Fecundidad humana: periodicals & unplubished material

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"Birth Control Course for Midwives", Bulletln of the "Amerlcan Gollete of Nurse-Mldwlfery. vol. 11, no. 3, P- 103

Statlstlcal Abstract of the United Statea, 90th edltion, "U.S. Department of Commerce, Burean of the Gensus, 1969.

Beatrice Berle, "Sterllization and Blrth Control Practicea in a Selected Sample of Puerto Ricans Llvlng In a Manhatten Slum", Fertlllty and Sterlllty, vol. 8, 1957, p. 26?.

Jerry Comba and Klngaley Davla, "Differentiítl Fertlllty in Puerto Rico", Populatlon Studlea, vol.5 p. 104,

Klngaley Davla, " Puerto Rico:A Crowded laland" In Americana Academy of Polltlcal and Social Sclence, Jan , 1953p.1l6.

Arnold Feldman and Paúl Hatt,"Social Structure as Affectlng Fertlllty In Puerto Rico", In Amerlcan Academy of Polltlcal and Social Sclence, Jan. 1953, p.123.

Suaan Flachman, "Chooalng an Approprlate Contraceptlve", Nuralng Outlook, Dec. 196?, p. 28.

Suaan Flachman, "Dropouta From a Famlly Plannlng Program", Bulletln of the Amerlcan College of Nurae-Mldwlfery. vol 13, no. 3, August,1^68, P. 82.

Paúl Hatt, "Some Social and Paychologlcal Aapects of Fertlllty In Puerto Rico", In Approachea to Problema of Hlgh Fertlllty In Adrarían Socletlea. New York, Mllbank Memorial Fund,1952 p. 46.

Marguerlte Klng, "Cultural Aapects of Blrth Control In Puerto Rico, Human Blólogy. vol. 20, Feb. 1948, p. 21.

Ruth Lublc, "A Nurse Mldwlfe Learns Excltlng Thlngs In Elementary School", Bull .etln of the Amerlcan College of Nurse Mldwlfery vol. 11, no. 4, 1966. p. 118.

Ruth Lublc, "The Puerto Rlcan Famlly", Bulletln of the Amerlcan College of Nurse Mldwlfery. Kov. 1969,p.104.

Ajitonlo Medina, Puerto Rico. A Small But Dynamlc Spot In the World Today. pamphlet, publlahed by the author, May 196?.

Antonio Medina, The Role of the Publlc Health Doctor aa an ent of Economlc. Social and Polltlcal Change In a Low Income Country, pamphlet. publlahed bv the aut>|prj-Me^j^Q68

Shirley Okrent, "The Nurse_Midwlfe in a Family Plannlng Cllnic", Bulletin of the American College of Nurse-Mldwifery, July 1966, vol. 11, p. 48.

Julián Steward "Culture Petterns of Puerto Rico", Annala of the American Academy of Political and Social Sclence, Jan 1953,p.95

Mayone Stycos, " Birth Control Clinics in Crowded Puerto Rico", in Health,Culture and Community, Benjamín Paúl, ed, New York Russel Sage Foundation, 1955, 189.

Mayone Stycos, "Cultural Checks on Birth Control Use in Puerto Rico", The Interrelations of Demographic, Economic, and Social Problems in Selected Underdeveloped Areas - Proceedings of a Round Table at the 1953 Annual Conference of Milbank Memorial Fund, 1954, p. 55.

Mayone Stycos, "Family and Fertility in Puerto Rico", American Sociological Review. vol. 17, Oct. 1952, p. 572,.

Mayone Stycos, "The Pattern of Birth Control in Puerto Rico", Eugenic3 Q,uarterly. vol. 1, no. 3, 1954, p. 176.

Mayone Stycos, K. Back and R. Hill, "Conception and Catholicism in Puerto RicoV Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly, April, 1956, p. 150.

Mayone Stycos and Reuben Hill, "The Prospecta of Birth Control in Puerto Rico", American Academy of lolitical and Social Science, Jan, 195!^, p. 137.


Anne Eisele, "An Explanatory Study - Why Woman Fail to Return to the Family Plannlng Cllnic^' Yalp Unlversity School of Nursing Thesis, 1969.

Elizabeth Deutsch, "Stereotyping of Negro and Puerto ^ican Patients in an Obstetrical Clinic Setting" Yale University School of Nursing Thesis, 1969.

Alan Harwood, "AProposal to Investígate the Currency of Certain Pre- And P08t__Natal Practices Among Latin Americana in Health Areas 24 and 26, Oct, 1967.

Cynthia Palmer, "The Puerto Rican Migration- Its Implications for the Community" Yale Univera ity School of Epid^effliology and Publlc Health Thesis, 1955. V. ^0^ -O

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