton 1 1 North Avenue Roxbury, MA 02119 Economics Ha ney L. Silverman 49 13erkshire Rood Portland, M E 04100 Sociology Stephen E. Simcock 9 Charland Terroce Waterville, ME 04901 Government, French Deborah P. Sleeman 165 Elm Street South Dartmouth, MA 02748 English, lJiology ( p . 166) Da niel P. Smith 1 Hawthorne Street Norwood, M A 02062 Administrative Science (p. 130) Ru ssell A. Smith 6 Parish Rood Farmington, CT 0600 2 English, History ( p . 1 53) Tracy L. Smith 556 Greenway Drive North Pal m 13eoch, FL 3340B English (p. 16J) Steven M. Smolnik 2 Carver Circle Simsbury, CT 06070 French (p. 13B) Cheryl L. Snyder 4941 Grandview Circle Midland, Ml 48640 Germon (p. 193) Ian M. Snyder Fairmont #107 41 Conshohocken 13olo Cynwyd, PA 190J4 Government (p. 153) Kathryn M . Soderberg 5 Smith Form Trail Lynnfield, M A 01940 Independent ( p . 192) Tracy A . Sotir 145 Highland Street West Newton, M A 02165 Economics, Administrative Science (p. 134) David S. Spalding 312B P Street NW Washington, DC 20CXJ7 History ( p . 1 54) Scott C. Springer 33 Ledgelown Avenue 13or Harbor, M E 04609 English Jeremy P. Spri nghorn 6 George Court 13ellport, N Y 11713 Chemistry - lJiology (p. 169)

2 14

Sa m uel R. Staley 2049 Lower 13ellbrook Rood Spring Volley, OH 45370 Government, Economics: Public Policy ( p . 1 5B) Kevin P. Starr 5B 13right Rood 13elmont, MA 0217B Administrative Science - Mathematics J u l ie L. Stebbins 19 St . Jomes Drive Northborough, MA 01532 Economics (p.16J) Sharon M. Stella 6231 124th Street Polos Heights, I L 60463 American Studies (p.1J6) Caroline A. Sterge West 13eoch Hill 13everly Forms, MA 01915 French, Administrative Science (p. 184) El izabeth J. Stil lings 22 Lakeview Drive Kinnelon. NJ 07405 English, Sociology (p. 169) Leon R. St. Laurent 20 Pond Street Clifton. NJ 07013 Government (p. 175) Lori G. Sturgeon 1B2 Crater Lone Kensington, CT 06007 Government (p. 1B4) Youli Sun Sun Yuan St. #4 East District Peking, Chino History Koren L. Sundberg BB Lantern Lone North Kingstown, RI 02B52 lJiology: Environmental Science (p. 167) Jennifer L. Swanson 4700 Wil low Hills Lone Cincinnati, OH 45243 Geo-lJio, Art (p. 1BB) Kathryn E. Sweeney 193 13oncroft Avenue Reading, MA 01867 Mathematics, Economics (p. 127) M. Michael Swih 1B Fernridge Rood West Hartford, CT 06107 English, Chemistry Jeffrey J. Symonds 429 Ferry Street Molden, MA 02148 Administrative Science, Economics (p.147)

T Derek S. Torson

253 South 13oulevord Nyack, NY 10960 M athematics John E. Tawo 7925 SW 54th Avenue Miami, FL JJ14J Government, Economics: Public Policy (p. 159) Clifford A. Te ll 7400 Glenbrook Rood 13ethesdo, MD 20814 Economics Charles W. Tenny 13ox 32B 13orton, VT 05822 East Asian Studies (p.144) Douglas C. Terp RD 2 13ox 2313 Shelburne. VT 05482 Government (p.157) Pa ulo L. Thomson 35 Greenleaf Circle Framingham, MA 01701 Government Sandro L. Thornton 14J Lakewood Circle South Manchester, CT 06040 English (p.1J6) Anne H. Tiedemann 5 Ledge Rood Old Greenwich, CT 06870 Human Development (p. 148) Da niel P. Toomey 17 Crest Rood Lynnfield, MA 01940 Administrative Science - Mathematics (p. 135) Lisa M. Tourongeou 479 Ocean House Rood Cope Elizabeth, ME 04107 French, Sociology (p. 1B7) Jimmy W. Troettino 6215 Verne Street 13ethesdo, MD 20034 Economics (p.1JO) Thalia C. Tringo 2586 Tree House Drive Woodbridge, VA 22192 English. History J. Gregory Tulloch 4 13rookside Drive Cumberland Center, M E 04021 Administrative Science (p.1JO) Edgar M. Twilley 605 S. State St. Dover, DE 19901 English

u Thomas S. Underwood 100 Whitman Rood Needham, MA 02192 Administrative Science ( p .128)


Thomas J . Walsh 109 High Srreer Andover. MA 01810 Economics, Adminisrrorive Science (p. 176)

Richard P. V aler i 42 Corey Street Everen MA 02149 Admini5rrorive Science (p.161)

J e n nifer A . Word 741 East Deerpoth Rood Lake Forest, IL 6C045 Economics (p. 147)

Joseph R. Volle 15 Laurel Rood Swampscott MA 01907 Govemmenr Public Polley (p.183)

Caroline Worers

4 Wildrose Court Warwick RI 02888 Adminisrrortve Science - Mothemotics (p 143)

Joy M . V a l v a n o 3431 W e s r Loke Rood Conodoiguo. Y 14424 A merican Srud1es (p.184)

Dieter D . Weber Witch Cliff Eden Srreer Bar Harbor ME 0460Q Government (p 128)

Eric W. Von Gesrel Maple Circle Extension Morbleheod. MA 01945 Admm1srr0Nve Science (p.189)

Tracy l. Weiner 676 Trees1de Drive Akron OH 44313 English (p 161)

N. Jone V lgeonr 1 14 5ourh High Srreer Foxboro MA 02035 English. American 5rudies

Joanne S. Werther 84 Carlton Rood Wobon. MA 02168 Philosophy (p 142)

Cynthia A. V i l lo rreol P.O !lox 491 Umesrone. ME 04750 French (p 140) Katya I. V lttonds 23 Riverview Rood Durham H 00824 Economics. Philosophy - Morhemor1cs (p 157) Jeffrey W. Vogr 9564 Oak Courr Carmel CA 93923 Governmenr Adminisrrorive Science (p 183)

w John Wagner 3021 Wesr Coulrer Street Philodelphlo. PA 19129 H1srory (p 195) Edward 0. W a l lace 1482 East 56rh Srreet Chicago. IL t/J6J7 Geology (p 160) Kirsten F. Wallace Dlue Spruce Form Monmourh. ME 04259 EngUsh, Germon Catherine W als h 43 Hinckley Rood

Mllron. MA 02186 History Cp 129) Gr�ory F. Walsh 3J Wallace Srreer Newron. MA 02161 Olology (p.196)

Mory K. W hal e n 1203 Poromoc School Rood Mcleon VA 22101 Oiology (p 160) Eliza be th E. W heorley

10 Sheridon Circle ellesley MA 02181 Economics (p 149) Mory E. W h ite 213 Whitewood Rood Westwood. MA 020QO Economics Spanish (p 174)

Og de n

W h i te I l l 71 Sears Rood Brookline. MA 02146 Hlsrory (p 135) Wi l l iam Wiese Pierson Drive Shelburne. VT 05482 Economics (p 156) Katherine A. W i l b u r P 0 3ox 4766 Hampton. NH 00842 English

(p 187) Glen M . Wiid 1 Doody Srreer Brunswick. ME 04011 History Katherine W. Wiiiiams 1 1 1 Merriam Srreet Wesron. MA 02193 Geology, Economics

RFD 1 Fiskdale, MA 01518 Physics Charles R. W i l ton 1717 Parkside Drive Easr Searrle. WA 98112 Philosophy, Physics Sandro V. Winship 5 Edgehill Drive Darien. CT 06820 Economics, Adminisrrarive Science (p.177) Peter H. W itha m 573 Pleosanr Srreer Framingham, MA 01701 Oiology (p.181) Ku rt D. Wolff 482 Pork Overlook Drive Wonhlngron. OH 43085 English (p. 130) Michelle A. Wolpert 154 W. 70th Sr . #SF New York. N Y 02193 Economics (p 152) Seth I. W o l pe rt 727 Elmwood Wilmerre, IL 6CX>91 Chemistry - Oiology (p 171) V i rginia C. Wood 112 Form Road Sherborn. MA 01770 Gavemmenr Sa rah D . Woodhouse Sokonner Point Rood Lirrle Compron. P.I 02837 Oiology Environmenro/ Srudles (p 173) Lisa J. Wormwood 41 Winter Streer Warerville. ME 04901 Govemmenr. Aussian 5rudles (p 149) Glen R. W right 41 Birch P.oad Nortek, MA 01760 M usic (p 165)

y Soml L. Yasso 81 Hunting lone Sherborn, MA 01770 Physics


(p 1 50) D. R a n dol l Wii mot Sroce Harbor Rood Chothom. MA 0263J Arr K•lth P. Wiison

Druce R. Zoh n 59 Manchesrer Road Brookline, MA 02146 Physics (p. 194)



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Joyce Hartwig, Karen Killam, Ann Leary, Kathy Musser, Bill Northfield, Melissa Raffoni, Laurie Rutherford Photogrpahy Staff

Tad Allyn, Laurie Brown, Paul Deranian, Jim Frew, Harriet Haake, Beth Healy, Linda Kindblom, Todd Lachmon, Mathew Lebowitz, Steve Michaud, Michael Page, Lisa Patten, G. Eric Pendleton, Debbie Scanlon, Sarah Woodhouse, Tina Zabriskie Special Thanks to

Debbie Scanlon, Harriet Hooke and Lindo Kindblom who spent Senior Week in the darkrooms and never complained; Lynn Bushnell for all the photographic advice; Earl Smith who listened; J. Cole Harris and everyone at Balfour-Taylor for all of their help; Carolyn Boynton and Joyce Hartwig who pitched in whenever I needed them; and Bill Norhtfield without whom this book would not be.


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