Welcome, everyone to my session of the current affairs week conference.
Today I will be analyzing an Australian Political cartoon targeting a current issue– Tony Abbott and his Asylum seeker policy
I have chosen a relevant cartoon by Cathy Wilcox, published in the Sydney Morning Herald on the 22nd of December 2013. I'll firstly outline the cartoon's contextual information, after which I'll explore the satirical elements used by Wilcox to persuade the readers of her perspective. Finishing with an evaluation of the cartoons effectiveness.
Firstly, to the context of this cartoon. The cartoon addresses the desperate and dangerous situation of asylum seekers arriving by boat toAustralia. Wilcox tries to convey Abbott's...show more content...
Secondly, Wilcox uses incongruity through visual elements to further her views. Incongruity is most evident when focusing on the man selling lottery tickets to the refugees, with the prize being accepted into Australia. This lottery concept is bizarrely, yet intentionally associated with the refugees, highlighting how they are manipulated with false promises. The facial expressions and symbols used enhance the cartoon's incongruity. The ticket seller's immensely large grin suggests there is more to this lottery offer than meets the eye, alongside his remark "Get your lottery tickets here!" an unusual phrase to hear in refugee areas. The sign written with Australia, $5000.... states the price of a lottery ticket though the ellipses imply that a greater cost is involved. They are gambling with money as well as taking big risks with their lives with no guarantee of safely reaching Australia. The refugees' anxious expressions show their realization of the dangers but their disparity forces them to take these risks. Finally, to the effectiveness of this cartoon.
Overall the cartoon is very effective. It is eye–catching and it's use of parody and incongruities in conjunction with the visual elements effectively portray the cartoonist's perspective of Tony Abbott. It successfully reveals Abbott's genuine double–sided views on overseas refugees and orphans whilst
Be or Not to Be"
What is this world coming to? Some people truly believe it is right to kill an innocent fetus. Mothers' who are old enough to conceive are old enough to support a baby, whether they are barely a teenager or coming to the end of their "golden years." Regardless of the circumstance, a baby should never be aborted. When women conceive a baby, immediately, thousands of responsibilities are placed in her hands. Whether you want to have a human being to take care of or not, you will, with no other choice. Say, a women becomes pregnant and truthfully cannot afford a child, that situation does not matter. If living on the streets is necessary, then she should take the initiative and do so. If drugs are merely...show more content...
A baby deserves to experience and witness life's beauties. If the mother tragically loses her life duringchildbirth, it is well worth it. Women should not be able to make decisions about how to live their lives. Clearly, by the looks of the statistics, with approximately 42 million abortions a year, women are foolish. Women should not have the option of deciding when or whether to have children. They do this by making choices regarding when to have sexual intercourse and what contraceptive methods to use. The government should have all the power to make these decisions. Abortion reflects a women's value, her family, and her career. All in all, abortion should never be justified under any circumstance. Everywoman should have at least one baby in her lifetime because that is what life is all about. Reproduction, not deduction is a way of life. To ensure that every woman has a child, women should be ordered to have sexual relations with their husbands, boyfriends, or male friends, or go to sperm banks to guarantee fertilization of their next egg to be released. A fine up to $100,000 or years in prison should result in failure to do so. "So many eggs that have the potential to become human beings, are being flushed down the toilet or soaked up in napkins every month," said a wise older man from New Haven, Connecticut, "It disgusts me that so many babies are being killed every month. Imagine that your 26–year–old daughter has been getting her
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The drug abuse is the most serious issue not only in United States but other parts of the world too. The statistic has shown that 24.4million of American including teens from age of 12, had used an illegal drugs. The primary purpose of drug is a medicine which is to cure diseases, but people in United States nowadays, have misused the usage of drugs by consuming them without recommendation or supervision from the expert. People use drugs as a solution to reduce stress, to relieve the boredom, for enjoyment and also to forget all the dilemmas they have. Besides, drug also can act as an energy booster. For example, when students take drugs, they able to stay up all night to study and complete all of their assignments while for athletes they able to perform well during the competition and at the same time to stay fit. Sometimes, people use drugs as they are curious how the taste of drugs is and want to experiment the feeling of drugs. They think by taking drug only once will not give any bad consequence to them. It is true for some people, but others when they...show more content... This money should be allocated for the development of a country, education and also employment. People who are under influence of drugs can act aggressively which means they can commit violence without consciousness and intentions. They are also willing to do anything such as rob, steal or at a certain point kill innocent people as they want money to buy drugs. As a result, the rate of crime will increase, the environment is not safe enough for the community to live in and it can disrupt people's routine lives. Moreover, it can give negative perceptions to the investors from other countries and they are not willing to invest or make a deal with a country that has high social problems. The consequence is, it can retard the economy growth of a
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Environment Satire It has come to my attention that our nation is in the middle of earthweek. At a time when we all stop, as Americans, and take a look at all of the great accomplishments we have made that we could have possibly overlooked while running around with our busy schedules. We recognize our efforts to create powerful industries and production plants that produce endless chemical compounds and new materials. The discovery and use of fossil fuels, of which has fed our automobiles and at times added a protective coating to our shores and beaches. The men and women who clear the land and provide the materials for our homes. And what about electricity? The greatest discovery of all time. We must not forget about the men...show more content...
I think I speak for many people when I say that I can’t wait for the day when it finally warms up around here. While being an Oregon resident has it’s advantages, it just seems to lack in the sunshine department, and what a better way to brighten up any day than with 200 degree weather. No more wasting snow days at school, no more long sleeved shirts, and finally an end to all that SPF mumbo jumbo. You know that without an O–zone layer there’s going to be nothing strong enough on the market to protect our delicate skin. They’ll probably have some kind of pill I can take instead. Even if some of the polar ice caps do melt, that just means more beaches for us on our new glorious days of sunshine. So what if a few million people drown? I suppose earthweek is just another form of the government keeping us down. We have become far too brainwashed when we start to feel guilty for living the life of careless slobs. Though, one week out of the year isn’t too bad to have to plant a tree or recycle your plastics. It is the ones who spend their time and money developing new, safer techniques to ensure the health of our planet that need our help the most. They just don’t seem to understand the detrimental importance of self consciousness. We as citizens, as Americans, as human beings must take it upon ourselves to clear up any confusion and set these poor wasteful droids into the right direction.
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Satirical Essay Rough Copy Recently, cigarettes have been getting a bad rap. No one seems to understand that the real problem at hand is not the negative effects of smoking cigarettes, but those who abstain from smoking cigarettes. These people are nothing but a nuisance, a lousy bunch of no–gooders that just want to ruin your fun. In fact, smoking cigarettes is an activity that the entire population can benefit from. The world relies on the production and consumption of tobacco, and there are many positives of smoking that outweigh the negatives. For example, smokers dedicate a large portion of their life buying packs upon packs of cigarettes, which in turn gives a huge profit to the country. Surely if you consider yourself a ...show more content...
Without the common smoker, who will buy things like teeth whitener and bad breathe killing gum? Surely coffee drinkers can't bare that burden alone. With the increase ofcigarette smoking, not only will the sales of them help the economy, but so will the increase of jobs in manufacturing, tobacco farming, and many other great career paths.
Now, onto the topic of the supposed "life threatening" risks of smoking cigarettes that people have been so vocal about. People that smoke aren't oblivious to these risks; they're clearly printed on the front of every pack. If a smoker isn't going to listen to all of these scientific sources, what makes them think they would listen to you? The truth is, most smokers know that smoking is killing them, and they should accept this fact willingly. Smokers get to experience the wondrous effects of cigarettes throughout their lifetime, and won't have to live until they're inevitable senility. Smokers know that living until they're old is pointless, because when you're old you lose even more relevancy than you had when you were young. Pick up smoking and die early, so that you can preserve your dignity instead of being laughed at as a feeble old man/woman. Furthermore, the world is overpopulated as it is; what's a few lives taken from cancer here and there going to do? If anything, it will help keep the population in check.
Everyone who's anyone in the history of the world has smoked. For Get more content