Welcome to our Second grade mini-exhibition! This year, our mini-exhibition is a about Energy.
Our unit’s central idea is: Energy changes into various forms which allows people to use it in different ways.
We have worked really hard during the past month. We all hope you enjoy our work!
9:00-9:20 Introduc(on to our mini-exhibi(on Omega Block 9:30-9:45 What was it like before electricity? A role play by 2E. 2E’s Classroom 9:45-10:00 Experiments and Energy knowledge Group A- Covered Area Energy knowledge and Experiments Group B- Classroom 10:00-10:10 Experiments and Energy knowledge Group B- Covered Area Energy knowledge and Experiments Group A- Classroom 10:00-10:30 Spanish presenta(ons 2E’s Classroom 10:30-10:45 Music Primary Library 10:45-11:00 How much do you know about Energy? Power point quiz for the parents 2E’s classroom