1 minute read
Isadora Orso Zanella16
Quality education is among the 17 ONU`s sustainable development goals for 2030 and education is not only defined by grades and assessments, but also by the level of teaching, learning and knowledge acquired by students, that is, a really effective teaching. As it plays a very important role in society. Education is considered as one of the main pillars of a country's economy and development, so it is necessary that everyone has access to a good education. However, according to UNESCO, in 2018 about 263 millions of children around the world did not attend school, most of them live in poor and low-income countries. By analyzing websites, articles and published data we can suggest that the main reasons why quality education is not common and available to all are inequality and lack of investment in certain areas. As mentioned above, millions of children around the world do not have access to education, often due to the lack of opportunity or even because they suffer discrimination due to skin color, financial condition, gender, among other reasons that should not deprive someone from receiving knowledge. Although there are obstacles that prevent the improvement of quality of Brazilian education from materializing, it is necessary that measures are taken and improvements are made. However, in addition to the measures that must be taken by the government, we cannot forget the role of society in all of this. Parents and communities should support students and educators should assist in fundraising projects, and above all, ensure that young people have the education they deserve.
VENTURA, Adriana. Educação de qualidade para todos. 2017. Disponível em: https://adrianaventura.com/por-que-e-tao-importante-garantir-educacao-de-qualidade/. NETO, Cláudio. Qualidade de ensino na escola pública: 6 aspectos que todo gestor deve considerar. 2019. Disponível em:https://gestaoescolar.org.br/conteudo/2169/qualidade-deensino-na-escola-publica-6-aspectos-que-todo-gestor-deve-considerar. CARVALHO, Edu. Sem direitos: o rosto da exclusão social no Brasil. 2019. Disponível em: https://projetocolabora.com.br/ods8/sem-direitos-282-da-populacao-nao-tem-acesso-aeducacao/. Acesso em: 17 mai. 2020. PNUD, Programa das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento. Projeto escolas e comunidades ativas. 2019. Disponível em: https://www.escolasecomunidadesativas.org/o-projeto.
16Student of 1º year of the high school. 14 years old. Guiding teacher: Rodrigo Kaminski. 2020