Deception Essay

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Information and the capability to process and comprehend said information is what granted men, prosperity and dominance in the world of animals and savagery but can also engulfs him in deception and treachery. As stated by Barron "the most successful man in life is the man who has the best information"(1). The new generation of humanity lives in a new era of technology and accessibility with the unspeakable amount of reputable information however is this reptuable infromation utilized or an ill–founded injection of the deception of power. Social media is an excellent example of how reputable information as being dissmissed and replaced by feeble statics of attention and fame in conclusion birthing this the injection of deception that has become Get

Deception Of Deception
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Whether conducted by the patrol officer, the victim's advocate, the prosecutor or the investigator assigned to a special unit in the criminal investigation division, the interview of a victim, witness, suspect or informant is a critical element of any investigation. Precious resources in the form of man power, money, time and equipment can be wasted because of the failure of the interviewer to conduct a completeinterview and accurately evaluate the credibility of the information gained from the subject interviewed. As a part of the three pillars of the criminal investigative process, a thorough and complete interview provides greater insight into the more content...

The next phase of the interview is the narration. In this segment the subject of the interview is offered the opportunity to relate the facts and information within their realm of knowledge that they believe is most important to them. It is critical at this point for the interviewer to permit the subject the opportunity to fully disclose all the information that feel critical. The subject may be asked to described what they have heard about the incident or possibly their opinion about what they think might have happened. The interview will also offer encouragement for a subject to continue their narration if at some point they appear to have run out of steam and their narration is incomplete. The interviewer's task during the narration is to make an assessment of the subject behavior to determine the degree of credibility to the subject remarks. Having already established a "constant" from the orientation portion the interviewer looks for significant "changes" in the subject's demeanor that suggest an increase in stress on both the mental and emotional level. These "changes" suggest that the topic area is significant to the speaker and may in fact be locations where there may be deception on the part of the subject. The investigative interviewer will also make

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Essay about Deception

Deception is defined as a misleading falsehood. One is usually deceitful when there is a need to conceal the truth, or create a scheme to reveal the truth. This statement can be applied to the play Hamlet, where Shakespeare creates a society that is built upon deceit. Each character in the play experiences or enacts on some form of deceit in order to expose the truth or obscure the truth. There are no characters in the play that feel the need to be straightforward and seek the truth. As a result, the characters feel the need to continually be deceitful to cover up their past errors. Shakespeare displays various examples of deceit in the play such as dishonesty, antic disposition and betrayal. Through these forms of deceit, more content...

Ophelia tries to obscure the truth because she is afraid of disobeying her father. It is obvious thatHamlet is already well aware that Polonius is watching after he states "Let the doors be shut upon him, the he may play the fool nowhere but in's own house."(3.1.132–

133) Ophelia could have easily told Hamlet the truth, but due to her undying love for her father chooses to deceive Hamlet. Ophelia's deceit leads Hamlet to start questioning her honest nature. Hamlet begins tearing apart by Ophelia because he is so irritated with her for being insincere to him. He states to Ophelia that "you should not have believed me: for virtue cannot so inoculate our old stock but we shall relish of it: I loved you not."

(3.1.117–119) Hamlet states that he does not love Ophelia because he believes that through this scheme, Ophelia will reveal the truth that Polonius is in fact behind their "unplanned" meeting. Ophelia had betrayed Hamlet by lying to him, thus Hamlet felt the need to betray her. If Ophelia had just been honest with Hamlet he would have not become so discourteous towards her, but she was not which resulted in him denying his love for her. Just as Hamlet was deceived, Ophelia was also because it was her lies that led to the ending of their love. Ophelia's dishonesty resulted in her becoming a mockery of Hamlets antic disposition. Hamlet uses Ophelia to uncover

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Examples Of Deception

"O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive!" This quote is from Sir Walter Scott's epic poem Marmium, which means, that when you tell lies or act in a dishonest way you create problems and complications which you cannot control. Deception involves acting in such a way which leads another person to believe something, that you, yourself, do not believe to be true. People often claim that they are not misleading others even though they are intentionally withholding important information from them. People like to think this way, because it makes it easier for them to deceive others. Deception immediately summons negative connotations; it suggests that someone has deliberately perpetrated a fraud by using pretense and cunning. Unsurprisingly, deception has been an ever–present event throughout the course of history – although not always in a negative sense. The majority of deceptions carry out a fraud against the public and the citizens of a nation, and obviously this is undesirable and unacceptable. American Presidents are prime offenders when it comes to defrauding the public, while some of the most infamous and daring crimes in history have involved duplicity to succeed. Yet some of the most remarkable examples of deception in history have been committed for, it can more content...

The usage of imagery allows for subtle foreshadowing and initially sets a peaceful atmosphere, keeping the reader in the dark about the reality of the scenario. Jackson begins her short story with 'a clear and sunny' summer day. A perfect day for a lottery. The visual imagery created through the beauty of nature is intentionally by the harsh conclusion. After Tessie is stoned, the 'simple' village folk go back to their peaceful daily

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When studying deception, it is mainly recognized through verbal communication, rather than nonverbal cues. The aim of replicating Sebanz and Shiffrar's Detecting deception in a bluffing body: The role of expertise study is to determine whether participants can be deceived through body movements of various basketball video clips of players making a true pass or fake one. Our null hypothesis for this study is that participants with or without experience will not be able to correctly identify a real or fake pass shown within the video clips. Our alternative hypothesis is participants with basketball experience will be able to detect which are real or fake passes. As compared to participants without basketball experience will not be able to more content...

The debriefing form will be carefully read and reviewed, by describing the actual purpose of this research study. The participant will also be told that they should not talk to anybody else in this study. This is to further ensure that we receive genuine and honest responses from anyone who decides to partake in this study. The participant will also be asked if they have any questions pertaining to any part of this study. There are no risks greater than you would encounter in normal everyday activities. The only risk that could happen within this study is a breach of confidentiality. The researchers will secure and notify the participant that this will not happen by keeping any information stored and locked in a safe place at all times. By conducting this mock study, we will be gaining a sense of how to conduct psychological research. It gives us a better understanding of the research process and what goes into organizing a research study. Participants can benefit from this study by being able to be more self aware of things around them in their daily lives. This study can also help them pay attention to minor details in movies or video clips. I hope that once this study is over, I feel more confident in how to conduct psychological research. It can seem very overwhelming at first because I have never done it before. By taking it step by step and seeing the overall process, I want to

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Study Deception

Deception is defined as "the act of tricking someone by telling them something that is not true". In the play, Macbeth by William Shakespeare, deception is always present and things are not always what they appear to be. In this great work of literature, the three witches; the Thane of Cawdor; and Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are the very embodiments of trickery and show us the true effects deception can have on man. From the first scene of the play, the reader immediately gets a glimpse of the deception meshed into Macbeth's world. The quote "Fair is foul and foul is fair" is a commonly used by the three witches, spoken in their equivocal language. This same language of vagueness is used when the witches encounter Macbeth and Banquo on more content...

The depiction of timeless issues such as these is what makes the storyline of the play compelling to me. Also, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are both strong conveyors of deceit. From the onset on the play, Macbeth is characterized as strong and loyal to his king and country. However, once the witches' prophecy is planted in his head, his thirst for King is so intense that it cannot be quenched and slowly his admirable traits are erased. When Macbeth is preparing for the King's arrival at his house, he starts to question his murderous thoughts. He states that the King will be here in "double trust" , for Macbeth will be his hostess and will also be acting as a subject of the state. How can he possibly do such a grim task? The answer is Lady Macbeth. She lusts after becoming Queen and living a life of fantasy and does everything in her power to persuade her husband to kill the King. She questions his courage, she feeds his ego and she emasculates poor Macbeth all in an effort to get what she wants disguised as what is best for him. When he agrees, she tells him to "look like th'innocent flower, but be the serpent under't" in order to commit this regicide. Lady Macbeth, such a beautiful woman, is actually a cunning, strategic and determined lady – so determined that she's willing to risk everything and make her husband lie to the king and betray him. It's funny how things are not always what they appear to be. In conclusion, the

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Deception in

Crime and justice researchers sometimes deceive or lie to participants in field and experimental research. A researcher might misrepresent his or her actions or true intentions for legitimate methodological reasons: If participants knew the true purpose, they would modify their behavior, making it impossible to learn of their real behavior, or access to a research site might be impossible if he or she told the truth. Experimental researchers often deceive partici– pants to prevent them from learning the true hypothesis and to reduce reactive effects. Deception is never preferable, though, if the researcher could accomplish the same thing without deception. Deception is acceptable only if there is a specific methodological purpose for it, and

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Deception Vs Deception

Deception in Shakespeare's "Othello"

One may readily perceive the theme of Shakespeare's "Othello" as deception. Deception appears many times in Othello, but in almost every incident the degree of deception is different. Deception is to "deceive another, illusion, or fraud" (Webster's New World Pocket Dictionary 69), which is seen as a wrongful act. However, deception may be used to protect someone from getting hurt therefore being used with good intentions. The very first act of deception is done by the character Desdemona. Desdemona hides her relationship with Othello from her father, knowing he will disapprove due to Othello's race. Brabantio says, "O, she deceives me/Past thought!" (1.1.163–164). Desdemona's reasoning more content...

She tells him a flat out lie, but again, with good intentions. Desdemona loves Othello and did not want him to get angry. She thought she had just misplaced the handkerchief, and that she would soon find it, but if she told Othello she had lost it, he would become furious. Not all acts of deception are done with intentions of protecting one you love. The character who always had bad intentions in his deception is Iago. Iago deceives many people in the play and can be compared to the devil. One incident in which Iago deceives someone is when he tricks Othello into thinking he is talking with Cassio about Desdemona, when he is actually talking about Bianca. Iago: "Ply Desdemona well and you are sure on't. Now if this suit lay in Bianca's power, how quickly should you speed!" Cassio: "Alas, poor caitiff! "Look, how he [Othello] laughs already!"

(4.1.106– 109) Iago told Othello that he would discuss Desdemona with Cassio, and that he would talk about the affair. Iago does not do this, and instead he talks about Bianca with Cassio, and Cassio laughs at things Iago says. Othello sees Cassio laughing and just assumes he is laughing at Desdemona, which in return upsets him very much. Iago used several tactics to set up Othello for deception in this case. Though deception

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Essay on Deception in Shakespeare's Othello

The two plays deal with similar issues of deception and hypocrisy present in the society and how people wear masks in order to conform to the social norms of their respective societies. Both the authors, Henrik Ibsen and Moliere have made effective use of 'deception' in order to bring their ideas and views through to their audience.' Ghosts' is a perfect example of a realistic play which attacks the hypocrisy present in the society and in its value systems. Ibsen therefore was known as the father of modern theatre. Tartuffewas written by Moliere in the age of reason. During this period writers usually wrote in a common genre which was known as the comedy of manners. As a form of satire, the genre of comedy was aimed at ridiculing more content...

Mrs Alving goes to the extent of constructing an orphanage in his name, so as to keep up his appearance in society and thus uses deception as a tool to do so. And in Act II we get evidence of this deceit, " I had always before me the fear that it was impossible that the truth should come out and be believed. That is why the Orphanage is to exist, to silence all rumours and clear away all doubt." But shortly afterwards we hear of the burning down of the orphanage. Here Ibsen has made use of great irony in order to strip the deception and bring out the truth. The orphanage was built in the memory of Mr. Alving and therefore its burning down acts as a symbol of the corrupt life which had been lead by him. The tragedy of the burning of the orphanage was that it was not insured. The orphanage had not been insured as Manders (the priest) thought that people would not take it in the correct manner and will accuse Manders of not having enough faith in god. Mr. Manders is a priest in the local church but is very conservative and narrow minded and is also very gullible, as he gets deceived very easily by Engstrand. Engstrand also uses the tool of deception in order to hide his true intentions from the society. He is very corrupted and immoral to the extent of turning Regina (his daughter) into a whore in his very own whore house. Engstrand is a compulsive liar and he makes

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Hypocrisy In 'Ghosts And Tartuffe'

Self Deception

Self deception is the process or fact of misleading ourselves to accept as true or valid what is false or invalid. Self deception, in short, is a way we justify false beliefs to ourselves. There is no doubt that sometimes we are not realistic. Not all of our actions are rational or intentional. Sometimes we avoid reality, we deny the truth, and we fool ourselves. In some cases we may see the world the way we want to, and not the way it is. Self deception raises basic questions about the nature of belief and the relation of belief to thought, desire, and will.

Everything about the concept of self deception is controversial among philosophers and psychologists. When philosophers and psychologists discuss more content...

The parent therefore deceives him or herself into believing the child because the parent desires that the child tell the truth. Some believe that to deceive oneself the self perhaps can be divided into a deceiving and deceived part. Many believe that self deception is logically or psychologically impossible. Some claim that self deception refers to one or more of four restrictions on perception, none of which need to involve the paradox of simultaneously deceiving or being deceived. First, ignorance resulting from necessarily limited capacity to respond to incoming information; second, the psychic numbing that constitutes a reflex response to prolong exposure to facts which would, if confronted each time be difficult to bear, an example of this would be when children shield themselves from fully responding to the violence they witness within the home or on television; third, mechanism of denial whereby we may end up deceived about information that would otherwise be painful to confront, even though we are not deceiving ourselves; and fourth, processes of more conscious avoidance such as procrastination, rationalization, and compartmentalization.

I believe that self deception is possible. I believe that individuals have the ability to deceive themselves. Take for example that Sid a college student is very fond of Rose, a college classmate with whom he often studies. Wanting it to be true that

Self Deception Essay
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Deception is a bitter word that sounds poisonous within its self and indeed it is for it can destroy relationships, ruin lives and deplete health. The forms of deception which will be discussed in this essay is lying, falsification and self–concealment. Deception is an action that builds its foundation off of lies, which results in a cataclysmic domino effect of consequences. As a result,deception cannot be justified, because of the calamity it creates. One of the most common ways an individual avoids a situation is by lying. My sisters and I once had a dog whom we loved very dearly for many years. One day our dog wasn't as active as she usually was, this caused my sisters and I to become concerned about her wellbeing. Once we told more content...

Research form the Journal of Social & Clinical Psychology goes into depth on how гЂ–self concealmentД„ гЂ ^1 can harm the emotional state of one's self. According to the Journal of Social & Clinical Psychology its states, "Self–Concealment can affect health primarily through secret–keeping behaviors and maladaptive emotion regulation processes." (Larson). What this information reveals is that consciously retaining negative emotions can cause an individual to develop health problems. In order to conceal negative emotions or experiences one must justify to themselves if hiding information from family and friends is deemed necessary. In result the individual develops an excuse which allows them to suppress information at will, but ultimately; the individual does not realize they are deceiving themselves thinking it is okay to hide (highly intimate and negative) experiences and emotions from loved ones. As result people who conceal negative thoughts and emotions are most likely to suffer from "depression, anxiety, distress, physical symptoms, various indices of mental health, and negative health behaviors." (Larson). Self–concealment is never a good way to deal with negative emotions for it can cause health problems, which will dwell with the individual for as long as they live if they do not open up to

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Lies And Deception Research Paper

Humans are notoriously poor at detecting deception. Humans are bad lie detectors even after undergone training (Vrij, 2008). For example, a recent review found that only 54% of the time humans where able to distinguish between truth and lies (Bond & DePaulo, 2006). This might be because most research has paid exaggerated focus on non–verbal cues, including facial expression, vocal pitch, gesture, and heart rate which has little diagnostic value whilst relying on human judgment (Vrij, 2008). These measures attempt to detect emotional reactions, cognitive load, or attempted behavioural control (Zuckerman et al., 1981); however, they are subjective or fail to achieve acceptable accuracy levels on a consistent level. Considering that verbal and non–verbal cues occur for the same reason (Zuckerman et al., 1981) detecting deception using linguistic analysis tools is a promising method that may address some of the drawbacks of other methods (Zhou, Burgoon, more content...

LIWC analyses the input text comparing each word against a dictionary of pre–selected words allocated to 72 linguistic psychologically meaningful categories. A score is provided for each linguistic category on the basis of the total number of words the category contributed. Despite the fact that LIWC was not specifically designed to assess deception and cannot capture the meaning or intention of what people are saying and, some of the LIWC categories have been found to predict deception significantly better than chance and significantly greater than human judges (Bond & Lee, 2005; Newman et al., 2003). Subsequently, over the past decade LIWC has been applied as a method of exploring (e.g. Hancock et al., 2008; Bond & Lee, 2005; Newman et al., Get more content

Detecting Deception Essay

It is known that in a psychological research, deception is one of the most popular ethical issues discussed. The author will confer whether deceiving participants in a psychological experiment is deemed a wrongful act or may contribute to the experiment. This assignment will identify reasons for and against this statement. Initially the author will define the term deception and explain the principles that are applied to a psychological research experiment. The question that will be addressed throughout this assignment is: "Should participants ever be deceived concerning the true nature of a psychological experiment in which they take part?" To be able to produce an answer for this question, the author will collect and use factual evidence throughout;

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Psychological Research And Deception Essay

I interviewed Deshun Brown, a Junior here at the University for a social media specialist job in the Department of SSS. Deshaun has been in a relationship for four years and been engaged for three months. I can tell that Deshaun way of deception is not to harm, but deceiving is deceiving no matter the case and during the interview, I made that clear. I asked Deshun to define fraud, and in response to that question his definition was "Doing others wrong to achieve a particular goal by deceiving." Which is very much true, I asked him to explain the difference between fraud and deception, and he couldn't because they have the same meanings. I asked Deshaun if deception ever occurs in his relationship and he was honest enough to say it did. Deshun was late for his fiance birthday dinner after telling her he would get there first, but instead was the last person to show up. How did she feel about being deceived? "Disappointed," he said with a relaxed look, "but it was only because I lost track of time at work." more content... He expressed how he never paid attention to deception due to his understanding of a good relationship. A good relationship with him has communication, trust, compromisation and understanding. Though I agreed with him, I questioned why people end in divorce or separation. The primary reasons leading to a broken relationship is when one of the major foundations is destroyed. Honesty is the root of all problems. If honesty is not a high point in the relationship, then trust becomes an issue, which leads to lack of communication and therefore an impact on compromise. Deshaun agreed with me and instead of going to the next question I shared the class definition of deception with him. Today, deception in a relationship is common in just about all couples. Although fraud in a relationship has become so familiar, does it make it right to deceive one another? Get more content


Deception According to Hyman (1989) deception implies that an agent acts or speaks so as to induce a false belief in a target or victim. Deception can occur in everyday life. Whether it is telling someone they look nice or not telling them that they look fat. This is an important process for forming relationships and general social interaction. However, although this is useful for social interaction, it is a serious problem in other areas. Deception can be a problem when people actively deceive in job applications, giving evidence and in court. Being able to detect whether a person is lying more content...

Police officers). A recent study by Mann, Vrij and Bull (2004) showed that when shown videotapes of real–life lies and truths and found that the officers had an accuracy of 65%. This was found to be better than lab studies using, normal (non–trained) participants. Additionally, accuracy was negatively correlated with popular stereotypical cues such as gaze aversion and fidgeting. However, although this suggests that human lie detection is fairly accurate, earlier research has found the opposite. According to Wallace (1999), psychological research on deception shows that most of us are poor judges of truthfulness. One may assume that this only applies to only ordinary people and not professionals. However further research shows that 'this applies to professionals such as police and custom inspectors, whose jobs are supposed to include some expertise at lie detection' (Wallace, 1999). An early study by Kraut and Poe (1980) that custom inspectors showed accuracy scores rarely exceed 65% where 50% is the chance level. A later study by Kohnken (1987) showed that police officers performed no better than chance when judging the truthfulness of witness statements (on video). Furthermore, it was found that the more confident the officer was of their judgement, the more likely they were wrong. This

Essay on Deception
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Appearances can be deceiving, and people may use the appearance of normalcy to hide underlying mistruths and misdeeds. In the play Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, nothing is as it seems, and deception is a commonly used strategy many of the characters utilize. Some of the characters in the play go to great lengths to speak the truth, while others will stop at nothing to assure their true intentions stay hidden. Many of the characters in Hamlet alter their appearances, or use pretense, throughout the play to deceive and manipulate others. While some deceptions expose hidden truths, other deceptions burry the truth so deeply the characters may never find it. In this play, Hamlet appears to go mad, Claudius appears to have loved his more content...

(1.5.9) The story indicated that if Queen Gertrude was not as virtuous as previously thought than her lack of virtuosity, integrity and purity may make her remarriage and her previous marriage a fabrication and a faГ§ade. Like Hamlet, the ghost dwells on Gertrude's "seeming" virtue. The ghost does not give clear concise information but instead alludes to the fact Gertrude may have cheated on him when they were married or the ghost may merely see Gertrude's remarriage as a betrayal. Either way, the ghost implies that Gertrude's remarriage retroactively makes their marriage into a sham. Due to his concerns, Hamlet becomes nearly obsessed with Gertrude's true feelings towards Hamlets father, as well as determined to discover if Gertrude was faithful to Hamlets father throughout their marriage. Determined to resolve his questions, Hamlet plans to use deception to figure out the level of Gertrude's deception. The plan Hamlet creates is to hurt Gertrude with his words and verbally berate her. "Let me be cruel, not unnatural: I will speak daggers to her, but use none; My tongue and soul in this be hypocrites; How in my words soever she be shent, To give them seals never, my soul, consent!" (3.2.384–91) The ghost posed doubt in Hamlets mind about Gertrude's loyalty and virtue, and Hamlet becomes obsessive about resolving his confusion around this. He will stop at nothing, and spare all costs, to determine the truth in an attempt to expose others hidden truths. Unfortunately, in his quest to expose others, he also exposes his own hidden weaknesses and

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Hamlet's Deception

Most likely everyone has been lied to or deceived by someone or something.A lie is a statement that intentionally untrue, for various reasons sometimes to avoid conflict or to avoid embarrassment there are also many more numerous reasons why people lie. Whereas deception is the action or practice of fooling someone by hiding or misrepresenting the

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Lying Vs Deception Essay

Shakespeare's play Twelfth Night is a romantic comedy which is created through a complex circle of love designed by deception, disguise and practical jokes. The characters use of deception within the play create many unintentional and undesirable outcomes. Through the art of deception, Shakespeare explores the ideas of deceit and self–deception which in turn creates comedic situations within the play. Many of the characters go through extremes in order to get what they want, which is the love that they desire, by deceiving everyone and at times, even deceiving themselves. The use of deception by the characters illustrate just how much of a burden love could be due to the fact that it's the source of their pain and suffering more content...

Conceal me what I am, and be my aid

For such disguise as haply shall become The form of my intent. I'll serve this duke. Thou shalt present me as an eunuch to him. It may be worth thy pains, for I can sing And speak to him in many sorts of music That will allow me very worth his service. 1.2.58

It could be said that the use of disguise by Viola was not done with a malicious intent, however due to her deception the complex romantic plot between Orsino, Olivia and Cesario is constructed. This complex web is driven by self–deception and occurrences of mistaken or confused identity.

In a horrible case of mistaken identity, there is, as one could call a sub–plot, introducing the most notable example of a self–deceiver, Malvolio, who "is sick with self love" (1.5.85). He sees himself surrounded by "idle, shallow things," not of his "element" (3.4.122–123) which encourages his ambition to pursue Olivia. Within Act III his efforts appeared to have paid off, however he has unknowingly been baited by Sir Andrew and Sir Toby. Due to Malvolio's ambitious nature it could be seen that he is not in love with Olivia for herself, but for the status, the power and the opulent lifestyle that would come from the marriage. The fact that Olivia has a high regard for him feeds much into Malvolio's ambitious ways, however he cannot see why his personal qualities make it impossible for Olivia ever to consider him as a husband.

The Consequences of Deception Essays
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The issue of self–deception can be seen

What Is Deception?

Introduction: Dishonesty is something that humans tend to do naturally and sometimes even unintentionally. There are different reasons behind why people lie. Because of the prevalence and nature of deception, there are many legal, political, and industrial settings where society could beneп¬Ѓt from its accurate detection (Lee, T. M. c., Au, R. K. C., Liu, H.–L., Ting, K. H., Huang, C. M., & Chan, C. C. H. (2009).Deception is an intentional misleading of others through misrepresentation or falsehood. In which connections, to detection methods have been developed, including both behavioral (e.g. Iverson & Franzen, 1998) and psychophysiological measures, such as a polygraphy testing. (e.g. Green, Iverson, & Allen, 1999; Ross, Krukowski, Putnam, & more content... (2009). However, these studies have not investigated situations in which the body is consciously used as an instrument for deception. Rather, the focus has been on non–verbal signals that leak out without the individual's aware–ness (Vrij, 2008). Such a passive perspective on the body does not capture situations wherein movements are de–signed to be deceptive, such as when people fake injuries. A rich source of information lies in the ways that people move their bodies. Research over the last three decades indicates that the visual analysis of bodily movement is sufficient to determine other people's identities (e.g.,Cutting & Kozlowski, 1977; Loula, Prasad, Harber, & Shif–frar, 2005), moods (e.g., Chouchourelou, Matsuka, Harber,& Shiffrar, 2006; Dittrich, Troscianko, Lea, & Morgan,1996), personality traits (Heberlein, Adolphs, Tranel, &Damasio, 2004), expectations (Bosbach, Cole, Prinz, &Knoblich, 2005; GrГЁzes, Frith, & Passingham, 2004b), and deceptive intentions (GrГЁzes, Frith, & Passingham, 2004a;Runeson & Frykholm, Get more content

Deception is an act intentionally inflicted upon others in order to, satisfy one's wants and needs. In the novel, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Jay Gatsby deceives others for both his personal gain and love. While Jay Gatsby lives day by day deceiving others, he thinks not much of it. Gatsby sees himself has merely just moving on from the past and onto a new life. However, through his acts of deception he is stirring up a fatal situation. Fitzgerald portrays Jay Gatsby as a man who is wealthy and as some may say "living the life". Jay Gatsby however, is merely a mask put on by James Gatz, the same man, to live the life he has always desired. Once settled in as Jay Gatsby, he starts to find it difficult to maintain an image expected by others. In this novel, James Gatz lives a false life as Jay Gatsby to satisfy his wants and needs, but has his act of deceiving others comes to an crumble Fitzgerald is able to showcase the struggle and cost of deception.

Jay Gatsby also known as James Gatz has always had a dream for his life, and that dream is to be wealthy and well–known. As James Gatz lived a poor and unhappy life he decided to build a new name for himself as Jay Gatsby. Once well known as Jay Gatsby to others, he begins to struggle maintaining his image as Jay Gatsby. Fitzgerald shows one of the struggles of deception through conversations between Gatsby and others, "I think he hardly knew what he was saying, for when I asked him what business he was

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Deception In The Great Gatsby

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