Portfolios from Advanced Typography – Munich University of Applied Sciences 2020

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Editorial Design Booklet 4 Pages 200 x 200 mm

The aim of this fun project was to design a cookbook-like layout for a chosen recipe, including own photography. As the ingredients and pictures proved to be pretty colorful themselves, I decided for a clean layout using only black type. Using a 7 x 7 grid following the squared dimensions of the pages enabled for arranging pictures and descriptions in two columns next to each other and

top: cover showing the ďŹ nished Sweet Potato Quesadillas left: second and third page with recipe instructions and pictures documenting the process bottom: 7 x 7 squared layout grid

a numbering of the steps in a smaller column. The headline typeface style illustrates the easy, rather rustic looking recipe and is repeated in the image border style. Considering the classic layout I decided to go with a serif typeface (Adobe Garamond Pro) for the body text which would not overload the layout.


Editorial Design Booklet 8 Pages 152 x 228 mm

This 8 page booklet gives an overview of the well-known sans-serif typeface Antique Olive designed by Roger Excoon. Even though the name of the typeface is derived from type foundry owner Marc Olive, I liked the idea of creating an association between the typeface and the fruit, which expresses in choice of color, shapes and wording: A rather dark, yellowish green serves as highlight color,

top: cover showing an olive as closed counter of an ‘o’ left: detailed look at striking characteristics of Antique Olive bottom: overview of different font weights and their significantly different glyphs

the cover shows an olive as closed counter of a negative ‘o’. Thinking of a way to point out all typographic highlights of the typeface, I figured that the German sentence ‘grünes Olivenöl aus Affi’ would be just perfect: It enables for showing the rarely used ligature ‘ff’ and fits well with the context, since the Italian city of Affi indeed is located in an olive region.


Editorial Design Book Jacket 5 Pages 130 x 198 mm

This project is a book cover redesign of Hornet Flight, a WW2 thriller by Ken Follett. As usually the Flight author’s name dominates book covers, I aimed at a design that focuses on the plot. I decided to show two of the main elements on the cover — the German Freya radar and a plane — which permeate the plot. Being looked at from a bird’s eye view and strongly edited, they are supposed to look similar to lead figures

© Anders Birger

KEN FOLLETT is one of the world’s most successful authors. More than 160 mil million copies of the 30 books he has written have been sold in over 80 countries and in 33 languages. Born on June 5, 1949, in Cardiff, Wales, the son of a tax inspector, Ken was educated at state schools and went on to graduate from University College, London, with an honors degree in philos philosophy. Ken’s first major success came with the publication of Eye of the Needle in 1978. A World War II thriller set in England, this book earned him the 1979 Edgar Award for Best Novel from the Mystery Writers of America.

David Horstmann for educational purposes only

THE RAIN had eased, and a quarter moon showed fitfully through racing clouds, intermittently shedding an uncertain light over the drenched landscape. Harald could see the chicken-wire fence six feet high with two strands of barbed wire at the top, formidable enough but no great obstacle to a determined person in good physical shape. Fifty yards inland, it passed through a copse of scrubby trees and bushes that hid it from view. That would be the place to get over. He knew what lay beyond the fence. Last summer he had worked as a labourer on the building site. At that time, he had not known it was destined to be a military base. The builders, a Copenhagen firm, had told everyone it was to be a new coastguard station. They might have had trouble recruiting staff if they had told the truth – Harald for one would not knowingly have worked for the Nazis.

David Horstmann for educational purposes only

top: left and right book flap with information about the author and an excerpt left: back cover, spine and cover bottom: design elements used on cover and flap, modified to look like lead figures

being moved on a WW2 playing field which is visualized through a clipping of a Nazi flag. The cover is completed by a word mark composed of the title and an integrated radar which stresses the strategic aspect of the plot. Designed in 1928 by German graphic designer W. Pischner, the sans serif typeface Neuzeit Grotesk used for title and synopsis matches perfectly with the historical context.


Brand Design Logo, Pattern & Business Card 85 x 55 mm

The brief for this project was to create a personal logo. After rejecting several ideas based on the letters ‘D’ and ‘H’, I focused on my first name. This would allow for more design flexibility, but — as it is not really a distinguishing feature — it had to look really unique. I recognized that the capital letters ‘D’, ‘A’ and ‘V’ can be constructed using only one basic shape. I put these shapes next to each other

top: business card with pattern on the back and logo on the front left: adaption of the pattern and the logo for business letters bottom: personal logo and protection zone based on the constructed ‘A’ of the logo

with a horizontal and vertical offset to visualize the modularity of the arrangement, which now repeats in the design pattern that can be found on the cover of this portfolio and on the back of the business card. I added a small ‘i’ which — when flipped upside down — also indicates the counters of the ‘A’ and makes ‘DA’ and ‘ViD’ seem like mirrored versions of each other.

ABOUT ME Skills: Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign Adobe XD

After graduating from high school in 2013, I first completed an apprenticeship as a media designer in the prepress department of a publishing house, where I gained experience in both print design and technical aspects of printing. Having caught great interest in the technical field of printing, I enrolled in the Bachelor’s Program Print Media Technologies at Stuttgart Media University, which I graduated in 2020. I am currently enrolled in the Master’s Program Print media, Technology and Management at Munich University of Applied Sciences. My focus is still on prepress today and I enjoy all tasks that combine design and technical aspects, which also shows in my Bachelor’s thesis: Cooperating with color management software manufacturer GMG, I developed a new concept for specification and communication of spot colors throughout a workflow from Design Agency to Printing house. I am now continuing to work on this topic as a working student at a well-known digital press manufacturer.

Feel free to get in touch!


kathrin S C H N E I D E R


Welco 1. Type Speciment Booklet 2. Book Cover Redesign 3. Recipe Booklet 4. Personal Brand





About me Hello, My name is Kathrin Schneider and I live in the center of Munich. Before that I lived in the beautiful city of Regensburg and completed my Bachelor’s degree there. Now I am doing my Master’s at the University of Applied Sciences in Munich. Besides my studies I work two days a week at a public relations agency. Since finishing school I am very interested in marketing and love to create new advertising strategies for products. This design portfolio contains the projects from the current semester. They were created with Indesign, Illustrator and Photoshop.

Type Speciment Booklet Tools Adobe InDesign

Description This booklet illustrates the history, the special features and the characteristic features of Moderno FB. My chosen Typeface has many different styles and weights. I chose to design in blue and yellow to set contrasts. The page design is simple and clean to keep the focus on the type and letter forms.

Moderno FB A modern Typeface created by David Berlow in1995. The typeface is recommended for newspaper and magazine use.

Moderno FB comes in four typeface styles and four typeface weights. The page design is simple and clean to keep the focus on the type and letter forms.

Book Cover Redesign Tools Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop

Description For this project, everyone should look at their favourite book to design a new book cover. I wanted to address a different target group for the book with a new design. It was exciting to see how even small changes can have such a big effect on the design.

The newly designed book cover of the bestseller by Jojo Moyes. The colour palette and effect of the book have changed a lot during the design process.

Recipe Booklet Tools Adobe InDesign, Adobe Lightroom

Description This project started in the kitchen and ended on the laptop. When creating the pages for the cookbook, special creativity was needed to make the recipe inviting. As I had baked a cake I decided to use a feminine and playful design, as I think it is suitable for a dessert.

A designed recipe with self-taken pictures for a cookbook. The typefaces used are Avenir, Avenir Next and Vincentia. The page design is playful.

Personal Brand Tools Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator

Description In our last project we had the task to create a logo for ourselves. The choice of color and font is crucial for the logo. To best identify with the logo, I wanted to combine a mixture of clean and playful. The combination of green and the light font looks harmonious and inviting.

My personal brand design with business cards and stationery. I have chosen the combination of green and off-white.

“Design is thinking made visual.�


www.xing.com/ profile/Kathrin_ Schneider124/cv


Celia Wenzler



Cover of recipe book

DESCRIPTION Each student has designed his or her own favorite recipe. A recipe book was created from the combination of all recipes.

TOOLS — Adobe InDesign — Adobe Photoshop

PROCESS In this project I learned a lot about columns, font sizes and leadings, headings and arrangements. It is important to set up enough columns and guides to keep the elements in the same position. In the correction phase of the project, mainly spacing and font sizes were adjusted. The images were edited in Photoshop and the same look was achieved.

Pages of recipe book

TYPE SPECIMEN BOOK DESCRIPTION In this project each student could choose a font to create a type specimen book. The type specimen book shows multiple weights, widths sizes of the typeface “Roboto”. Also type specs including classification, type designer, date released, and a brief description of key typeface characteristics, where it works well and where it doesn’t. Type specimen books are the printed brochures or catalogue.

Cover of the type specimen book


The first pages of the type specimen book


Two fonts on one page

TOOLS — Adobe InDesign — Adobe Photoshop — Adobe Illustrator

Left side Variation of classification and weights , Right side magnification

Front and back cover

BOOK COVER REDESIGN DESCRIPTION The task in this project was to redesign a book cover. Before the redesign of the cover the following questions were asked: Who do I want to reach with my book? What should my cover say? In a round of criticism together with other students, an objective Original cover before redesigning

Back and front cover

feedback could be obtained.

Back and front cover opened

PROCESS I learned a lot about the structure of a book cover. Among other things how to create the pages for a book cover with front and back, spine and flaps. Especially I learned that I have to keep enough distance from the texts and headlines to the page margin. In the second improvement phase the image size of the displayed lily, the arrangement of the author‘s name and the flap texts were corrected.

TOOLS — Adobe InDesign — Adobe Photoshop


Business card with my personal brand

front and back of the business card

DESCRIPTION In this project we have designed our own personal brand. The task was to design three completely different logos and to show variety in the fonts. When designing the logos it was important to me that the font and the design fits my personality. When designing the logo I learned that the alignment of the elements is very important and that the font should be chosen carefully so that the logo is reader-friendly and visually appealing.

Celia Wenzler

TOOLS – Adobe InDesign – Adobe Photoshop


based in Stuttgart / Munich



ABOUT ME I am Celia and 23 years old. I studied printing and media technology and started my master’s degree this year. In my bachelor’s degree, I took a course on the basics of InDesign, but that course was so long ago that I almost forgot everything. I saw this course as an opportunity to learn something new in design so that I wouldn’t forget it completely. In the portfolio you can see my work that I created this semester. I have not only refreshed my old knowledge, but have learned a lot about typography and composition of design elements.

Portfolio Portfolio

I’M JULIA LEWEY, NICE TO MEET YOU. Growing up as a part of Generation Y, Generation Smartphone and being a Millenial, I'm the perfect candidate when it comes to Online and Social Media Marketing. With a creative mind, high motivation and great initiative I placed myself as a professional in the digital media world working on the latest trends and campaigns. Especially Social Media, Influencer Marketing and design have been my passion in the last few years but I'm always keen on diving deeper into the world of media. Currently I am doing my master studies at the Munich University of Applied Sciences, studying Printmedia, Technology and Management in the third semester. My focal points are management and marketing. Before living and studying in Munich, I attained my bachelor’s degree in Regensburg in Media Science and did different internships focusing on Design, Social Media and Influencer Marketing in Munich, Cologne and London. As a designer my skill-set is based in the Adobe Creative Cloud. I’ve been working for many years with InDesign, gained experience in Photoshop and Illustrator and for some private projects I worked with Premier. I am an heavy Lightroom user as well due to my passion for photography, editing and Social Media. In the online media world I’ve worked with HTML & CSS and Wordpress.

motivation creativity initiative





The idea behind the project was to really deal with a special font and get to know all its characteristics. Besides the typeface characteristics we studied the history of the font and the designer. Another job was then to experiment with the font, its glyphs, ligatures and special letters.

TOOLS Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator

LEARNINGS “When in doubt use Caslon� was a rule of thumb for many years and I will probably remember this one forever. As I am usually more a sans serif lover I intentionally chose a serif font to challenge myself and learn how to work with it. While working with Adobe Caslon I became an absolute fan and I now count Adobe Caslon to one of my favorite fonts.

Adobe Caslon type specimen magazine cover shown in an industrial mockup

Adobe Caslon is a digital type by Carol Twombly based on the original type by Wiliam Caslon

Adobe Caslon comes with many different ligatures and special glyphs like my favorite one, the pointing hand





The exercise was to cook a recipe, take photos of the process and the finished meal and then to design it as a recipe for a cook book. Within the project we should especially think about the fonts we use and why we use them.

TOOLS Sony Alpha 6000, Adobe Lightroom, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator

LEARNINGS “Sans Serif plus Serif always works!� First I wanted to create a very modern and clean recipe using just sans serif typefaces, but during the process I noticed that I am getting a even better contrast by using two different type categories.

Food photography combined with bold type and light colors shown in a book mockup

To design the recipe Rift, a very bold caps-only typeface, was used for the headlines and Mr Eaves XL Serif OT for the body text. These two typefaces in combination show how good the principle of contrast works.




Content of the project was to redesign a book cover of my choice. The only permission was that I must have read it and I should have liked it. After choosing “The Circle” by Dave Eggers I explained why the cover should be redesigned and how a redesign could catch the attention of a broader target group.

TOOLS Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator

LEARNINGS “Go bold or go home” is not always a great idea but in this case it definitely was. A book cover can catch the eye of the buyer and reader by using striking colors or extreme color combinations. So lime green and a bold red is definitely one of a kind.

Mockup of the redesigned book jacket with a bold color combination and the eye as a key symbol

TYPEFACES Input Sans Compressed Medium Input Sans Compressed Light Input Sans Compressed Light Italic Poppins Medium








Personal branding is something really important when it comes to forming your own brand. Therefore the project was to design a unique logo which contains the first and last name. After that, mockups were created to show how the logo works in action.

TOOLS Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop

LEARNINGS “Don’t stick to the idea if it’s just not working” or you will just lose time and nerves. I really liked the circle around the logo but in the end I just went forward without it because it always looked a bit like a stamp and was really hard to place beautifully in different documents.

Stationary in my own corporate identity: website, business card, pencil, insert page, note paper















As a present for a very good friend I designed a cook book with vegetarian and vegan recipes as I know this friend loves cooking and trying out vegan options. I used Helvetica for the body text and Sansino, a very calligraphic typeface, for the big captions.

TOOLS Adobe InDesign

LEARNINGS “A bigger type size is mostly not the best idea.” I thought I really needed a bigger size for the typeface but when I printed the book out for the first time I was really shocked by how big the size was printed. Even if you think you must have the chance to read a cook book from a little further away, 13pt is still too big.

A little insight in Selina’s Berlin Kitchen: a modern design combined with colorful pictures




During my master studies at Munich University of Applied Sciences I was part of the project which redesigned the corporate identity of the “DMT Förderverein” – the support association of our faculty. Within the project my main tasks were to design the logo, determine the colors and typefaces and to design and implement the website in Wordpress.

TOOLS Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Wordpress

LEARNINGS “Pleasing everyone when designing is very hard” and that’s why it’s not possible most of the time. Our clients often had different ideas so we had to adjust tiny parts multiple times, but in the end everyone was happy with the result.






LOGO TYPEFACES Co Headline Regular Co Headline Light


The redesigned Website: Primary and secondary colors were used. It was designed and embedded responsive using Wordpress.





ABOUT ME Hi! My name is Jessica Friedrich and I am an Architecture student. I completed my Bachelor’s Degree in Cagliari, Sardinia, close to my hometown in Italy. I started my Master’s Degree in Florence and I moved to Munich for an Erasmus experience, but I fell in love with this city and I plan to end my studies here.

SKILLS Adobe InDesign Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop Sketch Illustration Autodesk AutoCAD SketchUp V-Ray Writing

I am passionate about Architecture, but I enjoy any creative activity, drawing and writing in particular. I especially enjoy the “display” aspect of Architecture and this is what drew me to a course of Graphic Design. The part of a project that I truly relish is when I finally get to present it in an intriguing and captivating way. I am eager to find an employment that allows me to bring all my interests and skills together, as well as to keep learning and expand my creativity. ◊

RECIPE BOOKLET TOOLS Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, Samsung SM-N950F/DS

DESCRIPTION I produced every element of this project: I cooked the recipe, took the photographs and designed the booklet. The goal of my design was to display the steps of the recipe in a clear but also engaging way for the reader. I chose two contrasting fonts, a very readable serif font for the body text, and a fancier script font for the headings.

the images show a mock up of the booklet based on mock up from Pixeden.com

TYPE SPECIMEN BOOKLET TOOLS Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop

DESCRIPTION This project is a study of the Benton Modern Display typeface. The design focuses on revealing the peculiar characteristics of the typeface as well as the magazine-looking feature typical of the Benton Modern family since its beginning. The contrasting colors bring out the thick to thin shifts and reflect the extended variety of the typeface in all its styles.

the mock ups show an overview of the booklet, a focus on the use of colors and the introducing pages

based on mock ups from Anthony Boyd Graphics, Pixeden.com, Freepik.com

BOOK COVER REDESIGN TOOLS Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator

DESCRIPTION For this project I chose to redesign the cover of “Wuthering Heights” by Emily Brontë. My goal was to express the “darker” side of the novel in its cover. I designed one of the most terrifying scenes of the novel using Illustrator and Photoshop and I displayed it in the book cover. I used the effect of the shadow to link the front to the back. I chose two overlapping typefaces for the title, recalling the shadow effect: a serif typeface overlapping on a script and more romantic typeface.

the images show a mock up of the design on a hardcover book

based on mock ups from Graphiburger, Covervault

PERSONAL BRAND TOOLS Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator

DESCRIPTION For this project I created a logo that represents my identity. I used both my initials and worked on their similarity and symmetry to merge them together. My starting point for the logo was a serif typeface, which I paired with a sans serif really plain typeface for my complete name, in order to add contrast.

the images show a mock up of my personal brand on business cards

based on mock ups from Mockup Cloud, Pixeden.com



+39 3478631675



Webdesign Technical Communication Print

Recipe book Description The first project in Emerging Trends and Technologies in Graphic Communication was a compilation of many recipes. Each student showed his favorite recipe and designed instructions for cooking. The focus of this work was on the use of different fonts and on the own photography of the prepared cooked food.

Tools Adobe InDesign Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop

All pages of the recipes book.

Mockup of the recipe book cover and two pages.

Typographic monograph

Mockup of the typographic monograph magazine with two pages.

Tools Adobe InDesign Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop


All pages of the typographic monograph magazine.

Description In this project the Bodoni font with its beauty, its many variants and sizes was presented. This brochure tells the origin and introduces the inventor of this letters in more detail. The Bodoni font is described as the first modern font in history and is characterized by its special ‚W‘.

Give-away Description This can was designed by me as a giveaway for the introduction of a new product brand. The finished can was distributed to managers at the product presentation event so that they could get to know this give-away and use it themselves during the own market launch. The can contained an energy drink as a metaphor for the power of the recently launched product. Whole can printed sheet.

Tools Adobe Lightroom Adobe Photoshop

Giveaway can at the product presentation event.

Calendars Description I created these two calendars for a company


2 018 TUNAP I Chemie, die bewegt.


Approved quality of a

Standardized air conditioning cleaning procedure for vehicles of

TUNAP Deutschland Vertriebs GmbH & Co. Betriebs KG is certified by ECARF.

TUNAP GROUP | BĂźrgermeister-Seidl-Str. 2 | D-82515 Wolfratshausen | Tel: +49 (0) 8 Initial certification: 21.02.2017. Certificate valid until: 28.02.2019.

Berlin, 02.03.2017

during my internship there. The upper calendar in size A3 contains several sheets like a notepad and serves as a table mat for the workstations. The calendar can also be used for notes. The calendar below serves as a wall calendar and to organize vacation planning in the company.

Tools Adobe InDesign Adobe Photoshop

Workstation calendar for TUNAP.


8171 / 1600 - 0 | info@tunap.com | TUNAP.COM Januar


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5 12 19 26

4 11 18 25


5 12 19 26



6 13 20 27


3 10 17 24


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Donnerstag Freitag


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9 10 11 12 13


Donnerstag Freitag


Mai Montag

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5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27

13 14 15 16 17 18


4 11 18 25



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2 9 16 23 30

Sonntag KW

Juli Montag

6 13 20 27


18 19 20 21 22


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Dienstag Mittwoch Donnerstag Freitag


September Montag Dienstag


4 11 18 25


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31 32 33 34 35


3 10 17 24

5 12 19 26

Mittwoch Freitag

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November Montag Dienstag Mittwoch

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3 10 17 24



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2 0 18


Approved quality of a

Standardized air conditioning cleaning procedure for vehicles of

TUNAP Deutschland Vertriebs GmbH & Co. Betriebs KG

TUNAP I Chemie, die bewegt. Dezember

1 Fr 2 Sa 3 So 4 Mo 5 Di 6 Mi 7 Do 8 Fr 9 Sa 10 So 11 Mo 12 Di 13 Mi 14 Do 15 Fr 16 Sa 17 So 18 Mo 19 Di 20 Mi 21 Do 22 Fr 23 Sa 24 So 25 Mo 26 Di 27 Mi 28 Do 29 Fr 30 Sa 31 So

1. Advent

49 Nikolaus

2. Advent

50 3. Advent

51 Heiligabend



52 Silvester


1 Mo 2 Di 3 Mi 4 Do 5 Fr 6 Sa 7 So 8 Mo 9 Di 10 Mi 11 Do 12 Fr 13 Sa 14 So 15 Mo 16 Di 17 Mi 18 Do 19 Fr 20 Sa 21 So 22 Mo 23 Di 24 Mi 25 Do 26 Fr 27 Sa 28 So 29 Mo 30 Di 31 Mi




Heilige 3 Könige


1 Do 2 Fr 3 Sa 4 So 5 Mo 6 Di 7 Mi 8 Do 9 Fr 10 Sa 11 So 12 Mo 13 Di 14 Mi 15 Do 16 Fr 17 Sa 18 So 19 Mo 20 Di 21 Mi 22 Do 23 Fr 24 Sa 25 So 26 Mo 27 Di 28 Mi

5 12 Do Fr 6 Rosenmontag


Aschermittwoch Valentinstag





TUNAP GROUP | Bürgermeister-Seidl-Str. 2 | D-82515 Wolfratshausen | Tel: +49 (0) 8171 / 1600 - 0 | info@tunap.com | TUNAP.COM is certified by ECARF.

Initial certification: 21.02.2017. Certificate valid until: 28.02.2019.


9 12 SoMo


3 Sa 4 So 5 Mo 6 Di 7 Mi 8 Do 9 Fr 10 Sa 11 So 12 Mo 13 Di 14 Mi 15 Do 16 Fr 17 Sa 18 So 19 Mo 20 Di 21 Mi 22 Do 23 Fr 24 Sa 25 So 26 Mo 27 Di 28 Mi 29 Do 30 Fr 31 Sa







3 Di 4 Mi 5 Do 6 Fr 7 Sa 8 So 9 Mo 10 Di 11 Mi 12 Do 13 Fr 14 Sa 15 So 16 Mo 17 Di 18 Mi 19 Do 20 Fr 21 Sa 22 So 23 Mo 24 Di 25 Mi 26 Do 27 Fr 28 Sa 29 So 30 Mo



Berlin, 02.03.2017


1 Di 2 Mi 3 Do 4 Fr 5 Sa 6 So 7 Mo 8 Di 9 Mi 10 Do 11 Fr 12 Sa 13 So 14 Mo 15 Di 16 Mi 17 Do 18 Fr 19 Sa 20 So 21 Mo 22 Di 23 Mi 24 Do 25 Fr 26 Sa 27 So 28 Mo 29 Di 30 Mi 31 Do

Tag der Arbeit



Chr. Himmelfahrt










1 Fr 2 Sa 3 So 4 Mo 5 Di 6 Mi 7 Do 8 Fr 9 Sa 10 So 11 Mo 12 Di 13 Mi 14 Do 15 Fr 16 Sa 17 So 18 Mo 19 Di 20 Mi 21 Do 22 Fr 23 Sa 24 So 25 Mo 26 Di 27 Mi 28 Do 29 Fr 30 Sa


22 12 SoMo 23




3 Di 4 Mi 5 Do 6 Fr 7 Sa 8 So 9 Mo 10 Di 11 Mi 12 Do 13 Fr 14 Sa 15 So 16 Mo 17 Di 18 Mi 19 Do 20 Fr 21 Sa 22 So 23 Mo 24 Di 25 Mi 26 Do 27 Fr 28 Sa 29 So 30 Mo 31 Di




1 Mi 2 Do 3 Fr 4 Sa 5 So 6 Mo 7 Di 8 Mi 9 Do 10 Fr 11 Sa 12 So 13 Mo 14 Di 15 Mi 16 Do 17 Fr 18 Sa 19 So 20 Mo 21 Di 22 Mi 23 Do 24 Fr 25 Sa 26 So 27 Mo 28 Di 29 Mi 30 Do 31 Fr

1 Sa



Mariä Himmelfahrt




312 So



3 Mo 4 Di 5 Mi 6 Do 7 Fr 8 Sa 9 So 10 Mo 11 Di 12 Mi 13 Do 14 Fr 15 Sa 16 So 17 Mo 18 Di 19 Mi 20 Do 21 Fr 22 Sa 23 So 24 Mo 25 Di 26 Mi 27 Do 28 Fr 29 Sa 30 So


1 Mo 2 Di 3 Mi 4 Do 5 Fr 6 Sa 7 So 8 Mo 9 Di 10 Mi 11 Do 12 Fr 13 Sa 14 So 15 Mo 16 Di 17 Mi 18 Do 19 Fr 20 Sa 21 So 22 Mo 23 Di 24 Mi 25 Do 26 Fr 27 Sa 28 So 29 Mo 30 Di 31 Mi





44 12 SaSo



Tag d. D. Einheit



1 Do 2 Fr 3 Sa 4 So 5 Mo 6 Di 7 Mi 8 Do 9 Fr 10 Sa 11 So 12 Mo 13 Di 14 Mi 15 Do 16 Fr 17 Sa 18 So 19 Mo 20 Di 21 Mi 22 Do 23 Fr 24 Sa 25 So 26 Mo 27 Di 28 Mi 29 Do 30 Fr




2. Advent



3. Advent


Buß- u. Bettag


3 Mo 4 Di 5 Mi 6 Do 7 Fr 8 Sa 9 So 10 Mo 11 Di 12 Mi 13 Do 14 Fr 15 Sa 16 So 17 Mo 18 Di 19 Mi 20 Do 21 Fr 22 Sa 23 So 24 Mo 25 Di 26 Mi 27 Do 28 Fr 29 Sa 30 So 31 Mo




4. Advent Heiligabend






1 Di 2 Mi 3 Do 4 Fr 5 Sa 6 So 7 Mo 8 Di 9 Mi 10 Do 11 Fr 12 Sa 13 So 14 Mo 15 Di 16 Mi 17 Do 18 Fr 19 Sa 20 So 21 Mo 22 Di 23 Mi 24 Do 25 Fr 26 Sa 27 So 28 Mo 29 Di 30 Mi 31 Do


1. Advent



Heilige 3 Könige





Wall calendar for the company TUNAP.

Book cover redesign

At the bottom the first variant, top left the second variant and top right the final version.

Tools Adobe InDesign Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop

Description This project in Emerging Trends and Technologies in Graphic Communication shows a book cover which has been redesigned. The aim was to make the humorous book also appealing to a younger target






elements from comic style were used. In the first drafts comic elements were combined with real photography. This comic element was at least the focus in the final cover. Mockup of the book cover redesign with front and back cover.

5 meter poster Description In my bachelor‘s degree I had a project with the company 2W. For the reopening of the company at a new location I was responsible for a poster in the entrance hall. The poster, which shows the company history and has a length of five meters, hangs now in the entrance area. In the picture on the right, the entire poster is divided into three sections.

Tools Adobe InDesign Adobe Illustrator

The excerpt from the five meter poster from 1902.

The excerpt from the five meter poster from 1978.

The excerpt from the five meter poster from 2008 to 2019.

Personal logo Logo idea with two open semicircles.

Description In the subject Emerging Trends and Technologies in Graphic Communication we designed a personal logo. The logo should represent you as a person and there were no limitations in font, shape or size. In order to develop a good combination of form and writing, I worked with circles and squares. At the final logo I used the font „Muangthai“.

Final va

Tools Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign

Logo idea with closing brackets. Variation with ‚Karo‘ diamonds

ariant of the personal brand logo. End logo with customized color options.

Personal branding Description After I created a personal logo, the logo was used as a corporate design for various utensils in the work environment. This project shows my logo as a personal brand

Front of the business card with personal logo.

and can be used very well by freelancer.

Back of the business card with personal logo.

Tools Adobe InDesign Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop

Model of the stationery in personal branding with business card and envelope.

About me I‘m Karolina Macan, originally from Croatia but grew up in Munich. During my studies in technical communication in Munich, I got to know my passion for graphic design. At a six-month internship I was able to gain initial experience in designing various. I‘ve been freelance for four years now and receive regular design orders. Me holding my personally designed logo.

This portfolio is a brief insight into my previous work. More detailed information can be found in the adjacent description and under the respective picture as a caption. Enjoy your time!



kmacan@live.de 0176 237 37 642 Klenzestraße 61 80469 München






Recipe Book Pages My recipe is a burrito recipe of a different kind. Since I like to eat Mexican food and also love to cook, I wanted to share this recipe with you. Unfortunately I have never been to a "Taco Bell" myself but the recipe is based on one of the dishes there. For the design two fonts were chosen, Drunk Cowboy a decorative font designed by Chank Diesel. Diesel is the owner of Chank Fonts, a type studio founded in 1996 in Minneapolis that offers mainly decorative typefaces for designers as well as for average computer users. I chose this font because it fits the Mexican recipe very well.

Cover page of the recipe

Acumin is a sans serif typeface created by type designer Robert Slimbach, who has worked for Adobe since 1987. Acumin was first released in 2015 and is inspired by the neo-grotesque type that began in the 1950s and brought some of today's most commonly used fonts like Helvetica. What is special about the "Acumin variable concept" released by Adobe in October 2017 as part of the Creative Cloud applications, is the wide range of over 90 fonts with different strokes weight and width, resulting in a visual almost seamless transition between them. Because of these characteristics, I have chosen this font for the basic text.

double-page with recipe steps

used applications:

Adobe InDesign 2020 Adobe Illustrator 2020 Adobe Photoshop 2020

about Lato and the creator

ligature used

Lato in different styles

Type Specimen Booklet This brochure gives an overview of the sans serif typeface "Lato", which was designed by Ĺ ukasz Dziedzic. It was developed in summer 2010 and released in December 2010 under the SIL Open Font License. The font takes its name from the Polish word Lato, which stands for summer. When I think of summer, I think of many different colors. Therefore I decided to use three colors and on the first and last page dark blue waves, because I connect summer directly with the sea. To show the readers of the brochure what special features the font has, I have chosen the following words: shipping, building materials, candy, apples, flying and king. With these words you can clearly see that Lato is a font that is very straight but also has curved parts that make the font look a bit playful.

used applications:

Adobe InDesign 2020 Adobe Illustrator 2020

outside of the brochure

Bookcover Redesign The aim of this project is to redesign the book cover of “Noah”, a thriller by Sebastian Fitzek. With many books the name of the author is very dominant on the book cover, so I wanted to create a design that focuses on the story, but still fits the style of Sebastian Fitzek’s books. Another thought of mine was the recognition value to attract more readers. So I decided to show a feature in which two parts of the story are hidden, but don’t reveal too much. The main element, the fingerprints, are supposed to reflect the identity, but also by being different, they indicate that the identity is different. Furthermore, I wanted to convey the charm of a thriller through the background, which resembles a broken wall, and with this criterion I also chose the two fonts. For the title Noah a big striking typeface that brings a creepy factor. For the author and all other text passages a sans serif font was chosen so that it does not hide the focus of the design. In this context, the colours of the font were also chosen in red and black only.

used applications:

Adobe InDesign 2020 Adobe Illustrator 2020 Adobe Photoshop 2020

redesigned cover noah

old cover of the book Noah

SEBASTIAN FITZEK 300 million people were alive at the birth of Jesus Christ on our planet. Today, there are seven billion. How much is too much? You don‘t know who you are. You don‘t know what you‘re doing in the city, you‘re in right now. You don‘t know why you live on the streets. You don‘t know why you have a fresh Gunshot wound healed. All you know is: Someone tried to kill you.


Sebastian Fitzek, born 1971, is Germany‘s most successful author of psychological thrillers. Since his debut „Die Therapie“ (2006) he is at the top of the bestseller lists with all his novels. His books have since been translated into twentyfour languages and have been the basis for international film adaptations and theatre adaptations. Sebastian Fitzek was the first German author to be awarded the European Prize for Crime Literature. He lives with his family in Berlin.

Noah "Lost something?’ Yes, my mind.“

And all you know is he‘s gonna try again. Because there‘s a secret inside of you. the fate of the entire world. Will you remember before it‘s too late?


- the new thriller by Sebastian Fitzek

Sarah Weißbeck, for educational purposes only


the whole book jacket

Letter and envelope with personal logo

Brand / Logo For my personal branding I have thought about it for a long time and looked at many fonts. While searching for the right font I came across the font "Cormorant". Here I noticed especially that the bush letter "W" does not look like usual. Thereupon I have tried to convert the "S" and the "W" in Illustrator abstractly according to the font.

personal business cards

About Sarah I am Sarah, 28 years old and am currently studying for a Master’s degree in Print Media Technology and Management. Before I came here, I trained as a bookbinder in a digital print shop. After that, I completed a bachelor’s degree in print and media technology at the Stuttgart Media University. I was allowed to design this portfolio as an examination for the course Emerging Trends and Technologies in Graphic Communication in the summer semester 2020 and to reproduce what I had learned.






Julian Beyerlein



Mockup of the recipie book with its cover and spine.



Adobe InDesign Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop Adobe FontKit Samsung Galaxy S6

This project is part of a bigger collection of recipies and teaches the viewer how to make a homemade tiramisu. The whole concept was heavily influenced by the use of different margins and grids. Therefor i´ve experimented quite a lot with different layouts on the „step by step“ page



The first step is to line up some of the sponge cakes inside




In this project it was possible to experiment with different margins and columns. A layout can benefit massivley from efficiently used borders and grids, because if the content is organized and presented properly the viewer is more motivated to look at the piece of work. The job of the designer is to create a visual pathway for the viewer, so that he won´t get lost across the way.

a flat baking dish. It would be best, when the whole bottom part of the baking dish is covered with it.


Next start to drizzle half of the espresso-amaretto mixture over the biscuits. The biscuits should absorb the moisture, but keep an eye to not drench them. Ultimately we want the biscuit to have a nice soft consistency, but you will achieve this later in the process, when the tiramisu is sitting in the fridge.


Cover up the bottom part with half of the cream. Make sure to spread the cream evenly, so the second


Repeat the same steps as in 1-3 and you should end with a full baking dish.

row of biscuits can lay flat as well.



When your guests have finally arrived and you are about


to serve the tiramisu, then get it out of the refrigerator and sprinkle the cocoa powder on-top. It should cover all the creamy parts. If you are a perfectionist you can also clean the edges of the baking dish, to give it the last touch.


Cut the tiramisu with a wet knife, so no creme sticks to it. Serve the tiramisu as a dessert or just as comfort food. Enjoy!

Final layout of the „step by step“ page.

Mockup of the recipe book in an open state.

Put the tiramisu in the fridge and let it sit for at least 1 hour.


Mockup of the typographic monograph magazin with front and back cover.



Adobe InDesign Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop Adobe FontKit

This short magazine is a typographic monograph that focuses on the Cooper Black typeface. The magazine discusses the history of the font as well as its proper use. Cooper Black is a striking typeface that is often used in printed commercials with its goal to draw attention to the viewer.

Mockup of the typographic monograph magazine while browsing.

Mockup of the typographic monograph magazine while browsing in an open state.


Mockup of the new book cover in a front and back view.



Adobe InDesign Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop Adobe FontKit

This project represents a redesign of a book cover, the aim of which was to appeal to a new and different target audience. For this, the old cover was analyzed and the goal was to work with fewer elements and a larger white space. The result is a cleaner and visual better looking book cover than before.

Mockup of the new cover (left) and the old cover (right).

LEARNING POINTS During the design phase it became clear that it is not so easy to achieve more impact with fewer elements. That is why more striking illustrations were used to get the essence of the book to the point. In addition, the typeface had to be changed quite often because most of the time the text didn‘t look too good.


Mockup of the stationary for the personal branding.



Adobe InDesign Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop Adobe FontKit

The personal branding project was about designing a brand for yourself. I´ve experimented with a lot different typefaces until i´ve found a good combination. Color was actively avoided, so the logo can be used in multiple ways. The final composition shows the ScriptoramaJF Tradeshow and the Nocturne Serif typeface.

J.BEYERLEIN First variant of the personal brand logo.

Julian Beyerlein Last and final variant of the personal brand logo.

LEARNING POINTS As an approach, three different variants were designed, which should all differ from each another. The interplay of different fonts was very interesting an it is fascinating how different fonts are delivering certain images into your head. In the second variant for example, many were reminded of a perfume brand.

Second variant of the personal brand logo.


Mockup of a cd sleeve featuring Julian Frank, a german schlager musician.



Adobe InDesign Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop Adobe FontKit

Daxhill Studios is a music recording studio in the heart of Munich that produces german „Schlager“ music. For the publications of various artists, logos for print and for the internet have to be created again and again. It is particularly interesting that each artist has it´s own layout and represents a unique visual look.

Mockup of multiple cd sleeves from different german schlager artists.

Layout of a complete cd sleeve with front- and backside, as wells as bleeds and crop marks.


Mockup of a fictive company named Aura, which operates in the area of ​​sustainable cities.



Adobe InDesign Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop Adobe FontKit

AURA was created during my Bachelor‘s degree in Printing and Media Technology. It is a fictional company that was founded in the spirit of sustainability. AURA‘s goal is to generate electricity for buildings using floating rotors to create green cities.

Mockup of a billboard ad for AURA and it´s products.

A second mockup of a billboard ad for AURA and it´s products.


Mockup of the stationary from my time as a freelancer.



Adobe InDesign Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop Adobe FontKit

Corporate Identity was an elective in the master‘s program in print media, technology and management. An entire identity for a freelancer job was created here. The company should be displayed on business equipment and on a website.

Mockup of the website from the freelancer company called „Beyerlein“.

LEARNING POINTS The biggest learning points in this project were to understand how extremely long and nerve-wracking the design process of a logo can be. To get to the final result, a lot of rounds were made. It was also very instructive to create an entire business identity as a website, because this was new territory for me.

ABOUT ME ADVENTUROUS | PERFECTIONALIST | AMBITIOUS | NICE GUY SKILLS Adobe InDesign Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop Adobe XD Word Excel Powerpoint HTML 5 Content Management Sony Vegas 3D-Printing

Me holding a picture of myself holding a picture of myself holding a picture of myself...

MY STORY My name is Julian Beyerlein and i´m living in munich city in germany. Ever since i was little i was interested in digital media, so it didn´t took long till i got my first camcorder and I ´m filming and cutting my creations since then. Later in my life i´ve stumpled over graphic design and realized that i loved doing it, so after my graduation i ´ve ended up sending my application to the university of applied sciences munich. There I´ve studied print and media technology for 4 years. My studies were really interesting and i´ve learned a lot about designing, project managemenet and marketing. Luckily at the end of my bachelors program, i was to be able to study abroad for half a year. My time at Cal Poly, a famous college in california, was one of the best in my life, because i´ve meet a lot of very creative people and learned even more about designing and digital media. Right now i´m working in a branding agency and i´m doing freelance work in my free time. My goal is to become a great project manager, who knows how much work and time branding and designing really takes and who is able to overcome every challange on his way.


| www.julian.beyerlein.de | www.instagram.com/juliangmbh_/

Julian Beyerlein

2020 Creative Portfolio



Adobe InDesign 2019 Adobe Photoshop 2019


In this project I designed a layout for one of my absolute favourite recipes.Images and fonts were combined with each other to create a harmonious picture. For this project I used two different fonts — a very clean font to describe the ingredients and steps and a playful handwriting that reflects the personal touch as it is my grandma‘s recipe and I only have it in handwriting from her.



Adobe InDesign 2019 Adobe Photoshop 2019


I designed a typographic study booklet on the Mr Evan Sans typeface. On eight pages, it shows the different variations of the Mr Evan Sans typeface family. But that is not all — the story of the creation of this typeface family is also explained in the booklet. I did not know this typeface before this assignment, but I have enjoyed it so much that I have used it several times since then.



Adobe InDesign 2019 Adobe Illustrator 2019


This mockup shows my redesign of one of my favorite books. I wanted the dark, dangerous but also exciting story to be reflected on the cover. I created the illustration on the cover in Illustrator, it shows the building where the murder occurs.



Adobe InDesign 2019 Adobe Photoshop 2019


Creating my personal brand was particularly challenging for me. I wanted something playful but modern. For me it was clear that I wanted to use two different fonts. They should show my creative side but also my technical side, as I want to combine these two characteristics in my future professional life.



DESCRIPTION I am a positive and outgoing person who likes to be around people. I love to travel and get to know the world and its different people. Although my Bachelor of Engineering in Print and Media Technology is more of a technical orientation, I see design as a way to express myself and understand others. Art and creativity are a huge part of my life and I hope that they will also find their place in my later professional life.



+49 1577 4151681

Creative Design & Typography Portfolio

Type Study Booklet How Adobe InDesign 2020 Adobe Illustrator 2020

Goal I designed a Type Study Booklet about the font family PT Serif. On a total of 8 pages I have illustrated the characteristics of the typeface. But that‘s not all — the history as well as an exemplary application of the font is also shown.

Recipe Booklet How Adobe InDesign 2020

Goal This project was about designing a recipe for my favorite meal. Picture and design elements were brought into harmony with each other, combining my technical and creative skills. At least the Project includes one Page which shows the type fonts I used.

Book Cover Redesign How Adobe InDesign 2020 Adobe Illustrator 2020 Adobe Photoshop 2020

Goal I checked out the cover of my favorite book and thought about how it could be better implemented and designed for the main target group. The result is shown on the following page.

Personal Brand How Adobe Illustrator 2020

Goal I designed a universal word mark from my first and last name which can be seen on the following pages in various applications but also on the cover of this portfolio and at the bottom of each page.

Description The background and deeper meaning of the resulting word mark is as follows: The slightly unattractive sounding surname is in the background, but it overlaps with my first name, because both belong to me.

Hello, that's me. And no, that's not the Alps in the background, but almost as beautiful: the “Schwäbische Alb” near Stuttgart. This is also the place where I completed my Bachelor of Engineering in Print and Media Technology. But my home is the even more beautiful Black Forest. I was born there and grew up with my parents and three siblings. For my Master's degree I actually moved closer to the Alps — to beautiful Munich. That's also where I took the course Emerging Trends & Technology in Graphic Communication. The projects presented in this portfolio were part of this module and helped me to develop my creative skills in design and typography. It was a lot of fun — I hope you saw that on the previous pages!



+49 1520 7692503

Katharina Kohlmann Design Portfolio

Recipe Booklet

Tools Canon 600D DSLR • Adobe InDesign • Adobe Photoshop

Process The recipe I chose for the booklet is my own adaption of one of my favorite dishes: Spaghetti Siciliana. Since I didn’t have a written record of the recipe, I had to write it down before typesetting it in InDesign. I shot different preparation stages with my trusty Canon 600D DSLR camera and adjusted the photos in Photoshop afterwards. The typefaces used were chosen to create a nice contrast— the script typeface Grafolita Script for the headings, adding that Italian feel, and the sans serif typeface Segoe UI for the body text for readability.

Recipe book instruction spread |

Recipe book showing all recipe pages

Type Specimen Booklet

Tools Adobe InDesign

Process The type specimen booklet about Didot was designed with the typeface’s notable contrast in mind. Didot’s contrast and classiness are represented in the booklet’s black and white design and angled layout. The angle was chosen based on the angle of Didot’s italic style. The diagonal angle continues from page 1 through the spreads to page 5 of the booklet.

| Type study: first spread and cover

Type study: pages 1–2, introducing the typeface and explaining its history

Type study: pages 3–4, highlighting the font’s three weights and two styles

Type study: pages 5–6, highlighting glyphs, including a spotlight on the ligatures

Book Cover Redesign

Tools Adobe Photoshop • Wacom Intuos Pro • Adobe InDesign

Process I chose to redesign one of my favorite poetry collections: “The Poetry of Robert Frost”, as edited by Edward Connery Lathem. The choice of which book cover to redesign was a difficult one. In order to make a decision, I painted thumbnails to get an idea of what a redesign could look like. In the end, I chose “The Poetry of Robert Frost”, because the other books already had several editions with beautiful book cover designs, whereas the Robert Frost poetry collection’s cover was rather bland. After deciding on the book, I came up with two entirely different cover ideas—one from the first thumbnail, which was an illustration of Frost's poem "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening", the other simply a painting of what came to my mind when I thought of Frost's poetry as a whole. I completed both cover designs, but in the end decided to go with the second design, because I felt it fit the poetry collection as a whole better than an illustration of a single poem. Both cover illustrations were painted by myself in Photoshop on a Wacom Intuos Pro graphics tablet.

Book cover redesign of "The Poetry of Robert Frost", as edited by Edward Connery Lathem

| Original book cover of "The Poetry of Robert Frost"

Dropped first cover design: illustration of "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" |

| Book cover illustration full sleeve: color variations

– A Prayer in Spring –

A feAst of greAt poetry by An AmericAn mAster

The Poetry of Robert Frost

»Oh, give us pleasure in the flowers today; And give us not to think so far away As the uncertain harvest; keep us here All simply in the springing of the year.«

The Poetry of Robert Frost Edited by Edward Connery Lathem

Cover Design by Katharina Kohlmann, For educational purposes only

Top: book cover color variation: first version Bottom: book cover final revised version

| "The Poetry of Robert Frost" hardcover: cover and spine

"The Poetry of Robert Frost" hardcover: back |

Personal Brand

Tools Adobe Illustrator • Adobe InDesign • Adobe Photoshop

Process My logo consists of a graphic element and my name. The design progress is shown on the following pages. I played around with my initials, which are both conveniently the same. The final logo design is a design based on my shorthand signature. For my name I chose the font Futura PT, both to compliment the straight vertical lines of both "K"s and to contrast the graphic element's curved lines.

Business card front and back |

| From left to right: logo design progression

Bottom left: logo design graphic element no. 1 Bottom right: logo design graphic element no. 2

Katharina Kohlmann

| Logo design progression for the final, chosen personal brand design

Personal brand stamp |


Tools Adobe Photoshop • Adobe Illustrator • Adobe InDesign watercolours • acrylics • pencil Wacom Intuos Pro

About me I’m just your average student pursuing my master’s in Print Media Technology and Management at Munich University of Applied Sciences. I’m a hobbyist artist— my main medium is digital art but I also dabble in traditional art, poetry and crafting. While I’m still trying to find my artistic voice I enjoy experimenting with all sorts of styles and mediums. I’m also part of a local art group and we usually run group shows twice a year.

Find out more about my art at www.riemea.com |

Katharina Kohlmann



Katharina Kohlmann


HI ! I’m Mathilde. I am passionate about photography (especially analog), I love to tinker and above all I study architecture. You have just started reading my portfolio.





done in the «Emerging Trends and Technologies in Graphic Communication» Enjoy reading !



mathilde gallinelli

m a t h i l d e Ga l l i n e l l i

Above, three variations of my personal brand. The second version is the one I like the most.

On the right, the final version of my personal brand. For a better readability, I thickened the central ÂŤiÂť common to both names.



YUM ! Here’s my recipe for churros. I used contrast typefaces; Bentho Regular and Circular Pro Book.



Want to

know more about this typeface ? For this project, I focused on the contrast of colours , the proximity of objects and the distribution of ÂŤwhite spacesÂť within the pages.


Above, the original cover. Its geek univers (video games, comics) register is rather aimed at a young audience.

On the right, the book cover redesign. I would like to propose a new version of the cover that shows the philosophical and poetic of the writing so that both my little brother and my grandmother would want to buy and read this novel.

LET’S KEEP IN TOUCH mgg (@) sailworks.net mathusar.sailworks.net

Final Portfolio 2020


bout me

Hello! My name is Stephanie Brand and I want to tell you something about me. The easiest way is through some pictures. The pictures on the right show my the favourite hobbies. In the top one you can see Kylemore Abbey, which is an old Abby in Connemara, Ireland. I took this photo foto myself and it stands for my love for travelling around the world. In the bottom left one you can see one of my family members, my cute little goldy. This photo stands for my family and friends. And in the last picture you can see my polaroid camera, which express my love for taking pictures. •

TOOLS Adobe InDesign Polaroid camera mobile phone camera

Recipe Book

Nut NougatPavlova with Bananas I bought the magazine “Sweet Dreams” for inspiration and baked something completly new. I loved the end result, so maybe I have a new favourite cake. The difficulity was to take expressive pictures and to find a suitable font. I worked with InDesign before, but nearly only to create stationery, business cards or similar things. So it was a challenge. The reason I used the colours light blue and strong yellow because that yellow is a “typical food colour”, but blue is not and I wanted to have an opposite, but in a friendly way. The fonts are also very contrary: one ist very playful and the other one is sans serif and very straight. It was important to me that you can see on first sight which ingredients are needed for what and that the coven time is on a seperate ‘notepad’.

TOOLS Adobe InDesign Adobe Photoshop mobile phone camera

Type Study

Rockwell This project is about fonts and I chose Rockwell. The original typeface was called Litho Antique and released by William Schraubstadter. In 1931 the Type Litho Antique got new characters and was published by Morris Fuller Benton under the name Rockwell Antique. After a second change by Benton to the new Font Styme Bold, Frank Hinmann Pierpont created and released - together with Monotype - the new typeface family Rockwell. The Fonts Styme Bold and Rockwell are very similare to each other so it is very hard to tell them apart. Because it is often used for Western movie paraphernalia, old posters, Guinness Book of Records and the Docklands Light Railway, I tried to make everything in a Western Style. I choose colours and the shapes that fit the ‘WANTED’ posters in Western movies. The first and the last page looke like a crossword puzzle with adjectives, verbs or nouns that describe the font. The last page is the mirror of the first page to show the start and the end point as an opposite.

TOOLS Adobe InDesign Adobe Photoshop

Book Cover Redesign

Spider’s Bite This project is about redesigning a book cover. In my opinion the most important thing a cover should do is to reflect the content of the book. A cover should show you what to expect from the book; if a cover is not good then the hole book will suffer from it. My book cover should show you ‘danger’, which is what I tried to create with the colours and the title’s font. But the important little hints are the stone texture, the “spider” rune and the snowflakes on the back. The stone should show the magic power of the protagonist because she is a stone elemental. The “spider” rune is her personal symbol of her strength of character and additionally the shape of her scars. The snowflakes shows her family rune and her second magic power: ice. On the back you can see the protagonist’s rune and another one in shape of a shark tooth next to it. The shark tooth rune is the rune of her enemy in this book. Currently there are 15 “Spider” books and each one has a different enemy and each of them has a personal rune, so a redesign of the second book could show the new enemy. TOOLS Adobe InDesign Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Unsplash

Book Cover Redesign

The two pictures above show the English and the German first editions' covers. The English one shows the “danger� really well because of its dark colours and the font of the name. It also hints a little at the book's content because you can see the sign of the restaurant which is an important setting in all the books. On the other side the cover contains too much of everything: too much different fonts and sizes, too much pictures and too much dark expression. The German cover is completely different because of its light colours and the simple design with spot varnishing; it looks noble rather than dangerous. The black and white picture in the middle of the rune symbolizes that there is more than you can see at the first look. It attracts you through this contrats and makes you take the book off the shelf. For the redesign I wanted to create a mix from both books, on the one hand the visual danger and on the other hand the simple elegance. The target group of readers is more in the area of young adults so I tried to live up to expectations. The three pictures on the right show the first drafts of my book cover. Each of them have the same elements on them but with different backgrounds. I went with the last one in the end, becasue it ist not too full and not too empty.


when she was thirteen, she lived on the streets and eventually became an assassin to survive. Now, Gin is assigned to rub out an Ashland businessman, but it turns out to be a trap. After Gin’s handler is brutally murdered, she teams up with the sexy detective investigating the case to figure out who double ~ crossed her and why. Only one thing is for sure ~ Gin has no qualms about killing her way to the top of the conspiracy.


After Gin’s family was murdered by a Fire elemental

Spider’s Bite

„A raw, gritty, and compelling walk on the wild side, one that had me hooked from the first page.“ ~ Nalini Singh, New York Times bestselling author ~

Spider’s Bite

Elemental Assassin 1

when she was thirteen, she lived on the streets and eventually became an assassin to survive. Now, Gin is assigned to rub out an Ashland businessman, but it turns out to be a trap. After Gin’s handler is brutally murdered, she teams up with the sexy detective investigating the case to figure out who double ~ crossed her and why. Only one thing is for sure ~ Gin has no qualms about killing her way to the top of the conspiracy.

Spider’s Bite

After Gin’s family was murdered by a Fire elemental



„A raw, gritty, and compelling walk on the wild side, one that had me hooked from the first page.“ ~ Nalini Singh, New York Times bestselling author ~

Spider’s Bite

Elemental Assassin 1

when she was thirteen, she lived on the streets and eventually became an assassin to survive. Now, Gin is assigned to rub out an Ashland businessman, but it turns out to be a trap. After Gin’s handler is brutally murdered, she teams up with the sexy detective investigating the case to figure out who double ~ crossed her and why. Only one thing is for sure ~ Gin has no qualms about killing her way to the top of the conspiracy.

Spider’s Bite

After Gin’s family was murdered by a Fire elemental



„A raw, gritty, and compelling walk on the wild side, one that had me hooked from the first page.“ ~ Nalini Singh, New York Times bestselling author ~

Spider’s Bite

Elemental Assassin 1

Personal Brand

On the next spread you can see my first drafts. My focus was on two adjectives: playful and elegant. These are the two adjectives I am trying to be. On this spread on the right side you can see the logo I chose. The top one was the first draft, the second one the first revision and the last one ist the one I took in the end. I think it is solid and a little bit playful with a big recognition value, which is very important for a good logo. The font I used for my last name is a edited Sirenne Eighteen MVB and the one for my first name font is Delaney. Sirenne Eighteen MVB I used to merge the letters through their serifs and to create a recognizable sign. With Delaney I wanted to make the logo more relaxed because of the gentle swings.

TOOLS Adobe InDesign Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Unsplash

Personal Brand


BRAND Stephanie

Personal Brand

Stephanie Brand



Lukas Poguntke


Brand Design


That‘s Me

About Me


My name is Lukas Poguntke and I live in the beautiful city of Munich since a pretty long time now. I really like to design, especially in the world wide web. There I am using WordPress and its giant range of tools to create new websites.

h h h h h h

Webhosting & Design Printed Products Corporate Identity Adobe InDesign Illustrator Photoshop

Project Portfolio


Intro As far as my career goes I did graduate as a Bachelor in Print and Media Technology in the year 2019. Now I am studying in the following Master‘s degree of this Bachelor, which is called „Printmedia, Technology and Management“. Here I really like the stronger focus on Marketing, Design and Management, what leads me to building a stronger foundation in all the Design parts. These are all needed for printing beautiful and also useful products in the future.

The Munich Skyline

Me standing on Marcus square

Blueberry Smoothie



This project was about showing a personal recipe of something enjoyable to eat or drink. I decided to demonstrate the making process of a simple blueberry smoothie. It‘s really easy but tastes just good.

h Creating and editing Documents with multiple sites in InDesign h Applying and using paragraph styles h Editing Edges of objects h Applying transparency h Setting up full bleed backgrounds



Recipe Cover Page

Site 2 contains the ingredients and site 3 is picturing the process

The last page showcases the used fonts

THis is Montserrat



The next level was too create a little booklet about a specific typeface. This booklet should tell the fonts history, show the different weights and styles of it and also present some typographic special features.

h Applying and using a grid sensible within an InDesign Document h Getting to know a typeface and its styles & weights h Using white space efficiently h Creating a consistent concept for a booklet



Front and back cover of the Montserrat booklet


The first pages telling the history of Montserrat

Presenting the different weights & styles of Montserrat



Showing some Ligatures on site 6 and special Glyphs on site 7

Eragon Redesign



The following project was to choose a specific book that we liked, but also think that its cover has room for improvement. I chose the book „Eragon“, so my task here was to redesign the current blue dominated cover.

h Properly setting up a book cover in Adobe InDesign h Finding suitable free images and placing them correctly as full bleed h Editing Pictures in PS h How to present my work in a nice way through a Photoshop mockup

04 Cover

My rethought cover of the first „Eragon“ book

As seen on the right the current Eragon cover is dominated by blue with some golden accents. This isn‘t so appealing to me, because the blue design just focuses on the Dragon‘s color. Her name is Saphira, which says it a third time: yes we got it, she is blue colored! With my redesign I wanted to shift away from that blue to put more focus on the Protagonist Eragon. The greener design shows where Eragon came from and where his journey begins: in a forest.

Christopher Paolini

Christopher Paolini


ERAGON When poor farm boy Eragon finds a polished stone in the forest, he thinks it’s a lucky discovery. Perhaps, he will be able to buy his family food for the winter. But, when a baby dragon hatches out of the stone, Eragon realises he’s stumbled upon a legacy nearly as old as the Empire itself...

Current Eragon cover on Amazon


Lukas Poguntke

My first redesigned Version converting the design into a greener one



ERAGON ERAGON Christopher Paolini

When poor farm boy Eragon finds a polished stone in the forest, he thinks it’s a lucky discovery. Perhaps, he will be able to buy his family food for the winter. But, when a baby dragon hatches out of the stone, Eragon realises he’s stumbled upon a legacy nearly as old as the Empire itself...

Christopher Paolini


Lukas Poguntke

My final redesign: spine changed to a leaf backgorund and the egg was repositioned to the left

My cover pictures the forest, where Eragon finds the mysterious blue stone, which is also shown at the bottom left. The front cover shows a dragon flying. With this whoIe cover I want to show the development of the whole Situation. Eragon, a very poor boy, finds a dragon egg and some weeks later he finds himself in an important role: he is a dragon rider.

Personal Logos



The last project before creating this portfolio, was to design three different personal logos. These logos should present ourselves as a brand, like a company or a football club.

h Getting to know the basics of Adobe Illustrator h Creating objects, editing type and designing logo concepts in Illustrator h Collecting and showcasing the logo versions in different widths in a Adobe Indesign Document

05 Brand

My personal brand logo showcased on a business card


Lukas Poguntke My first personal logo using initials

Lukas Poguntke My last logo, based on the first one, redesigned after the group critique

My first created logo, as seen on the left above, contains my two initials „L“ and „P“ from two different typefaces. I placed them in an outlined circle and put my whole name under it. In the group critique this logo got the most feedback and was the one with the most room for improvement. They pointed out, that the logo is to tall and doesn‘t say anything about my subject. After this critique I completely redesigned it and focused on a much cleaner and more decent look. The result can be seen on the right and is presented on the business card on the previous page.



This logo was designed with „Fredericka the great“ typeface as the two initials and a more handwritten font, which comes actually really closes to my handwriting (when I‘m trying really hard). I kind of connected every part of the logo with variable lines, which are fainting and losing strength at the ends. My second logo design, using fainting lines

In the third logo on the right, I decided to go with a linear typeface called „Monoton“. I used this for my Initials and aligned them in a way, that the „L“ is kind of connecting to the „P“, but is not touching it. Then I used the space under the two initials to bring in my sur- and lastname.

LP Lukas


My third logo, using Monoton typeface to connect „L“ and „P“

Lukas Poguntke

Contact information Feel free to get in touch!


Lukas Poguntke

race obias

Design Portfolio

Grace Tobias

Recipe Book


Photoshop InDesign

Project “Recipe Book�

The task was to design our own favourite dishes for a recipe book. It was a lot of fun to take the pictures and choose the right colors. I also learned how important it is to use grids to arrange elements for a consistent design.

Project “Recipe Book“: Front Page

Project “Recipe Book“: Page 1 and 2

Project “Recipe Book“: Last Page

Type Specimen Booklet Tools

Photoshop InDesign

Project “Type Specimen Booklet�

For the font sample brochure I chose the Adobe Garamond font. I found the difference between the original Garamond font and Adobe Garamond particularly interesting.

Project “Type Specimen Booklet“: Front page

Project “Type Specimen Booklet“: Page 1 and 2

Project “Type Specimen Booklet“: Page 3 and 4

Project “Type Specimen Booklet“: Page 5 and 6

Project “Type Specimen Booklet“: Front and Back Cover

Book Cover


Photoshop InDesign

Project Book Cover Redesign

This is a redesign of the book “House on Mango Street� by Sandra Cisneros. The new version of the book cover should appeal to a younger readership. Therefore I chose an illustration for the book cover.

Project “Book Cover“: Front and Back Cover

Personal Branding Tools

Photoshop InDesign

Project Book Cover Redesign

In this project we had the task to develop our own logo with our names. I wanted to create a logo that would make an elegant and serious impression.

Project “Book Cover“: Front and Back Cover

About Me

Grace Tobias My name is Grace Tobias and i am 23 years old. I studied Printing and Media Technologies at Hochschule MĂźnchen and finished my bachelor thesis in September 2019. At the moment i am in the second semester of my master‘s program. During my studies i was able to gain a lot of experience in typography, webdesign and design in general. I really enjoyed those subjects since they were very praticeoriented and you can view your work immediately and be proud of it. In those classes we designed Websites, Business Cards and printed advertising. In my bachelor thesis I focused on web design as well as the development of an online shop. Beside these courses I have learned the Adobe programs Indesign, Illustrator and Photoshop through a beginners‘ course.

race obias

Contact Information Grace Tobias E m a i l : t o b i a s @hm.edu Mobil: +49 0152 56 87 23 44

This is me! Please see the last page for contact information.

I really like dark and light contrast. It gives the medium some elegance and defies a “horror vacui” scenario.

“Personal branding is one thing that you just can’t do well on your own. You are too close to it”

- Gina Bianchini -

Personal Brand Personal Branding can be applied by everyone and for sure it is an ongoing process. However, personality and other individual traits are hard to express through graphic communication, especially since perception is always subjective. Accordingly, I think the personal brand can easily oversell, give a false image or might just be too much. Therefore, without meeting a person beforehand, personal branding should have an individual touch which doesn’t tell the full story of a person just yet, but is enough for an introduction.

Simplicity first! Just because one is able to use many colors, elements or effects for a design won’t make it necessarily a better design. A simple design can draw the attention to the elements that are meant to be focused on. Can you see the pen on the right and see how it sticks out?

This was submitted for an advanced typography class at Munich University for Applied Sciences. The first design of my own logo was actually done in a similar project at my vocational school for media design. Even though I have never striven for a career in graphic design, I think everyone, including me, should consider creating a design for their own profile in order to be able to show individuality through personal branding, regardless of ones profession or industry.

Hummus is easy to make, full of proteins and just delicious. You should try it, too.

Actually it is meant to be inside of a cooking book, but it also works as a brochure by itself.

“A recipe is a story that ends with a good meal”

- Pat Conroy -

Recipe Book This project was about designing a layout for a recipe book. This double page layout consists of pictures on one page and ingredients, plus method on the other page. For this project in particular I was encouraged to use my own pictures and personal recipe. However, Photography is a subject I couldn’t set up nicely for this situation. The only camera I had available was my phone and the lighting conditions in my kitchen were horrible. Nevertheless, this resembles its content more suitable than stock photos. An amateur cooking recipe, created by an amateur cook, shows authenticity through amateur pictures.

Fun fact: I’ve done this recipe so many times and alternate it every time, so it gets a different taste and character each time. Also I got this recipe taught by another person, so I had to measure and calculate the ingredients for basic hummus the first and probably only time in my life. Also, this is one of the few dishes to be made vegan and in my case also plastic and packaging free!

This was submitted for an advanced typography class at Munich University for Applied Sciences. Being one of the first projects in class, it brought me back to the basics of being a designer. Considering all the other students in this class also created recipes, there actually was a complete cookbook created.

This book cover of one of my favorite books is just a disaster of an artwork...

...So I changed it. People who are familiar with its content will definitely recognize some elements.

“Don’t judge a book by its cover ‘til you’ve read the book.”

- Jamie Lee Curtis -

Book Cover Redesigning something can be fun, but it can be mistaken as dishonoring the original artwork. Though, I think that it shows the value of the object even more, because its intention is not about competing against it, but rather creating another piece which stands for itself. Similarely, the author of the book (Douglas Adams) said about the movie adaptation, that it is not to be considered as an book/radio show adaptation, but rather stands for itself and tells the story in its own way.

“42 is the answer, but what is the question?” Well, who hasn’t heard of this classic before - it has established in our pop culture in many aspects today. There exists a radio show, severeal books and even tv shows and a movie! Did you know that May 25 is international towel day? Well, now you know, but why do I mention towels now? Probably the best thing to do is finding out by yourself by reading the book.

This was submitted for an advanced typography class at Munich University for Applied Sciences. It was great to see, how many creative reworks were done to all the books.

This is a booklet about the typeface “Democratica” by Miles Newlyn.

I created an eight page booklet about the characteristics of this typeface.

“Design is where science and art break even.”

- Robin Mathew -

Typeface Analyzing fonts and typefaces is always find very interesting. I also have a fable for playing around with letters, glyphs and elements of a typeface. I once created a logo which only consisted of small elements of a typeface. Combining, rearranging them and creating something out of the relics of other glyphs had something like Dr. Frankenstein. In the end one could tell the characteristics were the same, bit in the end it barely had to do anything with its original elements.

Democratica was designed by an ex-Central Saint Martin’s Student, Miles Newlyn, in 1991, for Emigre, right after he graduated. He was tired of the modular typefaces designed using the cut-copy-paste method on a Mac, which was the prevailing trend of that time. He felt that typefaces designed in that period of time were losing the structural beauty of Roman Oldstyle typefaces.

This was submitted for an advanced typography class at Munich University for Applied Sciences. The typefaces to choose from were limited by the professor. I think I would have chosen a different one, but I’m glad I discovered very unique one with Democratica.

This is a print out of an A6, double window fold, 8 page flyer I created for my former employer.

There exist multiple versions and a huge set of print and screen implementations.

“Design is so simple, that’s why it is so complicated.”

- Paul Rand -

Brochure This project is just one of many examples of my work as a graphic designer. After my apprenticeship as a media designer I worked for a printing company in prepress, a retail print shop as a graphic designer, an Online marketing agency as the in-house graphic designer and this was my fourth job where I could apply my design skills.

When I worked as an intern for a start-up I was responsible for all the visuals and representation of the company. Our project was to create a collectible sticker album for German rappers. It was a fun project - starting from scratch had many ups and downs. However, in the end the marketing material was considered suiting for our purpose and helped convincing our business partners to work with us.

This flyer in particular was used to convince potential business partners. Brochures, flyers, business cards, fact sheets, presentations and many more outputs were created with this self designed content.

Vinyl Cut is not a printing method. There every color is cut out and layered on top of each other individually.

As you can see, having a white background only requires the other colors.

“Make an empty space in any corner of your mind, and creativity will fill it.�

- Dee Hock -

Vinyl Cut Vinyl cut is kind of a craftsmanship in my opinion. It requires planning, knowledge about materials and skills like precision, concentration and prestidigitation, especially for small and detailed jobs. Easy to learn, but hard to master. Luckily this was my main job for a few years and I still consider this skill and knowledge something where I will remain an expert.

Here you can see my folder I used during my studies. As you can see some of the motives have fallen off, since I was using the folder every day for a few years. However, except for two stickers, everything on it was done by me. I also started to fill my laptop, phone and other objects (like the cookie monster guarding my fridge) with self-made stickers. Unfortunately, the machines I use for this are at my parents house, so I always have to plan production ahead.

This all started at my first job and apprenticeship in a lettering and vinyl cut Online shop. Up to 100 jobs a day and many individual requests taught me how to work precise, fast and efficient. After I finished my education there, I still found it quite nice to design and produce little stickers. So I bought a vinyl cutting machine and still do small projects and jobs as a hobby from time to time.


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