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UNIT DATES: November 1st – December 13th


ENDANGERED SPECIES Subject Focus: Science, social studies, math

Transdisciplinary Theme: Sharing the planet An inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living things; things communities and the relationships within and between them. them

How to support this inquiry from home • Help your child understand the vocabulary relevant to the topic of inquiry in his/her his/her mother tongue: extinction, conservation biodiversity, and endangerment. endangerment. • Use the local setting to identify plant and animal species that are/have are/have been endangered because of human negative impact on the environment. • Searches to record findings in a simple journal format. • Use the following website to support research at home: home: http://www.kidinfo.com/science/endangered_animals.html

or visit primary´s website for learning. learning. Join us in class outings and support our animal • adoption campaigns.


Colombia is is not alien to the problem of endangered species. species. To find out more check http://www.opepa.org/index.php?

Central Idea:


Positive and negative human actions in the sharing resources and the • The causes and effects of environment with other living things, species endangerment and can threaten the survival of entire extinction species including our own. • Ways of preserving bio-diversity KEY CONCEPTS EMPHASIZED WITHIN THIS INQUIRY: Students ● Function understand how food chains and life cycles work. They understand the role of the habitat in the life of a plant or animal. Students understand how animals and plants can become endangered and extinct. ● Causation Students understand the relationship between classification and food chains. They understand that the ecosystem can be changed if the habitat or food chain is affected. They understand the role and relationship between biodiversity and conservation. ● Responsibility Students understand that they are sharing the planet with plants and animals and hence can have a positive or negative effect depending on their actions to conserve the planet. Perspective Students understand that there can be two different perspectives which lead to different interpretations and findings. •

• Positive and negative effects of resource acquisition and management on living things TRANSDISCIPLINARY TRANSDISCIPLINARY SKILLS • Communication skills Demonstrated through presenting own findings on causes of endangerment and consequences of extinction Listening effectively to the presentations of peers. • Research skills Demonstrated through the various tasks that require the formulation of questions, collection, recording, organizing and interpreting of data (Food-chains, animal reports, animal habitats, etc)

www.wwf.org For a living planet


Knowledge Science • Students understand how food chains and life cycles operate • Students understand the main causes of species endangerment and extinction. • Students understand their responsibility towards the protection of endangered species (locally and globally). Language • Development of vocabulary knowledge and use with correct spelling • Correct use of punctuation (Full stops, capital letters, commas, question, exclamation and speech marks • Reading comprehensions and appreciation (fluency and intonation • Secure steps of the writing process • Improvement of listening and speaking skills. Español • Buscar, recolectar, y presentar información en público. • Generar preguntas e

interpretar datos e información. • Comunicar y reportar hallazgos extraídos de la información a sus compañeros. • Entender e inferir información general y detalles implícitos en diferentes textos literarios, • Emplear normas básicas de la comunicación oral y la escucha, aplicándolas en las actividades de expresión oral desarrolladas en clase. • Entender y producir textos líricos con diferentes propósitos según las exigencias del contexto. • Entender, consultar y utilizar las normas de la acentuación.

• Use fractions in real-life situations • Add (HTU +TU, HTU+HTU) using informal and written methods • Mentally subtract multiples of 10 from 2 and 3 digit numbers • Complementary addition) • Subtract (HTU-TU, HTUHTU) using standard written methods (decomposition)

Educación FísicaFísica• Desarrollo de habilidades de motricidad gruesa: ejecuta diferentes habilidades de coordinación visomanual y viso-pédica. • Emplear con acierto las habilidades atléticas de lanzar, atrapar, golpear y patear una pelota en situaciones de juego. Music -

Art • Elements of Art and Design: Students can use a variety of lines and shapes to carefully describe animals. • Reflection and Appreciation: Students reflect on their own work and find areas of success and improvement. • Exploring new technique: understand how to use and mix techniques ( crayons and water colours / ecolines) • Understand the skill of observation using a big image of different animals. Students will copy one of those animals on their sketchbook.

Math • Develop an understanding of fractions as representations of whole-part relationships • Model fraction relationships and use fraction names in reallife situations. • Model addition and subtraction of fractions with the same denominator


• Ensemble: Students work in an ensemble successfully. • Pattern: Students know what a pattern is. Silence: Students use • silence in their music compositions. • Movement: Students use movement to express ideas and feelings. • Binary Form: Students know and use binary form to record composition. • Composition Skills: Students follow a process to create and compose music.

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