The Colby Oracle 1991

Page 1











Musicl Talentl Theatricsl and more ...














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Wbo flu tb• WarPowu?
















Hai� Colby, HaiC

Hail, CoCby, Hail Tfiy peopfe far arni near Starn! at tliy ca[[, our A(ma Mater cfear. Tfiy sfuu!e!l paths rerolI our steps to 9atfter at tfiy shrine Tfiy memoried fia1Ys redaim our hearts 'til a[[ our tfwugfits are thine. Hail, CoCby, Hail. HaiC CoCby, Hail. To tfiee we lift our hearts arni Fwrtla9e payj Our A(ma Mater, Hail the Bfue arni Gray.

- Kar( R. Kennison '06 87








Erin Kelly.,.. Ginny Morrison Sara K. Webster Amy Walter

Josh Wolman A

Amy Davis A



A Rebecca Pratt, E m i ly Galla gh er

A Dana Stinson

• Andrew Shplz, Steve Collier, Stephen Marshall. Garin Arevian, Clark Weber, Jody Cox, Todd O'Connor, R. B. Kiernat. Sean Lucey



T Suzanne LaPrade, Liz Preston

T Andrea Nix

Steve Peltier � Joe Cattivera J.C. Kiser Tome Livezey Bill Sprong



<Ill Chip Lyons

Dean Zioze

Matt Lehman Geoff O'Hara Joe Brennan

.... L i b b y Marsh

.A. Susie Gouws



& Renee M. Blanchard

Katherine L. Roth ..,.. ..,. Jonathan Starr


& Brynne McCormick, Linda Rossignal, Elizabeth Ackerman



� Jeremy Grant

T Diane L. Osgood

.A Terence McAllister � Brian Carlson



C. Evan Metcalfjr . .,..

"Gerby" Gertsberger A. Lisa Owen Evans, Susan

.,.. Dan Bowman Stephan Matchinsky Aditya Dayal



<Ill Stacie Knight

Julie L. Moran Maria A. Sano

A Glenn Poland

<Ill Brad Willard, Allen Carlson



A Stacy Porath, Heidi Meehan

A cassie O'Neill



Alex Calhoun .,..

& Kurt Whited

�John F. Fort IV

� Emily Metzendorf

Meredith Palin Kim Norberg



Kim Merriman .,.. Lori Wright Michele Friel

T Josephine Harding

A Amy Shaw, Jennifer Wood



�Kristen Herbster, Hilary Robbins, Samantha Strawbridge, Jennifer Scott, Laura Pizzarello

• McCurrah K. Hamlin

T Charles Allen



Tom Brown..,.

.l. Shelly A. MacConneU

Laura Henderson..,. Jean Jacob



A Dave Anderson, Marc Gilbertson, Dean Burnell, Andrew DiMilla

..,.. Karie Button

• Anneliese Marie Eckhardt



Doug Fenn.,. T Rebecca Bancroft

A Don Stauffer



"4 Brad Comisar

T Melissa La Barre

.& Carol Cumming, Rebecca Streett, CaiUin Sullivan, Rebecca Winokur



A. Rebecca Pease

Jay Heimbach ..,.

A. Douglas Baum

A Maryam Mims

Kathleen Jones ..,.



& Amy Kyle Parker

& Amy Havel

& Josh Friedman, Paul Diamond, Scott Barkham, Andy Williams, Dave Parker



'f' Scott Blake

'f' Dan "Jazzy D" Raymont, Rob Arendell



l' W. Cory Snow

A Christine Poolos, Julie Walker, Sandra Sundwall, Heather McLeman

• Shauna M. Blanchard

A Jan Fortin



.A Portia S. Walker ..,. Tracy J. Mungeam

.A Robert Deacon .A Timothy Palmer



""' Tracey Johnson T Robin Thibeault

.A. Sean Skaling

""' Edward F. Lambrecht Ill



• neamer nanshom

• Scott Osborne

• Richard R. Rusnack II ..,. Lauren B. Knebel



<Iii Brian Monks

& Elaine Jorgensen <Iii Susan Willis, Elizabeth Morse



A Corrine Hauser, Carol.ine O'Malley, Ashley Cornell, Cathy Breen,

Jessica Butler, Julie Danielle, Lesley Eydenberg, Patty Masters, Tree Sullivan, Liz Helft, Colleen Halleck, Andrea Solomita

T JeffD'Alessandro



Will Leadley ... Glenn Thurlow

"" Jane Maloney

Maureen Fitzgerald A

Y Michael Freret, Matthew Greenlaw, Geoffrey Stewart, Toby Cox,

Brian Quinn, Jeffrey Hartwell, David Ford, Blake Liebert



Laurie A. Brown �

Scott Brink T Dante J.C. Self .t.



Jane Solomon .A Shawn P. Crowley .A � Shannon Johnson Dave Crowe Stu Eunson



John Avery ..,. Chris Wyman Campbell Field Sam Shamik George Hallenbeck

• Maggie Lacey

• Elin Melinda Baird


& Charlotte Reece

& Karen Crebase, Heather Anderson,

Stacey O'Brien, Kerry Morgan

• Nick Tolimieri, Gary Soquet, David Mumford, Stephen Whitworth

Stacey King llJ­ Megan Finley Maryann Hutchinson Gretchen Mccarey

.._Niles D. Parker .._ Laura Elizabeth Friedwald



A Matthew Testa, Scott Stecher, Christianmichael M. Kristan



Matt Melander ..,. Matt Dumas Erik Potholm Dan Bouvier

.& Sue Colavecchio



.& Lisa Gould

T Jen Cos

& Christine Horst

� Matt Bourgalt Ben Ames Fred Stewart



..,. Jen Flynn Mindy Rohrman Carol Rea Beth Ackroyd

• Richard Starets



A Erika Mailman

� Aaron W. Mosher

T Rebekah A. Mitchell

• Clover Bums. Kim Swan

• Ronald J. Barberan



Robyn Bussell ..,. Stephanie Vore Kendra Heywood

.._ Lynne Garrity



.._ Daryl E. Smith

.A. Robert A. Salaverry

.A. Rob Gramlich



.A Kristen Fryling

.A Peter Bailey

.A Pamela Newsome, Kaylyn Hipps, Patricia Lee, Andrea Prochniak



A Anni e DeMaria

A Michelle Guertin

A Travis Regin ald Kline, Ed Bayliss, Charles Nelson Leach



ďż˝ Jason Stein

J. Tremaine Cooper ill>

& Lesley Eydenberg, Elizabeth Ives, Abigail Cook, Susan Cummings, Julie Collard, Colleen Halleck



A Kim Labow

<1111 Rob Weiner

'f' catherine Giles

• Kevin Whibnore, Nate carpenter, Chris Lahey, Greg Jacobson, Tom Dorion, Bill Burke



£ Kristen "Woody" Widronak

£ Mike Schwartz, Fred Bright


l £ Bonnie Van Der Sluys, Katie Kaliff

£Richard P. Mccann



.A KathJeen Lucas

.A Christine M. Bonner

� David Mills Eric Russman William Cough



T Brian Garvey

T Jessica Pelan

.& Nancy R. Smith .& Tim Bernard, Steve Loynd



� Twisty Gogolak, Grace Liang

.A Michael McRae

� Alan Yuodsnukis

.A Margaret Mauran, Tara Taupier



T Julie Christine Campbell

Becca Brackett, Heide Meyers ..,.

Matthew Cohen ..,. Kent Thompson



.A. Dina M. Cloutier

.A. Sally Hewitt .A. Timothy





T Christopher Brownsey

Tris Hussey ...



T Jennifer Hale, Laura Hartrick

_.Ellen Billey Beth Perry Debbie Ives

A Pamela Young

A David A. Vincent



T Christine Macone, Kim Weber, Patricia O'Sullivan, Paige Brown, Kim Derrington

.& Michael Rooney



.& Linnea Oliver

T David Unruh

T Jim Stuart

� Amey Knight Tamar Snyder



Christine M. Tucille Ill-

Katherine Co wp erthwait Ill- Ill-

T G e o rge M o o r e , Walker Fenton, Peter Antall, Keith Thom­ aj a n, G r e g S mi t h , Randy Korach



� � Meredith J. Mas· ter

� Christina Thomp­ son

• Stephanie Carville

� Andrew Bess





• Charlie Donaldson

•Iris Kelley

• Christine M. Murphy

• David Donnelly

& Chip Smith

& Ellyn Paine

& Todd Patricca, Billy Goodman, Chas Riopel, Brian Doherty, Chris Caponi, Chris Brown, Brenden Van Wynsberghe



& Debbie MacWalter

& Felise Glantz

& Matthew Gibbons

& Audrey Claire Wittemann



� Melissa Ackerly Trish Biros Stacey Thoits

.._ Juliette Varga

.._ Hayden G. Stewart

.._ Donna F. Wentworth



T Ly Furrow, Victoria Baldwin

T Jennifer S. Lim



T N. Todd


T Pam Pomerleau


Kary Ann




.A Mark LaPointe

.& Laura Davis, Carla Swanson

.& Kristen Carol Beisler

.A Matthew A. Hughes



.A Lisa Twomey

.A David Shumway

.A Jack Aydelott



T David E. Moore

Wendy Langden �



T Deanna L. DeRoche

<Ill Kristen Resor

T Beth Reutlinger

A Thomas Lewis



James E. Gruener

Sharon M. Labick

Barb Shaw Pete Carpenter



Scott Stanwood, Mike Doubleday, Chris Whalen, Doug Boardman, Jeff Marggraf, John Bartlett, Pete Perroni, Chris Brown, Todd Verhoeven, Brian Kelleher, Jim Hayes, Kevin Whalen, Brian Doherty, Jason Mazzola, John Roth, Andy Zuccoti, Frank Toce, Pete Ginolfi

Alisa Attardi

Christine Goulding



.& Michael Henry, James Lamberti, Eric Adams

.& Deborah Elizabeth Lloyd



.& Gretchen L. Fisher

GOOD LUCK SENIORS Tricia Shepard .l.

Cheryl Gariepy .l. Phobrek Hei .l.

Emilie Miller







A long, long time ago

Left to Right: Elin Baird, Leslie Eydenberg, Sally Hewitt, Sally White.


Steven Peltier, Scott Osborne, Alex Paraskos, Chip Lyons


I Can Still Remembe r ...

Left to Right: Chuck Leach, Julie M o ran,

B re n t W i lle y ,

Labick, Kim Labow.


Sha ron

Left to Right: Laura Davis, Julie Daniele, Frederick Stewart Maryann Mims.


Singing, Bye, Bye

Left to Right: Maryann Hutchinson, Randall M. Cutler, Maureen Fitzgerald, Christine Bonner.


Left to R i g h t :

S u s a n C o·

lavecchio, B i l l Douglas, L i n· nea Oliver, K u rt Whited.


s w E E N E I K 0 R


p 0 R T L A N D B A R -

H 0 p p I N G 179

p 0 p tt A M B E A c tt


B L A s T


F R 0 M T tt E p A s T

Lobster Bake and Drive In Movie




c 0 M M E N c E M E N T B A L L






Excerpts from Commencement Speaker Tom Watson's Speech: I remember as though it was just yesterday, sitting there with a barely squeaked-through record at Brown University in 1937. I was a member of all sorts of anti-war organizations and found to my surprise that I was in the air force and I was fighting what I still think was a just war - but no matter what organizations anyone belongs to, the great thing about young people is that they can change their minds, they can do great analyses, and they can do what's necessary for their country and we've been doing it for two-hundred and fifty years and that's all to your credit. Particularly I congratulate each one of you graduates.It's been a tough time.I had a few blocks in my education and I thought it was a terribly tough time ... When I began to think of what I should say to you chance favored me because I got a letter from The Reader's Digest. The letter simply said 'Dear Mr. Watson, Did you say the following: be an individualist; don't run with the crowd; if you stand up and are counted on the things you really believe in, you may get yourself knocked down, but remember this - a man flattened by an opponent can get up and fight again, but a man flattened by conformity stays down for good!' I wrote back and said yes, a long time ago I had said that at a graduation and have tried to lead my life that way, and feel confident that you all will lead your lives that way as well.I, two weeks later, got a check from Reader's Digest for sixty-five dollars, so I know this speech that I am getting through here is worth at least sixty-five dollars. And that gives me great heart. ... The world is made up of three groups of people: a very small group who make things happen, a somewhat larger group who watch things happen, and a great multitude who don't know what happens. To live a full life, you've got to start planning right now as to how you're going to live it.Are you going to be among that the first group. The second group or the third group. If I had my life to live over, I'd establish several patterns as I left college, and try to stick by those patterns the rest of my life.I'd read a daily newspaper from cover to cover each day. Uninformed people are generally uninteresting people, and it's taken seventy-seven years to really fully realize that I've been with a lot of bores in my life - I think that in my age group the sharp tacks die off rather early because I find myself surrounded by bores in my community today. One of the ways to avoid being a bore is to stand up from time to time and state your position. If it's a minority position, don't be the slightest bit concerned about stating it. If you sit silently while someone expresses an opinion with which you are in disagreement, you lose a chance to work out a position of leadership, and you lose a chance of perhaps changing the other fellow's point of view. If you speak out on everything you disagree with you become cantankerous and become known as a crank. That makes you such a negative factor that when you really want to hit one hard, you've lost your platform.So the real leadership positions know when to speak out and when to stay silent.But you must do some of each. Our country is in some trouble and it won't improve until all of us face some facts.We've slipped from our position of leadership in almost any measurement you want to pick. We slipped health care, infant mortality, income per capita, standard of living. I could go on and on. I'm confident that young, unorthodox, unique thinkers - some of whom are in this class - are thinking today almost as much about the future as they have about the past. Almost as much about the future of their country as they are about their own future. It took the Holy Roman Empire seven-hundred years to decline but things are happening much more rapidly today.And if we allow ourselves to believe that we can have consistently very low taxes and help the kind of people in America who need help, we will continue on the slides downhill living the good life until one day there won't be any America left in the way that you and I know it and are proud of it.My generation nudged it a little but it needs a lot more nudging. And so the thought I want to leave with you today is to be yourself, adjust your actions to the environment that your in. Whenever you have a position and you have hard facts to back it up, even though it's a minority position I urge you to make your views known. You are going into a great world.All we need in this country is the necessity to push the government to do the things that are necessary. Take poverty out of the streets and eliminate it - give everybody decent medical care and when we give more hope to the lower segment of society, I can assure you that the drug problem will cure itself. You're the new team, and as we pass the torch to you, I think we pass it to the most promising generation that has ever graduated from colleges throughout America.And I have no doubt that ten years from now America will be a far better place in which to live because of your efforts.All I can say is I wish I was one of you. Good luck. Congratulations on what you've done. God bless you all on your way.


Excerpts from Billy Goodman's speech: There's a first time for everything, so you hearing this (speech) will be the first time I hear it too, so here we go. I'd like to welcome all of you here today, honorary degree recipients, President and Mrs. Cotter, my parents, your parents, Trustees, grandparents, brothers, everyone. I don't have an abundance of grandiose advise for you.What I have is just my recollections on what life has been around here for the past four years.Colby's been an interesting place as you'd all attest to, and what I'm gonna try to do today is recount what I've seen. I was institutionalized here four years ago ...and when I was, I was a very confused young man.I thought that maybe Ronald Reagan wasn't that bad a guy ... I also thought I was going to be an economics major ...I guess what Colby has been about for a lot of us is learning that we can make choices, and that we're smart enough to make choices, and that hopefully the choices we make now are the correct choices. I've learned how to decipher material and read things critically at Colby- I think in this twisted time and twisted world that we're in, you need to be a little critical of what you read. ... I guess what Colby has been about is discovering ourselves. It's 1991 and we're still experimenting; still trying to figure out who we are. In the last four years we've seen that on Mayflower Hill a lot of times were really sheltered- but when that sheltering bubble breaks it's kind of tough.We've seen drugs, we've seen alcohol, we've seen sex, we've seen abortions.We've seen a lot of things that have really hit home. But that's what life is about - about the hard times and about the good times ... and today is one of those good times.What you've been through for the last fifteen odd¡years is education, and hopefully you're now educated individuals.What I want you to take forward with you when you leave is just that you are educated and you can make choices. You're going to make wrong choices but you're also going to make a lot of right choices. This has been a pretty tough year.The economy's not the best- so you economics majors out there should get out and try and do something about that ... There's also been a war but it was kind of strange because it never really seemed like it hit home.Some of us had brothers and sisters there; some of us thought we shouldn't be there, some of us just couldn't understand it. I don't have much to say on that point because I don't really understand what happened.I guess all I really want to say is that I hope that we can be the graduating class that moves forward and goes beyond war because it seems to me that all that has come from war is death and suffering, and if we can get beyond I think we might be doing all right. I really feel that we are the beginning of a generation that is starting to care. I think we're really worried about the world and what we've been doing to it. It seems like we're finally doing some things to straighten it out.This world needs a lot of love, a lot of recycled cans, and it needs a lot of people who know how to make choices.As I leave you here today, 1 guess all I can say is that it's been a good time, it's been a long, strange trip but now it's over. So, give your parents a big kiss, shake President Cotter's hand, and best of luck to all of you in the world.Congratulations. ,



Parent Patrons Sondra Ber9man Baird - Graduation. is just a 6f9innif19 Joan and BU! Bonner BU! atu!Ki Cfougfi - Goocl fuck Bi((y aru!!s! Peter and Caro( CoCfa.rd" - Congratufations to tfte Great ]ufe.s Mr. andMrs.Kenneth. B. Cutter - Congratufationsl Goocl fuck in fa.w schooO Bo6 andKit DankCe - Goocl Luck "Terrific Twe!ve" Richard" and Lucinda Day - Sa!ly, Orcfiestra wi(( miss youl Ric� G� Gfen and Steve Davis - Congratufations, Laura aru! tfte class of '91 Mom, Dad andKim. Davis - Congrats Pa.u!! You. madt. it! Ron andJane Eyckn6er9 - Congratufations aru! Best of Life Richard" and Delores Fecteau Mr. andMrs. LawrenceJ. F�era!if - Best wishes gnufuates Love, Mom, Dad and Brad - Susan.-san. ... Fare.we([ Corby, He([o Japan. Way to Go! Mom. and Dad - to Mattfiew C. Gi.66ons: Peace, He.a.fth. Happiness aru! Success Grete( - to Margaret:, Woof, woof, woof, woof, woof Bruce andKatfi.Ceen (Os6ome) Gru6er - Foffow Your Dreams/ Pat and Jerry Have( and Do119 - A[ tfte warfif s XQ!!r stage Mr. andMrs. Wiffia.m. Heim.6acfi Mr. andMrs. Hutchinson - Congratufations aru! 9oocl fuck Ro6 and Mary Jones - You. clicl it! Congratufationsl Wade and Fran Kafiff - Goocl Luck Pussycat Tfie Honora6Ce Lind"a. and Great Ke6u66a - Veni, Vicli, Vici, Butti Tom. atu! Pam.Kfine - Congratufations Travis! Love, Mom, Dael, Efiw. Betsy and Bany Kfri91it - You. eamtcl your faure.[s, Congratufations Dr. andMrs. Bernar d"Kravitz- Congratufations of'91 Tfie La6icfi. Family - Congratufations, very we[ dOn.e.! Cyntfiia La6ow andJudith Lam.6erti - Ccupe Diem, Jim - With Love Dr. andMrs. CfiarCes N. Leach,, Jr. - Goocl fuck to you. affi Jim. and Zyvi(e Lewis - Fu[ . Steam Afieruf Mom, Dad;. KeCCy, Ju& (Liang) - Congrats Graa, you. clicl it! Tfie Live.uys - To tfte Boys of Savoy Norm. and DoCCy Long - You.'ve Macle Us Proue(, Ernie Love:, Mom. and Dad - Congrats to Steve BU! atu! Sandy Lucas - Congratufations of '91 Tom. atu! Betsy Lyons - Go 9ct 'em class of '91 Micfiae( and HauCMafoney - To fun, Juffiffi.l19, fcmtastk futures! and ErkeMatschinsk.y - Pftifosophy aru! Forei9n. LCJi19tul9es Live! Do119Cas and cyntfiiaMcCormick. SaCCy and BiUMcVay -You. are makil1£J a Erro( N. and Patricia P. Mefander - We're of you. Matt ECCen and LeeMetunt!oef - Cfim6 fii91i, cf.im6 far Bar6ara and Barry Meyer - Congratufatio ns, you. are. tfte 6est! Erwin andMar9eryMitkr - Congratufations aru! 9oocl fuck Emifie. Caro�Moore - Foffow your cfreams Geor9e andKaRieMoore - Con ii.n. A6raw Fuerte Jim. andJoeannMoran - Seek happiness, success wi(( foffow Citu!y Nee!y - Cfierfyn.- Born. to win! Don and Bonnie. Nor6er9 - Congratufations Kim-Bl Mom, Dael aru! Eric


Dave and Sandy O'Connor - Four Fun Years, TfuutRs 'f1901 andMimi O'NeU! Jean M. O'Sufilvan. - Conputufations, for future succ.ess! Ro6ert and Prisci!fa. OCiver - You're fina!ly dOne '91! Conputufations! John, Sophia and Greg Paraskos - Conputufations A� aru! 6est TfieodOre and Prisci!fa. Parker Dr. andMrs. Peter PiuareC!o and Family - Conputufations Laura aru! Cfass of 1991 Curt and Dianne Pofu.tu! - T� C�es 6egin, Gooc! Luck! Dean and Bar&ara PooCos - Trust in your dreams! Chris and Sandy PotfioC:m - Eri.� wfiat a super sonl Wayne and CharCotte Ramstedt - It's time to 90 now Meredith and Bill Ro6&ins - Conputufations Cfass of 1991 Penny and Bany Russman AC and Sharon Ryan - Conputufations Bilr DolJ9fas, Bonne Cfuutu Bo6 andJut!y Scott - Don't forget Mom aru! Dae! Crai9 and Bar6ara Self - T�n,, Now, aru! Forever Coffiy Mr. andMrs. Ro6ert Shepara - Conputufations class of 191 Joan. and Bill Sherwin - Conputufations Corinne! Sharon and Ea Si!beefar6 - Semper FU!efu Micliae£ and Patricia Skating Mr. andMrs.Jofa.n.F. Smith.- Gnufuatts! Mr. andMrs.M. A. Smith - Grott hopes make grott menl Conputufations! The Parents of Frederi.c.k.J. Stewart - Cfass of 19911 Caro( andJim Stuart - Wis! Mr. andMrs. WiCCiam Tau.pier Geraft! andJ� TfiurCow - Strive for� 6est always! Dick and Dawne UfU"Uli - Gooc! fu&. to a[[ Jim and Awfrey Urquhart - We[ dOne, Conputufations Corby gnufuates Peter andJut!y Van Der Sfu.ys - Conputufations Bonnie! The Var9a Family - Conputufations class of '91 aru! Juliette -we're prow! of you! David and Peg9y Walker - We appfauc! your acrompfis�nts FCora T. Washington - Pam - T� Grottest MiclieCCe andKathryn. Ann - Pam - Dreams Come True. Nan.aandK.T. - Pam-We Love You. Mr. andMrs. RicfuuaM. We66er - Gooc! jo6, Kim! Love, Mom aru! Dae! Irene and Bernk Weiner - Wefrome to* wont!eiful worfd! Family ofKurt Wfiited - Live at peace with. a[[ John and Mary Wfiitworth- T� sk.y's�! Conputufations! Hefene Wi!Cey - Conputufations aru! fove to Bmtt Betsy and Ross Wittemann. -Awfrey aru! '91 -Life 6eckons! Bo6 and Anne Wooa - Conputufations one aru! aill Katfi.!een. R. WoodS - Best for� future. Mom, Pop1 Sarah, Dave and Dan WoC:man. - Congratufarions Josh. -We Cove you. Tea and Anita Wyman - Gooc! Luck Cfuis Mr. andMrs. Ro6ert A. Young The Ziegenfus Family - Conputufations Kar( Gi!bert Zi£9enfus D� Mom. and Ha.U!y Ziou - Conputufations! We fove you!




2 78 Centre Ave. Abington, MA 02.351 Ackerman, Elizabeth

RFD #4, Box 152-A West Brattleboro, VT 05.301 Adams, Eric

70 Hewlett Ave. Rye, NY 10580 Charles Allen

Washington Ave. Irvington, NY 105.3.3

Ames, Be aj amin

2 Spaulding Lane Riverdale, NY 104 71

Anderson, David

8412 Virginia Circle N. St. Louis Park, M N 55426 Anderson, Heather

65.32 Sagamore Rd . Mission H ills, KS 66208 Antall, Peter

18 Fernwood Rd. Summit, NJ 07901-2927 Arendell, Robert

5.3 Curtis Ave. N. White Plains, NY 1060.3 Arevian, Garin

125 Till Rock Lane Norwell, MA 02061 Astor, Todd

.35 Frederickson Dr. Randolph, MA 02.368 Attardi, Alisa

110 Dayleview Rd. Berwyn, PA 19.312 Avery, John

959 Canton Ave. Milton, MA 02186 Aydelott, Jack

Route 117 Franconia, NH 0.3580 Bailey, Dale

.30 21st Ave. Madawaska, ME 04765 Baird, Elin

2.3 Bridge Street Oreland, PA 19075 Baisley, Paul

5.30 Longwood Ave. Glencoe, IL 60022 Baldwin, Victoria


59 Acadia St. Dexter, ME 049.30

9.3 Kernwood Ave. Beverly, MA 01915

Bancroft, Rebecca

Bouvier, Daniel

44 Foundry St. Medfield, MA 02052

47 Walcott Circle Marlboro, MA 01752

Barberan, Ronald

Bowman, Daniel

1.35 Cambridge Ave. Garden City, NY 115.30

20 Gregory Lane Warren, NJ 07060

Barkham, M. Scott

Brackett, Rebecca

71 West Brookside Drive Larchmont, NY 105.38

50 Lyme Rd. Hanover, NH 0.3755

Bussell, Robyn

52A Foreside Rd. Topsham, ME 04086 Butler, Jessica

8.30 Pine Street Seekonk, MA 02771 Button, Katharine

c/o ETC Data Proc. Svc. , P.O. Box 728 Newburgh, NY 125500.377

Baum, Douglas

Braden, Trevor

Campbell, Julie

2.305 Haylard Dr. Merrick, NY 11566

.3.37 DeMott St. Mineola, NY 11501

Bayliss, Edward

Breen, Catherine

94 Maple St. West Lebanon, N H 0.3784

1524 Woodland Hill Dr. SW Rochester, MN 55902

17 Booth Dr. Westwood, MA 02090

Beisler, Kristin

Brennan, Joseph

241 S. Pleasant Ave. Ridgewood, NJ 07450

45 Eastern Promenade Portland, ME 04101

Canter, Seth

15 Boulder Rd. Lexington, MA 0217.3 Caponi, Christopher

.32 Robaldon Rd. Toronto, Ontario M9A 5A7, Canada

Beitchman, Greg

Bright, Fred

11 Holly Lane Hudson, NH 0.3051

126 Lincoln Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15218

Bernard, Timothy

Brink, Scott

9 Robie Ave. Gorham, ME 040.38

10 Olympia Way Andover, MA 01810

Bess, Andrew

Brown, Christopher

.30 Highland Ave. Chatham, NJ 07928

251 Covington Rd . Los Altos, CA 94022

Billey, Ellen

Brown, Laurie

1 Fieldstone Dr. Yarmouth, ME 04096

70 Everett St. Natick, MA 01760

Biros, Patricia

Brown, Paige

150 Gervais Street Coventry, RI 02816

26 Thornton Ave. South Portland, ME 04106

Blake, Scott

Brown, Sarah

.3.3.36 Canal St. New York, NY 1001.3

451 High St. Candia, NH 0.30.34

19 Patricia Dr. Cape Elizabeth, ME 04107

Blanchard, Renee

Brown, Thomas

Cattivera, Joseph

7924 Belfast St. New Orleans, LA 70125.3406

1.3 Beaver Dam Dr. Westford, MA 01886

Blanchard, Shauna

Dunhamtown Rd. Brimfield, MA 01010 Blankfein, Roger

11 Lincoln Ave. Glen Head, NY 11545 Bock, Robert

2500 Stonehaven Court N. Columbus, NY 4.3220 Bonner, Christine " Pickle"

Brownsey, Christopher

4001 Old River Rd. Niskayuna, NY 12.309 Bryant, Jeffrey

104 Allen Ave. Auburn, ME 04210 Burke, William

.3 Brier Court East Greenwich, RI 02818 Burnell, Dean

P.O. Box 7 Atkinson, NH 0.3811


Carlson, Allen

Bittersweet Lane Cheshire, CT 06410 Carlson, Brian

104 Conestoga Way Glastonbury, CT 060.3.3 Carpenter, Nathan

Old Town Farm Rd. Kezar Falls, ME 0404 7 Carpenter, Peter

18 Hunnewell Rd. Scarborough, ME 04074 Carville, Stephanie

1818 Flournoy Rd. Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 Chernoff, Steven

.3 Wauwinet Rd. Newton, MA 02165 Chisolm, James

.31 Edith Holmes Dr. Scituate, MA 02066 Clark, Kathleen

118 Tall Pines Rd. Newark, DE 1971.3 Clerk,


.390 Eastern Pkwy., #SB


Brooklyn, NY 11225

Comisar, Bradley

Clough, William

235 Dellwood Ave. Dayton, OH 45419

Box 86 Bethel, ME 04217 Cloutier, Dina

167 Greenfield Seekonk, MA 02771 Cohen, Matthew

455 Bonhill Road Los Angeles, CA 90049 Colarusso, C a rmine

.37 Eliot St. Medford, MA 02155

Cook, Abigail

215 Prospect Street Hingham, MA 02043 Cooper, James

55 Bethridge Rd. Bethany, CT 06525 Cordon, L. Ricardo

91 Bellmore Dr. Pittsfield, MA 01201 Cornell, Ashley

P.O. Box 877 Morrisville, VT 05661

5 Duck River Lane, P.O. Box 568 Old Lyme, CT 06.371

Cox, Matthew

Cornell, Jared

Boggs Hill Rd. Newtown, CT 064 70

1106 West forest Rd. Lakewood, OH 44107

Cox, Jonathan

Crebase, Karen

Cos, Jennifer

4 Balsam Rd. Wallingford, CT 06492

One Trailwood Circle Rochester, NY 14618

Crowe, David

Cowperthwait, Katherine

6997 Haines St. Cincinnati, OH 45227 Crowley, Shawn

40 Gould St. Wakefield, MA 01880 Cumming, Carol

12 Flying Cloud Rd. Stamford, CT 06902 Cummings, Susan

106 Billings St. Sharon, MA 02067 Curran, Margaret

.32 Secada Dr. Clifton Park, NY 12065 Cutler, Randall

10 Westway Bronxville, NY 10708 D'Alessandro, Jeffrey

281 Summer St. Lynnfield, MA 01940 Daniele, Julie

37 Off Old Summer St. , P.O. Box 79 Marshfield Hills, MA 02051 Colavecchio, Susan

33 Prospect St. Foxboro, MA 02035 Colhoun, Alexander

"RECALL, " 14114 Mantua Mill Rd. Glyndon, MD 21071 Collard, Julia

29 Highland Ave. Buffalo, NY 14222 Collier, Steven

RFD #1, Box 20 East Hardwick, VT 05836

50 Fairfield Rd. Greenwich, CT 068.30

507 Edgell Rd. Framingham, MA 01701

.3.3 Stuart Close Princeton, NJ 08540

Diamond, Paul

Fisher, Gretchen

510 East 2.3 St. Apt. 5-G New York, NY 10010

12 Old Plains Rd. Willimantic, CT 06226

Dimitriou, Steven

Fitzgerald, M aureen

5 Langley Lane Andover, MA 01801

15 Nancy Dr. Brunswick, ME 04011

Doherty, Brian

Flynn, J ennifer

20 Foster Rd. Braintree, MA 02184

10 Granite St. Dedham, MA 02026

Donaldson, Charles

Forbus, J ulie

1 North High St. Melrose, MA 02176

11 West Nichols St. Madison, ME 04950

Donnelly, David

Fort, John

High Head Rd. South Harpswell, ME 04079

Salt Marsh Farm Rye, NH 0.3870

Dorion, Thomas

Fortin, Janete

22 Park St. Bath, ME 04530

4.35 Bangor Rd. Benton, ME 04927

Douglas, William

Freret, M ichael

5068 Sirron Court Dunwoody, GA .30.3.38

3514 Sheperd St. Chevy Chase, MD 20815

Douglass, David

Friedwald, Laura

Box .30, RFD Center Conway, NH 0.318.3

.326 West 71 St. New York, NY 1002.3

David, Amy

Dumas, Matthew

Friedman, Joshua

101.3 Ratley Rd. West Suffield, CT 06093

4 Coach Lane Sharon, MA 02067

50 Maple Hill Dr. Larchmont, NY 10538

Davis, Laura

Eckhardt, Anneliese

Friel, M ichele

2.3.3 Nehoiden St. Needham, MA 02192

Laurel Dr. Lincoln, MA 0177.3

20 Morgan St. Melrose, MA 02176

Davis, Paul

Erat, Osmonnie

Fryling, Kristen

14771 Hillbrook Lane N. Chagrin Falls, OH 44022

1077 Wellington Rd. Jenkintown, PA 19046

62R Booth Hill Rd. Scituate, MA 02066

Dayal, Aditya

Eunson, Stuart

Furrow, Ly

7 Alipore Estate, 8/6/1 AJipore Rd. Calcutta 70002 7, India

7.3 Hubbardston Rd. Princeton, MA 01541

35 Webster St. Bangor, ME 04401

Eydenberg, Lesley

Gallagher, Emily

DeMaria, Annie

.35 Reservoir Ave. Revere, MA 02152

1.32 Wellesley St. Weston, MA 0219.3

142 Russell Ave. Rockport, ME 04856 DeRoch e , Deanna

45 I St. Ward Hill, MA 01835 Deacon, Robert

9 Cemetary Rd. P.O. Box 396 East Derry, NH 0.3041

Fallon, Mark

Gariepy, Cheryl

24 Buchanan Rd. Roslindale, MA 021.31

15 Aster Lane Attleboro, MA 02703

Farnham, Tim

Garrison, Samantha

51 Dudley St. Hampden, ME 04444

929 Morningstar Akron, OH 44307

Felt, Tim

Garrity, Lynne

Derrington, Kim

150 Greenwold Way Mill Valley, CA 94941

Cherry Valley Rd. RR 1 Box 527 Bethlehem, NH 03574

RFD 1 Box 102, Middlesex Rd. Topsham, ME 04086

Black Mountain Rd. Brattleboro, VT 05301

Descoteaux, David

Field, Campbell

2 Burleigh Lane Biddeford, ME 04005

33 Hazard Ave. Providence, RI 02906

Desmond, Angela

Finley, M egan

1835 Saint James Rd. Lincoln, NE 68506

3065 Garrison St. , NW Washington, DC 20008

DI Mllla, Andrew

Fisher, G. Hunt

Fenn, Douglas

Garvey, Brian

260 Old Marsh Hill Rd. Dracut, MA 01826 Gause, John

P.O. Box 2020 Monroe, ME 04951 Gerstberger, Susan

12 Lancaster Place Andover, MA 01810


Gibbons, Matthew

Gruener, James

1.3 Puritan Dr. Scituate, MA 02066

Heywood, Kendra

RFD 1 Box 4856 Camden, ME 0484.3

Kelly, Erin

40 Stone St. Dracut, MA 01826

Gilbertson, Marc

185 Thurber Ave. Attleboro, MA 0270.3

Guertin, Michelle

Hipps, Kaylyn

7 Richardson St. Montpelier, VT 05602

18 Wentworth Dr. Billerica, CT 01821

Kerrigan, Christine

1 Daniel Burnham Ct. #112 San Francisco, CA 94109

P.O. Box 7 Minot, MA 02055

Giles, Catherine

Hale, Jennifer

Horst, Christine

107 Chestnut St. Boston, MA 02108

24 Union St. Boothbay, ME 045.38

Kiemat, Robert 8.

192.3 Columbine Ct. Golden, CO 80401

1410 Edgcrumb Rd. St. Paul, MN 55116

Gillis, Amy

Hall, Heather

Hudson, Derek

2225 Wittington Blvd. Alexandria, VA 22.308

909 Clark's Lane Louisville, KY 40217

King, Stacey

P.O. Box 7812 Portland, ME 04112

Gillis, Matthew

Halleck, Colleen

Hughes, Matthew

19 Chisholm Rd. Winchester, MA 01890

189 Needletree Lane Glastonbury, CT 060.3.3

Moore Rd. RRl Box 89D Newport, NH 0.3 77.3

2857 North Euclid Ave. Tuscon, AZ 85719

Kiser, Joseph C.

21115 Christman Lane Shorewood, MN 55.3.31

Glantz, Felise

Hallenbeck, George

Hussey, Tristam

Kline, Travis

.3 Wedgewood Dr. Dix Hills, NY 117 46

1025 Laurie Lane Burr Ridge, IL 60521

1.3611 Elmstead Rd. Midlothian, VA 2.311.3

P.O. Box 416 Claverack, NY 1251.30416

Glew, Sean

Hamlin, McCurrah

Hutchinson, Maryann

50 Berwick St. Worcestor, MA 01602

14 Chapel Street Freeport, ME 040.32

51 Jennings Dr. Raynham, MA 02767

Gogolak, Harriet

Hardy, Johanna

lndivino, Feter

45 Churchill Rd. Westwood, MA 02090

5.300 Oaklawn Ave. Edina, MN 55424

2156 E . .36th St. Brooklyn, NY 112.34

Goodman, William

Hartel, Jennifer

Ives, Deborah

96 Lynch Hill Rd. Oakdale, CT 06.370

2 George St. Andover, MA 01810

55 Heald Rd. Carlisle, MA 01741

Gould, Lisa

Hartrick, Laura

Ives, Elizabeth

88 Emmett Ave. Dedham, MA 02026

58 Pheasant Run Wilton, CT 06897

Two Gallison Ave. Marblehead, MA 01945

Goulding, Christine

Hartshorn, Heather

Jacob, Jean

Old Danville Rd., P.O. Box 115 Danville, ME 0422.3

28 Locust Ave. Lexington, MA 0217.3

900 North Hoosac Rd. Williamstown, MA 01267

Hartwell, Jeffrey

Jacobson, 8. Gregory

Kristan, Christianmlchael

Gouws, Susanna

54 Rust Way Cohasset, MA 02025

20 Prudence Ct. Warwick, RI 02888

78 W. Avenue s. Paris, ME 04281

.350 Woodville Rd. Falmouth, ME 04105 Gramlich, Robert

1720 Morton Ann Arbor, Ml 48104


Grant, Jeremy

4855 Franklin Ave. Loveland, CO 805.38 Gray, Duncan

1520 Stony Lane North Kingstown, RH 02916 Green, Candace


P.O. Box 21 Yorklyn, DE 197.36 Korach, Randall

18010 S. Woodland Shaker Heights, OH 44120

La8arre, Melissa

2761 Chesterton Rd. Shaker Heights, OH 44122

Havel. Amy

Johnson, Shannon

.39 Rudolph Rd. Forestville, CT 06010

168 Woodland St. Sherborn, MA 01770

Heimbach, Jay

Johnson, Tracey

14 Grist Mill Road Acton, MA 01720

.3989 Stonebridge Drive N. Eagan, MN 5512.3

Helft, Elizabeth

Jones, Kathleen

1.344 Martin Ave. Palo Alto, CA 94.301

.3.37 Fairmount Rd. Ridgewood, NJ 07450

Henry, Michael

Jorgenson, Elaine

142 Columbia Ave. Warwick, RI 02888

27 Berkshire Way Simsbury, CT 06070

Herbster, Kristen

KalitJ, Kathleen

Grossman, Andrew

12 Hunters Lane Chadds Ford, PA 19.317

26 Intervale Ave. E. Providence, RI 02914

6 High Ridge Grove Brookfield Center, CT 06804

Hewitt, Sarah

Kelley, Iris

25 Wayland Circle Holden, MA 01520

580 Concord Ave. Lexington, MA 0217.3

.37 James Way Scituate, MA 02066

Knight, Stacie

Webb Road, P.O. Box 1112 Waterville, ME 04901

Jones, Samuel

Griffin, Thomas

1.36 Benbridge Ave. Warwick, RI 02888

Jason, William

42 South Ash St. Denver, CO 80222

2.3 Thompson Ave. Hingham, MA 0204.3

Knight, Amey

Hauser, Corinne

Henderson, Laura

Greenlaw, Matthew

5 Tarabrook Rd. Orinda, CA 9456.3

6201 Kennedy Dr. Chevy Chase, MD 20815

.38 Gooseberry Hill Wethersfield, CT 06109

1224 Boyle St. Pittsburgh, PA 15212

Knebel, Lauren

Lacourse, Jeffrey

810 Toronto Toledo, OH 4.3609 LaFointe, Mark

P.O. Box 949 Lakeville, MA 02.34 7 LaFrade, Suzanne

187 Wildcat Rd. Madison, CT 0644.3 Labick, Sharon

17 Brookline Rd. Scarsdale, NY 1058.3 Labow, Kim

15 Dogwood Lane Dedham, MA 02192 Lacey, Margaret

2277 Chatfield Rd. Cleveland Hts., OH 44106 Lacharite, Magda


5 Fuller Rd. Lexington, MA 02173 Lahey, C h ristopher

182 Middle St. Old Town, ME 04468 Lamberti, James

6 Spruce St. Essex Junction, VT 05452 Lambrecht, Edward

280 Cloverly Rd. Grosse Pointe, Ml 48236 Langdon, Wendy

685 New Britain Ave. Farmington, CT 06032 Leach, Charles

174 Main St. Farmington, CT 06032 Leadly, Willis

General Delivery Boothbay, ME 04537 Lee, Patricia

643 Beaverbrook Akron, OH 44313 Le hman, Matthew

2642 Charing Rd . Upper Arlington, OH 43221 Lewis, James

456 N. Maple Grove Greenwich, CT 068.30 Lewis, Thomas

15 Coleytown Westport, CT 06880 Liang, Grace

52 East Bonita St. Apt. A Arcadia, CA 91006 Lim, JennHer

25 C leftstone Rd . P.O. Box 4 Bar Harbor, ME 04609 Livezey, K. T homas

Allen and Livezey Lanes Philadelphia, PA 19119 Livingston, Brent

750 Glenardon Dr. Lewisberry, PA 17339 Lloyd, Deborah

139 Town Farm Rd . Farmington, CT 06032 Long, Ernie

Rt. 2 River Rd. Lewistown, ME 04240 Loynd, Stephen

20 Crest St. Concord, MA 01742 Lucas, Kathleen

115 Naugler Ave. Marlboro , MA 01752 Lucey, Sean

69 Belcher Circle Milton , MA 02186

Lutton, Deborah

Rockville, MD 20852-4659

Ann Arbor, Ml 48108

155 Somers Point Rd . Mays Landing, NJ 08330

M cLeman, H eather

M organ, Kerry

136 Ridge St. Winchester, MA 01890

2428 Stone Hearth Dr. Lancaster, PA 1 7601

Lyons, Charles

235 Cliff Ave. Pelham, NY 10803 Macconnell, Shelly

13 Kirk St. Springvale, ME 04083 MacWalter, Deborah

150 Lake Shore Drive Duxbury, MA 02332 Mackey, Matthew

P.O. Box 446 M endham, NJ 07945 Macone, Christine

15 Blueberry Lane Walpole, MA 02081 Mailman, Erika

12 Deerfield Dr. Montpelier, VT 05602 Main, Richard

c/o Pauline McManus, RR 1, Box 84 Patten, M E 04 765 Maloney, Jane

4200 N. Ardmore Ave. Shorewood, WI 532 11 Marsh, Elizabeth

3365 Maywood Dr. , SW Rochester, MN 55902 Marshall, Stephen

1345 West Dearpath Lake Forest, IL 60045 Master. Meredith

340 Field Point Rd. Greenwich, CT 06830 Masters, Patricia

9 Sumter Ave. E . Williston, NY 11596

Matschins ky , Stephan

McRae, Michael

Morrison. Virginia

7445 Willow Circle N iagara Falls, ON L2J 3Z2, Canada

229 Musketaquid Road, P.O. Box 565 Concord, MA 01742

Mcvay, James

Morse, Elizabeth

230 Warwick Dr. Pittsburgh, PA 15241

330 Main St. Concord, MA 01742

Meehan, Heidi

M osher, Aaron

2 Rockwood H eights Rd. Manchester, MA 01944

37 Benham St. Haverhill, MA 01830

M elander, Matthew

Moynihan, Tim

RR #2, Box 3554 Bowdoinham, ME 04008

9 Waban St. Wellesley, MA 021829998

M e rriman, Katharine

99 President Ave. Providence, RI 02906 Metcalf, Evan

164 Balcort Dr. Princeton, NJ 08540 Metzendorf, Emily

45 E. 85th St. N ew York, NY 10028 Meyer, Matthew

13275 Gatewood St. Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 Meyers, Heidi

17980 Gambier Rd . Mt. Vernon, OH 43050 Miller, Chantal

1216 E. 35th Court Gary, Indiana 46409 Miller, Emilie

5 Fenimore Rd. Worcester, MA 01609 M ills. David

35 Westwood Dr. Worcester, MA 01609

Mumford. David

417 Tremont St. Duxbury, MA 02332 M ungeam, Tracy

2 7 1 Pleasant St. Marlborough, MA 01752 M u rphy, Chri stine

1023 Woods Ave. Lancaster, PA 17603 Nash, Jeffrey

40 Holden St. West Newton, MA 02165 Neely, Che rlyn

1062 Mercedes Ave. Los Altos, CA 94022 Newsome, Pamela

59 High St. Norwell, MA 02061 Newton. Deanne

2 72 Candler Dr. Macon, GA 31024 Nix, Andrea

Mims, Maiyam

31 Nettlecreek Rd . Fairport, NY 14450

c/o Moore Apt. 8-0, 7400 Shore Front Parkway Arvene, NY 11692

130 Pettaconsett Ave. Warwick, RI 02888

M irza, Kabia

O'Brien, Andrew

8 Alderbrook Rd . Andover, MA 01810

D-24, Block 7, Gulshan-& Iqbal Karachi, Pakistan

Box 222 Lawrence Rd. Pownall, M E 04069

M ccann, Richard

Mitchell, Rebekah

6 Plymouth Rd. Summit, NJ 07901

126 Catalpa Dr. Atherton, CA 94025

Mccarey, Gretchen

Moore, David

10 King John Dr. Boxford, MA 01921

13 Summer St. Rockport, MA 01966

McCormick, Brynne

Moore , George

5050 Riverside Dr. Columbus, O H 43220

579 Frogtown Rd. New Canaan, CT 06840

McGowan, Christopher

Moran, J ulie

17 Englishman Ct.

2861 Hawks Ave.

41 S. Providence Rd . Wallingford, PA 19086 Mauran. Margaret

35 Charlesfield St. Providence, RI 02906 McAllister, Terence

Norberg. Kimberly

O 'Brien, Stacey

28 Bluefield Terrace S . Weymouth, MA 02 190 O'Connor, Todd

28 Allston St. Lynn, MA 01904 O 'Hara, Geoffrey

139 Armington St. Cranston, RI 02905 O'Malley, Caroline

60 Donna Rd . Needham, MA 02194


O'Neill, Kathleen

120 Central St. Hingham, MA 02043 O'Sullivan, Patricia

12 Wayne Dr. Foxborough, MA 02035 Oliver, Linnea

651 Boston Post Rd. Weston, MA 02193 Ore, Gregory

6444 N. 11th St.

Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 Perry, Beth

212 Church St. North Adams, MA 01247 Riopel, Charles

100 Linden Dr. Cohasset, MA 02025

245 Ray St. Manchester, NH 03104

Pinnock, Michelle

Robbins. Hilary

163-33 145th Rd. Queens, NY 11434

469 Hamburg Rd. Old Lyme, CT 06371

Pizzarello. Laura

Robinson. Jay

220 Wa Iker St. Seekonk, MA 02771

23 Mainwood Ave. Orono, -ME 04473

Philadelphia, PA 19126

Poland, Glenn

Rogers. Gina

Osborne, Scott

1.34 Bayberry Lane

8641 Pete Wiles Rd. Middletown, MD 21769

Rocky Hill, CT 06067

RR 1 Box 1939 Kennebunk, ME 04043

Pomerleau, Pamela

Kohrman. Melinda

Osgood, Diane

73 Meadow Rd. Topsham, ME 04086

1 Grouse Lane Waterville, ME 04901

Poolos. Christine

Rooney. Michael

107 Vine Ave. Greenville, PA 16125

11 St. Luke's Ave. Troy, NY 12180

Porath, Stacy

Rossignol, Linda

10 Deer Run Augusta, ME 04330

49 Hillcrest St. Auburn, ME 04210

Potbolm, Erik

Roth. Katherine

South Harpswell, ME 04079

101 Pleasant Grove Rd. Mechanicsburg, PA 17055

Pratt, Rebecca

Russman, Eric

9 Meadowbrook Rd. Dover, MA 020.30

40 Mountain View Rd. Glastonbury, CT 06033

Preston. Elizabeth

Salaverry, Robert

14 Longacre Lane Old Lyme, CT 06.371

16 Carstensen Rd. Scarsdale, NY 10583

73 Colonial Dr. Hanover, MA 02339 Overly. C. Quentin

932 13th Ave. Seattle, WA 98102 Owen Evans. Lisa

3 Turtleback Lane Westport, CT 06880 Paine, Ellyn

Box 40 Intervale, NH 0.3845 Palin, Meredith

854 Azalia St. Boca Raton, FL .3.3486 Palmer. Tim

34 East Elm St. Yarmouth, ME 04096 Paraskos. Alexander

5 Circle Dr. Dover, MA 020.30 Paris. Jessica

1.392 Church St. Alabama, NY 1400.3 Parker, Amy

17B Putnam Green Greenwich, CT 06.380 Parker, David

224 E. 52nd St. New York, NY 10022-6209 Parker. Niles

9 Dinsmore Rd. Wellesley, MA 02181 Patriacca. Todd

High Pond Rd., Rt. 3 Box 652 Hopkinton, NH 03229 Pease, Rebecca

RFD 1 Box 811, Upper St. Turner, ME 04282 Felon. Jessica

166 Washington St. Holliston, MA 01746

RR2 , Box 155

Pritsky, Todd

Sano. Maria

228 Marie Place Perrysburg, OH 43551

6 Westcott Rd. Scituate, RI 02857

Procbniak, Andrea

Sarkar. Mabua

.38 Lenox Rd. Peabody, MA 01960

AG-34, Sector-II, Salt Lake City Calcutta 700091, INDIA

Quinn, Brian

11 Wheeler Circle Canton, MA 02021 Raymont. Daniel

190-198 Lee St. Brookline, MA 02146 Rea, Carol

3070 Pualei Circle #206 Honolulu, HI 96815 Reece. Charlotte

41 Foxcroft Rd. Winchester, MA 01890 Reed, Monlse

8.38 Ethan's Glen Dr. Knoxville, TN 37923 Reed, Patrick

9317 Orchard Brook Dr. Potomac, MD 20854 Resor. Kristen

Peltier, Steven

5 Proctor St. Acton, MA 01720

1985 Country Club Dr.

Reutlinger, Elizabeth



Schwartz, Michael

6 Morningside Dr. Andover, MA 01810 Scott, Jennifer

Shepard. Patricia

46 Tall Timbers Lane Glastonbury, CT 06033 Sbpiz, Andrew

148 Ford Rd. Sudbury, MA 01776 Shumway, David

55 Stockade Path Duxbury, MA 02332 Silberfarb, Jacob

180 Riverside Dr. #12F New York, NY 10024 Singleton, John

1561 Connell Rd. Charleston, WV 25314 Skaling, Sean

2 Norumbega Dr. Camden, ME 04843 Smith. Carl

10 Palisades Rd. Atlanta, GA 30309 Smith. Daryl

26 Standish Dr. Marlborough, CT 0644 7 Smith, Gregory

6 Buttercup Lane Dover, MA 020.30 Smith. Nancy

Box 189 Steep Falls, ME 04085 Snow, W. Cory

40 Bellaire Rd. South Portland, ME 04106 Snyder. Tamar

6306 Blackbum Ford Dr. Fairfax Station, VA 220.39 Socquet, Gary

Box 148 North Vassalboro, M E 04962 Solomon. Jane

3501 North Summit Ave. Shorewood, WI 53211

4 Madison Rd. Marblehead, MA 01945

SeH. Dante

Sprong. William

101 Grieb Rd. Wallingford, CT 06492 Sbamik, Sam

12 Watering Lane Norwalk, CT 06850 Shaughnessy. Michael

1 Birchkill Lane Troy, NY 12180 Shaw. Amy

17 Sylvan Way Wayland, MA 01778

51 Ledgeways Wellesley Hills, MA 02181 Starr. Jonathan

One Sevinor Rd. Marblehead, MA 01945 Stauffer. Donald

1516 Hubbard Ave. Salt Lake City, UT 84105 Steeber. Scott

Shaw. Barbara

11 Oberlin Rd. Beverly, MA 01915

1.3 Cloverleaf Dr. New Fairfield, CT 06812

910 Midwest Club

Stein. Jason



Oak Brook, IL 60521

Tbomajan, Keith

Walter, Amy

Stewart, Frederick

25 Williams St. Brookline, MA 02146

985 Georgetowne Lane Barrington, IL 60010

Thompson, Christina

Warren, Edward

100 Shaw Ave. Cranston, RI 02905


Thompson, Kent

Cornwall, NY 12518

2880 Lakeshore Rd. Guilford, NH 03246

Washington, Pamela

5203 Agden Court #B Vancouver, WA 98661 Stewart, Geoffrey

1841 R St., NW Washington, DC 20009 Stewart, Hayden

30-8 Okusawa 1-Chome, Setagaya-Ku Tokyo 158, JAPAN Stinson, Dana

7.350 Brightside Rd. Baltimore, MD 21212 Stowell, Walter

.34 Tantamous Trail Sudbury, MA 01776 Strawbridge, Samantha

P.O. Box 58 Washington, CT 0679.3 Strecker, David

40 Broad St. Wethersfield, CT 06109 Street, Rebecca

6420 Cecil Ave. Clayton, MO 63105 Stuart, James

25 Ashbrook Dr. Coventry, CT 062.38 Sullivan, Caitlin

40 Harbor St. Manchester, MA 01944 Sullivan, Theresa

1221 Hildreth St. Dracut, MA 01826-1320

Thompson, Ronald

5 Hilltop Rd., R.D.#7 Bethlehem, PA 18015 Thurlow, Glenn

R.R. 1, Box 2055 Lincoln, ME 04457 Tolimieri, Nicholas

.317 Walnut St. Winona, MN 55987 Tosbima, Goro

1025 San Marina Ave. San Marino, CA 91108 Tuccille, C h ristine

77 Gregory Rd. Cos Cob, CT 06807 Twomey, Lisa

144.3 Gardner's Neck Rd. Swabseam, MA Unruh, David

117 Veazie St. Old Town, ME 04468 Urqu hart, Todd

88 Briarbrook Dr. Seekonk, MA 02771 Vaal Neto, Adolfo

68 Downer St., Apt.3 Dorchester, MA 02125

Sulski, M ichael ( Pbobrek Hel)

Van Der Sluys, Bonnie

5 Chamberlain Pkwy. Worcester, MA 01602

45 Firehouse Rd. Trumbull, CT 06611

Sundwall, Sandra

Varga, Juliette

18 Hayes Rd., Box .346 Tariffville, CT 06081

.398 Woodward St. Newton, MA 02168

Swon, Kimberly

Vincent, David

12 Twin Park Dr. Brookside, NJ 07926

6.30 Greenleaf Ave. Wilmette, IL 60091

Taupler, Tara

Vore, Stephanie

107 Clark Rd. Lowell, MA 01852

25 Fiarway Dr. Amherst, NH 03031

Teguls, Daniel

Wagner, Karin

Knollwood Rd. Dudley, MA 01570

RR #.3 Box 292A, Gilbert St. South Salem, NY 10590

Testa, Matthew

Walker, Clint

.32 Wildwood Dr. Great Neck, NY 11024

RFD 1, Box 4101 Mechanic Falls, ME 04256

Thibeault, Robin

Walker, Julie

181 Caterine Hts. Concord, MA 01742

19 Whalen Rd. Hopkinton, MA 01748

Tbolts, Stacey

Walker. Portia

457 Sequoia Dr. Yarmouth, ME 04096

Bayside Rd., Box 381 Ellsworth, ME 04605

Hasbrouk Ave. P.O. Drawer

7815 Sixteenth St., NW Washington, DC 20012 Webber, Kimberly

11 Birch Tree Rd. Foxboro, MA 020.35 Weber, Clark

50 Hawthorne Lane Barrington, IL 60010 Webster, Sara

146 Nourse Rd. Bolton, MA 01740 Weinberg, Peter

7917 Wild Orchid Way Fairfax Station, VA 220.39 Weiner, Robert

15 Old Wood Rd. Frarnington, MA 01701 Weinstein, Raebel

2225 Angelbluff Court Colorado Springs, CO 80919 Wentworth, Donna

RR #1, Box 1190 Monroe, ME 04951 Wheeler, Seth

42 Belvedere Rd., Box 49.3 West Boxford, MA 01885 White, Sally

55 Clubhouse Lane Wayland, MA 01778 White, Sharyl

116 Fiske Hill Rd. Sturbridge, MA 01566 Whited, Kurt

.3829 Wiltshire Rd. Moreland Hills, OH 44022 Whitmore, Kevin

8 Westview Dr. Waterville, ME 04901 Whitworth, Stephen

66 Forest Ave. Orono, ME 044 7.3

8200 Beech Tree Rd. Bethesda, MD 20817 Williams, Clint

Box 481, Hartland Ave. Pittsfield, ME 04967 Willls, Susan

135 Ridings Cove Williamsburg, VA 2.3185 Winokur, Rebecca

135 Bow St.#5 Portsmouth, NH 03801 Witberall, Steven

59 bis, rue Nicolo 75116 Paris, FRANCE Wittemann, Audrey

47 Northview Dr. Glastonbury, CT 0603.3 Wolman, Joshua

25 Lockwood Rd. West Newton, MA 02165 Wood, JennHer

.39 Fall River Ave. Seekonk, MA 02 771 Woods, Kristen

13 Topsfield Wenham, MA 01984 Wright, Lori

.3 700 Tuxedo Rd. Atlanta, GA 30.305 Wyle , Alexandra

1914 N.Curson Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90046 Wyman, Christopher

94 Windsor Ave. Augusta, ME 04.330 Young, Pamela

116 Mayflower Rd. Braintree, MA 02184 Yuodsnukus, Alan

Bunganuc Rd. Brunswick, ME 04011 Zentz, Geoffrey

.32 Cressbrook Rd. Concord, MA 01742 Ziegenfus, Karl

1420 Springhouse Rd. Allentown, PA 18104 Zioze, Consantlnos

2.38 Linden Street Manchester, NH 0.3104

Widronak, Kristen

6 Moulton Rd. Peabody, MA 01960 Wilkins, Kary

RR 2 Box 4468 Livermore Falls, ME 04254 Willard, Bradford

9 Laurel Crest Rd. Madison, CT 0644.3 Williams, Andrew


1990-1991 ORACLE STAFF

Layout Editor: Staff: Photo Editor: Staff: Copy Editor: Special thanks to:

Christine "Pickle" Bonner Reena Chandra, Lael H inman, Mellisa Crawley, Sandy Sundwall, Lili Eckhardt, Kristen Scheible Lauren Knebel Ari Drucker, Brooke Coleman, Yong Kwon, Dana Stinson, Mark Bums Craig Appelbaum - Cole Harris at Taylor Publishing Co. (you kept our sanity and were so patient with us novices and when do we get that Cole-Cropper?) Sheila Libby i n Stu-A (for taking orders, answering questions and making people think you're part of our staff) - The Echo ( un known to them, for their 'negative' contributions) - Sara Webster ( for helping us make our second deadline)

Editors' Notes: This is the 121st edition of the Oracle, the oldest student publication on campus. When we arrived on campus, Stu-A informed us the Oracle was in need of an editor and a staff for 1990-1991. The three of us got together and decided that, though we were inexperienced, we'd give it a shot This year's yearbook was an experience none of us were expecting when we got here in September - as you look through the pages and reminisce, bear in mind that if we hadn't taken the job it wouldn't have been started, much less finished. Pickle, Kabubba, Craigivar


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