Examples Of Argumentative Essay
Argumentative essay presents a point of view about something and explains the reasons in order to win readers' agreement. It is built around a specific statement (or main premise) that is debatable within the field in which students are studying. In other words, at the center of an argumentative essay is a statement with which readers may disagree. The argumentative essay will need to support that statement in a manner that convinces the readers of its truth. It mainly strives to convince the reader of the writer's point of view, using reasonable and ethical methods .The process of argument composition varies from writer to writer, most writers follow these three stages: forming an argument, which can consist of discovering a motive for writing and identifying an audience to address, discovering and sharpening a position, and developing an appropriate style; supporting the argument; and reviewing the argument, which can include considering the image projected by argument, making substantial additions or deletions to a first draft, and adding an introduction and conclusion (Cheng and Chen 2009, Day,1997, Liu,2005,Mayberry,2009).
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The first feature is superstructure which refers to the organizational plan of any text and the linear progression of the text. The second feature is the quality of logical reasoning which is assessed by analyzing the interrelationships of writers' assertions and the associated support or data provided to substantiate those claims. The third feature is identified as persuasive appeal, including affective appeal and establishment of writer credibility. Finally, she notes that audience awareness is an important characteristic of successful argumentative writing. The writer must observe an awareness of the reader's perspective by dealing implicitly or explicitly with possible
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What Makes An Effective Argument Ineffective?
1.The basic parts of an effective argument are a stated clearly defined issue, makes a claim, and offers support for that claim. Sometimes an argument may also recognize opposing viewpoints and incorporate them into the argument
2.What makes an argument ineffective is when using emotional appeals to distract a reader from a lack of evidence. Also the use of faulty reasoning, and inaccurate facts.
3.An issue is a problem, controversy, or an idea that people can have different viewpoints about. The term claim is a point in which a writer is trying to prove. This is typically the writer's viewpoint on the issue. A refutation is recognizing and auguring against opposing viewpoints.
4.A claim of value focuses on an opinion or judgment about
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Argumentative Reflection
Argumentative Essay Reflection One of my central struggles throughout high school has been writing essays and reports for all classes not just english. I was a little worried when I signed up to take this course, since it counted as a college credit. Even though I was worried about taking this course, but I am thankful that I did. The main reason behind my decision to take this course is because I thought it would better prepare me for college. This argumentative essay was one of the hardest essay that I have written. I have never written in this style before this essay. Even though, I have never been the best writer, I have always got good grades. After receiving my first rough draft I knew this class was not going to be easy. The part...show more content...
One of the areas of my writing where I was struggling in using my voice. Granite, there were parts of my essay where I successfully integrated quotes within my voice, but for the most part that was my weakest area. For example of one of my better integrated quotes, in my third paragraph when I say, "Today, consumers rely on social media for everything, whether it is communicating with old friends, finding new friends, shopping, researching, and staying informed with the latest news. Daniel adds that, "'Americans who take part in political activities on social networking sites also tend to be highly active in other areas of political or civic life'" (29), which insinuates that people rely on social media more today than we have in the past". This was one of my better examples because I further explain and analyze the quote in my voice instead of just ending the sentence after the quote. One of my poor examples is, "Many people who suffer from depression care a lot about what others think about them. That is why many of those people tend to turn to social media as an outlet to express their feelings". I made a bold statement and did not back up what I said with my voice I just ended that sentence and moved on. Instead of moving on I should have explained it further and told them why people tend to turn to social media to express their feelings. One of the areas of my writing where I was Get more content
This material set–off in this fashion in the handout identifies the revision notation for these matters. Guidelines for the Argumentative/Persuasive Essay
Citing Sources
You are not to employ footnotes or endnotes in your essay. Rather, when you employ another's ideas or quote from a source in youressay, please employ the Modern Language Association, "MLA," format for in–text citations; the format is set forth in Keys, p. 144 et seq.
Quoting, Citing, and Referencing Source Material
Please also review the material on summarizing, paraphrasing, and quoting material set forth in Keys, p. 122–25.
Works Cited Page
Given that your essays will contain references to sources that were employed in constructing the arguments in...show more content... Con Argument
1.First Con Argument Paragraph: Precis
Summarize the con argument and cite to its expert source with credentials
2.Second Con Argument Paragraph: Example of the Con Argument
3.Third Con Argument: Refutation
Discredit the reliability of the con argument or demonstrate that it is in appositive or irrelevant to the topic by challenging its source, timeliness, authorship, or logic. For additional information, please review the Refutation Handout available under Course Documents. C. First Pro Argument
1.First Pro Argument Paragraph: Precis
Summarize the first pro argument and provide its expert source with credentials.
2.Second Pro Argument Paragraph: Example of the Pro Argument
3.Third Pro Argument Paragraph
Establish the reliability of the argument by employing one or more of the seven types of evidence discussed in Bedford, p. 518.
D.Analogy Paragraph: See the Analogy Handout available under Course Documents for additional information
E.Most Compelling Reason to View the Pro Position as the Superior Position on the Topic Paragraph Based upon Belief, Value, Social Mores, or Tradition. For additional information, please review the Most Compelling Reason Handout available on Blackboard. III.Conclusion A. First Conclusion Paragraph
1. Summarize the essay in a one to two–sentence "restatement"
2.Either discussion of the greater implication of the
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In order to have a good argumentative essay, there are a few important standards of critical thinking that is needed to be found in the essay such as the clearness, accuracy, importance or relevance, sufficiency, depth, breath and precision that is stated by Nosich. The strength of this argumentative essay is consider weak because it does not capture the interest of the reader and was not persuasive enough; even though from the introduction of the argumentative essay includes full sentences and a good opinion, the argumentative essay is all objective. The introduction includes too much of the emotional appeals, such as when it wrote " Day after day the number of people worshipping this icon has been growing since the birth of this creature. well to many it may seem harmless idol but in my opinion, Mickey Mouse is an 'devil in disguise' influencing the minds of young and old people to adopt the culture of the 'devil' which doesn't blend will with the moral values of society and should be banned". To improve the introduction, the writer should include of all objectives statements relative facts and appeals to the mind of people who agree or disagree with the topic.
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Technology has been part of our daily live more frequently than before. Screen time has been more popularly used on kids and adolescents. On a daily bases many kids seem to spend more time inside on their tablets, instead of having to spend time with other kids. This is a problem that is becoming more popular over the years,on whether kids need to spend that much time on technology or not. Parents either seem to have strict technology usage, or they either don't. There has always been a huge controversy with experts, who either think that screen time is beneficial or could cause problems later on in life. There are many views towards this topic, from hurting kids brains, to helping them during school, and socially.
Many people, including...show more content...
In order to balance both there has to be comparative with the parents. Technology isn't good nor bad. It can only benefit the child if the parents put a limit to their time in the screen. Parents need to set up a schedule in where the kids will follow the time the kids will be using the tablet/ phone. As well have time to play with other kids, and just interact with there own family member. In the article, Screen time: A guide for parents states, " keeping computers out of the bedroom, and keep them in a common area in your house. This will make sure that the child isn't using their computers/ tablets during the time they have to rest. Kids need to have a good rest, and not having technology in their rooms because it could cause irregular sleep. Just having the parent take action in how much kids need to spend time in the screens can be a good start. Luscombe argues, " Take away the idea that all screens are bad, but the face–to –face time for young people is an important part of the socialization process". Parents seem to not understand that children need to develop good social skills, and that can only be done by interacting with others, and get a sense on others points of views. Parents need to stop giving the kids technology to keep them quiet for a while, because at the end it's hurting the child
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Argumentative Essay On Screen Time
R. Argumentative essay
Among the many decision a woman faces when she is pregnant, is whether or not she will breastfeed her child. In our society and in this day and age, this has become a matter of choice as opposed to long ago where formula was nonexistent and the only means of nurturing your baby was to breastfeed. Many women are oblivious to the health risks their baby may endure having not being breastfed. Research and studies show that babies who are breastfed have better health among other things if they are breastfed. To add to that, formula companies tend to obscure the truth and bribe the doctors in to promoting their product. This...show more content...
Because of this, many doctors have received a cut for promoting formula from these major manufacturers. While the new mother who has just given birth to her baby feels that formula feeding is better since the doctor recommended it, little does she know that the doctor is doing what he was endorsed to do. Could this mean that many doctors are withholding the truth for money? It may very well be and I will further discuss this issue. According to studies done in the US, fewer than half of the babies are exclusively breastfed during their first two days in the hospital. "By the time they are six months old, only 19 percent of US babies receive any breast milk" (Coburn, 2000, 1). This is in large part due to the doctor's orders. Little do these mothers know that the doctors are pushing formula products on these new mothers because they are obliged to do so under a contract. Coburn also states "To promote artificial feeding, formula manufacturers spend millions of dollars securing exclusive distribution deals for formula samples, at a yearly average of $6,000 to $8,000 per doctor" (p.2). Many formula companies distribute their products to hospitals to advertize their formula. It is a form of bribery, because if you give the doctors and physicians money they will without a doubt encourage the recommendation of that
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| Breastfeeding is better for your baby| Argumentative Essay| | | Islas,
Argumentative Essay Quotes
Cabute, Jeanette Anne H. BSIE–HE 4A
1."Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending." –Maria Robinson
Explanation: Our lives are full of ups and downs. Often we get so caught up with the downs in our lives that we fall into depression. We feel that everything in life is falling apart. You regret the choices you've made in the past and feel that you have failed in life. Understand that you cannot go back in time and undo choices you've made but that you can stop yourself from repeating the past by making smarter decisions so that you can have a better future.
Reaction: Yes, our life is full of up and downs. We also cannot change the past, but we can make better things or choices...show more content... If we try new things we're going to make a few mistakes but we are learning from that mistake. If you don't make any mistakes, you're in a rut and not trying anything new. Mistakes are part of our lives, we cannot change it, and we just have to take the risk. Nothing is impossible if we try new things and nothing will lose if you try right.
4."The heart has its reasons which reason knows not." –Blaise Pascal
Explanation: The heart, the organ capable of storing love can also reason. Its reasoning makes all the sense in the world to the heart and to the heart's owner when the owner first hears it. It's the reasoning that makes you fall in love at first sight. It's the reasoning that somehow makes it so hard to let somebody go even though you have no logical reason to want that person to stay.
Reaction: The quote means that you have to listen to your heart. Just like in love, you just only knew that you love that person but you don't know why. We fall in love in a mutual weirdness and called it love.
5."When love is not madness it is not love." –Pedro CalderГіn de la Barca
Explanation: The actual quote is when love is not madness, it is not love, and it is by Pedro Calderon. Love in its self is madness. Love brings to life so many different emotions that it is like a chaos in your
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On Wednesday February 22, 2017 at about 1140 hours while present at Group #31 Office, Det. Greenwood and I interviewed Mr. Kevin Uter in regards to this complaint of missing property that occurred on 10/14/2016. During the interview Mr. Uter stated the following;
Mr. Uter stated that he got arrested last October on Schaeffer St, while sitting inside his vehicle with a female that he met online from a website name tagged.com. Mr. Uter was unable to provide us with any information about the female that he was with. He continued to say that a few hours before he got arrested he did smoke marijuana inside the vehicle and the vehicle did smell like weed but while he was with the unknown female they were both smoking cigarette and not marijuana . While sitting on Schaeffer St. he observed about 4 vehicles passed him by and reverse. They claimed that...show more content...
Uter stated that while at the arresting location, he observed an officer entered his vehicle and drove it to the police station. He was unable to recall who precisely drove the vehicle but he is certain that a police officer did drive off with his vehicle. He stated that upon arriving at the police station, his vehicle was parked at the precinct.
Mr. Uter stated that the unknown female was never left inside the vehicle by herself. The officer asked her for her name and some other information and they let her go.
Mr. Uter was asked if he had any money on his person and he replied, "No". He further stated that none of officers counted any of his money in front of the Desk Officer but they simply fill out a piece of paper in front of the desk and they took him to the cell area. The only time he interacted with an officer was when he was asked to sign a piece of paper.
Mr. Uter stated that he is reporting this now because his case is at the Grand Jury and he had to hire his own lawyer to represent him. He stated that the legal aid lawyer did not provide him with all the necessary information in regards to his
Argumentative Essay
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Outline, planning, revising, rough and final draft, grading. This is the typical process for writing an essay, I however as a young high school student never followed this. I started with an idea in my head and go on from there. I never considered a need to plan and prepare an outline, just to write a rough draft that I would have to revise, draft, and draft again. It would just be easier to start writing the final draft first right? No. This class has taught me many strategies on how to accustom my writing to a college level. Over the semester in this class I have grown, learned how to effectively draft, and experienced argumentative writing first hand. I, over the semester, have grown in both literacy and critical thinking. A direct comment from Mr. Gish on the firstessay I wrote for the class was "Nice reading!" to this sentence in the essay "This continues to show that people in poverty aren't charity cases, but rather they are human beings.". This comment, along with others, shows me that I am capable to effectively write in one of the worst essays that I have written. The reason for this growth was the support of both my friends and family. My father would help me with grammatical errors and final revision decisions in some essays. This growth happened slowly with a lot of effort put towards it. An example from my first essay is "First and foremost, Gordon Park's imagery throughout his composition." this is the topic sentence to a short paragraph in the beginning of
Argumentative Writing Rough Draft
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Argumentative Essay On Privacy
Prasanna Kumar Bezavada
Online English 3000(Section–07)
Patricia Raburn
"The only truly secure system is one that is powered off, cast in a block of concrete and sealed in a lead–lined room with armed guards."(Spafford). The word privacy has become a buzz word in the current decade compared to how it used to be talked about in the last decade. As we all are aware of the recent happenings around the world with regards toprivacy, we all should be worried that nothing is safe in the times we are living in, as every bit of information is getting snatched somehow or the other through different channels. This information can be something that is related to our personal, family or professional life. I believe that individual privacy outweighs money or anything at this moment in the world right now. If we lose money or property, we can regain it somehow, but if we lose our personal information to someone or an agency, it's challenging to get it back before it gets misused.
Danial J. Solove is an eminent author and a law professor at University of George Washington law school. Dr. Solove introduces the article why privacy matters if you have "Nothing to Hide" in an interesting way that, In his introduction of the eassy, he puts a valid question to the audience regarding their current privacy standards. He starts off this article by presenting the views of various people on the most debated topic around the world at present which is "Nothing to Hide." All throughout the article, Solove tries to make an argument both in a positive and negative tone. He also supports his arguments with so many valid examples that, it makes you wonder, which side of the coin he stands. Firstly, after seeing the collective inferences made by the people in the initial paragraphs of the article, Solove explains us in which form should we look at the argument "Nothing to Hide." If we extremely see the argument, for example, If a person says he has nothing to hide, another person comes and means, since you have nothing to hide can I take a nude picture of yours and show it to everyone which is an extreme form of taking that argument. Dr.Solove feels that taking an argument in an exaggerated form isn'ta good thing because
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Who am I? What is it that defines that personality? Anzaldua argues in her essay that the language is what defines one's identity. Language is indeed an important component of culture, and culture is known to be a crucial definer of identity. People uselanguage to connect to their identities and communicating their realities and values to themselves and to the world around them... In other words, language is important because people use it to express their thoughts and beliefs. "People evolve a language in order to describe and thus control their circumstances" (Baldwin 109). Consequently, language does not necessarily define identity as much as identity defines language. People decide on...show more content...
Tan clearly mentions in her story that she had to speak two different languages to her Asian mom who had her own made up English. Tan relates to both her Asian descent and American belongings by using her mom's made up English to speak with her mom, and uses the proper English to give lectures and speak to most Americans. On the same grounds, Anzaldua learned through her life experiences to frequently use multiple types of English, and many other Dialects of proper Spanish and Mexican Spanish. She uses each language to communicate, connect and affiliate to specific people according to their background. This proves that the assumption that language defines culture and identity fails. What happens to the people who speak many languages, do they not get the benefit and pride of belonging to a certain community? Rather the contrary, they belong to multiple communities and they choose which group they want to communicate with and with which language. People have the ability to switch from a language to another to be part of a group and this supports the idea that identity defines and shapes language, and not the opposite.
Language is used as a way to identify with people, but it is also used to distinguish between them. People use language to differentiate between people and associate them to a specific culture and community according to the language they speak. America is known for having a diverse
Argumentative Essay English Composition Language and Identity
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Grit is a predictor of academic, professional, and personal success. Grit can be defined as strength of character or the ability to overcome failure and continue to work toward success. People with grit are not always the people with the most natural ability, but their work ethic and ability to overcome obstacles allows them to achieve success. Grit is a very valuable characteristic in almost any venture, as it gives someone an advantage in overcoming the inevitable obstacles they will face. However, grit is much easier adopted when an individual has a growth mindset. The first step to obtaining grit is to correlate both self–control and self–confidence when trying to reach an objective. By doing this, one can focus on the task at hand...show more content...
I had no experience as a runner nor did I have the form. This did not phase me however. That year I promised myself to push through all the six mile runs, sore legs, gnarly blisters, and at times, lack of oxygen. At every meet and speed workout practice I pushed myself further and further. I set a goal every time I kicked off from the starting line and never let myself get discouraged when I failed. By my senior year, I was the fourth fastest runner on varsity. That year our varsity team won the district meet, which qualified us to run in the 2016 state meet in Oregon. The transformation over the years were evident. My determination to accomplish my goal of becoming a faster runner was complete. If I had simply just given up that first day of practice, I wouldn't have ran along side of the fastest runners in Oregon or have met the multitude of people that are now my closest friends. Having a goal sets one up for a challenge, whether it being physically or mentally, goals keep us active and thinking in more ways than one. Still, if someone has self–control, confidence, and a goal, they are still not complete. Growth mindset is the cone to an ice cream. It is the foundation of what I think a successful person is. Without it one couldn't use the characteristics mentioned above in more ways than one. Someone with a growth mindset believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work, brains and talent are just the starting point.
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Grit Essay Examples
Argumentative Essay On Bees
Underestimated Insects Are bees really that important? A world without bees means a world without vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds (What Our World Would Look Like Without Honeybees). Nearly one half of the produce consumers have available to them today could not be grown without bees (What Our World Would Look Like Without Honeybees). Bees play an extremely vital role in pollination and in people's everyday lives in ways that individuals often overlook. However, pesticides are killing off bees by the thousands (List of Foods We Will Lose if We Don't Save the Bees). Withouthoney that is produced by bees, consumers wouldn't have nearly as many modern medications. A bee is aninsect that lives in every part of the world except the North and South Poles. Bees are one of the most useful of all insects. There are 20,000 species of bees in the world (154, B: Bees). Bees get their food from flowers through pollen and nectar. They collect tiny grains of pollen and nectar from flower blossoms. Sticky nectar gets attached to the tiny hairs that cover their bodies and is distributed when bees travel from flower collecting nectar (201, B: Bees). Bees make their honey from nectar and use both honey and pollen as food. When bees are collecting nectar for food, they spread pollen from flower to flower. The process of pollination allows plants to reproduce as well as feeds the bees. Bees have become completely dependent on flowers for food. Flowers, in turn, rely heavily on bees to
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Mandatory Vaccination Argumentative Essay
Mandatory vaccinations have been hotly debated in the United States for over two centuries, making the argument almost as old as the country itself. As early as 1809, Massachusetts became the first state to mandate the world's premiere vaccine. Authorities recognized the life–saving benefits of the smallpox vaccine. They chose to require inoculation to protect the community from further outbreaks. Public outrage ensued as some community members feared the new vaccine and believed they should be able to choose if they wished to receive it. The most vocal protestors formed anti–compulsory vaccination groups and were successful in getting laws overturned in many states. However, even the United States Supreme Court has upheld states' rights to require immunization. (A) Vaccinations should be...show more content...
Despite significant progress in the fight against preventable disease, millions still die needlessly each year. According to UNICEF, originally known as the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund, a vaccine preventable disease is responsible for 2 million fatal infections worldwide each year. About 75% of these deaths occur in children under five years of age. (N) In more vivid terms, UNICEF notes that vaccine–preventable diseases kill a child every 20 seconds. (D) Due to high rates of childhood vaccination, the United States has experienced a dramatic reduction in such deaths. A comparison of the years 1950 and 2010 clearly illustrates the benefits of vaccinations. During this 60–year period, deaths from diphtheria reduced from 410 to 0, tetanus from 336 to 3, pertussis from 1,118 to 26, and polio from 1,904 to 0. Measles deaths dropped from 468 in 1950 to 0 in 2008, the last year a United States death rate was recorded. It's not surprising that vaccinations have been touted as one of the top ten health achievements of the 20th century by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
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Argumentative Essay Guidelines
PURPOSE: To set up and state one's claim
OPTIONAL ELEMENTS Make your introductory paragraph interesting. How can you draw your readers in?
What background information, if any, do we need to know in order to understand your claim? If you don't follow this paragraph with a background information paragraph, please insert that info here.
 If you're arguing about a literary work–state author + title
 If you're arguing about an issue or theory – provide brief explanation or your of issue/theory.
 If you're arguing about a film–state director, year + title
 STATE your claim at the end of your introductory paragraph
BACKGROUND PARAGRAPH o 1–2 paragraphs tops;...show more content...
By the end of your essay, you should have worked through your ideas enough so that your reader understands what you have argued and is ready to hear the larger point (i.e. the "so what") you want to make about your topic.
o Your conclusion should serve as the climax of your paper. So, save your strongest analytical points for the end of your essay, and use them to drive your conclusion
o Vivid, concrete language is as important in a conclusion as it is elsewhere perhaps more essential, since the conclusion determines the reader's final impression of your essay. Do not leave them with the impression that your argument was vague or unsure.
o WARNING: It's fine to introduce new information or quotations in your conclusions, as long as the new points grow from your argument. New
points might be more general, answering the "so what" question; they might be quite specific. Just avoid making new claims that need lots of additional support.
 Sum up claim + supporting evidence statements
SO WHAT Get more content
Argument essay about social media Nowadays, a lot of people are using social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumbler and so on. Since the Internet has propagated rapidly, social media have progressed a lot. The generalization of the internet makes us to live conveniently and fast. People are almost using smart phones, i–phones or comfortable devices which can access to internet. These equipments make us to do social network easily. It helps contact friends, family, and other people even though they live far away. It could be, however, abused, if you don't use properly. Especially, it is important that we understand and regulate the use of social media by young children. First of all, social media, especially facebook,...show more content...
They just meet on websites, not physical meeting. Psychologist, Aric Sigman suggests "The use of social networking sites as opposed to face–to–face interaction could lead to major health problems." Also he claimed in the British Journal The Biologist "Spending too much time online could lead to social isolation, loneliness and a negative outlook. These types of psychological symptoms could eventually lead to more serious health concerns, such as heart disease, cancer and dementia." Using social media disturbs make deep relationship with others. When they are using social media we do not need to move a lot. It is okay just to stay. We do not need to active a lot. As a result, it leads naturally mental and physical disorders. Third, social media doesn't help for their studies or talents. People think social media is good places to show their talents or works what they did. For example, they argue people can share video clip what they playing the instruments or dancing or singing. It is, however, for people who already good to do those. If you are not good at those things and if you spend time to do social media, it would be hard to progress your talents. I did surveys about relationships between using social media and studying last semester. Most students answered using social media is not helpful to study. Also, students who got good grades spend just a little time to use social media. Using social media Get more content
Argumentative essay on social media
Failure is the step towards success. Do you agree?
It is often assumed that failure is a deterrent to achievement. Rather, failure should be seen as a motivator for a person to keep trying until the objective or aim of a particular mission is fulfilled. Failure often times leads a person to feel helpless, disappointed and depressed. However,one should not allow this to set them back in trying to achieve the ultimate aim one has set out to do. Failure in the beginning can often be a powerful incentive to reassess one's position in wanting to achieve the particular aims; to analyse whether the purpose is worth the trouble the person has to undergo and the whether the obstacles are surmountable. Practical and...show more content...
Another disadvantage of being an only is that he lacks companionship. He has no brother or sister to confide in. Growing up as an only child can be very lonely. If you have siblings you will have to share everything, so you get less; but you also get less of the bad things. Siblings can support and comfort each in times of trouble. The elder siblings learn to care for the younger ones and the younger ones learn to respect their elder siblings and have someone to look up to besides their parents. You are more balanced person than an only child. Another advantage of having siblings is that your parents' attention is divided among your siblings. As a result, there is less pressure on you to perform well, be it academically or in other areas. Having siblings also means that you have companionship, the joy of caring and sharing, and security. I, personally, am happy that I am not an only child.
Students should not take up part time jobs. Discuss.
Nowadays, students love to have part–time jobs. Their parents approve it easily as they are said to gain experience from working. However, having a job is a big responsibility for a student. Before, teenagers at their age were working to help their family because of poverty. Nevertheless, they were actually eager to study and learn at school for their future. It was not the same as the teenagers nowadays where they are more likely competing to each other to have a job. Most of the
Argumentative Essays
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Argumentative Essay Braden Rawson Social Networking or the use of specific websites or applications to interact with other users is one of the many key and driving factors today in our world. We find ourselves lost for many minutes or possibly hours at a time on any particular app or website. Looking deeper into the issue of social networking and its impact on our life, I highly doubt we have accomplished anything at all. A very smart man once said, "Time is money." If that quote is true do we find ourselves in the twenty first century wasting money on pictures of people we don't even know and moments we were not a part of? As technology has evolved and become so apart of our world its effect spread to all ends of the spectrum of every...show more content...
ProCon.org reports that 59% of students with this access use social networking sites to discuss educational topics and 50% use the sites to talk about school assignments. After the student leaves school grounds he or she is still required to complete various assignments or projects. With these comes many questions or concerns on how the teacher may want a specific item completed, or even maybe how to even start an assignment. Social networking and the ability to interact with fellow teachers and students after school hours is crucial to the success of every student. There truly is not enough time in each school day to cover or complete all work that is necessary. With Facebook and our friends just a click away we enter in a world of more focused student centered learning. Those self–driven students will seek our answers and solutions to any work assigned for outside of the classroom. Collaborating and working with like–minded people will not only benefit them in the classroom, but also be a crucial skill in the work force of our world. Social Networking brings along a few negative but controllable aspects. There are countless stories about people of all ages who have been affected in some way or another by cyber bulling. The Story of Megan Meier was one that you will never forget. She hung herself in a closet because a certain boy
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Argumentative Essay