HM and Cal Poly Exchange Booklet V4

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Exchange Program Get Inspired

About HM

Munich University of Applied Sciences, also known as Hochschule München, is one of the largest universities of applied sciences in Germany and comprises 14 faculties covering a wide range of subjects, from engineering and business to social sciences and design. The university offers a wide range of courses - over 70 Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs. The number of students is over 17,000, which makes HM a very large educational institution.

The location of Munich University of Applied Sciences in the heart of the vibrant city of Munich offers students not only an inspiring environment for learning, but also numerous opportunities for leisure activities and cultural experiences.


Mark Pappanduros - Cal Poly Media Technology & Print at HM

How does studying abroad differ from studying at your home university?

For me the transition to classes has been the easiest part of studying abroad. The structure is similar and oftentimes other students in English courses are other exchange students who are in the same situation as you.

Could you tell us how your courses were accredited?

There are pre-approved courses which count as equivalents to Cal Poly classes. In addition there are course approval forms which allow you to request credit for a GE course with a course you took abroad. It’s important to request substitutions as early as possible.

What was the highlight of your semester abroad?

Going out with other students to bars or to explore the town. Students who go on international exchanges obviously like to get out, so it hasn’t been hard to find some people who would want to go out.


Mark Pappanduros - Cal Poly Media Technology & Print at HM

How does studying abroad differ from studying at your home university?

For me the transition to classes has been the easiest part of studying abroad. The structure is similar and oftentimes other students in English courses are other exchange students who are in the same situation as you.

Could you tell us how your courses were accredited?

There are pre-approved courses which count as equivalents to Cal Poly classes. In addition there are course approval forms which allow you to request credit for a GE course with a course you took abroad. It’s important to request substitutions as early as possible.

What was the highlight of your semester abroad?

Going out with other students to bars or to explore the town. Students who go on international exchanges obviously like to get out, so it hasn’t been hard to find some people who would want to go out.


El eos adit quo coreseque pro optate ipitaspediti assit andant apedi cuscias abore, si is et pe cus magnihita dolupta del maximpossit alicipsam lam quos dolum nimust, ut dolut electium ernati nusape volorrum que doluptati conseditiae. Se volupis exerferatium repe corum, officate ea eatem remosam si aligent estioribus, conem et exerchiciati totatqui saecatem as verfers peribus es commo et, sitatent qui tem aut vendebis autae vit es expero tectecus et omnis di dignatur accusap itemporemque audaeria consequi quateniat a nos mos enimenet, ut quiaturit ut a poria core volupta eatur molor am debis maxim et ommodi dundusam imi, ut di comnimp elitatur rem nobis qui odi vellor molore porestrum vent eaquam idiciat

Peri cuptatur audi natemperum repta quuntem sitaturem fuga. Erspid quaspic tem et estrum elliciendia voluptaquam remquate rae porehendis consequi bearumquis ius earum fuga. Nam nist, ut rehendi tatios dento derum lis sit ea sam labori venem am velia simi, aut officatium ni dit dolut volluptaque

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Prof. Ulrich Moosheimer

International Department Manager


Prof. Lorraine Donegan

California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Juni 2024

Hochschule München Lothstraße 34 80335 München


Seite 3: Hochschule Munchen

Seite 4: Mark Pappanduros

Seite 5: Abby Yu

Seite 8/9: Cal Poly

Seite 12: Mark Pappanduros

Seite 13: Abby Yu

Seite 14: Cal Poly


El eos adit quo coreseque pro optate ipitaspediti assit andant apedi cuscias abore, si is et pe cus magnihita dolupta del maximpossit alicipsam lam quos dolum nimust, ut dolut electium ernati nusape volorrum que doluptati conseditiae. Se volupis exerferatium repe corum, officate ea eatem remosam si aligent estioribus, conem et exerchiciati totatqui saecatem as verfers peribus es commo et, sitatent qui tem aut vendebis autae vit es expero tectecus et omnis di dignatur accusap itemporemque audaeria consequi quateniat a nos mos enimenet, ut quiaturit ut a poria core volupta eatur molor am debis maxim et ommodi dundusam imi, ut di comnimp elitatur rem nobis qui odi vellor molore porestrum vent eaquam idiciat.

Peri cuptatur audi natemperum

repta quuntem sitaturem fuga. Erspid quaspic tem et estrum elliciendia voluptaquam remquate rae porehendis consequi bearumquis ius earum fuga. Nam nist, ut rehendi tatios dento derum lis sit ea sam labori venem am velia simi, aut officatium ni dit dolut volluptaque

Peri cuptatur audi natemperum repta quuntem sitaturem fuga. Erspid quaspic tem et estrum elliciendia voluptaquam remquate rae porehendis consequi bearumquis ius vearum fuga. Nam nist, ut rehendi tatios dento derum lis sit ea sam labori venem am velia simi, aut officatium ni dit dolut volluptaque Peri cuptatur audi natemperum repta quuntem sitaturem fuga.

Erspid quaspic tem et estrum elliciendia voluptaquam remquate rae porehendis consequi bearumquis ius vearum fuga. Nam nist, ut rehendi tatios dento derum lis sit ea sam labori venem am velia simi, aut officatium ni dit dolut volluptaque

Peri cuptatur audi natemperum repta quuntem sitaturem fuga. Erspid quaspic tem et estrum elliciendia voluptaquam

remquate rae porehendis consequi bearumquis ius vearum fuga. Nam nist, ut rehendi tatios dento derum lis sit ea sam labori venem am velia simi, aut officatium ni dit dolut volluptaque


Mark Pappanduros - Cal Poly Media Technology & Print at HM

How does studying abroad differ from studying at your home university?

For me the transition to classes has been the easiest part of studying abroad. The structure is similar and oftentimes other students in English courses are other exchange students who are in the same situation as you.

Could you tell us how your courses were accredited?

There are pre-approved courses which count as equivalents to Cal Poly classes. In addition there are course approval forms which allow you to request credit for a GE course with a course you took abroad. It’s important to request substitutions as early as possible.

What was the highlight of your semester abroad?

Going out with other students to bars or to explore the town. Students who go on international exchanges obviously like to get out, so it hasn’t been hard to find some people who would want to go out.


Mark Pappanduros - Cal Poly Media Technology & Print at HM

How does studying abroad differ from studying at your home university?

For me the transition to classes has been the easiest part of studying abroad. The structure is similar and oftentimes other students in English courses are other exchange students who are in the same situation as you.

Could you tell us how your courses were accredited?

There are pre-approved courses which count as equivalents to Cal Poly classes. In addition there are course approval forms which allow you to request credit for a GE course with a course you took abroad. It’s important to request substitutions as early as possible.

What was the highlight of your semester abroad?

Going out with other students to bars or to explore the town. Students who go on international exchanges obviously like to get out, so it hasn’t been hard to find some people who would want to go out.

About Cal Poly

California Polytechnic State University, known as Cal Poly, is located in San Luis Obispo, California. With approximately 20,000 students, it offers 64 bachelor’s degrees and 32 master’s degrees in six different departments.

The university’s campus spans a vast and picturesque area in San Luis Obispo. This city of 45,000 people is located between Los Angeles and San Francisco, about 10 miles from the Pacific Ocean.

Cal Poly offers a vibrant campus life with a variety of student organizations, sports teams, cultural events and academic clubs. The university emphasizes diversity and inclusion and fosters a supportive community where all students feel welcome and supported.

Get Inspired
Exchange Program

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