1 minute read
Maria Isabel Innocente19
Historically, man has always been placed in a superior position in society in several ways, from work to family structure. While they had access and right to study, and to have political participation, women were seen as inferior in social relations, and as a consequence they did not have an active voice in decision-making and in political spheres as they could not vote or run for seats. One example of the many rights that were denied to women back then was the right to vote. This right was allowed in 1932, and only considered totally equal to the male vote in 1965. The female position and the conquest in regard to public policies, conquered by revolutionary women who fought for the access to basic rights in this political scenario, are of extreme importance for women who are part of this representation in Brazil. Currently women represent 52.5% of the Brazilian electorate. Although gigantic advances have been registered, female representation in legislative houses and executive positions is still really low. The low representativeness is considered a consequence of the dimension of prejudices in the political sector that diminish the professional opportunities of women, being a version of sexism rooted in retrograde thinking. With the increase of women in the political scenario, this situation can change due to more comprehensive debates on agendas that are convenient to the cause, for instance, motherhood in the workplace, harassment, violence against women, among other topics.
BUONICORE, Augusto. As mulheres e os direitos políticos no Brasil. Disponível em; <http://www.nupemarx.ufpr.br/Trabalhos/Externos/BUONICORE >. Acesso em; 14 de maio de 2020. COELHO, Leila. A história da inserção política da mulher no Brasil: uma trajetória do espaço privado ao público. Disponível em; <http://pepsic.bvsalud.org/scielo.php> Acesso em; 17 de maio de 2020. FLORENTINO, Karoline. 2018. Representatividade das mulheres na política. <https://www.politize.com.br/mulheres-na-politica/ >. Acesso em 18 de maio de 2020.
19 Student from 9th grade of Middle School. 13 years old. Teacher; Fernando. 2020.