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November 12th - Juanuary 20th


Transdisciplinary Transdisciplinary theme Sharing the planet An inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living things. things Central idea Our planet has resources that conserving

limited need How to support this inquiry from home

• Help your child understand the vocabulary relevant relevant to the topic of inquiry in his/her mother tongue: sustainability, finite, infinite, renewable, nonnon-renewable, natural resources, pollution, conservation, exploitation. • Use the Colombian setting to explore issues of resource exploitation that cause negative impact on the environment.

• Encourage your child to record his/ her findings in a simple journal format. • Use the following website to support research at home: http://www.planetpals.com/fastfacts.html http://www.planetpals.com/fastfacts.html or visit primary´s website for learning. us in class outings and in the • Join us mini exhibition…..More information on this great celebration of learning to come soon. Subject focus: science, social studies, math


Connection– Connection– Students understand how resource use and resource conservation are connected. Causation– Causation– Students understand the cause of pollution and conservation issues. Reflection– Reflection– Students understand their responsibilities towards resource use and conservation LINES OF INQUIRY THAT WILL DEFINE THE SCOPE OF THE INQUIRY?

• Where do natural resources come from? • How do we use natural resources, how much of these resources do we use and what happens with the supply after we have used them? • How has human activity affected the quality and availability of natural resources? • Our responsibility and actions for conserving natural resources even when these are necessary for economic growth. TRANSDISCIPLIANRY SKILLS

Research Skills – Students collect data from a variety of sources (from photos, books, internet, videos and DVD ) and use different charts and diagrams to record and organise information (tree diagram, concept maps, venn diagram, carroll diagram) in order to draw conclusions in response to their own questions. Communication Skills – Students express and present reflections and findings on how resources are used for different purposes and the impact of the exploration, exploitation and use of these resources on the environment. Self -Management –Student undertake tasks with autonomy and independence in class.

Development of the Profile - Attitudes and Attributes: Attributes: Caring – Students develop a personal commitment to make a positive difference to the environment. Principled – Student develop honest and integral behaviors with a strong sense of fairness, justice and respect for communities and the environment. Communicators – Students understand and express ideas and information using a variety of modes of communication (wikis, webpages, webquest, publisher).

KNOWLEDGE Language • Identifying the features of poetry and different poetic style • Writing and reciting different styles of poetry • Use of rhyming words • Use of apostrophe in contractions and to determine possession • Development of reading skills • Development of oral presentation skills • Development of vocabulary use and knowledge • Writing consistently with neat, legible and joined handwriting Español • Comprende, memoriza y recita con propiedad un poema. • Sustentar puntos de vista, considerando opiniones alternas. • Reconocer la organización y la secuencia explícita e implícita en diversos textos poéticos. • Crear poemas partiendo de rimas y pautas dadas y teniendo en cuenta las características generales de la lírica. • Interpretar expresiones con sentido figurado. Estudios Colombianos • Entender y comparar las actividades económicas de las regiones naturales colombianas deduciendo su impacto en el medio ambiente. Math • •

• • •

Automatic recall of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts Select, use and describe a range of efficient strategies to solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, including estimation strategies, written strategies, or by using a calculator Develop strategies for memorizing addition, subtraction, multiplication and division number facts Use whole numbers up to thousands or beyond in real-life situations Select and use appropriate tools and units of measurement, and able to describe measures that fall between two numbers on a scale to solve problems in real-life situations involving perimeter, area and volume.

Art • •

Portray nature (Paint Landscape) in terms of colour. Know how to use ecolines and oil pastels.

Music • • •

Know what improvisation is. Know that rhythm is a key element of African and western music. Know the difference between “call and response” and “question and answer”.

P.E. • •

Understand that cheating not only affects other’s but also own performance Understand the impact of own commitment in the overall result of a team’s successes in a game

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