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The Scientific Society November 12 - January 20

Grade Four - Unit of Inquiry 3


An inquiry into the natural world and its laws, and how humans use their understanding of scientific principles CENTRAL IDEA-

Humankind continues to explore and apply scientific and technological knowledge to further advances.

How can you support this inquiry from home?:

An inquiry into:

• Help your child understand the vocabulary relevant to the topic of inquiry in his/her mother tongue: force, friction,

● The scientific process ● Writing a scientific report has a scientific principle ● How contributed to society ● What are the positive. negative effects of scientific advancement? ● Scientific advancement

resistance, improvement. • Do science experiments at home. Together think of a question to ask. Then come up with a hypothesis and an experiment plan


Encourage your child to write the steps • of experiments s/he has tried. Remind him/her to record data during the experiment.

Form- Students understand the definition of force and the form of scientific reports.

Function- Students understand how forces work

Many commercials and advertisements make promises about a product. Watch a few commercials together and have your child question a product and put it to the test using the scientific method to verify what is the best way to test if the product keeps its promise?

Causation – Students understand how changing a variable in an experiment can often change the result.


The Scientific Society SKILLSSKILLSResearch Skills: Skills: Students can record data, organise it in

the form of line graphs and interpret that data. Self Management skills: skills: Students can organise and carry

out experiments and investigations effectively and safely. Communication skills: Students can communicate in the

form of scientific reports. Social Skills: Students can work cooperatively and make

group decisions when carrying out scientific investigations. SPECIALIST SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES–

KNOWLEDGE – Mathematics

Español• Los estudiantes acentúan las palabras y los monosílabos utilizando los conceptos ortográficos vistos. • Los estudiantes infieren información general y detalles implícitos en diferentes tipos de textos. • Los estudiantes entienden, utilizan e interpretan diversas técnicas de comunicación oral. • Los estudiantes elaboran un instructivo que evidencia secuencialidad en la realización de las acciones.

• Students use doubling to help multiply by 50 (or 25),by 100 and halving (and halving again). • Students recognise common multiples and are able to find smallest common multiples for multiples up to 10. • Students are able to multiply by TUxU or HTU by U without using written multiplication method and multiplying by ThHTUxU and HTUxTU. • Students are able to understand and extract data from a range of different graphs. • Students understand that data is often put into groups, (intervals) and are able to represent this in a frequency table and bar graph.

Social Studies/ Colombian studies

• Los estudiantes entienden la influencia de las prácticas religiosas durante la Colonia en la educación de la época y el impacto en la sociedad. • Los estudiantes entiende algunas implicaciones de los sucesos históricos en la vida actual.

Art- Students understand kinetic art through the study of the work of Alexander Calder and his use of motion. Students understand how to use the elements of line and shape and the principle of design balance to create an artwork.

MusicStudents understand how to play or sing by reading from a score.


• Students write scientific Reports, poetry and Instructional Writing • Students know and use less common prefixes and suffixes. • Students differentiate interrogative pronouns and use them according to the intention of the speaker. • Students reflect on reading habits and preferences and plans personal reading goals. They discusses and justifies personal opinions about different literary texts.

ICTUses a spreadsheet to calculate average and percentage and to generate pie charts.



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