Participación estudiantil en universidades: bibliografía tentativa

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10 de abril de 1970

Universidad de Puerto Rico

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Tratados y Estudios Recomendados para un "VJorking Library"

American Council on Education. Student's role in college policy making. Wash., D. C. 1956.

Seccifin sobre "Problems in Developing Participation" pp, 18-29; 92-93 en reserva. Bibl. de Derecho, Universidad de Puerto Rico.

California University, Study Commission on University Governance. The culture of the University. Jossey-Bass 1968, 288 p. $8.75 LC. 68-54947.

Chambers, M.M. The colleges and the courta, 1962-1966. *67 326p $6.50— Interstate printera & pub. LC 67-20928 Examines some 300 recent decisions of state and federal coarta affecting higher education in the Unites States.

Gonstructive changes to ease campus teasions, VJash. D. C., National Assoc. of State Universities and Land-Grant Collegus, 1970.

En dos partes: Student participation in University policy-making, and Policies and procedures on conduct and disruption. En reserva. Bibl. de Derecho, Universidad de Puerto Rico

Dennis, Lawrene E. and Joseph Kauffman.

The College and the Student, VJash. D. C., American Council on Education, 1966, Ensayo de reforma universitaria. Fundamentos, proyectos y realizaciones en seis aflos de rectorado, Chile, Concepción, Universidad de Concepción, 1968. En reserva. Biblioteca de Derecho, Universidad de Puerto Rico

Eurich, Alvin C., ed. Campus 1980: the shape of the future in American higher education; preface by Arnold Toynbee. '68 xxlv / 326p tablea $6,95— Delacorte LC68-20109 Edited jointly with the staff on the Academy for educational development.

Fact finding dommission oft Columbia distMurbances. Crisis at Columbia Vintage, 1968, 222p. $1.95 LC68-58718

% Falvey, Francés

^ student participation in college administration. N. T., Columbia , univ. Tfachers College, 1952

^ Although this volume was published in 1952 it dlscusses very importaiit basic consideratlona.

Federacl6n Universitaria de Buenos Aires, La reforma universitaria, 1918-1958, Buenos Aires, 1959. 3 vols. Hay una copia en la Biblioteca General,

Fenton, John H,"and Gail Gliason

Student power at the University of Maaachusetts; a case study, University of Mas^, B, of Gont Res, Amherst, Mass, 01002 - free •

Frankel, C, Education and the barricades, Norton, 1969, $3.95,

Frederick, Robert

Student activities in American education, New York, Gentufer Applied Research in Educ,, 1965,

International Association of Universities

Working party on university administrativa systems, The admlniatration of universities, 1967, 102 p, LC68-121767 , Intérnation Assoc, of Universities

6 Rué Franklin Paris 16

International student conference Leiden, Holanda, 1960,

Reforma universitaria

Jencks, Christopher and David Riesraan, The acadeniic revolution, '68 xvii/ 580p bibl, $10,00 Doubleday

Development and present status of high higher education, illustrated with first hand observations of a wide variety of colleges and universities LC68-15597.

Lipset, Seymour Martin Anchos books, 1965.

The Berkeley student revolt. Carden City,

New York Univ. School of Law, Student conduct and discipline proceedings in a university setting: proposed codes with commentary, Ag. '68 36p bibl. $1 -- 14 Washington sq., New York, N, Y, 10003

Background papers preparad for a Research seminar on student conduct and discipline, offered at the New York University School of Law, Spring 1968,

Peterson Richard, The Scope of Organized Student Protest in 1964-65, Princeton: Educational Testing Service, 1966,

Phay, Robert E, North Carolina constitutional and statutory provisions with respect to higher edücation. '68 xix-.'-117p pa $2,00, Institute of government, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N, C, 27514.

Reforma universitaria: perfil americano y definición nacional, Ricaurte Solek",;; 1963.

Conferencia dictada el 1 de abril de 1963 en el Forum sobre Reforma universltacié organlcodo por la Escuela de Temporada de la Universidad de Panamá, Fotocopia en reserva. Biblioteca de Deredio, Universidad de Puerto Rico,

Ríley, J. W. The student looks at his teacher, Kennlkat, 1969, 166p, $6.75. An inquiry Into the impllcatlons of student ratlngs at the college level, LC-68-Ó234.

Schwab, J. J. College curriculum and student protest. Unlversity of Chicago Press, 1969, * $4.95, LO 69-15416. ^

Significance of university reform in Brazil. Paulo de Góes. (in Higher Educational Latin American Development. Inter-American Development Bank Round table. 1965 pp 29-45)

Extracto en reserva. Biblioteca de Derecho, Universidad de Puerto Rico. Round table completo en •'Misceláneo", Sección de. Reserva, Biblioteca General.

Universidad Nacional de Nicaragua. Ley orgánica, estatutos y reglamentos, León de Nicaragua, 1965. Localizado en la colección miscelánea (sección de referencia). Biblioteca General, Universidad de Puerto Rico.

Yale University, Report of the President, 1968/69. Kingman Brewster, Jr. En reserva, Bibj.ioteca de Qerechb, Universidad de Puerto Rico.

Blalr, James W., Student rlghts and liabilities. Cincinnatl, S. Rosenthal, Inc. 1968 (Vol, 1). (American Associatlon of Student Govemments) 309 p. A.cómpllatlon of artlcles.


Están en.orden alfabético por nombre de revista para facilitar la búsqueda.

NSA congress, 1969. S. M. Fisher, América 12T:2I8-22 S 27 '69 National Student Assoc.

Student rights and rules; code proposed by New York University school of law. América 118:783 Je 22 '68

Statement on government of colleges and universities, AAUP Bul 52:375-9 D '66

The private college and students discipline, Ernest L, VJilkinson, (in Amer, Bar Assqc, Jnl, 56:121-126, (1970) En reserva Biblio teca de Derecho UPR,

Reforming of general educatión; excerp, D, Bell, Am Scholar 37:401-6 Sum '68 Size and impersonality, causes at Berkeley,

On misunderstanding student rebels, M, Duberujan. Atlan 222: 63-70 N '68; Discussion, 22:42-4 / D '68

Student-admlnistration war of 1966: the strategy of escalation, J, Simmons and P, P, Grande, Cath Ed R 64:582-9 D '66

Role of the activist on today's campus, M, 'I, Albjerg, Col & Univ 42:301-7.Spr '67 "Personal equipments of an activist,"

Participation in perspective? Stanley loffman, (en Daedelus, Winter 1970, pp. 213-217,) Special issue. The Embatted ^ University. En reserva, Biblioteca de Derecho UPR,

Reorganization of the Universities, lelen R, Shaffer, Editorial Research Repta p 605-24 Ag 21 '68 Contenta: Student pressure for drastic changes; distribution of authorities in universities; New frameworks for higher education,

Student participation in academic governance, V7, D, Bowles, bibliog Ed Rec 49:257-62 Sum '68

Reform of university government in Ganada; excerpts from report University government in Cañada, R, O. Berdahl, Ed Rec 47:203-17 Spr '66

Challenge to this. generation of students, R. Gross, Ed Digest 33:26-8 My '68 Reappraisal of some conmon misconceptions espaused by contemporary students from Jne Nat Assoc of Women Deans and Counselora 31:49-53 Uinter '68.

Administration of Universlty Curriculum, K D, Patterson, J 'iigher Ed 38:438-43 N '67

Administratlve challenge of the new student activism. C, B, Neff, J. ligher Ed 39:69-76 F *68

Problema in Bollvian higher education; theír origin and proposala for their aolution. S. Cohén. J Hllgher Ed 36:80-7 F '65

Student and his power, t). B. Johnstone. bibllog J ligher Ed 40; 205-18 Mr '69

Study of universlty organizations. W, E, Moran, bibllog J, illgher Ed 39:144-51 ílr '68

Students participation in law school decisión making. Arval A. Morris, (en Journal of Legal Education. 22:127-145, 1969), En reserva Biblioteca de Derecho UPll.

A suggested seminar iji student rights, TJilliam W. Van Alstyne, (En Journal of Legal Education 21:547-559, 1969) Extensiva bibliography. En reserva. Biblioteca de Derecho UPR,

New studdnt and his role in American colleges, E, J, Bloustein, Liberal Ed 54:345-64 O '68 *

Student Power and the student role in institutional governance, R, S, Powell, Jr. Liberal Ed 55:24-31 Mr '69

Co-ops on campus: the militant consumera, B. VJ, Newell', Nation 209:635-6 D 8 '69

SDS: between reform and revólution. J, Jacobs, Nation 206:753-7 Je 10 '68

Campus conflict and strategies for student administration bargaining. L, J, Snyder-Nat Assn Women Deans & Counselors J 31:106-11 Spr '68 .

Changing administratlve patterna in higher education, E, L, Katzenbach, ir, Nat Assn Women Deans & Counselors J 30:77-82

Wint '67 .

Student involvement in universlty governance: Sense or nonsense? M, A. Brunson. Naf, Assoc. VTomen Deans & Counsel J, (Bibl.) 32: 169-75 Sum '69

Student participation In the admissions program. J. B. llalton and W. L. VIheaton. Nat Asan Women Deans & Counselors J 30:115-19 Spr *67

UNITED STATES national student association Breaking the rules: convention In El Paso, il Newsweelc 74:57 S 8 '69

Uncertainty in colleges disciplinary regulations. (In Chic State Law Jul. 29:1023-1037, 1968) En reserva. Biblioteca de Derecho UPR

'larvard coop's new branch: high volume in limlted space. 11 Pub V7 193:44-5 Ap 22 '68

Student co-op may replane Colorado unlverslty store. Pub W 193: 49 My a? '68

Prócedural limltatlons on the expulsión of college and unlverslty students, (Ih Saint Louls Unlv. Law Jul. 10:542-54, 1965-66), En reseirva. Biblioteca de Derecho UPR

Acadetnlc senate forin of college governance. Sch 6e Soc 96:249-50 Ap 13 '68

Catnpus government at Stanford. Sch & Soc 96:330 O 12 '68

Mldwest unlversltles cooperativa actlon programa; progresa report, Sch & Soc. 96:97-8 F 17 '68

Student-faculty veto power, Sch & Soc 97:270-1 Sum '69

Student participation. Sch &. Soc 95:214 Ap 1 '67

Unlverslty students and polltics In Latín'América, J, Suchllckl. blbllog f Sch & Soc 96:140 Mr 2 '68

French student revolt: an account of the origina and objectlves. R. J. Samuelson. 11 Sclence 160:971-4 My 31 '68

Maklng of a presldent: Stanford students decry lack of volee. L. J. Cárter. Sclence 161: 1229-31 S 20 '68

Students revolts academlc llkerahism and constltutlonal attltudes (contrasta response to student revolts of academlc liberáis and that of "constltutlonallsts) James M. Buchanan. Social Research 35:666-8C^Wlnter 1968 " .

Conmlttee repreaentatloii. Times Ed Sup 2769:1-974 Je 14 '68

Campua ond>udeaman, U. R; Rowland. 11 Todaya Ed 58:37-9 O *69

Speclal feature ón campus unrest; representativa sampling of thinkIng by students; symposiuin, Todays Ed 58:25-33 N '69

Textos legales universitarios: ley orgánica de la Universidad Peruana, (en Universidad y Ciencia en Iberamerica, Madrid Núm. 1, May 1969 secc 4-2) En reserva: Biblioteca de Derecho UPR

Acuerdo de la junta de gobierno de la Reptíblica de Panamá sobre la reestructuración de la Universidad Nacional, (en Universidades. Unión de Universidades de América Latina, N(jm.35, México, eneromarzo, 1969. pp 104-106) En reserva. Biblioteca de Derecho UPR

Anuncia Borros Sierra: refonr.a y democratización de la UMAíl, Antonio Ortega G. (en Universidades. Unión de Universidades de América Latina, Nfim. 35, México, enero-marzo 1969, pp 31-36) En reserva. Biblioteca de Derecho UPR

Argentina. Nueva Ley orgánica en las Universidades Nacionales, (en Universidades; Unión de Universidades de América Latina, Núm. 27-28, México, enero-junio 1967) Ley promulgada 22 de abil 1967, fotocopia en reserva. Biblioteca de Derecho UPR

Bases fundamentales de la organización del Consejo Superior Uni versitario Centroamericano. (En Universidades. Unión de Univer sidades de América Latina, México, enero-marzo 1966, Níim. 23 pp 109-122^ En reserva. Biblioteca de Derecho UPR

Ley de educación superior del Senador, Quito 1969 (en Universi dades. Unión de Universidades de América Latina Núra. 36, México, abil-junio, 1969, pp 99-134) En reserva. Biblioteca de Derecho UPR

La reforma universitaria en Colombia. Víctor M. Olarte, (en Universidad Libre, Bogotá, Julio 1961. pp 5-11) En reserva. Biblioteca de Derecho UPR

(UNESCO) Loi d' Orientation de I*enseignement superieur. (7 noviembre 1968). (en Universidades. Unión de Universidades de América Latina, Nóm. 35, México, enero-marzo, 1969) En reserva. Biblioteca de Derecho UPR

Organización y legislación universitaria: Ley de universidades de Venezuela de 5 de diciembre de 1958, (En Universidades Núm, 1 Unión de Universidades de América Latina, Buenos Aires, JulioSeptiembre 1960. pp. 119-143) En reserva. Biblioteca de Derecho UPR

La universidad y el movimiento del 28 de junio: Contribución al estudio de las bases de la futura ley universitaria. Salvador M. Daña. Montaña, (en Universidad: Múm. 68, julio-septiembre 1966, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Santa Fe, Hep. Arg, p. 17-95.)

En reserva. Biblioteca de Derecho UPR

How students activism affects the College president's job: inter view xíith Princetons President Robert F. Goheen. University p. 8« 13 Winter 78-69

Consecrated obstruction. T. Fisk. Univ Q 22; 389-97 S 68

Student Power In Berkeley. N. Glazer. Univ Q 22:404-24 S *68


Student Unrest In Ceylon, América 119.4 JI 6 1968

VIestern Student protests against affluent society; Asían complains his society not affluent enough. (short note).

Faculty and student frsutrations shaping the futura of the university. R. L. Desmond, AAüP Bul 55;23'*6 Mr 1969.

Speakers on Campus: A reexamination ^the right of students to invite speakers of their cholee to the campu¿/. Murray Hausknecht. AAUP (Am Assn. University Professors) Bul 53: 303-6 S 1967.

Running a University Under Pire: University of California's president (Charles Johnston) Hltch faces flak from student rebels and hostile governor. 11 Bus VJeek p* 126-8 S 21 1968.

Student Protest in Japan. R. H. Drummond. Chr. Cent 86:1227-8 1292-5, 1358-60 S24, O 8, 22, 1969.

Administrator's handbook: unders^anding the Joint Statement on rights and freedcms of students ^includes draft text of the "Student bilí of rights" and endorsements by sponsoring organlzations/. Col & Univ Bus 45:31-8 JI 1968 (reprlnts $1).

Student Bill of Rights /Statement drafted by five national education associations representing faculty, students and adminis trators/. Col & Univ Bus 43:78-81 S 1967.

Student Power in América: An assessment. BibI 11 tables chart Col & Univ Bus 25:32-62 Ag 1968,

Restless Campus;' search for understandlng and support; 1969 conference sectlon College and University Jnl 8:34-63 Fall 1969

Refoming College Educatlon. R. M. Hutchlns; J. M. Redfleld Cur 96:6-14 Je 1968.

México: Why the Students Rioted. J. N. Goodaell Bibliog f Cxu: Hist 56:31-5 / Ja 1969, ^

The Faculty Is the Heart of the Trouble, Max Ways, Fortxme» January 1969, pp. 93-98, 162-165. Students make the noise. Administrators get the heaaaches. Trastees take the kicks. En reserva. Biblioteca de Derecho, UPR.

Who Governs the University? Fortune 77: 72-75 Je 1 1968. En Reserva, Biblioteca de Derecho, UPR,

Who*3 in Charge? Trastees - Presidenta- Faculty - Students past and present: Who governs this society that we cali 'the academic conmunity'? Johna Hopkins M. 20:12-28 Spring 1969.

Instrumentation of Universities. W. E. Moran. J Higher Ed. 38:190-6 Ap 1967.

Life of Soviet Students: Student self-government in Soviet higher education eatablishments. D, Ardamatshi. Int. Bur. of Edo. Bull 42:4th quarter: 240-243, 1968.

Reform in Higher Education: Demanda of the left and the right. R.E. Peteraon (bibliography) Liberal Ed. 55:60-77 Mar. 1969.

Columbia, L. S. Students Rate Their Instructora. Library J 94: 2543-4 JX 1969; Discussion. 94:2541. 2985 JI S 15 1969.

N. Y. C. University Librarians Probé Cooper^ative Programs. Library J 93:1954 / My 15, 1968.

Indian University Reform: Higher Education: Objectivea and Improvement: Ehrollments and Programmes; the governance of universities ¿alight abridgment of chaptera from the work entitled, "Education and National development: report of the Education Commiasion, (1964-66^ tablea«Minerva 5:47-81 Atttunn 1966, 242-63 Winter, 391-412 Spring 1967.

Columbia: Onus of Vlolence: Cox Cotmlssion Report. M, Harrls. Nation 207:420-1 O 28 1968.

Bureaucracy of the Campus and the Student's Place in It. M. Orwig. Nat. Aaan. TToroen Deans & Counaelors J. Winter 1968.

Report Card en Columbia (after-effects of the student pro tests of Sprlng, 1968, and tentativa plans for reorganizing the university) Paúl Starr, New Leader 51:8-12 O 7, 196a.

Dealing with Dissent; Student Consultation and Participation In Pollcymaking. il Newsweek 71:62 May 13, 1968.

Doing their Own Thing: Student-Organized Courses. il News week March 25 1968.

Academia Congress; A Direction in University Governance, E. C. Hallberg. Phi Delta Kappa 50:538-40 May 1969.

1968-69 San Francisco State College Crisis: A Minority Report. M McCahn. m Delta Kappa 51:21-5 Sep. 1969.

Case for the Rebellious Students and Their Counterrevolution. J, Fischer.Harper 237:9-12 Ag. 1968: Same abr. Read Digest 93:189-90 / N 1968.

ROTC Under Attack. K. Y. Tomlinson. Read Digest 95:231-4 / November 1969.

Students Against the World: Student Movement on Three Conti nente; Symposium. il Sat R 51:41-9 ^ Ag 17, 1968.

Campus Government at Stanford. Sch & Soc 96:330 O 12 1968.

Government óf Colleges and Universltles. Sch & Soc. 95:168-9 March 18, 1967.

Solutlon to College Admlnlstratlon Problema. A. B. Quall. Sch & Soc. 97:358-60 O 1969.

atudents and the 1970*8: Calm Affcer thé Storm.. J, P« GlusCl» Blbllog. Sch & Soc 97:360-3 O 1969.

University Students and Política in Latín América. J. Suchllckl, Blbllg. f. Sch & Soc 96:140 i yir 2, 1968.

Franca: Unlversities face Era of Reform by Decree. J. Walsh. Sclence 160-517-20 May 3, 1968.

Penaltles for Campus Dlsturbance. Sch & Soc 97:411-12 N 1969.

Survey of College Student Opinión. Sch & Soc 97:452-3 N 1969.

Cmbudsmany New Man on Campus. M. A. Cuitar. 11 Seventeen 28:22 i Je 1969.

Some Observatlcms on the Govemance of the Amerlcan ünlverslty. W. R. Salden. Teach- Col. Rec. 68:277-88 Ja 1967.

Cansan Students. Times Ed. Sup. 2772:31 JI 5, 1968»

How Students Particípate In Scandlnavla. A» C. Valgo Times Ed. Sup. 2802:309 Ja 31, 1969.

Problema of Academlc Jurlsdlctlon. J. Sparrow. Times Ed. Sup. 2815:1434; 2816:1532 May 2-9 1969.

Time Not Yet Rlpe for Student Cmbudsman. S. Payne. Times Ed. Sup. 2787:823 O 18, 1968.

VIhere students refuse to particípate. C.. Uhltlng, Times Ed. Sup» 2786:745 011 '68

Campus unrest. spdclal feature. Todays Educatlon» Mov» 1969 A synthesls pf Interviews, artlcles and books.

ROTC retreat, J.W» Scott, 11 Tcans-Actlon 6:47-52 S *69

Sacret of Japan'a educatlonal triumph» M» Hiratsuka, 11 UNBSCO Courlar 21:19-24 S '68

Rlghts of protesting atudents: a new Issua la the eourts*»* a changa in Judicial thlnIclng...ü.S. News 65- 50-1 Dec« 1, 1968

Reform and tradltlon In Germán unlyersltlas today. David Heald, Univ. Q 21:453-61 S *67

Unsanctlonal projects for Frcnch unlverslty reform, M. l^wenthal. Unlv. Q 22:371-84 S *68 , '

How much student par-tlclpation? D, Baker and B. Ford, Unlv, Q. 22:?85-8 S'68

Carnpua política: students at a unlverslty In Perd have vlde say la runnlng the school; youtha at San Marcos (unlverslty) In Lima often asslgn professorS) díctate content of coursesj mlxlng revolutlon and atudy, Bowen Northrup, Wall St, J, 172:1 O 3 *68

California State college trustees aRprov^ 1966 statement on government. AAUP Bul 53; 403-4 D '67.

College and unlverslty government: St, John's unlvérslty (N.Y.)

tablea AAUP (Am A-ssn Unlv. Professors). Bull 54:325-61 S'68. , In depth study of faculty and admlnlstratlon. Student partlclpatlon not dlscussed.

Hlgher educatlon's strange paradox -(sees colleges and unlversltles slow In changlng thelr practicas, particularly the relatlonshlp of the unlverslty to students) Harold Howe II, AAUP (Am Assn Unlverslty Professors) Bul 54:246-50 Summer.'óS Address before the Am. Assoclation of unlverslty prefessors, Washington, D.C. Apr. 28, '68.

Column rlght, march! Loyola and ROTC program, J. Deedy, Commonweal 91:2 O 3 '69

Consequences of student protests: sumnary of address. June 1968. L.B. Hayhew. Sch & Soc. 96:388 N 9 '68

Faculty and admlnlstratlon In thego^rnance of the unlverslty. H.K, Newburn, Ed Rec 45:255-64 Sum '64

Harvard on my mlnd M. Holroyd. Harper 239:69-72 Ag. '69; Dlscusslon. 239:6 / N '69.

Towards unlverslty reform and polltlcal actlon by the students In the Federal Republlc of Gemany. Int. Bus of Educ Bull. 42-4th quarter: 244-7 '68

Control In hlgher educatlon: trends and Issues. A.D. Henderson, J. Hlgher Ed 40; 1-11 Ja '69.

toward remedies for restlessness: Issues In student unrest. E.J. Shoben, Jr. Liberal Ed 54;221-30 May *68.

Leonard, George B. Beyond campus chaos: a boid plan for peaee. (3p) Look magazine June Ip^, 1969. •»

Some legal problema of higher education. W.M. Beaney. Assoc. Women Deans and Cpunsel J. 32:162-9 Sum '69

.protectlng the right to study.* JR, Kirk. Nat R 20:910 S 10 '68,

Student involment: channeling actlvlsm into accomplishment. National S.chools* 84:39-50 Sep '69.

Brazll; subvertlng the universit'ies; anti-subversive lawa. F. Bándelra. New Repub 161:17rl9 N 8 '69.

French student power. P. Brooks. New Repub 158:13-14 Je 1 '68.

Student power, Italian Style. D. Zolo. New Repub 158:16 Ap 27'68.

New College Hlgh: college flylng clubs. Newsweek 71:87 My 27*68.

New mood on campus; survey. 11 Newsweek 74:42 - 5 D 29'69.

India's students demand, a safe job In theestabllshment. J. Lelyveld; 11 N Y Times Mag p34-5 / My 12'68; Reply wlth rejolnder. R. Deva. p2 / Jl7'68.

Dlfferent way to restructure the unlverslty. I. Kristol, 11 N Y Times Mag p50-l / D 8'68; Dlscussion. p90-3 Ja 5'69.

Institutlonal governance. J.J, Semrow. North Gen Asan iQ 42:275-6 Spr '68.

Campus héwspapee: publlc relatlons arm or laboratory of Ufe? H. Mencher. Phl Delta Kappa 41:216:20 Ja'65.

ROTC: the lower leanlng (In colleges and unlversltles). Mllton Mayer. Progcessive 32:16 21 D'68,

Unlversltles: Brltlsh, Indlan, Afrlcan, by E. Ashby. Revlew.

Our angry under-graduates; symposlum; wlth editorial coninent. 11 Sat Eve Post 241;4. 23-7 / S 21'68.

Tomorrow's unlverslty, back to the mlddle ages? Student power at Bologna and Parla J. Barzun. 11 Sat R 52:23 / N 15'69.

Ultímate threat to the unlverslty; non radical students. J. Casa. Sat R 51:3$ Ag 17'68.

Amnlsty vs order on college campuses. O.W. Johnstona, Sch & Soc 96:364-5 Oct 26'68.

Consequences o£ student protests. L.B. Maylew. Sch 6e Soc. 96:388-9 Nov 9'68.

Board o£ trustees and student hebavlor: adaptatlon of address to the Ainerlcan personel and guldance assoclatlon. Detroit, Aprll 1968. J.L. Chapman. Sch & Soc 96:363-4 O 26'68.

Faclng the Issue of student unrest. P.J. Sparzo. Sch & Soc 96:359-61 O 26'68.

Fresh developments at state hlgher educatlon Instltutlons. A.W, Ostar and J. Otten. Sch & Soc. 96:48-50 Ja 20*68.

Student polltlcal hebavlor In Italy M. Anello blbllog 11 Sch & Soc 96:408-11 N 9*68.

Duke unlverslty: students demand new deal £or Negro workers. L.J, Cárter 11 Sclence 160:513-17 My 3*68; Reply. P.H. Klopfer. 160:1397 Ja 28*68.

Itallan unlversltles: reform Indeflnltely delayed. J. Walsh. Sclence 161:451-2 Ag 2*68; Reply. N. DlFerrante. 161:1199 S 20*68.

Stude.nts and power: a FÓrdham reflectlon; a bltter conflict has arlsen In academia whlch can only be resolved through structures of mutual respect and active- cooperation among students, iaculty' and adminlstration. Róbert J. McNamara. Thought 43; 202-10 Sum'68.

Franca: the hopa bf reform. Time 92:50?í1 Ag 23*68.

How much power? 11 Time 91:58 My 17*68.

Opposition press on campus. Time 94:41 D 12*69,

Reform in Franca, il Time 92:64 O 18*68.

Reforms in governance. Time 94:47 S 26*69.

Student movie makers, il Time 91:78-9 F 2*68.

University government; new Canadian report. Times Ed Sup 2664:1824 Je 10*66.

Campus violence: plans to prevent it. il U S News 67:45-7 S 1*69,

Close-up of student-spldiers; case study at one big university; situation at Indiana university. il U S News 67:52-4 N 3*69.

Lesson for U.S.? Latin América cracks down on student-rua schools. il ü S News 64:37-8 My 27*68.

On campus: more student power? U.S. News 65;78 S 9*68.

The new mood at turbulent Colombia. Everett Groseclose. Wall Street Journal 173;18 April 23, 1969.

Flfrying it cool:* most university heads shun hard Une tack with student radicáis. Wall St. Journal 173:1 / Mar 7, 1969.

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