Last term in science, first and second graders studied the universe, galaxies and the solar system.
First graders learned about our solar system, so now they know,what the names of the planets are and they also know about rotation and revolution movements.
They learned everything playing and singing songs. They worked on two projects; in one of them they were in groups and they did the solar system using plasticine for the planets.
And in the other project, first each of them created and invented a planet , they name their planet and describe them. Then the class that is usually split into two groups use those planets to create their own solar system.
To end up with the unit we had a presentation of each project.
Second graders invented their own glalaxy and their own solar system.
First they created their planets, they drew then and wrote what their characteristics were.
They also voted what the name of the galaxy would be . Their galaxy was called “Art Galaxy” and it had some important features; which are the following:
In the “Star System”, which belongs to de “Art Galaxy” there are two planets in each orbit that is why for the revolutionary movement they need to follow the same direction and to go at the same speed.
There are six planets in their “star system�: Cyclon planet, Flower planet, Music planet, Beano planet, uriter planet and spaghetti planet.
Everything was deduced by the students
To end up the project we hang a big poster with the “star system� on one of the walls in the class.