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路 OF .. I
Szxtlz L1gis/111ive Assembly
First Sessz'on
THE, Eleventh Regular Session of the Legislative Assembly. of Porto Rico
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1911 路 219106 I\
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~u~l ·~:~ O:i·ohier, .;resident.
R~fael del ~all~; President pro tempore.
William l! e Bennett, Se etary:. · Pedro a .Castro, Assistant Secreta:ry, Interpreter a.na Translator. · . ," •. ~orge ·,w. Robe ' Clerk . and Stenographer. Byron W. Bates, Journal Clerk'. · Antonio Sulgado, Sergeant-at-.Arms. Edward W. Keith, Clerk. · . Filipo L. die Hostos, Clerk. Severo Morrero, Mes eng~r. Robe~ Caballero, Janitor. . LJ
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Financ and Appropriations.-Messrti. Gromer~ ,Barbosa, Bonner. Judiciary and General Laws.-Me1111rs. Browfl, Travieso1 Bonner. Fra11chises and Public Service Corporatio11s.-Messrs. Wilson, , Sanchez, Gromer, Travieao. 'ntin{J and Enrolled ai.id B>Agr BiUs.-Messrs. Vias, S&nchez, 'fravieso. Education.-Messrs. Dexter, Vias, Barbosa. Comm1rce ~and Agricultvre.-Me8sn. S&nchez,, Gromer, Vias. Local Govern""'1nt.-Messrs: Del Valle, Gromer, Brown. P11btic Works an8 fostitutions.-Messrs. Wilson, Dexter, Vi.as. Public lleatth.-Messrs. Barbosa, Del Valle,. Dexter. Elections.-M~ssrs, Gromer, Barbosa, Del Valle. · N ominationt- Messrs. ·Wilson,. Del Valle, Barbosa. . frrigation.-1\ie~rs. Wilson, Ti:avieso, Sanchez, Dexter, Bonner. · P11blic Lands and .Mining.-Messrs. Travieso, Sanchez, Dexter.
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li'raii~i~ .L.J.~----,------
Castano, 'Eugen;b ___________ _ San Juan. .
I!are~l6, AnlonJo:_~-----.:~-----------
Vega Alta. Fajardo.
Sa111Ana.. Carlos_____________ _ Yabucoa, . dat'bonell, .l!!dl>nfo ____________ , ___ _ ;tSan Gerrnin C&utiilo, Eduar(lo-------------------- San Juan. · Guayama . . pei-vo~; Francisco--- -----~:.. ____.---; 'C'uchl, ·ayetano ______._________._ San Juan. oii:a,· Fntncieeo------------------- Ci ales. Clievaa Zequeira, Bafael---------·--- Fajardo. Delgado, Ramon H------------- ----- San Juan. Diaz Navarro, HermjnJo____________ _ Sali ·Juan. Diego, Jo!M\ de (Preeidente) ---------- Mayag)iez. Elzaburu, Jos6---~--------·-------- San Juan. . Ga rcia Duc6s, Juan-----------------· A,guadilla. OiQrgetti, Eduardo __________________ _ ·San Juan. . l; OonzAJez, ¥toni~ c________________ _ lilo Piedraa . Guerra, Miguel _________ ------------an Juan. Laeot, · Jua11 ------------------------ - Popce. Larrauri, Jo!M\ R -- - -~--- . ___ ______:__ Coamo. L6pez del Valle, Antonio---- -- -~--...:·:... Toa ~a: Lluveras, Jo!M\ F--~-" ------- ------- ¥ auco. ·Marvin, Ale.:ander ----------- -~ ------ 'Juana. Dinz .. M88811r\, Dorningo .- - ~----- ---- ----• - ' San Juan. Muiioz, Gustavo _________________ .,.._.__ San Ju11.r1. . RoJ'g .Cardo88, Franciaco-------------- ·San Sebaat'ian. Rivera, Julio __ . ----~----------~---- Ponce. Rul% Soler, Jotl6----------------~--- ., San Juan. .Santini', .lfieolfuJ__.---------------T-"- Caguas. , Santo!li, F~l.ix.. -- ---------- -------· reciqo. .• Soler, Carlos M-·----'- -------~-----:- ' San Jul\". uliverea, Antonio ________________ :_ ,Arecibo. Torres, Joll6 ~---------------.--:..-~ & .i;..l uan . Trelles, Vkent'e---------~--.- -c i..'. :,__ Ma,.aaiJez. User.a, Vicente: __ __ ____ .----•--~- -- Pon~.· Benft~
San Ju.an. Hnmacao. Hnmacao. Hnmaeao. Mayagiiez. Guayama. · Guayama.
Speaker_-~------------ -------------------- -~-------Mr. ·Jose de Diego
saii Juan.
Secretary ____ ______ __ ______ ___ __ _________ _____ __ Mr. Jose Mueo• <Rivera Interpreter and Traoslator-------- - ----------" _____ Mr. Manuel Gilestr\' · Sten~g•aph"! and· Typewriter, Office of Secretary____ J{[r, Santi~go , Vivaldi Sergeant at Arm•--- -------"----- ------------------Mr .. Ma.nano Aeost~ ; Typewriter, Office of t he President ______ _____ ____ _____ M1ss Dora Steffens . Typewriter, Office of tbe SecretarY--------------------- Adolfo Zeno Costa Messenger"- ____________________________ --- ___ ---- ___. Franc1seo Van do
Arecibo. Humacao. Humacao. Guayama. ' Mayagiiaz. Aguadilla. Aguadilla . . San Juan. Aguadilla. Mayagiiez. Ponce'. Ponce. · San Juan.
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Mayagiiez. Guayama. Aguadilla. Ponce:· Are'cibo. Guayama. Arecibo. San • Juan. Arecibo. Arecibo.' Mayagiiez. Po~ce.
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• E dua rdo Gi;rgetti, Carloe Maria Solar, Ram6n H.·Delgadp, A:ntonfo Barcel6, Jos.\ G. Torres, Vicente Trelles, V1eenle Uoera. er, Hero~nio Diaz, Cayetano Coll ,. . J,tglalatfo11.~llfeasts. Carlos Marla }'61~ S~t9ni , Eugenfo ;Benitez Castajio, Domi.ngo Massari, E dua rdo Caotiiio. • • . · . • :.' 4inc..1tvre and Mm1vfactvri11g.-Messrs. Ram6n H. Delgado, Alej and ro "Mo.·1'>:in, Nl&las Santini, JolMI F. Lluveras, Francisco Coira. M1111icipal' a·nd Private Corporations:-Messrs. He,,;;in io Dla~, Antonio Barcel6, Vicente 'Usera, Antonio uliveres, Jose L. Larrau ri. Pi+blic Worka.-Messrs. Antonio R. Bar,eel6, F rancisco .Roig Cardosa, · Cayetano Coll, Ram6n H. Delgado, Vicente TrellM. Mit1e1, Public lutilutio11& and Lands.-Me88rs. Alejanfuo MarviD, An· . tollio Sullveres, Migue.l Guerra, JosA Ruiz Soler, J oso! Lacot. Pi.blic Inatroction and 'Library.-M~rs. Miguel Guerra, Rafael Cuevas Zequeira, Gustavo Muiioz, Antonio t6pez del .V alle, Ju lio Rivera. ' . Polict.-., 1898rs. Cayetano Coil, J osA de E lzaburu, Domingo M;assari, Anto~io C. GonzAlez, J lien Garcia Duc6s. • E11rolled and Engr08sed 1>ill6.-Measrs. E ugenio · Benitez Castano, · J osA Ruiz Soler, Antonio C. Gonzalez, JolMI La~t, Juan Garcla. Duc6s. R~ea ani Regulationa.-Meeirs. Cayetp.no &,11; F ranci,soo \ Cen •on i, Vi . cente Trelles, Carlos· Benite• Santana, Julio Rivera' ( Pri11ti11g.'-Messre. .Juan Garcia Duc6sl Celedonio Carbon.U. Jo.A G. Tur· res, Francisco Roig Car dosa, Franeisco Cervoni. ~ccovnta and .Electiou.-;-Measrs. · Antonio Barc916, ·E duardo Giorgetti, Celedonio ·Carbonell, .Carlos B Santll.na, Antonio L6pez de! Valle. ... Labor.-Mell8rs. Julio Rivera,. ViceIJte · Trelles; Antonio F. Ll uveras, ' · icolis Santin], J 086 R. Larrauri. Clianty.-M-rs. Edua rdo Gior~etti, Celedonio Carbonell, Carlos Benitez Santana, Rafael Cuevas Zequeira1 Frahcisco. L. A)lladeo. Sa11itation.-Messrii. Gustavo Mun.~•. Nicol&s Santini, Franciseo L. Am· ( adeo," Felix Santoni, Alejandro ·M~r,,fp,
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MONDAY, January 9, 1911
·As this was the time and place appointed by law for the assembling of the Legislative Assembly of P orto Rico~the Executive Council met in legislative session and ~as · called to .order by _W. R. Bennett, Secretary of saiP. Council, when the ·following member s appe d an d answered to their names : Messr s. · arbosa, del .Valle, Dexter, Sanchez, Travieso, Vias, Wilson, "'omer. . . . . . . . . . Ab ent - Mr. Brown . . . .. .. .. . .. .. . . . .. . .. .
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The Secretary announced that no presiding officer of tlie 0ouncil had be~n named. ·.'Mr. Barbo,sa: ·non;iinated the Honorable Samuel D. .for the ensu Groµi er to be President of the Cou ing year . . Mr. Dexter moved that the Secretary be directed to cast the unanimous vote of . the · Coupcil for the Honorable Samuel D. Gromer, ·
':. .. , ~ .·~Vhl wa :iig~ ed .to. . . ·. · · · ~ ~· .. .· .T he· ~ote wa~ cast a dir cted and the Honorab~ · iYJUUel r>., G1:0.n ie., wa de clar~'d. d_uly"elect .Presi:" . dO.nt of t4e -, unro} for t • ensuing year. , ·. The ~i·e id_cmt thankPd the . oui'icil for its. ('Xpresion . f corifidmce by bis ele tion, ·· · · · •· ' And de 1a1:M n9minations in . order fo:t· the office of ·Pr si!) .nt p' ·o tei:npore for the en&11ing year. · Mr. Sanchez nomi:nated the Honorable Rafael de'J V4Jle .. . ~fr. · i~ moved that the · ecretnry be directed to ca t the. l.1panimous vote of the Co~ncil for the Hon' ·Ol'f\~le Ra'fael 'del Vall e, ,· ..~, hicl1 was agreed to. . The Yote wa ca t a . directed and- the Honorable Rafa 1 del Valle was declar d .elected President pro • tempor of th ouncil for the ensuing year. l\lr. Travieso nominated th foJlowing officers and · employe for th ensuing year : . L> V\.. R. Bennett, ecretary Pedto de Castro, A i tant Secretary; Interpi·eter and Tran lator · ~lton Wamer, Sec1·eta'ry JfrM\chise· Qor\rmittcc George "\V. Robert , Cfork and St~nographer Byron W. Bate , Journal Clerk ' .Antonio Salgado,. ergean.t -at-Aljlls · evero :Mafrero, Me enger R berto aballero, anitor T.he· f regoing officer:S.·and 'emploves were unani- . , mon ly elected. · · ·:M;es r . Barbo a, D xter .a~d. Vias' were appointed to wait .01! the Ho~ ;Qf. Deleg&.t_es and inform that bo·dy that the Exe utive. - ~uncil is organized and · has l ted the Honorable · amu l ]). Gromer, President, th Honorabl Rafael tlel V ~lle, Presilfent pro
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tempore, and '~Ir. W. R. Bennett, Seer tary; and is . now ready to proceed to business. ·A committe'e from the House of Delegates waited on the Council and informed it that the House of Delegate has organized and had elect d the Honorable Jase de Diego, Speaker, and Mr. Jose Munoz Rivera, Secretary, and is ready .to p1\oceed to business, an~ requested the appointment of a joint committee to wait on the Go>ernor and inform him of the .organiz.a tion of both brancl;tes of the Legi;l~tive Assembly; arid that it is now ready to proceed to_ husiness and to receive any communications he mav be pleas .d to make. · The President, on bel.mlf of the Council, congratulated the' House on its organization, and in compliance with its request appointed Messrey. del Valle and Wilson as membe;t.•$ of the joint committee req,uested by the House. 'l'he Committee appointed to wait on the House of Delegate&jnforming it that the Executive Council . had organi.z!'la ·an\l was ready to proceed to business . reported. that it had performed that duty. . The joint committee appointed to ·wait on the Governor i:eported that it' had attended to that duty and that the Governor .c ongratul.fted th~ Leg,islath·e ·A sembly on its organization, · And would at once communicate with both branches thereof by 'written message. The ammal message of the Governor of Porto Rico .wa rec~ived by the hands of his private secretary, and On motion a. committee, composed of Messrs. Sanchez and Travieso, was appointed to wait on the House of Delegates and arrange with it for a joint
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nn: i,;~·E U'rIV.E co NCIL . ~ ··.. _. __.:...- :- - - - -- - s ':, ·si61i' of t:he hYo ~ou s.for , t.he read:i;ng of ~e m ·. ~ "e of the Gov. ruor. · JOURN
'.rUl!:SDAY, JANUARY 10, 1911
Assembly in ~ts :(irst session, I deem it proper in , greeting you to present a brief resume of the general conditions that have existed, the work undertaken· . and results attained during the year just ended, which has been a' period of uninterrupted ptosperity and progress· 'in all of the activities of the island.
Tb7ouncil ,~en. <i~ --~urne~~ ., : . .
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. J am~ary- 10, 911 ·· · · ~ . . . '. . ·~ .· 1· . '
\ Legislative Assembly in its secoQd "The Fl'fth
. The· ·Bxe ·utive· ouncil met at ten o'clock a. m .. • ancl tli. fol.\owi:pg members answered the r oll call:
_se~sion, which me_t January 10, 191.0, and in its spe,
cial se~sion convened upon the 30th of August last, enacted eighty-one laws and joint . resolutions, and these enactments embrace not only those measu.res necessary to maintain the stability and efficiency· of the various ·branches of the public service, but several laws especi(!.lly benefibfal to the ·agricultural and ~qmmercial interests of the .country. The attitude . of encourage~ent to sound business enterprises thus exbibit.ed by the legislative branch of the Govern.ment has contributed in. no small degree to the confidence in local 'hop.ditions shown by the expansion that has tak~n -place in all lines · of busll:\ess.
, Me.. r . Bai·~osa, del VaUe, De>..-ter, SanchE:z,
·: ,_:Wp on,
b' ilt:.!f
Gj·o:rn r . . ·.. -. ..... ... . . . .. : .. ;·. ..
rs. Brown, Travi,eso, Vias.. .. ..
· By un.animous' con ent the' readi~g of the Jourri-al of the fo· t day was di pen ed with, and the ·same : wa approved. 'J'bc Olllmittee appointed to ~rrange with the Hou e of elegate for a joint session of the two• · l}ou e reported that it wa the opinion of the House . of Delegates, oncurred in by it, that inasmuch a:s .the Governor' messag had 11.Jready b en .r eceived b.v both Hou es .that th j olnt e ~ion"shoiild b(> \lispen ·rd with,. and that the mes. age of the'. Govei·nor bould b read in each f the Hou es. 'l'he · report of the ommittee was ag:veed to, And. under direction of tpe P;i;esident; th<' · ec:retary read the mess:ige of th9 Gov~rno1~, as follows:
"To the Executive Counc_i;i ;~1.~~ \ ' 1the H ouse of Delepates: '-..
"Upon the convention of the ' Sixth ·Legislative ,.
''Wholesale and retail establisrur;_ents and financial institutions have rapidly extended their facilities to meet the greater opportunities prese:p.ted. The total resources of the authopzed banking institutions on June 30, · l.910, were $16,6~4,881.00, an increase of · fifty-thi-ee per cent ' over those shown at the end of the previous fiscal year. In two years their deposits have nearly doubled, while their cash resources were increased more . th8n one hundred per cent. The operations of these institutions and their available
01" THE EX.ECUTlV·~~
: _:· ,i'· h i~di(!<i.te ·ffior money in the.i iand, b tter £acili·· .. ti{< ( r bl! i.ne : m.1.d rtalting ; and_- a la1·ger· ci:b(:uIati n to-dav. than. ever before. Durino- th year fift.v~$1-x. corpor~tions·, with capital ~tock ~greg~g: . Ol'N' ~)Y~nt,Y-fi~e . milJfon . dolla • ., ~V~re . authorized" t b . en ag6 '. m Q'll _I:Des . . nder th tim1;1lt1s of b~tter :price fdr all local pfoducts the "ai•ea .of la"n d under cultivation . o( :f~·1;1.it . tobacco and . ugai·-carte has · been {'xte:n fr~ly:i rea ed and more attention 'is being deY()ted ' o· tl:1 ·eniture of coffee. Pr~du ction ·fig1ire · . how tliq · ugar. crop of J 910 to haye been ~ 346,7 'ton'S, an ·i1'lcr a e of approxim~tdy twentyve-r cen·t .?Yer the previou year. The outpµt of · fwc:i.· lq1.pdred and £orty~four million cigar s iind fo ur · )11.ui<;l.i·~d ari(l ix: million cigarettes wafj a large inerea over the production of previous year s and ~all . found ati factory markets. Th . exportafam of forty~fhe million pounds of coffee indic~tes a production exceeding that of many years during t he h ight of this industry's form.er pr osperity, and thit . eet~er price. ~o\v paid for the product encourage the. . belief tl).at with proper methods and support it will again become on of the mo t depen'dable and profita. ble in the i land. · ' ·· · , \ · · ".Particularly ~oteworthy has been'the:. gr~~h of the . fruit indu try; an aggregate value of $1,635,1~.oq having been dec~ared 'in 191~ 09 ship:ments of it products. The amount of capital inve ted in thi busines as well a the eXtent of land devoted to it, i rapidly incr a ing and it has taken its place a one of the principal activi:ti. s. · ·· ••
. E·X TERNAL . QO~. ~OE:
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·" 'i:he to.tal value of th&.czj;ern!!.l commerce of i land dur4tg the iast fis?l year· :r:eached'$68,691
T UE DAY, JANUARY 10, 1911
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r epresenting an incr ease of substantially four hundred 'per cenf ove'r the external trade of 1901 and appr oximately twe!ve million dollar s, or twenty-o~.e per c nt, over the year ending June 30, 1909. This t rade was ma de·up of exports valued at $37,960,219, and imports .a t $30,634,855, the former of which wer e larger by. t wenty-five ~er cent an~ the latte1: b~ fifteen per cent tb_a n durm~ the prevrnus ye,ar, mdicating a gr ea\er mcrease m sales o~ horn~ pr?duct s abroad than in purchas<'s of supplies from Wlth~~t, a'1d showing the_r elatively large balance ~ trade m favor of the island, as a r esult of the year s transactions, of $7,325,616. ' 'When it is consider ed that agriculture is the principal basis of prosperity in Porto Rico and t hat a lar ge proportion of the available lands, are ~s yet unused while little attempt has been maM ~t mte11sive fa;ming of the lands now tilled, it ap!Jd lrl'! plain '·t hat the pr~ p erity now enjoyed may be indefinitely continued arid in.cr eased, but that the progres~ to be . made must be measured largely by the efforts of . those directly ikter ested, in applying scientific methods to i~ crease the quantity an(). 'q_Uality of their products and · tlirough c9operation and intelli~ent work . in disposing of them to the .best advantage. , The accomplishment .of these ends should . be assi~te d, at ever y point where governmental aid can consistently be given, by wise legislation.
"Iu the ~xecutiv.e branch of the Government.the past year has been devoted to a careful s~u?~ of its mous divisions with a view to full y utihzmg the 1 functions of each in carrying out efficiently .,,_,,..,... ___ _ies imposed by law upon the Executive as a
'\ · , JOURNAL 01'' '.l'llh: EXE • •
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_\t ~liininating. t!1erefro:m_ ~vast~d. 0n~r~. in
· on ~)f · work and se urmg, o far as o -
sib~ ull va:Jue ·for every dollar expended... ·Tills ~\' w~!i"s wa e:A.-'fended ~f? all ll?,U~ciI?alitie' , wh~ 9f fic~a f .met tb th.e r w;ith _the ·.n ti)~.r G~v:ernment of~ .
ficia! · ~t · an Jua? . durmg Ju~y and qi.sens e.d the ne d of their ~e·. pective goYeri:nne.nts arid the best . m~i:ms f mc.e ting· them, .as well as the' r elations that ~ b~uld i . ·betw4 il ti). in ular and ii;Unicipal ernment 'in m·der to best coop r ate for the efficient • and c,:pri~mi~ . service of t~e people. . Tbe results of thi "meeting;- and the ' better under st nding derived. . i. ~~1·e~rom of th dutie~, powers and obligations of . · ~lie. ~fficiaJ concerned, ar already appa-r' nt ill the .. improved con~tions to be found in mapy loca]jties and ·the. earnest efforts being generally made to im. prov: the ~ublic .service. The spfrit of pro,g~ess . an. d · co~dial coope1'.at10n exhibited by all" p al'ticipants in ~ gathering is sufficient guaranty that its benefits · . wiU be la .. ting and that other s onimilar chafacter 0 · · may ~ held from year to year with advantage . .
" . . . · · . . J.~DJCIM:: Likew1 e, the .Judi·cial branch of- the Government , has given much jlttention to s~curing incr eased effi·· ciency in . the performance of its fitl;lctfon's and as a re ult of uggestions brought' out at the convention o~ the ·municipal officials ,t he 'Attorney-General invited~ of th: judges, fiscal , lawyers an d other ;per son. di~ectly mtere~ted j:n tJi,e p.r_oper adµii.I\i stration of Justice, to me t m confereri · at the Goverbmerit Hou November 17th: . Th.i's ·~et~ng vyas gen.erally a~nded. by all of the officials invited. The va~ions bar associations were .ably rep esented ·and promi-
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nent lawyers from all of the principal toi..'\'I. . . . .le island took part in its proceedings. . "It was not' the purpose of this confe ~~·u- si!ler a general' revision of the laws, but rat ·r ecommend only-such amendments as expeTience had shown nece.ssary to re~ove the obstacles and difficulties -of pro.cedure in order to secure that prompt and effective administration of justiee wh\ch is so important t:\the great mass of our people to whom protracted litigation is insupportable. . ' 'After full discussion of the various ,suggestions that wer e made along t:P,e line indicated, a committee of.. nine eminent lawyers was, by order of the · conf er ence, appointed to make a careful study of the proposals brought forward and draft· bills co'\<ering the points-involved which were deemed essential to accomplish the purposes of the .conference, for presentation to the Legisl,atur.e in its present session. The committee has performed its duty in this behalf and 'the severaJ (lmendments are hereinafter mentioned and r ecommended to your consideration. \..
FRANCB;ISES AND PUBLIC UTILITIES. "During the ye'ar an exhaustive study has also been made of all outstanding franchises under w_b.ich public utilities are operated, with a view to ascertaining· whether or not the form in, which they were granted guarantees the service which should be required and 1J,dequately protects the public from imposition, while at the same time affording the holders .. thereof the security and benefits to which they are reasonably entitied in performing the various functfons exercised thereunder. .· · ~'Careful inquiry was made into the status. and po\\'ers of the various public service corp9rations
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that hotild an'd might be legally .' · · exer .i,.ed o,:er them. · In ·thi wol'k, ·.\vhich involy 'd ,, th ~utc rxaminati' n of a great ma s . of d9cu-·· . ·y .ment~and r('qtui'.~d· te~l~cal kn_owledge .ol the'-~.. . · • ·je t' · irv~ ti~ated arn~ the · o.nt};olling .Jaws, -we' · haV.e been 'f ortunat · in ecuring-highlv xpert assisk ance, .The l'C i,iJt . of° the· examination sbow .it to _ha'' . b · I'.\ OpJ<>Ortunely undertaken. · Important · ha:ri.ge· Jrn; ·e b~e~· · _dwjll be effected.in the .opna~ion ·Of· public ntHitie~, and the conclu ions :i:eached • will e 'tapli Ji. a .. ou.n d ba is .for inte1lig:ent and uniforni ·a tion .in future: In tlli con ection cer.tain legi lation, herei11~£te~ specifically · mentioned, · 1 P": .p. '. ed .f or the pmpose of-clarifying and ampli- · fying the existing law's relating to franchises and public u~iliti \Vbich it i .b lieired. wm prrvent confu ion in-the treatment of these subjects and operate : : to promote <Yood ervice, as well as the .extension, · up_Qn a ecure footing, of the public utilities which tbr country -requfres. · ~
FINAN OE. · '"The . total r evenue collected . dutjtrg tb~ .~seal year ended Jtme 30, 1910, amount'ed to $3;451,267.14, or 275,526. 9 more than the correspondi~ g r e-ceipts of the. preYious year . . Of this ~ount ~,571 ,904. 71 represent the proceeds of internal .taxes .which wer e larger than tho e of any previous yea1;, whil e the r eceipt accruing from customs revenu s aggregated . 79,362.43 an . advance . over tbe amount derived from that source during th~_.fi,sca.I. year 1908-1909 of ~75, 976.0 , .There· also rer~J'.te(f tq· and wer e paid · . m~~ th Treagury, on ac o\.ul~ of i:qS'uJar reven~es, var1Qus amounts repte nting repayments of loans by municipaJitie. . and chool boards, r ev-ersions of ,.
uncxp~nded funds appropriated, and other transfers, '
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TUESDAY , JA U AllY 10, 1911
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sums aggregating·$293,301.40, which brought the total r eceipts of the Treasury, in revenue account, up to $3,744,568.54. The demands upon these r eceipts, inch1ding the , cost of maintaining the various branches an~ 11ctivities of the Government, loans to municipalit~es, etc., amounted in all to $3,559,648.69, leaving a balance in the Treasury 11vail'1-ble for expenditure t the close of the fiscal ye~r 1'909-1910 of $711,022.37, as against the surplus available at , the "' end of .t_he preceding year of $526,102.52. , 1 "It is gratifying to note from the monthly trea's. ury,. statements since July 1, 1910, that the general increase in revenue receipts is being maintained during the present fiscal yeai:, and on the basis of the data pertaining to the five months ending November 30th last, · it i~ estimated that the r evenue for the. '· current year Will exceed even those of -the' previous twelve mon~hs. If this premise proves correct al).d strict . economy is observed in expenditures, a_nother advance will be made in the policy of accumulating a treasury res'br~e of one million dollars to be invested in ~unicipal o:i.nl.provement secl,li.·ities which will be r eadily co_nvertiple into cash to. meet any · emer gency that may arise. · ·"While the condition of the Ti:easury is not alarming, or, in fact,. unsatisfactory at th1s point, there are many ·obligations to be met which should be considered together and borne in mi.!ld in the treatment of any pa:r;tic~lar phase of our finances. Numerous applic~tions for mu,nicipal ·loans with which to make · public improvements, and which in the interest of the people should be made, but which will at the same time increase the total indebtedness of the island, are no~ pending. · A further loan of probably half a
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· . JOu 1p uL oii· ·. rim KX.1<;
TTVJ,;' o u NcIJ,
n~.l~~n dliar . will :be q'u~r d to c_o~p~ te th~ ifriI'
gatt:n Y t m und 1' con truction. . The nrollmE>nt . . in tl • public sc,hools i ._ being rapidly .e4te'l;ided,· ~ich . ,'. • · r eq_ 1,_.e o~_ti_n~1ally fi:~reasiirg.·: xp~ndi~ui:es forYdil~ . C4holla l.'fac1h t1es: With the ·'extension· of areas un. de cultJ..v atio~ a:1id the i;emarkable u;dustriaJ prog- ·. , r e .. ·t he . c .untry ..i . mah.-ing, the demand ft>r ne~ ~ r a~ ", . a~dl:tiqn~1 · ~barf° facilities and ·ather public ~or~ . w~l be~<}me n;ibre and more imperativE> . . Public buil;dm.gs ~nd .PF-Operties r equire repairs and impr.t>Ve.m en~ .. ,fo pre.vent detetiioration: All these .. thi_ll!5'. ... liould b r eme,mber ed in . authotizing the ex- · · ~ .n.~~~re .?f public_fl.ind , and notwithstanding the -. gratifyrng mcr ease m r evenue, the utmost.precaution and ec?nomy will be required to keep the- expens<!s· of · th Government safely ·within its-income. . ''.1t has been in this view of the situation that the estimate for ~xpenditures during ·the fiscal year J9~1-~912 h~ve been ?ainstaking1y scrutinized in de- · 0. tail ~th a· view to :Irminating every item of expense po. ible a~d keepmg those included at the lowest p~mt ~on istent with an effic,ient performance of tb~ ~idelllilg functio11s r equired .by,.the'iiicre~s~d kcti.;ities ?f the.country. These estiinates, in'cludulg only the items necessary to cover the usual current e~- , pense. of the Government during t!le fiscal year 1911-1912, propose a . tot~.l ap,Pro'pria:tion for that purpo e_of $3,341,753.36 and will be 3Ubmitted f~r your t:<On ideration upon tfi~· 1ot:h ~sta:qt. PUBLIC. WORKS. ..,. .,
, "The last ie~~lativ~ a~mbly appropriated $170,. ~ 000 .and a~thon~ed a ,bond issue of $425,000 for the _.
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construction of roads. At the same time it created a commission known as the Road Oommission, compm1ed of the Governor, the Speaker of the House of Delegates, the Commissioner of the Interior, and a member of the House of Delegates designated by the Speaker, torconsider the various road projects presented and decide what work shoul!i be flone. This commissiot\ has passed upon a number \>f highway projects and. has authorized the construction of. the ~ollow:ing roads: ' ' 1. V ga Baja to Ar cibo and Ponce to' Yanco. ' ~· Cai;li.uy-Arecibo. · 3. Aguaqa, via Rincon, to A.fiasco. 4. La Plata to N aranjito. 5. San .L orenzo to Las Piedras. . 6; N aguab~ to Las piedras. · 7. Four or five kilometers of road :from Arecibo toward Lares. . ''Under this !luthol'ity there are in course .o f con. · struction at tlte present time .the roads from Vega Baja to Arec~bo, Ponce to Yauco, and Arecibo toward Lare . · The survey of tl:ie road from La Plata to N aranjito has been completed, and survey is being made of the road frorri :!.guada, through Rincon to A.fiasco. Under authority of.an act passed by th(' . la:st Legislature, construction worl{ on .these roads is being done by prison labor and the results obtained therefrom show .a saving to the Government in road constructipn over contract or ·other labor of about thir~y per cent. , According to estimates it is expected that a final saving of from for:ty to fifty per cent will be realized by this means, t:4us enabling the construction of considerably more highway with the ava.Hable funds than would otherwise be possible. Not only has the use of convict .l abor proved to be
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O~' ·r1n~· ll;XE UTIVJ~
~~tory ~ r~ch~~itf~
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.' .&tis the ' co t · of the . th Oilt~ . Or en:ip·l?yme:b \~a prowd to b(' nlt~cl~ JDOJ.'.f' ·, f YOJ.'alJ!e to the. pb~· ica,J ·,conditl?t! of the .p~:ison·e~ , : enga~ed <Jl1:re9n tb:.m oufine~eni:\ .. aipps with · portable ;1~itary building .ui.tabl ; for their helt ,. -· < nd ('( nfinemeut .wh n not actually c~plpyed }\-ave . b(.'en u e9. a~ tl:,e. tli:tferc:rit ·places where wo:i,:k is go- . ing on.· · pop ah·ivaf .a.t the e camp from flip jail or. perlitentiar~·. ·tlie phy ical condition of many of the c pr_i anei; is ~ucli a.' to . mak~c them ~mable to . p·e rform a fuH--cfii,,. 's work, but the outdoor )if(' and ex~rci l- · . _on re· ult in impr0Ye1ncrit, a,nd. within a ,Jt~rt ·iiille after tlieir ar.rival tliey are usnallv will~ ing and abl to perform a fair. amount of 1ab~r each worki11g day. :Many petitions for the construction . and completion of highway have been pres 1'.lted, ' and each one is being mad the subject of careful tudy by the comrni sion as rapidly a possible, so thf)t ·befor.e tb,.e work of the commission is fini bed ' dtie con idemtion will be given to ·11. · THE IBRIOATI01 PRO.TECT.
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$500,000 769!000 195,000 120,000 120,000 40,000
50 ,000 60 ,000 . 6,000
Total preliminary estimates. 2,987 ,000
ince the inception, in 1907, of. an irrig~tion s~s for the ben fit of agriculture .over the' fertile utbern ·p lains, the.greater portion of' tM time bas _ be<>n r~quire d for the measurem nt the' discharge of availa:bl . tr~am , topographical · surveys of 150 qu~rc ~iJes c~mprising the lan'd to be irrigated, ani;I Yar~out ·mve tigations prov.in!? Jhe . ~easibil~ty f the pr Je . . ·. · ' . . ''.'.1'he prin~ipa-1 features of'~~ sfet~~ and the p~.'e lrmmal·y e timates of co t:.. pr pa'r ed in 1908 and whi h formed the bl:!- i of. the bond issue autb;rized b; law,, wer. as follows:
Patil.las Canal· and Structures .. . ' Patillas Dam and Reservoir .... . Carite Dam and Reservoir .... . . Cari te Tunn L .. ....... .. .... . Carite Power Development ..... . Guamani )Janal and Structtures .. Toro N cgro Diversion . .......... . Guayaba{ Dam and Reservoir ... · .Juana Dfaz Canal and Structures. Office Buildings ............ . .. . I
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'l'UJJ: ' DAY, JANUARY 10, 1~11
"Early in ~909 the general scheme was examined by representatives of the United States Reclamati<>n Service and 'pfonounced entirely practicable, and the estimated cost was moderate in comparison with the estimate of agricultural benefits to ~ reaH~ there. from. . 1. . ''The first construction contracts were entere~ into during the same year. , The woEk now d&. vin upon the Irrigath:in Service is the compl ~ struction antj. the beneficial operation d:f. e syst('lll at the earliest practicable date. · ''The devel9pmcnt of the hyaro-electti:c i>ftt Carite will.provide facilites for ecQDourically ext · ing the irrigable area by pumpiilg>water on 1 above the main canal. A similar de.velopment is p98sible ilt Toro Negro the cost of which was not heretofore included in the preliminary estimate. "But few 'of the. contractors engaged on construction have .made th~ ·progress required by their contracts and.some extensions of time have been granted. The valUe of water is, however, so "important to the · culti~ation of sugar-cane that so far as possible further ~tension oHime which may delay the operation
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EXECU'l'J y}lj
c. u.
Tll .l•:SDAY, JANUARY 10, 191.l
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' ~~· ~h~ e~ti;e· y t~ wtll bt> t v:oid:- ·~ ;~tl;l~~el\~
on .for pu h~ tl1 : "~ rk i that the ,m t re~t on the ·, im-e ~.nt, pen~g . ompletion of t.Q.e .pro.fyct to~e . point ~~C?re uffici · nt i-' ,:enues · r · m watei· rents "~n • b reali~f d·:to.'ineet-that !;lrain, must"iricr~a. e the cost_ of th~ · ystem .and. iliu' place an 'additional' bqrd.cn upon tho e who'. nil\ t .. upport and ventually· pay
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if · : · · . . : t · · . "Qf .the twchhi prllicipal onstruction contract
· r
:Uow in:p1:ogre ·, · evcn't e;n per cent of the· total work 'wa app1:oximately completed Ja uary I 1911~ The I . r <'ntage 'v~ich hould have been completed under nt17act .'1iequiremcnt on that date and the percent-· · ag(."S 'of'.the total wo1;k actually done are: Cont rd.Ct
Contra ct Features.
·u ·
Requ-Jremcnts. Actualiy Done.
Patilla anal (7 contracts) .. 100 .o Pati!Jas Dam• (1 contract).. . 43 o arite Tunn l ·(1 cob.tract)... · 69 % Toro Negro Diver ion (3 con- . tra t ) .... : . : . . . . . . . . . . . · 56 7c
' 8% 21 % . 14%
· "Bi~. for the. c~ntract 110.w .under advert·i er::\en~, compns1n ante Dam, Guayabar Dain a11d v'arlous structure ori Patillas anal, will be ope11ed February 7th. The principal con hucti n contracts to be prepa1;ed at an early date will include tJie ~onstruc.., tion of the Juana Diaz anal ami its appmtenant .;;truch1re , the hY.dro-electri ,pJ·oje t for Carite and Toro Negro, thr Lhiamani ·anaJ and the M Jania Resenoir. . . "Favorable condition a ·~~iried• in preparing the pr<'liminar~- e timate haye .''iiot ~eell'en tirely realiz d. : ontinu d investigat;iqn havc.1shoWn that for · ome of the .tructl~res a hel:tYier expens wil.l be necrs. ')''' to srcure tbe . lability and perman ncy desired; ,.
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Jabor conditions have not been at all times advantageous; the tendency of the market for material is upward. and it has also been found that an eco~omical, ben~ticial control ,of- flood waters. will require some extension of proposed projects. R evised estimates baseld upon a g.loser knowledge .of actual costs arc in progress, and they have been advanced. suffiyiently to show that an \additiona l bond issue of sev<\ral hundred .thousand's of dollars will be necessary to atfai~ · he efficient solution of the problem. This question will1 be mad.e the subject of a pecial message after • the bids for the final contracts now under advertisement have been pa ed upon and the amount of the deficiency thus determined. ~ '' Throughollt the dry zone many minor concessions l have been granted for the USl' of. W.e no.rmal fl.ow '?' of water, but no comprehen ive . ystem h.a s hC'reto/ f<fre been established for the· control and beneficial :use . of floorl watC'rs. These prior rights are reaJ · property rights which. must be equitably protC'cted and adjusted as t!ic largei' system is completed and prepared for operation. "It is also quite probable that the present system rq.ay.be regarde ~ as the begirµiing of comprehensive irrigation in Porto Rico, and .that further investiga.tions and heavy construction involviJl$ the diversion of waters from the region ubject to heavy rainfall · on the north of the main divide to the southC'rn dry zonr will be found advantageous to a conservatton of the resom,ces .of the island and to the developmrnt of · tho~e agricultural interests· so important to its welfare. SURVEYS.
"The progress of the irrigation work and the posibilities of its extension, as welJ as the necessity for
I .
. , Ul'R:') .\J, OF Tim ~; Xii:' 'l'IVB, ·oµNCfL .
~ , ~i1au tiw ~tud . :~f all ' the ~:tm~al rcsom·c~ Df
the ·c~mtry \vi~ a ,;(w to the~r cons,ervati?n and jn., . telligtnt-u e, ugge t the pressing rn;ed qf ti cad~~al, . '. topogrtphi al and soil ,·urvey " f't;l~e i land.·as a sdieni· .. tili baSi: ·.therefol·: . · ••i'hi" i a .work 'thatis 'afso mo t ur'ge:t1t1y needed . in orde:r "~O .·peili.te the. orrc t and·UD'iform a.S C - . . m nt of lands·.£or axation. At pre ent tich prop.erty i gcneraily so ~~s ·ribed in the document p r• taining ;tli~l·et9. a to make the location of i.t s bmmda1:i~s. and:t)wr fore it .area a value.. l ~mrrl~r 111:--' ~tus".of.gues work. Hence the work of a es ing- r ea l · ·e fut . i nQw one of the inost cli:fficuit to aecompli h ·and· ,itsati factory after eornpl tion. · " ln view of' the paramount importa·nce of this work in the intelligent treatment of the indu tri.al .and ~1gri ultural. problems pending, and wbi h must a,ri e in future, as well a the gov.e rnmental necf'ssi.ty therefor especially from the standpoint of taxatiqn · · iJand public works; the subject is ,present ed for yonr consideration with the recommendation that legisla.tion be ena ted to authorize a begi.nni.ng of thr imr; veys referred · to . duri.ng ' the· cotning_·y.ear, ~lh the purpose of continuin the ame as .rap~dly ' as practieable ·until tbe ·entire area of the island bas been ' 0
·"rD. my me
a e to the ' Legislature in its special sion convened Augu t 30'; 1910, the general condition· of the ' i.J;J.sular tele~'.1-Bb. ·~~d telepbOJ? system wa brought to the atte;~tiori f ·t~at body for the purpose of obtaining expres~io~ fits desires ;with 'reference to the future ~ond'uct: or disposition o'f that branch of the service .arid prop!JrlY perll\ining jbel'e. l.) to;. That. 1on wa~, 'however, too short to .afford
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the time necessary .for the consideration which, the subj ect r equired. I therefore bring the m~tter to your attention at this time with r equest for such definite act~on thez:eip as will serve to establish a permanent pohcy to be pursued in reference to this service and thus a~oid fu_rther unc~rt~inty and any unnecessary loss that may accrue thetefrom. " The time )l~s arrived when an fficien~ service bould be esta~hshe d throughout the i land connectru·g ~JJ of the municipal centers of go ernment and: prin'cipal· towns with each other and 'th capi1al. It • is especially important from the standp int of econ~ omy that delay in treating the subjcc should be avoided because the government system has reached a point where , extensive rep~irs and improvemr11ts must be made in order to maintai~ it with any de- ::-'- gree of efficiency-:even within its present li:rµit ~ I . '" As stated in my previous message upon the subject, th territory to be covered in Porto Rico is not sufficiently extensive nor the_telegraph and telephonr . business to be trallsacted sufficiently large to prrmit of its being. diviQ.ed, ·upon any satisfactory basis, h<'· tween .variou·s ·companies and the Government. All long-distance lin , adeast, mul'!t be operated under one bead in order .to enable the employment the· :i...-pert management necessary to effi©ent and rconomic s 'rvice. · · · "The insular lines are at present paralleled by f others for considerable distances, and ten stations ti.ave bee~ abandoned and are being oprrated by private companies. The rMeipts of but 24 of the 60 offices operlited by the Insular Government durin~ . the past year 011lCC<>ded the salaries . of their empl()yeeB, wllile b11t three stations actuaJly paid ex'.· . ._P~l')ses.' 'fhe average annual Joss to the Government
I F T H1': l<:X 1£CU 'ffV1' COUNCIL
:_p .
j ~t lea t $l0 000 j11 .a<l9.ition .t~· the. continh~) · depreciatio1i. o{ p~·opc:rty ahd. the e:\~ns .of° l'rpl::i:c(ill'!cnt incident'thrr~t<>. .. ' · ' 'l'liicrefor ,. in._ order· to ec n m..lcally. prov.icl{,a, . · ompl '-. an<;!- ati_s.fact15ry pub!i · ~rrvic(', · th<' Gov- · crniu nt- tiould .eitber ( 1) acquire. all of'thc long-dis-~ · taric . lin no'v in 6pcration, make. the, extensioq and nnection· requi.re· by' such a servic , reorganize tlH' '\'\;b pfo upon~ . b ine ba is into an efficient !'lyS· , tcm nnd . 1' ·OllC' 'be;id, i;tncl. SO condnct it, oi:, (2) transfrr by sale'·or; ·1easc the incom letr systrm · it now 9wn . i\nd ·uj.)e,ratcs at· a los , to t)Je pci~son or corn:pant.*at o:fl'ers to rcccfre tbr . ame, and pc1;forni the enlirc· ei-vjce de crl.bcd upon t:Qe mo t advantageous f rms under franchi e and governmC'nt ·c ontrol. ~ " pon careful inn' tigation of the subject ._i t ha brcn 'found that the fir t course would involve .an iru.tial C:\-pcnditui·e by the Govermncnt of ~pproxi-· mate!~· two hundred · and fifty "thousand clol1ars, · ilvbi ch, in Y-icw of the condition of the Treasurv· and other (•xpcn c to be met, could · not be tmde~:takeli from current revenues . . H ence it':t'oll ows that a bond · i · 'U<' would · be required o ricco:µipli~h thi' p11~·posc sotight tbr<»1gh that means, 'wllich in i:ny optnion, would also be of doubtful propriety. · :aut it must l:w ' b rn e .i n mind th_~t if the Governmcnt_;continurs to operat the plant it now own ~ ,.cven upon thr present basis, .a. con iderabk expcnditu:±·e must be madr· for repairs, so that it will be more economical in the end· to take deci<l;ed action now, dther through .t he inv.cstment and other mean n~G $ ayy to put th system on a. payin~ ~l;l.sis, or by' :<li,Sposing of it. All things qons1dered it seems to ~ th~t the ]fl. tcr course is by far -the most advantage'Qus becau e, while relieving the Government of a y financial train or annual
' :imd :• t.hc S,. ten1 ll Vdgtl
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'l'UE DAY, JANUARY 10, 1911
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burden, it would be th . means of securing and maintaining an up-to-date system throughout the island . ·tmder pr;i.ctically as omplete control as is to-day exerci:;;ed and without,t't!e r esponsibilities of operation, for the continu<:ld as umption of which the reasons . · · and advantages are not apparent. In the event of this solution befug deemed the correct .one, the only · ction i·equired wo_nld be t~e granting of attthority t sell .or lease the rnsular Imes under the con\iitions e.,pre~sed,
"' '.'ID view o:f the economic importanae to the' cotmtry yf ,an early solution of the questions involved rn . this sub"ject, it is urged that the matter be taken up in ample time to enable final action in reference thereto before 3:.djournment. ~ ~
"In no ~recti~n has improvement during the past ten years peen more apparent than along educatic:mal lines. Th~ enrollment bas ~een gradually increased from year to yeat ootil it has reached over one hun. dred and eleven thousand, this number representing ·an increase during the 9-ecade of over four 'bund:red . per cent, while the attendance during the last school year was one-fifth .greater than' that of 1909. More aaequate buildings have been ·acquired ,Or constructed, and a modern system of education installed, extended and , improved as rapidly as conditions def manded · and. funds permitted. This work bas been · accompli~Md at a cost of app:i;oximately nine million 0.ollars. " ~ normal 'd evelopment and extension of the educa nal system along practical Jines should .be facilitated from year to year so far as possible with the means ava#abl,. of course only so far · . ._as will :aot jeopardize the er necessary ·acthrities
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RNAl, OF ~
•rffE, DAY, J '
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U AUY 10, 1911
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promptn~ss with which the ceptra:l hea~t~ authori~i.es b: e acted in coop~ration with mumc1pal officials seve~al local epiden;1i~s have been checked and wiped out.
. ·· f tll~ :· . on•rnmcn~ which .ate the .ha~ of ·its ·x1. ~ ne .. . · . "Du~ the pa t'fou year th av'<~l·ag daily)!t. ·e.ndatit:y .h as ~nci·cascd' ~1.· ghty pe~· .?ent .ti.nd. tlier~ ' ·. to-day an. {W~rage· of LYty-three . scholar to each teacher· ihployed, whi'le in the United· fates tbii' ·ave:i;ng eldom:~_xce~ds thirty-one . . Under the chool . w, the alarie.s of' eacliers being paid ex.elusively by tl1e . entri;tl Go\·ernmeilt, the number employed is ri c' sari]v . Jimit d bJ the funds appropriated for ·that purP~SE'- in;,:~nual budgets. ,There ·i s ·now to the redit f I cal . chool boards a su:rplus ~ of approximat .'!~·. tie huridred and 'sixty thousand dollays which might 'vcll 0 devoted to the compensation of additfonal in tructors, and I commend ·to your: favorable .con ider'ation the modification of tlte existing l~w o . · as to authorize the use of surplus funds in tl~e .h ands . ' of s.chool boards for that purpose. "The demand for mbre high schools is increasing. · ~t the pres~nt tim only the insular Government is · authorized t o constru ct building therefor, althougk everal munic1palities are in condition financially to · n · order .tr en· a ume the expe:i;i of sueh work. able municipalities who financial conditio;v will permit it, to erect their own high schooi buildings, ' and t.h.us hasten· the establi liment of such .facilities, it is recommended that iegislat~ve authcftity be giv n them 'to issue bonds in favo'r of The People of PortO' moo and to use the yrocee.ds thereof ,for that pur-
"In this wor~ the necessity ?f effective sauitary regulations becomes more and more apparent throug~ · the difficulties . encountered by the health ai\d samry officials, o~ing to the lack of proper :legltl force to support them in their efforts. The Act of March ~ 10, 1004, provides for the preparation of heatth and sanitary regulations to become effective upon approval-by the ~xecutive Council, but inas~uch _as the basic law prescribes no penalty for the v1?latio11 o~ regulations to ~e so adopted, and it is doubtful if tpe authority to prescribe such penalti~s ..co~ld be. dele':' gated to the Executive Council, ther~ is reas:on to I believe that r egulations approved by it could not .be • enforced,· owing to the inability to impose penalties· in the event of their violation. ·" 'It is therefo~ recomme~ded that th? Act of March 10,· 1904, Qn -th:i.s subJect _be amplified and strengthened by amendment to provide suitable penalties for the violation of the regulations promulgated iri accordan_ce with its p:r--ovisions.
"Again I invite attention to the c<fidi · leper colony on the Island. of <'l.lbras, ref'eti. . . my message 0£ J·anuary' 10, 1910. ·w orthv ..of careful study 1i a ing the colony to som re isolated place, or the appr . funds .to make the present location 811iltill more. habitable.
..\ JOU.H.~AL
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01'' '.rlJE J>XECUTJV I•:
·ru J~S DAY ,
TJ:i · 'T.HOl'l AL
of ·
tv·fi,~e oMel"s dernfod xclti iveh·"to the treatment p ·rsoJJ · nffer.fog. from ·i~11cinar.iasi.~. ~he r ·f:\nen1ia -
cli pe11 ·1ri ' in 'fl,dd.}.tion .to the fifty.five thousand i' ti r~~ · ah~ad~. 11!1 .1~ tn•atment, registei:fd 9,~74· perSODfl . reking · i;ratmcnt for the fir t time. Tbe , ;, 11 lt of tht' woi·k.of the vcar was 3,385 ca rs ·cmed a. against lff·deii:ili ·fr m+this di a e. · · · ,. 'Tb;e nnti~tl\ber ulo j df pensarie havr tr<>ated 3-6 .i."\! pc · t ,. of wbl.ch 1·3 3 've~·e declared ccinsm:l'~p ti>•I?. Tbr~· '"·.ere furnished with medicines,, antisepti'e. and sanitary· upplies to-prevent the spread Gf the disea r. The Anti-Tuberculo i League ha!> ar.. . tivel~· 'coopel'ated in tbi service, contributi"9g. hoth . ' fttnds and work. · •iAlthough th<' anemia and tuber ul o is campaign .· i!J} the rul'al distri<'ts ha not yet been fully developed.' plan thQr for have b en completed and thf' work wiH · soon be extend d to the remote rural districts· wherf' · · , ·· · , ~ ·it is urgently re.qui!ed. "It is recommended that the· Legisl'itm:e continue, a in the past, to give its support to these· important ervices b th by-the ena _tm nt of s~cb 1J.gi lation a may be nece sary to enable the. offic1als .i.n charge to effectively pedorm their duties_,' and ·by. thf' appropriation of the same amount a. were made available at the l~st re~lar se sion to pr vide for the continuan and extension of thei! ·'York~ . \ . · "It is gr~tifying tq not,e,,t p.at" qe results already' · ao/!omplisbed in Porto .Rico in I co¥1 ating itncinriria.9i:s and tuberculosis ha'Ve·gairied international 'rec-
ognition. The . local campaign was the subject' of r ecognition not only at the convention held during be past year in· Brussels, but the methods followed he're have received the favorable notice of the commission-engaged in a similar campaign in the southern part of the UI\ited States, and was mentioned in the recent annual report of the Secretary of War to the President qf the United States. At thf' convention rec~ntly held in Barcelona a gold mr dal was confened upop the island in recognition of_\its antiuberculosis work, a medal was awarded to the island 's representative .for his personal efforts, and diplomas conferred upon the members of the local committee that sent him to this convention. ,
oieJU$ES SERVICE. j> ·
..: " . '.:'. . ., .~ . . .. .: · "'fh.i . srr,•i ·e haf$ maintail"led during t he Y<'d' i addition to it .C'entral,_ ·offi e and ·lab~ratory, seven " distrirt~ffice ·w ith tbeiI di pen ari~s fo'r i>hr ·tr .atJ11ent ot' r.1wmi a~d tub'ei· ulosi p~tients arid tw~ , ;.
.J ANUA RY 10, 1911
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~ . ~' The police 01;ganization f?rmerly authoriz'ed for ·. ·outside work consisted of 66 district chiefs, 15 ser- . geants, ·40 corporals, and 700 guardsmen. Al:tho_u gh a: large proportion of thef?e guardsmen were necessarily assigned td-- quty in rural districts, they were compelled to J?ah~ol their territories on fo~t. It was manifestly impossible . for them, or any nu~ber of P'Olice within the power of th Government to provide, to do this ·and adequately cover the grotmd. 'Therefore, in order to put the for~e-.nn a more effi· cient basis, and upon the theory that one mounted guardsman could cover many tunes the territory that could be patrolled by one on foot, the force was grad. ually re,duced to 600 and the savings thus made used to pur~base horses. " The results obtained from thiR change in :the policing of those rural districts and outlying· urban sections wherf' it has been possible,
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JOL' R AL OJ<' 'l'lH;. EXE
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ho1'8e_ n~~'~ ~vailaQle to 13 tabli°'h mount- -P . eel pat.r I has been · o sati fa tory a to d mpns rat ·. the 'vi.'d~m o"f gradualfr .extending the mou..nted s rv- . . ice thro.~hou.t th r\i~afqistricts of ~ _isl~~d. · '!'.he ' e nomi.e effect of 'this change, ap.d qther m a:dmftG , : i 'ti;ation,C~·l.l en~Ole a· r ductign in, the ;:i.ppropri- · ati;on ·for l 11cc diirin g thti urrent year of Y r $30,- -· 000 from .th ti.rrnnuit ai;; igned to that _pu;rpose <;lur.i the· prec~d:;n~· fave~vc-· months. · ~ · . "The ~xcellent '<lqnd5.tion ·of the insular police forct' arrd th(':. di cretion: and ipt lligence g ner_a lly ·exerci f'd by. its i&di~idual ' m~mb rs the performanc(' of their dutie ··a re worthy of remark. Ittfrecord for m~int_aiJ?ing order, for app1:ehending violator~of thr ·la~ ,. and:..for ·i;eco,ering . stolen property is not stirpas ed by any othfr simila:v o;rganization.
"The provision·, of section 5 of th Insular ,Police Law, approved March i2 19() , h~ve many times , hfS'D a ource Of difficulty in the administrative control of the force . In th~t section the classification ~f police districts i definitely fixeo in accordance · with pecified ~unicipal districts.. ~ce t~e. ~J> proval of the act various municipali~es blave cl).anged in r elati:e importance, a:nd must natu;rallv cont~~e to . han~e, in accordanc~ with 9ie ·v arying condition affecting th development" of .each. For this rea~on I recommend that saiU section be modified 'to ID:ake it con£ rm to th pxesent conditions and if po ib.Je . sufficiently ~lastic to meet SU('h change · a may occur in the. flit.we.. . '
LA~OR." .
''As the i~du trial ~ctivfty· of the islan.d continues
T-U~.DAY, JANUARY 10, !9ll
and increases labor will more and more brecome a factor Q.eserving of thoughtful consideration. · Its i:\bundance has been ·favorable to the development of . the ' present prospe,1'ous conditions, and ~ith the added .experience afforded by increased and diver ified employment its· efficiency will continue to improve. .. "It is a matter of general concern and importance to employers as well as the employed,·tliat t\le workers of tile cou);itry shall be given those facilities repecting their he~lth, fair treatment and well-being thlilt\ their conditio.n reouircs in order to :oromote their happiness and contentment and increase their ' useful.ti.ess to the country. . · "The last Legislature, among other measures, enacted one requiring that pro~.sion be made on large estates for medical attendance to employees.. It has ~ been. urged that .ft position be created in one of the ' I departments, or directly unde~ the supervision·of the . Governor, as is the case in some of the States of the Union, the duties of which should be the collection of labor statistics, to generally have charge of all · matters directly i~rtaining to labor, and to see that the laws in reference thereto ar.e- enforced. T submit the question as entirely worthy of pract~cal consideration. "It is plea~ing to note that PorFo Rican l:ibor is 'appreciative of considerati6n, that' the spirit of itR assemblages is fafr-minded and patriotic, and that its requests are usually conservative a:i;id presented in such form as to invite favorable recognition. . 'JAYUYA. "Duriµg the past year I have twice had occasion to personally investigate conditions in the barrios of
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. liH A.I. OF
. 'l'IH.: Ji:XJ<:CU'l'lVE VOUNUIL
'J.'UI!: DAY, JANUARY 10, 191l
"As a re ult of the conference, herein before· mentioned, which was heid in ~n J,uan 'during ~ovem ber la t, the follo.wing committ~e 111J,ct 'bi1 Decem~er · 9th to cori. ider and recommend to the Legislature the approv~l of certain amendme~ts to existing laws: Honorable Fo ter V. BroWI1, Att6rneyG neral of Porto Rieo, ' hairman · Iionora:bl e de Diego, Speaker of the H-o~se of Delegates; Honorable .E milio ·del Toro', Asociate ~ustice of th s.upt~e Cou:i;t' ~f Porto Rico; Honorable .C hatl s E. Foote Judge of the District'Qou'rl of\Pop~e; Hon~ ' orable J. A. Lopez Acosta, Judge of the Municipal Court ~f Po~ce; Honprable Salva-
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..... .'· J i~):~~y, 1 A.rrlb~, J ay:uya Abajo.; oa·bC'y, · :Marn yes, ..' &llor 'S, : am.a, · aliente and J au ca, ~hat" I havf'i~ een of~ situ, ti.on .U~ · tll barrios ha~ made it al>- ·. · p a~·C'~t t(.me ·timt,. in Yi, ~ of t_h~.ir P,i t.~~c_ fro~ : v pr~ ent cent~r of tlte1 . ·¥1~m1c1pal gov . ' . · tpado; ". emm ·nt . ~le .early ·a tiqn Lowatd affor,<,U,ng thf."ir inhabitantS inore ~de.quB.te· m'urlicipal' ervice ; especiall~· ~bo ·e pei:taining to .h alth and judiciary; to w~ch tl)ey a ·ta::x,P.Fe ·are.entitled, should be taken. · A petition foi; th,e . establishment of a SC'paratC' mu.. nicipal o ·~rrunent .:ha .'been pre ented by Te idcnts ---...-. of tho ·e ·barrio., "'The matter .is nltw thc '.sl1bje.ct of an inve tigation,. and there will be presented at this . - C . ion; . i~ J)o jble, a bill embo.d ying such pfan ,M the . · result of tiar ful tudy mav indicate as necessary to c rl.:ect the xi ting condition in a just and s~tis-~ · factor. mariner. ~
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dor Mestro, l!'iscal of the Guaya:m:a DistFict; Honorable Juap. Hernandez Lopez, Attor. J'.!Py-at~Law; Honorable Frank Martinez, Att.orney-at-Law; and Honorable Mi.gud Guerra, Attorney-at-Law;
' .
and in accorda·nce with the action taken therC'on bv the conf rence).t was dC'cided t<;> recommC'nd the foiiowing matters to the consideration of the \Legisla1A . tive ssemb)y~ "l: That tb'e law of criminal procedure be · so amended .a,s to provide that costs shall follow th~ ji1d~ent and be faxed against' the 'defendant, save i.n certain xceptiona.J cases, when the j udge of the trial court sball be authorized either to remit them or not to tax them against th~ defendant. . . "2. That the law requiring secretaries to transmit ~ transcripts within a given time be ;:i:rr,iende4 so as to ' / p~·ovidC' a suitabfe penalty for failnre to dp so. · )'3. That a law be enacted authorizing di.strict judg<' .to call special terms of court as the nC'Cf."S ity · thcrC'for may ari e'. · "4. That tbc'l~ be amended so. as to provide that thC' defendant ai:id rihe·Pcople of Porto Rico hall be placod on an equal footing with. regard to the numb r of perempt9ry challenge~ allowed to each . In thi.s connection tl).e suggestion.:was made and adopted ·that in drafting an appropriate measure in this be. ) half 'the .number ·of such peremptory challenges allowed sho}lld be materially reduced. r "5. That deposits of money shall be made in court by thC' plaintiff to guarantee costs as the case pro. . gres es.' . . '' 6. Th;;i.t the law be a~ended so as to prom de for a majori~' verdict in all cases except murder in tbe first degr e· and. imprisonment for life.
'.\ /' 'f,UESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1911
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:. ' f; ·r~e · .oimhitt !! al o r ecommend d legi lation ' vci·i~'g th follo"\\~ng point : · . . " · \: ·~ '· Innp~uou ., -ei·ror in proc edin~ in the·. o·wet om:t;s. · , ·. . . ·· · " • ~ qi A.m:fndm~nt Qf . the faw ·to. v~ ~ dis' . trict ·ji.idge with .a11thority to'. aid the j~ry in arri,·ing·at verdicts. .
: " 'l'be · for·, go~g .'.r' cominendations will "'. Pe pre- · ' ntcd in the form j)f appr opriate bills, which I commend 'to :your ca'r d u1 <;ion ider ation. ' " The re ·~v re ~\l'o: other ~1atters ·eated"iri the confei:; nc . and in'a,de the ubj ect of favor; ble r ccom · me.ndj~·t'iq:i;i , which I con ider s_ufficiently· urgent to m rit ·~j:>'eeial mention. I r ef er to.the amendment of t he• rimmal law so a to insure the conviction and pµn islunent of persons guilty of p erj1.lry; and a pro.Yi ion of law ·with refer enc to th peci.a l trea,tmcnt ' of ;j uvenile d fendants. · PERJURY •
. i.J
' There ·is no doubting the £act that something . . ho ~ld be don<'- to · beck the i.n cr ea ing pr.E'valence\ of . perwry. . ·Although it pr evention ~~ of vital impqrt.ance to the admini tration of justice, this crime is fr quentl .v"rommittl'd in our c :i.irts with s emj.Ilg impunity, ·and, as one .prominent jurist .has" statrd. it "ha. roDverted itself into a "genuine plague llDd is anothrr imp(." diment in the wo:r;k. of our court . " As I tatrd in di cussing the subje t 'before the confrrence, thi . i a matter that' ·can -not be too seriouRlv . . . " ' ' . r egarded. for the prevalence· ·of this evil strikes at the very f.oundation of jl~, ti, t<·· · ~en itnesses fail to appreclate the olemmty ;.{>f the oatll administ<'re'd to them, anc\ the punishment for ~vi'n.g false tf'sti0
mony is not sufficiently certain te det~r unscfrupu,lous ersons· from selling .their honor, the findings of the courts must deteriorate into guesswork. Th,e question inv.olves the protection of life and property from a crime so pernicious and cowa:r:dly that no effort should be spared to wipe it out, not only on account of its imm~diate jiffects, but beca,use of its evil influence upon the morals of the community. ~t is evi: dent from th~ existing conditions that the\present aw is not so c'onstructcd as to effectively reach and 1uni,sh the crinie of perjury, and I therefore car-~ nestly recommend that it be SO amended as to' a.ccomplish .that p irpose. ' JUVENILE COURTS.
"The treatment of juvenile defendants brought "'\ before the courts-ior minor offenses is a matter that ' / will appeal to your sympathy. and to your' sens<' of · propriety anp. .justice. It frequently occurs that young boys are convicted. and sentenced to confinement with hardened .crimin;i,ls, 0.1'. to years of RSSO · · ciation in the ref~ school with inmates who arc supposed to be 'incorrigible.s, for some petty and · u ually first offense of the nature of which thE'y have but slight understanding. Oftep a reprimand and wholesome advice· in these (!ases wQuld prevent fufore digression. ()n tlie other hand, the present procedure throws these children into surroundings and among evil ·associates which result in the creation of 1 criminals out of boys who, with a little guidance. the commuwould. b~come 'law-abiding members nity. .. .. "The law; which in this behalf results in creating criminals instead of correcting offenders. should be M changed that judges will not .only be able to treat
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.tlr'' ;.:·~ca.'(' ·w'itli the,wide t lat itudei but. re.quired, b:1 ·· th<; •ah·(' of · rood citizenship, to- exe:l·ei r thC'i1' di: ·.. crrtio~ in di po ing of· them with paternal a:dm~ni- ., tion anit'adviCe.' · ·. .. . . ". ~, : . " ' .tµ1 will be pre cnted . ti~l1orizing -C'xisti13'g ' . 'courts t6'·exer:..isr tbr fu)1ction of \.>-'call(>d jm·enile_. ·ur.t , , tln:>~· p· a . ' ;rrr ·f ,+hich I earne tly 'rec·ommcnd. ,b ' 1E foR ' L I
. . L·.\ ~]) . f()H X:-IOHT-l:W ~
• ·.. In l90-I: .Hie .:. .avy brpartmen transfE>~rea· to the Dc·part~nent tif ~ ornrnerce an d LaQ_or .a. certain strip of land in Pue'rta d Tien·a., ad joining tlw Jan d .r e.. ~1T~' d ·for the United tates 'L ight-'11ouse Ser vice. ' .l:lb equ'rnt t~ t~<' date of this tmnsfor . from the . JaY.v D partrnent to th D partme:it of Co~Prce . and Lab i.· ongre transferred to the I11sul~r. Gov- . · C'rnmC'nt all the land in Porto Ri co tber elofore re. er''l'd for naYal purpo e , w.i th ·. the exception of, . 1$rtain trac.t required b~r the Navy Dl'partment, · timong w.hich tract the one transferred by thp Navy · Department to the Light-hou e ervi ce was not men" ti011ed. Therefore this tra.ct, · together . .with otsl'rs, pas ed fo the pose ion of Th ' P edple: of ' i}orto · R ico, although it had for a· long .t ime been used and is stm required by the Light~house Service'. As the omi ion of mention of thi tract of · Jarid from tbr act of · on gr s wa clearly . n OY<el; ight,' the Insular · overni:rient bould be autho,rizcd by the L egislative A emblv to transfer the title io the tract.in quPstion to the Department of oµirQ r e. and L al7or _for th<' purpo e indicated, and the )'.l'edet: l authoritie have · . evera.l times r.equest a t?af .t his 1be' fR>ne. Th<' area involv d ii? about one and:.0n~-q_uarter acres in extent and { not ,requir~d for , u· by tl1e Insul~r Govern-
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' ' 33
ment. It is therefore r ecommended that legislative a th9rity be granted 't o effect this transfer. UEOULATION OF' INSUHANCE. COMPANIES.
"Attention is invited to the fact that although a ·. · .. la1·ge amount of .business is now being done in ~he ·; island by fosuri'nce companies, there i~ no local ~. ura111ce law of any kind, ~nd herwe no ~ua~an~1es a ·e r equired fo the protect10n of the p.ubhc agamst lo s by l'eason ther eof. I therefore recommend that ~ legislation be enacted regulating the transactiems of insurance companies and requiring from them a · deposit .M proper securities or o.t her guaranty with the Treasurer of Porto Rico to insure the payment . . of losses as a prerequisite to their being allo~ed to t \ · transact business· in Porto Rico. '
"I commend to your consideration a bill which will be presented in the .form of a proposed militia law. By annual ac{s of Congress, ·Federal Government funds are appl;'opriated for the encouragement imd to assist in the maintenance of the organized " militia in the various States and Territories of the Union. Porto Ric~ is entitled to a share of the slims SO•appropriated, pt~portionate to the Itupiber of men available for duty. · The island can not, however, lttilize the ~h.are, something over $8,000'. .which woul~ r be available upon establishing the maxim~ or?'~m zati.on for the reason that it has no law providing for the 0.1.'ganization and government of the local militia. While the i~mediate organization' of a local militia is not essential, still it would be well to have a militia l~w among the statutes in order that the . funds appropriated by Congress may l::Je utilizc>d at 0
J.I:, DAY, JANUARY 10, 1911
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. ... . . . . .. . ' -,•::1'1Je ne.·t is . a propo cd runendrr,lent t the law . ('ua:ded :·~nd . app1;oved ~arch 12, 1908,. '' conceminK · the r~gulatitin (lf publi.c ervice corporation in Portoi: . . Ri o." ~ . . ,. .' . , . . . : ' ln fifth aii.d iJ th ecti n of .this 'law t~ ' : . power t ereur onferred npon the :E.xecutiv· Oounil were . cohiiricd to a reguJation ucl:i £ra:nchiscs a ha,;e beon g.·arl.ted .b.v ~n authority otliei· than .that o· the · ouilcil ",it (~i + exch1ding the powe.I' of the· ouncil .over -it cn\rn fran ·hi e . It i belie~ed that ~vith thepr po ed .ame"ndment to be submitted this q('fect will b~ d'itirely remedied ;cand the ·power of · thp E~ utivc·'. ouncil.over the regufation of such publi. 4tilitic will be ample. . ,· . . 'Ti{ ·la ( ,i · a d~aft of a proposed bill. for the pifrpo e of regulating comin rcial :railroads. · "Tbi bill attempt to, and does it is believed, o :· provide for the regulation of the operatiop 0£. r ailroa_d as to avoid in future many complaints, madf' in the pa t, of unjust discrimination. It defines in , .·the fii t in tan e of what a railroad hall consist: compel the connection between · di:ffer Pnt railway · !!Y terns in the interest of shippers ; 'and, :finally pro-· vidc the power to. enforce its p:i;ovisi,ons. · It ~lso proVide that a railroad, 01; a part-'of a rail.road, 6nce put in operation. under a public service franchise, hall not be .abandoned except' Wit~ thE'. coysent of the Executive Council. · · . ' . " '.rhe c thr propo ed la~s will if enacted compl te the rieces~alJ" legi l.atioti under ~hjch ~roper a essment fo.r taxation of pj1blic utilities may ·be accomp1ished1 and the powe:r: to .i'Qgulate tmd· fix the . ch~rge of the~e utilitie wijl·be ~sta~ished. . · As has been stated, they ar the r esults of the mot ·caref\.~J inve .tigation.\rito the need ~f-the situ.
. ' ation in this behalf in order to p rotect the inter est; ' cr of the public, and at the ame tiJne provide that W~ty of r equirements, powers and rights so essential to undertakings of this kind. In other words, 'it is legislation intended to facilitate the attainment the best r esults &nd give equal justice to all con, cerned. Believing that it will accomplish these pur. · ·: p9,ses I earnestly r ecommend its. adoption.
·ru.ESDAY, J ANUAl'lY HJ, 1911
·" The country is to be congratulated upon the PX- ~ cellen1t order which prevailed generally throt<ghout the i sland dming the elections. " W e·' can not be blind, however, to the fact that improvements can and should be made in th_e general election machin~ry by a numb'er 0£ amendments to· the election law along lines suggested in the' recent · . :-'- r eport of the Supervisor of Elections:' I "Two of the pr incipal defects to which attention was call~d ar e the unnaturally rapid growth of the efoction lists and general failure to secure the s<>cret ballot. \.. . " The siJnplest, most economical ~nd most effective · means of purging the r egistration lists at oner of the · names of all but actual voter s and keepin g them free from such nam s in the future; would be to strike from the ' lists the names of all persons who fail to votfl in any election and require that' such persons r e-register in order to vote again. By such a course . greater . sim'plicity in the conduct of elections would 1 be secured, th~ir cost materially r educed, and one opportu:µity of fraudl.llent voting r emoved. "The experience 'of all commonwealths has shown that the first safeguard to the purity of elections is · the sec:ret'ballot. Our own law clearly contemplates
·.\' JOUR
XL .OF THE KX l.:CUTIVJJ: ~: o N.l' ll.
·ugh -~·~. ·tfegiiard, co.ntain ever pe.nal.ties for dis~ JJ lo 'i~ ho": .any cl . •tor Yoted; and ·p rovide a com.. · pl t~ ~ustralian eqi1ipmcnt or the. polling 'pl'µci' . ~ "~crol'ding· ~ th.e ·rf::port of the up0r,ris?r, ho\v- "
· e~·er, <'.¢1. n 62 of.th el~tion law~ as.at :P.r~e~t ct- . ructek,r.1 m~dc u e Q~ to e' . t ~ op<'n. yotmg . ' · d fiance bf ~he ·~n ral purpose o'f .tlie ac~. . ! 'I iffdt~ yQnr attl>ntion to· tbe <' mo t im:pol.:ta'nt defr t in the p1' sen,t .Y tern and eomin<>nd to your · n id.~ratiop ~ • nda~ory bill intended to cur<>· tb0m, a. well as ·~a corr ct other minor deficiencies. hi h ha ; been pr0pared by the Supervisor of E1PCtions a ·a re ·u1t:.:· .. o f·his ob ervation . '.. · 0
.. "In ac ordance with the provisio~·s of the, a,~t to • establish a Board of Commissioners for the promotion · of uniformity of legi lation .iii the States and .'J;e,rritorie of the ~nion, approved March 10, 1910, ' ·:rtOnorabl.e Henry F. Hord, and Honorable Manuel · Rodriguez Serra were, upon the reoommendation of. the upreme Court of Pode Rico, aru:iointed ~m7 mis ion r to constitute uc;h 'a board. Owing ·t~/the ub quent departure from the island of the first named . gentleman', hi po iti1)n· wa d clared vacant by the upreme Ol:lrt, and 11pon itsrecoifi'mendation Honorable Foster V. Brown 'was appoint~d as a subtitute iii 'order that the island .~ght be' fully represented at the conference of Commis ionets on Uniform State Legislation, held. in: .(}hattanqoga" Te~ nessee, during August la t.:.'·The .various laws con!!!idered _a nd adopted by· tl\t,> G~ner~l qonference, and recbmmended by the respective-· commissionE>rs to
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."1 their stat legislatures, have been carefully reviewed -.' " by the Commissioners from Porto. Rico with vie:w · to recommending- for. adoption such as appear ' . adapted to local conditions. , "The laws which after careful consideration it is believed should be :¢eluded among the statute~ of Porto Rico, are a. follows : 1. The law reg;iiating negotiable instruments. 2. The law regulating warehouse receipts. . The law tq reg~late the transfer of st~ck in orporated corl:ipames. . The law with ·reference -to the execution of wills. • ''These proposed laws accompany the report rendered by the Board, which will be duly transmitted to the Legislature for its consideration during the ~ . . present session. · ''This report js also accompamed by drafts of laws on the following subjects,. the pa_s~ge of which ~ has been deemed advisable in many parts. of : the .United States, but which are still under consideration as to. their necessity and ~daptability to conditions in Porto Rioo, · aml they are therefore transmitted without rec~endation: · · 1. The sale and transfer of personal property; 2. u niforni bills of lading ; .. 3. Family dese~ion and non:suppop;. "In conclusion I tender you µiy earnest cooperati n in expediting ' any business thrut may requirf' . joint action on the part of .t he legislativ~ and executive departments, and again assure you of my deep ,. intel'f•st in all measures for .the . advancement of thl' people and industr.ies of the Territory." (Sigtied) · GEO. R. COLTON.
"Governrnent House, "January 9, 1911."
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t:·HN'i1.L 0 1i .
EXEC ·. T1v .1.:·~
ouNcu,1 . •
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. .nmotion of 1\lr. Dexter, the hour .of ten o 'clock
..'.a. ·m~
~a tL ed a 'the:·tim for th convenin g 0f regufa~: .dail~c ..essi'ons of the Council: Ther ou11 n ~en . a~j.ourned.:.... , ·.
( , WED NE D.AY1
~ Ja~uary :n; ~9~1
\:, ) "
Tk rnp D AY.
" Tlie : E.xl'.cutive · ouncil met at ten o'yl oc~ a, m., ' aud the foll~w.h1g: members answ. r ed th.e roll call:
. 1\1~ .
dei°\Talle, Dexter, Travieso, Via , ' Olli Gromer .. .......... .. ......... . . i . . . . Ail · e.tjt : 1\le srs. Barbosa, Brown, SaI)chcz . . . T _,
6 3
B.'· unanimou · con ent the r ading of the J our~al . of the. eeond day wa di pensed with, an d the.same : · wa approved. ' · · fr. Gromer o.n behalf of the Committee on Fi. nance and Appropriations, on leav , intr oduced . u oµncil Bill No. '1, entitled "A .bill making appro-. priation' for th nece sary expenses of carryin g o~ -the Government of Porto. R ico, for the fisca~ \year ndjng June thirtieth, nineteen htmdr d and ·t'Y'elve, . . and foi· other purposes," \Vbich wa read twic by titl e, and, being printed and ti'an lat d, wa refer red to th. C6mmittee of th Whole. ) fr. Tr avieso, n leave, in,troduaed , ouncil B ill .No.. 2, entitleQ. ' A bill t0 provide a clerk for Section 2 of the District Court for the Judi. cial District of San J uan,'~o:i't()-~ico, " < Which was ;read twice .b'J· ti~le 1 ora:er ed translated · and print d, and ref.err~ tO ·the Obmniittee on the J udiciarv . and. . Gener al Laws.
,. I\
Mr. Gromer, on. leave, on behalf of the Cofnmit~ee · Elections, inti•oduced · Council Bill No. 3 entitled "A bill making an appropriation to supply a deficiency in appropr~ations . for carrying on th . Government of Porto Rico for the fiscal year eJ;tding June 30, 1911," Which was r<(ld twice by title,, ordered ti·~nsl ated aiid printed; and re~er~e d ·to the C?mm\ttee on · inance and Appropnat10ns. \ Mr .. Gromer, on leave, introduced . . · Colmcil Bill No. 4, entitled ''A bill to amend an "' Act ~ntitle d ~ .An Act to amend Chapter II, Title _IX, of th(} Political Code and to r epeal certain sections of the Penal Code, and for other purposes', approved March 9, 1905, and for other pyrposes,'' And ,, , Council Bill No. 5, entitled "A bill, to a~end an ~ Act entitled 'An Act to amend Chapter II, ';J?itle IX, I. of 'the P olitical Code and to r epeal certain Sections of the P enal Code, and for other purposes ', approved · Mar ch 9, '1905, and tor other purposes", ·which wer e r ea'l twice by titles, Qrder ed tr~nslated ·and printed, an_d r eferred to the CommJttee on Finance and Appropriations. '.J'he Council then adjourne4. 01
.THURSDAY, FOURTH DAY J anu.a ry ' 12, 1911 The Executive Council met at t en o'clock a. m., and the foll0Wing mempers answered the roll call:
Messrs. del Valle, Dexter, Sanchezj Travieso, Vias; Wilson, G:romer . .... . ... .'. · · · · · · · · · Absent: Messrs. Barbosa, Brown . .... . -. · · · · ·
7 2
'' H '
-·,. -......~ ' -· -~ .
_p .
.; . ·B ·, ulla~imol.1 ·c n rut the ·l'Cadin·rr of th Journal ·of iliJ, fhird· da:~ ~·as . di pe:tl cd with,. and t.he· sa~e wa . a~ro,·ed... ., ' · · · .· ·ti on fr ?1 the ~eputy secr~ta_ry of th .p_is, .trict (u~t of~~lasague~ ·rcque ing/tn ipcrease in\ai. alary, . ·. . . . , " : Wa r ' ad and i•efened ·to the .ommitU:e · oii Finanee and ·Anp~opriations. ~ Ori motfon.'. of ~I ...Gr;oiner the Council resolved it df'il;lt a · ottlmittt> · of the Whole for thP considfratio~ of bills ecbnq r eading, On th ' conchjsion of which th committee rose and ¥r: d 1 Vali'; ..chairman of · aid committee, reported pro~P:t:e. ·on . ·. · · · · . · · ,: . o~~l Bill ~o. 1, entitled "A bill maki:ng appropnation .for th~ce sary expen ·es of carrying "On .the overnment of P orto Rico, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth nineteen hundred and twelve . and for other purposes,'' ' . '. • And a ked leave to sit again, ~hich was granted, : tJ The ouncil then adjourned. · ·
On motion, the 'Council resolved itself into ra Committee of· the Wh9le for the consideration of bills 'on s~cond reading, . On the_conclusion of which the committee rose and Mr. Gromer, chairman of said committee, reported Council Bill No. i', entitled "A Bill making appropriations for thci necessary expenses of carrying on tl1 Government1of Porto Rico, fo'r the fiscal year end. ·ng June thirtieth, nineteen hundred arid twe\e, and r other purp se , '' . . · '~Tithout amendment, . ntl the · bill was . referred to the .Committee on Printipg and Enrolled and Engr9ssed Bills, ordered . to be engrossed and to have a third reading. The Council .then adjourned until next MoI).da~· morning at ten _o'clock .
'on ·
FRIDAY, January 13, 1911
" r\ FIFTH
The Executive Council met at .ten clcl~ck a. m., and the following members 'answered the roll call: Mes r . del Valle, Dexter, 'f:?anche~, Vias, Wilson, Gr01;ner . : .. . .. : . ... '. ...... ·... :· . .. . . . . Absent: Messrs. Barbosa,. BroWJi, Travieso-... .
6. 3_
By unanitnnus con en~, the..'r eapmg--oi the Journal o:f t~e fourth day was diiu>~n ed. with, and the same was approyed. · . .
]( RIDAY , JANUARY 13, 1911
.JO l 1 K~iA I, OF T li t,; ~;Xl•:C'
' / MONDAY, January 16', 1911
The Executive Council metat ten o'clock a. m., and th followll;lg membc~s answered the roll call: Messrs. Barbos·~, Bonner, del Valle, Saw;ihczr Travieso, Vias, Gr9mer . . . . .. ....... . . .. . . Ab ent: Messr '. .Brown, Dexter, 'Wilson .. .. .
7 3
· By unanimous ~o~sent the r eadigg nt ·thc ·.Journal of the fifth day was dispensed with and the same was approved. . t> A petition from Fernando Callejo, of Manat:f, ask. ing a two yeaJ'S' scholarship for hi da,ughter, Margarita, te' enable hei: to continue her studies in musi.c ·a t Milan, Itaiy, Was read and referred to the Committee on Finance and Appropriations.
MONDAY, JANUARY 16, 1911 - .- - . -
, _ ~: ~·~ vn. \1' Bm ·:No .. , .n titlcd HA Biil niakin~ appropri.Htiob f~)i· the J;Je Q ar y 'exp n e ·of c:l:r~ying n the 'oYerruu .nt of P q_do Rico for th~· fi cal year end-·· ?ng J1~ .thirhc'tp nin;~~en hu?~req and t!elve,~d . • fo 1· durr p m::po e . " • ' ' .... ' ' . : v l ' Bcing ·re.ported orreetlv engi'os ea for third read" ing, , , , \Ya . taken ·ll.P ap.d l' ad .a third time. · . .., p.on the.,Ciue tioA; ·.'.'Shall this bill pas~ ~" it wa deeide:d as follow : •
.. •
~fo. ~ :. B-~i:b~ a, Bo~ . r del Valle, Sanchez, :,':J: :av:ie ·' , Vias,. romer .. . ........ : .. .( . . . . 7 . ln the n gative: None. Absent: :Messi-s. Brown, Dexter, Wilson . . . . . 3 Th title wa agr ed to. The ecr tar. 'was instructed to transmit the said bill to the Hou e of Delegates andTequest its concur,. j!)en e tb.er ejn. · · · Mr. romer, on lea,·e, i.ntrodu<icd ouncil Bill No: 6, entitled "A bill to provide for a clear . view, from outside, · of bar~· COUlltCN and r ooms of a.I ons, hotel , r estaurants, and othet publi c places in P o:i'to Rico, u ed iri connection with the sale an.d serving of alcoholic ·beveracresJ' Wbich wa .r ead twice by tit!~, 01;d.er d tran Jatrd an(l printed, and r eferred to the .Committee on the J udiC'iary ·and Gen ral La~ : . 1\fr. rotner , on leave, ·introduced · oun il Bill No. 7, entitJ:<:! d"' A•bill authorizing th<' . exp nditli:·e of nine thou~and doVa'r 'f or the purpose of c~mbatrng tuberculo · , !'J-nd .for bther purposes,'' Which was rel.ld twi~e ·by titl~, ordered translated I
and printed, and ref~rred to the Co~ittee ~on :B:ina,nce and Appropriations. M1:. Vias, on leave, introduced · · Council Bill No. 8, entitled '.'A bill providing for the construction of a:n ·Insular Insane Asylum in the .. , Island of :Worto Rico,'' : Which was read twice by title,· ordered translated and printed, and referred to the Committee on Fice and App~opriations. . < r . Vias, on leaye, introduced Cot1ncll Bill No. 9, entitled "A bi.ll to amenfi Section 4 Qf an Act entitled 'An Act to regulate and impro~e tnc Civil Service of Porto Rico', approved March 14th, 1907, and also to amend Rules III and VII respectively entitled 'Certifications' and 'Re- . movals' of the. Civil Service Rules promulgated De~\ cember 19, 1907," -: . I Which was read twice bv title; ordered translated and printed, and referred. to the Committee on th<' J t~~licia1y and Gene11al Laws . . Mr. Vias, _on lea~, introduced Council Bill No. ,10; entitled "A bill to provide for .. the transfer .of th~ J.Jeper Colony and to l'Pgulate the ad:Jpission of patients iri .said cplony", · Which ;a read, ~wice by title; ordered translated abd printed, and referred to the Corrtrajttee on PubJ li.c Health. The President announced the appointment of Mr. r Bonner ·as a member Of the Committe·e on Finance . a.nd Appropriations and of .the Committee on the · Judiciari and General' Laws. The Coun~il then adjourned.
I I· ".··. ' ..
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·" Th~ Eii'_cl).ti~ o.u.ncil met at t<~n o•!cl ck.a: m. , and th<.> f llowing memb~rs ariswercd tlie roll 'call :.
)fr 1\ . Bar?o '11 ~onncr, dcl Vall e, Dextf>r , · T1;'.t,·ie i~ ,.'\\jil o~, ·Gromer .... .. . -::. . . 8 b. n.t: )le i" : l3rown anchez ... : . . . . . . . . 2
· B~·
~ll?<i.ni1n~~u . on ent the readipg of ~he J ournal.
f tbe cig-hth day wa di pen ed wi_th an·4 thc samc
wa' aµpi· ved. ' . . • · . 'l'l).e:f'oUimit-tee on Finance and .Appropriations rel oitcd ' . ouncil Bill i o. 4, entitled ".A bill to amend an . ct entitled 'An .Act to .amend Chapter II, Title IX, :Of the Political ,ode and to rrpeal certain ·sections of tht- Pc·nal de, and for other purposes', approved :.)larch 9. 1905, and for other purposes,'' . ~rith ut amendment, . . .And the bjJl \va advanccd to econd reading. · )fr. Dexter, on lcaYe, introduced .. oun i.lBiil No. 11, entitled "A b'ill td amend c. tion 30 and 59 of the odified chool Law 'of P orto Rico, approwd ~I.arch 12, 1903;'' . Which ·was read twice b: ~itl e, ordercd4ranslated _ and printed, and refened to the omrnittee on Eduration. Mr. Via , on leave introduC<.'d .· oun il Bill No. 12, entitled" .A pill to an;ie.n<;l Section 357 of the Penal ode/" " ' "' . . Which. was i·en.d twice bY titfo, o\rde,r d translated and· J,:n:inted and refe1:red :to .tlie · ommittee on the Judiciary and GeDeral Laws: <-..On m~tion the Colincil ~ solved itself into a Com-
. ,.
T UESDAY, JA NU ARY 17, 1911
mi" ee of th~· Whole for the consideration of bills on secon'd r eading, · · Ort the conclusion of which the committee rose, and Mr. · del Valle, chairman of said committee, reported · progr:ess on . '-: Council 1Bill .N c;>-. 4, entitled ".A, bill to amend an '~(entitled '.A.p. Act to amend Chapter r~, Titlf .IX, o the Pol~tical <\ode and to .repeal certam Sec't1ons . of e P enal Code, and for other purposes,' approved March 9, 1905, and for other purposes," , .Aild ksk ed leave·to sit again, which wa'. s granted: · The CoJ,incil then adjourned. WEDNESD.AY. , ~\ January 18, 1911, '
· T ENTH D~Y .
/ The. E xecutive Council met at ten o'clock a. m., and the following member s. answer ed the roll can : Messrs. B arbosa, Bonner~ Dexter, Sanchez, Travieso, Vias, Wilson, Gromer .'. . . . . . . . . . .Absent: Messr s. BroWn.; del Valle..' . .. . ... . : .
8 2
. · B y un~nimous consent the r eading of the Journal of tlie ninth day was dispensed ':With and the same wa~ approved. . The following message was r eceived frdm the Governor of Porto Rico, dated January 17, 1911: r "I have. the' honor to transmit her ewith a certified copy of a r eport,, dated December 21, 1910, made by the·membe.r.s of the Boar d of Commissioners for the Promotion. of ,Uniforin State L egislation, together with copies of ·drafts of the various bills r eferred to ther ein, namely: . "i. - .A ·~iil to make unjform the Jaw of negotiable instruments; · ·